A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, in , in the Year 1706. WilUam Oldys L. L. D. Afliftantto the Pendennis Caftle, Tho. Southwell, Cob his Regiment* Tift Right HmurtUt the Lards, and others t Lard Chief tujlic', *vd Jufiicf •» Eyre, Queen’s Advocate for Prizes. Flimouth, and Strick-Ifland, Major Lt.Col. Vachelb -Major-—— •f Her Mtfejlfs M»(l Htnouraile Privy* I Her Majefl/s For efts, &C. 1 General Trelawnty. Roral Regiment if Fusiliers, the lame* Council On the Ntrthfide tf Trent. Of the City of London, viz. The Lord Porrfinouth, Lieut. General Erie. Ttr Charles Hara, Col. . ■ PIRinceRince Georg*Georg* ofof Denmark,Denmark, LdLd HighHigh \fTilliam Duke of Devon/hire. M AY OR, Court of Aldermen, and Sandon-Caftle, Colonel Cr*»>;W. Lt. Cob Withers. Major Simplon* Admiral'ofAdmiral of England. On th< South fide tf Trent. jChief Officers. Sangate-Caftle, Philip Herbert Efq; Col. Howe's Regiment. Thomas Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury. Thomas Lord Wharton Sir Robert BedingfeiId, Kt. Lord Mayor Sheernefs, Colonel Crawford. Lt Col. Armftrong ~MajorBilIingfley. William Cowper, Efq; Lord Keeper. Hanger of Windfor For eft. Sir Robert Clayton Kt. Scarborough, Anthony Drmomb Efq; Cob Hans Hamilton s Regimen^, i a John Lord Archbifliop of Tork. The Dutchefsof Marlborough. Sir Thomas Stamp Kf. Tinmouth-Fort, Henry ViHiers Efq; Comp. 56 in each. Sidney Lord Godolphin, Ld High Treaf. Warden o/New Foreft. Sir Fleet Kt. Tower of London, General Charles Lt. Cob Garth, —Major Spragp. Thomas EarIofPewi^r«^,Lord Prefident. Charles Duke of Bolton. Sir William AJhurft Kt* Churchill. Col.Godfrey’s Regim. 13 Comp. 60. "John Duke of NevocafH*, Ld Pr, Seal. a/Hide Park. Fran. E& Conway Six Thomas Lane Kt. LTpner Caftle, Col. £ dward Haftings. Lt. CoJ.Wasbnrough —Major Parfons. Ranger of St. James’s Park. Aldermen WiHiam Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. Sir ]ohn Houblon Kt. above the Ifle of Wight, John Lord Cutts. Col. Blood's Regim. 13 Comp.

Printed for Jbd Roper ^ at the Black Boy over againft St. DunJiaMS Chirch in Vleetjlreet \ and Sold by JohnMorpbewy near St at toners-Hally 1706*