A LIST of the Principal Officers, Civil and Military, in England, in the Year 1706. WilUam Oldys L. L. D. Afliftantto the Pendennis Caftle, Tho. Southwell, Cob his Regiment* Tift Right HmurtUt the Lards, and others t Lard Chief tujlic', *vd Jufiicf •» Eyre, Queen’s Advocate for Prizes. Flimouth, and Strick-Ifland, Major Lt.Col. Vachelb -Major-—— •f Her Mtfejlfs M»(l Htnouraile Privy* I Her Majefl/s For efts, &C. 1 General Trelawnty. Roral Regiment if Fusiliers, the lame* Council On the Ntrthfide tf Trent. Of the City of London, viz. The Lord Porrfinouth, Lieut. General Erie. Ttr Charles Hara, Col. ■ PIRinceRince Georg*Georg* ofof Denmark,Denmark, LdLd HighHigh \fTilliam Duke of Devon/hire. M AY OR, Court of Aldermen, and Sandon-Caftle, Colonel Cr*»>;W. Lt. Cob Withers. Major Simplon* Admiral'ofAdmiral of England. On th< South fide tf Trent. jChief Officers. Sangate-Caftle, Philip Herbert Efq; Col. Howe's Regiment. Thomas Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury. Thomas Lord Wharton Sir Robert BedingfeiId, Kt. Lord Mayor Sheernefs, Colonel Crawford. Lt Col. Armftrong ~MajorBilIingfley. William Cowper, Efq; Lord Keeper. Hanger of Windfor For eft. Sir Robert Clayton Kt. Scarborough, Anthony Drmomb Efq; Cob Hans Hamilton s Regimen^, i a John Lord Archbifliop of Tork. The Dutchefsof Marlborough. Sir Thomas Stamp Kf. Tinmouth-Fort, Henry ViHiers Efq; Comp. 56 in each. Sidney Lord Godolphin, Ld High Treaf. Warden o/New Foreft. Sir Fleet Kt. Tower of London, General Charles Lt. Cob Garth, —Major Spragp. Thomas EarIofPewi^r«^,Lord Prefident. Charles Duke of Bolton. Sir William AJhurft Kt* Churchill. Col.Godfrey’s Regim. 13 Comp. 60. "John Duke of NevocafH*, Ld Pr, Seal. a/Hide Park. Fran. E& Conway Six Thomas Lane Kt. LTpner Caftle, Col. £ dward Haftings. Lt. CoJ.Wasbnrough —Major Parfons. Ranger of St. James’s Park. Aldermen WiHiam Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. Sir ]ohn Houblon Kt. above the Ifle of Wight, John Lord Cutts. Col. Blood's Regim. 13 Comp. <rs. Mr. Wife, Chief Gardner. Sir Humphry Edwin Kt. Charles Duke of Somerjet, Mafter of the Chair. Windfbr- Caftle, George Duke of Nor- Lf.Cob Wightman —Major Wollec., Horfe. Warden of the Fared of Sherwood. Sir Francis Child Kf. thumberland, Conftable. Col. Ingoldsby's Regiment. James Duke ofOrmond,E.A Lieut.of^^Mui John Duke of Newcaftle. Sir Richard Levett Kt. Governours of her Majeftfs Territories Lt.Col. Rob.Stearer, —MajorKeade. Charles Duke of Bolton. Lord Warden of the Stannaries. Sir Thomas Abney Kt. in America. Lieut* Gen. Earl's Regiment. Mehthardt Duke of Schonberg. The Hon. Francis Godolphin, Efq; Sir William Gore Kt. New England, and New Hampfhire, Thomas Lille, Col. Thomas Duke of Leeds. Surveyor General of the Works. Sir Samuel Dajhwood Kt. Colonel Jofeph Dudley- Lt.Col Hawley. —Major Geo. Freke.' Sir Chriftopher Wren John Duke of Marlborougth. Kf. Sir John Parfons Kt. Virginia, the Earl of Orkney. Cob De Lake's Regiment, 13 Com- John Duke of Buckingham, and Uormanby. Comptroller of the Works, J. Vanbrugh Efcj; Sir Owen Buckingham Kt. Maryland, Lieut. Col Seymore panies, 66 in each. Ralph Duke df Montague. Groom Porter, Thomas Archer, Elq; Sir Thomas R'awlinfo?j Kt. j Barbados, Mitford Crewe Efq; Lf.Col. James Livefey, —Major Sharp. Aakert Earl of Lindfey, Ld Great Cham- Sir Henry St. George Kt- Garter Princi- Sir Salat hie l Lovell Kt. Recorder. amaica, Cob Honda fide. Dept. Gov, Cob Handajides's Regim. r 2 Comp. berlain of England. pal King of Arms. Sir Thomas Cook Kt. Leward-Iflands, Colonel Park. Lt. Col. Wm Hopton, —Major Pieres, Henry Earl of Kent, Ld Chamberlain. John Vanbrugh, Elqj Clarenceux. Sir William Withers Kt. Bermudos, Benjamin Bemiet Efq; Col. Sabine's Regiment, 13 Comp, James Earl of Derby, Chancellor of the Peter Le Neve Efq; Norroy. Six Charles Duncomb Kt. Aldermen Hudfbn’s Bay, Capt. fames Knight. 60 in each. Dutchy of Lancafter. There arealfo Six Heralds of Arms,and ^Itjffirey Jeffreys Kt. below the* Nkw York and New Jerfey, Lord Vif- Lt.Col. Penefearher, —-Major Eyme. George Earl of Northampton. 4 Purfuivants in ord. f Herald, and Sir Samuel Garrard Bar. Chair. Count Ctrnbury. Col. Tatton's Regiment, the fame. Charles Earl of Manchefler. 1 Purfuiyants extraordinary. Sir Gilbert Hcathcot Kt. Bahama-Iflands,, Htfcot, Efq;' | Lt. Col. Meade, —Major Oldfeild. Thomas Earl of Stamford. Jehn ThurHon, Elq; Knight Harbinger. Sir Robert Beachcroft, Kt. ! Col. ———’s Regiment, the fame. Ciharles Bodvile Ear] of Radnor. Officers of the Band of Gentlemen Penfioners. Sir Richard Hoar, Kt. Lf.Col. Livingfton, —Maj. Boithwicfr, Charles Ear] of Peterborough and Monmouth. Charles Duke of St. Albans Captain. Sir Charles Thoro/d, Kt. A LIST of H'r Majefty's Land-Forces, and Col. Whettham's Regiment, f a Comf. Charles Earl of Carlifle, William Seymour Efq; Lieut Sir Jofeph Wolf Kt. the Names of the General and Field-Officers. Lt. Col. Jones., —Major Charts Earl of Berkley. Charles Fane Efqj Stand. Bearer. Sir Samuel Stanier Kt. •Thomas Earl of Thanet. Ambrofe Crawley QJQJI Rob. Manley Efq; Clerk of the Check. JohnTfiikeof Marlborough. Capt.General Hamel Ear] of Nottingham, mm.* Bt.fi. ffjpf La Mordaunt,Col. bis Regim. the fame. William Smith Efcp, Paymafter. GENERALS. Laurence Earl of Rochefler. Chamberlain, William Fazakerley Efq; ; Lt.Col.DalzieJ, —Major Davidfon. Richard Reeves Gent* Harbinger. i Earl ot Galway, General and Comman- Montague Earl of Abingdon. Common Serjeant, Duncan Dee Efq; * Col. Wait's Regiment. Officers of the Teamen of-the Guard. | der in Chief of the Forces in Spain and Richard Earl of Scarbrough, Town-Clerk, James Gibfon Efq; Will. Lord Marq. of Hartington Captain. } Port'gaf. Lt. Cob Howard, —Major———* franc is Earl of Bradford. Comptroller of the Chamber;’' Lord Mohun Col. bis Regiment. The Hon. William Feilding, F.fq; Lieut. | Earl Rivers, Genefal,‘and Commander Richard Earl of Kanelaugh. Randal Sfracy Efq;. Lt. Col. Ogletkorp, Major William Uphill Efq; Standard-bearer. I in Chief of the Forces of the Defieut. Thomas Lord Vilcount Weymouth. Judges of .the Slier iffs-Court. John Bigg, . James D: of OwW,General of rheHorfe. Cob Srr/nger's Regiment, 13 Comp. Henry Lord Bifhop of London, Mr. Serj. Richardfon. Wm. Lightford Efq; George Davenant, Cha,''Churchill, Efq; General of the Foot, Lt. Col. Corbet, —Major Hartopp* Rokerthotd Ferrers. Thomas Ld Wharton. John Cupel, Efqs; Corporals. Secondaries. Sir Rich. Ttmple, Col. his Regi. idem. I Lieutenants General, ' John Lord Poxolet. Robert Ld Lexington. Chiverton Char let on, Zachariah Foxall Efq; John White Efqj- Lr. Cob Newton, Major Duckenfeild, WiULd Dartmouth. Hugh Ld Cholmtndley. Xolonels of the Six City Regiments oj Wm Stuart,E/^; * Tho. Erie, Efq; 1 Cob Meredyth's Regiment, the fame. John Lord Granville. Equerries to her Majefly. Train’d Bands. Lord Cutts, Earl of Portmore. Lt.Cob Wyndus, —Major Buckridge. Hugh Chudleigh Efq; Heneage Lord Garnfey. Sir Tho. Rawlinfon Kt White Regiment. Hen. Lumley, Ej^; 5/r Cha. Hara. Col. Evans's Regiment, the fame. Will. Duncomb Efq; George Feilding Elq; John Lord Gower. Sir John Fleet Kt. Red Regiment. Earl of Orkney Ric.Ing o\dsby,E(q; Brigadier General Meredith* Comptroller of the Treafurers Ac- Clerk ofthe Hamper, William White, Efq; Lt.Col James Foulk, —Major—-hi Thomas Lord Coningsby. Sir Francis Child Kt. Orange Regiment. Hu.WindhamE/f; G.ChoImorfdleyEJ^; counts, Dennis Lyddal Efq; . Warden of the Fleet. Cob Elliot's Regiment, 12 Compa- Sir Edvo. Seymour, Bar. Sit Wm. Wy;h rs Kr.. Yellow Regiment, j William Langfton, £/^; Lord High Treafurer of England, Comptroller of the Viftualling Ac* Anthony Grindall, Efq; Lf. Col. Granville,—Major Maidmath Thomas^ Manfel, Efq-, Comptroller. 1 Sir Thomas Cook Kt. Blue Regiment. iI Majors General. Sidney Lord- Gtd'olphin. counts, Benjamin Tymtwell, Efq; Two Examiners. !' Col. Caufttla's Regiment. Vcregrlne Bertie Efq; Vice Chamberlain. Sir Charles Duncomb Kt. Green Regiment. WmSeymour,£/7; Corn. Wood,£/y; Secretary, William Lownds Efq; Comptroller of the Store-keepers Ac- Arthur Trevor Efq; Will. Emerion Efq; - Henry Boyli Efq, Chanc. of the Exchequer, Edm. Mayne,£/f; Dan.Harvey, £/?; ! counts, Capt. Thomas Jennings! Mafter ofthe Subpceda-OfHce. Col. Gorge's Regiment. officers of Ihe Exchequer, relating to Wm Lloyd, Eft; Alger. Earl of EfleX. Six John Holt Kt. Lord Chief Judice. Lionel Vane Efq; Lt. Col. Edgworrh, —Major- the Difpofal of Her Majefty's Revenue. Other Commiffioners, Officers in the Tower oj London. Cha. Rofs, £/f; Earl of Arran. j Sir Cha. Hedges, Secret, of State. Clerk of the Patents. Charles Cocks Efq; Cob Maccarty's Regiment] 13 Comp. The Rt. H. Henry Boyle Efq; Chancellor, George St. Me Efq; at Chatham. Lieutenant, the’Hon. Cha. Churchill.' Robert Harley, Efq; Secretary of State. Lord Windfor., Thomas Lord Raby. Lf. Cob Ramfey, —Major and Under-Treafurer. William Gifford Efqj at Portfmo’-.th, Mafter of the Affidavit-Office.' Colonel Fafffiel, Deputy Lieutenant. E John How Efq; Pajf mafter of the Guards John Tr<komb,£/f;Hatt. Compton Jr> Lord Pafton, Col. his Regiment. Henrf-GreenhiUEfq; at Plimouth. ■ J John Pointer Efq;. Mafter General of the Ordnance. and Garrifons. Chamberlains of the Exchequer. Robtft Eckjyn Ejq; Lr. Cof, Lucas, —Major Hibberc. / Sir Thomas jlopjon, Kt. at Deptford and Enrollment-Office, Thomas Jones Efq;' •Sir John Trevor, Mafter of the Ro' /. Sir Nicholas Steward E>zx. John Duke of Marlborough. Guftavus Hamilton, £/?; Col. Breton's Regiment, the fame. Woolwich. Cmmiffioners of .the Alienation* Office. Lieutenant General of the Ordnance, SirTho.TrevorKc.Ld.Ch.Juft.of the Com. Pi. Charles Cole Efq; Brigadiers General. Lt Cob Congreve —Major Alexander. Lawrence Wright, Efq; at Kingfale. James Saunderfon Efq ; Sir George Rooke, Kt. Auditor of the Exchequer. Lieutenant General Earle. • Lord Montjoy. Tho.FarringtonE/f; Col. Soame's Regiment. Receiver General, John Dodd Efq; Henry Villiers Efq; Thomas Plot.
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