The Day of Arafah Perhaps one of the most ‗sacred‘ days in the - is the day of Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah – a time and place where all over the world congregate to worship and to seek nearness to Him. Those performing the rites of the spend this day in prayer, contemplation and worship of the Divine on the dry desert of Arafah. However, those of us who have not been blessed with the opportunity to be on the plains need not despair of His Mercy as He is ever-Present.

The land of Arafah is mentioned in the Qur'an where He says, ―Then when you stream out of Arafat remember God at the Holy Mashar, and remember Him as He has guided you, and earlier you were indeed among the astray. Then stream out from where the people stream out, and plead to God for forgiveness; indeed God is all-forgiving, all-merciful.‖ (2:198-199)

Imam Jaffer al Sadiq (AS) said of those staying at Arafat as part of their hajj rites: ―For a believing man of any village who stays in Arafah, Allah (SWT) will forgive all the believing people of that village, and for a single man of a believing family who stays in Arafah, Allah (SWT) will forgive all the believing members of that family."

What is the significance of not only the land of Arafah but also this sacred time? We are told that Arafah is when we need to focus all of our concentration on supplication, invocation and – that is seeking an intermediary to Allah. Tawassul means to appeal to an individual who will petition Allah on our behalf and take our needs and requirements to Him, like doing Tawassul through our 14 Masumeen (AS).

Our prayers and desires which we want from Allah to fulfill can be ‗anything‘ (legitimate) – however rather than asking for fame, fortune and other such fleeting things, perhaps one of the best invocations we can make is for us, our families, children and community members to be guided on the Straight Path and to remain stead-fast on it until death. A part of this Straight Path lies in education and a comprehensive understanding of the faith of and thus, this is also something which we need to remember in our prayers to Allah.

The scholars of the inner aspects of the Hajj tell us that a person who goes to Arafah or is blessed to experience the Aamaal of this day but is not successful in reaching the level of marifah (the true awareness of Allah and those things which He has held in high esteem such as the Prophets, the Messengers and the ) that has been mentioned (even in a small amount), in reality, has not experienced Arafah. A person who does not attain closeness to Allah; closeness to the one who was blessed with the station of Nubuwwah and those who are possessors of the Wilayah, in reality has done nothing more than put himself through difficulties and troubles in the performance of the , prayers and supplications!

On this blessing filled day, let us petition Allah for a greater marifah of our faith, His Prophets, His Messengers and His deputies – and that we are placed within the ranks of the 12th to be along side him when he makes his advent.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 1 Table of Contents

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah ...... 3 Recite a 2 rakaa‘t Salaat ...... 3 Recite a 4 rakaa‘t Salaat ...... 3 Recite the Ziyaarat of Imam Husayn (A.S.) for the day of Arafah ...... 3 Recite the following Tasbeehat (Glorifications) ...... 6 Recite the following 100 times ...... 6 Recite Surah al-Ikhlas 100 times ...... 7 Recite Aayaat ul Kursee (2:255-257) 100 times ...... 7 Recite Salawaat 100 times ...... 8 Say the following 100 times ...... 8 Recite the following istighfar (seeking forgiveness) 10 times ...... 8 Say each of the following 10 times ...... 9 Recite the following once ...... 9 Recite the following Salawaat ...... 10 Recite the following four glorifications ...... 11 Dua of Imam Husayn (a.s.) for the day of Arafah ...... 14 Dua of Imam Ali ibn Husayn (a.s.) for the day of Arafah ...... 55 Recite Ya shahida Kulle Najwa ...... 80

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 2 A’maal for the Day of Arafah Perform (it is mustahab). Performing of salaats of Dhuhr and ‘Asr one after another with one only. Recite a 2 rakaa’t Salaat after A’s’r prayers under open sky as under:  In the first rakaa‘t, after the recitation of Surah Al Faatih‘ah, recite Soorah Al Ikhlaas.  In the second rakaa‘t, after recitation of Surah Al Faatih‘ah, recite Surah Al Kaafiroon. Recite a 4 rakaa’t Salaat in 2 sets of 2 rakaa’t each as follows: In every rakaa‘t, after the recitation of Surah Al Faatih‘ah, recite Surah Al Ikhlaas 50 times. Recite the Ziyaarat of Imam Husayn (A.S.) for the day of Arafah

زيارة اإلماـ احلسٌن عليو السالـ يوـ عرفة السالـ عليك يا وارث آدـ صفوة ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا وارث نوح نيب ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا وارث إبراىيم

خليل ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا وارث موسى كليم ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا وارث عيسى روح ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا

وارث زلمد حبيب ا﵁ السالـ عليك يا وارث أمًن ادلؤمنٌن السالـ عليك يا وارث فاطمة الزىراء السالـ

عليك يا ابن زلمد ادلصطفى السالـ عليك يا ابن علي ادلرتضى السالـ عليك يا ابن فاطمة الزىراء

السالـ عليك يا ابن خدجية الكربى السالـ عليك يا ثار ا﵁ و ابن ثاره و الوتر ادلوتور أشهد أنك قد

أقمت الصالة و آتيت الزكاة و أمرت بادلعروؼ و هنيت عن ادلنكر و أطعت ا﵁ حىت أتاؾ اليقٌن فلعن

ا﵁ أمة قتلتك و لعن ا﵁ أمة ظلمتك و لعن ا﵁ أمة مسعت بذلك فرضيت بو يا موالي يا أبا عبد ا﵁

أشهد ا﵁ و مالئكتو و أنبيائو و رسلو أين بكم مؤمن و بإيابكم موقن بشرائع ديين و خواتيم عملي

فصلوات ا﵁ عليكم و على أرواحكم و على أجسادكم و على شاىدكم و غائبكم و ظاىركم و

باطنكم السالـ عليك يا ابن خامت النبيٌن و ابن سيد الوصيٌن و ابن إماـ ادلتقٌن و ابن قائد الغر

ا﵀جلٌن إىل جنات النعيم و كيف ال تكوف كذلك و أنت باب اذلدى و إماـ التقى و العروة الوثقى و

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 3 احلجة على أىل الدنيا و خامس أصحاب الكساء غذتك يد الرمحة و رضعت من ثدي اإلمياف و ربيت

يف حجر اإلسالـ و النفس غًن راضية بفراقك و ال شاكة يف حياتك صلوات ا﵁ عليك و على آبائك و

أبنائك السالـ عليك يا صريع العربة الساكبة و قرين ادلصيبة الراتبة لعن ا﵁ أمة استحلت منك ا﵀ارـ

فقتلت صلى ا﵁ عليك مقهورا و أصبح رسوؿ ا﵁ ص بك موتورا و أصبح دين ا﵁ لفقدؾ مهجورا

السالـ عليك و على جدؾ و أبيك و أمك و أخيك و على األئمة من بنيك و على ادلستشهدين معك

وعلى ادلالئكة احلافٌن بقربؾ و الشاىدين لزوارؾ ادلؤمنٌن على دعاء شيعتك و السالـ عليك و رمحة

ا﵁ و بركاتو بأيب أنت و أمي يا ابن رسوؿ ا﵁ بأيب أنت و أمي يا أبا عبد ا﵁ لقد عظمت الرزية و

جلت ادلصيبة بك علينا و على مجيع أىل السماوات و األرض فلعن ا﵁ أمة أسرجت و أجلمت و

هتيأت لقتالك يا موالي يا أبا عبد ا﵁ قصدت حرمك و أتيت مشهدؾ أسأؿ ا﵁ بالشأف الذي لك

عنده و با﵀ل الذي لك لديو أف يصلي على زلمد و آؿ زلمد و أف جيعلين معكم يف الدنيا و اآلخرة

مبنو و جوده و كرمو مث

Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Adam, the sincerely attached friend of Allah! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Nooh, the Prophet of Allah! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Ibrahim, the intimate friend of Allah! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Moosaa, whom Allah addressed! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Eesaa, who received joy, mercy and peace from Allah! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of , the dearest beloved of Allah! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of the Ameerul Moomineen! Peace be on you, O the Inheritor of Fatimah Zahra! Peace be on you, O the son of Muhammad Al Mustafa! Peace be on you, O the son of Fatimah Zahra! Peace be on you, O the son of Ali Al Murtaza! Peace be on you, O the son of Khadijah Kubra! Peace be on you, O he whose blood-claimer is Allah, He is the blood-claimer of your father also, as those who persecuted you, your relatives and friends have not been punished for their crimes. I bear witness A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 4 that, verily, you established the prayers, gave the prescribed share to the needy, commanded to do that which is right and lawful, not to do that which is wrong and unlawful, and sincerely served Allah, till the inevitable came unto you. So, curse of Allah be on those who killed you, curse of Allah be on those who persecuted you, curse of Allah be on those who heard all this and rested satisfied.

O my Mawlaa! O Aba Abdillah! I call Allah to bear witness, and also His Angels, His Prophets, His Messengers, that I believe in you, and I am sure of your return, (I follow you) in the matter of my religious performances, day-to-day conduct, and ―returning to the Creator‖. Blessings of Allah be on your souls and bodies, (when) you are in view (when) you are out of sight, on your style, on your substance.

Peace be on you, O the son of the Last Prophet, the son of the first successor, the Imam of the God-fearing, the son of the leader of the riders who will urge their white-footed horses unto the blissful land of Paradise.

How it is not possible? You are the gateway to guidance, the pious Imam, the s afe handle, the decisive proof (of Allah) for the mankind, one of the five people of ―Kisa‖ the hands of Mercy fed you, the bosom of Faith nursed you, the genius of Islam trained you, frankly I am very unhappy on account of your departure, (because) there is no doubt that you are alive. Blessings of Allah be on you, and on your forefathers, and on your descendants.

Peace be on you, O he who bathed in tears, troubles, in regular rotation, surrounded you. Curse of Allah be on those who deemed it lawful to do away with your sanctity, then killed you. Blessings of Allah, harnessed and bridled, be on you, the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children) is your blood-claimer and the book of Allah is renounced (when) you (the part of parce l of it) are lost. Peace be on you, on your grandfather on your father, on your mother, on your brother, on the Imams, in your progeny on the martyrs, martyred with you, on the angels, who surround your holy grave, and on those visitors who are here to perform your ―Ziyaarat‖ and say ―let it be so‖ for your follower‘s prayers.

Peace be on you, and mercy and blessings of Allah be on you, My father and mother are at your disposal O the son of the Messenger of Allah! My father and mother are at your disposal O Aba Abdillah! Indeed terrible was the calamity, and your A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 5 suffering casts gloom upon us, and upon all the people of the earth and the heavens, so, curse of Allah be on those who saddled and bridled their horses, gave reins, and got ready to fight against you.

O my Mawlaa! O Aba Abdillah! I move towards your ―Haram‖, I have reached your resting abode, I beseech Allah in the name of privileges you enjoy before Him, in the name of the position you occupy near Him, to send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, and let me be with you in this world and in the Hereafter, as a favour, bestowed upon me through His generosity and kindness.

Recite the following Tasbeehat (Glorifications) once َّ ِ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ُسْبحا َف الذى ِف ال َّسمآء َعْرُشوُ، ُسْبحا َف الذى ِف االْ ََْر ِض ُح ْك ُموُ، ُسْبحا َف الذى ِف الُْقبُور ِ ِ ِ ِ قَضآُؤهُ، ُسْبحا َف الَّذى ِف الْبَ ْحِر َسبيلُوُ، ُسْبحا َف الَّذى ِف النّاِر ُسْلطانُوُ، ُسْبحا َف الَّذى ِف ا ْجلَنَّة َّ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ َّ َرْمحَتُوُ، ُسْبحا َف ال ذى ِف الْقياَمة َع ْدلُوُ، ُسْبحا َف الذى َرفََع ال َّسمآء، ُسْبحا َف الذى بَ َس َط االَْر َض، َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُسْبحا َف الذى ال َمْل َجاَ َوال َمْنجا مْنوُ االّ الَْيو Glory be to He whose Arsh is in the heavens! Glory be to He whose Will operates in the earth! Glory be to He who examines (the dead) in the graves! Glory be to He who surfaced a path over the ocean! Glory be to He who has the total control over the Fire! Glory be to He who surrounds the Paradise with (His) mercy! Glory be to He who will do justice on the Day of Judgement! Glory be to He who raised the sky! Glory be to He who spread the earth! Glory be to He from whom there is no running away unless (one takes refuge) with Him!

Recite 100 times: ِ ِ ِ ِ ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ َوال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ َوا﵁ُ اَْكَرب Glory be to Allah. (All) praise be to Allah. There is no god save Allah. Allah is the Greatest

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 6 Recite Surah al-Ikhlas 100 times. سورة اإلخالص

ِ ِ ِ ب ْسِم اللّو الَّرْمحَ ِن الَّرحيِ م

َّ ﴿1/111﴾ َّ ﴿1/111﴾ ِ ﴿3/111﴾ َّ ﴿4/111﴾ قُ ْل ُىَو اللوُ أَ َحٌد اللوُ ال َّصَم ُد ََلْ يَل ْد َوََلْ يُولَْد َوََلْ يَ ُكن لوُ ُكُفًوا أَ َحٌد Surat Al-Ikhlas In the name of Allah, The All-beneficent, the All-merciful Say, ‗He is Allah, the One. Allah is the All-embracing. He is neither begat, nor was begotten, Nor has He any equal.‘

Recite Aayaat ul Kursee (2:255-257) 100 times.

ِ ِ ِ ب ْسِم اللّو الَّرْمحَ ِن الَّرحيِم ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ َِّ اللّوُ الَ إلَوَ إالَّ ُىَو ا ْحلَ ُّي الَْقيُّوُـ الَ تَأْ ُخ ُذهُ سنَةٌ َوالَ نػَْوٌـ لوُ َم ا يف ال َّسَماَوات َوَما يف األَْر ِض َمن ذَا الذي ِ ِ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِ ِ يَ ْشَف ُع عْنَدهُ إال بإْذنو يػَْعلَ ُم َما بػٌََْن أَيْديه ْم َوَما َخْلَفُه ْم َوالَ ُُييطُوَف ب َش ْيء ِّم ْن عْلمو إال مبَا َشاء َوس َع

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ﴿222/2﴾ ِ ِ ُكْرسيُّوُ ال َّسَماَوات َواألَْر َض َوالَ يػَُؤوُد هُ حْفظُُهَما َوُىَو الَْعل ُّي الَْعظي ُم الَ إ ْكَراهَ يف الِّدي ِن قَد تػَّبػٌَََّن ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الُّرْش ُد م َن الْغَ ِّي فََم ْن يَ ْكُفْر بالطاغُوت َويػُْؤمن باللّو فػََقد ا ْستَْم َس َك بالْعُْرَوة الُْوثػَْق َى الَ انف َصاَـ َذلَا َواللّوُ

ِ ِ ﴿222/2﴾ َِّ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ َمسي ٌع َعلي ٌم اللّوُ َوِ ُِّل الذي َن آَمنُواْ ُُيْرُجُهم ِّم َن الظلَُمات إَىل النػُُّور َوالذي َن َكَفُرواْ أَْوليَآُؤُى ُم

َّ ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ﴿222/2﴾ الطاغُو ُت ُُيْرُجونػَُهم ِّم َن النُّور إَىل الظلَُمات أُْولَئ َك أَ ْص َحا ُب النَّار ُى ْم فيَها َخال ُدوَف

In the name of Allah, The All-beneficent, the All-merciful [2:255] Allah—there is no god except Him— Is the Living One, the All-sustainer. Neither drowsiness befalls Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is on the heavens And whatever is on the earth. Who is it that may intercede with Him Except with His permission?

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 7 He knows that which is before them And that which is behind them, And they do not comprehend Anything of His knowledge Except that He wishes. His seat embraces the heavens and the earth, And He is not wearied by their preservation, And He is the All-exalted, the All-supreme.

[2:256] There is no compulsion in religion: Rectitude has become distinct from error. So one who disavows the Rebels And has faith in Allah Has held fast to the firmest handle For which there is no breaking; And Allah is the all-hearing, all-knowing.

[2:257] Allah is the master of the faithful: He brings them out of darkness into light. As for the faithless, their patrons are the Rebels, Who drive them out of light into darkness. They shall be the inmates of the Fire, And they shall remain in it [forever].

Recite Salawaat 100 times ِ اَللػُّه َّم َص ِّل علَى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Say the following 100 times: ِ ِ ال الػوَ ا الَّ ا﵁ُ َو ْحَدهُ ال َشري َك لَوُ لَوُ الُْمْل ُك َولَوُ ا ْحلَْم ُد ُُْيٍن َوُميي ُت َوُميي ُت َوُُْيٍن َوُىَو َح ٌّى ال َميُو ُت ِ ِِ بيَده ا ْخلَْيػُر َوُىَو َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْىء قَديٌر There is no god save Allah, the Only One. He has no partner. Sovereignty belongs to Him. (All) Praise belongs to Him. He gives life, puts to death, makes dead, and brings to life. He is Ever- Alive, never non-existent, in His hand is the good. He is able to do all things.

Recite the following istighfar (seeking forgiveness) 10 times. ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ اَ ْستػَْغفُر ا﵁َ الذى ال الػوَ االّ ُىَو ا ْحلَ ُّى الَْقيُّوُـ َواَتُو ُب الَْيو I seek forgiveness from Allah. There is no god save He, the Ever-Alive Eternal; and unto Him I turn repentant.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 8 Say each of the following 10 times

!O Allah يا ا﵁َ ُ

!O Beneficent يا َرْمح ُن

!O Merciful يا َرحي ُم O Creator of the heavens and the earth, يا بديع السماوا ِت واالَر ِض يا ذا ا ْجلالؿِ وا ِالكراِـ .O Owner of might and majesty َ ُ َّ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ

!O Ever-Alive! O Eternal يا َح ُّى يا قػَيُّوـ ُ

!O Giver! O Bestower يا َحنّا ُف يا َمنّا ُف ِ ِ ‖O ―There is no god save Thou يا ال الػوَ االّ اَنْ َت

(So be it (Aaamin آم ٌَن

Then recite the following once. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ اَللػُّه َّم ا ّّن اَ ْساَلُ َك يا َم ْن ُىَو اَقػَْر ُب اََّىل م ْن َحْبِل الَْوريد، يا َم ْن َُيُوؿُ بػٌََْن الَْمْرء َ وقػَْلبو، يا َم ْن ُىَو بالَْمْنظَر ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ االْ ََ ْعلى َوباالْ َُفُق الُْمبٌن، يا َم ْن ُىَو الَّرْمح ُن َعلَى الَْعْرش ا ْستَوى، يا َم ْن لَْي َس َكمثْلو َش ْىءٌ َوُىَو ال َّسمي ُع ِّ ِ الْبَصًنُ، اَ ْساَلُ َك اَْف تُ َصل َى َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد O Allah I beseech Thee. O He who is nearer than my jugular vein. O He who intervenes between the body and the soul. O He who is in the heavenly heights; and true horizons. O He who is Beneficent on the established A‘rsh. O He like unto whom there is nothing and He is Hearing, Seeing. I ask Thee to send blessing on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.


A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 9 Imam Jaa’far As Saadiq (A.S.) had advised the faithfuls to recite the following Salawaat ِ ِ ِِ ِ اَللػُّه َّم يا اَ ْجَوَد َم ْن اَْعطى، َويا َخْيػَر َم ْن ُسئ َل، َويا اَْرَح َم َم ِن ا ْستػُْرح َم اَللػُّه َّم َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآلو ِف ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ االْ َََّول ٌَن، َو َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآلو ِف االْخري َن، َو َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآلو ِف الَْمالَء االْ ََ ْعلى، َو َص ِّل َعلى ِِ ِ ِ ِ ُزلََّمد َوآلو ِف الُْمْرَسل ٌَن، اَللػُّه َّم اَْعط ُزلََّمداً َوآلَو الَْوسيلَةَ َوالَْفضيلَةَ َوال َّشَر ؼَ َوالَّرفػَْعة َ َوالَّدَرَجةَ الْ َكبًنَةَ، اَللػُّه َّم ِ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ّّن آَمْن ُت مبُ َحَّمد َصلى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو َوََلْ اََرهُ فَال ََْترْم ىن ِف الْقياَمة ُرْؤيػَتَوُ، َواْرُزقْىن ُص ْحبَتَوُ َوتػََوفَّىن َعلى َِِِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ملتو، َوا ْسقىن م ْن َحْوضو َم ْشَرباً َرويّاً سآئغاً َىنيئاً ال اَظَْمأُ بػَْعَدهُ اَبَداً انَّ َك َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْىء ق َديٌر، اَللػُّه َّم ا ّّن ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ آَمْن ُت مبُ َحَّمد َصلَّى ا﵁ُ َع لَْيو َوآلو َوََلْ اََرهُ فػََعَّرَفْىن ِف ا ْجلناف َو ْجَهوُ، اَللػُّه َّم بػَلِّ ْغ ُزلََّمداً َصلَّى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو ِ ِ مّىن ََتيَّةً َكث ًَنةً َو َسالما ً O Allah! O the Most Generous who gives more than all the givers! O the Best (eternally) Besought of all those who are beseeched! O the Most Merciful of all the merciful! O Allah send blessing on Muhammad and on his children in the earlier times, and send blessings on Muhammad and on his children in the later times, send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, (in the midst of those) living in a satisfying state of the highest degree, send blessings on Muhammad and on his children in the midst of the Messengers.

O Allah give to Muhammad and his children (all) rights of being ―the means of approach‖ (unto Thee), and abundant merits, distinctions, high ranks, and most important privileges.

O Allah I have accepted the ―truth of Muhammad‖ (Allah‘s blessings be on him and on his children), though I have not met him, therefore let it not be that I am deprived of his vision on the Day of Judgement, and let my life (in the Hereafter be spent in his company, make me follow his creed, let me quench my thirst from his cistern (Kawthar), thoroughly, in plenty, gliding the wholesome water pleasantly down the throat, never ever to be thirsty again, Verily, Thou art able to do all things. O Allah I have accepted the ―truth of Muhammad‖ (Allah‘s blessings on him and on his children), though I have not met him, therefore, let me remain aware of his true aspects in the Paradise. O Allah convey to Muhammad (Allah‘s blessings be on him and on his children) my much compliments and salutations.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 10

Recite the following four glorifications which are composed from each of the tasbeehatul arba’ ِ ُسْبحا َف ا﵁َ قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁َ َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁َ يػ َْبقى َربُّنا ِ ِ ويػَْفىن ُك ُّل وأ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ تَ ْسبيحاً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ ْسبي َح الُْم َسبِّح ٌَن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ ِ تَ ْسبيحاً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ ْسبي َح الُْم َسبِّح ٌَن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ تَ ْسبيحاً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ ْسبي َح ِ ِ الُْم َسبِّح ٌَن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ تَ ْسبيحاً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ ْسبي َح الُْم َسبِّح ٌَن فَ ْضال ً َكثًناً لَربػِّنَا ِ الْباقى َويػَْفىن ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسبْحا َف ا﵁ تَ ْسبيحاً ال ُُْيصى َوال يُْدرى َوال يػُْنسى َوال يػَبْلى َوال يػَْفىن َولَْي َس ل َوُ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُمْنتَهى، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ تَ ْسبيحاً يَدُوُـ بَدوامو َويػَْبقى ببَقآئو ِف سِىن الْعالَم ٌَن َو ُشهُور الُّدىُور َواَيّاـ الُّدنْيا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوساعات اللَّْيِل َوالنَّهار، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ اَبََد االْ ََبَد َوَم َع االْ ََبَد شلّا ال ُُْيصيو الَْعَدُد َوال يػُْفنيو االْ َََم ُد َوال ِ يػَْقطَعُوُ االْ ََبَُد، َوتَباَرؾَ ا﵁ُ اَ ْح َس ُن ا ْخلالق ٌَن . Glory be to Allah before everyone. Glory be to Allah after everyone. Glory be to Allah with everyone. Glory be to Allah, our Lord remains while everyone else perishes. Glory be to Allah, a glory much better then the glorification of the glorifiers, before everyone. Glory be to Allah, a glory much better than the glorification of the glorifiers, after everyone. Glory be to Allah, a glory much better than the glorification of the glorifiers, with everyone. Glory be to Allah, a glory much better than the glorification of the glorifiers, for our Lord who remains while everything perishes. Glory be to Allah, a glory that cannot be counted, understood, forgotten, declined, destroyed, nor is there an end for it. Glory be to Allah, a glory that will remain so long as He remains, will stay so long as He stays, in the years of the Universe, the months of time, the days of the world, and the hours of the night and day. Glory be to Allah for eternity, with eternity, which numbers cannot count, time cannot destroy, and eternity cannot cut. Blessed is Allah the best of Creators.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 11 ِ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ يػَْبقى َربُّنا ويػَْفىن ِ ِ ِ ِ ُك ُّل أ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ َمحًْد ا يػَْف ُض ُل َمحَْد ا ْحلَامدي َن فَ ْض الً َكثًناً قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ َمحًْد ا يػَْف ُض ُل َمحَْد ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْحلَامدي َن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ َمحًْد ا يػَْف ُض ُل َمحَْد ا ْحلَامدي َن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ يػَْف ُض ُل َمحَْد ا ْحلَامد ي َن فَ ْضالً َكثًناً لَربػِّنَا الْباقى َويػَْفىن ُك ُّل اَ َحد، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ ال ُُْيصى َوال يُْدرى ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ َوال يػُْنسى َوال يػَْبلى َوال يػَْفىن َولَْي َس لَوُ ُمْنتَهى، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ يَدُوُـ بَدوامو َويػَْبقى ببَقآئو ِف سىن الْعالَم ٌَن ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َو ُشهُور الُّدىُور َواَيّاـ الُّدنْيا َوساعات اللْيِل َوالنَّهار، َوا ْحلَْم ُد ﵁ اَبََد االْ ََبَد َوَم َع االْ ََبَد شلّا ال ُُْيصيو الَْع َدُد ِ ِ َوال يػُْفنيو االْ َََم ُد َوال يػَْقطَعُوُ االْ ََبَُد، َوتَباَرؾَ ا﵁ُ اَ ْح َس ُن ا ْخلالق ٌَن . Praise be to Allah before everyone. Praise be to Allah after everyone. Praise be to Allah with everyone. Praise be to Allah, our Lord remains while everyone else perishes. Praise be to Allah, a praise much better then the praise of the praisers, before everyone. Praise be to Allah, a praise much better than the praise of the praisers, after everyone. Praise be to Allah, a praise much better than the praise of the praisers, with everyone. Praise be to Allah, a praise much better than the praise of the praisers, for our Lord who remains while everything perishes. Praise be to Allah, a praise that cannot be counted, understood, forgotten, declined, destroyed, nor is there an end for it. Praise be to Allah, a praise that will remain so long as He remains, will stay so long as He stays, in the years of the Universe, the months of time, the days of the world, and the hours of the night and day. Praise is for Allah for eternity, with eternity, which numbers cannot count, time cannot destroy, and eternity cannot cut. Blessed is Allah the best of Creators.

ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ُسْبحا َف ا﵁َ َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ ِ ِ يػَْبقى َربُّنا ويػَْفىن ُك ُّل أ َحد، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ هْليلَ ا لْ مُ هَلِّلينَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال ِ ِ ِ ِ الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ هْليلَ ا لْ مُ هَلِّلينَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ هْليلَ ِ ِ ِ ا لْ مُ هَلِّلينَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً يػَْف ُض ُل تَ هْليلَ ا لْ مُ هَلِّلينَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً لَربػِّنَا الْباقى

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 12 ِ ِ َّ َويػَْفىن ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َو ال الػوَ اال ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً ال ُُْيصى َوال يُْدرى َوال يػُْنسى َوال يػَْبلى َوال يػَْفىن َولَْي َس لَوُ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُمْنتَهى، َو ال الػوَ اال َّ ا﵁ُ تَ هْليالً يَدُوُـ بَدوامو َويػَْبقى ببَقآئو ِف سِىن الْعالَم ٌَن َو ُشهُور الُّدىُور َواَيّاـ الُّدنْيا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوساعات اللَّْيِل َوالنَّهار، َو ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ اَبََد االْ ََبَد َوَم َع االْ ََبَد شلّا ال ُُْيصيو الَْعَدُد َوال يػُْفنيو االْ ََ َم ُد َوال ِ يػَْقطَعُوُ االْ ََبَُد، َوتَباَرؾَ ا﵁ُ اَ ْح َس ُن ا ْخلالق ٌَن . There is no god but Allah, before everyone. There is no god but Allah, after everyone. There is no god but Allah, with everyone. There is no god but Allah, our Lord remains while everyone else perishes. There is no god but Allah, a declaration much better than the declaration of the monotheists, before everyone. There is no god but Allah, a declaration much better than the declaration of the monotheists, after everyone. There is no god but Allah, a declaration much better than the declaration of the monotheists, with everyone. There is no god but Allah, a declaration much better than the declaration of the monotheists, for our Lord who remains while everyone else perishes. There is no god but Allah, a declaration that cannot be counted, understood, forgotten, declined, destroyed, nor is there an end for it. There is no god but Allah, a declaration that will remain so long as He remains, will stay so long as He stays, in the years of the Universe, the months of time, the days of the world, and the hours of the night and day. There is no god but Allah, for eternity, with eternity, which numbers cannot count, time cannot destroy, and eternity cannot cut. Blessed is Allah the best of Creators.

َوا﵁ُ اَْكبَ ػُرُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر يػَْبقى َربُّنا ويػَْفىن ُك ُّل أ َحد،

َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً يػَْف ُض ُل تَﮑ ْ بﻴ رَ ا لْ مُ تَ كَبِّ رِينﹶ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً قػَْب َل ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َ وا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً يػَْف ُض ُل

تَﮑ ْ بﻴ رَ ا لْ مُ تَ كَبِّ رِينﹶ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً بػَْعَد ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً يػَْف ُض ُل تَﮑ ْ بﻴ رَ ا لْ مُ تَ كَبِّ رِينﹶَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً ِ َم َع ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً يػَْف ُض ُل تَﮑ ْ بﻴ رَ ا لْ مُ تَ كَبِّ رِي نَ فَ ْضالً َكثًناً لَربػِّنَا الْباقى َويػَْفىن ُك ِّل اَ َحد، َوا﵁ُ

اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً ال ُُْيصى َوال يُْدرى َوال يػُْنسى َوال يػَْبلى َوال يػَْفىن َولَْي َس لَوُ ُمنْتَهى، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر تَﮑ ْ بﻴراً يَدُوُـ

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 13 ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ بَدوامو َويػَْبقى ببَقآئو ِف سِىن الْعالَم ٌَن َو ُشهُور الُّدىُور َواَيّاـ الُّدنْيا َوساعات اللْيِل َوالنَّهار، َوا﵁ُ اَْكبػَُر اَبََد ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ االْ ََبَد َوَم َع االْ ََبَد شلّا ال ُُْيصيو الَْعَدُد َوال يػُْفنيو االْ َََم ُد َوال يػَْقطَعُوُ االْ ََبَُد، َوتَباَرؾَ ا﵁ُ ا َ ْح َس ُن ا ْخلالق ٌَن . Allah is the greatest, before everyone. Allah is the greatest, after everyone. Allah is the greatest, with everyone. Allah is the greatest, our Lord remains while everyone else perishes. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation much better than the exaltation of the exalters, before everyone. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation much better than the exaltation of the exalters, after everyone. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation much better than the exaltation of the exalters, with everyone. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation much better than the exaltation of the exalters, for our Lord who remains while everyone else perishes. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation that cannot be counted, understood, forgotten, declined, destroyed, nor is there an end for it. Allah is the greatest, an exaltation that will remain so long as He remains, will stay so long as He stays, in the years of the Universe, the months of time, the days of the world, and the hours of the night and day. Allah is the greatest, for eternity, with eternity, which numbers cannot count, time cannot destroy, and eternity cannot cut. Blessed is Allah the best of Creators.

Dua of Imam Husayn (a.s.) for the day of Arafah دعاء االماـ احلسٌن )عليو السالـ( يف يوـ عرفة  ِ اَللػُّه َّم َص ِّل علَى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّم د O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. بسم ا﵁ الرمحن الرحيم In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ِ احلَْم ُد ﵁ الذي لَْي َس لَقضائو داف ٌع Praise belongs to God whose decree none may avert ِ ِِ ِ َوال لَعطائو مان ٌع and whose gift none may prevent. ِِ ِ َوال َك ُصْنعو ُصْن ُع صانٍع No fashioner's fashioning is like His fashioning, ِ َوُىَو اجلَواُد الواس ُع and He is the Generous, the All-embracing.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 14 ِ فَطََر أَ ْجنا َس البَدائِع He brought forth the varieties of unprecedented creatures ِِ ِِ ِ َوأَتػَْق َن ُن ْكَمتو ال َّصنائِع and perfected through His wisdom all He had fashioned. ِ ِ َوال ََتْفى َعلَْيو الطَالئِع Hidden not from Him are harbingers, ِ ِ ِ َوال تَضي ُع عْنَدهُ الَودائ ُع nor lost with Him are deposits.

جازي ُك ِّل صانٍِع He repays every fashioner, ِ ِ َوراي ُش ُك ِّل قانٍع feathers the nest of all who are content ِ َوراح ُم ُك ِّل ضاِرٍع and has mercy upon all who humble themselves. ِ ُمْنِزؿُ ادلنافِع َ He sends down benefits ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوالكتاب اجلامِع بالنُّور ال َّساطِع and the all-encompassing Book in radiant light. ِ ِ ِ َوُىَو للَّد َعوات سام ٌع He hears supplications, ِ ِ َولْل ُكُربات داف ٌع averts afflictions, ِ ِ ِ َولْلَّدَرجات راف ٌع raises up in degrees, ِ ِ ِ ِ َولْل َجبابَرة قام ٌع and knocks down tyrants. ِ فَال إلوَ َغْيػُرهُ For there is no god other than He, ِ َوال َش ْي ََ يػَْعدلُوُ nothing is equal to Him, A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 15 ِ ِِ َولَْي َس َكمثْلو َش ْي ٌَ "Like Him there is naught, ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ َوُىَو ال َّسمي ُع البَصًنُ اللطي ُف اخلَبًن and He is the Hearing, the Seeing" (XLII, II), ٍ ِ َوُىَو َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْيَ قَديٌر the subtle, the Aware, and "He is powerful over all things" (V, I20 etc.). ِ ِ اللُّه َّم إ ِّين أَْرَغ ُب إلَْي َك َوأَ ْشَه ُد O God, I make Thee my quest ِ ِ ِ ِ بالُّربُوبِيَّة لَ َك ُمقَّرا بأَنَّ َك َرِّيب and bear witness to Thy Lordship, acknowledging that Thou art my Lord ِ َوإلَْي َك َمَرِّدي and to Thee is my return. ِ ِِ ِ إبػْتَدأتَِين بنْعَمت َك قػَْب َل أَْف أَ ُكوَف َشْيئاً َم ْذُكورا ً Thou originated me by Thy blessing before I was a thing remembered. ِ ِ َوَخلَْقتَِين م َن الُُتاب Thou created me from dust, ِ ِ ِ ِ ُمثَّ ا ْس َكْنتَِين األ ْصال َب آمنا لَريْب ادلنُوف then gavest me a place in the loins (of my fathers), secure from theَ uncertainty of Fate ِ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْختالؼ الُّدُىور َوال ِّسن ٌَن and the vagaries of the ages and the years ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ فػَلَم أََزؿْ ظاعناً م ْن ُصْلب إىل َرحٍم ِيف تَقاُدـ م ْن األيَّاـ ادلاضيَة I remained a traveller from loin to womb in a time ِ ِ ِ َوالُقُروف اخلاليَة immemorial of past days and bygone centuries. ِ ِ ِ ََلْ َُتِْرْجِين لرأْفَت َك ِيب َولُطْف َك ِِل In Thy tenderness, bounty and goodness toward me Thou ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْحسان َك إََِّل يف َدْولَة أَئَّمة ال ُكْفِر didst not send me out into the empire of the َِّ َّ الذي َن نػََق ُضوا َعْهَدؾَ َوَكذبُوا ُرُسلَ َك leaders of disbelief, those who broke Thy covenant and cried lies to Thy messengers. A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 16 ِ َِّ ِ ِ َِّ لكنَّ َك أَ ْخَرْجتَِين للذي َسبَ َق ِِل م َن اذلُدى الذي لَوُ يَ َّسْرتَِين Rather, Thou sentest me out to that guidance which had been fore ordained for me, the way which Thou madest easy for me ِ ِ َوفيو أَنْ ّشأْتَِين and in which Thou nurtured me. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوم ْن قػَْبِل ذل َك َرُؤفْ َت ِيب َنَميِل ُصْنع َك And before that Thou wert kind to me through Thy gracious fashioning ِ ِ ِ َو َسوابِغ نَعم َك and abundant blessings. ِ ِ فَابػْتََد ْع َت َخْلقي م ْن َمٍِّين ُميْىن Thou originated my creation from a sperm-drop spilled ِ ٍ ٍ ٍ ِ ٍ َوأَ ْس َكْنتَِين يف ظُلُمات ثَالث بػٌََْن َحلٍْم َوَدـ َوجْلد and madest me to dwell in a three fold gloom among flesh, blood and skin. ِ ََلْ تُ ْشِه ْدِين َخْلقي Thou gavest me not to witness my creation, ِ ِ ِ َوََلْ ََْتَع ْل إََِّل َشْيئاً م ْن أَْمري nor didst Thou entrust me with anything of my own affair. َِّ ِ ِ ُمثَّ أَ ْخَرْجتَِين للذي َسبَ َق ِِل م َن اذلُدى Then thou sentest me out into the world for the guidance that had been foredained for me, ِ إىل الُّدنْيا تاّماًََ َسِويّاً Complete and unimpaired. ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَحَفظْتَِين يف ادلْهد طْفالً َصبيّاً َ Thou watched over me in the cradle as an infant boy ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَرَزقػْتَِين م َن الغذاء لَبَناً َمرياً provided me with food, wholesome milk, ِ َوَعطَْف َت َعلَ َّي قػُلُو َب احلَواض ِن and turned the hearts of the nurse-maids toward me. ِ ِ َوَكَّفْلتَِين االَُّمهات الَّرواح َم Thou entrusted my upbringing to compassionate mothers,

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 17 ِ ِِ َوَكألتَِين م ْن طَوارؽ اجلا ِّف guarded me from the calamities brought by the jinn َّ ِ ِ ِ َو َسل ْمتَِين م َن الِّزياَدة َوالنػُّْقصاف and kept me secure from excess and lack.

فػَتَعالَْي َت ياَرحي ُم ياَرْمح ُن High art Thou, O Merciful! O Compassionate! ِ ِ ِ ِ َحَّىت إذا ا ْستػَْهلَْل ُت ناطقا بال َكالـ Then when I began to utter speech ِ ِ ِ أَْْتَْم َت َعلَ َّي َسواب َغ األنْعاـ Thou completed for me Thy abundant blessings. ِ ِ ٍ َوَربػَّْيتَِين زائداً يف ُك ِّل عاـ Thou nurtured me more and more each year ِ ِ ِ َحَّىت إذا ا ْكتََملَ ْت فطَْرِت until, when my nature was perfected ِ ِ َوا ْعتََدلَ ْت مَّرِت and my strength balanced,

أَْوَجْب َت َعلَ َّي ُح َّجتَ َك Thou madest Thy argument encumbent upon me by inspiring me

أَْف أَْذلَْمتَِين َمْعِرفػَتَ َك with knowledge of Thee, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَرَّوْعتَِين بَعجائب ح ْكَمت َك awing me with the marvels of Thy wisdom, ِ َوأيػَْقظْتَِين لما ذََرأْ َت awakening me to ِ ِ ِ يف َمسائ َك َوأَْرض َك which Thou hadst multiplied in Thy Heaven and Thy earth, ِ ِ ِ م ْن بَدائِع َخْلق َك the wonders of Thy creation ِ ِ َونػَبػَّْهتَِين ل ُش ْكِرؾَ َوذْكِرؾَ and instructing me in Thy thanks and remembrance A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 18 ِ َوأَْوَجْب َت َعلَ َّي طا َعتَ َك َوعباَدتَ َك Thou madest encumbent upon me Thy obedience and worship, ِِ َوفػََّه ْمتَِين ما جاء ْت بو ُرُسلُ َك madest me to understand what Thy messengers had brought ِ ِ َويَ َّسْر َت ِل تػَ َقبُّ َل َمْرضات َك and madest easy for me the acceptance of Thy good pleasure. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَمنػَْن َت َعلَ َّي يف َمجيِع ذل َك بَعْون َك َولُطْف َك Thou wast gracious to me in all of this, through Thy succor and kindness. ِ ِ ُمثَّ إْذ َخلَْقتَِين م ْن َخًِْن الث َّرى Then, since Thou created me from the best soil, ِ ِ ِ ََلْ تػَْر َض ِِل ياإذلي نْعَمةً ُدوَف اُ ْخرى Thou wert not satisfied, my God, that I should have one blessing without another. ِ َوَرَزقػْتَِين م ْن أَنْواِع ادلعا ِش َ Thou provided me with varieties of sustenance ِ َو ُصنُوؼ الِّريا ِش and kinds of garments ِ ِ مبَنِّ َك الَعظيِم األَ ْعظَِم َعلَ َّي and Thy tremendous, most tremendous, graciousness to me ِ ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْحسان َك الَقدِمي إ َِّل and Thy eternal goodness toward me. ِ ِ َحَّىت إذا اْْتَْم َت َعلَ َّي َمج ي َع النػَِّعِم And finally, when Thou hadst completed for me every blessing ِ َو َصَرفْ َت َعِّين ُك َّل النػَِّقم and turned away from me all misfortunes, ِ ِ ََلْ َميْنْع َك َجْهلي َو ُجْرأَِت َعلَْي َك Thou wert not prevented by my ignorance and audacity ِ ِ أَْف َدلَْلتَِين إىل ما يػَُقِّربُِين إلَْي َك from guiding me toward that which would bring me nigh to Thee ِ ِ َوَوفػَّْقتَِين لما يػُْزلُفِين لََديْ َك or from giving me success in that which would bring me close to Thee A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 19 ِ فَإ ْف َد َعْوتُ َك أَ َجْبتَِين For if I prayed to Thee Thou answered, ِ َوإ ْف َسأَلْتُ َك أَْعطَْيتَِين if I asked of Thee Thou gavest, ِ َوإ ْف أَطَْعتُ َك َش َكْرتَِين if I obeyed Thee Thou showed Thy gratitude, ِ ِ َوإ ْف َش َكْرتُ َك زْدتَِين and if I thanked Thee Thou gavest me more. ِ ِ ّ ّ ُك ُّل ذل َك إِ ْكماؿٌ ألنػْعُم َك َعلَي All of that was to perfect Thy blessings upon me and ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْحسان َك إََِّل Thy goodness toward me. ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ فَ ُسْبحانَ َك ُسْبحانَ َك م ْن ُمْبد ٍي ُمعيد َمحيد َرليد So glory be to Thee; Glory be to Thee,

َوتػََقَّد َس ْت أ َ ْمساُؤؾَ َوَعظَُم ْت آالُؤؾَ Holy are Thy Names and tremendous Thy bounties. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فَأَ ُّي نَعم َك ياإذلي أ ْحصي َعَدداً َوذْكراً So which of Thy blessings, my God, can I enumerate by counting and mentioning? ِ أَْـ أَ ُّي َعطاياؾَ أَقُوُـ ِبا ُش ْكراً For which of Thy gifts am I able to give thanks ِ ِ ِ َوىي ياَر ِّب أَ ْكثػَُر م ْن أَْف ُُْيصيها العاُّدوَف Since they, O Lord, are more than reckoners can count ِ ِ ِ أَْو يػَْبػلَُغ عْلما ِبا احلافظُوَف or those who entrust to memory can attain by knowledge.

ُمثَّ ما َصَرفْ َت َوَدَرأْ َت َعِّين But the affliction and hardship, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم م َن ال ُّضِّر َوال َّضَّراء أَ ْكثػَُر شلَّا ظََهَر ِِل م َن العافيَة َوال َّسَّراء O God, that Thou turned and averted from me is more than the health and happiness that came to me.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 20 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ََوأنا أَ ْشَه ُد ياإذلي ُنَقيَقة إْمياين And I witness, my God, by the truth of my faith, ِ ِ ِ َوَعْقد َعَزمات يَقيِين the knotted resolutions of my certainty, ِ ِ ِ َوخال ِص َصِري ِح تػَْوحيدي my pure and unadulterated profession of Unity, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوباط ِن َم ْكنُوف َضمًني the hidden inwardness of my consciousness, ِِ ِ ِ َوَعالئق َرلاري نُور بَ َصِري the places to which the streams of light of my eyes are attached, ِ ِ ِ َوأَساريِر َصْف َحة َجبيِين the lines on my forehead's surface, ٍ ِ ِ ِ َو ُخْرؽ َمسارب نػَْفسي the openings for my breath's channels ِ ِ ِِ ِ َوَخذاريف مارف عْرنيين the parts of my nose's soft point, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَمسارب مساِخ َمسْعي the paths of my ears' canals, ِ َوما ُضَّم ْت َوأَطْبػََق ْت َعلَْيو َشَفتا َي what my lips close upon and compress, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَحَركات لَْفظ لساين the movements of my tongue in speaking, ِ ِ ِ َوَمْغَرز َحنَك فَمي َوفَ ّكي the joint at the back of my mouth and jaw, ِ ِ ِ َوَمنابت أَ ْضراسي the sockets of my molar teeth, ِ َوَمساِغ َمطَْعمي َوَم ْشَرِيب the place where I swallow my food and drink, ِ ِ ِ َومحالَة اُِّـ َرأْسي that which bears my brain, A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 21 ِ ِ َوبُلوِع فاِرِغ َحبَائِل عُنُقي the hollow passages of my neck's fibers, ِ ِ َوماا ْشتََم َل َعلَْيو تاُموُر َص ْدري that which is contained in my cheast‘s's cavity, ِ ِ َوَمحائ ُل َحْبِل َوتيِين the carriers of my aorta, ِ ِ ِ ِ َونياط حجاب قػَْلِيب the places where my heart's diaphragm is attached, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوأَفْالذ َحواشي َكبدي the small pieces of flesh around my liver, ِ ِ َوما َحَوتْوُ َشراسي ُف أ ْضالعي that which the ribs of my sides encompass, ِ ِِ َوحقا ؽُ َمفاصلي the sockets of my joints, ِِ َوقػَْب ُض َعواملي the contraction of my members, ِ ِِ َوأَطْراؼ أَناملي the tips of my fingers, ِ ِ َو َحلْمي َوَدمي َو َشْعِري َوبَ َشِري َوَع َصِيب my flesh, my blood, my hair, my skin, my nerves, ِ ِ ِ َوقَ َصِيب َوعظامي َوُسل ِّي َوعُُروقي my windpipe, my bones, my brain, my veins, ِ ِِ َوَمجيِع َجوارحي and all of my organs, ِ ِ ِ َوما انػْتَ َس َج َعلى ذل َك أَيّاَـ رضاعي what was knitted upon them in the days when I was a suckling baby, ِ ِ َوما أَقػَلَّت األَْر ُض مِّين what the earth has taken away from me, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َونػَْومي َويػَْقظَِت َو ُس ُكوين َوَحَركات ُرُكوعي َو ُس ُجودي my sleep, waking and silence, and the movements of my bowing and prostrating, A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 22 ِ ِ أَْف لَْو حاَولْ ُت َوا ْجتػََه ْد ُت َمدى األ ْعصار َواأل ْحقاب لَْو عُِّمْرُهتا Even if I tried hardly during all the generations and ages if I lived them ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَْف اَُؤِّدي ُش ْكَر َواحَدة م ْن أَنػْعُم َك ماا ْستَطَْع ُت ذل َك إالّ مبَنِّ َك ادلوَجب to deliver thanks for one of your bounties,ُ I would not have been able to do so, except by Thy grace, which alone makes incumbent ِِ ِ َعلَ َّي بو ُش ْكُرؾَ أَبَداً َجديداً upon me to thank you never-ending and ever renewed ِ ِ َوثَناءً طارفاً َعتيدا أَ َج ْل gratitude to Thee, and fresh and ever present praise. ِ ِ ًََولَْو َحَر ْص ُت أَنا َوالعاُّدوَف م ْن أَنام َك Indeed, and were I and the reckoners among Thy creatures ever so eager ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِِِ أَْف ُْضلصي َمدى إنْعام َك سالفو َوآنفو َ ّ to calculate the extent of Thy bestowal of blessings, whether past or approaching

ما َح َصْرناهُ َعَدداً we would fail to count it

َوال أَ ْح َصْيناهُ أََمداً َىْيها َت or to calculate its boundaries ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ أََّّن ذل َك َوأَنْ َت ادل ْخربُ يف كتاب َك النَّاطق ُ For Thou announcest in Thy eloquent Book ِ ِ َوالنَّبَأ ال َّصادؽ and truthful Tiding ِ ِ َوإ ْف تػَعُُّدوا نْعَمةَ ا﵁ ال َُْت ُصوىا "And if you count God's bounty, you will find them unlimited" (XIV, 34). ِ َصَد ؽَ كتابُ َك اللُّه َّم Thy Book, O God, Thy Message, has spoken the truth! ِ ِ َوإنْباُؤؾَ َوبػَلَّغَ ْت أَنْبياُؤؾَ َوُرُسلُ َك And Thy prophets and messengers delivered Thy ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ما أَنػَْزلْ َت َعلَْيه ْم م ْن َو ْحي َك َو َشَرْع َت َذلُْم َوِب ْم م ْن دين َك

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 23 revelation that Thou had sent down upon them and the religion that Thou had promulgated for them and through them ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َغْيػَر أَِّين ياإذلي أَ ْشَه ُد َنُْهدي َوجِّدي And I witness, my God, by my effort, my diligence, ِ َوَمْبػلَِغ طا َعِِت َوُو ْسعي and the extent of my obedience and my capacity, ِ ِ َوأَقُوؿُ ُمْؤمناً ُموقناً and I say as a believer possessing certainty, ِ َِّ ِ احلَْم ُد ﵁ الذي ََلْ يػَتَّخ ْذ َولَدا "Praise belongs to God, who has not taken to Him a son" ِ ِِ ًَفػَيَ ُكوَف َمْوُروثاً َوََلْ يَ ُك ْن لَوُ َشِري ٌك يف ُمْلكو that He might have an heir, "and who has no associate in His dominion" ِ ِ ُّ ِّ فػَيُضاَّدهُ فيما ابػْتََد َع َوال َوِ ُِّل م َن الذؿ who might oppose Him in what He creates "nor any protector out of humbleness" (XVII, III) ِ ِ فػَيػُْرفَدهُ فيما َصنََع who would aid Him in what He fashions

فَ ُسْبحانَوُ ُسْبحانَوُ So glory be to Him, glory be to Him ِ ِ ِ َّ لَْو كاف فيهما آذلَةٌ إالّ ا﵁ لََف َسَدتا َوتػََفطَرتا "Why, were there gods in earth and heaven other than God, they would surely go to ruin" (XXI, 22) and be rotten. ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ُسْبحا َف ا﵁ الواحد األ َحد ال َّصَمد الذي ََلْ يَل ْد Glory be to God, the Unique, the One, "the Everlasting Refuge" who "has not begotten, nor

َوََلْ يُولَُد َوََلْ يَ ُك ْن لَوُ ُكْفوا أَ َحد has He been begotten, and equal to Him there is none" (CXII, 2-4). ِ ِ ِ ِِ احلَْم ُد ﵁ َمحْداً يُعادؿُ َمحَْد َمالئ َكتو ادلَقَّربِ ٌَن Praise belongs to God, praise equal to the praise of the angels sُtationed near to Him ِ ِِ ِ َوأَنْبيائو ادلْرَسل ٌَن ُ .and the prophets sent by Him

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 24 ِ ِِ ٍ َو َصلّى ا﵁ َعلى خ ًَنتو ُزلََّمد And God bless His elect, Muhammad, ِ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ خاَمت النَّبيِّ ٌَن َوآلو الطَيِّب ٌَن الطاىري َن ادل ْخلص ٌَن َو َسل َم the Seal of the Prophets, and his virtuous, pure and sincere household,ُ and give them peace

Then he began to supplicate. He occupied himself with prayer as tears ran from his blessed eyes. Then he said:

اللُّه َّم ا ْجَعْلِين أَ ْخشاؾَ َكأَِّين أَراؾَ O God, cause me to fear Thee as if I were seeing Thee, ِ ِ ِ َوأ ْسع ْدين بتػَْقواؾَ give me felicity through piety toward Thee, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوالتُ ْشقِين مبَْعصيَت َك make me not wretched by disobedience toward Thee, ِ ِ ِ َوخْر ِِل يف قَضائ َك choose the best for me by Thy decree (qadha') ِ ِ ِ َوبارؾْ ِِل يف قََدرؾَ and bless me by Thy favor (qadar), ِ ِ َحَّىت ال اُح َّب تػَْعجي َل ما أَ َّخْر َت that I may love not the hastening of what Thou hast delayed, ِ َوال تَأْخًنَ ما َع َّجْل َت nor the delaying of what Thou hast hastened ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم ا ْجَع ْل غنا َي يف نػَْفسي َواليَّق ٌَن يف قػَْلِيب O God, appoint for me sufficiency in my soul ِ ِ ِ ِ َواال ْخال َص يف َعَملي َوالنُّوَر يف بَ َصِري certainty in my heart, sincerity in my action light in my eyes ِ ِ ِ َوالبَص ًَنةَ يف ديِين , and insight in my religion. ِ ِِ َوَمتػِّْعِين َنَوارحي Give me enjoyment of my bodily members

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 25 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْجَع ْل َمسْعي َوبَ َصري الوارثػٌَْن مِّين make my hearing and vision are my two inheritors, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوانْ ُصْرين َعلى َم ْن ظَلََمِين َوأَِرين فيو ثاري َوَمآِرِيب help me on who was unjust to me, show me in him my revenge and wishes, ِ ِ ِ اَللػُّه َّم َوأَقَّر بذل َك َعْيِين and console thereby my eyes. ِ ِ اللُّه َّم ا ْكش ْف ُكْربَِِت َوا ْستػُْر َعْوَرِت O God, remove my affliction, veil my defects, ِ ِ َوا ْغفْر ِِل َخطيئَِِت forgive my offence, ِ َ وإ ْخ َسا ْء َشْيطاين drive away my Satan, ِ ِ َوفُ َّك رىاين resolve my debt, ِ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْجَع ْل ِِل ياإذلي الَّدَرَجةَ العُْليا يف اآلخرة َواألّوىل and give me, my God, the highest degree in the hereafter and in this life. ِ اللُّه َّم لَ َك احلَْم ُد َكما َخلَْقت َِين فَ َجَعْلتَِين َمسيعاً بَصًناً O God, to Thee belongs the praise, just as Thou created me and made me to hear and to see;

َولَ َك احلَْم ُد َكما َخلَْقتَِين فَ َجَعْلتَِين َخْلقا َسِويّا and to Thee belongs the praise, just as Thou created me and made me a creature unimpaired

َرْمحَةً ِيب as a mercy to me, ِ ِ َوقَْد ُكْن َت َع ْن َخْلقي َغنيّا while Thou hadst no need of my creation. ِ ِ ِ مبا بػََرأْتَِين فػََعَّدلْ َت فطَْرِت As you made me innocent to straighten my soul ِ ِ َر ِّب مبا أَنْ َشأْتَِين فَأَ ْح َسْن َت ُصوَرِت My Lord, since Thou created me and then improved my feature

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 26 ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب مبا أَ ْح َسْن َت إََِّل َويف نػَْفسي عافػَْيتَِين my Lord, since Thou didst good to me and gavest me well-being in my soul; ِ َر ِّب مبا َكألتَِين َوَوفػَّْقتَِين my Lord, since Thou preserved me and gavest me success ِ َر ِّب مبا أَنػَْع ْم َت َعلَ َّي فػََهَديػْتَِين my Lord, since Thou blessed me and then guided me ِ ِ ٍ َر ِّب مبا أَْولَْيتَِين َوم ْن ُك ِّل َخًْن أَْعطَْيتَِين my Lord, since Thou chosest me and gavest me of every good ِ َر ِّب مبا أَْعطَْيتَِين َو َسَقْيتَِين my Lord, since Thou gavest me to eat and drink; ِ َر ِّب مبا أَْغنػَْيتَِين َواقػْنػَْيتَِين my Lord, since Thou enriched me and contented me ِ َر ِّب مبا ا َعْنتَِين َوأَْعَزْزتَِين my Lord, since Thou aided me and exalted me ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب مبا أَلْبَ ْستَِين م ْن سُْتؾَ ال َّصاِيف my Lord, since Thou dothed me with Thy pure covering ِ ِ ِ َويَ َّسْر َت ِِل م ْن ُصْنع َك الكايف and facilitated things for me from your sufficient measures ٍ ِ ٍ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد Bless Muhammad and the household of Muhammad ِ ِِ ِ َوأَعِّين َعلى بَوائق الُّدُىور and aid me against the misfortunes of time and ِ َّ ِ َو ُصُروؼ اللياِِل َواأليَّاـ the calamities of nights and days ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَصلِِّين م ْن أَْىواؿ الُّدنْيا َوُكُربات اآلخرة save me from the terrors of this world and the torments of the hereafter ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ َوا ْكفِين َشَّر مايػَْعَم ُل الظال ُموَف يف األَْرض and spare me from the evil of that which the evildoers do in the earth ِ اللُّه َّم ما أَخا ؼُ فَا ْكفِين O God, as for what I fear, spare me from it, A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 27 ِ َوما أَ ْحَذُر فَقِين and as for what I seek to avoid, guard me against it. ِ ِ ِ َويف نػَْفسي َوديِين فَا ْحُرْسِين in my soul and my religion watch over me, ِ َويف َسَفِري فَا ْحَفظِْين in my traveling protect me ِ ِ َويف أَْىلي َوماِِل ف َا ْخلُْفِين in my family and my property appoint for me a successor, ِ ِ َوفيما َرَزقػْتَِين فَبارؾْ ِِل in what Thou hast provided for me bless me ِ ِ َويف نػَْفسي فََذلِّْلِين in my soul humble me, ِ ِ َويف أَْعٌُن النَّا ِس فػََعظِّْمِين in the eyes of people magnify me ِ ِ ِ ِّ َوم ْن َشِّر اجل ِّن َواالنْ ِس فَ َسل ْمِين from the evil of jinn and men preserve me

َوبُِذنُوِيب فَال تػَْف َض ْحِين for my sins disgrace me not ِ ِ ِ ِ َوب َسريَرِت فَال َُتْزِّين for my inward secrets shame me not ِ ِ ِ َوبَِعَملي فَال تػَْبت َلِين َونَعَم َك for my action try me not

فَال تَ ْسلُْبِين of Thy blessings deprive me not ِ ِ ِ َوإىل َغًْنؾَ فَال تَكْلِين and to other than Thee entrust me not ِ ِ ِ ِ إذلي إىل َم ْن تَكلُِين My God, to whom wouldst Thou entrust me? ِ إىل قَِري ٍب فػَيػَْقطَع ُِين To a relative? He would cut me off A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 28 ِ ِ ٍ أَْـ إىل بَعيد فػَيَتَ َجَّه ُمِين Or to a stranger? He would look at me with displeasure ِ ِِ أَْـ إىل ادل ْستَ ْضعف ٌَن ِِل ُ ?Or to those who act toward me with arrogance ِ َوأَنْ َت َرِّيب َوَملي ُك أَْمِري But Thou art my Lord and the sovereign over my affair. ِ أَ ْش ُكو إلَْي َك غُْربَِِت I would complain to Thee of my exile and the ِ َوبػُْعَد داري remoteness of my abode ِ َوَىواين َعلى َم ْن َملَّ ْكتَوُ أَْمِري and that he whom Thou hast made sovereign over me despises me. ِ ِ ِ إذلي فَال َُْتل ْل َعلَ َّي َغ َضبَك My God, so cause not Thy wrath to alight upon me ِ ِ فَإ ْف ََلْ تَ ُك ْن َغضْب َت َعلَ َّي فَال أُباِِل If Thou becomest not wrathful with me I will have no care ِ ُسْبحانَ َك َغْيػَر أََّف عافيَتَ َك أَْو َس ُع ِِل glory be to Thee But Thy protection is more embracing ِ ِ ِ َِّ فَأَ ْسأَلُ َك ياَر ِّب بنُور َو ْجه َك الذي أَ ْشَرقَ ْت لَوُ األَْر ُض َوال َّسماوا ُت So I ask Thee, O Lord, by the Light of Thy Face by which the earth and the heavens are illuminated, ِ ِِ ُّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوُكشَف ْت بو الظ لُما ُت َو َصلُ َح بو أَْمُر األَّول ٌَن َواآلخري َن shadows are removed, and the affairs of the ancients and the later folks are set aright, ِ أَْف ال ُْتيتَِين َعلى َغ َضبِ َك not to cause me to die when Thy wrath is upon me

َوال تػُْنِزؿْ ِيب َس َخطَ َك nor to send down upon me Thy anger

لَ َك العُْتىب The pleasure is Thine

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 29

لَ َك العُْتىب The pleasure is Thine ِ َحَّىت تػَْرضى قػَْب َل ذل َك to be satisfied with me before that

ال إِلوَ إِالّ أَنْ َت There is no god but Thou ِ ِ َر َّب البػَلَد احلَراـ , Lord of the Holy Land ِ َوادل ْشَعِر احلَراـ َ the Sacred Monument ِ ِ ِ َوالبػَْيت الَعتيق and the Ancient House َِّ الذي أَ ْحلَْلتَوُ البػََرَكةَ upon which Thou caused blessing to descend ِ َوَجَعْلتَوُ للنَّا ِس أَْمنا and which Thou madest a sanctuary for mankind. ِ ِ ِِ ِِ ياَم ْن َعفا َع ْن َعظيِم الُّذنُوب ُنْلمو O He who pardons the greatest sins by His clemency ِ ِ ِِ ياَم ْن أَ ْسبََغ النػََّعماء بَف ْضلو O He who lavishes blessings by His bounty ِ ِ ِِ ياَم ْن أَْعطى اجلَزي َل ب َكَرمو O He who gives abundance by His generosity ِ ياعَُّدِِت ِيف شَّدِِت O Sustenance to me in my adversity ِ ِ ِ ياصاحِيب يف َو ْحَدِت O Companion to me in my loneliness ِ ِ ياغياثي ِيف ُكْربَِِت O Aid to me in my hardship ِ ِ ِ ياَوليِّي يف نْعَمِِت O Benefactor to me in my bounty A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 30 ِ ِ ِ ِ ياإذلي َوإلوَ آبائي O my God and God of my fathers, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ إبْراىي َم َوإ ْمساعي َل َوإ ْسحا ؽَ َويػَْعُقو َب Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَر َّب َجْربئي َل َوميكائي َل َوإ ْسرافي َل Lord of Gabriel, Michael and Israfil ٍ ِ َوَر َّب ُزلََّمد خاَِمت النَّبيِّ ٌَن Lord of Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets ِِ ِ َوآلو ادلْنتَ َجب ٌَن ُ and his household, the chosen ones ِ ِ ِ ِ َوُمْنِزؿَ التػَّْوراة َواإلْصليِل َوالَّزبُور َوالُفْرقاف Revealer of the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and the Criterion,

َوُمنػَِّزؿَ كهيػََّع َّص and Sender down of Kaf Ha' Ya' Ayn Sad, Ta' Ha' ِ َوطوَ َويَّس َوالُقْرآ َف احلَكيم Ya' Sin, and the Wise ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَنْ َت َكْهفي ح ٌَن تػُْعييِين ادلذاى ُب يف َسَعتها Thou are my cave (refuge) when the roads for all their amplitude constrictَ me ِ ِ ِ َوتَضي ُق ِ َيب األَْر ُض بُرْحبها and the land for all its breadth is strait for me ِ ِ ِ َولَْوال َرْمحَتُ َك لَ ُكْن ُت م َن اذلالك ٌَن If not for Thy mercy, I would have been among the perishing, ِ ِ َوأَنْ َت ُمقي ُل َعثػَْرِت and Thou annullest my slip ِ َولَْوال َسْتػُرؾَ إ يَّا َي If not for Thy covering me ِ ِ لَ ُكْن ُت م ْن ادلْف ُضوح ٌَن َ ,I would have been among the disgraced ِ ِ ِ َوأَنْ َت ُمَؤيِّدي بالنَّ ْصِر َعلى أَْعدائي and Thou confirmest me with help against my enemies A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 31 ِ ِ ِ َولْوال نَ ْصُرؾَ إيَّا َي لَ ُكْن ُت م َن ادلْغلُ وب ٌَن َ And without your support, I would have been among those defeated ِ ِ ياَم ْن َخ َّص نػَْف َسوُ بال ُّس ُمِّو َوالِّرفػَْعة O He who appropriated loftiness and exaltation to Himself ِ ِِ فَأَْولياُؤهُ بعِّزِه يػَْعتػَُّزوَف so His friends (awliya') are mighty through His might َِّ ِِ ياَم ْن َجَعلَ ْت لَوُ ادللُوؾُ نػَْيػَر ادلَذلة َعلى أَْعناقه ْم ُ َ,O He before whom kings place the yoke of abasement around their necks ِ ِِ ِ فػَُه ْم م ْن َسطَواتو خائُفوَف for they fear His overwhelming power ِ ِ ِ ِ يػَْعلَ ُم خائنَةَ األ ْعٌُن َوما َُتْفي ال ُّص ُدور "He knows the treachery of the eyes and what the breasts conceal" (XL,19) ِ ِِ ِ ِ َوَغْي َب ما تَأِْت بو األْزمنَة َوالُّدُىورُ and the unseen brought by time and fate ِ ياَم ْن ال يػَْعلَ ُم َكْيف ُىَو إالّ ُىَو O He about whom none knows how He is but He! ِ ياَم ْن ال يػَْعلَ ُم ماُىَو إالّ ُىَو O He about whom none knows what He is but He ِ ياَم ْن ال يػَْعلَُموُ إالّ ُىَو O He about whom none knows what He is but He ِ ياَم ْن َكبَ َس األَْر َض َعلى ادلاء He who squeezed the earth onto the water and held ِ َو َسَّد اذلَواءَ بال َّسماء back the air with the sky

ياَم ْن لَوُ أَ ْكَرُـ األ َّمساء O He to whom belong the noblest Names ِ َِّ ِ ياذا ادلْعُروؼ الذي ال يػَْنػَقط ُع أَبَداً َ O He who possesses kindness which will never be cut off ِ ِ يا ُمَق يِّ َض الَّرْك ِب ليُو ُس َف ِيف البػَلَد الَقْفِر O He who assigned the cavalcade to Joseph in the barren land, A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 32 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوُسلِْرَجوُ م ْن اجلُ ِّب َوجاعلَوُ بػَْعَد العُبُوديَّة َملكا brought him out of the well and made him a king after slavery!

ياراَّدهُ َعلى يػَْعُقو َب O He who returned him to Jacob ِ ِ بػَْعَد أَْف ابػْيَ َّض ْت َعْيناهُ م َن احلُْزُف فػَُهَو َكظي ٌم after "his eyes were hitened with sorrow that he was suppressing" (XII, 84)137 ِ ياكاش َف ال ُّضِّر َوالبػَْلوى َع ْن أَيُّو َب O He who removed affliction and tribulation from Ayub ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوُشلْس َك يََد ْي إبْراىي َم َع ْن ذَبْ ِح ابْنو بػَْعَد كَرب سنِّو and restrained Abraham's hands from the sacrifice of his son after he had reached old age and ِ ِ َوفَناء عُ ُمِره his life had passed by ِ ِ ياَم ِن ا ْستَجا َب لَزَكريَّا فػََوَى َب لَوُ َُْيٍن O He who answered the prayer of Zachariah and bestowed upon him John ِ َوََلْ يََد ْعوُ فػَْرداً َوحيداً not leaving him childless and alone ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن أَ ْخَرَج يُونُ َس م ْن بَطْن احلُوت O He who brought Jonah out from the wale‘s stomach ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن فػَلَ َق البَ ْحَر لبَِين إ ْسرائي َل فَأَْصلاُى ْم O He who parted the sea for the Children of Israel, then saved them ِ ِ ِ َوَجَع َل فْرَعْوَف َو ُجنُوَدهُ م َن ادلْغَرق ٌَن ُ and drowned Pharoah and his hosts ٍ ِ ياَم ْن أَْرَس َل الِّريا َح ُم بَ ِّشرات بػٌََْن يََد ْي َرْمحَتو ّ O He who sends winds heralding His mercy ِ ِ ِِ ياَم ْن ََلْ يػَْع َج ْل َعلى م ْن َعصاهُ م ْن َخْلقو O He who does not hurry (to act) against those who disobey Him! ِ ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن ا ْستػَْنػَقَذ ال َّس َحَرةَ م ْن بػَْعد طُوؿ اجلُ ُحود O He who rescued the sorcerers after (their) long denial ِ ِ ِِ ِ َوقَْد َغَدوا يف نْعَمتو يَأْ ُكلُوَف رْزقَوُ A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 33 They had early benefited from His blessing eating His provision

َويػَْعبُُدوَف َغْيػَره and worshipping other than Him;

َوقَْد حاُّدوهُ َوناُّدوهُ they had opposed, denied and َّ َوَكذبُوا ُرُسلَوُ cried lies to His messengers. يا ا﵁ يا ا﵁ O God! O God ِ ِ ِ يا بَديءُ يابَديع النَّد لكُ O Beginner, O Creator with no compeer! ِ يادائماً النَفاَد لَ َك O Everlasting who has no end ِ يا َحيّاً ح ٌَن ال َح َّي O Living when nothing was alive ِ ياُْزليي ادلْوتى َ َ O Quickener of the dead ِ ِ ياَم ْن ُىَو قائ ٌم َعلى ُك ِّل نػَْف ٍس مبا َك َسبَ ْت O "He Who is aware of the deserts of every soul" (XIII,33)

ياَم ْن قَ َّل لَوُ ُش ْكِري O He toward whom my gratitude was little

فػَلَ ْم َُْيِرْمِين yet He deprived me not! ِ َوَعظَُم ْت َخطيئَِِت فػَلَ ْم يػَْف َض ْحِين My transgression was great yet He disgraced me not ِ ِ ِ َوَرآين َعلى ادلعاصي فػَلَ ْم يَ ْشهْرين َ He saw me committing acts of disobedience yet he made me not notorious ِ ِ ياَم ْن َحفظَِين ِيف صغَِري O He who watched over me in childhood

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 34 ِ ِ ياَم ْن َرَزقَِين ِيف كَربي O He who provided for me in my adulthood ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن أَياديو عْندي الَُْتصى َونَع ُموُ الَُتازى O He whose favors toward me cannot be reckoned and whose blessings cannot be repaid! ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن عاَر َضِين باخلًَْن َواإل ْحساف O He who has confronted me with the good and the fair, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوعاَر ْضتُوُ باالسائَة َوالع ْصياف and I have confronted Him with evil and disobedience in return ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن َىداين لالمياف م ْن قػَْبِل أَْف أَْعر ؼَ ُش ْكَر االْمتناف O He who led me to faith before I had come to know gratitude for His gracious bestowal

ياَم ْن َد َعْوتُوُ َمِريضاً فَ َشفاِين O He upon whom I called when I was sick and He healed me ِ َوعُْرياناً فَ َكساين when naked and He clothed me ِ َوجائعاً فَأَ ْشبػََعِين when hungry and He satisfied me ِ َوَعطْشاناً فَأَْرواين when thirsty and He gave me to drink ِ ِ َوذَليالً فَأََعَّزين when abased and He exalted me ِ َوجاىالً فػََعَّرفَِين when ignorant and He gave me knowledge ِ ِ َوَوحيداً فَ َكثػََّرين when alone and He increased my number ِ ِ َوغايباً فػََرَّدين when away and He returned me ِ ِ َوُمقالً فَأَ ْغناين when empty-handed and He enriched me ِ ِ َوُمْنتَصراً فػَنَ َصَرين when in need of help and He helped me A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 35 ِ َوَغن يّاً فػَلَ ْم يَ ْسلُْبِين and when rich and He took not from me. ِ ِ َوأَْم َس ْك ُت َع ْن َمجيِع ذل َك I refrained from (calling upon Thee in) all of that ِ فَابػْتََدأَنيَفلَ َك احلَْم ُد َوال ُّش ْكُر and Thou caused me to begin (to call). Thine are the praise and the gratitude ِ ياَم ْن أَقاؿَ َعثػَْرِت O He who overlooked my slip, ِ َونػََّف َس ُكْربَِت relieved my distress ِ َوأَجا َب َد ْعَوِت heard my prayer, ِ َو َستػََر َعْوَرِت covered my defects

َوَغَفَر ذُنُوِيب forgave my sins

َوبػَلَّغَِين طَلَِيب caused me to reach my desire ِ َونَ َصَرين َعلى َع ُدِّوي and helped me against my enemy ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْف أَعَُّد نَعَم َك َومنػَنَ َك َوَكرائم منَح َك الاُ ْحصيها If I were to count Thy blessings, favors and generous acts of kindness I would not be able to reckon them

ياَمْوال َي O my Protector ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َمنػَْن َت Thou art He who was gracious ِ أَنْ َت الّذي أَنػَْع ْم َت Thou art He who blessed

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 36 َِّ أَنْ َت الذي أَ ْح َسْن َت Thou art He who worked good ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَ ْمجَْل َت Thou art He who was kind ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أ َفْ َضْل َت Thou art He who was bounteous َِّ أ َنْ َت الذي أَ ْكَمْل َت Thou art He who perfected ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َرَزقْ َت Thou art He who provided َِّ أَنْ َت الذي َوفػَّْق َت Thou art He who gave success ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَْعطَْي َت Thou art He who bestowed ِ أَن ْ َت الَّذي أَْغنػَْي َت Thou art He who enriched ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَقػْنػَْي َت Thou art He who contented َِّ أَنْ َت الذي آَويْ َت Thou art He who sheltered ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َكَفْي َت Thou art He who sufficed ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َىَديْ َت Thou art He who guided ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َع َص ْم َت Thou art He who preserved (from sin), ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َستػَْر َت Thou art He who covered (my sins), ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َغَفْر َت Thou art He who forgave A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 37 ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَقػَْل َت Thou art He who overlooked ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َم َّكْن َت Thou art He who established (in the earth), ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَْعَزْز َت Thou art He who exalted ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أََعْن َت Thou art He who aided ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َع َض ْد َت Thou art He who supported ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي أَيَّْد َت Thou art He who confirmed, ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي ن َ َصْر َت Thou art He who helped ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي َشَفْي َت Thou art He who healed, ِ أَنْ َت الَّذي عافػَْي َت Thou art He who gave well-being َِّ أَنْ َت الذي أَ ْكَرْم َت Thou art He who honored

تَباَرْك َت َوتَعالَْي َت blessed art Thou and high exalted ِ فػَلَ َك احلَْم ُد دائماً – So Thine is the praise everlastingly ِ َولَ َك ال ُّش ْكُر َواصباً أَبَداً Thine is gratitude enduringly and forever ِ ُمثَّ أَنا ياإِذلي ادلْعَُِت ؼُ بُِذنُوِيب ُ and Then I, my God, confess my sins ِ فَا ْغفْرىا ِِل so forgive me for them A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 38 ِ أَنا الَّذي أَ َسأْ ُت I am he who did evil ِ أَنا الَّذي أَ ْخطَأْ ُت I am he who made mistakes ِ أَنا الَّذي ََهَْم ُت I am he who purposed (to sin), ِ أَنا الَّذي َجِهْل ُت I am he who was ignorant ِ أَنا الَّذي َغَفْل ُت I am he who was heedless ِ أَنا الَّذي َسَهْو ُت I am he who was negligent َِّ أَنا الذي أَْعتََم ْد ُت I am he who relied (upon other than Thee), ِ أَنا لَّذي تػََعَّم ْد ُت I am he who premeditated َِّ أَنا الذي َوَع ْد ُت I am he who promised ِ أَنا الَّذي أَ ْخلَْف ُت I am he who went back on his word ِ أَنا الَّذي نَ َكثْ ُت I am he who disregarded my commitment َِّ أَنا الذي أَقػَْرْر ُت I am he who confessed (my sins) ِِّ ِِ ِ أَنا الذي ا ْعتػََرفْ ُت بنْعَمت َك َعلَ َّي and I am he who acknowledged Thy blessings upon me ِ ِ ِ َوعْندي َوأَبػُُوء ب ُذنُ وِيب and with me and then returned to my sins ِ فَا ْغفْرىا ِِل So forgive them for me A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 39 ِ ِِ ياَم ْن التَ ُضُّرهُ ذُنُو ُب عباده O He who is not harmed by the sins of His servants ِِ َوُىَو الغَُِّين َع ْن طا َعته ْم nor needs He their obedience ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِِ َوادلَوفِّ ُق َم ْن َعم َل صاحلا مْنػُه ْم مبَعُونَتو َوَرْمحَتو ُ He gives success through His aid and His mercy to whomsoever of them works righteousness ِ ِ ِ فػَلَ َك احلَْم ُد إذلي َو َسيِّدي So praise belongs to Thee, My God and My Lord

أََمْرتَِين فػََع َصْيتُ َك My God, Thou commanded me and I disobeyed

َونػََهْيتَِين فَاْرتَ َكْب ُت نػَْهيَ َك and Thou forbade me and I committed what Thou hadst forbidden ٍ فَأَ ْصبَ ْح ُت ال ذا بَرائة ِِل I became such that I neither possessed any mark of guiltlessness ِ ٍ ِ فَأَ ْعتَذُر َوال ذا قػَُّوة فَأَنػْتَصُر that I might ask forgiveness nor any power that I might be helped ِ ٍ ِ ِ ٍ ِ فَبأَ ِّي َش ْيَ أَنػْتَصُر فَبأَ ِّي َش ْيَ أَ ْستػَْقبلُ َك ياَمْوال َي Then by what means shall I turn toward Thee, O my Protector ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ أَب َس ْمعي أَْـ ببَ َصري أَْـ بلساين أَْـ بيَدي أَْـ برْجلي What, by my ears? Or my eyes? Or my tongue? Or my hand? Or my leg? ُّ ِ ِ ِ أَلَْي َس ُكلها نَعَم َك عْندي Are not all of them Thy blessings given to me?

َوبِ ُكلِّها َع َصْيتُ َك And with all of them I disobey Thee,

ياَمْوال َي O my Protector! ِ فػَلَ َك احلُ َّجةُ َوال َّسبي ُل َعلَ َّي Thine is the argument and the means against me ِ ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن َستػََرين م َن اآلباء َواالَُّمهات O He who veiled me (my sins) from fathers and mothers lest A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 40 ِ أَْف يػَْزُجُروين they drive me away ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوم َن الَع شائر َواإل ْخواف أَْف يػَُعيػُِّروين from relatives and brothers lest they rebuke me ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوم َن ال َّسالطٌن أَْف يُعاقبُوين and from kings lest they punish me! َّ َّ ِ ِ َولَْو اطلَعُوا ياَمْوال َي َعلى ما اطلَْع َت َعلَْيو مِّين If they had seen, O my Protector, what Thou hast seen from me, ِ ِ ِ ِ إذا ما أَنْظَُروين َولََرفَ ُضوين َوقَطَعُوين they would not have given me respite, they would have abandoned me and cut me off ِ ِ فَها أَنا ذا ياإذلي بػٌََْن يََديْ َك So here I am, O my God, before Thee O Lord, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يا َسيِّدي خاض ٌع ذَلي ٌل َحصًنٌ فَقًنٌ humbled, abased, constrained, despised ٍ ِ ال ذو بَرائة فَأَ ْعتَذُر neither possessing guiltlessness that I might ask forgiveness ٍ ِ َوال ذو قػَُّوة فَأَنػْتَصُر nor possessing power that I might be helped ٍ ِ َوال ُح َّج ة فَا ْحتَ ُّج ِبا There is no argument with which I might argue ِ ِ َوالقائ ٌل ََلْ ا ْجَُتْح َوََلْ أَْعَم ْل ُسوءاً nor can I say I committed not (sins) and worked not evil.

َوما َعسى اجلُ ُحود َولَْو َج َح ْد ُت ياَمْوال َي يػَْنػَفعُِينُ And denial, were I to deny-my Protector-could hardly profit me ِ ِِ َكْي َف َوأََّّن ذل َك َوَجوارحي ُكلُّها How could it ever do that? ِ ِ ِ شاىَدةٌ َعلَ َّي مبا قَْد َعمْل ُت For all of my members are witness against me for what I have done ِ ِ ِ َوَعل ْم ُت يَقينا َغْيػَر ذي َش ٍّك And I acted with certainty and without any doubt that A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 41 ِِ ِ ِ أَنَّ َك سائلي م ْن َعظائِم االُُموِر Thou wilt ask me about great affairs َِّ َوأَنَّ َك احلَ َك ُم الَع ْدؿُ الذي الََتُوُر and that Thou art the equitable Judge who does no wrong. ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَع ْدلُ َك ُمْهلك ي َوم ْن ُك ِّل َع ْدل َك َمْهَرِيب Thy justice is deadly for me and I flee from Thy every just act ِ ِ ِ ِ فَإ ْف تػَُعِّذبِْين ياإذلي فَبُِذنُوِيب بػَْعَد ُح َّجت َك َعلَ َّي If thou chastisest me, O my God, it is for my sins after Thy argument against me ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْف تػَْع ُف َعِّين فَبحْلم َك َو ُجودؾَ َوَكَرم َك and if Thou pardonest me, it is by Thy clemency generosity and kindness. ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن الظالم ٌَن "There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee l Truly I am one of the wrong-doers" (XXI, 87). ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م ْن ادل ْستػَْغفري َن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am oneُ of those who pray forgiveness ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن ادلَوِّحدي َن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee I Truly I am oneُ of those who profess Thy Unity ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن اخلائف ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am one of the fearful. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْب حانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن الَوجل ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee I Truly I am one of those who are afraid. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن الَّراج ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am one of the hopeful ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن الَّراغب ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am one of those who yearn. ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن ادلَهلِّل ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am oneُ of those who say "There is no god but Thou". ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن ال َّسائل ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am one of the petitioners.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 42 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن ادل َسبِّح ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am oneُ of the glorifiers ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك إ ِّين ُكْن ُت م َن ادل َكِّربي َن .There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee! Truly I am oneُ of those who magnify ِ ِ ِ ِ ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت ُسْبحانَ َك َرِّيب َوَر ُّب آبائي األّول ٌَن There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee, my Lord, and theَ Lord of my fathers, the ancients ِ اللُّه َّم ىذا ثَنائي َعلَْي َك ُشلَ ِّجداً My God, this is my praise of Thee exalting Thy majesty ِ ِ ِِ ِ َوإ ْخالصي لذْكرؾَ ُمَوِّحداً my sincerity in remembering Thee by professing Thy Unity, ِ ِ ِ َوإقْراري بآالئ َك ُمَعِّدداً and my acknowledgment of Thy bounties by enumeration, ِ ِ َوإ ْف ُكْن ُت ُمقّرا even though I acknowledge ِ ِ ِ ِ إ ِّين ََلْ أ ُ ْحصها ل َكثػَْرهتا that I cannot reckon them for their multitude ِ ِ َو ُسبُوغها َوتَظاُىِرىا َوتَقاُدمها their abundance, their manifestness and their existence from ancient times ِ ٍ ِ إِىل حادث ما ََلْ تػََزؿْ تػَتػََعَّه ُدِين بِو until a present in which Thou hast never ceased to care for me through them

َمَعها ُمْن ُذ َخلَْقتَِين from when Thou created me ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوبػََرأْتَِين م ْن أََّوؿ العُمر م َن اإل ْغناء م َن الَفْقر and brought me into existence in the beginning of (my) life, by enriching from poverty, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَك ْشف ال ُّضِّر َوتَ ْسبيب اليُ ْسر َوَدفِْع العُ ْسر relieving affliction, bringing ease, removing hardship, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوتػَْفِري ِج ال َكْرب َوالعافيَة يف البََدف َوال َّسالَمة يف الِّدي ِن dispelling distress, and (giving me) well-being in body and soundness in religion ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َولَْو َرفََدين َعلى قَْدر نْعَمت َك َمجي ُع العالَم ٌَن م َن األَّول ٌَن َواآلخري َن ماقََدْر ُت A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 43 Were all the world's inhabitants, both the ancients and the later folk, to assist me in attempting to mention Thy blessing, I would not be able, ِ َوال ُى ْم َعلى ذل َك تػََقَّد ْس َت َوتَعالَْي َت nor would they, to do so. Holy art Thou and high exalted ِ ِ ِ م ْن َر ٍّب َعظيٍم َرحيٍم a generous, mighty, merciful Lord.

ال َُْتصى آالُؤؾَ Thy bounties cannot be reckoned

َوال يػُْبػلَ ُغ ثَناُؤؾَ nor Thy praise accomplished

َوال تُكاِف نػَْعماؤؾَ nor Thy blessings repaid ٍ ِ ٍ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد Bless Muhammad and the household of Muhammad ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوأَْْت ْم َعْلينا نَعَم َك َوأَ ْسع ْدنا بطا َعت َك complete Thy blessings upon us and aid us in Thy obedience ِ ِ ُسْبحانَ َك ال إلوَ إالّ أَنْ َت Glory be to Thee! There is no god but Thou ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم إنَّ َك َُتي ُب ادل ْضطََّر َوتَ ْكش ُف ال ُّسوءَ ُ ,O God, truly Thou hearest the destitute, removest the evil ِ ِ ِ َوتُغي ُث ادل ْكُرو َب َوتُ ْشفي ال َّسق ي َم َ healest the sick, succourest the afflicted ِ ِ َوتػُْغِين الَفق ًَن َوََْتبػُُر ال َكس ًَن enrichest the poor and mendest the broken ِ ِ ِ َوتػَْرَح ُم ال َّصغ ًَن َوتُع ٌُن ال َكب ًَن hast mercy upon the young and helpest the old ِ َولَْي َس ُدونَ َك ظَهًنٌ There is no Support other than Thee ِ َوال فػَْوقَ َك قَديٌر and none powerful over Thee. A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 44 ِ ِ َوأَنْ َت الَعل ُّي ال َكبًنُ And Thou art the Sublime, the Great. ِ ِ ياُمطْل َق ادل َكبَِّل األس ًِن ُ !O Freer of the prisoner in irons

ياراِزؽَ الطِّْفِل ال َّصغِ ًِن O Provider of the infant child ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ياع ْصَمةَ اخلائف ادل ْستَجًن ُ !O Protection of the frightened refugee ِ ِ ياَم ْن ال َشري َك لَوُ َوال َوزيَر O He who has no associate and no assistant! ٍ ِ ٍ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد Bless Muhammad and the household of Muhammad, ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ َوأَْعطِين يف ىذه الَعشيَّة and give me this evening the best of what Thou hast given ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَفْ َض َل ما أَْعطَْي َت َوأَنػَْل َت أَ َحداً م َن العالَم ٌَن م ْن عبادؾَ ا to and bestowed upon any of Thy servants, ِ ِ ٍ ِ م ْن نْعَمة تُوليو whether a blessing Thou assignest, ٍ َوآال َُتَِّدُدىا a bounty Thou renewest, ِ ٍ َوبَليَّة تَ ْصِرفُها a problem Thou avertest, ٍ ِ َوُكْربَة تَ ْكشُفها an affliction Thou removest, ٍ َََدوْعَوة تَ ْسَمعُها a prayer Thou hearest, ٍ َوَح َسنَة تػَتػََقبػَّلُها a good deed Thou acceptest ٍ َو َسيِّئَة تػَتػَغََّم ُدىا or an evil deed Thou overlookest A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 45 ِ ِ ِ ِ إنَّ َك لَطي ٌف مبا تَشاءُ َخبًنٌ Truly Thou art gracious, Aware of what Thou wilt, ٍ ِ َوَعلى ُك ِّل َش ْيَ قَديٌر and Powerful over all things! ِ ِ اللُّه َّم إنَّ َك أَقػْ َر ُب َم ْن ُدعي َوأَ ْسَرعُ َم ْن أَجا َب َ ,O God, truly Thou art the nearest of those who are called

َوأَ ْكَرُـ َم ْن َعفى َوأَْو َس ُع َم ْن أَْعطى the swiftest of those who answer ِ َوأَ ْمسَُع َم ْن ُسئ ْل , the most generous of those who pardon ِ ِ ياَرْمح َن الُّدنْيا َواآلخرة َوَرحيَمُهما, O Merciful and Compassionate in this world and the next! ِ ِ لَْي َس َكمثْل َك َم ْسؤوؿٌ the most openhanded of those who give ِ َوال سواؾَ َمأُْموؿٌ and the most hearing of those who are asked of.

َد َعْوتُ َك فَأَ َجْبتَِين Like Thee none is asked of;

َو َسأَلْتُ َك فَأَ ْعطَْيتَِين I asked of Thee and Thou gavest to me, ِ ِ ِ َوَرغْب ُت إلَْي َك فػََرمحْتَِين I set Thee as my quest and Thou hadst mercy upon me, ِ ِ َوَوثْقت ب َك فػَنَ َّجْيتَِين I depended upon Thee and Thou delivered me, ِ َوفَِزْع ُت إلَْي َك فَ َكَفْيتَِين I took refuge with Thee and Thou sufficed me, ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم فَ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد َعْبدؾَ َوَرُسول َك َونَبيِّ َك O God, so bless Muhammad, Thy servant, messenger and prophet, ِِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ َوَعلى آلو الطيِّب ٌَن الطاىري َن أَ ْمجَع ٌَن and his good and pure household, all of them. A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 46

َوَْتِّْم لَنا نػَْعمائ َك َوَىنِّْئنا َعطائَ َك And complete Thy blessings upon us, gladden us with Thy gift ِِ َوا ْكتُْبنا لَ َك شاكري َن and inscribe us as those who thank Thee ِ ِِ َوِال الئ َك ذاكري َن and remember Thy bounties. ِ ِ ِ آم ٌَن آم ٌَن َر َّب العالَم ٌَن Amen, amen, O Lord of all beings!

اللُّه َّم ياَم ْن َملَ َك فػََقَدَر O God, O He who owned and then was all-powerful,

َوقََدَر فػََقَهَر was all-powerful and then subjected, ِ َوعُصي فَ َستػَْر َ ,(was disobeyed and then veiled (the sin of disobedience

َوا ْستػُْغَفَر فػَغََفَر and was prayed forgiveness and then forgave. ِ ياغايَةَ الطَّالبِ ٌَن O Goal of yearning seekers ِ َوُمْنتَهى أََمِل الَّراج ٌَن and utmost Wish of the hopeful! ِ ٍ ِ ياَم ْن أَحا َط ب ُك ِّل َش ْيَ علْما O He who "encompasses everything in knowledge" (LXV,12) ِ ِ ِ َوَوس َع ادل ْستَقيل ٌَن َرأْفَةً َوَرْمحَةً َوحْلما ُ !and embraces those who seek pardon in tenderness, mercy and clemency ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ َّ َّ اللُّه َّم إنَّا نػَتػََوَّجو ُ إلَْي َك يف ىذه الَعشيَّة الِِت َشَّرفػْتَها َوعَظ ْمتَها O God, truly we turn towards Thee this evening, which Thou honored and glorified ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ مبُ َحَّمد نَبيِّ َك َوَرُسول َك َوخيػََرت َك م ْن َخْلق َك through Muhammad, Thy prophet and messenger, the elect of Thy creation, ِ وأَِمينِ َك على وحيِ َك الب ِش ًِن النَّذيِر ال ِّسراِج ادلنِ ًِن َ َ َ ْ َ ُ A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 47 the faithful guardian of Thy-revelation which bears good tidings and warning and which is he light-giving lamp ِ ِِ ِِ الَّذي أَنػَْع ْم َت بو َعلى ادل ْسلم ٌَن ُ (which Thou gavest to those who surrender (al-muslimin ِ ِ َوَجَعْلتَوُ َرْمحَةً لْلعالَم ٌَن and appointed as a mercy to the world's inhabitants. ٍ ِ ٍ اللُّه َّم فَ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد O God, so bless Muhammad and the household of Muhammad ِ ِ ِ َكما ُزل ََّمٌد أَْى ٌل لذل َك مْن َك just as Muhammad is worthy of that from Thee ِ ِ ِِ ِ يا َعظي ُم فَ َص ِّل َعلَْيو َوَعلى آلو ادلْنتَ َجب ٌَن ُ O Sublime! So bless him and َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ الطيِّب ٌَن الطاىري َن أَ ْمجَع ٌَن his elect, good and pure household, all of them, ِ َوتػَ غََّم ْدنا بَعْفِوؾَ َعنّا and encompass us in Thy pardon ِ ِ ِ فَِإلَْي َك َع َّجت األ ْصوا ُت بِ ُصنُوؼ اللُّغات for to Thee cry voices in diverse languages. ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ فَا ْجَع ْل لَنا اللُّه َّم يف ىذه الَعشيَّة َفَصيبا So appoint for us a share this evening, O God ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ م ْن ُك ِّل َخًْن تػَْقس ُموُ بػٌََْن عبادؾَ of every good which Thou dividest among Thy servants, ِ ِِ َونُوراً تػَْهدي بو every light by which Thou guidest

َوَرْمحَةً تػَْن ُشُرىا every mercy which Thou spreadest, ِ َوبػََرَكةً تػُْنزُذلا every blessing which Thou sendest down ِ َوعافيَةً َُتَلِّلُها every well-being with which Thou clothest A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 48 ِ َورْزقاً تػَْب ُسطُوُ and every provision which Thou outspreadest ِِ ياأَْرَح َم الَّرامح ٌَن O Most merciful of the merciful! ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم أَقْلْبنا يف ىذا الَوقْت ُم ْنجح ٌَن ُمْفلح ٌَن O God, transform us now into men successful, triumphant ِ ِِ َمْبػُروري َن غاِن ٌَن pious, and prosperous ِ ِ ِ َوال ََْتَعْلنا م َن القانط ٌَن Set us not among those who despair, ِ ِ ِ َوال َُتْلنا م ْن َرْمحَت َك empty us not of Thy mercy, ِ ِ َوال ََْتِرْمنا ما نػَُؤِّملُوُ م ْن فَ ْضل َك deprive us not of that bounty of Thine for which we hope ِ ِ ِ َوال ََْتَعْلنا م ْن َرْمحَت َك َْزلُروم ٌَن and set us not among those deprived of Thy mercy, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوال لَف ْضِل ما نػَُؤِّملُوُ م ْن َعطائ َك قان ط ٌَن nor those who despair of the bounty of Thy gift for which we hope. ِِ َوال تػَُرَّدنا خائب ٌَن Reject us not with the disappointed ِ ِ ِ َوال م ْن باب َك َمطُْرودي َن nor those driven from Thy door. ِ ياأَ ْجَوَد األ ْجَودي َن O Most Magnanimous of the most magnanimous! ِ َوياأَ ْكَرَـ األ ْكَرم ٌَن O Most Generous of the most generous! ِ ِِ إلَْي َك أَقػْبػَْلنا ُموقن ٌَن Toward Thee we have turned having sure faith, ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َولبػَْيت َك احلَراـ آِّم ٌَن قاصدي َن repairing to and bound for Thy Sacred House. A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 49 ِ ِ ِ فَأَعن ّا َعلى َمناسكنا So help is with our holy rites,

َوَكِّم ْل لَنا َح َّجنا perfect for us our pilgrimage, ِ َوا ْع ُف َعنّا َوعافن ا pardon us, and give us well-being ِ ِ فػََق ْد َمَدْدنا إلَْي َك أَيْدينا for we have extended toward Thee our hands ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فَهي ب ذلَّة اال ْعُتاؼ َمْو ُسوَمةٌ َ and they are branded with the abasement of confession ِ ِِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم فَأَ ْعطنا ِيف ىذه الَعشيَّة ما َسأَلْناؾَ O God, so give us this evening what we have asked of Thee ِ َوا ْكفنا ما ا ْستَ ْكَفْيناؾَ and suffice us in that in which we have prayed Thee to suffice us, ِ ِ ِ فَال كا َيف لنا سواؾَ for there is none to suffice us apart from Thee

َوال َر َّب لَنا َغْيػُرؾَ and we have no lord other than Thee.

ِ ِ نافٌذ فينا ُح ْك ُم َك Put into effect concerning us is Thy decision

ِ ِ ِ ُزلي ٌط بنا عْل ُم َك encompassing us is Thy knowledge ِ َع ْدؿٌ فينا قَضاُؤؾَ and just for us is Thy decree

اقْ ِض لَنا اخلَْيػَر Decree for us the good ِ ِ َوا ْجَعْلنا م ْن أَْىِل اخلًَْن and place us among the people of the good ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم أَْوج ْب لَنا َن ُودؾَ َعظي َم األ ْجر O God make encumbent upon us through Thy magnanimity the mightiest wage A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 50 ِ ُّ ِ َوَكرميَ الذ ْخر the most generous treasure

َوَدواَـ اليُ ْسِر and the lastingness of ease

ِ ِ َوا ْغفْر لَنا ذُنُوبَنا أَ ْمجَع ٌَن Forgive us our sins, all of them

ِ ِ ِ َوال تػُْهل ْكنا َم َع اذلالك ٌَن destroy us not with those who perish ِ ِِ َوال تَ ْصر ؼْ َعنّا َرأْفػَتَ َك َوَرْمحَتَ َك يا أَْرَح َم الَّرامح ٌَن and turn not Thy tenderness and mercy away from us O Most Merciful of the merciful ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم ا ْجَعْلنا يف ىذا الَوقْت شلَّْن َسأَلَ َك فَأَ ْعطَْيتَوُ O God, place us in this hour among those who ask of Thee and to whom Thou givest ِ َو َش َكَرؾَ فَزْدتَوُ who thank Thee and whom Thou increasest ِ ِ َوثا َب إلَْي َك فػََقبْلتَوُ who turn to Thee in repentance and whom Thou acceptest ِ ِ ِ ِّ َوتػَنَ َّص َل إلَْي َك م ْن ذُنُوبوُ ُكلها فػَغََفْرَهتا لَوُ and who renounce all of their sins before Thee and whom Thou forgivest

ِ ِ ِ ياذا اجلَالؿ َواال ْكراـ O Lord of majesty and splendor

ِ اللُّه َّم َونػَِّقنا َو َسِّدْدنا َواقػْب َ ْل تَ َضُّرَعنا يا َخْيػَر َم ْن ُسئ ْل O God, purify us show us the right way and accept our entreaty

ِ َوياأَْرَح َم َم ْن ا ْستػُْرح َم O Best of those from whom is asked And O Most Merciful of those whose mercy is sought

ِ ِ ِ ياَم ْن ال َُيفى َعلَْيو إ ْغما ُض اجل ُُفوف O He from whom is not hidden the eyelids' winking,

ِ َوال َحلْ ُظ العُيُوف the eyes' glancing ِ ِ َوال ما ا ْستػََقَّر يف ادل ْكنُوف َ that which rests in the concealed A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 51 ِ ِ َوال ما انْطََو ْت َعلَْيو ُم ْضَمرا ُت الُقلُوب and that which is enfolded in hearts' hidden secrets

ِ ِ أَال ُك ُّل ذل َك قَْد أَ ْحصاهُ عْل ُم َك What, has not all of that been reckoned in Thy knowledge

ِ ِ َوَوسَعوُ حْل ُم َك and embraced by Thy clemency? ِ ِ ُسْبحانَ َك َوتَعالَْي َت َعّما يػَُقوؿُ الظَّال ُموَف عُلُّوا َكبًنا ً Glory be to Thee and high indeed art Thou exalted above what the evil-doers say ِ ِ تُ َسبِّ ُح لَ َك ال َّسماوا ُت ال َّسْب ُع َواألَْرضوَف َوَم ْن فيه َّن The seven heavens and the earths and all that is therein praise Thee,

ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ َوإ ْف م ْن َش ْيَ إالّ يُ َسبِّ ُح ُنَْمدؾَ So Thine is the praise, the glory and the exaltation of majesty,

فػَلَ َك احلَْم ُد َوادل ْج ُد َوعُلُُّو اجلَِّد َ O Lord of majesty and splendor, of bounty and blessing and of great favor

ِ ِ ِ ِ ياذا اجلَالؿ َواال ْكراـ َوالَف ْضِل َواإلنْعاـ And Thou art the Magnanimous, the Generous

ِ ِ ِ َواأليْادي اجلساـ and of great favor

َوأَنْ َت اجلَواُد ال َكِرميُ And Thou art the Magnanimous, the Generous

ِ الَّرُؤو ؼُ الَّرحي ُم the Tender, the Compassionate

ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُّه َّم أَْوس ْع َعلَ َّي م ْن ِرْزق َك احلَالؿ O God, give me amply of Thy lawful provision ِ ِ ِ ِ َوعافِين يف بََدين َوديِين bestow upon me well-being in my body and my religion ِ ِ َوآم ْن َخْويف make me safe from fear ِ ِ ِ َوا ْعت ْق َرقػَبَِِت م َن النَّار and deliver me from the Fire A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 52 ِ اللُّه َّم الْتْ ُكْر ِيب َوال تَ ْستَْد رْجِين O God, devise not against me lead me not on step by step

ِ ِ َوال ََتَْد ْعِين َواْدَرأْ َعِّين َشَّر فَ َسَقة اجل ِّن َواإلنْ ِس trick me not and avert from me the evil of the ungodly among jinn and men.

Then he (Imam Hussain) lifted his head and eyes toward Heaven Tears were flowing from his blessed eyes as if they were two waterskins, and he said in a loud voice:

ِ ِ يا أَ ْمسَع ال َّسامع ٌَن O Most Hearing of those who hear! ِِ يا أَبْ َصر النَّاظري َن O Most Seeing of those who behold ِ ِ َويا أَ ْسَرَع احلاسب ٌَن O Swiftest of reckoners

ِِ َوياأَْرَح َم الَّرامح ٌَن O Most Merciful of the merciful!

ٍ ِ ٍ َص ِّل َعلى ُزلََّمد َوآؿ ُزلََّمد Bless Muhammad and the household of Muhammad

ِ ِ ال َّساَدة ادليام ٌَن َ .the chiefs, the fortunate َّ َوأَسأَلُ َك اللُّه َّم حا َجِِت الِِت And, I ask of Thee, O God, my need

ِ ِ إ ْف أَْعطَْيتَنيها ََلْ يَ ُضَّرِين ما َمنػَْعتَِين If Thou grantest it to me what Thou holdest back from me will cause me no harm; and if Thou holdest it back from me,

ِ ِ َوإ ْف َمنػَْعتَنيها ََلْ يػَْنػَفْع ِين ما أَْعطَْيتَِين what Thou grantest me will not profit me ِ ِ أَسأَلُ َك فَكاؾَ َرقػَبَِِت م َن النَّار I ask Thee to deliver Irse from the Fire.

ال إِلوَ إِالّ أَنْ َت There is no god but Thou alone

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 53

َو ْحَدؾَ ال َشِري َك لَ َك Thou hast no associate

لَ َك ادلْل ُك َولَ َك احلَْم ُد ُ Thine is the dominion, and Thine is the praise

ٍ ِ َوأَنْ َت َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْيَ قَديٌر and Thou art powerful over everything

ياَر ِّب ياَر ِّب ياَر ِّب ياَر ِّب ياَر ِّب O my Lord! O my Lord O my Lord! O my Lord

Here the Imam started weeping loudly and the people gathered around him and cried with him until the sunset then they started to leave A‘arfah toward Almuzdalifa.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 54 Dua of Imam Ali ibn Husayn (a.s.) for the day of Arafah

دعاء االماـ علي بن احلسٌن الس َّجاد زين العابدين ) عليو السالـ ( يف يوـ عرفة َِِّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْحلَْم ُد للو َر ِّب الَْعالَم ٌَن اللُه َّم ل َ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد بَدي َع ال َّسَماَوات َو اْألَْر ِض ، ذَا ا ْجلََالؿ َو اْإل ْكَراـ ، َر َّب ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِِ اْألَْربَاب ، َو إلَوَ ُك ِّل َمأْلُوه ، َو َخال َق ُك ِّل َسلْلُوؽ ، َو َوار َث ُك ِّل َش ْي ء ، لَْي َس َكمثْلو َش ْي ءٌ ، َو َال يػَْعُز ُب ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ َعْنوُ عْل ُم َش ْي ء ، َو ُىَو ب ُك ِّل َش ْي ء ُزلي ٌط ، َو ُىَو َعلَى ُك ِّل َش ْي ء َرقي ٌب . َّ ِ َِّ َّ ِ َِّ ِ أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، اْألَ َح ُد الُْمتػََوِّح ُد الَْفْرُد الُْمتػََفِّرُد َو أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، الْ َكرميُ الُْمتَ َكِّرُـ ، ِ ِّ ِ َّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الَْعظي ُم الُْم تػََعظ ُم ، الْ َكبًنُ الُْمتَ َكبػُِّر َو أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، الَْعل ُّي الُْمتػََعاؿ ، ال َّشدي ُد الْم َحاؿ َو َّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، الَّرْمحَ ُن الَّرحي ُم ، الَْعلي ُم ا ْحلَكي ُم . َو أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، ال َّسمي ُع الْبَصًنُ ِ ِ َّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ َّ ِ َِّ ، الَْقدميُ ا ْخلَبًنُ َو أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، الْ َكرميُ اْألَ ْكَرُـ ، الَّدائ ُم اْألَْدَوُـ ، َو أ َنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ٍ ِ ٍ َّ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ، اْألََّوؿُ قػَْب َل ُك ِّل أَ َحد ، َو اْآلخُر بػَْعَد ُك ِّل َعَدد َو أَنْ َت اللوُ َال إلَوَ إال أَنْ َت ، الَّداين يف عُلُِّوه ، َو الَْعاِل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يف ُدنػُِّوه َو أَنْ َت اللَّوُ َال إلَوَ إَّال أَنْ َت ، ذُو الْبػََهاء َو الَْم ْجد ، َو الْكْربيَاء َو ا ْحلَْمد َو أَنْ َت اللَّوُ َال إلَوَ إَّال َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ أَنْ َت ، الذي أَنْ َشأْ َت اْألَ ْشيَاءَ م ْن َغًْن سْن ٍخ ، َو َصَّوْر َت َما َصَّوْر َت م ْن َغًْن مثَاؿ ، َو ابػْتََد ْع َت ِ ِ ِ ٍ َِّ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ الُْمْبتََد َعات بَال ا ْحتَذاء . أَنْ َت الذي قََّدْر َت ُك َّل َش ْي ء تػَْقديراً ، َو يَ َّسْر َت ُك َّل َش ْي ء تػَْيسًناً ، َو َدبػَّْر َت َما ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُدونَ َك تَْدبًناً أَنْ َت الذي ََلْ يُعْن َك َعلَى َخْلق َك َشري ٌك ، َو ََلْ يػَُوازْرؾَ يف أَْمرؾَ َوزيٌر ، َو ََلْ يَ ُك ْن لَ َك ِ ِ َِّ ُم َشاىٌد َو َال نَظًنٌ . أَنْ َت الذي أََرْد َت فَ َكا َف َحْتماً َما أََرْد َت ، َو قَ َضْي َت فَ َكا َف ع َ ْدًال َما قَ َضْي َت ، َو ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ َح َك ْم َت فَ َكا َف ن ْصفاً َما َح َك ْم َت . أَنْ َت الذي َال َُْيوي َك َم َكا ٌف ، َو ََلْ يػَُق ْم ل ُسْلطَان َك ُسْلطَا ٌف ، َو ََلْ ِ َِّ ٍ ِ ٍ يػُْعي َك بػُْرَىا ٌف َو َال بػَيَا ٌف . أَنْ َت الذي أَ ْح َصْي َت ُك َّل َش ْي ء َعَدداً ، َو َجَعْل َت ل ُك ِّل َش ْي ء أََمداً ، َو قََّدْر َت ٍ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ُك َّل َش ْي ء تػَْقديراً . أَنْ َت الذي قَ ُصَرت اْألَْوَىاُـ َع ْن ذَاتيَّت َك ، َو َع َجَزت اْألَفػَْهاُـ َع ْن َكْيفيَّت َك ، َو ََلْ تُْدرؾ A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 55 ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ اْألَبْ َصاُر َمْوض َع أَيْنيَّت َك . أَنْ َت الذي َال َُتَُّد فػَتَ ُكوَف َ زلْ ُدوداً ، َو ََلْ ُْتَثَّ ْل فػَتَ ُكوَف َمْو ُجوداً ، َو ََلْ تَل ْد َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فػَتَ ُكوَف َمْولُوداً . أَنْ َت الذي َال ضَّد َمَع َك فػَيػَُعانَدؾَ ، َو َال ع ْدؿَ لَ َك فػَيُ َكاثَرؾَ ، َو َال نَّد لَ َك فػَيػَُعار َض َك َِّ . أَنْ َت الذي ابػْتََدأَ ، َو ا ْختػََرَع ، َو ا ْس تَ ْحَد َث ، َو ابػْتََد َع ، َو أَ ْح َس َن ُصْن َع َما َصنََع . ُسْب َحانَ َك َما أَ َج َّل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ َشأْنَ َك ، َو أَ ْسَىن يف اْألََماك ِن َم َكانَ َك ، َو أَ ْصَد َع با ْحلَِّق فػُْرقَانَ َك ُسْب َحانَ َك م ْن لَطيف َما أَلْطََف َك ، َو ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ٍ ٍ ِ َرءُوؼ َما أَْرأَفَ َك ، َو َحكيم َما أ َْعَرفَ َك ُسْب َحانَ َك م ْن َمليك َما أَْمنػََع َك ، َو َجَواد َما أَْو َسَع َك ، َو َرفيٍع ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َما أَْرفػََع َك ذُو الْبػََهاء َو الَْم ْجد َو الْكْربيَاء َو ا ْحلَْمد . ُسْب َحانَ َك بَ َسطْ َت با ْخلَْيػَرات يََدؾَ ، َو عُرفَت اْذلَدايَةُ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ م ْن عْندؾَ ، فََم ِن الْتََم َس َك لدي ٍن أَْو ُدنػْيَا َوَجَدؾَ ُسْب َحانَ َك َخ َض َع لَ َك َم ْن َجَرى يف عْلم َك ، َو َخ َش َع ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ لَعظََمت َك َما ُدوَف َعْرش َك ، َو انػَْقاَد للتَّ ْسليِم لَ َك ُك ُّل َخْلق َك ُسْب َحانَ َك َال َُتَ ُّس َو َال َُتَ ُّس َو َال ُْتَ ُّس َو ِ َال تُ َكاُد َو َال ُْتَا ُط َو َال تػُنَاَزعُ َو َال َُتَاَرى َو َال ُْتَاَرى َو َال َُتَاَدعُ َو َال ُْتَا َكُر ُسبْ َحانَ َك َسبيلُ َك َجَد ٌد . ِ َو أَْمُرؾَ َرَشٌد ، َو أَنْ َت َح ٌّي َصَمٌد . ُسْب َحانَ َك قَولُ َك ُح ْك ٌم ، َو قَ َضاُؤؾَ َحْت ٌم ، َو إَراَدتُ َك َعْزٌـ . ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُسْب َح انَ َك َال َراَّد لَمشيَّت َك ، َو َال ُمبَِّدؿَ ل َكلَمات َك . ُسْب َحانَ َك بَاىَر اْآليَات ، فَاطَر ال َّسَماَوات ، بَار َئ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ النَّ َسَمات لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َمحْداً يَُدوُـ بَدَوام َك َو لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َمحْداً َخالداً بنْعَمت َك . َو لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َمحْداً يػَُوازي ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ُصْنػَع َك َو لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َمحْداً يَزي ُد َعلَى ر َضاؾَ . َو لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َمحْداً َم َع َمحْد ُك ِّل َحامد ، َو ُش ْكراً يػَْق ُصُر ٍِ ِ َِّ ِِ َِّ ِ ِِ َعْنوُ ُش ْكُر ُك ِّل َشاكر َمحْداً َال يػَْنبَغي إال لَ َك ، َو َال يػُتػََقَّر ُب بو إال إلَْي َك َمحْداً يُ ْستََداُـ بو اْألََّوؿُ ، َو ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يُ ْستَْد َعى بو َدَواُـ اْآلخر . َمحْداً يػَتَ َضا َع ُف َعلَى ُكُرور اْألَْزمنَة ، َو يػَتػََزايَُد أَ ْضَعافاً ُمتػََرادفَةً . َمحْداً يػَْعجُز َع ْن ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ إ ْح َصائو ا ْحلََفظَةُ ، َو يَِزي ُد عَلَى َما أَ ْح َصْتوُ يف ك تَاب َك الْ َكتَبَةُ َمحْداً يُوازُف َعْرَش َك الَْمجيَد َو يػَُعادؿُ ُكْرسيَّ َك ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِِِ ِ الَّرفي َع . َمحْداً يَ ْك ُم ُل لََديْ َك ثػََوابُوُ ، َو يَ ْستػَْغرؽُ ُك َّل َجَزاء َجَزاُؤهُ َمحْداً ظَاىُرهُ َوفْ ٌق لبَاطنو ، َو بَاط نُوُ َوفْ ٌق

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 56 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ لص ْدؽ النػِّيَّة َمحْداً ََلْ َُْيَم ْدؾَ َخْل ٌق مثػْلَوُ ، َو َال يػَْعر ؼُ أَ َحٌد سَواؾَ فَ ْضلَوُ َمحْداً يػَُعا ُف َم ِن ا ْجتػََهَد يف ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تػَْعديده ، َو يػَُؤيَُّد َم ْن أَْغَرؽَ نػَْزعاً يف تػَْوفيَتو . َمحْداً َْجيَم ُع َما َخلَْق َت م َن ا ْحلَْمد ، َو يػَْنتَظ ُم َما أَنْ َت َخالُقوُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ م ْن بػَْع ُد . َمحْداً َال َمحَْد أَقػَْر ُب إَىل قػَْول َك مْنوُ ، َو َال أَ ْمحََد شلَّْن َُْيَم ُدؾَ بو . َمحْداً يُوج ُب ب َكَرم َك الَْمزيَد ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بُوفُوره ، َو تَصلُوُ مبَزيد بػَْعَد َمزيد طَْوًال مْن َك ، َمحْداً َجي ُب ل َكَرـ َو ْجه َك ، َو يػَُقاب ُل عَّز َجَالل َك . ٍ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آؿ ُزلََّمد ، الُْمْنتَ َجب الُْم ْصطََفى الُْم َكَّرـ الُْمَقَّرب ، أَفْ َض َل َصلََوات َك ، َو بَارؾْ ِ ِ ِ ِ َعلَْيو أََمتَّ بػََرَكات َك ، َو تػََرَّح ْم َعلَْيو أَْمتََع َرَمحَات َك . ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو ، َصَالةً َزاكيَةً َال تَ ُكوُف َصَالةٌ أَْزَكى مْنػَها ، َو َص ِّل َعلَْيو َصَالةً نَاميَةً َال تَ ُكوُف ِ ِ ِ َصَالةٌ أَِْنَى مْنػَها ، َو َص ِّل َعلَْيو َصَالةً َراضيَةً َال تَ ُكوُف َصَالةٌ فػَْوقػََها . ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو ، َصَالةً تػُْرضيو َو تَِزي ُد َعلَى ر َضاهُ ، َو َص ِّل َعلَْيو َصَالةً تػُْرضي َك و تَِزي ُد َعلَى ِ ِ َِّ ِ ر َضاؾَ لَوُ َو َص ِّل َعلَْيو َصَالةً َال تػَْر َضى لَوُ إال ِبَا ، َو َال تػََرى َغْيػَرهُ َذلَا أَْىًال . ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو َصَالةً َُتَاوُز ر ْضَوانَ َك ، َو يػَتَّص ُل اتِّ َصاُذلَا ببػََقائ َك ، َو َال يػَْنػَف ُد َكَما َال تػَْنػَف ُد ِ َكلَماتُ َك . ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو ، َصَالةً تػَْنتَظ ُم َصلََوات َمَالئ َكت َك َو أَنْبيَائ َك َو ُرُسل َك َو أَْىِل طَا َع ت َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تَ ْشتَم ُل َعلَى َصلََوات عبَادؾَ م ْن جنِّ َك َو إنْس َك َو أَْىِل إ َجابَت َك ، َو ََْتتَم ُع َعلَى َصَالة ُك ِّل َم ْن ذََرأْ َت َو ِ ِ ِ بػََرأْ َت م ْن أَ ْصنَاؼ َخْلق َك .

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 57 ِ ِِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ٍ ٍ ِ ِِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَْيو َو آلو ، َصَالةً َُتي ُط ب ُك ِّل َصَالة َسالَفة َو ُم ْست َأْنػََفة ، َو َص ِّل َعلَْيو َو َعلَى آلو ، َصَالةً ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َمْرضيَّةً لَ َك َو لَم ْن ُدونَ َك ، َو تػُْنش ُئ َم َع ذَل َك َصلََوات تُ َضاع ُف َمَعَها تْل َك ال َّصلََوات عْنَدَىا ، َو ت َزي ُدَىا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َعلَى ُكُرور اْألَيَّاـ زيَاَدةً يف تَ َضاعي َف َال يػَعُُّدَىا َغ ْيػُرؾَ . ِ ِ ِِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى أَطَايب أَْىِل بػَْيتو الذي َن ا ْختػَْرتػَُه ْم ألَْمِرؾَ ، َو َجَعْلتػَُه ْم َخَزنَةَ عْلم َك ، َو َحَفظَةَ د ين َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ُخلََفاءؾََ يف أَْرض َك ، َو ُح َج َج َك َعلَى عبَادؾَ ، َو طََّهْرتػَُه ْم م َن الِّرْج ِس َو الَّدنَ ِس تَطْهًناً بإ َراَدت َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ َجَعْلتػَُه ُم الَْوسيلَةَ إلَْي َك ، َو الَْم ْسلَ َك إَىل َجنَّت َك . ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو ، َصَالةً َُْتزؿُ َذلُْم ِبَا م ْن ضلَل َك َو َكَراَمت َك ، َو تُ ْكم ُل َذلُُم اْألَ ْش يَاءَ م ْن َعطَايَاؾَ ِِ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِِ َو نػََوافل َك ، َو تػَُ وفػُِّر َعلَْيه ُم ا ْحلَظ م ْن َعَوائدؾَ َو فػََوائدؾَ . ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَْيو َو َعلَْيه ْم َصَالةً َال أََمَد يف أََّوذلَا ، َو َال َغايَةَ ألََمدَىا ، َو َال هنَايَةَ آلخِرَى ا . ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َر ِّب َص ِّل َعلَْيه ْم زنَةَ َعْرش َك َو َما ُدونَوُ ، َو م ْل ء َ َمسَاَوات َك َو َما فػَْوقػَُه َّن ، َو َعَدَد أََرضي َك َو َما ََْتتػَُه َّن َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َما بػَْيػنػَُه َّن ، َصَالةً تػَُقِّربػُُه ْم مْن َك ُزلَْفى ، َو تَ ُكوُف لَ َك َو َذلُْم ر ًضى ، َو ُمتَّصلَةً بنَظَائِرى َّن أ َبَداً . ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِِ ٍ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللَُّه َّم إنَّ َك أَيَّْد َت دينَ َك يف ُك ِّل أََواف بإَماـ أَقَْمتَوُ َعلَماً لعبَادؾَ ، َو َمنَاراً يف بَالدؾَ بػَْعَد أَْف َو َصْل َت َحْبػلَوُ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُنَْبل َك ، َو َجَعْلتَوُ الذريَعةَ إَىل ر ْضَوان َك ، َو افػْتػََر ْض َت طَا َعتَوُ ، َو َحذْر َت َمْعصيَتَوُ ، َو أََمْر َت باْمتثَاؿ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َّ ِ َّ ِِ أََوام ره ، َو االنْتَهاء عْنَد نػَْهيو ، َو أَال يػَتػََقَّدَموُ ُمتػََقِّدٌـ ، َو َال يػَتَأَ َّخَر َعْنوُ ُمتَأَ ِّخٌر فػَُهَو ع ْصَمةُ الالئذي َن ، َو ِِ ِ ِ َكْه ُف الُْمْؤمن ٌَن َو عُْرَوةُ الُْمتََم ِّسك ٌَن ، َو بػََهاءُ الَْعالَم ٌَن . َّ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ اللُه َّم فَأَْوِزْع ل َوليِّ َك ُش ْكَر َما أَنػَْع ْم َت بو َعلَْيو ، َو أَْوزْعنَا مثػْلَوُ فيو ، َو آتو م ْن لَُدنْ َك ُسْلطَاناً نَصًناً ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ افػْتَ ْح لَوُ فػَْتحاً يَسًناً ، َو أَعنْوُ بُرْكن َك اْألََعِّز ، َو ا ْش ُدْد أَْزَرهُ ، َو قػَِّو َع ُضَدهُ ، َو َراعو بَع ْي ن َك ، َو ا ْمحو

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 58 ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ُنْفظ َك َو انْ ُصْرهُ مبََالئ َكت َك ، َو اْم ُدْدهُ َنُْندؾَ اْألَ ْغلَب . َو أَق ْم بو كتَابَ َك َو ُح ُدوَدؾَ َو َشَرائَع َك َو ُسنَ َن ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِِ َّ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ َرُسول َك ، َصلََواتُ َك اللُه َّم َعلَْيو َو آلو ، َو أَ ْح ِي بو َما أََماتَوُ الظال ُم وَف م ْن َمَعاَل دين َك ، َو ا ْج ُل بو َصَداءَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ا ْجلَْور َع ْن طَريَقت َك ، َو أَب ْن بو ال َّضَّراءَ م ْن َسبيل َك ، َو أَزؿْ بو النَّاكب ٌَن َع ْن صَراط َك ، َو اْزل َ ْق بو بػُغَاةَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ قَ ْصدؾَ عَوجاً َو أَل ْن َجانبَوُ ألَْوليَائ َك ، َو ابْ ُس ْط يََدهُ َعلَى أَْعَدائ َك ، َو َى ْب لَنَا َرأْفػَتَوُ ، َو َرْمحَتَوُ َو تػََعطَفوُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ َو ََتَنػُّنَوُ ، َو ا ْجَعْلنَا لَوُ َسامع ٌَن ُمطيع ٌَن ، َو يف ر َضاهُ َساع ٌَن ، َو إَىل نُ ْصَرتو َو الُْمَدافػََعة َع ْنوُ ُم ْكنف ٌَن ، َو ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ إلَْي َك َو إَىل َرُس ول َك َصلََواتُ َك اللُه َّم َعلَْيو َو آلو بَذل َك ُمتػََقِّرب ٌَن . َّ ِ ِِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ اللُه َّم َو َص ِّل َعلَى أَْوليَائه ُم الُْمْعَُتف ٌَن مبََقامه ُم ، الُْمتَّبع ٌَن َمْنػَه َجُه ُم ، الُْمْقتَف ٌَن آثَاَرُى ُم ، الُْم ْستَْمسك ٌَن ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِِ ِِ ِِّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ بعُْرَوهت ُم ، الُْمتََم ِّسك ٌَن بوَاليَته ُم ، الُْمْؤَْتِّ ٌَن بإَماَمته ُم ، الُْم َسلم ٌَن ألَْمرى ُم ، الُْم ْجتَهدي َن يف طَا َعته ُم ، ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الُْمْنتَظري َن أَيَّاَمُه ُم ، الَْماِّدي َن إلَْيه ْم أَْعيػُنػَُه ُم ، ال َّصلََوات الُْمبَاَرَكات الَّزاكيَات النَّاميَات الْغ َاديَات الَّرائ َحات ِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ . َو َسل ْم َعلَْيه ْم َو َعلَى أَْرَواحه ْم ، َو ا ْمجَْع َعلَى التػَّْقَوى أَْمَرُى ْم ، َو أَ ْصل ْح َذلُْم ُشئُونػَُه ْم ، َو ت ُ ْب َعلَْيه ْم ، ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ إنَّ َك أَنْ َت التػََّّوا ُب الَّرحي ُم ، َو َخْيػُر الْغَافري َن ، َو ا ْجَعْلنَا َمَعُه ْم يف َدار ال َّسَالـ بَرْمحَت َك ، يَا أَْرَح َم الَّرامح ٌَن . َّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللُه َّم َىَذا يػَْوُـ َعَرفَةَ يػَْوٌـ َشَّرفػْتَوُ َو َكَّرْمتَوُ َو َعظ ْمتَوُ ، نَ َشْر َت فيو َرْمحَتَ َك ، َو َمنػَْن َت ف يو بَعْفوؾَ ، َو أَ ْجَزلْ َت ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ فيو َعطيَّتَ َك ، َو تػََف َّضْل َت بو َعلَى عبَادؾَ . َّ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ اللُه َّم َو أَنَا َعْب ُدؾَ الذي أَنػْعَ ْم َت َعلَْيو قػَْب َل َخْلق َك لَوُ َو بػَْعَد َخْلق َك إيَّاهُ ، فَ َجَعْلتَوُ شلَّْن َىَديػْتَوُ لدين َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوفػَّْقتَوُ حلَِّق َك ، َو َع َص ْمتَوُ ُنَْبل َك ، َو أَْد َخْلتَوُ يف حْزب َك ، َو أَْرَش ْدتَوُ ل ُمَواَالة أَْوليَائ َك ، َو ُمَعاَداة أَْعَدائ َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ . ُمثَّ أََمْرتَوُ فػَلَ ْم يَأَْْتْر ، َو َزَجْرتَوُ فػَلَ ْم يػَْنػَزجْر ، َو نػََهْيتَوُ عَ ْن َمْعصيَت َك ، فَ َخالَ َف أَْمَرؾَ إ َىل نػَْهي َك ، َال ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ُمَعانََدةً لَ َك ، َو َال ا ْست ْك بَاراً َعلَْي َك ، بَ ْل َد َعاهُ َىَواهُ إَىل َما َزيػَّْلتَوُ َو إَىل َما َحذْرتَوُ ، َو أََعانَوُ َعلَى ذَل َك

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 59 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َع ُدُّوؾَ َو َع ُدُّوهُ ، فَأَقَْدَـ َعلَْيو َعارفاً بَوعيدؾَ ، َراجياً لعَْفِوؾَ ، َواثقاً بتَ َجاُوزؾَ ، َو َكا َف أ َ َح َّق عبَادؾَ َم َع َما ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ َمنػَْن َت َعلَْيو أَال يػَْفَع َل . َو َىا أَنَا ذَا بػٌََْن يََديْ َك َصاغراً ذَليًال َخاضعاً َخاشعاً َخائفاً ، ُمْعَُتفاً بَعظيم م َن ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الذنُوب ََتََّمْلتُوُ ، َو َجليٍل م َن ا ْخلَطَايَا ا ْجتػََرْمتُوُ ، ُم ْستَجًناً ب َصْفح َك ، َالئذا ً بَرْمحَت َك ، ُموقناً أَنَّوُ َال ُجيًنُين ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ مْن َك ُرلًنٌ ، َو َال َميْنػَعُِين منْ َك َمان ٌع . فػَعُْد َعلَ َّي مبَا تػَعُوُد بو َعلَى َم ِن اقػْتػََر ؼَ م ْن تػَغَُّمدؾَ ، َو ُج ْد َعلَ َّي مبَا ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ََتُوُد بو َعلَى َم ْن أَلَْقى بيَده إلَْي َك م ْن َعْف ِوؾَ ، َو اْمنُ ْن َعلَ َّي مبَا َال يػَتػََعاظَُم َك أَْف َْتَُّن بو َعلَى َم ْن أََّملَ َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ م ْن غُْفَران َك ، َو ا ْجَع ْل ِِل يف َىَذا الْيػَْوـ نَصيباً أَنَاؿُ بو َحظّاً م ْن ر ْضَوان َك ، َو َال تػَُرَّدين صْف راً شلَّا يػَْنػَقل ُب ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بو الُْمتػََعبُِّد وَف لَ َك م ْن عبَادؾَ َو إ ِّين َو إ ْف ََلْ أُقَِّدْـ َما قََّدُموهُ م َن ال َّصاحلَات فػََق ْد قََّدْم ُت تػَْوحيَدؾَ َو نػ َْف َي ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ اْألَ ْضَداد َو اْألَنَْداد َو اْألَ ْشبَاه َعْن َك ، َو أَتػَيْتُ َك م َن اْألَبػَْواب الِِت أََمْر َت أَْف تػُْؤتَى مْنػَها ، َو تػََقَّربْ ُت إلَْي َك ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ مبَا َال يػَْقُر ُب أَ َحٌد مْن َك إال بالتػََّقُّرب بو . ُمثَّ أَتػْبػَْع ُت ذَل َك باْإلنَابَة إلَْي َك ، َو التََّذلِل َو اال ْست َكانَة لَ َك ، َو َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ُح ْس ِن الظ ِّن ب َك ، َو الثػَِّقة مبَا عْنَدؾَ ، َو َشَفْعتُوُ بَرَجائ َك الذي قَ َّل َما َُيي ُب َعلَْيو َراجي َك . َو َسأَلْتُ َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َم ْسأَلَةَ ا ْحلَقًن الَّذليِل الْبَائ ِس الَْفقًن ا ْخلَائف الُْم ْستَجًن ، َو َم َع ذَل َك خيَفةً َو تَ َضُّرعاً َو تػَ َعُّوذاً َو تػَلَُّوذاً ، َال ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ُم ْستَطيًال بتَ َكُّرب الُْمتَ َكِّ ربي َن ، َو َال ُمتػََعالياً بَدالة الُْمطيع ٌَن ، َو َال ُم ْستَطيًال ب َشَفا َعة ال َّشافع ٌَن . َو أَنَا بػَْع ُد ِّ ُّ ِّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَقَ ُّل اْألَقػَل ٌَن ، َو أَذؿَ اْألَذَل ٌَن ، َو مثْ ُل الذَّرة أَْو ُدونػََها ، فػَيَا َم ْن ََلْ يػَُعاجِل الُْمسيئ ٌَن ، َو َال يػ َْنَدهُ الُْمْتػَرف ٌَن ِِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ، َو يَا َم ْن َميُُّن بإقَالَة الَْعاثري َن ، َو يػَتػََف َّض ُل بإنْظَار ا ْخلَاطئ ٌَن . أَنَا الُْمس يءُ الُْمْعَُت ؼُ ا ْخلَاط ُئ الَْعاثُر . أَنَا َِّ ِ َِّ َِّ ِ ِ ِ الذي أَقَْدَـ َعلَْي َك ُْرلَُتئاً . أَنَا الذي َع َصاؾَ ُمتػََعِّمداً . أ َنَا الذي ا ْستَ ْخَفى م ْن عبَادؾَ َو بَاَرَزؾَ . َِّ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ أَنَا الذي َىا َب عبَاَدؾَ َو أَمنَ َك . أَنَا الذي ََلْ يػَْرَى ْب َسطَْوتَ َك ، َو ََلْ َُيَ ْف بَأْ َس َك . أَنَا ا ْجلَاين َعلَى نػَْفسو ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَنَا الُْمْرتػََه ُن ببَليَّتو . أَنَا الَقلي ُل ا ْحلَي َاء . أَنَا الطوي ُل الَْعنَاء . ُنَ ِّق َم ِن انػْتَ َجْب َت م ْن َخْلق َك ، َو مبَِن

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 60 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْصطََفْيتَوُ لنػَْفس َك ، ُنَ ِّق َم ِن ا ْختػَْر َت م ْن بَِريَّت َك ، َو َم ِن ا ْجتَبػَْي َت ل َشأْن َك ، ُنَ ِّق َم ْن َو َصْل َت ط َا َعتَوُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بطَا َعت َك ، َو َم ْن َجَعْل َت َمْع صيَتَوُ َكَمْعصيَت َك ، ُنَ ِّق َم ْن قػََرنْ َت ُمَواَالتَوُ مبَُواَالت َك ، َو َم ْن نُطْ َت ُمَعاَداتَوُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ مبَُعاَدات َك ، تػَغََّم ْدين يف يػَْومي َىَذا مبَا تػَتػَغََّم ُد بو َم ْن َجاَر إلَْي َك ُمتػَنَ ِّصًال ، َو َعاذَ با ْستْغَف ارؾَ تَائباً . َو َّ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ تػََ ولِين مبَا تػَتػََوىل بو أَْى َل طَاعَت َك َو الُّزلَْفى لََديْ َك َو الَْم َكانَة مْن َك . َو تػََوَّح ْدين مبَا تػَتػََوَّح ُد بو َم ْن َوَِف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بَعْهدؾَ ، َو أَتػَْع َب نػَْف َسوُ يف ذَات َك ، َو أَ ْجَهَدَىا يف َمْر َضات َك . َو َال تػَُؤاخ ْذين بتػَْفريط ي يف َجْنب َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ تػََعِّدي طَْوري يف ُح ُدودؾَ ، َو ُرلَاَوَزة أَ ْح َكام َك . َو َال تَ ْستَْدرْجِين بإْمَالئ َك ِِل ا ْست ْدَرا َج َم ْن َمنػََعِين َخْيػَر ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َما عْنَدهُ َو ََلْ يَ ْشَرْك َك يف ُحلُوؿ نْعَمتو يب . َو نػَبػِّْهين م ْن َرقَْدة الْغَافل ٌَن ، َو سنَة الُْم ْسرف ٌَن ، َو نػَْع َسة ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِِ ِ ِِ الَْم ْخ ُذول ٌَن َو ُخ ْذ بَقْلِيب إَىل َما ا ْستػَْعَمْل َت بو الَْقانت ٌَن ، َو ا ْستػَْعبَْد َت بو الُْمتػََعبِّدي َن ، َو ا ْستػَْنػَق ْذ َت بو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الُْمتػََهاِون ٌَن . َو أَع ْذين شلَّا يػُبَاع ُدين َعْن َك ، َو َ ُيُوؿُ بػَيِْين َو بػٌََْن َحظِّي مْن َك ، َو يَ ُصُّدين َعَّما أُ َحاِوؿُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ لََديْ َك َو َسِّه ْل ِل َم ْسلَ َك ا ْخلَْيػَرات إلَْي َك ، َو الُْم َسابػََقةَ إلَْيػَها م ْن َحْي ُث أََمْر َت ، َو الُْم َشا َّحة َ فيَها َعلَى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َما أََرْد َت . َو َال َْتْ َحْقِين فيَمن َْت ْ َح ُق م َن الُْم ْستَخِّف ٌَن مبَا أَْوَع ْد َت َو َال تػُْهل ْكِين َم َع َم ْن تػُْهل ُك م َن ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ الُْمتػََعِّرض ٌَن لَمْقت َك َو َال تػُتَبػِّْرين فيَم ْن تػُتَبػُِّر م َن الُْمْن َحرف ٌَن َع ْن ُسبُل َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َو َصلِِّين م ْن َغَمَرات الْفْتػنَة ، َو َخل ْصِين م ْن َ ذلََوات الْبػَْلَوى ، َو أَجْرين م ْن أَ ْخذ اْإلْمَالء . َو ُح ْل بػَْيِين َو ُِّ ِ ٍ ِ ِ بػٌََْن َع ُدٍّو يُضلِين ، َو َىًوى يُوبُقِين ، َو َمْنػَق َصة تػَْرَىُقِين َو َال تػُْعر ْض َعِّين إ ْعَرا َض َم ْن َال تػَْر َض ى َعْنوُ بػَْعَد ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َغ َضب َك َو َال تػُْؤيِ ْسِين م َن اْ ألََمِل في َك فػَيػَْغل َب َعلَ َّي الُْقنُو ُط م ْن َرْمحَت َك َو َال َْتْنَ ْحِين مبَا َال طَاقَةَ ِِل بو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فػَتَْبػَهظَِين شلَّا َُتَِّملُنيو م ْن فَ ْضِل َزلَبَّت َك . َو َال تػُْرسْلِين م ْن يَدؾَ إْرَساؿَ َم ْن َال َخْيػَر فيو ، َو َال َحا َجةَ ب َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ إ لَْيو ، َو َال إنَابَةَ لَوُ َو َال تػَْرـ يب َرْم َي َم ْن َسَق َط م ْن َعٌْن رَعايَت َك ، َو َمن ا ْشتََم َل َعلَْيو ا ْ خلْز ُي م ْن عْندؾَ

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 61 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ، بَ ْل ُخ ْذ بيَدي م ْن َسْقطَة الُْمتػََرِّدي َن ، َو َوْىلَة الُْمتػََع ِّسف ٌَن ، َو َزلة الَْمْغُروري َن ، َو َوْرطَة اْذلَالك ٌَن . َو ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َعافِين شلَّا ابػْتػَلَْي َت بو طَبػََقات َعبيدؾَ َو إَمائ َك ، َو بػَلِّْغِين َمبَال َغ َم ْن عُني َت بو ، َو أَنػَْع ْم َت َعلَْيو ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َرضي َت َعْنوُ ، فَأََع ْشتَوُ َمحيداً ، َو تػََوفػَّْيتَوُ َسعيداً َو طَِّوقِْين طَْوؽَ اْإلقَْال ِع َعَّما ُُْيب ُط ا ْحلَ َسنَات ، َو يَْذَى ُب ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بالْبػََرَكات َو أَ ْشعْر قػَْل َيب االْزد َجاَر َع ْن قػَبَائ ِح ال َّسيِّئَات ، َو فػََواض ِح ا ْحلَْوبَات . َو َال تَ ْشغَْلين مبَا َال أُْدرُكوُ َِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ إال ب َك َعَّما َال يػُْرضي َك َعِّين َغْيػ ُرهُ َو انِْزْع م ْن قػَْلِيب ُح َّب ُدنػْيَا َدنيَّة تػَْنػَهى َعَّما عنَْدؾَ ، َو تَ ُصُّد َع ِن ابْتغَاء ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ الَْوسيلَة إلَْي َك ، َو تُْذى ُل َع ِن التػََّقُّرب مْن َك . َو َزيِّ ْن َِل التػََّفُّرَد مبُنَا َجات َك باللْيِل َو النػََّهار َو َى ْب ِل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ َّ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ع ْصَمةً تُْدنيِين م ْن َخ ْشيَت َك ، َو تػَْقطَعُِين َع ْن ُرُكوب َزلَارم َك ، َو تػَُفكِين م ْن أَ ْسر الَْعظَائم . َو َى ْب َِل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ التَّطْه ًَن م ْن َدنَ ِس الْع ْصيَاف ، َو أَْذى ْب َعِّين َدَرَف ا ْخلَطَايَا ، َو َسْربْلِين بسْربَاؿ َعافيَت َك ، َو َرِّدين رَداءَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُمَعافَات َك ، َو َجلِّْلِين َسَواب َغ نػَْعَمائ َك ، َو ظَاىْر لََد َّي فَ ْضلَ َك َو طَْولَ َك َو أَيِّْدين بتػَْوفيق َك َو ت َ ْسديدؾَ ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَعِّين َعلَى َصال ِح النػِّيَّة ، َو َمْرض ِّي الَْقْوؿ ، َو ُم ْستَ ْح َس ِن الَْعَمِل ، َو َال ت َكْلِين إَىل َحْوِل َو قػَُّوِت ُدوَف ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َحْول َك َو قػَُّوت َك . َو َال َُتِْزين يػَْوَـ تػَْبػَعثُِين للَقائ َك ، َو َال تػَْف َض ْحِين بػٌََْن يََد ْي أَْوليَائ َك ، َو َال تػُْنسِين ذْكَرؾَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ، َو َال تُْذى ْب َعِّين ُش ْكَرؾَ ، بَ ْل أَلْزْمنيو يف أَ ْحَواؿ ال َّسْهو عْنَد َغَفَالت ا ْجلَاىل ٌَن آلْالئ َك ، َو أَْوزْعِين أَْف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ أُثْ َين مبَا أَْولَْيتَنيو ، َو أَْعَُت ؼَ مبَا أَ ْسَديػْتَوُ إََِّل . َو ا ْجَع ْل َرْغبَِت إلَْي َك فػَْوؽَ َرْغبَة الَّراغب ٌَن ، َو َمحْدي إيَّاؾَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فػَْوؽَ َمحْد ا ْحلَام دي َن َو َال ََتُْذلِْين عْنَد فَاقَِِت إلَْي َك ، َو َال تػُْهل ْكِين مبَا . أَ ْسَديػْتُوُ إلَيْ َك ، َو َال ََْتبػَْهِين مبَا ِِ ِِ ِ ِّ ِ َجبػَْه َت بو الُْمَعاندي َن لَ َك ، فَإ ِّين لَ َك ُم َسل ٌم ، أَْعلَ ُم أََّف ا ْحلُ َّجةَ لَ َك ، َو أَنَّ َك أَْوَىل بالَْف ْضِل ، َو أَْعَوُد ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ باْإل ْح َساف ، َو أَْى ُل التػَّْقَوى ، َو أَْى ُل الَْمْغفَرة ، َو أَنَّ َك بأَ ْف تػَْعُفَو أَْوَىل مْن َك بأَ ْف تػَُعاق َب ، َو أَنَّ َك بأَ ْف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تَ ْستػَُر أَقػَْر ُب مْن َك إَىل أَْف تَ ْشَهَر . فَأَ ْحيِين َحيَاةً طَيِّبَةً تػَْنتَظ ُم مبَا أُ ري ُد ، َو تػَْبػلُُغ َما أُح ُّب م ْن َحْي ُث َال آِت

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 62 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِّ َما تَ ْكَرهُ ، َو َال أَْرتَك ُب َما نػََهْي َت َعْنوُ ، َو أَمْتِين ميتَةَ َم ْن يَ ْسَعى نُوُرهُ بػٌََْن يََديْو َو َع ْن َمي ينو . َو ذَلْلِين بػٌََْن ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يََديْ َك ، َو أَعَّزين عْنَد َخْلق َك ، َو َضْع ِين إذَا َخلَْو ُت ب َك ، َو اْرفػَْعِين بػٌََْن عبَادؾَ ، َو أَْغنِين َعَّم ْن ُىَو َغِينٌّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِّ ِ َعِّين ، َو زْدين إلَْي َك فَاقَةً َو فػَْقراً . َو أَع ْذين م ْن ََشَاتَة اْألَ ْعَداء ، َو م ْن ُحلُوؿ الْبََالء ، َو م َن الذؿ َو الَْعنَاء ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ، تػَغََّم ْد ين فيَما اطلَْع َت َعلَْيو مِّين مبَا يػَتػَغََّم ُد بو الَْقادُر َعلَى الْبَطْ ِش لَْو َال حْل ُموُ ، َو اْآلخ ُذ َعلَى ا ْجلَريَرة لَْو ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ َال أَنَاتُوُ َو إذَا أََرْد َت بَقْوـ فْتػنَةً أَْو ُسوءاً فػَنَ ِّجِين مْنػَها لَواذاً ب َك ، َو إْذ ََلْ تُق ْمِين َمَقاَـ فَضي َحة يف ُدنػْيَاؾَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ فََال تُق ْمِين مثػْلَوُ يف آخَرت َك َو ا ْشَف ْع ِل أََوائ َل منَن َك بأََواخرَىا ، َو قَدميَ فػََوائدؾَ ُنََوادثَها ، َو َال َْتُْدْد ِل ِ ِ ِ ِ َمّداً يػَْق ُسو َمَعوُ قػَْلِيب ، َو َال تػَْقَرْعِين قَارَعةً يَْذ َى ُب َذلَا بػََهائي ، َو َال تَ ُس ْمِين َخسي َسةً يَ ْصغُُر َذلَا قَْدري َو َال ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ نَقي َصةً ُْجيَه ُل م ْن أَ ْجلَها َم َكاين . َو َال تػَُرْعين َرْوَعةً أُبْل ُس ِبَا ، َو َال خيَفةً أُوج ُس ُدونػََها ، ا ْجَع ْل َىْيبَِت يف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوعيدؾَ ، َو َحَذري م ْن إ ْع َذارؾَ َو إنَْذارؾَ ، َو َرْىبَِِت عْند تَالَوة آيَات َك . َو ا ْع ُمْر لَْيلي بإيَقاظي فيو ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ لعبَاَدت َك ، َو تػََفُّردي بالتػََّه ُّجد لَ َك ، َو ََتَُّردي ب ُس ُكوين إلَْي َك ، َو إنػَْزاؿ َحَوائجي ب َك ، َو ُمن َاَزلَِِت إيَّاؾَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يف فَ َكاؾ َرقػَبَِِت م ْن نَارؾَ ، َو إ َجاَرِت شلَّا فيو أَْىلَُها م ْن َعَذاب َك . َو َال تََذْرين يف طُْغيَاين َعامهاً ، َو َال يف ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َغ ْمَرِت َساىياً َحَّىت حٌن ، َو َال ََْتَعْلِين عظَةً لَم ِن اتػََّع َظ ، َو َال نَ َكاًال لَم ِن ا ْعتَبػََر ، َو َال ف ْتػنَةً لَم ْن نَظََر ، ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َو َال َْتْ ُكْر ِيب فيَم ْن َْتْ ُكُر بو ، َو َال تَ ْستَْبدؿْ ِيب َغًْني ، َو َال تػُغَيػِّْر ِِل ا ْمساً ، َو َال تػُبَِّدؿْ ِِل ج ْسماً ، َو َال ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تػَتَّخ ْذين ُىُزواً خلَْلق َك ، َو َال ُس ْخِريّاً لَ َك ، َو َال تػَبَعاً إَّال لَم ْر َضات َك ، َو َال ُشلْتػََهناً إَّال باالنْتَقاـ لَ َك . َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ أَْوج ْدين بػَْرَد َعْفوؾَ ، َو َحَالَوةَ َرْمحَت َك َو َرْوح َك َو َرُْيَان َك ، َو َجنَّة نَعيم َك ، َو أَذقِْين طَْع َم الَْفَراِغ لَما ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َُت ُّب ب َسَعة م ْن َسَعت َك ، َو اال ْجتَهاد فيَما يػُْزل ُف لََديْ َك َو عْنَدؾَ ، َو أََْتْفِين بتُ ْحَفة م ْن َُتََفات َك . َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ا ْجَع ْل َتَاَرِت َراُنَةً ، َو َكَّرِت َغْيػَر َخاسَرة ، َو أَخْفِين َمَقاَم َك ، َو َشِّوقِْين لَقاءؾََ ، َو تُ ْب َعل َ َّي تػَْوبَةً

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 63 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ نَ ُصوحاً َال تػُْبق َمَعَها ذُن ُوباً َصغ ًَنةً َو َال َكب ًَنةً ، َو َال تََذْر َمَعَها َعَالنيَةً َو َال َسريَرةً . َو انِْزِع الْغ َّل م ْن ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َص ْدري لْل ُمْؤمن ٌَن ، َو ا ْعط ْف بَقْلِيب َعلَى ا ْخلَاشع ٌَن ، َو ُك ْن ِِل َكَما تَ ُكوُف لل َّصاحل ٌَن ، َو َحلِِّين ح ْليَةَ ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الُْمتَّق ٌَن ، َو ا ْجَع ْل ِل ل َسا َف ص ْدؽ يف الْغَابري َن ، َو ذْكراً نَامياً يف اْآلخري َن ، َو َواؼ ِيب َعْر َصةَ اْألََّول ٌَن . ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َو َْتِّْم ُسبُوَغ نْعَمت َك ، َعلَ َّي ، َو ظَاىْر َكَراَماهتَا لََد َّي ، اْمَألْ م ْن فػََوائدؾَ يَدي ، َو ُس ْق َكَرائ َم َمَواىب َك إََِّل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ، َو َجاوْر ِ َيب اْألَطْيَب ٌَن م ْن أَْوليَائ َك يف ا ْجلنَاف الِِت َزيػَّْنتػََها ألَ ْصفيَائ َك ، َو َجلْلِين َشَرائ َف ضلَل َك يف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الَْمَقاَمات الُْمَعَّدة ألَحبَّائ َك . َو ا ْجَع ْل ِِل عْنَدؾَ َمقيًال آِوي إلَْيو ُمطَْمئنّاً ، َو َمثَابَةً أَتػَبػََّوُؤَىا ، َو أَقػَُّر َعْيناً ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ، َو َال تػَُقاي ْسِين بَعظيَمات ا ْجلََرائر ، َو َال تػُْهل ْكِين يػَْوَـ تػُْبػلَى ال َّسَرائُر ، َو أَزؿْ َعِّين ُك َّل َش ٍّك َو ُشْبػَهة ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ا ْجَع ْل ِل يف ا ْحلَِّق طَريقاً م ْن ُك ِّل َرْمحَة ، َو أَ ْجزؿْ ِل ق َس َم الَْمَواىب م ْن نػََوال َك ، َو َوفػِّْر َعلَ َّي ُحظُو َظ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اْإل ْح َساف م ْن إفْ َضال َك . َو ا ْجَع ْل قػَْلِيب َواثقاً مبَا عْنَدؾَ ، َو ََهِّي ُم ْستػَْفَرغاً لَما ُىَو لَ َك ، َو ا ْستػَْعمْلِين مبَا ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تَ ْستػَْعم ُل بو َخال َصتَ َك ، َو أَ ْشر ْب قػَْلِيب عْنَد ذُُىوؿ الْعُُقوؿ طَا َعتَ َك ، َو ا ْمجَْع َِل الْغَىن َو الَْعَفا ؼَ َو الَّد َعةَ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َو الُْمَعافَاةَ َو ال ِّص َّحةَ َو ال َّسَعةَ َو الطَمأْنينَةَ َو الَْعافيَةَ . َو َال َُْتب ْط َح َسنَاِت مبَا يَ ُشوبػَُها م ْن َمْعص يَت َك ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ َال َخلََواِت مبَا يػَْعر ُض ِِل م ْن نػََزَغات فْتػنَت َك ، َو ُص ْن َو ْجهي َع ِن الطلَب إَىل أَ َحد م َن الَْعالَم ٌَن ، َو ذُبَِّين ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َع ِن الْتَما ِس َما عْنَد الَْفاسق ٌَن . َو َال ََْتَعْلِين للظَّالم ٌَن ظَهًناً ، َو َال َذلُْم َع لَى َْزلِو كتَاب َك يَداً َو نَصًناً ، َو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُحطِْين م ْن َحْي ُث َال أَْعلَ ُم حيَاطَةً تَقيِين ِبَا ، َو افػْتَ ْح ِِل أَبػَْوا َب تػَْوبَت َك َو َرْمحَت َك َو َرأْفَت َك َو رْزق َك الَْواسِع ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َِّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ، إ ِّين إلَْي َك م َن الَّراغب ٌَن ، َو أَْْت ْم ِل إنػَْعاَم َك ، إن َك َخْيػُر الُْمْنعم ٌَن َو ا ْجَع ْل بَاق َي عُ ُمري يف ا ْحلَ ِّج َو ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ َّ ٍ ِِ َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ الْعُ ْمَرة ابْتغَاءَ َو ْجه َك ، يَا َر َّب الَْعالَم ٌَن ، َو َصلى اللوُ َعلَى ُزلََّمد َو آلو الطيِّب ٌَن الطاى ري َن ، َو ال َّسَالُـ ِ ِ ِِ َعلَْيو َو َعلَْيه ْم أَبََد اْآلبدي َن

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 64 1. Praise belongs to God, Lord of the worlds!

2. O God, to Thee belongs praise! Originator of the heavens and the earth! Possessor of majesty and munificence! Lord of lords! Object of worship of every worshiper! Creator of every creature! Inheritor of all things! There is nothing like Him, knowledge of nothing escapes Him, He encompasses everything, and He is watchful over everything.

3. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the Unique, the Alone, the Single, the Isolated.

4. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the Generous, the Generously Bestowing, the All- mighty, the Mightily Exalted, the Magnificent, the Magnificently Magnified.

5. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the All-high, the Sublimely High, the Strong in prowess.

6. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate, the All- knowing, the All-wise.

7. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the All-hearing, the All-seeing, the Eternal, the All- aware.

8. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the Generous, the Most Generous, the Everlasting, the Most Everlasting.

9. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the First before every one, the Last after every number.

10. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, the Close in His highness, the High in His closeness.

11. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou, Possessor of radiance and glory, magnificence and praise.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 65 12. Thou art God, there is no god but Thou. Thou hast brought forth the things without root, formed what Thou hast formed without exemplar, and originated the originated things without limitation.

13. It is Thou who hast ordained each thing with an ordination, eased each thing with an easing, and governed everything below Thyself with a governing.

14. It is Thou whom no associate helps with Thy creation and no vizier aids in Thy command. Thou hast no witness and no equal.

15. It is Thou who willed, and what Thou willed was unfailing, who decreed, and what Thou decreed was just, who decided, and what Thou decided was fair.

16. It is Thou whom place does not contain, before whose authority no authority stands up, and whom no proof or explication can thwart.

17. It is Thou who hast counted everything in numbers, appointed for everything a term, and ordained everything with an ordination.

18. It is Thou before whose selfness imaginations fall short, before whose howness understandings have no incapacity, and the place of whose whereness eyes perceive not.

19. It is Thou who hast no bounds, lest Thou be bounded, who art not exemplified, lest Thou be found, who dost not beget, lest Thou be begotten.

20. It is Thou with whom there is no opposite, lest it contend with Thee, who hast no equal, lest it vie with Thee, who hast no rival, lest it resist Thee.

21. It is Thou who art He who began, devised, brought forth, originated, and made well all that He made.

22. Glory be to Thee! How majestic is Thy station! How high Thy place among the places! How cleanly Thy Separator cleaves with the truth!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 66 23. Glory be to Thee! The Gentle - how gentle Thou art! The Clement - how clement Thou art! The Wise - how knowing Thou art!

24. Glory be to Thee! The King - how invincible Thou art! The Munificent - how full of plenty Thou art! The Elevated - how elevated Thou art! Possessor of radiance and glory, magnificence and praise!

25. Glory be to Thee! Thou hast stretched forth Thy hand with good things, and from Thee guidance has come to be known, so he who begs from Thee religion or this world will find Thee.

26. Glory be to Thee! Whatever passes in Thy knowledge is subjected to Thee, all below Thy Throne are humbled before Thy mightiness, and every one of Thy creatures follows Thee in submission.

27. Glory be to Thee! Thou art not sensed, nor touched, nor felt, nor beguiled, nor held back, nor challenged, nor kept up with, nor resisted, nor deceived, nor circumvented.

28. Glory be to Thee! Thy path is smooth ground, Thy command right guidance, and Thou art a living, eternal refuge.

29. Glory be to Thee! Thy word is decisive, Thy decree unfailing, Thy will resolute.

30. Glory be to Thee! None can reject Thy wish, none can change Thy words.

31. Glory be to Thee, Outdazzling in signs, Creator of the heavens, Author of the spirits!

32. To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will be permanent with Thy permanence!

33. To Thee belongs praise, a praise everlasting through Thy favour!

34. To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will parallel Thy benefaction!

35. To Thee belongs praise, a praise that will increase Thy good pleasure!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 67 36. To Thee belongs praise, a praise along with the praise of every praiser and a thanksgiving before which falls short the thanksgiving of every thanksgiver;

37. a praise which is suitable for none but Thee and through which nearness is sought to none but Thee;

38. a praise which will make permanent the first [bounty] and call forth the permanence of the last;

39. a praise which will multiply through recurrence of times and increase through successive doublings;

40. a praise which the guardians will not be able to number and which exceeds what the writers number in Thy Book;

41. a praise which will counterbalance Thy glorious Throne and equal Thy elevated Footstool;

42. a praise whose reward with Thee will be complete and whose recompense will comprise every recompense;

43. a praise whose outward conforms to its inward, and whose inward conforms to correct intention;

44. a praise with whose like no creature has praised Thee and whose excellence none knows but Thou;

45. a praise in which he who strives to multiply Thy praise will be helped and he who draws the bow to the utmost in fulfilling it will be confirmed;

46. a praise which will gather all the praise which Thou hast created and tie together all which Thou wilt afterwards create;

47. a praise than which no praise is nearer to Thy word and than which none is greater from any who praise Thee;

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 68

48. a praise whose fullness will obligate increase through Thy generosity and to which Thou wilt join increase after increase as graciousness from Thee;

49. a praise that will befit the generosity of Thy face and meet the might of Thy majesty!

50. My Lord, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad, the distinguished, the chosen, the honoured, the brought nigh, with the most excellent of Thy blessings, benedict him with the most complete of Thy benedictions, and have mercy upon him with the most enjoyable of Thy mercies!

51. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a fruitful blessing, more fruitful than which there is no blessing! Bless him with a growing blessing, more growing than which there is no blessing! And bless him with a pleasing blessing, beyond which there is no blessing!

52. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will please him and increase his good pleasure! Bless him with a blessing which will please Thee and increase Thy good pleasure toward him! And bless him with a blessing through other than which Thou wilt not be pleased for him, and for which Thou seest no one else worthy!

53. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will pass beyond Thy good pleasure, be continuous in its continuity through Thy subsistence, and never be spent, just as Thy words will never be spent!

54. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will tie together the blessings of Thy angels, Thy prophets, Thy messengers, and those who obey Thee, comprise the blessings of Thy servants, jinn or mankind, and those worthy of Thy response, and bring together the blessings of every one of the kinds of Thy creatures which Thou hast sown and authored!

55. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which will encompass every blessing, bygone and new! Bless him and his Household with a blessing which is pleasing to Thee and everyone below Thee and will bring forth with all that a blessing with which Thou wilt multiply those blessings and increase them through the recurrence of days with an increasing in multiples which none can count but Thou!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 69

56. My Lord, bless the best of his Household, those whom Thou hast chosen for Thy command, appointed the treasurers of Thy knowledge, the guardians of Thy religion, Thy vicegerents in Thy earth, and Thy arguments against Thy servants, purified from uncleanness and defilement through a purification by Thy desire, and made the mediation to Thee and the road to Thy Garden!

57. My Lord, bless Muhammad and his Household with a blessing which makes plentiful Thy gifts and generosity, perfects for them Thy bestowals and awards, and fills out their share of Thy kindly acts and benefits!

58. My Lord, bless him and his Household with a blessing whose first has no term, whose term has no limit, and whose last has no utmost end!

59. My Lord, bless them to the weight of Thy Throne and all below it, the amount that fills the heavens and all above them, the number of Thy earths and all below and between them, a blessing that will bring them near to Thee in proximity, please Thee and them, and be joined to its likes forever!

60. O God, surely Thou hast confirmed Thy religion in all times with an Imam whom Thou hast set up as a guidepost to Thy servants and a lighthouse in Thy lands, after his cord has been joined to Thy cord! Thou hast appointed him the means to Thy good pleasure, made obeying him obligatory, cautioned against disobeying him, and commanded following his commands, abandoning his prohibitions, and that no forward-goer go ahead of him or back-keeper keep back from him! So he is the preservation of the shelter-seekers, the cave of the faithful, the handhold of the adherents, and the radiance of the worlds!

61. O God, so inspire Thy guardian219 to give thanks for that in which Thou hast favoured him, inspire us with the like concerning him, grant him an authority from Thee to help him, open for him an easy opening, aid him with Thy mightiest pillar, brace up his back, strengthen his arm, guard him with Thy eye, defend him with Thy safeguarding, help him with Thy angels, and assist him with Thy most victorious troops!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 70 62. Through him establish Thy Book, Thy bounds, Thy laws, and the norms of Thy Messenger's Sunna (Thy blessings, O God, be upon him and his Household), bring to life the guideposts of Thy religion, deadened by the wrongdoers, burnish the rust of injustice from Thy way, sift the adversity from Thy road, eliminate those who deviate from Thy path, and erase those who seek crookedness in Thy straightness!

63. Make his side mild toward Thy friends, stretch forth his hand over Thy enemies, give us his clemency, his mercy, his tenderness, his sympathy, and make us his hearers and obeyers, strivers toward his good pleasure, assistants in helping him and defending him, and brought near through that to Thee and Thy Messenger (Thy blessings, O God, be upon him and his Household).

64. O God, and bless the friends [of the Imams], the confessors of their station, the keepers to their course, the pursuers of their tracks, the clingers to their handhold, the adherents to their guardianship, the followers of their imamate, the submitters to their command, the strivers to obey them, the awaiters of their days, the directors of their eyes toward them, with blessings blessed, pure, growing, fresh, and fragrant!

65. Give them and their spirits peace, bring together their affair in reverential fear, set right their situations, turn toward them, Surely Thou art Ever-turning, All-compassionate and the Best of forgivers, and place us with them in the Abode of Peace, through Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

66. O God, this is the Day of 'Arafa, a day which Thou hast made noble, given honour, and magnified. Within it Thou hast spread Thy mercy, showed kindness through Thy pardon, and made plentiful Thy giving, and by it Thou hast been bounteous toward Thy servants.

67. I am Thy servant whom Thou favoured before creating him and after creating him. Thou madest him one of those whom Thou guided to Thy religion, gavest success in fulfilling Thy right, preserved through Thy cord, included within Thy party, and directed aright to befriend Thy friends and show enmity to Thine enemies.

68. Then Thou commanded him, but he did not follow Thy commands, Thou restricted Him, but he did not heed Thy restrictions, Thou prohibited him from disobedience toward Thee, but he broke Thy command by doing what Thou hadst prohibited, not in contention with Thee, nor to

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 71 display pride toward Thee; on the contrary, his caprice228 called him to that which Thou hadst set apart and cautioned against, and he was helped in that by Thy enemy and his enemy. So he went ahead with it knowing Thy threat, hoping for Thy pardon, and relying upon Thy forbearance, though he was the most obligated of Thy servants - given Thy kindness toward him - not to do so.

69. Here I am, then, before Thee, despised, lowly, humble, abject, fearful, confessing the dreadful sins with which I am burdened and the great offenses that I have committed, seeking sanctuary in Thy forgiveness, asking shelter in Thy mercy, and certain that no sanctuary-giver will give me sanctuary from Thee and no withholder will hold me back from Thee.

70. So act kindly toward me, just as Thou actest kindly by Thy shielding him who commits sins, be munificent toward me, just as Thou art munificent by pardoning him who throws himself before Thee, and show kindness to me, just as it is nothing great for Thee to show kindness by forgiving him who expectantly hopes in Thee!

71. Appoint for me in this day an allotment through which I may attain a share of Thy good pleasure, and send me not back destitute of that with which Thy worshipers return from among Thy servants!

72. Though I have not forwarded the righteous deeds which they have forwarded, I have forwarded the profession of Thy Unity and the negation from Thee of opposites, rivals, and likenesses, I have come to Thee by the gateways by which Thou hast commanded that people come, and I have sought nearness to Thee through that without seeking nearness through which none gains nearness to Thee.

73. Then I followed all this with repeated turning toward Thee, lowliness and abasement before Thee, opinion of Thee, and trust in what is with Thee; and to that I coupled hope in Thee, since the one who hopes in Thee is seldom disappointed!

74. I asked Thee with the asking of one vile, lowly, pitiful, poor, fearful, seeking sanctuary; all that in fear and pleading seeking refuge and asking shelter, not presumptuous through the pride of the proud, nor exalting myself with the boldness of the obedient, nor presumptuous of the intercession of the interceders.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 72

75. For I am still the least of the least and the lowliest of the lowly, like a dust mote or less! O He who does not hurry the evildoers nor restrain those living in ease! O He who shows kindness through releasing the stumblers and gratuitous bounty through respiting the offenders!

76. I am the evildoer, the confessor, the offender, the stumbler!

77. I am he who was audacious toward Thee as one insolent!

78. I am he who disobeyed Thee with forethought!

79. I am he who hid myself from Thy servants and blatantly showed myself to Thee!

80. I am he who was awed by Thy servants and felt secure from Thee!

81. I am he who dreaded not Thy penalty and feared not Thy severity!

82. I am the offender against himself!

83. I am the hostage to his own affliction!

84. I am short in shame!

85. I am long in suffering!

86. By the right of him whom Thou hast distinguished among Thy creation and by him whom Thou hast chosen for Thyself! By the right of him whom Thou hast selected from among Thy creatures and by him whom Thou hast picked for Thy task! By the right of him the obeying of whom Thou hast joined to obeying Thee, and by him the disobeying of whom Thou hast made like disobeying Thee! And by the right of him whose friendship Thou hast bound to Thy friendship and by him whose enmity Thou hast linked to Thine enmity! Shield me in this day of mine, by that through which Thou shieldest him who prays fervently to Thee while disavowing and him who seeks refuge in Thy forgiveness while repenting!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 73 87. Attend to me with that through which Thou attendest to the people of obedience toward Thee, proximity to Thee, and rank with Thee!

88. Single me out, as Thou singlest him out who fulfils Thy covenant, fatigues himself for Thy sake alone, and exerts himself in Thy good pleasure!

89. Take me not to task for my neglect in respect to Thee, my transgressing the limit in Thy bounds, and stepping outside Thy ordinances!

90. Draw me not on little by little by granting me a respite, like the drawing on little by little of him who withholds from me the good he has by not sharing with Thee in letting favour down upon me!

91. Arouse me from the sleep of the heedless, the slumber of the prodigal, and the dozing of the forsaken!

92. Take my heart to that in which Thou hast employed the devout, enthralled the worshipers, and rescued the remiss!

93. Give me refuge from that which will keep me far from Thee, come between me and my share from Thee, and bar me from that which I strive for in Thee!

94. Make easy for me the road of good deeds toward Thee, racing to them from where Thou hast commanded, and coveting them as Thou desirest!

95. Efface me not along with those whom Thou effacest for thinking lightly of what Thou hast promised!

96. Destroy me not with those whom Thou destroyest for exposing themselves to Thy hate!

97. Annihilate me not among those whom Thou annihilatest for deviating from Thy roads!

98. Deliver me from the floods of trial, save me from the gullets of affliction, and grant me sanctuary from being seized by respite!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 74

99. Come between me and the enemy who misguides me, the caprice which ruins me, and the failing which overcomes me!

100. Turn not away from me with the turning away in wrath from one with whom Thou art not pleased!

101. Let me not lose heart in expecting from Thee, lest I be overcome by despair of Thy mercy!

102. Grant me not that which I cannot endure, lest Thou weighest me down with the surplus of Thy love which Thou loadest upon me!

103. Send me not from Thy hand, the sending of him who possesses no good, toward whom Thou hast no need, and who turns not back [to Thee]!

104. Cast me not with the casting of him who has fallen from the eye of Thy regard and been wrapped in degradation from Thee! Rather take my hand [and save me] from the falling of the stumblers, the disquiet of the deviators, the slip of those deluded, and the plight of the perishers!

105. Release me from that with which Thou hast afflicted the ranks of Thy servants and handmaids and make me reach the utmost degrees of him about whom Thou art concerned, towards whom Thou showest favour, and with whom Thou art pleased, so that Thou lettest him live as one praiseworthy and takest him to Thee as one felicitous!

106. Collar me with the collar of abstaining from that which makes good deeds fail and takes away blessings!

107. Impart to my heart restraint before ugly works of evil and disgraceful misdeeds!

108. Divert me not by that which I cannot reach except through Thee from doing that which alone makes Thee pleased with me!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 75 109. Root out from my heart the love of this vile world, which keeps from everything which is with Thee, bars from seeking the mediation to Thee, and distracts from striving for nearness to Thee!

110. Embellish for me solitude in prayer whispered to Thee by night and by day!

111. Give me a preservation which will bring me close to dread of Thee, cut me off from committing things made unlawful by Thee, and spare me from captivation by dreadful sins!

112. Give me purification from the defilement of disobedience, take away from me the filth of offenses, dress me in the dress of Thy well-being, cloak me in the cloak of Thy release, wrap me in Thy ample favours, and clothe me in Thy bounty and Thy graciousness!

113. Strengthen me with Thy giving success and Thy pointing the right way, help me toward righteous intention, pleasing words, and approved works, and entrust me not to my force and my strength in place of Thy force and Thy strength!

114. Degrade me not on the day Thou raisest me up to meet Thee, disgrace me not before Thy friends, make me not forget remembering Thee, take not away from me thanking Thee, but enjoin it upon me in states of inattention when the ignorant are heedless of Thy boons, and inspire me to laud what Thou hast done for me and confess to what Thou hast conferred upon me!

115. Place my beseeching Thee above the beseeching of the beseechers and my praise of Thee above the praise of the praisers!

116. Abandon me not with my neediness for Thee, destroy me not for what I have done for Thee, and slap not my brow with that with which Thou slappest the brow of those who contend with Thee, for I am submitted to Thee. I know that the argument is Thine, that Thou art closest to bounty, most accustomed to beneficence, worthy of reverent fear, and worthy of forgiveness, that Thou art closer to pardoning than to punishing, and that Thou art nearer to covering over than to making notorious!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 76 117. Let me live an agreeable life that will tie together what I want and reach what I love while I not bring what Thou dislikest and not commit what Thou hast prohibited; and make me die the death of him whose light runs before him and on his right hand!

118. Abase me before Thyself and exalt me before Thy creatures, lower me when I am alone with Thee and raise me among Thy servants, free me from need for him who has no need of me and increase me in neediness and poverty toward Thee!

119. Give me refuge from the gloating of enemies, the arrival of affliction, lowliness and suffering! Shield me in what Thou seest from me, the shielding of him who would have power over violence had he no clemency, and would seize for misdeeds had he no lack of haste!

120. When Thou desirest for a people a trial or an evil, deliver me from it, for I seek Thy shelter; and since Thou hast not stood me in the station of disgrace in this world of Thine, stand me not in such a station in the next world of Thine!

121. Couple for me the beginnings of Thy kindnesses with their ends and the ancient of Thy benefits with the freshly risen! Prolong not my term with a prolonging through which my heart will harden! Strike me not with a striking that will take away my radiance! Visit me not with a meanness that will diminish my worth or a decency that will keep my rank unknown!

122. Frighten me not with a fright by which I will despair or a terror through which I will dread, but make me stand in awe of Thy threat, take precautions against Thy leaving no excuses and Thy warning, and tremble at the recitation of Thy verses!

123. Fill my night with life by keeping me awake therein for worshipping Thee, solitude with vigil for Thee, exclusive devotion to reliance upon Thee, setting my needs before Thee, and imploring that Thou wilt set my neck free from the Fire and grant me sanctuary from Thy chastisement, within which its inhabitants dwell!

124. Leave me not blindly wandering in my insolence or inattentive in my perplexity for a time, make me not an admonition to him who takes admonishment, a punishment exemplary for him

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 77 who takes heed, a trial for him who observes, devise not against me along with those against whom Thou devisest, replace me not with another, change not my name, transform not my body, appoint me not a mockery for Thy creatures, a laughing-stock for Thyself, a follower of anything but Thy good pleasure, a menial servant for anything but avenging Thee!

125. Let me find the coolness of Thy pardon and the sweetness of Thy mercy, Thy repose, Thy ease, and the garden of Thy bliss! Let me taste, through some of Thy boundless plenty, the flavour of being free for what Thou lovest and striving in what brings about proximity with Thee and to Thee, and give me a gift from among Thy gifts!

126. Make my commerce profitable and my return without loss, fill me with fear of Thy station, make me yearn for the meeting with Thee, and allow me to repent with an unswerving repentance along with which Thou lettest no sins remain, small or large, and leavest no wrongs, open or secret!

127. Root out rancour toward the faithful from my breast, bend my heart toward the humble, be toward me as Thou art toward the righteous, adorn me with the adornment of the godfearing, appoint for me a goodly report among those yet to come and a growing remembrance among the later folk, and take me to the plain of those who came first!

128. Complete the lavishness of Thy favour upon me, clothe me in its repeated generosities, fill my hand with Thy benefits, drive Thy generous gifts to me, make me the neighbour of the best of Thy friends in the Gardens which Thou hast adorned for Thy chosen, and wrap me in Thy noble presents in the stations prepared for Thy beloveds!

129. Appoint for me a resting place with Thee where I may seek haven in serenity, and a resort to which I may revert and rest my eyes, weigh not against me my dreadful misdeeds, destroy me not on the day the secrets are tried, eliminate from me every doubt and uncertainty, appoint for me a way in the truth from every mercy, make plentiful for me the portions of gifts from Thy granting of awards, and fill out for me the shares of beneficence from Thy bestowal of bounty!

130. Make my heart trust in what is with Thee and my concern free for what is Thine, employ me in that in which Thou employest Thy pure friends, drench my heart with Thy obedience when

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 78 intellects are distracted, and combine within me independence, continence, ease, release, health, plenty, tranquillity, and well being!

131. Make not fail my good deeds through my disobedience that stains them or my private times of worship through the instigations of Thy trial! Safeguard my face from asking from anyone in the world, and drive me far from begging for that which is with the ungodly!

132. Make me not an aid to the wrongdoers, nor their hand and helper in erasing Thy Book! Defend me whence I know not with a defense through which Thou protectest me! Open toward me the gates of Thy repentance, Thy mercy, Thy clemency, and Thy boundless provision! Surely I am one of those who beseech Thee! And complete Thy favour toward me! Surely Thou art the best of those who show favour!

133. Place the rest of my life in the hajj and the 'umra seeking Thy face, O Lord of the worlds! And may God bless Muhammad and his Household, the good, the pure, and peace be upon him and them always and forever!

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 79 Recite Ya shahida Kulle Najwa ِ يا شاىَد ُك ِّل َصلْوى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اَللػُّه َّم يا شاىَد ُك ِّل َْصلوى، َ وَمْوض َع ُك ِّل َش ْكوى، َوعاَلَ ُك ِّل َخفيَّة، َوُمْنتَهى ُك ِّل حا َجة، يا ُمْبتَدئاً بالنػَِّعم ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َعلَى الْعباد، يا َكرميَ الَْعْفو، يا َح َس َن التَّجاُوز، يا َجواُد يا َم ْن ال يُواري مْنوُ لَْي ٌل داج، َوال َُْنٌر َع ّج ا ٌج، َوال ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ َمسآءٌ ذا ُت اَبْراج، َوال ظُلٌَم ذا ُت اْرتتاج، يا َم ِن الظْلَمةُ عْنَدهُ ضيآءٌ، اَ ْساَلُ َك بنُور َو ْجه َك الْ َكرمي الذى َّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ ََتَلْي َت بو لْل َجبَِل فَ َجَعْلتَوُ َدَّكاً َوَخَّر مُوسى َصعقاً، َوبِا ْمس َك الذى َرفػَْع َت بو ال َّسماوات بال َع َمد، ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ َو َسطَ ْح َت بو االْ ََ ْر َض َعلى َو ْجو ماء َمجَد، َوبِا ْمس َك اؿْ ََسلْزُوف الَْم ْكنُوف الَْم ْكتُوب الطّاىر الذى اذا ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ُدعي َت بو اَ َجْب َت، َواذا ُسئلْ َت بو ا َعطْيَ ْت، َوبِا ْمس َك ال ُّسبُوِح الُْقُّدو ِس الْبػُْرىاف الذى ُىَو نُوٌر َعلى ُك ِّل نُور ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ َونُوٌر م ْن ن ُور يُض ٍُن مْنوُ ُك ُّل نُور، اذا بػَلََغ االْ ََْر َض انْ َشق ْت، َواذا بػَلََغ ال َّسماوات فُت َح ْت، َواذا بػَلََغ الَْعْر َش ِِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اْىتػََّز، َوبا ْمس َك الذى تػَْرتَع ُد مْنوُ فَرائ ُص َمالئ َكت َك، َواَ ْساَلُ َك ُنَ ِّق َجْبػَرئي َل َوميكائي َل َوا ْسرافي َل ، َوُن َ ِّق ُزلََّمد َّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ الُْم ْصطَفى َصلى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو َوَعلى َمجيِع االْ ََنْبيآء َوَمجيِع الَْمالئ َكة، َوباالَْ ْسم الذى َمشى بو ا ْخل ْضُر ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ َعلى قػُلَِل الْمآء َكما َمشى بو َعلى َجَدد االْ ََْر ِض، َوبا ْمس َك الذى فػَلَْق َت بو الْبَ ْحَر لمُوسى، َواَْغَرقْ َت ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ فْرَعْوَف َوقػَْوَموُ َواَْصلَْي َت بو مُو َسى بْ َن ع ْمرا َف َوَم ْن َمَعوُ، َوبِا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو مُو َسى بْ ُن ع ْم راف م ْن ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ جانب الطور االْ ََْميَِن فَا ْستَ َجْب َت لَوُ َواَلَْقْي َت َعلَْيو َزلَبَّةً مْن َك، َوبا ْمس َك الذى بو اَ ْحٍن عي َسى بْ ُن َمْرَميَ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ الَْمْوتى، َوتَ َكل َم ِف الَْمْهد َصبيّاً َواَبػَْرأَ االْ ََ ْكَموَ َواالْ ََبػَْر َص باْذن َك، َوبا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو َمحَلَةُ َعْرش َك ِ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوَجْبػَرئي ُل َوميكآئي ُل َوا ْسرافي ُل َوَحبيب َك ُزلََّمٌد َصلى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو َوَمالئ َكت َك الُْمَقَّربُوَف َواَنْبيآُؤؾَ الُْمْرَسلُوَف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َوعباُدؾَ ال ّصاحلُوَف م ْن اَْىِل ال َّسماوات َواالْ َََرض ٌَن، َوبِا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو ذُو النُّوف اْذ ذََى َب ُمغاض باً ِ ِ ِ ُّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ فَظََّن اَْف لَ ْن نػَْقدَر َعلَْيو فَنادى ِف الظلُمات اَْف ال الػوَ االّ اَنْ َت ُسْبحانَك ا ّّن ُكْن ُت م َن الظّالم ٌَن A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 80 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ فَا ْستَ َجْب َت لَوُ َوَصلَّيْتَوُ م َن الْغَِّم َوَكذل َك نػُْنجى الُْمْؤمن ٌَن، َوبا ْمس َك الَْعظيم الذى َدعاؾَ بو داُ وُد َوَخَّر لَ َك ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ساجداً فػَغََفْر َت لَوُ ذَنػْبَوُ، َوبا ْ مس َك الذى َد َعْت َك بو آسيَةُ اْمَرأَةُ فْرَعْوَف اْذ قالَ ْت َر ِّب ابْ ِن ىل عْنَدؾَ بػَْيتاً ِف ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ ا ْجلَنَّة َوَصلِّىن م ْن فْرَعْوَف َوَعَملو، َوَصلِّىن م َن الَْقْوـ الظّالم ٌَن، فَا ْستَ َجْب َت َذلا ُدعآءَىا َوبِا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ اَيُّو ُب اْذ َح َّل بو الْبَالءُ فَعافػَْيتَوُ َوآتػَيْتَوُ اَْىلَوُ َومثػْلَُه ْم َمَعُه ْم َرْمحَةً م ْن عْنَدؾَ َوذْكرى لْلعابدي َن ، َوبِا ْمس َك الذى ِِ ِ ِِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ َدعاؾَ بو يػَْعقُو ُب فػََرَدْد َت َعلَْيو بَ َصَرهُ َوقػَُّرةَ َعْينو يُو ُس َف َوَمجَْع َت ََشْلَوُ، َوبا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو ُسلَْيما ُف ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِِ فػََوَىْب َت لَوُ ُمْلكاً ال يػَْنبَغى ال ََ َحد م ْن بػَْعده انَّ َك اَنْ َت الَْوّىا ُب، َوبِا ْمس َك الذى َس َّخْر َت بو الُْ ربا ؽَ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِّ ِ َّ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ؿ َُزلََّمد َصلى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو َو َسل َم اْذ قاؿَ تَعاىل: ُسبْحا َف الذى اَ ْس رى بَعْبده لَيْالً م َن الَْم ْسجد ا ْحلراـ اَىل ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ الَْم ْسجد االْ ََقْصى، َوقػَْولُو ُ: ُسْبحا َف الذى َس َّخَر لَنا ىذا َوما ُكنّا لَوُ ُمْقرن ٌَن َوانّا اىل َربِّنا لَُمْنػَقلبُوَف، ِِ ِ َّ ِِ َّ ِ ِِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ َوبا ْمس َك الذى تػَنػََّزؿَ بو َجْبػَرئي ُل َعلى ُزلََّمد َصلى ا﵁ ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو، َوبا ْمس َك الذى َدعاؾَ بو آَدُـ فػَغََفْر َت لَوُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ذَنػْبَوُ َواَ ْس َكنْتَوُ َجنَّتَ َك، َواَ ْساَلُ َك ُنَ ِّق الُْقْرآف الَْعظيم، َوُنَ ِّق ُزلََّمد خامتَ النَّبيّ ٌَن، َوُنَ ِّق ابْرىي َم، َوُنَ ِّق فَ ْصل َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ يػَْوَـ الَْقضآء، َوُن َ ِّق الَْموازي َن اذا نُصبَ ْت، َوال ُّص ُحف اذا نُشَر ْت، َوُنَ ِّق الَْقلَم َوما َجرى، َواللْوِح َوما ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اَ ْحصى، َوُنَ ِّق االَْ ْسم الذى َكتَْبتَوُ َعلى ُسرادؽ الَْعْرش قػَْب َل َخْلق َك ا ْخلَْل َق َوالُّدنْيا َوال َّش ْم َس َوال َْقَمَر باَلَْف ْى ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ عاـ، َ واَ ْشَه ُد اَْف ال الػوَ االَّ ا﵁ُ َو ْحَدهُ ال َشري َك لَوُ، َواََّف ُزلََّمداً َعْب ُدهُ َوَرسُولُوُ، َواَ ْساَلُ َك با ْمس َك اؿْ ََسلُْزوف ِِ َّ ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِف َخزآئن َك الذى ا ْستَأثػَْر َت بو ِف عْلِم الْغَْيب عْنَدؾَ ََلْ يَظَْهْر َعلَْيو اَ َحٌد م ْن َخْلق َك ال َملَ ٌك ُمَقَّر ٌب َوال ِ ِِ ِ َّ ِِ ِ ِِ ِ ِِ نَىبٌّ ُمْرَس ٌل َوال َعْبٌد ُم ْصطَف ًى، َواَ ْساَلُ َك با ْمس َك الذى َشَقْق َت بو الْبحاَر، َوقاَم ْت بو ا ْجلباؿُ، َوا ْخ تػَلَ َف بو َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اللْي ُل َوالنَّهاُر، َوُنَ ِّق ال َّسْبِع الَْمثاّن، َوالُْقْرآف الَْعظيم، َوُنَ ِّق الْكراَـ الْكاتب ٌَن، َوُنَ ِّق طو َويس َوكهيعص ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِِ َومحعسق، َوُنَ ِّق تػَْوراة مُوسى َواْصليِل عيسى َوَزبُور داُوَد َوفػُْرقاف ُزلََّمد َصلى ا﵁ُ َعلَْيو َوآلو َوَعلى َمج يِع

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 81 ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ الُّرُسِل ِو ََباىيّاً َشراىيّاً، اَللػُّه َّم ا ّّن اَ ْساَلُ َك ُنَ ِّق تْل َك الُْمناجاة الىت كانَ ْت بػَْيػنَ َك َوبػٌََْن مُو َسى بْ ِن َع ْمرا َف ِ ِِ ِ َّ َّ ِ ِ ِِ ِ فػَْوؽَ َجبَِل طُور َسْينآءَ، َواَ ْساَلُ َك با ْمس َك الذى َعل ْمتَوُ َملَ َك الَْمْوت لَقْب ِض االْ ََْرواِح، َواَ ْساَلُ َك با ْمس َك َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ الذى ُكت َب َعلى َوَرؽ الَّزيْتُوف فَ َخ َضَعت النًّنا ُف ل تْل َك الَْوَرقَة فػَُقْل ُت يا ناُر كُوّن بػَْرداً َو َسالماً، َواَ ْساَلُ َك ِِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِِ با ْمس َك الذى َكتَْبتَوُ َعلى ُسرادؽ اؿْ ََ ْرلد َوالْ َكراَمة يا َم ْن ال ُُْيفيو سآئ ٌل، َوال يػَْنػُق ُصوُ نآئ ٌل، يا َم ْن بو ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يُ ْستَغا ُث، َوالَْيو يػُْل َجأُ، اَ ْساَلُ َك مبَعاقد الْعِّز م ْن َعْرش َك َوُمْنتػََهى الَّرْمحَة م ْن كتاب َك، َوبِا ْمس َك االْ ََ ْعظَم ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ َوَجِّدؾَ االْ ََ ْعلى َوَكلمات َك التّآّمات الْعُلى، اَللػُّه َّم َر َّب الِّرياِح َوما ذََر ْت، َوال َّسمآء َوما اَظَل ْت، َواالْ ََْر ِض َّ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوما اَقػَل ْت، َوال َّشياطٌن َوما اَ َضل ْت، َوالْبحار َوما َجَر ْت، َوُنَ ِّق ُك ِّل َح ٍّق ُىَو َعلَْي َك َح ٌّق، َوُنَ ِّق الَْمالئ َكة ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الُْمَقَّرب ٌَن َوالَّروحانيّ ٌَن َوالْ َكرُوبيّ ٌَن َوالُْم َسبِّح ٌَن لَ َك باللْيِل َوالنَّهار ال يػَْفَُتُوَف، َوُنَ ِّق ا بْرىي َم َخليل َك، َوُن َ ِّق ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ِِ ُك ِّل َو ٍّىل يُنادي َك بػٌََْن ال َّصفا َوالَْمْرَوة َوتَ ْستَجي ُب لَوُ ُدعآءَهُ يا ُرلي ُب اَ ْساَلُ َك ُنَ ِّق ىذه االْ ََ ْمساء َوِبذه ِ ِ ِِ ِ الَّد َعوات اَْف تػَْغفَر لَنا ما قََّدْمنا َوما اَ َّخْرنا َوما اَ ْسَرْرنا َوما اَْعلَنّا َوما اَبَْديْنا َوما اَ ْخ َفْينا َوما اَنْ َت اَْعلَ ُم بو منّا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ انَّ َك َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْىء قَديٌر بَرْمحَت َك يا اَْرَح َم الّرامح ٌَن، يا حاف َظ ُك ِّل َغريب، يا مُون َس ُك ِّل َوحيد، يا قػُ َّوةَ ُك ِّل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َضعيف، يا ناصَر ُك ِّل َمظْلُوـ يا رازؽَ ُك ِّل َْزلرُوـ، يا مُون َس ُك ِّل ُم ْستػَ ْوحش، يا صاح َب ُك ِّل ُمسافر، يا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ عماَد ُك ِّل حاضر، يا غافَر ُك ِّل ذَنْب َوَخطيئَة، يا غيا َث الُْم ْستَغيث ٌَن، يا َصري َخ الُْم ْستَ ْصرخ ٌَن، يا كاش َف ِ ِ ِ ُكَرب الَْم ْكرُوب ٌَن، يا فاِرَج َى ِّم الَْمْهمُوم ٌَن، يا بَدي َع ال َّسماوات َواالْ َََرض ٌَن، يا ُمنْتَهى غايَةَ الطّالب ٌَن، يا ِ ِ ِ ِ ُرلي َب َد ْعَوة الُْم ْضطَّري َن، يا اَْرَح َم الّرامح ٌَن، يا َر َّب الْعالَمٌن، يا َديّاف يػَْوـ الّدي ِن، يا اَ ْجَوَد االْ ََ ْجَ ودي َن، يا ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ َّ اَْكَرَـ االْ ََ ْكَرم ٌَن، يا اَ ْمسََع ال ّسامع ٌَن، يا اَبْ َصَر النّاظري َن، يا اَقَْدَر الْقادري َن ، ا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تػُغَيػُِّر ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ُّ َّ النػَِّع َم، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تُور ُث النََّدَـ، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تُوَر ُث ال َّسَق َم، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 82 ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ تػَْهت ُك الْع َص َم، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تػَُرُّد الُّدعآءَ، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت ََْتب ُس قَطَْر ال َّسمآء، َوا ْغفْر َىل ُّ َّ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ الذنُو َب الىت تػَُع ِّج ُل الَْفنآءَ، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت ََْتل ُب ال َّشقآءَ، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تُظْل ُم اْذلَوآءَ، ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ُّ َّ ِ ِ َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت تَ ْكش ُف الْغطآءَ، َوا ْغفْر َىل الذنُو َب الىت ال يػَْغفُرىا َغْيػُرؾَ يا ا﵁َُ، َوا ْمح ْل َعّىن ُك َّل ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ تَبَعة ال ََ َحد م ْن َخْلق َك، َوا ْجَع ْل ىل م ْن اَْمرى فػََرجاً َوَسلَْرجاً َويُ ْسراً، َواَنْزؿْ يَقينَ َك ِف َص ْدرى، َوَرجآء ؾََ ِف ِ ِ ِ ِ قػَْلىب َح ّىت ال اَْرُجَو َغْيػَرؾَ، اَللػُّه َّم ا ْحَفظْىن َوعافىن ِف َمقامى َوا ْص َحْبىن ِف لَْيلى َوَهنارى َوم ْن بػٌَْن يََد َّى َوم ْن ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َخْلفى َوَع ْن َمييىن َوَع ْن َشاىل َوم ْن فػَْوقى َوم ْن ََْتىت، َويَ ِّسْر َىل ال َّسبي َل، َواَ ْحس ْن َىل التػَّْيس ًَن، َوال ََت ُْذلْىن ِف ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ الَْعسًن، َواْىدّن يا َخْيػَر َدليل، َوال تَكْلىن اىل نػَْفسى ِف االْ َُمُور، َولَِّقىن ُك َّل ُسرُور، َواقْلْبىن اىل اَْى لى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بالَْفال ِح َوالنَّجاِح َْزلبُوراً ِف الْعاجل َواالْ ََ َجل انَّ َك َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْىء قَديٌر، َواْرُزقْىن م ْن فَ ْضل َك، َواَْوس ْع َعلَ َّى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ م ْن طَيِّبات رْزق َك، َوا ْستػَْعمْلىن ِف طا َعت َك، َواَجْرّن م ْن َعذاب َك َونارؾَ، َواقْلْبىن اذا تػََوفػَّْيتَىن اىل َجنَّت َك ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ بَرْمحَت َك، اَللػُّه َّم ا ّّن اَعُوذُ ب َك م ْن َزواؿ نْعَمت َك، َوم ْن ََْتويِل عافيَت َك، َ وم ْن ُحلُوؿ نَقَمت َك َوم ْن نُزُوؿ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َعذاب َك، َواَعُوذُ ب َك م ْن َجْهد الْبَالء، َوَدَرؾ ال ِّشقآء، َوم ْن ُسوء الَْقضآء، َوََشاتَة االْ ََ ْعدآء، َوم ْن َش ِّر ما ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ يػَْنزؿُ م َن ال َّسمآء، َوم ْن َشِّر ما ِف الْكتاب الُْمْنػَزؿ، اَللػُّه َّم ال ََْت َعْلىن م َن االْ ََ ْشرار، َوال م ْن اَ ْصحاب النّار، ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوال ََْترْمىن ُص ْحبَةَ االْ ََ ْخيار، َواَ ْحيىن َحياةً طَيِّبَةً َوتػََوفَّىن َوفاةً طَيِّبَةً تػُْلحْقىن باألَبْرار، َواْ رُزقْىن ُمرافػََقة األَنْبيآء ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِف َمْقَعد ص ْدؽ عْنَد َمليك ُمْقتَدر، ا َللػُّه َّم لَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َعلى ُح ْس ِن بَالئ َك َو ُصْنع َك، َولَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َعلَى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ االَْ ْسالـ َواتِّباِع ال ُّسنَة يا َر ِّب َكما َىَديػْتػَُه ْم لدين َك َوَعلَّْمتػَُه ْم كتابَ َك فَاْىدنا َوَعلِّْمنا، َولَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َعلى ِ ِ ِ َّ ُح ْس ِن بَالئ َك َو ُصْنع َك عْندى خآ َّصةً َكما َخلَْقتَىن فَاَ ْح َسْن َت َخْلقى، َوَعل ْمتَىن فَاَ ْح َسْن َت تػَْعليمى، ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَىَديػْتَىن فَاَ ْح َسْن َت ىدايَىت، فػَلَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َعلى انْعام َك َعلَ َّى قَدمياً َوَحديثاً، فَ َك ْم م ْن َكْرب يا َسيِّدى قَْد

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 83 ِ ِ فػََّرْجتَوُ، َوَك ْم م ْن َغ ٍّم يا َسيِّدى قَْد نػََّف ْستَوُ، َو َك ْم م ْن َى ّم يا سيِّدى قَد َك َشفتَو، َوَكم َم ْن بَالء يا سيِّدى قَد ِ َصرفػَتَو َوَك ْم م ْن َعْيب يا َسيِّدى قَْد َستػَْرتَوُ، فػَلَ َك ا ْحلَْم ُد َعلى ُك ِّل حاؿ ِف ُك ِّل َمثْو ًى َوَزماف َوُمْنػَقلَب ِِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َوَمقاـ، َوَعلى ىذه ا ْحلاؿ َوُك ِّل حاؿ اَللػُّه َّم ا ْجَعْلىن م ْن اَفْ َضِل عبادؾَ نَصيباً ِف ىَذا الْيػَْوـ م ْن َخًْن تػَْقس ُموُ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ اَْو ُضٍّر تَ ْكشُفوُ اَْو ُسوء تَ ْصرفُوُ اَْو بَالء تَْدفػَعُوُ اَْو َخًْن تَسُوقُوُ اَْو َرْمحَة تػَْن ُشُرىا اَْو عافيَة تػ ُْلب ُسها، فَانَّ َك َعلى ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َّ ِ ُك ِّل َش ْىء قَديٌر َوبيَدؾَ َخزآئ ُن ال َّسماوات َواالْ ََْرض، َواَنْ َت الْواح ُد الْ َكرميُ الُْمْعطى الذى ال يػَُرَّد سآئلُوُ، ِ ِ ِ ِ َوال ُُيَيَّ ُب آملُوُ، َوال يػَْنػُق ُص نآئلُوُ، َوال يػَْنػَف ُد ما عْنَدهُ بَ ْل يػَْزداُد َكثػَْرةً َوطَيِّباً َوَعطآءً َوجُودا ً، َواْرُزقْىن م ْن ِِ َّ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َخزآئن َك الىت ال تػَْفىن، َوم ْن َرْمحَت َك الْواسَعة ا َّف َعطآءؾََ ََلْ يَ ُك ْن َْزلظُوراً، َواَنْ َت َعلى ُك ِّل َش ْىء ق َديٌر ِ ِ ِ بَرْمحَت َك يا اَْرَح َم الّرامح ٌَن .

O my Allah! O He who sees clearly through what hearts and minds desire secretly, makes good and settles all complaints, knows full well the ins and outs of whatever is kept undisclosed, the ultimate fulfillment of all desires! O He who is the prime source of happiness for the (faithful) servants! O He who deals with gently and grants favours! O He who overlooks with subtle finesse! O He who gives without strings attached! O He who is not unaware of the covering darkness of nights, the roaring clamour of the seas, the supporting columns (substance) of the skies, the locked, shut up hindrance of disorder! O He for whom (whatever is in) darkness is as visible as (in) light! I beseech Thee in the name of the splendour of Thy kind and gentle style that made bright the "view" on the mountain, by leveling it to the ground, the flash of which made Moosa prostrate himself in adoration; and in the name of Thy name that has raised (suspended) the skies without (supporting) pillars, and spread the earth on the stable surface of the water; in the name of Thy pure name written clearly, kept well guarded and treasured, which brings results whenever invoked, grants favours whenever a request is made; in the name of Thy Holy, Sacred and Decisive name which is superior to all lights, a "light" that lights up all lights, the earth got split when came into contact with it, the heavens made an opening when it reached there, and when it came near the Arsh (Divine seat of authority) it went wild with joy (rapt in delight); in the name of Thy name which makes Thy Angels change to and fro with ease their movement. I beseech Thee in the name of Jabra-eel, Meekaa-eel and Israafeel; in the name of A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 84 Muhammad Al Mustafa, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children, and on all the Prophets and on the Angels; in the name of the name with Khizr recited to walk over the tidal waves as he used to walk on the hard level ground; in the name of Thy name which divided the sea (laid open a track of land) for Moosaa but drowned Firawn and his followers, and delivered safely (to the shore) Moosa son of Imran together with those who were with him; in the name of Thy name which summoned Moosa son of Imran to come to the blessed Toor, and gave answer to his request, filled him with Thy love; in the name of Thy name which Eesaa son of Maryam used for bringing the dead to life, (which) made the just born (Eesaa) talk clearly (sitting) in his cradle, (and when he grew up) cure the born blind and the lepers; in the name of Thy name which makes the bearers of Thy Arsh, Jibraa-eel, Meekaa-eel, Israafeel, Thy intimate friend and confidant, Muhammad (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), Thy confidential Angels, the Prophets appointed by Thee, and Thy chosen upright servants among the inhabitants of the heavens and the earths, pray fro Thy blessings; in the name of Thy name Zunnoon (Yoonus) recited to invoke Thee; (when he went off in anger and deemed that we had no power over him but he cried out in the darkness, saying. "There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Verily, I have been a wrongdoer." Then We heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish. Thus We save the believers, in the name of Thy great name Dawood recited and prostrated himself in adoration, so Thou forgave him; in the name of Thy name Aasiya wife of Firawn recited when she said: "My Lord! Build for me a home with Thee in the Paradise, and deliver me from Firawn and his work, and deliver me from evildoing folk;" then Thou heard her prayer; in the name of Thy name Ayyoob recited when he was surrounded by calamities and Thou removed that adversity (from which he suffered), and Thou gave him his household (that he had lost) and like thereof alongwith them, a mercy from Thy (store), and remembrance for the worshippers; in the name of Thy name that gave back sight to Yaqoob and also brought together him and the apple of his eyes, Yoosuf; in the name of Thy name that bestowed on Sulayman a Kingdom, such as did not belong to any after him, verily Thou art the Bestower; in the name of Thy name which requisitioned "Buraaq" (on which the Holy Prophet ascended to heaven) for Muhammad (blessings of Allah and peace be for him and his children), when the Praiseworthy said: Glorified be He who carried His servant by night from the "inviolable place of worship" to the "Far distant place of worship", and said he (the Holy Prophet): "Glorified be He who has subdued these unto us, and we were not capable (of subduing them), and verily, unto our Lord we return"; in the name of Thy name with which Jibra-eel was commissioned to call upon Muhammad, blessings of Allah be on him and on his children; in the name of Thy name Adam recited to seek Thy forgiveness, so Thou overlooked his mistake, and allowed him to stay in Thy Paradise. I beseech

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 85 Thee in the name of the evident proof of the glorious, decisive Holy Quran, in the name of the preserving reason and good Muhammad, the last Prophet, has, in the name of the sincerity of Ibraheem, in the name of the just and lawful decisions Thou will make on the Day of Judgement, in the name of the "what is as it ought to be" comparison and compensation system that will be set up; and the "books of accounts" which shall be laid open, in the name of the real and true writing (Qalam); and the slate (Lawh) contains, in the name of the Glory of the name Thou and written on the borders of the "Arsh", two thousand years before Thou created the sun, the moon, the earth and all that has been created. I testify that there is no god save Allah, He is Single, has no associate; and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name Thou keeps an eye on, safely treasured in Thy unknowable depository, known to Thee alone, no one from among Thy creation can (even) snatch a momentary view, nor the nearby Angels, nor the appointed Prophets, nor any chosen servant. I beseech Thee in the name of They name that separated the oceans, hoisted the mountains, made day and night follow each other, for the sake of "the twice revealed seven verses" (Al-Fatih'ah) and the Great Quran, for the sake of the "noble scribes" "(Kiramul Kaatibeen-the Angels who write down our deeds), for the sake of "Taha". "Yaa Seen", "Kaf-Ha-Yaa-Ayyn- Saad", "Ha-Meem-Ayyn- Seen-Qaaf", for the sake of Tawrayt, given to Moosaa; and Injeel, given to E'esaa and Zuboor, given to Dawood; and the Holy Quran, given to Muhammad (Allah's blessings be on him and on his children and on the Messengers) and for the sake of ) "I am I" (Allah had said to Moosaa). O my Allah! I beseech Thee, in the name of the conference that took place between Thee and Moosaa son of Imran on the mountain of "Toor Seenaa". I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name that gives a sign to the "Angel of Death" at the time of taking away souls from the bodies. I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name, written on the leaf of (an) olive tree, the leaf (which) calmed down the flames of the fire, (when) Thou said: "Be coolness and peace (for Ibraheem)." I beseech Thee in the name of Thy name Thou wrote on the canopy, covering the "surpassing glory and generosity". O He! Those (who) make repeated requests, and those who get what they want, do not make Him suffer loss. O He who is besought; and unto Him turn (all) to take refuge. I beseech Thee in the name of "hard of understand" rare but highly satisfying and loving kindness, out flowing from Thy "seat of authority" (Arsh), and the endless mercy, outpouring form Thy Book' in the name of Thy "Ismi Azam" (The Great Name of Allah), They boundless resources, and Thy complete, perfect "words" of highest excellence. O my Allah! Lord of the winds, (and of that which they carry off, sprinkle and scatter), and the skies, (and of that which they cover, shade and support), and the earth, (and of that which it bears and carry), and of the devils, (and of that which they cause to go astray and lose), and of the oceans and rivers, (and of that which they urge to run, flow and cause

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 86 to circulate); for the sake of all truths, (everything) concerning Thee is truth; for the sake of Thy confidential Angels, souls resting in peace, celestial spirits, and those, singing Thy praise and glory day and night, (who) never grow tired, slack or relax; for the sake of Ibraheem, they close friend, and all Thy loving devotees (who call upon and pray to Thee between Safa and Marwa, and Thou gives answer to their prayers. O the fulfiller of prayers! I beseech Thee in the name of all these names, and all these prayers, to show mercy to us (forgive us) for that which we have done, (that which) we shall do, (that which) we did not covered up, (that which) we did and made public, (that which) we did seriously, (that which) we did frivolously (light-mindedly). Art Thou not aware of (them) more than us? Verily (no doubt there is) Thou art able to do all things; on account of Thy mercy, O the most Merciful. O He who watches over every wayfarer! O He who gives company to every forsaken lonesome! O He Who defends every sick and weak (Makes grown strong O He who comes to the help of every oppressed! O He Who gives livelihood to every excluded outcast! O He Who cheers up every lonely solitaire! O he Who goes with every traveling stranger! O He who supports every settled inhabitant! O He Who overlooks faults and mistakes! O He who lends a helping hand to whoso seeks help! O He Who brings assistance to whoso cries out for help! O He Who makes less the agony and anguish of the grieved! O He who gives comfort to whoso is an object of sorrow and solicitude! O He who created the heavens and the earths! O He who is the ultimate last resource of whatever is desired and asked for! O He Who gives answer to whoso cries out in desperation! O the Most Merciful! O the Lord of the worlds! O the Requiter of the Day of Judgement! O the Most Generous! O the Most Kind! O the Best Hearer! O the Best Seer! O the Most Powerful! Forgive me my sins that swerve the flow of bounties. Forgive me my sins that give birth to remorse. Forgive me my sins that bring upon depression. Forgive me my sins that put asunder integrity. Forgive me my sins that nullify prayers. Forgive me my sins that hold back that which drops (mercy) from the heaven. Forgive me my sins that urge to bring quickly nothingness and non-existence. Forgive me my sins that draw near misery and distress. Forgive me my sins that bring disorder and chaos in thought and purpose. Forgive me my sins that expose and lay bare shelter and security. Forgive me my sins that no one can forgive other than Thee. O Allah! Take off the load (burden of sins) from my back belonging to any one from among Thy creation; make haste in my affairs, freed of care, brought into focus, and made easy; put into my heart sure and certain belief in Thee, and impress into my mind hope in and quest for Thee, till I turn to no one other than Thee. My Allah protect me, keep me safe in my position, be my constant companion in darkness and light, in (the hour of) comfort, in hardships, in success, in misfortune, in gain, in loss, make easy my course, let conduct of life be good, do not leave me in the lurch, forsaken in distress or

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 87 difficulty, guide me O the Best Guide, do not let me look repeatedly at my vain desires while carrying out day to day work, let me find happiness every where, make me team up with my family, happy and successful, in this quickly passing life and at the appointed time; (there is no doubt) certainly Thou art able to do all things. Give me the provisions of life as much as Thy generosity approves, open up for me the doors of Thy plenteous, good and clean store of possessions, put me to work in Thy obedience, keep me safe from fire and fury, when I die be merciful and direct my journey to Thy Paradise. O my Allah, in Thee do I seek refuge from the disappearance of Thy bounties, from discontinuation of welfare Thou made available for me, from the torment that may come upon me, from the penalty that comes down upon (us), from the disasters that vex and molest, from the misery (and distress) that takes hold of and lingers on, from violent and painful death, from the pride and joy of the enemies, from the evil that falls down from the skies, from the evil which has been pointed out in the revealed Book. O my Allah! Do not make me be among the evildoers, nor be among the dwellers of Hell, do not keep me out of enjoyment found in the company of the good; make me live a clear and honest life, and die a tranquil death, unite me (after death) with the select pious, let me keep company with the Prophets, in the abode of good repute, near the omnipotent seat of authority. O my Allah! (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Thy smooth and fair system of test and trail (so) clever and skilful. (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Islam, and (making all) follow the "way of life" (of Muhammad (s.a.), O Lord, just as Thou had guided them to Thy religion, and taught (revealed) them Thy Book, so guide us and teach us as well. (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for Thy smooth and fair system of test and trail (so) clever and skilful, particularly for me; just as Thou created me, (how wonderful is my creation!) and taught me, how thorough is my learning!) and showed me the right path, (how complete is the guidance I received!). (All) praise is for Thee (alone), (for) Thy bounties bestowed upon me, earlier and present. How my agonies, O my Master, Thou has dispelled! How many sorrows, O my Master, Thou has hushed! How many hardships, O my Master, Thou has put to flight! How many disasters, O my Master, Thou has dispersed! How many defects, O my Master, Thou has covered! So (all) praise is for Thee (alone), under all circumstances, in every place, at all times, in chaos, and in order, in the present moment and at all occasions. O Allah give me also from the gifts Thy deserving servants win, and duly distributed today, or the loss showed openly to them, or the evil sent away from them, or the disaster warded off from them, or the good urged on to reach them, or the mercy scattered and spread out, or the welfare that mingles and gets around, so (there is no doubt) Thou art able to do all things. In Thy hands are the treasures of the heavens and the earth. Thou art One, the Kindest Giver who does not send away one who makes a request to Him, nor disappoints one

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 88 who expects to get what one wants from Him, nor there is any defect or shortage in what one obtains from Him, nor dries up and goes waste that which comes from Him, on the contrary grows more and more, (is) clean, freely given, (out of) generosity and favour. Give me from Thy treasures that which never get exhausted, on account of Thy merciful love and kindness; boundless and fathomless is Thy grant that neither withholds nor is inaccessible. Thou art able to do all things, through Thy mercy, O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.

A‘maal for the Day of Arafah 89