Juniors to Have Prom Girls Glee Club Pre~Ents Nnua Aster Oncert

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Juniors to Have Prom Girls Glee Club Pre~Ents Nnua Aster Oncert ,. SERlES V VOL. VII Stevens Point, \Vis., April 10, 1946 No. 23 College Band Again Juniors To Have Prom Girls Glee Club Pre~ents To Welcome Alums Of interest to all students is the fact that the first post-war Juni or A 1 E c The col lege band, under Ihe di rec· Promenade will be he!J as originally nnua aster oncert tion of Peter J. Michelsen, wi ll hold sc heduled on Friday, May 24. There · a h omecoming on Saturday and Sun­ had previously been some question day, April 27 and 28. as to whether it could be held be­ Holds Initiation Michelsen to Direct Approximately 36 band directors cause of the fact that the date chose n Second semester pledges became The Girls Glee club, under the plan to attend the homecoming. for the Prom was the same as that members of Sigma Tau Delta, na­ directi on of Peter J. Michelsen, will They wi ll play with the college selected by the freshmen for their tional honora ry English fraternity, present their fifth annual Easte r band, making a total of '65 people in proposed party. After a discussion at a meeting held last Wednesday concert on P,tlm Sunda)', April 14, the organization. between the heads of the two classes, the decision was reached to evening in Studio A. in th; coll ege aud itorium .It 3 o'clock ! he g roup will spend Saturday combine the two events in to the The new members, Joyce Kopitz­ in the .1fternoon. rehearsing, and on Saturday evening, Junior Prom. ke, Helen Jacobson, H e len Firkus, A go!J cross, set against black a homecoming banquet will be serv­ Clara Winte r, Rosemary Nelson, curtains, and flanked by tall candles, ed at Frame Memoria l Presbyterian Art Pejsa, junior class president, has annou nced the following com· M oni ca Gill, Elizabeth McLaughlin, palms and fl owers wi ll provide .the church. mittees and their chairmen: Decora­ and Ma ry Lou Hutchins were initiat· stage setting for the concert. A concert will be presented at 3 tions, Ruth Ruff ; programs, Carmen ed in a candlelight ceremony at The program wi ll open with o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the Vincent ; advertising, Baroara Felk­ which each neophyte received a red three orchestra numbers : " Prelude", college auditorium. A feature of the er; furniture, Gus Rademac her ; tick­ rose, the emblem of Si gma T au O p. 28- 20; and " Prelude", Op. concert will be a two-piano duet by ets, Guy Roberts ; social, Nelda Delta, Psi Beta chapter. 28-7, Chopin ; and " Serenade" by Ula Mac Knutzen and Margaret Dopp ; lig hting, Dick Olk. The initiation was conducted by Schubert. Miller, with band accompaniment. Music will be furnished by Stan Eulah \'(fa lter, p resident, Jane Miller, T he Glee cl ub wi ll continue the Sever-al homecoming .students will Woodbu ry and his orchestra, which Marion Hemmrich and Eunice Goel­ program with "l H ave A Mother in direct the band. from all reports is quite a smooth er. During the program, Eunice the H~avens", a white spiritual, ar­ The conce rt is being sponsored by combination. The theme for the Goeler, society historian, read essays, ra nged by Cha rles F. Brya n, with the business 01en of Stevens Point. Prom has not been se lected, but sev­ poems and short stories wri;ten by soloist Esther Dav id son; " A~e Tickets may be obtained from the eral suggestions have been made and the pledges as part of their duties. Mari tell a" by Edward Grieg; and business places in the city. it is expected that an announcement At the close of the meeting, cake "Steal Away", a N egro spiritua l, ar­ will be made soon so that the com­ and coffee were served by Marion ranged by Fredrick W ick. mittees can begin their planning. Hemmrich and Jane Miller. Guests Foll owing this group wil l be a On behalf of the junior cl ass, Pej ­ were Leland M. Burroughs, club ad­ group of specia l numbers including Will Hold Dinner " l Know That My Redeemer sa expressed his thanks to the fresh­ viser, and Miss Bertha Glennon. The girls of Nelson Hall will en­ men and their president, Toby Tyler, Li veth," Handel, soprano solo by joy their annual Easter dinner at not only for allowing the juniors to Eulah Walter; " Berceuse" from Jo­ 12 :30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, use their date ond their orchestra, Spring Sports Are celyn, and 'Largo" by Handel, both preceding the Easter concert. but also for offering to assist in to be played by the ord,estra; " Ave Bouquets of sweet peas, flanked the plannin g, arrangements, and lab­ Reactivated Here Maria", Franz Schubert, soprano by tall lavender tapers, will decorate or necessary to make this first post­ solo by Dolores Cow Jes; " Romance", the dining room tables. Colored wa r Prom an outstanding social suc­ At a meeting held last Thursday by Jean Sebilius, piano solo by Easter eggs nested in miniature bas­ cess . morning in the auditorium, Coach Ro se m :t. r y N elson ; " Kamennoi­ .. kets will se rv e as place cards. George R. Berg outlined a program O strow", Anton Rubinstei n and Chairman of the decorations for for spring sports that are being re­ (Sec CONCERT, page ; ) the dinner is Elaine Becker. Her as­ To Attend Meeting activated at CSTC. These sports, sistants are Marjorie Schroeder, which include track, tennis, and Rosemary Ramsay and Bertha Ernst. Miss Gertie H anson, state radio golf, had to go the way of football Tours For Med's Glee chairman for the Busi ness and Pro­ Doris Ubbelohde is general chair­ and basketball during the war years. fessional Women's club, will attend man of the dinner. With the increased male enrollment Club Are Announced the sixth Annual Better Radio Lis­ tening state convention which opens now, Mr. Berg is anxious to get all Continuing their schedule of out- on Friday, April 12 in Madison. athletics back to normal. of-town appearances, the Men's Glee See "Life" at CSTC Preceding the convention, the A number of men have signed up club presented a concert at Mattoon "Life at Central State Teachers Wisconsin Joint Committee for for track already. Others who are High sc hool at 11 a.m. Friday, April College", a publication giving an Better Radio Listening, of which interested in any of the various 5. In the afternoon the 25 men attractive pictorial presentation of Miss Hanson is a member, will hold track events and who haven't signed journeyed to Bowler for their sec­ the school, was issued last week by a state board meeting, which she will up yet are urged to do so immedi- ond appearance of the day. Members the Chamber of Commerce. The bul­ attend. ately. If a sizeable track team can be of the group enjoyed a noon dinner letin will be used in con tacting pro· formed, Central State will partici - at the school and then in tl,e best of spective students. pate in at least two inter-school humor sang their program at one Add "Independents" meets, one a dual meet at O shkosh, o'clock before a large audience. The booklet, which was financed Soloists we re Wayne Salter, tenor, by a gift of $1,000 from an anonym­ Wintry winds and drizzling rains tentatively scheduled for M ay 11 , and Fran k Kostuck, baritone. Bob ous donor, was planned and the prevented the intra-mural softball and a conference meet to be held at West enoe rger played the piano ac- material written by Richard Brady league from going into action last Mi lwaukee on May 18. companimcnt for the Glee club. and Paul Parkinson, local advertising week as originally planned. The The Oshkosh and Milwauke meets A trip to two high schools, men. "Big Wheels" and the "Seagrams" will also include tennis and golf Rhinelander and Eag le River, is The college committee of the nine were forced to cancel their pre­ events. While not many men have :pbnned for Thursday, April 11 . The Chamber of Commerce sponsored the tournament engagement because of signed up thus far for tennis, the program at Rhinelander will be at publication. Members of the commit­ the rain. golf outlook is very bright. Gene 11 a. m., after which the organiza­ tee a re K . B. Willett, chairman, A. A meeting of team captains was Harrington, taking the initiative on tion will drive to Wittenberg for M. Diedrich, Lloyd Whitney, Miss held yesterday and a tentative play­ the golf problem, began the organi - lunch and then proceed to W ausau ing schedule adopted. Weather per· for the concert at 2 :30 o 'clock in the May Roach, 0 . W. Neale, Kenneth zation of a golf club. A score of aft ernoon. ·· mitting, the teams will commence Anderson, W. S. Delzell and B. W. playing this we1f k. A new addition college golfers have signed up, and Charles Bart and Bill Mellin, the Dagneau. to the softball league is the "Inde­ an arrangement has been made al· si nging bus driver, are scheduled as Students and faculty of CSTC are pendents" team. Commonly dubbed ready · for college teams to play at tenor soloists and Frank Kostuck a, greatly appreciative of the efforts of the G.D.l.'s the Independents are the local golf course. A meeting of baritone soloist. Steve Speidel, a, the Chamber of Commerce and are captained by "Cap" Capacasa and golfers is scheduled for 4 o·clock guest artist, will play a trumpet solci .
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