1A52.] Officfal DIRECTORY
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1A52.] OFFICfAL DIRECTORY. 73 New Orleans, United States, William ..Mure, esq Virginia, United States. see Norfolk New York, United States, Antbony Barclay,esq Warsaw, Poland, Col. Gustavus Cllarles du Plat, Con. Gen N1ce, Sardinia, Adolphus la Croix, e~q Wharupoa, China, Nicholas de St. Croix, esq. ConsularAgt N ingpo, China, vacant Wiborg, Rus8ia, Charles Livio, e@q Nor folk, Virginia, Francis Waring, esq .. Woahoo, Sandwich Isles, William Miller, esq. Con. Gen Norwav. see Christiana Zanzibar, Muscat, Captain Atkins Hamerton Odessa,- Russia, James Yeames, esq. Con. Gen. t John Wilkins, esq CONSV:LS OE' :E'OR.E:EGN STATBS :EN TB!: UNJ:T&D XJ:NGDOM. Odru~ee, Denmark-, t E. B. 1\Iiccis, esq Oporto, Portugal, Edwin Johnson, e~q America (United States of). Oran, Algiers, t C. Tulin, e~;q Marked thus tare Vice Consuls aud .A.gents appointed by the Consul Ostend, B~lgiu'"!,_J!:· Thompson Curry, e~q in London. Otranto, 1 u:o Swtltes, t Frar,cesco Corchia, esq Marked thus • are Commercial Agents. Palermo, Ttco Sicilies, John Goodwin, esq CONSUL-GENERAL AND AGENT FOR CLA.IMS-Col. Panama, NeuJ Granada, William Perry, esq A~pinwall, 1 BiQhopsgate churchyard Para, Bra.zil, Daniel O'Connell, e@q Auckland (New Zealand), John B. Williams; Barbadoes, Paraiba, Brazil, Be,·erley N ewcomen, esq William R. Hayes; Belfast, H. Jones Brook; Belize, Paris, France, Thomas Pickford, esq Christopber Hempstead; Bermuda, Wm. Tudor Tucker; Patras, Greece, Thomas Woo1l, esq Bombay, Edward Ely ; Bristol, Francis B. Ogden; Payta, Peru, t Charles Higginson, esq Calcutta, Charles Huffnagle; Cape of Good Hope, Pennsylvania, United States. see Philadelphia Gideon S. Holmes ; Cork, Alfred Mitcbell; Deal, tE. Perr ambuco, Brazil, Henry Augustus Cowper, esq lggulden ; Demerara, Cbas. Benjamin; Dover, tSamuel Philadelphia, United States, William Peter, esq ..M. Latham; Dublin, James Foy; Dundee, James Pillau, Prussia, t Charles El•asser, esq M' Dowel!; .Falmouth, Robert W. Fox; Galway, Tho Pirreus, Greece, John Green, e~q mas l\1. Persse; Gibraltar, Horatio J. Sprague ; Glas Port-an-Prince, Hayti,ThomasUsber, esq. tCharlesLennox gow, D. 0. Kdlogg; Haljfax (Nova Scotia), T. B. W)l<e, esq Livingston; Hobart To,.cn (Van Dieman's Land), E. Porto Rtco, Spain, John Lindegren, esq H athaway, jun. ; Hong Kong, Frederick J. Bu"h;. Portland, United States, Thomas Grignon, esq Kingston (Jamaica), Robt. M. Harrison ; Kirkwall, Prevesa, Albania, t T. S. Hutton, esq Robert Scarth; Leeds, Albert Davy ; Leith (Port of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, t John l\1'Wbirter, esq Edinburgh), Robert Grieve; Liverpool, Thos. L. Crit Banders, Denmark, James Huld, esq temlen; Llanelly, Robert Dun kin; Londonderry, Robert Rhode!!, Turkey, Niven Kerr, esq L. LongbPad; JJialta, Wm. Winthrop; Mauri~ius, Wm. Riga, Russia, George Bunbury Clinton Wynyard esq Carrol; Nassau (New Providence), Timothy Darling; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Robert He:>keth, e,;q ' New Brunswick~ Canada, Israel de Wolf Andrews; Rio Grande do Snl, Brazil, John Morgan, esq Pictou (Nova Scotia), Ber jamin H. Norton; Plymouth, Rio Hacha, Venezuela, t Michael Constantine Thomas Were Fox; Ramsgate, tEdward Hodges; St. Rome, John Freeborn, e~q. Consular Agent John's (New Brunswick), Israel D. AndrPws; South Rotterdam~ Holland, Sir James Turing, bart ampton~ Cowes, Joseph Rodney Croskey W. Fenton; St. Doming-o, Sir Robert Hermann Schomburgk~ PH.D Sydney (Australia], Jas. H. Williams; Sydney, (Nova St. Jago (Cuba), Spain, James Forbes, esq- Scotia), Charles H. Delaven ; Tenby, Robert Duukin; St. 1\lartba, New Granada Trinidad, Edward B • .Marache; Turk'slsland, Stepheu St. l\lichael's (Azores), Portugal, Thomas Carew B nnt, esq D. Poole; Yarmouth, tJ. Preston (agent); St. Helena, St. Petersburgb, Russia, Charles Eastland Michele, esq • W illiam Carroll Salonica, Turkey, Charles Blunt, e5q Austria. Sam~oon, Turkey, t Frederick Guarracino, esq CoNSUL GENERAL-Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothscbild, San Blar,o, .Mexico, Eustace B. Barron, esq M,P, 3 New Court, St. Swithin's lane; Chancellor of the 8dn Francisco, Califm nia, George Aikin, esq consulate, Dr. Scbwarz San Lucar, Spain, t Charles Fillippe, esq CoNSULAR AGENTS-Belfast,J. Priiger; Dublin, Thomas SanSalvador,CentralAmerica, Fred.Cbatfield,Pgq,Con.Gen Suowe; Falmouth, Alfred Fox ; Glasgmo ~ Troon, Geo. Santiago, Chili, Stephen Henry Sulivan, el!q. Con. Gen Henderson ; Hull, Tbos. Thomp:mn ; Limerick, H. W. Sara.wak, Borneo, Sir James Brooke, K.C.B Harrison; Milf'ord,Walter Harries; Newport~ Cardiff, Savannah, Georgia, United States, Edmund Molyneux,esq C. H. Stone house; North Shields, Jose ph Burrell; Pen Saxonv. see Leipzig zance, Richard Pearee ; Plymouth, Thos. Were Fox ; Scio, Turkey, t 0. D. Vedova, esq Portsmouth, Louis Arnold vanden Bergh ; Queenstown, Scuta.ri, Albania, t George Bonatti, esq ~onsul Gen. Wm. Deane Seymour ; Ramsgate §r Deal, Shanghai, China, Rutherford Alcock, esq. t Daniel Brooke Edward Hodges; St. Helena, Saul Solomon; Scilly Isles, Rollertson, esq J. Banfield ; W aterj'ord, J osiah Williams Smyrna, Turkey, Rich. Wm. Brant, esq. t and Chancelier, Baden. John Cbarnaud, esq CoNsUL-Jobn Simson, esq. l Riches court, Lime street Society Islands. see Tahiti Stettin, Prus&ia, t Jo!lepb O'KeH, esq Bavaria. Stockholm, Sweden, ..Major Norman Pringle CONSULGENERAL-A.dolphus Brandt,esq.33~Gt.St.Helen's Suza, Tunis, t Wllliam Crowe, e~q CoNSUL-Gibraltar, Oeorge Wortmann; Malta, Louis Syra, Greece, ~tch~rd Wilkinson, esq Vondt:r Pfordten Tabreez, Penta, RIChard Steveus, esq Belgium. Tal{anrog, John Patrick Carruthers, esq CoNsUL-Octave Delepierre, esq. P.S.A., L-L.D. 52 Grace Tahiti, Society Isles, George C. Miller, e"q. Acting Con1ul church street, City; res. 18 Gloster ter. By de pk. gardens Tampico, Mexico, Lt. Col. Ule!and Cuwberlege Aberdeen, Alexander Thorn j Bdfost, J obn Hind, jun.; Tangier, Morocco, John IJrummond Hay ,esq.Agent~Con.Gn Cardijf, David Brown; Cork, H. Barry; Cowes, Thomas Tar:~out<, Turkey, t John Ciapperton, esq Harltug; Deal~ Ramsgale, E. Hodges; Dartmouth, Tebran, Persia, Keith EJwara Abbott, esq Ueorge Hing-stou ; Dover, l\1. Latham; lJublin, J. Fot Tenertfte (Canary Islands). Henry John Mnrray, esq trell; Dundee, t David Barclay Nhen; Falmouth, Alfred Terceira (Azores), Portugal, t John Read, eeq Fox; Folkestone, F. M. Faulkner; Glasgow ~ Greenock, Tetuan, Morocco, t James Butler, esq ~c. Francis Reid; Guernsey, F. D. Putron; Harwich, Toulon, France, i L. E. Jouve, esq Oliver John Williams; Hull, John Foster; Jersey, Trehizond, Turkey, t Francis Jamee Stevens, esq Charles Godfrey; Leith, consul, J. Mitchell; vice-consul, Trieo.te, Austria, Henry Raven, esq John Cadell; Lerwick, Charles Duncan; Limerick, Tripoli, Geor~e William Crowe, Agent~ Con. Gen. ..Michael Robert Ryan ; Liverpool, Edwards Mengens; Tuui", Sir Edward Stnart Baynes, Agent 4f Con. Gen. Manchester, Geo. Kissell; Margate, Victor Weber; t Lewis Ferriere, esq Milford Haven. Thomas Roberts; Newcastle-on-Tyne, Tu10cany. see LeghfJrn tChristian B. Reed; Newport, G. W. Jones; Orkney VaJ,larai"o, Chili, Henry Rouse, e~q Islands (Lerwick), Charles Dune an; Padstowe t Pen Varna, Turkey, Edward St. John Neale zance, Richard Pearce; Portsmouth, Alex. Beattie; Veuice, Austria, Clinton George Dawkins Plymouth, Samuel Treeby; Ramsgate, E. Hodges; St. Vera Cruz, Mezico, Francis Gifford, esq Helena,.. Saul Solomon; St. Ivea. (Cornwall), A lex. .