HMI CATEGORY CODE: DIRECTORATE: Matrix AREA/DEPT: Operational Support FAU: SECTION: Roads Policing Vehicle Release & Retention JOB TITLE: VEHICLE RELEASE & RETENTION OFFICER / INVESTIGATOR REPORTS TO: DVLA Liaison / Release & Retention Manager CURRENT RANK/GRADE: C DATE: August 2019

1. JOB PURPOSE: (Briefly state your job’s overall objectives. To...... ”)

To provide a comprehensive professional customer service to members of the public through the detailed scrutiny of their presented documents relating to the release or retention of vehicles seized under the Road Traffic Act 1998.

2. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES: (Describe the important end results you are expected to achieve).

a) Scrutinise documents of Motor Trade, Fleet and Commercial motor insurance verifying that the policy holder had the appropriate custody and control of the vehicle at the time it was seized, identifying anyone abusing the ‘open’ nature of this type of policy and refusing release where abuse is suspected.

b) Investigate, verify and validate documentation for any member of the public seeking release of financed vehicles, vehicles linked to members of Organised Crime Groups / significant criminal nominals, Motability owned vehicles, private hire taxi’s, Foreign registered vehicles, hire or company owned vehicles, those intending to produce foreign driving licences, foreign insurance, fleet or trade insurance policies.

c) Demonstrate and record proportionate decision making in relation to the release or retention of vehicles, effectively communicating the outcome to the customer in line with legislation and Force customer satisfaction expectations. d) Proactively build and maintain positive partnership and excellent working relationships with all relevant external agencies and organisations (Motor Insurance Bureau, DVLA, HMCR, UK Border Agency, DWP, various finance houses and insurance companies) to ensure the outcome of timely investigations e) Identify forged or counterfeit driving documents using UK and foreign police and open-source databases, seizing and exhibiting any suspect documents. f) Confirm legal ownership of all vehicles seized which are subject to Finance Agreements or Motability contracts, reporting any breaches of contract or abuse to the appropriate Finance company or charity, seeking repossession of the vehicle where appropriate. g) Research and submit intelligence, utilising Force systems, on any individual(s) or vehicle(s) linked to criminal activity or provide to them, in line with Force Policy. This may also include recommending individuals willing to assist the police to the Covert Human Intelligence Source Handling. h) Verify and resolve any referred ambiguities in relation to seizure, ownership, insurance and licensing that may be referred from internal colleagues e.g. local Enquiry Offices and external agencies e.g. Driver and Licencing Vehicle Agency (DVLA), Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) i) Undertake investigatory checks on the Forces Intelligence System, ELVIS PF & VR (internal and external Vehicle Information System), PNC, DVLA’s Driver Validation System, Corvus, Motor Insurance Database and Hire Purchase Information databases in compliance with force data integrity protocols updating some of those systems (internal or external) with information and data when appropriate if the vehicle or its users are of interest to police. j) Seize documents and investigate evidence of finance or insurance fraud or deception and present findings in statement as disclosure to a finance or insurance company, attending Court as required if matters progress to a criminal matter. Using devolved powers of a Constable k) Ensure all health and safety requirements are adhered to in line with the requirements of the role. l) Undertake all responsibilities relating to information management, data quality and information sharing, intelligence and information security to ensure accordance with the Authorised Professional Practice (APP) on Information Management, issued by the College of Policing, including the Home Office Code of Practice on the Management of Police Information (MoPI).

3(a) KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: (What kind of knowledge, skills and experience are necessary to enable satisfactory performance in the job and why are they necessary?).

To demonstrate confidence, empathy and be fully committed to customer care, portraying a positive professional image of the Police Force.

To be committed to continuous improvement and development, both individually and for the organisation, identifying areas of improvement and efficiencies.

Display excellent customer care skills so that callers leave with a positive impression of , regardless of outcome, in relation to vehicle release.

Have an ability to deal with confrontation and verbal abuse from customers unhappy with the outcome of any decisions made, calming down angry or upset customers and defusing hostile situations.

To demonstrate an understanding of the diverse cultural and multiracial communities in order to support customers from diverse backgrounds in being able to fully understand the decision making process and outcomes.

To demonstrate positive communication skills and personal resilience when dealing with aggressive and abusive customers, in order to be able to process and resolve issues.

To be computer literate especially in the use and interrogation of databases and experienced in Microsoft Word and Excel for the purpose of presenting data and findings. Training will be provided on relevant Force systems.

To be able to demonstrate up to date knowledge of Road Traffic Act, Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, Fraud Legislation, relevant Acts of Parliament concerning keepership, title, licensing and insurance requirements, Force Policies or Procedures that may affect the outcome of the decision making process. Have an awareness of EU and individual EU States similar requirements in relation to keepership, title, licensing and insurance requirements.

Previous experience in dealing with Road Traffic Act matters and/or be prepared to undertake any training required for the role .

To demonstrate an understanding of Data Protection legislation and information sharing protocols in order to lawfully share/disclose relevant information to insurers and finance companies to allow informed decisions regarding potential false declarations or breached contracts in order that release of a vehicle can be refused. Relevant information may also be shared with other Government Departments or law enforcement agencies in order to help disrupt criminal activities.

Postholder must undertake Personal Safety Protection training.

3(b) (Does your post require any Police Powers, and if so what are they, and why are they necessary?)

The post holder will have designated powers of a constable under the Police Reform Act 2002 and be designated an ‘Investigating Officer’ under Section 38 (2) (b) by the Chief Constable with powers to seize items pre arrest under Schedule 4 Part 2 Section 19 General Powers of Seizure and Section 20 Access and copying in the case of things seized by a constable.

The role may require the post holder to seize items such as insurance certificates that have been unlawfully obtained contrary to section 174 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 or Section 2 or 3 of the Fraud Act 2006 or suspected forged, counterfeit items including driving and identity documents, receipts or other items or documents as evidence or for examination to prove the items authenticity.


(a) Supervisory responsibilities:


(b) Supervision Received:

DVLA Liaison / Release & Retention Manager

(c) Other Contacts:

(i) Within Merseyside Police:

Regular contact with the following regarding release and retention isssues.

Local Policing at all levels MATRIX at all levels especially Roads Policing Officer Criminal Justice Unit Professional Standards Department and Civil Litigation Covert Human Intelligence Source Handling Force Solicitor Vehicle Fleet

(ii) Outside Merseyside Police:

Regular direct contact with the following regarding release and retention isssues.

Members of the public including those seeking the release of vehicles linked to members of Organised Crime Groups/significant criminal nominals, Motability owned vehicles, private hire taxi’s, Foreign registered vehicles, hire or company owned vehicles, those intending to produce non-EU driving licences, foreign insurance, fleet or trade insurance policies.

Regular contact with the following regarding release and retention isssues.

Other police force departments Banks and Financial Institutions Insurance Companies Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA Motor Insurance Bureau MIB Association of British Insurers ABI Solicitors Hire Companies Local Authority Taxi Licensing UK Border Agency Armed Forces Law Enforcement SOCA/NCA Regional Crime Squad HMRC DWP Benefits Agency (fraud team) Motability Scheme Protection DVLNI (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Northern Ireland) Driver and Vehicles Standards Agency AADL (Rota garages) Overseas Police Forces Mersey Tunnels and Port of Police Foreign Government Agencies/Consuls/High Commissions and Embassy’s.

5. CONTEXT: (a) Operating Environment : (Services provided, work patterns, who are the customers).

The post holder works as part of a dedicated team on a shift pattern dealing with the public in a plain clothes front line service capacity dealing solely with vehicle seizures and subsequent release or retention.

(b) Framework and Boundaries : (Policies and procedures which affect you and how these can be changed).

The post holder works within Forces Policies and procedures and Current legislation.

(c) Organisation : (For each type of post that reports directly to you, outline below the posts overall responsibilities).


6. DIMENSIONS: (Indicate in quantitative terms, key areas on which your job has an impact).

Financial: The post holder has the responsibility to exercise discretion regarding waiving the statutory recovery and storage fees if investigation shows what may be deemed as a vehicle seized in error. Any decision taken would be required to be recorded and justified.

Staff: N/A

Other : N/A

7. JOB CHALLENGES: (Describe the most challenging or complex parts of your job).

Ensuring that all customers are dealt with efficiently and effectively in line with the Force guidelines and detect and offences and ensure offenders are reported for prosecution whilst portraying a professional image of the Merseyside Police.

Ensuring vehicles are only returned to the rightful person be it the registered keeper, owner or finance company on production of valid documents

From time to time the post holder may be required to work alone with the minimum supervision and deal with the workloads/demands of the role effectively at all times making their own decisions which they must be able to justify coming too.

Due to the nature of the role there frequent confrontation from persons who are unable to satisfy the requirements of a release. To protect themselves from malicious complaints the post holder is required to wear body worn CCTV cameras when dealing with people seeking the release of a vehicle.

8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : (Provide any further information, not included in your previous answers, which you consider would assist others to achieve a better understanding of your job).

You will be required to undertake Personal Protection Training in order to protect yourself should a situation escalate and make use of body worn cameras.

The job can be highly satisfying as well as challenging due to the potential confrontational nature. Through the robust application of the law only vehicles that should be released are released which can create an aggressive or confrontational response from those who fail to satisfy the release requirements, within the timescales the law lays down.

Vehicles that are not released are disposed of by the Chief Constable either by crushing or sale at auction with any money raised coming back in to the Chief Constables accounts.

A measure of success is not necessarily based on the number of vehicles released with the lawful conditions met but those retained for disposal.

Either way the post holder is directly contributing to disrupting crime and antisocial behaviour as well as ensuring vehicles that are released are accountable to insured and licensed owners (Road Safety) but those that are retained contribute to the ethos of denying criminals the use of the roads.

Postholder must take responsibility for their own individual continuous professional development, attending all required learning for the role and ensuring participation in the Force Professional Development Review (PDR) process.

9. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE: (Draw an organisational chart of your Department / Section, indicating the position of your post within it).

10. AGREEMENT OF QUESTIONNAIRE CONTENT: (Please sign when completed)

POSTHOLDER’S NAME: (Please print in block capitals)


MANAGER’S NAME: (Please print in block capitals)