
La Unidad Latina, Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


Below are the standard operating procedures by which the Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Fraternity, Incorporated shall abide. These procedures shall be used along with the Chapter Management Manual, National Constitution, Hermano Protocol, Caballero Protocol, National Pledge Manual, and university policies and procedures as the means of operating the chapter. The responsibilities and obligations provided are the minimum for chapter operation. All other obligations discussed, appointed, or committed to, throughout the year, are also binding.

Executive Officer Obligations

I. President

The President shall be responsible for, but not limited to, coordinating and ensuring the following:

1. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings. 2. Implementation of all Iota Chapter annual programs. ( SEE APPENDIX A ) 3. Being the primary contact of communication between the National Council, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, etc. 4. Completion and submission of the OFSA Annual Report. ( SEE APPENDIX Q ) 5. Reviewing the annual report requirements at the beginning of his term and ensuring that the chapter meets ALL CRITERIA for ALL eight sections including ALL awards criteria. 6. Creating and Submitting OR delegating, all awards applications for qualifying Hermanos and events, for recognition in the Greek Awards and Latino Student Council Awards. 7. Submitting a completed semester packet and compliance report to the National Council. 8. Create the agenda or each chapter meeting 9. The success of all chapter events. 10. Chapter Contracts Signed by all undergraduates. (Executive Board Obligations Contracts, Financial Dues Agreement) 11. Creating the vision for the chapter for said academic year. 12. The chapter is qualified and in compliance with all national standards for intake(ie, dues, contracts, workshop, etc.)


Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

13. The stability and growth of the chapter in said academic year, and longevity for years to come. 14. At chapter meetings, reinforcing accountability within the Hermanos regarding duties and attendance. 15. Maintaining positive relations with all organizations on campus. 16. Being the model Hermano that goes above and beyond the call of duty. 17. Collecting and discussing a completed LDP Evaluation form from each initiated new member. 18. All duties and sections of this manual including Executive Board Obligations and Appendixes, as well as Hermano Protocol, National Constitution, National Pledge Manual, Hermano Contract, Chapter Leadership Development Process Outline, Universities Policies and Procedures, Chapter Management Manual, and all other guiding forces are strictly followed and completed by the chapter. 19. Assuming the leadership role in all positions that are performing poorly. (ie treasurer is not performing, President assumes role.) In these cases the Chapter President has the authority to remove an individual from their position without a chapter vote. If desired, the person in that position can appeal to the chapter for a vote(where said persons vote will not count) to overturn the Presidents decision. The Chapter President can also choose to have another general election for that position.

II. Vice President

The Vice President shall be responsible for, but not limited to, ensuring the following :

1. Inheriting the President’s responsibilities in any situation in which the President cannot perform his duties. 2. Serving as the official representative of the Chapter for the Latino Student Council and submitting a report after every LSC meeting. ( SEE APPENDIX I ) 3. All officers are performing their tasks and duties. 4. Performing all duties assigned by the President. 5. Providing updates to the chapter President on all chapter operations and assignments as soon as possible. 6. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings. 7. Calling all members on the Wednesday of each week for an update on tasks assigned at chapter meetings. 8. Sending text messages or calling brothers as a reminder for all events the chapter has agreed to participate. 9. Maintain an attendance roster for the year that includes but is not limited to Hermano attendance at: programs sponsored by the Iota Chapter, Iota Chapter Meetings, Programs that the Hermanos of the Iota Chapter support, National Meetings, Regional Meetings, Regional Workshops, OFSA Workshops, Birth Ceremonies, Above Sets, Crossing Ceremonies, Council Meetings(LSC/IFC), National Gala,

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National Convention, National Retreat, National Fundraisers, other Chapter Fundraisers, and Rutgers Club Parties(both LUL and non-LUL), La Unidad Latina Probates, Non-La Unidad Latina Probates. 10. The Chapter President is performing his duties. If not he must council with the Chapter President and discuss the issues further at the end of a chapter meeting. For further issues, refer to impeachment.

III. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following :

1. Documenting accurate and concise minutes of all meetings. ( SEE APPENDIX I ) 2. Presenting minutes at each chapter meeting. 3. Creation and distribution of a monthly calendar. This shall be a collaborative effort between the Public Relations chairman and the Secretary. ( SEE APPENDIX H ) 4. Creation and distribution of an updated Iota Chapter information pamphlet. This shall be a collaborative effort between the Public Relations chairman and the Secretary. ( SEE APPENDIX G ) 5. Collecting and storing all chapter proposals. 6. Shall update the Executive Board Roster and Undergraduate Roster each September. 7. Storing copies of all chapter materials for that year(i.e. all programming forms submitted to OFSA, community service forms submitted to OFSA, flyers, reservation confirmations, etc.) 8. Printing and storing all OFSA Reports (programming reports, scholarship reports, philanthropy reports) for the year.

IV. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for handling all monetary transactions at the Chapter including, but not limited to ensuring the following: 1. Providing a detailed weekly report at chapter meetings 2. Providing a detailed report 48 hours immediately following all fundraising endeavors 3. Providing a detailed chapter budget for the year 4. Providing an income statement for each fundraising event 5. No purchases are made without chapter consensus 6. Collection of Chapter dues 7. All National dues paid 8. Collection of Council dues 9. Council dues paid to respective council 10. Ensuring that there are NO HERMANO LOANS under any circumstances 11. Providing the Chapter with a copy of the bank statement. ( SEE APPENDIX I )

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12. Providing accurate and detailed feedback to the Alumni treasurer regarding all chapter transactions. 13. Safety and security of all chapter funds. 14. Sound economic judgments are made regarding the use of chapter funds. 15. Economic longevity of the chapter is secure. 16. Semi-annual report presented to the chapter regarding status of chapter budget. ( SEE APPENDIX B ) 17. Reimbursements. ( SEE APPENDIX C )

V. Community Service Chairman

The Community Service Chairman shall be responsible for, but not limited to, coordinating and ensuring the following :

1. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings. 2. Collection and submission of all community service forms to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. 3. Signing the Chapter up for annual events like the AIDS Walk, Heart Walk, etc. 4. Designing new and innovative programs to follow the Chapter philanthropy. 5. Brown and Gold Christmas Event 6. Iota Chapter Turkey Drive. 7. Each Hermano performs a minimum of 20 hours of service per semester. 8. Distribution of the Jose Negron Scholarship. 9. Success of all community service endeavors. 10. Chapter participates in at least 2 greek sponsored community service events per semester. (i.e. Upsilon – Batting for Success, – Volleyball Tournament) 11. Chapter participates in at least 1 community service not sponsored by the chapter, per month. 12. At least 50% of the chapter participates in Dance Marathon. 13. The chapter participates in the annual Big Chill Event

VI. Inter Fraternal Council Alternate

The Inter Fraternal Council Alternate shall be responsible for the following :

1. Attending all IFC meetings in which the President cannot attend. 2. Accurately representing the views of Chapter at said meetings and voting accordingly. 3. Submitting a report to the Chapter on all issues discussed at said meetings. ( SEE APPENDIX I )

VII. Programming Chairman

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

The Social and Educational Chair shall be responsible for the following : 1. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings. 2. Implementation of all social and educational programs. 3. Collection and submission of all social and educational forms to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. 4. Creation of list of programs hosted by other organizations elsewhere or other chapters of La Fraternidad. 5. Presenting these program ideas to the chapter for voting. 6. Storing program ideas attained throughout the year from other chapters or other organizations, to be done in the future. 7. Hosting those programs voted upon by the chapter.

VIII. Alumni Involvement Chairman

The Alumni Involvement Chairman shall be responsible for the following: 1. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings. 2. Contacting all alumni for all chapter events including meetings, mixers, programs, etc. 3. Keeping an accurate and updated database of alumni. 4. Hosting at least two main alumni events per year. 5. Shall coordinate, host, and facilitate the Annual Iota Chapter Thanksgiving Dinner. 6. Creation and distribution of Chapter bi-annual newsletter. 7. Distribution of bi-monthly calendars to alumni. 8. Sending greeting cards to alumni for the holidays. 9. Creating a short youtube video at least once a semester for the purpose of alumni viewing. Length should vary between 30 and 60 seconds. No confidential chapter operations/business shall be discussed. 10. Emailing a youtube video link at least once a semester to all alumni. (Fall semester Holiday theme, Spring semester Updates and Wishes.)

IX. Membership Development Coordinator

The Membership Development Coordinator’s primary responsibility shall be the development of the Interest group. The MDC does not necessarily have to be the next pledge dean, but should work closely with the next pledge dean if known. The MDC shall be responsible for ensuring the following

1. Providing a typed Membership Development Report at all chapter meetings( SEE APPENDIX I ) 2. Organization of 3 information sessions per semester

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

3. Calling, texting, and emailing all interested gentlemen for invitation to all chapter functions atleast seven days in advance. If the seven day period is not possible, communication must be made immediately. 4. Re-contacting interested gentlemen the day prior to the event to ensure attendance. 5. Organization and implementation of the Smoker the first Sunday of the Spring semester. 6. Chapter brochures shall be provided at all recruitment events 7. National Information Packet is distributed at recruitment functions 8. Folders are provided to ensure confidentiality at information sessions 9. The chapter roster on the informational powerpoint is up to date 10. Study Hours/Sessions are set up. (At the library or reserved chapter academic space) 11. Interests maintain an attendance roster of who attends study hours and the roster is submitted to the Membership Development Coordinator in a timely fashion. 12. Attendance roster for interests at recruitment events is compiled. 13. Interests are invited to and attend the Annual Big Chill Run 14. Interests are invited to and attend the Annual Iota Chapter Thanksgiving Dinner. 15. Interests view a probate video, stroll video, and step video at information sessions. 16. All interests are registered and attend the national Hermano/Interest Dinner in December. 17. All interests attend all national events including the: Elite End of the Year Bash, Elite Lambdas Fourth of July Bash, and the Thanksgiving Unity Jam. 18. The interest group remains in contact throughout the summer 19. The group is invited to, and attend the Summer Step and Stroll shows hosted by LatinoStep(where La Unidad Latina is performing) in , New York. 20. Hosting workshops for the interest group on the following topics: leadership, communications, teambuilding, etc. ( SEE APPENDIX G ) 21. Coordination of road trips for interests 22. Coordination of chapter bonding events in order to ensure that each potential recruit gains a closer connection to the chapter. 23. Creation of list of individuals that are leaders within the community that would be assets to the chapter. 24. Connecting with those individuals in an attempt to bring them to a chapter function. 25. Each Hermano does his duty of bringing perspective recruits to chapter functions 26. Information sessions are hosted in the Cap and Skull room or Atrium conference room.

X. Public Relations Chairman

The Public Relations Chairman shall be responsible, but not limited to, ensuring the following :

1. All promotional material shall be created two weeks prior to date of the event.

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

2. Flyers are posted on campuses via the creation of designated flyer posting sectors per Hermano. 3. All fundraising events shall be created with a 4x6 UV coat flyer 4. Fundraising Events are promoted with a minimum of 5,000 flyers 5. All events(except information sessions) shall be promoted through facebook.com via the creation of an events page 6. All events shall be promoted via email and other common communication 7. All events shall be promoted through the Latino Student Council List serve 8. All events shall be declared to the Latino Student Council in advance to allow for publication and promotion of events in the Latino Student Council monthly calendar of events. 9. Thank community for attending La Unidad Latina events via email, facebook message, and word of mouth. 10. All events shall be promoted on the chapter homepage website 11. All members bring at least two non-members to each event 12. Refreshments and other additional incentives shall be provided at events when agreed upon 13. Guest lists shall be created for approximated attendance 14. Creation of all flyers for chapter events. ( SEE APPENDIX L ) 15. Active participation in the Latino Student Council Public Relations Committee. 16. Creation and distribution of a monthly calendar. This shall be a collaborative effort between the Public Relations chairman and the Secretary. ( SEE APPENDIX G ) 17. Distribution of Holiday Greeting Cards to other organizations and offices/deans on campus. 18. Email Distribution shall be at the discretion of the Public Relations Chairman. 19. Creation and maintenance of a chapter email account.

XI. Historian

The Historian shall be in charge of ensuring the following:

1. Creation of a chapter yearbook which includes: 1. Photos 2. Hermano profiles 3. Hermano portraits 2. Maintaining all chapter photographs 3. Maintain electronic archive of all events from previous years 4. Maintain physical chapter archive of all materials and binders from previous years 5. Compile a binder containing all relevant information for the academic year 6. File LDP Evaluation forms 7. Collecting Hermano Profiles at the beginning of each semester

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

8. File Annual Critique Forms 9. File LDP attendance rosters 10. File annual attendance rosters 11. Photos from chapter events, Hermano activism and bonding 12. Producing a profile portrait photo for each Hermano (Preferably to be taken individually before or after an information session. If funds permit or by chapter agreement, professional photos can be taken.) 13. Keep file of the annual report from current and past years

XII. Pledge Dean

The Pledge Dean shall be responsible for coordinating and ensuring the following:

1. Providing a detailed report at all chapter meetings beginning one month prior to the birth of the line. Initial reports should discuss ALL ASPECTS listed in Appendix M. 2. Distribution of bids. 3. Present at set at least 85% of the time. 4. Crossing 100% of the gentlemen who sign the bid. 5. The chapter is present during set. 6. Submitting line updates to national representative in a timely fashion. 7. Following the pledge manual in strict sequencing. 8. Following the Chapter Leadership Development Process Outline created by the Iota chapter. 9. The safety of all caballeros and the legal security and longevity of the chapter. 10.Fulfilling all national requirements (hazing workshop, contract, etc). 11. Organizing road trips for the development of networking between the caballeros and their line-brothers, as well as the chapter and La Hermandad. 12. Collecting and sending applications to Nationals in a timely manner. 13.Attaining signed bids from nationals. 14. Overseeing the development and progression of the line. 15. Acting as the representative between Nationals and the Chapter in regards to the line. 16. Maintaining an attendance roster of both Hermanos and Caballeros for the duration of the Leadership Development Process. 17. Set does not go beyond 12am on a week night. 18. Ensuring that all active Hermanos not present for at least 35% of sets to date, are brought to the attention of the chapter president and chapter body at chapter meetings for disciplinary measures. (ex: 20 sets to date, and only 6 appearances = discipline) 1. An Hermano must be present at set for two hours for attendance to count.

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

19. Purchasing above ground gear. 20.Purchasing wood 21. Crossing Shirts ordered 2.5 weeks prior to tentative crossing. 22. Organizing crossing gift duties for each chapter Hermano. (Hermano X will purchase paddle, etc.) 23. Awareness of Regional Director. 24.Awareness of APD Representative. 25. Notify National Vice-President two weeks prior to crossing 26. Notify President and Vice-President within 15 minutes of a Caballero dropping. 27.Notify President and Vice-President if a Caballero seems to be contemplating dropping.

XIII. Academic Dean

It shall be the duty of the Academic to coordinate and ensure the following:

1. All Caballeros achieve a minimum of a 3.0 2. The academic excellence of the pledge class. 3. Each Caballero submits his syllabi to the chapter. 4. An exam schedule is created for himself, the pledge dean, and the chapter. 5. A class schedule is created for himself, the pledge dean, and the chapter. 6. Each Caballero creates a planner within 4 days from birth, with all homework, quizzes, readings, exam dates, and school related written deadlines for every class. 7. A minimum of two nights a week are allotted for studying 8. Each Caballero does not attend set the day prior to an exam or paper deadline. 9. Verbally and electronically makes the pledge dean full aware of exams on the second Sunday prior. (ex. Must be aware ON Sunday 2/7 for exams during 2/14 -2/21.) If the Academic Dean will be unavailable on the Sunday, he must make prior arrangements for notification. 10. Proofread papers for grammar, spelling, and a strong argument with a supporting structure. 11. Quiz Caballeros prior to exams.

XIV. Regional Delegate

The Regional Delegate shall be responsible for the following:

1. Presenting a detailed report following Regional Meetings 2. Attending all regional meetings 3. Using sound judgment in voting for both chapter and regional interests 4. Taking accurate minutes of all meetings

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

5. Presenting these minutes at the following chapter meeting 6. Bringing up chapter concerns at the regional meeting 7. Speaking and voting on behalf of the chapter 8. The delegate cannot ratify policies regarding fines, penalization, or suspension without bringing such matters to the attention of the chapter and gaining a consensus. Example: 1. Regional Meeting I 1. Discuss policies 2. Chapter Meeting I 1. Bring policies to the attention of the chapter and gain consensus 3. Regional Meeting II 1. Vote “in favor of” or “against” said policy 4. Chapter Meeting II 1. Discuss results of meeting 9. Ensure that if the chapter does not approve of a regional policy, it presents an alternate solution.

XV. Parliamentarian

The role of the Parliamentarian shall include but is not limited to the following:

1. Chapter Standard Operating Procedures are strictly followed. 2. Matters are voted upon in a legal manner. 3. Matters are discussed in a timely fashion at chapter meetings. 4. Order is maintained at chapter meetings.


A. Annual Programs/Events

We the Hermanos of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc. shall host the following programs on an annual basis.

Images Move-In ● Young Lords Documentary ● Alumni Homecoming / Latino Student Council (LSC) ● Noche Dorada(if funds permit) ● Iota Chapter Turkey Drive ● Iota Chapter Thanksgiving Dinner for Interests and Alumni ● Iota Chapter Brown and Gold Christmas ● Redshaw Christmas Party ● Iota Chapter Stepshow ● Red Beans and Rice w/ Latin American Womyn’s Organization (LAWO)

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

● Dance Marathon participation by at least 50% of the chapter ● Mixer Following Rutgersfest ● 3 cultural awareness programs ● 3 professional/leadership development programs ● Corazones de Oro with National Latin Sorority, Inc.

B. Allocation of Funds

In order to maximize the financial efficiency of the Chapter, a bi-annual allocations of funds plan shall be made. This plan should be put together during winter planning meetings and summer planning meetings for the upcoming semester. Having allocations of funds allows the Chapter to focus on reaching a fiscal goal.

C. Reimbursements

Upon the submission of proper documentation and approval from the chapter, reasonable out of pocket expenses shall be reimbursed. o The Treasurer shall monitor all reimbursement transactions. o No reimbursement shall be given without a completed reimbursement form. o The Iota Chapter shall reimburse Hermanos for gas and tolls for any road trip that meets the criteria established below. § There must be a minimum of 4 Hermanos on said trip. § The Hermanos MUST be promoting an upcoming Chapter event. Upcoming means within 30 days time of the road trip. § Receipts will be required for ALL transactions at the next chapter meeting. § Reimbursements shall be given after receipts have been received and agreed upon by the Chapter.

D. Social Programs

● Mixers

● Off Campus Club Fundraisers

Purpose Hosting parties is a fundraising effort with the intention to donate.

Limitations We the Iota Chapter shall have a maximum of 5 parties a year. This 5 total shall include any co-sponsored parties.

Door Schedules It is preferred that the treasurer work the door. If not it is preferred that the social chair person work the door. All chapter members are required to work the door.

● Ice Cream Socials

● All other innovative initiatives

● Power Song ● Golden Words-(poetry Slam)

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

● Seven Deadly Sins (poetry Slam) ● Stroll Off ● Step Shows ● Showcases (Innovative Informational)

E. Educational Programs

The following are possible educational programs that may be hosted by the chapter. This list is not a limitation, but only an example of programs hosted throughout La Hermandad and the university.

1. Iraq: a Civil Discourse 2. Afro-Caribbean Religion 3. History of Drugs and the correlation with people of color 4. Sleeping on the floor hurts: A discussion on how poverty affects life chances and opportunity 5. Verbal Self Defense 6. Latinos in Higher Education 7. Truth Hurts: a look at contraceptives and safe sex(sex basket door prize) 8. Health and wellness workshop 9. Male and female role in Latino culture past and present 10. Financial Aid: how to use and obtain this resource 11. Differences between mainstream and minority Greeks and building relations 12. Tensions between Latinos and Africans exist/how does black history affect Latino culture w/ aphia and iota's 13. Latinos in corporate America-hosted by panel of LUL bros 14. Free Mason Program-33rd degree mason comes and speaks 15. Domestic violence in the Latino Community-w/OPB 16. Current Day Slavery 17. Welfare poets-Performance 18. Proper Professional etiquette 19. Energy drinks pros and cons-Meant to use during mid terms and finals 20. The N word and its use today-there's a documentary on it see if you can find it I don't remember the name 21. Santeria aka afro Caribbean religion 22. Blood Diamonds: A Critical Look at Sierra Leone 23. Suicide and its effect on College Students 24. HIV, AIDS, and Latinos 25. Drugs and the Latino Culture-Why the strong connection? 26. Evolution of black culture? 27. Evolution of Latino culture?

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

28. What Women Want 29. What If Gender Roles were switched? 30. Why you so mad?- discussion on opposite genders 31. Date Rape and its impact 32. Celebration of Important Women at Rutgers 33. Self Defense Workshop 34. If Men could Menstruate 35. Legalizing Weed-A Critical Debate 36. The Major You Choose-Does it really Matter 37. Study Abroad Program 38. Wifey, Sluts and Hoes-A look at Relationship stereotypes 39. Latinos in Hip Hop 40. E.L.I.T.E. (Educating Lations Intravenously Through Education) Speaking Series 41. Proper Party etiquette-What to do and not do at a party 42. Sexual Assault Program 43. Latinas in Politics 44. Women with a Vision 45. The Stash: Why Muslim women wear the veil 46. Gangs and Frats 47. Freedom of Speech?: Censorship In schools, TV and Radio 48. Dreads: A look at not just a hair style but a way of Life 49. Abortions and Latinos 50. The Gifts from My Ancestors: Music the secret Communication 51. Masonry in the black community: Prince Hall 52. Exualized violence on the border and Immigration Policy 53. The face of Discrimination 54. Tattoos: When they meant something 55. Stress Management: How to Work it Out 56. Families Living Under Wage 57. Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes- Byron Hurts film 58. Busted: A Citizen's Guide to Police Encounters 59. Education, Not a plantation-Racism in Universities 60. Affirmative Action: Reverse Discrimination? 61. You are What You Eat: Cultural Bio\Diversity 62. Vow of Silence 63. The Evolution of Stepping

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

64. -The New Language 65. Latino Stereotypes

F. Databases (Alumni Database, Undergraduate Roster, Executive Board Roster)

Alumni Database

The databases shall be maintained by the Secretary and archived by the Historian. The alumni database is an Excel/Access file and shall be updated annually. The secretary shall include the new information of neophytes once they cross into the fraternity. The sections include: 1. Name 2. DOB 3. Full Mailing Address 4. Occupation 5. Home Phone 6. Work Phone 7. Mobile Phone 8. Email 9. Ethnicity 10. Major 11. Minor 12. School Affiliation 13. High School 14. Last Updated 15. Crossing Semester/Date 16. Line Number 17. Line Name 18. Pledge Dean 19. Academic Dean 20. Graduation

Undergraduate Roster

The Undergraduate Roster is a separate sheet in the alumni Database Excel Document. The secretary shall update this roster each semester including the summer.

The Roster lists the following headings:

1. Active 2. Inactive 3. Crossed 4. Graduated

Executive Board Roster

The Executive Board Roster is a separate sheet in the alumni Database Excel Document. The secretary shall update this roster each semester.

The roster lists the position and the name of each respective chairperson.

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

G. Interest workshops

Purpose These workshops serve to our development of possible future Hermanos. Should they decide not to pledge or do not finish the process; we will have developed another leader that will serve the community. Should they pledge and cross, these skills will be utilized during the pledge process and continued as an Hermano.

H. Monthly Calendar

I. Reports


Reports to Chapter shall ensure that every Hermano is adequately aware of all Chapter activities. Every Hermano should be knowledgeable in ALL Chapter functions.


Reports shall be attached to the distributed minutes. Hermanos shall submit a written report and submit it to the Chapter secretary 2 days prior to the Chapter meeting:

● President ( weekly ) ● Vice President (next meeting after LSC meetings) ● Secretary (weekly minutes) ● Treasurer (weekly) ● Community Service (weekly) ● Programming (weekly) ● Stepshow Coordinator (weekly) ● Noche Dorada Coordinator (weekly) ● Inter Fraternal Council (chapter meeting following IFC meeting) ● Membership Development Coordinator (weekly) ● Pledge Dean (weekly) ● Historian (bi-weekly)

Reports submitted to the Chapter shall be typewritten with the exception of a meeting immediately preceding our Chapter meeting. If there is no new information to be distributed, a report must still submitted stating that there is no new information to report.

J. Road trips

All Hermanos renting a vehicle for the purpose of a road trip, shall sign the road trip agreement form. If you ride in the vehicle, you must pay.

K. Forms

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Hermanos shall be required to sign the following when necessary and relevant:

● Hermano Obligations Contract ● Hermano Financial Contract ● Reimbursement Form ● Road trip Agreement Form ● Bid Agreement ● Hazing Policy ● OFSA documents

L. Chapter Marketing Plan

Creation of flyers for the Iota Chapter shall be the primary responsibility of the Public Relations Chairman. Posting of flyers shall be the responsibility of the entire chapter. The previous Public Relations Chairman shall provide technical training. The following logistics shall be followed for flyers:

1. All promotional material shall be created and printed at least two weeks prior to date of the event. 2. Flyers should be posted on campuses 3. All fundraising events shall be created with a 4x6 UV coat flyer 4. Fundraising shall require a minimum of 5,000 flyers, 4x6, on 14 count UV Gloss Coat paper. 5. All events shall be promoted via email and other common communication 6. All events shall be promoted through the Latino Student Council list serve 7. All events shall be declared to the Latino Student Council in advance to allow for publication and promotion of events in the Latino Student Council monthly calendar of events. 8. All events shall be promoted through facebook.com via the creation of an events page 9. All events shall be promoted on the chapter homepage website 10. Chapter brochures shall be provided at all recruitment events 11. All members are required to bring at least two non-members to each event 12. National brochures and folders shall be disseminated at all recruitment functions 13. Refreshments and other additional incentives shall be provided at events when agreed upon 14. Guest lists shall be created for approximated attendance 15. Flyers should always be done in a Photoshop format JPEG. 16. Upon completion of said flyer, a web address shall be provided for guest book and email distribution. 17. Annual Program flyers shall be completed prior to the semester of said program. 18. Chapter Information Pamphlets shall be updated by the Public Relations Chairman

M. Pledge Dean Initial Reports

1. Birth date,

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

2. Location, 3. Alumni invitations 4. LDP Outlines 5. Spring Break Schedule 6. Tentative above date 7. Tentative crossing date

N. Pledge Dean Subsequent Reports

5. Hermano Attendance Roster 6. Caballero Attendance Roster 7. Dues Collection 8. Progress thus far(projects completed),** with dates (assigned and completed) 9. Projects for the following week, ** with dates(assignment date and deadline) 10. Comparative update to the ideal Iota Chapter LDP Outline(ahead/behind/changes) 11. Age thus far 12. Road Trips 13. Probate date 14. Bi-weekly Updates submitted to the Regional Area Process Director and presented to the chapter 15. List of approved Hermanos 16. List of suspended/probationary Hermanos 17. Gear Purchase Date 18. Wood purchase Date 19. Chapter Gifts

*One copy of the typewritten bi-weekly report submitted to the Regional APD shall be circulated at the chapter meeting. **the terms “projects thus far” and “projects for following week” shall be typed into the report. However, the actual projects shall only be discussed verbally at the meeting. They shall not be disclosed on the type written report for security purposes. Abbreviations may be used when appropriate, such as C.O. for first project, H.G. for subsequent, etc. Dates assigned and completed shall be disclosed on the type written report.

O. Strolls

The following is a list of strolls for Hermanos to know by name.

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

1. Gus 2. Stroller 3. Blind Fury 4. J-Killa 5. J-Killa Remix 6. Long Island 7. Syracuse Slide 8. Chiba – Chiba 9. Santranpan

The following are additional strolls that the chapter may learn:

1. Illinois Stroll 2. Hip-Hop Stroll 3. Reggae Stroll 4. Hot Boyz ( Alpha )…Remix 5. I need a girl ( Stroll Show 2002 ) 6. Drunken Monk 7. Alcoholic 8. Jump Jump 9. Jump Stroller ( Stroller + Jump Jump ) 10. Earthquake ( Harlem Shake ) 11. Pinero

P. Chants

The following is a list of chants :

1. They said the brown ( Step included ) They Said the Brown They Said the Gold They Said it Cant Be in My Soul But They Don’t know Just What it Takes To Pledge a Frat That Keeps it Real and Never Skates!

2. It takes guts ( Step included ) It takes guts It takes heart It takes soul It takes tears to be here With the brown and the gold Now you know

3. I looked up to the Sky I looked up to the sky And what did I see? I saw the 13 knights looking down on me They took my hand And said understand You’re a brother

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Like no other You’re a Lambda Man


Q. Punctuality

All Hermanos shall be present 20 minutes prior to the start of an Iota Chapter Sponsored Event. Hermanos shall be present 5 minutes prior to Chapter meetings. Reports shall be printed in advance. Facilitators shall be present 30 minutes prior to events. (Ex: Information Session - 9:30pm Facilitator Present - 9:00pm) Lateness shall be discussed with the Chapter President 24 hours prior to event.

R. Housing


S. Annual Report

There are eight sections to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Annual Report. Each section is subsequently divided into two parts each with corresponding questions. These two parts are the Re-registration questions and the Awards questions. The eight sections of the report are:

1. Academic Achievement 2. Brotherhood Development 3. Membership Recruitment 4. Standards and Accountability 5. Chapter Management 6. Community Service and Philanthropy 7. Leadership Development 8. New Member Education

T. Organizational Support

U. Chapter Meeting Etiquette

1. Attendance is Mandatory 2. All officers must bring respective chapter binders 3. Officers must provide at least one copy per person, of their respective report. 4. If there is nothing new to report in the respective area, a report shall be printed stating “nothing new to report.” 5. Planners MUST be brought to each meeting. 6. Chapter events and on campus events must be written in each planner.

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

7. Undergraduates shall arrive 5 minutes prior to the meetings commencement. 8. The president reserves the right to call a meeting at a moments notice. (Authority to be used at his discretion.) 9. An undergraduate who cannot attend a chapter meeting, must submit a notice of possible absenteeism 24 hours in advance, in writing via email to both the chapter president and vice- president. It is the duty of the undergraduate to notify the chapter president, vice-president, and secretary verbally 24 hours prior as well. Voice mails are insufficient as they may be lost or unchecked. 10. Uniform discussion shall take place and decisions shall be voted upon accordingly. 11. Order shall be maintained at all times. 12. Materials provided at chapter meetings shall be discarded carefully or maintained in a secure location. 13. Everything is secret. 14. Meeting shall occur on a weekly basis at the same time in the same location. 15. Meetings rooms and conference rooms shall be the desired location unless otherwise unavailable. 16. Public locations are not permitted (cafes, diners, student centers, etc).

V. Informational Etiquette

1. Attendance is mandatory 2. Full business attire mandatory including: slacks, tie and jacket 3. Folders are to be distributed with the following contents: i. National Information Pamphlet ii. Chapter Brochure iii. Upcoming events iv. Slide Print out v. National Flyer vi. Blank paper for Questions vii. Pens 4. Powerpoint must be used 5. Informational shall cover: National History and Goals, Chapter History, Accomplishments, Upcoming events, Chapter philanthropy, Chapter initiatives, Fraternity Highlights, and What La Unidad Latina seeks. 6. Para, banners, and awards shall be displayed

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

7. With the exception of the first information session, all informational should have a minimum of three weeks of promotion. 8. At least two hermanos should facilitate

W. Agenda


Agenda Month XX, 20XX

1. Welcome

2. Roll Call a. Meeting Started

3. Additions/Changes to Agenda

4. Review Minutes

5. Presidents Report

6. Vice President

7. Treasurer

8. Regional Delegate

9. Council Delegate (LSC/IFC)

10. Historian

11. Membership Development Report

12. Venue Coordinator/Social Report

13. Community Service

14. Signature Event Report

15. Noche Dorada Report

16. Questions/Comments/Concerns

17. Grievances

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

X. Presidents Report

The Chapter Presidents Report shall consist of the following 6 sections: OFSA Events/Updates, Fraternity Events/Updates, Chapter Obligations/Updates, Latino Student Council Obligations/Updates, On-Campus Events/Updates, and other initiatives.


Hermano XXX XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXXX Presidents Report

1. OFSA a. IFC Presidents Meeting i. Guest Speaker 1. Chi Expansion – Returns Since 2004 2. Adeola Fashina NJ Waterwatch ii. Community Service 1. Franklin Food Bank a. Saturday b. 10am – 2pm 2. Lincoln Tunnel 5K a. Website i. lincolntunnelchallenge.sonj.org b. Begins 9am 3. Chapter Community Service Hours i. MIMIUIM 5 HOURS REQUIRED b. Bryan Almanzar 8 hrs c. Angelo Montesino 8 hrs d. Jay Ramos 4 hrs e. Francisco Valencia 8 hrs . Willy 0 hrs g. Raffique 0 hrs h. Joseph 0 hrs 1. JOE SUBMIT FORMS SO THAT WE ARE CREDITED 2. Greek Week 3. 0-15 members send 3 ii. Greek Week – Tom Evans iv. Spring Dues 1. $130.9 2. $14 x 11 members v. President 1. Non-Compliance a. Will be sent out tomorrow

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

2. Greek Representative a. RUSA 3. Elections 4. April 23, 2007 vi. IFC Co-Sponsorship of Rutgers Class 09 Event vii. Dean Arnholt 1. Monday Chapter Presidents Meeting For all 3 councils a. 9pm b. Location: TBA 2. Last Day to initiate Sunday 3. Monday initiation forms due

2. Fraternity a. Walk it Out i. Thanks for coming ii. Entire chapter was present! b. Stony Brook i. Cost ii. Rides iii. Attendance c. NJ Waterwatch

3. Latino Student Council a. None

4. Chapter a. 7th Annual Iota Chapter Step Show i. View report

5. On Campus Events a. 4/3/07 TUES i. Center for Latino Arts & Culture and LLEGO 1. Ball Scene: Queer and Latino Black Communities 2. 5pm – 6:30pm 3. Clac ii. Central And South American Alliance 1. Spanish Rock 2. Busch Student Center 3. 830-11pm iii. A A 1. Women in the Mirror 2. 9pm 3. location TBA b. 3/4/07 WED i. EOPSA 1. 11th multi cultural Show 2. 7pm – 11pm 3. Busch MPR c. 4/5/07 THURS i. Rutgers Union Estudiantil Puertorriquena 1. HUEPA 2. Nicholas Music Center 3. 7pm-10pm ii. AphiA

23 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

1. Secrets to Success 2. Liv College Hall 3. 9pm

Y. Treasurer’s Report

Hermano: XXX XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXX Treasurers Report

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter

SAMPLE Annual Budget 20XX-20XX

REVENUE Iota Chapter Stepshow 50 Club Fundraisers (275x4) 1100 Total Revenue 1150

EXPENSES Jose Negron Scholarship 1000 Guest Speaker 2000 Food for Programs 600 Winter Interest Event Food 80 Drinks 100 total 180 180 Social Functions ($100x4) 400 Total Expenses 4180

NET Revenue-Expenses LOSS 4180-1150 3030

24 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Hermano: XXX XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXX Treasurers Report

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter

SAMPLE Iota Chapter Step Show Income Statement

REVENUE Pre Event Ticket Sales 200 Team Registration Fee ($35/team) 6 Teams Total 210 210 Ticket Sales 250x13 3250 Total Revenue 3660

EXPENSES DJ Expense 500 Roosevelt Venue Expense 2235 Afterparty Club Expense 400 Advertisement Expense 225

Liquor After Afterparty 150 Miscelenious Wristbands 40 Tape 10 Cleaning supplies 10 Sugar 5 Drink mix 20 total 85 85 Tickets 20 Total Expenses 3610


25 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

(revenue - expenses) 50

Hermano: XXX XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXX Treasurers Report

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter

SAMPLE FUNDRAISER X Income Statement (sample through $3 door split)

REVENUE Expected Entry Sales ($3x130) 390

EXPENSES DJ 300 Advertisement 225

Total Expenses 525

Net Revenue-Expenses = Loss 390-525 145

MUST HAVE ($3x175)= 525 175 people in attendance to break even

Net Loss If party is in conjunction with another org 72.5

26 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Hermano: XXX XXXXX Date: XX/XX/XXXX Treasurers Report

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter

SAMPLE FUNDRAISER X Income Statement (SAMPLE through venue rental)

REVENUE Expected Entry Sales ($10x130) 1300

EXPENSES DJ 300 Advertisement 225 Location 500 Total Expenses 1025

Net Revenue-Expenses = Gain 2000-1025 275

MUST HAVE ($10x97.5) 97.5 people in attendance to break even

If party is in conjunction with another org 137.5

27 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Z. Secretary’s Minutes

The secretary’s minutes shall include:

1. agreements to attendance at events, 2. meeting start time, 3. end time, 4. report given time, 5. attendance, 6. date of meeting,

Most importantly, is shall include ALL INFORMATION discussed. Essentially, one should be able to review the minutes and understand the meeting minute by minute. Votes should be included. Yes and No votes should be included. Names and votes of each Hermano who votes yes and no should be included (except for elections where names are not included). ***Minutes are absolutely confidential*** Sample

Agenda September 17, 2006

XIII. Welcome

XIV. Roll Call A. Meeting Started at 10:46 pm

XV. Additions/Changes to Agenda 1. none

XVI. President’s Report 10:46 pm a. IFC a. IFC meeting 9/18/06 Angelo Attending b. Cisco and Joe are the monitors b. Iota Chapter Management a. Sign Chapter Hermano Obligations Contracts b. Review OFSA Policies c. Review Presidents Vision d. Review Chapter Outlook c. National Events a. Updates i. None d. Regional Events a. Alpha i. Party ii. Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 10pm iii. DM LOUNGE 130 Kossuth St Newark, NJ

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

iv. Attending Joe, Walvi, Bryan, Willy e. Rutgers Events a. Last Week i. Cussies Week of Wisdom 1. Monday 9/11 a. Monday 9/11 program, watched “V for Vendetta” b. Attendance: Joe, Fique, Bryan, Angelo 2. Tuesday 9/12 a. Tabling “Light of Night” 10-4 at the CLAC i. Donations: Joe, Angelo 3. Sunday 9/17 a. Batting for Success i. Who did not pay 1. Attendance: Walvi, Blak Manny, Bryan, Bryan (alum), Willy, Cisco, Angelo, Joe b. Upcoming i. September 19 1. SED and RUEP a. Noche de Salsa Reggaeton b. FH A5 c. 9:15 pm i. Attending: everyone except Joe ii. SIA Camp Heartland Banquet 1. September 29, 2006 2. $10 a. Attending: Joe, Blak Manny

XVIII. Vice President/Treasurer Report 11:04 a. Attachment

XVIII. Alumni Chairperson Report 11:16 a. Nothing to Report

XIX. Recruitment Report 11:17 a. First Info Session a. Sunday September 24, 2006 College Avenue Campus Rutgers Student Center, Cap and Skull Room 412 9:45 pm i. Everyone be there at 9:30 sharp b. Cisco reserve room tomorrow with Jay at 11pm c. Thoughts: Who ever goes to interest meeting gets money off party d. Attachment

XX. Community Service 11:23 a. Hoops for Hunger i. Move to Spring b. The Cancer Institute of New Jersey (Cisco found flyer) i. Sunday Oct 1 8 am Joe will find more info on it c. Spanish Translator at local school i. September 26, 2006 1. Attending: Cisco, Angelo

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

XXI. Social Chairperson Report 11:41 a. Club Update a. Somerset Sports Bar best choice (Willy says) b. No 21 and over party no crowd dumby (Fique) c. He still looking

XXII. Noche Dorada 12:00 a. Date: Dec 2 best choice a. Fique contact Ballet at Mason Gross i. Possible ballet performance ii. Possible ballet speaker

XXIII. Council Meeting Updates a. LSC a. Next meeting: 9/24 b. IFC a. Next meeting: 9/18 i. Attending: Angelo 1. Willy will give time and place

XXIV. Hermano Grievances 12:30 a. Bryan and Angelo watch what you say around other people about interest b. Angelo thank you for coming to summer community service that never happened c. Joe stop leaving info around the house at 211

XXV. Others a. Willy will look into grants for programs b. Willy will meet up with Cisco… c. Willy will look into getting grant for Convention d. Sigma wants a mixer a. Possible date: Before Noche b. Location: 211 hamilton e. Sigma Upsilon wants a mixer a. Date and Location pending nd f. Willy will talk to Michelle about Dec 2 g. Possible house parties a. Possible entrance price: $1-2 b. Possible beverage price: $3-5 h. Think of alumni programs a. NC possible help with money

Meeting Ended 12:38

Meeting Attendance: Willy Jay Angelo Cisco Bryan (late) Blak Manny Nicky (late) Fique Rich (late)

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey


AA. Membership Development Report

Report: Recruitment Officer: Jay Ramos

Upcoming Recruitment Event:

Iota Chapter Informational Tuesday October 24, 2006 RSC – CAC Room: 402 @ 10:00pm


Interest Group Meeting DATE???? 211 Hamilton St Time??

Previous Event: Informational Wednesday October 11, 2006 Facilitator: Jay Ramos Co-Facilitator: Willy Rivas

Hermano Attendance: Bryan Almanzar Joseph Sierra Angelo Montesino Raffique Young John Perez (Alum) Nick Tovar (Alumni Advisor/National Council) Luis Cruz (Alum) Alonso Tangariffe (National Council) Two Neos from Alpha Alpha Chapter

2 New Members Attended: Fulano Fulano

Summary: Discussion

Group Status: The group is established. Study Hours are at Alexander library Sunday and Tuesday nights 9pm – 12am.

Leadership Positions:

Fulano - President

31 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Fulano Almanzar - Vice- President Fulano Gomez – Director of Fundraising Fulano Gonzalez – Director of Communtiy Service

17 Total members.

Fulano is proactive within the group and an effective leader. Takes much initiative and goes above and beyond what is asked.

Interest Contact Directory:

Name Email Phone Arent, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Amin, Fulano Fulano @eden.rutgers.edu (XXX) 123-4567 Almanzar, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Bello, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Cacceca, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Castillo, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Diaz, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Duverge, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Gonzalez, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Matos, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Payan, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Pena, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Pena, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Rivas, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Rufino, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Trinidad, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567 Yang, Fulano [email protected] (XXX) 123-4567

32 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

BB. Programming Report


Report: Programming Hermano: Xxx Xxxxx Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Previous Event:

Radicalism in the Latino Community Graduate Student Lounge – College Avenue Campus Tuesday September XX, 20XX 9:30pm

Facilitators: Xxx Xxxxx Co-Facilitators: Xxx Xxxxx


Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Completed Public Attendance Sign in Sheet: Attached

Hermano Attendance Sheet Hermano X Hermano X Hermano X ? ? ?

Pros: List with description.

Powerpoint/Props used:?

Cons: List with description.

Organizations that supported us: List

33 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

Next Event: Location Date and Time

Reservation status? Discussion and assignment to a person?

Facilitator? Confirmation status and special requests

Advertising arrangements Flyer Facebook Posters Other schools Mailing flyers etc

Presentation type: Powerpoint? assignment

Food and beverages? Discussion and assignment to a person.

34 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

CC. Community Service Report

The Community Service Chairperson shall present a report at all chapter meetings. If there is no information to report, a report must be presented stating “No new information to Report.” All reports shall include: 1. most recent community service event 2. 3 upcoming community service events 3. A copy of the submitted community service verification forms submitted to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. 4. New initiatives 5. Status of proposal updates 6. All relevant information


Report: Communtiy Service Hermano: Xxx Xxxxx Date: XX/XX/20XX

1. Turkey Drive i. Schedules needed ii. Tables reserved for the attached dates 1. see attached reservation forms 2. Brown and Gold Christmas i. PRAB contacted ii. 3. Lupus Walk i. Must collect registration fee ii. Date, location, and details iii. Walk begins 8am iv. Participating: x,y, 4. AIDS Walk i. cancelled 5. Big Chill Registration i. Same as above 6. School Tutoring i. Updates ii. progress 7. Blood Drive i. Details ii. Participants? 8. Tabling for Awareness i. Suggestions? 9. Swipe a meal away i. Met with office ii. Reserved for November X

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

DD. Stepshow Report

April 22, 2007 Step Show Report

1. School a. Drop off new insurance at school

2. Team Update a. Confirmed i. ii. Chi Upsilon Sigma iii. Sigma Theta iv. Alpha v. Phi Beta vi. Sigma Lambda vii. Sigma Lambda Upsilon viii. TG Gordon Dance Company 1. hip hop dance ix. Lambda Upsilon Lambda 1. Chapter x. Lambda Upsilon Lambda 1. Long Island

b. Declined

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

i. Beta Kappa ii. aKDPhi iii. iv. LSU v. LTO vi. vii. MSU viii. OPC ix. Q's x. P Delta Psi xi. SGRho xii. SIA xiii. SLB xiv. SLG xv. 's xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. Lambda Chi xx. Psi 3. Advertising a. Flyers posted on campus i. Posting assignments b. Flyers mailed to other school mailboxes c. Electronic Version posted on guestbooks d. Flyers distributed at roadtrip e. Banner Submitted f. Tickets printed g. RU TV up h. Facebook has 248 confirmed i. Entire Chapter administrators on Group

4. Day of Show a. Duties b. T shirts c. Door d. Reserved seating e. Stage Manager f. Items i. Wrist Bands ii. Gold or silver Markers iii. Tape iv. Rope v. Banner?? g. Box h. Petty Cash i. Signage – “Purchase Tickets” “Men’s Room” Team Names for dress rooms, etc. j. Performers list k. Team arrival time l. DJ Set up/arrival time

37 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

EE. Chapter History Book

The history of the chapter shall be compiled by the Chapter president for that academic year by the end of the Spring semester. A preliminary copy shall be produced by April 1st of each year. If the final copy of the history is not submitted by May 30th, the Vice President shall write the history. Otherwise, a member of the chapter must write the history. It is the duty of the entire chapter to ensure the history is written.

The history shall include:

1. Organizations on campus 2. Events attended 3. Events hosted 4. Discussion regarding chapter dynamic 5. Awards attained 6. Recruitment information 7. Intake information. (applications submitted, candidates approved, number of bids signed, number of caballeros dropped, number of caballeros crossed) 8. Chair persons 9. Community service hours 10. New initiatives 11. Councils the chapter is a part of 12. Relationship with OFSA 13. Relations with other organizations

38 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

FF. Hermano Profiles

Hermano profiles shall be taken at the commencement of each academic semester. The Hermano shall fill out all relevant data.

Hermano Profile

Hermano: Semester: FA SP

1. What is your major/minor?

2. What Classes are you taking?

3. What position(s) do you hold within the chapter?

4. Are you involved in other organizations on campus? Describe your involvement

5. Do you work? If so, where? What do you do their?

6. Where do you live on campus? Who do you live with?

7. Have there been any changes in your family life? (ex: siblings moved, parents separated, illness)

8. Are you involved with anyone on campus? If so, for how long? What is their name?

39 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

GG. Noche Dorada/DREAM/Jose Negron Scholarship

DATE: August XX, 20XX RE: Xth Annual Noche Dorada

XVI. OBJECTIVE The Iota Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated would like to invite you to partake in our fourth annual charity banquet. This year’s donations will be allocated to a new initiative, D.R.E.A.M. (Developing Resources for the Educational Advancement of Minorities). This program will be in conjunction with the Puerto Rican Action Board’s (P.R.A.B.) Youth Services Unit. The P.R.A.B., located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is a private nonprofit corporation with 501 c (3) tax status, which develops action systems to address community needs by providing resources, outreach, services, and programs to improve the quality of life of the low-income communities in central and south New Jersey areas. Donating businesses will have access to the P.R.A.B.’s 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt status.

The main purpose of D.R.E.A.M. is to expose secondary school students to post secondary education opportunities, ranging from colleges, universities, technical institutes, and specialty schools. Eventually we plan on implementing this program to other universities in the Tri-State area.

The following describe the components of D.R.E.A.M: a) College Tour The College Tour will consist of providing New Brunswick High School Students with the opportunity to experience the vast diversity within the college campuses in the Tri-State area. Upon arrival at the college campus, D.R.E.A.M. students will participate in various workshops conducted by University staff and administrators. These workshops will include financial aid, admissions requirements, population demographics, and programs of study as well as residence life information. The D.R.E.A.M. tour will be open to all grades, genders as well as backgrounds. b) Application Assistance As a follow-up to the D.R.E.A.M. college tour, Hermanos will provide each participant with assistance in the various stages of the college application process. Special emphasis shall be placed on early admissions. Participants will be provided with instructional workshops on filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), requirements for eligibility for the Equal Opportunity Fund (E.O.F.), as well as various other financial assistance programs including loans, scholarships, and grants. c) College Weekend Retreat Junior and senior D.R.E.A.M. participants that display a genuine interest in furthering their education will be eligible for a 3-night stay at a college of their choosing from a list provided by program coordinators. D.R.E.A.M. participants will depart from their high school on Thursday and follow the standard itinerary listed below. HH. Weekend Itinerary

Thursday afternoon Departure from high school

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La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Thursday evening Arrival and orientation session. Participants will meet their weekend mentors partake in several icebreakers and retire for the night at their mentors’ dormitory. Friday morning Participants will attend classes with their mentors while touring the campus. Friday evening Social function such as bowling, billiards, watching movies, etc. Saturday morning Workshops on college specific entrance requirements, financial aid packages, school campus, and residence life. Saturday night Social function Sunday morning Participants will be treated to breakfast at a local restaurant and discuss the weekend experience.

d) Scholarship D.R.E.A.M. participants who apply and are admitted to an institution of higher learning will be eligible for the Jose Negron Scholarship. The scholarship will be based on overall achievements of the individual including D.R.E.A.M. program completion, final grade point average, leadership qualities, school involvement, and community activism. XVII. ABOUT LA UNIDAD LATINA La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated was established on February 19, 1982, in order to address the shortcomings of academic institutions in meeting and addressing the needs of Latino students in higher education. Founded at in Ithaca, NewYork, La Unidad Latina primarily seeks to take leadership roles in meeting the needs of the Latino community through cultural awareness, academic achievement, community service, and promoting the Latino people and its culture.

La Unidad Latina is committed to developing its members and peers into mature, intelligent, socially active, and culturally conscious individuals, who, via mutual support, can excel academically and professionally. Since 1982, La Unidad Latina has expanded to over 60 universities and colleges across the United States, including 9 of the top 10 doctoral universities in the nation and all 8 institutions. Our organization holds high regard for leadership, community service, cultural awareness, and the education of the community as a whole.

The Iota Chapter was officially chartered at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey on November 6, 1991. Every semester, our organization hosts various educational, cultural, and social events and programs not only for the Rutgers community but also for the community at large. XVIII. HISTORY On October 31, 1993, the Beta chapter of Lambda Upsilon Lambda, at the State University of New York at Binghamton, initiated a tradition that the organization would adopt on a national level. The members from the chapter inaugurated the first chapter-level fundraising banquet, entitled Noche Dorada (Golden Night), wherein all proceeds of the banquet are donated to a selected charity that renders its services to underrepresented groups. Noche Dorada is a formal social event where students, faculty, friends, and family of assorted backgrounds come together to enjoy and appreciate a night full of diversity. Traditionally with a Latin premise, Noche Dorada serves to educate on the diversity within the various Latin cultures through dance, music, inspirational speakers, and other cultural displays. XIX. ABOUT P.R.A.B. The Puerto Rican Action Board provides individuals with a wide range of services for the entire family. The main focus is placed on the urban youth, for instance programs that promote self- awareness, interpersonal skills, and social decision making, tutoring, mentorship, child-care services, 41 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

classes for young children, and career counseling. They also provide other services including individual & family counseling, community education workshops, self-help groups, and job development and placement. XX. HISTORY The Puerto Rican Action Board's beginnings consisted of modest volunteer efforts to provide E.S.L. and G.E.D. courses to immigrants. Shortly thereafter, funds were secured to establish the first full- time, bilingual/multi cultural curriculum designed Day Care Center for children, ages 2 ½ to 5 in New Jersey. The P.R.A.B. has intensified its efforts to improve local neighborhoods by providing: childcare, youth development, job training and placement opportunities, housing counseling, rehabilitation, and community advocacy. The P.R.A.B. serves all people regardless of age, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, familial status, sex, sexual orientation or functional impairment. XXI. EVENT INFORMATION The event will take place on Saturday, October Xth, 20XX at the Rutgers, the State University of NJ, Student Center-Multipurpose Room. This facility is located at XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The banquet itself will consist of a keynote speaker, professional and amateur performances, and award presentations to distinguished minority students, organizations, faculty and staff. As a finale, a check of all the proceeds from that night will be presented to the “D.R.E.A.M. Program”.

Your organization/business can easily become a Noche sponsor. Sponsorships will range as follows:

§ GOLD-Corporate Sponsor ( Limited to One Sponsor ) $1,000 1. One table of 8 for your organization representatives on the night of the banquet 2. Full page advertisement within event pamphlet 3. One 3’ X 6’ display table for your organization 4. Multiple “shout-outs” of your organization’s name throughout the night. 5. Organization name and logo on all advertisement flyers 6. Exclusive advertisement on the official Iota Chapter Website with a direct link to your company/organization

§ BROWN-Executive Sponsor ( Limited to Two Sponsors ) $500 1. One table of 8 for your organization representatives on the night of the banquet 2. Full page advertisement within event pamphlet 3. Inclusion in group advertisement on the official Iota Chapter Website with a direct link to your company/organization

§ RED-Partner Sponsor ( Unlimited Sponsors ) $250 1. Full page advertisement within event pamphlet 2. Inclusion in group advertisement on the official Iota Chapter Website with a direct link to your company/organization 3. Reduced admission for up to 10 members

§ WHITE-Associate Sponsor ( Unlimited Sponsors ) $100 1. One half page advertisement within event pamphlet 2. Reduced admission for up to 10 members 3. Inclusion in group advertisement on the official Iota Chapter Website with a direct link to your company/organization

a) Ad Specifics

If your organization/business is not interested in sponsorship, you can still participate by placing an 42 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

advertisement within the event pamphlet. Your ad can include, but not limited to logos, brief descriptions of business/organization, history, sales promotions, congratulations, and etc.

Full Page: $75

½ Page: $50

¼ Page: $35

b) Ticket & Table Information

Tickets: $15 ea.

Tables: $130 ea. [10 guests per table]

c) Tentative Schedule

7:00PM………………Welcome Reception 8:00PM………………Dinner & Music 9:00PM………………Award Presentation 9:30PM………………Keynote Speaker 10:00PM……………..Cultural Performances 11:30PM……………..Charity Presentation 11:45PM……………..Closing Remarks 12:00PM……………..Music & Dancing


HALL RENTAL EXPENSES Estimated Cost Multipurpose Room $ 385.00 Stage Equipment (Speakers, Microphones, & etc.) $ 100.00 Total $ 485.00

DINING EXPENSES Dinner and Catering $ 410.00 Beverages $ 70.00 Dining Utensils (Plates, Cups, Forks, Knives, & etc.) $ 40.00 Total $ 520.00


43 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Keynote Speaker $ 300.00 Musical Performance: Cultural Band $ 120.00 Dance Performance: Local Dance Group $ 75.00 Disc Jockey $ 225.00 Total $ 720.00

MISCELLANEOUS Promotion and Advertising (Flyers, Newspaper ads, Posters, Etc.) $ 160.00 Decorations (Balloons, Table Cloths, Center Pieces, Etc.) $ 340.00 Program Pamphlets $ 230.00 Total $ 730.00

$2,455.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Current Budget $ 870.00

Expected Income: Fundraising Dance $ 225.00 Pending Grants and Donations $ 100.00

TOTAL BUDGET $1,195.00


Please make all donations payable to La Unidad Latina and can be mailed to our mailbox at the following address: Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. C/O Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs 15 Bartlett Street New Brunswick, NJ 08903

XXII. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have any further questions or for more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or via email at [email protected].

We look forward hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Xxx Xxxxxx La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Iota Chapter President Rutgers University

44 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Response Form

Contact Information Organization/Company……_

Contact Person Name……..


City, State, & Zip Code......

Phone Number…………….( ) -

Fax Number……………….( ) -

E-mail Address….…………

Yes, we would like to sponsor: (Sponsorships are first come, first serve basis.)

q GOLD ($1,000)

q BROWN ($500)

q RED ($250)

q WHITE ($100)

q OTHER $ No, at this time we will not be able to make a donation but would like to place an ad:

FULL PAGE: ($75)

q ½ PAGE: ($50)

¼ PAGE: ($35) No, at this time we will not be able to make a donation.

Please make all payments payable to La Unidad Latina and send payment and response form to our address.

Please return this form filled out even if you do not wish to make a donation.

45 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Ticket & Table Reservation Request Form

Contact Information Organization/Company……_

Contact Person Name……..


City, State, & Zip Code......

Phone Number…………….( ) -

Fax Number……………….( ) -

E-mail Address….…………_

Number of Reserved Tickets: x ($15 ea.) = $

Number of Tables: x ($130 ea.) = $

[10 guests per table]

No, at this time we will not be purchasing tickets or tables.

Please make all payments payable to La Unidad Latina and send payment and response form to our address.

Please return this form filled out even if you do not wish to make a donation.

46 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

II. Turkey Drive

The Community Service Chairman shall coordinate the Iota Chapter Turkey Drive tabling dates. He shall collect Iota Chapter brothers schedules in the beginning of the Fall semester and coordinate tabling dates. He shall create a database with scheduled dates and times for tabling. The schedules shall be collected no later than the third week of school. Reservations shall be made no later than the fourth Friday in the school year. The database shall be presented after the 5th Friday in the school year. It shall be emailed to all chapter members and presented at the chapter meeting.(printed copies shall be provided)

JJ. Sample Proposal

DATE: August XX, 20XX

RE: Xth Annual Lambda Turkey Drive

XXIII. OBJECTIVE In its Xth year in the chapter as a community service event, the Annual Thanksgiving Lambda Turkey Drive helps out the less fortunate families in the New Brunswick community to have a traditional Thanksgiving meal. XXIV. CITY STATISTICS According to the census taken in 2000, overall-8.5% of New Jersey’s population lived below the poverty level. In Middlesex County, only 6.6% of its population lived below the poverty level on average. Yet, New Brunswick suffers from 27% of its population (16 years and older) living below the poverty level. New Brunswick has over 3 times the poverty rate of New Jersey, and over 4 times that of the Middlesex County area.

In general, almost one-fifth of families in the city live in poverty. 84.6% of these impoverished families have children below 18 years of age. We must also keep in mind that the city has an influx of undocumented individuals each year and that the undocumented population is not included in the statistics. All statistics were taken from the Census 2000, which reflect the totals from 1999.

XXV. ABOUT US La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. was established on February 19, 1982, in order to address the shortcomings of academic institutions in meeting and addressing the needs of Latino students in higher education. Founded at Cornell University in Ithaca, NewYork, La Unidad Latina primarily seeks to take leadership roles in meeting the needs of the Latino community through cultural awareness, academic achievement, community service, and promoting the Latino people and its culture.

From its inception, La Unidad Latina has maintained a firm commitment to the empowerment and betterment of all Latinos and minorities. La Unidad Latina is committed to developing its members and peers into mature, intelligent, socially active, and culturally conscious individuals, who, via mutual support, can excel 47 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

academically and professionally. Since 1982, La Unidad Latina has expanded to over 60 universities and colleges across the United States, including 9 of the top 10 doctoral universities in the nation. Our organization holds high regard for leadership, community service,

cultural awareness, and the education of the community as a whole. The Iota Chapter was officially chartered at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey on November 6, 1991. Every semester, our organization hosts various educational, cultural, and social events and programs not only for the Rutgers community but also our surrounding neighborhoods. XXVI. EVENT INFORMATION The deadline for all collections is set for Monday, November 21st. Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday, November 24th. The Iota Chapter will be collecting canned goods within all the Rutgers University campuses and local areas, as well as sending out proposals to various companies, student organizations, and support groups. There will also be designated days where the Hermanos will be canning for food at the different dining halls and student centers. We would like the participation of your organization in our efforts to “give back”. If possible, we hope that your organization will be able to contribute by donating a financial gift. This gift will go directly to the purchasing of turkeys for Thanksgiving, one turkey per family. All the canned goods will be collected and will be distributed evenly amongst the families as well. Information inquiring about the overall efforts of the turkey drive and allocation of funds will be disseminated upon request. Make all donations payable to La Unidad Latina and can be mailed to our mailbox at the following address:

Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs 15 Bartlett Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901

XXVII. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have any further questions or for more information, please do not hesitate to contact Xxx Xxxxx, Community Service Chair, via phone (XXX) XXX-XXXX or email at [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Xxx Xxxxx Iota Chapter President La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

48 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Response Form

Contact Information


Contact Person Name……..

Phone Number…………….( ) -

Fax Number……………….( ) -

E-mail Address….…………

Yes, we would like to donate: (check box off)

$200 $150 $100 Other $

No, at this time we will not be able to make a donation, but would like to donate canned goods.

No, at this time we will not be able to make a donation.

Please make all payments payable to La Unidad Latina and send payment and response form to our address.

Please return this form filled out even if you do not wish to make a donation.

KK. Penalties 49 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

LL. Jose Negron Scholarship

50 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana



Spring deadline: March 15, 2007

Completed applications and supporting Materials should be mailed to: Lambda Upsilon Lambda 15 Bartlet Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901

51 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

LA UNIDAD LATINA, a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization established in 1982, along with the JOSE NEGRON SCHOLARSHIP exists to: Ø Award scholarship grants to worthy and needy students for the pursuit of higher education. Ø Support and encourage participation in educational programs and activities. Ø Support community programs which aid in the civic empowerment and educational improvement of the Latino community.

Scholarships are available on a competitive basis to undergraduate four- year college, and graduate students of Hispanic background who meet the following criteria and abide by the following requirements.

Application Criteria

Ø High School applicants should have a cumulative GPA of 2.80 – 3.60 out of a 4.0 GPA Scale. Cumulative GPAs above 3.60 or below 2.80, do not qualify for a scholarship. Ø Currently enrolled in High School Ø Completed at least one full-time year of study Ø Must reside in the United States.

Required Documentation

Ø Official High School academic transcript(s) required and included in application. Ø Letter of recommendation from faculty or community leader demonstrating student leadership and commitment to civic service. (200-350 words)

Application Submission Requirements

Ø Applications are only accepted within the 60-day period prior to the deadline. That is, as of December 15th for the February 15th deadline, and August 15th for the October 15th deadline. Ø Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Ø Do not send applications by registered mail or other delivery service (Fed Ex, UPS, USPS Express Mail, Airborne Express) requiring a signature, as we are sometimes unavailable to sign for deliveries.

52 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


La Unidad Latina Foundation is unequivocally committed to equal opportunity. Therefore, La Unidad Latina Foundation does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of gender, race, national

53 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

origin, disability, age, color, creed, or sexual orientation.


PART I Please Provide The Following Information-- Applicants must print clearly or type all answers on a separate sheet of paper.

A. Name: Last Name First Name M.I.

B. Gender: M F (circle one)

C. Student Address & Telephone:

( ) -

D. Permanent Address & Telephone:

( ) -

E. E-mail Address:

F. Hispanic Heritage: Cuban □ Mexican □ Dominican □ Puerto Rican □ South American □ Please specify nationality:

54 Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Central American □ Please specify nationality:

G. Current High School:

H. Concentration:

I. Current Overall GPA: (Indicate scale, i.e. 2.9/4.0, 3.3/4.3)

J. Expected Date of Graduation:

K. Are you a member of any organizations?

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 55

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


Please answer the following with as much detail as possible. Questions that are unanswered or do not meet the word count requirement will result in application disqualification. Please type your answers to each question on a separate sheet using size 12 font.

A. What is your financial need for this scholarship for educational purposes? (75-125 words) Include a listing of semester expense items with amounts (tuition, board, books etc.) and financial assistance items with amounts (loans, family contribution, work study, other scholarships, etc.).

B. What are your academic plans and career goals? (200-300 words)

C. Describe an instance when you have demonstrated exceptional leadership during your high school experience. (200-350 words)

D. What impact have you had or plan to have on improving or supporting your Latino/Hispanic community? (150-300 words)

D. Please list any extracurricular activities that you have been or are currently involved with during your high school experience, including leadership positions; as well as any honors or awards you have received.

E. Please list any special interest or hobbies.


Please include an official copy of your transcript with the application packet. Transcripts received separately will disqualify your application.

Please provide a letter of recommendation (200-350 words) with the application packet from a school administrator/faculty member or community leader that can attest to your leadership, commitment to the Latino community, and future plans.

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 56

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


I certify that all the information provided in the application submitted to the Jose Negron Scholarship for consideration is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge (You must certify to ensure consideration of application).

Signature Date

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 57

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

NN. Alumni Donations Month XX, 20XX

La Unidad Para Siempre!

The Iota Chapter at Rutgers University would like to take this time to congratulate you on your success as an esteemed alumni Hermano. Your success as an individual is ours both as a chapter and as a community of individuals striving for empowerment.

While you have proceeded into the realm of post undergraduate life, the Iota Chapter has continued various traditions and community services. During the fall semester we will host our 10th Annual Iota Chapter Turkey Drive and 8th Annual Iota Chapter Brown and Gold Christmas. The spring semester will bring the 8th Annual Iota Chapter Step Show and 8th Annual Corazones de Oro. These events have become a hallmark of the Iota Chapter and are a reflection of the legacy that you helped create. In recent years the Iota Chapter and its Hermanos have been the recipients of various honorable achievements, such as Category 1 Ranking by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, Outstanding Chapter President, Alumni of the Year, New Member of the Year, Undergraduate of the Year(NALFO), Latino of the Year(Latino Student Council), and Chapter Excellence Award. The undergraduate hermanos at the Iota Chapter have worked tirelessly to maintain the legacy, honor, and reputation of leadership that our alumni have established for our chapter.

Consistent with our chapter philanthropy D.R.E.A.M., the Iota Chapter undergraduate Hermanos have committed themselves to bi-weekly visits to the Roosevelt School on Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick. For the past year, the Hermanos have consistently interacted with urban youth through the after school program. In a dual effort to minimize high school attrition and increase Latino enrollment in higher education, Hermanos from the chapter have visited high schools in the Hudson County area and been members of a panel discussion for teenagers. The panel, whose male representatives have all been Hermanos, discussed the Rutgers collegiate experience and the avenues available to the underprivileged for a successful attainment of a university level education. Recently we’ve initiated two new members into the Iota Chapter lineage with the induction of Line, Hwe-Young Yang(aspiring attorney/diplomat and first Korean at Iota) and Alexis Laguna(aspiring Pharmacist).

Attached you will find an opportunity to contribute to the chapter which you helped create, maintain, and flourish. Currently the Iota Chapter account funds do not fully meet the needs of our Annual Events. For a successful academic year, we will require a substantial increase in the budget. Please look upon this opportunity as a method of maintaining the tradition of greatness, consistency, academia, leadership, and brotherhood at of the Iota Chapter. Lastly, we invite you to join us at “Brotherhood and Bonding: The Iota Chapter Reunion” on Saturday June 23, 2007 as we anxiously await your attendance. Thank you for your time.

La Unidad Para Siempre,

Xxx Xxxxx Undergraduate President

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 58

Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey Iota Chapter

Yes will be glad to contribute to the growth of the Iota Chapter.

$25 Proud Hermano Donation

$50 Brown Level Donation

$100 Para Siempre Donation

$500 13 Knights Donation

$1,000 Gold Level Donation


No, I am sorry I will be unable to contribute now, but may do so in the future.

Contribution can be mailed to:

La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. 15 Bartlett Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Checks can be made payable to:

Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.

As the new academic year will be upon soon, please reply promptly. We will be accepting contributions all throughout the year but those submitted prior to start of the semester will help the chapter plan for our annual budget.

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 59

Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey *Currently the Iota Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Inc., does not have sufficient funding to plan marquee events, such as the Iota Chapter Step Show and Noche Dorada. Any contribution made will greatly be appreciate and donated to your cause.

OO. Chapter Attendance Roster

The Vice President shall maintain an accurate attendance roster for all events attended (fraternity, or Non- fraternity events) throughout the entire year. The roster shall begin from the first meeting elected in Late April until the end of term. This roster shall be emailed on a weekly basis to the chapter server and the president to verify accuracy.


Willy Bryan Joseph Dwane Francisco Angelo 4/28/20XX Chapter Meeting Jay R R Almanzar Sierra Young V Montesino Willy Bryan Joseph Dwane Francisco Angelo 6/3/20XX Chapter Meeting Jay R R Almanzar Sierra Young V Montesino Willy 6/3/20XX Workshops Jay R R ? ? ? ? ? Xxx 6/10/20XX Step Practice Xxxxx ? ? ? ? ? ? Xxx 7/3/20XX Elite Lambdas Xxxxx ? ? ? ? ? ? 7/20/20XX Hermandad Retreat ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Brotherhood and 6/23/20XX Bonding ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8/1/20XX Chapter Meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9/5/20XX Chapter Meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9/12/20XX Chapter Meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9/15/20XX Information Session ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9/22/20XX Chapter Meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9/29/20XX Chapter Meeting ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10/1/20XX SED ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10/2/20XX RUEP ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 60

Iota Chapter – Rutgers, State University of New Jersey

PP. Attendance Requirements

It shall be a mandatory requirement that ALL HERMANOS attend the following events throughout the year. It is imperative that ALL the Iota Chapter Hermanos support the following events sponsored by La Hermandad as well as other organizations. Participating in on-campus events is vital to maintaining campus presence, community involvement, and membership recruitment. Not attending requires advance notice as described.

1. Chapter Meetings 2. Chapter Sponsored Programs 3. Chapter Information Sessions 4. Iota Chapter Stepshow 5. Noche Dorada 6. Fundraising Events 7. First Interest Meeting 8. Subsequent Interest Meetings 9. Candidate Interviews 10. Birth of Line 11. Above Set 12. Last Phase Set 13. Crossing Set and Ceremony 14. All on-campus programs agreed upon, hosted by other organizations. 15. All on-campus meetings agreed upon, hosted by other organizations. 16. Involvement Fair 17. All Chapter Fundraising Events 18. Brown and Gold Christmas 19. Iota Chapter Turkey Drive Tabling 20. Elite Lambdas Fourth of July Bash 21. Elite Lambdas End of the Year Bash 22. First Two Club Parties of The Semester (Despite the Organization that hosts them) 23. R..E.P. Huepa 24. S.E.D. Latin Gala 25. LSC Opening Ceremonies 26. LSC Closing Ceremonies 27. Lambda Theta Alpha Annual Play (must wear shirt w/ letters, not tiki or screen print. Usually Fall) 28. Café Soliel (must wear shirt w/ letters, not tiki or screen print. Usually Fall) 29. Sigma Lambda Upsilon Fashion Show (must wear shirt w/ letters, not tiki or screen print. Usually Fall) 30. Lambda Theta Alpha Step and Stroll Exhibition (must wear shirt w/ letters, not tiki or screen print. Usually Fall) 31. Multicultural Show (Usually Fall) 32. E.O.P.S.A. Multicultural Show (Usually Spring) 33. Chi Upsilon Sigma King of Hearts (must wear shirt w/ letters, not tiki or screen print. Usually Spring)

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 61

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

QQ. Financial Dues Contract

Financial Contract

As a member of the Invincible Iota Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated, I , am well aware that I have financial responsibilities that I must meet in order to be in good standing with the chapter, and the National Council.

These financial dues consist of chapter dues, which total $45 per academic year and National Dues which consist of $250 per academic year. In order to guarantee all the privileges of an active Hermano, financial obligations must be met by the following dates: October 1st for National Dues and September 4th for Chapter Dues. Failure to meet these financial obligations within the set time frame will result with a course of disciplinary action in order to rectify the problem. If these responsibilities are not met, the chapter or any Hermano has the right to place a complain leading to suspension.

I have read and fully understand the financial contract which is presented above and understand that it is my duty as an Hermano to ensure they are met. As such, under no circumstances shall I fail to meet these obligations.




Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 62

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana


RR. Communication

The Vice-President shall contact all members via phone call. Email shall be used as a Tertiary means of communications. All information shall be communicated via phone. Emaill shall only be used as a means of documenting the communication. Any phone calls that discuss chapter operations, shall be followed by a reminder via email.


Verbal Communication:

President: Please submit the initiation Forms to OFSA by Thursday April 17th. VP: OK


President to VP: Please do not forget to submit the Initiation Forms to OFSA by Thursday April 17th.

It is important that all information be communicated through email as well as phone. Emails will be used as a form of verification and reference. As such, Emails will prevent the excuse of forgetfulness.

Email shall be used as a tertiary means of communication. The chapter shall utilize the LUL- [email protected] list serve as a secondary means of communication. The undergraduates shall submit all chapter reports to the list-serve and copies of important documents shall be saved under the fiels of the list serve.

Hermanos as undergraduates and alumni shall be responsible for updating their contact information with the chapter when it changes The Iota Chapter Contact List shall be updated Annually by the Alumni Involvement Chair. The secretary shall maintain accurate contact information for undergraduates and post changes to the server.

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 63

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

SS. Hermano Obligations Contract

Hermano Obligations Contract

I Hermano hereby acknowledge that as an Hermano of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc., Iota Chapter I have been elected/appointed chairperson for the year. By accepting, I understand that I shall abide by the Chapter Standard Operating Procedures, National Constitution, Rutgers University Policies, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Policies and Procedures, Hermano Protocol, National Pledge Manual, Iota Chapter Leadership Development Process Outline, Iota Chapter Caballero handbook, as well as all chapter terms throughout the year dictated by the president or agreed upon by the chapter.

I understand and acknowledge that I must:

1. Fulfill my responsibilities as outlined in the Executive Officer Obligations. 2. Attend all chapter meetings. 3. Actively participate in Rutgers University Community Events totaling no less than 1 per week. 4. Support chapter members and hold them accountable for the aforementioned procedures. 5. Hold members accountable for attendance and participation 6. Contribute to the development of the Chapter through participation in all recruitment functions. 7. Maintain accountability, commitment, initiative, and consistency throughout the term of my chairmanship. 8. Show good well grounded judgment in all cases, scenarios, and situations that face myself and the chapter as to maintain a positive reputation for the chapter. 9. Keep the chapter advisor abreast of all activities 10. Exercise humility in any case of confrontation. 11. Maintain a detailed planner outlining chapter activities, on-campus activities, national fraternal activities, regional fraternal activities, and academic obligations (exams, papers, homework). 12. Submit paperwork and updates to Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, Chapter Advisor, and National council as asked or required. 13. Abide by all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. 14. Train a subsequent chapter member in obligations either during or following my term, and possibly even as an alumni.

I understand that I may be evaluated by the President or Executive Board once a semester. If I am not fulfilling any of the above requirements, Chapter President’s requests, or strictly following those set forth by the aforementioned documents, I understand I may be placed on a probationary status or simply removed from office. Furthermore I understand that failure to fulfill any my duties 3 times can result in my being placed on the inactive roster through chapter vote. If placed on the inactive roster, I promise not to: attend chapter meetings, attend chapter social functions, or disrupt chapter operations.

Officer Date

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 64

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

President Date

TT. LDP Evaluation Form

Leadership Development Process Evaluation

Name:_ Date:_ Semester: Line:

What did you most appreciate about the LDP? Discuss.

Did the process improve your leadership skills? Discuss.

What regarding the LDP would you improve? Discuss.

Did you have expectations that were unmet? What were they? Discuss.

Did you feel your academics were affected positive or negatively during the process? Discuss. If it was negative, how would you address this issue?

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 65

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Did your academic dean serve his purpose adequately? Discuss.

In reflection of the Pledge Manual and Chapter LDP, did your pledge dean serve as you would have preferred? Discuss.

Was there an aspect of the process that was lacking? Discuss.

How do you feel you will perform academically this semester, considering the 4.0 plan and your involvement in the LDP? Discuss.

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 66

Alpha Xi Chapter- Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

UU. Indiana University Clauses

• Statement of University Compliance: This organization shall comply with all Indiana University regulations, and local, state, and federal laws. • Anti-Hazing Policy: Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person's consent or lack of consent. • Personal Gain Clause: This organization, if raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions to either the organization or to members who provide a service that directly benefits the organization. Individual members may not receive compensation directly from for-profit companies if acting as a representative of a student organization. • Statement of Non-Discrimination: La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. allows any interested student to participate in, become a member of, and seek leadership positions in the organization without regard to arbitrary consideration of such characteristics as age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status

Web: www.LaUnidadLatina.org 67