2017-2018 Court Minutes
Minutes 2017-2018 No 1 1 UNIVERSITY COURT OF ST ANDREWS AT ST ANDREWS on the 17th day of OCTOBER 2017 AT A MEETING OF THE COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS Present: Ms Catherine Stihler, Rector (President) ; Dame Anne Pringle, Senior Governor; Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal; Professor Garry Taylor, Master of the United College & Deputy Principal; Mr Adrian Greer, Chancellor’s Assessor; Mr Lewis Wood, President, Students' Association; Mr Zachary Davis, Director of Education, Students' Association; Mr Nigel Christie and Mr Kenneth Cochran, General Council Assessors; Professor Frances Andrews, Professor Sharon Ashbrook, Dr Philip Roscoe and Dr Morven Shearer, Senate Assessors ; Ms Donna Pierz-Fennell, Non- Academic Staff Assessor; Councillor Jim Leishman, Provost of Fife Council; Mr Timothy Allan, Ms Pamela Chesters, Mr Ken Dalton, Professor Stuart Monro, Mr Nigel Morecroft, Dr Mary Popple and Professor Sir David Wallace, Non-Executive Members. : Professor Brad MacKay, Vice-Principal (International Strategy & In attendance External Relations); Mr Alastair Merrill, Vice-Principal (Governance); Professor Lorna Milne, Proctor & Senior Vice-Principal; Mr Derek Watson, Quaestor & Factor; Mr Andy Goor, Chief Financial Officer; Dr Gillian MacIntosh, Executive Officer to the University Court & Senate. I. ‘AWAY DAY’ SESSIONS Prior to the formal Court meeting, members received a series of presentations and held subsequent discussions to consider a number of broader strategic matters (note of sessions held on file, Court 17/22). II. THANKS Members joined with the Senior Governor in thanking and paying warm tribute to Ms Catherine Stihler, who was attending her last Court meeting in her office of Rector. The Senior Governor commended the Rector for the energy, enthusiasm and dignity she had brought to the role, noting her significant contribution to the University both as a Court member and student advocate.
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