MAPC TOD Report.Indd
Growing Station Areas The Variety and Potential of Transit Oriented Development in Metro Boston June, 2012 Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Context for TOD in Metro Boston A Transit Station Area Typology for Metro Boston Estimating the Potential for TOD Conclusions Matrix of Station Area Types and TOD Potential Station Area Type Summaries Authors: Tim Reardon, Meghna Dutta MAPC contributors: Jennifer Raitt, Jennifer Riley, Christine Madore, Barry Fradkin Advisor: Stephanie Pollack, Dukakis Center for Urban & Regional Policy at Northeastern University Graphic design: Jason Fairchild, The Truesdale Group Funded by the Metro Boston Consortium for Sustainable Communities and the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization with support from the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University. Thanks to the Metro Boston Transit Oriented Development Finance Advi- sory Committee for their participation in this effort. Visit to download this report, access the data for each station, or use our interactive map of station areas. Cover Photos (L to R): Waverly Woods, Hamilton Canal Lofts, Station Landing, Bartlett Square Condos, Atlantic Wharf. Photo Credits: Cover (L to R): Ed Wonsek, DBVW Architects, 75 Station Landing, Maple Hurst Builders, Anton Grassl/Esto Inside (Top to Bottom): Pg1: David Steger, MAPC, SouthField; Pg 3: ©, Anton Grassl/Esto; Pg 8: MAPC; Pg 14: Boston Redevel- opment Authority; Pg 19: ©; Pg 22: Payton Chung flickr, David Steger; Pg
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