'~Become Victims ~~:~~~F~:N AJ Compiled by the Clarhkation of Supreme Grol" Pointe Newl ' · F Ennts Ever I C~Urt St~~Ium .Finan- of T C:Lng Decision Tied to Thursday

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'~Become Victims ~~:~~~F~:N AJ Compiled by the Clarhkation of Supreme Grol RE~YCLING CENTER lo(o',on-Oo.o- Timo Below Home 01 the I, tOs NEWSPAPUS " Mo'Ofl School ';: 'hOV.rnicr 1 S.p',mb., 30. 100."", I04pm. , CANS Am.ri,an Ca" COOj I6SI f, 7 MIl•• " ," M.nday~SaI ...t6ay. 10 a.m. 10 .. p.m."' ews '\, Pointe ECO.L1NE 879.1333 ross~ " M."da't-friaay, '0 ClI.m.lo 3 p,m. Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes 150 Per Copy Dntered u Second ClaM "atter at tho GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER t&,oo Per Year 28 P4ges-Two Sec:tions-Sec:tion One Vol.33-No. 39 POlLOIlLe. at o.trolt. lI1ehl&an 28, 1972 Day for Shores Chief HEADLINES Graduation Shores Residents City OK's 01 the WEEK '~Become Victims ~~:~~~f~:n AJ Compiled by the ClarHkation of Supreme Grol" Pointe Newl ' · F enntS ever I C~urt St~~ium .Finan- Of T C:lng DecIsion Tied to Thursday. September Zl Project PONTIAC VOTERS will be given the opportunity to Contributing to Fund Being Raised to Build Fourth decide whether to back their Court in George Osius Park; Village Will By Pepper Whitelaw proposed stadium with talC Share Cost The more than $l-mil. money in a special olectlon lion-dollar expansion and scheduled for December 11. By Kathy Duff renovation of the Jacob. To date, the Wayne County It's always heartening to see a community son's stord In.the-Village Stadium Authorlty hasn't set working together for a common goal. is one step closer to real. a public vote on its rIver. That goal in The Shores is to furnish the George ity. At the regular meet- front stadium. Thomas B. Osius Park with another tennis court so that fewer ing of the City of Grosse Adams, chairman of the Shores players will be turned away at the height of Pointe Council on Mon. WCA said that the Authority the tennis season. ,~ Iday, September the is not afraid of a public 25, referendum, but that it is not However, as The Shores Sewer Study Council unanimously ap. an easy thing to do. He trustees were drawing up proved, (C a u n c i I man claimed that it would not be the village's 1972-1973 budg. George Henry was ab- easy for Detroit or PontIac. et, it .became a.pparent that Approved by sent), an agreement on • • • the village simply couldn't the expansion and par- Friday, September 22 foot the bill for a $7,000 ten. P k C °l ticularly on the., parking ISRAELI POLICE d i s. nis court. The best they could ar oune" structure which is esti- do was to set aside $3,000 mated at a cos't of be. closed that they have uncov- for "court sports." • ered a plot Involving the As a result, the tennis lov- Need to Up-Date Old tWeen $750,000 and Jewish De fen s e League ers in The Shores have or. System to Prevent Base- $850,000. (JDL) to smuggle weapons ganlzed to collect funds pri. Architecturally similar to out of Israel for counter.a!'. vately to ~und a new court. ment Floodinq, Cited the "Carriage House" be. lacks against the Black Sep. The eHort is spearheaded by By Slone hind the Governor's mansion tember Movement and other Don Haign, of Hawthorne in Williamsburg, Va., It will Palestinian terrorists In Eu- road, the Shores resident who At a regular meeting h 0 use approximately 300 rope. The weapons have been ment, was selected as one of the 200 F.S. lawen. confiscaled. The latest Pales. On himd to congratulate Shores Chi e f joins 1rustees Daniel R. held on Monday, Septem- cars. Beck and CarlE. Hedeeil In ber the Park council The agreement states that tlnian tactics include mur- JOSEPH VITALE (center) on his recent gradua. forcement officers to attend the 90th session of 25, the Academy, the first class to use the Academy's forming the Parks and Rec- d d Jacobson's will begin con. der by mail, wherein explos- tion from the FBI National Academy, Quantico, reation Committee. approve -II recommen a- structlon of the addition to ive booby.trapped letters are Va" were Shores Vi 11 age Superintendent new campus at the Marine base in Quantico. Act. tion by City Manager the existing store building in sent to Israe1l diplomats. THOMAS K. JEFFERIS (left) and Village Presi' ing director of the FBI, C. Patrick Gray, gave the Leader Gives $500 Robert Slone, that the accordance with the site This type of murder has dent GERALD C. SCHROEDER (right). Chief Vi. graduation address. {See story on Page 3.) Already Mr, Haigh has col. firm of Hubbell, Roth plan which Includes open spread to AfriC'a and South tale, head of The Shores Public Safety Depart. lected $1200 in pledges from d CI k th .t ' America. the residents. His contrlbu. an ar, e CI y S wa. parking on the roof, a land. • • • , tion of $500 set the ball roll.. ter and engineering con.. scaped sideyard and an en .. Salurday. September 23 ing, or bouncing, in this case. sultants, be engaged to circling brick wall (even the Park Solons Okay Revie,v Councilman The committee is also con- make a detailed study of delivery entrance will be an THE PHILIPPINES de- City Plans o sidering a subscription ten- sewers in certain areas enclosed truck well), Plans clared mar t i a I law and R o p_ ate aster an; tves eport nis tournament, a la tennis of the city. call for the use of an intern. closed down radio stations, T U D M PI G and crumpets, which would al rubbish compactor so no major newspapers and cut To Appoint He pointed out to the sol. unsightly rubbish cans "'ill communications with the ocate O}- tll Y illclude Shores residents th t th Y h Id b .. outside world, The drastic All $8.,500 f S d 0nSEMTA ready to put some money ~~~re t~at th: pa~k~: sewe~ be InMeOVrideenFcleoo'r SpaAe Fire Chief _______ where their serves are. t 1 h h f th ~ measures were taken for the . C •• W'II W k W'th C't C sys em. a t oug one a e The site plan ouUined by first time since the nation annlng omm,ssion I or I I yon- Fate of Mass Transpor- The tournament is still In best In the metropOlitan Jacobson's president J. Rus. Six Existing Command PI gained Its independence from sultants on Project Exploring Future tat ion Bill to Be Known the maybe stage, but Mr. area, Is getting older and sell F<lwler at an earlier the United States 26 years Officers Expected to Land Utilization Beck, chairman of the Park needs more attention. Too, Council session., will ,pe~rnlt ago, The clamp-down came Compete for POit by October b', Will Seri- Committee, said that he he pointed au t further , Jacobson's to provide more amid unrest caused by the Examination On Monday, September 25, the Park council ously Affect SEMTA would "g,> on record that we through the years, the com- variety in selection of dolh. country's worst 'S u m mer approved funds amounting to $8,500 for a planning will .havc a fourth court next munity has experienced con. ing {or women, men and floods in history and a grow- By Pepper Whitelaw study for the long-range preservation and improve. By Pepper Whitelaw year" if the fund continues structlons of buildings, drive. children. It calls for an ad. ing wave of bombings and 't f G t f th C't ~ C.t f G P . t to gain support. The trus. ways and streets over for- dition of some 30,000 square ,terrorism following an un- Th e C1 y 0 rosse men a e 1 y. ~ I 1 Y 0 rosse om e tees previously estimated mer prevI'ous areas of th successrul attempt by ter. Pointe Council on Mon. The stu1y wiUbe conduct. hancement of existing 11Ous'lCouncilman and repre- that it would be at least city, which has caused : ~ee~a~~~~~~ ~~~cet,;~c:~~~rs~ rorists to assassinate De. day, September 25, un. ed by the Park Planning ing and business areas. sentative on the Lake three years before the vi!. greater volume of storm wa- There will be an arcade on fense Secretary Juan Ponce animously approved the Commission, working with "The desirability of alter. Shore Advisory Board of la'ge could build a fourth ter run off. Ithe Notre Dame side of the Enrile. • • • recommendation of City thet city'sVT planningLe consult.d AId native developmentth' ff t propos-t t 1 the Southeastern Michi. court. Ihsements Flooded structure. J/lcobson's h8S ac. Sunday, September 24 Manager Thomas Kress- an~, I Ican. man an s. a s an '. elr e ec s on 0 a gan Transit Authority Prcsently. theG e 0 r g e "During the m 0 nth of quired three properties to THE UNITED NATIONS bach to establish the po- f~:lat:~'p;on::~~~tedto se:~~ ~~~~eu~~~~tr~~~ureeic:c3tsW~~ (SEMTA), Alfred R. R~u. Osh:s Park, located across August," Slone said, "three the west which front on Ker- will tackle the problem of sition of Fire Chief with- Park's over.all Master Plan. the immediate neighbor- thert Jr. presented an m- the street from The Shores rather severe rain storms cheval and Notre Dame, all world terrorism and seek in the present fire de- The study will explore al- oods, will ,be a major con.
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