Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

Project Number: 44168-012 Capacity Development Technical Assistance (CDTA) October 2013

Nepal: Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk

Management in Development (Financed by the Strategic Climate Fund)

District Baseline Reports: Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DOLIDAR)

Achhame, Banke, Chitwan, , and Panchthar Districts

Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design.

MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013

Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012)


Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

METCON Consultants

APTEC Consulting

Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of

Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Version B


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ...... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ...... 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff ...... 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ...... 1 1.3.1 Trends ...... 1 1.3.2 Issues ...... 2 1.4 Past extremes in the district ...... 2 1.5 Linkages to other sectors ...... 2 1.6 Priority infrastructure in ...... 2 1.6.1 Prioritisation process ...... 2 2 ACHHAM DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ...... 4 2.1 Asset1: – Oligaun – Sila Road ...... 4 2.1.1 Asset Description ...... 4 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...... 5 ANNEX A – MAP OF ACHHAM ...... 1 ANNEX B: YEARLY IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR ...... 2 ANNEX C: NAMES & POSITIONS OF DISTRICT OFFICERS ...... 4 ANNEX D: PAST EXTREME EVENTS ...... 5 ANNEX E: PHOTOGRAPHS ASSET 1 ...... 7


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

1 ACHHAM DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan All the districts are required to prepare District Transport Master Plan (DTMP). Achham District prepared DTMP by engaging local consultant. The consultant submitted the DTMP report in March 2013. The report covers the district road plan for five years period. The DTMP of Achham district is presented in Annex. 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting Breakdown of DDC Budget

Budget Heading Budget Amount in Rupees (FYs) 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 (proposed) Current 166,318,714 152,057,161 57,160,000 Capital 286,956,198 238,218,092 476,847,000 Total 453,274,912 390,275,253 533,507,000

District's budgets for FYs 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 (proposed) are Rs 521,654766, 390275257 and 533507000 respectively. The DDC is carrying out several rural transport related projects such as:  Rural community infrastructure development program  Rural Access Program (RAP) funded by DFID  Local infrastructure and agricultural road development  Building suspension bridges at local level  DRILP funded by ADB  District core network  Road Board program for maintenance Beside the above programs which are directly related to rural transport, several other programs are also using their resources for rural roads in the district. It is estimated that about 70-80% of the district development budget is being spent on construction, rehabilitation, upgradation and maintenance of rural roads. Staff The names and positions of district officers is given in Annex D 1.3 Sector trends and issues 1.3.1 Trends Achham district was connected to national road network in eighties and very few strategic and rural road are constructed until now. Moreover the condition of the majority of the constructed roads is poor due to lack of maintenance. Planning Planning of rural roads and bridges in the district is done by preparing DTMP. Achham Distriect recently upgraded DTMP. The upgraded DTMP covers for the period of 2013-2017.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

Design Design works of construction roads and bridges in general are carried out by local consultants and district technicians. Construction All the construction and maintenance works of roads and bridges funded by DDC are mainly done by using Users' Committees. However, some works are also executed engaging small local contractors. 1.3.2 Issues The major issues and constraints for development of RRs in the district are summarized below. a) Roads are constructed on ad hoc basis without completing the existing ones; b) Quality of works is below average. b) Several new roads are selected without completing the existing ones; c) Very poor condition of the constructed roads due to distribution of budgets; d) Weak Institutional Capacity/Arrangements causing delay in planning, execution and maintenance, high financial irregularities The main causes of the above issues area: - Weak technical capacity of DoLIDAR and DDCs; - Too many parallel committees in the district (DTICC, DRRMC, LRUC, RMUC, etc.); - All party mechanism has influence but no accountability; not following rules and procedures for personal/party benefits; - Weak absorbing capacity of districts; - Weak checking and monitoring mechanism due to absence of elected bodies; - Financial rules and regulations bypassed taking advantage of transition period.

1.4 Past extremes in the district The list of extreme events in the district is presented in Annex D 1.5 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DDC/DTO at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs: DoR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, TBSU (Helvetas), LRBP (SDC) Major Organization working in the District: Rural Access Program (RAP) funded by DFID is the major partner for development of rural roads in the district. 1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District 1.6.1 Prioritisation process The key criteria for prioritisation include:  Infrastructure of national strategic importance  Infrastructure of district strategic importance


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 Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events  Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events  At least one planned infrastructure

ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type 1 Mangalsen-Oligaun--Sila Local Road It is one of the important roads in the Road district and its length is 28 km. Until now DDC has constructed 15 km of earthen track. At present vehicles can not ply on the road due to huge landslide at km 4. DDC is not able to clear the landslide as it does not have sufficient budget. This shows that DDC's financial capacity is very poor and cannot manage/execute large number of roads. 2 Sanfebagar-Mastamandu-Malika Local Road It is another important road of the district Road and provides transport facilities to 8 VDCs of the district. Its total length is 35 km. At km 5, the road alignment passes through the northern as well as southern faces of a small hillock. Two years ago there were landslides at both faces. At present the schools as well as the houses which are located at the top of hillock are threatened by the landslides from both faces. 3 Budhi Suspension Bridge Suspension The bridge was constructed about 40 Bridge years ago with support from US Aid. The condition of the bridge good until now. Several adaptation measures are provided to protect the bridge.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

2 ACHHAM DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE 2.1 Asset1: Mangalsen – Oligaun – Sila Road

Overall view of the main landslide. It is a huge landslide it extends up to 40m at the hill slope

2.1.1 Asset Description It is one of the important roads of the district. It provides motorable link to several central VDCs of the district with Mangalsen (district headquarter). The total length of the road alignment is 28 km.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

DDC started to construct this road on 2008 and the earthen track is opened on 16 km. Until now DDC has spent about 6 million rupees for opening of the track. But vehicles do not ply on this road due to landslides and lack of structures (retaining and drainage). In 2012, there occurred a big landslide at km 4. The estimated cost for its clearing is about 3-4 million rupees. Due to lack of budget DDC is not able to clear the landslide  Watershed context  The landslide area lies in the watershed of Kailash Khola which is one of the main rivers of the district. The area is located at the upper level of the hill and hence major water discharge in the landslide area is not likely. Asset location  Asset condition The whole 200m long section of the road is damaged by landslides. There are not any other structures (retaining and drainage) at this section.  Asset design The road is designed as per District Road Class A standard.

 Past extreme events and impacts

Beside the landslides there are not any extreme events.  Past adaptation responses There are not any adaptation measures  Design appropriateness Field observation showed that the extent of landslides would have been much smaller if the road was aligned through a lower level. 2.1.2 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location See Asset Baseline Report above.  Adaptation condition See Asset Baseline Report above.  Threat description The road passes through steep and highly fragile area and hence it is highly vulnerable to future landslides. The threat can be lowered if the road is realigned through lower level (about 10-15 m lower) and adequate retaining and drainage structures are constructed.  Past extreme events and impacts See Asset Baseline Report above.

 Adaptation design See Asset Baseline Report above.

 Adaptation success

Not applicable


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Estimated funding levels (roads) for next five years (in NPR ‘000)

Funding source 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 2073/74 2074/75 DDC Capital Grant 5,000 5,500 6,050 6,655 7,321 Local Transport Infrastructure Area Program 6,200 6,820 7,502 8,252 9,077 Road Board Nepal 2,000 2,200 2,420 2,662 2,928 Central Level Grant to road 6,000 6,600 7,260 7,986 8,785 RAP GoN 2,400 2,640 2,904 3,194 3,514 Local Road Bridge Project 6,000 6,600 7,260 7,986 8,785 VDC (4 lakh/VDC) 30,000 33,000 36,300 39,930 43,923

Karnali area Special program ,500 10,450 11,495 12,645 13,909 People's participation based Development program 15,000 16,500 18,150 19,965 21,962 RCIW (50%) 11,700 12,870 14,157 15,573 17,130 RAP Direct 30,000 50,000 55,000 60,500 66,550 People's contribution (10%) 12,380 15,318 16,850 18,535 20,388 Total 136,180 168,498 185,348 203,883 224,271 Grand total 918,179

Investment Plan

Item Year Fiscal year 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 2073/74 2074/75

Total budget 136,180 168,498 185,348 203,883 224,271

Village roads 13,618 16,850 18,535 20,388 22,427 Core road network budget (DTMP) 122,562 151,648 166,813 183,494 201,844 Core network length (km) 342.24 342.24 342.24 342.24 342.24

Gravel (km) - 13.65 35.69 57.49 86.02

Earthen (km) 342.24 328.59 306.55 284.75 256.22

Conservation 83,849 89,991 99,909 109,720 122,558

Emergency 8,556 8,556 8,556 8,556 8,556 Routine


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6,845 6,845 6,845 6,845 6,845 Recurrent (blacktop) - - - - -

Recurrent (gravel) - 5,460 14,276 22,997 34,408

Recurrent (earthen) 68,448 65,718 61,310 56,950 51,244

Periodic (blacktop) - - - - -

Periodic (gravel) - 3,412 8,922 14,373 21,505


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1 Mr. Om Prakash Joshi DTO Chief

2 Mr. Hem Raj Bhatta Sub- Engineer

3 Mr. Mahendra Prasad Khanal Sub- Engineer

4 Mr. Chhewang Sherpa Sub- Engineer

5 Mr. Mr. Shamsher Karki Sub- Engineer

6 Mr. Durga Prasad Abasthi Sub- Engineer

7 Mr. Subhas Bahadur Kami Asst. Sub- Engineer

8 Mr. Kamal Bahadur Singh Asst. Sub- Engineer

9 Mr. Bhupendra Bahadur Kunwar Asst. Sub- Engineer

10 Mr. Durga Prasad Dhakal WS Sub-technician

11 Mr. Sudeep WS Sub-technician

12 Mr. Dharma Dev Sharma WS Sub-technician

13 Mr. Dhruba Raj Joshi WS Sub-technician

14 Mr. Basudev Bhandari Nayab Subba

15 Mr. Nandi Singh Pal Kharidae

16 Mr. Dev Singh Badal Sub-accountant

17 Mr. Kamal Prasad Dhungana Office Assistant

18 Mr. Karna Bahadur Bohara Office Assistant


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline


VDC/ Affected Animal House Shed Land Loss Public Estimated People Municipality & Family Loss Destroyed Destroyed Property Loss Ward No. Date Type of Disaster Dead Missing Injured Total Partly No. Unit (Rs.)

2066 (2009/2010)

Nada-8 2066/03/17 Flood 1

Kalekada 2066/04/04 Flood 1 2 2

Khaptad 7, 8 2066/04/16 Flood 50

Khaptad 7, 8 2066/04/25 Flood 50

Patalkot-9 2066/06/20 Landslide 10 60 4

Sidheshwor 2066/06/20 Flood 4

Bindabasini-1 2066/06/20 Flood 1 2 1

Marku-7 2066/06/21 Flood 3 2

Sokal-9 2066/06/21 Flood 9 9

Lungra-4 2066/06/20 Flood 22

Muli 2066/06/20 Flood 5

2067 (2010/2011)

Sanphebagar, 2067/04/04 Flood 2 22 15 60 ropani 920,000


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diff. VDCs

Kulka-8, Boba 2067/05/09 Flood 2 1 VDCs 2

2068 (2011/2012)

Malatikot-7 2011/07/02 Flood 3 1

Shidheshwor 2011/07/25 Flood 1

Kalagaon 2011/07/02 Landslide 3

Budarkot-2 2011/09/14 Landslide 1 2

2069 (2012/2013)

Raniban-2 2012/06/01 Storm 1 12

Budhakot-4 2012/09/06 Rainfall 2 1


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Photo of landslide from Mangalsen side. About 200m long section of road at km is damaged due to above landslide.

There is another big landslide at about 100m from the main landslide towards Jupu side.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

There is one gully between the above landslides. Main landslide is at the right side of the gully and the second landslide is at the left side. Several slips (minor landslides) have also started to develop at this gully.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013

Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012)


Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

METCON Consultants

APTEC Consulting

Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal

Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Version B


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ...... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ...... 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff ...... 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ...... 1 1.3.1 Trends ...... 1 1.3.2 Issues ...... 1 1.4 Asset inventory ...... 1 1.5 Past extremes in the district ...... 1 1.6 Linkages to other sectors ...... 1 1.7 Priority infrastructure in Banke District ...... 1 1.7.1 Prioritisation process ...... 1 2 BANKE DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ...... 2 2.1 Asset1: RRM – Damjhanachowk – Radhapur ...... 2 2.1.1 Asset Description ...... 2 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...... 4 2.1.3 Past extreme events and impacts ...... 5 2.2 Asset 2: RRM-Titiriaya-Sonpur-Udharpur-Sitapur Road ...... 5 2.2.1 Asset Description ...... 5 2.2.2 Adaptation audit ...... 7 2.3 Asset 3: Culvert across Kiron Nala on – Parasprur - Gaughat Road...... 7 2.3.1 Asset Description ...... 9 2.3.2 Adaptation audit ...... 10 ANNEX A – MAP OF BANKE DISTRICT ...... 1 ANNEX B: MAJOR ISSUES ...... 1 ANNEX C: ANNUAL BUDGET ...... 3 ANNEX D: NAMES & POSITIONS OF DISTRICT OFFICERS ...... 5 ANNEX E: PAST EXTREME EVENTS ...... 6 ANNEX F: ASSET INVENTORY - BANKE ...... 7


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

1 BANKE DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan All the districts are required to prepare District Transport Master Plan (DTMP). Banke has just started this process and made a contract with Everest Engineering Consult for preparation of plan. The Everest Consult has still not started the work. 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting The budget for the year 2011/12 is given in Annex C Staff The names and positions of district officers is given in Annex D 1.3 Sector trends and issues 1.3.1 Trends The major issues related to the development of rural roads are presented in Annex B as problem tree. These issues are relevant to Nepalgunj District also. 1.3.2 Issues 1.4 Asset inventory The list of rural roads in the district is presented in Annex D. 1.5 Past extremes in the district The list of past extreme events is given in Annex E

1.6 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DDC/DTO at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs: DoR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, GiZ, SDC, TBSU (Helvetas), LRBP (SDC) Major Organization working in the District: The World Bank is assisting DDC for implementation of Rural Access Improvement and Decentralization Project (RAIDP). This is one of the major programs in the district in the rural transport field. 1.7 Priority infrastructure in Banke District 1.7.1 Prioritisation process The key criteria for prioritization include:  Infrastructure of national strategic importance  Infrastructure of district strategic importance  Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events  Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events  At least one planned infrastructure


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type 1 RRM-Samjhanachowk-Khajura- Class A Road Important road of the district but in very Radhapur poor condition. The road is being DTMP Code No: 57A008R upgraded (including raising of embankment height to protect the road during monsoon)by RAIDP , a WB funded project 2 RRM-Titiiriya-Sonpur-Udhrapur- Class A Road Important road of the district. Sitapur Road The road is damaged due to improper DTMP Code No: 57A008R selection (of less capacity) of cross drainage structure. 3 Nepalgunj-Paraspur-Gaughat Road Culvert The approach road was damaged due to DTMP Code No: 57A008R overflow from the culvert.

2 BANKE DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE 2.1 Asset1: RRM – Damjhanachowk – Radhapur

Photograph of section of road after earthwork filling. The compaction works are still not carried out.

2.1.1 Asset Description This is a one of the important road of the district with a total length of 26 kilometer . It starts from Chyama (near RRM, north of Kohlpur) crosses Nepalgunj-Guleria Road at Khajura and terminates at Radhapur. This road is located at a distance of about 5 km west of RRM and runs parallel to it. It was in the form of dirt road since long time and vehicles used ply on it only during dry season.


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. As the road was in the priority list of the district people, DDC decided to include it in RAIDP for upgradation. The road is being upgraded at present at two sections: From Km 0+440 to Km 12+000 and from Km 23+420 to 34 + 074 under two contracts. Brief details of the contracts are presented below.

Table 1: Brief Details of Contracts (as provided in RFP) Description Contract Packages

RAIDP/W/NCB/BAN-2.1/067/ RAIDP/DANG/PCK- 068 (0+440-12+000) B/066/067 (3+500- 13+024)

District Banke Banke

Cost Estimate (Rs) 24,661,271.68 37,094,774.54

Work Order Date 15th March, 2012 07th June 2011

Work completion Date 15th March, 2013 07th June 2013

Name of Contractor M/S Surya/Pashupati JV M/S Mahalaxmi Constriction

Contract Amount Rs. 11,921,509.86 37,094,774.54

Supervisory Staff DTO, Banke DTO, Banke

Investor of the Project World Bank World Bank

o DDC has conducted IEE of both sections of the road before the contract award. o District roads are still not maintained in a systematic way. They are repaired on ad hoc basis (or as per requirement). o The DDC has still not started to prepare life cycle cost. o Systematic record keeping of road damage is still not started.

 Watershed context

The asset lies in the watershed of the Kiron Nala in the district. The main problem in the area is inundation due to flat area and disturbance to natural drainage system.

 Asset location The road is located in western part of the district. Most of the area from where the road passes is cultivated land. The soil of the area from where the road passes is dominated by clayey silt/ silty clay. The land is flat and fertile. In average the land slope is about 0.1% toward south. Khajura bazaar area, from where the road passes, is very famous for cotton farming.

The road alignment is very near to Kiron Nala and runs parallel to it from north to south. As the whole area from where the road passes is flat, there is no probability of ground instabilities. The only problem of the project area is inundation due to disturbance to local drainage system.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

 Asset condition The project road was fair weather road. Due to the higher traffic and importance, DDC decided to include it in RAIDP for upgradation. As the road is being upgraded at present, it is not practical to describe its condition. However, the quality of some structures which were inspected was fair to satisfactory.

 Asset design The road is being upgraded to Class A district. The main aspects covered by the design are; o Increasing the road width to 6m (which is standard for Class A District road) throughout its length o Raising of embankment height by 0.5 m in average to protect the road from inundation. o Provide CD structures (PC, causeway, bridge DC etc.) as per site condition.

 Past extreme events and impacts The road runs from north to south parallel to the direction of the streams. It does not cross any major river throughout its length. As per the local people, they have not observed any extreme events except inundation in the project area.

 Past adaptation responses The road runs from north to south parallel to the direction of the streams. It does not cross any major river throughout its length. As per the local people, they have not observed any extreme events except inundation in the project area.

 Design appropriateness The project road is not a major structure and there is not any complexity in design. The major design aspects which were considered during upgradation were:

o Widening of formation width to 6m throughout its length; o Raising of embankment height to protect it from inundation; o Improvement of horizontal and vertical alignment of the road; o Design of cross drainage structures such as PC, SC, Causeway.

The field observation showed that the design is appropriate for the given condition.

2.1.2 Adaptation audit No adaptations have been carried out.

 Adaptation location


 Adaptation condition


 Threat description

The threat to the new road embankment is from an increase in riverine flooding caused by increased rainfall due to climate change


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

2.1.3 Past extreme events and impacts There is no record of past extreme events  Adaptation design


 Adaptation success


2.2 Asset 2: RRM-Titiriaya-Sonpur-Udharpur-Sitapur Road

Washed away section of the road towards Sitpur side from the culvert. The damage was before the construction of culvert. The main reason for washing away was the filling of the natural drainage. The problem is not solved even after the construction of culvert.

2.2.1 Asset Description This is a one of the important road of the district with a total length of 11.31kilometer . It is located at the western area of the district. It starts from MRM passes through Tirtiria, Sonpur and terminates at Sitpur. This road runs from north to south and is parallel to the Man River, the border of Banke and Bardiya Districts. Although it is classified as a Class A Road, major design parameters such as formation width, pavement width, minimum radiuses of vertical and horizontal curves etc. do not match to the Class A road. However, major section of this road is already graveled.

. The road is graveled except at few locations. Similarly cross drains are also constructed at several locations but they are not sufficient. Although it is a District Class A Road and should have formation width of 6m but in actual the road width is lesser than specified. The DDC has not conducted any IEE of this road.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

The village people constructed a three cell, 90 cm dia pipe culvert to drain the water. The culvert was not sufficient to drain the water and hence the excess water washed away the approach road.

The main problem at this location is that the people filled the natural drain and started cultivation. As result, the water started to flow through a wider area damaging cultivated land and houses. Due to wider regime width, very small portion of the monsoon discharge water is passing through the culvert and the remaining through the existing road.  Watershed context

The road lies in the watershed of the Man River, which is the border of this district with Bardiya. Occasional flooding of area during intense rain is the only a major problem.

 Asset location

Most of the area from where the road passes is cultivated land. The soil of the area from where the road passes is dominated by clayey silt or silty clay. The land is flat and fertile. In average the land slope is about 0.1% toward south. The road alignment is very near to Man River and runs parallel to it from north to south. As the whole area from where the road passes is flat, there is no probability of ground instabilities. The only problem of the project area is inundation due to disturbance to local drainage system.

 Asset condition

The project road was fair weather road in its initial construction. However, the road was graveled with DDC and VDC funds. The graveling works took several years due to budget constraint. The condition of gravel surface is fair to good. Field observation showed that there is the condition of road is fair to good except at few locations.

 Asset design

The road was built without any engineering design. Although it is a Class A road, its major design parameters do not satisfy to it. However, the new structures such as PC, SC, retaining walls etc. are being constructed following standard design.

 Past extreme events and impacts

The road runs from north to south parallel to the direction of the streams. It does not cross any major river throughout its length. During the monsoon of 2011, the water collected from adjoin area washed away some portion of the road (where the PC is constructed at present) at km 4. Damage to project road and surrounding areas due to flooding is common at the project area.

 Past adaptation responses

As mentioned above, there is a tendency of inundation in the project area. The road also used to inundated due to its low embankment height. Hence, the users have raised the embankment height at some areas, provided side drains at both sides at flood prone areas and added cross drainage structures.


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 Design appropriateness

The project road is not a major structure and there is no requirement of any complex in design. Following design aspects should be improved in the future:

o Proper design of horizontal curves; o Construction of more cross drainage structures; o Construction of more causeways rather than PC and SC.

2.2.2 Adaptation audit No adaptations have been carried out.

 Adaptation location NA  Adaptation condition NA  Threat description The threat to this road is from increased rainfall and riverine flooding.  Past Extreme Events and impacts

There is no record of extreme events at this location.

 Adaptation Design NA  Adaptation Success


2.3 Asset 3: Culvert across Kiron Nala on Nepalgunj – Parasprur - Gaughat Road


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View of the culvert from US. The structure has already started to show sign of distress due to lack of adequate maintenance. The newly constructed concrete causeway is located at the left side of the culvert.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

2.3.1 Asset Description The culvert is located at Km 8+500 across Kiron Nala along Nepalgunj-Paraspur-Gaughat Road and was constructed about 12 years ago. The culvert has two spans of 6m each and has a carriageway width of 4.25m. The road is one of the important roads in the district and hence is already black topped.

The left approach road of the culvert was washed away during the flood of 2011 due to overflow of water from the culvert. DDC constructed 20 m long causeway at washed away section of the road. The condition of the causeway is good.

 Watershed context

The Kiron Nala (stream) itself drains substantial part of western Banke District. This stream joins Man River in at a distance of few kilometers south from the border.  location


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

Most of the area from where the road passes is cultivated land. The soil of the area from where the road passes is dominated by clayey silt or silty clay. The land is flat and fertile. In average the land slope is about 0.1% toward south. The culvert is located at km 8+500 from Nepalgunj. As the whole watershed area of the stream is flat, there is no probability of ground instabilities. The only problem associated with the culvert is that it can not drain all the discharge of the stream during very high flood.

 Asset condition

The condition of the culvert is satisfactory although it was built about 12 years ago There are sign of distress due to lack of proper maintenance. It is structurally safe and there is no probability of collapse in near future.

 Asset design

The deck slab of the culvert is RCC over steel beams. It has a carriage width of 4.25m. The abutment and pier are constructed of brick masonry. The overall design of the structure is good and there is no problem on structural aspect. However, the draining capacity of the culvert is not sufficient for larger discharge during high rainfall.

 Past extreme events and impacts

In 2012, the all the accumulated discharge could not pass through the culvert. As a consequence substantial amount of discharge passed through the left approach road and washed away the road.

 Past adaptation responses

As mentioned above, the overflow of the stream washed away the left approach road. The DDC constructed a 20 m long concrete causeway at that location.

 Design appropriateness

The culvert is a small structure and its structural design is good. However, the length of the culvert is not sufficient to accommodated discharge during high flood. Similarly, the concrete causeway which was built to accommodate higher discharge seems appropriate for the given site condition.

2.3.2 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location The adaptation of a concrete causeway is located a short distance from the culvert  Adaptation condition The causeway is in good condition  Threat description The threat is of increased volume of flooding due to higher rainfall which will cause increased flood levels and overtopping of the roadway with probable destruction of the road.  Past Extreme Events and impacts In 2012 a high flood washed out a section of road which resulted in the DDC constructing the adaptation of a concrete causeway  Adaptation Design The design of the causeway is appropriate for the location


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

 Adaptation Success The adaptation has been a success but has not yet been exposed to a high flood.


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Higher Cost of Goods – Reduced Economic Growth – Lower Standard of Living – Reduced Access to Medical Facilities – Fewer Business Opportunities – Reduced Access to Markets

Damaged roads Very High Unsafe roads. Constructed roads causing difficulty in transportatio often do not lead to transportation of n cost Loss of lives and agricultural and goods and people properties market


(Both in quality and quantity; MoLD estimates that about 55% of LRN is not motorable)

Poor Planning Weak Institutional Poor Performance in Capacity/Arrangements Implementation and Maintenance

 Road classification not  Ownership of roads  DTOs are very weak in contractual clear between DoR, DDC and aspects  Lack of proper road VDC not clear  Lack of laboratory testing inventory  Weak technical capacity materials in the districts  Limited understanding of DoLIDAR and DDCs  DDC and DoLIDAR technicians and exercises in rural  Too many parallel are weak in design and planning committees in the construction supervision aspects  DTMP/ARMP not district  DDC and DoLIDAR technicians prepared/followed  Lack of coordination do not give due attention to  Sharing of fund between between the donors quality of works political parties.  Weak absorbing capacity  Poor mechanism to check  Explosive expansion of of districts corruption LRN but low sustainability  Relationship between  Insufficient budget allocation  No strategic targets for DTO and LDO unclear; for maintenance upgrading complicating  Very weak technical capacity in implementation of maintenance; approved budget  Users’ Coittees beig  Financial irregularities extensively for implementation and maintenance with poor accountability


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Budget of DDC Office Banke (FY: 011/12) 1000 rupees

S. Allocated Actual Expenditure Name of Programs No. Capital Regular Capital Regular

Central Programs

1 VDC Grant 81,416 18,094 81,416 18,094

Excluded, Disadvantaged and 2 385 - 385 - Dalits Development Fund

3 DDC Grant 26,233 23,002 26,233 23,002

4 Social Security Grant - 121,504 - 121,504

Local Transport Infrastructure 5 3,668 - 3,668 - Sector wide Program

Local Transport Infrastructure 6 1,724 - 1,724 - Sector wide Program

Local Infrastructure 7 Development (small 2,722 - 2,722 - irrigation)

Madhesi-backward and 8 1,792 - 1,792 - Muslim Upliftment

Local level roads, bridges and 9 community access 15,000 - 15,000 - development

Suspension bridge local 10 1,280 - 1,280 - program

Rural Water Supply and 11 3,428 - 3,428 - Sanitation program

Decreasing Adibasi/Janajati 12 193 - 3,428 - Development

Local Governance and 13 - 9,274 3,428 - Community Development

14 RAIDP 854 - 854 -

15 RAIDP 10,907 400 10,907 400

16 Local participation based 4,057 - 4,057 -


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

development programs

17 Central level roads 3,996 - 3,996 -

Backward -Madhes 18 4,029 - 4,029 - Special Program

Election Area Development 19 9,280 - 9,280 - Program

20 Youth and Sport Ministry - 360 - 360

Royalty management and 21 1,000 - 1,000 - distribution

Peace process support 22 - 50 - 50 program

23 National Self Service Program - 144 - 144

Total 171,964 172,828 171,964 172,828

DDC Fund

1 Tax, Service fee, rental 6,200 8,500 6,435 8,264 1,260

2 Royalty distribution 19,500 - 14,949 - ,

3 Roads Board 3,396 - 2,505 -

Total 29,096 8,500 23,888 8,264

Grand Total 201,060 181,328 195,852 181,092


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1 Mr. Sano Kaji Kari DTO Chief

2 Mr. Ram Bahadur Thapa Engineer

3 Mr. Brish Lal Giri Engineer

4 Mr. Sarad Kumar Adhiklari Engineer

5 Mr. Purna Bahadur Rokaya Engineer

6 Mr. Gobinda Bhadur Mahatra Sub- Engineer

7 Mr. Dhana Bahadur Rokaya Sub- Engineer

8 Mr. Jaya Bahdur Karki Sub- Engineer

9 Mr. Govinda Tripathi Accountant

10 Mr. Suresh Kumar Shrestha Asst. Sub- Engineer

11 Ms. Sarita Shrestha Asst. Sub- Engineer

12 Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Sahi Asst. Sub- Engineer

13 Mr. Bijaya Raj Panta Asst. Sub- Engineer

14 Mr. Raj Kumar Chaudhari Asst. Sub- Engineer

15 Mr. Madaneswar Jha Asst. Sub- Engineer

16 Support Staffs 5


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House Estimated VDC/ People Land Loss Affected Animal Destroyed Shed Public Municipality & Loss Type of Family Loss Destroyed Property Ward No. Date Disaster Dead Missing Injured Total Partly No. Unit (Rs.)

2066 (2009/2010)

Different VDCs 2066/04/13 Flood

Rapti Nadi 2066/04/23 Flood

2067 (2010/2011)

2068 (2011/2012)

Titahariya-5 2011/07/11 Flood 1

Bankatuwa-9 2011/07/23 Flood 1 6

Nepalgunj-8 2011/08/16 Flood

Nepalgunj-5 2011/09/10 Flood 1

Kanchanpur-6 2011/09/13 Flood 1

Bageshwori 2011/04/25 Storm 1

2069 (2012/2013)

Kohalpur-3 2012/05/17 Storm 3

Betahani-4,6 2012/08/02 Flood

Phattepur-8 2012/08/04 Flood 58

Betahani-9 2012/08/04 Flood 1


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Filling works over the existing embankment by excavating at both sides of the road. The project has envisaged increasing the embankment height by 0.5m in average to protect the road from flooding.

Recently built 6m long slab culvert. The overall construction quality is good.


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Triple cell pipe culvert of 90 cm dia. The overall construction quality of the culvert is good. This structure is not sufficient to drain the water. Moreover, the invert level of the culvert is about 40 cm higher than the ground level. This defect has also decreased the draining capacity.

View of road towards Nepalgunj side. The road is graveled and its condition is fair to Good. The formation width is less than 6m although it is a Class A district.


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Recently built causeway at the damaged portion of the road. The total length of the causeway is 20m and its condition is good. There is no damage to the causeway after it was constructed two years ago. Such structure may be replicated at other locations also.

Upstream view of the stream from the culvert. The width of culvert is less than natural channel width. Hence it cannot pass full discharge and as a consequence the excess water passes through the left approach road and damages it.


TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013

Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012)


Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

METCON Consultants

APTEC Consulting

Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal

Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Version B


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ...... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ...... 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff ...... 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ...... 1 1.3.1 Trends ...... 1 1.3.2 Issues ...... 1 1.4 Past extremes in the district ...... 2 1.5 Linkages to other sectors ...... 2 1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District ...... 2 1.6.1 Prioritisation process ...... 2 2 CHITWAN DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ...... 4 2.1 Asset1: Gitanagar Settlement ...... 4 2.1.1 Asset Description ...... 5 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...... 5 ANNEX A – MAP OF CHITWAN DISTRICT ...... 1 ANNEX B: ANNUAL BUDGET ...... 2 ANNEX C: NAMES & POSITIONS OF DISTRICT OFFICERS ...... 3 ANNEX D: PAST EXTREME EVENTS ...... 4 ANNEX E: PHOTOGRAPHS ASSET 1 ...... 5


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1 CHITWAN DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan DDC Chitwan is finalizing DTMP. According the DTO Chief the DTMP report will be complete within three months. 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting Budgets of DDC for the FY 2010/11 to 2011/12 are presented in Annex b Staff The names and positions of district officers is given in Annex c 1.3 Sector trends and issues Chitwan district is constructing several infrastructural works especially roads and bridges. The trends and issue of this district is similar to other districts and are described briefly in the following section. 1.3.1 Trends Planning Planning of rural roads and bridges in the district is done by preparing District Transport Master Plan (DTMP). Chitwan District is finalizing its DTMP within few months. Design Design works of construction roads and bridges in general are carried out by local consultants and district technicians. Construction All the construction and maintenance works of roads and bridges funded by DDC are done by using local contractors (10%) and Users' Committee (80%). However in donor funded projects such as RRRSDP, the share of local contractor is much more than UCs. The present trend in the construction has shifted from manual to machines. For example at present construction equipment such as excavator, paver, dozer, roller are being used more frequently. Monitoring 1.3.2 Issues a) Difficult to manage due to large number of roads. There are at present 600 roads being implemented. b) Roads are constructed on ad hoc basis without completing the existing ones; c) Very poor condition of the constructed roads due to absence of maintenance. d) Sharing of funds between parties e) No strategic targets for upgrading. f) Very poor quality of constructed roads; approximately 55 % of the RRs are not motorable; f) High financial irregularities. g) Weak technical capacity of DoLIDAR and DDCs; h) Too many parallel committees in the district (DTICC, DRRMC, LRUC, RMUC, etc.);


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i) All party mechanism has influence but no accountability; not following rules and procedures for personal/party benefits; j) Weak absorbing capacity of districts; k) Weak checking and monitoring mechanism due to absence of elected bodies; l) Financial rules and regulations bypassed taking advantage of transition period. One of the major causes of the above issues is the absence of elected bodies in local level. The other which are reasons for the above issues are: i) Low commitment of DDC for proper management of rural roads; ii) Weak technical capacity (design, construction supervision and maintenance aspects) of district engineers iii) Lack of laboratory testing materials in the districts; iv) DDC and DoLIDAR technicians do not give due attention to quality of works; v) Poor mechanism to check corruption; -vi)Insufficient budget allocation for maintenance; vii Users’ Coittees ore tha 80% beig etesivel used for ipleetatio ad maintenance with poor accountability.

1.4 Past extremes in the district A list of past extreme events in Chitwan is given in Annex D

1.5 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DDC/DTO at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs: DoR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, TBSU (Helvetas), LRBP (SDC) Major Organization working in the District: RRRSDP which is being funded mainly by ADB and GoN is the major donor agency for development of rural roads and suspension bridges in the district.

1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District 1.6.1 Prioritisation process The key criteria for prioritisation include:  Infrastructure of national strategic importance  Infrastructure of district strategic importance  Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events  Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events  At least one planned infrastructure


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The consultant in consultation with the division chief prepared final lists of the priority structures of the district. The list was prepared following the criteria provided in District Office Report. The priority list is given in the following table.

ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type 1 Ladari Motorable Bridge Medium The pier at left bank has settled due to Bridge scouring and extraction of river bed materials. As a consequence, the two spans of superstructure also collapsed At present the vehicles cannot move through this bridge. To show the example of poor design, construction and monitoring of DDC/DoLIDAR. 2 Gitanagar Settlement Drainage To show the drainage problems in new Structure settlements which are developed without properly considering the drainage management aspects. 3 Concrete Causeway along Parsa- Local Road The DoLIDAR recently completed the Kumaroj Road construction of a concrete causeway of 20 m length and a depressed land where the road was frequently closed during high flood. After the construction of the causeway, it has become easier for vehicles and pedestrians. To show the good example of proper selection of structures.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

2 CHITWAN DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE 2.1 Asset1: Gitanagar Settlement

Starting point of Gitanagar settlement. There is no side drains at both sides.

Sketch Plan of Site


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

2.1.1 Asset Description Gitanagar is a recently developed settlement. It is located 10 km south of Bharatpur. This new settlement is already facing severe drainage problems. The locals of this settlement constructed houses blocking the natural/ existing drains. As a result the road is submerged by water for a long period making difficulty for vehicles and pedestrians. This is one of the serious issues on all new settlements of Terai districts. It is believed that this problem will aggravate with the future climate change.  Watershed context Gitanagar settlement lies in the watershed of Khairang Khola. This khola originates at about 5 kilometer north and it joins with Rapti River, which is located at a distance of 7 kilometer towards downstream  Asset location The asset is located at 10 kilometer south from Bharatpur, headquarter of Chitwan District. The adjoining areas of this settlement are flat and cultivated. The soil type of the Gitanagar and surrounding area is is clayey silt. There are not any major water bodies near the asset. As the settlement is located on flat area, there is not a problem of ground instabilities.  Asset condition This is a new settlement and its condition is good.  Asset design The settlement was developed without any planning and design. Hence there are several shortcomings especially lacking proper surface drainage system.

 Past extreme events and impacts There was not any major event in the past except flooding on the road during monsoon.  Past adaptation responses This is a very new settlement. The concerned people of the settlement have not constructed any adaptation measures to tackle the inundation problem.  Design appropriateness There are not any major adaptation measures. 2.1.2 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location There has been no adaptation to the existing infrastructure  Adaptation condition NA  Threat description The threat to the settlement is from increased ponding on the roadways due to the increase in rainfall and the intensity of rainfall due to the effects of climate change  Past extreme events and impacts There have been nont


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 Adaptation design NA  Adaptation success NA


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SN Budget Head Budget for FY (1000 Rupees) 2010/11 2011/12

1 DDC's fund 171,819,369 24,770,000 2 DDC grant 67,557,000 60,973,000 3 DDC resource distribution 62,317,205 37,050,000 4 Local level agricultural roads 94,00,000 11,200,000 5 Road Board Fund 4,000,000 4800000 6 Local level suspension bridges 1,669,000 3,576,000 7 Water Supply and Sanitation 4,930,000 5,350,000 8 VDC grant 97,471,000 76,312,000 9 Upliftment of excluded and dalits 415,400 450,000 10 Chepang Development Program 500,000 500,000 11 Election are development program 13,000,000 13,000,000

12 Indigenous Praja 1,945,000 2,200,000 13 Local self Governance and Community 23,110,861 8,000,000 Development 14 Upliftment of Madhesis and Backward 1,500,000 1,500,000 Communities 15 Management and Development of Gumbas 1,400,000 1,400,000 16 Youth and Sport 360,000 400,000 17 Community Participation Development Program 2,200,000 3,000,000 18 Core network 11,880,000 13,000,000 19 Local Level motrable bridges 10,000,000 17,500,000 20 Energy Development Unit 700,000 700,000 21 Local infrastructure Small Irrigation 3,000,000 3,500,000 22 RRRSDP 161,440,000 135,932,000 23 Local Development Fund 13,417,287 6,015,000 24 Children's welfare Fund 0 1,357,000 Total 689532022 631,985,000


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SN Name Position 1 Mr. Ram Chandra Dangal DTO Chief 2 Mr. Jagadish Sharma Engineer 3 Mr. Punya Ram Sulu Engineer 4 Mr. Balabhadra Paneru Engineer 5 Mr. Sarad Chandra Sharma Account Officer 6 Mr. Sujan Thapa Engineer 7 Mr. Bishnu Prasad Kafle Sub- Engineer 8 Mr. Krishna Pandit Sub- Engineer

9 Mr. Dharmendra Kumar Jha Sub- Engineer

10 Mr. Sohinder Yadav Sub- Engineer

11 Mr. Bed Prasad Bajgai Nayab Subba 12 Mr. Ramesh Bahdur Kunwar Nayab Subba 13 Mr. Min Bahdur Thapa Typist-Kharidar 14 Mr. Buddhi Bahadur Rayamajhi Water Supply Technician 15 Mr. Mana Bahadur Lama Water Supply Technician

16 Mr. Lok Nath Koirala Water Supply Technician

17 Mr. Umanath Padhya Office Assistant 18 Mr. Gopal Bahdur B. K. Office Assistant


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VDC/ Affected Animal House Shed Land Loss Public Estimated People Municipality & Date Type of Family Loss Destroyed Destroyed Property Loss Ward No. Disaster Dead Missin Injured Total Partly No. Unit (Rs.) g 2065 (2008/2009) Flood 815000 Kawilas-6 2065/02/31 7 7 Landslide

2066 (2009/2010) Jagatpur Lothar 2066/04/23 Flood 5 2067 (2010/2011)

2068 (2011/2012) Mangalpur-5 2012/07/01 Flood 70 Meghauli-1,2 2012/07/01 Flood 250

2069 (2012/2013) Kabilas-9 2012/06/4 Storm 1 0


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Damage to the road pavement due to accumulation of water. The water from the settlement can be drained through the field at right side. However it is not possible at present due to absence of side drains.

Main settlement area. The houses in this area are built above the road blocking natural drains of the surrounding areas


TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013

Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012)


Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

METCON Consultants

APTEC Consulting

Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal

Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Version B


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ...... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ...... 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff ...... 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ...... 1 1.3.1 Trends ...... 1 1.3.2 Issues ...... 2 1.4 Past extremes in the district ...... 2 1.5 Linkages to other sectors ...... 2 1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District ...... 2 1.6.1 Prioritisation process ...... 2 2 KATHMANDU DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ...... 3 2.1 Asset 1 : – Durali – Kulekhani - ...... 3 2.1.1 Asset Description ...... 3 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...... 5 2.2 Asset 2: Kageswori – Chakrapath (Ring Road); Section ...... 5 2.2.1 Asset Description ...... 6 2.2.1 Adaptation audit ...... 8 ANNEX A – MAP OF KATHMANDU DISTRICT ...... 1 ANNEX B: ANNUAL BUDGET ...... 2 ANNEX C: NAMES & POSITIONS OF KATHMANDU DISTRICT OFFICERS ...... 4 ANNEX D: PAST EXTREME EVENTS ...... 5 ANNEX E: PHOTOGRAPHS-ASSET 1 ...... 6 ASSET 2...... 7


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1 KATHMANDU DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan All the districts are required to prepare District Transport Master Plan (DTMP). Kathmandu DDC employed PARD (P) Ltd. to prepare DTMP in FY 2010/11. The road inventory made by PARD during DTMP preparation was later updated by DoLIDAR. Recommendation made by the PARD to effectively implement the DTMP are as follows:  Road priority should be given to the area having poor accessibility, especially where the people need to walk more than 2 hours.  DDC has to play a vital role for the implementation of the DTMP;  District Road Coordination Committee (DRCC) should participate actively for the coordination and supportive role on planning, implementation, monitoring and supervision of the rural and agricultural roads.  For the proper implementation of the DTMP, local contribution should be increased for the fund raising. The VDC funds are to be used for the repair and maintenance of village roads.  Green road construction approach shall be followed for the new construction. The approach is simple, participatory, cost effective and environment friendly. Aspects should be considered for the implementation of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  The mid term review of DTMP should be done after three years and DTMP should be updated after five years. If any other sources of funding is available during the course of tiime, the DTMP is to be updated so as to align with the available financial resources.  In order to have smooth implementation of DTMP, the technical manpower of the DDC should be well trained and technical equipments should be added in the DDC. 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting The Budgets of the DDC for the FY 2010/11 to 2012/13 are given in Annex Staff The names and positions of the District Officers are shown in Annex D 1.3 Sector trends and issues Several rural infrastructural works especially roads and bridges are being constructed/upgraded at present. The trends and issue of this district is similar to other hill districts and are described briefly in the following section. 1.3.1 Trends Planning Implementation of rural roads in all districts including Kathmandu is done following DTMP. But there are several instances where the implementation of the roads is done under political pressure also. Design Design works of construction roads and bridges in general are carried out by local consultants.


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Construction All the construction and maintenance works of roads and bridges are done by using local contractors and Users' Committee. The present trend in the construction has shifted from manual to machines. For example at present construction equipment such as excavator, paver, dozer, roller are being used more frequently. 1.3.2 Issues Issues and Constraints

The major issues and constraints for development of RR are summarized below.

 DTMP/ARMP not prepared/followed  Very limited fund in comparison to number of roads;  Sharing of funds between parties – many small projects (100-300 per district);  No strategic targets for upgrading.  Roads are constructed on ad hoc basis without completing the existing ones;  Very poor condition of the constructed roads due to distribution of budgets;  High financial irregularities.

Insufficient budget allocation for maintenance and very weak technical capacity of the district technicians in maintenance etc. 1.4 Past extremes in the district A record of past extreme events in the District is given in table D 1.5 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DDC/DTO at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs:

DoR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, SDC, TBSU (Helvetas), NT, NEA etc.

Major Organization working in the District:

RRRSDP which was the major project (funded by GoN, ADB, DfID, OFID, SDC) until the last fiscal year has phased out. It is envisaged that the project will start next year.

1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District 1.6.1 Prioritisation process The prioritisation process is described in the Vulnerability assessment and adaptation guidance methodology. The key criteria for prioritisation include:  Infrastructure of national strategic importance  Infrastructure of district strategic importance  Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events  Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events  At least one planned infrastructure


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

The consultant in consultation with the DTO chief prepared final lists of the priority structures of the district. The list was prepared following the criteria provided in District Office Report. The priority list is given the following table.

ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type 1 Matatirtha-Deuralikhani-Hetauda Local Road It is one of the prioritized road of Raod Kathamndu DDC. It is the shortest motorable route between Kathmandu and Hetauda. 2 ASSET 2: Kageswori Chakrapth Local Road This road falls in the priority of the district and hence it was included in RRRSDP for upgradation. The road is stabilized by providing geo-textile and bio-engineering works which is not very common for rural roads.


2.1 Asset 1 : Matatirtha – Durali – Kulekhani - Hetauda

2.1.1 Asset Description The Matatirtha-Durali-Kulekhani-Hetauda is one of the shortest road link joining Kathmandu and Hetauda. It is about 40 kilometer long of which 8.5 km lies in the Kathmandu District. This road starts from Matatirtha which is located very near to Kathmandu city. The initial 2 kilometer of the road lies in rolling terrain is already black topped. The remaining section is either graveled or earthen. After


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

passing the rolling terrain the road starts to ascend along the hill slope of western part of the valley and passes through Deurali Bhanjyang which is the end point of Kathmandu District. Construction of this road was started in 2003. But the construction activities were stopped for about 8 years. The construction works restarted in FY 2059/60. It is to be noted that both DDC Kathmandu are involved in maintaining/rehabilitating this road although it is classified as a rural road. GoN is providing 2 million rupees per year to DDC Kathamandu and DoR to clear debris, construct walls and widen few road sections every year as per requirement.  Watershed context This road lies in the watershed of Matatirtha Khola. The length of the khola up to the start of the road is about 2 km. The field observation showed that the discharge of the khola will not be significant even during the monsoon season. The road does not face any vulnerabilities from Matatirtha Khola and other streams because the road is located very near to the top of the hill.  Asset location The initial 2 km of the road passes through settlement areas. This area is covered by cultivated land, shrubs and bushes. From Km 2 to the end of the road section, the area is mountainous and is covered with forest. The soil at the project area is comprised of clayey silt, weathered rocks, gravels and boulders. There are not any major streams affecting the road. The road crosses few rivulets throughout its length. There is no problem of ground instabilities along the initial 2 kilometer long section. Beyond 2 minor landslides and slips were observed but they are not serious

 Asset condition Major section (excluding initial 2 km) of the road is still in the form of track with the following characteristics:  Narrow road section  Sharp curves  Very few drainage structures etc. Although the condition of the road is very poor, it is difficult to rehabilitate/upgrade it as the number of district roads in Kathmandu is very high and the budget allocated for them is very low.  Asset design The road is designed as a Class A rural road. Although the design is satisfactory, the existing condition of the road is very poor due to lack of fund. Very few structures are constructed along the road. The materials adopted for the road structures are gabions and stone masonry in cement sand mortar.

 Past extreme events and impacts Landslides are frequent at this location. Beside this, there was not any major event in the past.  Past adaptation responses Kathmandu DDC and DoR have constructed some retaining and breast walls along the road. These walls are functioning satisfactorily.  Design appropriateness


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There are no shortcomings in design of the asset. However, the condition of the road is very poor as GoN allocates very little budget for its upgradation/construction. 2.1.2 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location The adaptations, consisting of retaining and breast walls occur at various locations along the alignment  Adaptation condition The adaptations are generally in reasonable condition  Threat description Increase in total rainfall and the intensity of rainfall during the rainy season is a threat to the stability of the hillside both above and below the road  Past extreme events and impacts There is no record of extreme event along the road alignment  Adaptation design The design of the adaptation is reasonable but is unlikely to be effective against future extreme events brought about through climate change  Adaptation success The adaptations have generally been successful.

2.2 Asset 2: Kageswori – Chakrapath (Ring Road); Indrayani – Gagalphedi Section


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

Sketch of Site

2.2.1 Asset Description This is a Class A Road and falls in the district core network. It starts from Indrayani and its teminates at Gagalphedi and its total length is about 8 km. The road is black topped at some locations. The road section which is considered for study is located at km 7+300. The road is a very important one as it connects several villages located in the eastern part of the valley. Construction of this road was initiated when DDC Kathmandu constructed gabion walls in FY 2001/02 to retain the road at above chainage. DWIDP also assisted the DDC and constructed more walls. Due to improper water management the gabion walls collapsed about 3 years ago. EIA/IEE of the road was not conducted.  Watershed context This road lies in the watershed of Matatirtha Khola. The length of the khola up to the start of the road is about 2 km. The field observation showed that the discharge of the khola will not be significant even during the monsoon season. The road does not face any vulnerabilities from Matatirtha Khola and other streams because the road is located very near to the top of the hill.

 Asset location


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District Baseline

The project road is located in the southern end of . It starts from Matatirtha which is one of the holiest places of Kathmandu Valley. Matatrtha is linked by a 2 kilometer long road with TRP at . The initial 2 km of the road which is already blacktopped lies in the rolling terrain and the remaining 6 kilometer lies in the mountain. The initial 2 km of the road passes through settlement areas. This area is covered by cultivated land, shrubs and bushes. From Km 2 to the end of the road section, the area is mountainous and is covered with forest. The soil at the project area is comprised of clayey silt, weathered rocks, gravels and boulders. There are not any major streams affecting the road. The road crosses few rivulets throughout its length.

There is no problem of ground instabilities along the initial 2 kilometer long section. Beyond 2 minor landslides and slips were observed but they are not serious

 Asset condition Major section (excluding initial 2 km) of the road is still in the form of track with the following characteristics:  Narrow road section  Sharp curves  Very few drainage structures etc. Although the condition of the road is very poor, it is difficult to rehabilitate/upgrade it as the number of district roads in Kathmandu is very high and the budget allocated for them is very insignificant.  Asset design The road is designed as a Class A rural road. Although the design is satisfactory, the existing condition of the road is very poor due to lack of fund. Very few structures are constructed along the road. The materials adopted for the road structures are gabions and stone masonry in cement sand mortar.

 Past extreme events and impacts Except for the landslide which is the subject of this assessment there is no recorded major event in the past.

 Past adaptation response After the collapse of the wall DDC Kathmandu conducted detail design of the road stretch. The most interesting aspects of the design was the provision of geotextile and bio-engineering works which is rare in design and construction of rural roads. The construction works started on June 2011 and completed on March 2012. The total cost of the whole works including improvement works at Km 7+148 was 5.7 million rupees. The works comprised the followings:  Construction of gabion walls  Filling of road embankment  Sub surface drainage  Providing geotextile in layers  Bio-engineering works


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 Design appropriateness The design for the rectification of the landslide is appropriate. However, a new surface water drainage management system should also have been incorporated in the adaptation to ensure that the threat from increased rainfall would be alleviated 2.2.1 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location The work carried out as an adaptation following the landslide is at km 7+300

 Adaptation condition The adaptation described above is in good condition

 Threat description The continuing threat at this location is from increased rainfall and intense rainfall which as a result of the inadequate surface water management will enter the ground at the top of the landslide zone and cause instability in the underlying soils

 Past Extreme Events and impacts

There is no record of extreme events occurring at this location

 Adaptation Design The adaptation work carried out consisted of:

 Construction of gabion walls  Filling of road embankment  Slope sub surface drainage  Providing geotextile in layers  Bio-engineering works

 Adaptation Success The adaptation work carried out to rectify the landslide has been successful but the non-inclusion of surface water management means that there remains a threat from increased rainfall.


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SN Budget Head Budget for FY 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 (Actual (Revised (Proposed Expenditure) Estimate) Expenditure Estimate) DDC's Internal Sorce 1 Furniture purchase 454,931 500,000 500,000 2 Vehicles 337,800 6,000,000 1,000,000 3 Machinery and other equipment 467,764 1,000,000 1,000,000 4 Building construction 631,930 5,000,000 2,000,000 5 Expenditure on community construction 35,161,637 117,910,890 73,520,000 6 Expenditure for capital formation 199,308 8,000,000 500,000 7 Study and consultancy fee 956,550 1,300,000 1,500,000 8 Non conditional grant to local bodies 9 Grant to NGOs and clubs 200,000 200,000 10 Unconditional grant to social service 11 Education service grant 12 Health grant 13 Grant to other social sector 14 Grant to social organizations 15 Contingencies Sub-total 43,166,101 149,510,890 90,720,000

External Resources 1 Election area development program 32,945,100 0 0 2 LGCDP 13,017,010 0 0 3 VDC grant 107,250,500 62,215,000 93,340,000 4 DDC grant 41,588,100 42,241,000 34,981,000 5 Disadvantaged dalit group 386,900 242,600 470,000 6 Community participation development 20,864,497 23,700,000 25,000,000 program 7 Electricity Development Department 7,776,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 8 Central level roads 11,467,800 11,500,000 12,000,000 9 Rural water supply and sanitation 598,625 6,100,000 9,918,000 10 Local transport infrastructure area 7,354,510 6,000,000 7,830,000 program 11 Local Infrastructure and agriculture 2,209,106 2,000,000 3,000,000 12 Suspension bridges 1,453,976 2,100,000 5,164,000


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13 Local level bridges 5,137,838 5,000,000 15,660,000 14 RRSDP 108,846,000 99,944,000 136,853,000 Sub-total 360,895,965 269,042,600 352,216,000 Aid from Indian Embassy 12,871,308 80,000,,000 80,000,000 Miscellaneous 2,909,106 500,000 500,000 GRAND TOTAL (Internal + External) 419,842,480 499,053,490 523,436,000


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Names and positions of district officers

1 Mr. Mahesh Aryal DTO Chief 2 Mr. Khagendra Prasad Dahal Engineer 3 Mr. Shaligram Devkota Engineer 4 Mr. Chuda Raj Dhakal Engineer 5 Mr. Devi Prasad Panday Engineer 6 Mr. Shyam Saran Shrestha Engineer 7 Mr. Babu Ram Ghimire Engineer 8 Mr. Chandra Mani Gyawali Account Officer 9 Mr. Dol Raj Poudel Section Officer 10 Mr. Prakash Man Shrestha Engineer 11 Mr. Sandesh Dhakal Engineer 12 Mr. Mr. Rabindra Rijal Sub-engineer 13 Mr. Sarad Kumar Shrestha Sub-engineer 14 Mr. Mr. Basudev Bhandari Sub-engineer 15 Mr. Kumar Prasad Sapkota Sub-engineer 16 Ms. Sandhya Regmi Sub-engineer 17 Mr. Dil Prasad Bhattarai Sub-engineer 18 Mr. Mr. Jageswao Sah Sub-engineer 19 Mr. Lilam Raj Rai Sub-engineer 20 Mr. Ms. Mandira Shrestha Sub-engineer 21 Mr. Ram Saran Khadka Water Supply Technician 22 Ms. Maya Panthi Accountant 23 Ms. Bimala Panday Nayab Subba 24 Ms. Bina Shrestha Typist 25 Ms. Mithimaya Basnet Water Supply Technician 26 Mr. Shree Ram Lamichhane Kharidar 27 Ms. Jyoti Panthi Ma. Ka. Ka. 28 Ms. Nirmala Regmi Water Supply Technician 29 Ms. Pabitra Baral Water Supply Technician 30 Ms. Sailaja Khatiwada Water Supply Technician 31 Mr. Mukunda Poudel Water Supply Technician 32 Mr. Shree Krishna Raut Office Assistant 33 Mr. Suresh Karmacharya Driver 34 Ms. Sunita Karki Office Assistant 35 Mr. Shyam Raja Bhattarai Office Assistant


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VDC/ Affected Animal House Shed Land Loss Public Estimated People Municipality & Date Type of Family Loss Destroyed Destroyed Property Loss Ward No. Disaster Dead Missing Injured Total Partly No. Unit (Rs.) 2066 (2009/2010)

2067 (2010/2011)

2068 (2011/2012) Kathmandu 9 2012/08/15 Flood 1 9 2012/08/15 Flood 1 Kathmandu 1 2012/09/26 Flood 1 Manamaiju 1 2011/07/01 Rainfall 3 2011/07/01 Rainfall 3 -7 2011/08/19 Rainfall 3 Kirtipur-14 2011/08/26 Rainfall 1 2 2011/08/26 Rainfall 1 100,000 Kathmandu-2 2011/09/06 Rainfall 1 Dakshankali 2011/09/26 Rainfall 2 80,000 2069 (2012/2013) Chaimale-9 2012/07/20 Landslide 1 400,000 2012/07/23 Rainfall 1 500,000 Thankot-8 2012/09/01 Flood 1 900,000 Thankot-9 2012/09/02 Flood 1 2,500,000 Mahadevsthan 2012/08/14 Rainfall 2 1 -4 2012/09/17 Rainfall 1 400,000 Chhaimale-6 2012/09/19 Rainfall 1 250,000


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Overall view of the landslide. This landslide was obstructing vehicular traffic in regular basis before the construction of gabion breast wall. At present the landslide is almost stabilized

Small slips are common along the whole road stretch. This is due to steep hill slope at hill side. According to the DDC sub-engineer, the hill slope could not be made flatter due to budget constraint.


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View of road and bio-engineering works at the slope. It is a good example that the bio- engineering measures are applied for rural roads also.

View of bio-engineering works from the bottom of the slope. At the bottom of the slope, 2 m high gabion wall is constructed to retain the fill. Good example of combination of walls and bio- engineering works.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District baseline

TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013

Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012)


Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management

METCON Consultants

APTEC Consulting

Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal

Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Version B


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District baseline

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ...... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ...... 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff ...... 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ...... 1 1.3.1 Trends ...... 1 1.3.2 Issues ...... 1 1.4 Past extremes in the district ...... 1 1.5 Linkages to other sectors ...... 2 1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District ...... 2 1.6.1 Prioritisation process ...... 2 2 PANCHTHAR DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ...... 3 2.1 Asset1: Shiwa Khola Bridge ...... 3 2.1.1 Asset Description ...... 4 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...... 5 ANNEX A: MAP OF PANCHTHAR DISTRICT ...... 1 ANNEX B: ANNUAL BUDGET ...... 2 ANNEX C: NAMES & POSITIONS OF DISTRICT OFFICERS ...... 4 ANNEX D: PHOTOGRAPHS ASSET 1 ...... 5


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District baseline

1 PANCHTHAR DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan DDC Panchthar is preparing DTMP and expects to finalize within 3 months 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting The Budget of DDC for the FY 2010/11 to 2012/13 are presented iin Annex B Staff The names and positions of district officers is given in Annex C 1.3 Sector trends and issues Panchthar District is constructing several infrastructural works especially roads and bridges. The trends and issue of this district is similar to other districts and are described briefly in the following section. 1.3.1 Trends Planning Planning of rural roads and bridges in the district is done by preparing DTMP. Chitwan District is preparing its DTMP and is finalizing within few days. Design, Construction & Monitoring Design works of construction roads and bridges in general are carried out by local consultants and district technicians. 1.3.2 Issues The major issues and constraints for development of RRs in Myagdi Distirct are summarized below. a) Roads are constructed on ad hoc basis without completing the existing ones; b) Several new roads are selected without competing the existing ones; c) Very poor condition of the constructed roads due to distribution of budgets; d) Sharing of funds between parties – many small projects (100-300 per district); e) Weak Institutional Capacity/Arrangements causing delay in planning, execution and maintenance; f) High financial irregularities. g) Too many parallel committees in the district (DTICC, DRRMC, LRUC, RMUC, etc.); h) Weak absorbing capacity of districts; the allocated yearly budget is not spent. i) Weak checking and monitoring mechanism due to absence of elected bodies; j) Financial rules and regulations bypassed taking advantage of transition period. k) Users’ Coittees ore tha 80%eig etesivel used for ipleetatio ad aiteae with poor accountability.

1.4 Past extremes in the district


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District baseline

1.5 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DDC/DTO at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs: DoR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, TBSU (Helvetas), LRBP (SDC) Major Organization working in the District: RRRSDP was the major donor agency for development of rural roads and suspension bridges in the district. But the RRSDP expired in 2012 and is envisaged to start within one year. 1.6 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District 1.6.1 Prioritisation process The key criteria for prioritisation include:  Infrastructure of national strategic importance  Infrastructure of district strategic importance  Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events  Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events  At least one planned infrastructure The consultant in consultation with the division chief prepared final lists of the priority structures of the district. The list was prepared following the criteria provided in District Office Report. The priority list is given in the following table.

ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type

1 Shiwa Khola Bridge (motorable) Bridge This is the first motrable bridge constructed by DDC/DoLIDAR in Panchthar District.

2 Samdin-Chokmagu-Siwa-Panchami Road This is one of the important road of the Road district and provides motrable link to several VDCs. The road is frequently blocked by a landslide at km 4.5 although DDC is spending substaial amount for its stabilization. Good example of landslide problem in the district.

3 Ithum-Tamakhe-Tribeni-Phidim Road This is a village road constructed by peoples' participation. The road is blocked by a landslide for about 2 years. The approximate cost of landslide is estimated to be Rs. 1.5 million. The DDC is not able to provide the fund due to number of roads in the district.


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Photo of the bridge from upstream. As seen on photo, the length of the bridge is almost equal to the present waterway width and its vertical clearance is also sufficient.


MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoLIDAR District baseline

2.1.1 Asset Description The bridge lies located at km 5 of Phidim-Ranigaun-Yachok Road. It is a single span bridge and its total length is 25m and its foundation type is shallow. The carriageway width and overall width of the bridge is 4.25m and 5m respectively. Materials for superstructure as well as sub-structure of the bridge are adopted of reinforced concrete. The bridge was financed by RRRSDP and was completed six months ago. The total cost of the bridge including approach roads and protection works is about 20 million rupees.  Watershed context The asset lies in the watershed of Tamor River. The distance between the bridge site and Tamor River is less than 2 kilometer. The watershed of the khola is covered by cultivated land, shrubs, bushes and forests. Field observation showed that there is little probability of large scale impact to the asset at present.  Asset location The asset is located in a hilly terrain. The right bank of the river near the bridge site is steep whereas the left bank is relatively flat and is under cultivation. The area near the bridge site is covered by cultivated land, bushes and thin forest. The bed slope of the river near/at the bridge site is relatively flat (about (2 %). The soil at the bridge site mainly consist of sand, gravels and occasional boulders. Nibu Khola merges with Shiwa Khola at 60m upstream. There are not any other major water bodies near the bridge site. There is no problem of ground instabilities at/near the bridge site.  Asset condition The condition of all components of the bridge system such as superstructure, sub-structure, approach roads and bank protection works is good. There are not any immediate threats to these components.

 Asset design It is a simply supported single span bridge and its total length is 25m. It is a single lane bridge with 4.25m carriageway width. Superstructure as well as substructure of the bridge are constructed of RCC and most of the bank protection works are gabion walls.

 Past extreme events and impacts There was not any major event in the past except flooding during monsoon.

 Past adaptation responses A retaining wall has been constructed on the right bank upstream of the bridge to protect the approach road from erosion by the river  Design appropriateness The design of the bridge is appropriate due to:  Bridge site is appropriately as there is little threat of heavy scouring, siltation, ban erosions etc.  The length of the bridge is almost equal to the existing waterway width.  The vertical clearance is sufficient;


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2.1.2 Adaptation audit  Adaptation location The retaining wall protecting the approach road is constructed 20 - 30 metres upstream from the bridge.  Adaptation condition The condition of the retaining wall is good  Threat description Local people are extracting river bed materials from the bridge upstream. Although there is not immediate threat to the structure for few years to come but if this activity is continued for several years, the bridge might collapse due to heavy scouring of the river bed from the increased flow of flash floods caused by the increased intense rainfall because of climate change. There is also a threat to bank protection works from the same causes.

 Past extreme events and impacts There are no records of extreme events at this site  Adaptation design The design of the retaining walls is appropriate to the site conditions  Adaptation success The adaptation has been successful to date


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SN Budget Head Budget for FY (1000 Rupees)

2012/13 2010/11 2011/12 (Proposed)

1 DDC Grant 22,852,597 11,394,000 15,340,000

2 VDC Grant 76,280,000 44,700,000 65,410,000

3 Election Area Development Program 5,000,000 0 0

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation 4 4,915,440 4,880,170 6264,000 Program

5 Local Agricultural Roads 9092061 7,400,000 10,440,000

Suspension and Local Level Motorable 6 854,961 5,042,000 1,979,000 Bridges

7 Excluded and Dalit Uplifting Program 390,400 242,600 444,000

8 Local Infrastructure and roads 13,884,077 0 0

Local Governance and Community 9 20,00,000 1,800,000 2,610,000 Development

Local Infrastructure; Irrigation, Landfill, 10 6,000,000 1,800,000 3,000,000 Housing

11 DDC fund 8,123,804 11736446 11,686,650

12 Indigenous/Janajati Uplifting 1,676,000 2,000,000 209,000

Community Particpation Devlopment 13 2,700,000 6,600,000 0 Program

Monestry Development and 14 280,000 300,000 313,000 Management Program

15 Royalty Management and Distribution 130,000 0 0

16 Culture Preservation 150,000 0 0

17 Roads Board 1,370,411 2,373,401 1,900,000

18 Special Fund 2,779,793 4,629,793 6,579,793

19 CMN Program 367,012 5,333,079 5,866,386

Total 158,846,956 108,431,489 132,041,829


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Current Expenditure

1 DDC Operation Grant 16,003,,404 17,940,000 20,279,000

2 VDC Operation Grant 16,800,000 16,800,000 16,266,000

3 Social Security Program 86,217,600 64,562,400 71,018,640

Local Governance and Community 4 8,532,854 8,507,166 14,474,000 Development Program

5 Youth and Sport Program 360,000 612,000 612,000

6 DDC Fund (current) 2,492,500 2,492,500 2,619,278

Devolution Program for Women and 7 3,587,762 4,223,150 8,427,000 Children

8 Local Development Fund 546,080 406,480 505,000

9 Loan Capital Program 1,539,432 1,600,000 1,600,000

Total 113,079,632 117,143,696 135,800,918

Grand Total 271,926,588 225,575,185 267,842,747


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SN Name Position

1 Mr. Bhanubhakta Baral DTO Chief

2 Mr. Yadav Chandra Gautam Engineer

3 Mr. Rudra Narayan Pandit Sub- Engineer

4 Mr. Basudev Dahal Sub- Engineer

5 Mr. Prem Bahadur Kafle Sub- Engineer

6 Mr. Prami Lal Sah Sub- Engineer

7 Mr. Bhairab Lawati Assistant Sub- Engineer

8 Mr. Sone Lal Chaudhary Assistant Sub- Engineer

9 Mr. Suresh Kumar Chaudhary Assistant Sub- Engineer

10 Mr. Narendra Rai Assistant Sub- Engineer

11 Mr. Ram Kumar Devan Typist

12 Mr. Basudev Ghimire Support Staff

13 Ms. Bidya Laxmi Ghimire Support Staff


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Carriageway of the bridge. Its overall condition is good.

The structure is built at about 60 downstream of the Shiwa Khola and Nibu Khola. However, there is no threat to the bridge due to the confluence at upstream.


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Right bank near/at the bridge. The boulder deposition at this location shows that the waterway width of the river was about 50m in the past.

Right bank and approach road at immediate upstream. The river is hitting the bank near the approach road. Hence DDC/DoLIDAR has constructed a retaining wall for its protection. However, there is no danger to the bridge as it is protected by rocky bank.


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The locals are extracting riverbed materials (sand, gravels and stones) from the immediate upstream of the bridge. There is very little threat to the structure due this activity at present. But if the activity continues for longer period it may be damage the bridge.