Achham, Banke, Chitwan, and Pachthar Districts

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Achham, Banke, Chitwan, and Pachthar Districts Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report Project Number: 44168-012 Capacity Development Technical Assistance (CDTA) October 2013 Nepal: Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development (Financed by the Strategic Climate Fund) District Baseline Reports: Department of Roads (DOR) Achham, Banke, Chitwan, and Pachthar Districts Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents. (For project preparatory technical assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design. MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline TA – 7984 NEP October, 2013 Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development 1 Main Consultancy Package (44768-012) ACHHAM DISTRICT BASELINE: DEPARTMENT OF ROADS (DOR) Prepared by ICEM – International Centre for Environmental Management METCON Consultants APTEC Consulting Prepared for Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal Environment Natural Resources and Agriculture Department, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank Version B i MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ACHHAM DISTRICT ........................................................................................................... 1 1.1 District Sector Master Plan ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff .............................................................................................. 1 1.3 Sector trends and issues ................................................................................................. 1 1.3.1 Trends ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3.2 Issues ........................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Asset inventory ............................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Past extremes in the district ........................................................................................... 2 1.6 Linkages to other sectors ................................................................................................ 2 1.7 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District ....................................................................... 2 1.7.1 Prioritisation process ................................................................................................................ 2 2 ACHHAM DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE ................................................................................ 3 2.1 Asset1:Sanfebagar – Martadi Road ................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Asset Description ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Adaptation audit ...................................................................................................................... 5 ANNEX A – MAP OF ACHHAM DISTRICT ........................................................................................ 1 ANNEX B: YEARLY IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR .......................................................................... 1 ANNEX C: ANNUAL BUDGET ......................................................................................................... 4 ANNEX D: NAMES & POSITIONS OF DISTRICT OFFICERS ................................................................. 5 ANNEX E: PAST EXTREME EVENTS ................................................................................................. 6 ANNEX F: ASSET INVENTORY - ACHHAM ....................................................................................... 8 ANNEX G: PHOTOGRAPHS ASSET 1 ............................................................................................... 9 ii MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline 1 ACHHAM DISTRICT 1.1 District Sector Master Plan The strategic roads in Achham District fall under the jurisdiction of Doti Division. Doti division is one of the division offices of the DoR and is responsible for all types of maintenance works in Doti, Dadeldhura, Achham and Bajura Districts. All the 25 divisions are required to prepare Annual Road Maintenance Plan (ARMP) of and submit to the DoR head office. GoN allocated the budget after the only after the approval of the ARMP. The division does, in general, does not prepare long term master plan. 1.2 Sector budgeting and staff Budgeting A suar of the Divisio’s Budget is give i Ae C Staff The names and positions of district officers are given in Annex D 1.3 Sector trends and issues 1.3.1 Trends The current trend of the division is as follows Planning As mentioned above ARMP is the main tool for planning of maintenance/construction activities of strategic roads in the district. Design & Construction Assessment of needs, planning, design and estimation for all type of maintenance works are carried out by the division staffs. However design works of new roads and bridges in general are carried out by local consultants. All the construction and maintenance works of roads and bridges are done by using local contractors. The present trend in the construction has shifted from manual to machines. For example at present construction equipment such as excavator, paver, dozer, roller are being used more frequently. Doti Division beside maintenance of roads and bridges, also executes medium scale road and bridge projects. Supervision of works is mainly done by division staffs. 1.3.2 Issues Major issues/difficulties faced by the divisions are as follows: 1. Budget is not sufficient and is not released timely 2. Programs are not approved in time 3. Very low bid by the contractors 4. Contractors receive mobilization advance but do not start and complete the work in time. 5. Several projects but limited technical manpower 6. In Doti district local contractor are not well experienced in the contractual works and hence they tend to delay the works and sometimes even leave the works without completing them. 1 MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline 7. The tipper trucks, loaders Dozers provided by the heavy equipment division (HED) of DoR are old and their repair cost is very high. 8. In RBN funded maintenance and other works the contractors have tendency to start the work after monsoon only. This has brought a serious problem specially in cyclic works because they assume that they will suffer by late payment because of other lagging contractors, even if they complete the works in time. 1.4 Asset inventory The asset inventory is given in Annex F 1.5 Past extremes in the district A table of past extreme events is given in Annex E 1.6 Linkages to other sectors Cooperation with other sectors The DoR at present is cooperating with the following agencies for implementation of RIWs: DoLIDAR, DoI, DWSS, DWIDP, NT, NEA, Department of Transport (DoT) Major Organization working in the District: WB is providing 10% of the maintenance to the division. 1.7 Priority infrastructure in Dolakha District 1.7.1 Prioritisation process The key criteria for prioritisation include: Infrastructure of national strategic importance Infrastructure of district strategic importance Infrastructure that has been impacted by past extreme events Infrastructure located in areas prone to past extreme events At least one planned infrastructure The consultant in consultation with the division chief prepared final lists of the priority structures of the district. The list was prepared following the criteria provided in District Office Report. The priority list is given in the following table. 2 MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline ID Name Infrastructure Reason/s for inclusion type 1 Sanfebagar-Martadi Road at Road On Asadh 20 (June 4, 2013) heavy flood km 12. Budhiganga River severely damaged about 60m long section of the road at km 12. The flood is also threatening 200m long road section at the same location. If the road will be washed away, the road link of Bajura District with National Road Networks will be cut off. 2 Landslide at km 9+920 along Big landslide causing frequent blockage of Sanfebagar –Mangalsen Road traffic. 3 Lanslide at km 14+500 along It is the biggest landslide in Achham Sanfebagar-Martadi Road District along above road. The lanslided causes frequent blockage of the vehicular traffic. 4 Motorable Bridge across Bridge Due to extensive erosion, the Budhiganga River reinforcements of the lower portion of one pier of the bridge are exposed. If the problem is not corrected timely, the repair cost will be very high. 2 ACHHAM DISTRICT: ASSET BASELINE 2.1 Asset1:Sanfebagar – Martadi Road Overall view of the road section from Sanfebagar side. As seen in the picture, a long section of the road is being hit by the Budhiganga River. 3 MOSTE | Mainstreaming climate change risk management in development | DoR District Baseline Sketch Plan of Site Sanfebagar to Mangalsen road (classified as Feeder Road) is one of the most important
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