For Immediate Release 2 March 2021 Devro plc AUDITED FULL YEAR RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020 Good strategic progress, improved profitability and robust cash delivery Devro plc (“Devro” or the “Group”), one of the world’s leading manufacturers of collagen products for the food industry, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2020. Underlying results* Statutory results 2020 2019 2020 2019 Revenue (£m) 247.6 250.0 247.6 250.0 Operating profit/(loss) (£m) 40.8 39.1 36.2 (14.0) Operating profit margin (%) 16.5% 15.6% 14.6% (5.6)% Profit/(loss) before tax (£m) 35.4 33.1 29.4 (21.8) Basic earnings per share (pence) 16.5p 15.2p 13.8p (24.8)p Total dividend per share (pence) 9.0p 9.0p 9.0p 9.0p * Underlying figures are stated before exceptional items and net finance cost on pensions (see Alternative Performance Measures section of the Financial Review for definitions, explanation, and reconciliation to equivalent statutory measures). Financial Highlights • Volume of edible collagen casings increased 1% o Emerging markets up 13%: driven by Latin America, Russia and South East Asia, reflecting our targeted growth agenda o Mature markets down 5%: growth of 9% in North America offset by COVID-19 related decline in food services sector and distributor destocking in Europe o COVID-19 negative impact estimated at 2% • Group revenue marginally lower than prior year due to adverse mix and other products declining • Underlying operating profit of £40.8m, up 4% on prior year, and operating margin increased 90 bps to 16.5% benefiting from cost savings • Underlying basic earnings per share up 9% to 16.5p (2019: 15.2p) • Robust free cash flow generation leading to covenant net debt i of £109.5m (2019: £123.8m), representing net debt to EBITDA ii of 1.8x (2019: 1.9x) • Proposed final dividend of 6.3p.
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