29 Bus Time Schedule & Line Route
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29 bus time schedule & line map 29 Gorebridge - Silverknowes View In Website Mode The 29 bus line (Gorebridge - Silverknowes) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birkenside: 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM (2) Broughton: 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM (3) Broughton: 11:07 PM - 11:37 PM (4) Silverknowes: 4:58 AM - 10:51 PM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest 29 bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next 29 bus arriving. Direction: Birkenside 29 bus Time Schedule 81 stops Birkenside Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 4:16 AM - 10:37 PM Monday 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM Club House, Silverknowes Tuesday 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM Lauriston Farm Road, Silverknowes 110 Silverknowes Road, Edinburgh Wednesday 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM Silverknowes Court, Silverknowes Thursday 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM 23 Silverknowes Road, Edinburgh Friday 4:14 AM - 10:37 PM Silverknowes Crescent, Silverknowes Saturday 4:16 AM - 10:37 PM 15 Silverknowes Road, Edinburgh Silverknowes Midway, Silverknowes Silverknowes Road East, Edinburgh 29 bus Info Silverknowes Road East, Silverknowes Direction: Birkenside Silverknowes Road East, Edinburgh Stops: 81 Trip Duration: 85 min Silverknowes Neuk, Drylaw Line Summary: Club House, Silverknowes, Lauriston Ferry Gait Place, Edinburgh Farm Road, Silverknowes, Silverknowes Court, Silverknowes, Silverknowes Crescent, Silverknowes, Muirhouse Green, Drylaw Silverknowes Midway, Silverknowes, Silverknowes Ferry Road, Edinburgh Road East, Silverknowes, Silverknowes Neuk, Drylaw, Muirhouse Green, Drylaw, Groathill Road North, Groathill Road North, Drylaw Drylaw, Drylaw Police Station, Drylaw, Ferry Road Drive, Pilton, Crewe Toll, Crewe Toll Roundabout, Drylaw Police Station, Drylaw Crewe Toll, Crewe Toll Roundabout, North Werber 726 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Park, Craigleith, West Woods, Craigleith, Western General, Craigleith, Comely Bank Cemetery, Ferry Road Drive, Pilton Craigleith, Flora Stevenson School, Comely Bank, 627 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Learmonth Grove, Comely Bank, Dean Park Street, Stockbridge, Cheyne Street, Stockbridge, Raeburn Crewe Toll, Crewe Toll Roundabout Place, Stockbridge, Kerr Street, New Town, Circus Lane, New Town, Royal Circus, New Town, Howe Crewe Toll, Crewe Toll Roundabout Street, New Town, Queen Street Gardens West, New 141 Crewe Road South, Edinburgh Town, Frederick Street, Edinburgh, Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh, South Bridge, Old Town, North Werber Park, Craigleith Surgeons' Hall, South Side, St Partick Square, South 109 Crewe Road South, Edinburgh Side, Bernard Terrace, South Side, Newington Road, Newington, Salisbury Place, Mayƒeld, Minto Street, West Woods, Craigleith Mayƒeld, Mayƒeld Gardens, Mayƒeld, East Savile 95 Crewe Road South, Edinburgh Road, Mayƒeld, Suffolk Road, Mayƒeld, Lady Road, Nether Liberton, Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Western General, Craigleith Liberton, Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch, Comely Bank Cemetery, Craigleith Claverhouse Drive, the Inch, Liberton High School, Greenend, Moredunvale Road, Greenend, Moredun Flora Stevenson School, Comely Bank Park Road, Moredun, Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton, Comely Bank, Edinburgh Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, Drum Learmonth Grove, Comely Bank Cottages, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, 25 Comely Bank, Edinburgh Gilmerton, Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery, Tesco, Eskbank, Dean Park Street, Stockbridge Kings Gate, Newbattle, Dalhousie Road, 29 Comely Bank Road, Edinburgh Lothianbridge, Dalhousie Road, Newtongrange, Station Road, Newtongrange, St Anne's Court, Cheyne Street, Stockbridge Newtongrange, Dean Park Place, Newtongrange, 74 Raeburn Place, Edinburgh Fourth Street, Newtongrange, Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange, The Raeburn Place, Stockbridge Crescent, Gowkshill, Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill, St 45 Deanhaugh Street, Edinburgh Andrews Primary School, Gowkshill, Greenhall Road, Greenhall, Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall, Kerr Street, New Town Greenhall Crescent, Hunterƒeld, Arniston Engine, 4 Baker's Place, Edinburgh Arniston, Leisure Centre, Gorebridge, Gore Avenue, Gorebridge, Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge, Police Circus Lane, New Town Station, Gorebridge, Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge, 3 North West Circus Place, Edinburgh Powdermill Brae, Birkenside, Powdermill Brae, Birkenside, Terminus, Birkenside Royal Circus, New Town 2A Royal Circus, Edinburgh Howe Street, New Town 23B Howe Street, Edinburgh Queen Street Gardens West, New Town Queen Street Gardens West, Edinburgh Frederick Street, Edinburgh 27 Frederick Street, Edinburgh Princes Street (Scott Mon.), Edinburgh 63 Princes Street, Edinburgh South Bridge, Old Town 29-30 South Bridge, Edinburgh Surgeons' Hall, South Side 44A Nicolson Street, Edinburgh St Partick Square, South Side 14 St Patrick Square, Edinburgh Bernard Terrace, South Side 13 South Clerk Street, Edinburgh Newington Road, Newington 9 Newington Road, Edinburgh Salisbury Place, Mayƒeld 2 Minto Street, Edinburgh Minto Street, Mayƒeld 20 Minto Street, Edinburgh Mayƒeld Gardens, Mayƒeld 21 Mayƒeld Gardens, Edinburgh East Savile Road, Mayƒeld 3 Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh Suffolk Road, Mayƒeld Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh Lady Road, Nether Liberton Liberton Road, Edinburgh Nether Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton Orrok Park, Nether Liberton 207 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Glenallan Drive, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Glenvarloch Crescent, the Inch Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Claverhouse Drive, the Inch Liberton High School, Greenend 393 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Moredunvale Road, Greenend 411 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Moredun Park Road, Moredun 449 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton 479 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Gilmerton Primary School, Gilmerton 513 Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton Drum Street, Edinburgh Drum Street, Gilmerton 1 Ravenscroft Street, Edinburgh Drum Cottages, Gilmerton Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery Tesco, Eskbank Kings Gate, Newbattle Dalhousie Road, Lothianbridge Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith Dalhousie Road, Newtongrange Station Road, Newtongrange 13 Station Road, Dalkeith St Anne's Court, Newtongrange Dean Park Place, Newtongrange Main Street, Dalkeith Fourth Street, Newtongrange Mining Museum, Newtongrange Lingerwood Cottages, Scotland Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange The Crescent, Gowkshill Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill St Andrews Primary School, Gowkshill Greenhall Road, Greenhall Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall Barleyknowe Crescent, Scotland Greenhall Crescent, Hunterƒeld Greenhall Crescent, Scotland Arniston Engine, Arniston Leisure Centre, Gorebridge Gore Avenue, Gorebridge Gore Avenue, Arniston Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge Newbyres Crescent, Arniston Police Station, Gorebridge Hunterƒeld Court, Arniston Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge 3 Main Street, Arniston Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Powdermill Brae, Arniston Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Terminus, Birkenside Direction: Broughton 29 bus Time Schedule 55 stops Broughton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:31 PM - 11:51 PM Monday 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM Terminus, Birkenside Tuesday 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Wednesday 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM Powdermill Brae, Birkenside Thursday 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge Friday 7:13 PM - 11:51 PM 3 Main Street, Arniston Saturday 7:36 PM - 11:51 PM Police Station, Gorebridge Hunterƒeld Court, Arniston Gore Avenue, Gorebridge Gore Avenue, Arniston 29 bus Info Direction: Broughton Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge Stops: 55 Newbyres Crescent, Arniston Trip Duration: 49 min Line Summary: Terminus, Birkenside, Powdermill Leisure Centre, Gorebridge Brae, Birkenside, Powdermill Brae, Birkenside, Gorebridge Inn, Gorebridge, Police Station, Arniston Engine, Arniston Gorebridge, Gore Avenue, Gorebridge, Newbyres Crescent, Gorebridge, Leisure Centre, Gorebridge, New Hunterƒeld, Hunterƒeld Arniston Engine, Arniston, New Hunterƒeld, Laundry Cottages, Scotland Hunterƒeld, Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall, Hogarth Avenue, Greenhall, St Andrews Primary Barleyknowe Crescent, Greenhall School, Gowkshill, Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill, The Crescent, Gowkshill, Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange, Hogarth Avenue, Greenhall Mining Museum, Newtongrange, Fourth Street, Newtongrange, Dean Park Place, Newtongrange, Greenhall Road, Scotland Station Road, Newtongrange, Dalhousie Road, St Andrews Primary School, Gowkshill Newtongrange, Dalhousie Road, Lothianbridge, Kings Gate, Newbattle, Tesco, Eskbank, Dobbies Gowkshill Farm, Gowkshill Garden World, Melville Nursery, Gilmerton Junction, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Station Road, Gilmerton, Drum Cottages, Gilmerton, Drum Street, Gilmerton, The Crescent, Gowkshill Gilmerton Crossroads, Gilmerton, Gilmerton Primary Stobhill Road, Scotland School, Gilmerton, Gaurdwell Glen, Gilmerton, Moredun Park Road, Moredun, Moredunvale Road, Mcgahey Court, Newtongrange Greenend, Liberton High School, Greenend, Claverhouse Drive, the Inch, Glenvarloch Crescent, Mining Museum, Newtongrange the Inch, Ivanhoe Crescent, the Inch, Glenallan Drive, the Inch, Orrok Park, Nether Liberton, Nether Fourth Street, Newtongrange Liberton Lane, Nether Liberton, Lady Road, Nether Liberton, Suffolk Road, Mayƒeld, East Savile Road, Dean Park Place, Newtongrange Mayƒeld, Mayƒeld Gardens, Mayƒeld, Minto Street, Main Street, Dalkeith Mayƒeld, Salisbury Place, Mayƒeld, Newington Road, Newington, Bernard Terrace, South Side, St Patrick