Parrot Time The Thinking of Speaking Issue #14 March /April 2015 AArree LLaanngguuaaggee CCllaasssseess WWoorrtthh tthhee MMoonneeyy?? Guest wriiter Olllly Riichards shares hiis viiews CChhaattttiinngg iinn LLaanngguuaaggeess OOnnlliinnee -- VVooiiccee CChhaattss Second part of our artiiclle on usiing onlliine chats for llearniing WWhhyy EEnngglliisshh iiss ddiiffffeerreenntt tthhaann aannyy ootthheerr llaanngguuaaggee Guest author Agniieszka Karch wriites about llearniing llanguages and Englliish LLooookk bbeeyyoonndd wwhhaatt yyoouu kknnooww Parrot Time is your connection to languages, linguistics and culture from the Parleremo community. Expand your understanding. Never miss an issue. Contents Parrot Time Parrot Time is a magazine covering language, linguistics Features and culture of the world around us. 6 Are You Wasting Your Money on Language Classes? It is published by Scriveremo The traditional approach to learning a new language is to attend Publishing, a division of Parleremo, the language learning classed for it. But is spending the time and money taking those community. classes really worth it, or are you wasting your time? Join Parleremo today. Learn a language, make friends, have fun. 1 6 Chatting in Languages Online - Voice Chats This is the second part of our article on online chats. It talks about using voice chats, specifically Team Speak and Skype, and the problems with getting people using them. Editor: Erik Zidowecki Email:
[email protected] 22 Why English Is Different Than Any Other Language Published by Scriveremo Publish- Guest writer Agnieszka Karch relates how she first became ing, a division of Parleremo. interested in other languages and how learning English was This issue is available online from different than the others for her.