MINUTES FORT BEND GRAND PARK\rAY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY fuptil,79,2077 The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Fort Bend Gtand Patkway Toll Road Authority (the "Authority") met in regular session, open to the public, on April 79,2077, at the offices of the Greater Fort Bend Economic Development Council, One Fluor Daniel Drive, Sugar Land, Texas, and the toll was called of the membets of the Board: James D. Condrey, DDS Chairman Bobbie A. Tallas Vice Chairman Chades Rencher Secretary Dean Hrbacek Assistant Sectetary !7illiam D. I(ee, III T rcasuret /As sistant Vice Chairman and all of the above were preseflt except Director Rencher, thus constitoting a quofum. Also ptesent for all or patt of the meeting wete: Cassie Stinson of Boyar Miller; Colin Parrish of Statehouse Consultants LLC; Pamela Logsdon of AVANTA Services; Cliff I(avanaugh of FirstSouthwest, a Division of Hilltop Secudties, Inc.; fuchard Stolleis of Fort Bend County (th. "County"); Gary Gehbauer of Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.; Michael Stone, Phil Martin, and Megan Browne of Mike Stone Associates, Inc. ("MSA'); Richard L. Muller, Jt. and Amy N. Love of The Mullet Law Gtoup ("MLG'). A list of others in attendance is attached. Director Condrey called the meeting to order RECE,IVE PUBLIC COMME,NTS Directot Condtey opened the meeting to receive public commeflts. There being no further public comments, Director Condrey closed the meeting to public colnments. CONSENT AGENDA Director I(ee moved to approve all items on the consent agenda, which includes: (1) the meeting minutes from March 15,2077; (2) the bookkeeper's report, including payment of bills; and (3) the opetating report.
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