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Library 1920S 72 Our Chronic!�. the Mission, as it was and is, who knew little or nothing of it before : he was helped in his task by Mr J. M. Gaussen, an old friend and supporter of the Mission, and by others, who lent their rooms. We are sure that, as a consequence of his THE LIBRARY. stay, interest is reviving, and the gap which the war made has begun to close. We can only echo Mr Janvrin's appeal to all who can to go to Walworth and see the Mission them- Donations and Additions to the Library during the half­ selves. year ending Michaelmas, 1919. * The asterisk denotes past or presCIIt lllembers of the College. AoAMS MEMORIAL PRIZE. Third Year. The Prize is divided between W. H. M. Donations. Greaves and D. Bhansali. DONORS. First and Second Year. Prizes are awarded to H. W. *Tubbe (Henry). Meditations in Three Centuries.} Swift, D. P. Dalzell, F, B. Baker, aeq. [Author's Autograph Matwscript]. fol. circa 1650 The Master. --Meditations Divine and Moral. 12mo Lond. 1682 } *Bonney (Rev. T. G.), Sc.D. Annals of the Philo- ENGLISH EssAY PRIZES. sophical Club of the Royal Socit::ly, written from its minute books. 8vo Lond. 1919.......... ........... Third Year - G. W.Silk Commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Rev. T. G. James Russell Lowell (1819-1891). Held in New Bonney, Sc.D. S�co11d Year - Not awarded York, Feb. 1919. roy. 8vo New York, 1919 .... , ... First Year E. L. Davison Society of Antiquaries of London. Proceedings. 2nd Series. Vol. XXX. 1917/18. 8vo Lond. 1918 Eckstein (F. A.). Lateinischer unci griechischer, Unterricht. Herausg. von. H. Heyden. 8vo Leipzig, 1887 ................................................ Denzinger (H.). Enchiridion Symbolorum et defini­ tionum, quae a Conciliis cecumenicis et Summis Pontificibus emanarunt. Editio 5ta. 8vo Wirce- burgi, 1874 ..................... ............................. Sir John Sandys Friedrich (J.). Die Constantinische Schenkung. 8vo (from lhe library of Nordlingen, 1889 ................................ ............ the late Dr. J. I·iashagen (J.). Otto von Freising als Geschichts­ Bass Mullingc:r). -· philosoph unci Kirchenpolitiker. 8vo Leipzig, 1900 -- ' ("",�. \�-''1 .I ... ......... Drake (C. H.). The Hospital of St. Mary of Ospringe, I '� ' '• . ·' ' ' commonly called Maison Dicu. (Reprinted from .. I 1 I • ......... · "At·c!la:ologirt Cau/ia11a" ). 8vo Lond. 1913 f �· L / --; r J , . ' - [Sir John Sa11dys al�o presented a 1/lllllbcr of . j : ·)�·. •• \ ' ....., pam phlets, maiuly historical.] '' .. } ...: "",' [MS.] Rottenburg. Stamm-und Famillien-Buch. '-• I, I. ',�c ' - "1 \ r L) '._;'t • ..,..· (With loose papers concerning the Baron de W. J. Hawkes, Rottenburg, C.B., sometime Adjutant-General of Esq. Militia for Canada) .......................................... MARRIAGE. Jones (H. Festing). Samuel Butler*, author of } 'Erewhon' (1835-1902). A memoir. 2 vols.. The Author. London, 1917. [Arlvauce copy, itt paper covers].. } Stockwood-Folds-Taylor. On Friday, 19th September, *Rivers (W. H. R.), .M.D. Mind and Medicine. A at St llltyd's Church, Newcastle, Bridgencl, by Canon Da vi cl leclure delivered in the John Rylands Library, The Author. 9th April, 1919. 8vo Manchester, 1919 .............. Davies (-late Vicar of the Parish) and the Rev. David Phillips *Nicklin (J. A.). Nunc Dimittis. Svo Lond. 1909. } (Vicar of the Parish), Captain Illtyd Henry Stockwood (late �;��,��i�e� .���.���. ·t·�· .����. �.��· :· :.���:��: .��.� Rev. T. Nicklin. 24th Regiment), son of Mr and Mrs S. H. Stockwoocl, of L , · · .. .... .. *Rolleston (Sir Humphry). Lumleian Lectures on } Westfield, Bridgend, Glamorgan, to Kathleen, elder daughter _ _ Cerebro-Spmal Fever. Delivered 1919. (Repnnted The Author. of the late Arthur Folds-Taylor (of Blackheath and the from Tlte £(11tcel). 8vo Lond. 1919 .................. Admiralty) and of Mrs Arthur Folds-Taylor. 7-J. The Library. The Library. 75 } HISTORY. *Brind ley (H. H.). \Vhere was Mr. Carker killed ? Reprinted from Camb. Revie111, 1911 (with 'A Bourgeois (E.). History of modern France, 1815-1913. 2 vols. 8vo Did<ens discovery.' Heprinted from Maucltesler Camb. 1913,19. 20.6.19,20. Guardiau, 1911 ). 8vo Camb. [1919] ................. The Author. Bury (J. B.). The life of St. Patrick and his place in history. 8vo Lond. -- Some notes on Medieval Ships. [From Camb. 1905. 5.31.30. 1 �.��: ��'.'::���'.':��.� ::�.��.�. .� .. ���1.�: Henry 11. Recuei1 des Actes de Henri 11., Roi d'Angleterre et Due de ��/�:.· . �.��:�·. .. ��� . } Normandie, concernant les Provinces franc,:aises et 1es affaires de Eicken (H. von). Geschichte und System der tmittel- France. Publie par L. Delisle. Introduction and Atlas. 4to and ���;i ������ � ��:� l.l.�����.�:�l·l·l�: �.�� .�.�����·.�:·..'. fol. Paris, 1909. .. ... Mr. Glover. Jenks (E.). Edward Plantagtnct (Edward 1.); the English Justinian. The Idlers of the Duke of Wellington to Miss�.��:: J., 8vo New York, 1902. 5.36.40. 1834-1851. Edited by C. T. Herrick. 8vo Loud. Low (Sidneyj. The Governance of England. New edition, revised. Svo 1889. 11.28.10 ............................................. Lond. [19t4], reprinted 1918. 5.36.36. Thomson (Sir William), Lord Kelviu. Mathematical Manning (B. L.). The People's Faith in the time of Wyclif. (Thirlwall and Physical Papers. Vols. V. and VI. Edited Sir Joseph Essay, 1917). 8vo Camb. 1919. 5.31.9. by Sir Joseph Larmor•. 8vo Camb. 191l. 3.35.68,69 ) Larmor. 1\lorris (J. E.). The Welsh War� of Edward I. Svo Oxford, 1901. 5.36.22. [Vols. I.-IV. already in the Library]. Hobertson (C. Grant). Select Statutes, Cases and Documents to illustrate [A llli 111<!11)' parts of periodicals. J } English Constitutional History, 1660-1832. 2nd edition. 8vo Lond. King (Elizabeth). Lord Kelvin's early home. Being Mr. G. and Miss 1913. 5.3741. tile recollections of his sister, Mrs. E. King. A. G. King. Hussia from tht Varangians to the Bolsheviks. By R. Beazley, N. Forbes Edited by E. T. King. 8vo Lond. 1909. 11.21.67 } and G. A. Birkett. Svo Oxiord, 1918. 20.6.60. Novum Testamentum [Greek]. Witl1 the Greek Sd1rader (F.). Al ias de Geographic hislorique. fol. Paris, 1896. roots in the mar'gin. By C. Hoole. With English Slubbs (W.). Select Charters ...of English Constitutional History ... Mr. Hart. notes by tile Hev. Thomas Smith*. Vol. I. 8vo. to the reign of Edward the First. 9tiJ edition, revised by H. W. C. Glasgow, de. 1834 .................................... ..... } Davis. 8vo Oxford, 1913. 5.38.22. Icelandic Legends. Collected by J. Arnason. Trans - P. L. Babinglon, \Valpole ( liorace). Letters. Supplement. Edited by Paget Toynbee. lalt:d by G. E. J. Powell and E. Magnusson. 2nd Esq. 2 vols. 8vo Oxford, 1918. 11.26. Series. Svo Lond. 1866 ................................... ·ward (Sir Adolphus). Germany, 1815-1890. 3 vols. (Sections by S. 1\IcCarlney (R H.). Songs from a Watch-towtr. The Author. Wilkinson in Vol. II.). 8vo Camb. 1916-18. 20.6.34-36. Svo Chil.:ago,1919 . .... ..... ... ... ................. ........ } \Vylie (J, H.). The reign of Henry the Fifth. 2 vols. roy. 8vo Camb. Comnene (N. P.). Houmania through the ages. An 19H, 19. 5.33.47,48. historical, political and ethnographical atlas. Conseil National LAW. [ E nglish and French ]. oblong fol. Lausanne, ) de I' Unite �.'!��:. ����:��:��:� �:� �.':� �� Roumaine . Public General Acts passed 8 and 9 King George V., A.D. 1918. 8vo Lond. .. .. .. .. 1919. SL.13.78. � � �;/ikt.� �.�'.'.1::� ��.i.� Ilalsbury (Earl of). The Laws of England, Supplement No. 9, bringing the work up to 1919. 8vo Lone!. 1919. 14.1. Additions. MATHEMATICS, t t Appell (P.) et E. Goursat. Theorie des fondions algebriques e de leurs GENERAL. integrales. 8vo Paris, 1895. 3.33.69. Picard (E.}. Traite d'Analyse. 2me edition. 3 tomes. 8vo Paris, 1901- Annual Register for the year 1918. 8vo Lond. 1919. 5.17.24. 1908. 3.33.66-68. [Hoget IJ. L.)]. A Cambridge Scrap-book; containing, in a pictorial tonn, a report on the manners, customs, elc., of the University of Cambrid ge. oblong fol. Camb. 1859. MOUERN LANGUAGES AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. Student's Handbook to the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 18th •Cleveland (John). Poems. Annotated, with introductions, by J. M. edition, revised to 31 May, 1919. 8vo Camb. 1919. Refereucc Table. Berdan. !lvo New Haven, 1911. *Sayle (C.). Musa Consolatrix. 8vo Lond. 1893. BIOGRAPHY. Tillc::y (A.). From Montaigne to Moliere. 8vo Lond. 1908. Dictionary (Oxford English). Stratus-Styx. By 11. Bradley. Sweep­ *Byles (C. E.). The life and letters of R. S. Hawker (sometime Vicar of Szmikite. By C. T. Onions. 2 parts. 4to Oxford, 1919. 12.2. Morwenstow). Bvo Lond. 1905. 11.23.35. MOHAL SCIENCES. CLASSICS. Tire following books were purcllascrl from lire Newco111e Ftwd, lire Prize British School at Athens. Annual. No, 22. Sessior1s El16il7; 1917-18. uot being awarded:- 4to Lond. 1919. 11.48.27. Broad (C. D.). Ptrception, Physics and Heality. !lvo Camb. 1914. 1.26.35. Ramsay (W. M.). The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia. Vol. 1., 2 parts. Drever (J.). Instinct in l\1an; a contribution to the psychology of educ;1- Svo Oxford, 1895,7. lion. 8vo Camb. 1917. 1.26.33. 76 The Library. Laird (J.). Problems of the Self. An essay based on the Shaw Lectures 1914. 8vo Lone\. 1917, 1.26.34. Loeb (J.). Forced movements, tropisms and animal conduct. 8vo Phila- delphia, 1918. 3.46.30. Smith (N. K.). A commentary to Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason.' 8vo Land. 1918. 1.24.49. Sorley (W. R.). Moral values and the ideas of God. (Gifforc\ Lectures, 1914/15). 8vo Camb. 1915. 1.24.48. Watts (H. J.). The Psychology of Sound. 8vo Camb. 1917. 1.26.46. MUSIC. Chappell (W.). Old English Popular Mnsic. New edition by H. E. THE E 1\ G LE. Wooldriclge. 2 vols. 8vo Land. 1893. 10.15.59,60. G:tlpin (F. W.). Olcl English Instruments of Music; their history and character. Svo Land. 1910. 10.14.45. Lent Term, 1920. NATURAL SCIENCES. Pal::eontographical Society. Vol. LXXI. Issued for 1917. 41o Lone\. 1919. 13.2. *Seward (A. C.). Fossil Plants. Vols. Ill. and IV. 8vo Camb. 1917,19.
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