Mathematical Schools and National Identity 16th-20th century Scuole matematiche e identità nazionale XVI-XX sec. Torino 10-11-12 ottobre 2013, Sala Principi d’Acaja University of Torino, Rettorato, via G. Verdi 8 – via Po 17, Torino Thursday 10 October 2013 Giovedì 10 ottobre 2013, ore 9-13 Mathematical Schools in Italy, three case studies CLARA SILVIA ROERO Dipartimento di Matematica ‘G. Peano’, Università di Torino
[email protected] Three case studies of Italian mathematical Schools in 18th and 19th centuries can show the features and the strategies put into effect by the mathematicians in organising, enhancing and spreading research and transmission of mathematical knowledge and the possible links with a national cultural identity, despite of the political disunity of states (before 17 March 1861). The first case is the ‘School’ of the Riccatis, above all of the Count Jacopo (1676-1754), and of his sons Giordano (1709-1790) and Vincenzo (1707-1775). Riccati, Fagnani, Manfredi and some others became authoritative mathematicians in Italian community, thanks to the journals printed in Venice (Giornale de’ letterati d’Italia 1710-1740, Supplementi al Giornale de’ letterati d’Italia 1722-1726 and Raccolta di opuscoli scientifici e filologici 1728-1757). That circle of scientists, journalists and scholars succeeded in betting on the Italian language, the Galileian tradition, the acknowledgement of the worth of the Leibnizian and Newtonian methods and theories, the benefit of self-reviews of valuable treatises, self-biographies and eulogies of great intellectuals, the solidarity in the responses to unjust attacks and the attention to a broad public. The legacy in Italian scientific culture was immense and allowed the raise of the level of scientific instruction.