FOR ENGLAND December 2018
St GEORGE FOR ENGLAND DecemberDecember 20172018 In this edition Prince Charles at Seventy Rudyard Kipling The Great War – Poems and Pictures Deutschland – U-155 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF St. GEORGE – The Premier Patriotic Society of England Founded in 1894. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Patron: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II £3.50 Proud to be working with The Royal Society of St. George as the of cial printer of "St. George for England". One of the largest printing groups in the UK with six production sites. We offer the following to an extensive portfolio of clients and market sectors: • Our services: Printing, Finishing, Collation, Ful lment, Pick & Pack, Mailing. • Our products: Magazines, Brochures, Lea ets, Catalogues and Training Manuals. • Our commitment: ISO 14001, 18001, 9001, FSC & PEFC Accreditation. wyndehamgroup Call Trevor Stevens on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ontents Vol 16. No. 3 – December 2018 Front Cover: William Orpen: The Signing of Peace in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, 28 June 1919 34 100 Miles for 100 Years
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