Change is dicult for most of us. We spend a lot of time ghting against it. Think about a time when you had to make a change you did not want to make. What was the outcome? Are you better for it? If not, why not?

QUESTIONS We have looked at the people in rebuilding the wall, being convicted of their sins, listening to the word for many hours and making agreements to change. This week, we see the people committing to these changes. Read 9:38, 10:28-39.

1) The people of Jerusalem were looking change right in the face. They had been through a lot while rebuilding the wall. They were now faced with evaluating who they were and who they wanted to become. What changes were going to be required of them? a. They had to move beyond believing in God to living for Him. b. They had to obey God. c. They were going to have to move from their complacency to people of action for God. d. They had to begin again to support the synagogue. e. They had to reorder their priorities. f. They were to begin to identify themselves as people of God, a people set apart.

2) The people were called to identify themselves as people of God, set apart. What would that require? a. Honor God in their marriages. Not to be unequally yoked. b. Honor God by observing the . A weekly reminder that they were the people of God and that they should protect their identity as God’s people from being diluted by those who do not believe in the same God, thus changing who God is to the Jewish people. c. They were called to bring o erings of their crops, their time, their labor and their money to the Lord. A faith that costs nothing is worth nothing. d. In addition, they were called to be good stewards of their money.

3) What will have to change in our lives in order for us to approach our relationships in a way that would honor God? a. We need to rst make a decision as to whether we actually want to marry. It is completely okay not to marry but it still has ramications that come with it. If we are making this choice can we choose to be celibate for all of our days? b. We would choose a spouse who has committed their life to Christ. c. We would discuss and agree to put Christ rst in our marriage in all respects. d. Sexual intimacy before marriage would be out of the question.

4) Just as the people in Jerusalem needed a big dose of God’s mercy and compassion to come back to life, so do we. What needs to be brought back to life for you? a. Answers will vary

// leader’s guide ...continued

5) Pastor Dan spoke of needing a new set point, a point or goal to use as a springboard for our faith. How do we get there? a. By Honoring God in all of our ways. b. Before we can Honor God, we must obey Him. c. Before we can obey Him, we have to stop letting life happen and begin to make choices that make a di erence. d. Before we can make choices that really make a di erence, we need to be in relationship with God. e. Before we can be in relationship with God, we have to acknowledge that His is the focus of our lives.

NEXT STEPS / CHALLENGE This week begin a new journey of faith by living your life with a focus on Jesus. Follow One Course Until Successful Be sure to note how it changes your attitude and decisions. Each day write down 5 times where God has shown up in your day. Seek Him with intention, really looking for Him. I promise you will not be disappointed.

DAILY READINGS AND PRAYER TIME Read the following scriptures this week: Day 1: Deuteronomy 4:29-31 Day 2: 1 Chronicles 16:8-36 Day 3: Matthew 6 Day 4: Matthew 7 Day 5: Hebrews 11 Day 6: 1 Peter 3 Day 7: Isaiah 1:16-18

// leader’s guide