Submitted To The Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfillment Of Requirement For Literature Degree At English Literature Department

By: Santi Agustin AI.11109







Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not. (QS. Al-BaqarahAyat 216)1

“Diwajibkan atas kamu berperang, padahal berperang itu adalah suatu yang kamu benci. Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.(QS. Al-baqarahAyat 216)2

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“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful”

The true messenger Muhammad SAW, a model of mankind. I dedicate this thesis to my beloved mother Sugi Hart; my beloved father Sarno; and also my beloved brothers PurwadiIrawan and RinggaAbiNurFahmi, my gratitude for your struggle, support, and praying. my best lectures, Mr. Yusuf and Mr. Bahren you are my inspiration.

Sincerely, I really love you all.

For my best friend Erica thanks for your care, your helping.

Big thank for someone who patiently accompanies me and always supports me.

Help me in everything. I hope you become my future. The last, for everyone who fights in truth and justice, let‟s open the world secret!



Firstly, the writer wants to say Alhamdulillahirabbil „aalamin, all the prise to Allah SWT the lord of all creature, for His Blessing from the beginning of my study. Secondly, peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will gets his syafaat later at the last day. Finally, after finishing my work in writing this thesis, the writer can finish this thesis with the title : “The Changing of Norman‟s Characterization as Found in “FURY” Movie by David Ayer”.

Secondly, I would like to thank for those who helped me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to:

1. The first deputy dean of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed who always

encouraged me to be better and tidy person. Thank you very much for

everything advised to me.

2. The second, my lectures, Dr. H. M. Yusuf, M.Ed who always gave the

motivation and Bahren, MA who helped me to find the sources of my thesis.

Then, many lectures that couldn‟t be said one by one. Thank you very much.

3. My parents, Sarno and Sugiarti and my brothers PurwadiIrawan,

RinggaAbiNurFahmi, thank you for your praying, support, encouragement.

4. My beloved friends in English literature Department 2011, Erica

FebrianySitorus, TitisUtami, who always supported and helped for everything.

Thank you very much.


5. My others friends in UIN STS Jambi who helped me to finish this thesis.

6. And my special people, EkoHendriyantoand AryThendarto. Who always

support me. Thank you very much

This thesis still far away from perfection, I need some critics and suggestion,

therefore I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will

give positive contributions for the rider, especially for student English

Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty.



SantiAgustin : The Changing of Norman‟s Characterization as Found in “FURY” Movie by David Ayer.Student English Literature Department. Faculty of Adab and Humanities. The state Islamic University Sultan ThahaSaifuddin Jambi

Supervisor I : DR. H. M. Yusuf, M, Ed

Supervisor II : Bahren, MA

In this research the writer analyzed “The Changing of Norman‟s Character as Found in FURY Movie by David Ayer”. The research are (1) to know how the changing of Norman‟s character as found in Fury Movie (2) to know how the changing of the character influence the story.

The writer applied structuralism theory by Taghizadeh, psychological approach by Guerin and qualitative descriptive method to analyze his research. To support data analysis

This research has some procedures. The first the writer watched Fury Movie repeatedly. Then, she read Fury Movie dialogues and marked some important word or even, to make understanding analyzing. The last, the writer collected, identified and classified the data based on the formulation of the problem.

The result of this research that Norman‟s behavior after becoming one of the team sergeants Don Collier the tank Fury. Because of pressure from his sergeant and condition and his love, making it begin to change. The finding of this research shows that the changing of Norman‟s character as found in Fury Movie by David Ayer is a complex one. This happen because there was more than one character that appears showed by the main figure movie. Then, the changing of the character influences the character through the situation that happens in the movie.



Santi Agustin : The Changing of Norman‟s Characterization as Found in “FURY” Movie by David Ayer. Skripsi Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Jambi Negri Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi

Supervisor I : DR. H. M. Yusuf, M, Ed

Supervisor II : Bahren, MA

Dalam penelitian ini penulis menganalisis "The Changing of Norman's Character as Found in FURY Movie by David Ayer". Penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui bagaimana perubahan karakter Norman seperti yang ditemukan dalam Fury Movie (2) untuk mengetahui bagaimana perubahan karakter mempengaruhi cerita. Penulis menerapkan teori strukturalisme oleh Taghizadeh, pendekatan psikologis oleh Guerin dan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis penelitiannya. Untuk mendukung analisis data Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa prosedur. Penulis pertama kali menonton Fury Movie berulang kali. Kemudian, dia membaca dialog Film Fury dan menandai beberapa kata penting atau bahkan, untuk membuat analisis pemahaman.Yang terakhir, penulis mengumpulkan, mengidentifikasi, dan mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan perumusan masalah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku Norman setelah menjadi salah satu tim Sersan Don Collier di tank Fury. Karena tekanan dari sersan dan kondisi serta cintanya, menjadikannya mulai berubah. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan karakter Norman seperti yang ditemukan dalam Fury Movie oleh David Ayer adalah sesuatu yang kompleks. Ini terjadi karena ada lebih dari satu karakter yang muncul ditunjukkan oleh tookh utama film. Kemudian, perubahan karakter mempengaruhi karakter melalui situasi yang terjadi di film.



PAGE OF TITLE...... i APPROVAL………………………………………………………………. ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION………………………………………… iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT……………………………………. iv MOTTO…………………………………………………………………… v DEDICATION……………………………………………………………. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………. vii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………… viii ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………….. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ...... 1 B. Limitation of the Problem ...... 5 C. Formulation of the Problem ...... 5 D. Purpose of the Research ...... 6 E. Significances of the Research ...... 6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Structuralism Theory ...... 8 B. The Psychological Approach ...... 11 C. The Definition of Movie ...... 12 D. The Definition of Character ...... 14 E. Kinds of Character ...... 16 F. Characterization ...... 17 G. Characteristics ...... 19 H. Review of Related Research ...... 20 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Design of the Research...... 22 B. Source of Data ...... 22 C. Technique of Collecting Data ...... 23


D. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 24 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Dialogue From Nice Character Becoming Insurgent ...... 26 B. The Affects Norman Character ...... 40 C. The Explanation of Norman‟s Characters ...... 42 D. Discussions ...... 47 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ...... 55 B. Suggestions ...... 55 REFERENCES ...... 57 APPENDIX ...... 58



Appendix 1: Fury Movie Script ...... 59



Table 4.1: The Dialogue (Direct Sentences) of Norman in Fury Movie ...... 28 Table 4.2: The Character of “Nice” ...... 38 Table 4.3: The Character of “Not Confidence and Afraid” ...... 39 Table 4.4: The Character of “Getting Brave” ...... 41 Table 4.5: The Character of “Getting The Bravest” ...... 44



Picture 1: Norman with his M3A1 trying to know its function for using it in the war ...... 43 Picture 2: Norman is scanning for the Germany SS (the enemies) with his M3A1 ...... 44 Picture 3: Norman reaches for the M1919 on Fury‟s bow ...... 46 Picture 4: Norman fires M1919 on the bow gunner seat ...... 46




A. Background of the Problem

A movie can be explained and describes in various ways or ideas from every person. However, it is known that movie is one thing that most people know how it looks like, even it is an activity that almost all people ever do it for refreshing their mind, especially for the teenagers and adults. Those people who mostly love watching movie well it is in a cinema, or just watching the movie on their own television in a tv program or buying some DVDs movie.

A movie or a film is a type of audiovisual communication media which uses moving pictures and sounds to tell stories to those who watch the movie. The pictures in the movie are produced by recording pictures using cameras with special effect and technique. It is also one thing that attracts most people interest to watch the movie. Most people especially children and teenagers love watching a movie because movie includes a nice and interesting picture with miscellaneous colors sights which really encourage and motivate them to know how the story within the movie and how it could happen. In addition, there is also a sound effect of a movie which sometimes contains some songs that become one of the things which make those who watch the movie feel happier, or more attractive for them.

Sometimes, these supporting components of the movie become the thing that can bring people or those who watch it such follow the movie or feel the same story as what happened in the story.


A movie is a reflection as the result of people‟s feeling, mind, and idea toward something and someone or a place in a certain time with a certain topic.

Sometimes, movies are created based on what happens in real life and based on the story written by an author in a book or novel, moreover if it is known that the novel is the best seller one. In fact, movie and novel have a reverse way of telling the story. If in the movie the director tells the story through the moving pictures, sound or music, in a novel an author or a writer tells the story through a writing which comes from the words, and sentences, paragraph per paragraph. However, for most people, especially the children and teenager prefer knowing a story by watching a movie to reading a novel. In addition, people prefer loving watching movie to reading the novel since watching the movie, people can know about the story of the movie live, so people will get the idea of what the movie tells people easier.

Then, a movie is also part of literature because it is referred to the entire written expression, with the restriction3. A movie is created through some conversation with the certain plot of the story. Additionally, in this case, it is known that literature is something where people show their ideas and someday may be real which happen in the real life and experienced by certain people in a certain occasion. That is why a movie can be from a novel since what is written in it often inspires many people to do or to create something new. In addition, literature is also a term which used by people to describe written or spoken material. Broadly, literature is used to describe something from creative writing to

3Klarer, M. (2013).An Introduction to Literaystudies. Routledge No. 54

17 more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.

Furthermore, the writer also found that there is a relationship between film and literature. A film is also as one result or one part of literature since film comes from a written form or ideas of someone‟s mind and thinking. From Klarer4, it is stated that movie or film is one literary work because the film can be analyzed by using a method of literary criticism and it is related with the traditional approaches of textual studies. Then, there are also some theories which explain about film and literature where it comes from the story itself or the other component of the film or and literature.

Through watching a movie, people can get a lot of things or advantages like information, knowledge, do learning, and also refresh their mind or enjoy the life or situation around, especially when people are having some troubles and problems and hard to solve. It was proved by most people who watch the movie because of for them it is a fun thing and it is a way to refresh their mind through the music in the movie, the story of the movie or by looking at the action of the actors and the actors who have a role play in the movie. In addition, this may also happen because movie mostly describes or includes the stories about cultures and affect those who watch it feel relaxed and enjoyable. This is the reason why most people in this world think that watching movies is a part of entertainment which have a great use for most people where through watching movies, people can

4Klaler, M. p.55

18 refresh their mind and feel free of some troubles and people even the dizzy situation which can make them get a stressed feeling. Then, it is also the things that make or consider a movie as an important art form as a powerful method to educate citizens, where it means that through watching a movie, it can make those who watch the movie become smarter and clever toward or of something.

Besides having a lot of things, another point if people talk about movies is there will be statements about good and bad things from movies. Actually, movies have a lot of good or positive things to get, starts from a refreshing mind, get some knowledge and information and learning some new words and languages (if the movies use another language). However, those who cannot manage their habits in watching movies can affect a negative point and create bad things, such as imitating the action of an actor or actress in the movie.

In addition, most people in this world love watching movies, moreover if the movie is quite familiar, having famous actresses and actors, and also have a good story, even, these people will still curious about the movie till the movie has played in the cinemas for some weeks. Then, mostly there will be the copied of the movie in CD or cassette form and these people will still buy the CD so they can watch it at home. As one example, there was one of the movies which quite familiar and famous in 2014. It is „Fury‟movie (2014). Fury is one of the titles of famous movies in 2014 which tell about American war film. This movie was directed by David Ayer, while the movie stars are , Shia LaBeouf, Logan

Lerman, Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal and Jason Isaac.


Those who focus on watching a movie will focus on the main stars as the main character in a movie. The main figure of this Fury movie is Brad Pitt who acted as Norman. This main figure will make most people imitate what he has done in a movie and how he is. And he also has some changing of character in this movie which makes those who watch this movie more excited and curious about the story, even sometimes they are still waiting for the next episode. That is why, through this brief description and reason the writer in to conduct a research about literature with the title “The Changing of Norman‟s Characterization as Found in

Fury Movie by David Ayer”.

B. Formulations of the Problem

Based on the limitation of this research, the writer classifies the formulations of this research as :

a. What are the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury

movie by David Ayer?

b. What affects Norman‟s characterization as found in fury movie by David


C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background and the description of the research above, the writer limits this research only to analyze the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury movie by David Ayer. This research was in qualitative research with a psychological approach. The data of this research were gotten through the movie itself and the transcript of the conversation in the movie.

Then, there were another source to support the data or the information of this

20 research topic such as through the magazines, books, online journals related to the topic, and some articles.

D. Purposes of the Research

Based on the formulations of the research that have been stated above, the purposes of this research are:

1. To know how the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in

Fury movie by David Ayer.

2. To know how the changing of the characterization influence the story.

E. Significances of the Research

There are two kinds of the significances of the research in this research.

The first significance is practical significance. This practical significance is closely related to human‟s daily activity. This means that through writing and conducting this research, the writer hopes that she can develop her writing ability better and better, and the writer also hopes that this can be one of the ways to give additional information, knowledge, and view to her own self about movie and the process of analyzing the study, especially to those who interested in watching this movie such as English Literature students and want to conduct this research for the further writer about the same topic.

Whereas the second significance is theoretical significance. This significance provides the theory that can be useful for the people who read this research, especially to those who want to be the next researcher for helping to add some reference or become a reference to the next research but still in the same

21 topic. In addition, the researcher also hopes that through this research, it can be useful for those who want to analyze the same topic but from a different point of view. Perhaps the next researcher has a larger or different limitation to this research such as the title of the movie, or the sources data of the research.




A. Structuralism Theory

Structuralism is not a familiar thing for people. Many people do not know about what a structuralism is. This word will be familiar just for certain people, especially for people who are discussing or learning about literature. It is sure that when people are talking about literary, it means the people are also talking about some theories of literature such as the theory of structuralism. This happens because the structuralism is part of literature. There are some descriptions and explanations about structuralism. Every people have a different sentences about the definition of structuralism. However, the meaning of the word itself will be the same or will have the same purpose and intention. For example is one description of a structure below.

“Structure in literature can be described in several ways. Each work of literature has a structure unique unto itself. That structure accounts for how its various elements are organized and arranged in relation to one another. A fictional or dramatic plot begins at one point and ends in another; a poem is organized into similar repeating lines. Works written in the same genre (tragedy, epic, novel, etc) or mode (romance, satire, melodrama, etc) also share similar structures. They contain character and plot elements such as “obstacle” in romance “villain” in melodrama, and “revelation” in the sentimental novel.” However, structuralism is the act of a reader that usually gives critics of a text or a written form. In this point, the criticism from the readers will happen because the readers believe that both the act of the text interpretation and the

23 readers are equally important5. Somehow, the act and the readers are the two things that cannot be separated each other in the case of literary work, so when people discuss literature, people will also talk and discuss the act of the literary form and the reader of the literary form itself. It is impossible if people only discuss it in one of them.

In addition, structuralism also has a correlation to language. Structuralism brings literature together with language. In a language, there is a literature of itself which cannot be deleted and separated. Then, it is impossible if the literature comes without a language, or on another side, a language comes without any literature.

Additionally, language is also part of literature where it has the same position as the structuralism as the components of the literature or the literary work. Structuralist or the person who have structuralism, criticism mostly sees the literature as a second order system which uses the first-order structural system of language as its media or medium. Then, itself is analyzed primarily on the model of the linguistic theory. Or it can be concluded that structuralism is a linguistic study of literature which comes as part of literature.

However, most structuralist analysis of literature is very strategic to investigate all the productions of a certain author even the whole period literary.

Then, the primary task of the analyst is to identify, to know and to study about everything which happen in the literature form and work, for examples like the grammar which used in the literature written which consists of the rules that

5Taghizadeh, A. (2013). A Theory of Literary Structuralism (in Henry James).Theory and Practice Language Studies, 3(2), 285

24 govern the products and the interpretation of fiction as a verbal structure, or the language that used in the literary work. Additionally, the further feature of structuralism is its capacity to the literature, where it denies the mystical power upon it.

Then, there is another description about structuralism where it stated that structuralism is an intrinsic reading that frees from a subjectivity. In this case, most structuralist does critics searches in the text for order and coherence and meaning where the goal is to provide an objective criticism of the text. A hat is how the description of the structuralism toward the literary work or the literature.

All in all, actually structuralism is one thing that mostly faced by people in daily life without their awareness.

B. The Psychological Approach

In this research, the writer used psychological approach for conducting the research and in analyzing the data about the changing of Norman on the main character in Fury movie by David Anyer. Personality is about enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotion and behaviors that characterize the way how people adapt and compromise the world. While human‟s psychology stated that basically drive from people‟s personality and thus people acts and reacts to what has happened to them from their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors because everyone in the world has a different one and another6.

Most of the individual‟s mentals processes are unconscious in thus

Guerin‟s first major premise. The second (which has been rejected by a great

6Guerin, W. L. (ED). (2005). A Hand Book of Critical Approaches to Literature, Oxford University Press, USA

25 many professional psychologists, including some Guerin‟s own disciplines) is that all human behavior is motivated ultimately by what we will call sexuality. In addition, he also designed the prime psychic force.

There are three points of psychological approach. They are id, ego, and superego. First, id is a primary source of all psychic energy. The function of id is to fulfill the primordial life principle, where Guerin‟s consider it to be a pleasure principle. Second, ego is nevertheless compromising what human ordinarily think of as the conscious mind. To adopt a popular mode of speaking, we might say that the ego stands for reason and good sense while the id stands for the untamed passions. The other regulating agent, that which primarily aims to protect society.

Last, superego is the moral of a consorting agency, the repository of conscience and pride. It is as Guerin‟s says in “The Anatomy of the Mental Personality” the representative of all moral restrictions, the advocate of the impulse toward perfection, in short, it is much as we have been able to apprehend psychologically of what people call the higher things in human‟s life7.

Psychology is derived from Greek „psyche‟, means soul and „logos‟ means knowledge. Psychology is the study of the more complex form of organization in behavior and of the process such as learning, perception or emotion which are involved in the organization. The focal problem is found in the pattern of behavior. Psychology is a study of human and animal. Psychology is both an art and science. The division of psychology into art and science makes the whole field anything but coherent.

7Koch. S (1969) Psychology Can Not Be A Aoherent Science. Psychology Today. 14 (3), 64-68


C. The Definition of Movie

There are some definitions and descriptions about a movie. It is believed that every people in this world know what a movie is. However, it is also believed that all people will have the same idea and view of a movie although they stated in different words and sentences. Then, it is sure that every people will ever watch the movie too, whether it is on TV, cinema, or their laptop. A movie is one familiar thing for all people in this world. It is not a difficult thing to reach and to do by people around this world. However, a movie is a fun thing that will become the purpose of most people to choose from. Almost all people in this world love watching movie starts with children, teenagers, and adults since watching movie is an enjoyable and relaxed thing to do. Then, through movie people can watch various films or kinds of filmgenressuch as fictions, cartoons, horror/thriller, action, funny, etc.

People can choose a certain movie or the movie which interest themselves. If those people love to watch about a haunted or scary story, perhaps they can watch the horror movie or thrill movie.Then, if the people love watching a performance of the exercise from people or love watching such a fighting movie within perhaps the people can watch an action movie.Next, if the people would like to see and to watch an animation pictures, the people can watch a cartoon movie or animation movie. Last, if people want to watch a jokes story within, perhaps those people can choose to see and watch jokes or funny movie.

A movie is an art form which can be useful and has advantage to entertain and amuse those who see and watch the movie. Especially for those who watch

27 the movie who are in bad mood condition or feeling or stress because of facing life or their daily life activities, watching movie can help them to reduce that kind of bad feeling. Not only in a cinema, but also at theatres, at home, or on tv people can watch a movie. That is why most people love watching a movie or choose to watch a movie to make themselves fun and relaxed of their life or of the problem that they are facing now. And those who love watching the movie very much will do everything to be able to watch the movie or to know the story of the movie, moreover if the movie has some episodes or some continuous part of the story.

This will motivate and encourage people to watch the movie in every way8.

Then, since a movie includes of some components such as music or sound, the pictures, the actor and the actress of the movie, the plot, etc, these are all what can influence and make people love watching the movie or why those people choose to watch that movie. In addition, as it is known that in movie, the pictures are moving which this is very interesting full of colors and also with dialogues among the actors or actress or someones the object that become the subjects in the movie. If people talk about movie, it means people talk about some points of a movie like a camera angle, the wardrobe choices, and the actor and the actress‟ performance9. This happens, since the people who love the movie might love the movie because of the costumes which wore by the actor or the actress is great, or because of the actor and the actress look so great beautiful and handsome in the movie.

8Jecobs, C. P. (2013) Film Theory And Approaches To Criticism Or What Did That Movie Mean 9Tregde, D. (2013). A Case Study On Film Authorship: Exploring The Theoretical And Practical Sides In Film Production. Elon Journal Of Undergraduate Research In Communications. 4(2)


However, the main point is about the actor and the actress‟ performance.

The performance of actor and actress can be the main supporting thing to the plot of the movie. As it is known that in a movie, it also consists of a plot to tell what happens then explain it to most people in the world through the actor and the actress‟ action. The actors and actresses will act as another person or become another figure and have a certain and different character in a movie. The actors and actresses will always have to change their disposition based on what has been decided in the movie script. This characterization is one thing that can influence people in a certain movie. Whether they interest or do not interest in watching the movie, this characterization is the most thing that has the best figure in influencing people and the situation around.

The greater the characterization of an actor or actress in the movie, the more the movie will be famous and loved by the audiences although it is children, teenagers or adults. People might watch the movie more than once, even they will buy the cassettes or the DVDs of the movie, so they can watch it at home many times. However, for the writer movie is one of the entertainment media to amuse people and get some information also knowledge about something and someone that we never know before.

D. The Definition of Character

A character is one familiar word where it always appears in the film or a movie section. Or, a character is also one word where it usually appears in figuring something such as a play or a drama. A character mostly identic to the

29 actor or the actress of the movie and film. There are some definitions and descriptions of a character. Most people said that a character is one main point in a movie where it can decide how the story of the movie. It is also one thing that can make people interest or encourage people to watch a certain movie. Most movies include an obvious character which explicitly communicates meaning to those who see the movie or the audience10. In addition,also stated that for the character, people can get the moral of the story and the socio-politic that the filmmaker is expressing in the movie. The character in a movie can influence people who watch the movie. This character is something that can make people change their mind toward something happen in the movie. Then, the definition of character as stated by Henderson & Masonin his book is as follow:

“Character refers to the people authors create to inhabit their stories. Characters should be believable and consistent. Being believable means not that all characters be like people we have known but they believable in the context of the story. Consistently requires not that the character remain exactly the same, but that any changes in character be sufficiently by what happens to them in a story”11.

The definition of character by Henderson & Mason above showed that the character is for the people in the story that aims to make the story feel like alive.

Character has to be appropriate for the situation in the story and everything that happens in the story, the character will change if there is something happen that cause it.

10Jacobs, C.P. (2016). Film Theory And Approaches To Criticism, Or, What Did That Movie Mean?. Retrieved February 21, 2016, From Christopher P Website:Http://Www.Und.Edu/Instruct/Cjacobs/Filmtheory&Analysis.Htm. At 19;03 11Henderson And Mason, G. (2006). Literature And Our Selves A Thematic Introduction For Readers And Writer. New York: Longman, Inc.


A character is also all about mental and moral qualities which create and make someone. The character in the movie is an important thing because this character is what makes a play such a real life. A character usually has to be owned by an actor or an actress or someone who played an action in a movie.

Through the character, a movie is more attractive and can make people be more excited about the movie.

In character, there is a fictional character. A fictional character is a part of artistic and always serves the needs. The most delicate tasks of a writer of fiction about a character in a movie are to create and maintain the illustration that his characters are free, while at the same time is to make that they are not really so12.

All in all from the explanations before, it can be concluded that character is an aspect of psychic which is dynamic and developed continually through human life, because human usually takes an attitude to respond this changeable environment, so that the human also change his attitude and behavior to adapt with values and norms in the society.

E. Kinds of Character

There are two kinds of character. They are simple character or flat character and complex character. The simple or flat character is less of representation of human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude or obsession or it can be said that flat character is showing a figure or an actor that only have one personality. Or it can be said that this simple character has only one

12Kenney, W. (1975).How To Analyze Fiction. Arco

31 attitude, so in the whole story of the movie, those who act as a simple character will have one attitude, disposition and never have a changeable character.

Whereas the complex character is more life like than the simple or flat character. In this kinds of character, the people‟s life does not seem simply embodiments of single attitude, or in other words, this complex character has more than one attitude or pesonality. In this complex character, the actor or actress who has to have this character will have a different attitude in the movie. This attitude can be changeable. So, like at the beginning, in the middle part, or at the end part of the movie, they will have three kinds of attitude for each part.

In addition, according to Forster in his book Aspects of the Novel, there are two kinds of character. They are flat character and round character. Flat character consists of two dimensional and do not change during the course of novel. They are often described briefly with one or two vivid details. This character is more like simple character. While round character has complex personalities and characterized in more subtle ways and can be developed during the whole story. This character is more like a complex character13.

F. Characterization

Characterization in a story is a part where the writer can give clear description about a character of a personality that an actor or an actress will act in a story (exactly movie). Characterization refers to the method which used by the writer to create or reveal the character in a story. In other words, characterization

132010, Edward Morgan Foster And His Aspect Of The Novel, In Http://Emforster.De/Hypertext/Tem Plate.Php3?T=Life. At 19:35

32 is a way to identify a character. The characterization of an actor and actress in a movie is also one thing that can motivate and encourage people to choose the movie because mostly they are curious about the story in the movie. The most common method or revealing the characters are first, by what the character says or think; by what the character does; by what other character says about the character; by what the character use and wear. These are all the supporting things which make people love choosing and watching the movie in every way they can do.

To know a character in a movie, we could see from the action, speaking or dialogues (conversation), physic description, body gesture, face and thinking, then, we can also know if he is an old or child, or if he is a good or bad person.

Those things will show how is the characterization of an actor or actress in a movie. There are some steps are used by a writer of a movie script to make the character delineation. They are physical description, portrayal of thought stream or of conscious thought, reaction to events, direct author analysis, discussion of environment, and reaction of other about a character and conversation of another character14.

From the brief description above, it can be concluded characterization is one of important components in a movie world which can really influence those who watch the movie. Then, to know how is the characterization of an actor or actress in a movie is can be done by paying attention to what they do in the story, how they speak, how their thought, how is their direct explanation, etc. Then,

14Tarigan, H. G. (1993). Prinsip-Prinsipdasarsastra.Angkasa

33 from these things, we can know how is the personality of an actor or actress in the movie.

According to Perrine, Laurence, & Thomas, there are three principles of characterization, they are:

a. The character is consistent in behavior, where this means that the character

does not have one way on one occasion and a different way another if there

is not clearly reason for the changes.

b. The character is clearly motivated in whatever the figure does, especially if

there is any change in the figure‟s behavior, those who watch have to be

able to understand the reason for what they do, if not immediately, at least

by the end of the story.

c. The character is lifelike.

Based on the principle that stated above, it can be seen that characterization will be easily investigated. Characterization is the method that an author uses to describe a character and the personalities15.

G. Characteristics

Based on the principle that stated above, it can be seen that characterization will be easily investigated. Characterization is the method that an author uses to describe a character and the personalities. Characteristics are one of the components in a movie world. Characteristics usually stress and describe the

15Perrine, Laurence, & Thomas.R (1988). Arp. Literature Structure, Sound And Sense. Florida: Horcourt Brace Jovanovich.

34 typical nature of the qualities16. Characteristics are showing a character or a distinctive quality of a person or a thing. Characteristics usually make someone and something are able to be recognized and also to the representative a particular thing or people.

H. Review of Related Research

In conducting this research, there is some previous related research which can be used by the writer of this research. The first one is a research by Jacobs entitled Film Theory and Approaches to Criticism, or, What did that movie mean.

In this research, the writer was showed some theories related to the topic such as the approaches to criticism and some specific points for analysis17.

Second was a researchentitled the Characterization Analysis of Yann

Martel Novel; Life of Pi. The characterization aspect aids the character to explicate his life. This study employs intrinsic approach. Thus, to study Pi‟ s looking for God in Yann Martel‟ s Life of Pi, the writer exploits character approach and psychoanalysis approach as the basic theory for the analysis.Corey said that psychoanalysis is the first theory which appears in psychology; especially those associated with personality disorders and neurotic behavior, and then continue with behaviorism and existential humanistic (qtd.Lubis 141).

Psychoanalysis created by Sigmund Freud in 1926. At the appearance, this theory invites a lot of controversy, exploration, analysis and become a background for

16Philips, M. A. And Huntley, C., 2001. Dramatica – A New Theory Of Story, Screenplay Systems Inc., 4th Edition 17Christopher P. Jecobs. Film Theory And Approaches To Criticism Or What Did The Movie Mean.Https://Www1.Und.Edu/Faculty/Christopher-Jacobs/_Files/Docs/Theory-And-Analysis.Pdf. At 19:51

35 other genre that appears later (Lubis 141). At first, Freud used hypnosis techniques to deal with patients. But this technique was not able to be used in all patients. During its development, Freud used free association which became the foundation of psychoanalysis later. According to Gunarsa, this technique was found when Freud saw some patients which cannot be hypnotized or not responding to a suggestion or a question that reveal client problems. Furthermore,

Freud developed another new technique that is known as dream analysis (Lubis

141). According to Willis, the meaning of psychoanalysis covers three important aspects, namely as a research method psychic processes, as techniques for treating mental disorders, and the last is as a theory of personality (qtd. in Lubis 142)18.

Third, was a research from Leni which entitled The Analysis of Conflicts among the Main Character in Charles Dickens‟ Novel; Oliver Twist. In her research, she found that the character is full of conflicts which influence Oliver

Twist, Mr. Fagin, Bill Sikes and Nancy in Charles Dickens‟ novel Oliver Twist.

Then, in this research, the writer focused on the main character in Charles

Dicken‟s and used the theory of psychology.In psychology, theories are used to provide a model for understanding human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

A psychological theory has two key components:

1. It must describe a behavior

2. It must make predictions about future behaviors

Throughout psychology's history, a number of theories have been proposed to explain and predict various aspects of human behavior. Some of these theories

181926. Sigmund Freud‟s.Psychoanalysishistorical.Encyclopedia Britannica Article.Https://En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Psychoanalysis At 07:20

36 have stood the test of time and remain well-accepted today. Others have not held up under close scientific scrutiny and may have been rejected altogether or only partially accepted by researchers today.

Each theory has helped contribute to our knowledge base of the human mind and behavior. Some theories such as classical conditioning are still well- accepted today. Others, like Freud's theories, have not held up so well and have been mostly replaced by new theories that better explain human development19.

All in all, all the research on the previous research have similarities and differentiates to this current research. The similarities are the writers have the same topic about character and perhaps the method will be the same. Whereas the difference can be fsrom the different object (such as analyzing a Nobel and analyzing a movie), then, all the research are different so this might become the factor which makes the analysis is quite different.

192013. Leni, The Analysis Of Conflicts Among The Main Character. Https://Www.Verywellmind.Com/What-Is-A-Theory-2795970 At 07:24




This chapter provides some points about research methodology starts from the design of the research, source of data collection, the technique of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

I. Design of the Research

This research used qualitative research with a psychological approach.

According to Creswell, qualitative research is a process of doing a research by passing a process of understanding that explores a social problem and builds a complex, analyzes words, and reports detailed views of an informant in natural form20. In addition, Denzin& Lincoln stated that:

“qualitative research is multi-method in focus, involving an interprative naturalistics approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researcher study in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meaning the people bring to them. Qualitative research involves the studies use and collection of a variety of empirical materials case study, personal experience, instropective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts that describe routine and problematic moment and meaning in individual‟s live.”21

J. Source of Data

The sources data of this research were inprimary data and secondary data, where each data consisted of the description below.

1. Primary data

20Creswell, J. K., 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, And Mixed Methods Approaches, 3rd Edition. Sage Publiction. 21Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994).Handbook Of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications, Inc.


In this research, the writer used a movie film entitled Fury by David

Ayer as the primary data. The writer gets the data through watching

the movie which consisted of the dialogue happen among the actors

and the actressof this movie film.Also, from the script of Fury movie

film by David Ayer. Especially the writer used the script of the film as

a primary data. Dialogue, act, and expression are the supporting data to

support the primary data, script in this research. This film is direct by

David Ayer in 2014, this film produced by David Ayer, Bill Block,

Ethan Smith, JohnLesher. Release in 2014 this film is produced by

Columbia Pictures.

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data function to support primary data to analyze

the object of the research. The secondary data can be from getting a

source from a book, article, wtc. However, the secondary data of this

research is from: Literary Theory a Practical Introduction by John

Wiley and Sons. An article, internet if as possible to find the data, and


C.Technique of Collecting Data

In conducting this research, the writer used documentation technique and collecting the data techniqies through the conversation, ialogue, script, and some sources such as book or article about the film. Documentation technique is a method which mostly used by a writer in conducting a qualitative research. It was done by observing and analyzing the supporting documents. For this research, the

39 data of the research were gotten by collecting some documents such as the movie script, transcript, book, magazines, journal, articles, etc.

There are some steps for the technique of collecting data in this research. first, the writer watched the movie to collect the data from the movie itself and other sources which have a correlation to the case like supporting books, journals, and articles from the internet. Next, the writer read the data repeatedly to make sure the data which just gotten. After that, the writer underlined the words or sentences which can be found through the conversation by looking at the movie script. This can be done by underlining the important statement to make a note of the data. Last, the writer identifed and classified the data which were found to be analyzed and arranged in the research.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer used descriptive analysis to find the answer to the research problem about the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in

Fury Movie by David Ayer. There are some steps in analyzing data. They are identification, classification, analysis, and conclusion.

For the identification, as the first step, the writer identified the movie by watching the movie and finding some description of the movie. This was helpful and useful for the writer to make an assumption or prediction of the problems found. Second, is classification, at this point the writer classified some important words which described in the Fury Movie script. After that, the next step is analysis, in this part, the writer did a process of making description or explanation. The writer described and explain the character of Norman in Fury

40 movie through some data which have been gotten. Last steps are the conclusion.

After having the data and finishing the previous steps, the writer concluded the entire explanation and description from the data and related to the theories. In this last step, it can be seen the answer to the problem of the research which is asked previously.




This chapter provides the findings and the discussions of this research about the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury movie by

David Ayer. They start from the data description, description about Fury movie from the dialogue, analysis, the explanation of Norman‟s charactersand the discussion.

A. Changing of Norman’s Character

1.1 Dialogue from Nice Character Becoming Insurgent

The movie shows that there are changing of Norman‟s characterization. The first thing that can be seen through the movie is the Norman‟s characterization as a nice person. Below is the direct dialoguefrom Norman happen in the movie.

Norman : Hi, Hi I am Norman. Which … which way is the front? Bible : “Which way is the front?” Hmm…All around us, kid. „cause this is Germany. Were surrounded by krauts.Ain‟t that right Grady? Coon-Ass : That‟s right. Norman : Can I please have my book back? Gordo : Where are the Ciggaretes? Norman : I don’t smoke Gordo : You‟re a bastard

The dialogue above was stated by Norman when his friends ask him ciggaretes.

The dialogue above clearly showed that Norman did not smoke. This shows that

Norman is kind of kind person that do not smoke. He seems like a usual guy that

42 do not want to do some bad things. Then, the next direct sentence from Norman also showed that he was a nice person.This can be seen as in the following dialogue.

Bible : Are you praying man? Norman : I go to church (SNIFFS) Bible : Which denomination are you? Episcopalian? Yeah, you are. You‟re a mainliner, ain‟t you? Norman : Yeah, I am.

“I go to church” second dialogue that show how faithful Norman is as a soldier. It seems that he is faith to his God, since he go to church. Perhaps he want to have some pray or do worship there. As in situation of war that was being experienced by him, he did not forget his God. Then, the next dialogue also showed how he is a nice guy where he stated that he was baptized. This can be seen in the direct dialogue below.

Bible : Are you saved? Norman : I am baptized (COON-ASS CHUCKLES) Bible : That ain‟t what I asked you Coon-Ass : That ain‟t what he asked you Bible : Gordo, what I ask him? See, you got to listen. Wait until you see it Norman : See what Bible : What a man can do to another man.

All in all, it can be known that the direct dialogue shows that Norman is nice person, and it is as his first character that appear in the movie. However in the middle in the movie the character changed becoming insurgent. At the beginning


Norman is really nice guy or person. That can be seen from what he has done, like he did not smoking, is always go to church, etc.

No Corpus Character

5 “I don't smoke”. Nice

11 “I go to church”. Nice

12 “I'm baptized”. Nice

14 “I don‟t play cards Nice

The Tableabove shows four clear dialogues or direct sentences that used by

Norman Ellison, the assistant driver in Fury movie. The corpus number 5, 11,

12are clearly showing that Norman Ellison is a nice and youth. He does not smoke as the other male in the movie, and he was offered to have some smoke, he refuses by saying so. It is also can be seen that Norman does not play cards like what the others also do. This also can be used to support that Norman is a really a nice person or guy. Additionally, besides he is a nice youth, the audience or the readers of this research can also see that Norman is a young man. This can be seen because Norman is going to church to pray and to have worship and he is also baptized. This really clear to show that Norman is really afraid of not obeying his

God in this fury movie, so he always keeps doing what a must and what a must not or banned from his God.

But time go fast, Norman become insurgent when he did not really nice action or activity like what he has done at the beginning of the story. Norman begins to revolt when the dead Emma is hit by German missiles. Emma is a beautiful

44 women in a small German city that was successfully occupied by American forces, long story short, they made love because of the coercion of sergeant Don

Collier. Finally they really fell in love at the short meeting because Norman and the tank fury team had to conquer other German cities. The romantic event did not last long because suddenly a German army attack came. Although successfully driven by American soldiers there are still those killed including Emma. That‟s can be seen in following dialogue.

Norman : Emma! Coon-Ass : Who doyou think you are, huh? Jesus Christ? (NORMAN GRUNTS) Norman : Fuck! Coon-Ass : You gonna raise her up, Norman? Get your ass back on the fucking tank. Norman : fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck are you doing? Huh?

This was the beginning of the Norman starting to rebel, start daring to kill without any doubt. Not only that, Norman also changes due to the environment or activities carried out due to the demands of the conditions and demands sergeant

Don Collier. The sergeant was forced to Norman himself so he could protect himself and his team can be seen when there are German soldier caught.

Don Collier : You are no goddamn good to me unless you can kill krauts. Put a big fat hole in his back Norman : No Don Collier : Why the hell not? Norman : It’s not right (WHIMPERING) Don Collier : “Not right”? We‟re not here for right and wrong


We‟re here to kill them Why you are here? You are here to kill him You know why he is here? He is here to kill you (SPEAKING GERMAN) He is here to kill you, Norman He is here to rip your throat out with a bullet. Go to the hell (GROANING) I‟m trying to teach you something.

Norms change here from nice character becoming insurgent are categorized in positive rebellion, in goodness, because of mutual safety. To be able to protect each other.

1.2 Not Confidence Becoming Confidence

The second characterization which happen in Fury movie by Norman is not confident becoming confidence.This characterization showed that as the main figure, in the movie as the second character Norman is a not confidence and afraid actor where at the end of the movie Norman has changed his character into confidence figure. In this part, Norman is a not confidence guy in the middle of the story, but he changes his character into confidence guy. This can be seen from the movie where Norman is look confidence to know who his enemy and how he has to behave.Then, this character also can be seen from the dialogues that stated by Norman in the movie, as in the following direct dialogue.

Boyd : You go to tank school? Norman : Tank school?


No. I’ve never ever seen the inside of a tank. I’m clerk typist was heading to fifth corps HQ. They pulled me of the truck and sent me here. It’s gotta be mistake. Conn-Ass : Mistake? Army don‟t make mistakes. It wouldn‟t do.

The direct dialogue above which stated by Norman showed that he is not

confident since he is afraid to make mistakes when he knew that the other

troops pulled him off and him there. The next dialogue that showed Norman is

not confidentguy is can be seen from thedialogue below.

Conn-Ass : No one gives damn where you‟re from Norman : It taste like hornet stings Gordo : You don‟t drink? Norman : Nuh-uh. Especially that

The dialogue above stated by Norman when his friends asked him to revenge the other enemy by using kind of gun. He refuses because he knew that it taste like hornest stings if he get it. The next clear and brief statement also stated by

Norman, where he stated that he was scared to face the enemies at the beginning of the movie. Below is the direct dialogue.

Gordo : This is it, were gonna see some action Norman : I’am scared shitless Gordo : You‟ll be fucking busy you wan‟t have time to be scared

Then, the last direct dialogue stated by Norman which showed that he is not confidentguy is when he was asking to another friend about how is the feelings to kill a man whether it is hard or not. Below is the direct dialogue stated by Norman in the movie.

Norman : How’s it feel to kill a man? It is hard


Trunk Driver : Ever killed a hog? Butchered a hog? It‟s just like that, screaming and all

All in all it is known that the other character from Norman in the Fury movies is not confident guy. It is the other character that appear after Norman becomes a nice guy or person in the fury movie.

No Corpus Character

6 “I've never seen inside a tank. I'm a Not Confident

clerk typist. I was going to Fifth

Corps HQ. They pulled me off the

truck and sent me here. It's gotta be

a mistake”.

9 “It tastes like hornet stings”. Not Confident

23 “I'm scared shitless”. Not Confident

24 “How's it feel to kill a man? Is it Not Confident


The Table above shows the audiences and the readers of this research about the character of Not Confident by Norman Ellison. The table above shows that there are 4 strong corpuses that become the direct sentences by Norman Ellison in the movie Fury. The corpus is number 6, 9, 23 and 24. Each sentence clearly shows that this assistant driver, Norman has no confidence and afraid to face the situation of war as the new soldier. As he stated in the corpus 6:“I've never seen

48 inside a tank. I'm a clerk typist. I was going to Fifth Corps HQ. They pulled me off the truck and sent me here. It's gotta be a mistake”.

The direct sentences above can show the readers how the assistant driver feel not confident and afraid, through the words of “It‟s gotta a mistake”. He also added that this might happen because he was just a clerk typist and not a soldier to face the war and use the guns.

After that, the next corpus also clearly show and explained that Norman Ellison is a guy that is not confident and afraid for becoming one of the the young soldiers.

Corpus 9

“It tastes like hornet stings”.

Corpus 23

“I'm scared shitless”.

Corpus 24

“How's it feel to kill a man? Is it hard?”.

The three words or sentences above are the sentences that stated by Norman

Ellison to express how he is an unconfident and afraid guy in Fury movie. First, he feels like having hornet stings, then he stated that he scared shitless, where these statements are really clear. After that, for the last corpus, he also asking questions of his friend whether to kill a man is hard or not in the questioning sentences.


However, because the demands and the environment finally Norm changed little by little, he become confident because he no longer wanted to be seen weak by sergeant Don Collier. This can be seen in the dialogue below.

Don-Collier : Norman. It wasn‟t nothing, right? Norman : Come again, sergeant? Don-Collier : Rubbing out those Heinies. You splashed them real good. Wasn‟t nothing right? Norman : sure sergeant. Yeah, it wasn‟t nothing fact. I kind of like it Don-collier : I was to show you something.

The dialogue above is very clear that Norman really changes confidently that killing the German army is not what it is for now. He did not regret the least what happened and what he did, Norman starts to like what he didn‟t like at first and that makes him more confident.

1.3 Afraid Becoming Getting Braver

The changing of Norman‟s character that happen and appear in Norman‟s figure as an actor in the movie after not confident and afraid to be confidence guy is afraid to be getting braver. In this point, it is known that the main figure is an afraid guy of everything especially with something that relate to the war. The main figure does not brave to do things such as revenge their enemy for winning the war. It happened when Norman just started leaving to take part in the battle and only got a little journey of the small German army hiding in the forest and

50 successfully paralyzed an American front tank team. It can be seen from the direct dialogue in the following dialogue from the movie.

Don-collier : Norman! You cocksucker. Why didn‟t you take the shot? Norman : He was just a kid. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry sergeant Don-Collier : You see what a kid can do? Look! That‟s your fault. That‟s your fucking fault.

The dialogue above shows that Norman is timid and weak, he spots but fails to shoot Hitler youth child soldiers who ambush the commanding officer‟s tank with a Panzerfaust, killing the entire crew; later, he hesitates under fire during a skirmish with anti-tank guns. Don is angered at his incompetence; after the battle, he orders Norman to execute the captured Nazi for wearing a U.S. Army coat.

When Norman refuses, Don wrestles the pistol into his hand and forces him to pull the trigger, killing the prisoner and traumatizing Norman. It can be seen in dialog below

Norman : Please don’t make me do this. Don‟t make me do this Don-Collier : It‟s all right. One, two …. Enemy : (SHOBBING, SHOUTING IN GERMAN) Don-Collier : Do it Norman. Do it Norman Norman : (SCREAMS, GROANS) (GUNSHOT) Don-Collier : Do your job.

Here it looks Norman to be so scared. Afraid to hurt others even though it is his own enemy. The direct dialogue above which stated by Norman showed that he is afraid guy. This characters that reflect him are other things seen by this dialogue.


Norman : Sergeant Collier? Don-Collier : Yeah, son. (NORMAN PANTING) Norman : I’m scared Don-Collier : I‟m scared, too. Norman : Oh Jesus, Oh fuck, I want to surrender Don-Collier : Please don‟t They will hurt you real bad.

This happened at the end of the war but from the dialogue dialog incident above,

Norman to be brave. Below is the direct dialog.

Norman : Do I shoot too? Gordo : Yes start shooting

The direct dialog above showed that Norman ask his friend whether he has to shoot too or not. It seems that Norman is kind of a brave person in this dialog, or exactly as a getting braver guy. Then, the next dialog stated by Norman in Fury movie is below.

Norman : What do I shoot at? Gordo : Anywhere Nazis might hide. The direct dialog above showed that Norman was ready to shoot, and he was asking to his friend what he should shoot at. In addition, the next dialog also stated and showed the same character of Norman like in the following dialog.

Don-Collier : I had the best bow gunner in the entire ninth Army in that seat. And now I got you, I promise my crew along time ago I‟d keep them alive, you‟re getting in the way of that. Norman : “I’m sorry. Okay? I’m trained to type 60 words a minute, not machine gun dead bodies. I’m trying my best. Maybe you’ve never been scared, but I’m so damn scared I can’t breathe. I got three hours in a tank. Three. How many do you got?”


The dialog above, it can be seen that Norman has tried to do his bet, when he stated that he is trying his best and he also stated that perhaps his friends never feel scared by he was so damn scared and he can‟t breathe. Then, the next three direct sentences which showed that Norman is a getting braver guy is can be seen in the below dialog.

Norman : “Do it kill me”. Just kill me Don-collier : Come here

From the dialog above it can be seen that all the dialog showed that Norman is a getting braver guy and person in the Fury movie. Norman express his feeling toward the situation where it seems that Norman is geting braver and can do something better that before.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that the third character happen and appear toward Norman in the Fury movie is getting braver, where it is known from how he has tried to do something better for exampling like to shoot his enemy, kill enemy, etc.

No Corpus Character

17 He was just a kid. I‟m sorry. Afraid

I‟m really sorry sergeant

39 Please don‟t make me do this. Afraid

Don‟t make do this

106 I‟m scared Afraid

28 “Do I shoot too?” Getting Braver


29 “What do I shoot at?” Getting Braver

34 “I‟m sorry. Okay? I‟m trained to Getting Braver

type 60 words a minute, not machine

gun dead bodies. I‟m trying my best.

Maybe you‟ve never been scared I

can‟t breathe. I got three hours in a

tank. Three. How many do you


37 “Do it. kill me”. Getting Braver

39 “He‟s the biggest asshole I ever met, Getting Braver

and I‟ve “met a couple”

44 “This is the ring of Solomon. You Getting Braver

help people. And I understand them.

It‟s really rare. See mine? I got it


The third character is about “Getting Braver”. This character can be seen through the direct sentences or dialogues of the statements that said by Norman Ellison in the Fury movie as in table above. From the table above, it can be seen and concluded that there is six corpus that shows how the assistant driver, Norman

Ellison is getting braver in the story of Fury movie. Moreover, the audience and the readers of this research know that Norman Ellison is a guy with having no

54 confidence and always feel afraid to face everything happen in the war as the young and new soldier.

In the middle part of this movie, Norman Ellison becomes getting braver to face every case in the war world II as the youth. This can be clearly seen in the sentences he stated in the corpus number 34, 37, and 44 as in the following sentences.

Corpus 34:

“I'm sorry. Okay? I'm trained to type 60 words a minute, not machine gun dead bodies. I'm trying my best. Maybe you've never been scared, but I'm so damn scared I can't breathe. I got three hours in a tank. Three. How many do you got?”.

Corpus 37:

“Do it. Kill me”.

Corpus 44:

“This is the ring of Solomon. You help people. And understand them. It's really rare. See mine? I got it too”.

From the corpus 34 above, it can be seen that Norman Ellison was asking his friend about how many hours does his friend in the tank when he has to attack the enemies. Although in the sentences he stated that he was so scared, he also stated that he will try to do his best. This sentence is part of the sentence that shows how

Norman become getting a braver young man in the movie because there is his effort to face the war and to attack the enemies. Then, for the next corpus of this

55 part, Norman also seems like to ask his friend to kill him. This part is really showing that how Norman becomes getting braver than before. Because, for the researcher, if Norman Ellison is not a brave guy, he will not say so to his friend or his enemy. He will just keep silent even escape himself to another place.

Then, for the next corpus, corpus number 44, the sentence shows how Norman

Ellison asks his friend about how many people that have been helped. He also askes his friends to see about his that how many people that he has helped during the war in the movie. Because, for the researcher, if Norman, as an afraid assistant driver in this part, he will even not help people during the war. But, it was the opposite, Norman has been able to ask his friend about how many people have been helped and compared to how many people that he has helped in the war.

Picture 1. Norman with his M3A1 trying to know its function for using it


The picture 1 above is one of supporting picture that shows that Norman Ellison is getting braver in facing the war. This can be seen because Norman Ellison is trying to know how to use the weapon or M3A1 for facing the enemy with his friend.


Picture 2. Norman is scanning for the Germany SS (the enemies) with his


The picture 2 above is also another picture that comes when Norman is getting braver in facing the war.

1.4 Getting Braver BecomingGetting the Bravest

The next character of Norman in Fury movie is getting braver to be getting the bravest. This character seemed when Norman becomes getting braver in the middle of the story then to be getting the bravest at the end of the story. This can be seen when the main figure is brave to do everything for facing his enemy and war. In this part, this main figure gets no worries of something that he has to do and has to face. In addition, this character can also be seen through the direct dialogue that stated and said by Norman in the Fury movie and can be seen in the script of the movie. Below is the direct dialogue that showed the characterof

Norman in the movie.

Coon-Ass : God damn, son. You a fighting, fucking, drinking machine ain’t you?


Don-Collier : Machine, that‟s it That‟s his war name Boyd : That’s perfect Don-Collier : I christen thee “Machine” Gordo : Machine! All : Machine!!!

The direct dialog above stated by his team. That was said by his team when they were waiting for the German Army to come and must continue to face it. By losing the number of soldiers. This really clear showed that Norman has become getting the bravest guy in the movie and it becomes the character of Norman in the Fury movie. Then, the next dialog which show the same character is an in the following dialog.

Norman : They’re coming Don-Collier : No one makes a move unless I say. Come on you cocksuckers, come on in.

The brief dialog above was stated by Norman when he saw his enemy is coming.

In this situation, Norman said that direct dialog and he wanted to attack his enemy soon. This also clear to show the audience that Norman is getting the braverst guy in the movie.

All in all, it can be seen that thecharacter is getting braver to be getting the bravest, where this character appear when he is become getting braver in the middle of the movie and become getting the bravest for the situation at the end of the story of the movie.

No Corpus Character

67 “Can we go now?”. Getting the bravest


68 “They're coming”. Getting the bravest

77 “Me too! I got two boxes left!”. Getting the bravest

“Getting The Bravest” is the last character of Norman Ellison as an assistant driver in the Fury movie that can be seen in the movie. This character is the character that appears at the end of the story in the movie. This also can be seen from the sentences or the statements that stated by Norman Ellison at the end part of the story of the movie. However, the Table 4.5 above provided and showed the audiences and the readers of this research about his getting the bravest character.

There are 3 corpora that stated by Norman to show this character in the movie which include corpus number 67, 68 and 77 as in the following sentences.

Corpus 67:

“Can we go now?”.

Corpus 68:

“They're coming”.

Corpus 69:

“Me too! I got two boxes left!”.

The three sentences from the corpus number 67, 68, and 77 clearly show that how the assistant driver in the Fury movie, Norman Ellison become getting the bravest.

When the assistant becomes the bravest, this means that he is able to face everything that will happen and attack him no worries what will be the impact on him. The three sentences above is showing this character of Norman Ellison because he was asking where he can go now to face the war and attack the enemy

59 in the movie. Then, he also shows the feeling of relaxing when feeling like want to attack the enemies directly when the enemies are coming to face him and also to attack him. The support of this character also can be seen from the last corpus, corpus number 69 where he stated that he still got to boxes for the enemies.

Picture 3. Norman reaches for the M1919 on Fury’s bow

Picture 4. Norman fires M1919 on the bow gunner seat

The two pictures above (Picture 3 and Picture 4) is showing the character of

Logan Lerman who acted as Norman Ellison in the Fury game that is getting the bravest as an assistant driver in the war. The two picture above is a picture when

Norman is so brave to face the enemies of the war by himself by using his gun or

60 weapon. Norman is successfully fired the enemy‟s tank M1919 by using his gun by himself. This shows his most brave character because at the beginning of the story it is known that Norman Ellison is an unconfidence and an afraid young man as the new soldier in the war that has to face the war and attack the enemies, but he just do nothing and stated that he was just a clerk or typist.

B. The Affects Norman’s Character

The first affects the character Norman is the “environment”. An

environment that greatly affects behavior, in psychology and medicine, a

person‟s environment is the people, physical things and places that the person

lives with. The environment affects the growth and development of the person.

It affects the person‟s behavior, body, mind and heart. The environment is

everything that affects the individual except his genes. There are many

potential environmental influences that help to shape personality. These

include the place we live and the people around us. As well as the people

whom associated are family, friends, people in the school, in the church and the

community a whole, all influences that personality. when Norman is still a

norm typist who is quiet, weak, and obedient to his religion but when Norman

was sent to replace one of the crew on the attack team, little by little the

Norman behavior changes. And environment that requires holding weapons

and not typewriters anymore, the environment that requires him to see

bloodshed where to make Norman know is to defend his country.

And another thing that affects character Norman‟s character changes is

“sergeant” Don Collier. The biggest effect of changing the Norman‟s character

61 is sergeant Collier, he taught Norms one by one and of course with as little coercion. Because Norman doesn‟t want to do what he thinks is not good.

Under the command sergeant Don Collier, Norman was forced to run out in order to take part in shooting and killing Nazi soldiers. Although Norman was finally able to use the caliber weapon well, Norman was still confused between shooting or not. Because his heart still reaches and knows mercy. Again because of the coercion of sergeant Don Collier. Norman still has to kill the enemy, the Nazi army. Each action is carried out normally under sergeant collier. Make Norman dare to act.

Other influence that affects Norman character are love. Falling in love is one of those life experiences everyone wants to experience. Scientists know that the pleasure center of the brain lights up when we fall in love, creating feelings of giddiness and exhilaration. But they also know that cupid‟s powerful arrow can make the hearts race. Love can indeed change someone.

Beside the sergeant, someone made him change is a girl called Emma.

Norman begins to revolt when the dead Emma is hit by German missiles.

Norman began to know how to lose someone he loved. Unconditional love can transform a person in many ways. Love can turn a person who is habitually fearful, anxious, angry, and solemn to someone who is energetic, grateful, compassionates and adventures. Love is the most powerful energy. Love is the most true thing. True love can elevate a person‟s experience of life in general because every action they take is guided by a high vibrational frequency. Love can change anything.


C. Discussions

This research was a qualitative research with a psychological approach.

This research just focused on the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury movie by David Ayer. Whereas the purposes of this research were to know how the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury movie by

David Ayer and to know how the changing of the characterization influence the story. In this research, the writer got the data of the topic through the transcript which consisted of the dialogues or the direct sentences happened in the Fury movie. Then, the other data also got from the movie itself.

As it is known that according to Jacobs (2013), a movie is an art form which can be useful and has the advantage to entertain and amuse those who see and watch the movie. That is why most people especially the children and teenagers love watching a movie. In watching a movie, people will focus on the character which comes from the actor or the actress of the movie. This happens since the character is showing how are the people in the story so that can make the story of the movie feel like alive (Henderson & Mason, 2006).

Based on the dialogues in the transcript of this movie, it was gotten that there were four characters of Norman which can show his characterization. They were showing that Norman is a nice character, a not confident and afraid character, a getting braver character, and a getting the bravest character. Then, as stated by Kenny (1975) that there are two kinds of characters of an actor or actress in a movie. They are a simple character or flat character and flat character. The

63 simple character or flat character is showing a less representation of human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude, or in other words, in this character, the actor or the actress in the movie only have one personality. Whereas another character is a complex character. A complex character is a character of an actor or an actress that has more than attitude or personality.

While in the finding, since it was found that there were four characters of the main figure, Norman. This means that the actor of this Fury movie has a complex character. Then, this shows that the characterization of this main figure is a changing characterization. All in all, it is known that the changing of Norman‟s characterization is a complex. This characterization influences the character of the main figure in this movie through the different situation that happens in the movie. That is why the character of the actor are changing start with becoming a nice person to becoming a not confident and afraid person, then he became getting braver and last became getting the bravest person.An analysis of this movie can be done by seeing the figure of the movie or something that happens in the movie and relates to the figure, especially the main figure, , as Norman

Ellison in this movie. It is known that this movie has a story of war world II that happen in the western area. The characteristic features that are known to be recognized by audiences or the reader of this research is for example, in a western we see similar characters, situations, and settings, e.g. Native Americans, settlers and homesteaders, horses and men on horseback, stagecoaches and covered wagons, guns and gunfights, corrals and ranches, wilderness and wide open spaces. This what is faced by the main figure in the movie Fury, Norman Ellison.


In addition, the readers of this research or those who watch the movie can understand the character as the way character is presented in the fictional story.

The character is a living creature in a fictional story. Norman Ellison who played by Logan Lerman is a known as a young man that woefully unprepared for the war in the movie. Norman is also known as a nice youth. Then, Norman is trained as a typist. Norman was sent to the front in the second Armored Division to serve as its assistant driver. He is stunned and bewildered then he is sure that there have been some mistakes. Norman is also an innocent kid, but he is ready to have to change to survive.

Then, although this movie has four types of the character, because of the researcher is just focus on the main character of the figure. Norman Ellison. It is known that the character of Norman Ellison is part of the male character and youth. Then, as stated by Kenny (1975) that there are two kinds of characters in a movie part, including flat character where the figure of the movie only has one personality, whereas the next character is a complex character where it means that the figure in the movie could have more than one personalities in having and facing something happen in the movie.

Based on the brief description above about the kinds or types of characters in a movie story, it can be described and explained that Logan Lerman who acted as Norman Ellison as the young assistant driver has a complex character in the movie of Fury. This might happen because at the beginning of the story in this movie, Norman Ellison who acted as the main figure of this movie, is kind of scared youth to face everything happens in the war. He, as the young soldier have

65 to be commanded to face and fight in the war world II. He seems like doing nothing because he is so afraid to face everything. Additionally, Norman also feel like he has no confidence to face that what he has to face and fight for. This also might happen since Norman Ellison has unprepared to face the war. However, in the middle part of the story in this Fury movie, Norman Ellison, the assistant driver meet a wardaddy that make him become more confident and realize that he has to be brave to face everything happens in the war.

Then, in this Fury movie, it is told that he also has to do what he has to do as an assistant driver for the war world II, as the young soldier. Until at the and of the movie story, Norman become braver and the bravest youth in facing everything. It is clearly shown to the audience that as the main figure in this Fury movie that acted by Logan Lerman and directed by David Ayer has more than one personalities starting at the first of the movie, in the middle part of the movie and until the last part of the movie.




This chapter provides about the conclusion and the suggestions of this research about the changing of Norman‟s characterization as found in Fury Movie by David Ayer.

A. Conclusions

From the finding of this research which get from the transcript, the movie itself and some data, it was gotten to the conclusion that:

The changing of Norman‟s character as found in Fury movie by David Ayer is a complex one. This happens because there was more than one character that appears showed by the main figure of the movie.

The changing of the character influences the character through the situation that happens in the movie.

B. Suggestions

This movie is a good movie to watch because it has some good morals and messages that can be taken by the audience or those who watch the movie, for example like friendship, optimistic, how to be brave, working in reaching the goals. Besides that, this movie is also a movie that has an educational value, so that those who watch this movie can also take the positive things and also the knowledge.


Then, the suggestion for those who still learn English, this movie is also one of movie that can be used to learn to know English, since the English used in this movie is not really hard, and the words used are mostly positive so it is good to use by the English learners.



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