Agenda Reports Pack (Public) 23/06/2010, 10.00
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Agenda for Board Meeting to be held at 10.00 am on Wednesday 23 June 2010 in Potten End Village Hall, Potten End, Berkhamsted, HP4 1QG Agenda Item Timing Page No 1. Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership 10.00 2. Declarations of Interest 10.02 To declare any personal and prejudicial interests 3. Minutes 10.03 1 - 12 of the meeting held on 24 March 2010, to be confirmed. The Report of the Chief Officer is attached as appendix 1 to the minutes. 4. Matters Arising 10.06 5. Public Question Time 10.10 6. Report from the Executive Committee 10.13 13 - 14 7. Report from the Planning Committee 10.18 15 - 18 8. Statement of Accounts 2001/10 10.28 19 - 40 9. Contingency Plan in case of In Year Grant Cuts 10.48 41 - 44 10. Report on High Speed 2 11.05 45 - 50 11. Working with Schools and Young People 11.45 51 - 54 12. Report on the Chiltern Cycleway 12.05 55 - 58 13. Report on the Commons Project 12.25 59 - 60 14. Report on the Work Programme 2009-2010 12.45 61 - 74 15. Date of Next and Future Meetings The next meeting of the Conservation Board, including the AGM, will be held on Wednesday 20 October 2010 at 10.00am in The Large Dining Room, Judges Lodgings, Buckinghamshire County Council. Dates of future meetings: 2011 19 January 23 March 22 June 19 October including the AGM MAP GIVING DIRECTIONS TO POTTEN END VILLAGE HALL For further information please contact: Maureen Keyworth at Democratic Services, Buckinghamshire County Council, Room 124, Old County Offices, Aylesbury HP20 1UA. Tel 01296 383603, Fax No 01296 382538, email: [email protected] TO: MEMBERS OF THE CHILTERNS CONSERVATION BOARD Agenda Item 3 CONSERVATION BOARD MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CHILTERNS CONSERVATION BOARD HELD ON WEDNESDAY 24 MARCH 2010 IN SUE RYDER CARE - NETTLEBED HOSPICE, NETTLEBED, HENLEY-ON-THAMES, OXFORDSHIRE RG9 5DF, COMMENCING AT 10.00 AM AND CONCLUDING AT 1.00 PM MEMBERS PRESENT Member Appointing Body Appointed by Local Authorities Cllr David Barnard North Herts District Council Cllr Roger Emmett Wycombe District Council Cllr Marion Mustoe Central Bedfordshire Council Richard Pushman Buckinghamshire County Council Cllr Ian Reay Dacorum Borough Council Cllr Chris Richards Aylesbury Vale District Council Cllr Bill Storey Hertfordshire County Council Cllr Alan Walters South Bucks District Council Cllr Brian Norman Three Rivers District Council Jeremy Ryman Chiltern District Council Cllr Geoff Andrews South Oxfordshire District Council Appointed by Secretary of State Sir John Johnson (Chairman) Secretary of State Dr Heather Barrett-Mold Secretary of State Mike Fox Secretary of State Bettina Kirkham Secretary of State Kevin Mayne Secretary of State Dr Simon Mortimer Secretary of State John Willson Secretary of State Elected by Parish Councils Cllr John Griffin Oxfordshire Cllr Margaret Jarrett Hertfordshire Cllr Shirley Judges Buckinghamshire Barbara Wallis Buckinghamshire Cllr Julia Wells Oxfordshire Officers Steve Rodrick CCB Chief Officer Neil Jackson CCB Conservation and Landscape Officer Colin White CCB Planning Officer Maureen Keyworth BCC and Clerk to the Board 1 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE / CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP Apologies were received from Cllr Mary Goldsmith, Cllr David Nimmo-Smith and Cllr Don Worlding. The Chairman introduced Helen Tuffs the new Secretary of State appointee to the Board, who would be joining the Board in April. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were informed that Buckinghamshire County Council Standards Committee had granted dispensation to all members of the Board, in order that members can participate in any discussion about High Speed 2, without the need to disclose a prejudicial interest and have to leave the room. Those members who wished to have dispensation were asked to sign a statement to that effect. The Conservation Board does not have its own Standards Committee, but has signed up to an agreement that it is covered by the BCC Standards Committee. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2010 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following: Add Cllr in front of Barbara Wallis’ name on attendance Apologies were received from Cllr Jeremy Ryman. Item 4 Matters Arising First line – delete ‘Farming and Land Use Officer’ and insert ‘Conservation and Landscape Officer’. Item 6 Report from the Executive Committee Third paragraph, first line – delete ‘staff’ and insert ‘Board’. Item 10 Report on Thames Valley Issues Second bullet point, add ’AONB’ after ‘North Wessex Downs’. Delete ‘Streetly’ and add ‘Streatley’. The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Neil Jackson, the newly appointed Conservation and Landscape Officer. 4. MATTERS ARISING Item 7 Report from Planning Committee – AONB Boundary Reviews Members noted that no reviews are being planned at the present time. The Chief Officer stated that last year Natural England published a draft policy on protection of landscapes which implied it was re-starting reviews of AONB boundaries. The final version of that policy is due out this Spring and it may be put on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board. Work is underway on a boundary review between the Lake District and the North Yorkshire Dales. Item 8 Adoption of Publications Scheme The Publications Scheme is now legally compliant with legislation. 2 Item 8 Draft Business Plan 2010-2011 The draft business plan was budgeted on the basis of a grant from Natural England of 95% of that provided in 2009/10. NE has informed the Board that it will now receive the same grant as awarded in 2009/10 but with no allowance for inflation. The budget and business plan will be amended accordingly to incorporate the extra funding. 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME No members of the public were present. 6. REPORT FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Members received the report of the Chief Officer, the purpose of which was to report discussions and resolutions of the Executive Committee at its meeting on 24 February 2010. The following was noted: • There is likely to be a surplus of under £10,000 at year end. This was attributable to the vacant post, which has now been filled. • The Executive Committee approved the performance of the internal auditor. • The Treasury Management Statement was approved. • The six monthly review of the Risk Register showed the only significant risk to be that of a shortfall in funding due to a decline in grant aid from central government and local government. This will continue to be monitored. The Chief Officer assured members that the general information report would be circulated to members as soon as possible. The Board noted the decisions made under delegated authority. 7. REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Members received the report of the Planning Officer, the purpose of which was to bring to the attention of the Board the items considered by the Planning Committee and decisions taken under delegated powers. The following was noted: • The Chilterns Building Design Guide was launched on 23 February 2010 and members were asked to contact Colin White if they wanted copies. • The Chilterns AONB Planning Forum will take place on Thursday 13 May in High Wycombe. Members were asked to contact Colin White if they wished to attend. High Speed 2 and Local Transport Plans will be discussed as well as the new Design Guide. • Three further dates have been arranged for Parish and Town Council training, for the evenings of 28 June and 1 and 8 July, at venues to be agreed. • Development plan responses continue to be made and there have been responses in relation to LTP3 options and policies. The Urban Challenge Fund was discussed which could fund such projects as buses across the Chilterns and cross border transport schemes. The Board noted the report from the Planning Committee 3 8. APPOINTMENTS TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FUND PANEL The existing members of the Sustainable Development Fund Panel expressed a wish to continue and no other members put their name forward for nomination. It was proposed and seconded that those named below continue on the Sustainable Development Fund Panel. RESOLVED: The Board agreed to appoint five members to the Sustainable Development Fund Panel for the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 as follows: • Alan Walters (local authority) • David Nimmo Smith (local authority) • Mike Fox (Secretary of State) • John Willson (Secretary of State) • Julia Wells (Parish Council) 9. REPORT ON HIGH SPEED 2 Members received a presentation and report from the Chief Officer, the purpose of which was to agree the Board’s response to the proposal and identify a course of action. It was noted that the preferred route (Route 3) runs for over 12 miles through the AONB along the Misbourne Valley between Chalfont St Giles and Wendover. The alternative routes are not seen as realistic alternatives and the Board deplored the poor quality of maps of Route 2.5 and 4, which it also noted were not even included in the main report. The Chief Officer suggested that, in theory, the Board had several options, including: • Do nothing – accept proposal • Oppose – national benefit not proven • Accept – but seek an alternative route • Accept – but seek amendments to preferred route However, he said that in practice the Board had no choice but to oppose the building of the railway along any route through the Chilterns. He explained that development on such a scale was not compatible with the Board’s statutory purposes or purpose of designation as an AONB and, therefore, it had no choice but to oppose HS2. The Board did not believe that the requirement of PPS7 had been met – that major development in an AONB can only be justified in the national interest. It did not accept that the HS2 report provided a sufficiently robust case to justify the railway on either environmental or economic grounds.