EFSI Guarantee Transactions
European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI SME Window) Signatures as of 31/08/2021 Envisaged portfolio Budgetary Allocation Row Pag Country Selected Financial Intermediary EU Initiative Address Type of support Beneficiary Website volume (EUR/EUR eq.) (EUR/EUR eq.) Nu.. e n.. CCS Walcherstraße 11A, 1020 Vienna Counter Guarantee EUR 20,000,000 EUR 3,500,000 awsg.at Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH COSME Walcherstraße 11A, 1020 Vienna Counter Guarantee EUR 295,000,000 EUR 15,900,500 awsg.at InnovFin Walcherstraße 11A, 1020 Vienna Counter Guarantee EUR 302,000,000 EUR 151,000,000 awsg.at Austria https://www.deutsche-leasing.com/de/unternehmen/deutsche-leasing- Deutsche Leasing Austria COSME GERTRUDE-FROEHLICH-SANDNER-STRASSE 3 /4, 1100 Wien Direct Guarantee EUR 30,000,000 EUR 975,000 international/austria Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen https://www.ecbs.org/banks/austria/erste-bank-der-oesterreichischen- EaSI Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna Direct Guarantee EUR 5,853,927 EUR 960,000 AG sparkassen-ag UniCredit Bank Austria AG InnovFin Rothschildplatz 1, 1020 Vienna Direct Guarantee EUR 350,000,000 EUR 175,000,000 https://www.bankaustria.at/en/ COSME Boulevard Pacheco 44, 1000 Brussels Direct Guarantee EUR 85,000,000 EUR 4,462,500 https://www.belfius.be Belfius Banque SA/NV InnovFin Boulevard Pacheco 44, 1000 Brussels Direct Guarantee EUR 20,000,000 EUR 10,000,000 www.belfius.be Crédal SC - SCRL FS EaSI Rue d'Alost 7, 1000 Bruxelles Direct Guarantee EUR 12,845,758 EUR 1,800,000 http://www.credal.be/easi Skills and Education EIT Digital Education Foundation Guimardstraat 7, 1040 Brussels Direct Guarantee EUR 2,500,000 EUR 500,000 https://www.eitdigital.eu/ Guarantee Pilot FONDS D'INVESTISSEMENT DANS LES CCS Rue des Soeurs Noires 4, 7000 Mons Direct Guarantee EUR 12,500,000 EUR 2,187,500 http://www.start-invest.be/?lang=fr ENTREPRISES CULTURELLES "St'art" S.A.
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