Cory-Rawson School District Newsletter

August 2016 Volume 17 Issue 1

Superintendent’s Academics Achievements Organizations

Message p.2 p. 6-11 p. 12-22 p. 26-28 From the Desk of Superintendent Hlasko

The grass is finally greening, per- years (and K-6 principal before job, getting married, and so on ennial flowers are starting to that) will assume the 7-12 high and while each is equally reward- bloom, and we are emerging from school principal’s role next year. ing, I’m not sure that there is any- our houses after a challenging Mrs. Becky Rosenbauer who has thing as daunting and exciting as winter dealing with seemingly served as K-12 assistant principal this time is for the seniors. For countless illnesses! Our students for the past two years (and as an over a decade they’ve had a simi- and staff are in the home stretch outstanding classroom teacher be- lar routine each year, grew to of a long year…elementary stu- fore that) will take on the K-6 ele- know the expectations, and devel- dents can sense the nicer weather mentary principal’s role. Both of oped a group of friends and now and, after a long stretch of “inside these leaders have worked tire- with one event that will all change recess” are anxious to get outside. lessly and more importantly, as they enter a career or pursue Seniors can see the end in sight seamlessly as a team, to move additional education. While the and are equally anxious to get out- our district forward over the last scenery may change, our students side into the world! The staff con- few years. The new structure is a are as well prepared for these tinues to put in long hours making step which will allow them to better changes as any. sure we cover the curriculum be- support their students and staff as fore year’s end. The maintenance we continue to evolve in order to In their time at Cory-Rawson these staff is preparing for a long list of better meet the needs of all stake- students have demonstrated the summer projects. Before we know holders. talents and skills that will be nec- it bus inspection will be upon us essary to succeed at the next lev- and it’ll be time to start another In the realm of physical changes, if el. We’ve got some talented ca- year…but I’m getting ahead of my- all goes as planned, you’ll see reer tech students coming from self! new lockers throughout the first Millstream and equally amazing floor of the high school. While our students in the various academic There are many changes ahead current locker s have served gen- content areas with unbelievably for Cory-Rawson, including the erations of students well, it’s time high college and career goals set significant physical projects we for an upgrade after nearly 50 for themselves. These students have planned. Just as our physi- years of service! Of course, we’ve have learned the value of respon- cal appearance is evolving, so will got quite a few other smaller pro- sibility, work ethic, and collabora- our curriculum and academics, as jects on the list along with the an- tion through their participation in we continually seek to improve up- nual summer maintenance and numerous extracurricular and ath- on the education we provide. The thorough cleaning that our out- letic activities outside of the class- K-6 staff, after a thorough and ex- standing staff performs each sum- room. Along the way we do our tensive process, have selected a mer. best to impart knowledge, skills, new English-Language Arts curric- and to offer support, but ultimately ulum for implementation in the Despite the various changes I’ve each student is responsible for 2017-18 school year. Even noted, the most significant change their own success at the next lev- though the process was quite in- we’ll see this spring is that of our el. As this group of seniors heads volved, the real work now begins senior students. While students down the home stretch to their with planning for professional de- grow each year, there is nothing next adventure, they should know velopment and successful imple- like the leap these students are that what they’ve done along the mentation. about to make as they enter the way has prepared them to tackle next phase of their lives These life’s challenges. Speaking of changes, for those students have put in countless who might not follow my bi-weekly hours in academics, athletics, and Seniors, we thank you for repre- updates , we will implement a dif- extracurriculars to prepare them- senting the Hornets so well and ferent administrative structure in selves for this next step. I sup- wish you well in all your future en- the coming school year. Mr. pose we all face various water- deavors! Heath Huffman who has served as sheds in our life such as birth, en- our K-12 principal for the past two tering school, graduation, getting a

2 Support Our School, Students & Staff has been busy this past year. Check out our list of events.

 Ice cream and pizza parties for summer home- work programs  Sold spirit wear at home football games  Elementary Pride Night at football game  Mother/Son bowling event  Father/Daughter dinner and dance  Donated to Feed a Child program  Held Swan Creek Candle fundraiser (raised $1,900) his summer, we will  Provided Panera Bread box lunch for teachers once again offer our during conferences Summer Reading Pro- gram. This year’s theme is  Secret Santa shop T  Teachers were given Amazon gift cards to be “Science Rocks”, and it is open to ALL Cory-Rawson community children ag- used to purchase items for their classrooms es 0-18. We will meet in the library on  Camp Wilson Spaghetti Dinner (over $2,600 select Mondays from 11AM to 1PM: on raised to pay for camp) June 12, June 26, and July 10. We will offer  Spring Fling—5th & 6th Graders roller skating a baby and toddler story-time at 11:30AM  Donuts for Dad and a School-Age Story-Time at 12:00 PM.  Morning Treats with Mom We’ll offer open checkout 11-11:30 and  Teacher Luncheon—teamed up with Mr. Hlasko 12:30 to 1, and incentives for reading for to include HS teachers too students of all ages! All students under 16  Daily “gifts” during teacher appreciation week, must be accompanied by an adult at all including “gifts” for janitors and cafeteria workers times, and adults are also welcome to check out books. For more information,  Bus Driver Breakfast with Mr. Hlasko’s assis- contact Tracy Stockwell at 419-963-2611, tance ext. 4400 or [email protected]  Popcorn during Right to Read Week  Pizza for Book-It Party  Kindergarten Celebration  Otis Spunkmeyer fundraiser Vaccinations It is once again time to start thinking about Thank you to all who participated in the Otis Spunk- vaccinating your children for the upcoming meyer fundraiser as you helped us raise over school year. Kindergarteners and 7th graders $7,500 to use to purchase school supplies for all need vaccine updates before the start of the students in the elementary school. School supplies 2017-2018 school year to be in compliance with (notebooks, crayons, glue etc.) will be delivered to the Revised Code guidelines. We would classrooms before the first day of school. If there are also encourage you to consider the meningitis additional items needed by particular teachers, you and chickenpox vaccines for any child age 11 will receive a letter over the summer. This does not through 18.These vaccines are available at most include gym shoes. Thanks so much for Supporting physician’s offices or at the Hancock County Our School! Health Department at 419-424-7869. Please don’t wait until August as the clinics are usually filled to capacity.


Title VI-B Fund Monies

The Cory-Rawson Local Schools will once again be receiving the Title VI-B fund for the 2017-18 school year. These funds are used to supplement special ed- ucation and special needs programs already in place in the school district and county. This allocation is ear- marked to help pay for the special education services Cory-Rawson students receive through the Hancock County Educational Service Center. The school sys- tem would like to continue to use its Title VI-B money for this purpose. Any requests or suggestions for the use of these funds in the future can be directed to the superintendent.

Happy Retirement Lisa Achten & John Deeds



6 n May 3, 2017 the Art 2, 3 and 4 O classes took a trip to the Toledo Museum of Art.


This Spring the first grade trip to Oakwoods Na- ture preserve to learn about animals and habi- tats. Also see Academics Cover.

7 Spanish Workshop

On April 20, 2017, the Spanish 3 class, led by the student teacher Blair Bishop, taught elementary students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade different topics in Spanish. At the beginning of the workshop, each student received their own name in Spanish, just like every Spanish student does when they take a high school Spanish class. Gavin Erford and Ryan Stuckey taught the children about the several types of animals and their sounds using the Spanish words that represent them. Haley Rossman and Alissa Ruther- ford showed the children a rainbow with the Spanish names for the color on it and gave the children M&M’s to solidify their learning of the colors. Brittany Boehm and Cassie Thomas held a clothes party involving try- ing on clothes and coloring pages with traditional Spanish clothing. Desirée Hamby led the groups in Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes in Spanish and played Simon Says with them to pass the time. Hannah Bixler and Amber Edson taught the children the names to several foods and allowed them to sample a traditional Spanish treat, Dulce de Leche.

8 Elementary Book Clubs This year, we had so many students interested in participating in Book Club that we orga- nized into four groups: a fourth grade girls and boys’ club, and a 5-6 girls’ and boys’ club. Each group met bi-monthly to talk about the title they had read and enjoy a treat. Many thanks to Mrs. Boerger, Mrs. Rosenbauer and Mr. Huffman, who helped to facilitate the groups. At our final meeting in May, students will offer their suggestions for titles to read next year and they will get to choose their favorite book from this year to keep for their home library.

9 Character Trait of the Month Winners

Each month the K-3rd Grade teachers choose one student in their class that has exemplified the character trait of the month.

February Winners March Winners Carsen Smith, Mrs. Burkett’s Greyson Fackler, Mrs. Burkett’s Temperance Simon, Mrs. Rhiel’s Madalyn Oman, Mrs. Rhiel’s Cain Keuneke, Mrs. Wagner’s Dominic Burkett, Mrs. Wagner’s Caleb Dudgeon, Mrs. Warren’s (not pictured) Noel Yeboah, Mrs. Warren’s Henry Grubbs, Miss Alexander’s Casey Montgomery, Miss Alexander’s Ashton Powell, Mrs. Wilson’s Wyatt Foust, Mrs. Wilson’s Gabriella Weber, Miss Holman’s Austin Inbody, Miss Holman’s Shirlee Fornof, Mrs. Quinlan’s Ava Price, Mrs. Quinlan’s

April Winners Caleb Hlasko, Mrs. Burkett’s Grace Reddish, Mrs. Rhiel’s Carrie Ludwig, Mrs. Wagner’s Caleb Dudgeon , Mrs. Warren’s Marissa Wannemacher, Miss Alexander’s Lleyton Miller, Mrs. Wilson’s Shyler Ludwig, Miss Holman’s McKenna Huber, Mrs. Quinlan’s

REALEYES The Ohio Optometrist association provides a program called Realeyes to schools. This program helps students learn about eyes especially how they work and how we should take care of our eyes and vi- sion. Dr. Mark Yoder visited several classes in March. At right, he is shown during the first grade presentation. Left, the first graders pose looking cool in sunglasses after the presentation. 10

On May 4th-5th the sixth graders attended Camp Wilson.

Mr. Augustine brought in some exotic pets, and Mrs. Wilson got to meet a rain- bow boa constrictor before her students returned to class.

Right-to-Read Week’s theme this year was Reading Around the World. Students learned about countries and continents around the globe. We received special visits from grandparents (right) and Japanese children’s book author and illustrator Ayane Hida (left).



CONGRATULATIONS to Mason for winning 2 State Champion Titles, in the 100 and 200 meter dashes. He was honored with homecoming receptions Jenera, Rawson and Mt. Cory.


The Achievement Cover shows Mason Warnimont signing his National Letter of Intent on April 12th. Mason will continue his education and participate in men's track & field at Ashland University.

CONGRATULATIONS also to Ethan Misamore for signing with Tiffin University.


Congratulations to first graders Anna-Laura Carter and Cara Garver, and kindergartner Landon Huber for earning prizes in the AMVETS Flag Coloring Contest. Anna-Laura placed Congratulations to Grace Roebke second and Cara and Landon placed third among all their for setting a new 800m run JH respective grade level participants in Hancock County. track school record of 2:39 at a Junior High BVC Track meet.


Hancock County EMS Honorees

Several district residents and C-R alumni were honored on May 24th at the annual Hancock County EMS Banquet at the . Receiving awards were Union Township - Mt. Cory VFD members - Ricki Francis, Dominic Francis, PJ. Rupright, Grant Peterson, Pete Badertscher, and Bob Warren (pictured left); Findlay PD member Andrew Welch (center), Ap- pleseed EMS member James Amstutz (right), and Jenera VFD member Doug Beach (far right). Congratulations and thanks for all that you do for our community!

SUPERIOR On Friday, April 21st the Cory-Rawson High School Wind Ensemble performed at the State Large Group Adjudicated Event at Findlay HS. The band earned the honor of performing at the state level by earning a superior rating at the district level in March. At each of the large group adjudicated events there are four ad- judicators. Three adjudicators listen to the ensemble play three prepared selections and one of the adjudi- cators is in a separate room and evaluates the band's ability to sightread a piece that they've never seen be- fore. The band has three minutes to study the piece and Mrs. Davis has three minutes to instruct them on how to interpret the piece. Congratulations to the Wind Ensemble on receiving another overall superior rat- ing in Class B at the State Adjudicated Event! 15 2017 CR K-12 Art Show Winners High School

Dawn Fritz Award - Destiny Dunlap Best of Show - Ethan Cawley “Iron Man” Teacher’s Choice - Ethan Cawley “Iron Man”

1st Place: Logan Kempf - “Spectre”

2nd Place: Ethan Cawley - “Fury”

3rd Place: Abygail Collert - “Cat” 7th & 8th Grade

Honorable Mentions 1st Place: - Sophie Simon

Alessia Ferrari Desirée Hamby 2nd Place: - Mackenzie Cascaden Amanda Collert Ashley Schaller Logan Kempf Kylee Simpson 3rd Place: - Libby McVetta Robert Marshall Mazie Parkins Rayanne Nye Destiny Simon Merit Awards Brooke Sampson Destiny Dunlap Patrick Dearwester Sabrina Schnipke Faith Bowersox Nick Thompson Rain Simon Blake Wilson Mattie Huber Anthony Kizer Mackenzie Cascaden Katie Bish 5th & 6th Grade Alli Garmatter Grace Roebke Paige Wolford Keevan Lee 1st Place: Grant Wilson - “A-C” Jenna Bowman Abbey Schmuck

2nd Place: Lanie Kempf - (Cow) Elementary

3rd Place: Paige McVetta - (Hair) 1st Place: Carrie Ludwig - “Sparkles”

Honorable Mentions 2nd Place: Grady Brooks - “The Ocean”

Hunter Foust Paul Hauenstein 3rd Place: Carson Reese - “The Stadium” Cloe Schroeder Abigail Hardy Makayla Oman Mason Smith Honorable Mentions Alex Coburn Brooklyn Shepherd Caleb Baumunk K Payton Smith 2nd Eric Davis Franciska Duncan Madalyn Oman K Hank Walters 3rd Noel Yeboah 1st Xavier Fenderson 3rd Wesley Thomas 1st Demetrius Fenderson 4th Hunter Janes 2nd Mackenzie Marquart 4th Lincoln Biery 4th

Photos: Dawn Fritz Winner Destiny Dunlap’s Senior Showcase Display (Top), Ethan Cawley with his Best of Show

16 artwork (left) Findlay Art League Shows

Each Spring the Findlay Art League hosts its annual art shows for Hancock County’s School aged youth. It includes public schools, Findlay City Schools and homeschooled youth. It is di- vided into two shows, one for K-5th Grade and one for 6th-12th Grade. Only 2 students per grade level per school are allowed to be entered into the shows, so a student having artwork selected to be included is a high honor. The Art League invites a professional artist to jury the shows and choose award winners. We were fortunate to have several winners again this year. Congratulations to our students who had artwork selected from around 100 other participants!

Kindergarten—5th Grade Participants Temperance Simon, Arabella McFarland (at right with Mrs. Leh- man), Violet Simon, Carrie Ludwig, Paige Fout, Payton Smith, Madi- son Boehm, Nathaniel Gregorowicz, Adalyn Smith, Lillian Peter- man, Morgan Huber, Hunter Foust (top right)

Kindergarten—5th Grade Honorable Mention Winners Temperance Simon—Olaf Madison Boehm (top left)—Rainbow B

6th—12th Grade Participants Franciska Duncan, Dezrae Whitely, Luke George, Averie Elchert, Sophie Simon, Rayanne Nye, Destinty Dunlap, Ethan Crawley, Lo- gan Kempf, Ashley Schaller, Blake Wilson, & Desirée Hamby

6th—12th Grade Honorable Mention Winners Luke George—Dragon Avery Elchert—Wolf Sophie Simon—Self-Portrait

Golden Apple Congratulations to the Concert Band for receiving INFORMATIONthe Golden Apple Award at the March Board of Edu- cation Meeting. The Cory-Rawson High School Wind Ensemble received this award for being se- lected to perform at the Ohio Music Education Asso- ciation State Professional Conference on February 2, 2017 in , Ohio.



SEVENTH GRADE: Matthew Bechtol, Jenna Hartman, Mattie Huber

EIGHTH GRADE: Eli Banner, Katherine Bish, Mackenzie Cascaden, Zoe Chisholm, Libby McVetta, Jocelyn Peterson, Grace Roebke, Brice Rutherford, Matthew White, Lelaina Yannelli


SOPHOMORES: Amanda Green, Allison Rutherford

JUNIORS: Molly Augustine, Ethan Cawley, Amanda Collert, Wyatt Karcher, Logan Kempf, Hayley Waltz

SENIORS: Brittany Boehm, Abygail Collert, Ethan Korpics, Ryan Stuckey


SEVENTH GRADE: Jenison Davidson, Averie Elchert

EIGHTH GRADE: Gavin Biery, Keevan Lee, Candice Maag, Sophie Simon

FRESHMEN: Hunter Bixler, Bradyn Boehm, Taylor Born, Riley Garmatter, Owen Karcher, Erin Murray, Mazie Parkins, Andrew Stewart, Sydney Waldman, Brandon Zuercher

SOPHOMORES: Jacob Brown, Kacy Chisholm, Faith Dearwester, Patrick Dearwester, Allison Heldman, Brandt Marshall, Madison Ortega, Matthew Roth, Kyle Schultz, Kylee Simpson, Cierra Stanfield, Tyler Stoodt, Logan Stuckey, Brittany Woodruff, Lily Woods

JUNIORS: Hannah Bixler, Jonathan Hoorman, Blaine Peterson, Veronica Risner, Eric Ritter, Haley Rossman, Alissa Rutherford, Daniel White, Nathan Zuercher

SENIORS: Destiny Dunlap, Alessia Ferrari, Garrett Kisseberth, Rayanne Nye, Chloe Parke, Brittney Roth, Caroline Schutz, Kaitlyn Sidle, Bryce Tuttle, Mason Warnimont

2016-17 3rd Quarter Perfect Attendance – Cory Rawson High School

SEVENTH GRADE – Allison Garmatter, Jenna Hartman, Leiah Preston

EIGHTH GRADE – Chelbi Decker, Brice Rutherford, Sydnee Stanfield

FRESHMEN – Emma Bower, Louis Cira

SOPHOMORE – Anthony Rieman

JUNIOR – Sarah Curth, Jonathan Hoorman, Austin Price

SENIOR – Brittanee Blunk, Robert Marshall 18 CORY-RAWSON HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL 4th NINE WEEKS 2016-17 YEAR

HORNET HALL OF FAME -ALL A's SEVENTH GRADE: Matthew Bechtol, Jenna Hartman, Mattie Huber, Malia Lee

EIGHTH GRADE: Eli Banner, Katherine Bish, Mackenzie Cascaden, Zoe Chisholm, Libby McVetta, Jocelyn Peterson, Grace Roebke, Lelaina Yannelli

FRESHMEN: Luke Bish, Taylor Born, Riley Garmatter, Erin Murray

SOPHOMORES: Amanda Green, Allison Rutherford

JUNIORS: Molly Augustine, Ethan Cawley, Amanda Collert, Wyatt Karcher, Logan Kempf, Hay- ley Waltz

SENIORS: Brittany Boehm, Ethan Korpics, Caroline Schutz, Ryan Stuckey

THOSE HAVING B'S OR BETTER SEVENTH GRADE: Jenison Davidson, Averie Elchert

EIGHTH GRADE: Gavin Biery, Chelbi Decker, Lance Kisseberth, Keevan Lee, Candice Maag, Leo Miracle, Caitlin Quinlan, Brice Rutherford, Emma Schutz, Sophie Simon, Sydnee Stanfield, Madison Wellington, Matthew White

FRESHMEN: Hunter Bixler, Bradyn Boehm, Wyatt Dennis, Andrew Heldman, Carson Houck, Owen Karcher, Mazie Parkins, Andrew Stewart, Sydney Waldman, Brandon Zuercher

SOPHOMORES: Jacob Brown, Kacy Chisholm, Faith Dearwester, Gavin Erford, Allison Heldman, Logan Korpics, Kara Schultz, Kyle Schultz, Kylee Simpson, Tyler Stoodt, Kaylyne Wade, Lily Woods

JUNIORS: Ashley Arrington, Hannah Bixler, Isaiah Colvin, Amber Edson, Jonathan Hoorman, Taylor Kloeppel, Ariel Meyer, Blaine Peterson, Veronica Risner, Eric Ritter, Haley Rossman, Alissa Rutherford, Daniel White

SENIORS: Abygail Collert, Destiny Dunlap, Alessia Ferrari, Avery Holland, Garrett Kisseberth, Rayanne Nye, Chloe Parke, Brittney Roth, Kaitlin Sidle, Cassie Thomas, Bryce Tuttle, Mason Warnimont

2016-17 4th Quarter Perfect Attendance – Cory Rawson High School

SEVENTH GRADE – Curtis Bauer, Matthew Bechtol, Raegan Cooper, Averie Elchert, Oni Favela, Allison Gar- matter, Jenna Hartman, McKenzie Hauenstein, Megan Inbody, Cade Marshall, Devan Miller, Malachi Nye, Hunter Stauffer, Zac Stoodt, Rianna Sturgeon, Evelyn Waltz

EIGHTH GRADE – Elonna Armstrong, Grant Bacon, Eli Banner, Chelbi Decker, Leo Miracle, Jocelyn Peterson, Kyle Powell, Madison Risner, Grace Roebke, Ivanna Rose, Brice Rutherford, Mackenzie Schimmoeller, Terry Smith, Sydnee Stanfield, Madison Wellington, Matthew White, Paige Wolford, Lelaina Yannelli

FRESHMEN – Luke Bish, Hunter Bixler, Emma Bower, Louie Cira, Wyatt Dennis, Amos Garmatter, Deseray Hartley, Hannah Hassan, Samantha Roth, Andrew Stewart, Alexis Vekaryasz, Ayanna Vekaryasz

SOPHOMORE -- Bladen Armstrong, Jacob Brown, Hunter Courtney, Faith Dearwester, Patrick Dearwester, Gavin Erford, Allison Heldman, Isaac Hixson II, Kaytlin Hough, Logan Korpics, Brandt Marshall, James Miles, Anthony Rieman, Matthew Roth, Allison Rutherford, Tyler Stoodt

JUNIOR – Sarah Curth, Taylor Kloeppel, Zerich Magnall, Austin Price, Veronica Risner, Alissa Rutherford

SENIOR – Brittany Boehm, Abby Collert, David Gibson, Avery Holland, Ethan Korpics, Robert Marshall, Chloe Parke, Brittney Roth, Cassie Thomas, Mason Warnimont 19 Junior High & High School Awards Assembly May 10, 2017

Cory-Rawson Athletic Booster Scholarship is presented annually to two male and two female senior students who have lettered in two varsity sports at Cory-Rawson and have a 2.7 minimum grade point average. Scholarship winners will be receiving a check for $750 to aide them in their quest for higher education. C-R Athletic Booster Scholarship: Bruce Tuttle, Garrett Kisseberth, Brittany Roth, & Car- oline Schutz

The Marine Corp Distinguished athlete award is presented to a junior or senior in a varsi- ty sport who is an exemplary role model and young citizen. This individual also exhibits the traits of courage, poise, self-confidence and leadership. Marine Corp Distinguished Athlete Award: Eric Ritter

The Miller Fink Award is presented annually to a male & female at Cory-Rawson who have attained both academic and athletic achievements. This award is presented in memory of Miller Fink, head coach of Cory-Rawson High School’s first championship football team. Coach Fink led the 1952 team to an undefeated and unscored upon season with 8 wins and 0 losses. Miller Fink Award winners: Mason Warnimont and Caroline Schultz

The Archie Griffin Sportsmanship Awards go to a JH male, JH female, HS male, and HS female who display exemplary sportsmanship. This award is named for an Ohio native who is the only 2 time Heisman Trophy winner. Mr. Griffin went on to play professional football, where he always displayed great sportsmanship. Archie Griffin Sportsmanship JH Award winners: Gavin Biery & Libby McVetta Archie Griffin Sportsmanship HS Award winners are: Matt Roth & Nichole Biery

The OHSAA Scholar Athlete Award is presented to one male and one female senior who have demonstrated dedication to academic excellence while participating in interscholastic athletics. Re- cipients must receive a minimum of 4 varsity letters and have the highest scholastic average at the end of the first semester of his or her senior year. OHSAA Scholar Athlete Award winners: Ryan Stuckey & Caroline Schut Ryan has 3.96 GPA, scored a 31 Winter Post-Season Awards on his ACT, & has earned 4 var- sity letters. Girls’ Basketball Caroline also has 3.96 GPA, Brittney Roth (Sr): Honorable Mention BVC scored a 24 on her ACT, & has Sarah Curth (Jr): Honorable Mention BVC earned 7 varsity letters.

Boys’ Basketball Bryce Tuttle (Sr): First-Team BVC, Honorable Mention All-District The OHSAA Sportsmanship, Eric Ritter (Jr): Second-Team BVC Ethics & Integrity Award is pre- Garrett Kisseberth (Sr): Honorable Mention BVC sented to a student who exempli- Ethan Misamore (Sr): Honorable Mention BVC fies good sportsmanship, is a pos- itive role model, reflects a high level of integrity and ethics, sup- Wrestling ports and demonstrates positive Owen Karcher (Fr): First-Team BVC (106), District Qualifier values, and has contributed to the Daniel White (Jr): District Qualifier (113) well-being of the youth at the high Isaiah Colvin (Jr): Second-Team BVC (138), District Qualifier school. Blaine Peterson (Jr): Second-Team BVC (170), District Qualifier OHSAA Sportsmanship, Ethics Dylon Stoops (Jr): Second-Team BVC (189) & Integrity Award winner is: Zerich Magnall (Jr): District Qualifier (220) Ryan Stuckey


The OHSAA Courageous Student Award is presented to a student who has overcome a serious illness, injury or disability; has overcome great adversity in a positive way; has assisted fellow students, family members or friends; or displayed courage against overwhelming odds. OHSAA Courageous Student Award winner: Brittney Roth

3 Sport Inserts The Athletic department recognizes athletes who have participated in 3 school-sponsored sports in one school year. Athletes receive a “3 sport” insert to be sewn on their varsity letter jackets. Three-sport athletes: 9th: Taylor born, Amos Garmatter, Carson Houck, Tyler Lones, Mazie Parkins, Aubrey Price, Samantha Roth, Jasmyne Smith, Brittany Woodruff 10th: Patrick Dearwester, Amanda Green, Matthew Roth, Kyle Schultz, Tyler Stoodt, Luke Wolford 11th: Hannah Bixler, Sarah Curth, Savannah Traucht, Hayley Waltz, Katelynn Yant 12th: Nicki Biery, Keith Edwards, Garrett Kisseberth, Mikaela Ricksecker, Brittney Roth, Caroline Schutz, Bryce Tuttle

Senior Athletic Plaques The Athletic Department recognizes senior athletes who have accumulated 5 or more varsity let- ters during their athletic careers at Cory-Rawson High School. Recipients are receiving a per- sonalized plaque engraved with the grade and sport in which each athletic letter was earned. Senior Athletic Plaques are: Nicole Biery, Keith Edwards, Avery Holland, Garrett Kisseberth, Ethan Misamore, Mikaela Ricksecker, Brittany Roth, Caroline Schutz, Brook- lyn Shoemaker, Bryce Tuttle, Mason Warnimont

The Ohio High School Athletic Association State Award is presented annually to an adult for ex- emplary contribution and service to the school’s interscholastic athletics program. Mrs. McFarland has been instrumental in bringing a chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes to Cory-Rawson High School, which began last school year. Mrs. McFarland frequently gives up her lunch time to meet with our student leaders to discuss the curriculum, discussion topics, lessons, and activi- ties. She also makes sure the adult chaperones remember to unlock the school, provide supervision during meetings, and most important, remembers to bring breakfast! Additionally, Mrs. McFarland recently attended the district 8 FCA banquet with our student leaders and purchased gifts for them out of her own pocket. Findlay Agri Bus./Chamber Comm. $500 CR Staff Scholarship $500 Brittney Roth & Bryce Tuttle Brittany Boehm, Garrett Kisseberth, Rayanne Nye, Caroline Schutz, Ryan Stuckey Hancock County Retired Teachers $1000 Caroline Schutz Janis Erford Heldman Scholarship $500 Brittany Boehm The Chris Leuthold Math Scholarship $1750 Brittany Boehm Wendy’s High School Heisman School Winner Brittney Roth April Sue Jones Memorial Scholarship $500 Brittney Roth Marie Berry Scholarship $750 Brittney Roth Shirley Battles Stirling Scholarship $500 Brittany Boehm Honors Diploma Brittany Boehm, Abygail Collert, Avery Holland, Intersil Science and Engineering Scholar. $1250 Rayanne Nye, Chloe Parke, Emily Phillips, Caroline Ryan Stuckey Schutz, Ryan Stuckey

Bluffton Lions Club $500 Congressional Art Competition Caroline Schutz Ethan Cawley

Roy V. Armes Scholarship $5000 Ryan Stuckey 21 Athletic Boosters $750 each American Lit/Advanced Comp Excellence Bryce Tuttle, Garrett Kisseberth, Lily Woods, Veronica Risner, Desiree Hamby Brittney Roth, Caroline Schutz College English – Excellence Spanish Awards “Golden Sombrero” Ryan Stuckey, Rayanne Nye, Ethan Korpics, Garrett Spanish 1 Erin Murray Kisseberth, Caroline Schutz Spanish 2 Kacy Chisholm Spanish 3 Brittany Boehm Service Learning (total 1600 hrs.) FCCLA Diego Rivera Award Kacy Chisholm Ally Heldman, Ashley Schaller, Avery Holland, Enthusiasm Award Ezra Price Brittanee Blunk, Brittney Roth, Kacy Chisholm, Cassie Thomas, Destiny Simon, Emily Phillips, Ethan HS Quiz Bowl Misamore, Hannah Bixler, TJ Washer, Kaitlyn Sidle, Luke Bish, Brady Boehm, Brittany Kara Schultz, Kaytlin Hough, Rayanne Nye, Rachel Boehm, Jacob Brown, Ethan Cawley, Nye, Ryan Stuckey, Savannah Traucht, Mikaela Wyatt Dennis, Avery Holland, Jonathan Ricksecker Hoorman, Owen Karcher, Wyatt Karcher, Erin Murray, Rachel Nye, Perfect Attendance as of May 10 Rayanne Nye, Allison Rutherford, 7th: Allison Garmatter, Jenna Hartman Triston Stanfield 8th: Chelbi Decker, Brice Rutherford, Sydnee Stanfield 7th Math – Outstanding Student 9th: Emma Bower, Louie Cira Malia Lee 10th: Anthony Rieman 11th: Sarah Curth, Austin Price 7th History – Outstanding Students 12th: Robert Marshall Matthew Bechtol FRESHMAN SCHOLASTIC AWARDS 8th Math – Outstanding Students Principal’s Academic Award 3.50 GPA Jenna Hartman, Katie Bish Riley Garmatter, Taylor Born, Brandon Zuercher, Erin Murray, Luke Bish, Mazie Parkins, Sydney Waldman, 8th Grade Outstanding Language Arts Andrew Heldman, Aubrey Price, Owen Karcher Lelaina Yannelli SOPHOMORE SCHOLASTIC AWARDS 9th Grade Outstanding Language Arts Principal’s Academic Award 3.75 GPA Riley Garmatter Allison Rutherford, Kacy Chisholm, Cierra Stanfield, Lily Woods, Gavin Erford, Patrick Dearwester 7th Grade Outstanding Science Matthew Bechtol, Jenna Hartman JUNIOR SCHOLASTIC AWARDS Principal’s Academic Award 3.75 GPA 8th Grade Outstanding Science Students Ethan Cawley, Amanda Collert, Hayley Waltz, Molly Eli Banner, Mackenzie Cascaden Augustine, Eric Ritter, Wyatt Karcher, Veronica Risner, Daniel White, Jonathan Hoorman, Haley 8th Grade Outstanding Social Studies Rossman Eli Banner SENIOR SCHOLASTIC AWARDS Geography Bee Winner Principal’s Academic Award 3.75 GPA Eli Banner Brittany Boehm, Abygail Collert, Ryan Stuckey, Car- oline Schutz, Rayanne Nye, Chloe Parke, Emily 7th Grade Excellence in ELA Phillips, Ethan Korpics, Avery Holland Mattie Huber

English 10 – Excellence Allison Rutherford

English 11 – Excellence Elaina Phalen

English 12 – Excellence Alessia Ferrari 22

23 Future Plans Bluffton University: Caroline Schutz

Rhodes State: Ashland University: Blake Abell Mason Warnimont Robert Marshall

OSU- Columbus: Ohio Northern University: Ryan Stuckey Rayanne Nye

University of Findlay: Chloe Parke

OSU- Lima: Central Texas: Nicole Biery Brooklyn Shoemaker Emily Phillips Kaitlyn Sidle Triston Stanfield Owens- Toledo: OSU-ATI: Dana Desgranges Brittney Roth Bryce Tuttle

Owens- Findlay: Destiny Dunlap Keith Edwards

Taylor University: Brittany Boehm Tiffin University: Ethan Misamore

24 Future Plans

BGSU: Abygail Collert Brody Hickle Avery Holland Garrett Kisseberth Mikaela Ricksecker David Spears

Cleveland State University: Ethan Korpics Military: Isaac Roebke TJ Washer Cassie Thomas Dante Powell

Working: Madison Cook Cloe Garmatter David Gibson Taylor Guthrie ShyAnn Heistand Morgan James Austin Miller Jarrett Montgomery Clayton Thornton

Brittanee Blunk (undecided) Alessia Ferrari (back to Italy for college)


26 Student Council / NHS Update In March, our NHS/NJHS sponsored the 7-12 Penny War to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with excellent results! We raised $946, and Mrs. Belinda Lee’s class took first place and enjoyed an Olive Garden lunch as their reward. NJHS members are also working on cards and letters for Honor Flight Veterans as a service project.

Student Council helped to plan and facilitate the 30 Hour Famine on May 4th and 5th (left). A group of 20 students in grades 7-12 fasted for 30 hours, (12 for middle schoolers) and collected dona- tions for World Vision. The group ended the Famine with a lunch sponsored by Student Council on May 5th.

Student Council also planned the 7-12 Field Day for the after- noon of Wednes- day, May 10th (also see Organizations cover). Teams participated in a va- riety of outdoor games and activities and a Team Spirit award was given in addition to a trophy to the first place team. We also encouraged students to apply for membership for next year. This summer, we will plan a picnic for our new members to get to know each other and for us to formulate our group’s mission and goals.


This Spring, the Cory-Rawson Art Club painted chairs to be raffled off at the Bluffton Relay for Life.

28 INFORMATION Phone Numbers 2. Announcements for the list serve must west lot is for the busses. Enter the front Superintendent’s Office: be submitted via email. Paper copies doors and speak to the secretaries inside to 419 963 -3415 (option 3) cannot be sent out on the list serve. obtain a “visitor’s pass”. Elementary School Office (grades K-6): Whenever possible, put the announce- Lunch periods at the school is closed to 419 963-7017 (option 1) ment in the body of the email, not as an visitors unless permission has been ob- tained from a building principal. High School Office (grades 7-12): attachment. It is very difficult for many recipients of the list serve to receive or 419 963-2611 (option 2) We appreciated your cooperation. Our open attachments. goal is to maintain a safe environment for Toll-free 1-877-317-2747 3. Messages need to be of interest to more our students and staff. Fax: 419 963-4400 (all locations) than 50 people. Small specialized groups  Transp. Office & Bus Garage: 419-963-3415 need to be contacted individually by the ext. 5001 group leaders via phone chains or the C-R Athletic Booster Web Page  groups own distribution list, not through Visit the Cory-Rawson Athletic Boosters the list serve. web page at You can School Delays or Cancellations 4. Kick-off meetings will be announced on access information regarding sports sched- Radio Station: TV Stations: the list serve. After the initial meeting it ules, Booster officers, school administra- WFIN (1330 AM) Toledo: WTOL-TV is the responsibility of the organization tion, volunteer opportunities and more. WKXA (100.5 FM) WTVG-TV to contact their membership (see # 3  WBVI (96.7 FM) WNWO-TV above). The calendar on the webpage is WBUK (106.3 FM) WUPW-TV the method to use to inform people of PK-6 Schedule WCKY (103.7 FM) Lima: WLIO-TV regular meetings Office Hours are 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. WZRX (107.5 FM) School hours: School Begins @ 8:00 a.m., WIMA (1150 AM) 5. The list serve is a Cory-Rawson Local Lunch and Noon Recess@ 10:25 a.m. – WIMT (T-102 FM) School mode of communication to serve 12:00noon, School Dismisses @ 2:55 p.m. WMLX (103.3 FM) the interest and needs of the school. While community organizations are No student is allowed to leave the school If you have not registered to receive calls encouraged to post things to the list serve, grounds during the course of the school from our First Alert messaging system, the school has no responsibility or day, unless properly excused by parent or check the stations listed above for school obligation to these organizations. guardian through the school office. delays or cancellations for Cory-Rawson Students in grades PK-6 who are transport- Schools in the event of inclement weather.  ed to or from school by a parent/guardian School District Website are to be dropped off and picked up IN We try to have our first (and sometimes FRONT of the Elementary building only) decision made regarding a delay or Please visit the Cory-Rawson website at: ONLY after 7:30 A.M. If the parent/ cancellation on the First Alert, radio and for sports guardian needs to come into the building at television stations by 6:30 a.m. A final schedules, information regarding organiza- arrival or dismissal time they should park decision to cancel school (if a delay has tions, honor rolls, academic requirements, in the Visitor’s Parking area of the occurred) should be broadcast by 8:45 a.m. Board of Education information and more. parking lot. Please do not call the school for infor- mation regarding a delay or cancellation, as   we need our phone lines to contact the Board Policy 7-12 Schedule radio and television stations, bus drivers If you have a question regarding Board and other personnel. School Hours are 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Policy, go to the school website at: 2-Hour Delay Days: 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.  3-Hour Delay: 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. National School Lunch Program  Click on MENU/ADMIN/BOE/Policies & For students unable to pay the full price for Bylaws or a hardcopy is available in the Video Surveillance meals served under the National School Superintendent’s office. Lunch program a Free/Reduced Price Lunch Board policy 7440.01 - VIDEO SURVEIL- LANCE AND ELECTRONIC MONITOR- Application must be completed by the parent/  guardian and turned into the building office. ING—In order to protect Board property, If you did not receive a copy in your student Board Minutes & Agenda promote security and protect the health, packet, the form can be found in any C-R Board of Education meeting minutes are welfare and safety of students, staff and school office and on the school website. available on the school website at: visitors, the Board of Education authorizes the use of video surveillance and electronic  monitoring equipment on school property, List Serve ADMIN/BOE/BOE Minutes and in school buildings and school buses.  Information obtained through video To be added to the C-R list serve, please email surveillance/electronic monitoring may be Michael Quinlan at: Visitor Policy used to identify intruders and persons [email protected] To enter Cory-Rawson Schools during the breaking the law, Board policy, or the List Serve Guidelines school day the single point of entrance for Student Code of Conduct (i.e., it may be parents and visitors is the main entrance to used as evidence in disciplinary actions and 1. All events must first be on the calendar the new building (A1). Please park in the criminal proceedings). before they are sent out on the list serve. east lot in front of the new building; the 29