
July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1155 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

ENFORCE THE LAW FOR Blaine Commissioner Tom Bowman lent films. For the next 60 years, the Alex The- SANCTUARY CITIES ACT for all of the great help he has provided. atre previewed first-run films, ranging from Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 1937’s Saratoga to 1977’s Star Wars, solidi- SPEECH OF f fying its continuing identity as the epicenter of HON. BARBARA LEE Hollywood glamour. CONGRATULATING THE NORTHERN Originally designed by architects Charles R. OF CALIFORNIA ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY SUPER- Selkirk and Arthur G. Lindley, the theatre IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MILEAGE TEAM fac¸ade was remodeled in 1940 by S. Charles Thursday, July 23, 2015 Lee—a remodel that included the extraor- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong oppo- HON. ADAM KINZINGER dinary 100-foot Art Deco tower. sition to H.R. 3009, the Enforce the Law for OF ILLINOIS The Alex Theatre continued hosting Holly- Sanctuary Cities Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wood premieres until the 1980s, at which point The murder of Kathryn Steinle in San Fran- the theatre began to fall into disrepair. In Wednesday, July 29, 2015 cisco was a senseless tragedy. My heart con- 1991, however, the Glendale Redevelopment tinues to go out to her family and friends at Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Agency restored the Alex Theatre to its former this difficult time. rise today to congratulate the Northern Illinois glory, investing over $6 million. As a nation, we cannot base complex policy University Supermileage team on their recent The renovated theatre opened on New decisions regarding the intersection of our fed- success at the 36th Annual SAE Supermile- Year’s Eve in 1993 to serve as a community eral immigration system and local law enforce- age Competition in Marshall, Michigan. arts theatre and civic center. Owned by the ment on a single tragic event. Over the course of two days in June, - City of Glendale and operated by Glendale Sanctuary Cities exist because municipali- neering and technology students from around Arts, the Alex Theatre was placed on the Na- ties across the country recognized that they the world completed the challenge of design- tional Register of Historic Places in 1996. had to act to keep families together as Con- ing and constructing a single-person, fuel-effi- Since its redesign in the 1990s, the Alex gressional Republican leadership refused to cient vehicle. The Northern Illinois vehicle, Theatre has retained its identity as a center move forward on bipartisan comprehensive called the Huskie Rocket, was able to reach a for arts, but has increased its functions. An- immigration reform. fuel efficiency of 1,057 miles per gallon, plac- other expansion project began in July 2013 These are some of the most populous cities ing the Northern Illinois Supermileage team and was completed in June 2014. This $5.2 in the country—New York, Los Angeles, Chi- third in the world, and second in the United million renovation added 6,600 square feet to cago, Houston—and the list goes on. States. the backstage area. Our local law enforcement agencies are not Since 2010, the NIU Supermileage team, The Alex Theatre is currently home to four trained immigration agents, nor should they led by faculty advisor Dr. David Schroeder, companies: the Los Angeles Ballet Company, be. has consistently placed in the top ten at the the Alex Film Society, the Glendale Youth Or- This conversation comes at a time in this annual SAE Supermileage Competition. This chestra, and the Los Angeles Chamber Or- country when many local law enforcement year’s impressive showing included the hard chestra. In addition to hosting these compa- agencies are facing a crisis of trust with the work of ten NIU students, including Supermile- nies, the Alex Theatre also hosts dance, com- communities they are sworn to protect and age team captain Lindsey Dodis, Kevin edy, theatre, music, and special events to serve. Kuebrich, Christian McAdoo, Kyle McNamara, serve more than 100,000 people who pass To threaten their federal funding based on Russell Fordyce, Andrew Hagel, Adam through its doors annually. To attest to the local decisions about how best to serve their Detrick, Aaron McKeown, Tom Swanberg, and theatre’s versatility, I had the great pleasure of communities, as H.R. 3009, would do, is not Saajan Patel. All the students, faculty, and hosting the 21st State Senate Arts Competi- only misguided but dangerous. staff that contributed to the success of the tion at the Alex Theatre in the late 1990s and Instead, my colleagues should be working to Supermileage team and their Huskie Rocket early 2000s. pass bipartisan legislation to fix our broken im- should be commended for their hard work and The Alex Theatre is destined to continue its migration system and address these long- dedication to applying what they have learned impressive legacy as a local and national standing issues in a comprehensive and from the NIU College of Engineering and Engi- landmark. I am honored to recognize the Alex thoughtful way. neering Technology at the Supermileage Com- Theatre for its great cultural value to the com- f petition. munity, and ask all members to join me in Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 16th District of congratulating the Alex Theatre upon its 90th SAWTOOTH NATIONAL RECRE- Illinois, I wish to express our sincere congratu- anniversary. ATION AREA AND JERRY PEAK lations for the hard work of the Northern Illi- f WILDERNESS ADDITIONS ACT nois University Supermileage team. I look for- ward to seeing what these bright and dedi- IN HONOR OF THE 60TH ANNIVER- SPEECH OF cated students accomplish in the future. SARY OF THE TEVIS CUP RIDE HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON f OF IDAHO HON. TOM McCLINTOCK TRIBUTE TO THE ALEX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA THEATRE’S 90TH ANNIVERSARY Monday, July 27, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I would also HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Wednesday, July 29, 2015 like to recognize one of America’s greatest OF CALIFORNIA Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today conservation writers, Rocky Barker of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Tevis Idaho Statesman. Rocky has provided unpar- Cup Ride of the Western States Trail. alleled depth and insight to the readers of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 The Western States Trail Foundation hosts Idaho and the throughout the 15 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Ride with the aim of preserving the trail. years I have been working on CIEDRA and honor the Alex Theatre upon its 90th anniver- Throughout its long history, the trail has been SNRA+. He has hiked throughout these moun- sary. used by Native Americans, emigrants, gold tains and understands every nuance and as- The Alex Theatre has been a cornerstone of and silver miners, and sportsmen alike. pect of the area and this bill. I want to thank the Glendale community since its establish- The Tevis Cup is the oldest modern-day en- him for covering this story fairly and accurately ment in 1925. In its early years, the Alex The- durance ride, covering one hundred miles in all of these years. I also want to thank former atre was home to Vaudeville theatrics and si- one day. Riders begin in Robie Park, east of

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.009 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Squaw Valley, and have twenty-four hours to proud mother and grandmother. She is sur- reach the 99 percent goal, the bill establishes make their way to the end of the rugged trail vived by her daughters Celeste Welch Crago equipment and operation standards, manda- in Auburn, California. The 60th annual ride will and Julie Welch Cirincioni; and her sons Mi- tory leak detection and repair procedures, and take place on , 2015. chael Warren Welch (Aino), O.C. Welch III, recordkeeping requirements; it also institutes Thousands of horseback riders from around Daniel Kevin Welch, Brian Christopher Welch new reporting requirements for all gas pro- the world participate in the Tevis Cup. The (Tiffany), Douglas Gerald Welch (Marcy), and duced, disposed, or leaked on a lease and re- event brings together a vast community of vol- Joseph Thomas Welch (Charlotte); 20 grand- quires public disclosure of the data. Market- unteers dedicated to keeping the Western children and 2 great-grandchildren. appropriate enforcement mechanisms for non- States Trail open to the public. Volunteers f compliance, as well as guidelines for applying spend innumerable hours and significant finan- such measures, are also established. cial resources to make this equestrian endur- INTRODUCTION OF THE NATURAL This bill is a win-win for the American tax- ance ride a success year after year. GAS ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECO- payer, providing both environmental and eco- Mr. Speaker, the Western States Trail Foun- NOMIC SECURITY ACT nomic benefits, while also promoting the dation and the Tevis Cup Ride have made an growth of the domestic methane mitigation in- important contribution to both the local econ- HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL dustry, which is creating high-paying jobs omy and the preservation of this rugged Sierra OF CALIFORNIA through small businesses across the nation. trail. I thank the Western States Trail Founda- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Further, many of these gains come at minimal tion for hosting the Tevis Cup Ride, particu- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 or no cost to producers, since many mitigation larly on the event’s 60th Anniversary, and I technologies pay for themselves once the cap- commend the Foundation for its continuing ef- Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, today I am tured gas is marketed. forts to ensure the trail remains a monument introducing the Natural Gas Environmental The Natural Gas Environmental and Eco- to public access and enjoyment of our nation’s and Economic Security Act with a number of nomic Security Act stops the waste of valuable abundant natural resources. my colleagues, including the Ranking Member taxpayer resources, protects the environment of the House Natural Resources Committee and public heath, and boosts the economy. I f ´ RAUL GRIJALVA, to reduce the frivolous and ask that my colleagues support this common- REMEMBERING LEONORA TERESA unnecessary waste of natural gas from public sense legislation and rein in the waste of nat- BROWNE WELCH lands. Large volumes of natural gas are regu- ural gas from our public lands. larly flared, vented, or simply leak from Fed- f HON. EARL L. ‘‘BUDDY’’ CARTER eral oil and gas leases—in 2013 alone, the OF GEORGIA amount of lost gas could meet the heating and HONORING THE DEDICATED C IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cooking needs of 1.6 million American homes SERVICE OF DOROTHEA M BRIDE according to the Environmental Defense Fund. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 To make matters worse, the Center for Amer- HON. MARTHA ROBY Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise ican Progress and The Wilderness Society OF ALABAMA today in remembrance of Leonora Teresa showed that the amount of gas lost to venting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Browne Welch who passed away peacefully and flaring doubled between 2008 and 2013, on Tuesday, July 28, 2015. with no sign of the trend slowing. In addition, Wednesday July 29, 2015 Mrs. Welch was born in Savannah, Georgia this wasted gas is not subject to royalties, Mrs. ROBY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on June 23, 1928 and was the only child of costing the American taxpayers as much as honor Dorothea McBride who is retiring from Josephine Mollo and Palmer Carr Browne. $58 million annually in lost revenue according the Department of Veterans Affairs after 27 She had many fond memories of her child- to the Government Accountability Office. years of dedicated service. A Registered hood with Italian family members on her moth- Beyond being economically wasteful, these Nurse, a Veteran, and Patient Administrator at er’s side, and growing up on her father’s dairy processes are bad for human health and the Central Alabama Veterans Healthcare System, farm, Kensington Dairy, which comprised the environment. Gas released to the atmosphere her tireless work has been instrumental in land known today as Kensington Park and from venting and leaks contributes dramati- helping the veterans of Central Alabama. Fairway Oaks. cally to climate change, since methane, the Under particularly challenging cir- Mrs. Welch attended Cathedral Day School major component of natural gas, has 25 times cumstances, Dorothea has provided critical and St. Vincent’s Academy where she was the warming impact of carbon dioxide over health care to many of our nation’s most dedi- Valedictorian of her graduating class in 1946. 100 years. In 2013 alone, the Environmental cated servants. Whether responding to vet- She went on to study journalism at Armstrong Defense Fund estimated that the volume of erans directly or working with my office on College and worked at Citizens and Southern methane released to the atmosphere was Congressional inquiries, she has dem- Bank. equivalent to the emissions from 5.6 million onstrated an exceptional level of profes- In 1952, Mrs. Welch married O.C. Welch, cars. Venting, flaring, and leaks all affect local sionalism and patriotism, literally saving lives. Jr., a Savannah native and engineer for the air quality as well by releasing volatile organic Dorothea McBride cares deeply for the vet- Seaboard Coastline Railroad, and by 1963 compounds, nitrogen oxides, and particulate erans in her care. She never failed to respond she was a busy mother to her eight children. matter into the atmosphere. These environ- diligently and with compassion and courtesy She was affectionately called ‘‘Noni’’ by her mental costs undercut the potential benefits of when asked for help. Along with my staff, I husband and later by her many grandchildren. natural gas as a lower-carbon, cleaner burning want to wish her all the best in the next chap- The Welches were married for 43 years until fuel alternative to coal. ter of her life. We will never forget her service. Mr. Welch’s death in 1996. Local regulations have already dem- f Mrs. Welch was a devout Catholic through- onstrated that the best way to curb venting, out her life, and the Welch family were com- flaring, and fugitive releases is to both enact CONGRATULATING GIL MILLER ON municants of St. James Catholic Church strong regulations and incentivize gas capture HIS RETIREMENT FROM THE where their children attended school before by collecting royalties on lost gas, and our bill, UNITED STATES NAVY going on to attend St. Vincent’s Academy and the Natural Gas Environmental and Economic Benedictine Military School. Security Act takes this two-pronged approach. HON. KAY GRANGER As her children began to leave the house, To address royalties, the bill amends the Min- OF TEXAS Mrs. Welch found more time to avail herself to eral Leasing Act and the Outer Continental IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volunteer for several community organizations Shelf Lands Act to require royalties on all gas including Goodwill, but was especially dedi- produced from new leases, including gas used Wednesday, July 29, 2015 cated to her work in the Diocese of Savannah on the lease to power equipment. Gas lost in Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and St. James offices. She also enjoyed a acute emergency situations would remain ex- congratulate Captain Gil Miller on his retire- close circle of friends known as The BOF’s— empt from royalties to ensure that safety is not ment from the United States Navy and to or Best of Friends—who met monthly for compromised. thank him for his many years of dedicated luncheons around Savannah. She was also The bill would also require that 99 percent service. active in the Daughters of Ireland. of all gas produced each year from Federal Captain Miller is a Naval Academy graduate Mrs. Welch was a shining example of God’s leases be captured within 5 years. It also pro- who has devoted 25 years of his life to serving unconditional love, and was a loving and hibits venting and limits routine flaring. To our country. For the last two years he has

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.004 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1157 done an outstanding job as commander of expertise was instrumental in the planning and ple laugh, and his good sense of humor made Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve standup of the 254th Security Forces Squad- a positive lasting impression on everyone he Base in Tarrant County, Texas. He has served ron. As commander of the 254th Air Base met. Valuing integrity in work, politics and life, our country well while also making significant Group from August 2007 to September 2013, Mr. Saab treated everyone equally with re- contributions to the communities around the he was responsible for the command and con- spect and as a friend, and cared deeply about base. trol of Air National Guard’s units and civil liberties and justice. He enjoyed helping Earlier in his career, Captain Miller flew SH– activities and their maximum readiness capa- people and was a dependable friend in hard 2 and SH–60 helicopters based on ships in bilities. times. Deeply patriotic, Abdo loved Lebanon, the Eastern Pacific, Central America, and Car- Brigadier General Lizama is a 1977 alum- his country of origin, and America, his adopted ibbean. He also flew fleet airlift missions in the nus of Father Duenas Memorial High School home. Beechcraft C–12 and the C–130T Hercules in Tai, Guam. He received a Bachelors degree A devoted family man, Abdo is survived by transport for three tours, and deployed on re- in Management from the University of Guam his loving wife Lourdes, daughters Liane and lief missions for the Pakistani earthquake and and Masters degrees in Public Administration Jessica Saab, brother George and sisters Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. and Human Resources from Golden Gate Uni- Georgette, Layla, Aida and May. Captain Miller served two tours in the Pen- versity. Additionally, Brigadier General Lizama Abdo was an irreplaceable part of our com- tagon as Executive Assistant to the Deputy Di- enrolled and successful completed Air War munity and he will be sorely missed by his rector and as principal briefer to the Undersec- College. family and friends and all those whose lives retary of Defense for all Reserve and National I extend my congratulations to Johnny S. he touched. A trusted friend and a man of im- Guard mobilizations, deployment orders, and Lizama on his promotion to Brigadier General, peccable character, I ask all Members to join global force management. and I join the people of Guam in commending me in remembering Abdo Youssef Saab. While Captain Miller has served our country him for his service to our nation and island. he has been blessed with the support of his Brigadier General Lizama’s promotion marks f wife, Cheryl. an important milestone in the history of the I offer my heartfelt thanks and congratula- Guam National Guard. Finding qualified offi- HONORING PRINCIPAL JAMES tions to Captain Miller for his outstanding ca- cers to serve in Assistant Adjutant General po- CONDON FOR THE 2015 INDIANA reer in the Navy and wish him the best in his sitions ensures that the vision and intent of the PRINCIPAL OF THE YEAR retirement. Guard Empowerment Act is being fulfilled on f Guam. This will provide greater professional HON. JACKIE WALORSKI development for well qualified officers in the OF INDIANA CONGRATULATING JOHN S. Guam National Guard. LIZAMA ON HIS PROMOTION TO Moreover, this is a historic occasion for our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BRIGADIER GENERAL IN THE island as Brigadier General Lizama is the first Wednesday, July 29, 2015 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Chamorro Airman to be promoted and feder- Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ally recognized at the rank of brigadier general to recognize Principal James Condon of Plym- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO in the Guam Air National Guard and the outh High School for being named the 2015 OF GUAM United States Air Force. I also extend my con- Principal of the Year. His success in fostering IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gratulations to his wife, Dee, and their four an exceptional learning environment for stu- children, Keith and his wife Paul Jean, Kim- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 dents in Plymouth is nothing short of remark- berly and her husband Jonathan, Brother able. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Cody, OFM Cap., and Rico as well as to his to recognize Johnny S. Lizama of the village two grandchildren, Taehlyn-Jean and Urijah Every year, the National Association of Sec- of Santa Rita on his promotion to the rank of John. I wish him the best on this important ondary School Principals recognizes out- Brigadier General of the Guam Air National achievement. standing middle school and high school prin- Guard. Brigadier General Lizama is the Direc- cipals who have succeeded in providing high- f tor of Staff for Air, Joint Forces Headquarters, quality learning opportunities for students. Re- Guam National Guard. He was appointed to MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO ABDO cipients are chosen based on their perform- serve as the Assistant Adjutant General-Air YOUSSEF SAAB ance in four categories, which include per- Force by Eddie Baza Calvo. sonal excellence, collaborative leadership, cur- Brigadier General Lizama began his military HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF riculum and personalization. Among other re- quirements, an award winner must model val- career in June 1977 after enlisting in the OF CALIFORNIA ues, beliefs and attitudes that encourage oth- United States Coast Guard. In December IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1982, he enlisted in the Air Force and re- ers to higher levels of performance; create a ported to Eglin Air Force Base as a Direct Wednesday, July 29, 2015 culture of collaboration; ensure that each stu- Duty Assignment Interior Electrician with the Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor dent has the best possible opportunity of real- 3202nd Civil Engineering Squadron. He later the memory of Abdo Youssef Saab of Los An- izing success; and create a school climate that served as a Manpower Management Techni- geles, California, a man of integrity and an is warm, inviting, safe and secure. Every one cian with Detachment 6, 3904th Management outstanding community leader, who passed of us depends on our teachers, and because Squadron at Beale Air Force Base, California, away on July 23, 2015. of that, they deserve our support and appre- during his last two years of active duty serv- Abdo was born in Hammana, Lebanon on ciation. ice. In 1988, Brigadier General Lizama sepa- , 1945. He was educated in Jesuit For over 20 years, Principal Condon has rated from the Air Force and returned to schools in Lebanon, studied in France and re- been contributing to the betterment of Indiana Guam, where he joined the Guam Air National ceived his Civil Engineering degree. Abdo education. Since he became the principal of Guard and served as the 254th Services Flight came to Los Angeles in the early 1970’s, Plymouth High School in 2007, the school has Superintendent until 1992. where he met Lourdes, a community liaison been rated as one of the top high schools in In 1992, Brigadier General Lizama was for the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office; they fell in Indiana and has received an ‘‘A’’ from the commissioned in the Guam Air National Guard love and married. They lived and raised their state in school accountability. As an added ac- as Personnel Programs Officer for the 254th two daughters, Liane and Jessica in La complishment, the school has achieved an 86 Air Base Group and later as Director of Per- Can˜ada Flintridge before moving to Los Ange- percent graduation rate, exceeding the Indiana sonnel for the Active Guard Reserve. As Di- les. state average by nearly 10 percent. These re- rector of Personnel, he administered a range Mr. Saab began a long and remarkable ca- markable achievements have been duly-recog- of personnel programs to include procurement, reer as a businessman, ascending quickly to nized and rewarded. Before receiving Principal professional development, recruitment and re- the position of Vice President of Downtown of the Year, he was named the top high tention programs, and support for contingency L.A. Motors. He then began several busi- school principal in Indiana’s second district, operations, among other major responsibilities. nesses, including a travel agency and a con- which includes Elkhart, St. Joseph, Starke, From 2002 to 2006, Brigadier General sulting firm. Abdo was also active in the local Marshall, Pulaski, Fulton, LaPorte and Kos- Lizama was the comptroller for the 254th Air law enforcement and political communities. ciusko counties. Because of leaders like him, Base Group with oversight of $2.1M in appro- A charismatic man, Abdo’s presence was Hoosier classrooms are filled with future doc- priated funds, whose financial management felt wherever he went. He loved to make peo- tors, scientists and entrepreneurs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.008 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Principal Condon’s efforts have been instru- And affiliate Pacific Airlines’ services Dr. Tan Siu Lin’s values and beliefs are the mental in advancing Indiana’s education sys- match the needs of a wide-ranging clientele. guiding principles of the operation and devel- tem. His leadership has led to the develop- APA is a US-registered airline and a reliable opment of businesses in Luen Thai. Dr. Tan ment of digital and project-based learning, cre- air cargo service carrier in the western Pacific believes strongly in giving back to the commu- ation of dual credit courses and preparation of region. nities where Luen Thai operates. students for the job market. As a result, Plym- Luen Thai has been involved in shipping In 2009, Luen Thai launched the ‘‘iServe. outh High School now offers 35 dual credit since its early days. Along with partners, Luen iGiveback.’’ program that incorporated all busi- courses and has achieved one of Indiana’s Thai set up Mariana Express Lines, Ltd. in ness units and their employees. The group of highest pass percentages on AP classes. The 1997 to increase the supply of shipping serv- companies has also shown its support for edu- school recently opened a state-of-the-art Ad- ices in the Micronesian region. MELL’s reliable cational, art, cultural, as well as sport activities vanced Manufacturing Training Center that and regular shipping services have brought and programs with generous sponsorships. serves students during the day and adults in business growth to Luen Thai Group as well The first Tan Siu Lin Foundation was estab- the evening. Contributions like these would not as other enterprises in the region. lished in in 1986, followed by others in be possible without the effort of passionate With service stations in 12 countries across Guam, , and , to oversee and educators like Principal Condon. Quite simply, Asia and America, affiliate CTSI is the largest coordinate Dr. Tan’s wide-ranging charitable his work is bettering the lives of Hoosiers. provider of logistics services in . It works in many different places. I want to take this opportunity to once again also works closely with MELL and APA to pro- thank Principal Condon for helping students in vide a full range of logistics and support serv- The history of the Luen Thai group of com- Plymouth develop their talents and become ices, including logistics consultancy and train- panies is an extraordinary success story that our future leaders. On behalf of myself and my ing, as well as customized IT solutions which reflects the vision and dedication of Dr. Tan fellow Hoosiers, I congratulate him on receiv- support service integration, real time informa- and his family. The company and its affiliates ing this prestigious award. tion and efficient operations. CTSI strives to bring employment, products, services, and business opportunities to the Northern Mar- f provide the best to its customers by fostering a corporate culture that champions quality iana Islands, to our entire region, and around RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- service, and by continually investing in both the world. SARY OF LUEN THAI GROUP personnel as well as the hardware of the com- pany. f HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO Affiliate POI Aviation provides a broad range of round-the-clock services in ground handling, RECOGNIZING VIC STORY JR., 2015 SABLAN passenger and cargo handling, airport oper- FLORIDA FARMER OF THE YEAR OF THE NORTHERN ation, and aircraft maintenance, to Saipan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES International Airport and its users. HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Affiliate Century Insurance was established in the 1980s as an agent for a number of OF FLORIDA Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, today I ask you multi-national non-life insurance companies to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to join me in celebrating a fifty-year story of issue and underwrite policies on commercial success that spans not just the Northern Mar- and domestic types of insurance in Micro- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 iana Islands or the mid-Pacific region, but nesia. It was granted a Certificate of Authority Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am three continents and several oceans. The to operate as the first fully-fledged non-life in- pleased to take this opportunity to recognize a Luen Thai Group of companies was founded surance company in CNMI. close friend of mine whose dedication to the by Dr. Tan Siu Lin in Hong Kong in Sep- For a long time, the sheer size of Micro- citrus industry has greatly impacted our Cen- tember 1965, expanded to the Northern Mar- nesia has made it difficult and costly to pro- tral Florida community. Mr. Vic Story Jr. of iana Islands and Guam in the 1970s, and now vide a quality health service to the small popu- Lake Wales, Florida was recently named the provides many important services to our com- lations scattered over its islands. Luen Thai 2015 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Expo Florida munity through its many local, regional, and met this challenge by investing in TakeCare, Farmer of the Year. Mr. Story oversees The international affiliates. Inc. TakeCare provides medical insurance and Story Companies, his family-owned and oper- The Luen Thai Group is among the most owns FHP Health Center. One of the longest ated business, which includes land holdings, successful apparel and accessories supply serving health service providers in the region, citrus management, citrus marketing and har- chain service providers in the world. The ap- FHP operates twelve centers of medical care vesting for over 7,000 acres of citrus in Polk, parel business is listed on the Hong Kong on Saipan and Guam which cover the full Hardee, Highlands, and Hendry counties. Stock Exchange and produced 175 million spectrum of wellness, both in sickness and units of garments, bags and shoes last year. health, from monitoring physical fitness to dis- In 1945, upon returning home from fighting The company has invested heavily in the pensing quick responses to urgent medical in II, Mr. Story’s parents moved to tourism industry in our region and continues to needs such as transfer service to major med- Polk County, Florida and purchased 100 drive the expansion of tourism today. Luen ical facilities overseas. acres. Mr. Story, along with his brother, Terry, Thai affiliate Century Travel and Tours is re- Affiliate Saipan Tribune is a daily newspaper helped his father plant their property with an sponsible for bringing thousands of visitors to that keeps the people of Saipan informed orange and grapefruit grove until all the land our islands and for providing for their enjoy- about life on the island and world events while was planted in citrus. Mr. Story’s father, Vic ment during their stay with professional, qual- its web version serves as a window to the is- Sr. grew the family’s grove into a successful ity services in air and ground passenger trans- lands for the outside world. The Tribune is a enterprise after surviving the major citrus portation. very important part of the community fabric. freezes in 1957–58. In 1965, they began pur- Luen Thai Fishing Venture is a ‘‘one-stop’’ Luen Thai also owns Cosmos Distributing chasing other citrus groves in the area, and by seafood provider, offering a full range of sup- Co. Ltd. and Dickerson & Quinn, which is a 1984, they had started a harvesting company. ply chain services from fleet operation, base vast network in Micronesia for the distribution Today Mr. Story serves as the President and operation, and processing in the central and of a myriad of international brands. Chairman of the Board of The Story Compa- western Pacific regions, to marketing and Tango, Inc. brings great, state-of-the art cin- nies for the family farm. He has passed on the sales in , the United States and China. ema to the western Pacific region. Today, the management of the family business to his two Luen Thai is also a provider of third party lo- company owns 17 movie screens, 30 bowling sons, Kyle and Matt. gistics as well as air and sea freight for- alleys, and other entertainment and dining out- This October, Mr. Story and his family will warding. The synergy created by these three lets in the region. head to Moultrie, Georgia for the Sunbelt Ag areas of activity not only supports Luen Thai’s Realty Management Services provides pro- Expo, where he will compete with nine other own growth, but also helps connect the many fessional management and rental services in state winners for the Southeastern Farmer of small islands scattered over our vast ocean Guam and Saipan, including for residential, the Year. He is most deserving of being region, contributing to economic development commercial and industrial properties. The first- named 2015 Florida Farmer of the Year. His and lifting the quality of life for those who in- rate service and green initiatives of RMS have leadership, dedication, and passion continue habit Micronesia. set benchmarks in the region. to be an inspiration to us all.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.011 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1159 IN RECOGNITION OF COLONEL guished, 37 year career in the United States HONORING SHARON P. PEARCE, RICK HARNEY, JR. ON THE OCCA- Army. I hope that he will celebrate the occa- PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN SION OF HIS RETIREMENT FROM sion in the company of his wife, Leslie, his ASSOCIATION OF NURSE ANES- THE children, Dominick, Aerin, Marc, and Ashley, THETISTS and his grandchildren, Izumi, Eugene, Marc, HON. LOU BARLETTA Marvelo, Mecca, Ayrielle, and Ash’kelon. I HON. RICHARD HUDSON OF PENNSYLVANIA wish him all the best in this next chapter of his OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES life. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 29, 2015 f Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to recognize Colonel Rick Harney, Jr. on the IN HONOR OF EMMA HARRIS honor my constituent, Sharon P. Pearce, occasion of his retirement from the United ARMSTRONG CRNA, MSN, of Lexington, North Carolina. States Army. Throughout his 37 year career, Ms. Pearce’s term as president of the Amer- Col. Harney has selflessly served our country ican Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) and community; namely, during the time he HON. DAVID SCOTT OF GEORGIA will soon come to an end. spent as Director of the United States Army Throughout her presidency at the AANA, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) at Ms. Pearce has been a strong advocate for the Carlisle Barracks, which I am honored to Wednesday, July 29, 2015 patient safety and the practice of nurse anes- represent. USAHEC is a tremendous institu- Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, thesia. She has worked tirelessly to advance tion within my congressional district charged policies that modernize the industry and meet with educating members of our Armed Forces I rise today to pay tribute to the accomplish- the unique needs of patients. Ms. Pearce has and honoring soldiers—past and present. ments of an extraordinary woman, Mrs. Emma also been a vocal advocate for veterans’ ac- Col. Harney enlisted in the Army in August Harris Armstrong. Throughout her 99 years, of 1978. In 1987, after matriculating from the Mrs. Armstrong has experienced important cess to quality healthcare. Ms. Pearce has served as a CRNA for more United States Officer Candidate School in Fort moments in history and has also continuously Benning, Georgia as a Distinguished Military striven to improve the lives of her family, than 20 years and has made great contribu- Graduate, he received his commission as a friends, and community. tions to the healthcare system in North Caro- Field Artillery Lieutenant. He has undertaken Mrs. Armstrong’s hardworking and inde- lina. She has demonstrated a lifelong commit- many notable assignments, including Assistant pendent attitude grew out of her childhood and ment to professional development having re- Commandant and Chief at the United States subsequent life experiences. Growing up as ceived her Master of Science in Nurse Anes- Army Quartermaster School in Fort Lee, Vir- the third child of twelve siblings, she, like her thesia from the University of North Carolina at ginia, and Commander of the Defense Dis- siblings, helped with household chores and Greensboro, a Certificate in Nurse Anesthesia tribution Center at the Anniston Army Depot in sharecropping, while worshipping at the Mount from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Alabama. Such roles have enabled Col. Har- Olive Baptist Church and attending school. At Center, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from ney to positively influence his colleagues, as the Brunswick Courthouse in Georgia, Emma the University of North Carolina at Greens- well as the future strategic leaders of our mili- Harris Armstrong married John ‘‘Jackie’’ Arm- boro, and an Associate Degree in Nursing tary. strong. During their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. from Davidson County Community College. Ms. Pearce has been an active member of A Magna Cum Laude graduate from Armstrong traveled across the United States numerous AANA committees and has pre- Pacific University with a Bachelor of Science to accommodate Mr. Armstrong’s military ca- viously served in AANA leadership positions in Business Administration, he also holds an reer. During and after World War II, Mrs. Arm- including President-Elect, Vice President, and impressive number of advanced degrees, in- strong resided in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Region 2 Director. She has even served as cluding a Master of Business Administration Mrs. Armstrong often passed the time playing President of the North Carolina Association of from Webster University, a Master of Military tennis with other Army wives, eventually be- Nurse Anesthetists. Ms. Pearce produced the Arts and Science from the United States Army coming quite good at the sport. Through her AANA Public Relations award winning video, Command and General Staff College, and a and her husband’s travels, Mrs. Armstrong ‘‘The Best Kept Secret in Healthcare,’’ and is Master of Strategic Studies from the Air War cultivated a love for travel and the beautiful nationally recognized as a distinguished College. In addition to his academic success, sites of this country. speaker on anesthesia topics. Col. Harney has received an extensive Mrs. Armstrong has seen an incredible Equally as impressive to her leadership in amount of awards and decorations. These in- amount of change during her lifetime. During her official capacity as a CRNA has been her clude the Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious her life, Mrs. Armstrong has seen the dev- involvement in philanthropic endeavors. Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, astating effects of the , the Among other charitable acts, Ms. Pearce has Army Meritorious Service Medal with Silver desperate times of World War II, and the land- served on the board of directors for the Juve- Oak Leaf Cluster, Joint Service Commenda- ing of the first man on the moon. Mrs. Arm- tion Medal, Army Commendation Medal with nile Diabetes Research Foundation, where strong lived through the painful effects of dis- three Oak Leaf Clusters, Joint Service she started and led a ‘‘Walk to Cure Diabetes’’ crimination, however, despite everything, she Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clus- that raised nearly $500,000 for research. always approached the evils of segregation ters, Army Achievement Medal with five Oak Mr. Speaker, please join me today in hon- with love in her heart. Through her independ- Leaf Clusters, Joint Meritorious Unit Award oring Sharon P. Pearce, CRNA, MSN, for her ence and strong will, Mrs. Armstrong raised with Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Superior Unit notable career and her esteemed service as two children in the midst of these turbulent Award, Master Parachutist Badge, Air Assault the most recent president of the American As- times while still finding time to be actively in- Badge, and Parachute Rigger Badge. Such sociation of Nurse Anesthetists. volved in her church, the community, and poli- accolades are indicative of the high caliber of tics. Mrs. Armstrong worked on the Senate f his dedicated service to our nation. On July 7th, 2014, Col. Harney assumed campaigns for both Senator George McGov- A SACRED TRUST: CELEBRATING duties as the Director of the USAHEC at the ern and Senator Tim Johnson. MEDICARE’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY Carlisle Barracks in my congressional district. On most days, Mrs. Armstrong can be found As an instructor and educator, Col. Harney attending church activities, spending time with HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH has significantly improved the experiences of family, and devoting her time to the commu- OF NEW JERSEY nity. Throughout her years, Mrs. Armstrong his fellow instructors and students. The initia- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tives and programs he has implemented have has always treated all her family, friends, and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 shaped the lives of the future leaders of our visitors with graciousness and kindness. military, and have enhanced the effectiveness Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the in- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I of the United States Army War College. Even credible perseverance and steadfastness of take this opportunity today to mark the 50th though he will no longer be present at this woman. Mrs. Emma Harris Armstrong is a anniversary of Medicare and to express my USAHEC on a day-to-day basis, his legacy great lady whose love and dedication inspires strong support for the programs that provide will inevitably carry on. numerous people around her. I ask my col- health coverage for older Americans. Mr. Speaker, I am humbled to congratulate leagues to join me in venerating this distin- Fifty years ago, our country made a commit- Col. Harney on the culmination of a distin- guished individual. ment to our seniors. A commitment that said

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if you worked hard and paid into the system KEVIN BRADY and Ranking Member JIM stage of their lives. Passage of my legislation you would have access to quality healthcare in MCDERMOTT—will allow CMS to test models will empower individuals with much-needed in- retirement. To this day, Medicare continues to that bring PACE’s effective care plans to more formation to outline their future treatments and provide health insurance coverage for millions seniors as well as individuals with disabilities. care—giving patients HOPE, and a plan for of Americans age 65 and older, and adults By way of background, PACE is an effec- their future. with permanent disabilities. Medicare, along tive, integrated and community-based program As our population ages, it is imperative that with Social Security, is a sacred trust that I that works to raise quality of life of senior citi- we preserve and expand access to the serv- have consistently fought to preserve and one zens, while keeping them in their homes and ices that enable senior citizens to live healthy that we must continue to protect for the 54 supporting their . It delivers the and productive lives, and give seniors the se- million Americans enrolled in Medicare entire range of medical and long-term services curity and confidence they need when plan- today—and those who will enroll throughout including: medical care and prescription drug ning for their future medical care. our nation’s tomorrows. services; physical or occupational therapy; day Strengthening and preserving Medicare is a Amended and improved throughout the or respite care; and medical specialties, such promise that every preceding generation has years, Medicare has come to play a key role as dentistry, optometry, and podiatry. made and kept. It is our duty to continue to in providing health coverage to millions of Currently, participating in a PACE program honor the senior citizens in New Jersey and Americans. The Social Security Amendments is limited to those aged 55 and older who around the country who have worked hard to of 1965, established Medicaid to ensure low- meet state-specified criteria for needing a provide for their families and help build our income families have access to healthcare; nursing home level of care (LOC). However, communities and deliver on promises made, Social Security Amendments of 1972, ex- many populations—including younger individ- for—at a minimum—another 50 years to tended Medicare eligibility to individuals under uals, people with multiple chronic conditions come. age 65 with long-term disabilities; then later and disabilities, seniors who need comprehen- sive care but do not yet meet the nursing the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, f and Modernization Act of 2006, established home LOC standard—could benefit from the the Medicare Advantage program and a new all-inclusive nature of the PACE model. CELEBRATING THE 50TH BIRTH- landmark prescription drug benefit known as Having worked to bring the first PACE pro- DAY OF MS. KERI LEE SMITH OF Medicare Part D. gram to New Jersey, St. Francis Medical Cen- ROSEVILLE, CA In addition to large scale changes to the ter’s Living Independently for the Elderly program, I have supported and worked on (LIFE) in Trenton, I’ve personally visited sen- policies that address specific aspects of Medi- iors who are enrolled in PACE and witnessed HON. TOM McCLINTOCK care to both raise the quality of life for bene- how this important program works to raise the OF CALIFORNIA ficiaries while also saving the program money quality of life of its enrollees. Today over 100 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the long run. For example, I authored legis- PACE programs are serving seniors through- lation that was signed into law (PL 100–203) out the country including four, soon to be five, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 to provide Medicare coverage for therapeutic centers in my home state of New Jersey. This Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today shoes for seniors with severe diabetic foot dis- bill is important to build on the success of the to congratulate Keri Lee Smith of Roseville, ease. At the time, Medicare covered costly program and make it better, offering better CA, as she celebrates her 50th birthday today, amputations—which an estimated 25,600 sen- comprehensive care and preserving the dignity July 29, 2015. iors received annually—but not the therapeutic of those most deserving of our care and atten- A fourth generation Californian, Keri Lee is shoes what would prevent the need for those tion. an active member in the community of Rose- amputations. The American Diabetes Associa- To further strengthen the Medicare system ville. Keri graduated from CSU Chico in 1988, tion estimated that my bill would save Medi- and aid those individuals and families who are earning a BS in Business with a minor in care over $100 million in one year alone, while facing the reality of Alzheimer’s disease, I also Recreation Administration. She received her the affordable and available foot care would recently introduced the HOPE for Alzheimer’s teaching credentials from CSU Chico in 1991. spare seniors the trauma of an amputation. Act (HR 1559). My HOPE Act would provide She later earned a Masters of Education from And my work to sustain and protect the pro- for Medicare coverage of a care-planning ses- the University of LaVerne and received a gram continues. Earlier this year I was sion for newly diagnosed patients and their G.A.T.E. certificate from UC Davis. Keri has pleased to lend my support to the Medicare family caregivers or legal representatives. been teaching for over a decade in the greater Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 Mr. Speaker, my Alzheimer’s legislation will Roseville area, and currently teaches math (PL: 114–10) which finally repealed the flawed fill an important gap in current Medicare serv- and life sciences at Western Sierra Collegiate SGR—the statutory method for determining ices. Take for example an experience of one Academy in Rocklin and educates future the annual update to the Medicare physician of my constituents, Mary Gerard of Ocean teachers as a professor at Chapman Univer- fee schedule. Previous temporary patches to New Jersey. Mary was one of the 15 million sity. the SGR were unsustainable and unproduc- family members and friends who act as unpaid Agriculture has long been a part of Keri tive, leaving seniors questioning if they could caregivers to Alzheimer’s and dementia pa- Lee’s life. She was born in Chico and raised visit their own doctors if the so-called patches tients across the country every year. on a family farm her great-grandfather began were not extended. When her mother Helen was diagnosed with A final repeal of the SGR modernizes the Alzheimer’s, Mary took charge and was there in 1918 in Clarks Valley, part of the California formula for determining Medicare reimburse- with her mother day in and day out—faithfully coastal range. Later, the farming operation ments and will help the Centers for Medicare and lovingly—until she passed. She is a moved to Butte City near the Sacramento and Medicaid transition to a new system in- trained critical care nurse. She was equipped River, where her siblings continue the enter- tended to incentivize quality of care and over- with knowledge and resources that many first prise today. When she’s not teaching, Keri all health improvements. This law allows sen- time caregivers do not have. Yet even with a finds time to be an active member of the Cali- iors to retain access to quality healthcare, es- medical services background, she still strug- fornia Women in Agriculture. tablishes predictability for the doctors who gled with the challenges of her new life as a Keri Lee is a loving wife to her husband treat Medicare beneficiaries, and continues to caregiver. Scott and a dedicated mother to their three give seniors the security and confidence they Alzheimer’s caregivers provide an estimated children: Emma, Garret, and Maddox. Keri need when making healthcare decisions. 17 billion hours of unpaid care every year. The spends much of her time shuttling the children With that work successfully accomplished, emotional and financial toll can be immense. between sports and scouts, cheering them on we can and must do even more to strengthen Many are untrained and offered little guidance at ball fields, and shaping them into confident Medicare and ensure the healthcare needs of to function in their new role. Navigating the future leaders. Her role as a mother also in- all seniors are met, now and into the future. long-term care system is a daunting task and cludes service as the President of the Rose- Accordingly, yesterday, I introduced the Pro- can appear overwhelming, particularly for ville High School Parents Club, a Girl Scout gram of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly those who have only recently received the Troop Leader, and a member of the Parent- (PACE) Innovation Act. My new bill, intro- news that a loved one has Alzheimer’s dis- Teacher Council. In her limited spare time, duced with a group of bipartisan co-spon- ease. Keri enjoys to read, bake, and travel. sors—including the lead Democratic cospon- Upon receiving this diagnosis, patients and Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- sor Rep. EARL BLUMENAUER, the Ways and their families—like Mary’s—are frequently at a lating Ms. Keri Lee Smith on this special day, Means Subcommittee on Health Chairman loss for how to effectively plan for the next and in wishing her a happy 50th birthday.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.017 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1161 HONORING THE LIFE OF AMOS Before her union work, she was a policy an- Established in 1935, the Silvette Women’s LYNCH alyst to former St. Paul Mayor Jim Scheibel, Golf Club is the oldest women’s public golf specializing in labor, health and immigration club in the State of New York. The Silvettes HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI issues. She served on the Greater Twin Cities started out as a group of ten women who OF OHIO United Way board as well as the Humphrey came together to organize friendly tour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Institute of Public Affairs Advisory Council. naments. After only three years, the Silvettes As head of the Minnesota AFL–CIO, Ms. grew in membership as their weekly tour- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Knutson helped lead the coalition that suc- naments became increasingly popular with a cessfully raised Minnesota’s minimum wage, Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to prize of two dollars for first and second place. honor and celebrate the life achievements of coordinated efforts that kept a ‘‘Right to Work’’ Amos H. Lynch, Sr. constitutional amendment off the ballot, and The Silvettes continue to play in many tour- Amos served as a leader in civil rights, busi- increased political participation among union naments as well as interclub matches with ness, and journalism in Columbus and members. Also under her leadership, the Min- other women’s golf clubs in New York and throughout Ohio. Amos was relentless in nesota AFL–CIO successfully passed legisla- New Jersey. However, their most important pushing for a more equal and prosperous city, tion extending unemployment benefits for event is the annual Silvette Memorial Classic. state, and country and he inspired a genera- locked out workers, opened up new avenues On the first day of the Classic, the Silvettes tion to continue to improve on his vision. The for women and young workers to be involved meet in the morning on the green of the 6th City of Columbus is a better place because of in the labor movement, and built an infrastruc- hole and in a gesture of remembrance, each Amos’ efforts and dedication. I am honored to ture to support affiliate unions in their orga- golfer draws the name of a deceased Silvette have known him. nizing efforts. and plays in her memory. I am privileged to recognize the decades of When Amos graduated from Columbus Throughout their history, the Silvettes have South High School in 1943, he had already tireless advocacy of Ms. Shar Knutson, whose contributions to Minnesota’s workers will be been active in their community, and have held spent years writing for neighborhood papers. many tournaments to benefit various charities He would go on to establish three newspapers felt for years to come. f over the years. Their dedication to the game in Columbus: the Ohio Sentinel, the Call and and their community shows why the Silvettes Post, and the Columbus Post. As a student at TRIBUTE TO FIREFIGHTERS AT have had such a presence since 1935. The Ohio State University at the height of MOYERS CORNERS FIRE DE- World War II, he was drafted into the Navy PARTMENT Mr. Speaker, I ask that the House join me and served the next three years treating in honoring the Silvette Women’s Golf Club of wounded members of the military in New York HON. JOHN KATKO Staten Island on their 80th Anniversary. and Illinois. OF NEW YORK During his 2011 induction into the Ohio Civil IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Rights Hall of Fame, he stated ‘‘I learned early Wednesday, July 29, 2015 in my life that the written word is the most HONORING CASA ALLEGRA Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to COMMUNITY SERVICES powerful tool for acquiring equal civil rights for recognize Deputy Chief Frank Crispin, Deputy all, and that newspapers were the best meth- Chief Steve Zaferakis, Firefighter Phil Vogt, od for getting the word out.’’ Amos tirelessly Firefighter Ryan Whitmore, and Firefighter Jer- HON. JARED HUFFMAN called for greater economic opportunities for emy Corsaro of the Moyers Corners Fire De- African-Americans and integration in schools partment. On December 25, 2014, Moyers OF CALIFORNIA and housing. Corners Fire Department was alerted to a resi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of the citizens of Ohio’s 12th dential fire in Liverpool, New York. Upon ar- Congressional District, I would like to recog- rival, these five members of the Fire Depart- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 nize Amos for his devotion to the great state ment were advised that there were victims Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of Ohio and to all of the communities that within the residence. Working collectively, have benefitted from his invaluable contribu- these firefighters quickly rescued the two indi- recognize Casa Allegra Community Services tions. viduals trapped within the residence. Without (CACS), which has been providing residential f hesitation, upon removing the victims from the support, community integration and income earning opportunities for people with intellec- HONORING MS. SHAR KNUTSON residence, these firefighters began emergency medical efforts on the victims, one of which tual and other developmental disabilities in the was found to be in full cardiac arrest. Due to San Francisco Bay Area for four decades. HON. KEITH ELLISON the rescue and life-saving medical efforts of In 1975, Chris Bonfiglio and Eileen Falvey OF MINNESOTA these firefighters, both victims survived the in- co-founded CACS in San Rafael, California to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cident, were transported to Upstate Hospital, provide housing for five young people with dis- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 and are recovering from their injuries. abilities facing unexpected homelessness. The bravery and heroism of Deputy Chief Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in They not only succeeded in their goal, but Crispin, Deputy Chief Zaferakis, Firefighter have grown the organization significantly from recognition of Shar Knutson, who on October Vogt, Firefighter Whitmore, and Firefighter 15th, 2015 will retire from her post as the first Corsaro displayed on Christmas Day of 2014, its origins. Today CACS runs two long-term woman to serve as president of Minnesota have earned them the 2015 Firemen’s Asso- care homes along with numerous living, edu- AFL–CIO. Ms. Knutson has led the 300,000- ciation of the State of New York’s Firefighters cational, and career programs for individuals member state branch of the American Federa- of the Year Award. I am proud to recognize with disabilities in seven counties across the tion of Labor and Congress of Industrial Orga- these courageous individuals for their service region. nizations (AFL–CIO) since 2009. to Central New York and congratulate them on The hard work undertaken by the staff and The Labor movement runs deep for Ms. their receipt of the FASNY 2015 Firefighters of leadership at CACS has impacted many in its Knutson, who was raised in a union family and the Year Award. 40 years. CACS’ efforts extend beyond meet- worked a union job as a single parent, experi- f ing basic needs—which it performs well and encing firsthand the benefits of organizing for with compassion—by striving to encourage improving lives. 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Prior to her in August 2009, Ms. SILVETTE WOMEN’S GOLF CLUB people with disabilities to lead meaningful Knutson served as president of the St. Paul lives. Regional Labor Federation for a decade. One HON. DANIEL M. DONOVAN, JR. CACS has played a crucial and necessary of her signature victories occurred in 1999, OF NEW YORK role in our community by serving as a voice when she led a coalition of labor and commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for those who need it most. Mr. Speaker, it is nity leaders to successfully oppose then-St. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 fitting to honor and thank Casa Allegra Com- Paul Mayor Norm Coleman’s effort to Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to munity Services on their 40th Anniversary for outsource the city’s public water works to a recognize the 80th Anniversary of the Silvette their commitment to bettering the lives of non-union firm. Women’s Golf Club of Staten Island. those with disabilities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.019 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 HONORING COMMUNITY CHAMPION ful people was inspirational and life-changing strengthen ties between our two countries and DR. WILLIAM DICUCCIO for Dr. DiCuccio and within an hour of depar- support peacekeeping efforts in West Africa. ture from Villa Hermosa, he realized God led I extend my best wishes and congratulations HON. MIKE KELLY him there for a very specific purpose. to Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf OF PENNSYLVANIA Dr. William and Marge DiCuccio started the and to all those celebrating in Liberia and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Hope Project’’ which has collaborated with around the world this week. World Servants, various churches, and indi- f Wednesday, July 29, 2015 vidual sponsorships, all focused on the same Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I objective of improving the quality of life for CELEBRATING THE MINNESOTA would like to recognize one of my constituents others. Since Dr. DiCuccio took the initiative, SPOKESMAN-RECORDER’S 80TH from Western Pennsylvania, Dr. William the transformations within Villa Hermosa have ANNIVERSARY DiCuccio. Dr. DiCuccio is a prestigious med- been immeasurable: The local church, which ical professional in Butler County, and his sin- serves as the heart of the community, has HON. KEITH ELLISON cere desire to serve has had an international been repaired and expanded, allowing them to OF MINNESOTA impact. accommodate for large crowds. A brand new Dr. DiCuccio received a Bachelor of Science grade school, where 400 students are edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Degree from Saint Vincent College and then cated, fed, immunized, clothed, and cared for Wednesday, July 29, 2015 went on to attend Medical School at Jefferson in general, has been constructed and devel- Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Medical College in Philadelphia. Shortly after oped. In addition, this school brings countless commemorate and honor the Minnesota graduation Dr. DiCuccio opened his own fam- benefits to the surrounding community, one of Spokesman-Recorder on its 80th Anniversary. ily practice, William A. DiCuccio M.D. & Asso- those being the fact that it employs a number The Spokesman-Recorder is the oldest Afri- ciates, where he worked for the following 30 of local residents, including seven teachers, a can-American business in Minnesota and one years. Throughout his career, Dr. DiCuccio psychologist, a principal, a secretary, and of the oldest African-American newspapers in has maintained an honorable reputation while cleaning staff. In to produce clean drink- the United States. A longstanding pillar and serving in various prominent positions within ing water, a well was drilled and a water purifi- voice of the Minnesota African-American com- the community. These positions include Vice cation plant was constructed. This plant pro- munity since its inception in 1934, the Spokes- President of Medical Affairs for Butler Health duces 4,000 gallons of water per hour, sold to man-Recorder remains a journalistic force to System, Medical Director for Butler County benefit the people of Villa Hermosa. Most re- this day. Prison, and his current position as Medical Di- cently, a medical clinic was constructed and is Started as two separate papers, the Min- rector, at Sunnyview Nursing Home. Dr. currently being run by Medical Missions Inter- neapolis Spokesman and the St. Paul Re- DiCuccio humbly embraced each of these national. This clinic is combating the leading corder were founded on August 10, 1934 by roles, taking full advantage of his ability to cause of death in the Dominican Republic, Cecil E. Newman. Mr. Newman was truly in- positively influence the lives of those around namely the spread of communicable diseases. vested in the lives and communities his pa- him. In serving God, his family, and all of those pers reached. He designed both papers as Due to his professionalism and expertise, in need, Dr. DiCuccio is an absolute inspira- communication vehicles to unite, educate, in- Dr. DiCuccio’s involvement has been an asset tion. His compassion and generosity has posi- spire and empower the Twin Cities African- to various advisory boards, including Butler tively influenced the lives of so many, and will American community. When founding his pub- County Community College (Vice Chairman, continue to do so for years to come. There- lications, Mr. Newman was quoted as saying, Board of Directors), World Servants (Board fore, on behalf of the Third Congressional Dis- ‘‘I didn’t have enough money to begin one Member), Community Health Clinic of Butler trict of Pennsylvania, along with Villa newspaper, so I began publishing two.’’ (Chairman/Board Member), St. Vincent Col- Hermosa, I would like to express sincere grati- Mr. Newman was an important voice in the lege-Boyer School (Board Member), Gaiser tude and appreciation to Dr. William DiCuccio, civil rights era, advising Senators Hubert H. Center (Board Member), and Mission Develop- an admirable professional, a selfless indi- Humphrey (D–MN) and Clifford P. Case (R– ment Villa Hermosa-Dominican Republic (Di- vidual, and a true Community Champion. rector). In addition, Dr. DiCuccio has volun- NJ) throughout the passage of the Civil Rights tarily participated in a number of civic organi- f Act of 1964 as well as Senator Walter F. Mon- zations and professional societies, continu- CELEBRATING LIBERIAN dale (D–MN) on the Fair Housing Act of 1968. ously giving back to the community. He is cur- INDEPENDENCE Mr. Newman’s commitment to civil and human rently an active member of the American rights and his bipartisan advocacy gained the Academy of Family Physicians, American Ger- papers respect and influence. iatrics Society, Pennsylvania Medical Society, HON. DAVID N. CICILLINE Now one publication, the Spokesman-Re- and the Butler County Medical Society. OF RHODE ISLAND corder, has been a springboard for African- When he’s not caring for patients, Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American talent and continues to nurture and DiCuccio enjoys spending time with his family, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 support talented writers, photographers and participating within his church, traveling, and journalists. The Spokesman-Recorder helped golfing. These very interests were the driving Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, this week launch the careers of internationally-renowned factors behind Dr. DiCuccio’s first trip to the marks the 168th anniversary of independence photographer and writer Gordon Parks and Dominican Republic, a trip which would for- for the Republic of Liberia. honored U.S. journalist and former Ambas- ever change his life. While traveling abroad, In 1847, after decades under the rule of the sador to Finland, Carl Rowan. Dr. DiCuccio and his wife, Marge, visited a American Society, the Republic After Mr. Newman’s passing in 1976, his small barrio called Villa Hermosa, a poverty- of Liberia declared its independence in order wife Launa took the helm as publisher. Mrs. stricken town located about 70 miles from the to establish a free, sovereign state in West Af- Newman remained in that role for 32 years Dominican Republic’s capital city, Santo Do- rica. until she handed the reins to their grand- mingo. Villa Hermosa, which means ‘‘beautiful Today, my home state of Rhode Island is daughter, Tracey Williams-Dillard, in 2008. Ms. village’’ in English, is home to 4,500 of the home to a thriving Liberian-American commu- Williams-Dillard has worked to continue Cecil most genuine people, whose positive attitudes nity of 15,000 men, women, and children who Newman’s legacy and the Spokesman-Re- remain resilient despite their lack of basic ne- help make our state such a wonderful place to corder now connects the entire state of Min- cessities. live, work, and raise a family. nesota through print and digital content. Villa Hermosa consisted of miles of shacks, I am delighted today to celebrate this great I am proud to represent the congressional constructed from scrap metal. The community country, its people, their traditions, its strong district that the Spokesman-Recorder and the was without drinking water, sewage systems, ties to the United States, and the lasting im- Newman family call home. Today, I congratu- and electricity; however, there was an abun- pact this community has made in Rhode Is- late the Spokesman-Recorder for its accom- dance of joy. The children that ran through the land and other places all across America. plishments, its lasting legacy, and the decades streets did not have clothing on their backs or Last year, I had the honor of visiting Liberia of hard work required to publish one of the top shoes on their feet, yet there were smiles on with the Foundation and African-American owned newspapers in the their faces. The time spent with these wonder- speaking with officials there about ways to United States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.024 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1163 HONORING MR. JOAQUIN ESQUIVEL INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘FEDERAL The resulting increased tempo FPS’ security ON THE OCCASION OF HIS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IMPROVE- operations has necessitated the deployment of APPPOINTMENT AS ASSISTANT MENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY more law enforcement to higher-sensitivity fa- SECRETARY FOR FEDERAL ACT OF 2015’’ cilities, increases in the frequency of visitor WATER POLICY AT THE CALI- and vehicle screening, and enhancements to FORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON explosive canine detection and patrol oper- AGENCY OF MISSISSIPPI ations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Each time that FPS is directed to heighten security operations, new costs are incurred. HON. RAUL RUIZ Wednesday, July 29, 2015 FPS has no choice but to absorb those costs, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- often, I suspect, at the expense of addressing OF CALIFORNIA er, I am reintroducing legislation to reform the longstanding administrative challenges. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Federal Protective Service (FPS). GAO, since 2009, has identified weak- The ‘‘Federal Protective Service Improve- nesses in FPS’ oversight of contract guards as Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ment and Accountability Act of 2015’’ seeks to an issue. improve FPS’ ability to carry out its mission to Now is the time, from a security and a tax- Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, today I am honored protect the 1.4 million Federal employees and payer perspective, to have a long overdue dis- to recognize Joaquin Esquivel on his appoint- visitors that access more than 9,500 Federal cussion about whether FPS’ fee model is de- ment to serve as Assistant Secretary for Fed- facilities across the nation. signed to not only cover surges in protective eral Water Policy at the California Natural Re- After the 1995 domestic terrorist attacks on activities but also to cover the costs of imple- sources Agency. the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma menting core oversight and administration re- forms that GAO has repeatedly recommended. Mr. Esquivel has served on U.S. Senator City, Oklahoma, there was broad recognition that Federal buildings, which are symbols of That discussion must include looking at BARBARA BOXER’S staff for over 8 years, most our , must be protected against ter- whether some combination of appropriations recently serving as Legislative Assistant and rorist attacks while remaining accessible to and fees need to be part of the equation. Director of Information and Technology. Dur- citizens. Mr. Speaker, with that, I urge Members to ing his time with Senator BOXER, Mr. Esquivel In recent years, the increasing number of cosponsor the ‘‘Federal Protective Service Im- has developed policy expertise in a variety of terrorist plots against diverse U.S. government provement and Accountability Act of 2015’’. issues critical to California including water pol- facilities in Illinois, Washington State, and New f icy, agriculture, tribal issues, and the Salton York City as well as attacks on government HONORING THE COAST GUARD’S Sea. Among his many contributions to federal buildings in other western , such 225TH ANNIVERSARY water policy, Mr. Esquivel has been instru- as Canada and Norway, has brought into mental in the creation of comprehensive focus the need to strengthen U.S. Federal HON. CANDICE S. MILLER building security. drought resiliency legislation and helped write OF MICHIGAN Unfortunately, the primary agency respon- the Water in the 21st Century Act (W21). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sible for providing such security—the Federal A native to the Coachella Valley, Mr. Protective Service—has a range of long- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Esquivel grew up in La Quinta. His parents standing administrative challenges that, to my Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I both worked for Coachella Valley Unified mind, raise questions about its ability to pro- rise today to recognize the Coast Guard’s sto- School District and his grandparents were vide adequate Federal building security. ried history of service to our nation. Next farmworkers. After graduating from La Quinta To ensure that FPS makes progress on its week, on August 4th, the Coast Guard will cel- High School, Mr. Esquivel went on to earn a fundamental challenges, my legislation calls ebrate its 225th anniversary. bachelor’s degree in English at the University for immediate attention to address staffing, On that day in 1790, President George of California, Santa Barbara, fulfilling his pas- training, and contractor oversight challenges Washington signed an act establishing ten cut- sion for literature and its ability to reflect and that the Government Accountability Office has ters, known as the Revenue Marine Service. catalyze social change. He then took a chance identified as problematic. These cutters were to be strategically posi- to pursue his dreams, stepping out of his com- It also directs FPS to not only put in place tioned near our ports and used for the collec- fort zone; in 2007 he moved to Washington, uniform minimum training and certification tion of tariffs. They were essential to our D.C., where he first started with Senator standards for all guards, regardless of whether young Nation’s finances, maritime security and BOXER as an intern. they are contract guards or Federal employ- trade activities. Over the years, several other ees, but develop and implement a strategy for services such as the Cutter Service, the Light- Mr. Esquivel’s talent and success are an ex- using covert testing to improve performance of house Service, and the Life-Saving Service ample of how our local youth can go on to security screening at FPS-protected facilities. joined together to ultimately become the U.S. make a difference for their communities. Fur- Importantly, my legislation recognizes that Coast Guard. thermore, growing up in the Coachella Valley, though FPS is responsible for security, the While the service is vastly different than he understands firsthand the unique struggles Interagency Security Committee, comprised of originally established, the Coast Guard has that our district faces with the decline of the Federal agencies that are tenants, has a evolved with the changing threats to our na- Salton Sea. He has been a true champion of major role to play in ensuring that risk-based tion. Following the events of September 11, the Salton Sea, coordinating Senator BOXER’S security practices are in use. 2001 the Coast Guard proved to be an even efforts on this impending issue and shep- Specifically, my bill requires DHS to assess greater asset to our nation as their role in se- herding authorizing language that would allow the degree to which the consensus standard curity operations significantly expanded the Army Corps of Engineers to help with its for risk management, which was developed by through heightened vigilance in ports and in- restoration. the Interagency Security Committee, has been creased presence along our coastline. adopted at non-military Federal facilities. As one of the five armed forces of the Mr. Esquivel’s other legislative accomplish- My legislation also is forward-looking. United States and the only military organiza- ments include spearheading ideas and legisla- It directs DHS to implement a one-year pilot tion within the Department of Homeland Secu- tion to protect pollinators across California, program to research the advantages of con- rity, the Coast Guard protects our Nation’s which are essential to our state’s almond pro- verting guard positions at the highest risk maritime interests at home and abroad. Their duction and other agricultural industries. Fur- FPS-protected facilities from contract guard presence along our rivers, in the ports, coastal thermore, as the Senator’s lead staffer on trib- positions to Federal positions. regions and on the high seas is vital to our na- al issues, Mr. Esquivel has worked to ensure Additionally, my legislation requires DHS to tional security. the more than 100 federally recognized tribes take a hard look at whether the fee-based sys- Right now there are Coast Guard men and in California have a voice in Congress. tem under which FPS currently operates pro- women aboard buoy tenders and ice breakers vides adequate resources to cover the actual keeping shipping lanes open ensuring a I am proud to recognize Mr. Esquivel’s con- costs that FPS incurs. steady flow of commerce and transportation. tributions to our nation’s water, tribal, and agri- Since October 2014, when terrorists at- National Security Cutters are conducting drug cultural policies, and I look forward to seeing tacked government sites in Canada, FPS’ has interdictions in the Caribbean and Eastern Pa- the vision and leadership he will bring to State been operating at an enhanced level, at the cific keeping drugs off of our streets. Air sta- of California. direction of DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson. tions and small boat stations are on call

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.027 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 around the clock ready to save mariners in public health and has the potential for gles Ladies Auxiliary and the American Legion distress. Vessel examiners are inspecting abuse.’’ Auxiliary. commercial ships to keep them operating Kratom’s potential for benefit was of no Annie will be greatly missed by not only her apparent concern. family, but also by the Greensburg community. safely and ensuring the environmental stew- Edward Boyer, professor of emergency ardship of our waters. medicine and director of medical toxicology Her capacity for love and compassion is The Coast Guard has a large presence in at the University of Massachusetts Medical unrivaled, and I consider it a privilege to have my district conducting missions vital to the School, told Scientific American in 2013 that known such a benevolent and sincere woman. safety and prosperity of the Great Lakes. I am kratom blunts a patient’s withdrawal from On a personal note, I will never forget proud to represent the Coast Guard men and opioids ‘‘awfully, awfully well.’’ Annie’s smile. In high school, I remember women at Sector Detroit and adjoining sta- Dr. Boyer explained that kratom binds going to Andy’s house to swim at their pond. tions, as well as Air Station Detroit which op- with serotonin receptors. ‘‘So if you want to And, every time I visited, I would be greeted treat depression, if you want to treat opioid by his mom’s big smile. erates out of Selfridge Air National Guard pain, if you want to treat sleepiness,’’ Base. I know the boaters in Michigan’s 10th kratom ‘‘really puts it all together.’’ It gives She was a remarkable woman who will truly district are in good hands. addicts access to a drug that effectively be missed by everyone whose lives she Just two weeks ago, I met with the Com- treats pain without causing respiratory touched. Today, it is my privilege to honor the mandant of the Coast Guard, Paul problems. life of Margaret A. Laudick. Zukunft, a superb leader with a bold vision Oregon resident Paul Kemp occasionally f that makes me optimistic for the future of this uses kratom, he says, to ease back pain, help great service. him relax and gain energy. Last year Mr. HONORING THE LIFE AND CAREER The Coast Guard’s values of honor, respect, Kemp told reporters it was ‘‘ludicrous’’ for OF GEORGE KUBOTA, SR., AND the FDA to stop the importation of kratom and devotion to duty are seen day in and day HIS SONS HERB AND GEORGE, on the grounds that it ‘‘may be’’ dangerous, JR. out by the men and women who proudly wear when FDA-approved products such as the uniform. We are fortunate that they go to OxyContin are known to be dangerous. work every day ready to serve and protect the Likewise, FDA-approved Xanax and Val- HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS American people. ium are often abused, along with the OF WASHINGTON On behalf of a grateful nation, I want to ‘‘psychostimulant’’ Adderall, used to treat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. commend the men and women of the Coast Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Guard for their many years of service and What bothers the FDA, Mr. Kemp writes, is that kratom is being used very effectively as wish them a happy 225th anniversary. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘a way for America’s prescription drug ad- I rise today to recognize the exemplary life Semper Paratus. dicts to break free without experiencing the f usually traumatic withdrawal symptoms and career of George Kubota, Sr., as well as that stop most victims of OxyContin and the lives and careers of his sons Herb Kubota WASHINGTON TIMES ARTICLE: AN other opioids from getting clean.’’ and George Kubota, Jr. After decades of serv- EXCUSE FOR CRUSHING Edward Boyer, the toxicology professor, ice as both small business owners and public KRATOM: THE FDA’S UNDUE acknowledges that kratom can be abused, servants, we celebrate and reflect upon their SCRUTINY IS UNSCIENTIFIC but ‘‘speaking as a scientist, a physician and positive impact in Pend Oreille County, Wash- a practicing clinician, I think the fears of ad- ington. verse events don’t mean you stop the sci- George Kubota, Sr. was born in Japan in HON. AUMUA AMATA COLEMAN entific discovery process totally,’’ he told Scientific American. 1886. As a young man, he immigrated to the RADEWAGEN United States and settled in the small north- OF AMERICAN SAMOA If big pharma isn’t behind something, the attitude seems to be in Washington, legisla- east Washington community of Newport, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tors and regulators don’t even want to talk Washington, where he opened the first laundry Wednesday, July 29, 2015 about it. But talk and listen they should. in the area. His business, Kubota Steam Scientific research should continue. Fed- Laundry, primarily served the mining, logging, Mrs. RADEWAGEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise eral and state officials need to be open-mind- today to submit an article from the July 23, milling, and railroad industries. As these indus- ed, see where the scientific research leads, tries grew to the north, he and his family 2015 edition of the Washington Times entitled, and consider all the evidence—including the An excuse for crushing kratom: The FDA’s testimony of people like Paul Kemp who moved to Metaline Falls, Washington, where undue scrutiny is unscientific. swear that kratom has helped them. they expanded and diversified their business. (By Lloyd Billingsley—Thursday, July 23, Banning kratom or banning its ingredi- In 1929, he founded the Metaline Falls Trad- 2015) ents, as Indiana has done, is the wrong mes- ing Company, a hardware store that still oper- sage at the wrong time. Last year, Americans spent an estimated ates today and is an integral part of both the A better option at this stage would be to $374 billion on prescription drugs, up 13 per- community in Metaline Falls and the county. let the voters decide, as California did in 1996 cent from the year before. These drugs in- In 1942, he was detained by the FBI and with medicinal marijuana. Let voters decide clude OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet and oth- was due, along with his family, to be sent to if Kratom should be banned—without proof— ers that the federal Food and Drug Adminis- as a dangerous menace, or whether individ- an internment camp. However, due to his tration (FDA) approved for sale without re- uals suffering from withdrawal pain and positive impact on the community, many resi- gard to their potential for abuse. other maladies should be free to make their dents throughout the northern part of the Meanwhile, the ‘‘potential for abuse’’ was county made special efforts to prevent their in- used for many years to block even a discus- own informed choices. sion of the possible medical benefits of can- f ternment. He became a citizen after the war. nabis. And now federal officials are using it George was a true patriot, pioneer, and fixture again to attack another potential natural HONORING MARGARET A. ‘‘ANNIE’’ of his community, serving the citizens of Pend remedy, kratom. LAUDICK Oreille County for decades. George died in Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), which de- 1988 at the age of 102. rives from a tree that grows in , Ma- HON. LUKE MESSER George Kubota, Sr. also had two sons, laysia, and Papua , has OF INDIANA George and Herb, who additionally deserve been found to reduce pain, lessen dependence recognition for their service to the communities on opiates (like OxyContin), and work as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in northeast Washington. After receiving col- mild stimulant. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administra- lege degrees and serving their country in the tion considers kratom a ‘‘drug of concern.’’ Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Armed Forces, Herb and George joined their The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) honor the life of Margaret A. ‘‘Annie’’ Laudick, dad running the Metaline Falls Trading Com- calls it ‘‘dangerous.’’ a loving wife and the mother of my close pany in the 1950s, and, like their father, be- Last year, U.S. marshals, at the request of friend, Andy Laudick. came important fixtures of their community. the FDA, seized more than 25,000 pounds of Annie was a devoted wife to James, her Herb served for years as an EMT and devoted raw kratom in Van Nuys, Calif. The action, explained Melinda Plaisier, FDA associate husband of 47 years, as well as an adoring large portions of his life to help the elderly of commissioner for regulatory affairs, ‘‘was mother and grandmother to her two children the community. Both Herb and George served taken to safeguard the public from this dan- and nine granddaughters. She was a woman as volunteer firefighters until the mandatory re- gerous product.’’ Ms. Plaisier called kratom of great faith, belonging to St. Mary’s Catholic tirement age. George Kubota, Jr. has also de- ‘‘a botanical substance that poses a risk to Church. She was also a member of the Ea- voted significant time to public service, serving

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.003 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1165 several terms on the town council and as TRIBUTE TO EDWARD ALFRED But Officer Thomas persevered and helped mayor of Metaline Falls. He has served on the THOMAS, LONGEST SERVING pave the way for many other African American boards of numerous community organizations AND GREATEST PATROL OFFI- police officers, like Chief McClelland and the and was instrumental in the construction and CER IN THE HISTORY OF THE more than 1,000 African American police offi- expansion of a medical clinic in lone, Wash- HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT cers who today comprise about 20 percent of ington. Herb sadly passed away in 2005. the Houston Police Department. George, now 84, continues to run the store HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Mr. Speaker, naming the 26-story head- quarters building of the Houston Police De- their father founded. The massive contribu- OF TEXAS partment after Officer Edward Alfred Thomas tions of these three men cannot be over- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stated—the scale and duration of their positive is a fitting tribute to a man who is, unarguably, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 influence on the communities of Pend Oreille one of the greatest police officers in the his- County goes beyond that of ordinary citizens. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to tory of the Houston Police Department and re- So today, I rise to recognize George Kubota pay tribute to retired Senior Police Officer Ed- mains one of the most revered and respected. and his sons Herb and George for their dedi- ward Alfred Thomas of Houston, Texas, one During his years of service to the city of cation to family, community, and country. They of the first African American police officers to Houston, Officer Thomas was named The 100 have continuously gone above and beyond as integrate the Houston Police Department and Club’s ‘‘Officer of the Year;’’ awarded a Chief citizens and public servants, and for all their the longest serving in the Department’s his- of Police Commendation by former Chief of accomplishments and service, we are grateful tory. Police Lee P. Brown; and recognized twice by for their positive impact on Eastern Wash- So well, so ably, and so honorably did Offi- The 100 Club with a Lifetime Achievement ington. cer Thomas serve the citizens of Houston that Award in 1998 and 2011, respectively; and f last month the Houston City Council voted has received many letters of appreciation from unanimously to rename the Houston Police citizens and supervisors. STOP DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING Department headquarters building as the ‘‘Ed- Mr. Speaker, the renaming of the Houston FOR WOMEN’S SERVICES ACT ward A. Thomas Houston Police Department Police Department headquarters building in STATEMENT OF INTRODUCTION Headquarters Building.’’ honor of Officer Thomas was supported by the This honor is well deserved because, as Houston Police Officer’s Union (HPOU), the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland has African American Police Officer League NEW YORK said, Officer Edward Alfred Thomas ‘‘is the (AAPOL), Houston Police Organization of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES epitome of what every police officer should Spanish Speaking Officers (OSSO), and the be’’ and that it is both fitting and proper that Houston Organization of Public Employees Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ‘‘a man of his stature, character and out- (HOPE). Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. standing ethics and morals be given this Chief McClelland is absolutely correct in Mr. Speaker, today, I am introducing, along honor. noting that there could be no finer tribute to with my colleague Representative SUZANNE Mr. Speaker, Edward Alfred Thomas was any patrol officer than to name the head- BONAMICI, the Stop Deceptive Advertising for born near Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1920 and quarters building in honor of ‘‘a patrol officer Women’s Services Act. This important bill pro- went on to attend Southern University in Baton for 65 years who underwent intense, systemic tects the rights of women seeking family plan- Rouge, where he played football before being discrimination,’’ and to have his name on the ning services. drafted to the military during World War II, building as an inspiration and example for oth- Women deserve to receive comprehensive, where he saw action with the U.S. Army at ers to follow. impartial, and medically accurate information Normandy, in northern Africa, and during the f when making personal health decisions. Un- . INTRODUCTION OF THE POSTAL fortunately, there are so-called Crisis Preg- After the war and his honorable discharge INNOVATION ACT OF 2015 nancy Centers (CPCs) that deliberately mis- from the Army, Edward Thomas became one inform or mislead women seeking information of the first African American police officers in on family planning services. They pose as the city of Houston when he joined the Hous- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER sources of unbiased pregnancy counseling, ton Police Department on January 12, 1948 OF OREGON using deceptive propaganda to dissuade and where he remained for the next 63 years IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES women from considering comprehensive birth- until his retirement on July 23, 2011. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 control options or legal abortion. These fake Mr. Speaker, Officer Thomas’ more than six Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, the reproductive health clinics entice women decades of hard work and courage paved the United States Postal Service (USPS) provides through their doors under the pretense of pro- way for the hundreds of additional African universal connectivity all across the country viding the full range of reproductive options American and officers of color who followed, and a low cost delivery service that not just in- and services, and this bill would expose their including the current Houston Police Chief, dividual families rely on, but businesses of all deceptive tactics. Charles McClelland. sizes. The Stop Deceptive Advertising for Wom- Although Officer Thomas enjoyed a long However, the Postal Service faces growing en’s Services Act directs the Federal Trade and distinguished career, this is not to say it financial problems attributable to burdensome Commission to promulgate rules under the was easy or without challenges, especially mandates in existing law and the continued Federal Trade Commission Act, declaring it an given the fact that Officer Thomas joined the decline in mail service volumes. As a result, unfair or deceptive act for an entity, such as Houston Police Department in 1948, more the Postal Service is hard-pressed to identify a crisis pregnancy center, to advertise as a than 15 years before the height of the Civil cost-saving initiatives that can alleviate their fi- provider of abortion services if the entity does Rights Movement. nancial woes while at the same time maintain- not provide abortion services. When he began his career Officer Thomas ing their high quality of service. Clearly, deception and intimidation have no was assigned to foot patrol at night patrolling That is why I have introduced the Postal In- place when a woman is seeking information the African American neighborhoods of Hous- novation Act of 2015, which will authorize the about her pregnancy. Working together we ton, the Third, Fourth and Fifth Wards. Postal Service to take simple, common-sense can help stop the fraud and confusion these Because of his race, Officer Thomas was steps towards modernization such as updating Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) are perpe- not allowed to drive a squad car or to arrest its fleet of vehicles to align with updated envi- trating on the women of America. White suspects without obtaining permission ronmental and safety standards, and broad- I urge my colleagues to cosponsor this im- from his supervisor and at one point in his ca- ening its services to reflect the evolving de- portant legislation—because women deserve reer, he was disciplined for speaking to a mands of today’s consumers. access to the best, most comprehensive White meter maid who asked him to walk with The Postal Service must be given the flexi- healthcare information. Women need and de- her in order to avoid the unwanted attention bility to innovate and provide its customers serve accurate and comprehensive information and advances of nearby construction workers. modern services. By offering basic financial when making personal decisions about family In those early years, Officer Thomas was services, internet connectivity, and the ability planning, and so-called Crisis Pregnancy Cen- not allowed to congregate with his white coun- to ship beer, wine, and spirits, this Act will ters provide neither. Our legislation would ex- terparts, he could not attend roll calls with allow the Postal Service to not only raise rev- pose and stop deceptive and false advertising white officers, and he could not eat in the caf- enue, but remain a cornerstone of American from CPCs. eteria. communities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.006 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 In addition to raising revenue and increasing sition to begin to renew the political leadership Biology, Mississippi State University, where services to meet consumer demands, upgrad- and help restore citizen confidence in govern- she received a Master’s of Science in Animal ing to energy efficient technology can reduce ment. Nutrition, and the University of Idaho, where the postal fleet’s carbon emissions while si- I want to honor this unprecedented, con- she received a Doctorate of Philosophy in Ani- multaneously cutting costs. This is critical be- tinuing, and fearless rise of the Guatemalan mal Physiology. cause the federal government ought to lead by people—students, people of all ethnic and reli- After completing her education, Ms. Welch example, not lag decades behind. Further, im- gious groups, civil society organizations, and accepted a Fellowship in my Washington, D.C. plementing cutting-edge active safety and ordinary citizens of all ages are coming to- office through the American Association for crash avoidance technology across the postal gether with a common agenda against corrup- the Advancement of Science and the Federa- fleet will make streets safer for all users in tion and in favor of reform. That said, I note tion of Animal Science Societies. During her every community in America. that frustration is growing as proposed reforms time in my office, she handled several legisla- The Postal Service is a vast and sprawling supported by the National Platform for Reform tive portfolios, including agriculture, animal enterprise that touches almost every house- of the State—a coalition of over 100 civil soci- rights, budget, housing, labor, natural re- hold six days a week. We will all benefit from ety and academic organizations—are not pro- sources, and social security. preserving and improving this vital piece of gressing as demanded. And there are legiti- On August 21, 2015, Ms. Welch’s time in America’s infrastructure and fabric of life. mate concerns expressed by civil society or- my office will come to an end. Ms. Welch will f ganizations that national scheduled be moving to Iowa to begin the next chapter for September 6th will take place in an envi- of her life. While I know she is very excited SUPPORT AN END TO CORRUPTION ronment that will enable fraud through illicit fi- IN GUATEMALA about her upcoming journey, she will be great- nancing and in which threats will be used to ly missed as a member of my team. intimidate voters. In this crucial moment, every Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN citizen who is speaking out peacefully needs United States House of Representatives to OF MASSACHUSETTS to be protected, defended and encouraged. join me in commending Cassie Welch for her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I also want to recognize the brave and ex- public service to the people of the Central Val- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 cellent work of the International Commission ley and wishing her well in this next chapter of Against Impunity in Guatemala, CICIG, whose her life. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, one year ago, technical capacity has supported the bold in- a surge of unaccompanied child migrants from vestigative initiatives undertaken by the Guate- f Central America was front-page news. Al- malan Attorney General’s office to uproot cor- though that humanitarian crisis at our borders ruption. When CICIG was established in 2007, RECOGNIZING THE BRANSON FFA appears to have abated, the difficulties and it was described as a choice between the past TRAP TEAM’S NATIONAL CHAM- life-threatening challenges faced by many citi- and future. Guatemala recognized that it need- PIONSHIP zens in Central America continue. The region ed help controlling illegal, clandestine and cor- urgently needs support in order to address the rupt power structures in the post-conflict root causes of outmigration—economic and years. CICIG is now at the heart of this chal- HON. BILLY LONG social inequality, insecurity and injustice. lenging but potentially promising moment in OF MISSOURI It is encouraging that the Obama Adminis- Guatemala’s history. Together with civil soci- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tration has worked with the governments of El ety and some dedicated leaders in Guate- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to present mala’s justice system, the good women and a request for $1 billion to tackle the structural men of CICIG are playing a critical role in Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to con- and multidimensional causes of migration helping move Guatemala towards justice and gratulate the Branson High School Future through investments and programs to create a better future. They, too, need protection and Farmers of America Trap Team on their senior jobs, expand education and social protection, encouragement to keep up the good work. championship win and overall third strengthen public security and the judicial sys- Clearly, the next few weeks and months are place victory at the 2015 Scholastic Shooting tem, and improve transparency and efficiency critically important as the Guatemalan people Sports Foundation National Championship. in public administration. Congress is now con- work to figure out how to best address the The Senior Division team, made up of Ken- sidering this aid package in the House and challenges they face. At this important junc- nedy Mattox, Kory Gray, Jacob Anderson, Senate versions of the FY 2016 State and ture, I urge the Obama Administration, includ- Gage Dixon and Colten Calvert, hit 974 of Foreign Operations Appropriations bills. While ing our U.S. diplomats and other agency rep- 1,000 clay pigeons to take first place in their I support the overall amount of the request, I resentatives in Guatemala, to do their utmost division. During the competition, Kennedy do have concerns about how best to target to support Guatemalan civil society efforts to missed only one target, placing him above 697 funds so that they reach vulnerable and poor hold their own government accountable. Over other shooters to earn third place in the indi- communities, and especially youth and fami- the next weeks and months we will see wheth- vidual standings. lies in those communities, who are most in er Guatemala is capable of carrying out real need of support, while at the same time The Pirates’ trap team earned a third place change and moving closer to establishing a victory overall. It is the culmination of the strengthening human rights and judicial sys- just, accountable and increasingly secure, eq- tems in each of these countries. Open Division team’s fifth place victory, the In- uitable and prosperous country for all its citi- termediate Advanced team’s fourth place vic- In this context, I believe it is important to zens. focus attention on the situation in Guatemala, tory, the Intermediate Entry’s third place vic- f which today is facing a critical juncture. Re- tory and many other individual medals in cent revelations of cases of widespread and IN RECOGNITION OF MS. CASSIE sporting clays, handicap trap and regular trap. deep-seated corruption in Guatemala raise se- WELCH The 2015 Scholastic Shooting Sports Foun- rious concerns about the capacity of that gov- dation National Championship had a record ernment to be an effective partner in reducing HON. DAVID G. VALADAO breaking number of entries, further showing the team’s sharp skill and national achieve- poverty and inequality in the region. Evidence OF CALIFORNIA ment. The program is designed to use shoot- of massive and shameless looting of the state IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by high level Guatemalan officials in the Perez ing sports to teach valuable skills such as Molina government, the legislature and polit- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 sportsmanship, responsibility and teamwork to ical parties has sparked a remarkable citizen Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to young individuals. mobilization. What started as urban, middle- thank Cassie Welch for her service to my of- The Branson team, led by Coach Joe Hen- class protests organized through social media fice and the 21 Congressional District of Cali- derson, has seen ample success in recent networks has morphed into nationwide dem- fornia over the past year. years and will compete at The American Trap onstrations demanding the resignation of Ms. Welch was born in Savannah, Ten- Association’s AIM Grand Nationals in August. President Perez Molina, and the immediate nessee to Donnie and Marilyn Welch. After I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- passage and implementation of fundamental spending her youth in Savannah and com- lating the Branson High School FFA Trap reforms to electoral, judicial, civil service, and pleting her high school education, Ms. Welch Team for their accomplishments and hard procurement systems. Some are calling for a attended the University of North Alabama, work and in wishing them luck in their future ‘government of national renovation’ as a tran- where she received a Bachelor’s of Science in endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.009 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1167 HIRE VETS ACT OF 2015 she cherished the opportunity to work directly decorated war veterans, business leaders, civil with her local community. leaders, and so many hardworking people HON. PAUL COOK Ms. Peatman also served as a founding whose dignity and determination better us all. OF CALIFORNIA board member and president of the Puertas Like all small towns and cities in America, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Abiertas Community Resource Center. Found- the City of South Tucson faces challenges, but ed in 2005, the Center offers educational pro- the drive to meet those challenges and pros- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 grams and advocacy services to support per- per for the next 75 years is without a doubt Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, as a combat vet- sonal growth and family stability in the Latino the city’s future. eran, I’m deeply concerned that the men and community throughout Napa County. The or- I wish to congratulate the Mayor and Coun- women of our military continue to struggle to ganization also works to bridge the gap be- cil of the City of South Tucson and the resi- find employment upon reentering civilian life. tween service providers and the Latino com- dents of the city on its 75th anniversary. The These individuals have not only displayed munity by providing culturally sensitive intake commemoration ceremony on September 19, great courage but have acquired distinctive and referral services for over 500 families 2015 at the Music and Arts Festival will be a skills that make them ideal candidates for em- every year. day in which we pause and acknowledge the ployment. Veterans who serve this country In 2010, Ms. Peatman was named ‘‘Citizen history, achievements, and the future of the honorably shouldn’t struggle to find employ- of the Year’’ by the Napa Chamber of Com- City of South Tucson. Congratulations to ment, which is why I’m introducing the HIRE merce in recognition for her years of service to South Tucson. Vets Act of 2015. the valley’s community. She was also named f The HIRE Vets Act is a bipartisan bill that ‘‘Associate’’ by her alma mater, Stanford Uni- would promote private sector recruiting, hiring, versity. This prestigious title is given to a se- NICK BERARDINO’S RETIREMENT and retaining of men and women who served lect few alumni who have demonstrated sig- honorably in the U.S. military through a vol- nificant volunteer service to the university. HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ untary and effective program. Specifically, it Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate that we recog- OF CALIFORNIA would create an awards program recognizing nize Ms. Peatman on the occasion of her 80th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the meaningful, verifiable efforts undertaken birthday for her years of valued service to the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 by employers—both large and small—to hire Napa Valley community. We wish her a very and retain veterans. happy birthday and many years of health and Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. This program, designed to be self-funded happiness. Speaker, I rise today to honor the accomplish- and within the U.S. Department of Labor, will f ments and contributions of Nick Berardino, the allow employers to proudly display one of four General Manager of Orange County Employ- Presidential Awards on their products and HONORING THE 75TH ANNIVER- ees Association. marketing materials. These ‘‘HIRE Vets Me- SARY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH Born and raised in Los Angeles to Italian dallions’’—Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat- TUCSON immigrants, Nick is a Marine Veteran and inum—would be awarded to employers that served our country for two years in . achieve specific hiring and retention goals HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA He became active in the civil rights move- each year. OF ARIZONA ment, the first of what would become a lifetime The program also establishes similar tiered IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of commitment to those who are oppressed or discriminated against. awards for small and mid-sized employers Wednesday, July 29, 2015 with fewer than 500 employees. To ensure I have known Nick for years and he always proper oversight, the Secretary of Labor would Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in looked for doing the best for his organization be required to provide Congress with annual honor of the 75th Anniversary of the City of and the people he represented. reports on the success of the program and the South Tucson, a community known for the re- From pension reform to workplace rights, he hiring and retention levels of veterans. siliency, determination, and independence of has led OCEA through a series of monu- This bill goes beyond simply recognizing its residents. mental achievements for the working men and that a business hires veterans. The HIRE Vets As a native of Tucson, Arizona, I am privi- women he represented. Act is an opportunity for Americans to see leged to represent the City of South Tucson in I am honored to recognize Nick Berardino’s which companies truly live up to the employ- the United States Congress. The support and distinguished career of exemplary service and ment promises they make to veterans. It is our loyalty I have received from the residents of leadership in strengthening the middle class, duty to ensure veterans are given the benefits South Tucson during my entire public life is a fighting for social justice and dignified working and resources they’ve earned through their great honor for me personally. conditions for 18,000 public employees and in- service to this country, and this includes en- Over 6,000 people and 300 businesses call stilling integrity at the Orange County Employ- couraging meaningful job opportunities. This the City of South Tucson home. This square ees Association. bill creates an innovative system to encourage mile city incorporated by its residents, rather f and recognize employers who make veterans than losing its identity to the City of Tucson, HONORING MR. ART COVIELLO a priority in their hiring practices, incentivizing continues after 75 years to assert its inde- the creation of thousands of jobs for veterans. pendence and be the unique and proud com- f munity it has always been through its history. HON. C. A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER South Tucson is about family and commu- OF MARYLAND HONORING ANGELA PEATMAN nity, offering to the much larger metropolis of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tucson a view of our past and a dynamic view HON. MIKE THOMPSON of what a community can do to retain its char- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 OF CALIFORNIA acter while looking forward. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES South Tucson boasts the best Mexican cui- before you today to honor Mr. Art Coviello, an sine found anywhere; Las Artes, a model for international expert on cybersecurity, on the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 integrating public art and education; and public occasion of his retirement after more than 30 Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, services from the state of the art San Lena li- years as a strategic, operating and financial- I rise today to honor Angela Peatman, an out- brary to excellent public schools Ochoa and management expert in high-technology com- standing member of the Napa Valley commu- Mission View. South Tucson has a sophisti- panies. nity and my dear friend, on the occasion of cated network of social service providers and Mr. Coviello graduated magna cum laude her 80th birthday. City of South Tucson first responders who from the University of Massachusetts in 1975 Born on July 30, 1935, Ms. Peatman has place the safety of their residents first. with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Adminis- been a dedicated public servant, a devoted The greatest asset that the City of South tration. He started his career as a certified mother, and a tireless advocate for families in Tucson has is its people, a diverse group rep- public accountant at Deloitte, Haskins & Sells the Napa Valley. She began her public service resenting Native-Americans, African-Ameri- and held positions in financial and operating at the Cope Family Resource Center in Napa, cans, and Anglos, and families that have con- management at several technology compa- where she served as a board member and tributed so much to the region. nies. later as president. Ms. Peatman flourished in From South Tucson have come generations He joined RSA, the Security Division of her role at the nonprofit organization, where of political leaders, tradesmen, educators, EMC, in 1995 and was the driving force in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.013 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 company’s rapid growth during his tenure, in- producers, the so-called Center for Medical Since 2000, the Des Moines Business creasing revenue from $25 million to more Progress, which may have broken federal and Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual than $1 billion in 2014. Under his leadership, California law in the scheme to bring down review to identify a standout group of female RSA evolved from its roots in authentication Planned Parenthood. As an example, one of the interviews of a California doctor may leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that and encryption to a leader in security tech- have been recorded without her consent. are making an impact in their communities ei- nology, including forensics, compliance and U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren of San Jose is push- ther personally or professionally, forging a detection. Among his many acquisitions, Mr. ing U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to path for other women to follow. The women Coviello played a key role in the successful investigate as well. The organization has given this prestigious award are individuals acquisitions of Xcert International, 3G Inter- tax-exempt status as a biomedical charity who have selflessly dedicated their time and national, TransIndigo and Securant Tech- but appears to be a fake limited liability cor- proven their leadership abilities across a vari- nologies, and in strategic partnerships with poration. It has never been a secret that Planned ety of professional fields. Microsoft and Accenture. He retires as Execu- Parenthood and many other clinics collect Before moving to the United States, Ms. tive Chairman. tissue for research. The unedited videos show Husain was raised all across the globe starting While his well-deserved awards and acco- repeated attempts by Planned Parenthood in Pakistan, then , followed by Thai- lades are too numerous to mention in their en- doctors to explain that they’re only trying land and finally the . Once in the tirety, Mr. Coviello in 2013 was named a ‘‘Top to recoup costs for their work. Planned Par- United States she earned her BA studying 25 Innovator’’ by CRN. He has served as co- enthood likely loses money on the whole psychology and Spanish at the University of chair of the National Cyber Security Summit’s thing, but the numbers are a tiny part of its Texas at Austin, and she didn’t stop there. budget. Corporate Governance Task Force, a public- She moved on to Cornell University where she private effort organized by the Department of Republicans in the House and the Senate shamelessly are using this supposed expose´ earned a Master’s in Healthcare Administra- Homeland Security and leading industry asso- to argue that Congress should defund tion. Shortly after, Ms. Husain finished a post- ciations. He is a founding Board Member of Planned Parenthood. graduate Fellowship at the Northwestern Me- the Cyber Security Industry . And so the War on Women continues. morial Hospital in Chicago. In his retirement, Mr. Coviello works with Planned Parenthood and its 800 clinics pro- Throughout her life Ms. Husain has taken companies, industries, and governments to vide health care, particularly family plan- on a variety of leadership roles, not only in the continue informing and shaping the evolution ning, for nearly 3 million low income women a year. It receives more than $500 million in professional world at businesses, like Iowa of security strategy to meet the challenges Health Systems and Principal Financial Group, facing organizations today and tomorrow. He government funding, but not a penny of that pays for abortions—which make up just 3 but also at a number of philanthropic organiza- continues to play key roles in national and percent of the organization’s work. Cutting tions, like the United Way of Central Iowa and international cyber-security initiatives and is a Planned Parenthood funding means cutting Habitat for Humanity. She is a member of the regular speaker at conferences and forums health care to poor women, period. Board of Directors at both organizations. Now, around the world. Mr. Coviello is also a ven- Scientists using cultures from fetal kidney as Vice President of The World Food Prize ture partner at Rally Ventures, a Board Ob- cells won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1954 Foundation, Ms. Husain serves an integral role server for Synchrony Financial, and serves on for developing the polio vaccine. Fetal tissue in the growth and development of a number of the Board of Directors at EnerNOC. research helped produce vaccines for chicken Mr. Speaker, I have considered Mr. Coviello pox and rubella. These advances alone have programs within the World Food Prize Foun- a friend and colleague for many years. I know saved countless millions of lives, particu- dation. larly children’s. Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- him to be a man of intellect and, more impor- The National Institutes of Health spent resent leaders like Ms. Husain in the United tantly, integrity. His expertise has made our more than $70 million on fetal research in States Congress. It is with great pride that I country stronger. It is with great pride that I 2014, tackling diseases such as Parkinson’s recognize and applaud her for utilizing her tal- congratulate him on his retirement and wish and Alzheimer’s. Stem cell research is gradu- ents to better her community and the State of him continued success and happiness in the ally replacing fetal tissue research, but we Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the United next chapter of his life. can’t afford to stop work on these diseases while alternative methods ramp up. States House of Representatives to join me in f More tapes are expected this week, includ- congratulating her on receiving this esteemed VIDEOS ABOUT PLANNED PARENT- ing possibly showing the process of tissue re- designation, and wishing her the best of luck HOOD ARE GROSSLY MIS- moval. It’s ugly to watch, but so are most in all her future endeavors. significant surgical procedures. LEADING The core political issue here is abortion. f The Center for Medical Progress and many RECOGNIZING THE GARAZI Republican officials and candidates want to HON. ZOE LOFGREN FAMILY OF CALIFORNIA eliminate the right of American women to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES choose to end a pregnancy. In fact Planned Parenthood has done more Wednesday, July 29, 2015 HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN to prevent abortion than any other organiza- OF FLORIDA tion in this country by giving poor women Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I wish to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES share with my colleagues and the American access to birth control and to prenatal care public this insightful editorial from the San to have healthy babies. It continues to pro- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 vide safe abortions because refusing will not Jose Mercury News, ‘‘Videos about Planned stop abortion, it will just drive women to un- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I would Parenthood are grossly misleading.’’ This edi- safe alternatives. (Speaking of ugly proce- like to honor the continued efforts of a local torial clearly lays out how the Republican Par- dures.) family in my congressional district who have ty’s embrace of this video ‘‘expose´’’ is really Women’s ability to control their own re- made extraordinary efforts to improve the lives just a continuation of their War on Women, in productive future is the best way to prevent of our elderly. In a few short weeks, the particular low-income women. abortion. A Congress really concerned about Garazi family will hold its 5th Annual Solomon Anyone with half a brain can see through women and unborn children would give more, Garazi Memorial Day at the Races to benefit the heavily edited ‘‘gotcha’’ videos pur- not less, to Planned Parenthood. the Miami Jewish Health Systems, otherwise porting to show Planned Parenthood officials f known as the Jewish Home. The Jewish illegally bargaining to sell tissue from abort- TRIBUTE TO MASHAL HUSAIN Home is a great South Florida institution that ed fetuses. The videos are grossly misleading has done, and continues to do, so much to im- and politically irresponsible. The research that fetal tissue makes pos- HON. DAVID YOUNG prove quality of life for seniors. Solomon Garazi, who passed away in 2010 sible at respected universities across the OF IOWA country has produced vaccines that have at the age of 85, was known for his honor, in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES saved millions of lives and now targets Alz- tegrity, and strong spirit. In 1960, the Garazis heimer’s, Parkinson’s and other fatal, heart- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 fled the brutal Castro regime and sought ref- breaking diseases. Planned Parenthood does Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise uge in Miami, where Solomon and his in-laws not profit from it. But Republicans in Con- today to recognize and congratulate Mashal founded two businesses—the Suave Shoe gress and in the presidential free-for-all are having a field day with ‘‘facts’’ from Fox Husain for being named a 2015 Woman of In- Corporation and the Oriental Trading Com- News. fluence honoree by the award-winning central pany. Suave later became the first company California Attorney General Kamala Har- Iowa publication, the Des Moines Business owned by Cuban refugees to be listed on the ris fortunately is investigating the videos’ Record. New York Stock Exchange.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.017 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1169 Solomon was a very prominent member of H.R. 1734—IMPROVING COAL COM- mittee; developing and maintaining methods to the Jewish Community. He was one of the BUSTION RESIDUALS REGULA- process, manage and store communications founders and a president of Temple Moses. TION ACT OF 2015 data for the office; trouble shooting computer He served on the Board of Directors of the Mi- problems and recommending updated and chael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center, HON. EARL BLUMENAUER cost effective resources; helping make the Ju- and was the first Cuban American to be on OF OREGON diciary Committee web site the envy of Capitol Hill; and serving as a liaison between the Judi- the board of the Greater Miami Jewish Fed- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eration. He also helped establish the Sephar- ciary Committee Democrats and House Infor- dic Jewish Studies Program at the University Wednesday, July 29, 2015 mation Resources (HIR). of Miami. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, last week, Dwight is a native of North Carolina, where he received his degree from Johnson C. Smith Additionally, Solomon was extensively in- I voted against H.R. 1734, the Improving Coal University, and where he met his wife of forty- volved with the Miami Jewish Health Systems. Combustion Residuals Regulation Act of 2015. This dangerous and unnecessary legislation four years, Cheryl Sullivan. He still calls the In 2009 the Jewish Home’s Latin Auxiliary, Tar Heel state home, and spends his vaca- which Solomon helped organize in 1980, be- not only fails to improve coal ash regulation, it seriously undermines the EPA’s efforts to reg- tions there playing golf. In fact, those who stowed upon him its Lifetime Achievement know Dwight know that while his first love may Award for all his work on behalf of the institu- ulate coal combustion waste to protect human health and the environment. be politics, golf is a close second. From Myrtle tion. The Miami Jewish Health Systems serves Beach to Boca Raton to Pinehurst, his love of more than 12,000 patients, participants and Coal ash, the waste produced from the burning of coal, contains toxic materials such golf has become legendary on Capitol Hill, residents annually, through more than a dozen where he has inspired many others to take up varied healthcare programs and services. Its as arsenic, lead and chromium. According to the EPA, in 2012, coal-fired power plants in the game and shoot for par. services include rehabilitation assistance, reli- A former project manager for IBM, Dwight the U.S. generated 110 million tons of coal gious programming, and full residential care. It began his Capitol Hill career in the office of also is at the forefront of innovative research ash. The improper or unsafe disposal of coal my friend and former colleague, Congressman into dementia and other geriatric conditions. ash can lead to catastrophic releases of toxins Melvin Watt (retired), and later honed his craft Currently, The Mental Health and Memory if a failure occurs at the disposal site or, as is at HIR, before joining the House Judiciary Center at Miami Jewish Health Systems is more commonly the case, contaminants slowly Committee staff in 2007. running an innovative clinical trial to evaluate leach into groundwater and drinking water Dwight will be missed for his ability to use medications to treat and potentially cure Alz- sources. We have known for some time of the good judgement to solve problems, for meet- heimer’s. need to regulate the disposal of coal ash and ing technology challenges and keeping staff after several years, extensive consultation, The Solomon Garazi Memorial Day will di- up to date on the latest and most effective ap- and over 450,000 public comments, the EPA rectly support the maintenance and the expan- proaches to keep communicating the work of published a final, comprehensive rule to estab- sion of the Jewish Home’s Latin Auxiliary the Committee. He will be missed as well for lish national criteria for the disposal of coal Music Therapy Program. The program offers a his wit, good humor, and loyalty. We wish him ash on April 17, 2015. full-time board-certified music therapist, musi- the best of luck in his retirement and extend H.R. 1734 is an attempt to gut the EPA’s cal instruments, and a wide range of music to him and his family our deepest gratitude. final rule before it even has the chance to go media, recordings, equipment and resources. f into effect. The bill would eliminate restrictions Through musical involvement in a thera- for how close existing surface impoundments IN RECOGNITION OF MAJOR peutic context, individuals’ physical, emotional, can be to drinking water sources and would GENERAL NATHANAEL GREENE cognitive, and social needs can be addressed eliminate liner requirements for existing sur- from a unique angle. The music serves as a face impoundments. It authorizes states to im- HON. PATRICK MEEHAN powerful medium, helping them express them- plement coal ash management permitting pro- OF PENNSYLVANIA selves in ways words do not allow them to. It grams, but these programs do not need to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opens up a new world of language for them, meet national standards. In short, it eliminates, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 one that is not bound by the need for precise delays or weakens environmental protections Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to articulation. The sense of empowerment that and threatens health and public safety. this therapy fosters improves lives. pay tribute to Major General Nathanael There is no greater public need than access Greene, a highly decorated officer in the Con- I commend the Garazi family—Esther to clean and safe drinking water. I strongly op- tinental Army and leader in the fight for inde- Garazi, Isaac and Anita Garazi, Blanca and pose this legislation because it undercuts na- pendence during the Revolutionary War. Richard Schoonover, and their families—as tional protections and undoes important regu- Born August 7, 1742 in Rhode Island to well as everyone else involved with the Day at lations to safeguard drinking water sources. humble beginnings, Nathanael Greene com- the Races, for their work in putting this event We must use our legislative prerogative to mitted his life to public service. He first an- together year after year. Thank you for sup- protect public health and safety and not in a swered this call when he served as a member porting a pillar of our South Florida commu- manner that poses risks to our communities of the Rhode Island General Assembly. As a nity. and our environment as H.R. 1734 would do. supporter of the Patriot cause, Nathanael f Greene helped form a local militia called the f Kentish Guards. Although he was unable to IN GRATITUDE OF DWIGHT SUL- become an officer due to a handicap, he vol- PERSONAL EXPLANATION LIVAN AND HIS YEARS OF SERV- unteered as a private. He saw action in many ICE TO THE HOUSE OF REP- significant engagements, including Trenton, HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD RESENTATIVES Brandywine, Germantown and Princeton. Greene’s talent allowed him to rise through OF CALIFORNIA HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. the ranks, becoming first a Brigadier General IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN and then a Major General—the only one to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve as a general for the entire eight year Wednesday, July 29, 2015 war for independence besides George Wash- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I was ington. Major General Greene led the Conti- attending funeral services in my state and was Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to nental troops in the South and helped pave not present for three roll call votes on Monday, take this opportunity to thank Dwight Sullivan the way for Lord Cornwallis’s at July 27, 2015. Had I been present, I would for twenty years of outstanding service to the Yorktown. have voted in this manner: House of Representatives, including eight The General Society Sons of the Revolution years as a Professional Staffer with the House will be designating August 7, 2015 as a Day Roll Call Vote # 467—Need Based Edu- Judiciary Committee Democrats. of Honor for Major General Nathanael Greene. cation Aid Act of 2015—Yes. Dwight will be retiring this month and he will On this day a monument will be dedicated to Roll Call Vote # 468—Secret Service Im- be missed by all who know him. I want to es- Greene in Valley Forge National Historic Park. provements Act of 2015—Yes. pecially thank Dwight for his extraordinary His statue will forever stand there as a re- Roll Call Vote # 469—Keeping Our Trav- work to provide high level communications minder of his service to our country during the elers Safe and Secure Act—Yes. services to the staff and Members of the Com- battle for independence.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.020 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Mr. Speaker, the United States of America parade, Afterglow Car Show in conjunction dents continued success in the classroom and and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania owe with the Woodward Dream Cruise, fall Nature beyond. a great debt of gratitude to Major General Na- Center Open House, and Tree Lighting. thanael Greene. While auto-related manufacturing remains f f an important component of Madison Heights CORPORATION’S economy, Madison Heights is quickly devel- PERSONAL EXPLANATION APOLOGY TO AMERICAN WWII oping a multifaceted economy, attracting PRISONERS OF WAR emerging industries such as defense and HON. PETER J. ROSKAM aerospace—Navistar Defense and lonBond to OF ILLINOIS name a few. The University of Michigan re- HON. LOIS CAPPS OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cently awarded Madison Heights with an eCities 5-Star Rating and ‘‘Best Practice Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 29, 2015 munity’’ for the City’s Economic Development Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. programs. Madison Heights is proud to now 468. host over 100 major high-tech companies Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to My flight was delayed due to weather. within its borders. honor my constituent, a member of our great- Had I been present, I would have voted As the City of Madison Heights celebrates est generation from Santa Maria, California, Aye. this milestone, I ask all my colleagues to join James T. Murphy. On Sunday, July 19th, f me in congratulating its residents, elected offi- 2015, at the age of 94, Mr. Murphy had the cials, and businesses as they celebrate their historic honor of being offered the first Japa- 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CITY history, preserve their rich local heritage, and nese corporate apology for his forced labor as OF MADISON HEIGHTS, MICHIGAN look forward to growth and prosperity in the an American (POW) in Japan future. during World War II. During World War II, Mitsubishi Mining HON. SANDER M. LEVIN f OF MICHIGAN Company Ltd. used the labor of over 900 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONGRATULATING JESSICA Americans in four of its coal and copper mines CAVINESS FOR RECEIVING THE on . Mr. Murphy, one of the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 PRESIDENTIAL AWARD FOR EX- last surviving American former POWs to have Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to CELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS worked as a slave laborer in one of these commemorate the City of Madison Heights, AND SCIENCE TEACHING mines, graciously accepted an apology from Michigan, as it celebrates its 60th anniversary the Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, the suc- this year. The City of Madison Heights was in- HON. KENNY MARCHANT cessor of Mitsubishi Mining Company, on be- corporated in 1955, and currently has a popu- OF TEXAS half of his fellow veterans. lation 29,694 people. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A Texas native, Mr. Murphy fought in the I have had the pleasure of representing the Philippines with the U.S. Army Air Corps be- City of Madison Heights, centrally located in Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ginning with the bombing of on the 9th Congressional District, in Congress for Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today December 8, 1941 until surrender in Bataan the past thirty-two years. From walking in the in recognition of Jessica Caviness, a teacher on April 9, 1942. He endured the Bataan annual Memorial Day parade to attending nu- in my district at Coppell High School of and a ‘‘’’ to Japan. Dur- merous events in the schools, important Coppell, Texas. Jessica was recently selected ing the war, Imperial Japan assigned over projects like the 12 Town Drains, now known to receive the Presidential Award for Excel- 13,000 Americans to work in corporate mines, as George W. Kuhn Retention Treatment lence in Mathematics and Science Teaching factories, and docks to support the war effort. Basin and the formation of the Madison (PAEMST), along with 107 other teachers Mr. Murphy was assigned to POW Camp Heights Community Family Coalition to com- from all 50 states. Each recipient receives an Sendai #6–B and forced to mine copper at bat youth substance abuse I enjoy working in award from the National Science Foundation Mitsubishi’s Osarizawa mine near the town of this community. and is invited to an awards ceremony in Hanawa in Sendai, Japan. Known as the ‘‘City of Progress’’ Madison Washington, D.C. This award is given out an- After liberation, he continued to serve with Heights residents have always prided them- nually to outstanding K–12 science and math- the then-new U.S. Air Force and retired in selves on a high level of community spirit, vol- ematics teachers from across the country. The 1962 after a 23-year career. Captain Murphy unteerism, having top-notch city services, a winners are selected by a panel of distin- later moved to my district in California, work- rich heritage, and being known as a warm and guished scientists, mathematicians, and edu- ing as a civilian contractor with Lockheed Mis- family-oriented community. After sixty years of cators following an initial selection process sile & Space Company at Vandenberg Air growth and change, the city remains em- done at the state level. Force Base and finally retiring in 1986 to bodied in that local spirit. Ms. Caviness, a graduate of Stephen F. Santa Maria. Madison Heights originated from pioneering Austin State University, has just completed her On July 19th 2015 Mr. Hikaru Kimura, a families, such as the Lamphere Family, who 11th year in Coppell, where she teaches Ge- Senior Corporate Executive of Mitsubishi Ma- gave the community land in 1888 for the ometry and Algebra II. Jessica routinely cre- terials Corporation and Senior General Man- school house at 13 Mile and John R, and the ates innovative and transformative learning ex- ager of Global Business Management at the Kendal family who donated their land in 1926 periences for her students. Most notably, Jes- Paint Finishing System Division of Taikisha when the school was moved. Later, farm fami- sica excels in utilizing technology in the class- Ltd, delivered to him the official apology at a lies came to Madison Heights in the early room, where her classes have utilized Skype, ceremony held at the Museum of Tolerance in from other countries for the opportunity Twitter, and the iPads distributed through Los Angeles. to start fresh and be self-sufficient, farming Coppell Independent School District’s 1:1 iPad Mr. Murphy responded, ‘‘it is a glorious their land and often working to buy it. These initiative. Jessica’s work has not gone unno- day.’’ He continued, ‘‘For 70 years, we wanted families gave rise to the life and hope of the ticed, as she has presented at conferences at such action. Today we have it so I’m elated community that became Madison Heights. the local, state, and even national level. Her over that, and I hope this historical occasion Today Madison Heights residents take ad- ability to integrate Twitter into the learning ex- just spreads out through the world and helps vantage of the city’s 13 parks covering over perience has also been featured in an article mankind.’’ 140 acres; numerous recreational opportuni- for November Learning, which profiled specific And it is with grateful recognition for all our ties including a golf course, wave pool and ways that Ms. Caviness was able to effectively veterans swept up in the Pacific battles of the water park, soccer complex, baseball complex, engage students outside the classroom in a first months of World War II, many of whom Friendship Woods and nature center, wooded way that supplemented classroom material. became POWs of Imperial Japan, that I insert walking trails, sledding hill, bowling lanes, dog Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- both Mitsubishi Materials’ historic apology park, public library and Heritage Rooms Mu- sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- statement and Captain Murphy’s acceptance. seum. Residents also benefit from popular guished colleagues to join me in honoring Jes- Remembering the stories of these POWs community events including a spring 5K run, sica Caviness for receiving the Presidential both in Japan and in the United States is im- Art Challenge and Art Exhibit, the annual Fes- Award for Excellence in Mathematics and portant for history, for the U.S.-Japan relation- tival in the Park with fireworks, Memorial Day Science Teaching. I wish her and all her stu- ship, and for all those who care about peace.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.024 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1171 STATEMENT OF JAMES T. MURPHY, IN RESPONSE about the terrible pain that POWs experi- HONORING CARMEN ‘‘DOLLY’’ TO MITSUBISHI APOLOGY TO WWII POWS, DE- enced in the mines of Mitsubishi Mining. VAZQUEZ FOR HER YEARS OF LIVERED AT THE MUSEUM OF TOLERANCE, The POWs, many of whom were suffering SERVICE TO WORCESTER COUN- from disease and injury, were subjected to —LOS ANGELES, TY AND CONGRATULATING HER CA, JULY 19, 2015 hard labor, including during freezing win- ON HER RETIREMENT This is a great day to be here at the Mu- ters, working without sufficient food, water, seum of Tolerance because at this place and medical treatment or sanitation. When we at this time, history will truly be made. think of their harsh lives in the mines, we HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN We have just heard Mitsubishi’s [Materials cannot help feeling deep remorse. OF MASSACHUSETTS I would like to express our deepest sense of Corporation] representative, Mr. [Hikaru] IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kimura, present a stirring, heartfelt, warm ethical responsibility for the tragic experi- and sincere apology to former U.S. Prisoners ences of all U.S. POWs, including Mr. James Wednesday, July 29, 2015 of War who were forced to work for Murphy, who were forced to work under Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mitsubishi Mining during World War II. harsh conditions in the mines of the former to honor Carmen ‘‘Dolly’’ Vazquez. Next His apology meets all the criteria nec- Mitsubishi Mining. On behalf of Mitsubishi Materials. I offer month Dolly will retire from Centro Las Amer- essary to satisfy the elements of an accept- icas after 23 years of service to the Latino able apology. It admits to wrongdoing, it our sincerest apology. makes sincere statements showing a deep re- I also extend our deepest condolence to community in Worcester County. morse for the wrongdoing and it assures that their fellow U.S. POWs who worked along- Dolly was born and raised in Bayamon, the wrongdoing will not recur. side them but have since passed away. Puerto Rico. She came to Central Massachu- As a former Prisoner of War of the Japa- To the bereaved families who are present setts from San Francisco, California and nese Imperial Armed Forces who was forced at this ceremony, I also offer our most re- began her cultural involvement in Worcester to work at the Mitsubishi [Osarizawa] copper morseful apology. by volunteering at WCUW community radio mine near Hanawa, Japan during part of 1944 This cannot happen again, and of course, Mitsubishi Materials intends to never let station. At WCUW, she hosted a bi-weekly and part of 1945 and being one of the few sur- radio show, Herencia Puertoriquen˜a for 13 viving workers of that time, I find it to be this happen again. We now have a clear corporate mission of years. my duty and responsibility to accept Mr. working for the benefit of all people, all soci- Kimura’s apology! Dolly was first hired in 1993 by Centro Las Hopefully, the acceptance of this sincere eties and indeed the entire globe. Respecting Americas to help manage their Latin American apology will bring some closure and relief to the basic human rights of all people is a core Festival, and she was later asked to head the the age-old problems confronting the sur- principle of Mitsubishi Materials, and we organization’s new Cultural Department. viving former Prisoners of War and to their will continue to strongly adhere to this prin- Since that Dolly has co-produced the annual family members. ciple. Our management team wishes for the Latin American Festival, the annual Latino Additionally, even though the Japanese Film Festival and the biennial Viva El Arte art people and the American people have a long- health and happiness of our employees every day, and we ask that all of them work not show, among other endeavors. standing friendly relationship, the action Dolly has been an active member of our that we are taking today will further en- only diligently, but also with a sense of eth- hance, expand and assure an enduring trust ics. community through her involvement with His- Mitsubishi Materials supplies general ma- and friendship benefitting both nations. panics Achieving and Celebrating Excellence Furthermore, I join others in this group terials that enrich people’s lives, from ce- of QCC, and Latino Dollars for Scholars. She who foster the idea of encouraging the doz- ment to cellphone components and auto is also an incorporator of the Worcester Art ens of other Japanese companies who used parts, all of which are closely related to peo- ple’s lives. We also place a strong emphasis Museum, YWCA, the Joy of Music Program, forced labor by the Allied Prisoners of War and the Worcester Historical Museum. For to offset their workforce shortage to follow on recycling for more sustainable societies, such as recovering valuable metals from used eleven years she also served as board mem- Mitsubishi Materials’ progressive leadership. ber of the Mass Cultural Council and is a Solving this long overdue problem would electrical appliances and other scrapped ma- permit the companies and their former la- terials. former board member of You Inc. Here in the United States, we have plants borers to look forward to a better future I want to thank Dolly for her years of service for cement and ready-mixed concrete, and a rather than continue to look backward to to Worcester County and I wish her the best sales headquarters for our advanced mate- their differences. Such actions would have of luck in the future. She is a remarkable per- rials and tools business, all in California, as positive results for both of our nations by son who has done so much for the commu- well as a polysilicon plant in Alabama. We strengthening our trust, confidence and believe that our company provides fulfilling nity. I’m also proud to call her a close and friendship. treasured friend. Perhaps other nations with similar prob- jobs for local employees and contributes to lems will follow our example here today with host communities through its business. f The American Defenders of Bataan & Cor- similar actions. Such actions would result in regidor Museum in Wellsburg, West Virginia CELEBRATING THE TENTH the betterment to all mankind. ANNIVERSARY OF MCABW Mr. Kimura, we thank you and the other archives extensive records and memorabilia members of your team for your hard work of POWs. These records and memorabilia will and long hours spent formulating and pre- be handed down to future generations for HON. KEVIN BRADY educational purposes. senting Mitsubishi Materials’ apology. OF TEXAS I will visit the museum the day after to- STATEMENT BY MITSUBISHI MATERIALS COR- morrow to view the exhibits and visualize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PORATION, SENIOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER how POWs were forced to work under harsh Wednesday, July 29, 2015 HIKARU KIMURA IN THE MEETING WITH A conditions. For now, however, I am pleased FORMER AMERICAN POW AND FAMILIES OF to announce that Mitsubishi Materials has Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I stand FORMER POWS donated 50,000 US dollars to the museum to today to honor the 10th anniversary of The Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, support its activities. Montgomery County Association of Business speaking on behalf of Mitsubishi Materials, Finally, I sincerely thank Ms. Kinue Women of Montgomery County, Texas. thank you very much for this opportunity to Tokudome and the members of the American Founded by my good friend Carol Gooch in meet with you today at the Museum of Tol- Defenders of Bataan & Memorial 2005, the MCABW not only provides a forum erance. Society for creating this opportunity to for business women to develop and enhance Mitsubishi Mining Company Limited, the meet with you today. I also express my sin- professional and personal relationships with predecessor of Mitsubishi Materials, was en- cere thanks to Rabbi Abraham Cooper for of- gaged in coal and metal mining during World fering the Museum of Tolerance as a venue their peers, the group actively works to im- War II. As the war intensified, prisoners of for the ceremony. And I express my deep prove Montgomery County. war were placed in a wide range of industries gratitude to all others involved in arranging After graduating from Leadership Mont- to offset labor shortages. As part of this, this gathering. gomery County in 2003, Carol decided to form close to 900 American POWs were allocated I would also like to thank the family mem- a group so that women could network and to four mines operated by Mitsubishi Mining bers of a non-U.S. POW [Mr. Stanley Gibson grow their businesses. The group was one of in Japan. from , whose father also was a slave the first womens’ networking associations in I joined Mitsubishi Materials as a postwar laborer in the Mitsubishi Osarizawa mine] Montgomery County and its success has baby-boomer and have worked in the com- who have come from very far away to attend pany for 34 years. I have read the memoirs of this ceremony. spurred the creation of many more similar Mr. James Murphy, who is present here at I truly hope that this gathering marks the groups. this ceremony, and those of other former starting point of a new relationship between In addition to providing an invaluable forum POWs, as well as records of court trials. former POWs and Mitsubishi Materials. for women to network, the group has contin- Through these accounts, I have learned Thank you very much. ued to give back to their community. MCABW

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.028 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 sponsors college scholarships for women Pike County fostered the freedom and eco- most importantly, a life filled with so much graduating high school in Montgomery County nomic prosperity that are pillars of the Amer- happiness and love. and supports members who wish to continue ican Dream, from an active role in the Under- The job of a United States Congressman in- their education. At their inaugural fundraising ground Railroad to a key link in the Ohio-Erie volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing event this year, the group raised $12,000 Canal that connected commerce across Ohio. compares to recognizing and commemorating which will be used to fund additional scholar- I am honored to represent Pike County the life achievements of individuals such as ships and charities. today, an area of the state with a rich history Mrs. Agnes Fenton. Not only does the group mentor women, and strong community. Again, I congratulate Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- MCABW has helped virtually every non-profit Pike County on this historic milestone and I leagues, Mrs. Fenton’s family and friends, all organization in Montgomery County including: wish them the best over their next 200 years. those whose lives she has touched, and me, Interfaith of the Woodlands, Montgomery f in recognizing the 110th birthday of Mrs. County United Way, Children’s Safe Harbor, Agnes Fenton. AGNES FENTON Humane Society, and the Montgomery County f Food Bank, just to name a few. While the ranks of MCABW have grown far HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. CONGRATULATING FRED AND beyond the original 52 members in the ten OF NEW JERSEY BETTY WILLIAMS ON THEIR 70TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY years since its founding, the mission of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES group has continued to focus on a team effort. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 By working together, the group has grown to HON. KENNY MARCHANT the largest nonprofit business women’s net- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF TEXAS recognize Agnes Fenton, who will be turning working association in Montgomery County. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Members enjoy monthly coffees, luncheons 110 years old this Saturday, August 1, 2015. and evening mixers while continuously men- Mrs. Fenton will be the oldest person living in Wednesday, July 29, 2015 toring new members who want to start their the City of Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today own business, learn more about networking or Mrs. Fenton was born in 1905 on a farm in to congratulate Fred and Betty Williams, of social media, or who just want to meet other Mississippi. After her father passed away Carrollton, Texas on achieving this incredible like-minded women in the community. when she was only an infant, her mother milestone of 70 years of marriage on August MCABW has helped organize the annual raised her alone. Upon the age of 14, Mrs. 30th, 2015. WISE (Women Inspiring, Supporting, Empow- Fenton moved to Memphis, . While Fred and Betty both grew up in east ering) Conference. These conferences have It was in Memphis where Mrs. Fenton ran a Texas, they moved to Carrollton after retiring given female entrepreneurs access to tremen- restaurant called Pal’s Duck Inn, which spe- and reside there today. As long time members dous speakers and learning opportunities cialized in serving southern comfort food. Mrs. of the Nazarene Church, serving on the while raising money for charity. This year’s Fenton would be one of the first African-Amer- church board and in missions, they are be- WISE Conference has partnered with ican women in the city to own and operate a loved members of the community and strong Rettsyndrome.org to raise funds for research restaurant. The days were long and the work role models. It is an honor to be able to call for treatments and a cure for Rett Syndrome. was tiring, as she would often work from 6 them my constituents and friends. The women of MCABW represent all walks a.m. to midnight on a regular basis, but Mrs. In their successful marriage, Fred and Betty of life—there are members returning to the Fenton always kept her spirits high. have been blessed with a family of three chil- world of work, young members who are just During her time running the restaurant, dren, eleven grandchildren, and fourteen starting their careers, and seasoned profes- Agnes got married to Vincent Fenton. But great-grandchildren. It is my sincere hope that sionals willing to pass on their wisdom and sadly after contracting pneumonia, Mr. Fenton their family may gain much joy and wisdom knowledge. passed away in 1970. from Fred and Betty’s wonderful journey to- Today, I ask all of America to join me in Following many years of running her suc- gether. May their lives and inspiring story pass congratulating the dynamic Carol Gooch, and cessful restaurant, Mrs. Fenton decided to get down through generations to come. all members of the MCABW, on ten years of a new job in the kitchen of an Emerson, New Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- excellence. I can’t wait to see what the future Jersey company, and eventually worked for sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- holds for the Montgomery County Association the Chapman family in nearby Oradell for guished colleagues to join me in congratu- of Business Women. many years afterwards. It was hard work and lating Fred and Betty Williams on their pros- f self-reliance that forged her into the strong perous 70th wedding anniversary. person she has been throughout her life. CONGRATULATING PIKE COUNTY f Mrs. Fenton moved to Englewood in the early 1950’s. She has resided there ever RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP since, and is known to have a remedy for any ANNIVERSARY OF THE OF OHIO health concern that you can think of. She is OKALOOSA COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also well-known for her Lemon Ice Box Pies SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Wednesday, July 29, 2015 and Apple Lattice Pies, which she has given Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to her family and neighbors during the Christ- HON. JEFF MILLER to congratulate Pike County on their bicenten- mas holiday seasons. OF FLORIDA nial anniversary and celebration. Mrs. Fenton has always made room for God IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in her life, as she has been a member of the For 200 years Pike County has stood proud- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ly at the heart of Southern Ohio. St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in New Created by the Ohio General Assembly in York City since moving to Englewood. Mrs. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise 1815, Pike County was named after American Fenton was honored to be indoctrinated into to recognize the Centennial Anniversary of the Brigadier General and explorer Zebulon Pike. the Centenarian Society, where she is an ac- Okaloosa County, Florida Sheriff’s Depart- Over the next 200 years, the people of Pike tive participant in the New England Cente- ment. County have lived up to Pike’s relentless narian Study being conducted by the Boston As a former Deputy Sheriff, I understand the American spirit. School of Medicine. Although the study may important and sometimes underappreciated Throughout its two century-long history, Pike credit Mrs. Fenton’s 110 years to her genetics, role that law enforcement officers play in local County has proudly contributed to the she partly attributes this to her daily regimen communities across the Nation. In Northwest strength, prosperity, and growth of our state of consuming a shot of Johnnie Walker and Florida, we are fortunate to have many world- and our nation. three Miller High Life’s a day. class Sheriff’s Departments and Police Depart- Pike County residents fought and died for Throughout her entire life, Mrs. Fenton has ments that are working each and every day to the United States in defense of this nation been able to live independently, even through protect their neighbors and community. For since the days of the Civil War. That service hard times. She continues to cook her own the last 100 years, the Okaloosa County Sher- continued into the , where their hard meals and bake for her family and friends dur- iff’s Department has served a thriving commu- work and industriousness in the heartland pro- ing the holiday season. Mrs. Fenton’s life is nity that has grown from a population of less vided the nuclear technology and tools that one we can all look upon and recognize as than 10,000 when the department was created continued to secure our blessings of freedom. one lived through hard work and sacrifice, but to a home for nearly 200,000 people today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.030 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1173 Yet, while the population has increased nearly other important programs such as Los By closing the prescription drug ‘‘doughnut twentyfold over the past century, the Okaloosa Compadres and Successful Living. Los hole’’ and curtailing waste and fraud, the Af- County Sheriff’s Department has always Compadres and Successful Living aim to work fordable Care Act lowers costs to beneficiaries upheld their mission to ‘‘ensure fair and equal with high risk youth by providing mentors and and improves benefits. administration of the law, safeguarding civil lib- instructional sessions that teach young people There are definitely ways to improve Medi- erties and preserving public safety and doing to make responsible decisions and achieve care and Medicaid programs, and cut waste, so with professionalism and unity of purpose, economic success. The organization has not fraud, and abuse. while being good stewards of the public’s only granted financial assistance to the com- But, these changes should not be on the trust.’’ munity, they provide resources to those in backs of our seniors and most vulnerable citi- From the first Okaloosa County Sheriff, Ben- need to promote upward mobility, be self-suffi- zens. jamin Haywood Sutton, who initially funded the cient, and lead successful lives. We must work in a bipartisan way to department with his own money, through to For these reasons, I am honored to recog- strengthen Medicare and Medicaid and ensure the current Sheriff, Larry Ashley, 15 different nize Community Action of Ventura County on enhanced access to affordable, quality men have served as Sheriff, while countless their 50th anniversary. It is with sincere grati- healthcare. have joined the force as deputies. Each and tude that I commend Community Action of Fifty years later, Medicare and Medicaid every one of those selfless men and women Ventura County for its continued success and continue to save lives, help Americans live chose to stand up and serve their commu- service to our community. healthier, and provide the peace of mind that nities as officers of the law, and while they do f comes with access to healthcare and treat- not ask for any recognition in return, they cer- ment. tainly deserve our gratitude and thanks. There TRIBUTE TO DANNY AND JOYCE I will continue to support and improve these is no greater honor than to swear an oath to WESTLAKE two critical programs that are an integral part our Constitution to serve and protect the lives of our social safety net. of your fellow man at the risk of your own ei- HON. DAVID YOUNG f ther at home or abroad, and the Okaloosa OF IOWA County Sheriff’s Department has shown over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNIZING MR. RANDY SHAW, KREM 2 NEWS ANCHOR ON HIS its 100 year history that it is dedicated to serv- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ing the people of Okaloosa County. RETIREMENT Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Congress, I am proud to recognize the accom- today to recognize and congratulate Danny HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS and Joyce Westlake of Prescott, Iowa, on the plishments and the service the Okaloosa OF WASHINGTON very special occasion of their 50th wedding County Florida Sheriff’s Department has pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vided to the community over the last 100 anniversary. Danny and Joyce were married years. on July 10, 1965 in Massena, Iowa. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 f Danny and Joyce’s lifelong commitment to Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, each other and their children Jeanette, Doug, I rise today to celebrate Mr. Randy Shaw, HONORING COMMUNITY ACTION OF Paul and Pamela, along with their grand- Spokane’s KREM 2 News anchor for his years VENTURA COUNTY children and great-grandchildren truly em- of service to Eastern Washington. As a broad- bodies our Iowa values. I commend this de- cast journalist, Mr. Shaw has faithfully served HON. JULIA BROWNLEY voted couple on their 50th year together and Spokane, Washington and the entire Inland OF CALIFORNIA I wish them many more. I know my colleagues Northwest for over thirty-three years. Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the United States House of Representatives Shaw is retiring at the end of September and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 will join me in congratulating them on this mo- I am pleased to recognize his accomplish- mentous occasion. Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, ments and contributions to our great commu- today I rise to recognize Community Action of f nity in Eastern Washington. Ventura County on the occasion of their 50th MEDICARE AND MEDICAID 50TH Throughout his distinguished career, Mr. anniversary. For five decades, this remarkable ANNIVERSARY Randy Shaw covered the presidencies of Ger- organization has promoted economic equality ald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and through an array of efforts to combat poverty HON. JOYCE BEATTY George H.W. Bush. Reporting overseas in in Ventura County. Asia, Africa, and South America, Mr. Shaw re- OF OHIO Community Action of Ventura County was ceived more than three dozen journalism IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established in 1965 under the Economic Op- awards and brought a wide range of news into portunity Act, one of the first federal anti-pov- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 the homes of the people of Eastern Wash- erty programs in the United States. To this Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, in 1965, Presi- ington. day, the organization’s mission continues to dent Lyndon Johnson signed two important Making his journalistic debut in newspaper, be to serve as an auxiliary to assist poverty- programs into law: Medicare and Medicaid. Mr. Shaw transitioned to radio and television stricken citizens in achieving self-sufficiency. These two critical programs provide Ameri- where he spent the majority of his career. Dur- Today, the organization has proven its effec- cans much needed access to healthcare. ing his time in Spokane, Mr. Shaw was award- tiveness by reducing poverty rates across the They were created out of the truth that ed a Regional Edward R. Murrow award for in- region, and is a recognized leader among healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and no vestigative reporting and the National Associa- community-based organizations. one should fall into poverty due to a lack of tion of Television Arts and Science Silver Cir- The services that Community Action of Ven- healthcare or treatment. cle for his service to our community. tura County provides to residents of our com- Over the last 50 years, Medicare has helped As the longest serving news anchor in Spo- munity have been invaluable in assisting those millions of American families maintain inde- kane broadcast history, Mr. Shaw worked dili- who live below the poverty line. Serving ap- pendence and security. gently to ensure that our citizens are well in- proximately 8,000 clients every year through Medicaid provides a health care safety net formed. Moreover, he also endeavored to impactful programs, Community Action of Ven- for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, serve local causes throughout our community. tura County has been instrumental in the effort and children and young adults from working Through the years, Randy supported numer- to reduce poverty and economic inequality in families. ous local charities and fundraising efforts, in- Ventura County. With committed and steadfast For example, in 2013, in my district, Ohio’s cluding the Inland Northwest Honor Flight, the board members, staff, and volunteers, all third congressional district, 85,313 of the resi- Alzheimer’s Association, the Children’s Miracle working toward the goal of lifting people out of dents received Medicare and 173,991 of the Network, and the American Red Cross. Off poverty, this organization positively impacts residents received Medicaid. camera, Mr. Shaw is an author, explorer, mu- our community through partnership building That is why I applaud Governor Kasich for sician, singer and entertainment producer. He and advocacy for measures to help low-in- his decision to expand Medicaid in Ohio. integrates these passions into many of his ef- come individuals and families survive and rise Our path forward should build upon Presi- forts. up above poverty. dent Johnson’s vision by strengthening Medi- I would like to thank Mr. Randy Shaw for his In its fifty years of service, Community Ac- care and Medicaid, improving essential bene- years of dedication to Spokane and to the In- tion of Ventura County has also implemented fits, and containing costs. land Northwest. I applaud his commitment to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.034 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 the citizens of Eastern Washington and wish combat hunger in our communities but also to as my Legislative Assistant and became one him the best of luck in the next chapter of his help other nations through trade as well as to of the few individuals who can say they life. assist them in providing lunches for some 40 worked for every Portuguese Republican from f million school children throughout the devel- California in the House of Representatives. oping world. During her time in my office, she handled sev- RECOGNIZING THE 51ST PASSAGE Mr. Speaker, this is why I am proud to re- eral legislative portfolios, including agriculture, OF THE ‘‘FOOD STAMP ACT’’ member the positive impact that the ‘‘Food energy, healthcare, homeland security, immi- Stamp Act’’ has had on our communities, and gration, trade, and water. Last year, she was HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE nation as a whole, along with the millions of promoted to Legislative Director and handled OF TEXAS lives it has improved over the decades. my work on the Appropriations committee. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f On August 1, 2015, Ms. Butler’s time in my Wednesday, July 29, 2015 office will come to an end. Ms. Butler is return- IN RECOGNITION OF WILLIAM ing to Texas, where she will marry Mr. Nathan Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise GRIGGS’ SERVICE AS WYAN- Russell, a nuclear plant operator who has today to recognize the 51st anniversary of the DOTTE CITY CLERK loved her since their freshman year of high ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ of 1964, an act that school, on September 19, 2015. While I know strengthened the agricultural economy and im- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL her family will be happy to have her back in proved levels of nutrition among low income OF MICHIGAN the Lone Star State, she will be greatly missed households. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a member of my team. This impactful legislative achievement was Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the passed by the historic 88th Congress of the United States House of Representatives to United States, and signed into law by Presi- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join me in commending Jessica Butler for her dent Lyndon B. Johnson on August 31, 1964. recognize William Griggs for his forty two public service to the people of the Central Val- During the 1960’s our nation was in the years of service to the city of Wyandotte. First ley and wishing her well in this next chapter of midst of the biggest legislative civil rights bat- elected in 1973, Bill is one of the longest serv- her life. tle since the ratification of the 14th amend- ing public officials in the Downriver commu- f ment of the Constitution, which addressed citi- nities. zenship rights and equal protection under the Bill is described by his colleagues as dedi- TO HONOR THE TEXAS JOB CORPS law. cated and kind, and is praised in the commu- GRADUATES Mr. Speaker, it is difficult to imagine that nity for the dignity and professionalism he has during a time where the country was experi- brought to the clerk’s office. His presence as HON. GENE GREEN encing its largest uninterrupted period of eco- a leading voice in Wyandotte has been recog- OF TEXAS nomic expansion, American families were bat- nized by generations of residents, and with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tling a war on poverty. dedication of the City Council chambers in his Leaders like President Johnson, who him- honor will be recognized by many more. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 self grew up in a poverty stricken family in Bill has served as a role model in our com- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Stonewall, Texas, had a firsthand account of munity, serving as the director of Wyandotte’s I rise today to honor the hard work and dedi- these struggles that many American families adaptive recreation program and on the Board cation of the recent graduates of the Texas faced on a daily basis. of Directors for the National Wheelchair Ath- Job Corps Centers. President Johnson took action and pursued letics Committee. He inspired people with dis- The four Job Corps centers in Texas have an agenda, which he called ‘‘The Great Soci- abilities with his participation in the 1968 and served the people of our great state for over ety.’’ 1972 Paralympics Games, and was inducted 50 years, providing a no-cost education and The ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ is a legislative vic- into the Michigan Athletes with Disabilities Hall career technical training program that helps tory for his agenda that benefits those Ameri- of Fame in 2002. young Texans from ages 16 to 24 improve the cans who are living below the poverty line, by Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me quality of their lives through career technical providing a sustainable source of food. today to honor William Griggs for his forty two and academic training. The impact of this legislation was simple; it years of service and his lasting impact on the By graduating from the Job Corps, these helped put food on tables. Wyandotte community. I thank him for his young men and women have proven that they In my city of Houston, Texas, Supplemental leadership, and wish him many years of suc- have skills and determination to succeed and Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has cess. be valuable contributors to communities helped establish nine major Food Banks that f throughout Texas and the country. serve the city and its citizens with providing On behalf of the people of the 29th Con- the much needed access to nutrition for fami- IN RECOGNITION OF MS. JESSICA gressional District of Texas, I would like to lies and individuals who otherwise would be BUTLER congratulate the 2015 Job Corps graduates of unable to afford it without programs created by all four centers in our state—David L. the ‘‘Food Stamp Act.’’ HON. DAVID G. VALADAO Carrasco Job Corps, Gary Job Corps, Laredo As President Johnson remarked when he OF CALIFORNIA Job Corps, and North Texas Job Corps. signed this act that it, ‘‘weds the best of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would also like to recognize the Texas Job humanitarian instincts of the American people Corps for their half century of success and say Wednesday, July 29, 2015 with the best of the free enterprise system.’’ thank you for the service the Job Corps Pro- The most important benefactors of this pro- Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gram and its graduates have provided to gram have been the children of this nation. thank Jessica Butler for her service to my of- Texas. The ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ at the time when it fice and the 21st Congressional District of f was signed into law assisted 17 million chil- California over the past two and a half years. dren by giving them access to hot lunches in Ms. Butler was born in Wharton, Texas to IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- their schools. Robert and Carol Butler and spent her youth MENT OF ADMIRAL JAMES A. For many of these children this was the first in Bay City, Texas with her siblings, Sarah WINNEFELD, JR. time they had a lunch while at school. and Sam. After completing her high school Mr. Speaker, hunger in our nation does not education, Ms. Butler studied poultry science HON. MIKE ROGERS see color or sex or religion. This is a problem and food safety at Texas A&M University and OF ALABAMA that affects us all no matter our background. Auburn University. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While simultaneously strengthening our mar- After college, Jessica accepted a Fellowship Wednesday, July 29, 2015 kets for the farmers, the ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ with Congressman DEVIN NUNES through the has immeasurably improved the volume of re- American Association for the Advancement of Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I tail food sales in our nation and around the Science and the Federation of Animal Science ask for the House’s attention today to recog- world. Societies. Her work in Mr. NUNES’ office led nize Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr., who is Our national food abundance should be her to discover her passion for policy. After retiring July 31, 2015, after serving with dis- continuously used constructively not only to completing her fellowship, she joined my office tinction for more than 37 years, culminating

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.038 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1175 his career as Vice Chairman of the Joint Commander, United States SIXTH Fleet, training and career opportunities. He has Chiefs of Staff. Commander NATO Allied Joint Command Lis- worked to develop resources in the sur- Throughout his service as a senior military bon and Commander Striking and Support rounding community and at the state and fed- leader, Admiral Winnefeld has provided this Forces NATO. eral levels to provide transition assistance for body, and in particular the House Armed Serv- His shore tours include service in the Joint all veterans. ices Committee, with invaluable testimony and Staff Operations Directorate (J–3), as Senior The Army will be losing a strong leader candid military advice. Over the last four Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of when COL Hodges retires later this year after years, Admiral Winnefeld has served as the Staff and as Executive Assistant to the Vice a long and impressive career in the Army. He ninth Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Chief of Naval Operations. As a flag officer he started his service in the summer of 1985 Staff. I think I speak for all of my colleagues served ashore as director, Warfare Programs when he enlisted in the Florida National Guard on the Armed Services Committee when I say and Transformational Concepts, United States as an 11B Infantryman. After being commis- his vast experience, knowledge, outstanding Fleet Forces Command, as Director of Joint sioned as an Infantry Officer and Distin- leadership and professionalism combined with Innovation and Experimentation at United guished Military Graduate from the University his deep respect and consideration for all of States Joint Forces Command and as the Di- of Central Florida (UCF) he completed the In- our service men and women will be greatly rector for Strategic Plans and Policy (J–5) on fantry Officer Basic Course, Airborne School missed. the Joint Staff. Prior to becoming the Vice and Ranger School. He was then assigned to During his tenure as Vice Chairman, he pro- Chairman, Admiral Winnefeld served as the Germany and 3–5 Cavalry in the 3rd Armored vided military advice to not only the legislative Commander of North American Aerospace Division. While there he participated in Oper- branch, but also to the President of the United Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. North- ation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. After States, Secretary of Defense, National Secu- ern Command (USNORTHCOM). returning from Germany and completing the rity Council and the Chairman of the Joint As the Commander of NORAD and required military schooling, he commanded A Chiefs of Staff on a wide range of complex USNORTHCOM, Admiral Winnefeld led his- Company, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry military and national security issues during an toric advances in the working relationship be- (ASSLT) in the Republic of ; and Com- extremely challenging period in our country’s tween USNORTHCOM, Department of Home- pany H, the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard) history. land Security, Federal Emergency Manage- in Arlington, Virginia. In this challenging fiscal and security envi- ment Agency, Drug Enforcement Administra- In 2001–2002, COL Hodges attended the ronment, Admiral Winnefeld helped lead our tion, Customs and Boarder Protection and the Command and General Staff School at Fort military through global events and threats to National Guard, specifically with the Dual-Sta- Leavenworth and was then assigned to Fort include the Department of Defense’s rebal- tus Commander concept. In addition, he led Lewis, where he served as a Battalion Oper- ance to the Pacific, Iraq troop withdrawal, Af- the U.S.-Mexican military-to-military relation- ations Officer and Executive Officer in 1st Bat- ghanistan transition, the global threat of ISIL, ship to a historic level of collaboration and talion, 23rd Infantry, (Tomahawks); and as the instability in Syria and Russia’s provocative brought very tangible results to our Nations’ Operations Officer of 3–2 Stryker Brigade actions in Eastern . In addition, the important struggle against the fast-growing Combat Team. While there, he was part of the Vice Chairman played key roles in advising transnational criminal organizations. Through team that certified the Army’s first Stryker Bri- our nation’s leaders on and formulating plans his distinctive accomplishments, Admiral gade Combat Team and deployed as part of for various counterterrorism efforts. Winnefeld culminated a long and distinguished Operation Iraqi Freedom. As Vice Chairman, he led the development career in the service of our nation and his ten- After promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, he and implementation of the 2014 Quadrennial ure leaves a lasting positive legacy to the served as the Chair of the Military Science Defense Review, an effort that involved thou- Armed Forces. I appreciate his extraordinary Department at Duke University. In 2007, he sands of senior leadership man-hours. Pivotal reflected great credit upon himself, the United returned to Fort Lewis and took command of to his role as the Vice Chairman he also States Navy, and the Department of Defense. 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry, 3–2 Stryker Bri- chaired the Joint Requirements Oversight For nearly forty years Admiral Winnefeld gade Combat Team. He commanded the bat- Council (or JROC), where he worked tirelessly has performed his duty professionally, hon- talion for three years, and he deployed it to to transform the requirements processes to estly and with great dedication. Our nation will participate in Operation Iraqi Freedom. After become more agile, transparent and inclusive. miss his leadership and expertise. command, he was selected to serve as the Di- He focused its efforts on the immediate capa- Mr. Speaker, please join me in wishing him rector of Training, G3, for . After at- bility needs of the Combatant Commanders and his family all the best as he moves to the tending the United States Army War College, and the most pressing military issues of the next phase of his life. COL Hodges took command of the newly cre- Joint Warfighter. As co-chair of the Defense f ated Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) in Au- Acquisition Board, Admiral Winnefeld worked gust of 2012. to link the requirements, resource and acquisi- RECOGNIZING COL. CHUCK Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to recognize tion communities in developing programs to HODGES’ SERVICE TO JOINT COL Hodges’ successful and decorated ca- deliver appropriate capabilities to the Joint BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD AND THE reer. I commend him for his service, leader- Warfighter at the right time and for the right UNITED STATES ship, and dedication. I also wish to recognize price. Admiral Winnefeld’s work as a co-chair the sacrifices and contributions made by his of the nuclear weapons council ensured our HON. DENNY HECK family including his wife Kathy and their chil- military’s nuclear enterprise and number one OF WASHINGTON dren Shelby and Sam. priority remained viable and relevant as a stra- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The State of Washington and our country tegic deterrent to our nation’s adversaries. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 owe COL Hodges a debt of gratitude for his Admiral Winnefeld graduated from the Geor- work and dedication to our country. We thank gia Institute of Technology and received his Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speaker, him for his service to our country and con- commission from the Navy Reserve Officer today I rise to honor my good friend and Com- gratulate him as he begins the next chapter of Training Corps program. He subsequently mander of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, U.S. his career. served with three fighter squadrons flying the Army Colonel Charles Hodges, Jr. f F–14 Tomcat and as an instructor at the Navy COL Hodges will leave command next Fighter Weapons School. Admiral Winnefeld’s month after a tremendously successful three COMMENDING UNITED STATES- unit commands at sea include Fighter Squad- years at JBLM. He has played a critical role in TURKEY MILITARY COOPERATION ron 211, USS (LPD 7) and USS En- the implementation of joint basing and has terprise (CVN 65). He led ‘‘Big E’’ through her proved the success of the program to both the HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON 18th deployment, which included combat oper- Department of Defense and the Army. In addi- OF TEXAS ations in Afghanistan in support of Operation tion, his partnership with the surrounding com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Enduring Freedom immediately after the ter- munity is unprecedented. He has strengthened rorist acts of Sept. 11, 2001. As Commander, an already robust relationship between the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Carrier Strike Group TWO/Theodore Roo- base and community by finding creative solu- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. sevelt Carrier Strike Group, he led Task tions to issues such as traffic congestion and Mr. Speaker, I was very pleased to hear the Forces 50, 152 and 58 in support of Operation noise abatement. announcement made last Thursday that Incirlik Iraqi Freedom and maritime interception oper- COL Hodges has also been instrumental in Air Base in Turkey will now be made available ations in the Arabian Gulf. He also served as ensuring our separating troops can pursue job for both unmanned and manned airstrikes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.043 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 against the Islamic State. The announcement resentatives to join me in congratulating her providing for consideration of H.R. 427, Regu- indicates a substantial increase in cooperation on receiving this distinguished award, and lations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny with our longstanding NATO ally, the Republic wishing her the best of luck in all her future Act of 2015). of Turkey. The enhanced operations will in- endeavors. On Roll Call 471 I would have voted No (On clude the direct involvement of the Turkish Air f H. Res. 380, providing for consideration of Force in conjunction with our own military. H.R. 427, Regulations from the Executive in In recent days, Islamic State terrorists have RECOGNIZING BASF ON THEIR Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015). stepped up their attacks on Turkey. On July 150TH ANNIVERSARY On Roll Call 472 I would have voted Aye 20, a bomber took the lives of 32 inno- (H.R. 675, Veterans Compensation Cost of cent civilians near a cultural center in Suruc, HON. DEBBIE DINGELL Living Adjustment Act of 2015). Turkey. On July 23, a non-commissioned OF MICHIGAN On Roll Call 473 I would have voted No Turkish officer was killed in an armed attack at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Young Amendment to H.R. 427, Regulations a military border post at Elbeyli, Turkey. I wish from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 to express my sincere condolences to our 2015). friends in Turkey for these losses, which pro- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to On Roll Call 474 I would have voted No vide further evidence of the barbaric nature of recognize BASF on their 150th Anniversary. (Smith of Missouri Amendment to H.R. 427, the terrorist forces now dominating much of Their longevity as a company is a testament Regulations from the Executive in Need of Syria and Iraq. to their innovative products, the drive of their Scrutiny Act of 2015). It is more essential than ever that we deep- leaders, and the hard work of their employees. On Roll Call 475 I would have voted Aye en our cooperation with key allies like Turkey BASF’s presence in the United States goes (Johnson of Georgia Amendment to H.R. 427, as we seek to bring peace and security to a back to the 1950s, and today they employ Regulations from the Executive in Need of troubled region. I wish to commend the contin- over 15,000 Americans in more than 30 Scrutiny Act of 2015). ued cooperative efforts of the military leader- states. They deserve to be commended for On Roll Call 476 I would have voted Aye ship in both the United States and the Repub- this milestone anniversary. (Capps Amendment to H.R. 427, Regulations lic of Turkey. It is essential that this bond be- BASF is a pillar of our community in South- from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of tween our countries remains strong as we east Michigan. Specifically, their plant in Wy- 2015). confront this strategic challenge. andotte, Michigan employs over 1,000 people On Roll Call 477 I would have voted Aye f in good paying, high skilled jobs. Notable is (Cicilline Amendment to H.R. 427, Regulations their dedication to community relations and from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of TRIBUTE TO KATIE ROTH charitable activities. The company played a 2015). critical role in the founding of the Detroit River On Roll Call 478 I would have voted Aye HON. DAVID YOUNG International Wildlife Refuge, the only inter- (Jackson Lee/Cicilline Amendment to H.R. OF IOWA national wildlife refuge in this country. They 427, Regulations from the Executive in Need IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES worked to restore Fighting Island in the Detroit of Scrutiny Act of 2015). River so it is suitable for wildlife habitat, and On Roll Call 479 I would have voted Aye Wednesday, July 29, 2015 they contributed to the trails in the Humbug (Nadler Amendment to H.R. 427, Regulations Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Marsh unit, among numerous other activities. from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of today to recognize and congratulate Katie Their dedication to conservation, and giving 2015). Roth for being named the 2015 Woman Busi- back to the community, is to be commended. On Roll Call No. 480 I would have voted ness Owner of the Year by the award-winning When BASF was founded 150 years ago, Aye (Pocan Amendment to H.R. 427, Regula- central Iowa publication, the Des Moines Busi- nobody would have imagined how large the tions from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny ness Record. company would grow or the impact they would Act of 2015). Since 2000, the Des Moines Business have on the world. Today, they continue to On Roll Call No. 481 I would have voted Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual produce innovative products while also being Aye (Motion to Recommit H.R. 427, Regula- review to identify a group of standout female responsible corporate stewards. This is signifi- tions from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that cant in today’s world and deserves praise. Act of 2015). are making an impact in their communities ei- Congratulations to everyone at BASF as you On Roll Call No. 482 I would have voted No ther personally or professionally, forging a celebrate your 150th Anniversary. (On Passage of H.R. 427, Regulations from path for other women to follow. The women Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of given this prestigious award are individuals in honoring the 150 years of success and 2015). who have selflessly dedicated their time and community contributions of BASF. f proven their leadership abilities across a vari- f ety of professional fields. RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- Ms. Roth got her start in the news business PERSONAL EXPLANATION SARY OF MEDICAID AND MEDI- after earning her Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast CARE Journalism from the University of Iowa. With HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE hard work and her natural leadership qualities, OF TEXAS HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING Ms. Roth quickly worked her way up in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MASSACHUSETTS ranks, until ultimately she decided to open the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doors of Portico Staffing. Since founding Por- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 tico Staffing, Ms. Roth has continued to grow Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, from Fri- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 the business through hard work and deter- day, July 24, 2015 through Tuesday, July 28, Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in mination to succeed. 2015, I was out of the country participating in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Medi- Ms. Roth has selflessly dedicated her time the congressional delegation accompanying care and Medicaid. and talents to improving the lives of others. President Obama on his diplomatic visits to In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed When she isn’t busy expanding the size and Kenya and Ethiopia. Had I been present I the Social Security Act into law—establishing scope of her business she invests her time in would have voted as follows: the groundbreaking programs of Medicare and mentoring others, helping to foster the next On Roll Call 467 I would have voted Aye (S. Medicaid and guaranteeing that a wide range generation of Iowa’s leaders. Ms. Roth’s high 1482, Need-Based Education Aid Act of of health and medical services would be avail- ethical standards and level of achievement 2015). able to millions of Americans previously ineli- have given her the necessary qualifications to On Roll Call 468 I would have voted Aye gible or unable to attain basic healthcare. receive this prestigious award. (H.R. 1656, Secret Service Improvements Act Prior to this law, over half of our nation’s Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- of 2015). seniors did not have access to health insur- resent leaders like Ms. Roth in the United On Roll Call 469 I would have voted Aye ance. Yet one year after its establishment, 19 States Congress and it is with great pride that (Amendment to H.R. 2770, Keep Our Trav- million seniors and disabled individuals were I recognize and applaud her for utilizing her elers Safe and Secure Act of 2015). provided coverage. That figure has grown dra- talents to better the State of Iowa. I invite my On Roll Call 470 I would have voted No (On matically; for the last half century, Medicare colleagues in the United States House of Rep- Ordering Previous Question for H. Res. 380, and Medicaid have provided vital healthcare

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.045 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1177 services to countless seniors, individuals with HONORING H. GRAYSON COUNTY there is no reason why the Smithsonian disabilities and low-income families. By 2014, ADMINISTRATOR JONATHAN should not be accountable to the public for the 54 million Americans relied on Medicare for SWEET annual federal appropriations it receives, quality health care and economic security, which account for 70 percent of its budget. Al- while 69 million—including one in three chil- HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH though the Smithsonian was created by Con- dren—are benefited by Medicaid and its serv- OF VIRGINIA gress as a federal trust, it receives the great ices. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES majority of its funding from the federal govern- ment, much like federal agencies, and has al- Mr. Speaker, please join me in celebrating Wednesday, July 29, 2015 the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Med- ways been treated as a federal agency except icaid. I look forward to continuing to strength- Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. Speaker, I submit these for FOIA and other open government laws. In en and protect Medicare and Medicaid to en- remarks in honor of Grayson County Adminis- the 1990s, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the sure that the promise of health and economic trator Jonathan Sweet, who was recently District of Columbia Circuit found under the security will be there for generations to come. named 2015 County Leader of the Year by current act that the Smithsonian is not a fed- Penton Media’s ‘‘American City and County’’ eral agency for purposes of FOIA and the Pri- magazine. f vacy Act. The Smithsonian’s website states As is noted in the magazine’s story, ‘‘Sweet that it is ‘‘not an Executive Branch agency, PERSONAL EXPLANATION started his professional career as the Director and FOIA does not apply to the Smithsonian.’’ of Economic Development of Carroll County, This bill would amend FOIA and the Privacy Va., and then served Danville, Va., in their of- Act to apply to the Smithsonian, which would HON. PETER J. ROSKAM fice of economic development. Sweet then require the institution to make administrative moved to Bland County, Va., to become staff manuals, interpretations of law or regula- OF ILLINOIS County Administrator at the age of 24—one of tions, final opinions, policies, and other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the youngest in the state to hold that position. records available to the public. The bill would However, he was tied to Grayson [County], also require the Smithsonian’s Board of Re- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 where many of his friends and family lived. It’s gents and other boards to hold meetings to where he felt most at home.’’ the public. Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. Jonathan returned to Grayson in 2009 to The current absence of transparency at the 469 my flight was delayed due to weather. serve as County Administrator and began ad- Smithsonian should be of concern, particularly Had I been present, I would have voted Aye. dressing several difficult challenges, among in light of its recent history of secrecy and cor- them returning financial stability to the county ruption. In 2007, an independent review found f and encouraging the growth of jobs and the that the Smithsonian Board of Regents had economy. ‘‘As the furniture industry shrank CONGRATULATING FIVE STU- violated many principles of good management and textile jobs moved overseas, the county DENTS FROM THE 24TH CON- Regents during the tenure of Lawrence Small really began to suffer, ultimately hitting an un- GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF as Secretary of the Smithsonian. The report employment rate of 14.6 percent,’’ Derek Prall TEXAS FOR RECEIVING FUL- indicated that the Board had failed to provide wrote in the magazine. ‘‘By the time Sweet BRIGHT AWARDS DURING THE the needed oversight, had over-compensated came on board, the county had taken on 2014–2015 ACADEMIC YEAR the Secretary, and had allowed the creation of $18.3 million in debt, and was relying on credit an ‘‘insular culture.’’ The report further found to stay afloat.’’ that the Smithsonian’s deputy secretary and HON. KENNY MARCHANT He immediately began working at the tasks chief operating officer, Sheila Burke, was fre- at hand. In part because of Jonathan’s efforts, quently absent from her duties because of out- OF TEXAS ‘‘Grayson county went from one of the most fi- side activities, including service on corporate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nancially challenged and distressed counties boards, for which she earned more than $1.2 in Virginia, to becoming one of the most finan- million over six years. Importantly, the report Wednesday, July 29, 2015 cially stable and well managed in the region,’’ indicated that Smithsonian leaders took great David Sexton, Chairman of the Grayson Coun- measures to keep secret these missteps and Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ty Board of Supervisors, told the magazine. mismanagement. in recognition of Andrew Hasson of Coppell, Further, the magazine notes, ‘‘The unemploy- While the Smithsonian has since had new Afshan Kamrudin of Carrollton, Matthew ment rate now stands at 6.9 percent, less than leaders, who are moving away from the mis- Lenzen of Farmers Branch, Abhishek Raj of half of what it was at its peak.’’ takes of the past, Congress has not ensured Carrollton, and Amanda Kathleen White of Jonathan Sweet is a hardworking, dedi- that the Smithsonian is a transparent entity, Farmers Branch, who were selected to be cated, and passionate public servant, and I which should not depend on who is in charge. 2014–2015 Fulbright Grantees. This is an in- ask that my colleagues join me in congratu- An entity supported primarily by federal funds credibly illustrious achievement, and I am hon- lating him on being named the 2015 County must be accountable to the American people. ored that these came from my Congressional Leader of the Year. I commend Jonathan for I urge my colleagues to support this meas- District in Texas. his accomplishments and for his ongoing ef- ure. The Fulbright Program was established in forts to make Grayson County a great place to f 1946 by Congress. These five join the already live, work, and raise a family. TRIBUTE TO DONALD J. TRACY 360,000 past participants over seven decades f in the Fulbright Program, a prestigious group selected through open, merit-based competi- THE INTRODUCTION OF THE OPEN HON. JOHN R. CARTER AND TRANSPARENT SMITHSO- tions. Their destinations and universities are OF TEXAS NIAN ACT OF 2015 as follows: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Andrew Hasson to through the HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON Wednesday, July 29, 2015 University of Pennsylvania. Afshan Kamrudin Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise to South Africa through Southern Methodist OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to salute Donald J. Tracy of Cedar Park, University. Matthew Lenzen to through TX. A pillar of this bustling community nestled Texas A&M University. Abhishek Raj to Ger- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 in the heart of my congressional district, Don- many through the University of Texas at Dal- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- ald recently resigned from the Cedar Park City las. Amanda Kathleen White to Japan through duce the Open and Transparent Smithsonian Council to start a challenging doctoral program the University of North Texas. Act of 2015 to further ensure that the Smithso- at Texas State University. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th Congres- nian Institution is accountable to the public for Daily life in Cedar Park rests upon the sional District of Texas, I ask all my distin- the taxpayer funds it receives. The bill pro- shoulders of dedicated public servants like guished colleagues to join me in honoring An- vides that, for the purposes of the Freedom of Donald Tracy. First elected to the City Council drew Hasson, Afshan Kamrudin, Matthew Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act, in 2010, Donald served as mayor pro tem and Lenzen, Abhishek Raj, and Amanda Kathleen the Smithsonian should be considered a fed- as a critical member of several city commit- White for this tremendous achievement. eral agency. This bill is necessary because tees. Widely admired and respected for his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.049 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 leadership, Donald has been a public servant designation, and wishing her the best of luck IN RECOGNITION OF MS. ALEXIS both his colleagues and constituents could rely in all her future endeavors. JOY MARIE HAYES upon. Donald’s dedication to service extends to f HON. DAVID G. VALADAO his professional endeavors as well. For over CONGRATULATING CONGRESSMAN OF CALIFORNIA 15 years, he has worked in Central Texas as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a human resource management and workforce KEN HECHLER AND CAROL Wednesday, July 29, 2015 education professional, where he has led HECHLER community- and state-wide skills development Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to initiatives focused on training workers in high- HON. ALEXANDER X. MOONEY thank Alexis Joy Marie Hayes for her service growth, high-opportunity industry clusters. He OF WEST VIRGINIA to my office and to the people of the 21st currently works for Austin Community College, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressional District of California. where he serves as Director of Business Op- Alexis Hayes was born and raised in Visalia, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 erations and Marketing in the Continuing Edu- California to Mr. and Mrs. James and Kristin cation Division. Donald’s doctoral work will di- Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. Speak- Hayes on February 5, 1994. Six years later, in rectly support his critical efforts to develop cer- er, I would like to congratulate Congressman 1999, Alexis was blessed with the birth of her tification programs for adults who want to tran- Ken Hechler and Carol Hechler on reaffirming sister, Rileey Hayes. sition into new jobs. their commitment to each other in their mar- Ms. Hayes attended Mountain View Elemen- Donald Tracy’s extraordinary commitment to riage on August 8th. Congressman Hechler tary and Divisadero Middle School prior to at- service reflects the best values of Central has honorably served the amazing state of tending Mt. Whitney High School, where she Texas. There’s no doubt that Cedar Park is a West Virginia for over fifty years, first as a graduated in 2012. Following high school, better place because of him. I heartily salute combat historian in the United States Army Alexis began her general studies at the Col- his work and wish him the best of luck in all during World War II, then as the Representa- lege of the Sequoias in Visalia, California. his new endeavors. tive of the 4th district and as West Virginia’s While in school, Ms. Hayes served as the President of the local College Republicans f Secretary of State. I am overjoyed that Con- gressman Hechler has decided to honor and Chapter. TRIBUTE TO MAYOR SARA uphold the sacred institution of marriage with Since high school, Ms. Hayes has been an KUROVSKI his wife, Carol. active member of her community. From an I join with their families, friends, and loved early age, she has demonstrated a strong in- HON. DAVID YOUNG ones in congratulating Congressman Hechler terest in politics and an unwavering commit- OF IOWA and his wife Carol on this momentous occa- ment to public service. She has held positions as Office Manager IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion. I wish the reaffirmed couple the best of luck, and long, happy lives together. for Valadao for Congress, Intern for Congress- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 man DEVIN NUNES, and most recently, as a Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise f Constituent Services Representative in my today to recognize and congratulate Sara Hanford, California office. Kurovski, Mayor of Pleasant Hill, for being IN RECOGNITION OF DR. CHAD Friday, July 31, 2015, will be Ms. Hayes last named the 2015 Meredith Woman of Influence AUDI’S SERVICE TO OUR COMMU- day as a member of my staff. In August, Ms. honoree by the award-winning central Iowa NITY Hayes will begin attending the University of publication, the Des Moines Business Record. California, Berkeley. While I am proud of her Since 2000, the Des Moines Business HON. DEBBIE DINGELL academic achievements, she will be greatly Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual OF MICHIGAN missed as a member of my team. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the review to identify a group of standout female IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that United States House of Representatives to Wednesday, July 29, 2015 are making an impact in their communities ei- join me in commending Alexis Hayes for her ther personally or professionally, forging a Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to public service to the people of the Central Val- path for other women to follow. The women recognize Dr. Chad Audi’s years of service to ley and wishing her well as she begins the given this prestigious award are individuals our community and the State of Michigan. next chapter of her life. who have selflessly dedicated their time and The Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries start- f proven their leadership abilities across a vari- ed as a soup kitchen in 1909. It had a reputa- TRIBUTE TO WORLD WAR II ety of professional fields. tion for serving hot meals, providing canned VETERAN CARL CRISP Mayor Kurovski’s passion for public service goods, and other necessities to feed many began when she attended Drake University people who had so little. Today, they offer nu- and received her Master’s degree in public ad- merous services including substance abuse HON. LUKE MESSER ministration. Since graduation she has dedi- treatment, transitional and permanent housing, OF INDIANA cated her time and talents to serving others job preparation, and educational courses. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and improving her community. Starting as a volunteer in 1994, Dr. Audi has Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Elected in 2013 as Mayor of Pleasant Hill, worked tirelessly to transform this organiza- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to she has worked tirelessly to improve her com- tion. recognize the service of a remarkable war munity. Mayor Kurovski initially was involved After 10 years of service, Dr. Audi became hero from Indiana’s 6th Congressional Dis- in a number of boards for the city of Pleasant the President and CEO of the Detroit Rescue trict—World War II Veteran, Carl Crisp. Hill, where her passion for public service and Mission Ministries in 2004. Since then, he has Carl honorably served in the United States improving the lives of others grew. But running helped to make this community institution into Army Air Corps from 1943 to 1945. He flew the city of Pleasant Hill is only one aspect of the largest rescue mission in the United numerous missions with the allied forces her life, and her work does not stop there. She States. The resources they offer to women, throughout the Ardennes and played a critical also works for Iowa based Kum & Go as their children, senior citizens, and veterans, have role in liberating France from Nazi occupation. manager of sustainability. I admire her dedica- made the Detroit Metropolitan Area a better It’s been a long time coming, but on Satur- tion to the State of Iowa and believe it is hard place to work and live. Dr. Audi’s tenure and day, August 1, 2015, Carl will be presented working people like Mayor Kurovski that will contributions reflect his passion for service, his the French Legion of Honor Medal during a lead our future generations. commitment to his community, and his calling ceremony at the Henry County Historical Soci- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- to improve the lives of others. Dr. Audi de- ety Museum. This distinguished honor is given resent leaders like Mayor Kurovski in the serves our utmost respect and admiration and only to those who have served France or the United States Congress and it is with great this world would be a better place with more ideals it upholds, and Carl’s service in World pride that I recognize and applaud her for uti- people like him. War II makes him more than deserving. lizing her talents to better the State of Iowa. I Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me I congratulate Carl on this recognition and invite my colleagues in the United States in honoring the work of Dr. Chad Audi and the thank him for his service on behalf of our House of Representatives to join me in con- strength he has given to the Detroit Rescue great nation. The entire owes him gratulating her on receiving this esteemed Mission Ministries. a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.054 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1179 GUTHRIE’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CANCEL AUGUST RECESS TRIBUTE TO HOWARD KELLER HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN HON. TIM WALBERG OF ALABAMA OF VIRGINIA OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, I want to Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am dis- Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Guthrie’s Chicken based in my appointed that Congress plans to adjourn for thank Howard Keller for his many years of hometown of Haleyville, Alabama for 50 years August recess without addressing critical service to the community of Adrian, Michigan. in the 4th Congressional District, Alabama and issues important to the American people. On July 21, Mr. Keller retired after 34 years the southeastern United States. I appreciate that district work periods allow as a board member of the Lenawee Inter- In 1965 Hal Guthrie opened a drive-in res- Members to visit with folks back in their com- mediate School District, most recently as taurant in Haleyville serving hamburgers, munity, but it is now becoming a habit for board president. As an advocate for students barbeque, fish and fried chicken. Congress to abandon a long ‘‘to do’’ list in the and teachers alike, Mr. Keller’s vision and Eighteen years after opening, Hal Guthrie rush to get out of town. This August is no ex- dedicated servant leadership has been instru- decided to add chicken fingers to the menu, ception. mental in moving the school district forward. which included a family created dipping sauce. Unfortunately, Congress has not done its In addition to his role on the school board, Guthrie did not know at the time that his deci- job. It has not completed the work of the peo- Mr. Keller’s tireless leadership has been evi- sion would make his name known from one ple; including budgeting and critical national dent in a number of causes. Earlier this year, side of Alabama to the other. security legislation. Our constituents expect us Mr. Keller stepped down as a board member In 1982, the Guthries opened a second res- to stay and finish the job. of the Lenawee Community Mental Health Au- taurant, this one just off campus of Auburn Let’s clear our schedules and—in the thority after 26 years of service. He also con- University. Not only was the Guthrie’s chicken strongest possible terms—request the Speak- tinues to serve as the treasurer of the Maurice finger box popular with college students, peo- er to call Congress back to Washington for the Spear Campus corporation board, a juvenile ple visiting Auburn for football games wanted month of August and to finish the business of detention facility, a position he has held for 25 a location in their hometown as well. the people. years. The Guthries answered that demand by As I have said in previous years on the eve Mr. Keller has left an indelible impact on our opening several more stores across Alabama of August recess, I’m prepared to stay in community through his dedication to promoting and also in places like Athens, Georgia, Talla- Washington as long as it takes. quality education, providing for those with de- hassee, Florida and even Cleveland, Ohio. If These issues are too important to delay. velopmental and emotional disabilities, and there is one thing that comes close to being f helping youth in need. He will be sorely as big as football in the south, it’s a love for TRIBUTE TO KATHRYN KUNERT missed, but I trust he will enjoy spending his Guthrie’s chicken. newfound freedom with his family. A half-century after the first restaurant was Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the opened by the Guthrie family, they are still a HON. DAVID YOUNG United States House of Representatives to family owned and operated business. They OF IOWA join me in commending Howard Keller for his are a shining example of American entrepre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many years of dedicated public service and neurship. Having grown up in Haleyville and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 wish him the best in his retirement. being in the 4th Congressional District, I am Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise f particularly proud of this great tradition and today to recognize and congratulate Kathryn PERSONAL EXPLANATION wish the Guthries another 50 years of great Kunert for being named a 2015 Woman of In- success. fluence honoree by the award-winning central f Iowa publication, the Des Moines Business HON. BARBARA LEE OF CALIFORNIA OLDER AMERICANS ACT Record. Since 2000, the Des Moines Business IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual Wednesday, July 29, 2015 HON. MARTHA McSALLY review to identify a group of standout female OF ARIZONA Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I was not present for leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES roll call votes 467–482 due to congressional are making an impact in their communities ei- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 travel. ther personally or professionally, forging a Had I been present, I would have voted yes Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to path for other women to follow. The women on #467, yes on #468, yes on #469, no on support the reauthorization of the Older Ameri- given this prestigious award are individuals #470, no on #471, yes on #472, no on #473, cans Act, legislation that has helped countless who have selflessly dedicated their time and no on #474, yes on #475, yes on #476, yes Americans maintain their independence and proven their leadership abilities across a vari- on #477, yes on #478, yes on #479, yes on dignity as they grow older. ety of professional fields. #480, yes on #481, and no on #482. The modest programs under the Older Ms. Kunert is a true testament to hard work, f Americans Act make a big difference in com- dedication and commitment. She has spent munities across our country by providing nutri- the last 19 years at MidAmerican Energy and IN RECOGNITION OF DR. JOE BOB tion and transportation assistance to seniors now serves as the Vice President of Business MCGINNIS and helping them meet their daily needs. and Community Development. Throughout her In Pima County in my district, the Older time at MidAmerican she has focused on forg- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Americans Act provides: 800 people a day ing lasting relationships in the community and OF TEXAS with a home delivered meal; 1,200 people with with businesses, helping to grow the size and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assistance with bath, laundry, and other scope of MidAmerican. Through her leader- household needs; transportation to senior ship and expertise, Ms. Kunert has had a Wednesday, July 29, 2015 meal sites; and many other services. positive and lasting impact on all she has Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Nearly 130,000 seniors live in the Second worked with. honor the life and Christian ministry of Dr. Joe District, and they deserve the opportunity to Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- Bob McGinnis. The residents of Roanoke and live out their retirement without worrying about resent leaders like Ms. Kunert in the United surrounding communities were blessed to how they will meet basic needs. States Congress and it is with great pride that have had such a wonderful Pastor, neighbor, Recently we saw the 50th anniversary of the I recognize and applaud her for utilizing her and friend. Older Americans Act as well as the Senate talents to better the State of Iowa. I invite my Dr. Joe Bob McGinnis was born September unanimously pass legislation to reauthorize colleagues in the United States House of Rep- 30, 1947 in Brownwood to Dr. Robert W. and these critical programs. I urge my colleagues resentatives to join me in congratulating her Joyce McGinnis He earned his B.S. degree in the House to support reauthorization, so we on receiving this distinguished award, and and doctor of divinity degree from Dallas Bap- can help give seniors the retirement security wishing her the best of luck in all her future tist College and his master of divinity from they deserve. endeavors. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.060 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 For the past 44 years, Dr. McGinnis TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF KAREN part of a rural electrification project managed preached and brought the Word of God to IGNAGNI by NRECA International and funded by the people all over Texas. He pastored several United Nationals Environmental Program, churches including Northrich Baptist Church in HON. G. ESHOO USAID, and the Inter-American Development Richardson, First Baptist Church in McAllen, OF CALIFORNIA Bank. as well as the church that he founded, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Electricity is a critical element in improving Rockhaven Church in Roanoke. Joe Bob the quality of life and to providing healthcare, loved the Lord and his entire congregation. He Wednesday, July 29, 2015 education, access to clean water and eco- offered words of comfort and peace to those Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nomic opportunity. In , less than 15 per- who were suffering while also preaching The honor Karen Ignagni for her more than two cent of the population has regular access to Word boldly and fervently. decades of leadership as President and CEO electricity. Tobias spent two weeks in the town Dr. McGinnis is survived by his wife, Bren- of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) of Coteaux to help build a distribution system da, daughter, Taylor Hubbard, and son Josh. and to wish her every success in her new po- that will interconnect three towns. Upon com- Dr. McGinnis’ efforts to spread the Gospel of sition as President and CEO of pletion, the diesel-solar hybrid electric system Christ will not be forgotten as he leaves be- EmblemHealth. will provide safe, affordable and reliable power hind his beloved church and thriving con- Karen Ignagni served with great distinction to 1600 consumers. His contribution included gregation in Roanoke. Each year he led Tro- at AHIP. Her intellect, broad policy knowledge upgrading and installing new power lines, phy Club’s of Prayer event and and experience helped shape some of the training locally hired linemen in proper con- delivered thoughtful and timely devotions rec- most consequential national health policies for struction methods, pole climbing techniques, ognizing the faith foundation of our country. I our country, including the Affordable Care Act. proper handline use, and important safety personally appreciated his prayers for myself Her ability to see the benefits the Act would practices. and other public officials. It is an honor to bring to insurers and consumers was extraor- Thank you Tobias Geiger, for your dedica- have represented such an esteemed con- dinarily important and contributed to the suc- tion and commitment. stituent in the U.S. House of Representatives. cesses now being realized by millions of f Americans. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 70TH AN- f Jay Gellert, the highly regarded President and CEO of Health Net praised Karen, saying NIVERSARY OF THE VICTORY PERSONAL EXPLANATION that OVER JAPAN DAY ‘‘She was the face of the industry when it HON. ADAM SMITH was attacked. Without compromising her be- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL OF WASHINGTON liefs, she handled all of that with integrity and OF MICHIGAN dignity, and I think that was because from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES start she was committed to the end point.’’ He Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015 opined that after all she had done to frame the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr Speaker, on Affordable Care Act’s regulatory infrastructure, Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Monday, July 21, 2015, I was unable to be she probably took on the challenges of leading recognize the Yankee Air Museum’s observ- present for recorded votes. Had I been EmblemHealth as a way to ‘‘play it out on the ance of the 70th anniversary of Victory over present, I would have voted: ground.’’ Japan Day. Because of the bravery of the , this day marks the end ‘‘Yes’’ on roll call vote No. 448 (on the mo- Karen Ignagni, a native of Providence, of humanity’s darkest time, the spreading of tion to suspend the rules and pass H.R. Rhode Island, is a graduate of Providence liberty to many peoples across the world, and 1557), and College and earned her MBA at Loyola Col- the start of the greatest peace time economic ‘‘Yes’’ on roll call vote No. 449 (on the mo- lege. Prior to her work at AHIP, she served as Director of the AFL–CIO’s Department of Em- boom in American history. tion to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 2256, On August 15th, 1945, the of Japan as amended). ployee Benefits, and worked for the U.S. Sen- ate Labor and Human Resources Committee, surrendered to the United States aboard the at the U.S. Department of Health and Human USS Missouri. Seventy years after the end of f Services, and in the office of Senator Clai- the Second World War, we celebrate this his- CONGRATULATING COLONEL TODD borne Pell. She has written about health policy torical event and honor the sacrifices of the MAYER issues and has received many honors for her brave men and women who served this coun- leadership, including the Second Century try. Award for Excellence in Health Care. We are honored to have the Yankee Air Mu- HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire House of Rep- seum commemorate this event. Since the for- OF OHIO resentatives to join me in paying tribute to mation of the Yankee Air Museum in 1981, it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Karen Ignagni and wishing her every success has done excellent work to restore and pre- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 in her leadership of EmblemHealth. We are a serve artifacts from World War II. Through its stronger, better country because of Karen commemoration of Rosie the Riveter, the mu- Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of Ignagni and her distinguished work and I’m seum has tirelessly highlighted the efforts of the United States House of Representatives privileged to have worked with her and call her the women who were the heartbeat of the Ar- and the United States Military, I congratulate my friend. senal of Democracy. Colonel Todd Mayer on 30 years of valued f Mr. Speaker, as the World War II era air- service and dedication to his country. crafts fly over Yankee Air Museum, I hope my Since 1985, Col. Mayer has upheld the core EXEMPLARY VOLUNTEERISM: colleagues will join me to celebrate the free- LDRSHIP values that are near and dear to the TOBIAS GEIGER dom of the many because of the sacrifices of National Guard: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self- the men and women of the greatest genera- less-Service, Honor, Integrity, & Personal HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN tion. Courage. OF MINNESOTA f A highly decorated soldier, Col. Mayer was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awarded the Purple Heart in 1991 after being 275TH ANNIVERSARY OF wounded in Operation Desert Storm and the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 CORNWALL, CONNECTICUT Bronze Star in 2003 for his heroic achieve- Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ment. His time in uniform is celebrated by recognize and thank Tobias Geiger from East HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY these courageous leadership efforts. He has Central Electric Cooperative in my district for OF CONNECTICUT brought incomparable virtue to himself, his his service and sacrifice to put into action co- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family, his uniform, and his nation. operative principle #6—cooperation among co- Col. Mayer, congratulations again on your operatives. In March this year, Tobias traveled Wednesday, July 29, 2015 retirement and thank you for your longstanding to Haiti as a volunteer for the NRECA Inter- Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cele- service to the United States Army National national Foundation where he helped build the brate the 275th anniversary of Cornwall, Con- Guard. country’s first electric cooperative. This work is necticut.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.066 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1181 This weekend, Cornwall will begin its cele- TRIBUTE TO ELISABETH BUCK Gromme of Colville, Washington for receiving bration of this historic milestone. Over the past the 2015 Veteran of the Year Award for the 275 years, Cornwall has stayed true to its HON. DAVID YOUNG State of Washington Veterans of Foreign Wars roots as a small agricultural New England OF IOWA (VFW). I want to recognize Mr. Gromme for town. Its rich history has endured and remains IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his contributions and his tireless effort to im- evident in its rolling farmlands and colonial era prove the lives of our Eastern Washington vet- architecture. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 erans. Though small in size, the town of Cornwall Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise This annual award honors a veteran from has been making a big impact since it was in- today to recognize and congratulate Elisabeth Washington State who has committed him or corporated in 1740. During the 1800s, Corn- Buck for being named a 2015 Woman of Influ- herself to the ideals of the Veterans of Foreign wall’s rich natural resources made it an ideal ence honoree by the award-winning central Wars and who shows an undying devotion to location for iron production. Two of Cornwall’s Iowa publication, the Des Moines Business bettering the lives of the veterans within their iron firms formed part of the nationally recog- Record. community. Through the years, Mr. Lance nized Salisbury Iron District. Cornwall is also Since 2000, the Des Moines Business Gromme has demonstrated this commitment home to the historic Covered Bridge. Built in Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual and is well deserving of this award. 1864, this is one of the last standing covered review to identify a standout group of female Mr. Gromme’s devotion to serving his fellow bridges in Connecticut, and is still functional leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that veterans began forty years ago when he be- today. The bridge serves as an enduring sym- are making an impact in their communities ei- came a life member of the American Legion bol of Cornwall’s rural New England legacy. ther personally or professionally, forging a while still active duty in the United States path for other women to follow. The women Army. After his retirement, Lance continued to Cornwall exemplifies the type of small agri- given this prestigious award are individuals show his dedication by becoming a life mem- cultural community on which our country was who have selflessly dedicated their time and ber of the VFW. After joining the Colville, built. As we have grown as a nation, this com- proven their leadership abilities across a vari- Washington post in 2009, Mr. Gromme quickly munity has continued to demonstrate its ability ety of professional fields. became a leader among his peers. After just to adapt and prosper. I am honored to rep- Ms. Buck has served in a wide-range of one year of involvement at the Colville post he resent Cornwall in Congress. leadership roles throughout her career. At assumed the positions of Quarter Master, Congratulations to Cornwall on its 275th an- Iowa State University, where she earned a BA Service Officer, and Fundraising Coordinator. niversary. in political science, Ms. Buck and her peers In addition to meticulously managing finances realized her leadership abilities when she was and running all major fundraising events, Mr. f elected student body president. That was just Gromme spends countless hours diligently the beginning. She went on to serve as Dep- INTRODUCTION OF THE ‘‘END OIL working for veterans. uty Chief of Staff for Iowa Tom In his role, Mr. Gromme was instrumental in AND GAS TAX SUBSIDIES ACT Vilsack and Chet Culver. Following her time in encouraging the Stevens County Commis- OF 2015’’ the Governor’s Office she took on the role as sioners to establish a Veterans Resource Director of Iowa Workforce Development Phone line to assist veterans with a wide HON. EARL BLUMENAUER (IWD). As Director of IWD, Ms. Buck changed range of needs and issues. Moreover, when it the culture of the state agency, creating a came to his attention that some veterans were OF OREGON more efficient and effective department not receiving the services they needed, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through the implementation of new, innovative joined with the Northeast Washington Hunger Wednesday, July 29, 2015 programs. Coalition to help those veterans in need. Mr. After her work in state government, Ms. Gromme is a true testament to what an in- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, today, I Buck joined United Way of Central Iowa in volved and devoted community member looks am introducing the ‘‘End Oil and Gas Tax 2011 as Senior Vice President of Community like and continually goes above and beyond to Subsidies Act of 2015’’ that will save American Impact. Since then, she has risen through the better the lives of his fellow veterans. taxpayers more than $40 billion over the next ranks and now serves as the Chief Commu- So today I acknowledge these accomplish- decade. nity Impact Officer. Her time at United Way ments and congratulate Mr. Lance Gromme American taxpayers are subsidizing some of has been concentrated on advancing their on being a constant leader in his community the largest and most profitable companies in overall mission of improving lives through the and on receiving the distinct award of Veteran the world with their tax dollars. These sub- mobilization of the community and rallying of the Year for the Washington State Veterans sidies underwrite the costs of oil and gas pro- around a common goal. As the Chief Commu- of Foreign Wars. I applaud your work and con- duction, including offsetting intangible drilling nity Impact Officer she oversees a sizeable tinued advocacy for the veterans in North- costs, the cost of tertiary injectants, and costs budget, utilizing the resources given to her in eastern Washington. associated with domestic production. There a cost-efficient and effective manner. f are also subsidies that offset foreign taxes, Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- RETIREMENT OF COLLEEN provide tax shelters disguising active income resent leaders like Ms. Buck in the United KELLEY, PRESIDENT OF THE NA- with passive losses, and subsidies that allow States Congress and it is with great pride that TIONAL TREASURY EMPLOYEES major oil companies to discount the value of I recognize and applaud her for utilizing her UNION their inventories. abilities to better her community and the State The ‘‘End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act of of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the United 2015’’ would end 10 of the most egregious tax States House of Representatives to join me in HON. DONNA F. EDWARDS loopholes enjoyed by the oil and gas indus- congratulating her on receiving this esteemed OF MARYLAND try—tax loopholes that have helped compa- designation, and wishing her the best of luck IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nies like Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell add in all her future endeavors. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 f to the billions in profits they already make Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to every year. The legislation is very similar to HONORING MR. LANCE GROMME, honor the distinguished career of Colleen President Obama’s proposal to eliminate oil RECIPIENT OF THE 2015 VET- Kelley who is retiring as President of the Na- and gas tax preferences in his FY 2016 Budg- ERAN OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR tional Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). Her et. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON resignation will become effective in August, Instead of padding the bottom line of oil and VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS following NTEU’s National Convention in Hol- gas companies, taxpayer dollars could be bet- lywood, Florida. ter spent renewing and rebuilding our nation’s HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS Colleen Kelley has provided the NTEU and infrastructure and investing in emerging clean OF WASHINGTON federal employees with skilled leadership over resources like wind and solar that will help us IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the past 16 years, while always advocating in combat climate change and transition to a an honest and forthright manner with Con- clean energy future. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 gress. Having served at the IRS and in var- I hope my colleagues will join me in sup- Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, ious NTEU roles, her experience and unique porting this important legislation. I rise today to congratulate Mr. Lance perspective on the impacts of proposals on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.072 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 federal employees was vital in educating law- his tireless efforts to cultivate a stronger bond twenty-first century. With leadership such as makers and constituents on the important role with the base’s host community. this, it is easy to see how the Department con- federal employees play in keeping our nation Chuck has also helped to facilitate the ren- tinues to excel in its efforts to serve our com- safe and growing our economy. ovation and replacement of five aging on-base munity. During her national presidency, federal em- schools. These schools, modernized with Con- And finally, Mr. Speaker, I would be remiss ployees have contributed $159 billion toward gressional funding following the efforts of the if I did not acknowledge the most important deficit reduction over 10 years in pay freezes, Military Child Education Initiative, are the foun- group of individuals who contribute to the suc- increased pension retirement contributions, dation for the growth and development of the cess of Columbia County’s Department of So- and furloughs. She has relentlessly educated next generation of leaders, both military and cial Services—the caseworkers, investigators the public on the important contributions made civilian. and the clerical and legal staffs who are the by federal employees and how cutting em- Furthermore, Chuck’s focus on smoothing backbone of the agency. They lead the way in ployee pay and benefits hurts our govern- the transition from military to civilian life is a the ongoing struggle to end poverty, child ment’s ability to recruit and retain the best major asset to the Puget Sound region and abuse, substance abuse, and domestic vio- workforce possible to serve the American peo- our military veterans. He assisted thousands lence. They protect the young and the old ple. of service members by helping to facilitate job alike, and they do so without fanfare. But As someone who has the honor of rep- fairs, training, and career-counseling services today we acknowledge our caseworkers and resenting over 51,000 federal employees from on base. His hard work is paying off: between thank them for all that they do. the 4th Congressional District of Maryland, I December 2011 and April 2014, the employ- May God bless each member of this team. have been fortunate to work closely with Col- ment rate of service members transitioning f leen for several years. I thank her for her dedi- from JBLM rose from 18 to 42 percent. While cation to federal employees and our country, there is still work to be done, Chuck’s efforts HONORING EDWARD ‘‘SANDY’’ and I look forward to coordinating closely with have undoubtedly left a mark in providing for MOTON DAVIS III ON THE OCCA- Colleen’s successor to ensure America’s fed- our past, future and present service members. SION OF HIS RETIREMENT FROM eral employees receive the pay and benefits It is with great honor that I recognize Chuck THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET they deserve. as he moves on from his position as Base OFFICE I wish Colleen continued success, happi- Commander of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, ness, and hopefully some well-earned rest. and more importantly for his 30 years of serv- HON. TOM PRICE She leaves behind a legacy of service that ice in the United States Army. I wish him the OF GEORGIA others can and should aspire to. best and am confident that he will continue to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES do outstanding work in his civilian life. f Wednesday, July 29, 2015 f OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, DEBT HONORING THE STAFF OF THE CO- my colleague, Mr. VAN HOLLEN of Maryland, LUMBIA COUNTY DEPARTMENT and I would like to recognize the career and HON. MIKE COFFMAN OF SOCIAL SERVICES retirement of Sandy Davis, the associate di- OF COLORADO rector for legislative affairs for the Congres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHRISTOPHER P. GIBSON sional Budget Office [CBO] and thank him for OF NEW YORK his distinguished service to the Budget Com- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee and the Congress. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January Sandy is retiring after 36 years of dedicated Wednesday, July 29, 2015 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- service to the federal government. Sandy first fice, the national debt was Mr. GIBSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to joined CBO in 1996 as a senior analyst focus- $10,626,877,048,913.08. recognize the hard working and dedicated ing on Congressional budget procedures and Today, it is $18,151,851,139,012.51. We’ve staff of the Columbia County Department of practices. Since 2003, he has served as the added $7,524,974,090,099.43 to our debt in 6 Social Services. associate director for legislative affairs. In this years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- The good people of Columbia County, New role, Sandy has diligently served as CBO’s tion, our economy, and our children could York are well served by this outstanding group chief liaison to the Congress and has worked have avoided with a balanced budget amend- of high minded professionals whose sole pur- closely with the Budget Committee. He has ment. pose is to serve the public. Rarely do these been invaluable in assisting committee mem- f fine individuals receive any sort of public ac- bers and staff in fulfilling our responsibilities claim; nonetheless, they remain steadfast in under the Congressional Budget Act. During RECOGNIZING COLONEL H. their commitment to providing timely and ef- his time at CBO, Sandy has served under six CHARLES ‘‘CHUCK’’ HODGES JR. fective human services. Whether it be pro- Directors and in both Republican and Demo- viding funding for fuel oil to needy families cratic Congresses. Prior to joining CBO, he HON. ADAM SMITH each winter, finding shelter for families during served as an analyst and senior budget proc- OF WASHINGTON hard times, protecting children from the hor- ess specialist at the Congressional Research IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rors of child abuse, or reuniting a family torn Service. apart by the ravages of substance abuse, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 As the Chairman and Ranking Member of Commissioner Jablonka and his staff are re- the Budget Committee, we greatly appreciate Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I lentless in their pursuit of the public welfare. Sandy’s exceptional service to the Budget rise to honor the service of Colonel H. Charles Commissioner Jablonka, who began his il- Committee and the Congress. Sandy exempli- ‘‘Chuck’’ Hodges Jr., a decorated and active lustrious career in public service as a DSS fies CBO’s high standard of professionalism, leader in our Armed Forces. caseworker more than forty years ago, is expertise, and nonpartisanship. We wish him For the past several years, Chuck has com- blessed to have an outstanding staff assisting all the best in his retirement and future en- manded Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) him. Deputy Commissioner Michelle Ublacker deavors. with passion, courage, and dedication. With has made a tremendous contribution to the f unparalleled determination to forge stronger agency in the few short months since coming ties with the surrounding communities, im- on board. She brings with her a strong back- RECOGNITION OF THE JUSTICE prove the on-base education system, and as- ground in human services, years of experi- FOR CONGO VICTIMS AND CONGO sist with the transition from military to civilian ence as a DSS caseworker and a tenacious REFORMS PEACE CONVENTION life, Chuck has tirelessly worked to improve work ethic. Her commitment to excellence is the lives of those both on and off the base. apparent to all who serve with her. Under HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON During his command, Chuck has been fully Michelle is an exemplary group of Directors OF TEXAS aware that his influence and work extends be- who oversee the day to day operations of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES yond JBLM’s fences. He has been recognized agency: Lynn Kutski, Judy Richards, Deborah on numerous occasions for his work, including Amerling and Valerie Caruso make up this ex- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 with the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber Mili- ceptional team and together they have worked Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. tary Citizen of the Year award, which honored hard to help move the agency forward into the Mr. Speaker, I wish to submit the following

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.076 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1183 statement in recognition of the Justice for ployed. The ADA was a major step toward en- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. TYLER Congo Victims and Congo Reforms Peace suring economic independence. WILLIAM BECK Convention hosted at University of Texas at In my district, the Disability Student Support Arlington. I would like to express my gratitude Services project at Queens College was re- HON. DAVID G. VALADAO to Richard Millsap for asking me to participate cently awarded a federal grant from the U.S. OF CALIFORNIA in this Peace Convention. I would also like to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thank those of you who were involved in mak- Department of Education that will help fund ing this event happen and all of the partici- that program. This program aids a group of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 pants who have taken time out of their sched- 100 students in their studies at Queens Col- Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ules to be a part of such a momentous con- lege, and provides them the support they need thank Tyler William Beck for his service to my ference. to ensure that they graduate. office and to the people of California’s 21st I have been a longtime advocate for peace I would like to commend my constituent, Congressional District. and diplomacy over armed conflict. As many Charmaine Worthy, for her efforts in the Tyler Beck was born in Salinas, California of you know, I began my A World of Women CUNY system serving disabled students. As on September 14, 1991 to Mr. and Mrs. Ste- for World Peace initiative in 2001. Throughout ven and Alice Beck. Tyler and his two younger the University Coordinator of Student Activi- my time in office, I have seen first-hand the brothers, Zachary Beck and Benjamin Beck, ties, she has worked tirelessly to empower pillage of war. Shortly after experiencing the grew up in Hanford, California, where they re- terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, I saw CUNY students. Thank you, Ms. Worthy, for side today. on the cover of Newsweek magazine, two your important work. You are a shining exam- Prior to high school, Mr. Beck attended St. boys from Liberia who were 12 and 14 years ple of the importance of giving back to one’s Rose McCarthy for his elementary and middle old dressed in military gear with machine community. school education. In 2006, he began high guns, and I just thought enough was enough. Educational and economic gaps that persist school at Hanford High School, where he I wondered how our world had come to this between disabled Americans and their peers graduated in 2010. Following his primary edu- place of aggression, and I knew that I had to shrink through people like Ms. Worthy, institu- cation, Mr. Beck attended the College of the do something to be a part of bringing a culture tions like CUNY, and the grants that fund Sequoias Hanford as well as West Hills Col- lege Lemoore. of peace to the world. these important programs. My efforts started with women who are the Throughout his college education, Mr. Beck mothers of young boys like the ones I saw on has served California’s 21st Congressional f the cover of that magazine, whose lives are District as an Administrative Assistant in my sacrificed in the name of war. We must recog- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 45TH AN- Hanford, California office. Mr. Beck’s commit- nize and empower these women to facilitate NIVERSARY OF SOS COMMUNITY ment to public service and strong ties to the peace-building, peacemaking, and peace- SERVICES community have made him an invaluable keeping activities across the world. We must asset to my team. also recognize the experts and leaders who Friday, August 21, 2015 will be Mr. Beck’s help us to plant the seeds of peace. HON. DEBBIE DINGELL last day as a member of my staff. With a pas- I recently participated in my A World of sion for agriculture and teaching, Mr. Beck will Women for World Peace conference in , OF MICHIGAN be attending Fresno State University. While I Taiwan, where we discussed ways to build IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am proud of his academic ambition, Tyler will peace through culture. One panelist in par- be greatly missed by my entire team. ticular spoke about the necessity of compas- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the sion and healing the wounds of civil wars and United States House of Representatives to genocides before peace can be achieved on Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join me in commending Tyler Beck for his pub- the ground. I strongly believe that this is the recognize SOS Community Services for its lic service to the people of the Central Valley case in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 45th anniversary. For 45 years, SOS has and wishing him the very best as he begins The global community must recognize the worked to end homelessness for families in this exciting chapter of his life. tragedies of the Congo before the Congolese Washtenaw County by providing resources f people can truly move forward to a place of and support to the community. As a result of TRIBUTE TO PAT BODDY peace. Thank you for allowing me to provide their dedicated service and their mission to written remarks and I hope you have a pro- promote housing stability and self-sufficiency, ductive Peace Convention. SOS has immensely bettered Washtenaw HON. DAVID YOUNG f County. OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOS Community Services was started in AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES 1970 by students and faculty at Eastern Michi- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ACT gan University. Originally, the group provided Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise a 24-hour crisis phone line to EMU students. today to recognize and congratulate Pat HON. GRACE MENG It has grown into an effective and critical non- Boddy for being named a 2015 Woman of In- OF NEW YORK profit organization committed to ending familial fluence honoree by the award-winning central IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES homelessness in all of Washtenaw County. Iowa publication, the Des Moines Business Record. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 SOS Community Services provides a wide Since 2000, the Des Moines Business Ms. MENG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in range of services and support. They run a Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual celebration of this week’s 25th Anniversary of food pantry, provide temporary shelter and re- review to identify a standout group of female the Americans with Disabilities Act, which was housing services, and work with families to leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that signed into law July 26, 1990. find employment, pursue further education, are making an impact in their communities ei- This milestone piece of legislation marked a and after-school and tutoring programs for ther personally or professionally, forging a positive step forward in affording Americans children and young people. They also provide path for other women to follow. The women with disabilities the right to life, liberty and the struggling families with everyday necessities given this prestigious award are individuals pursuit of happiness. It represented a signifi- such as utility assistance, bus tokens and ac- who have selflessly dedicated their time and cant change in national anti-discrimination cess to computers and phones. proven their leadership abilities across a vari- laws, making discrimination against Americans ety of professional fields. with disabilities in the private sphere illegal, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Ms. Boddy started a career in journalism and requiring reasonable public accommoda- today to honor 45 years of ardent service to after moving from the St. Louis area to Des tion. However, there is still work to be done to their community. With compassion and re- Moines. After working at WHO radio, where improve the lives of Americans with disabil- spect, vital services are provided to maintain she found her passion for environmental engi- ities. Some still trail the population in many and raise the quality of life for approximately neering, she attended Iowa State University. It economic indicators, as they are twice as like- 4,700 people. I look forward to seeing further was there that she graduated with her Bach- ly to be poor and one-fifth as likely to be em- inspiring work from SOS Community Services. elor of Science in Agriculture Engineering and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.081 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 shortly thereafter a Master’s degree in Water provide comfort and reassurance to the out- tified to teach mathematics and chemistry, Su- Resources. numbered Soldiers. He repeatedly exposed zanne is particularly known for her dedication Ms. Boddy has a long history of leading and himself to enemy fire to recover wounded to AP Statistics—a challenging course that serving others in a number of different roles. men, dragging them to safety. When he students have come to love thanks to her sin- couldn’t drag them, he dug shallow trenches She has served as the Director of Polk County to shield them from enemy fire. As Chinese cerity. Conservation, the Deputy and Interim Director forces closed in, Kapaun rejected several Through dedication, creativity, and unwaver- of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, chances to escape, instead volunteering to ing patience, Suzanne has mentored - and now serves as the Stewardship Director stay behind and care for the wounded. He less students and left a lasting and meaningful at RDG Planning and Design in Des Moines. was taken as a prisoner of war by Chinese impression on many more. Her energetic les- She has worked tirelessly to support the sus- forces on Nov. 2, 1950. After he was captured, sons, passion for the material, and commit- tainability of not only her community, but the Kapaun and other prisoners were marched ment to simplifying and translating complex entire state. for several days northward toward prisoner- concepts have served as a model for students of-war camps. During the march Kapaun led and teachers, alike. Last year, Suzanne’s out- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- by example in caring for injured Soldiers, re- resent leaders like Ms. Boddy in the United standing attitude and impact was recognized fusing to take a break from carrying the across the Commonwealth when she received States Congress, and it is with great pride that stretchers of the wounded while encouraging I recognize and applaud her for utilizing her others to do their part. Once inside the dis- the 2014 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year talents to better her community and the State mal prison camps, Kapaun risked his life by Award. of Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the United sneaking around the camp after dark, for- Suzanne’s work as an educator does not States House of Representatives to join me in aging for food, caring for the sick, and en- end with the last bell of the school day. She enjoys speaking at the Massachusetts Math congratulating her on receiving this esteemed couraging his fellow Soldiers to sustain their faith and their humanity. On at least one oc- and Science Initiative’s Statistics Saturday designation, and wishing her the best of luck casion, he was brutally punished for his dis- Study Sessions, and serves on numerous or- in all her future endeavors. obedience, being forced to sit outside in sub- ganizations across the Commonwealth, includ- f zero weather without any garments. When ing as advisor to the New England Champion the Chinese instituted a mandatory re-edu- Rubik’s Cube Club, as co-advisor to the Na- THE 240TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE cation program, Kapaun patiently and po- MILITARY CHAPLAINCY FOUNDING litely rejected every theory put forth by the tional Honor Society, and as co-chair to the instructors. Later, Kapaun openly flouted New England Association of Schools and Col- HON. TIM HUELSKAMP his captors by conducting a sunrise service leges’ Committee on Instruction. Her passion on Easter morning, 1951. When Kapaun began to mathematics, the sciences, and, most im- OF KANSAS to suffer from the physical toll of his cap- portantly, to her students is unparalleled. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tivity, the Chinese transferred him to a Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Su- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 filthy, unheated hospital where he died zanne Kubik for receiving this prestigious alone. As he was being carried to the hos- Mr. HUELSKAMP. Mr. Speaker, military life award. I know all my colleagues in the House pital, he asked God’s forgiveness for his cap- join me in congratulating her and wishing her is filled with unspoken hardships, extraordinary tors, and made his fellow prisoners promise nothing but success in the future. demands—physically, mentally, spiritually, and to keep their faith. Chaplain Kapaun died in relationally—and constant sacrifice by both our captivity on May 23, 1951. f military members and their families. Recog- As Chaplain Kapaun’s compelling leadership THE 5TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE nizing this tremendous cost on our soldiers and powerful story attests, our chaplains are DODD-FRANK ACT and the need to lighten their burdens, at the vital to the wellbeing and morale of our request of George Washington, the continental troops—especially in the face of possible in- HON. JOYCE BEATTY Congress created the military chaplaincy 240 jury and death. The chaplaincy has endured OF OHIO years ago today. In fact, George Washington for over two hundred years because of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES believed chaplains were so essential he asked singular and widespread recognition of its Wednesday, July 29, 2015 for an increase in their pay in order ‘‘to en- unique role in the defense and support of our courage men of Abilities’’ to become chap- nation. It is essential to ensure that those Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, last week, lains. In the anniversary of the Chaplain Corps brave men and women who live out their House Democrats celebrated the 5th anniver- founding, I want to take this opportunity to promise to protect our sacred freedoms and sary of Dodd-Frank—the most sweeping finan- honor our military chaplains who courageously guard our religious heritage are paid the prop- cial regulatory reform in the United States serve the ongoing spiritual, religious, and er respect. Rest assured, as long as I have a since the . emotional needs of our men and women in voice in Congress, I will continue to defend Signed into law by President Obama on July uniform. and protect the religious freedom of those who 21, 2010, Dodd-Frank has changed—for the better—the way consumers, investors, and Since 1775 more than 25,000 chaplains served and still serve our nation in the Armed other market participants interact with our fi- have served in every major war and combat Forces. nancial system. engagements our nation has fought, while f hundreds have paid the ultimate sacrifice—in- It has provided oversight to Wall Street, giv- cluding the late Father Emil J. Kapaun. Called RECOGNIZING SUZANNE KUBIK ing regulators the tools to end the era of ‘‘too a ‘‘shepherd in combat boots,’’ Father Kapaun FOR HER OUTSTANDING WORK big to fail’’ entities and outrageous taxpayer bailouts, and has eliminated loopholes that al- was an Army captain and Roman Catholic AS A MATHEMATICS TEACHER lowed risky and abusive practices to go unno- priest from Pilsen, Kansas who died a prisoner ticed and unregulated. of war in the . His surviving com- HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING But how did we get here? rades noted how he selflessly risked his life to OF MASSACHUSETTS Five years ago, Dodd-Frank was enacted in rescue wounded soldiers, nursed the sick and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the wake of profound economic devastation as wounded, and stood steadfast in his faith and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 our nation was reeling from the impact of the his lifesaving ministerial responsibilities de- 2008 financial crisis. spite horrific persecution. In 2013, I had the Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Millions of Americans suffered job loss, honor of witnessing this saintly chaplain be proud recognition of Suzanne Kubik, a dedi- many small businesses closed down, fore- awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor cated mathematics teacher who has received closures skyrocketed, the stock market suf- for his heroism posthumously. the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math- fered large drops, and a looming repeat of the Additionally, The Diocese of Wichita and the ematics and Science Teaching. Great Depression was feared. Vatican have begun the formal process that The Presidential Award for Excellence in Specifically, in the six months before Presi- could lead to Father Kapaun’s canonization. In Mathematics and Science Teaching is the dent Obama took office in February 2009, our 1993, it was announced that Fr. Kapaun would highest honor that a K–12 mathematics or economy lost a total of nearly 4 million private receive the title of ‘‘Servant of God.’’ science educator can receive for outstanding sector jobs—an unimaginable average of The following account of Father Kaupan’s teaching in the United States, and I can think 650,000 jobs per month. Korean War service is provided by the United of no one more deserving than Suzanne. For Nearly $13 trillion in economic growth and States Army: the past nine years, Suzanne has served as a $16 trillion in household wealth simply dis- Kapaun moved fearlessly from foxhole to full-time teacher at Middleborough High appeared while close to 9 million individuals foxhole under direct enemy fire in order to School in Middleborough, Massachusetts. Cer- were displaced from their homes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.085 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1185 2008 was truly one of the lowest economic tackle the inequality in wage and job growth in community. Last year, Sergeant Ficcadenti points in U.S. history. African-American communities. was responsible for organizing the First An- Yet, the American people weathered this Today, I celebrate substantial achievements nual East African Junior Police Academy in storm and Congressional Democrats took ac- of Dodd-Frank and look forward to working 2014, which involved East African women and tion by passing legislation to restore responsi- with my congressional colleagues to find the men between the ages of 14 and 22 who were bility and accountability in our financial sys- appropriate tweaks to further facilitate its posi- interested in pursuing law enforcement ca- tem, and to give Americans confidence that tive lasting effects on the financial markets reers. we were the tools in place to avoid another and for consumers far beyond this five-year Officer Ross is a former school resource of- economic crisis. anniversary. ficer who subsequently became a St. Paul pa- In fact, since Dodd-Frank’s passage in July f trol officer. Last year, Officer Ross noticed a 2010, the American economy has experienced young female high school student who was vast improvement in private sector job growth CONGRATULATING BRIGADIER GENERAL DAVID T. BUCKALEW frequently absent from school. After some in- with nearly 12 million jobs added; a lower un- vestigation, Officer Ross discovered that the employment rate, to 5.3 percent from the peak student’s father had been abusing and ne- of 10.0 percent in October 2009, and a recov- HON. ALEXANDER X. MOONEY glecting her for years. Today, the young ering housing market. OF WEST VIRGINIA woman has graduated from high school and Indeed, because of Dodd-Frank, financial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plans on attending college in the fall. Her fa- regulators are now empowered to identify and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ther is currently serving a 25 year prison sen- address risks to our financial system through tence. increased monitoring and stricter rules for our Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. Speak- nation’s biggest banks in a timely way. er, I would like to congratulate Brigadier Gen- I join MPPOA and all of my fellow Minneso- Dodd-Frank also provided new authority to eral David T. Buckalew on a successful career tans in applauding these two distinguished the Securities and Exchange Commission in the West Virginia National Guard. Brigadier public servants. I would like to take this oppor- (SEC), which, since 2011, has recovered more General Buckalew has honorably and self- tunity to thank not only these two outstanding than $9.3 billion in civil fines and penalties de- lessly served the people of West Virginia for police officers, but all of MPPOA’s brave spite Republicans’ repeated budget cuts to the over 44 years, and will be retiring on August women and men who keep our communities agency. 1, 2015. During those many years, Brigadier safe. Like all comprehensive reform bills, how- General Buckalew worked his way up in rank ever, Dodd-Frank is not perfect. from an enlisted Guardsman to the Director of f There are a few areas that I believe can be the Joint Staff of the West Virginia National improved. Guard, and earned numerous awards and REMEMBERING DONALD CHIN Nonetheless, it is important that we do not decorations in this time as well. We are all let the perfect be the enemy of the good. grateful for Brigadier General Buckalew’s de- I believe we also have a responsibility to voted service in protection of the freedoms we HON. ADAM SMITH build upon and improve this legislation when so enjoy as West Virginians. OF WASHINGTON needed. I join with West Virginia National Guard and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES One area of concern for many stakeholders Brigadier General David Buckalew’s friends in my district, and across the country, is the and family in wishing him a happy retirement, Wednesday, July 29, 2015 manner in which Dodd-Frank requires the and thanking him for his service to our state, Federal Reserve to subject bank holding com- and country. Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the life and legacy of Donald panies with more than $50 billion in consoli- f dated assets to enhanced regulatory super- ‘‘Donnie’’ Chin, an unsung hero who was both vision. HONORING MINNESOTA POLICE a protector and savior in the International Dis- However, if we are to subject smaller, re- AND PEACE OFFICERS trict of Seattle. gional bank holding companies to the same or Early on the morning of Thursday, July similar supervisory requirements, then we HON. BETTY McCOLLUM 23rd, Seattle activist Donnie Chin was taken should do so in a way that balances our na- OF MINNESOTA from our community in a senseless act of vio- tion’s financial stability without placing exces- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lence. A strong force for positive change in sive burdens on non-systemically important in- Seattle, he was doing what he had done tire- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 stitutions by using a more deliberative assets- lessly for the previous five decades: patrolling and-activities-based test should be considered Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, the Min- the streets of the International District and car- in determining the ‘‘systemic importance’’ of nesota Police and Peace Officers Association ing for those in need. bank holding companies. (MPPOA), the largest association representing Throughout his years of service and as the Earlier this month, Chair Yellen testified that Minnesota’s rank-and-file police officers, re- Director of the International District Emergency she was open to raising a threshold for deter- cently met for its annual conference in Alexan- Center, Donnie acted as the International Dis- mining a bank’s systemic importance. dria, Minnesota. trict’s guardian. At a young age Donnie recog- I look forward to working with her on this During that conference, MPPOA recognized nized the delayed emergency response times issue as this is at the top of my priority list for several outstanding police officers, including in his community, and became well known as improving Dodd-Frank. Sergeant Mark Ficcadenti of the St. Paul Po- an effective first responder and frontline hero. Another area of concern for me lays in the lice Department who was named Police Offi- From assisting with medical emergencies, to development of diversity assessment stand- cer of the Year. In addition, Officer Mark Ross finding lost children and feeding the homeless, ards under Section 342 of Dodd-Frank, also of the St. Paul Police Department received an he took it upon himself to better the lives of known as OMWI. Honorable Mention Award. those around him and earned the respect of Though Section 342 is not very long, it is a Both Sergeant Ficcadenti and Officer Ross medical professionals, residents, area busi- very significant step in the effort to improve are constituents of mine and both serve with ness owners, and local leaders. the hiring of women and minorities in the fi- brave women and men in the St. Paul Police nancial services industry in which these Department. Guided by a love for his community and a groups remain woefully underrepresented. Sergeant Ficcadenti received this distin- desire to assist others, Donnie made the Inter- However, due to misinterpretations of con- guished honor because of his steadfast efforts national District and Greater Seattle area a gressional intent, I am concerned that after in forging a relationship between police and more welcoming and caring place with his five years the federal financial regulators have the local community. During his more than 30 unrivaled dedication and courage. While his not developed standards requiring the disclo- years of service with the St. Paul Police De- passing is a tragedy, his life is an inspiration: sure of diversity data, which would provide partment, Sergeant Ficcadenti has helped or- an inspiration for us all to reach out in our own much needed transparency to this industry re- ganized community events that provide an op- communities and lend a helping hand. garding the promotion of diversity in its work- portunity for people to meet and socialize with Donnie will be remembered as an active place. local police officers. Some of these events in- and caring member of the International District In order to continue being a successful na- clude the ‘‘Safe and Sound’’ program and a who was always ready to give of himself for tion, we must capitalize on our diversity and Ramadan celebration with the local Somali his neighbors. He will be greatly missed.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.088 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 HONORING RAYMOND SIMONDS himself attended Miami-Dade Community Col- forming the child welfare system. Under Jim’s lege in Miami, Florida. Furthering his edu- leadership, The Mockingbird Society pushed HON. JOHN GARAMENDI cation, Dr. Stephens later obtained a Bach- for legislation that allowed youth to seal their OF CALIFORNIA elor’s and Master’s degree from Florida State juvenile records, so they will not be automati- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University. He went on to earn an Education cally disqualified in obtaining employment and Doctorate from Virginia Polytechnic Institute housing. The Mockingbird Society also advo- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. cated for extended foster care and access to Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I along with Dr. Stephens’ experiences with his own com- medical care for youth, which established the Congressman MIKE THOMPSON rise today to munity college education would later give him organization as a strong national presence on recognize Raymond Simonds, an outstanding the unique perspective that allowed him to juvenile policy issues. member our community and our friend, for his lead one of the premier community colleges in Prior to his work at The Mockingbird Soci- 40 years of service as a member and past North Carolina. ety, Jim earned a MAEd from Seattle Univer- president of the Solano County Fair Associa- Prior to moving to Wilson, North Carolina, sity and served in various positions dedicated tion Board of Directors. Dr. Stephens served numerous community to helping youth and families ranging from di- Over the years, Raymond has demonstrated colleges throughout the country beginning in rect service to senior management. Overall, an unwavering commitment to the diverse and 1971. He has held positions ranging from in- he has spent nearly 35 years working with and changing needs of the county fair. Following structor to his current post as president and advocating for disadvantaged children and his original appointment to the Board of Direc- has educated young people from Ohio to youth—specifically in mental health—and has tors, Raymond has revitalized the county fair- Georgia and places in between. Dr. Stephens been widely recognized for his hard work and grounds by consistently recruiting new and in- is truly the embodiment of the American suc- selfless commitment to youth causes. Of his novative attractions. cess story. He now resides in Wilson, North many awards, Jim received the 2011 Jefferson In addition to his thirty years of leadership Carolina, with his wife, Sandra. They have Award, our country’s longest standing and on the county fair’s racing committee, Ray- been blessed with a beautiful daughter, Heath- most prestigious celebration of public serv- mond has repeatedly distinguished himself as er, son-in-law Alex, and two grandsons. ice—a testament to his commitment to the a true supporter of vibrant local traditions and As President of Wilson Community College, community. community involvement. Raymond’s service Dr. Stephens has overseen the completion of Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- will stand as an enduring inspiration to the myriad advancements and improvements to ognize the work Mr. Theofelis has done to re- next generation of Solano County’s leaders. the school. He worked with then-Wilson Coun- form the child welfare system in our state and Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate that, on behalf ty Schools’ Superintendent Larry Price to in our nation. Jim’s unrelenting and passionate of the grateful residents of California’s Third launch Wilson Early College Academy. That dedication to advocating for vulnerable youth and Fifth Congressional Districts, we recog- program is now in its seventh year and boasts serves as an example of the tremendous im- nize Mr. Simonds for his forty years of dedi- an enrollment of nearly 300 students. pact one outstanding person can have on his cated service, and we wish him well as our In addition to his passion for education, Dr. community. best wishes for his continued success in the Stevens has an immense interest in sustain- f years ahead. able energy and sustainable environmental IN RECOGNITION OF TEACHER AND f practices. He is a member of the North Caro- MUSICIAN WILLIAM DEWITT IN RECOGNITION OF MISS ABIGAIL lina Sustainable Energy Association and the EVELYN SUZAL Wilson Sustainable Community Council. He was the driving force behind the addition of HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO HON. BARRY LOUDERMILK the 70,000 square foot Student Center LEED SABLAN Building to the campus of Wilson Community OF THE OF GEORGIA College. The College, the City and County of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wilson, and our state has greatly benefitted Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015 from his work and interest in environmental Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, allow me to add Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, today I stewardship. to the record of the U.S. House of Represent- would like to recognize Miss Abigail Evelyn Mr. Speaker, Dr. Rusty Stephens has im- atives the story of Mr. William DeWitt, a teach- Suzal from Georgia’s 11th District for her ef- pacted and positively influenced the lives of er, who has brought the art of music in the forts to recognize and appreciate children all countless people over his nearly 44 years in Northern Mariana Islands to an unprecedented over the world. Children are the future of this education. I ask my colleagues to join me in level of excellence and who has given to thou- nation, and we must work hard to preserve thanking Dr. Stephens for his dedication to sands of our young people the joy of finding freedom, prosperity, and hope for the genera- generations past and present and in offering within themselves their own musical talents. tions to come. him best wishes as he embarks on the next Mr. William DeWitt first came to the North- I would like to thank Miss Suzal for her let- chapter of his life. ern Mariana Islands in 1993, beginning his ca- ter to my office requesting that Universal Chil- f reer in middle and junior high school, teaching dren’s Day on November 20th be added to the HONORING JIM THEOFELIS a variety of subjects, including band, piano, calendar with the possibility of the school day and choir. He then accepted an offer to teach off and breakfast in bed. I applaud Miss Suzal at Marianas High School and was successful for her advocacy for children worldwide. HON. ADAM SMITH there at reviving its band program. Enthusiasm f OF WASHINGTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for instrumental music education began to cre- ON THE OCCASION OF THE RE- scendo, and in 2002 Mr. DeWitt was invited to TIREMENT OF DR. RUSTY STE- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 join the faculty of the newly inaugurated PHENS, PRESIDENT OF WILSON Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I Saipan Southern High School, which was de- COMMUNITY COLLEGE rise to honor the work and achievements of signed to be a magnet school for students Jim Theofelis, Founder and Executive Director with an interest in the arts and technology. He HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD of The Mockingbird Society. has now spent thirteen years at Saipan South- OF NORTH CAROLINA With an eye towards the future, Mr. ern, helping countless students fulfill their Theofelis founded The Mockingbird Society in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dream to make music and share it with the 2001—which has worked to improve the foster world. In doing so, Mr. DeWitt and the stu- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 care system as well as end youth homeless- dents he has guided have created a legacy, Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ness for the past 14 years. The organization the Saipan Southern High School Manta Ray recognize and congratulate Dr. Rusty Ste- stands on the principle that all young people Band, that is certainly one of the greatest phens, my friend and an exemplary educator, deserve the right to reach adulthood in a sources of pride for the Northern Marianas as he retires as President of Wilson Commu- healthy, supportive environment with the op- Public School System and, indeed, for our en- nity College located in my hometown of Wil- portunity to thrive in life. tire community. son, North Carolina. As Executive Director of The Mockingbird When Mr. DeWitt came to Saipan 22 years Before embarking on a life of service to a Society, Jim and his team successfully advo- ago, he could not have known what he would number of community colleges, Dr. Stephens cated for a number of policies aimed at re- accomplish. Our island community has always

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.092 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1187 teemed with multi-generational musical talent TRIBUTE TO DR. SUSAN BECK ance issues and well-recognized thought lead- and held a deep love for singing. But band ership, he has helped move forward the cause music and its array of instruments—the trum- HON. DAVID YOUNG of making healthcare affordable for tens of pet, flute, trombone, and clarinet—were less OF IOWA thousands of construction workers. Mr. Rossmann’s distinguished record of well known. Mr. DeWitt changed that. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service to the Merit Shop construction industry Mr. DeWitt also oversaw the incorporation of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 a growing diversity of students into our and in his local community are to be com- schools using music as a unifying influence Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise mended. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor and adding the international flavor of this new today to recognize and congratulate Dr. Susan Mr. Joseph Rossmann on this well-deserved occasion. I ask that my colleagues join me in student body to its musical sensibility. Up to Beck for being named a 2015 Woman of Influ- wishing him a wonderful retirement and many 250 students now participate in some aspect ence honoree by the award-winning central years of happiness. of the Manta Ray Band program at Saipan Iowa publication, the Des Moines Business Southern. They come from many ethnicities Record. f and cultures—Chamorro, Carolinian, Palauan, Since 2000, the Des Moines Business HONORING WARREN K. ASHE, Marshallese, Filipino, Korean, Hawaiian, Japa- Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual PH.D. nese, Chinese, Indian—and William DeWitt review to identify a standout group of female has helped them learn to join together as one, leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON making music. are making an impact in their communities ei- ther personally or professionally, forging a OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Perhaps, this very diversity is key to the path for other women to follow. The women success and world-wide recognition the Manta given this prestigious award are individuals Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Ray Band has achieved under the baton of who have selflessly dedicated their time and Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask the Mr. DeWitt. Five times in the last seven years proven their leadership abilities across a vari- House of Representatives to join me in re- the Manta Ray Band has earned the Tumon ety of professional fields. membering and honoring Warren K. Ashe, Bay Music Festival Sweepstakes Award, the Dr. Beck’s interest in leadership and the Ph.D., who passed away at the age of 85 this most wins by any organization in the festival’s health field began at Iowa State University, week after a lifetime of demonstrating what an history. The Manta Rays have been invited to where she earned her Bachelor’s degree be- African American can achieve, despite being and performed at two Olympic Games: fore moving on to receive her Medical degree denied the opportunities that were routinely in 2008 and London in 2012. The Band has at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and available to other Americans. For purposes of showcased its talents at the Sydney Opera Health Sciences (now Des Moines University). disclosure, Dr. Ashe was my cousin and I am House, Carnegie Hall, Westminster Abbey, Dr. Beck has been with the Katzmann Breast proud of the relationship. and Disneyland. And just last month, at the Center since 2000, beginning her current role Although born in Halifax, North Carolina, Dr. Los Angeles Musical Festival the Manta Ray as medical director in 2007. Ashe was educated in the District of Columbia Band earned the Gold Award as the highest Dr. Beck has served in a variety of leader- public schools, including the famed Dunbar scoring ensemble in festival competition. ship roles over the years at places like Mercy High School, in those days of segregation, the This Gold Award is something of a fairy-tale Medical Center, Des Moines University, Susan college preparatory high school in the nation’s ending to Mr. DeWitt’s career. His band exe- G. Komen, and Innervision Health Center. Dr. capital for Black students. Dr. Ashe served in cuted its performance with a new precision Beck has proven her leadership abilities time the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean War and intensity. His students displayed an infec- and time again. She has the special talent of and was honorably discharged as a sergeant. tious enthusiasm and rhythmic jaunt that gave bringing people together to achieve one com- Dr. Ashe’s achievements were outstanding their concert an element of variety and mon goal in a way that few are able to mirror. by any measure. He received his Bachelor of versatility no other ensemble could match. But She continually strives for the best and in her Sciences degree, as well as his M.A. and backstage after the event amidst the triumph, spare time she continues working toward her Ph.D. in microbiology from Howard University, while cameras clicked, tears flowed and hugs Master’s degree in Public Health. and his M.A. in Religious Studies. abounded, as the Manta Rays dealt with the Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- He rose from grade GS–1 medical biology recognition that this pinnacle also marked the resent leaders like Dr. Beck in the United technician at the National Institute of Health to end of an era—for Mr. William DeWitt had States Congress. It is with great pride that I become the first African American to be a sen- taken his final bow with the band. recognize and applaud her for utilizing her tal- ior research scientist at the National Institute William DeWitt and his family will now be ents to better her community and the State of for Dental Research, a research microbiologist able to spend time with his parents in Cali- Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the United in the Laboratory of Oral Microbiology, and a fornia, where he will also pursue a post-grad- States House of Representatives to join me in health scientist administrator in the Soft Tissue uate degree. We wish him well. And we will al- congratulating her on receiving this esteemed Stomatology Program. While at NIH, Dr. Ashe ways be grateful to him for the way that he designation, and wishing her the best of luck also served as equal opportunity officer. His drew from a very small population of students in all her future endeavors. selfless dedication to equality for others led their maximum talent, so inculcating them in f him to take considerable risks to ensure that the fundamental elements of musicianship that he did not become a token African American. RECOGNIZING JOSEPH ROSSMANN they were able to soar on international stages. As a result of Dr. Ashe’s work in equal oppor- tunity, the employment of Blacks at NIH and We will also remember as significant as HON. TIM WALBERG their promotion to scientific and administrative what he gave to each individual student is leadership increased significantly. what Mr. William DeWitt gave to the larger OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1971, Dr. Ashe was appointed the first communities of which we are part: the pride dean for research at Howard University. His and honor his musicians brought to Saipan Wednesday, July 29, 2015 accomplishments at Howard were remarkable: Southern High School, to the Public School Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to leadership in the establishment of the first clin- System, and to the Northern Mariana Islands recognize Joseph Rossmann, who will be retir- ical research center in the world with NIH as a whole. This musical venture he has led ing after decades of service to our country as funding at Howard University and establish- became a partnership for all of us. Individuals a leader in helping countless Merit Shop con- ment of the National Human Genome Center and businesses gladly supported the Manta struction companies provide high quality at Howard that helped in the sequencing of Ray Band with contributions totaling more than health insurance and benefits to their employ- human genomes to tackle diseases that dis- a million dollars over the course of the past ees. proportionately affect the African diaspora. Dr. decade. And, as a community, we should Mr. Rossmann has led the Associated Build- Ashe’s professional accomplishments were honor William DeWitt’s legacy by continuing to ers and Contractors Insurance Trust for almost matched by his dedication in preparing high give our young musicians the opportunity to three decades. Throughout that time, he has school students for the health sciences, his develop, master, and showcase their talents. worked tirelessly to help ensure that ABC activities as a member of the most distin- Thank you, Mr. William DeWitt. May the member contractors are able to provide best guished professional organizations in his field, richness of island life always flow in your in class benefits to their employees. and his devotion, in particular, to his church, blood, just as your accomplishments will al- Through his advanced industry designa- Turner Memorial AME, where he was a stew- ways be engraved into our island history. tions, testimony in Congress on health insur- ard until his passing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.096 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Mr. Speaker, as an African American born Stanley and Virginia Szejnar, of Hanover, attended Shaw University in Raleigh where he in 1929, when segregation nationwide barred Massachusetts. The Szejnars celebrate sev- earned a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and the doors to success, Dr. Ashe could hardly enty years of marriage on Wednesday, July Religion and a Master’s degree in Divinity. have dreamed of achieving these accomplish- 29, 2015. Following his matriculation at Shaw, Bishop ments. Dr. Ashe did more than dream—he Stanley and Virginia’s story is one of ro- Royal attended my alma mater of North Caro- worked until he moved discrimi- mance, dedication, and patience. Their love lina Central University in Durham and earned nation out of his way. has endured from Quincy, Massachusetts to a Master’s Degree in Psychology. He com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the the high seas of the Pacific theater; Norfolk, pleted his education by attaining a Doctoral House of Representatives to join me in hon- Virginia to Hanover, Massachusetts. Born in degree in Religion and Clinical Psychology oring the life and work of Warren K. Ashe, Buffalo, New York, Stanley was stationed at from the Interdenominational Theological Cen- Ph.D. and in sending condolences to his wife, the U.S. Naval Air Station in South Weymouth, ter, Morehouse School of Religion in 1979. Grace and to Dr. Ashe’s entire family. Massachusetts during the early years of World Bishop Royal served as pastor in many f War II. It was during this time, in 1941, that he churches throughout his career, including New HONORING MS. TATYANA KALINGA was nervously set up on a blind date with Vir- Greenleaf Church of Christ in Goldsboro from ginia by her friend and, later, maid of honor. 1973 until 1978 and Philippi Church of Christ HON. BARBARA LEE After meeting in the town of Quincy, a trip for in Greenville, North Carolina beginning in ice cream was followed by a long walk—the 1982. Under Bishop Royal’s leadership, Phi- OF CALIFORNIA start of many more dates and conversations to lippi Church of Christ has expanded several IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come. times to accommodate the growing number of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 As their relationship blossomed, Stanley parishioners which now tops 2,500. Just last Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor learned that he was being transferred to the year, Bishop Royal celebrated his 36th Pas- the service of Tatyana Kalinga, a senior and newly commissioned USS Ticonderoga. He toral anniversary. critical member of my staff. In the coming asked Virginia to come with him to Norfolk, In addition to his service as a pastor, Bishop days, Tatyana will be leaving my office after Virginia, where the aircraft carrier was docked, Royal was also a community activist and dedi- 11 years to pursue the next steps in her ca- and stay at the local USO. When Virginia re- cated public servant in Pitt County, North reer. turned home to Boston, she excitedly called Carolina. He served as a Pitt County Commis- Like many Congressional staff members, her mother with a joyous announcement: she sioner and on the board of many local organi- Tatyana started in my office as an intern and and Stanley were engaged to be married. zations, including the Pitt County United Way, joined the team full-time in June of 2004. Shortly thereafter, Stanley shipped out on the Pitt County Health Department and Pitt County Since she started in the office, I have relied USS Ticonderoga. During his time at war, dur- Memorial Hospital. Bishop Royal also worked on her professionalism, judgement and supe- ing which Stanley survived severe damage to with the National Association for the Advance- rior work product as my executive assistant, the Ticonderoga and a deployment on the ment of Colored People and the Southern scheduler and office manager. Navy destroyer, USS Dyers, Stanley and Vir- Christian Leadership Conference. For the past 11 years, she has also served ginia stayed in close contact. They may have Bishop Royal is survived by his three adult as my key liaison to the Congressional Black been separated by oceans between them, but Caucus, which I had the privilege of chairing children Bryan, Onica, and Stephanie; three during the 111th Congress. their love remained strong. brothers, Rev. Daniel Royal, Rev. George J. During her years of dedicated service, Upon his return, Stanley and Virginia were Royal, and Erroll Royal; four sisters, Rev. Bar- Tatyana’s most valuable skill has been her at last married in 1945. They spent their hon- bara Davis, Brenda Middleton, Vonshelia ability to step up and perform nearly any task, eymoon enjoying the mists and impressive Bacon, and Cathy Bacon Lyons; and six including assisting with media interviews, mak- waterfalls at Niagara Falls near Stanley’s grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. ing policy recommendations and representing hometown. Following the end of the war, they Mr. Speaker, Bishop Randy Brown Royal my office in high-level meetings, including with moved to Hanover, Massachusetts where they meant so much to so many people. His lasting Heads of State. reside today. A proud veteran, Stanley is the contributions to his church family as Bishop She has been and remains a consummate former commander of the Post #149 American and to his community and its citizens as professional who is truly dedicated to her work Legion and V.F.W. #178804, as well as a re- County Commissioner will always be remem- and serving my constituents. tired member of the Local #537 Pipe Fitters bered. His community, our state of North In fact, Tatyana’s work has been so exem- Union. After more than seventy years of love, Carolina, and our great nation are better be- plary in my office that she is often asked to their most precious gift and proudest achieve- cause of Bishop Randy Royal. train new staffers in the offices of my col- ments are their daughter, Candace Finnie, and I ask my colleagues to join me in expressing leagues. granddaughter, Ericka, who live in Ocala, Flor- our deepest condolences to the family of On a personal note, I have witnessed ida. Bishop Randy Brown Royal, his congregation, Tatyana’s growth and development from a Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Stanley and his community. young intern into a mature and brilliant young and Virginia Szejnar on the joyous occasion of f woman. She has a very promising future, their 70th anniversary. I ask that my col- which my staff and I look forward to wit- leagues join me in wishing them many more PERSONAL EXPLANATION nessing. We all intend to keep Tatyana as a years of happiness. valued member of Team Lee within our hearts f HON. PETER J. ROSKAM and in our deeds. OF ILLINOIS On behalf of myself and the people of Cali- HONORING THE LIFE AND WORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fornia’s 13th Congressional district, I’d like to OF BISHOP RANDY BROWN ROYAL thank Tatyana for her years of dedicated serv- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 ice. HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. Tatyana, we will miss you as you start this OF NORTH CAROLINA 467, my flight was delayed due to weather. new chapter in your life but we wish you every Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ success. We cannot wait to see all that you IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will accomplish! Wednesday, July 29, 2015 f f Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to TRIBUTE TO LT. GOVERNOR KIM REYNOLDS IN THE FIRST SES- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 70TH AN- recognize and remember my good friend and SION IN THE 114TH CONGRESS NIVERSARY OF STANLEY AND a cornerstone of eastern North Carolina, VIRGINIA SZEJNAR Bishop Randy Brown Royal, a resident of Greenville, North Carolina who was called to HON. DAVID YOUNG be with God on Sunday, July 26, 2015 at the OF IOWA HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING age of 63. OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bishop Royal was born on January 6, 1952, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Craven County in New Bern, North Carolina Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015 to George Emerson and Sarah Louise Royal. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in He spent his formative years being educated today to recognize and congratulate Lt. Gov- recognition of the 70th wedding anniversary of in the Craven County School system and later ernor Kim Reynolds for being named a 2015

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.099 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1189 Woman of Influence honoree by the award- chief. Her qualifications and professionalism law on August 6, 1965 the Voting Rights Act winning central Iowa publication, the Des as an emergency medical technician, para- of 1965, which swept away barriers impeding Moines Business Record. medic, and investigator have inspired millions of Americans from meaningful partici- Since 2000, the Des Moines Business others towards public service and her ability to pation in American political life. Record has undertaken an exhaustive annual coordinate with the department’s partners is On July 30, 1965, President Johnson signed review to identify a group of standout female much-praised among her colleagues. Her into law the Social Security Amendments Act leaders in the Greater Des Moines Area that dedication and good humor has been a tre- of 1965, which we today know as Medicare, are making an impact in their communities ei- mendous asset for the city, and has helped which has transformed the delivery of health ther personally or professionally, forging a the Fire Department offset budget restrictions care in the United States and which, along path for other women to follow. The women and foster a greater sense of community in with Social Security, reduced the rate of pov- given this prestigious award are individuals Woodhaven and beyond. Janet is a true gem erty among the elderly from 28.5 percent in who have selflessly dedicated their time and in our community and Woodhaven is fortunate 1966 to 9.1 percent in 2012. proven their leadership abilities across a vari- to call her their own and grateful for her con- On July 2, 1964 President Johnson secured ety of professional fields. tributions. passage and signed into law the most sweep- Lt. Governor Reynolds began her political Janet’s commitment to education has been ing civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, career by serving four terms as the Clarke evidenced by her annual trips to each elemen- the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits County Treasurer. She was then elected State tary school in the city to teach fire safety. discrimination in employment, education, and Senator of Iowa’s 48th Senate District, where ‘‘Firefighter Jan’’ is no stranger to the class- public accommodations based on race, color, she served until 2010. During her time in the room, and has used her experience as a religion, or national origin. Senate, the Republican nominee for Governor, physical education instructor to promote fire On November 8, 1965, President Johnson Terry Branstad, asked then Senator Kim Rey- prevention techniques that students find as ex- signed into law the Higher Education Act, nolds to serve on his ticket as the nominee for citing as they are informative. Jan has also which provided need-based financial aid to Lt. Governor. She accepted his request and promoted higher education in Woodhaven, students in the form of scholarships, work- the rest is history. partnering with Wayne County Community study grants, and loans, and thus for the first Lt. Governor Reynolds has dedicated her College to provide two full scholarships for time made higher education more accessible life to serving the people of Iowa. As Lt. Gov- students in her community to pursue a career to populations of persons who were previously ernor she has leveraged her unique under- in public safety. unable to attend college because of economic standing of small rural communities and their Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me circumstances. governments to bring good, high paying jobs today to honor Chief Janet Sikes for her twen- On October 3, 1965, President Johnson to the state. Lt. Governor Reynolds has also ty-nine years of service and her lasting impact signed into law the Immigration and Natu- built strong, lasting relationships with some of on the Downriver communities. I thank her for ralization Act of 1965, which transformed the Iowa’s most important global trading partners. her leadership, and wish her many years of nation’s immigration system by abolishing the Her long list of accomplishments is a testa- success. racially based quota system that had defined ment to her hard work, dedication and willing- f American immigration policy for the previous ness to selflessly serve all Iowans. four decades and replaced it with a policy Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- URGING AWARD OF CONGRES- whose central purpose was family reunifica- resent leaders like Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds SIONAL GOLD MEDAL TO PRESI- tion, with a preference for immigrants with in the United States Congress and it is with DENT LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON specific skillsets. great pride that I recognize and applaud her FOR HIS EXTRAORDINARY According to Robert A. Caro, the pre- for utilizing her talents to better the State of RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT IN eminent biographer of Lyndon Baines John- Iowa. I invite my colleagues in the United THE FIELD OF DOMESTIC AF- son, with the single exception of Abraham Lin- States House of Representatives to join me in FAIRS coln, Lyndon Johnson was the greatest cham- congratulating her on receiving this esteemed pion of the poor and underprivileged in the designation, and wishing her the best of luck HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE history of the Republic and was the President in all her future endeavors. OF TEXAS ‘‘who wrote mercy and justice into the statute f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES books by which America was governed.’’ I invite all Members to join me in sponsoring PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wednesday, July 29, 2015 this legislation awarding the Congressional Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Gold Medal and recognizing the extraordinary HON. ADAM SMITH unanimous consent to address the House for domestic achievements of President Lyndon OF WASHINGTON 1 minute and revise and extend my remarks. Baines Johnson, the 36th President of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today I introduced legislation awarding the United States. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Congressional Gold Medal to Lyndon Baines f Johnson, the 36th President of the United Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, on States whose vision and leadership secured HONORING DAVID FINKEL Tuesday, July 22, 2015, I was detained in a passage of the landmark Voting Rights Act of meeting and unable to make the first vote in 1965, the Social Security Amendments Act a series. I would have voted ‘‘No’’ on roll call HON. JULIA BROWNLEY (Medicare) of 1965, the Civil Rights Act of vote No. 450 (on ordering the previous ques- OF CALIFORNIA 1964, the Higher Education Act of 1965, and tion on H. Res. 369). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Immigration and Naturalization Act of f 1965. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 IN RECOGNITION OF JANET SIKES’ The awarding of the Congressional Gold Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, SERVICE AS FIRE CHIEF OF THE Medal is long overdue recognition of the re- today I rise to recognize the remarkable life of CITY OF WOODHAVEN markable record of achievement in the field of David B. Finkel, an honorable veteran, a dis- domestic affairs of the person most respon- tinguished civil rights attorney, an esteemed HON. DEBBIE DINGELL sible for several of the nation’s landmark laws elected official, and someone I was privileged that mark their 50th anniversary this year. to call a friend. David deeply impacted count- OF MICHIGAN Mr. Speaker, as a Member of Congress less lives by standing up for civil rights, free- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from the Tenth Congressional District of dom of speech, affordable housing, and edu- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Texas, as Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, cational equality for over six decades. David Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Vice-President and President of the United was also a longtime and devoted member of recognize Janet Sikes for her 29 years of States, Lyndon Baines Johnson’s domestic ac- the Sholem community and will be remem- service to the Woodhaven Fire Department, complishments in the fields of civil rights, edu- bered for his integrity and compassion as a 18 of those served as Fire Chief. During her cation, and economic opportunity rank among ‘‘warrior for justice.’’ career, Janet has saved many lives, and en- the greatest achievements of the past half David, the son of Jewish immigrants fleeing riched countless others. century. persecution in Europe, lived through historical Janet has served as a role model in our As President, Lyndon Johnson proposed, events such as the Great Depression and community as Woodhaven’s first female fire championed, led to passage, and signed into World War II. These heavy experiences

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.104 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 shaped David into a lifelong advocate for so- State College Raiders’ baseball team on their ‘‘producing graduates who are well equipped cial justice by instilling deep values within him victory in the 2015 JUCO World Series, bring- to meet the challenges of education, work, of humility and humanitarianism. In his youth, ing home the school’s first NJCAA Baseball and life.’’ David served as Bal Torah at Temple B’nai National Championship. This hard-earned title Alongside the 100 years of quality education Abraham under Rabbi Joachim Prinz, who ad- is a testament to their dedication to excel- it has provided to the children of Greenfield, vocated for equality as a speaker at the 1963 lence, commitment to teamwork, and unwaver- McClain has become famous for the historic March on Washington. This experience gave ing work ethic, and all of Northwest Florida art contained within its walls. David a deeper understanding of human rights celebrates their tremendous success. Truly a jewel of culture, students are im- that he carried with him throughout his life. While the Raiders capped their season with mersed in a rich history of art and tradition, in- During the Cold War, David served in the a dominant 15–1 victory over McLennan Com- cluding murals, statues, and architecture. U.S. Army and refused to sign the loyalty oath munity College in the championship game, the The institution and its graduates owe a debt when his mother was brought before the Raiders’ players, coaches, and staff proved of gratitude to the community of Greenfield, for House Un-American Activities Committee. throughout the season that they had the met- the continued support in preserving and main- David won a case before the U.S. Supreme tle of true champions as they persevered taining the magnificent building. Court when he argued that a son should not through difficult stretches early in the season. McClain High School is a living legacy of be forced to choose between the 10th Amend- Despite tough early season losses that saw Edward McClain’s hopes that the Greenfield ment to honor country and the 10th Com- the team drop to 4–5 in conference play, Raid- school would be an institution which encour- mandment to honor family. David’s involve- ers’ Head Coach Doug Martin and his players aged ‘‘higher education, purer morals, and ment in this case carved a path for him to fol- were undeterred, and they continued to work broader and better citizenship.’’ low a career in law and justice. hard each day in pursuit of a championship. Through discipline and dedication, David ob- I am honored to represent a district which Even after an impressive late season run— contains such a quality and historic edu- tained his undergraduate degree from the Uni- which saw the Raiders win 14 of their last 16 versity of Chicago in 1951 and earned his cational institution within its borders. I applaud games, including a seven-game winning Edward Lee McClain High School on this his- Juris Doctorate from the University of South- streak that included a sweep of the Gulf Dis- ern California in 1959. In the 1960s, David toric milestone, and I wish the school the very trict/FCSAA State Tournament that qualified best over their next 100 years. worked during the Freedom Summer in Mis- them for the World Series—the Raiders came sissippi, as well as a defense lawyer of con- into the JUCO World Series ranked 14th in the f scientious objectors during the Vietnam War. Nation. But, despite being an underdog, the In his noteworthy legal career, David was Raiders pulled off impressive victories—de- 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF known for his work ethic as he tried cases feating three top ten teams, including the num- CLARKDALE FRUIT FARMS representing labor unions advocating for work- ber one ranked team in the country by a mar- ing families, freedom of speech cases for pro- gin of 10–0—en route to a rematch in the Na- HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN fessors and students, and discrimination cases tional Championship game with the only team OF MASSACHUSETTS promoting racial equality and protecting civil that defeated them during the World Series: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights. McLennan Community College. In the re- David began his notable political career match, the Raiders put in a true team perform- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 when he became a founding member of Santa ance and in the end they earned a well-de- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on July 19th, Monicans for Renters Rights in 1981 and was served 15–1 victory to bring the national title elected to the Santa Monica Rent Control I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the back to Northwest Florida. Centennial Event at the Clarkdale Fruit Farm Board in 1983. David was first elected to the Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Santa Monica City Council in 1986, where he in Deerfield, Massachusetts and celebrate 100 Congress, I am privileged to recognize the years of family business. served a period as Mayor Pro-Tempore. David Raiders players—Aaron Palmer, Onix Mar- was then elected to the Los Angeles Superior The Clarkdale Fruit Farm has generated tre- tinez, Danny Blanco, Corderias Dorsey, mendous good will and contributions to our Court in Santa Monica in 1984. Upon retire- Tra’Mayne Holmes, Will Luft, Mack Hathcock, ment from the bench, David began to humbly community. I love this farm and all it stands Hunter Beard, Avery Geyer, Evan Hebert, for. Locally grown fresh fruit—apples, peach- teach at Santa Monica City College in 2002 as Ryan Leone, Dakota Dean, Andrew Deramo, he wanted to contribute more to the commu- es, nectarines, plums and pears—all on beau- James Granat, Tanner Halstead, Ross tiful land preserved for farming. nity. In 2006, David was recruited and elected Goforth, Shawn Feltner, Rex Rutledge, Carlos The Clark family are not only great farmers to the Santa Monica College Board of Trust- Alayon, Brian Browning, Lukas Holub, Trey and great business people. They are not only ees, where he served until 2014. Lang, Jarren Pinkney, and Hunter Bening— Those who knew David, remember him great community activists. They’re really in- Head Coach Doug Martin, Assistant Coaches fondly as a compassionate, thoughtful, and credible, nice people. Andrew Franco and Brett Stewart, Athletic Di- brilliant advocate for his community. David This is a family who works hard and cares rector Ramsey Ross, and the entire Raiders worked with a great spirit and it was his stead- deeply about the community. staff and fans on their national championship. fast commitment to serving his community that I want to say a special thanks to Tom and My wife Vicki and I congratulate the entire made for a particularly extraordinary career Ben Clark for inviting me to join them on their Raiders baseball program and wish them all and life. beautiful farm—truly a gem in the Pioneer Val- the best for continued success in the future. In heartfelt recognition and appreciation of ley. I also want to thank the rest of the Clark the outstanding impact and contributions that f family: Becky Clark—Ben’s mother and Tom’s David made to his community and country, I CONGRATULATING EDWARD LEE wife, Lori Clark—Ben’s wife, and Emerson wish to send my sincere condolences to his MCCLAIN HIGH SCHOOL Clark—Ben and Lori’s son. The farm is a won- wife, Bruria, his family, and to all who knew derful place and they have so much to be him. His work and legacy are immeasurable, HON. BRAD R. WENSTRUP proud of. and his presence in the community will be It was a thrill to celebrate the 100th anniver- OF OHIO greatly missed. sary of the Clarkdale Fruit Farms, which has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f a rich history and a special place in the agri- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 CONGRATULATING THE NORTH- cultural heritage of Central Massachusetts. WEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Clarkdale Fruit Farms is also a leading ex- RAIDERS’ BASEBALL TEAM AS to congratulate Edward Lee McClain High ample of what sustainable agriculture can ac- NATIONAL CHAMPIONS School of Greenfield, Ohio, on their 100-year complish, supporting many of our region’s anniversary and celebration. local businesses and communities. HON. JEFF MILLER For a century, McClain High School has As we commemorate the 100th anniversary, stood proudly at the heart of Greenfield, edu- we are not just celebrating the past. We are OF FLORIDA cating the community’s next generation and also celebrating the future. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES preparing them for the future. Clarkdale Fruit Farm is helping to keep Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Originally donated by Edward Lee McClain Massachusetts agriculture vibrant and strong Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise and his wife Lulu in 1915, McClain High and I look forward to their continued success today to congratulate the Northwest Florida School has since fulfilled its stated mission of in the years to come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.108 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1191 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE POW/ wish all the employees at Mercy Corning Hos- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, I rise today in MIA FLAG pital nothing but the best moving forward. opposition to H.R. 427, the so-called ‘‘Regula- f tions from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY (REINS) Act of 2015.’’ REGULATIONS FROM THE EXECU- The REINS Act is yet another attempt by OF CONNECTICUT TIVE IN NEED OF SCRUTINY ACT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House Republicans to limit the ability of fed- OF 2015 eral agencies to enforce commonsense rules Wednesday, July 29, 2015 and regulations. This legislation would require SPEECH OF Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Congressional approval before an agency can ognize the upcoming 25th anniversary of the HON. TERRI A. SEWELL issue any major new rule. Congress relies on POW/MIA flag. OF ALABAMA agencies to promulgate rules, because they In May of 1970, the National League of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have expertise in a given area. However, this Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Tuesday, July 28, 2015 bill would require that congressional politics was founded in Washington, play a part in deciding complicated rules and D.C. One year after the first official meeting, The House in Committee of the Whole regulations. As a result, this legislation is de- House on the state of the Union had under Mary Hoff, the wife of a service member des- consideration the bill (H.R. 427) to amend signed to protect special interests while under- ignated as missing in action during the Viet- chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to mining the ability of federal agencies from nam War, introduced the idea of creating a provide that major rules of the executive doing their jobs and working to ensure there flag to remember and honor military men and branch shall have no force or effect unless a are safeguards in place to protect the public’s woman like her husband. joint resolution of approval is enacted into health and safety. Twenty-five years ago, on , 1990, law: Moreover, Congress already has consider- Congress designated the POW/MIA flag as Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Chair, yester- able power to review and reject the rules ‘‘the symbol of our Nation’s concern and com- day, the House voted on H.R. 427, Regula- issued by executive agencies. For the past mitment to resolving as fully as possible the tions from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny two decades, Congress has had the authority fates of Americans still prisoner, missing and Act of 2015. I was unavoidably detained, but to pass a joint resolution disapproving any rule unaccounted for in Southeast Asia.’’ Now, the if I had been present, I would have opposed within 60 days of receiving the rule. If the POW/MIA flag flies for every man and woman this legislation. While the bill claims to accom- President signs the resolution of disapproval, who has given his or her life for our great plish well-meaning goals such as increasing the regulation is not implemented. In addition, country and remains captured or missing. ‘‘accountability for and transparency in the fed- President Obama has implemented significant To commemorate the 25th anniversary of eral regulatory process,’’ it only threatens the reforms to the rulemaking process. In January the recognition of this flag, Wheeler-Young historic separation of legislative and executive 2010, he signed an Executive Order requiring VFW Post 201 from Waterbury, Connecticut powers. agencies to determine if the benefits of pro- will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown By requiring a joint resolution of approval posed rules are justified considering their cost Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Au- from Congress before any ‘‘major’’ rules set to society. gust 10, 2015. VFW Post 201 is a vibrant post forth by a federal agency come into effect, the At a time when Congress should be doing involved in numerous activities in the Water- REINS act attempts to undermine executive everything it can to create jobs and improve bury community. They recently celebrated the power and expand congressional regulatory the economy, this bill is nothing but a distrac- grand opening of their new location. Wheeler- authority. This partisan bill is a thinly vailed at- tion. I urge my colleagues to oppose this legis- Young VFW Post 201 exemplifies the promise tempt to score political points by attacking the lation. of leaving no man behind and the mission to Obama Administration. And as Republican f educate and promote veterans’ issues. Post leaders take another ideological swipe at the 201 is a pillar of our community. Obama administration, a number of more CONGRESSWOMAN SEWELL URGES Thank you to Post 201 for recognizing and pressing issues go unaddressed, especially as IMMEDIATE REAUTHORIZATION honoring our nation’s Prisoners of War and we leave for our District Work Period. OF THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK personnel Missing in Action. I stand with you Second-guessing agency standards and to ensure that they are not forgotten. rules that are supposed to be governed by HON. TERRI A. SEWELL f Congressional laws is not only redundant but OF ALABAMA is reflective of the Republican’s relentless pur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO MERCY CORNING suit of removing important and necessary reg- Wednesday, July 29, 2015 HOSPITAL ulations. Given that the bill also has a 70-day requirement to approve any new standards, Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, HON. DAVID YOUNG the potential for delays in enacting public safe- today I rise to urge the immediate reauthoriza- OF IOWA guards is steep, particularly if bipartisan coali- tion of the Export-Import Bank. The Ex-Im IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions can’t quickly draft joint resolutions. Bank has become a crucial driver of our econ- We have seen efforts to push this legislation omy by offering loans, capital insurance, and Wednesday, July 29, 2015 through three times previously, and each time other financial services to businesses who Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise it has failed to pass both houses. I urge my wish to invest in American products and grow today to recognize and congratulate Mercy fellow Members of Congress to reject this their businesses. It fills the gap between do- Corning Hospital of Corning, Iowa, for receiv- harmful piece of legislation once more. mestic capital and domestic investment, en- ing a Silver Safety Award. f suring that each and every opportunity to ex- Each year the National Safety Council pand our economy has the financial backing to Greater Omaha Chapter recognizes busi- REGULATIONS FROM THE EXECU- do so. Furthermore, the Ex-Im Bank is an ex- nesses, organizations, and individuals who TIVE IN NEED OF SCRUTINY ACT ceptional government institution insofar that it demonstrate an outstanding commitment to OF 2015 both improves our economy and makes safety. Mercy Corning Hospital was given this money. SPEECH OF prestigious award for continuously promoting a For these reasons, Ex-Im Bank reauthoriza- culture of safety and accountability. Their hard HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN tion has been relatively uncontroversial in the work and commitment to serving others OF MARYLAND past. During the 112th Congress, my first term through a safe and healthy hospital environ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in office, we reauthorized the Ex-Im Bank with ment truly embodies our Iowa values. Tuesday, July 28, 2015 a vote that crossed party lines. However, I Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent the have witnessed the agreement and goodwill members of the Mercy Corning Hospital in the The House in Committee of the Whole surrounding this issue deteriorate during my United States Congress, and it is with great House on the state of the Union had under tenure. On July 1st, 2015, this burgeoning par- consideration the bill (H.R. 427) to amend pride that I congratulate them today. I know chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to tisanship brought the Export-Import Bank to a my colleagues in the United States House of provide that major rules of the executive screeching halt. Members of this congres- Representatives will join me in congratulating branch shall have no force or effect unless a sional body refused to renew the charter for them for receiving this award and thanking joint resolution of approval is enacted into the Ex-Im Bank, allowing it to shut down en- them for their commitment to serving others. I law: tirely.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.112 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Since the first day of this month, our obsti- United States economy, States, local AUGUST 5 nacy has cost our nation over fifty million dol- communities, and the environment. 10 a.m. lars. Every day that we allow this shut down SD–406 Committee on Banking, Housing, and to continue, we are shortchanging our tax- 10 a.m. Urban Affairs payers another two million dollars. This inac- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- To hold hearings to examine the implica- sources tions of sanctions relief under the Iran tion is irresponsible, short-sighted, and detri- To hold hearings to examine the back- agreement. mental to our economy. The American people end of the nuclear fuel cycle and re- SD–538 want us to create jobs and help small busi- lated legislation, including S. 854, to Committee on Health, Education, Labor, nesses grow, not play political games. establish a new organization to manage and Pensions I urge my colleagues to reauthorize the Ex- nuclear waste, provide a consensual To hold hearings to examine reauthor- port-Import Bank immediately. process for siting nuclear waste facili- izing the Higher Education Act, focus- ing on opportunities to improve stu- f ties, ensure adequate funding for man- aging nuclear waste. dent success. SD–430 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS SD–366 Committee on the Judiciary Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Committee on Finance To hold hearings to examine the Depart- To hold hearings to examine preserving agreed to by the Senate of , ment of Justice’s legal obligation to 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- families and reducing the need for fos- ensure Inspector General access to all tem for a computerized schedule of all ter care. records needed for independent over- meetings and hearings of Senate com- SD–215 sight. mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Committee on Foreign Relations SD–226 tees, and committees of conference. To hold hearings to examine the Joint This title requires all such committees Comprehensive Plan of Action, focus- AUGUST 6 ing on non-proliferation, inspections, to notify the Office of the Senate Daily 9 a.m. and nuclear constraints. Committee on Homeland Security and Digest—designated by the Rules Com- SD–419 mittee—of the time, place and purpose Governmental Affairs Committee on Homeland Security and Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and of the meetings, when scheduled and Governmental Affairs Federal Management any cancellations or changes in the To hold an oversight hearing to examine To hold hearings to examine agency meetings as they occur. the Bureau of Prisons, focusing on progress in retrospective review of ex- As an additional procedure along first-hand accounts of challenges fac- isting regulations. with the computerization of this infor- ing the Federal prison system. SD–342 mation, the Office of the Senate Daily SD–342 9:30 a.m. Digest will prepare this information for 2:30 p.m. Committee on Armed Services printing in the Extensions of Remarks Committee on Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine the procure- ment, acquisition, testing, and over- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tions of Ann Calvaresi Barr, of Mary- sight of the Navy’s Gerald R. Ford-class on Monday and Wednesday of each aircraft carrier program. week. land, to be Inspector General, United States Agency for International Devel- SD–G50 2:30 p.m. Meetings scheduled for Thursday, opment, and David Malcolm Robinson, Select Committee on Intelligence July 30, 2015 may be found in the Daily of Connecticut, to be an Assistant Sec- To receive a closed briefing on certain Digest of today’s RECORD. retary of State (Conflict and Stabiliza- intelligence matters. tion Operations), and to be Coordinator SH–219 MEETINGS SCHEDULED for Reconstruction and Stabilization. AUGUST 4 SD–419 SEPTEMBER 10 3 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Select Committee on Intelligence Committee on Environment and Public Committee on Banking, Housing, and Works To hold closed hearings to examine cer- Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Superfund, Waste Man- tain intelligence matters. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- agement, and Regulatory Oversight SH–219 tion of Adam J. Szubin, of the District To hold an oversight hearing to examine of Columbia, to be Under Secretary for litigation at the Environmental Pro- Terrorism and Financial Crimes, De- tection Agency and Fish and Wildlife partment of the Treasury. Service, focusing on impacts on the SD–538

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.116 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS