
July 29, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1155 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ENFORCE THE LAW FOR Blaine County Commissioner Tom Bowman lent films. For the next 60 years, the Alex The- SANCTUARY CITIES ACT for all of the great help he has provided. atre previewed first-run films, ranging from Thank you, Mr. Speaker. 1937’s Saratoga to 1977’s Star Wars, solidi- SPEECH OF f fying its continuing identity as the epicenter of HON. BARBARA LEE Hollywood glamour. CONGRATULATING THE NORTHERN Originally designed by architects Charles R. OF CALIFORNIA ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY SUPER- Selkirk and Arthur G. Lindley, the theatre IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MILEAGE TEAM fac¸ade was remodeled in 1940 by S. Charles Thursday, July 23, 2015 Lee—a remodel that included the extraor- Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong oppo- HON. ADAM KINZINGER dinary 100-foot Art Deco tower. sition to H.R. 3009, the Enforce the Law for OF ILLINOIS The Alex Theatre continued hosting Holly- Sanctuary Cities Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wood premieres until the 1980s, at which point The murder of Kathryn Steinle in San Fran- the theatre began to fall into disrepair. In Wednesday, July 29, 2015 cisco was a senseless tragedy. My heart con- 1991, however, the Glendale Redevelopment tinues to go out to her family and friends at Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I Agency restored the Alex Theatre to its former this difficult time. rise today to congratulate the Northern Illinois glory, investing over $6 million. As a nation, we cannot base complex policy University Supermileage team on their recent The renovated theatre opened on New decisions regarding the intersection of our fed- success at the 36th Annual SAE Supermile- Year’s Eve in 1993 to serve as a community eral immigration system and local law enforce- age Competition in Marshall, Michigan. arts theatre and civic center. Owned by the ment on a single tragic event. Over the course of two days in June, engi- City of Glendale and operated by Glendale Sanctuary Cities exist because municipali- neering and technology students from around Arts, the Alex Theatre was placed on the Na- ties across the country recognized that they the world completed the challenge of design- tional Register of Historic Places in 1996. had to act to keep families together as Con- ing and constructing a single-person, fuel-effi- Since its redesign in the 1990s, the Alex gressional Republican leadership refused to cient vehicle. The Northern Illinois vehicle, Theatre has retained its identity as a center move forward on bipartisan comprehensive called the Huskie Rocket, was able to reach a for arts, but has increased its functions. An- immigration reform. fuel efficiency of 1,057 miles per gallon, plac- other expansion project began in July 2013 These are some of the most populous cities ing the Northern Illinois Supermileage team and was completed in June 2014. This $5.2 in the country—New York, Los Angeles, Chi- third in the world, and second in the United million renovation added 6,600 square feet to cago, Houston—and the list goes on. States. the backstage area. Our local law enforcement agencies are not Since 2010, the NIU Supermileage team, The Alex Theatre is currently home to four trained immigration agents, nor should they led by faculty advisor Dr. David Schroeder, companies: the Los Angeles Ballet Company, be. has consistently placed in the top ten at the the Alex Film Society, the Glendale Youth Or- This conversation comes at a time in this annual SAE Supermileage Competition. This chestra, and the Los Angeles Chamber Or- country when many local law enforcement year’s impressive showing included the hard chestra. In addition to hosting these compa- agencies are facing a crisis of trust with the work of ten NIU students, including Supermile- nies, the Alex Theatre also hosts dance, com- communities they are sworn to protect and age team captain Lindsey Dodis, Kevin edy, theatre, music, and special events to serve. Kuebrich, Christian McAdoo, Kyle McNamara, serve more than 100,000 people who pass To threaten their federal funding based on Russell Fordyce, Andrew Hagel, Adam through its doors annually. To attest to the local decisions about how best to serve their Detrick, Aaron McKeown, Tom Swanberg, and theatre’s versatility, I had the great pleasure of communities, as H.R. 3009, would do, is not Saajan Patel. All the students, faculty, and hosting the 21st State Senate Arts Competi- only misguided but dangerous. staff that contributed to the success of the tion at the Alex Theatre in the late 1990s and Instead, my colleagues should be working to Supermileage team and their Huskie Rocket early 2000s. pass bipartisan legislation to fix our broken im- should be commended for their hard work and The Alex Theatre is destined to continue its migration system and address these long- dedication to applying what they have learned impressive legacy as a local and national standing issues in a comprehensive and from the NIU College of Engineering and Engi- landmark. I am honored to recognize the Alex thoughtful way. neering Technology at the Supermileage Com- Theatre for its great cultural value to the com- f petition. munity, and ask all members to join me in Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 16th District of congratulating the Alex Theatre upon its 90th SAWTOOTH NATIONAL RECRE- Illinois, I wish to express our sincere congratu- anniversary. ATION AREA AND JERRY PEAK lations for the hard work of the Northern Illi- f WILDERNESS ADDITIONS ACT nois University Supermileage team. I look for- ward to seeing what these bright and dedi- IN HONOR OF THE 60TH ANNIVER- SPEECH OF cated students accomplish in the future. SARY OF THE TEVIS CUP RIDE HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON f OF IDAHO HON. TOM McCLINTOCK TRIBUTE TO THE ALEX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA THEATRE’S 90TH ANNIVERSARY Monday, July 27, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I would also HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Wednesday, July 29, 2015 like to recognize one of America’s greatest OF CALIFORNIA Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today conservation writers, Rocky Barker of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Tevis Idaho Statesman. Rocky has provided unpar- Cup Ride of the Western States Trail. alleled depth and insight to the readers of Wednesday, July 29, 2015 The Western States Trail Foundation hosts Idaho and the United States throughout the 15 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Ride with the aim of preserving the trail. years I have been working on CIEDRA and honor the Alex Theatre upon its 90th anniver- Throughout its long history, the trail has been SNRA+. He has hiked throughout these moun- sary. used by Native Americans, emigrants, gold tains and understands every nuance and as- The Alex Theatre has been a cornerstone of and silver miners, and sportsmen alike. pect of the area and this bill. I want to thank the Glendale community since its establish- The Tevis Cup is the oldest modern-day en- him for covering this story fairly and accurately ment in 1925. In its early years, the Alex The- durance ride, covering one hundred miles in all of these years. I also want to thank former atre was home to Vaudeville theatrics and si- one day. Riders begin in Robie Park, east of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29JY8.009 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 Squaw Valley, and have twenty-four hours to proud mother and grandmother. She is sur- reach the 99 percent goal, the bill establishes make their way to the end of the rugged trail vived by her daughters Celeste Welch Crago equipment and operation standards, manda- in Auburn, California. The 60th annual ride will and Julie Welch Cirincioni; and her sons Mi- tory leak detection and repair procedures, and take place on August 1, 2015. chael Warren Welch (Aino), O.C. Welch III, recordkeeping requirements; it also institutes Thousands of horseback riders from around Daniel Kevin Welch, Brian Christopher Welch new reporting requirements for all gas pro- the world participate in the Tevis Cup. The (Tiffany), Douglas Gerald Welch (Marcy), and duced, disposed, or leaked on a lease and re- event brings together a vast community of vol- Joseph Thomas Welch (Charlotte); 20 grand- quires public disclosure of the data. Market- unteers dedicated to keeping the Western children and 2 great-grandchildren. appropriate enforcement mechanisms for non- States Trail open to the public. Volunteers f compliance, as well as guidelines for applying spend innumerable hours and significant finan- such measures, are also established. cial resources to make this equestrian endur- INTRODUCTION OF THE NATURAL This bill is a win-win for the American tax- ance ride a success year after year. GAS ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECO- payer, providing both environmental and eco- Mr. Speaker, the Western States Trail Foun- NOMIC SECURITY ACT nomic benefits, while also promoting the dation and the Tevis Cup Ride have made an growth of the domestic methane mitigation in- important contribution to both the local econ- HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL dustry, which is creating high-paying jobs omy and the preservation of this rugged Sierra OF CALIFORNIA through small businesses across the nation.
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