UGAMUNC XXVI - The Knights of the Round Table Dear Delegates, It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the twenty-sixth annual UGA Model United Nations Conference, UGAMUNC XXVI! We hope that your experiences at this conference will teach you a little bit about both debating and the time period of the committee. With any luck, you’ll also have a lot of fun along the way. Before I get into the weeds, though, I’d like to take a second to introduce myself. My name is Ian Allen (
[email protected]), and I’m a third year International Affairs and Journalism major. This is only my second year ever being involved with Model United Nations, but I absolutely fell in love with the club and competitions as soon as I got a taste. I’m a big history nerd, which has helped immensely in the creation of this committee. Whenever I can find some spare time, I love reading, creative writing, cooking, rock climbing, and landscape photography. Your chair for the weekend will be Namrata Kella (
[email protected]). She is a second year International Affairs major and Spanish minor. This is also her second year being a part of Model United Nations and between the tight camaraderie and thrill of debate, it’s become her favorite way to be involved at UGA. In her free time, Namrata enjoys reading, taking naps, watching Netflix, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and cooking. She’s very excited to be chairing, and she can’t wait for the chaos that will ensue in the King Arthur committee.