“The time has come,” the Walrus said “To talk of many things: Of shoes and ships—and sealing was— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings.” Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass Children’s Literature—because we become the books we read. Texas A & M University—Texarkana Studies in Children’s Literature Course Syllabus Summer 2012 Instructor: Linda Buie Office Hours: By appointment Email:
[email protected] Course Number: English 305 Course Title: Children’s Literature I Time: Tuesdays, June 12—July 10 Catalog Description: A survey of the history of children’s books, books for picture books and illustrators, fiction, folktales, fantasy and poetry. Prerequisite: Junior classification Texts: Favorite Folktales From Around the World by Yolen Red Glass by Resau Judy Moody Gets Famous! By McDonald Spin a Soft Black Song by Giovanni Amazing Maurice & His Educated Rodents by Pratchett Spiral-Bound by Renier Story of Doctor Doolittle by Lofting Stone Child by Poblocki Black Duck by Lisle Course Objectives: Students will (1) gain an understanding of the historical development of children’s literature in America and England. (2) gain an understanding of the genres of folktales, fiction, children’s poetry, and picture books. (3) gain an understanding of how to use children’s literature in the classroom to generate children’s writing, thinking, and dramatic play. (4) become familiar with the major awards given in the field of children’s literature. (5) gain an understanding of the relationship between reading and writing by writing poetry for children. (6) develop an appreciation for the best in literature for young children by substantial readings from highly-regarded literature.