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Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-16-1911 Tucumcari News Times, 09-16-1911 The ucT umcari Print. Co.

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Tl - eomp .1 "ii tm M (H-i'- i" 'In public Ii. lieil ,i. il ,1 QUAY COUNTY'S FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR fh.,,,t that fHH.V Inn I'ter'ii B. P. ELKS DEDICATE NEW HOME I 0. pernill III the county ii ehuilile to eiiiei the (iiuli'it; the only icqum-llieu- l i. IhHt tin work placed on III,- lecond cftnh, 2.30. f'htiiubor I'mn ' Live- uf fui incmiiititi Inimt Ire work that lm Premium List on the Whole Line of Products ftstf ineicr. WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES been iluiii' III (hi1 "etioul rimtn nl the I'lioiplilm PltH merchnii Hie, l.iicei pyular iline priivtitwl for it nn stock Fifty Gent Greateer Tfeta Year. (l the la Per List (Int. ynl Kiny Kutmn ' einie lyrnp, lem-lip- i ptuyrnlii. Tkp emtiii ltlefi value : 2.53; iccond emh, tl..Hl, ('hum litlli il.,..iil.b,l If, ummrA tl.n. flM.t ihu; ihorthnnil t pew rn me her of Comuierce. T,WM" ,,N" More Than Two pieiniiiuii mnl lim p wond pfWOlltWIii wl" n'"l Hundred People Attend and Enjoy ("Mrrnli , Pint einb, l.(io, fur unci, f thi followlny yrnilei of ","' ",',0,l f"linili U lie l.e.t AND I Every Minute of the Program Which Every COME TO THE FAIR iiriiin Pirt etnh, nbjePli. uml limy ileeide ti. uffer itlll ,,mn' 'lilliin n.r - icl yrmle Was lied Pepper -- Pint emh. 1.30. 'eHeher niki-- I', pi uruyc other prpiiiitiiin If II .eem. imt tn . ii Bit of It Right Up to Minute. I.linu llextn I'irit men hmiilin'. - ... u- hi the u. If tonchen in- pupil. Imte uthei j """ ""'lr clmri'i. pi.., GET INTO THE GAME Muirheml, I 2 ilueti pulri i i' hui'. IIipv work dime n, ei.ei, tuiitPtlNl in iiilml fltut would likt , "' viilttp ) 30. tn PMiibll. tin iiHHinittP.. luvltra yon j 'N"" In the ymde. uml id Pennttt. " nther than Wpmilih Pint In wilte tu the cliiii'nnsn. .lie.. S. (Infer, woii nil plNepii lutlcthir will lie tnetctiNndiip, Miiirlii'inl, TUCUMCARI ALWAYS DORS ilueu pain ut cull on It tit I he hlyli lehiml nf. fnr MWarttisn 'he pieiiilum t .iiibjeet tn flight licit rnop llhoile lilimr) KfiU 2.00 Thii itrminm llt Wild IbiyMimer jjIrN lime, value f.3o. lice. tcHi'ller There will In IwllvMnnl pxhibin lot -- nop ilui'Ln 2.00 'utility will do well tn uiianyn, lint in mi iiiKlm will it llet Apple I Pint null, f2.30 Chnber nf wuik in clmi' toiic'li with SiiKrlntpml eneh nf the elftrth (miilox in lie emu premium "f vtilnr Ih yivcn. The Ilet cnnp jfere 2.00 Ciitiltllprce. f - lf lit Crumi'r in the fiitutp n tley have 'linn aeltnol. THINGS IN THE RIGHT ehonl the etilllnary ii ml art ex llol I'linp hirVey. 2.00 Heit Dlipla.v llutup eihlhlt, of .lelllei Mndo III lint Ii I'remlnmi will lie tiiten for the tol p bunt 1.00 the pint. of tittle IHi'li ifc 1 hlliit, iiml ilUpliiy will he in Die Hot unit trades Pint inerchrtiidiie, .Imeph Imnd, 3 ylad to ilimv nil ponriixlei Inwiny. whether the work linn been Ile.t euop blilcli.Mllinoril 2.00 pn;lbte tn Hancock building mi Weil M.nn 'reel. pr Itullei' nhnen neentul inerelimiilin', dune mi reyiilHr nehiMit I lime who me Intcreiteil in thli work. work nr Htitt u fee will eharypil. I'x 30 TMciimetuI l.uiye nf Plk Nn 1172'ai n funny hidv nf wonderful entrntire lif Payer Hrm.. poiituli .luhn II, flour. Thme tvliii In IW't f indrtfttriitl itnp. muilcul Vutnl iin.uO are lilli'iiiteil the work ilellleftteil their new tttputv fitp lliuili tnlpiit mnl hpt rpiulilinii hlhlli fur tlit' ciillinnry iiml nrt depart Kaffir Cnrti Spomiil niercliiindJ-e- , (Mid exhibited by any Mfth of this moj; uf liiuilc nr eullllliereiwl brnHelK, ehrti .MmulHt mcnt should In' bmuyht in llrii Domestic MtnufBcturu and Art Work. I) uml ilnllnr hntue lint even dummy tl.p fpi'liny mid touch tin' Payer Hrm.. puff wheat, value I.:t3; kIiouIiI ponfpr .1. D. lelii'ol nf the with I'rof llomter i'ill. Iliy. I ilny of tin' fnlr inn I left with tl in- Ilcl puir linen pillow chpi, nenllnperl the rltillillitie eteicle wpip in in int. lidded tu her iiHttirnl flrl eah WntTonl i. White nl,. who Iihi eliHtye of iIipm- - Unci, Hei map of New XIsleo. nbllltle. or heiiKtili'lipil, with Initiiil ot pliMiyi' uf MxullPil Kuler .1. . When mlttee In ehnrye nf lhi hulhlitiy. inunn Miln Malye Seeuml ttetrt iii.llt iiliinl lniidriii- - I'oiii. Ml.i Myrllp Mi Kemile khIpiI ineichmiitin'. nut only ut the hlyh Imt fnr the yirleulny Hip Npwi Suitable diipluy space will. Iu iiiM'ii llllllll fl..0 l'Ull. Payer f) and wiilipi tn euiiyrtitiilHti' lienelf at the piano, her mnllooce Hrni. puff wheat, talue I.:i3; COIIIllV luil. phtn for n Ttietitsptn Int. I I!cl IIiipii ulippt. fi'iillnpril nr Hie I'lki who look pint in thii leMlnd back free fut any exhibit. Stuck iiml tint caih. Clnimbcr of 'omincrcc. PrcititHins (Imde. Ut InllivWnHl wt nt wechmilcHl icie prepared to liiteu tn n for Firt Work. IIh- - fur should In exhl with initiiil nr tnntinyram. Hriioiii - liiiiny mi iplemliil ilioivlny they treat, mid thwr not try exhibition in Corn- Second meichmiilin'. i ilmwiuir. tteri' dl.nppnliit.M, -- ('lint wink: ipwiuii enrdi; ) iiihiIi'. The were nil liitlnn Si'iti'inln't 2 iiml '.'! .it t I.'n inh. Payer Hrm. nd P limn 'Tinte Bui wtjy n tbe " fttamhoml Mmi pdili euiuuiltteu Mlii MrKeiirle lift,, woiideiful tgtk weiitiny: drnwlliy; IihioIh ritiny - Miirrny licit iioclu'l hnmi bii;. 2 pound tiil-- e In luemiiry. the tenui work wn- excel lit. Ilnely wnyiui yunl on center itteel mi Telli." f,t.30; tint cinli. i3. Premltiiux for Heroud (lradc Work. tnent." nut to rantaln morn itian lono iletclopo, ui ilu deiunih which ilny frri ilnhlluy, feed ami mi linlilen ti.'lte loflep by lliiycr tlrm. ''Iirimhe; n. lent mnl the illipreiiitp dellveiy uf the ilrnle.l ,y her remlltlon of tl (m Commerce. tiuiliei win k ; ion woni. pnver iiiniltiict work; tin-- Ilet fline crttiPt 7.P work impried nil piccut with tie nf Slip Iiiih ucciun-iiuIiI- ter will ln prut bled. Indian CnriiPni.. 'P.jniedhh -- I, . ttmt iu.CMdiml BMnnnl tmlnliiy Sprlny." the draw iuy hmnlw I itiuy ; ew inu unl. . admi-iln- n licit Imiilieiipp in nil 100 lentil Ii which the Ordci idiihitieiit nf There will In' mi fee in t llulinii Corn, vellnu Si'i'oiul met- - dibit uiuklliu her miiiie niMk' PretnltimK for Third Orntlo Work. li'Mchi-i- , licit Imiiliptipe in wnter 1.00 - mid which the metiiben en in wind, the thouyht ill any riiuiiiement nr nttrnctlnn pi phtilullip, Tnfnya I l.awon. I. inn bruml N'umbi'i wink; druwiuy; ipelllnii; Ik- -' pi, ci- of fiinti'iire bv yrml,- but the mlml nf iiippI, lleil floweri in wtitpr 1.00 vhIiip Cham-bp- i leovur to practice. The deilletltiuti of Hie aitlit when tlii at hit inn tn which mi iidmi. ylnvM ftf.j lint pfh, f2.30 r laiiyiiiiue: tviitiny; Ini.nlwiirk f fnwlturf by high compo.lny hi none but Alii' elinryed fur adult", iloit pen nml ink iltuwItiK .... 1.00 the bullditiy ! the bmad principle, of a yrtuluate of her ability enn ilnfi nf will lie uf Cummerce. Prmnlutm for Fourth (Irodo Work. j "I'tlOIlt I'll. dn. Mini 2i- - chililien under I 'J licit i rnyon ilmwiu 1.00 Corn, tli Charity; the tiiihulillim of frtiternal One nf the lietili of Hie evenlny fur ear. Indian white Seeninl itieiehmi Niiluliei work; diMwiiiu; -- i.ellinit j Inidnal etbltilt nf Unite tni Heit funey 50,. 1,,!, , lilitice; the lieruldlliy uf the - the SPORTS. "l,r,,n ,;ill,Hr r(, ,In ..sllll1 , writiuy: hiiiiduork worl In I... v. piluei- ninyi uf the quartet eompo.ed uf licit iiiiiiIp Mill bonnet 30c plei ut llrutherly l.nve, all uf which Menr.. Fint Day Wednesday, Sept. 27. Pine." value l.liO; llrM ctnh, 2.3o. Prciniitmi for Fifth Oradc Work. tip ' m UvldnMl I'Vliiblt of it'ulnsr Ciiriithen.Hiuiilmky. Mbemlur. Heit funey chemiip 73e ure linked by the ynhlpn pIihIiii uf let mnl ClilHphell. It i Ot20 Mnir by btiml. Wheat iiierehiiiidiie, Knyer Vrlthioetie: yrmiimur: ipelliny. lie worl iiv urnde vlrl. ftniihed nrtiele. took Hi Inlirer-- Heit fit iip v niyht Iiph 73p I Pidelity, inudi' mi uu hock Hip (t.'IO uf welcome by Hrni,, lii-- impteniuii all tn their enlleye iluy. hiiiI hut" ti. in. Aiiri" pail cnttolfiie, vnliie 1.3ii; 'jiiiplit idiviiiiloy v : ivniiuy: di.iw i hi.i i.lonl exhibit nf iptviiiy ;i umler- - ll Mayor I,. K. I.anye ant uf See Heit ict uf pice luiiiliu Hr -- I cinli, :i.rwi. who heiiiil that will never be fur liiiiny they brnuyht fntth win u Mir. I'niiu'r ; my: liamlwiirk. Mini wenr f 1.30 l)aln yutlen. prlie tu their licit mnl Muln it reel. lint nierphandiie, Puypr' Preitiliitnx for Sixth Grade Work ll... i t uf wiiri: in Imiketry. eti'ti friendi 1 1 QuUU. .'I The v It School I 10 ii. in. Till - o'clock iiiiim A in IJrm., ynl. A. P. brand pane ami inn j Irchiittsi, under The inn. leal mrt ol the priitMtu Iliimlintiipit 1.00 ll Illeipiit Prof, lieu- - wm tlnu tiiffl tit (inteh quilt I pie ivrup. value mer i lindi'icliip uf under Hie miipiepi of Mr.O. SMii lunch cloth nimle, 12 dprinn. rpudpied li.'IO i. in. Iti'hiy rni'i' arnutnl block lleil ban .lap rhandlie, Payer Hrm. I ,i. iluhleu the "Kin of Spritiy" Iniky, nml ai ii.iihI he demomtrf list limp ' 14, otiyliiul tnwiislte; npi'ii In any team toilet Minp; b Kilmer Hrm. llnte Coffee, tiilue fl.iiO. and "Aurnrti wnllnei in uih a ttnv hi. ability tn ypt' the licit Intent to Ilmiilniiiipit cliiny luep nearf or repented whli-- uf finir; nn rtitranri' fee. Pint prie, Heit diiplM.v uf home cnntieil frur- - in tn draw encntei. Thii nr yplher the elty nft'nnli. .Mr, 12 bnri .lap (loe Toilet Snap; lipitrii ii ti eipilil tu Hip mid SmimIiiikv hliim-l- f il; second prlre. $3. In ylan jar Ut tneiphandiit. 1 Imliei KM?' elty iinuc ii ihoriuiyhlv yruuinl. Illcycle rni'i', 4 liiii'V nn Second bt Ktiiier Hnu. Ml her Khupplny bay, vnliie 10, IIiimhi i'i billv tu the fncillty of the lllyh pil in minip mid l thin enabled tn gel piubrniilpreil I tnyi-the- itreet. Otii' liny nit, prize; mi ec I'ineit nhiirtwniit. pr. Hum. ' ichoiil ami I'ruf. Ilemlpriuii in the bi'it tnleut ill Iteileltl lt Wenthpr ,lnp uml; yiveii by Kmpuiiuiii. jlill' Hint Hhnes bv Heit di.pliit home made pleklei uml whine latum Imve been amply New Mexico tu unlit him In any enter-prli- e I Wcitliciin. ipwmdi'il bv excellent hp loir rmr, :ioo feet anil Itiy 130 feet utnip Pirn ineri'liaiiillie, I pair .'t.3u mm the work tlnne which uiidertakii uf hne, throw wnli'r. Pint irii. 13: Iliimliiimeit Inline mailr luby pap, 2 ihnei, II. .1, I), brand, bv bv tin' orclie-ti- n. The uriitui uf the etpniuy tvn la- ipcntid prie, ".."I'. pnumli linlilen (iute ColTet: bv V.nfirt Heft diipluy home inmle preiertei Min Until Irene Aber uynlli ib'iuun--- t in m I by Mr. .1. W. Campbell in u Three-le- rati', "in vardi One prize Him. in ylan Jan lit merehandin'. 3ii lb. luted thiuiiyh the meiliuiii uf her to- tery appriipriutp ihurt mldrpn, Mr. $1.30. I.niiiieit tniinlnn brn.'iil iump by buy Inhti K. flour. Payer Hrm. rn I mlii " Myhtiliyale" that lie (in. Shield., whu b. a life member of Hiibee, mmm - 3 by Kiiipn I Couple race, lit prif !; e I ninler H veiiii; one nilt; Heit brnml uf butter, honu' maile one uf the lie. enltltiiti'd mid mmt Arir,, ludye, Ii a man who ii known liuiii. mm,- plenilliy tob-p- i which we prire, ?,. Pint merchandise, 12 paekay I tu have ever throuyhuiit the two territorlei for Ii1i Huilnm meit'i or clerk's whefllitir-m- H'i wateriiielnii rlne preerve; 12 herddrd whful, by Payer Hrm; lint hud i In1 pleasure uf liiti'iiiuy. bruaibliillided, hlinitiii xymptiHiV, Hi 'ti race, 30 yard. One prize. .'!.3n pnekntiP "hieaileil wheat; bv Kayer raili Chamber uf tnerce Mr. lieorye 1'pryiiiuii 'i rendition uf count hli friendi only by thme tvliuni rpwlT hne fruin P. I. Muirhenil. Him. lirucpry t'n. llet loaf nf S. It. bread, Itiiiue intule "S.iutenir PI Trutnfoie" wm filuhlv hp has pome in coiitiuM ilurliur hli Ite-- Mini Kill yunl ilicli mnutecttt, free fur nil. t iliplu uf (trnwiiiK plant' -- Pint caih, 1.00, ehrimher nf Cum pleiiiiui! ami ihutved him tu be a inn- - dem the tw'ii lerrllntiei mid hU 12 nhrearleil Pint prize I :ilr 1.30 made tn men lluweti; puekiiitei wheat; inerce. ler uf hi. initriiuiciit. III. .elcitlon tibililv in an omtor ii ni'kuuitleilye.l - bt Hrm. I i'ioiii lit- - me I miner' from Tnfnyn & on; llnier Ilrneert IV liet 2 ilnen rolli uf bieinl I'irit thii beaiilifiil opeiH wen render all who may have had the pb'ui- .'I Heit collection uf nut le than 1 I'd with teciilipie in a en-nii- piirc. VV.'il I, imi lint. 'I'lifiiyn cuh, .00. I'linmber nf Com in I perliil mnl such me nt lieniiny him penk. Ills ;ulilre4,. cakpi from nny one Imly, 42.30 ipeelul bre.-ul-- - Hip A I.mwhiii. Heit loaf yrahuni I'iiit wiiy m In touch hearts nf all his hen on lust Mumliiy hIiiimI I,. K. Water flyht -- Piee. pteliliiilil by Hyilr. 1.00, Chamber nf Cnminerle. lislpiipr.. forth like ti poliilipil JpwpI; Iip spI lioine-uiMil- -- iliiplii.t uf ciimlv. 7 I'M i. in I'll' fiitiliu cunte'l. 1'ift ('..I Heit jelly cake I'int e ll :n .imply ii treat tn listen to fntth the object o nf the Order in hiihIi I l I'uih premium, fl.3o. iIm iiiitriiiiiPiitnl sulii "Upvprle" a way pli.'e, I 'ill WIM Hny llu.e; '0 pntiuiU .lolin I!, flour, Puyel lim- - in that all whu lunrd him felt tlwt Siunih - merehanitle. Iiarael; .t.--i i lit Mls Alllxer. Her remll- - were pile 2 :iir Wil, Hut II : bt T. A. tu be mnde from John II. lloiii. I tlicv either proud to be a mem. I pHlt I'nlpiwieveri luille' hie val Heit fancy cuke I'irit ineich.iiiilii ' 'hi- - Iieiiiililiil work lor her of the Order, or hoped to mnui Orcliotra cniiecrt in cteiiiuy lit Hnu iipiI ill fM.ini; leenml cu-- h prlel 1.00. 30 pnumli .luhn II. flour, Pnyei llrm ,,i,n,,..t and il was with but hilte thai honor. Hp held his iiiiiIIpiicp e iufl t hilt per-.- i nek liiiilillii!. t'limiiber nf I'oinmcn llet pnlind PMke I'irit mere humluc yht ipiiynnl lier heHleis in complete uppiiril with him and all I'otniopi inerehuiiillie, He-- Hip Six iiiiiiul Imxinu' iimtr-t- . I'ii-- t Sweet I'irit 30 piuimli John It. flour. Kuyer Him lu'i in ri'llre I'mm pimiu. uf Hip hoireri liieulhed a .yh of ti" iiir kH; ti'euiul nie, .. Ituer Htm., it ynl, Kinu Komm e.ane Por itile by Payer Hrm. On, 'he ,'holeest ieeetliiti on yiet when hp clo.ed. leeoml piiili. m), CliHtuber nf t'uui-merer- . 8PORT8 8tc6nd Dy. ft Het pie tiny kind Pint uierchumliie Urn I i. ii t pruyrmu win the tueul The entertainment of the yiipsln nf H:!lti h. in. Triulft ilihiy iniriub' One Star ham. value :t.30. Pnycr ii i ' Who Knows, " in siiny bv the i;ik. at the dcdlciit Inn of the home Heeti I'irit meiehamliie, .loe Wetth-elm- . will form on lliet Mnin utteet tit Kll' llrm. M i I I'liue I'niett. Mi.i I'ineit Inn will be ie let i ed tu as one of much I liul IiIhiiioihI Speeiul - Home. puir 'i Cuw pern, any kind Pint nierchun been i imivii fur nuue t i In aiuoiiy u plenum' fur a luny time tu cmuo. vnliie, 11.30; leenml inervhun-ill-e- . I i. in. A viut Inn meet tit ilinei. die I pair rt.00 N'eitletnii ihuei; To Kuuer 2 (iolilen (lute & .'til." i. in. inn yjinl ildh, mi iin. llio... lln. fiiyu l,nwnii. -- I en; value 73i pniimt. ANDEKHHON ANNOUNCES I Hip levfloiiiil. I'irt prize, I lilt elollu' Irlih pntlilo.". Pint ineicliiimli.e LEE FOIt TREASURER. WM. TROUP HAS ANNOUNCED ami he were people mid thoy went s 'ei-um- l TmmitiM' I'irit merehuiiillne. Kaijer 12 the ollleial. It is iilony the.e lini-- vuhli'il lit t'.'.'i by the Klil"iii iiitu; pntindi uf ilynamitec i iallt iiili imii i i Ihl'p t Itllli'h ll ii 'Ci He FOR SHERIFF. that I ham, TrIU: ' I Hip Htin.. "The Tate lidlipted for Hub.inllitiy, C. C. I i wish people to honor me with titt, 7.."0 I'tiilt. Chiipniiiii; chinye 'In lim i ..I I..IIIP1' ,1 I no, ny tn Win. Tump Inn miuuiiiii'd his candi VI.30; ill 11.00, Phatn or tn tiilni' iec(, canh., piiih, CliRtnher Cnmtiii'rcp. t their preference in the selection nf. Itlnu tnnrniim'iit Thret' unite lint nf Iv pie ol i ,tv I,, lltlllllltt II ui it nil In.-- t fur the repnlilican iiiituiuatiuii for upr ii' Society briitul I'nmine'.'e l.-i- l their first stnte sheilff mid If they filter. Pint lirlc, Parade. ut tin .ll Kill ind pntenteil innkiny thi tl dice uf sheriff uf tin' county. In ,' r - 'iieuinben--l'itii- t inerchiiiirtlie. .lue A l.awinnj n'eninl HeKt ml- - elect nip, my yrnlltuile for the liouitr uit, by Tufnyn irip decorated vehicle without ll lend. Hi this cltt mid ciiuiitt ili'eid' ii !' I'ioiii me hoiiiesleHd tn the .tore, so doiny hp is coiiiliiy before the pen- - I IiiiIIpi' I ciiri'l, pair fH ihnei: ! will, believe, me tn do pvpjp-Hiiti- y t'i hut by the p.lllpnrillin. vertliiny mutter Pint merclimiiliic, tu make the nice for the republican two nml n bfilf mllin eneli day, uu le fur the honor the iceonil time. Hp c:ine mtili'li. ntnl eiiili, fl .00, l.'hmuber nf Cniniueiee. C. (V Chnriman. one 7.00 lamn. in my power tu show them my Tt.'lii Wrptlliit Pirt prlr, narlnr iiuimiititiun fur county tteniuipt Leeltil Iii whs hIiIp tu leeure u pnti-u- t on lun xpri'ised lid purpo.e of makiiiy a Ml' ipi'iiml uilerlnunei I'irit uierehnDilUe, .lue Heit 10 ureal appreelatiuii, mid I shall yive the irln, .'..'ii. decorated final Pint caih is n vuiiiiy mail, iwi'iitv-iDvei- i veuriiihe land ampniyii alutiy Hip line, he did before, Wert helm. I pair ininei' 3 IMamunit Heit mitnmnblle -- olllcp my entire time ami attention In Mmii'iil entertiilni.ient. decorated Pliit old, uf ipleiuliil churni'ler and uimiicji He was tmirrtwl Inst October tu N, uu w hal he lieliete. to be his lecnnil I .Oil. ('hum thai nrdpr lul ihuei; luprehmiiliie - 10 XI lo pmvp my loyally to them and SPORTS Third Day. llmtetter. one pair tinned nliilitv. Up is n iiiitivp of Hell lis I.ulii Hrymi ut' UhhIhiiiI, this merits, yit'lny his opponents every ! id ut I'oinnicnc. to yive this county a name that will II. III. .linliilnp nf livextneU. tailor mude pmiti tille. III., and mined with his par iii'inty, who wm n homcteuilei in iiusiilerntioii tn which yeiitlcinen and t (tieeii Hemn--I'in- t cmh, $1,011. be equal what II u. in. Idventoi'k i!irilile. Heit diipluy farm prodncti In purtule tin, i pomiiiutiity. to the people elect in j,' nil lu oiiliern loxn. at mi early yood eitimins are out il led. In his let- 1', - ) A ion raliiiajjp I'irit laih, il.oO. nn - Aiiib-rsoi- me would have it bear. ::tll viut inei'l :it ytnwii one fnrni, thiee or limn- tn aye, mnl ytetv tu maiiliiiiiil in the ynat Mr. i i ti'iupenitp In hub Hip miiiiiiini'lliy elili- - I.M). ter to people his - I eti'li I'iirnipi-I'i- nt cmh, iiierchiindle, C. Kuriifstly solicit Iny your iiifluence In .lymkiihann run' I'irit rio flnipete Pint I. one .lute, lie couipli'led II 1x1) its and h. uuver In any - m.oo. Star dliiiimti'd lidlipy. lie nit's! I- t;t Iteil OiiiiuiH Pint eiiili, Chapman, I wind mill, value 23. this eampiilyn and your vote tit the No- tfcnnil iri'. i'li tar School uml then u colleye course and maimer. ili with the ill in I hate decided to make the rai-- White Onlnni rifNt ch.Ii, l.00. vember I ii in ri'ipcct-fully- . Nltilit xhlrl run' Plmt irli'. Mnit upiqilp vehicle in pninde I'irit wound up with n completed rummer nf Kelly Ims yiveii him a wide election, very Hpiiiii On!, for the ollh f sheriff uf our county, urentnl II.OO. Mexii'tin Pint .Merehamliie, imh, 42.30. d irii' clnl edliPUtiiin in niic uf the leuillliy (IihIiiIhiipp In the connly mul he ami I desiip the support of Hip people rutiiyu l.nw.on, pair Nettletnn WM. TH0ll3 tlVESTOOK PREMIUMS. i Wfimt turnout In parade Plril etiih, puiuiiipipial ciillpyps of the Smith from speak Wliiti nml truu.ticts linsinif. you, provided you coinlder ihnei; piuli, 2.O0, t'hamher ami iiiyc I 3.00 nf 1.00. Pre-vioil- N'nw, II ffika f'ultH iimler yi'tir which hp tilsu holds n illplnnin. i in this Ihumhh1 nlitiost u. well an in use in would sppiu Hint this ('nmnierpi'. in v e.'indblaey favorably, to your I 'J . Ipiiiii Cult uvtr yenr uml niulfr 3.00 Heit decorated llnrrn Pint to piimiliy to Toeumi'lirl, he held his own laity nny c. in - sensible expres.loii uf the ttiteiillouMlif Hlupk pea fluence in my behalf your eoiiimii- Mulei-iil- t miller I 3.00 nierchani1le cash, 1.00. a man who Is oft'erluy ilnj yi'ur lt u iltiiatinti bookkeeper fur the Uivv Thele is little qmitloii but that Mr. I resided in Hie county siimetliini! I in ii ll v. have fur I '.' 3.110 Muirheml, mil I'Jnl. nteriilli! ec -i Mule eollover yr., umler yr. Mnit attractive ladt and yetit on ipiipp Wunli'liliiiry Meicillitili" Co., nf i. demm will lio the ehnii-- i nf Hip rn limp I turn inr tne noiior iiski- or tils neiii i merchiimliii', Miiirhpiiit, sptprnl yean mid durltiy that Heht nf inilb" mnl ituen honebai'k S. K. Hyde, 2.30. mid fellow-coun- t httlr I.'"' Tiluiilad, Ciilurmhi. uml yuve up that piibliiiui imrty for the nominaiion lor hate put fnrt h every elfurl for yood burs rymen.Vfii, H'.UO pair IihIIpk' Inne, value 11.50. limit liuir liiimri ion to take piuplot mi'iit with enmity tron.iirl'i. and the News believes ynterinupeiit and fur the enforccmeiil Troup has lived ainoiiy un louy etiotiyh S 10.00 Penehei. I'irit piiIi, 2.00. - 1 lltit Htallinti over yenm... QUAY COUNTY TEACHERS ACT- lirms Kelly , (V.. uf this pity mnl stands ft very flattering ehauee of Hip Hint the people of the county Unhw him piiih. uf laws uf our count rt. Ilpot 7.30 I'pan Pint - i'hlltiK miy aye rVEXiY ENOAOED which employment lie now The iiiK eh'.teil. lit- is not e pnlitielmi I and they will believe him when he lull 1,00. hobl. lu enlerlny this raci ib'iire to be mil re 7.30 Miiikiiielnni Pint caih, FOR FAIR WEEK who them plan he llrt tiny !ie ion with llrosi, Kelly Co.. who Imt a strulylit forwiinl youny iitau iiiiilersinod that I am miikiuy it nn uf the of service liupea 0 Miilk ('. f'hapniun, - Ilpit with cult nt 7.30 t'nttnii. w bp hi lo be yiven a renilj'r mute ilr. do both ,i linle. ale and lentil bti.i unit- ippei,im iiimiii to jip I be my merits and to thi'in 12 piimiili ilynnmitp pnwiler. what believe to I)eit jiirk 10.00 Exhibition Promutei to Burpaas Excel- - iIhIips nf Hip sheriff of the utility. We just lie, us lioiikki'epcr mnl cinhler, Inn whitle allenitiMi to the imt on the demerits nf my opponent, in 7ire pnumli 'lyiitimite powder. leAt ileni'inl-ene- y Oliplay of Laat Year LUt of adileil evperienpe to a lliiiih nllire nr 1 en mrer should the people numluii-tlou- emeryiuy from a territorial r by whoever he may be after the Het vuriety nf veyelablet Work for Which Certificate! In Not'eliibi'r. pmltlotrliif Total ed biiiiup.i edli'lltiuti mid lillipl.t Ills liuiiur him with Hleetimi of the parties are mailt'. I am a tn the exalted t5(;I to one permii Second iiierchamliif, Kayer All upcnnil nrcmlumi on stock Will Be Awarded, and ti I in fur the liamlliuy of the business peiiedeiil citi.ens of n soverelyn stnte, Htm., 30 bat Sunny ninluy nnp plain man of the people ami tned to puiihUi uf ri'il rlbbuiiN. Oeneral Rulea. I mid it Is Indicative nf U'Hllytfnytirff. 3.00. for the livelihood on which Any Brted. value 2.30; lint caih, If one may judye the school exhibi meat to see some of our bent citizen- " have existed, but I believe 1 am cupu-bleo- f booth 1'lrnt I Kelt family row Heit nrriitiKfd caih, tlnn for the Quay County Pair by the Alithmetic; yiHiuinur; spelliuy; de- Heit iii' o n fur school alleiidaiicp ship slMiullny for the ofllceei of pub- cnmmmiiry uttenilliiy to the duties of the hplfi'r, inunlhi 3.00 l.urxt'it diipluy exhibit intertit nf teacher nml pupils who ny iiiph.v; phtsloloyt ; writiuy: driiwliiyi ami iiiineifillty for the lut nilinul lic servant of the now reyeute, Het Itlce of ihcriff of my enmity, nml I Tha 1 $10; xccniid ruih, 3; Third nvnr yr. mnl otulpr II. 10.00 Pint null, are vyiny fnr the place in the pi history; limulwnrk. veal'. . llett bull tint I'lilled Sillies 'ii .f - i i ...i.i..., .,it n republlcuus nf the county mnl tliu Kmnnrltim, tilt f Kweelnn wiiuiiiI. innitert nn- .iiuinii, "".'.. city llpit hi'nl of II iluiry lo.oo nremliim. tltnate of the jmlyci fnr schunl work, Premlumi for Seventh (trade Work. (leiioral Rulea and noguiatiotiii. honor to srve you in that capacity. I are pleased to see Win. Troup one of row with ut hIiIp 3.00 ovetnlli.. then the educational innwiny of this Alithmetic; yrtimmur. Spelliuy; (le- - I. Conipct itlnu is oppu to all Quay lint ialf do not In cliques or coinblnei. -- draw-iuy- : believe men n yood Hot Imll f umler 3 venti 3.00 Spaiiiih Peannli. Second merehtiuliie ennnty will be cond to imtir ever oyiaphv; phtsinbiyy; writiuy; poiiiiIv sehuols. the aniniiy number, wlm eveii-handee- every 1 but In Justice to -- llmpnrlnm, pair of 11.30 tlmiylux Mmwn in thin nen state nf New Mex I'liili'd Statpi hntury; handwork; 2. All exhibits must be in place uml ure yolny into the eaiiipnlyu for the I can necttre the oOlce piiih, 3, Com 11 eltlren, If Total t'.OO khuei; lint Cliuuiher of ico, Tin' committee hi charge uf this ayrlcultliie. ipniIv for I'Nhlliitiou by o'clock better ynveruiuent through Hie milTrayo of the people who of tlu uiiiiiioii. (Hpei'iul, llnuti 1 Hiltiou.) . . niciie. work rear received miuruucei from Premluma for EUlitli Orado Work. Weiliipsdiiy, fppl umber 27. believe In thene pr.nelpleii I will w xvenllh. Mr. Troup tSllQn the !l.00 ('line Pint nierehnnilee, Knjter nil spelliuy; lb" :t. All papers entered fnr exhibition lle.t Hour nearly the temlieri now enyayed ArllliniPtlPi yraiiiniar; honor, and if II A I', anil yralefnl to them for the tire stretiytli of the .repoblicmi patty Heit mw :i.o Hrm., uullonii brand ran In the ic lino I rooms of Quay county Hyraphy; phyilobiyy; writiuy; draw must .how ai Hit lop uf ptiye the sub 1 1 and :i,00; epnnd mer can't yet It Imnnrn'ily , by the mid If tn W-ff- l pl(! mulcr tl niniitliN. . .1.00 maple ivrup, value that they will have miupthliiy from lay; Pulled .Stales hlilnry; haiiiltvnrk; Joel, mnl Hie yrailon In whic'i the work ebi'tiil tliPHelRf ilrt litter fair-minde- who tho I aiiniiinn voto of men have --M'O chandlie, Kiiflr lirui., pall The inn. there will. In the onlnlon ut thin I7 Heit rum each child fnr the fall. ofllee of civics; win done; at the loft and abuiit an nt tuber.'"'j1 '5L I.HO, best IntnreiU of the whole people i; "i je He.t rwe 2.00 pure lard, value the county nuperliitem'ent, ('. Cra Premluma for High School Work Thla Inch from the upper edye of paper, the nny I want it. I bi not be never be cmim 2,00 Millet Seinnd men-handln- I'lifter Be Glasitlned by Year. heart. don't lUht pair Inmbi mer, ha already received ennuyh of Will name mnl mldie uf the pupil should upon bint. ' his- lieve lu the Mrlfe of partisan politic, thus bellowed AiiK"rn K"ut 2,00 Htm, 10 Hi, pull pnltnlene, vnliie 1,30) yood work reyulnily done by the boys Alyebtn; Inn; ancient be y I IUt veil. and iittlioiiyh n llfe.ony republican, I llrst piuli, '.', rhutiiber nf Cniunieree, aril ylrli, to make .i mmt credilnbli' ex tory, Latin; physieul yeuyrnphy, I. N'u etit inline, fee will he eharyed fealfte n aerwint nf the people hlilory, Caiwur, that Theirfdetniwrntle fi ihiim j twiiH twi mmmm TuUl 17.00 Alfalfa Pint iiierrhanillie, liarel, hihlt. 'Hie teachiiM of Tueiimenrl are and innderii for this depntlini'iit. uui Kny- - must rise above pryWeinlineitJ and chirkpti . value a.30j gteond In nhyilnlnyv; yeoloyyi yeonipliyj Oituy Heit coop plymuuth .1 2.00 Double Klar hat, all engeued uii'hy coplei of lim piihh incftlcu nt Tu pay 3, .No prion will be awarded when n publie nefvnni treat ma in Rent OrpltiKtomi . 2.00 eiiiih, H, (Minmbrr of Commerce. beet wntl; In their yradee on unifnrm liih history American iiisinry; tl? cooi but diplomas will by.nwiifib'd, lowineii o he would Imve them 'treat doetrlne of tk Jlnt cnnp f.exlinrtu . 2.00 Watertiieloiu Pint mercbdndUe ! paperi aril tableti, Ini the pt pime of mIcm, looloyy; botany; clvlcii thetorie; lmokku( ,IOH. H, llOPP.n, Hujit Mm were the rlreumktnnrra revernnl, peefi'r'm'UtwMftM litH oo Vyuilollr . 2.00 rel, 1 double Star hit, vtluo keeping molt of tbi premlumi in the Cicero; Miglll OhemUtryt f .tMKfsitiHi. t till mm . i mt i t Mi mtmmi

The Tucumcari News. tnnile hl hulne micccKuful, nml we the nfllre to whli-- he impire. He wnnt ii yowl number of mich men in proinliien the people If elected tu put ANNOUNCEMENTS linv ANR TUCUMCARI TIMES the milking body of the tlmt ntnlo forth hii het elTortu to r 11 v Hie xcnnte in New Mexico. The Newt jirnde of the rnrnl m'liouN up to the would like to ce Mr. Htetvnrt rcpre- - ntnndnrd of thoe of the town of the For Judge, 8th District 1 The TKKRCiri Printing (o. Ik out IhN county In our flmt state .en- - enmity. Ile l I'liiphntli- - in hi deeltim-tio- nm i rmiilidu'te fnr the t It 11 1 nniiiluatlou He. the nt nil ilnml need k tenter for .liide of the Kljihth lb. -F- Irlct. eiiibriiciiif,' E- ntteiitinn from the enmity iiperiuteml the inniitli uf (Jimv. COFFE- ( 1 11 x Kuterod ns Second-el- ! ent nml the linprnvoineiit In I'tilon. 'nl nml Tu ii., uhcrt to the REE Mall Matter I,. Ii. Klltii'felter of Olmr, eilltur of the way I'oit-oM- will uf the IMMrlrt llfpitblicnu Uonveti-- t t tho at Tucumcnrl, Nw the Olmr nml nno of the xtili of belter Inillillny, lioht, hetit. entilii: I'mitre, ion. Meilco, uuilor Act of Mareh 3, J87D. itntitlnl citlii'iiK of the comity. In he nml ventilntlon, n well n the priule hIioiiIiI have UK Kit imi.l.OMAN. liitt tiriteil liy the reiutlleiini of the enrnet ntletitiun from l For Every Man, Woman and Child enmity to mnke the rnee for the nlntv whoeier elei'leil to till olllfe. He ISSUED EVB11Y SATURDAY bi'lli'Ve tlmt rum) For State Hennte Mr. Klinefelter U a it tit n the eiuol shniild lexMutitre. I n be in ew-i- 1 tun iiimniltite fur' the mite of loiii experlencti In the ileveliiinieitl eipinl repert in Tucumcari and Quay County Hint nf mid 11 11 riomlijiitiin fur Stnte Senator for v 8, M. W1IARTON, Editor. of tho wont nml the niuithwent. He I the eity Hint liui 1'omif.v, lictinn Ti 1. WELCH, BiuIukm ndvoento eighth pupil in the eity 'nohieet to the of "the Mui(ir the dry fnrnilnx hlit(i of Vt- - lnivt" itliCHEEK-NEE- COFPE COMPANY, out' IiiiiiIiI be 11 Itftuocriitle ptllil.'ity..tip In. held Oitiibi'l iiiihIc N'orthenitt New Mexli'o nml n tnitn the mittie thnt in the tu umiiiirciiifiiis i . - s t Tex., ml Thnt the reipiiteiiK-ut-- i for ml. of the Inrut'si ciilVft- liniisi-- in tin niMil.'' "est. inur in Houston, rtcOrjn K. Iletnloy, of the people nml lve lil wholi' time dotilrt nttornov Ai.i.nHiiiKii:,-- - ! - i In- lu-s- t mii'ement linuld be the mne In f. ii . colTcc tlmt was Oolftlx and eoerxy to the betterment of the njj Nn.sliviUt', Tfiin.. nml .Incksonvilli'. mtvi- iwwtv 'i.nilitla't' for dlstnet the In the Kiinit'ie-ipilremetit- in enmity. i 1 1 1 ;iimI tlni'iiij' the BtTnriiey eomimmiiy nml I'oitnty ami Klnte " ' ever sold in the wot to cvci'vliodv in Ti ii (t)iiny Coinilx under tnirkiHl fin the win would menu eipinl llli'ieiiry For Representative ffe whii'h he He l nntoiiu n Ioiik llt of Qhv. I'miim. T iu4 Colfax, for Thin done, I nm n fntidblnte before the Demo, thi't'c days ol' the Knir. nt writer who Iiiim1 Imuileil the Kiinth nihiiiu'cnient. he ftii here Mrmlnv sH hte.,1' in the pupil Ii'iinIii): tnille I'rlmnry (ictobet T. for the mini lmittiiiriilliili In InnhiiiK to the the the tiinil i'hool would Interior of hi eniMliitaf thnt wet until hint Ion fnr infnt home enter the eity eliool on mi eipinl foot- lepreentnlle to the Stnte Ally. Ueniley tin ml ihe ortlfe new tnle n the lnl of the free ,'llntiire. oi'f nmler Shiii' hle do ing mid eoiild tn lie up hi tudie Uf ill? i. tt .ru- uf hi imiiK ;tl, I'linntrle I'nele riot where he left oil nt home. He nv .1. W. r'AMI'niXl.. Maxwell House Coffee mil leliti it In hi' fa or the ruee mininno. Mnt of hU time ii oei'itpled 't heneflt there I no renon why there hniililn 't Iff-- i tww ma! In mme nlllco In ptiiptiu'itlnji ilnn for the ' coIVim' fit 11 - Wo will lie, n lniiitli'cil iriilloiis ol' ruinous I'limmmiliy be uniform vtem of pronuitiiiu mid COUNTY OFFICES prcpiircd tt sorvc this tn the enhrjted unttor teli- - of the fnriniiiu of the itiurirl lirndiiutiiiu in nil uf the ehun of the Sheriff ciicli day ol' lie Kair, or more if the people demand it. A special salesman Mi, Karel.M eoiintv. He i to delher the mldreK LMiNiTtiticnt. ha ttrnven v I Mti'lerii New Mex t' oil tit . Thi he I'lnliu run be dime dcite tu nmioiime to the ell len will on 'J( to the hiti coffee servinu : at our dis- rtiiisBl t a litwtre 01 ithltity in the for the fnrmer of arrive here Seept. arraiie for Con through the of the irhnnl nf the rounty my eumlldnry for the Hi itttd N'owh leo nt the Niitlonul Hrv lHritiliitf play in the llandeoek Ihiildin. , PiWte nf itt'i't. Ire uperiti-temlent- . ilentiN-rnti- in nf nil ditrirt mid the rnuntv nnminntinn for to Vflllll llkr tu M th NpNblhmtM of grt', which niei'l t'olortulo Spriny U Ile promle the tlmt the nltlre of Sherill, milijeet to the will Jilt MtiHtv uiv htm Iti fl.'tnlMT I., nml there mi npHirtu lpl tiiitt if he i eleeted thnt thi i iii; to of the people voting in the I'rlmnry, tile now on. He awttrr The nlty for him to hkiiIii lie of (.'rent erv Wnlln be the nliii'it to whieh he will work. which wilt be held hi eoiitiiy Octo li-- people of tjitity He thi When You Come to the Fair Ie to the .nuiitv. that the tot ftn Hf thi 7. .! ent to l I'nui her r x r I' H If . n three ver njjii totit aoiBu if I 1 W.MII). llnllfHMIH tlfir united npfirt fur di with our exhlliit for the enmity fnir. OEO. E. DALLINOER AN- IlriiiK your liunli and have one, two or three nips nf Imt Maekswell House hmiI wm n 0011111111011-- trinp of fMPl Jwdiee Wr ii. turn i.iuld put there NOUNCES TOR COUNTY CLERK Coffee any hour in the tla and a- - many times a day ns wm want it. Komi .- iild ttliont )iiny county I Wlh to minniiiM'i' to the people uf fVillh ver "(fort to jtive Mr. Ifomley thitii- (tere K. Itullinuer. of Itiiplnnil. ! 11 11 1 xt t event nml we tyuny Comity my rnndiilney 7oi' Hie n tnnjwtty in Quay mHty. liiriti! iiiiiniiveil noiiiirliiv in till of the New for or more tue Democrulli' tiominntion for Sheriff, ub 'Hi i' Mini ('tmrieo Kflfcn, eimlrimiti of to enrry nwny littlf n iloen the llepulilii'iiu uomiuntinii for the uf. priMlin-l-fro- .iect tn the lii'tlliti nf the eiHtNty,' etntml niwmltti'e. rciiih plemlmti ii(jiilnt Irriyiitnl lire of enmity elerk. ubiert to the will the I'rlmnry el the I'ei'iK vmIIi'.v nml the fninoit linn, tn be held in till romily, October & ltelt, W her to mnet with the emu "I the lleepublb'mi I'iiiiiiIV Con vent loll WAFFORD WHITE . nilttPe V'detn whlnh wet in iiif Mr. Ktinefi-lte- r would lie 11 nfe hnd whlrh ronveue in thi eity Septeiubei i in either the or en-nt- s. i: nimniNs tliOKill fnr prrciuci nfiiiinric 'in.' ueful mini lnuie L'.'lnl. Mr. Dnlllnp'r I u ynuuj; mini of TI-H1K- Jf.idDW men New- - i cnlinly eitirvMtinn. nml The for hi ill if i.e ile In rleririil pnilioii nml he aiflO V Kiia tie either. jjle n referouee the bunk of hi For County Treasurer I nm ii eiindiduli1 Dminlil Stewart liii ti ry I lv In. home town, Atlmitir, In., mid reiuet for the Ilemiicrutie Tre.'i-iite- - lioitlilintioti fot Couiitv r. -- I - . I ' frli'lul". nhiI there U m hirst- inimlier C. O. RANDALL WANTS THE DEM- thue who wmit to klliiu nf It I III to nl. lh tn tlilio'iln III- i i. will of thiMil in ImiIIi iartie!i in the county, OCRATIC NOMINATION FOR write I'te.ldent .1. A. MeWnid nf thnt Jeet to the of the people voting in tile .tellllM'l.'lt Ii- lull to imihe the rwee for the lHte eiiHte. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF HlMitiittnli. or the Atlmitir I 'nulling the I'rlmtirv. October T. flee 'it nperinl eiidetit "I

r Sli'H-Mr- l 111 11 i:. siiKitwooi). II I i.m: . .Mr. hn heen mmiHtrer "f tin SCHOOLS. 1 it nf the ine ell, the lnti;et tllil nil llbet ti. tl in.i (tnii, Kelly here li-- f tlmt i'. ii. Hnii'IhVi ii niiiiniiiii'liic in tlii-in- e 1111111111' rotupmiv in Ameri. n. where he I wih to nuitotinre to the people of the I'lilllllM Octnlii'l ' llrm ereeteil n teMt in ihi eity when The New for the demoi-rntl- i' wn einploved for n entiple of veiir. fjiiny i 'mint my Very repeitlull. SELL of rnmllilney fnr WE the it vii jnl tittinx. " heiii 1'iiti' iiiimitiiiiion for the ntllre of Mipi'tln Mr. Dnlllta-e- r i L'T vein old mid iiiiiiiiiiiilliiti fot I'minly Tren C. ii. IIANDAl,!.. nexttil with mU the entetirii thai temlent of i'hool. He l nt enme here with the rtih for IJiibv itrer "ttbjert to the will of the Count v lme iimile Tnenmenri the rlty he i Ijiiiiy. the people of the oinmmilty roiinty liind mid n fortune in the wet, t'liiixeiitinii, ilnte of September S3. Kill The call it tmt fot the pii-ini- pit iihlny. niiil - mIwnv liMikiHK ml fnr lire n eiitliueil oer hi emiilliliu-- mnl hu tire muiilHtt'd oiiie uf the en lfepeetfiill. oniric nlld for the riiiuitv eniiM-n- t inn th- - the lnttri't of eity hihI eiiniily. Hint tliex hnvi' given him 11 viinit Inn thuinui we nil poe to help tun k" l.RK ANDIJIISON. of the repitblirmi pnrty of the K.iintv. tTinioert enlb- -l alive nml ..llili'. he Iih hI in order tliHt he mn v'1'1 out mid mnke Neew Mexleo 8 yrent euuntrv Ile ho The pieeinrt prluiiirie lire t.i' wwy it frienil 11 mid belie e tilth, nml eon ent mn jtftneti Mwielf to the the eiintti" Thi pe.ih well for Mr. been republlrnn !ilwny, For County Clerk the the otnntv iMiimiiHrtilv. mill MiiltlnTii end of i eilti for ieptember .Mnl. Ili'iiit-tubi-- i tin "Crown Jewel Batts" and are exclusive thii wer lnllei Itiimlhll nml huu thut the people the the routitv I mn n .:itiiiilute nokiiiff vour con t licit lie phoulil lie willing. Iliniit(h hi' 111110111; In- - to n in the republican ilnte. wIhimi live hnve rent rnntl tied itiitioii hletntinti fnr the detuoerntii- - nniiiliinlinii agents for the Dixie Comforts, noted for N retitenl when hi- 111 their NiirHiehi'l .'il.ont detiee in - ulilllty to iiinke lietter iiumiiiiitiiiH to be nimle hele the for County Clerk, uliert to the lenillli hl nniHf to the rne for ihi taie rhiioW them mid enmity. Mr. rouiitv ronventioii nil the '.'Mnl FOB OF DISTUICT for the illl DeiiinrtHtie I'nmnry. to be del. I in the JUDOE EIGHTH loftiness and durability. Semite, to the in thi iiti Ii'mmiIhII i H :!." old Ile hti md tn The New Hint huiibl Hi ere enii ynmip mini, yenr County October 7. eil Holliilillill of Tiirtiiui'Hri. !' nl pnrlillit inaitiin. Me lm iit tin1 hnd ix experiein-- in the putty ee lit tn liutinr hiln with New mid Iiik yent of . I.. I'ATTRItSON. the Inwyer in Hnilern iniwt of hl life In N'i'w Mexleo ami U In piiifeinti, mnl I one mminc 11 In rye thi iiiiiiiiiiiitinii he will mnke a hniie to Mexico, i ti cmididRte for the llepnl. I heteby lllililillliie people :iciiinlntiil with tin' I'liHilitiiiii tlmt inimlier of the leinliiiL' edilentnr of the houe mid do whntiner he inn to the of IIihii iiiiliniiHtiuii fnr .iiolyi- - ol Hie my r - tb-ke- the rouiitv enndldney for the Demo mnt he liml in inn he it iriwMrnH onunty who hold tlmt n tem-he- m-t- for the lllylith DUtnrl, whieh einbriiee the 11 ii tit i II 11 i I etlltic nt for Cnntily Clerk. n'oile. The tati' ihih to iiinki Ih' ivelv enuHU'i'd HI f t work l. I'llti Mr. Dnllitiiier hu met uint of the luillltle of Cutjv. 1'tiinn, Cnl fit mnl llb.eet fn the netlon of the irun;ir utiiler the rinlitiitinii we hne ilnit tied to the plni-- of Uperilitemlent of tillitie men of the ritv Hllil lm to Tun. be held tlirnuL'IfOHt the roiinty, Octnlier 'd, iimler whieh wi in hhhh to live, Ki'houl 111 the Mr. Itmidnll ttiiirh etirnnrnueiiieiit nml The Mr. Ilolloliinn i o well mid In. .in See Them mnl the nilei'tion of the men uhn Hre eiime to thi enmity nml ettled on 11 New bellee. if he hould be Honored lily known in the district thai 'uiiiment iIiimii w n - . C CAMPIJKI.I.. ft to fniine mull it of Minn- limn rUlui four veiir ui.'o mid hit lieeti with the nuuiinntinii he will tnttke i uii'j('ce.Hty. nml if iionnuuti-- l nml uikIii tniHirtiiiM'i'. The ln4in' of ;i tini-liliii- .' Imi-- t of the time lie wn in eer wuv the euple iim I wh to nonomifH my mididn-y for eterted. Hill llltlke o very rllli ieet .luilve eumtiiHiilt y or -- Inif i the life of the eiliii-Hte- in the i'liool of hi tiMtive expect nf him. the rt'jnibllniii nomiimtlnii far enmity - i:iiine Hntetpriie. - rriiniiimiity nr ntnte. nml tlu'ri- i no town. I.iioIiiii. K -.. mnl the lla'lil.'ltiil eterk fliibjeet to the netton of the Diiniihl ! iin-- l V V. f i '. jiiltliiyiij! the furl liml I'nrk .llevf Me Mnine. lon. HiMlihHh iii KitiiNv (Sty leptiblii-ni- rnuntv run vent inn. whieh Mr P.. (I. .Inci.h i in i Sftownrt l I ii illilll' IMIIII who li:i i 11 tlllin tlii.i'iiiulilt eiip.ilile nf lllllny t.i.t.i. oil tHiiiiri" convene Seni. '..'t. It'll. Minn., in honpititl Mnyo llrmlni- - k.i unnnuK k. i)i.i,(ii:it. Ii:i undergone .m upernti-u- i n"l Gross, Kelly & Co, N' lordmi, M. ported itllpruvitlti i I lieiby nnnottnre myelf n ininli date for the Democratic tiriiiiinntion HEPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. j for Connly Cleil,. iilijeet to the nrtiun Every New i I1 Day Brings Notice hereby thnt of the Di'liineriilir I'riiitnrli- - Octnbi'r a'v,,n piililiciin inn wui be hii'l i 7. 1011. inn court houe in Tucutnetirl, Ijunt '' IIOIIT. C. STUIHIINS. New Mexico, on the i'.'t dn ii i temlier. MM 1, nt 'i p. m. Goods to Our Store The object for whieh tin For County Assessor ii.t,.' tion will be held i the , . . . 1 Elk nm a . enmlldute for n eli-- f,u Drug en deteante tu ere l.uti 'i. Store Aenr, ubiert to the will of the peo- territorinl mill ditriet nuixn'i ple voting in the I'rimnry to be held in 'flip Territorinl eiinetitinii i ii the (mnl v, October 7. !.!! Ven, . M Seplelllbi'i .', I ' fot the, iiiiliiiimtliin of cnndidiiti t.. Today's arrivals: Ladies' , I HA .1. HlllfSf.'Oi:. fit nte olllce. The Dinrlrl ei.ii-,-i.- t . . i Prescriptions I mh to nnnoniire my emidblney tlieet lit llntoli, . M on Se.ten, lit. Mill, for inimiiintion ut i dresses and men's fnr the iletuiH-rati- iiotninutlnu for rutin the yV nml ci utturuey for tin l t -- , t M tn Ion .l.ik. mbiert the net of the further ut nnl county m Deim.i eoiieuli Pure Drugs uuy mtie I'rnnnrv October 7th. didllte will be uiiuilnnted for eli . ti..n aiiu auiis. llepe,t fully, to eoiiiil olllr N'n eniliei 7. I'MI., - .1. I'lVKHAN. i.ew- oiniily reitiil innit ill l. iiImi be nt llld eoiiM'titiiui. A Tiiftimenrl, New Mexico Stationary To atmreciate our one- - The eoiiveillloii ulinvn rolled l:t I nm n undi-lnle fur the republieuii be roinpii-e- d of ilelogute from the mi ii tn t mt t i ii it for iiaKoaiiir of (jnuy enmity rintia prerint-- t throughout (uuy I piece dresses they must be seen nbeei to the iirtion if the onntv re eoiiuty, im fnllnvv: Toilet Articles 1'recinet No. Town, No. Delejinlen pliblieiin convention September '.'.1, ' I. Tuetimeori 7 It'll Very repertfull,i, Itevuolio I All-wo- ol dresses in blue, 1 1 KD m.t.IS. Turtuiieiirl. N. M. n. Kmlci) I I Cigars I Dunrlo I Wnny . i For tan, brown, red; especially Probate Judge o. Slonlora :i I nm n i nndidnte for the nomlutitinii for Nam vim i Tobacco the ulliee of I'robllte .llldye, subject logo J o. I to the Hill or the DfiuncrutN of Qllnv liaoo 10. Annlswn I count :it the I'riiiiurie Oct. 7th. 11. Ilmlson I Fountain Drinks 1 II. K. WINTKII. I'.'. Ssn J mi I Tor County Commissioner 1st, :. nuilulpu i District. I I M. IlnttlDy mil rujiiiiny fnr I'liuiity Cumuiiinn-- I Eastman Kodak Supplies f $8.95 to $14.95 10. Oglo I l'irt l)itti.t, iibeel to the in'tinn 10. Doilion i of the Deiuucrntii- I'tiiniiry uf n 1". Xtooro l I v ( uoyil t . Ictnlier 7. is. to. Nation I W H. HKCTOK. So. Allon I I wih in hiiiiiiiiiii . to the people of 22. OilBlorDB I 83. Prairie V I The Rexall Store fnii 1'.unty ,tht I would iippreeinte Daronoos t their Hujipot the Deinoerntle Hum jnr as.i. Lamm i iiiiitiini for Comity Cotumiioiier for the art. lima MicJiaels, Stern & Co. Suits in all the new shades of l'irl DUtrlet. aubleet to the will of Ofinn I the pritniirv, whieh i to be held, October 2". Curry brown and shown Jii. .Inrdati I red, tan. A prettier line was never .10. Plain i '. II. )e VAMI'IIIIT. .13. 'Munlnek.. . anywhere ill. Roosevelt ... I Tile News is $1.50 the Year, Advance. For County Surveyor MS. Olmr ...... I urn n emuliilnte fot Counly Surveyor, Hniii'i: i Dnti-- N. I :it h to ut Mmilnyn, M.. thi iibeet the ui'tion uf the Demucriitie diiv of September, IUI1. to I'tiiuiirv. to be held October ,7. ciiaui,i:s (I. KOI1N. Prices : $16.50 $28.00 i OIIVII.M-- SMITH. (Minimum epublb-m- Cent nil ciuiiinit Ilild-n- V M. FBANK nECOllD 8EI,t8 HU8INE88. Tucumcari Steam Laundry I nm ii enudldnte for the demiicrntie I'rnilh I!. Itecoid thi week nli hU iiomiuiitinn fur enmity euiumi-iiuiie- r fur l'liiiie tu lienrtie Illy mnl ''. ',. How C. L. McORAE, Prop. We are very busy marking, placing and selling our the Third DMrlct, iih.ctt tn the net inn kin of Dulhiirt. Mer. VAy nml llu Newly of the County I'rimnry to be held Octo kin tool, chiirjie nf Hie buh Tue equipped with the latest modern machin- Mr. i u ery. Patronize a home nav-ro- goods' for de- her 7th. duy. Itecutd llmirinx mi bui institution with a ll of new and that reason we cannot give you Very ie tfully, ue in Miuernl Well, Te., mnl mn more that $750 per mouth. We guarantee Satisfac- . V. !,. HATSON, decide tu lucute in thnt eltv. He hu tion under the management of a thoroughly -, iti- practi- tailed descriptions today. Hnd.- N. M. inn n In r ie number nf friend miicc cal Laundry Alan of twenty years experience. i'U"fi"lii" in Iiimiii'i here tho mil All Garments Hepaired' I tn niiiiuiinee my euiididncy for Wlnh him Nliere in 'llHleei lie mi and Mutton .Sewed On "Everything the utllre of lute Ciirporittlun Com. dertuke. Mr. I'.l.v of the llrm ( III IL A the Htilijert tn the net lou of the Ii llnwkili. wliu MU'Ceedi Mr. Kecord, Cleaning N Kepublicnn Htnte Convention to be held wiih formeily n rltlen of Turnmi'iin and Pressing a Specialty nt I.iu Ve(in-i- , Heplnnber LMlh, 1HI1. nml feeU thnt he in cnniluw buck linme People Wear" Very reapertfully, The llrm will iiinlnuliteilly mnke n PHONE 192 AND urn , I5ARELS WE WILL DO TUB : REST i umti-- . N. V. QALLE(10S. if Hie litiNiiiemi,

eiC" I



Local and Personal Mention I 'lU lti:V'T: Hi'ch rnom hnim. with Ty at 144 l.Mtli. flute In. Hrp Aln8ftiti nt PEOPLE iirntt, Kelly ttnti) tf as r S. Slum hut relumed ficmi Wftt-fi- IM Klllt 1 kii t n iliiv in N'lirn Vitn V.iiiiiK Imh winhiti linnril mhiI Kmiti in Ti'Xii". limi'i '''iiinnii mnl l"rmi V hmv will Iiiivc nn tipjiorl unity tn tret niic T tin- - pi mile fninlly with prn ilrfft sf l.ulli. I'. C Viihe iif I'rlni'i'lnii, Win., it lion nf llitell enl M'terul ilnvt in thf1' Newt Urnfi. Lnnk M In-- ki.. SS? r I'IIIiik trn .1, llriti enmity M'tit. Mr. M ii i tn v it t'nitfil I hind 'rintctl I'lntcs wlu.'li mI1 iiiosi pl.tcfs itmt Tnihn Imvr re TJ . f I ma nt j null "Mill, .tin'" lil lii'l'll tiek tiniit of Slut num. .inner llnttfil nml Mr. tlieir l'ire ttnfk nf fall jLt?t5JL' i M cuw ayo 'nn ii nn lii'i'ti (lollur. n. iv mnl u well IhVlte ..n thin week with tuiillitlt. hut irin'liiti).'. fur u teiliett 4S nil mnl Innk nm Itrfftre m is I liter pin Mint VI llt'llf Cnlfliiiin. who Iiii Mi nml Mm. II.K-f.'- ll t if DiM'p Cullint l.ev golil IiiiihI: sfVtM'iil fliircil (l(sij(iif: sluiwn , ' l.lfllllf It liffii nie inlliji ii ft'H wii'kt wild her! lliulnil, l lire heie luukiiiK fnl 11 Hi I l' Ut I.!'.: - A I , Mrt. (', 'hiiiinmi, wt-H- c rfllmjnithmi'nt Hill. tittfr, r. left Tlmit in our cast window next SPECIAL mile nt lltuttun, New .Mpxicn, llii'l 5s 4 liiy innriiitiy for her linine in D.illtit.l . 4 i m C), I.:,- - MmtnHpf ..... V. Slni'lnir nf Weliiiiiil.ii. OMti.. Tm. ..I. eliureh, ttnre ttrttl it ml will III tin' I'li.V Weiliie.ilil.v iiii IiiiiiI i el I .lilriwi ttiti Tli, Tiiciifwiiri. V pure anawxioiesome W. A. Ilnmliill mnl fmnilv ' lllltlllftt. iftitrnril It r'riiluy iilitht from n lit weekt' vltit I .itt I'iiIl H,..t !l, It. A. C I!i"lriilimirr, with tin' St. milium ri'liitlft in Mlttmiri. lit lellt .Iiii- - e I'lnlliiii i.hiiiny, It ttuiilli)j lit tllllll' (JimmI INIi ttlirit't. III' It H (Mill- - wlien I DAD WAIilMOfi food usiti6 tin1 Vnrnlif 8f r. illli'tnr mi tin' Snulhfttrti. M.'i ,i purl tier imw, A iitfnt h'kI ' . Ml- -. .1. i:il,ln" el veil it line Int It. I,. I'titti'rtiiu .t'nriiliiliiti fur i e leu in iik. No rnnri ttimt ft m. nf n'tii nml m'mi'Iii" tliU wi'i'l. fruiii tlit' I'fnilily eleik In'fnrt' thf ilfiiineriitif i.i'.itinu eurMtt nml nip. Thf It.'iiu , Whitiiiure rmii'li. 50C .i. 'iniii. I'leiimr it tin) new Win i ii. i iiliiuil U.tulier th. hikfil it tn thf piirimT i nil up 7 fer mtVt. II. Mnrx, with Cimey i Siiey, I'nrt illiins lliit week mnl it iikiKIiiu i Ihiiim-I- Como Enrly Monday, Win lli, wik In tlip rlty oiillliiK on lib huiltf it li lit in thf interett nf hit' j i i ' lu wlthc eii.tiunei, Stiliinluv. I'llllllilllll'V. pmiiri tnanrit it... ..' leetiuii tn the pnaltlon nf I In CREAM " 1 Ii .tnliii I'lnlyer nf n iiy n. fnrnierly I i.-i.- Ilmr.v iWal ninl 1'iiiiiil.v nf 'luvi, e Hnrilwiire Mnn in the ' h iiilli'f were reiiltlvet mill frlemlt licit' fhiff nf nf thit t'ily, w;it hftf "I I n. I'enile .htllllll vititinf! I iiineiiri. tupp. ii 1 Witliiftiltiy nn hind n t i ti He Go! mernl ilnyn I hl' week. nwnt The American Furniture j . ii.'ii'fl.l lilltinett it thi.y fitti it' ikkmq Powder ii M rl nf the Vmihn tiiWDkltf nml it ceo Klrhiiilrtt'k, wlin Iiii- - nitt'lnii'i the .1 I'.ttei 'tict mnl :i.iirllltelit ,l Ufttint! ifinl tn put hit nniftry nn i intere! nf hit iiirtiii'r In tin' l.nliliv .l.i.f. iit vutir irnile fur k i 1 A 1 thf miirkft. . Pr,rGrape Cream Tartar It ii uiher fur liiislni'xi ninl will iniilti' .in It Mill lie (iiinil. Mitt M it ml l.nrkf, who hut tpent Hie I'lnli.'ilih nn 1. 1 In i Itfpni'iM n hi ti Ol'liHATUD ON FOH APPENWCITIH I I miinth in inlllinery nmrkel re EAOEK TIROS. BUY Povder n mtl thf UBEF .STUIT baking I!. A. liiiultiteil ; Mnuy lint pilMlllll ut thf tlnte. till ii l.l it;, tl" " M t,. i,..,,, i .1. tiirneil lliit wpfk mnl will IniVf mi I II ye I till ' I ' Week imv HI Oilnii tn Mii'ieeil S. I'.'i-.- .. It'iiltll'lt llllt in:ili'r liiwillU tllllll Hun. N. I .nlii'Kut. ii' ol.'M- In- Int. I l.iy..n.. ,. i 111' elnliiirnte nf lull ttylet remly elmtfil twfiity flvp hnml . I'niilllli mnl will illltift mi iitiny t I i nf twityeiti lllllllf iif tile Tiii'iiiiiiiiii l.iiml I llli.'e, i"i I"' J in He - uipnlh Made fron Grapes Ol'tlllier fur the liitiei'tinn nf their tlltnliiert tflff teei. i tlleet A mul whn it it emulliltite fur Sliite Curpiirn ' untniiiM trenjilh it ml iH'tieMt he will lit 'in entlv illite. klrii.iftit n I tii.lli fur lint l..,il I 1 i t t i r Tutu Ciriilihmi. finiiieilv nf linn rniiitnlii.lier. Mr. linlleiB. lint 'mill lie nlile to li'tllli;. hi. einpluvme nt i Keliiinne IMitnr (I. A. Mnrtin nml - SSSNJNJs-.WW- this fit y , heie fruiii tin1 Mexlfiin' keen .ervinv Ike plllille ill III Inn. nf I - 'Vfrx tnlieitnl nf uliM'l lit inlit Kri nf the CI BAPTIST OliniRTIAX ENDEAVOR t'l'iiltnl, fii mute tn Itetiver tn tec hit llfinl nipiifiiif. fur n niiinlier nf voitrt j TIltST I'ltEHHYTBIMAX OIIUIIOU. III I'li'it IIitiiIiI in tiinn in the Inter IVin-lnti- f II AY HIDE AND BAUHEOUB .!lll'llt. nif mnl Iiii. nlwiiv. Iiii. I Hie fiiiillileiit f fi Iftni t II ;,. ,.; I'ltrii. etl nf I ti it I iiiier. Thete (tent leliien me Tin- - t'ltiittiitii Kmlfitw ul Hi. lln,. S. '. Shtm nf tin' I'lty llukerv, lint n thf pfuplf. Nnrii VI. it N'fw Mexienii. ' 'inn Kmlfn or nt il:4."t t. m. At 7:I.V a I'm n riitier liiitiiie mnl lime tlmif jii'i'llH-- k Will tttt rtnirrh enteiiiiilie.l with nv T riillci'tiiiii nf i'inin thnt will Interi-- 'I'liftilnv mnl Thttt.iliiy Muinlii nt it lie iiIximi li . I well thit trip tn Tni'illiieliri. mnl IwrlH'i'iie eM'iuiifc nt ti..' Stiip ynii putt tin' Imki-r- iii.tmninntitl mnl xnml mu.ip Tiiftin lOiro'4t40404 yuii, nt llilih Sehiiul lire "At. inV." '' ,M' lltiltle uf K. . DihI.iiii in ii Ullll tl Imlli. A. I;inl sifuul nf Nnrii Vl-- n, ti pinui. itiiinili'iu. I ""N' ! liiliiiii We Solicit Your Account tlllif liis'.'ii it. in. i Ti Inv lire .If "ere were nv iri'M'iii It. - u r nt iiifiit iitimiifv nf t tint new eily, wnt in Mile.l piirliiililenlliry ilrlll .,,'l.ri.t.Hrilli.ili. hllte m m.le t.t wiP!""h' ('. Iliyulii. tiiwiiiti- tit I t llM lui LllHll .1 a la Mil 111. - Hhll Hihii t -- U ..-- It in tin i'lty, ktiiiilii).' m id.' 'I'lii'llliifiiri Weilne-ilii- y In iitteinl the I'rnf. Ilnfer. Thiit.illiyt me ilt'Vuleil tn tile pill. II.- the luw l. i; er 1mhv in """ '" """- iilmr i lliplnlit . 'iinlimlv in illmililienrfit wnt i iintinn. Ml iiieetili of the ii'i'iililli'iin t'fiitrttl finii' eiiii-l.ili- itiil. Kctnusc Wc Are Viiii'IiImtk, while tliiulirtlllJ lilltne. lirief, .iiuppN pii.yiinn.. nf were I the plen.e.1 nml entertrtln iniltee. I 'nn :ivt S'mii Viii it Ktill ie ml. i. It. It WPol.Mi. fur hi. i'iniiiiiiiy. inn. mnl In I.n.t Tlmr.ilny Hi. III ' I'lttitir. I., t'rmnli'll mnl I'niiilly linifil the ieiiililleiiii rmikt. iiinrnin llf. (ifu, It. Viirni'.v ilelixer r. iin tne ' Libera!, - Conservative, Safe V. K. MfNfill. e.lliiir Hi" tin- N'nrii eil mi itililre.t Hint wit nnlril fur itt ilii(! nt tin' Vnii'iilirry. fii mill" In WM. PATTY SELLS BUSINESS KOHN SOENIO HIOIIWAY. N'ew l Ariniiii, lit' tinvi'N fur tln Kly t'liin-iiiit.ii- Vitn Mi tli nn. tii"inliri nf iie ter.f, treneliMiit triltht mnl itt AND WILL BETUBN The Knbu Sfonir llivhwiiy it untlei f mi ii t eelitriil iiiliiinitlee. wn lieie until. uk. i'iiiiii:iiiy. trurt inn mnl nearly knlf ut On We Inetiliiv meet I he TO HOT SPP.INOS mi. t tn with t'lnllli I.. I.. KlliiiM'elter nf the Olmr I'mv T. C. 'il ii- - ut (llmr, wnt nt tln Wurk illilif. It will tnkr the irtlliee.. In li u tee nn illite- - nf the im-.- i U'm 1 i t fiiiuity wit in linvn In iitteinl the I'nttx, whn lint li.t'ii I'liyHjifil Yniir fully hy lionded olVieers (lli'iirni'k Titi'ilny. n iiofilt If... nyt, dlmiit n month tn Hnith It. Tin. uiuiifv protected uei liiet iriinmiet nml thf enmity nm- nf I lie repiililii'tiit fiiliiinil III lilltinett in thit eity fur tttMMIll I'limliiliiti' Inr enmity iiiuiiii.ii.tier nil! nifitl ha tiff n Imillv nmnlml fur texetnl tn-- ia mill) Mini 'Hid 'l. lee Titetiii.y. r Kllitefell. r i. vpBrt, hut nut nml will lettirti in niil.i Imrxliii'y forgery Insurnnce. trmii tin 'I'liinl venrt nml It (jninu tn In wurth i trreiit its alo Hlnl iiryt-i- pirt'-.i'i- In. nenr II if t . Mettrt, Mililli l.eill.etler llf in niiike the rni'f fur liirm iti l. I It. I in hl li linti.ip.. Mnn j v.-tti-lt 'tniyrr writ from liirm If tn the nf ()ni l.ii!!t the eus-tiii- oi I unit, lilltinett here tntive frutii thit eiiinilv mnl it i the Mr I tenth! I'nmnii nntl Kiliw May lire prttnf isnt tlisioal ot'ttur tiiirtlieti.t nf tnwn Weiltie.iltiv with nelf viili.rt fit. invii. It Ifiul. iiitn Mi.ntuyii fmin the I Weiliit'xliiy. The, were ill nil lllllil uplninn uf llii pnper Unit n mure enpn the pure linti it iiiiit Innk rhrr(i' nf . iiiiiit', tlii yi'iiro' i'ini. mnl I'iiiiiiiI tiiilli iner the I'lipriM-k- i i' .f ti.rinu vnlu.'ilile pitpers, etc. They nre enthiitltittie in l.le mini wuiiltl lie lull. I tn liliil. the lilltnte.t Tnenlttt 'file e l it ifinly !'filc nt .ml prli lititiiet. lii-i- In v t i ititie nf the I'liiint eri.. mnl :iv Knyii t Miller wn here lire well known tin. I'l.tiiiiiuuii :itn 1JT.ANKENSIIIP "MAHt'ET Siilmin, in Mnru I'limity will nliterve Sinte the ienile lire milking ninrt' ntlllV till Weilne.iliiv Suntii I'e inr Hie pur me iii.uiey mi kert. OPENED WEDNESDAY "(lid Si'ltli'i" l:iy" nn tin '.Mnl nf tiuiii 1 W'lir I Iiii n I'nr nieetllii; el.'liilllilll. ul .1. pu.e uf with the this inniilh. Iti'V. I'. Ilei.etli will - . i rTinT itttlilBTiAW umipi trrin 'n ' Iteeil llnlli. tllllll. nf the leii.llny priuiity nf uf the reterMiii ..,...... - , . tin UK in. Ill), l II llll'Iil INnRNAIIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. lit- - tin n'!ilii'r nf tin' iltiy. mif ...i"inwii ''"""""' .'ittnrneyt nf the ni ;liwel, it n emnli. .ile nil Hie I'll jmltll. Till' N'fWH it in X M't inleri'sliiiu miH'titiK nf the .umket in Hie .iilley- i- Imililiiiti m. V. '. Ilnwl.ins 1'ilitnt nf I In- - Mini illite fin the tin the ltenili-Hel- fiillllf.l lllllt (ill e.'lll.V nf the liristinti Hiiilptitnr n.i-ie- t uf thf Sfi'titnl ttreet Wi'.liie.ility moriiini;. lie tnyii lti'iiililii'iin. w:i in tnwn Wi'il-nt'il.'i- ti.tifit TUCUMCARI. NEW MEXICO tit'kft lit in. lye nf tin eli'lilli ti- - mittler It expeeleil mul Hint work llin Pretlivrerimi elmrfli wnt liehl mi Int! it yniiip tn run nn ei-lnti- itient iiinr j tn iiirt't with tin1 I'liiinlv I 1 ilitlriet. Itee.l it well iillililiei lieyill ill II .hull time IIII Hie til U enter Siiu.liiv. with Mr Rhen He Olivier in nt ket mnl intenilt tn Uii'p l.uHi mitnei it ml tumult tee. f mnl, if iiniilililitfil, will lie elei'leil. prif. lemler. The wiriely eii.ii.yeil it laru- - nntl purkilltl Ikhim meittii. Mr. Iilntik ! Villi Willi! II (Jllli.l fllil'ltl'll llilllll'l M x If Nnrii Vltt Nfw iea it. .1. I.. 1 1 1. fmm the vlllnye etl nttemlnnee tlnee iu nriinirnt inn. eimhlp ha tieen in Otr ImniniHw for linn. u.e If. ' ' t ... M I I' : )i.t iif I' BAPTIST LADIES' AID whlli' lit I'll r. tin' Smith Melhinllti 't'he till. - rt . tin' li;it it lii mitilliwe.ttt'rn mii.ieiil iii ie .jttetl nf lunu lime in thit rltv nml there i. Iiiilyf M. ('. Mfi'liein mmlf ni the .nine itmiie the ' -- It.' liullet will vim. Dlniii't t'fiil. ullll .nli' h Ml. Km t. itul i MH'itl Hint will nm!,.' i 'I nr. .'Hi .. PICNIC AT BLUE WATER I'lif j'leeni.l nil the lieneli thill lillikei him .ei ul the ruiiiity, wnt tn SnMirilnv little ilnnl.' he uu.l l.utii'h teiveil nil tiflcinuuii. .liiet hy Ihi' Mni'.'iie llnMi't lie I. ii I in Illirtle of the ilijirk.-- ' Ml II li'Vienl emnliiliile fur the Supreme lu meet iliMnuerntii' teiulert tut thf tie "e eel. HUH Mi' hi ml l.nymi, in H. ii Mul.el itl:,.-- i It..! ,.. Ke I tile Xi .eh iitin-i- I'.l sun I'm nf wilt tin I'uillt nf New Mexl.'ii. I'lemi men, whu pulp. if ilffiilhi': wlii'ther he wniilil it iT.oipmit I... ,ii. i inpl.-- ' ... .. I'le Itnpli.r l.n.lie Aid pleltirklHl at lit tin- - file iiiih'K, Weil 'lil.ti.r let t ninl Ike rtinnl i lll'i.lllie l III. 'It'll 'i..lll "pellllli; llll.i rlty, Miiiilni! iillieijtl .Ititie In it the r.ifi' tin the Mnl .finite I'-- v, Innk lifter llifir tiiilie ilt I,. ' M.i' ' . .iitM Ttie-'i'- it s Inrjte llii-li.- . I' inimlmr. tin1 Tin-New- t ille .Il'il ill l I !u I tut lillli'.'lt In Weel,. 'ki' ne.ilitv. lt wilt hi'ii tn ntti'tnl I'flillftt ninl lilltiiifttlike lit ti ri n ur the lejiitlitttiie. He ilifurilii'il JI'iHIM. "... ilil it n in i i.l Ul I' i It 111 ml. nil lllle.l l .Ik ul tin mul I'lieml were pretKnt futility ffiittnl I'liiniiiitifi' tiifftiii).'. thnilhl lit' I lie elii.lee uf the people. Hint he lui.l itmiie up hit miml I I.e.. i ' u I . t .". .piv had. ('. T. Taylor wii" in finm Alh'ii N'nrn Viit New Mfitemi. tn .tiunl fur the lejtltlntnro. lie . ''ii in. .leii'int wit tn ii meiiilier ut i un.t itut inmil ei.i,.-- lit' wii fii mult' thf wi't r V. i 'iillierttiin uf Diilluirt, the finl nf l hi' fiiiuity wlteie In' - litiyinu tuetlil ilitvt nn hit eliiini nenr the eity linn mul i. fiiiinili'ifil li tilling mini n liN tin l.'n nit lie tn inuve tn rttiiee in thit week. llf it rilliliiliy it tftlnti. lii. p'titv. Iff fiiiiiitry. null ill Hitlliiirt, lint htm enlliuite.l tin CHANGES HANDS. f'lmrlet lli'iif.'iii ini'iitliir nt tin- - C:i t'liiim lieie thit uiiitner tlirmili liireil LOBBY liinlilill I'tf Oil. Cut A l.mnl I n., nf help. He llt hit niliie, kliffir Hint Tile lliteletl. uf lltirklei in Hie Hi" Liiyaii, wnt here Weilnetihiy in meet millet lite yunil mnl t lliit llf it lining nf ll.irklex A. Kirkpalriek. Int- - l t - ' tilt lte Wiuliloi. nf hi I'limpiiiiy i.n'ti. he pieeni nt thf futility tit i r with piilellll.fil liv the hittft whu imw liiiini'tt intiitfrt. . ehnr'f nf the lilitiliet.

FOR THE BENEFIT OF i SAim li' S ml liftJi a Wi Mvfflm Quay County's Fair

Wo shall donate to its premium Hat in addition to the sum we have al ready Pledged 5 per cent of all cash sales

I i 'tw mM Sto 1 j FOR TWO DAYS m11BL. :. n am .11 X When you go to Chicago or New York lltrJ i MONDAY AND TUESDAY you will See the Smartly Dressed SEPT. 18-- 19 Men in Snug Coats in every department of our big store, giving customers the benefit of se- Uollmir lapels, close sIimiiIiIimvs, tlicsc nre Ilic real style ilii mpiimoii. Tu nu(.i it, wo havo had lection from an uncommonly fine stock of Fall and Winter Merchandise .STKIX-llliOr- il iiialit' us a IVw suits fur tin atlvwmsflfl drdsti hen to Imvo a look nt. Wo in the Dry Ooods, Shoe and Clothing Sections with special attractions in also have a line assort inccut (tl' STKI looser Oftlng i!it un tho Huns of tlio lagl few seasons. the Grocery, House Furnishing and Hardware Lines, at prices all the

v.ay through as low as you have ever been offered for a liko quality of Voi i had better try both before you iureliae either. They are nil inodoratol- - )iriupd fiMMi r?J,2.)tt 17.01). goods in either Tucumcari or elsewhere. Come and do your trading to Our mirrows are broad t iioimlt and long onoutfh to show you ovch'y point to the best advantage, and were all the dothiujr stoeUs in Quay county eoinbinod in whero you will benefit not only yourself but Quay County, and incidentally one they would not be one-ha- lf so larjjc as tile aKsbrtmcnt that we are showing todav. THE M. B. GOLDENBERG CO. Gome in Tucumcuri's Take a Look TAfOYA & UWSON Try Them on

ft jim casey's clever stunt DOUBTFUL VALUE OF SPITBALL PITCHERS PLAN FALL TRIP TO JAPAN HOW FRANK SELEE DISCOVERED A STAR 5PEE0 KILLS eaka Ball Jimmy Team of M With Jute of Lleorlst MoAleer Will Take and It Utttrly Ruins Effective-ntt- a All-Star- s to Orient for Series of of Spltball Artltt. Oamei Probable Make-Up- . Two Unfortunate Victims nt tho What chance haa a baaeball player Next fall a bunch of ball plnycra Chicago Aero Meet. in thli old world anyway? In the will travel to the Orient and Jimmy Central league recently a club man- MoAleer will be the pilot. When tho ager waa of s of the American Icaguo play-i- d rudely puttied out the St. Croix Johnttone and "Billy" Bad. game play tho Athlctlca mid dressed them Into and off the Held ot er, Young Avlatore Who Lott he was chewing a piece of lico- proper shnpo to tako a f nil out of the rice. The offending manager was Cubs In tho world's series thoy Im- Their Llvet, Were Skilled and Jimmy Caaey, leader of the Fort pressed upon McAleer Hint they were Very Popular. Wayne club, and It all came about In some bnsebnll organization. the following manner, Already McAleer ha mndc arrange- Chicago The to avlntors who Tho pitcher opotlng Cascy'a club ments to visit the I'lilllpplnes and lost their lives while taking pnrt In waa torn acream of a apltbnll artist, Japan with tho All American Stars tho fourth day's program of tho Inter- and for the Inning of the next fall. He has the personal as- national ucro meet here had career first fen t Rama thla saliva king had the Fert surance, of each and vry member of tilled with thrills and compnrntlvel)-shor- Wayne ptayera breaking their baeke tho nil-sta- r team played Iho Ath-letlr- a as bird ineii. A desire to attain trying' to crack out hU deceivers, that they will go along with a record for speed In travel lured both Mun-ngo- All-Blu- r gatuu. aaya the Milwaukee Sentinel. r til 'ii. The make-u- of the team )oung men Into thu aviation Caaey worked everything he that will tour tho orient In tho fall St. Croix Johnstone was n Chicago knew froir. the coaching llnei In an of 1911, under the management of boy He came hero a fuw years niter attempt to rattle the pitcher, but Jimmy McAleer. vvih ' ns follows: his birth In Toronto, Out , nnd wuh there waa nothing doing. Pitchers- - I'M Walsh of Chicago. Wal- the only son of Dr. Stuart Juhnstouo The Catey crowd, man after man. ter Johnson of Washington, Doc of this cli. Having won honors In went down before tho tpltUtllcr Ca- White of Chicago. other parts of America and across tho aey tried to rattle the twirler by (Where Wily Snlllvnn of Chicago, sen. the aviator. Just twenty-tou- yenra throwing sand In tho air. but that flabby Street of Wellington. old, had returned to his home city to wouldn't work Then he tried to make Intlelders Hurry lrd of Chicago. distinguish hltiiM'lf further. It waa the umpire believe the winning nrla Ileihimti Sehoefer of Washington. Kid his llrst nppcuninre In Chicago aa tin was overstepping the slab on every Kberfeld of Washington, Cunningham u lr pilot slniu hu hud obtained his li- delivery. This scheme also tailed, and (leorge Mcllrlde of Wushing cense and then Casey tried the old scheme tun. Johnstone obtained his education In of Imitating a crazy man. He threw I I Outfielder Ty Cobb of Detroit, Clyde the Chicago public schools, later tak- aovernl fits, hut the spltball monarch ft"" .Milan of Wnslllngti.ii and Trls Speak- ing a course of Instruction at Lewis continued altzllng them over, and er of llostau. Institute While Sllbeeqiietltly em- then na a last resort Casey sent out ployed In tho advertising business the for a stick of llcorlco. 4 - young man became n motorcycle en- Taking about half tho stick In one L WEE WILLIE KEELER RETIRES thusiast and at elghteeti ua known aa bite, the club leader started a curve a crack" rider. killing scheme that was original with Disgruntled Over Hit Poor Playing, Johnstone decided to enter aviation him. Every gut two years ago. He went Pay, time he hold ot tho HHItlttlatMtM m i'iT' xi y Former New York and Baltimore to ball ho would sonk It with licorice un- 8tar Decides to Quit. Prance, ami became a student In tho til It resembled a baby cannon ball. Itlerhit school. I'pon completion of The llcorlce-toake- d sphere soon fell this course he purchased two mono- dead on the spltball twirler until that Willie Keeler. It wonderful little planes from Count do l.easepa and proud person found himself up outfielder and most sdenced Iwtxmnn gave several exhibition on the cotv of Is against a grave proposition His tlinni nil. not !ikel to ever fnee Uncut. Last October Johnstone went a pitcher again gumu Dis- curves soon faded entirely and then In a league to Knglatid tn study aeroplanes Hn gusted play because of a bad he became n licensed air pilot ou Decem- made In Or the ouilli Id. the former ber an. lmo, the day before John II lole club, haa quit the Toioiito declar lost his New Ing Movant life at Orlenna that he Is throngfi with the nn The young aviator came to America tloiial game nnd In for good and all last spring ami before his to to to return Cy Morgan. One of Connie Maek't Southpawt. tends devote nil hla time his Chicago had appeared at l.oug Island, Ilrooklyn runl estate and other inter D iroit. Havana ntul Toronto, lie was wun many tiient on ot rsta. The spltball pitcher has pennant winning teams fur -- nine Minn n teammate of Harry ft game, but It Is u iioKtlun whether either league, and since ISO!, when Wee Willie quit the team after a rr Vwnod, the long distance llyer. ho has won any more for having the present world's a began, tho cent game '.' to 1 defe.v a (btiKtMue's flight at Havana Is con tho spHball. Maybe he ban. only spiibHll pitcher who Ima figured Jersev city, w hen Tonnetiian s a! igt-t- o hi. the moxt daring feat of hlr but pitchers of the llrst class who In a world's la Kd Walth ot tho right Into n triple mi t series blossomed ir. n mi aviator He soflred ovul don't use the moist curves and who Chlroao White Sex then Into a wlutilna run Kei let tM are lust aa capable as their damp de- Walsh took part In two of tho witiie of hla team matea that tf lt livery conteniHriirioit me too numer-ou- ganus the White Sox won from tho couldn't smother that kind it v. us to mention. Such pitchers aa Ford Cut, and aa much as any one matt abo-i- t time .u quit baseball nnd Walsh have done wonder wltn helped win the prlio In 1906 for the The lormer Oriole haa been "tie ol the ipitter. but with their physique. Amorlean league . but he la tho only the greatest players in the business knowledge of pitching and natural one of tho anointed ball set who over .ami if the rcporta about hltn are true ability wo.ildn't thoy have been lully cut any figure In it world a series. Cy latseball will loo one of Ita most ul ns effective in tho long run had they Morgan helped the Athletics win the liable men. In the last two seasons Roy Corhan, Promising Young inflelder. stuck to regular methods of serving pennant last year, but Mack didn't Keeler haa not shown his uld great slants and shoots? tine him at all In the games In which form at the bat, but there was n time Prank Stolen, who tnrire than any broken (inwii In bealth. had gone Anyway. It Is a striking fart that tiu American leaguers gavo such nn whenever tho rlmmplnn welterweight other mnn was responsible for thither In teurch ol a heeling bulm In the biggest of nil baseball pttzes, artistic and thorough trimming to tho bntter of the world, m he was fondly the former world champion In I'JMB. 'tC? Casey. X I "eSJ Jimmy tho post season series for the world's pride of the National Icaguo. Tho dubbed, walked to plain, a buzz Cubs, tho greatest exponent of lueldo Corhan plnyed team ' the for tho Pueblo tho Fort Wayno opened up championship, spltball pitchers have spltball pitcher Is not n useless unit of expectancy enme from the onlook- baseball of tho last decade, may havu three years. In 11107. tho llrst yetr crowd and n proceeded to knock played but a slight part. As matter in any whole, but ho Is by no means a ers They felt conlldcnt that some- another wreath added to his Impoalng he was with Seine, ho more than came hltn off the - thoy licon very prom- i necoatdty mound. He soon gavo up, but when of fact huve not thing would happen to change the laurels, providing Hoy Curium. White up to expectation. He batted ."',f the umpire learned what caused Ills complexion of the game If the score Sox recruit, estnhllxhc his tight to and stole enough bason to give him n downfall he rushed over to Manager waa close hu was apt to tie It. or else recognition ns n regular member of place among thu Ty Co Mm of the GOT PER HIT Eaten Uiet Cabbage Leaf. dis- Casey and waved him off tho Held. LAJOIE S600 send In tho run that would put the, ComUkcy's club In 1011. Selee wegtern league. Corhan lietlorwl hit Casey tried to argue, empire Malathl Katon is a'rong mr team In tho I tad covered Corhan way out In New Mexi- batting average In ittofc. reaching 2&U. but there wait the nothing doing on the back talk muff Crippled Second Baseman attint of keeping hM Keeler had the honor of leading the co when the great baseball strategist. and bit :'To In iws with that umpire, nnd the manager Used t Pinch Hitter, Gets Big head cool with a bunch of cabbage Money Batting. leaves - i left tho field, but not down-hearte- for liefore going on the field re- eeiifly aa his club had taken a big lead and he Htuck a bunch of eabbHKO REGRETS HE TRADED KNIGHT Aviators Killed at Chicago. Somers, of the under his cap. waa winning. President Charles After the game i,o narrow moots, where was Cleveland club, paid eald It waa the only the tluiu aure way to keep Connie Maek Snyi He It Sorry he AHOUNi no postlhlo landing place had an uc I.arry MJole when ho was crippled from iettlng overheated Traded Clever Infielder for the BEST TIME TO MAKE A HIT $f00 apiece for base hltn I.arry made According cidcin occurred. to Hasan, cabbage leaves Veteran Jimmy Colbnt. JiihiiMono was married three four plnrh lilts In the two mouths and will eun retain moisture bettor than a ago. Ills wlfu had been present at Manager McGraw Says Most Opf..r-tun- e a half he wns out of the game Three damp rag or apongo and fcoep tho When Cnnnle Mack, manager of the BAMS was Moment It When There Are the meet hero each day and head cool world's champloiis. allows a hall piny I.Ot.lS M-- Hog'T Runners on First and Third. C.l Hresnahan mixing tho last ones to glvo up hope "Some yeara ago. while waa plt er to go after he has done service ; behind the plate and oli-- In butting when word 'rum the rescue party for the Ilrooklyn I with tno uiie I'.iepnants it ia a tun- ,, ,.,e "Did you know." said John McGraw, club, twirled a Tlt. ,)vi vi,,,,,, ciui, in In thu laku was awaited. ganii. In tt luls on the hottest day currence fur that player to show cm league Is about to be hold again. "Hilly" Itadger, ft native of Pitts "that a largo percentage of (he htlc tn I ever experien. In my niiytc'ng like big leaguu form there- r are whan art) run- ei life." Haiti Konotchy It giving all Iho pitchers buiK. wna only twenty-fou- years old. baseball made there I Kaaon kept my after. - . ners on first and third? That la tk bead co tilMt that hu facts a lot of trouble thla ten- In hla homo city hu waa popular day ty fclng Itrla drifted out and "camo nasoi-tate- s best time In the world to get a hit be- t. bunch of cabbiiKo MHJ. among Ills Ho was unmar- leave my with Cleveland. Connie then r - cause the whole infield is tightened up under rap. Heieral of (111r iinrk'' The reason Wnlf-- Johnson Is In- ried and, following the death of both rni-t- i re thu there waa iota In Itrla H t nnd stationary. The Oral haaeman la overheated that du I reallaed B ,p, tlm, ho lg ttuuiXC-- parents, became, a nt thu idti h.-- tho entir game nnd landed blm In a trade with Mo-- , glued to hla sack and the tl.tid bane-ma- n and saa ti.e style of delivery. Pittsburg Athletic club He Inherited uy , Is alto held pretty tight uu ac- .thr lellowa drop wayside ,'''lr,' . Pitciiing seven good Innings and 42IVii,eoi) from the Itadger estate when l it hing Of there la only one I count of having to watch the .tumor nine innings of ball with the them all. thnt lMen blowing up In tho eighth a no ho been me of age threo years ago. m perut Mark ever exproaaod regret shortstop a"d tho second base- ure hovering around is r.mnle way to win a ball gamo. 'the Itadger fortune Is said to have Iho '' - I iimliiK lack Knight of the High man are netting ready for a throw, tiling but a phnli pant Imagine j.ou niclile's twirling this feaaoi been amahhed by the young aviator h landers Is thu pliiv.r i taught crod-Jac- und whichever on to cover Iimh to iiMliing harder utilesg It u uinplrlni; nnnle ,R ,00ti par excelhuico Ho Is Krandlather, Dr. Thomas Hndger. as it " all he knew iirmigii' him along edge over toward the cond bag. Th K.lliie ui with four threohlt gamos. hurb doctor. Iladgcr's father conduct- 'Infield la unable to cover any ground, Dutrolt Iihh cuttireil Into negotia- ed a cigar storo In Pittsburg. He died and hitting urder tho circuuietance tions for Pitcher Willis Morgan and several years ago and Hie aviator a Is may. Shortstop Hill urr uf the Salt Lake mot her. subsequently lunirled to John "Again." went on MoOraw. Hier team (Soettiuann, a rihtuurnnt mnn. died are all ktnda of to pull off 0SSD When a baseball tenm py J52.O0O lust winter, for a pitcher It would he guad bust-- i plays. We ran work the double sift I. j luidger waa a graduate of Prince- the delayed steal and all kinds of ess pollcyj to hlro n Ktiar-llii- to ton Ilo bail prepan d for Princeton at plays which will net a run in cate make him behave. the I.nwrencevlllo academy, ut l.tnv any player on tha oppoalt aide make The Cardinals will make $180,000 rencevllle, N. Y Ho seeinod content- a bad throw. Alwayt net a runner on thin snasou From being the poorest ed to get as much spied aa vosslble drawing In first and third If possible and It's curd the out uf automobile, until last summer, worth taking a chance at any tho St. I.nula dun is now onu uf the tlire." . whon an aviation meet was held In "That was has been pishing bunt, the smoothest ride on m1' Plttaburg. Then lie determined to I ii, Huglile Jennings the at night ever had." said hna dorldnd to do-- I flying i - innd on his pltt-her- Ping Ilodle aa bo stuck hla had from M.ii. I'urker making k'mhI vulcrnn for tho The young man decided to buy an hla Pullman berth early In i ..n in the Aiiierb an league. remainder or tnu hchhou in hop the morn- iininie aeroplane and try for an aviator's li- ing nfter leaving that tlmy will bo able to pull Cleveland the other ilnirv lird is credited with in itm the tenin cense He bought a mnchtno and prac- night. - through yet "Thla road certainly runs i.i- lirainiett player uf the Amcri.Mii ticed (or months. Finally hu mudo smooth," added the fence buster Froddle Parent Is hitting the tinll llko a Hum several successful tllgbts at Mllieola, "Well, it ought to d for tho llnlllmoro ride smooth." Tho children of Washington havn Orioles 1,. I., thus obtaining his license irom Matty Meln yre. "It Tho fane are wonderliig in the Hast-ur- bat been naught more files than Ita baseball luiigue tho Aero Club or America. Hu hud standing atlll all night." A wreck of a how ho gut nwny from the team bat big league. j planned, upon tho close or the ciilcag freight train delayed the party six ! J meet, to to Pittsburg hours. Callahan reaenta the Imputa- Pitcher (luatnfaon of tho Iroinvood air return and a mnko u (light In his homo city. tion that it taket winning club to Mich team struck out thirty mon. make him piety hla bent ball. but was Giants ftolng to beaten in a gaimt a Cuba. pitcher Joe Hovllk. bought by f" dava ago If tho ninnta do tho Willie Keeler. Some uf tho taunts FIRST TRACE OF LOST CHILD not win tho pen- White Sox from Pectit, onco had a should look him over nant thla yoar thoy will H py toiled Nap ' Laja.e trial with Washington, but wat font Pitchers are coming In the glare of In of of Hoveii games with the Highlander National league In hatting In lfcf Wateh round the Stemach an hack fame us pinch bittern Caldwt'll, Alligator for loco I b.tiH)ball honors. anil lS'jg His major league record Indicates Girl The Aral who Is doing Lunge Miillin ami Wlllott. Aiuurlenii will be played of them w n iim t' hit Jack Win, the heavy up ldOt la Wat Eaten. Kama at the Polo with the nick to remark league pitchers, urn .good on Saturday. Mtlary at ti.tmn fur six mouths, hu backatopptng for the Cardinal In thu able. It considered drounda October It. - follows: noiigh Httuttura to X" I l.ltii-l- , absence of Manager llreiiahan. la do- send up In a Forsyth. On. -- finding of Ini- y drew mi lur tluito imir The an This statement was made ' Yoar Club Pet Hank pinch crodltable work. tialed gold nnd In recently, Now UJole ia back In the gam and lK - watch chain tho with tho further Infor- U0U New York and Ilisook- The New York prnrtlc-iill- his blngluH coming cheaper to J. Kd. Clrlllo. WnshlnKtnn critic. Is Olatila have stomach of n largo nlllgntor that died mation that Presidents Itush and Par- art the lyn S33 22 doxecl for Napa. authority for the statement Manager Pitcher llort Maxwell In ii pond near here Is believed to rel! huvo reached n conditional agree- lS8l-finlil- mnre 367 13 Hlrmlnghnin. Ala., Clarke Crlltlth of the lied will lead Jack KniQht. tho prlro to ho solvit the mystery of the diauppoar-iinc- o ment. If tho Olnnt take part In tho 189- B- Ilaltlmoro 394 3 ,ir,"" the Hrownt next ypar and made u ilnished player of him. Maxwell wna once In thu of I2yearold Janet Thompson world's series tho lllllmen may tackln lfcSSltaltlmoro 362 i League, Big Prlcet for Playert. only to part with him In a desperute Amirlcnti from the home of Is- pott-teuso- n haa u rule Hint no member 1 her parents at the Ilrooklyns In a Mcdraw lhl7 132 no-hl- t series Since O'Toolo drow that $22,800 ,,, ,, llaltlmnro attempt to bring tho 1907 ponnunl to The game pitched by Jou land nt ,ne ,wU 1 drove. Flu. two years ago. Tho or may bo allowod to go on a barn-stormin- g of ,Hm hll ttm 1MJS iiMltlmnru 37!l from the Pittsburg National league this city. Wood against the llrnwns at alligator was trip. pitched. Murray fnrxot thu other day, UftO -- Ilrooklyn S7fi f. captured near Island club, prlcs of mleor league pluyers Thu only young ball player I ever 'a"11 ""fond of his career. When weuka and it cost hltn $2f for the little slip. 1000 Ilrooklyn 300 3 drove fouie after thu girl have toured skyward. Here are tho regretted parting with was Jack Knusns City In I90S ho tiirmid was Tbo New York American league 1901- - Ilrooklyn 38E 3 und brought to thla Bert Keeley Suet. prices at which certain pluyers ou Knight." aald Connie, when Jack waa the trick against Milwaukee phi cu. bail club announced that Pitcher tOO Ilrooklyn 3tS 3 Told by doctor ho will never again tho Montreal teum may bo purchased; allowed to go to Iloston for Jimmy Huston a new outfielder. Jnek.'on. Thu llrnckett hnd been ndeuscd uncondi- 1903 New York Amerlonns .3IS 9 little girl hna never been huard Tie able to play ball, llert Keeley of that la, If somebody doosn't offer Collins. secured from Memphis, got hla htrat In from rtlnco alio tionally to the Itochtistur Kaaturn IfOI Now York Amerleana .318 2 disappeared. When .Chicago, Injured In the Indlanola more' Miller. $8,000; Uurko. $7,600; lUen after the local boy wns shift- the Texas league Ilo Is or Ih not it last Huun was t)lu loagua club. 1906-N- ow York Americana .302 fl she Mumllug on ivreck, haa brought suit against the Dubuc, $10,000; Hnnford, $8,000. If ed to thu minor league by the lied rolntlvo of Joe JaukHon of Cleveland. If average banks of the lake where thu alligator $2C,000 dam-(aget- .- (Jonnln Mack thinks he It lucky 'Irand at bat, .302. you lllurllngton railroad for one would lake tho wholo bunch muy-b- o Kox Connie Insisted that Jack would Just aa bellovo what tho scrlboe was caught, ho ciin got Chief Ilender to pitch U and alio waa wearing nt Keoley had Just left hla berth thla ambitious magnate would cut bu back In the big show and bo a say. tho tliiiu a gold good game every fifth day. The In- Cub Good watch with hur Initials when tho collision occurred, and waa a Caitofft Team. Aa prodlctcd. Jack e Itay Powell, the Whlto Hot off 10 per cent, for pot cash. glutton star ''otinle recruit on tho cofo hurled the length of tho car, sustain- dian la not ii for work, llko A fan the other day called attention a sta of tho first mngnltude player, who will Join Iho Chicago Jack Coombs. picked It Ih believed that whllo tho girl ing what be thought waa a tore right to a star teum when could hu with tho Now York Americans, and club In tho sprint:, Is rated one of the Chi-rag- tvas playing on tho bank of the lake Playert Etcape Fatality, , Johnny Mcdrnw tried to farm out from players turned adrift by the to (Tio playera In lehoulder. seems due hnvo boat year In fastest tho minor league. Iho alligator devoured hur. pur Henry f I roll, the Decatur Infielder, to Cubs. Hn named tho following Tho The wreck of tho Federal Kxprctt his career. Hu has stolen about llfty husui al- iihh huvo huun Conn., tho lluffnlo club, but Ilnston rufused lineup: Mornn and Nunemnkor, notllled, and the wutcu McAleer Becurot 8ter, near Hrldgoport, a few dnyi ready this Hcimou. will bo returned them, St. to waive, on the youngster and thu catchers: lleubo, Htnok, Pfeftur. Weav- to i Jimmy McAleer believes that be haa ago, and thu etcape of tho Ixiuli Cy Seymour Going Fatt, Detroit AmnrJenns havo secured s baseball club boa drawn attention to Qlanta mny have to keep him. er and Perdue, pitchers,; l.uderua, Cy old (Hunt outllold-er- . on Mlko Marlh:d a leal star In Clarence fleymour, the Pitchers O'Toolo ami Warmed-ove- Coffee In history of first base; Hweeney, second base; Kills Two. Walker, tho young outfielder The tbo fact that never the Keene, tho youngster Frod Clarke Is going llko a Iioiiho ufltii In tho MrCorry of tho Albany club of the Urookflold, Mo -- i . , i - i . shortstop; Ingnrton, From drlnklur cof- jisw man ia uuiut;j guuu nurt id mo hat a player tried out on first, did not look llko a Ixihcr, third base; Ilaltlmoro renter fluid, and It would New York Rtnte league. Tho former fee which . had been browed twelve - killed In a traveling accident. Konetchy or a ho Campbell, Miller and Mitchell, outfield-era- If Cy la Murty lMt(ir garden and la piling up a pret- been Hal Chase, but not bo surprising would get a a brother of O'Toole, pur hours beforo nnd loft standing over average, major league cluba travel about might have been a bit nervous to The team appears strong In v buck big show from HI. Pun I by alee batting but beat of The call to thu again next chined tho Plttalmri night, two children of A. F, iii i i.. ii -- JG.00Q mllet cacb year, break Into the limelight to tuddonly. cry place excoot In the box. year. club Forrlt, KjM Beta iihin.c..t ii unit ymei. a f aimer llvlnu near here, are dead. I'li-- t STATE AND DIS- - HUlrirt 'Dip cniiiilp f Hftfitu .'ii. IM.Iy i win. .Imll hPtPiifter nettle, nn nny nf the eil M n ltl fr ttly lN4lilHli' nf a 1 I ". llin ftil.ti mul .t n intiilo 111 wm-n- i' III II priti, e p TRICT OFFICERS Smi mi II. Kii'vi'lt piiliin in rmrti maim, i" f 'll. "f 1 '"i Mi'i -- I llllll lll.lllil TIlP PIMHll il llf Ill'f ti. fiuiy i r iitM'i'i) nt iittturvpypil, wHU thp In herpirifntp prevalHnji. liflllitn Ifffiiiit miiilln. MpUihIpv 1'A. i tpptlmi pinlrNlnft nwlpr Ovor One Hundred to bo nml SiiIbiiI. t'itar . nf Ihismimw ip nml pr..ier in nlv nrifpICI InW to not I hli l liut ri-- t Ttip pniintln of ntin ill. Urm In. inr nl Inw hll l.p hlhiWPil hp Hpp nf Ihp rmttetHplairil PlttflLtsffffrrtS Elected by the People of - . urn. iiiiru. I.iiiiiilii nnil Tnrrniipp jijHtttvo nmritiu Mini' tiiiin tn llli- hl ImlllPotPnil npplll'B nl til; Hip nmp inln PlTwt. 1 Jltltt. the Stato of Now Mexico rmii' h lli.lript - TIlP piiiiiiIiph nf ."Bti nut. CWmtlai. Sigmbem ,'iuii iinl (MTii'i't In- - nrixniul in thf IherPfrrtp. tn inlxlp yrrn thn I Hi fttl fio in November. Miiiiii i. Muni mul tliinildltiH. I ViiImw in I intpil Miitp. Imnl WSVp n i tn nl Innre wliPtp urilllwr)- llnnl irfmftj filth lintrlM Thp vniintlpn uf fr t fnpnrfii lim pil n ptthr nnHrW tit fPliilni MlWriUail RHtler tkp (hiiuhvIpniI nwi nfi Willi tin M ! '.t lii tir-- t ttt pi" t ily, I'liMttM, Iiiwwlt mul Vntty, a. Ikitnnlillii ,' tn put I heir platR OH IWrttrit, and mt nfter iW lit ty f nepewticf iwU I'li'i'tinii in V. v it Ii i tin will nip Svnnth HhrlHt TIlP fwmttpn at Hn i. Unntn Vt 1.1- - iiuht -- hull rnlnr fMrPb tn thp ilntP the law a nlmtn Iftlnrpreteil JlIliFC VpU'llll.. ' ' li. .lilliPl limy HI pi lull -- piirrn. 'nlptirln um Klprrn. i. Illn ArHbn nl ..iili'iiiPiil, Hip iUfflii no if, hp .ttlpi onipini". tni. nni iirti In lip ' ' .itrip, f i'jhlli Mlntrirt ii . nf Tncw. ii. Bun Mlutii l ni,.. r Hip pri'i'lllptinn hTW Vwi will rnnp Nil refliitPr Smi1 snlpeteil from tin- - iiii-- Inrge munlier nf i'iiIi'iii. I'liinn n ml tfnny. Mnrn fl t liiimmllitlflv ndvhwff jiilTiy OiTprlritt thptniphc -, H tin. .11ii1.11 fr fk Uttit Um thn n (nmlltliiti- in Thp i prtn nr prh ilUtrlrl JmljiP will Cnirn . . nf. SV iinthinu of thp "mm'- - nielli HJ MMttft tn It'lntr aewrnl hundred ninrp tin tin ypr. ii. Tnim ' Viwjr ftipatiriillv flit 1 I I. in Hp- imp iif Ma "Pjtli'mptit, mul tn pniiutv unit preeltiPt nfflee. it A ... illttrlpt nHnrnpy. tn unrvo tmr, in. KnMllHNl 1 AM1'KI. AftAlSlS. , Unexpected hIiiIi- piirt prp.lit tiphmit I'M-t- ... inn imw rlnini fnr rltiPn tn tuke m. ypni-- with hl:n npi ! inn, bnn f'niitn ..I iff A"tiHc K4ra(nry. it. it. ... ii'rnnl nl prfipilirid Hip in unli'fl Inn - i'Ipi-Ipi- Ihi'ii ii tlml mi In- I hi iinlli'i!il IK. Vim are illreelrtl ( pnreftllly nx iirrli't. TnrnMiw ..I in- - thp Bvp art inn innv frillW the Guests Mtitry,. jrpt ypnr lf iiruniiiiilliiti roKliiIntlvn Dupaitniniit 13. liiimlnlilH' I Binlnp thi nrtuvn itwirHrtlmni, iffiifffi yem npw .,1 i.r in.i.lpnp ts)sili4 by of dtp atntp Hiivi'rnmpiit. r ii Twdtily-fntt- , lnli' tiilriN. II . . farmer and his wifa ware about to sit down to n I m nrwy eWtwpii inwrvny. Wp MiKiniv The Inv. i nnHt? ajUiVlwl tlH- - (mllll.h herewith li uf nil tVitty.iilnp itiPRitipr slftlp Umm rullv, ltt nf the IV Ihmn Ann cold supper when they tnw toin old friends driving l.v riiry mfm null Itp pIppI-I'l- l Slate ill.lrlrl nftteero tn fit fpirppitiilivpii. III. UhpwIm A. V. HttiUUt'fT, Hi (till towards the house. otntp ilirtin) nml the Iip ' Tin' nf npplif'linii I'rpilil fnr 1 flrt ItltllP M'liiiliim Hill fnf N If. ttturn ...... rn'tiii' AanhMaiit 'niiiiirtSiflhfiar, iHnlini-iiil(i- ii r mi oh i.ii- -i . iimIiIpiipp pinprinu the ' r ttirm nf tour yimts. hbiI IiIpihIiPRi of K t'fMVPt :! The good wife was equal to the occasion thanks to r'n Ii- - SlirlW-,m- Kxeeuflve Department ttfp rur Coolc-stov- iml nl limit fnl Inning tht' .' hoiiw ii term of ymts. Iterh II. lMy her New Perfection Oil e. NEW OAItAOB Hnverwir I'rmr yonm' term: tiltuv. ln nt ... frWmtiP! nf ihr p(illfihirp rprnlvp in. MlllHlPt pit "i." iprhns, MMre Oo tn tin' tii-- irarat' in Hip AtliM' Ifl.lHil). piipIi ' She had it lit in a moment, and liar gnat's hardly were scaled mi - ".li'iiM't!ltiu trf MHHtM 910? n(t. roitiH'iinil mti fnr 'liiy ntti'inl :. l.min . . . , t.i'iMNiix rm Mmr iNMiliMP nml thj( l.lpilli'tmlit novpriuir t'reoi.lpnt on die porch licfore a hearly hot meal wji rpj.dy lor die table "i It I t'V whii-- ml Itnrp iluriiiji fit I'd plim. mul 1(1 rpiit lrqf Hi" stntnina. ipi lNt? it Tin" win tin tPiitini'. ii. A liftrint, pitt-- .nl-fir.- 13UI.1HM and nnd long aihrrt ttroakv liar on, and roll juit t ' l of Ktnte Hrimlo 'fprtn, four : fnr prh ifiltp tmvplrtl In (Minx tn Hmt KIWI ckr .i"'i tfttti on prnnf tn the nml fthsniliipp mil itHh) - ifart iliDH) whllp cnipeil in the oven and fresh roifee and ike I km! 91 hotiull cool iftfiiii. $ll par nrtlng n prp. frttni tfcp pji!mi, imrp enfti ipsitti, hy iTtffitt ai lutiifm nf Hie rqpKpr swil reeeiver nil yon nut tit nml ynnranlft! ilMln it. Fun and if she neat as had not been near th k!tliMi. Hint 11 m aiding I'lllror of thp ami toili'iiue tkv iirntnl tfHVi'tpiI rmitp. Tim pimt Itn-thl- ;v i...ii hn.l netsni i)liipl hi fif MW Hr)i. Tkev nuilfly nl fit the -- b.iip mp h Hip pritll-tn.'- could il re. Ipmpp ..r m).iiii.hiip ItMlll eovi-ref- l h ttnti' Hetmlnr. ny tlmt ii niPinltPl' nf hi. iin.yti .... She never have UMnaRrd with an range. l.i il vim r tntriinnn' nml triint rr. Vim I 1. - hoini'-tiMi- Kwretnry r TVrm. - is liest fnr innri' Hmn Sim' ri yenr; iluill iwpIvp "mi ii'hpf pomiPBii- .;. llin Awllm nml SninUrvsl . . . The New Perfection the qui.kpi. mot convenient and cooker enlrv il. They In e nr rernir M wiM ami . ini.nth ni ii nne limp, in salary, ;mmi. tinlt. tpriiiiiti' nt nllnwiinrp. " Tnffwni Mil ill n JrV mill llllinlii on die market. then, that .rm. Ih? iramiliae lattini ami rffinssw r , M4i wMi 1.2 iivl 3 bMtrt, with pM-nl- l ptitpreil KIhIp Amlit .ir Term, four nl Ihp iilpil the ni n hnll rpprt 1 1 rmn: ll :i.init iiiliiiM'iit im fnr in I'IIIP Imn. lnrqiM.; Im hnumM cUiuvki. 'rhpe Mtpp will .11 hi yim ,1 nry, I.ihmi. - I iWhiIvmI in Ihp rifH.'iiiiiii'i't While niil tlM roimtitiiliini tin- pnntnr nml rpirp ,'ti. fun Vtiyn.'l nml iii:nliiliiip UiIimV IwM Tht miv mil Mrh'. III.'' t'rp,liwlillftlt T2.T "ffS J - mnmmtuirhtwi,nt in n prntppi 11 lmitiPtpiitpr fnn-t- Ktnte Trenntintr Term, fmir vpiimi will Iip i'Iim'Ii',1 frnni I hi" Sm-nrr- n frnni ' : 11 -- pi HPIltf ii' fnl in. I.inslttt. Olvta hhI . ilw fli mi liap in ' it hit i'uy selnry. $a,mm. ilinirlpin: W inr nl.i.i.ilnninpiii ftw pHttrt liiumu 7ii Qmftsm WSMTTt I II "rTW7FrrrdKUp .,.h'i, or ,mlr d. f tin Mil Millinn, limainsi nml tyiiijK - (... month t ill ltnWtje rtf Atinrnev Oeiieml Term, four enri Honntorinl Dixtricti 'pfirttttiiiiii ivM in t'liiinri'- - ii' ..ll..wtuK Tn OiLCaQk-tov- e - . nilnry. $.'l,inni. - hi pntry, .' Ipnri ttrl niilhnrltv fw DRt. County. HcnntdrR lnrp will ferttHl. Continental Oil Company lippnrintl ereitit . Superintendent of I'ulihi' tmtriiftion I tin' "iitrvixdji fnr WANTED Hnn Miitiioi I QimHfleRtQii Incorporated I jit.fHm. irnitlvP iphiIpiipp Htnl H'riMl. pnt - Term, fmir yenrnt wlnry, Sun MlKIII'l HHil Mnn ('lllnliiWlw In ! pIImLIp fnr "!'!' iMnii Tn a riinin m Main trt"4 fW t C'nliiiniminnpr IjnnuV ll.i ' I'iirpfnl HMtllre inn Hip 111 n ri4)HVfctitp nf Pnlilir (Uiip SpJiNliir lo tm 8 In thp pi'iitir ipiarini''iil. I., 0H nnrtMltP nf iHtUiHtf uililol mf' I i'iifiiH-iiiiilii- ..f 1I.1. It my nil ihp oloPt-pi- mHtlAr f ftf6l uv inqnlrr nf tktu will plmnn' J,ro fnfl far frretiiinii if Mm ii 1'imnty mul In Im l i itt tflP t'nltpil 'liitm, nt li'nt ltl'n . utllccirii of hp ptwntlvp ipitirtil)i'iit tn I.. ii il'i hi 'I r. ' -- lilill lint I'M'I'I'll H'I 111 nrPi'iim me prmtietnis ttrni-iip- pnrlii iilnp. of lialhllny. Ineali'ifi, liv l Iip I'li'i'lnrn nf Morn nnil .'to ypr nf m(ip nml rpi'li'nt in Np " 2l rt. 3 Iip uiip bprpinfuip in your nffirr nml .1, (, (I. mtil in pqiml ipinrtprlv pnyinPMo. l IIvp i.U'.'-tinli- ; lwi'ltt i':it nf ijp. V I'liii'i' 'iml :iu pr ilnv fur th nlitnininir AiHrew U'.'IN, I'. ItoiiiA'f. Hun Miyin roiintipo.) MpxIhi ymtn fiKopiliHf thp ' Ity t fit thp ptinlliiitiin nhiill lip I'litiililp fnr Hip li'tfi-!:i- ! ti tlml ynii esjtPi u hnmentpntl tnn, OklalinlHa. imvlsin nf :i. iiinitnliiH' mul 8n n Mlmii'l . I thn iittOJHPy RUSiirnl mint Iip ii li. illrl Hip sfltnrit'- - In- - Hip wiIp Hip tinip t . ,. eutltyirMM prnnf nf relipnpp fnr th full nMHmt hnll mul i. Itin .Vrrilm I ppnwl nttorney nt thp iiirpinr rmirt nf nt nf r.i:i p;r- - ilfjr Hip fli-- r u .1 Iterltiil nf Hip Uniiln mul IhuuiI at .1111 A full p(iiiiit'itattan fur fiiri'ifoinn f .1. Itpimililln, .Iiibii. Kmnlnviil I N'pw Xtpxii'n in tfi.'ifl xtinling, nml Hip nf frnat' 'NHTBOCTION RBLATINO TO tlrpM. sii nr imtiimnl m ' - .int.- - iM'tiiii III. -- nnil' 1:1 1. I.r stri'i't. iWlt i. I'lo Arrilm nml Knnilnvnl .... I MltlPl InlPluiPllt nf liulillr rutihtv (iiii'ii !l..rn - mitiirir- - nililp nml nffippm Ttldfctnl DopsniMrnt r. ttainatnb I must In- ii trniiipil timl cxn'riiinpsl iiln-ru- t t tin "' lii- - rwpivp pny. ' I I '1 'I'lirpp iiuiifp nf thp tiirpmi pmirt, a fnlfus I nr. tin, nn niilt nl hi' Ititpi im . .I'lirl . - ' li.'.-- i .. IV Willi annual onliirv pnt-iti- ipinrti'rlv, . I'll inll HHll Polfss t n jwtftm mtty bnld tin- nUtt of thp Tin- - lprilaUir aligll rtumrnm Itn ntn ! lr 4'1,'HHI pnrll. I'jiini plpptinn I lienii illnp Plintor tn lit' B rpipit Jimli f tkV ntHAWflo ntt iiiiIpm ttt olliii - nml Plplerl Ox thi-i- r phih Wc do a grncral Banking Business a4 I If. I' "Unlli'il -- t iinlup will nippt mul plno.ifv iIipiii ni I'liinn ronnty nml to Im :tll vrnt m, in Ihw. mul piiiitmn. tint thp IffifSlHrr mu& eoRiK'ii U. ivprr if Solicit Your Patronage tm'il ' I ' I.U and eplvim tiy tut ho t lint hup iinll hnl.l f ntrted tiy thp JiJfl-fn- r II rPKiili-ti- t nf nml li'linl irqjtHttntlr nf iimll npvpr pxpppI thp foUnwin iIIfll siiii H'liilenieti. It' K iunlpr lli'p until four ypiir. hup until ix ypiir nf f'ninn ntwl t'nlfnx.) Npw Xli'ttrn fnr nt hMlt ttunt vmii" fi'i hoes, w a4ii(i4nln at $RttM'i i'i tl - 'iita ilnte.1 XiiuMJ , Kill, fri.m mul uiip until pljjht pr fmm ami nf m. Kmitn IV tlnii- 'r yj Ul5 bMH'h tiplnv nll.'W ln : uiip Phlrf I'lprh nml mip ii.' V' Kpr thp Inlprinr, tor .Ituinnry I. IWi:i Thp .jutlpp h ii. Turn. I'll, iii IIpii nf Ihp irnrtti'P nf tBW pnrh nt M iPt itnv; imp lh-i th.' tistii retarv 4 in FIRST NATIONAL BANK I . - pp.'" li lilt Im Hip liorlpt nil tn nerse ahull Iip i. ':lpriu TIip iiwUftatfBB!) nf tin- i1Utrii nml hipf rlprk HHil ow aanianuni ii';u tn relileiii' liif -- l - in,. m I ntni'-- - i lili'f jiisllrp. nnil in lii ulipiiee thp Xiprrn. lirnnt, trftlin, Knpiirrn. . inip nn- thp awgo. nml pph utmll r.' ifpnnt nt aiMa, mtih at $8 pur 4y: ftl Tucumcari, New Mexico -- ' , Hip In- - - pIpi-- I ""IpT1-- ini.f ill. 'ml i'.l nl H'llu hfla till' neat lmrtPt term In it. Hni'iirm Iip in ilUtrirt for Whip ti I'hi'illinjt ptrk mul n'lnlinu " ln ll'l I I, I 1.1 W It I'l'lll- tll.l' . ahull pri'iips Iml tin jiwtiip up i., Tnrriinpp. fttom, t.incnln. So Hi. .'n il .it $A hm In : "x ti'inijnnpn ' l. i.'. 'I- ' ' "I I. pIpcIpiI -- 1' . plppti.ri I - oriliiiv' tn .'in Depository milltPil "I tn fill ii vtii'iinpv hull i'irr I'licliiliir-- iniioi In' iinililpil in 'in' ptmtp nml otftit for the . United States If- - I'I ' . "i r I. I'll. H it 'l ' Hrl ii phiof iiiotirp. HI. DnM tm - 1 Of Hipir rpn'i'lii' iliiri.i, anil rpl 1'in'ii v pi-- ilnyt nnil nph iiliin.!. llllitllf l.'itp ! II I,. I. UiKlit illntrint inilr- - with iiltirv nf t7. MiiKlfiloy 1 rti'lit" nf Si'W pii'. inr nt li'iit tlii"p II ! i'MI.lilVI., ill JlilllitH'll III till' lIlIM" P. lll'l' Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 ' ' III. .. : - - l.v take up ipfll.ll II I,.'iIHI phpIi, In Iip pIpiIpiI I'rnlii till' fnl is. Otern nml t.iiipnit I ypiii. pr l Ihj Hn'ii I'lpi tiiiB. III n.- mii ii'ihiip. Inn thi- iinti' I'"' ,it pxp'i" t nt1 Hip i ' Im IliHillK iIlMlil'1. 1". t'hnp 1 Mi'liiitiit tiiimt ill li',it twi'iin In .nt itln'tliitiiiH Mir IIPh the "" lim ('lliiivinsi tin' H. i iu if III- - .'1 v ;i. .'Owierl iiii- -i "ft i i. -- i l. . Officers And Directors '"i In- - Isttpri piling ix month" mnl II. 15. JUNES. ITcsidcnt A. B. SIMPSON, Vice-Presid- ent ' - ira!ttei! In nemf title nn prmu LAIII (il - - . -- nlenee for 11 prjrttXi nf unit innr Oltlil:. Cashier TI10S.N- IAWSIIN. Asst- Cashier i"i . iBl l" " "I . Donald Sleuarl, Joseph Israel. I. C. Dames, A. II. Carter TIipth hs I'li'in M nn KtaHiti.r in" .n 1. 1. Morris ' 11 'iigni'inj tin "t ti ri'l.'iipit to. On 'i . ' 'hp t:iiiiti' i hhMp in rp.i!iin '. iii' I Ily iH'i'lmi. .'," ' The only National Bank in Tucumcari, and the 1. 1;. - itnip it - i.iiiv Oldest and Largest Bank in Ouay County

I'pnili. iitr-- . I,i.wi'r, hsiM 'lt Pt 'pint. .1 ' inn nl - I l nlll ' ' ' ilip i';- h i hip, i.r :ii ini ilme within t . raftpr " win mnl. in" I' Parker Fountain Pens .r if ..I III- - H I..M nt 1, 'II- - llpp I The only reliable Fountain Pen on the- market. .i III . . . nl .1 Wllillrt III. Hi 1 . Iii'i lien, nr t3eviep, 111 Call and see our assortment. "i. .niM'o liy twn rrpilil'i.' r Hi. In w I thp -- mm i"i i Roberts & Pack ii ,..n- - iinstMHliutpU "' 'mi f niinf th nfli.luvii. nn. I ' '. it thus tin srt of on. '.i '. I, PXfHpt ltd prnv i.U-- . I I v tn luimlrp'l nml ' Breakfast Made ,'hl, .1 ' it III' -- I PV Will Room ' Your p Hip Lomior nllpjiinni'i' tn m itiiih. I'liili'il Stnli'H then, ill oui li j Tucumcari Transfer Co. 44 nr f . M .1 I IimI ' '1 With Fuel Supplied the N t Before ' 'i 1' ., -- hull I" ' "t 11 1. -- ' ". no ir nhr aeiua'pnivlilfil in PHONE I9i) im' primf f imtjjasifp. nppnp ' if Cole's Hot Blast Heater maintains a continuous fire also a steady cen heat. Int. 'mil. th ajUilavii ni in n it ! ' I Hi. 1.1th of p. OVK IS COAL will fire from Saturday nifjrht Monday (4.S nlleaiaii. SPECIALTY hold hours) -- It ui.til morning without Ul ,, . i, l.v pptinn twenty attention. It will hold fire over night with less coal than any other stove. I "llreit 'ml lin.'l uiip 'l In- lie HUHIp WILLIAM TROUP, Open the drafts in the morning and the are quickly heated with the fuel In 'I tatttWM. rtey lie I.pIih.' Hip Proprietor rooms put ,11.1 . r in hia aTtaenp". Iiefon- tin ir in the night before. No other stove does this. ill ll miri nf repi.i .1 nl I In ni. Siftings, Lignite. One of kind of olntp. r rJhiMat or iprritnn Burns Soft Coal, Slack, Coal ton either ' Hard or i tl. ixta sfi ntaakHtt umi " fuel goes further and gives you more comfort than two tons, using any other kind or Itn .1- - re oituatatl in nny uitnryiinrpil make of stove. I'lHlll ' I oiii'h rnnt MHjr Ikp iiwhIp in il The Western Mercantile Co. -- iniil.i hi iiini'i in :ittr n.liiii'Ptit I'liiintV Your attention is called to the unparalleled statement made by the manufacturer of in mini Hi Hi- - ur Ti'irrtofv; nml Hip iirnnf Successors to W. B. Jarrell i i.n r nmt ..nth, UllWt w imiiiIp. lul v ibwritM, (WHI hnvp 'In' - i.p ni'plkp no if minli' lii'im.' i in' itfKti r nr ii'ppivpr nf the prnpi-- i iml Manufacturers of Hot I -- - Heating In- Stove thp Cole's Blast hall lilr..'. i' onnie ii.n. iiittt.l .inll judge, nr Hip I. "I In Hip ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS "For several years we have authori.ed our Agents to sell Cole's Original I lot Blast ni. tn the reglatpr nml n - A follows: "pix.t. willi thp lit- ii nil Pliarypo nlinw Heater on the guarantee as .il h inn tn him; and the rpiiioii'i .nul Sole Agents for Hip i." ''r ahull be awtltleil In Hip j "C--- mil lor m licit dav and nilit, with noli coal, hard coal or lignite, "1 A wivmu o( onP'thlVd in funl ovnr anv lnwur draft move ol tlio xarna iff. im .'xnmiuinit and niprnMiiK mid sun, wlih Mill coal, tilatk or liKnile. 'II That ovury novo will remain ahtolutMly it aa hin an uoed, BLUE RIBBON BEER l.-- nii.'i, . no nre now ullnwi'd l.y Inw PABST "U Tlmt Colo's Hut lilaM will coal (or hcaiinn n giveo "7 tlio Ined-doo- r i and will rnmain snioka and dust-prue- uia luu lnril That for diking the oauip. Tlini if miv wit gpnro linn any liaw linriiir nude with iho namuaizn fim not, That tliti Draft will pravenl pulling. lien making Mlidi proof, nr Hip aid up Npetiinl irifC8 on (iarload loti ;t That llnionini can Im Iip.iipiI Irom onn to two lioura ciirlt morning "All wo ia tlio shall be operated according lo direcltont ak that ilovn plianni inaklng ni'h nMdnvil nr Willi ihu boll cmI or hard coal put in thn stuvo llin evciiinn lieforii. and connacied with a Hood iluu. nnth, Jk wpnra fnlanly a to mm "4 That tlio stove will hold firn with soil coal (mm Saturday nlctit "(8lnnd) COl.K MANUFACTURING CO.. Not liw." any inaterial 1 piiiitttliHHt iifllilnv iimii Monday morninK. (Makriri ot tlm Uriglnal Patented lint 1 hut Siovb.) ter lu anhl piHif, it, nr nnth, the aald falao aweiiriii Iipihl' Snppli( ol', the abovo Roods oanjalso liij olJtajnc(l ft'nmjfl remarkable guarantee from the makers of this stove should be of interest to willful nml pnrnipl, be ahull lie ilppint'd doalorrfj This - I'ollowinff guilty f perjury, ami hull In- i I lo you if you contemplate buying a heating stove. tn the ai!ii piiin and piinltpH u it V of has proven that heater twice the price equals it for radiating he hwl fnUi'h IipI'hip Hip ri'iiio THE GLENROOK HOTEL BAR Years use no at lr." heat, for holding fire, requiring so little attention, never giving trouble, and cutting Thpri'iiiiili r n hmnpiitead I'lnittl Pinild THE HOTEIi.VORENBERGr down your coal bill one-thir- d to one-hal- f. nnlv lip initiated liv t'lilry. and. no n MAY BAR '5 riiiiKpipiPiH'p, it in proviiliil Hint nn pat 2 Come in and examine Cole's Original Hot Blast which is now imitated y nearly put, ahi,ll imiie until the exphiitinn nf RYAN & HANDSPORD every otjicr stove manufacturer. Price $12.00 and upward, according to size. likt'MU.v. mid tliarn- - LOBBY SALOON 'Hint tlio ,rJsB,lJrfr6ultM 5 WtMl i arnre mpiil almll I SILVER MOON BAR No other Five prnva reamiin fur tlu tijin nf lw Orlfllnal Vr'Ill'o STAG BAR Heater Patented Uv Hip third iiwlloii nf the net nf RECORD'S BAR Nearly Features May u, ISSfl (II Suit., 141), it vra- - C. C. CHAPMAN Make It a prorhli'dt as Good Fmci Saver. "That any wttler- - wteUnj lotUi'd, or L'





The Quay County Fair Association Live Stock and Poultry will be through the Chamber of Commerce of cared for Free of Charge at the Murray Wagon Yard on East Center Street on this city, has planned and now has un- the days of Exhibition, September derway preparations for the greatest 28 and 29. exhibit of Agriculture and Live Stock rnirinr in v--s hat ti irn ever seen in Northeast New Mexico. THREE SOLID Quay County has always had her Agri- DAYS cultural Fairs, and they have been the FREE ENTERTAINMENT talk of the County and State, and the Association holds premiums against ir- Will be provided, including Ball Games, rigated products in competition at the Novelty Races, Foot Races, Pony Races, Ring Touruament, "Gayo" El Paso International Fair held in No- Races, Night Gown Race, "Gym Ka-kan- a vember, 1909. Race" Greased Pig, Fireman's The plan now being worked out is Hose Race, etc., furnishing a diver- along the line of that of last year and sion of entertainment for old and on a much larger scale. To the Agri- young. Music by Tucumcari's Con- cultural Exhibits will be added this cert Band the Famous High School year a general Live Stock Exhibit, and Orchestra. the Association will appropriate a much larger sum of money for prizes this School, Fancy Work, Cullin-ar- y year than ever before and premiums and Art, and Merchants will be paid on prize Live Stock and Exhibits at the Hancock Build- Poultry. ing on West Main Street Free

E GRAND AVIATION HEET I Ss The Bird Men Will Fly Sky High ) - ALL THREE DAYS OF THE FAIR. At great expense the citizens of Tucumcari liave secured an attraction for the Fair that will be entirely new to most of the people. A contract has been signed with HUGH ROBINSON of the Curtis Aviation Co., of St. Bi-Pla- Louis, for ne Flights each day of the Fair. Mr. Robinson is an Avi- ator of National Reputation and a member of the Curtis School of Avia- tion of St. Louis, using a Curtis Bi-Plan- e, will try for an ALTITUDE RECORD while here. This event is worth coming hundreds of miles to see. DON'T MISS IT! TELL YOUR FRIENDS, SPECIAL RATES Of ONE A! ONE fIfTK FARE ON ALL RAIL ROADS Grand Trades Display Street Parade Thursday, September 28 FIREMEN'S DAY lihe Tucumcari Fire Department will have charge of the Sports, etc , Wednesday,. September 27. A good big program of sports will be had each day.

A. R. CARTER, President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, S. T. HOPKINS, 1st Vice Pres., Secy. STANLEY LAWSON, 2nd Vice Pres.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION NOTICE Or PUBLICATION PROFESSIONAL OARDS Department of l'olnsslnin) Dqinrtnirnt of Hit? Iiitetlnr l S. I .mid the Intetlnr I. S I.nnd ii'mrf infill of tho I iitorinr. P. S. I. mid In the DUttiel Court, fount v of (Prickly Ah, Poke Root and M. B. KBATOR Ofllff at Tiirtiineiiri, N. M Mllee it Tneiimrari. V. M. Ollliv nt Tiit'tniniPtiri, X M Unnx No. out. AttornoyatLaw Powerful Permanent AuiitiM JH. 1011. AaotiKt --". mil. Anin-- t j.4, 1011. Mrihn May Cm tor Prompt TIHJUMCABI, NKW MKXICO ' tfrttle U horflty- given Hint Kllm l . n n : ;;e N'ntlio In lictoliy iflvfti thnt William A. N'otlro hfrfliy irlvfti thnt Kvftftt ll .rf.i1rf. ff 1'. Hargrove, of Tnrttniparl, N. M wha, Hale. f hoVrtra. Tux, fur tlif kcir .1. Iifonaril, of Mi'Alitct. X. M , wlio. on Trffff M fir Inn ('nrtfr k Mcelroy .1 -- iiolloman nr c 1(1, H P.. X if lltirhn Hale. ieeenfd. who. m Oct. 10. lonil, . K. No. 1I21H, Tin a nl Tretlf Marion cinu on Xo. limit, made Serial .S'it. niHdf Attonieyi-at-La- HMin. made II. K. No. for i ,. x. I. HIM, Hi:',. for Si: i Sfp. ltd. mid Add 'I II. II. Cnttit lieieliv Imtllloil thnt n ltll tn ,oii'n;.:i, for si; rw. u. Tw. ii federal Dank 111.1k. See. 1 1. H X, Nana? 3ft K. X. M. ! hiin 31 K. N. M. 1'. hn nllTifl, .hino I. 1000, for Sw, iliMini lieeii eiiinttii'tiri'tl Mifnlnt - Hiinjie Meridian. Ti. SWi,, 'itt(!UM(!AHl, ii i: NKW MHXICt- .Meridian, Iim lied not lee - III filed nut lei of Intention to make I'nial of Intention to 2tl. Twp. n X, rtnum- i K. X. M. P. him thf litrOt Court for thf Conn P P P . Yenr Proof, Mp.yIpo, ...... 1 ...... t.t.vul r! 1 litre (,'oiiiniiltfitlnii I'todf. maa final live fo tli MorMlnn. Iin illi'd notlpf of tntfiitlon to ty of tiiay. Torrllnry of New V. MOORE .. hi 'he ti ftaldih flulm W. .V.1!??, .... I - v. . Huh t ht land h)hiv llfrtliH MliV C'ait.-- :iMfinj do bLu-'.- - Ulgcatloti tn Hit' Ininl almvf deiprllifd. hffitre thf dferllicd. mahi Ilnal Plvo Vonr Proof, to 'iali-lol- i by nbl Attoraey-at-La- ByU-- (lie ttcfjibi'.. V. union-h- e . Of-tle- I.. P. William. S 'wtMi ami HbHiluBTiiiifiii ; (lt,a Vln dl ltfglMer iiml lteilver, t. I,aad lftn pInIiii to tlio InniI hIoho dfni'rllifd, fitioh thai Olllff Inritol HulldliiKi, Ituumi ft and 0 A iKi.itive hpcclfk f ir Ulood Polaort litoer, at Mnrdiieh, X. M.. on the i:ird Viofttif 1,. P. V. eiitfi or pntlto to lit-- eiiti tfd hi np . I lit Tttetiroeart. N. M nn the l.HN Wlllliuni. S. Comini.. TKIiKCIIONK 170 Hrlvt out Rlieumatl.m nml 51om the Cain; rtnv of Otnlwr. I fill. at Mnnlorh, X. .M., on Hit' Jail pearanrf in aid Mitt nn the bodybu.lili.r. lliou .11 1 on. iny of N'nveinlter, Mill. tHi'r. TIIOU.Ml.AHl i i t NKW MKXICO is a woiiduifvtl tonic ami ur Clnlmartt nam a Jnlm Olh I Olitttnniit name a wl!HHti Orrilli wHimm: day of Oli.lwr. 1il. day of October, A. P'll. dftfe William M. LIPPMAN, SAVANNAH, GA. timlt h, I'rank .Inhtt.tmt, Anrelln An Kanrtoltib. Witfhir. Arthur CI a I mailt nuiiif vitwff: c. CIIO COXPKSSO therein be ret. II. L. BOON F. V. , M deinn, W. II. I.Ki. nil of Ttwataeart. CM, nil f .Ionian . furl Hn IVi'inlcy, .1. II. SfViHl;i. It. M. Manmirt. tlitifd MiaiBt yon. Attorney and Couiuolor tt Law Mf Alt-tf- r. X. M. N. M. Ifjr. of W. I). Witchor. nil of Mr AlNtf r. X. M. ('HAS. C. niiWN's. rierk onico Mnln Street K. A. New Mexien. ((.'.'Hit It. A. Prfallee. rteuMff. Prentife. flter. 10-- 31 ft A. Prftitlpf. Itftltfr M. It. KiMfor. Tiiftimcaii. TUCUMOARI. : NKW MKXICO Att for Plaintiir. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION D. OUTL1P NOTICE FOB PUBLIOATIOK NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Pirt Pitblientioii Au(.Mtf ' J. I)fiartMM! f ihf Interior I. S. l.nnd Attorooy-at'La- tin- - S. Uml Dp (mrnif lit of thf llitfrior, I. S. I,it lid H Dfiinrtmeiit of Interior 1. (MWit .it Tiiiiiiiifiirt. X, M. of Crubate Court, Qua; Ciunty X M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION .Indfif Hamilton Insurance Agency nt n M. I Ofllff at TiirtmiPMrl. Olllff Tnrnnifari. iiuu l!l P. S Land Olllfe at Court Horns. 1011 DffMrmfiii of the Intel"" I t a T AHJtH--t S 1011. i Antw'nt 13. ci Xollrf lifrflu tfivi-t- i Mini Will W. X M. Ht. 4 ir N OWff at Tiienmenri Third 'Phone irj cast main ircci Xotlrf l he ruler uiveii that Horn' P X. Xntlff hfiflty plfti that Iflla llaiiiwilnr. of Tii. iiiin ari. wlm. I TUf'l'MCAlU, NKW MKXICO 1'iniiH'lt. X. M.. who. AnuiiKf IK, 1'i t: :i Don nil nn, of Tnmmenrl. V. M.. who, m 23. I1MW. B. of MrAIMfr, oh MOTTO dm .Innf mulf II. Xo. i thnt Thomn OUR K. May 2(1. 1000. II. P. Xo, Xotlff hereliy .limitary . m, iokoV II. X TSI. :i:i, Ttt-ji- . tnadf Sfrlal fvn 72. for s nK', Sw. 12 .1 of IliiMfll. NVw Mevieo. C. IL FEROUBON (I X. llawklhu. nl-mo- for K"4 23. Twp .11 K. ullftlO. for XWI',, Sit. 20. TV. is to litivc lliiii,i;s iIoih; exact Iy liirlil. whicli is ol' 8Kt. Stt'h SKt. Sf. X. KnKi anil 'j K4. 1, 100(1, V.. Xo. Pliyslciau & Surgeon K. X. M. who. oh Seit. in ..If II. 11 x, n. no K, BHti (. w. .10. Two 11 ItiinKf 30 P Mfilillmi. hn i.t I. Twp. X. Hnnto 31 R. X. M. P KWMI. for SUM, See. .12 ml Add'l H Ollire and Iteshlenfe, Main Street K. Ml cil to Pinal in II X, Itniijcf II X. M. P. Meridian Mfrulian, hn fllf.l noili-- r of notii'f of Inti'iitlon nmkf inipH'liiiicc liisiii'iiticc olicics. Our business iiitfntlon to P.. ni.KUSO. Altxtikt 11.1. 1010. for the 'telephone Xo. 180 Inn to make I - Conuutitntloti Proof, to rlHim Iiiih IIM tint of intent Plan Fm- o tiallih : iff makf Var Proof. .tnl. SWi,. S..p. .in. Twp. il X. Itatijif 2 P. TTCU.MOAIlt. : NKW MKXICO I'lve War 1'rtmf, to to thf IhihI alaivo tlffrllifd. ln'fon I. is insurance exclusively. Nullum: else in lni.k al'lei'. Ilnal etalilih Hlt plaint tin' I'Hi.l nlon.' i1fMrlliH. M, of V. H. CiimittUiioiipr. X. P. Meildlnii, ha hied nntlfe ulnlln H the land altme d. lie P. Williams nt bafntf th Hfuitfr nml KfPfufr, P. s Croof UON'TI DON'TII DON'TIII X Miirdofk. X. M on ISth day of intention to make Ilnal I'm" Year C. B. HAMILTON, Owner and Manager. fYire t In Heateder and Iteeelvor. V. S. IrfMid the -- iHRff nt TiirBHifari. X. M on thf to elalin to the land nliove de l.ul your runt act until you figure with l.utid Olllfe (it Tiieiitnetirl. X. M.. on the Sfptf inlifr. 101 1. etnlillli 13th ila.V of Navfmlifr. 1011. V M. F. LAWINO a P. A. erlbiil. Iiefine Mitrrav Shaw. P. S inth ilny of Yovfiolifr, It'll. n t'lnlintiHt nainf wittit'iti Claimant nantf I'rfd Hax-el- Builder. witnr.f: II. Prfpiiinn. CominUilniier. til l, X. M., on Ike Contractor and Olnlitnint nnnif n vltnii': .1 A Cmwf, John Whitmoro, Prnnk Dono Mallfii. Wllllnm Vmiff, M. X. M .1. Pollard, Isth day of Septfinber. loll. WCdtssouia4Mak ytriTf, H. fl I.hwmih. Sum Anifiin line. V. all of Tooiimparl, X. M. nil of Mf AIMfr. ft. llfrrinii. claimant nanio as witHepv. Itfii-lia- Ult. B. F. llKKKINCI all of Tncnmfiirl. V M of Hnitlnnd. X. M. I.t'f Amlrrmn. 0 2 3t R. . Prfiitiff. Kftfltfr. W. 1(t A C. Paxjf. .lohn llonrtie, Thninas I'hyslctan nnd Hnrgeou Jl.'J.r,! R. . 3t It. Prptitlfp. IffgUtfr. t t'rfHtiff. Kf(itfr I Ilnnnn, Tom Miller, nit of Hai'idl, X. I I I Oflire Itoniim 1, J. and :, ilerritiK K M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION A. AKIN M South ei'ond Street NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION l)fjartmfit of ihc Intfrmr. V. S. (.and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 10 S .', , A. Cri iitoe. Iteyistfr. Oltlco Phono 100 Hcsldelico Pliotie 130 l)fKirnifiit of tin Interior. P. S. Ijtml (llBpf lit Tin tnimnirl. N M. llppnrtnient of the Interior. P. S I.nnd Tile place Tor fresh veehilies, I'rcs li Oflli-- nt Tiirnacari. X M. ii(liiM 1011. OlHff at Tiieiiiiinenri, X. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ui.irfini l: MUUUAY AttfiiiHt ir, 11)11. Xotiff i hutfliy jtivfti thnt Allfii AllKOM IS, 1011. Architects if inc.'ils and liiiili m'tide caiiiied imkK. e of Intfrtor. P. S I.aml Notli-- l linrcliy ijlvoii flint .folin W .1. Viloii. ot I)iH.on, X. M., who, on Xotlff in liereby (then Hint .lafoli llppnrmfnt 'ho nfllfp 'X M. Will furnifh pliiiii nml fpee itient lnio llncu inn, of Qnny. X. M who, on .Inly .1Bf 23. 1IMI0, oimiO II. K. Xo. 730. Kiiykendnll. of Hnn.fVflt. X. M.. nt TtifiimeMfi. l. tinil oMimatft on nil hilnU .if buildllix !M, limo, mnilf II. H. Xo. 0131. for N'WI, for XWtJ S.w. II, who. nn May 1 loot), miide II. P. Xo Ansnt II. lull. For Good Service and Quick Delivery Phone 81 XK'VK", XW', XI'.W MKXICO s Nut Op i hfrpby Chnrle TU(!1'.H:a, Hfc "0, Twi. X. Itfttiuc I", X. M and SWH st:ti"i4 ski, sWJi. Sff. I20. for N'W,. See. :il. Twp. 3 X. nien that I 1. U'njciinn. Hudson. X. M.. who, on P. MitIiIIhii. Iin fl (! iintlfc of inti'iilinii II. Tw.. '.' X. HBBff l H. X. M. C Itniittf .10 X. M C Mernlliui, hn nf lonf). II K No. fo, DR. R. H. COU1.TBK to ninkc Pltml Five War Proof, to Mfritlina. hn AM MntOf of iHtentlon tiled not ion Pinal Off. 22. mailo 123U. Of of intent to make Dentist Vi-n- Spp. 0, Twp. 12 V. limine 32 P. .'tnlillli oliilin to tlu IhiiiI iiliov.' lo HinkH I'lnni I1t"f r Croof, to f Pive Year Croaf, lo eMftldOh flfilm lo SH,. til-- Ofllro Hank - X. M. C Meridian, of liiturnatioual Uuildlu. rrilii'il, liffon tlio tnl It InldUli flnitn to tin- Inml nliovt the land nliove def rilied. Iiefore I,. P. hn. d notiee Funil Cotnoiotnt ion Tflepbone No. t4. I'flvi'r, I'. M. Iinil Ofliff at TtHMiiMPri Itfforp tkf J)ttVifr and Itfffiv Williams P. S. rnniiiiiioiipr nt Miir- inlention to make to Inml rUCH.MCAItl. :: NKW MKXICt N". M., on the 30 th .Iny of Ololivr r, P. s. I.nnd OBiff at Tofiimenri, X dof k, X. M.. on the 23th iIbv of Septem Crnof. to pfablih the tipfore rin.l Bring Your on (lav aboe ileaerilifd, the ReifiMfr Razors 1011. M.. rko Ofh of Vorfmlifr, 1011 ber. 1011. . DB BIC1IABD COULSON ( ltnefivet. P. K. Jianil imii-e- at Tllfiim Clnlmnnt ttntiif wltmf! Moyil IntioHiit naiiif- - a witHff: Sa'ndfr-o- cioloiHiit imine n wifni1'"!1: W. II. X. M., day I'byslclnn It Surgeon And let us y H. Illtfli. V. C. Illti'li, .1. II. Wood. II. Cnrhor, Ira .1, HrifOf. John Hwffv, Wootnn. of MeAIIter. X. M.. '.. Kiiy ran, on tlio 2tth nf Ortober. hone them for on .'I doorr rcnl of Firit Xatlotiul Hank h. Iliinnldttt, nit of Qnny, X. M. Prnol. Iliuif. nil of io.loii. X. M. kendnll. T. M. I.orlnii, I'liellx I.orliijf, nil 1011. Main Street, . liiioiiitit names n .1. M. 10'H'it It. A. Pn'iitliT. Iti'iii-tc- r. 10 f H Prfiilipf. ItfjiiMfr of Itoo.evelt, X M. mtneifsi BATHS ONLY 25 Cents Hodije Hubert 11. Ox felepnone No. 180. 10 ".'( It Crentie. HfKOter. Ilartlett. lawoii. N Kesiuoure I'hone 230 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ford. I.tnix Mitfludl. ill of HloUnti. M. n;ciI.1CAUI. : NKW MKXICO J)piartnif nt of tlio liifprior. I" S. He nrtinent of the Interior. I. S. I.nnd NOTICE FOR PALACE BARBER Iind PUBLICATION , SHOP O S It. A. 1,'evi-t- er Ofllff lit TilPiiniPiiri. X. M. Hlleii nt Tiifiiuni.'iiri. X M pppiirttnf nt nf the Interior P. l.iind Ult. II. D. NICHOLS 2C. 1011 ViiKM't IS, 1011 AnptiM (llliee nt X I N'otlee U hfrfliv thnt ''hoiiiu NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Physician ti riurgeou Xotlff N hfridiy ijlven thnt .lnnn jtcn Ailiit 20. 1011. M. ) of I.ovd, X. M.. who, mi Oflire Kas't Main Telephone .'(3 .S. Dyer, of Charlottf. X. M.. who. on i, i Hepiirment of the Intetioi. P. S. Land Xotiee herelir .'Iveii thnt .liime C. : 111. P. TU(;n.MOAIU, . NKW MKXICO 'J-- Am. IPHft. made II Xo. for X M .lilly 1000, nuidf II. K. Xo. OllOi. for 070. IlHrrN. of CIiiki. X. M., who, on epi nfliff nt TiiPiinn iH i. SfC. 3.1. r. X. 2 K. Xi:,. See. 21. Twp. 0 X. Itaiiyf ill P. AugHut H. H'll Twt. ItaiiKf 12. 100(1, timdf II. K. Xo. lOOOs. for ,v H', fll-- Hri. Tliotn..! Xolow, Snr.'K. lly eharj'f Postoflk'G Box CM LS( I X. M C Mfrldiiin. Ifi d notOo of i Telephone X. M. P. Mfridlnn. hn tllml not f See. nml XWI, Xntiee linreby aixen thnt Thnmn - Si.. SW', Wij Se. TUUUMUAUI HOSCITAI. I I 'I Intent inn t,. mmti- l'iaal I'm Yfiir X. M.. nt ftit Ion to ninkf mil Pivf Voar 27. and II. 1' m lOMi, Ang. 20. II. firimf. of I,oonp. who. mi Proof, Add'l I'xlvate Proof, to eittildUh pIkIiii to thf Innd to fKtalilMi elniin to the land Oft. I, I lino, made II. 13. Xo. 1100.1. fo. 1011. for X SWi,. SH, XW, nml Corner Main and Adam Strueti uliove ilfrriln'd, lifforo M. W. Show, alxivf dfpril,ed. hefrtff thf Itejjl.'ter XKi See. 20. and Add'l II. K. 01.1322. THE ELK 27. X. ROOMS SW, XIJVi. See. Twp. If !!anf Tolephone No. 60. I'. S. CMinilloiipr, nt lliixfll, X. M.. riHd ItofPhfr, I. s. otllfp at Tn- - April IWI, for the V.j XW, and lm H K. X. M. C. Mnrlillnn. lias flled no .SurjjeJU for K. I'. H. W. on Octoli.-r- . 1011. ftimeari, X. M.. att tho Olh dav nf W"., Twp thf 10th dn yof nf intention to make PI mi I l'lvf SWi,. Kfe. 2i. N. Itanae J. D. LOVELADY. Pron. 1011. tie and C. B I. k C Kallwur. ('hilmniit iinnifv iih witin' -: William Year Croof. to elalm to .he 20 K. X. M. C Meridian ha filed notiee Modern, Sanitary, nearest claimant n fleargp the bank, nearest tho J II. Mnllory. .lohn T. Mrlinlrr. Wlllinni iuiih ariiapf: of intention to nmkf Hnal Plvo Year ..' 4-- J C 1 T LtBil nliove dfrrtlipil, tiofore the Uffl tlAfllAfltIAjjuoLuuii-u- , rt. 2, ' 11.. ' I Hell. Bfli R r.1. I.oth of Uv.l, X F. II. BARB, D. V. B. iu kuu uuiuu auuiiuii ui biie city. A. rortiill, Sumiifl c. lav. all of Char itor and P. " Liirnl Oiflpf at Croof, to eotiititUh elnlm to thf land uiib li.ttf, V. M. M.. .1 P .InekSffi. Cfcilip Hhnhan, linth deeriliiM. Regularly Commissioned r. inifari. X. M.. on the 20tb day of alnnf hffore the tteaitei Prompt Service Tncumcari, N. M. t(2-3- Of To iiinruti. X. M. Live Slock Simitar," Itmpector N. M. t It. A. Croat Of, l?fjrltfr Xo ainlior, 1011. and tleeeMef. C. Ijjntl flftlee To 10- - 3i K. A Creatipp. Rfxhtpr Qenoral Practice name u 'AMI'ntn fiim.nri, X M.. on the 24th dnv ..t i, claimant witnouf: Oflire and reaidenre Corner Aber aud NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IliwUon. of Tile nine tiri. X. M. Upnrp tolier. mil . Monroe Streets. TelephoLn 230 day or Department of thf Interior, P K Land NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Cmkfr. of I'liin. X M.. rt. ('Illinium mime, ns wltBfe-- : Knen th.- .lof night. Dfpiirtiiifin ..f Interior ('. . I.aml Tio-noi- . Parker, X XI.. W. W Vtnlliv Ofllff nt TupiiniMNri. X. M. 'iiiith of ii 1. X M , Clinton I.. lod.. .i TuFtimeiin X M F M. August I'C, 1011 tiito. i i:mford. of l'laii. V M. tlnrnhuto. J. M. WUe. all ..t l.oon ' , N. M. M. If. KOCTI Xotlff h hfrfliy sjIvpb that I'raak nirM 'in. : "it It Pteni (tfjitfr. e. IT ALL DEPENDS Xoti.c sfitpti l,i,f t It . Funeral Director aud Embalms: P. Smart, of .p.litfr. X M who. mi i. li.otv.'' A. Crentie.-- . i W TKLKCIIOVK XO. 1 1 ti Mattdi I, madf II. K. Xo. 'j;mr. hliiiil(ci,liii, of Quae. X. M who NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION -- t I, I l.i.i.ot it. il pill. - 1,,'IO'li ll. Ii pi II K Xo. 1 S01 1 II. S i,,.. 'iu'i i..l',iri H ni.,,. N0T10B TOR CUBLI0AT1QN for SWV,, tf. 14. Twp. X. Raajf 3o :i. 'ill. the K. . Dfpartinent of Interior. I. linil XW Si.,-- NKW MKXICO i for t, and XKi,. I TUtJUMCAItl. :. 'oi'dieill. oil, i ii.i.ii-'- K, X. M. P. Meridian. k illed noti.e ff'j Olllfe nt TiieiiiitiiPBrl. X. 51. llfMiruieiit ot lie Intorlor, I. .nil Twp V, Roip .in K. V M P Mfri.l of intention to nmkf Plaal Commntatioti IS, 1011. iifti.e t Tio'iimenri. V M. Cine VUlie mil l.iiiior-- . 'at., on- - tile.i iHi'o'e of intention to Anst O. MAO STANFIL Croof, to iinl1ih flaim to th land NntOe ia hoteby hivpii thnt ileorge i.t II. HH1 Pini.l Kiv " 'ell at 'hiii ittuii' i.ei-j- . hi, , innkf Ver Crm.f. to tnli i Dentist nliovf dfoeriloxl, liefore I,. V. William II. VVnodanl, of tSarnneiu, New Mas Xoliee h.m.'Iiv jifii that Olie II. . lii , Oflire, room 4 iiiim land alto, dewrilted. lnrael HiilldlnK v I IT. M . 'o limine-- M S. Coiiiimnioiii'r nt Mordock, X. ieo. who, on Mireli 1.1, lfiun. made II. 13. ot 'iiieiuiieari, X. M who on in .i fl lid liinke drij on hrf..ri' Mid V H Telephone No. 36. on tint 2nd day of Oetotifr, ihf Hfiiifr' M . IfoH. miidf II. K. Xo. laiHi.l. lull. Nn. 7fll, for Kla NWi, and XtB SW"i. fot iirN Hoi - ltd To,, . TUCHMCAIH MKXICO litir wine" liiin.r- ('Iitiiimiit - n Otfl.e uipiari. M.. OB sne. !: XKW inline- witiiffi: Kfllfr li 't See. 1 and Add'l II. K. I.1TT. pr. 83, X'a xi:, ii, nnd .id i ii i: th.- - I th day "f fnvtflker, tl tvliDle.otiie M. Mi'i'loikev. lieiijiiiMiB M. Ilndx-- . ion. 1010, iii:il!MI. Mir-- In llild, for the XK'i ie nnd heall lil'nl mil i for Xt, SKi and h'j XKl,. See K. luimuat iiunii'i as iffcfM. A, I, DR. J. UDS iN i.IANNEY .Iliuif W. Smith. Ulllin Smith, nil 10. Twp. :ti' K. X M. V. XW",. !. it. Twi. 10 X. Ittinge Jo ii lit 1 1.- no.- -. :i w.w I X. Hanse & Burgeon yreat In, Hums ..f ifii.n. X. If, T. A. K. M Physician of MfAIUter. X. M. Vaif Mfrulian haa AOd notiee of intention X C. M.ridlau. ha filed noli., lohn h.rplev. BMtoiiar. atl of To YnHfeti HuildltiK, Serouil Door Knit pnees mi' M'iv i I r; i . It. A. I'renti.e. Kfyitfr to mako Mnol Pmc Voar Croof. to tm of intei'i.ii, ti, umke Pinal Fie Vein euno iiri. X. M Klk Dri'K Store Croot. t to tiiblinh i Inim to land bImhp .eprib Haita 'he Inn. K. A. tho Choiif P.ri Ufa. 'Chone 171 Crwitiff, RfcOtf r -- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ed liffore the Regiater und Repeivfr, llbo.' I. erilinl, before the Iteji.'. i I'UCIJ.MOAIU. : NKW MKXICc ii il I)eMirtnient of the If. S. Ljiixl C h. Land Offlre at Tiieuoieari. on the Ulid Hi- -. nn, I . M. Land Oftifi :.t I n Intfriof NOTISE FOR PUBLICATION N. M . , S.Vh Ofllff at Tiiftiiiifari, V. M. :il.t day of Oetobor 1011. fiiniitii.. the day of Oe . . Record's Hopnrtinfnl of C Place the Intinor, I.nnd I 2S. 'Iiiimant nnrao as witaeie: A. W. tidier. ti I. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Anint mil. rtif r it Tiniiiiku X M J. T WOFFORD, F. F.. RF.C0K1). .1. P. Xolxnn. Hill, Vf. limn mi tiiimea sa rn H. Intenor, 1'. S l.nii.l Mr. Owner Xotlff N hereliy jifii that Carry o. Anytixt IS, Yatf., Prank J. Witni'.et lleplirment ol the lull. .1 v. V. X. M., Wondanl. all of llnranens N. I. 'ampio'l'. nnllington, fi. Ofliie nt Toeiiineiiti, X M. Mfllfrmott, of Tiii'inHParl. who. Xotl.e i. hrraby given Itiit .lohn A It. Cffntief. Hegutfr .lol,e. .1 I' liirplev, nil of Tiirumeuri, tiatiHt on Xnvfiulifr 22, lfios, It. R. V. V II. Kill. mmf foutiji, of M' MUifr. M.. who, on New Metii'o. '.in, H V. Xotiee i. herebv thnt llnrvev llftmt, for SWI',. sp. Twfi. sopt. 12. Ubmi. mndo II V. Xo 1007 yifn 1" s It j. ,. Itoglstor W Tuetimi'iiii, X. M.. who, on o . Hint, of Itiinf . X. M. C Mo rWin. im SOd for VWi-i- Kef. io. Twp T. V. Jtmiae NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION .hum 10, limn, made II. K Xo. 9 not Of of intfiilion to makf r'innl fivf in K. X M. C. Moriditio. ha Blfd no department of the lull nor P. s. Land 'Til. NOTtOK rOR PUBLICATION for SWi','. 1. Twp. 12 X, Itniiyi Vfnr Croof, lo pIihhi to tho tiff of intention to itinKf Pirjat live OflOe at Tiifiinieari. X M 11 K. X. M.f C. Mnrlillnn. Im- - Illed THE v LOBBY hind KsffO llfpnrno'iit uf tin. S I.nnd alio dePtilifd, liffore the Venr I'rtxif, to 'taldivh fliiira te thf 11X11'. t '.'v 101 Interior. I'. notiee nf intention to make I'intil tfr und Itffflvf. P. S. faiid OBOf at Inml aliovf dtMrriliml, before I.. P. Wil Noiiei i hereltv jjimmi that Samuel iifti.e m Tneiiiuenri. X M. I'ie Billy and Kirk, Proprs, 1 It 1 V'lir Crnof, tn ostabliah elnim tn the TitPtimnarl, Xpw MoxOo, .n thf 7t tiams I' R. Comnilaioner nt Mnnlftfk .1. Iluoil. of Mlnnoln, Kiiiish. who, on AiiKiiit 1, 1011. I. Inml nbovo donfrlbi'd, before the Ilea day of Xovfinlifr, 1011 X. M.. ob the 23th day of Septeraljor, Opt. in, 100.-- madf II. P.. No. 0110. for Xotiie i hereby jjivfii thnt llurvov Standard Goods .1. .1 later ami lfprnlvor. I'. S. I, nml Ollire at in everything we handle Olnimntit nuHif hh mil. K... XW ami l,nf 3 ami I. See 3. and Cook, of Tiienmenri, X. ,M , who, nn vlinf! Tuftiiiienrl, X. M on the linib day of Avfry. c. Maf Xfi. Mln Hood. P. II. lalmaaj. name a witnpe- - Japae Add'l II i: iil.1S0. October 2f). 1010. SfplfiulMT I. mon, niHile II H. Xo. Oft fiber, ll 1 1 HUnay, till of Turumfari. X. Nt. R. True. M. D. Boob, fl. I,. NprinkO, alt for the N'Lj SWf, SKI, SWU. See. 3. Main. f,,r tv s I. nml sMt Xa i. II , Clnlmniit nullum at wilneo: It. A. PrwitOf. RfxOlfr. of Mf AlislPr, X. M., W. W. True, of XK, XW'i, See. S, Twp. 0 X. R. 31 1 1, HK'i So,-- j. ami Add'l H. K. ni37K'. Flint. V C. Miillby. Mae Imbbs I'n-- Wines, Liquors and Hniiff. X. M- - X. M. C. Merldlnn. has filel not lee of Sept. la, into, for the SWI,, See Cigars Ht Snrmiy, nil of Tiitir-unifiirt-, X. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION R A Itogistor. Intention tn innl Ilnal Year lion Towimklp 1" X, Hiiiimb 31 K. Cifiitiff. lie in.8.3t It. A. Creiitlff, f)piarment of thf Inlfrior, V. S Iml Crnof, to fitsbiiih elnlm in thf Inml X. M. C. Meridian, has filed iintire of eiter OUlfB ot Tiiriimaarl, X. M. NOTI0E FOR PUBLICATION above ilosrrilifd, before the KejzUter wild intfiitinn to make Pitinl I'lvn Venr NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Mam, AtifriiKt 13, 1011 Department of thf Interior, P. S. Land Receiver, P. S, l.iind Olllee at Tiieitm-earl- , Croof, to entablloh flalm to the Innd Corner North , Phone 39 X S. i Xovem- i K. K. Deparmenf nf the Interior. I. I.nml Xotlfe U hfridiy kIvpii thnt Lallof Oltiep at 'I' in ii ii iiuit r , X. M. X. M., on the Mtli dav of nhute ile. iln'il, before Uwl! eoUf. C s X. fllliie ,it Tiirumffiri, X. M. I. Hawkins of IIhmpII, Xfw Moxifo. Auirimt is. mi). ber ton. Ciiimiibiidorior nt Kntlef, M.. Au"ut 1.1. 1011. who, on IVIi. 23, 1000, mndo II. K. Not lee ia hereby xiven that Mrs flaimaiit namen nt wifiiete.est T. A. on the Inth day of September. Hill .1. ('. W. A. Clnlmnnt wiliifM-ei- t .1. Xotiee In (jlvi'ii Mnrv Hfrlal No. 010805, for 8WK, See. .12, Ht nn rt ' IIhIIiiiii, for the heir of Stuart Wayne, P. A. drove, Moore, nnmi as A. hfrebv that K. liiwOou, ninenrl, X. M, Valcntliie. Thomns .ItiekKou, Virgil Ilrown, of Kirk, X. M.. who. on supt Twp. 0 N. Raujje 28 K, N. M. C. Merld-Ia- n Hnlllim, deeoBcetl, of I'llona, Texas, nil rif Tiif linn filed notice of Intention to miikf who on Aujr. I, 100(1, made II. K. Xo. It- A Prentife, Itefl-fe- r. O'Hauiion, Hub IHrks, nil of Tueiimenri. 13. 1000. ninde II. K. Xo. lllln. for X. M. ft :m V. White See. 12, Two. X, Elephant Final Commutation Crnof, to fufnlillii 0203, for XWV'i, S. 21. Twi. 3 X, SKI',, llnnoe Saloon HI'S . M claim to Hie Inml nliove dforllifd, Im ltnnse .10 R, X. M. P. Meridian. hn fil- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION It . ,. Cretitiee, ltewter. X. C. Merblinii, hli filed lint lee of ed notiee Intention to mnkn Finnl Five Yenr Crnof A. B. DAUBfilt, Proprietor fora Mnrry Khnw, U, S, ConiinWulcu-- f of intention to mako Final llepnrtment of the Inlfrior. P. S. I.nnd r, at Hamifll, X. M., on tho IHtli day of Five Year proof, to entnlillnh elnlm to Ofllff nt Tiifuiiifiirl, X. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION to eitiihllf h rlalm lo the bind nbnve de Take Your Time Going But Hurry serlbed, before L. I'. Wllllnm". I'. S. Back Hejitemlifjr, 1011, the Inml nliove denerlbed, before the Atixnst 20, 1011 lletnirment of the Inlfrior. I'. s I, nml CfiintuiMiloiif r, nt Murdoch, X. M.. on Clnlinaiit nmnen nn wltnffit Kiiltiater and lterelvar, I'. S. bind OWee Xotlre is hereby Hive iitlinl PrnnUlin Olllff nt Tiieiiinenrl, X M. X. ISfh day September. nt Tiifiimfnrl, M., on the dny 1 the of It'll. BONDED ihavr 0,' Tokk. Iohn Tlonrnf, TbomiiR 0th C. Ilrnkell, nf Quny, X. M., who. on Aiiuuat 1, HOI. WHISKEYS Xovember, 1011. Claimant mime ns wltninien: . II Vf, Hanna, Toi.i Miller, nil tt llmmfll, of .Inly 23, 1000, made II. K. Xo. 0110, for Xotlff ih hereby jjlven that I'rednrlfk Curtis. Slewaft I,. DNiiuy. Opal IMsmiv. N. if. Clnlmant miiiifs lis wltnennei: P. II. the XW", 8ee. 20, nml Add'l II. K. Xo. C. Malt by, of llinNon, X. M., who, on Wootl, Crlonn, Texns, P. nil of Kirk. X. M M. 0. I'reemiin. of H. A. Crunllff, ItfiMfr. of Mrs. II. "12123, August 2, 1000, for the XK'i. September 10, 100(1, made H. K. Xo. Wood, Prlonn, Texns, Lee MeAlltler. X. M. May Ql of Johnson, See, 20, Twp. S X, Itniijie .'10 K, X. M. Iimsi, for HW"i, See. H. Twp. 12 X. Carson T. M. Lorinir, both of Itoonevelt, M. Id S .'d It. A. Creiitlff, Ilecisler K. N. C. Merldlnn, hna (lied nntlfe of Inten- Ilnnue .12 K, X. M. C. Merblinn, has filed C Bar Proprielors HAM MILLIONS OF FRIENDS 10-- nt It A. Cfontife, IteKUter. tion to mnke Pinal Five Yenr Croof, notiee of Intention to make I'lnni Five your How would yntt Ilka to number to eatublish rlalm tn the land nbovi Vear Croof, to eHliibliah elnlm In the KILLS A MURDERER n 1. 1. i.itlllniia lliiplilnn ' Arnlitn FOR RENT East Main street I ,rf, ...... desrrlbfd, before the Rejiister and Ho Innd abnve deserlbed, before the Iteiii A mernlles murderer l Appentlle Itis. Phone 193 In flnlt !off JU notonnijlnji ciirfa .tlie ntdonisou ti)yiee1jnd'floor'ifif 4he Her-rl- n "reiver, V, B. Land Ofllfe, nt Tiirninenrl, ter nml llerelver, V. H. Iinil Ofllee nl with mnny lrtlms, but llr. Kind's Xew them, atfttulflf pattorty yrara niaile Ita Hie lift fmll'.itiir, for Orflfea rir pri- X. M., on the Kith day of Xovember Tiiftiumfnrl, Xew Moxifo, on the 2 1 Hi Life Cllls kill it by prevent Inn. They Tucumcdri New Mexico HalV'n YtarU for noren, ulfer,,ofs!8' vate rooms Klther slnglo or In suites Kill. nay of October, 10! 1. yetitly ntlmiilnte tttomneh, liver nml a.Iburni, liolla, icaliO, cuta, forna, nrn Also store room on Knat Muln fitreft, Qlaimant name as witnesses) W, C. Clnlmnnt mime ns witnesmtat D. II. boweln, prevent Ink Hint 'IokkIiik Hint which will bo,jrepalreil to iult rellublo flprliiRer, W. K. BpjrlpRer, R. 0, Oannly Hint, 0. M. Reed, W. T. York, M. I'. Inviton nppeiidlelliK, euriiifi Cnustlpti' Bewt Liquors, Winea and Oiguro, .lu and Bottle tenant bntttitarmtlease, 0! A. Perdue, all of Quuy,.N, M. Dobbs, nil of HiiiInoii New Alezleo. tlou, llendaehe, lliliousuittn', Chills, 23c Trmlo, Pi'omptly Attended lo. B)'Pl 'WWW uraiu enrxnaurB ncomuvn cyx 1S,-A- . Pwntlce, Register. lD-8-- It. A. Cnintlce, Iteller. nt Hit: Drug Store. In writing of the same mtter, tyrof EXCELLENT VENTILATION OF PROPER HOG FEEDING Duggnr of the .labaron experiment SATISFACTORY METHOD OF STEEPLEJACK'S FEAT station snya: succea-alo- "On sandy aolla a aultnbln i STABLES OF ORDINARY SIZE of crP()a for hoga la a mlxturo of 'DISPOSING OF FARM SEWAGE Variety Should Be As Great As Imlry vetch nnd onta for spring graft- ! Man Ambles Down Corner of an Is Possible. ing; permanent pastures, eapeclally Moat Satisfactory System In Duncrlbcil rind Illttatrtitecl Nu leapcdemi, rnrpot grass, and llcrmuda Ordinary Cennpool Is Bent nnd Cheapest Plan Anyone Who Eighteen-Stor- y Building. Plan TluitWItl Automatically Meet All Condition, for June and part of July; " Can Pile One Stone on Top of Another Can Construct of Wind unci Wenllier - The Cause of or permnnent (mature for July nnd a Tank, Which Should bo Large Enough Corrosion of Metal Frames. Man Who Makes Dullness Most Prof- part of Auguat; peanuta for Auguat to Hold One Day's Itefuso. Crowd Breathlessly Watches tha Peri An!-mal- October: aweet itable li One Who Induce a and September and llous Stunt Human Fly Climb potatoes and the run of cowpea fields In Dulldlng to Devour Moat of night sy-In- g Covn Niches For ntnhlnR of ordlnnry width, the i tin- - tnnln flue, Janu-nr- Many been deterred from hnv-- above the freezing point This and I? screened with for November, Docnmber nnd have - Kindt of Food. I : Olocka Thirteen Stories- fommon and most satisfactory form half-Inc- wire nttltiR to keep out Thr puantit diet, the chenpest bathrooms, etc, because of lack of tern la not an experiment, It haa o In ata-stal- aewnge. A of freah ilr Inlet n snsh nt enrh rnts. All miiln exhaust Muni In n l of nil the method of Krowing pork a wuy to dlsposu of the successfully used for matry 7 via hinged -- llv S M ) -- nt the liotton. opening bio nl ultl nlto linvo two or tho oppo-Inwnr- Tlt.VV yet teated here. shottJl hn discontin- few hnvn water systems Installed, nil Provide a lond of Held stone, not Philadelphia, J'.v Crieplng like a Whatever looda may bu itaed tho eaat-er- n but with gnlvanlxod Iron site sides mudn with a door Junt below ued a.t least two months before the thn waste has been run Into stieama trio largo a lond of gravel, not too fly, down the full length of the rnrlcty mid bu aa great aa pieces attached to thn aides of thu tin celling, ami two font down, no that flu posalble, hoga nrn killed. Corn ahould hn tho or cesspools, which are course, live sack of cement nnd a comer of the new Mnrrlsi and changea ahould he iimile at every re-- window friimo, ho that thu only air thin rnn be opened up against the chief food In thn few wtoka Imme- dungeroiis things unless very far ' box the right length for thn family, building, aided only by hla hands nnd. admitted haa to take nn upward celling nnd take out nil hot air In opportunity. Thn only object In rula-In- diately preceding slaughtering Homo moved from the water supply A three feet wide and three feet long, feet. Jack Haae!r, a ceplejack of hoga la production of chenp-f- t course over thn top of thn sash, i summer. Frenuonllv thn liny chutes thn meat, corn must hn fed to hogs on pasture, proper cesspool Is the best and with no bottom, and tile accoidlng to thla city, recently held tin Immense and thu mure rapidly a hog he writes (leorgo F. Woaton In thn Conn ran be so arranged mh to acrvn alao can and can be fed profitably even when est method of disposing of the tho distance away from the house throng of fi.000 people breathless and to prollt-abl- e try (lentlnmiiti. TIiIh prevents direct for exhniiHt flucti hy having a tight-fittin- made produce meat thn moru plga running In ponnut Holds Aa aewnge from the farm homo lo not Dig a pit at least four (cut deep, four spellbound aa hu performed hla dar- hu ate ilrnfta. A piece of chain stapled to door nt the hny door, which becomes Thu man who makes soon na wu have large enough arena he scared out becaurn some aclentlflr lour Inches wide and Ifi Inchoa ing feat hog raising fc! l ho top of the frame, with n hohcdcil la only opened for feeding. They can the moat prontablo la thu of nlfnlfn we shall hnvn a still cheap- fellow hna called what you want nn longer than the box Thn depth should About o'clock the mntlnco crowda or who hla hogs to wire unit projecting from thn top of hn of galvanized Iron a h far up iw Induces eat tho er method of growing pork If pigs anaerobic tank or a septic tank. It la vary according to length of fall be- were shocked to aee a man lower, moat of thu right or Hie snail, allows the window to he thn rellliiK of atnble. hut In aurh u kinds food, nnd must be grown chiefly "it grain. I really nothing mut a plain, ordinary tween tho house nnd thn illaKMUl himself the cornice of the roof, ' oer who never loose-Jointe- d opened any number of link. The free rllmnin ha Canada, where thn upper keeps them on any onu prefer either n mlxturo of two parts cesspool that does not "cess writes field, where the pipe Is and gasped na llnaaler, with perfect edgea of thn metal aide plate are apace la much lower In temperature, kind of grain or forage until their ap corn and one part of cnwpeaa grown l)r K M. Hantue of Now York In the to be located caught at the ropo turned upward so as to make a stop ahotild he of wood, and It may even petltes become cloyed and thuy gut tngethur. or shorts. Ilran Is too New Kngland Homestead Anvone Mix half a htiahel of cement with which he bad secured at tho bnae nf "off " vn-r- that preventH the window from full- pay to em or with a couple of layers their leed The greater tho coarse Wo have found sweet pota- who la able to pile one stone nborn three bushels of grand, lie sure there the flagpole nn the building nnd which y ing open too wide. of heavy building paper. nnd the more lrcqunt thu toes to he not more than one. fourth another cnn( make one. It la a tank are no atreaka In It when mixed, hu bad wrapped nrotind hla wulat, to chatiRea the morn will bu eaten and Ihpilda are held un- enough to a Them Ih no system of ventilation It la well to rnmomhnr that na valuable na nn orpin! weight of made tight, so the then ndd water make eaae the force of hla descent. From the more rapid will be the growth la Into Mix thoroughly that will nutomutli'ally meet all lluea only work when thnlr corn, anil yet when hnrvosted by the til the fecal matter converted rather thin paste. momentary fear they were turned to No matter what food may bu used val- liquids or gases by the growlh of again, placing a layer of of wind nnd weather, which cuiitcuis are at a higher temper-atut- .hogs, sweet potatoes constitute n and. after aatonlahment na they aaw the man air or what the age of the animals whlch " nt tlmoa will call for thn oloatntf of than the outaldn nlr Thla mean uable food on iMir, sandy soil bacteria that all fecal matter contains stone In the UHtom of the pit. throw they had expected to aee lying crush- conmnne it a great saving may bu It largo enough to hold In the concrete and level off nil windows to wludwnrd. and opening Unit I ho air la expanded n ltd la of Director Uoddlng of the (leorgla should he I.t ed nt tbelr feet, dangling In the nlr, effected by feeding so thai none of It experiment station uses Hourly tha all of the sewage that accumulates in atatid until the next morning and place li$ feet above the atrrot, a quivering" will be a hog la 25-fo- wasted. While not snmo feeds. Iln snya: a day from the home. It ibould be the box an eipial distance from each pendulum at thu end of a Blonder ot over particular about eleanllneaa, nnd "The beat aucreaalon of grazing made longer than wide One should hank of thn pit Cut holes In each end rope. will eat fond which la covered with crops la vetchea tVlda Sntlva and never be made loss than alx feet long of box for Inlet and outlet plpa, and Kecking himself Into motion, aa one almost ntiy kind of tilth, still he pre vlllosni, clovers imedlcago maciilnta by three feet deep ami three feet place these pipes In posit Inn would start a awing, llnaaler gradual fers clean lood, and will not waste wide. la huge enough for a fam Put In a layer of atone around th h- - and uieillcago dnntlcu'.atni. reil clover Thla ly swung In toward the corner cf tho lime atrength In rooting an and half and orchard grnaa, crab grass, chtifas, Ily of six grown people Add one outside of the box, nnd then a layer huge building V, llh a auddnn lurch, ear of turn mil of thu mud when he peanuta, sweet potatoes and arti- foot to thn length for each additional , nf mixed concrete mixed na before. the crowd nuw na atlll na death, saw sees nn ear which lias not been soiled. chokes For permanent pastures n him grasp at the edge of the granite nny on Throwing com, or other feed, grass la best for summer, while blnrka which form tho corner of the OUTICT NO the ground la wasteful, and If. aa In orchard grass, tall oat graaa, red top, building He mlated nnd foil back IA s too often the rase, the hogs are kept T8.C faa rod and white clovera am boat for heavily, the weight of hla body aecm-In- g IdhlJdl E In a small pen which Is trampled and winter and spring. n'toficrooT to stretch the strands of the rope Jiff n. It per- Arrrs m rooted so that haa become u For feeds for the growing poro! almost to the breaking point, manent uiudhole. the practice la 1 use shorts, corn meal and paMuie; The rope held, and the Htceplejark In managing wasteful the for the fattening period, peanuta, ngaln repeated hla thrilling mid nlr grazing Iota, (specially those on which 4 aweet potatoes, artichokes and corn awing The second time he succeed-- ! root crops are grown, thn tefnpornry meal. Skim in lilt Is undoubtedly good cd, nnd held to the building with fin-- j will save one-fourt- rrosa feneea from for growing pigs; hfan and onth aro gera of ateel. Fastening hla toea Into to one half thn feed. It pays, and unexcelled excepting by shorts. " one of the niches which cxlc-n- nlonir pnya well, to have a floor on which to mmm the side of thu building nt Intervals d t corn; or feed and when aborts oilier of three feet, und holding to nnother ground feeds are tifod ih-- ahould al-- , IS MANURE SPREADER USEFUL Vell Arranged Cesspool for 8ewarje Cross Section. j one above with hla right hand, with wnya In a trough he wet and fed Tho bin left ho caat off the rope, placing ao long person. The aecret of aucreaa lies In Alternate alone and concrete until tne tcaugh should have end pieces Newly Invented Implement Practlca' himself un thn very edge of u uhnam hnga It over, tho way the sewage goes In anil top of the box Is reached, the Inst Plan of Stable Showing Method of Ventilation A, Inlcta hetween cell- that tho cannot turn but ly Pulverixet Fertilizer and Scat that of destruction. Then he Imgan hla not he llonr, how the clear water cornea out. Tho layer beliia- - concrete, an that It may ing joists ; n, Inlets on hay floor; C.WIndew Inlets ; 0, Bide lection of should fastened to the ten It Droadcatt. alow, and to the apectatora. almost , a It will neud cleaning often The top of tho tank should be below the bo choked off level with the top of double stall and exhaust flue: E, Dack view, same; P, Exhaust flue and tide ' sickening descent to the ground He Moor of point tho sow or the imx. I'ut the atone back from the connection; I, I, I, Location of pottage Inlets. feeding and trough should bo This Invention relates to manors level the where aa In under a shelter If possible It la ni ver sprenilera In the material la pipe leaves thu cellar. As the Inlet box and use spade or shingle whl'h may be of thoae on the sheltered tilde a lucre lesser weight .linn nn equal column of n good pint) to feed Klilmnla of dll distributed from a wagon by means pipe enters one end of thu tank. It the sprint;, an that the Inalde may crack. In winter when tho tinrana tho colder ouigldo air Finally tltero feretit slxea In thu aatne pen. When of a distributing cylinder or healer. should have an elbow that turns down smooth The top he covered with come In hot, and, In thu case of work must bo a material dllterencu In tem- large nnd small are fed the The cylinder la shown In perspective to within IS Inrhea of the bottom. plnuk or a concrete alab The latter la In no la To horses, eaiinot be rubbed quite dry. perature, for the atablu air loaded small are sure to suffer, no matter In the llluatratlon. snya the Scientific This pipe should bo four Inches coats more and permanent It will often save colda to keep every- with mcilature and products of nnl-inn- l how much may he given to the lot Amerlenn. The purpose Is to provldo diameter and hnvn tight Joints, The make thla alab make a box Hie alze one-lourt- f thing tight until they are dry and rombuatlon. Thu re have been The food whlih an animal gets by fall In It should bo not less than of the outside of the tank and four ! ! ' a distributing cylinder which will hu l III In one Inch f havu cooled off. Tho atablu ahowri en sea In northern wlntera of the mutal lighting may sustain life, hut It will dinple In const ruction nnd reliable In Inch to thu foot. Inches deep. I'ut about ft :P the llluatratlon la an extra wide one, lluea lining aluioat entirely Mopped by mnko very llttlo fat An ample variety The outlet pi po should dip down, so In depth of concrete, made as before; l nnd to secure auf.lelent fresh nlr In- enndeuaed molattiro deposited aa lea of feeds suited to thu nge of the ani- thai the Inner end la 12 Inchon below lay In old pipe or old Iron of any kind lcta for the central double, row of on lite lnslile top end, The heat re. mals, and a feeding place where none the top of the tank, and the outer end about eight Inches apart and extend liorKcM, It may be ueceaaary to mnko aulla urn secured from many smull In- of It will he wasted alo the two Im should be only about one Inch below Ing nearly across the box: then till ducta from thn outsldu to thn open- lota, InatcHil of thn few- larger ones, portant (actors In profitable hog rais- the top of tho tank. 'I his tank may- up with concrete nnd stroke off level ing In the celling over the center of eapeclally ua to prevention of Injuri- ing In regard to feeding hoga, Hon.' be located anywhere outside of the with the edge of thn box puRHag", 1 1 by 20 Inches, d W. I.. of cellar wall where the fall may he had. each about ous raits. Fostur Shruvoport. I.a.. who After tho concrete Is thoroughly dry 1, I In plan. during cold many water from It has to be run Into nnd marked I. the Hioiio Moisture rnndonaed haa been for years one of the The remove the box from the pit. wet tha rnn he closed by a board, with pin wcuther la thu I'ntian of thn cnrroaloti largest breeders In that Htato, any: a Inoso-JnIntci- l pipe about eight feet Int-ld- walla and Hoor. mix some clear sliding on bottom of Inalde. Tho cash-- of metnl frames, nnd wo auggeat giv- "On the hill laniU. barley, long for each person In the family, re. oats cement and water to the eotn-lsteiic- IiHfifi si way to Ih un- ing n couple of of as- unless the soli be heavy clay, when fVM make thoae duets to them coata nnd nrtlchokoa are the beat winter of batter, and. with a trowel, smooth urn stir-fac- length ahould tie doubled. It close between two celling Joists, or phalt paint over thn Interior grazing, 'aking the hoga off thu grain the up the Inside with this mortar then - especially on Imra. should bo laid In a ditch 12 Inrhea If thla cannot bo done, inula- as at the saah crops about the lam of February ti take an old whitewash brush and put deep Thla pipe should at I ens I he li on hnv floor above. When of metal the expansion of those pertnl' the rrops to mutiirn seed on a made of clear cement and glaaa In diameter, nnd larger wash Tho exhaual fluea for n atnble of la to much greater tlinti of thu .Sorghum, to como In shortly after Manure Spreader. three Inches about like thin cream Tbti Is It full of water thla design ahotild hu three In num- that It la tmpoaalhlo to get a perfect barley or rye. ought to be planted In bettor: should have h water- cylinder b will mnko the inalde smooth and two alx by or aeat between these and thu .Spanish awe-- t operation, the distributing about 132 of an Inch to the font, and ber, about feet Inches aeal peunula, potatoes and -tight Place the rover on. cover Hm go constructed that It will tint may la one foot alx Inches, extending from glaaa. and aa a result there havu been pens. Turn tho hoga onto the a be located anywhere tho roll l I Via ill oat - ytM,i,.nt In lifiuaA ftllltlllilfll many whi-- only separate and practically pulver- 0(mp A vegetable garden or . bottom of mnngur clear to the roof. put on tho market special forma the seed la about ripe, than on a lawn, V... ","..'...-- ,iL i- HIel lllll itiiiFU-juiim'- 1 I'll"--.Z - ;' Hues of metal wish, to remedy thu trnu Ixe the manure, but win scatter the i, l(tpa for u it should be connect Knell unit ennnocta with lateral nrtlrhokua again for tho winter. 01 Inch ditch to the overflow pipe, cover 3teeplejack Human Fly, mtmger, aa eight ble of drip enndeuaed moisture. "nu' brondenat over a greater area ,,,1 Wlt, ,t)P overflow pipe hy tight at below ao to lap from course llormui'u pasturo for summer all and allow the sewage from all tie- I aomn cypress barj gun than that ocupled by tho niacblnu Jointed sewer pipe that haa a fall of stalls, and opcnlnga to each atall 'nder cnndltlona. grazing la n sine not). On al parts of the home to flow In. carefully felt with hla feet for tha Minuld ItK In aa tbey lunVo may bu more durable than Iron. 1 v I ;i 1 lands I would say not leas than l id Inch to the foot renae sle alfalfa for next lowest niche, which, once nbtnln-ed- . pasturo year The tank, when finished, Ehniitd bo Io tint add disinfectants, they will the around, with straight ' go Remedy lor "Sorehead." tta-htl- neresaary to he let with one of hla bands, twenty-f- covered without ventilation atop the action that la so com, hard tor better If soaked ami caught Ida ' will not have to at the nlcho whore our hours) The alfalfa should be When It la working right thero will aucceaa. Thla tank pox or "aorhuad" Is very la de- foot had Juat reloaded u precnrloua se- DISEASES OF HORSE LOCATED cut and (ed when the ground la too Chicken he a green acum on 'he surface of the he cleaned, ua all solid natter la easily carried from portion, curity . wet to imaturo. Hop ahotild run out luleetloua and liquids. It does not freoie In winter stroyed except tha minora! one farm to another by n porwm. The de- la ao In farm aewnge that In tbla way he erupt down, foot hy nt nil ttmca, but ahould hare. j because heat Is generated In tho which small la to aeparatu Blrk one-hal- f foot. Aa he new red tho ninth story, shelters to go under when very cuhl ?BSl "ORlinent tho composition, and the water that Is It would not amount to Inob ei-"- hy hla long hla or extrotnoly hot ,"" " constantly being emptied Into it l tnr In depth In a year. weakened dosccnt, ' It.. ..on it. khshIb u it It n uf frits t unit. foot slipped from thu niche, barely of dip Apply to wide enough to admit the point of hla and not much of It, good enough Hon tnr the with aoroa or warta on the fowls tlncturn alio Only hla wonderful fingers alfalfa or clover, Skim milk with , of Iodine tnlxod with a ten per rent saved hltn from Instant death. When fchorts, bran, oats nnd corn moat In FIRST PRIZE fear-swep- t saw thla, ev- otpm! my solution of carbolic add. Cnrbolated POTATOES WiN his watchers porta la, to mind, tho heat bo-lo- I vBfcellno la nn oxcollent remedy for ery In the crowded street frail, but hardly profitable for hoga iwraoti mild cnHOB. Involuntarily uttered a moan, slaughter. I Intended for do nt think which, rising above their beads, It pays in cook feud, tur- other than (KHjndwl In tha ear a of the Imperiled nips. Irish iKitntuca, or crops, Grow Into Sheep simitar Business. clUnlHtr like a sob With his fingers which are made more pulatnhlu For ha elutehtd the grnnlt block above, growing pigs on nlfalfn, corn la Do go soak not Into ahcop breeding. until bla feet had regained tholr foot, guild whllo lor pigs on Her-nimb- i (Irow Into it PiRiii In a small way. hld. graaa I thlnlt shorts, oats and You will find many unexpected prnh Hosting for a rrnmunt. looking nt corn alt'ioat ueceaaary to good results, lema constantly coming up If you and though glued to the wall, Huaslur unless one has plenty of peas, sorg go Into It Ittrgclv at firat you will find began hla Journey. Coolly, nnd hum and vegetable, or milk Fur a great deal of trouble nnd dlanie 8gln Showing no algna of nervousness e fattening I prefer the same feeds as polntment. There la haa much that of hl taute of donth. ho kopl on, for growing except to tho to no learned by long and thoughtful ' wutchera again began to tnlk ta proportion of corn I opurlenre. lite each other, and fvolttt nut tho man, When he reached the fifth floor, bo walked along a two-Inc- lodge na FOUR BEST BREEDS OF DAIRY CATTLE calmly aa an ordinary citizen walk the curbstone, and catching hold of a banging trestle ropu, he qulekly slid to the ground Men ruahed townrd Into tho building The location of some diseases of thu mused hy collar; 11, splint; 12. mo him, but ho dashed was tnnro. fiorno la shown In the Illustration here- lanilorn; 13. a treat on iho coronet; II, and North-wes- might rid- with, which la taken from the t attnd crack; Hi, qulttor; 1C. knea llnaaler Juat na well hnvn llomstoad: hunch; 17, clup on buck slnuwa; IS. ' den down the elevator but, nfter a l, Poll evil; 2. swelling by bridle rlngbonu; ID. foundetod foot; 20. ven- life apetu on thin cables, hung hun- palming prosatire; a. Inllamed parotid gland; tral hernia; 21, rat tall; 22, spavin; dreds of feet over rivers, and L'f., IWK-Joln- s tops 4. Inllamed JUK'Har vein; 5. carles of 23, curb; 21, quarter crack; thick All New Kngland appro, mien good That is the name of the variety, and, on the of the tallest Hie lower Jaw; 0. Ilatula of parotid leg; 20, uiHlandura; 27, capped hock; tunes Here are some riood Tlmiaihoy attracted considerable attention bulldlnge In the country, he haa grown 2U. t duct; 7. bony excrescence; 8, Ilatula 28, KWollod sinews; grease; 30, i..tutoos. grown b) Joseph 0 and when displayed at the Vermont state t despise the ordinary methods of 31, ' la of withers; U. saddle gall; 10. tumor sand crack; tumor of elbow. Ito.s tl U'ood of Windsor county. t fair, wkare Uwy wen Brat rie. comotlon This said to be the llrat time tne leal naa ever ueen unucnnK-e- n In Philadelphia, and hna only been duplicated hy another aerial cham- aro now feeding silage report tha pion, who climbed down the side of Turkey Breeding, SAVING THE show gains being taken off turkey crop previous cattle after thu Flatlrnn building In Now York. TO DESTROY The hutched pasture and put on this green food. to Juno 1 ahould good growth attain CORN STALKS Tho hay clop Is short all over thn GROUND HOGS hy the Inst of November, thu cock I count t roughngu will hn higher reaching ten or twelve potindr. and SAME HANDY HEN hlrda Stto Properly rtlted Will Over, than usual. In addition to thla. the THIS IS THE Tim turkey ta not fully muturcd un- May ho Pnlnoned With Wlioul come hliortuao til torn i milliv Iniulltln. hns tinu it a in. u two years of age, and la In his Soaked ill Solution of til Crop mill Furnish la Knowing Fowl Which Helped Dulld Alno Uauy years, j aged by the drouth and It mow Siryclmlne prime nt three and nearly m Uxcellvnt nucessury Chicken Coop Now Lights Her to Trop Them. la than over to prepare to good nt four yenra old. It theiefor I.. i - putt, ..I.... tr, r u( ' Owner's Pip. a mistake t (mull off nil thu oldut The pari urea, thla year, us last. nuiii is rtill ciiiii. U5UTZ.) young the feeding value nf the com plant la , (Ily WAIrUll l. hlrda and retain tho cries for havu practically died In thu middle of icr-ag-e In the slnlka and lonves In the aver- - Tarrytown. N. rno wnuo hoga tuny bo poisoned with breeding purpoaoH. the season. Thu hny crop la abort und flround crop. Thla year'a drouth will do--1 horn hon owned by John Qrohan ot In n solution of strych- Young turkeya aro nf n delicate D- in many places tho corn la already wheat soaked crenso thn yield ot roni below the uv- - (lletivlllu which recently helped him enn enally bo trupped atum until thoy nro fully feathered nnd "Endymlon," Grand Champion National Dairy Show, Chlcaao, 1S07. dumuged. This condition presents to nine, but thoy orago, und thla per cent, will bo In- build a chicken coop by holding tha their A havu thrown out thu red on their dairymen und cnttlo feeders a seri- nt tho entrnnco of burrow. tho creased In many cases to 80 or 30 per nails In Its beak, after he had smash- of moss or bends, which usually occurs nt about bo produced. On tho other hnnd, If ous question; how to tide over tho better way la to eoak a bit cent.; In a fow fields tho stalks ed his finger, has learned n new trick. nnd three montha of ngo. After that they milk Is to ho sold to tho cliceto fac- up pastures of each summer, will hay with hltulpbuto of carbon dried he pmctl;nlly all that Is left. To alt When Qrohan geU homo nltor hla.' down Into tho burrow nro hardy, and may bn allowed unlim- tory or supplied to customers tho and how to provldo sufficient food for plnco It well dairy farmers ao sltttatoil, tho building of a day's work he Is very fond of sitting covering tho entrnnco with a heavy ited rango nt all tlmoa, Thu four breeds of cattlo aro llolateln or Ayrshlro should ho wlntor. Whoro stock Ib kept entirely thu Jersc)a, (luernaeya, Holsieltia nnd chosen, for whllo tholr milk Is not so alio la Imperative. A alio properly on tho porch and enjoying his pip; cloth. Tho carbon being henvlor than Poultry In Ireland, on grass, tho Iota during this period Qrohan easy; g fill oil will overcome your shortage In As soon as alts In tils penetrutes to tho bottom of tho Irclnnd la thu greatest poultry grow-In- Ayrshlrca. ICach man should choose rich In butter fat, thoy glvo n far been enormous, Tho creamery nlr It haa corn nnd glvo you tho best kind of chair It I a signal for tho hen to nnlmnls In- .country in thn world. It la far for himself, aftur fully luveatlgntlng larger quantity, which sells almost as companies report a ahrlnkngo f Ml burrow and kills thu of from feed your this Into the h.ouao, get his bag of tobacca In handling of France, though wo al- thu merits and characteristics of the high at a chceso factory and Just as 30 In re- for stock winter ant stantly. Clront enro ahead hvo 25 to per cent. butter fnt plpo, bring them to ways accepted thu Intter aa the lend- different breeds. If butter Is tho ob- high lo the average city customer next nummor. and and bin. blaulphate of carbon mutt bo observed ceived. Thu only practical way far Iho 4-- ject, he should choose tho Jersey or Oncu a breed la chosen, It After Qrohan lias filled hbt a becntno It It n deadly poison nnd ing country In thla Industry lielttd, ahould bo stock farmer In thu corn bolt to pro-ve- 6,000-00- whllo thoy do glvo put mutch In tbe tiesa' bealc.a never ho Inhnlod. Tho bottle with n population of not qulto 0, (luornsoy, for not kept ptiro, and not crossed from one. this ahrlnkngo each summer Is Strength of Mule. mutt It Is rich- she scratcbos It acre Mm mat; It bo kept tightly has H.000,000 fowls; wlillo such a largo flow of milk, far brood io nnother, for whllo all four to provldo it sutnmor alio which will The average mule will do aa much contnlnltig ahould then he llgbU his Orsayaaju until the moment It la to bo France, with n population sovuu tlii.el er In butter fat, nnd It has been care- brecda nro good, whon you cross two not bo opened until tho pastures fall. work whon two years old as tho bona dr. corked fully you expects to teaca w ms u$ used. ercntor, hu only 10,000,000 demonstrated that tho richer tha of thm, have nothing but The (armors wbo bv hail allna ) will at tbraa or four. milk, tho cheaper tho buttor (at cjlb aunilt. 'tkMt Kfttch.

"Ml Ui.i .

4. Twenty-third- . The county of Curry, TUB rLOWEHS sii. more than half nf New Mexico and OFFICIAL one tenator, To my many friends in Tucumciiri. the Panhandle legiuu nf Oklnliuliia mid And the districts for the election of My. Mrs. F. H. Hinds. Texas. Tim conclusion reached by I'rof. tbe memberi of the House of Itepre-teiitntlve- a Dear, tweet, beautiful flow'rs, II. M. Cottrell, agricultural comiuisiouer PROCLAMATION being at follows! Spreading you beautiful message of for the Hock Island Lines, is (hut a mil Firtt. The county of Valencia, two cheer, lion ucie of Inml on th impauv's members. Bright 'ning the darksome hours line iilotit', will sunn be reclaimed by Otmrnor Mills Oalli First Second. The county of Socorro, two Of sorrowing mortal" here. one or the other processes of water con fUU Kltction in New membert, ervntiitu heretofore tnentloiied. Third, The county of Ucrnallllo, How often hue you come Among tin' storm water stornge prop- hD Mexico. three members. When skies had grown, nsillntis which neie Invest Ignled was the Fourth. The county of Santa Fe, two And the ray of the un Hint known a the I'ajarltn clieme in Governor William .1. Mill', mi Aim membert, Seemed from me forever flown! luiiv County, New Mexico, by menus Uit 30, Issued official proclamation, Fifth. Thfcounty of Hln Arriba, of which between Sti.tmii nml .'tit.OOll I'ulllnu the first ttatc election hi New two member, Hut one glance from vunr eyes acre of laud minimi Tuciimctirl will be Mexico fur November 7. The full text Sixth. The county of Nan Miguel, " Hade my hcait no mote repine, wittered. Capital l prepared to swing of the proclamation follows r three membft. Mifdc me look pat the skies till project, which inxnhe tl xpelull WIIKKKAS, thr Fresidcnt of th sixth, l'l.e county of San Miguel, To that love forever mine. tute of Inilf a million dollar for con United States illil, iiion Die U'.'nil day The New Price Grocery three iiicmbets. tructiou work, mid will teilalm land uf August, In Hip year of our Lord, lit 1 1. Seventh. The county of Mora, two When a babe, you greeled toe that is nuw being but punrly funned. Hint of I lie Independence of tin- - t tilted membert. Willi your sweetness, dearet flow'rs, At Lngnn. In I'uinii count v. New Mex State of America tin FtOth. eeritify L'lghlh. The county of Colfax, two A I, on mother' knee Ico, the dry land fiirmet lunc formed tu tin' imvertinr of the Territory of members. Cooed through sunhiiie anil through mi irrigation ditrici that will cniierve .New Mexico the adoption of tin loinl Ninth. I ho county of two OF U. S. SMITH & COMPANY showers. the Willels nf I'le eieek, a brutich ill resolution of t lie Setintc and tin- - home Ttot, the Cmiudimi, for tlx puipne of iru- - of represeiitutivc of tin' Fulled State members. Tenth, The county of Sandoval, one As a child, many hour gut lug :io.lli. neie of fertile land. This August S!t, It'll, it ropy of prtfi member. Cor. N, Have I hunted In I lie wood is but the forerunttel of a scheme to which rendition vtr annexed to i In First and Main, Tucutncari, M. Klevvnt'h. The of To find the wild tlnw'r back up the water of the Canadian celtlllctlte of the president, to tin' end county Union, twu lift I To homeward n i could. river at a point wheie the goige through taid flnvernnr should lil ro member. beur that iue winch it run t but I'.'o feet wide tit the I cltuiatlon for the holding of the lift Twelfth. The county of Torrauie one member .Next I lood, in white, lop, pint iiling mi ideal dam site with general cleitlon a provided for In tin Notwithstanding we have been making the very 'licit On my graduation dnyt h reservoir back of it covering over Hull, cnnitltutlon of New Mexico hcrelofo.r Thirteenth. The county of fluadnlupe one member. And you, what delight 111 Ml acli" feet. This i tn cikI V.'.OOII.IMH) adopted, nml for the submission to m any one flonei, McKlu-ley- , lowest prices that can possibly furnish Did you upon my way! nml it will bring tibout Tp.OIMI ucie vote of the elector of the until Fourteenth, The county of spiead tor' under irrigation. The Cmimlimt i one t tor of the amendments of tlv "iistl two member. Tint we And you remember, flow'rs, of the utittnctiible stream of the south ttitloii of the iiiidl prnpned slate, ct Fifteenth. county of Dona Ann and deliver groceries for, have decid9d to put 0 two How I ran to tell to you west. In time of flood, where the rail-loa- forth in the alil joint retlut Ion, in member. our, II a Logan, X. M it ha accordance with the term', nml condl Sixteenth. The county uf Lincoln, days our time during the That .ileal secret of ctoes in three of fair for so been knuv 11 to teach the height of lis tlutu thereof, which certificate nml oinl one member, Ami linweil you the ting new! feet. It run in a gorge ubout 111-- deep resolution were recelveil liy the gnver Seventeenth. The county of Otero, one what pay us to put the goods up, and Ah. how yon miled that day! til that point. The limiieiog of this nor of New Mexico on the tit It ilny of member. Just will I wu you mule t renin not onlv will be beneficial In the AiiKiiit, A. D.. IIMli Kihteeulh. The county of Chaves, sure rtood: n Inml, but will develop elect rlctil energy NOW Til HHKFOKF., I. WILLIAM three member. will on those three days cut the price of all The flower have way Of knowing a none else could, lis yet uiicnli'ulated. Engineer have .1. MILI.S, (lovemor of the Tcrritorv Nineteenth. The cnunly of Kddy, piononuced the piujcct eutirelv feasible. of New Mexl 'to hereby proi'lniin mill no members. 10 per Cash and Cash groceries cent for Only. Then a a bride I stood, At Almuogorilo, X. M., mi existing ir order tin election to lie hehl in the Twentieth. The county of Itoitsevelt, rigation project i in process of enlarge taiil territory of New Mexico on Tne. one member. And the pieacher uld nml gray. Twenty-Hrst- , ment that will bring of ad day the 7th diiy of November. loll, The county of l.uua, So prior to that time if you will notice you Said magic wind that would lhnumu ditiouiil acre under irrigation and dou- which election, except u to the manner one member. Unite two young live fnt aye. new by witli elec- n ecnnd. ble this area pumping if nm Uitifi return and v:i-i- nml Twenty The county of (Want, see giving the prices on some will ouradvertlsements I power generated by certifying the reult thereof, shall lie two members. Forgot ull the rite, tric the harnessed held ami tie roniliicteil in the manner Twenty-third- . The county of Sierra, Fotgot the wotds he did say, witter. to N. M i cmlcnvoiiiig to en- pretcrlhed d.v the law of New Mexico one member. of the commodities not ablo mention all at Hill the banks of lilie while Tularon. Twenty-fourth- , it which i a uuw in force, ut which elect inn nfliecr The couittv of San Still smile in my dtcam today. large irrigation system, relic of Mexican day, mid lo treble for a full Mute government, including loan, one member. which we are going to sell. We handle a full and governor, county officers, members of Tweniy tlfth. The county of tiay, So, down through nil the years, its Irrigation acreage by pumping the the stale legislature, two repreenlii two member. Vnii into mt life hate come; iiiuletfluw nf the disappearing Tulam:i . complete of Staple and fancy ln-- e lives in eonuress to he elected ut large Twenty-sixth- The cnunly of Cur- line Groceries, Sharing my ioys and teats, river. This Over itself in a baiu from the stute mid uch other oillcer ry, one member. Ami spreading abroad the suit. lined by mountain ranges mid the water as the contitiition prescribes. nII more Twenty evenlh. The counties of Kin Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Flour and Feed. of centuries i lored here for mini's use. pailiculurly liereiniifter n't fnrth. hull Arriba ami Sandoval, one member. Now ymi have come once more At Coliimliu. N. M , nn the Interna lie ehicen by the people, (he permit le Twenty-eighth- , The cooutle nf Itlo pay you With sympathy from my friend, tlotial boiimlmy. there wu discovered will to Investigate our proposi- III ceivlllg the highest nnintici of vole-f- or Arriba ami Samlovtil. one member. It i Tn heal the heart so sore. the milking another big project the any olllce tu lie declnreil elected Twentv ninth. The countle of San To oothe I'm a hope that now' end. pumping nf the iimlerflow nf the disiip . - I thereto. Miguel -- ml (itiMilnliipe, one member. tions , curing Minilire- river. p nrouml Hem v And It I hereby specified mid de Thirtieth. The couutic of Lincoln, Tell me your ectet, flow'rs. lug. fnrt mile north of Columbus, this dared that the oltlcer to he elected Otero and Socorro, one member Ve are very truly yours, I into the world would go. lli'iim ha been tapped for ome time. by the vote of the people of the whole It i further npecitled that the county Speaking comfort thiough dark hour but the I ! 11 till ill penple believe that ttale are, n gov riior, n lieutenant nv ortleer be elected in each county of tint That Immunity mut knuw. they have found tin- - luwct port Ion of ernor, a eeretury of state, ami late hall be the aine n heretofore the 1:1 -- i . Jut otei the line in Old I Mexico i a lakes, be auditor, n tte tieaurer. mi attorney provided by the law of the Territory Hut. .1 lUtencd Inw, there chain of general, h superintendent i'f public in-a- t of New Mexico, excepting the probate I heard n nice t'lniu the bnw'r: lieved to be tile out cinpping nf Ihe rurl Inn. a cnnitnlssiuuer of public lerk in mIiiim tead a louutt clerk i U. S. SMITH & COMPANY It came, the wind ublow. .Miinhrc. The topography of i i land, three justice of the supreme In be elected, mid are, three count v coiii- - And answered ".In! send the the region such that there drain court of the state, three member of the mllniier, a probate judiie. a count v flow-'r.- age from luouutaili tange oil both sides ttale corporation ennuuiiou, ami two lerk, a herltt', an aiesvir. a treasurer. of thi blilu ami th lake ure at the representative in emigre . school Miperintendent. ami i county Then- - need be no fear of lack In the bottom of the basin. Well recently It I further specified that one dis- surveyor Ihe cnuntv coiumisi(iner of nation's fond upply. eti-- should we link at Columbus run from 1 ,000 tu trict judge nml one ditrict mtotuet each cnuntv hnll, a provided by Sec-lin- were such a thing possible- - -- double our '.tn gallon per minute. The suit is thall at hi Id election be ciimeii for I. nf Chapter 1 11.1. nf the Laws nf population within Ihe next generation, eeedilll.'lv feitlle. the cnuilltlou being each judicial district bv the iii:ililied llo!l,,iit leat I en da befttre the elec (iiowth may go fotwanl by leap and .emi t topical mid it i Indicted that the elector thereof, which .judicial districts tion bv public mid bv pub bounds, anil with it the demand for food- agrictiltotul and f ml ditrist to be de Cali- are follow: llcation in eai h of the two leading news-papre- r ttlifts, yet production will keep pai e t eloped there will rival Southern First District. The counties of Suuta piiblilii in each county, give with demand. The nuricultural awnk-ruin- fornia. Fe, Itio Arriba and an .lii.m. llbllc notice of ti. object of the elec which tlrt made Itself felt about lit the artesian bell ilive' igutt'd the Second ltrict. The coiinllc. nf tion, the nttlcel to be oted for, the rive vcar ago in the West, ha within iieitest i that in Morton enmity, Kau - cniinfvCiihirinlo, Hernallllo, MeKliile.v and Sandoval. name of tin- aiididiite fur each of the past few months, taken Midden im- ti. and linen wheie Third District. The coiiotie of Dunn aid nftice n the mne ale nn file In the petus. Three tear ago the rtth of flowini: well- - an- - sinil,iig about 1 .000 Ana, Otrtn, l.incoln mid Torrnnce. otlice of the piobate clerk, and the pnt- settler to the Southwest reached its to 1,200 gallon mi hour'' An older dis Fourth District. The counties of San olllce nddre of each of uid enndidnte height on the wavu of dry tariuing trict that ol Meajl county, Kansas, Miguel, Mora mid Guadalupe. ami the plait- - where aid election i to movement that promised to make Ihe where there are uhluit '.'.00O flowing Kddv, in edlicntloti, Utile. use tit semi-ari- men On- influence Fifth District. The countle of be held each precinct in ald eotin llcle XII hetenf, on ol ihe elretnt said first stnte It is further ordered that tbe bal- region bring forth rich yield-o- f wells. The under Chaves, ttonsevelt and Curry. lv. it be proposed by vote nf tlirre-fniml- i I'lcftlun fur the ptirpiisti uf voting ii pun lots east at nib) statehood election ami grain. The anti climax came in 1H10, of Wilier there i to lie trebled by pump I priH-lai- said Sixth Dintrict. The cooutie of tiriint do further and order, in if tie member elect ml to euch lintuo amendment. Said ecpnrte ballot at said eleetinii upon aid proposed con- after two tent of exceedingly etere ing. tin I ( lie great and I.tina, neenrdnnee with the pnivMnu nf ihe mid lie rittilied by n vole of the pro piinled oil paper of a blue tint. litutiolial moclnlmelit, shall be counted ilmiith, diituig which thuusouil of the One of the reaoti for the .- joint Seventh DUtrict. The nnintl- of So aid renlutinn of the eiiate and pie uf this state in mi elect but at which mi that they nmy be readilv dWtiuguMi and c:iutaei bv the election uilicet new ettl left their farms, ami te pumping development Ihe cheapness torro, Valencia mid Sierra. home of repteelitlitive of t(e I'liited at least three l'onrlhs of the eetrtur eil (tutu the while ballots provided fot nml the return uf said electiuus shall timed east. mut nf them, however, on- it the new fuel.oil, commercially knowu Kltfhlh IMstrict. The coiintieii ol Stnte. pproed Align! Si. Ill) I. I lilt t toting in the whole slate and ut least the eleetinii of county and state otllcei. be made by said election ortlcers di lv alter iniumutinu on their homestead II distillate, tl pMMlllet nf kerosene that - Tanf Colfax, I'nion mid tjilit . at the same time that the late elec two-thir- of thoM- voting in each conu- Said epnrale ballul hall be delitel reel lo the secletat.v of th Territorv and wi.elv securing a got eminent pat i iiv'd for running grfolliu' engines. l upecilicd linn tin- - -- ed 1 It further that nf nid afnrcMiid held, the electoi of t.t in state bull tnti fur such only In the elect inn olllcer initlmii of New Mexico at Santu IV. lit Ihereoii, The cost le than one fourth that a New h:il bt Ol' gilMlllllC. election there uliall be choieii inem Mexico voir upon the fnl amendment. ed law tn receive mid hate the en, In clnviny ihi proclamation for the Dry I'liiuiing, " or the science of ng or Inwinu 'Sec, s. i. On- - At in tier tne tate les;llutlire inem popnci Hliieiiilment of tlleil " Wheucvcr, during the first tmlt lialloi boxes for use at aid lirt tate eelction in the Stute ot New riciilturn iiiuler scant rainfall, made uumeiuu points the southwest ami meiiiberi- - to wil: iwenty-tlv- e i in bert of the Senate 4i of tale yem after the adoption nf ami shall be delltercd bv them Mexico, issued bv the last governor of guod where the farmer followed direc prospecting progre. for waier. tliti lloil'C of llepreentnrive. by the i tne h this const itut inn, legilnlitre, by a onlv tn mily Dnllmu county, ha just lei u ".xriicie a in cnnsiltutiou the 'he individual tnter and the Territory of New Mexico, I can tion, but thousand" fulled because Texn. Vote of the pini1cd nf each adopted by the electors of New three-fourtli- s noe i go .'1,000 elector" Mexico tote of the members elcit halli.t in each elector at the time not refrain iiom urVciiiii: my emigrant thev did not heed the tnltiie of ex- contract In a driller who In leyMative di'trict, the aid at nn election held on '.Ms! ed to each liinie, he utter to in liquid. The d'flricf the dav of or, after the exptrn tote at the said general latino to the people of the new state pert'. These failure have turned out feet search of the pteeiim a .Innitarv, li'vi-l.'- it for the election of senator hcliit; Anno Domini Mill, be nn lion of said period of twenty five ear, nml shall hate the initial of iipnu the realiatiou. though long deter to be a ble.Miin ill disguise for the high nri of Oklahoma miole mi up 1 the mne hereby amended a a two tl t plot-pcctinj- j follow: so to by twiithinl vtite nf the member eleilinii ollicels of opposite politi led, of their hopes and apirations foi plaiii region, because the adtocate plnprialiuli nf i.lll for witter county San Mivnel. one lead a I o -- liull eii-ral being Flrt. The of follow: elected each hone, deem it pmties (Mitten by them upon Ihe admisioo tutu the union upon an equal uf dry forming were forced to lake 11 ami well are teuator. AHTICLF. XIX neeesnry to or amend back Sold hulln! 111 " revle the con thereof. M'parle shall it v with all other state thereof, and I broader path. Cousertation of uiiust link the I'aiihundle section of that Second. The counties of Sim Mi)iue Amendment. stitution, they shall be i In Texas, omi " submit the ipies minted cither for or again! the, expre the coiiliib-n- l hope and liclief ure in the soil at the buttom of their tale. the I'mihatidlo of aiid one be n leMileul ui-- atueiidmi-n- t t ' 1,'JoO Mora, eutnr, to iteeiiim i. aiiv miieiiitnierit ur lion of calling convention to the said ut the time it limiib'il Hint the people of tin great common thenrt ami practice Many thought of puiliplti-.- plant which delivei gal tt o Morn county mid to be by irnendniKitti to t t next tn the bV - din-e- i elected einil in ihv elector at the general elction, mid elector the election ollleer. wealth will so conduct thflU'elve in moisture unit- a l rainfall upon Ions a minute irrigating Itio acre at Mora nml Sail Miguel be prnprfed In if a iiiujoritv tin- pro- tbe elector of either lioue of the leg of nil the electoi voting And if elector desire to vote upon the orgmiiitlirii nml maiiitetiaiiie of their ciiltivuteil acres. Hut there is a hereford. Thu is this dev elopmeiit Mature at any regular on -- niil count le. e,ou thereof such question at elect ion in the aid amendment, the ballot inu-- t lie their tali gtitc ruiiici'l e to bunt to rainfall mulct which tin plan gressing, vvilh the result that, in a few -- I - Third. The enuntle of lliiodalupe and if a majority nf all member elect state lull vote in favor of ailing a marked bt tin- voter. uule he shall re- i vear, there will mi in ag- tin dcerveii fnliiiiiat Inn .1 ml re. peel of storage nml cultivation will avail to nine iiieteae ud an Mlxuel, one ed to each lioue, voting 1 1 teator. separately shall convention the legilatuii shall, at the que! .tie nf the election otlicet to uf all section nf uur great country. produce crop. The caon of ! went ricultural production in the Southwest Kin Vote in favor thelenf, such next Fourth. The enmity of Arriba proposed seiou, prntule by law for colling mark the ume for him. in which cuc Done at the Kxeciltite Olllce tills Ihe under the limit in many of the tiewlv that can now be but faiutlv forecnted. one amendment or amendment shall be en h elect tenator. the nine. Such contention hull consist in mi, ollicer so cntled upon to Milh day of August, A. D., HO I. eltled region of Texa, New Mexico, count le Hernallllo, tered on their journal of least :i - then-ar- Fifth. The nf repecte with ai mailt- delegate us murk said Imllol a such voter hitll Witness my hand mid the flreat Seal Colorado ami Wetetii Kauas mid, fol- A BUNCH OF LIVE ONES n neuator, the yeas and nay thereon member -i iHan .lua and Sandoval, one of the house of repreentn lenni- m elector receiving uch of Ihe Terriloiv of New Mexico. lowing a tear like limit which also nu Kiifhth. The county of Colfax, one 'The ccretnry of shall The by ballot halted from CoiiRrem lale eaue tit. coiiktilutiuu adopted such hull return the same define lent tXeal) WILLIAM .1. MILLS, ilrt, there wa 110 moisture 111 reserve tenator. any such miiemltnent or anieiidiueuts to contention shall have no validity until illg the poll to one of the election lly the (ioveriior: in the Mill. Headquarters. Ninth, The rnuntiet of lrnlon ami be publihrd In nt least one newspaper it has been nml iuilge. who lo ratified by all immediately deposit NATHAN JAFFA, Discouragement ami disaster followed, Tucumciiri, N. M August '. . (Juuv one be a in every county Col fax, enator. to resident of nf the state, where a the people. the same in the ballot box whether such Secretnry nf New Mexico. but Ihe wise head among the agticul County newspaper men are organizing newspaper Is published X Union county, and to be elected by the once each week " 'See. If this constitution be in ballot be marked or not. No ballots on. Notiflet Probate Cltrkt tur.-t-l pioneers of (lie high plains de to lake an exhibit from ihe county fair qualified electors nf Union and Colfax for four consecutive weeks, in CnglMi any way so a amended to allow laws aid nmeiiduiciit except thne n handed Imtneilii.lelv upon issuing of the pro ciiiieu 10 suit- wlilppeil. Ihev saw a at Tiicioncnri lo the lulciiiutinnnl Im- unit when count le. Spanish newspapers in both to be enacted by a direct vole of ihe to said elector ami so initialed shall elamalion. great light and from the dawning there Co- i . . . ,,, . Territorial Secretary Jaffa position of I'rndncts at county nf Santa one of salt) languages are published in sue! ,i WHICH IIIIIV be ill Tenlh. The F, rireiors me laws lie Ml dfinitcd the ballot box or count- tent out the following letter to all the of there has come ubout mi ideal union lorado Springs, the week of October III. counties, ihe last publication not be only ed or . tenator. to be enacted shall such as might cniitasM-d- Said separate ballot probate clerks in the territory! of dry farming nml irrigation dcvcl Whenever this has been done In the F.leventh. The county of Taos, one more than two week prior to clec be enucted by legislature shall have propo-e- the the under Ihe printed thereon the Dear Sir: opmcut all titer the Southwest, that past, the splendid exhibits that are al- nn at which lime said amendment or provisions of in tenator. this constitution amendment both Hnglih and In compliance with Ihe provisions promise to reclaim literally millions ways gotten together in (Juuy county Tho county of Valencia, amendments shall be submitted to ' 'See. . When langiuiL'''. Twelfth. the the Fulled State Ssiiih There sail be placed of the Act of Congress mu) the Con of acres of land hitherto uncultivated attract a great deal of nlteniion. senator. electors of the stale for their approval shall consent thereto, the leglslnlurc on said ballot blank qunrc -- out twit with ntutlon for Ihe Stnte of New Mexico, ami make other million of acres now iuuy count v has a fair that stands nut Sierra, or rejection! anil the mild nmeiidment or by a majority In illuietisiniis one-hal- f op- Thirteenth. The counties of tote of the members nf an inch and lioteriior Mills has this day Issued hi scantily yielding, rbihly productive. unique. The Chamber nf Cuinmerce at Hocnrrn, one amendments shall he voted upon nt each house, may to posite Grant Luna and tenator. the submit the people one of said squate shall be proiiamatlon fixing the date for the This it to be accomplished by storage Tiicnincaii backs it, putting up the Fourteenth Th of .icconr., next regular election held In said state the question of amending provis- printed in Hnglih .mil cmintv any both Ihe Spanish tlrt state eelclion as Tuesday, Nov- of the storm waters, and utlliation of complete. Outside of the on tenator, after the adjournment of the legislature ion of Article .V.XI of this coiisiitutiou language the words For " constitutional ember 7, 1011, ami vou are hereby not I the underflow bv pumping ami the de bii"iiies men nf the city it cn.ts tinbuily nf Tor-raore- , proposing such amendment or amend nn compact with amendment," Fifteenth. The conntlet the United Stales in and opposite Ihe other lied mid directed to see that a meeting velopmelit of artesian belts, the newest a cent, excepting what he may wish to Lincoln and Socorro, one menents, or at sucS special election to the extent allowed by Con square in Otero, the Act of blank shall be printed both of the board nf county commissioner of which it located in Southwest Kansas spend. There ure no gale nr entry feet, he held not les than tlx months after grcss permitting Ihe same, a ma the Kngllsh ttnatnr. and if and Spanish language the of your county is held sixty (M) days overlapping Ihe borders of Colorado Into no expenses fur cure of stock or ex- Hlxtetnth. The county of Dona Ana, the adjournment ut taiil legislature, at jority of the qualified who vote word electors "Atiainst Constitutional amend define said election for Ihe purpose of linen county, the Southeast corner of hibits. Oo this basis they paid all pre- one tenator. such time at said legislature may by upon any such amendment ahull vote in ment." appointing hoard nf registration in and that Mate. miums in HMO, ami had money left over. Seventeenth. The county of McKln-ley- , law provide If the same be ratified favor of the said article shall be there- Ant- - elector desiring vote for said lo for the several voting precincts of Ihe An investigation nf this water devel Tucumciiri and the Vunf tuuiity bunch one by a majority nf the electors voting by amended accordingly. umendineui a tenator. shall murk his ballot with county, ns required by ectlnn 170'J nf opment has just been made by the ag are live ones when it temes In setting Eighteenth. Tbe conntlet nf Otero, thereon tuch amendment or amendments " 'Sec. A. The provisions of section ero in the blank square opposite the the Compiled Law of I (",. amended by rlcultural department of the Hock Island forth the advantage ef their country. one thall become part nf this constitution one of this shall not Md Lincoln, tenator. article be changed, word 'For constitutional amendment,' Lines mid the results are little less than A New Mexican Interna- -- i i . . i . i , i . . . ,m braeeh of the Tbe county of ff two or more amendments are propos nr any i or cause ... i Nineteenth. Chare, iiiierrn mirogaieii in manner ine same lo lie so marl.etl by mi HyijtiiordermjiiiiMiiof the governor,. astonishing. It developed that man has tional Dry FartMag CoiigMwi has been ed, they shall he to submitted as to en except through a oat tenator, general convention election ollicer a nforesald, mid anv NATHAN JATFA. overlooked two of the most Important organized past - tit suuiMir. during the Tbe count- of Kddy, one able the electors to vole on each nf them called to revise the as here- - j Tweatietb constitution elector ileiriag to vote against said Secretary of .New Mexico, sources of wealth the water thai falls Mniiiitnlnair Chaiittiuqiia, rwnl tho people icparately: I'rovided, That nn amend in provided.'" I ftMBtor amendment shall mark his ballot with In severe storms of the high plateaus of the MUt have started to interest county of Roote-v4- t, sunt thall apply to or affect the pro See. 4. That a in ,Twetjr.irt. Tbe the probata clerks oft cross the blank square opposite and that from the disappearing streams farmers in At methods taught. For that vialoni of tectlont one and three nf the teveral cse tesatox. couutlct of New Mexico the words "Against constitutional KLIZAHF.TH HKOWNINO uf the detert region and the underflow reason many are anxious to attend the . eouaty of Article VII hereof, on elective fran amendment," or Twtv-coa4- Tbe Qua, came the tame to he to marked by an election officer at (let work. He ture It't better than rivers of the plaint. The Inquiry cov- Colorado Springs Congress, hear the cbtoe, and eight aad ten of Ar tbe.ll provide tettloat aeparale ballott for the uforeeaid. what you work to get. ered, Ktttern Colorado, Wettern Kan and tec the Kxpiultlou.

1 '

.- --o Wufi if tc elf in ft llnilAtWt''ffMl' . i!M!.ii.4telWIamiitMuM.M- tlMMiAHfflliiiiiK! I NOTICE Or MOItTAOKH'H HALE. tffi-rtfi- llif iiiiflilfiUif nliiive l iiinl NOTICE or SAIiE. PUBLICATION or HUM.M0NH NOTICE TOU PUBLICATION Vol Ifi- - Iictet.x niM'ii I hut I, 1'rcc.l 'l"t of f. In nf Ihf MUD) I leintl ineiil uf Hie Interior, V I,ntnl l Ihf lilrii't I'nlltl While, mienl i tin- Tif.i ti,, ; I I Tlml Imxe ten n iluly ltmilitfil liy No. (HO. .linlictnl lll.lrlft ..r Ihf Tfrrlt..r nr Olllcc nt Tiicii hi i. N M ELLIS TRANSFER llllllk "( Til. lllllfllll. Sftt MfgHMl, nn I'ir.l Xnttnnitl lunik T incnti. New Aiinn-- -- 1. i of Tfflilnrv of Metim, I'niinlv nf New Meicii, fur the CnllllM of tfnn . i IIHI power fir ii ilfr llif ilriin rhutlfl New Meien. It ,( in V., I li. Ik tuti.iliv I lllll .Iflllll nxi'lit H,,, p.,,M, ijniM, llif llMtift I'niirt. Mil"' lliime I 'niiiiiin nf 'I'll' miicHti, Ulll'll I' Feed HIkI -- And Store IIHlllVlllll' tllll'lf . -- fUfflllfll s ion of iiol -- M , properly nml ell t1u nine I'llHlIf lllflll, llllllltill, . Mlllif New Mi'vicn, ii t lorn t mil I!niii1iiIiIi. of Innlmi. N. ulm, on I'lr-- f oin;incc lliilliliiilN to llif t Nut iotml or J it I I hunk in lieimlf, nml iim hine iluly loiif mnl ('. I'. .Iiiliiinii, inlmliiUtiti nml fxUliiit; iiinlfi- Ihf Inw "f the Tei Oct. in. unit;, iiiniif li. i: No. i a i nn. fur Now Mi'iiicii, Tiiciiliicnil. ibiteil ilic 'illli jlnkon of Hlil nf of A. .1. loin1, IM. mill II. K. "1 ItWi, EAST riAIN STREET Hie(nn irii.filv. lot the fltilf rllnrv nl New Mfxlcn, . A Iff l.mnl Htt'H, Sec Ail.l'l if A. I). tiny I'ebriinry. Kill, nml ilmrp. WIIITli. im I ii li I IIHKl, III. I'HMl ile ff v l utile i 'oiuihiiv, ami milium. n Ihioi-mi- l lime I, for Ihf SKI't. Sec Twp. hi li-- r mi llif Hlli nf Mnv. A It. thp PI Evcryllung in Drayagc on short notice. Everything irv ,Annt fur ml Vnl ItiiiuI bunk nf WheteiK, op llif tltli ilnv nf AiikiioI. nf inlfii-- il in the iifini"f nml II N, IIh title !!! 11. N .M. I'. Mernlinn. tin - I'.'l 1,(11,1, I, iluly iinli'il in s ,,nBP II. - iiifiinipnri, M. IHII. ill tlml I'flllllll I'llll'f lilllll- iiuifilv r Im'Iiiw iletprllit'il . Ii'leie tn lllifil lintii e uf illlf nl inn lu lllll kc I'llinl in Feed for the animals. Ii. uf iln fliHltfi'l Hum II. innrtni rfforiN nf MrKIrnv. Hiliirney fur until Ih'IimI Hid on Hie iliifkfl of Hie llNlrli'l Die f.lnle nf Hie ilnlnl III', iiret.lniit. I'ixe Veitr I'rniif, tu elnlilih fliilln tn ljuny enmity, .Now Mexico, lunik. X. 165 RESIDENCE jdv.cft ii. Tiiintninrl. M. II I'lllltl nf llif I'ollllH of lMliy, 'I'fltllliM N'n, !ll, 'I'lie nliiUf iniliieil mil iei Hie lionl alinvf ilfe rilieil. Iiffutf I, I' OFFICE PHONE 327 -- conic n iiulf iiik'Ii- - mi the .' ilnv New ltd f of Mexico, ill which 'lilirlc II lililfil ile ff llilmilo llif hflfdy tiolitieil Willinlll, I". . t'nlillili"loliel, .it Mot Febtimry. IHII, for ihf .nm NOTICE, - I .riiiflinl I'fl'l hii iliilnlitl. mill .Millie .Iniif- nml Hint ii nil lilix ii roinliiflicfh hhhiiiI Inch. N. M.. nn Hie Hill, ilnv of Octn or I.IIUMM. wllh II... .IiiIiii-ii- liitcrmt nm nt l'tirmuit tn it mill frtuii the eluilr ('. I'. ii ii niliiiiiiNtinlnr nf Die iiii liy the -- Hlil iliiiiilill In Ihf ,ilmf her. 10)1 in per ffiil lift- milium fnun Mny I f(iHlliIIPHIi 4th. "nil. of lie f'llllilil i niti lute nf A. .1. .Iniiio. ili'ifiii'i, wete nlylfil nml linlillif l ciiull mnl ciniitiNiil tiHtnix n wittiff' Willinin nml Mi Mr cent lull, of the ntiiotini tniit.i' nf tjitny enmity, New Motion, Hie ifffinlmit, (inlyiiifiil wn ilnl ton- whlTfliX I'll III illllilllV nek tn 1). Witeher. nf .Inrillili, N' M , f'lirl niiiiili in iiililllimi If plnceil in n Nm ihf tttoftliijr nf the icpulillcmi vntci nf i'i in fnvnr nl the nli il:ilnllfl mnl iiilel in Hie Mile in lleflley. nf MpXIMer. N, M . tl II Mil - itflf luiiul- nf mi iitlntlmv fur enltnetloti. 'if iiifi Ni. I nf Hip enmity nml ter- lifiilliHl Hie kniil ile fflnlmiti for llif til nml In Hie fullnwiiiK dimcrilieil let nf .lurilmi, N. M., Kveretl .1. Leuniinl U. N. WHITEHALL which tnnilviiKi' U'n Kixi-- n on He. ritory HfnPilcl - liPii'liy mllcil In lie nf niif lliiiiimnl, Ik huinlifil nml lllllfltV tinil tfnl falnle IvIiik nf MeAliter. V. M. III' y, irniflt icIllNfter ilfacrillftl fin mi If, hehl nt the court hntinn Tlli'-dlt- Sept. iilnely live nml I Hill i l.llil.i.".lll I ilnl nml lielnu In fjimy Cnniity, nVw Met .'I l(. A I'reiitirf. I(euiter. will on tin1 Dili ilnv 101 1, CONTRACTOR AND BUI I, DIOR ni Nuxenttiei, .. ! nt Itftl p. in. llim, Inyi'llifr willi inlftfot frnm Hie cn, lii w'l: l.i.tti one nml Iwu in lilm lt I'll), lit llif lliilir of In n'cliH'h in the The ntijert fur which IliU IHfi'llli", l Itlh ilnv of Anii.. A. I). IIHI. In Hie liiilnlier fllil nf the llfll l'lilinn -- illl-'.- l I -- NOTICE TOU PUBLICATION 240 Black IlllfllllOII ol niil ilnv Kt I'll II WlMMt to elect cVeii i"li(,'iilo In Inlf nf llif 'nli liciciniiflcr iroviifil In Tin lllMcilll, N'fW Mexico, liowti Phone uncoil yuril on lla fnriter nf Pint nn. to tin ff Mllilii'iif enmitv fimvi III ion for. tofllicr wild nil lnxc iluly liifil on Hie pliil tin iinl op (ile ilic Otflif leiitlliiflll uf the liitfrint 1'. S. l.iitnl t fiilfi -- I root, In the cltv of Tiiennt to lie liehl nt Tiii'iiiiifiiri. MiiimIiiv, .mil nffil n(;iiiiit the iroifttv mnl of I'rnliiite I'lerh ntnl K. )(io l!.. .,!,) Otllce nt TttciiiitiiPHri. N'. M. Lot me hid on any coiitnict you Iimvo, there arc none i lift. (JllllV COIIIllV, New, nfler Kept .'!. I'll I llif fot of till" ticlinii, mnl er of 'ilil Coiililv nf (iihV, Hint for yen Alien! . lull. too or too Hinall for my coiisidiTation. -- (it WliiTcn-- . N'tilice i heieliv jilxen Unit Willie II lai'fa lot nle nml coll putilie unction the m.i v n i:ui,ni:viii:n(i. Ihf nlini niililfil cliiif wn i nil rellel; nml vim nte futllier imtllteii iil s'ftlypfs, N. M follow lux iHTMiiml iroi'rt liHirmiiii I'ri'fliift N'n. I. nlif lor the fntfi'lniiirf nl n I'frliilli Hint tuilf vmi filter nr ,iiiii to hp of Tiictinif nt i, whn. nn : I inn!, I! No. Iii'.iM., to wit tin ir t t;ii y i". mnl ley nlil ilci rcf ilie iilimf lilctfil nm H'ipiirmice In ntil nine Sept. II. iiiniif II. v. :i- -. Two nly-twi- t howl nf -- Imrthnrtt rnttle, broom corn hahveht nmiifil oiiiii vn mliiiiltifil In In' n lien nn or liffnre Hie Dili ilnv uf N'iim mliei fur NB'i mnl si:i,. Sc.. ma M . lioll, Imnl Hi N. Itnnxe :in K. . I' Meml oiiiO inv nf nne foil rl fen iim-n- on in the county iimii nil mnl lnyiilnr the mnl irnl A. II., H'U, ile i n'f pm fiilifin will lie Thi. -- -- inll, lilt" (lliil Iinl ice nf inn tn liinke oxen hfifor Mint itirrfiiw thereof. lie if limflf r mnl Ihf titerei! it i it i 1 vim mnl the relief oiiyht intent I'Ix'p I'rniif, I.rill).' II utile heretofore i.xxriic.l find Tin' lirooin intii Imrxixl l unw nil in mi nif vn orilfriil knlil in iiinlnniillv li pi.ilnl ill ilepipptl. fltlMl Venr tn elnlilili Look II I l Inw I In 1 flltilll III the lilllll in M' .liict llieil. he III plc-- f lull of II. Httrrthnin em not in thp county. 'I'tif iiincnrl with mnl irnclicf nf the nliiHf (t r II MeHlrnv nf TiiPHiiicttri. New For tin' 2 sijju, it is at the Hip .lacks conicr 'I'litit -- niil .11 will lie ! fur till- - III! Ill I'll I'olirl III Mlllxfv llif llll lll'll, fori1 Ucyhtfr nml Keceixer. I' S h liinili' m ,i. v"hm to the timrliPl Mexico, is the nttnrtipy fur tiliimlifl' of tin- - old ( 'oiicy Island. I I LhiiiI Olllcf ul V. M nn 1'iililliiii'f with the pn ii f n id timi or the foimtry, .TIip liiiirhel will nml the iimli' ii)t iipiI Im ti n iluh (S1AI.I i'IIs! P. DOWN'S. Tiiciiinciiri. Hie (tlh I'.HI The plai'i' Tor line wines. Hunt's and iliuiteliff mn ii irn nlel In I'tw for open ;.,init the '.'."Hi mill it l nmiifil nml tiiiiiliilfi jiccinl innlfr In f'lcrh uf niil fiiiirt. ilnv nf N'nxemlier. -- I ('Inlifiniit nn wit : M I' al- mil lib-: mill thnt will n.i! tin i v.i.'i'. tlml the irlrin nil' HtAun In lllll he Mllil lile liline Ill t'llilll M. IMd'HII. lf.lM iiHinen tn liiioi's. Call and see its. Served onee, l WnUcr. .1 W. Iliillinmuii, W. M. iioi'fffiN llii'li'nf to llif pntttiftit of i.. HiMfh iieitet thnn Insl yi'iir. iiw, lln'lf line , linllcf liftcliv I'il't inil'llentinli Sept U. lull It Mnic, ways served. yncii Hull nn I In' '.Till iln.V of NiHfin H. .1 Sniterlfe. nil uf Tiiciimcnri, N. M. lifr, A H. IIHI, lit In iiVIih-I- , n. m. A. I'rflillcp, HcyMfi NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION RYAN AND HANDSFORD Ill thf finiil ilnnr nf I lir riilllllniili' III III S - lfiHltllif uf thf Interior, I' l.iitnl 'I'n m in I'll r i . N'fW Mfl thf lilnler rou publication fmmmmmm KM l llllce nl Tiii'Iiiiichi i, . M notice h I iii'il will nlTcr for Mile, mnl will fll DON'T FAIL TO Sf ileilllier 6. Depiirtnieiil of Hie Interior I'. S l.mnl Hie lllll i N ,M. nt miftinii tn lilyln'i liliMfr Ollli-- f N. M fnr s' r. ' i . Sf '.'I. Twp in N. hmiitf titnl (Jfllce n: Tncuinciu , N'nltce l hereliy jf i n I lllll lluliert nt Ttntiiiictiri. lor iifli. nil mnl ii'i!iiltil Ihf fnllnwiliy AitiiU! IIHI. '(" I:. N M I Mfrt'liiiti lin- - lllfl n Hif Ultli v uf (litolier. IIHI. I.ff Scruavli". "f lltirmicii. N. M . who, Will No l - nlifil relll eatnte. In i iiuil I'm- I'lumililil n It 1 Nullce liereln Hint Willie "'''' 'ii,f",""i " mnhe inline Will lf on Hi'tolift 17. H HI, lliinle II, I'. No, f jjixen miii,.c: leu In i m lilncl, 'n. IM'I I'.'i in M Vetir I'roof, tu e -- tnlili-li fltiim tu the D:ixi, il t liunn N M A .1. IliiX Attend the Quay County Fair I'.'.ltlT. erinl N'n u.'.iKITi. for NWi,. T. Mtiitiiill. uf (imy. N. wlm, on hi. ii llif town of Motitowi, Until iniinty. IIKlo, K, No. 01 Ii"1'' lcerllicil, lii'fuie the lleui ThnuiH .liu k'on, HMini AKniil, ull sec It. Twi. N. Itmiye III II. N M. I', nyiit I, innill' II. tn. fnr nf New Mexico, im olinwn liy pllil nnw n.- NMi, nml IS. fltnl ,,,r a,"l Hfflver. I". s, t.ntul Olllce nl Tiifiiinotirl, N M. M r il in it. him llleil tint ire uf intention W.. N'.j NW'i.Ser. i irnli!ll llnK-fi- nl in the nlllcf nf Ihf clfll. 11 M. IIHl'.t, Tiiriiinitiri. N .M.. nn the Jltli inx nf t It. A. I'retitirp, to iiiii lif 1'innl I'lve Vwir I'rniif. tn e Ailil'l HlSlisa. .Inly II. fur lteetur. mnl f r r nf (jiuiy . Oi'lnlier. KHI. tnlilih flnllli tu the Imnl iiliow lecrili N'W"t SW', Snr. II. mill SC'i N'fw MfVifn, mnl ii en i c lilnck liuihl nml SKi, sB,, Spp IS, Twi. - N. I'lolitimit iinltifo h witti : Mufti- - NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION - -- fil. Iiefori' The Itefli'lfr mill Heeeiker SEPT. ItiiMlfil llififiiii. to mil M Me .Iiitiif- - llii-l- i.' me nt ntify thf K. hn- - Miiiiie. lien Deiiniitt. Ileiiirl ul S, I.hjhI I". s l.iitul (llllce at Tiiciiuiriiri. N. M. Ubiip .in N. M. I'. MeTiilian. ihf Intftiui, I'. 111111, .r ijuil whiiii tnyllifr with In I'llinl Imtif- - Tliiiiui-u- n. nil uf Tiit'iiiui'Hri, . nitlff hi Tiicmuciirl. X. .M. mi Hie Clth iliiy uf N'nf oilier. IHII nteil liottxe uf intent inn tu tlmke - ierel therfnii nl the mte nf lx 'li pel I'rniif, M Amkii-- I 'il!, - Venr cluiin lull. 9 ti I'ixe lu elnlillli tn 2 I'liiiinmil .lolm 28 -- nut wiliieneii: 27 ' flit nr 'flit fr frnm the iiiil t II. A. I'relitlcf, Itejti-te- r. Nnlice i hereliy jeiven tlmt .1 (ill r I'. NeUon. of IhirmiciHi. N' M .lolm I). the Imnl nlinve ilt'nrilifil. liefore The I A. l. tn .1. lid ilnv nf Aiiiim, IIHI. tin Itt'Vi-ti- 'r nml Iteeeixer, S. l.iitnl Axerx. nf Tiiciimc nri. X. M.. xvhii. nn Iliil-e- , of lliiriiiii oi. N M.. It. M. Viioi I'. tlf -- iiol '.Tlli ilnv of N'ou'inlier. A. 0. IIHI. lice, nt Tni'iitiii'iiri. N. M mi Hie l.'llh NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION Sfjit. '.'I. HHMl, nimle II ;. Nn. Buy your Groceries and of l.niihev, N M , Tllitlllll .Iflftex. of mi. I t i t tlif ii of nlil Mite :i til mi it tn lux Nov IUI I fur SKt, XWi,. XKi, SW"', mnl t.nti l.ooiiex. N, M ot etnlier. Deimruient uf the Inletlnr. I. S. I.mnl i'en hlllliltfil. tweiltv fiuit t liiiiiiuiit iiiiin, ii Il M nl N M. umi i. Sf,- 'ti. mnl ii.n ii. i: niKini, 'I '.I "t II, I'reiltlff, Iti'Ci-t- et witiieai: Hlllce TiiciiiiieHrl. us. Prices to Feed from nml tl.T2l.f.7 .hillim. i , Mux Si, IIHli. fur V....iv. .Ii.Iiii 'leiniiiei . It. Ciiii-- iiiiti- -l II. 1H11. Sltf SWI,. See. 81. ' v- yeelher with lllfffii nml Inn N - K. X. M. Merit!- - ee SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION I' M.hhIx, ill ol iiiiix . M Notice Ii hereby silven Hint Wlllim.i Twl'' I'. I T !) i ilnllnr font nf Miiil iietnni. -- .".I et ll1'''1 and quality III till' lillli't I'olllt ul tlif Mttll !i J 1.'. . I'reiitire. Keyi-l- A. 1'r.iiikllii. tif UHrmien- -, X. M xvhn. '" "" iMtfiilliiii tu inn lie mnl tin' nf tlii Mile, mnl till '1"'1 nut. tuf lii. Iii iiJ I'itrifl. Tfrtitotv New on Aiil'iisI 'J7. lHOil. iniult' II. K. N'n. M i'"nr I'ruuf. In li I 'f I ilnlv leil mnl iiyiiin-- l no 2- -. ! In Hie Imnl nbnxe be. iiifil n-- I'oillitv ul 11 It .llillie. t I' llleil NOTICE TOU PUBLICATION HHI7. fur S;i(, Sec. txv.. X. liiii I II t lljK't er .11 p. ',ai-- '' i"l Kfcniver, V. Irx ( I". l. Ke.v-- nml Hue Unlive K. X. M. Merlilinn. Im- - "'' ft. MAN II. I)eHitllilf lit uf the llili'tinr. I' S. l.mnl X. M lil),li:li:illl, Kevcr, hi- - wife. II. .1. Slock-fit.- . Illfil mil ice nf inlfMinn tn iiinke I'llinl M'"'"1 ""''N " TiiciiiucNri. nn lh S i:i I (llllce nt Tiii'iiiiicbH. X M. Fresh Meats Fresh Vegetables Mnifi. .Ir.. Ilenrv .1. Stni'lu'tt. I'lvf Venr I'ruuf, tu elnlin tu ,h.v "f Xoveinlier mil. Aiiii.I ".il, Hill N'n 't.lii. The nliiive iiiitneil the Imnl iilmve il rlbf.l. befuri' the ' hiuimiii timiie. wiiiiit-- : 1'. O. N'liliff i hereby yiven tlml lMtiit Mf Heriiinlt. I.. W. Stilyei-- , PUBLICATION Or SUMMONS If femlinit- - lire lint llleil Hint in Uenl-l- er nml I'. S. I.nml Hlllcf. N'nlte. II. nf X. M jUm, nn .Inly Itfcivfr lii-tri- ft i x t Spriinjer. (Jwiy. ' ' I . .M, in 'utility . Nnw ll'HlUI till- - tll'I'tl lll'fll IttftlltKl vuu lit Tiiciitiiciiri. New Mexict the "'"""'. " of iininii'iiri, 'nit. fllllllllf N'n. 2llh a... Iimrt. inmle II. K. fur SKI,, Ue(i-ti!- r. W. I". t . It. A. I'leiithje, Mfxicu. Veil, iilnlntlll'. In Ihf nl.iixe un til- -.l .Initio l(. Iliinjjliirx lav uf Hctnber, liHl. EAGER BROS. GRO. see :i:t. Twp. s N. llHiifi' .' K. X. M. I'. - N'n. Iniiif. t.miimi, ft nl ie fe mliint- III thf ti'nixe ntxlcil court tni'l . Iitie I'litltuiiiil imiiif- - u xvlliie"!.-- : (V W. Meriillnn. Im- - llleil iintirf uf iiileiilinn The ile I'fliilmit .Imiif I. ii ii it'll n i xvhfri'lix litiiitill ffk tu quiet In him lthniul-- . .Incnb Ariiulil. I'niiik IMxvnnl- -, NOTIOE rOK PUBLICATION lu innke I'innl I'ixe Venr 1'r if. tn e 241 Iiiti'Iix- nolilieil thnt nit li,i l.een inlii elf the title in nml tu l.ut 17 uf llnbert Kilmer- -, nil nf Kurmicii-- , X. M. I !( rt iitriit uf the Interior. I'. 8, I,mnl' Phone 119 Phone tiilili-- li nliitxe -- cluiin tu the liitnl iicril liifticfil illlilit vim li ntil ilnintil in llliiil. t .if the ilriyliuil 'lowti.ite of It. A. I'renlice, lievi-lf- t. ' llllce nt 'I'licuincHli. X. M. lief.ire the l,'f(i-t- er ntnl l!fefifr. iinl court mnl nne uliflcliv ilnintill rncuiiii'iiri fnay 'nnnty .x'exxr Mem.n. e, nyii- -t :'!!. mn I'. s. l.mnl Hlllce nt Tiifiiinrnri. X. M ii'fli- - .lllilyinetit tu fiitei'ne n it linn riliiij.' tu the .lnt therenf llleil in N'ut ire i lieri-b- yixen t tint Mnry 1". Hllli itnx N'oveiillier. NOTICE TOU PUBLICATION :ijiiiii-- lot- - I mill '.' lilueli uti the ' lull. lien t ill the ulll if I'riilmte i'terk nml i; (If He iMirttif nl uf Ihf Interior, I', s l.mnl Tiirpley. uf Me X. M xvhu, till 'Initntiiit untile-- ti- - xvittifiii'- - .1. I'. -- .t.t.t.....'4--.4'4-- l. uf (IriL'Iniil Tuw'ti-lti- ', Titeiinii'iiri. lli'lu Kecnnlcr uf ji.nv I 'mint y. New X . Hi. IT. Il'lill. ttiiule II II. N'n. llLMil. I'. I' Ilrimnell. li. A. I'eriliie. MHIce Nt Tiiclllllfllli.' M. iiiiix t'liiiiitx. New Mexicii. I'm tlif -- tun Mexico, mnl fur in rnl ielief ill Hie .Inly fur XWi, s,.,.. :i:i, mnl ibl 'I II. . N'n. ff I'. Mien, nil or X. M :'S. mil. cu-- t- -- IJiihv. 0,:tT-'l'- uf fT.'l, mnl uf nit incliiiliiiu tin iroini i"i, mill Villi flirt Iter imtilleil ! given-Hin- t '- '"' lire Ifnei-le- Nullce hereby Thniii.i- - SWi, CITY MEAT MARKET It . I'leiiliie, r. (' THE V.Vi.lHl. liv n t ecninl .m .X. iillnriifv Ire ul nml Hint iiiilf- - vuu enter or ftitff to lif Welch, of Tiitfiiinraii. N. M who.P"'' '"I' . Hhiiup l ,M. 1. unlit uf fiiiiiiliiitil. ilnilitill' l- lie Im- - llleil SOUTH SECOND. PHONE linlf Mitir tiii"iniiifi Ifif'ti mi or .lulv 11. mmi. mnile II. K. No. SM41. untie.' uf itileiitiiiH ii m of- l NOTICE roil PUBLICATION ineiil mi 'iint tiu'l tirliilrnlluii lure till' ftth tiny of Noxeinlier. A. Sertnl N'n. 01172.".). fnr Kit. XW"', nml """' ini" 'fr. tn i ilmutilV mill ilffftnlmit in infer Will lie Ueilirt(iielil ('. S. l.ainl Imiiii t.. tin- - ImhiI hIm.vo twi'fti lllll, illilllllieil' JH ifeu of the liiterinr .tn 1 ntnl S. Sift iim in. Twn. s X.I '' '' tlo?crtl -. -- niil mnl m-i- Trfciiiticiiri, X. M. i . xx i . cure to li'in fur tliT.JIi. remlereil itiillmt xmi mnl Ilic rolti'f llllice nt Untitle :iit K. X. M. I' Meriilimi. hit- - i.. itimiii. uniiiWHe nml Hint nine In' ilfcliucl n lif it mi tlif (irnveil fnr iti'eri'i'il Auyn-- t '.'It. IIHI. fiicil tinHce uf iiitniitimi In timhe I'llinl ' Mlirilnck, X. M., on the tTUi t x -- I ,,, ir.ijicl nliiiXf ilfl'flliecl, mnl lliil If ill llnnv II. MeKlroy of TiiciitiiptiU. Notice i hereby tiven Hint Cluirlex 'Ixe Venr I'rnnf. tu flniin to "."r """'li''. tl'l I, -- -- nlil -- inifflofil nml niil ituifilx tu nl iiltornex tut jitsiitt itT. I. Aiite, uf Tiiriitlicari. X. M., wliii. un the In ml above .le.cribeil. before The ' ","",H' " WII1ip.wi .1. W. fy jiiilmneiil teinlcleil Hie K Xu. 11 . -. K. M- - liny nyiiinl fSKAl.. fllAS. J'. IKIWNS. (let. t. Hum. itimle It. !;. fur .'euister mnl Iteeeixer. I'. S. l.mnl Oill,-,- smith. Ilotijiitutii M. llmlv!.'- M. . B. BLANKENSHIP, PROP. nine, nml fur yt'lt.'i nl relief, nml vuu Clerk nf - nil court. XKi, uml N'iv XW',,Sce. 17. Twp. ri.fitiiicnri. Xew Mexico un the 2ltli " ' prlnkli-- nil nf MeAlhior, X. t vuu or I : ii . K. N'. M. me untillfil lint iinif finer I'rlilnv M. k in :i Iliiittx in X. Uimue :in I'. Meriiliun. lux nf October. UH1. nii-- e tn lie inn !' It 'in- - flleil notice of ilitetitinii tn Illlike I -- - - lleel-te- r. cnteicil vimr iiiifliimicf l'irt l'nlilii'iit Sfpt. riniiimni ni.iii- i- n- - wltni -: Wllllnm " I'tftiilcf. lieri'in nil nr Iiffutf thf lull 'lllV of N'n I'innl I'ixe iwr I'rniif, tu Milch, Will Sprliiuer, I'r nun Allen, IIHI. ileeree fiililf-- u will eld Hie Imnl be NOTIOE ftnliel. irn im to ilfcrlbeil. Wmul-le- v Wnlli. nil uf (junv. X M TOR PUBLICATION ie retulereil nuniii-- t ynn. Buy a Early Hie lleytsler mnl llecelver. 1'. llepiitmenl S. Htiftr lore m - .1l U. A. I'renliff. Item-lc- r. uf the liiterinr, I'. l.mnl Itolluiiiiiii . Mel'.lioy of T itiicnri. flet your New C'olo'n Hut llliint not Hilicf at Tui'iiinciiri. X. M.. un tl -- llllice nt Tiii'iiiuciiri, X M,

your rent iiilil 1 New Mexi ilnililill" iittniiifv- - tip In Home liefore .'"Hi .tn v or llclober. Ill Alteil-- 14. nif Hip NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION t Kill. werttlier comen. nml let It fur .1 -- I'M. "'HAS. I' IIUWNS. ne t'liiiiumit iiiiiiie im wllm'-e- -' I. Notice i hereby given Hint Amhruo CITY LIVERY full iicimun fnr ynu If xon tmxe uny llepnrnieut uf the liiterinr, 1. S, I.nnil uf niil lb i I'. Ilnrne. I'reil Whiti'. Hrymit, lluu-- e. M rierl. unit hlun uf litiylnu a lirutcr UIm winter rinml illllce ul 'riictitiicnri. X M. of N. xxhn, un (let. I'liiin M. Kfkmmi. )fiiitx. W Titc iiuicuri, N M. I.'i. IIMUl. K. set It enrly Miiny rinliM xxlll inyinx f, nil of Atiuu-- t II. IIHI. inmle II. No. latldie, fur 1'n-- ill, - "it U. A l(e(i-le- r .". t i.ilili. iitiuii Sfjit lull Ii. Hint HirliiK Hie ohl mimi nf !i . I'rentiof, Nnlice - hciehv yixi'ii Hint Itlllph W. W'v SWi,. Sec '.'it. Twp. X. itnH Iomi winter thoy xvIhIibJ they luul ilone '.'(I K. X. M Im- - II - Itiiliinn- -. nf Anl, N. M xvhu, nn Oct. I'. .Meriilluii. led no- FRI1I (IROVfi, Maiiager nwny with Hie nlil lieuler Unit will no NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION rOR I, mud, llnim-le- nil lice nf iiite tit inn tn nm ke I'innl h'ive liiiiunr ilu the work Don't K tliiutiKll iiiuib' Kntry Venr I'ruuf, itnlili-.l- i Depiirtinetit uf the Inter. nr. I'. l.mnl the nllly experience uf winter leiiiriiieiil nf the Interior. I' S l.mnl Nn. Hs.'tn, fur .XWli. Sect Inn tu iliiim to the Wll-liiitii- (111 nt Tiicitiiicnrl, X. M. a";nln llnlov Hut eninfotl- - of the illllce nt Tticiiiiicnri, X M. 4. Twp. .". X. Umip' 31 I.'. X. M. I Imnl nbnxe befuri1 I.. i'. now.ilt-16- Phone 28 Notice - hereliy m'ven Hint Amlrew new ntovo thu wliolo mciihou ) AttUii-- t II. mil. Meiblimi. hu- - llleil nut Ice nf intention I'. S. t'uiniui Inner, nt Murduok, i X. M., Hie IDlli I x i . N'ut ice herfby Wllllnm un ilnv uf Ocluber, 1H11. Iiii'l.-n- ii n i. uf I'n in t . New . sl'" "m' tu iiinke I'innl I'ixe Venr I'ruuf, to ' n- Me ile-cr- ('Iiiiinmit - - xvitlie-e- ,1. Mfxicu, wliii. nn N'ux, IS, HUM. iiiniif TAUM I'OH SAI.K: Ifi" '". Siniiiuin. nf Anl. New wlm claim tu the bind nlmve ib inline- 0. 1, up-to-da- I II, I II K. Xn. -, roller, .1. M. .1. I.. The most complete and rigs in the II K. Nu. '707. fnr l.ut I. SIJI, SW', nml one httlf inlli' from u ninciiri, ciiu on Seieinlier luiO. inmle fd, before l 1'. Wllllnm- I'. S. rum llnriifll. Snvniie, . I fi lluu-- e, llnu-- e, X. M. Sec N'l'.l.N'W',. N'WI, Nlil, Si-c- be Irricninl :i t i"l Imnl luil.111. fnr SW'i',, Sec. i, Twp. X, mi inner, lit .Mtinulnck, N. M un the nil uf T t lli'ttl-te- me, M hu- - II. r. city. Prices reasonable. Call and see East Main II. nml Vihl'l II K HI Hlli. Mux I fir? !M1 tf llnnye :n X. I'. Meriilimi. 2nd iliiy uf Octuber, IIHI. ,. I'relitlce. lilllll. fnr SKi, SWI, mnl NCI, SW,. lllfil nnlice nf illlf III Inn til lilllll I'lve ('Illinium inline- - u- - xvltne e: Kllner .'III cluiin Street. Sec. :tl. till in Twp. II X, limine K. Vfiir I'ruuf. tn tu the Unwiilny, .lolm .liifkmiti, .Inhii H. I NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION licfuro I.. V. Wil X. M. I'. Meriiliiili, Im- - llleil mil ice nf Imnl nbuvii Veiikley. nil nf Anl. X. M.. Hert l.yon. ncpi.riueiit nf the liiterinr. I'. S. UihI limn- -, S. .MtiriloeK inteitliuii tu iiiii kf I'innl I'ixe Venr Very Low Fares I'. f'liiiiiiili. loner at nf Miinlnck, N. .M. Olllce nt TucuniOHri, X. M. X. M.. un the ilnv nf Ocluber, IIHI. lteui-te- r. I'ruuf, to ftnlili-l- i flltilll lu the Imnl to California and Ill ''.'it It. A. I'reiitb'e. Alieu-- t 1.1, mn. llejii-t- et tuiliii'- - n- - w ithtii' Illnier nliuve lii'lure the t'luiiiimit f: Xnllce - hereby flven Hint .Inhn O. ((Dice Pacific Northwest linwmuii, liilin W illtckt-ult- . .Inllti II NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION mnl llffflver, I'. S. l.mnl nt Tn I'tilfer, nf llnu-- e, X. M., who, on Anwi-- t M No Tourist Slccpitii! Venhley, ull uf Aril, N'. ,M.. Ilert l.ynn Ofpuriuclit nf the liiterinr, S l.mnl X. nn the l'lth ilnv uf nHHROUCiH I. 4, IliOfl, inmle It. K. No. PIIB11, fnr on fuxt Maml (rains ,,r k, X M. nt Toe M, xeinlier, IIH I Rmk Munlm tlllbe mucin i, 17, S V.. N .M. ICuri I '1.1.11.. Sec. Twp. Kmifie !i R, XT .ll...... f..... It. A. I'rtMitlee, lti'j?l-te- r. Auuti-- t'lniniiint iiiniif- - tt viltiei'-- : I'teit Ull UIIIIIIU lilllll VIIHi'l IU' t II. IIHI. I'. Morlillrin, Im llleil notice of inttiiitiuii i tl-c- nr St. Kansas City, Uniuliu, Oct Nntice While. I'ri'i'tiiiin Siitiih. .IiiIiiih, I.oui, hereby jjlven thut .luhti I.. tu miike I'intil s I'lve Venr i'ruuf, tn St. ilinin-.ipi)li- ami lluil-ui- i, I nrl, X. M Mtiinei, Paul, Hull, nf X. M., xvhu. un Muri'll inlf nil of Tiict NOTICE TOE 1'UBtiIOATION cluiin tn the Imnl nlinve li...... 1.1.1 I.. (I BMf...... I Hi'jji-le- r, many other points, to the Pacific Coast n It l II . I'tenlii f, llfimrnif nl uf the Itilfrmr, I'. S. I.uiul """' ' r" "r "r',l eil. before I. I' W n... !' S ILim. without chanuc, provide roomy, com-furtab- lc kj ... nil . i .1.1 ti ir ii iii.ii i.x . I nt Tiicuiiicnrl, X l. .X.I.I I II. HI.HII, ,,,..., M..r.l,.n.. V. t .... ,l,B of a Odin' Ilk L). . Ai (It It I NOTICE PUBLICATION berths with coiivcuu'iu cii .... lilllll...... i.... iJll l w p. u ..... roil AttuiiKt 1!HI. ...r .u. .v ,. o,,..,,...,,,,. ,ftI, II. (lii I t t i I ' standard Pullman at half the cost. It.. ... I . - l)enitliiif nt uf Hie liiterinr, I'. S l.mnl Nut ice - herein gixcn tlitll llnbert iui.,;e r .xi. .xieruunii.lit. nil , ui,,,..,,, .,.. . tt.i, M Illed nntice uf Html Hlllce nt Titcuiiiciili. N. Choice of Routes V. Ilrtikc. ul llrtnii, X. M.. who, nu liiteiitinn tn mnke ,,,,, (lrvI(lli M , ,nill(P( ,,, , 1nmil Inw j'tltinle I ixe elnlin lol , Anuii-- I '.'II. mu "Southern" vU Kl I'am, the .Inly :i. mini, iiiiule II K. Nn. -- MW mt 'rnnf. tu (i )llM, ((f j,,,,,, N M ur "Sveiiic" thrti the heatt ul the the bind nlinve befuri' N'nlicf - heieby mxen thnt Wlbnti niv, fur It, 'I'xvp. ." X, Uiinjie ilT tin' iiis.r.t It. A. 1'reiitiee, ItegiHler. Colnmlu Kuckici and Salt IjLc it v- - SW'i, Sec. wlm. t Item-t- or mid Uocelxer. I'. S. I.imil Of It. Siriiiuer, nf iiiuy, X. M.. mi I!, X M. I. Metiilimi, lit'- - hied notice Scptcabr 15 to October 15, 1911 lice, nt Tiiiiciiiuciiri, N. M., 'J.ltli .lulv J.'i, limil, nimle II. K., Xu. Illo.'l. fur nf intention tu iiinke I'innl I'lve Venr on the Rock Iiliuitl I.lnri will tell utie ilnv nt IIHI. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION stt'l. See. XI. mnl Aibl'l II. K. IH'JiiX.'. I'innl, tu cluiin lu tin' Imnl Octuber. llrkcti tu California at the fulluwini: ratcn llepiirinenl (ho liiterinr, H. IKK, fnr Sec. t'luiitiniit tiiililfi nn W'itiie e- -i Andrexv nf it. I.nml .Iniiiiiiry In. llif XWi,. tO CM Kiwi St. I A. nbnxe lief urn Murrny W Ina C. -. Ofllio nt N. M. 1.1, s :in K, X. XI I'. BJbIU .1. Ilnxl- W. .1. Ciipp-- . .loci S, t'rlmvell, Tiiriiiiirnrl. Twi. X. Itmip' 0b. t'.wll Shuxv, I". S. ('niitinl inner it t Ilu oil. X M," )nil-m- i( AiiKimt 14, 1011. Im- - inleiiHun 27U -- Smiilei- - I.. I'nrkor, nil uf X. M. Meriiliun, llleil linllcf uf nu thf I III dliy nf Seplciilbei, IIHI 1I-- Ik ejx'cn lin e M It. A, 1'reiitlco, ReKl-le- r. N'ntlro hereby t t Henry n ninkf I'innl five Venr I'rnnf, to '291 t'liilinuni inline- - n- - xvltnee-- t Thuiiiu .1. I'endoriirnfl, l'lnrn, N. M., who, nu lubli-- h Imnl nlinve il rib IfM DllMfHli Rm lltui , nf cluiin tu thf flAIS lx. 1 (.(in. uf Orion, X. M., I'riinci- - M NOTIOH TOR PUBLICATION Oct. 1, 1000, miido II. K. No. 11040, for I, bffuif the Iti'ul-t- fr uml llecclxer, 1 " '"" ' r"1 ' Mim,'Ui llolllnuer, uf Orion, X. M Cluirlex II 3 Di'pnritiont nf I ho Interior, I'. P. I.nnd NK1,, Soo. .10. Txrp. 10 X, ItntiKO .12 S. I.nml Hlllce. nt Tuc ittiii'iirl, X. M., Wil-ii- E. I'. 11 ON lrN PwU, Si, Utk u u, uf llnrriH, X. M., Abe Drnke Oftl co nt Tu. iiinrnrl, X ,M. V. M. P. Meridlnn, hits llleil notice of mi the I lit li iliiy uf Xuveinber, IIHI uf IliurU, X. .M. lrCUMt Auuti-- 14, iiitontiuii tu iiinke - ti- - II. A 33 t UUl, I'innl Five Year t'lliliulilit inline- willic"C: III S BI It. A I'reiitii'i', I CoireipunJini; low ratci (nun uthtr point. Xnllce i hereby iven Hint Vreoninti I'roof, to flnbll-- h cluiin )nnd I'enlue, .1. I. Abbntt. I'. I'. Ilmn-fl- l. In ia Similar low lire tu I'acific Nuriliwcit. M. Smith, of X. M., who, nn uliuve ilciu'rlbfil, Mlfli. nil nf IJllll.v. X. M. Tiii'iinirnri, before Thf ltinltor Mack Confort Little Cost NOTICE roil PUBLICATION Xnv. lUlll, mnile II, K. Xu, .1711. R. htiiid OllicH, 'i '.' ."t It. A. I'rt'titicr. Ue(iitt'r. mid lti'fflver. t'. ot Tti. li you take "Kuck liLniJ Linci" frun Delilil nielli nf the liiterinr, t'. S. I.tlliil for NW, mnl NM RWt',, Sec. 2S, eiiniriirl, X. M., on tint aini day of Oc nearctt point. BAOBR BB08. BUY BBEr HTUrr Hiiro nt Tiidiiiirurl, .N. .M. i'wp. 11 N llttnsrt !I0 K, X. Jl. P. Morl.l - tubor, 1011. Hilt, AiiKimt 14, 11H1. imi, Im (Hod nnllcix tnnkol Kilmer llrnllictH linve week pur Lt u 111 jo of Intention to Clnluiant naino m wltncnifii Boby L. M. GOLDBURG, ohii.i'il Ixvt'iil.v.flve lii'inl nf twii yenr nlil Wow uipualx N'ntlro U hereby lvcii Hint Cnllierliin Finn! Five Year I'roof, to etabllnli I V. I'adnu, fleorge I'nrker, Vrnk l -- teem from Street k MrUimutd unit will Ij jrou tu wk IMctt, uf Tuciimenrl, N. M,, who, on rlnim to the lnnd nbnvo bo 1 1. N, Kuidlii, oil of l'lnrn. N. M, V tk trip. City Cleaner and Hat Works. loiiglitcr tliom for the locnl mnrket, Bopt. 5, 1000, mnile II. K. No. 100S3 Tmo tUS tpulitor unit HffIver. I' H. I in.R.nt. t --"K A. I'mntl. ED ELLIS WANTS THE WirUB. TUB MOTHERS' CLUB WARD LANDH 1IORSBT11IEF IilOAN NOMINATION FOR BEHIND THE UAHS COUNTY A88B880n The llrxt mi'i'ctlny of the Mntliero' I'rlilny lilfeht HherirT I'rank Win. I nr i A Hlll Ik n 'Tcsnn lmy wlm phiiio tn lull fur the ireeiit elifwil venr w reiieil ran l.nlirim.'h. who i miner The Bargain Buyers' Opportunity to Buy the tlitn cljihl vi-n- njjii nnil helil in Hie llljili .iIiiiiiI Amlltnrlnm, eharxe nf "tealinx n !mre t.i.m Mr, j M'ttlt'il n liiitiii'Mcfiil hpni lln 1'h-l-ll- lnt Trlility Hfturnniin, with n t t - i'iaii uawieH. tup imrw wax uiien i ami llvpil tlion nntl ritltlviiteil II teinlmu'e. The mei'tliitf wn enlleil In Tneilay nlghl frrnti the Hoek llanil unfit tin1 niivpriimoiit tfHvc It i tit h Mt nriler dy I'rtlilcnl Diilinhnn, nl the mnl (lie .herlrt' wa mi the lookout. i'lit lie lilt jjiwiiI iiiikIitii iiitiruvi lejinlnr hmir, Mini nfter the reNillli) nf henrinx nT the party at Revneltn mnl nifijjt unit mltlVNtdl lil i'IhIiii v the minute nf the liit ini'i'tiiiji nf lnt trace. I liim into thin elty, Ile mkeil 'r t'r mnl lm inliifti limn' HmII Ir venr. mnl theit iipprnviil, the enitintil the ImrM' out on thp line of Mempln l!l-ll- n OUT mnl, iiuiiw Uinn hiiv ntlii'f former we ee fur weie niiiiliiti'i'il, nml eHngltt n freight into town He M- e- nl-- ... li humv of In tM Motion of t V fnllnw: I'rnuriim I'limmlttee: ii hail stolen a eoat. hat nml CO. line Fall 'filiti IImiI licrc cljilit years hmi! dttr lnme lli'ilupclli, Sherwiiiiil, .mil ami hn ini'e hi arreat enfe.e. line of CORONATIONS" CLOTHING of liiu fllfi Ml that limp hn mvmtl v 1'inwp. Ml Itiieky mnl l'rnfenr Hie erylhinx ami neknoleilxe tlmt I..' In- - I ilritv- - .ytiiii In llil rlly n ml hit minli' fer: VIMHmr I'nliimltt Wmil lieeli it bail hnmlire. uooil In IhisIhc. Hi' hut hvmI lil MeilHlne ile Vmnpert mnl llHlleKiiK) and Winter Clothing at ftirnltijj iiimI owrcfiil lmlno iiinii Wnril 2. MeilHine S. A. Hume mnl nr.ruiiLicAN central it' tt'lN The .Www if In N litiitiitwl Williimi Minis Wnril :t. Mi'i.Ihiii- i- COMMITTEE MBETH wlfli Oil iiiiinliiiillmi thwt lt will fi Chnmlieri nml Allilreilne: hiiI I. Me.. The repiililii'im eoimtv eeii'in . .... I'Vt'tV imiii in tlif I'tmntv nml will h Imiie I'riiirnnl mnl DeOII lem. Tin Illltee met in thi ntv Vi'.ni'.i. .1 R t"w liltn from ItN tiwii worn tiiti'int'oiii mendier nre t(i vllt everv hnme in teriiooli for the piiipimc ..I niimnii.' .. egular Wholesale Prices of tlti (trtiiu'riy lie Mr hhiI will their tepei'tle wnriN, explnln the ilnx for the preeuirt priinnrie nml the lint tiiho tin1 ri'fnrtl ftir tin' iiiiinnnl Mirk nf the Mitther'i Clnli. nml inile eiHIIllv eiinventiiiii. Mot of in tif jroMrly tin1 tnxiyt'r nwn. II MttemlMHi'e lit the nieettii)i. The llnii.l inliee wa precnt and the Iate nuree.l liflfi'v In I'Vfry iiimh ixiviije luxe tie cheer ntinmittee i einiipmi'il nf Me mi were ii follow: t niriilnx HlwWHt nf "lull h wh .Imtte. H I.. i "link, (terhnnlt. Wheeler I'reelnrt I'rlwary for the elertmn ! V ftmltl .tcH Imt .ri f thfKf KiiiH iii view nf llip Uwi. ( 'oi'nitnl ituis finiipjuiy liuviiijj fliiil III ilftylii no fttvnrlti with jnv .1. W. Cmnpliell. I'nntiiH". Alex ilelexalo" to the enmity enntetitimi, len, rrtiiHttmm) Itml (iris IiimIv. IIi iilli'vt In h fhaNnc of pttl liiililetllieiy. Iteetli mnl lle. Septemlier IDth, ami the einmtv eon hwn hv a tttujuf itmpitny mmltl wll u only wlmt fluy mnde up loi n th Iminclieil Jv lit Mrvnnt mien in while hhiI tlmt The ilny' priifermn vent inn Spteniler S'.i. The ml! nml fjiH. ftT?t w wHI vmt fiimi ..It) ki r'tmimi'iifhi ttitlny itiilil anw, 'I'iioso iirnhli' will lie lnHllttei li.v It. Thl lr. ShuiIihVv, wlm renil n jmper n the iippomtiiii'iit of ili'leiate will Tfw nfl t l Iw Miither C'HiW. .iml lhi n new tMtt' nml there tn m "The lie foiiml in thi ine nf the New. wfrt's nri' in.ulf it Tt'siii'i iivc if tttttlitt vnlHf. 1 1rn t wait until ('mile now, riSWt; in'W tlmi tif ilifln tin entte lwli n fiilHweil I i.v verv pUtiilnje plum tie? unili'f tlif te iimerHHietil n mlit I.v I'mthlN i:iklni. Tne pnper SACRED CONCERT PROS RAM, havi' yititr sif. By wiiitinif st miy tint In ihh it rtirttWi ytitti putint'it ill si.D. tlint every American eittren h h npim "Tke VhIIohhI I'liMjeieK nf PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. rljifit en hmvinj nf merit tn I'f i'mi Mirther,"' wn niliilteil. n Mr. I teeth SUNDAY, SEPT. 11, 8 I' M. tifereil In tin' raff for I hi' irtm-- e nf in mil nf town. Ml Hrewer ante iulitte Ki'rviiiit nf tin' people. lewllM "On the lliwil In MhiiiIhIhv Young I'eople' I'lnm Hnr eiieruy tere l nut pmlwlilv neeiiniimiieil liy Ml MeKetiie on the )nel nnil ipiartette. ".lean. I.mei Our lines of inilii in tl county wlm hhm more pinwn. mnl tin m'til to hv tlii niiiMlier , n C My Ktnil Kriiiniil itt le tltMt limn lid Kill. Id wm thniimjehlv eti.Hiyeit. Mr. Dnnit-lii- "Xtl" lier. Mr. I'hnpmiiii. .'n ll itlw-tt- hhhIiik nhiI xIiihiIiI tin' then jwtve n tnlU npmi "The In Iteitiemlnrfer nml stewiiri KUPPPEN H EIMER, VIKING, ROYAL TAI LORS ili iIim'IiIc tlmt he tin- - mull tn i teiniilinnnl ('nMjjre!' nr Miither," Snlu. inllii Mr III ii e tlii'in for thi next fowr yimr nml mnl the preriiiti wn rhwHl ly n plann fjBartette." The lun l t.ieat m '. WHITNEY TAILORING CO. and MARKS it hull' tlriit tin- - Ink roll will hH that oln Iiv Ml- - Itnliy llee. that whs 5ti Vlier. Mi. fhapinan. Met In lih tn'i'H lmy I'Vi'ry tlnv iIhiIhk miieh iippreeiHleil. laihemlnrrer and fitetvnrt. tlint time. Hit i lllioral he l nut soliijs In the jti'Mi'ml iHesinn tlml fnl- - Snln ll Fern eeti for Fall, are here for inspection. Early buying assures you an elegant Mini ' In iii's iihi' limn overlook mi tmveil, nf ihe ptelii fnr the .venr' Tern Iwitc . Vonnii people in..i other, if tin' n'iiilf ili'i'lili to hninir wnrh. r Hinnlier nf mi'jjPl'n 'nln. pinno ..Mr. Kliartetl. M l.i ni. choice of patterns. htm with tliN nlllri'. lie hnmv tlie were iilVereil BirmHg them tlml the iHln- - fJnlo nml .artette nilh moI'h ..I. l liftt n I fiilliier Mini tin' illllli'Hltli" lie iVti'f lie tlkl'il tn ili'Vole I'tliinn tn ligato . . "The Ihty Kmle.l " ' tlliip humIiiM hhi'I Iiii een Ihe emuitry the nitpne nml ailil nf the Mother MU Alier. Mr, ('hnpmnn, Mi- -r I.. frnin lt llr- -t ini'eitiini tlirntixli hII tl Clnli: Hint the ("lib prnvhle. till ypiir. hendnrfer and ft"wnrt wmooI - ' li'Vi'li)iitient up fi tlie liri'eiit tit in. work nf art to ilei'iitnte the Quartette . . At Zinn i nt. I lie i lil HHit elnli lnfln- Mi-- r- I..-- . nml nirerliif erviee HHe rmiins that the ne lis Ml" linr. Mr fhapmai . Douglas Shoes $250 to $5.00 Pei Pair lie iellivi'4 lie emt lu iitili'lliinx fur em' to nlitnin n nuliiiiimn cemrnt Itpmlorfer and Rti wnrt A ii i i Mil' l.llll Hit- - nil i ii -- cliil- - tlie eiiile He i live wire hii.v nlk frnin the llixh eliiiol tinililinn S'nlo, lolill Mi III.' en'. Iiufs. Ask fur where flml liim mnl there U mi elty. The iiiphiIipm limk f"r ' yii to the tjnattette "Prniw the Lord .leln il. I 1 In- ( .1 ri'i! :t! H mi- - Iji!i'v! in iv i It ii. .Im !.(" 'hi Slim It. itieitlnii littt Hint he will liiHhe M eleNit wnril to h mnt ptetcMtNt nml prnfll Ml lier, Mr. ( 'ImpniHii. Me (' Mini eitKilile hIIIi'IhI lumlil lie lie eleeteil able venr. ami nlieit the niil nnil inter Iietidorfer nml Ktewnrt In tllN nlllie. el ami gftml will of everv parent nnil Trio "I'eliee I l.eue Will. n teaeher In the elty nml of the prew. MUsea Alier. Ilnrrimin nml !(.... If Wis Sa So, It's So" REV. JOHN M. MOORE COMINO Ike ehiitrhe. the iHi'ilieal men. nnil nil, Uvervlmdv intited. A il it i Ucv. Heilspetli. of the renter Street who are interrMed in prointittR the tnkpn M. K. t'linreli, lirii reeeiveil wonl tlmt. welfare of tlie elillilreli. Tlie next tn -t meet hi).' of the eltili will lie held QIDIi iiiltlltlnii to uther ilitiii;tiiihel ELEVEK POUND 4 tnrx, Hew .Inhii .M. Mi hi re. "f Vwliville, '.'0 in the lilgli .'linil nmlllnritiin II. M. tlrown I rejoieiny ' Teiin,, will lie ire.ent lit the AhhiihI mnl evervnne will lie weleniiieit. rival of n II piinml sttrl wln.'l. .. fiinfereitre. hehl here in Ortiilier mnl here VeiIneilnv. RIUM will ilellver Nit tnire nit xneinl Mini SOUVENIR WALL IIACK8. I'liinlltlnno in rnnil nml mlum There nre n nf hoe l.ennli FIRST M. E. CUUIlOH I H i'iiliimitnitii" in the S Dr. Mimre fill iiiienii Hull r:ii'k left 'it the II It Iiim.I. HI . U Ml .1. ' "Cir Ml... linniireil . hne hi l ri f It ii t li.i.l II III., III . .lul I... . mi eilitnr of mile, mini uf trmel Kirt Niitiui.iil, mm nml l.'. ' ' I. ii .I... .1 ! iinte here vee. nml I'tllline nml a Home Seerettirv nf The me i preltv ' iii, I'ruM-ri- i iin , 'III! fur the nl in. 11 l.e ' in.... Hill inipiriii).' to nil. ileniimlniitiiin, n II I tin-i- I llll M I. III'.' ' ' itmlent if the priililem skill.'. lir'lnt .'till tltlll.e mi. -I- i in A . I' I.I I - ... merlin help deenrnte the home , i ' tnv ' .i ,i i .,.,.,,1 ,!IV , Sutu Viiu STD Tji L )grj.vqryiy-iigaKqia3a3a- c Tuesday, Wednesday 20 and 21

35c Ribbons 19c 35c Men's Half Hose 18c llt'iivy, jill-il- l; TiilTftn Uililmiis in Unml Here some very unusual offerings l"i dozen men's line gauge, full finish silk are li-l- Pcrsiiui aiK I iiuiiic I'lVi'ct.s. tin- - ihinu fur e .uck- in a vnrietv of solid shades and luiir rililitin. sasln-- s ;iinl niiliiiicrx : I tn im-l- irioe-- . '.n iet nf -- oileil shades and strines

ii-'i- wide, wnftli up ri :."ic yard Bargains you overlook 'no soiled black . Mcgiilar e values 3 Days Special 19c cannot afford to 3 Days Special 2 pairs for 35c Ladies Hose Special 10c Towels 6c Liulii's' Inst lihifk fashioned hoe, line iiiij;e 15c Gingham Mleailie.l I llck Towels, ',() inches; good - 10c Serpentine Crepe 10c I i at 20c all linen iieels ami toex- w ill wear U t t hi'i. weight and im imperfect ions Regular 10c. lii-i-- i - iH-- i ; i I kiiiK-iia- 20e values I iiivii.iin. iiiuti in dark i i in i.l nc i'i 'i I'nr ill all ,r ol'l value colors, .stripe, a 1. pl.iiil. lunik r.i. i.. Regu- III. i'l nl' ;,iii'li! ' - ! e ll'Ht lell"lll i'i In 3 Days Special, pair 15c lar lot- - srrade. arils: wnrlh 'Jl It- - v ; I 3 Days Special, each 6c 3 Days Special, yard 10c 3 Days Special, yard 10c Men's 50c Shirts 39c Fancy Parasols A closing out of summer weights, lilit About a dozen left. We are going to get .shades, ere., of men's work shirts. Aohut live Cluett 25c Collars 10c 25c Poplins 15c llieiu out of the way now, t hi the season is '.') ( - - dozen assorted sizes, shirt a "() seller .llist it i'ei li iiit u' nllai v in ., uipe A pick-Up- " of I" piece- el lieaw IIH'IVi not near over we need the room). Regular l -- -- I --"l.."!) shapes. KiT) ullai tamped hull. L'oe." poplin- - in olal li.cle- of yif, . 'ti. prices tn 'J.5)o Choice 39c A ipiarter collar tin- - world over. Metier yet Iilack and etc. A regular li.V fabric: wa-ln-lie- your share il'ully 3 Days Special, Half Price "Boy Scout" Hats 10c each, or box of 6 for 50c Special, yard 15c Ladies Coats and Suits Have you seen theinV The official "hoy i ' scout" style and shade. The hoys all want We are expecting every day tho arrival u' thi'in and mothers like thorn because they look 15c Black Sateen 10c Turkish Bath Mats a big shipment of ladies' and misses' suits and :',2-inc- S00 h b ladies', misses' and Ho well. There is a jauntiiiess about them that vards .Mereeri.ed Sjiteeen. mill 2I in inch Matli MatN, uiade of heavv Turk-i-- children's Coats, thai we want you to itppeals to every one. Try one one the boy and lengths, w.irth V.h yard. Our regular price d.wi liicj III si. Iitl . iilur-- of Jiillk. blue, green see. They will surely be here hv is the time this is priiiteed. you will like them, too. ij1.2f values Ir- ,iinl etc. A thai v ill wa.--li announcement Coma earlv and get as' choice. Von will secure fash- Special $1.00 Days Special, yard 10c 3 Days Special, each 65c ions' latest decree and save nioiiev too,

Remember the dates Our fall stock is comwlete how .and w 1 want you to seo all the new things. Make TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY yoursolf at home wli other you want to buy or not. Visitors are treated as courteously as and let nothing keep you away T. A. MUIRH buyers. N. B. The new fall styles in Men's REGAL SHOES are here and we want every man in Tucumcari to see them. HMI

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