University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-16-1911 Tucumcari News Times, 09-16-1911 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 09-16-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/402 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vook and Job Work Our Specialty Sworn Olrculttlon of over 2,000 X PRINTERS Of EVERYTHING ffmumeari Jfews IU.0 the year, X-- ' ... lid 'tlllMunf AND TUCUMCARI TIMES DAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1011. TUOUMCARI, NEW MEXICO, BATUR VOLUME u. HO. r.l. 609... HUWKJXIPTION (10 A TEAS Tl - eomp .1 "ii tm M (H-i'- i" 'In public Ii. lieil ,i. il ,1 QUAY COUNTY'S FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR fh.,,,t that fHH.V Inn I'ter l.mn'ii B. P. ELKS DEDICATE NEW HOME I 0. pernill III the county ii ehuilile to eiiiei the (iiuli'it; the only icqum-llieu- l i. IhHt tin work placed on III,- lecond cftnh, 2.30. f'htiiubor I'mn ' Live- uf fui incmiiititi Inimt Ire work that lm Premium List on the Whole Line of Products ftstf ineicr. WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES been iluiii' III (hi1 "etioul rimtn nl the I'lioiplilm PltH merchnii Hie, l.iicei pyular iline priivtitwl for it nn stock Fifty Gent Greateer Tfeta Year. (l the la Per List (Int. ynl Kiny Kutmn ' einie lyrnp, lem-lip- i ptuyrnlii. Tkp emtiii ltlefi value : 2.53; iccond emh, tl..Hl, ('hum litlli il.,..iil.b,l If, ummrA tl.n. flM.t ihu; ihorthnnil t pew rn me her of Comuierce. T,WM" ,,N" More Than Two pieiniiiuii mnl lim p wond pfWOlltWIii wl" n'"l Hundred People Attend and Enjoy ("Mrrnli , Pint einb, l.(io, fur unci, f thi followlny yrnilei of ","' ",',0,l f"linili U lie l.e.t AND I tf.im. Every Minute of the Program Which Every COME TO THE FAIR iiriiin Pirt etnh, nbjePli. uml limy ileeide ti. uffer itlll ,,mn' 'lilliin n.r - icl yrmle Was lied Pepper -- Pint emh. 1.30. 'eHeher niki-- I', pi uruyc other prpiiiitiiin If II .eem. imt tn . ii Bit of It Right Up to Minute. I.linu llextn I'irit men hmiilin'. - ... u- hi the u. If tonchen in- pupil. Imte uthei j """ ""'lr clmri'i. pi.., GET INTO THE GAME Muirheml, I 2 ilueti pulri i i' hui'. IIipv work dime n, ei.ei, tuiitPtlNl in iiilml fltut would likt , "' viilttp ) 30. tn PMiibll. tin iiHHinittP.. luvltra yon j 'N"" In the ymde. uml id Pennttt. " nther than Wpmilih Pint In wilte tu the cliiii'nnsn. .lie.. S. (Infer, woii nil plNepii lutlcthir will lie tnetctiNndiip, Miiirlii'inl, TUCUMCARI ALWAYS DORS ilueu pain ut cull on It tit I he hlyli lehiml nf. fnr MWarttisn 'he pieiiilum t .iiibjeet tn flight licit rnop llhoile lilimr) KfiU 2.00 Thii itrminm llt Wild IbiyMimer jjIrN lime, value f.3o. lice. tcHi'ller There will In IwllvMnnl pxhibin lot -- nop ilui'Ln 2.00 'utility will do well tn uiianyn, lint in mi iiiKlm will it llet Apple I Pint null, f2.30 Chnber nf wuik in clmi' toiic'li with SiiKrlntpml eneh nf the elftrth (miilox in lie emu premium "f vtilnr Ih yivcn. The Ilet cnnp jfere 2.00 Ciitiltllprce. f - lf lit Crumi'r in the fiitutp n tley have 'linn aeltnol. THINGS IN THE RIGHT ehonl the etilllnary ii ml art ex llol I'linp hirVey. 2.00 Heit Dlipla.v llutup eihlhlt, of .lelllei Mndo III lint Ii I'remlnmi will lie tiiten for the tol p bunt 1.00 the pint. of tittle IHi'li ifc 1 hlliit, iiml ilUpliiy will he in Die Hot unit trades Pint inerchrtiidiie, .Imeph Imnd, 3 ylad to ilimv nil ponriixlei Inwiny. whether the work linn been Ile.t euop blilcli.Mllinoril 2.00 pn;lbte tn Hancock building mi Weil M.nn 'reel. pr Itullei' nhnen neentul inerelimiilin', dune mi reyiilHr nehiMit I lime who me Intcreiteil in thli work. work nr Htitt u fee will eharypil. I'x 30 TMciimetuI l.uiye nf Plk Nn 1172'ai n funny hidv nf wonderful entrntire lif Payer Hrm.. poiituli .luhn II, flour. Thme tvliii In IW't f indrtfttriitl itnp. muilcul Vutnl iin.uO are lilli'iiiteil the work ilellleftteil their new tttputv fitp lliuili tnlpiit mnl hpt rpiulilinii hlhlli fur tlit' ciillinnry iiml nrt depart Kaffir Cnrti Spomiil niercliiindJ-e- , (Mid exhibited by any Mfth of this moj; uf liiuilc nr eullllliereiwl brnHelK, ehrti .MmulHt mcnt should In' bmuyht in llrii Domestic MtnufBcturu and Art Work. I) uml ilnllnr hntue lint even dummy tl.p fpi'liny mid touch tin' Payer Hrm.. puff wheat, value I.:t3; kIiouIiI ponfpr .1. D. lelii'ol nf the with I'rof llomter i'ill. Iliy. I ilny of tin' fnlr inn I left with tl in- Ilcl puir linen pillow chpi, nenllnperl the rltillillitie eteicle wpip in in int. lidded tu her iiHttirnl flrl eah WntTonl i. White nl,. who Iihi eliHtye of iIipm- - Unci, Hei map of New XIsleo. nbllltle. or heiiKtili'lipil, with Initiiil ot pliMiyi' uf MxullPil Kuler .1. When mlttee In ehnrye nf lhi hulhlitiy. inunn Miln Malye Seeuml ttetrt iii.llt iiliinl lniidriii- - I'oiii. Ml.i Myrllp Mi Kemile khIpiI ineichmiitin'. nut only ut the hlyh irhn.il Imt fnr the yirleulny Hip Npwi Suitable diipluy space will. Iu iiiM'ii llllllll fl..0 l'Ull. Payer f) and wiilipi tn euiiyrtitiilHti' lienelf at the piano, her mnllooce Hrni. puff wheat, talue I.:i3; COIIIllV luil. phtn for n Ttietitsptn Int. I I!cl IIiipii ulippt. fi'iillnpril nr Hie I'lki who look pint in thii leMlnd back free fut any exhibit. Stuck iiml tint caih. Clnimbcr of 'omincrcc. PrcititHins (Imde. Ut InllivWnHl wt nt wechmilcHl icie prepared to liiteu tn n for Firt Work. IIh- - fur should In exhl with initiiil nr tnntinyram. Hriioiii - liiiiny mi iplemliil ilioivlny they treat, mid thwr not try exhibition in Corn- Second meichmiilin'. i ilmwiuir. tteri' dl.nppnliit.M, -- ('lint wink: ipwiuii enrdi; ) iiihiIi'. The were nil liitlnn Si'iti'inln't 2 iiml '.'! .it t I.'n inh. Payer Hrm. nd P limn 'Tinte Bui wtjy n tbe " fttamhoml Mmi pdili euiuuiltteu Mlii MrKeiirle lift,, woiideiful tgtk weiitiny: drnwlliy; IihioIh ritiny - Miirrny licit iioclu'l hnmi bii;. 2 pound tiil-- e In luemiiry. the tenui work wn- excel lit. Ilnely wnyiui yunl on center itteel mi Telli." f,t.30; tint cinli. i3. Premltiiux for Heroud (lradc Work. tnent." nut to rantaln morn itian lono iletclopo, ui ilu deiunih which ilny frri ilnhlluy, feed ami mi linlilen ti.'lte loflep by lliiycr tlrm. ''Iirimhe; n. lent mnl the illipreiiitp dellveiy uf the ilrnle.l ,y her remlltlon of tl (m Commerce. tiuiliei win k ; ion woni. pnver iiiniltiict work; tin-- Ilet fline crttiPt 7.P work impried nil piccut with tie nf Slip Iiiih ucciun-iiuIiI- ter will ln prut bled. Indian CnriiPni.. 'P.jniedhh -- I, . ttmt iu.CMdiml BMnnnl tmlnliiy Sprlny." the draw iuy hmnlw I itiuy ; ew inu unl. admi-iln- n licit Imiilieiipp in nil 100 lentil Ii which the Ordci idiihitieiit nf There will In' mi fee in t llulinii Corn, vellnu Si'i'oiul met- - dibit uiuklliu her miiiie niMk' PretnltimK for Third Orntlo Work. li'Mchi-i- , licit Imiiliptipe in wnter 1.00 - mid which the metiiben en in wind, the thouyht ill any riiuiiiement nr nttrnctlnn pi phtilullip, Tnfnya I l.awon. I. inn bruml N'umbi'i wink; druwiuy; ipelllnii; Ik- -' pi, ci- of fiinti'iire bv yrml,- but the mlml nf iiippI, lleil floweri in wtitpr 1.00 vhIiip Cham-bp- i leovur to practice. The deilletltiuti of Hie aitlit when tlii at hit inn tn which mi iidmi. ylnvM ftf.j lint pfh, f2.30 r laiiyiiiiue: tviitiny; Ini.nlwiirk f fnwlturf by high compo.lny hi none but Alii' elinryed fur adult", iloit pen nml ink iltuwItiK .... 1.00 the bullditiy ! the bmad principle, of a yrtuluate of her ability enn ilnfi nf will lie uf Cummerce. Prmnlutm for Fourth (Irodo Work. j "I'tlOIlt I'll. dn. Mini 2i- - chililien under I 'J licit i rnyon ilmwiu 1.00 Corn, tli Charity; the tiiihulillim of frtiternal One nf the lietili of Hie evenlny fur ear. Indian white Seeninl itieiehmi Niiluliei work; diMwiiiu; -- i.ellinit j Inidnal etbltilt nf Unite tni Heit funey 50,. 1,,!, , lilitice; the lieruldlliy uf the - the SPORTS. "l,r,,n ,;ill,Hr r(, ,In ..sllll1 , writiuy: hiiiiduork worl In I... v. piluei- ninyi uf the quartet eompo.ed uf licit iiiiiiIp Mill bonnet 30c plei ut llrutherly l.nve, all uf which Menr.. Fint Day Wednesday, Sept. 27. Pine." value l.liO; llrM ctnh, 2.3o. Prciniitmi for Fifth Oradc Work. tip ' m UvldnMl I'Vliiblt of it'ulnsr Ciiriithen.Hiuiilmky. Mbemlur. Heit funey chemiip 73e ure linked by the ynhlpn pIihIiii uf let mnl ClilHphell. It i Ot20 Mnir by btiml. Wheat iiierehiiiidiie, Knyer Vrlthioetie: yrmiimur: ipelliny. lie worl iiv urnde vlrl. ftniihed nrtiele. took Hi Inlirer-- Heit fit iip v niyht Iiph 73p I Pidelity, inudi' mi uu hock Hip (t.'IO uf welcome by Hrni,, lii-- impteniuii all tn their enlleye iluy.
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