Ellsworth American : November 6, 1918
Stroerkfln. 1 SO BSCRIPTION PHICK, #2.<X» PCS Till. LX IV • 1F gUswortl) UNTKHKU AM IMOONU CLASS MATTER PAID lit ADX’AltCK •>).« ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER (i 1918. AT TBR BLL*- WORTH POPTOFP/CR. * No. 45. auDrruscmrms. •ahtintisniunts. .LOCAL Ai F v i».\> noon mail did not reach Ellsworth until this morning. NKW AI>VKU ! hK'l t N irtl^ \\ Khk Henry Mclntireof Milltown, N. B., was « _ arraigned in Ellsworth municipal court PheHff's sale this morning on complaint of Sheriff N E Tel & Tel Co Prompt, Satisfactory Banking NATIONAL BANK Burriil National btrV Wescott. charged with the larceny of a C S Cottle—Cash and carry suit of clothes and pair of shoes, the ELLS Notice of foreclosuie -Susie C Oliver ORTH, MAINE property of Lin wood Tracy of North We ) A P Royal—Storage batteries repaired handle the business ©f our depositors West Hancock: Sullivan, from the lumber camp of D. C. Fourth Hors** for Ashe at Goodwin’s He was To Liberty Loan, Coupon Bond, Full sale Siding. promptly—carefully—satisfactorily. Bucksport: found guilty, sentenced to a fine of flO I Paid, Subscribers Savings Deposit Book lost a id costs, and committed to the county If If you need the services of a well-equipped Steven sort. Conn.: jail for forty days in default of payment. we Carpenters wanted bank, would be to assist in Ki« I li .is f tli, K ■! The house on pleased you any |*»ia Coupon tli I,il..r y |.,M„ ,rt? School street occupied no*, Charles W. and owned Frank within the of safe reauy fordeliveiy.
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