THE MIDLAND JOURNAL RISING SUN, MD., AUGUST 18, 1920 t+ ' . - Salvationists Allies ofPoor NATIONWIDE FIGHT SCOUTS i KEPT BUSY L. C. TOSH In Combating H. C. fL AGAINST DISEASE ! British Boys Realize They Live Agricultural 1 mpiemen ts in Stirring Times. \ American Red Cross Will Have RISING SUN, MARYLAND Parts Health Centers in All Patrol Leader Qrlgge and Pirate Have of United States. Adventuree Which Would Beem Haying rented the Maryland House Wareroom I am to Furnleh a Num- Quite is this ber of prepared to supply the trade section with a The American Red Cross has launch- Thrllla. , ' ed upon a nation wide campaign of i . B^Ba^MHiEift. ICSfoa?MMgaiaEBL p %■* '•. as ft] | "Me and saw her first,” Complete line of International {Harvester IMa *gl ■ 1 fighting and physical defect Pirate said disease Patrol Leader Griggs, when ashed to among the American people. A new f Farm Implements and Repairs, \Wagons, recall the most recent maritime mis- unique health institution has come I and hap which, boy scout, Plows, Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Into being as the result of several I of as a he had Harrows, [mm? flSj; m, official cognizance. “It was only the • - months’ study by the Red Cross Healthi Spreaders '■■¥*i&m. wB . other day, spe- Rollers, Manure Service Department at National Head- and we’d been sent on cial patrol way quarters. along the cliff, two one and other implements needed on the farm. Officials in charge of the department : and two t’other, the sea fog being so predict that before long this new health i thick. She was quite close In, but yon —Agent For—- activity will be In actual operation all l could only just see her In the mist—- over the country, and that the sign—- a fair-sized steamer, and not moving, -8-16 International and 10-20 Titan Tractors “ Center” so I knew she was on the sand.” American Red Cross Health and for same —will become as familiar to the peo- Griggs sent the Pirate back post equipment ple everywhere as are now the signs of ' haste, says "A. E. 0.” In London Dally the telegraph companies. Chronicle, that a rocket apparatus might sent and the lifeboat Busy Long Before War. - be nearest warned. L. of the American, Red [ C. TOSH The Interest strange the fight against disease Is , “The part was she didn’t Rising Maryland Cross in nothing,” Griggs—“not Sun Phone 337 however, of recent origin. Long . hoot or said a not, sound. I holloa’d, but they wouldn’t before the war the organization began be likely my this health service through Its medical to hear. Also I took off Jersey it, units In disaster relief work and Its i and waved Just to let 'em know help 'ud be coming, but I don’t A store by the In Richmond, Va., department of Town and County Nurs- second hand maintained Salvationists following : think they saw.” Jollie, only colored ing. During the war and and patronized largely by negroes. (Insert) Miss Catherine Within 46 minutes Pirate returned Corps, the armistice thousands of American soldier In the National Headquarters New York. ; In Red Cross officials have been fighting company with the rocket apparatus In war-stricken countries. and Its crew. “Clothes may be worn, but never put In usable condition by workers In disease the of ’ “And what do you think 1” exclaimed Willard Battery Service the Industrial homes of the Army. At the same time tens of thousands eut” Is the slogan of the Salvation have been en- Griggs Indignantly, "at first they Prices charged for the reclaimed local Red Cross officials Army disease, nota- wouldn't take up South Third St., Oxford, Pa. second-hand stores maintained products are absurdly low, but still are gaged at home fighting his word for It at the epidemics. station. Was he quite he hadn’t In connection with the organization’s sufficient to cover the wages of the bly during the influenza sure The Red Cross has de- made a mistake, if you please l Just Industrial homes throughout the coun- men and women who do the repairing American EXPERT WORK ON ALL MAKES OF termined that all this valuable experi- as If I don’t know a stranded steamer Particularly In these days of high as well as to provide In most cases for try. and at: when I see one!” STORAGE BATTERIES, ELECTRIC the “overhead" cost of maintaining ence In health service abroad prices the stores have become effective not go So long The rocket was successfully fired both the Industrial Home and its “re- home shall to waste. STARTERS & GENERATORS. allies of the poorer classes in combat- there half million people > and the tackle madefast on the steam- tail" store. as are a a lug country from pre- But -1 the EL O. L. The shop shown In the picture Is lo dying yearly In this er. crew and vessel owed their ' Curiosity causes, long more brought Our Shop with modern machinery. In these veritable “Old cated In the negro section of Rich ventable and so as 1 rescue to the alternative aid is equipped and up-to-date American chil- by. the boys’ are in shape give your Battery is Shops” may be purchased shoes, mond, Va. Similar institutions for all than one-third of the summons. We to service. When be- young people are victims of "When up,” we will show you the WILLARD with Thread- clothes, hats, furniture, stoves and a races and creeds are found In practl dren and the lifeboat came ex- yond repairing physical defects, the Red Cross recog- plained Griggs, “they passed her a Rubber Insulation, —the best Battery your money buy. great number of ether household artl- cally every one of the larger cities In can nizes the urgent need for continued warp, and she put anchor out, and I des. This material is salvaged and the United States. an Red Cross health service at home. the steamer hauled herself back into GIVE US A TRIAL! How Organization Works. deep water.” Center Isi I asked about the scar on Griggs’ The Red Cross Health Free Distilled Water and Testing. EVANGELINE BOOTH OPENS governed by business principles, ap- knee. 'COMMANDER in its beastly dark night,” he plies business methods, and, “It was a re- more simple form, can be established plied, “when that happened. There AMERICA'S “OWSinOF MNITt" and conducted by lay people. was a parcel for the next station and Lawrence J. Duffy It proceeds upon the demonstrated I was taking it half-way, to meet one fact that health is a "ommodity that of their boys coming up—both on our Oxford Phone 132 Pa. can be bought and sold like brooms i bikes. I was going at a fair lick, and and soap. Therefore, It establishes It- ran Into a big biscuit tin that some self in a storeroom In the principal silly ass had left In the middle of the business section of the community. It road. At least It sounded like a bis- displays its goods in the form of at- cuit tin, but I didn’t go hunting round tractive health exhibits in its show to find out what It was. The blood windows. It advertises constantly and wasn’t half running down my leg, so I extensively. And It uses every busi- got back as quick as I could.” ness and sbcial device to attract cus- “Do you find bicycles useful In coast tomers. watching?” The Red Cross Health Center Is of “They’re all right to anyone used to service to the sick In that It gives out them. I lent my bike to Pirate once reliable and complete Information —but never again! A mine was re- about existing clinics, hospitals, sana- ported ashore a mile and a half along toria and other Institutions for the sick the coast. Pirate was told to hurry and the defective; about available there and stand watch over it till the nurses, both trained and practical; motorboat came to make It harmless. about when to consult a physician and There’s some sand holes and deep cut- why to shun the quack and his nos- tings along the cliff, and being In too trums. much of a hurry to see where he was Teaching Dizease Prevention. going Pirate fell Into pretty near all The Red Cross Health Center Is, of them. Then he stuck the bike into however, of even greater service to the a hedge and ran the rest.” you ' well. It teaches people how to pre- “Have ever had a mine come vent sickness and disease. This Is done ashore and explode?” In many Interesting and attractive “One did. It made a most tremen- Mm„w, ways—first of all, by the distribution dous loud noise, only I didn’t hear it of popular health literature and myself, being asleep at the time.” The “University of Humanity,” Just dedicated In New York by Evangeline through health lectures Illustrated with damage?” Booth, Commander of the Salvation Army. Here the Army’s officers wll. “Did It do much (Insert) Commander Miss Booth (Left) and mem lantern slides 'or with health motion "Depends on what you call much,” henceforth be trained. special exhibits of her staff. picture films. Then are replied Griggs Judicially. “A man’s bera after the other, on j given, one various shoulder put out of Joint and about a health subjects. Praetical demonstra- The doors of the first "University of daughter of the man who dreamed It, thousand quids' worth of broken win- are j health playlets by Humanity” huve been opened.
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