'Commander Evangeline Booth Opens
THE MIDLAND JOURNAL RISING SUN, MD., AUGUST 18, 1920 t+ ' . - Salvationists Allies ofPoor NATIONWIDE FIGHT SCOUTS i KEPT BUSY L. C. TOSH In Combating H. C. fL AGAINST DISEASE ! British Boys Realize They Live Agricultural 1 mpiemen ts in Stirring Times. \ American Red Cross Will Have RISING SUN, MARYLAND Parts Health Centers in All Patrol Leader Qrlgge and Pirate Have of United States. Adventuree Which Would Beem Haying rented the Maryland House Wareroom I am to Furnleh a Num- Quite is this ber of prepared to supply the trade section with a The American Red Cross has launch- Thrllla. , ' ed upon a nation wide campaign of i . B^Ba^MHiEift. ICSfoa?MMgaiaEBL p %■* '•. as ft] | "Me and saw her first,” Complete line of International {Harvester IMa *gl ■ 1 fighting and physical defect Pirate said disease Patrol Leader Griggs, when ashed to among the American people. A new f Farm Implements and Repairs, \Wagons, recall the most recent maritime mis- unique health institution has come I and hap which, boy scout, Plows, Drills, Cultivators, Discs, Into being as the result of several I of as a he had Harrows, [mm? flSj; m, official cognizance. “It was only the • - months’ study by the Red Cross Healthi Spreaders '■■¥*i&m. wB . other day, spe- Rollers, Manure Service Department at National Head- and we’d been sent on cial patrol way quarters. along the cliff, two one and other implements needed on the farm. Officials in charge of the department : and two t’other, the sea fog being so predict that before long this new health i thick.
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