SALVATION ARMY APPLIES PARTNERS WITH WHOLE-SCHOOL APPROACH GOVERNMENT TO TO COVID-19 PREVENTION PROVIDE NEW HOME FOR IN LUOSHUI, CHINA REFUGEES IN ITALY Luoshui is a remote township A NEW residential facility in Yunnan Province in the has opened in Rome this People’s Republic of China, month, providing permanent approximately a three-hour accommodation for up to 14 drive from the nearest major refugees who had previously city, Kunming. Its junior high lived in The Salvation school, covering a catchment Army’s social services centre in area of 10 villages, educates the Italian capital. The nearly 1,400 pupils. Around


Refugees, asylum seekers and THE SALVATION ARMY forcibly-displaced migrants are SOUP, SOAP AND SANITISER Hope Health Healingamong the most vulnerable IN CENTRAL AMERICA groups affected by COVID-19. AT SALVATION ARMY RESPONDS AS 2020 The United Nations Refugee HOSPITAL IN INDIA HURRICANE ETA HITS Agency (UNHCR) reports that Evangeline Booth Hospital in there are currently 71 million Flooding, landslides and severe Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, displaced people around the damage to property have is one of five large Salvation Army hospitals in India. The facility saw its first case of COVID-19 on 14 March 2020 and has adapted its procedures in order to meet the needs of more than 3,200 patients who have presented with coronavirus symptoms since WHAT WE BELIEVE International Purpose Statement Vision Statement Mission Statement We work faithfully with those The purpose of the Salvation Army The Salvation Army World Service World Services Office (SAWSO), Office (SAWSO) serves as a affected by poverty, so they are The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part is to represent the interests of dedicated resource committed to fed, sheltered, and empowered to of the universal Christian Church. the four Salvation Army U.S.A. responding to the global interests of remain so. Its message is based on the Bible. Territories as we work together The Salvation Army USA by: Its ministry is motivated by the love with communities to improve the We work faithfully with those • Developing sustainable solutions of God. Its mission is to preach the health, economic and spiritual affected by disease, so they to poverty, disease, and despair in gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet conditions of the vulnerable global communities. are healed and further sickness human needs in his name without throughout the world. • Cultivating increased is prevented. discrimination. organizational capacity within CONTENTS We work faithfully with those Salvation Army units worldwide. affected by disasters, so they are • Introducing sustainability models restored and strengthened against that grow financial independence. 4 A Letter from The Salvation Army USA National Commander future misfortune. • Demonstrating an empowering culture of grace and trust towards 5 A Letter from The SAWSO Executive Director We work faithfully with those who everyone we serve. are victims of abuse, so they are 6 Fighting the Pandemic safe and made forever whole. 9 Australian Wildfires We work faithfully 10 Microfinance in Haiti for God, always. 13 Success In Rome

16 SAWSO 2020 Financial Summary

17 SAWSO Board of Trustees

18 SAWSO Staff

19 Ways to Give

Hope Health Healing 3 A LETTER FROM A LETTER FROM The National Commander SAWSO Executive Director

In 2020, the world faced a uniquely international causes and ensures proper bright future. Thousands who fell ill in the “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, SAWSO’s worldwide response included each initiative. Our motivation was fueled challenging crisis, and as is so often the stewardship of the resources entrusted to us world’s most impoverished communities but a spirit of power, of love and of self- helping hospitals and clinics increase by knowing that God loves and cares for case during times of crisis, the most by those who generously make our mission were able to recover. Thousands more were discipline,” wrote the Apostle Paul in 2 their capacity, providing material and people. But we could not have succeeded impoverished and vulnerable were the possible. In a world just now beginning to provided with the supplies they needed to Timothy 1:7. financial support to those economically without you. most affected. recover from a deadly pandemic, this work keep themselves safe, and even more were impacted, and supplying hygiene Perhaps more than any other year in our Thanks to your generous support, we were has never been more important. given the support they needed to overcome products and educational materials to The Salvation Army faithfully serves those major economic upheaval. lives, 2020 demanded a powerful, loving, some of the world’s most impoverished able to meet and overcome these challenges, affected by poverty, disaster, disease, and SAWSO employs highly qualified technical and disciplined spirit from those of us who and isolated communities. delivering the service and stewardship that abuse. We do so in Christ’s name and advisors who provide leadership and Thank you for partnering with The are dedicated to serving those in need. you have come to expect from us, even in without discrimination. We do so through guidance in fields like medicine, education, Salvation Army World Services Office in Around the globe in more than 130 the face of unprecedented circumstances No story topped the year’s headlines community centers, medical facilities, and economic development. And though 2020. Thank you for helping us to bring countries, The Salvation Army leads throughout the year. We thank you for more than the COVID-19 pandemic. schools, and shelters in 131 countries, their ability to travel to project sites was hope and practical help to so many around worship services, provides education, entrusting us with your compassion. Every community on Earth was affected. all of which are staffed by officers, curtailed by COVID-19, our personnel the world in their darkest hour. fights human trafficking, supports Medical resources were stretched thin, professional employees and volunteers. stayed in close contact with leaders on medical care, and teaches valuable life May God bless you. people were forced from their homes, and skills. While the pandemic caused major May God bless you, the ground, lending their expertise and the most basic sanitation supplies were To support that work, The Salvation Army maximizing The Salvation Army’s impact. upheavals in societies on every level, we Lt. Colonel Thomas Bowers World Service Office (SAWSO) provides hard to come by in some of the world’s were able to continue serving families and Executive Director, SAWSO Very truly yours, most isolated communities. funding, coordination, and expertise to Thanks to your faithful and generous communities in these ways. And though Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder ensure the greatest possible good for those support, many survived the challenges of Despite these unprecedented challenges, every SAWSO project was affected in in need. We manage funds raised for the past year and can look forward to a NATIONAL COMMANDER The Salvation Army World Service Office some way by COVID-19, we adapted to (SAWSO) was there. the ever-changing, dangerous reality with

4 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 5 COVID-19 PROGRAMS

The Salvation Army has worked SAWSO supported projects in India was provided with a new laptop tirelessly to distribute Personal to distribute hygiene pamphlets, computer and projector to better Protective Equipment (PPE) masks, and handwashing materials facilitate training sessions and and educational materials to to help stop the spread of COVID-19 community presentations. FIGHTING THE some of the most impoverished in the State of Kerala, along Elsewhere in India, in the western communities on Earth, helping the country’s southwestern coast. part of the country, The Salvation those most at risk survive COVID-19. Salvation Army centers in the Army purchased a ventilator and Meanwhile, routine health care area held awareness classes other medical supplies, including services continues, routine and training sessions, teaching PandemicBillions were confined to their own in isolated, impoverished areas, and Personal Protective Equipment, for 2020 will go down in history provision of health services community members throughout homes. Unemployment skyrocketed as distributing educational materials and The Salvation Army hospital there. as a chaotic, tumultuous entire industries slowed to a standstill. hygiene supplies to those in need. continued, sometimes with SAWSO- the region good hygiene practices devastated the country. The year. A deadly pandemic— Migrant workers, dependent on travel for their livelihoods, found themselves Even as the coronavirus pandemic approved modifications to adapt to and virus avoidance, casting a With SAWSO’s support, The demanded in impressive amount of Salvation Mission (as the Salvation first appearing in late 2019 in without options and opportunities, with the challenges of the pandemic. wide net to reach the greatest some even stranded far from home as SAWSO’s—and the world’s—attention, Salvation Army in the Republic Army is known in Nepal) has China’s Wuhan provence— other issues remained. Natural disasters, travel bans were implemented. number of people. of Congo (Brazzaville) has been mobilizing the community engulfed the globe by march human trafficking, poor access to A grant from a private foundation And of course, hospitals and other education, and malnutrition did not spent much of 2020 providing to respond to future disasters by medical facilities around the world ceace, and neither did SAWSO. But even to SAWSO funded outreach Similarly, The Salvation Army in of 2020, and remained a COVID-19 awareness and promoting providing training in disaster risk were stressed like never before with a as the mission continued, no project was visits by staff from Chikankata central India provided hygiene scourge throughout the massive influx of patients and sometimes untouched or unaffected by COVID. prevention with the distribution of reduction and first aid. dangerous understaffing. Medical Mission Hospital to small, isolated and awareness training, as well as world for the rest of the year. professionals worked selflessly and at great The Salvation Army responded fliers, pamphlets, masks, gloves, risk to their own health and safety, but immediately to the needs of communities clinics in an impoverished rural distributing soap, hand sanitizers, In Zimbabwe, The Salvation overseas affected by the COVID-19 buckets with taps, disinfectant, even in wealthy countries, resources were area in Southern Zambia. gloves, masks, and other vital Army purchased specialized stretched thin. In the developing world, pandemic. SAWSO supported these and tissues to a local hospital and the situation was far more dire. communities by providing funds for A second grant from the same supplies to community members equipment and PPE to address awareness campaigns, distributing hand several Salvation Army clinics. And through it all, The Salvation washing materials and hiring health agents private foundation is being used and medical professionals. The and treat the influx of patients Army World Service Office was there, to inform and teach preventive measures to upgrade the Mission’s aging, Salvation Army’s Evangeline SAWSO has worked in Nepal seeking emergency care during the supporting those who lost their income, through whatever means remained safe providing vital gear to clinics and hospitals and available during the pandemic. inefficient electrical system. Booth Hospital in Ahmednagar since the 2015 earthquake which coronavirus pandemic.

6 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 7 AUSTRALIAN Although COVID-19 was the RELIEF FUNDS RAISED dominant health issue in BY SAWSO: 2020—and SAWSO remained actively engaged throughout Wildfires $1,453,531 the year to battle the deadly Devastating and widespread wildfires struck The Salvation Army was serving in Australia beginning the long process of rebuilding APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF pandemic—other issues Australia from late 2019 until early 2020, long before the wildfire outbreak, continued their lives. To help them along, taking dozens of lives, destroying thousands through it and will be there to help The Salvation Army staff and volunteers FAMILIES HELPED: regarding health and access of homes, and scorching millions of acres. individuals and families recover long after. have evaluated their specific needs via to medicine around the world The outcome was one of the worst wildfire phone calls and in-person assessments, and seasons in the country’s history. With SAWSO’s facilitation of individual then issuing grants designed to address remained. The Salvation and corporate donations from the United specific needs at each level. 510 At first, the world watched closely, as States, local Salvation Army community Army serves impoverished harrowing stories were reported on centers in Australia were able to provide Fire-affected communities in Australia and vulnerable people by international and national news outlets. emergency response and actively support are still suffering from the destruction APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF However, the wildfires quickly became old firefighters with food, water, and emotional that surrounds them long after the fires INDIVIDUALS HELPED: implementing programs news to a world stricken by the coronavirus and spiritual care at various forward were extinguished. The Salvation Army is outbreak. As with any crisis that has lost the command centers. committed to supporting their journey to a that enhance health service attention of the news media and thereby, full recovery. quality and increase access the public, support for survivors and first Full recovery is expected to take years, and 1,536 responders dwindled while the need grew. those who lost everything are only just to community-based services at Salvation Army hospitals and clinics.

8 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 9 BY THE NUMBERS

MORE THAN MICROFINANCE 2000 VULNERABLE PEOPLE IN IN 27 HAITIAN COMMUNITIES Despite its rich history, vibrant culture, property, in the event of unforeseen major In communities as impoverished as those There is no betterHaiti way to BENEFITED and strong, hard-working people, Haiti expenses that could cripple an already in rural Haiti, without the institutional FROM THIS PROJECT. help those in need than remained among the poorest countries fragile household. and governmental support people in to teach them to help in the Western Hemisphere. This is wealthier countries take for granted, compounded by the fact that some The loans can also be used to start or a single unplanned expense can spell MORE THAN themselves. SAWSO- communities lack access to even basic invest in a local business, opening doors to financial ruin for otherwise stable prosperity and leadership that might not households. But thanks to The Salvation supported microfinance banking services. Through a Salvation Army-led program of microsavings and otherwise be available to entrepreneurial Army’s microfinance and agricultural programs in Haiti are microloans, self-managed by the members members of the community. support programs, members of these 600 of these isolated communities, participants communities gain access to resources they FARM ANIMALS proving that to be true. Agriculture remains the most important need to survive such hardships and create are given opportunities to strengthen WERE DISTRIBUTED TO source of both sustenance and economic new opportunities of their own. their own economic health while learning opportunity in the island nation. PROVIDE INCOME FOR FAMILIES, AND valuable financial literacy skills. Farming and finance go hand in hand. The concept is simple, but for those who With this in mind, The Salvation Army have previously lacked access to similar runs agricultural development programs resources, it’s very powerful. Members of alongside its microfinance programs in 195 a savings group invest together in a shared rural Haiti, teaching farming families pool, from which participants can take out new techniques designed to increase PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS loans. This eliminates the need to sell off their crop yields while sustaining the soil RECEIVED ACCESS TO MICROCREDIT FUNDS valuable assets, such as livestock or other for future generations. TO INVEST IN SMALL LOCAL BUSINESSES.


For decades, The Salvation Army in high income countries has been blessed to be able to financially support the work of counterparts in less wealthy nations, whether in emergency relief, SUCCESS community projects, or simply the daily costs of operating in some of the most challenging parts of the world.

But what if The Salvation Army in wealthier countries could do more to help overseas partners to achieve financial sustainability, IN rather than merely provide annual funding? What if Salvationists Although there is great potential for The return was clearly worth the everywhere were provided with the training and start-up capital fundraising in Rome,Rome The Salvation investment. The new office generated they need to generate sustainable income and support their own Army Italy headquarters lacked the more than $5 million for Salvation Army necessary start-up capital to establish a programs to care for the community’s community and ministry programs? successful program. In their own words: most vulnerable populations. Shelters “In past years the command had made and meals for those in extreme poverty, That is precisely the goal of The Salvation Army World Service only sporadic attempts to pursue such aid for large homeless populations, and initiatives. When results were positive, support for refugee families were all Office’s new Capacity Building Partnership Initiative (CBPI). there was insufficient funding to continue funded through multiple sources including And The Salvation Army in Greece is proving it is possible. and consolidate; when results were municipalities, regional partnerships with negative, a fear of losing further funds non-governmental organizations, and even froze any desire to go on.” European Union grants. This strategic The CBPI empowers TSA territories worldwide to develop financial investment has given The Salvation Army But through a partnership and $136,000 independence and operate their ministries and programs in Italy access to new areas of impact and grant from SAWSO and the Netherlands historically elusive sustainability. sustainably. Working together, they create comprehensive Territory, they were able to hire a professional fundraiser and provide a strategies for income generation and provide capital to test a three-year operational budget for basic variety of local fundraising and social enterprise ideas, all while equipment, travel expenses, and marketing campaigns. The goal was for the position developing capacity to innovate. to become self-sustaining once it had time to establish relationships and a first round of donations.

12 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 13 THE SALVATION ARMY WORLD SERVICE OFFICE The Scope of DEDICATES MORE THAN THE SALVATION ARMY $64m WORLD SERVICE OFFICE IN FUNDS TO OVER The Salvation Army World Service Office’s projects span six sectors on six continents, with projects in the following Salvation Army territories and countries: Angola Cuba Italy Namibia Sierra Leone 220 Argentina Denmark Jamaica Nepal ACTIVE PROJECTS Australia Domican Republic Japan The Netherlands South Africa Bahamas Ecuador Kenya Nicaragua Spain IN MORE THAN Bangladesh El Salvador Kuwait Nigeria Belize Estonia Latvia Norway Sweden Bolivia Finland Lesotho Pakistan Taiwan Botswana Georgia Liberia Panama Tanzania 70 Brazil Germany Lithuania Papua New Guinea Uganda COUNTRIES Burkina Faso Ghana Madagascar Paraguay Ukraine Burndi Greece Malawi Peru United Arab Emirates AND CAN MOBILIZE IN Cambodia Guatemala The Uruguay ANY OF THE Chile Haiti Mali Poland Venezuela Colombia Honduras Mexico Portugal Zambia Congo/Brazzaville Hong Kong Moldova Russia Zimbabwe Congo DRC India Mozambique Rwanda 131 Costa Rica Indonesia Myanmar St Maarten COUNTRIES WHERE THE SALVATION ARMY IS PRESENT.

14 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 15 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets SAWSO Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 1,741,923 Board of Trustees SAWSO 2020 Other Assets 66,598,425 Total Assets $68,340,348 President Trustee Kenneth G. Hodder Bradford Bailey Commissioner Commissioner Liabilities and Net Assets The Salvation Army The Salvation Army FINANCIAL SUMMARY Total Liabilities $ 3,866,695 National Headquarters Central Territory Net Assets 64,473,653 615 Slaters Lane 5550 Prairie Stone Parkway Twelve Months Ended September 30, 2020 Alexandria, VA 22314 Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $68,340,348 $473,480 Business and Economic Vice President Trustee Kenneth Johnson William Bamford $859,575 Development STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Colonel Commissioner Support Service— Revenue $7,345,089 $165,545 Fundraising/Management $593,333 The Salvation Army The Salvation Army Investment Government Education and General Public Support Contributions $ 23,854,375 Income Grants National Headquarters Eastern Territory $654,758 Other Income (loss) $ 7,345,089 615 Slaters Lane 440 West Nyack Road Anti-Human Trafficking Government Grants 165,545 Alexandria, VA 22314 West Nyack, NY 10994 $1,350,627 Empowerment and Total Revenue $31,365,009 Livelihoods Treasurer/Secretary Trustee Cynthia Foley Willis Howell $2,192,202 Expenses Lt. Colonel Commissioner Health Service Program Services $ 26,263,639 The Salvation Army The Salvation Army EXPENSES BY National Headquarters Southern Territory REVENUE PROGRAM Fundraising 317,123 Support Service— 615 Slaters Lane 1424 Northeast Expressway Management and General 542,452 Alexandria, VA 22314 Altanta, GA 30329

$6,718,093 Total Expenses $27,123,214 Relief and Reconstruction Executive Director Trustee Non-Voting Member Douglas Riley Increase (decrease) in Net Assets $ 4,241,795 Thomas Bowers Commissioner Lt. Colonel $23,854,375 $14,281,146 Net Assets, Beginning of Period 60,231,858 The Salvation Army Public Support Community Development The Salvation Army Western Territory Contributions Net Assets, End of Period $64,473,653 National Headquarters 180 East Ocean Boulevard 615 Slaters Lane Long Beach, CA 90802 Alexandria, VA 22314

16 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 17 SAWSO Staff ADMINISTRATION FINANCE WAYS TO Lt. Col. Thomas Bowers Justin Boswell Ellen Farnham Mary Bryant Arnel Cervantes Ronald Daoang Guisela Rojas-Rolon Jun Villanueva Executive Director Director of Operations Controller Staff Accountant Project Accountant Senior Accountant Accountant Project Accountant Give PROGRAM Online More Ways to Give Questions about giving may be sent to Stock or securities transfers [email protected] Or call 1.703.647.4796 By Phone Planned gifts (i.e. bequests and trusts) © 2020 Salvation Army World Service Office 1.800.725.2769 All Rights Reserved Tina Chong Gift annuities Executive Secretary By Mail The Salvation Army World Service Office (SAWSO) was incorporated August 26, Workplace giving programs/ Bramwell Bailey Major Mike McKee Douglas Bell Cecelia Bishop Patience Fielding The Salvation Army World  1977 in the District of Columbia. It is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Director of Programs Assistant to the Executive Senior Technical Advisor Program Senior Technical Advisor Service Office Combined Federal Campaign and Partnerships Director for SAWSO for for Education Administration Manager for Education 615 Slaters Lane Contributions to SAWSO are deductible for Federal Income Tax Purposes to the International Emergencies Matching gifts DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNICATIONS Alexandria, VA 22314 extent permitted under section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code for individual donors and section 170(b)(2) for corporations.

Charles Nutt John Funk Lisa Firth Jessica Horwood Jason Pope Damon Winters Drew Nelson Director of International Communications Manager Technical Advisor Technical Advisor Technical Advisor for Technical Advisor for Project Manager Resource Development for Health for Livelihoods Anti-Human Trafficking International Business and Economic Development

18 SAWSO 2020 Annual Report Hope Health Healing 19 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria, VA 22314