Social Transformations in Contemporary Society 2015’’

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Social Transformations in Contemporary Society 2015’’ MYKOLAS ROMERIS UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL CANDIDATES‘ ASSOCIATION Social Transformations in Contemporary Society Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference for Young Researchers 2015 (3) ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) Conference is organized by: Conference partners: Editorial board of the issue: Chairwoman: Prof. dr. Agota Giedrė Raišienė, Academic Association of Management and Administration, and Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Members: Dr. Michele Albano, CISTER (Research Centre in Real-Time Computing Systems) Research Unit, School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP), Portugal Assoc. prof. dr. Mantas Bileišis, AVADA, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Dr. Norbert Bozsik, Károly Róbert College, Hungary Dr. Lynn Clark, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom Prof. dr. Gediminas Černiauskas, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Prof. dr. Gintaras Černius, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Dr. Daiva Daukantaite, Lund University, Sweden 2 ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) Assoc. prof. dr. Aistė Dromantaitė-Stancikienė, AVADA, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Assoc. prof. dr. Stanislav Filip, School of Economics and Management in Public Administration, Slovakia Dr. Marc Oliva i Franganillo, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Prof. dr. Ineta Geipele, Riga Technical University, Latvia Dr. Ilona Kajokienė, Žemyna clinic, Mykolas Romeris Univeristy, Lithuania Prof. dr. Ilídio Tomás Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal Assoc. prof. dr. Teri McCarthy, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania Dr. Natalija Norvilė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Dr. Jaromír Novák, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Dr. Avelino Oliveira, Centre for Public Administration & Public Policies, Portugal Assoc. prof. dr. Bulent Ozel, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Dr. Irene Pellizzone, University of Milan, Italy Assoc. prof. dr. Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Assoc. prof. dr. Cristian Pettinari, University of Milan, Italy Dr. Andrius Puksas, Mykolas Romeris University, Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society, Lithuania Prof. Dr. Aelita Skaržauskienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Dr. Katarina Stachova, School of Economics and Management in Public Administration, Slovakia Dr. Silvia Svecova, School of Economics and Management in Public Administration, Slovakia Assoc. prof. dr. Akin Savas Yildirim, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey Organizational committee of an International Scientific Conference for Young Researchers ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society 2015’’ Chairwoman: Rūta Tamošiūnaitė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Members: Dalia Karlaitė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Ginterė Gulevičiūtė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Sonata Navickaitė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Rasa Aleknavičiūtė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania 3 ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) Table of Content THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE ENERGY SECTOR AND “CITIZEN ENERGY”: INSIGHTS FROM GERMANY WITH COMMENTS ON THE LITHUANIAN CONTEXT 6 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN BAR AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: PROBLEMS THAT REQUIRE SOLUTIONS. ..................................................................... 14 MEDICAL TOURISTS' EXPECTATIONS WHEN CHOOSING LITHUANIA FOR HEALTH CARE SERVICES ................................................................................................. 24 THE NEW APPROACH TO THE WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: INTERRELATEDNESS OF INTUITIVE EATING, ADLERIAN LIFESTYLE AND BODY MASS INDEX AMONG LITHUANIAN FEMALE COMPUTER USERS .................................................................. 40 SOCIAL LEGAL TRANSFORMATION OF PAKISTAN ..................................................... 54 MEDŽIAGIŠKUMO POVEIKIS ŠIUOLAIKINEI SAKRALINEI LĖLEI .......................... 67 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: MATERIALITY EFFECT ON CONTEMPORARY SACRAL PUPPET ........................................................................................................................................ 80 PROBLEMS OF CUSTOMS LEGAL REGULATION IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION, RUSSIA AND CHINA: ANALYSIS OF LITHUANIAN JUDICIAL PRACTICE SINCE 2010 .......................................................... 81 TEISMINĖS KONTROLĖS SUTARTINIŲ SUMŲ ATŽVILGIU LYGINAMIEJI ASPEKTAI ............................................................................................................................. 99 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: COMPARATIVE ASPECTS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW OVER AGREED AMOUNTS .................................................................................................................113 PRIVATUMAS VIRTUALIUOSE SOCIALINIUOSE TINKLUOSE KAIP ĮSTATYMO SAUGOMA VERTYBĖ ........................................................................................................ 115 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: PRIVACY IN ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AS LEGALLY PROTECTED VALUE ................................................................................................................127 4 ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) PROMOTION OF THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE CONTEXT OF FEMALE EMPLOYEES AND FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS ......................................................... 128 FOREST MANAGEMENT THROUGH SOCIAL INNOVATION IN RURAL GHANA: THE CASE OF THE WEST GONJA DISTRICT ............................................................... 142 TEISMO INTERVENCIJOS Į KOMERCINIUS SUTARTINIUS SANTYKIUS LEGITIMUMAS KLASIKINĖJE, SĄRYŠINGOJOJE IR SOCIALINĖJE SUTARČIŲ TEISĖS TEORIJOSE .......................................................................................................... 155 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: THE LEGITIMACY OF JUDICIAL INTERVENTION INTO COMMERCIAL CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP IN CLASSICAL, RELATIONAL AND SOCIAL CONTRACT LAW THEORIES ..................................................................................169 MOKESČIŲ NAŠTOS ĮTAKOS VALSTYBĖS FINANSINIAM STABILUMUI MODELIAVIMAS ............................................................................................................... 170 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: MODELLING OF INFLUENCE OF TAX BURDEN ON COUNTRIES’ FINANCIAL STABILITY ..................................................................................191 VERSLO TĘSTINUMO PRIEMONIŲ TAIKYMO ŪKIO SUBJEKTUOSE SVARBA: PREKYBOS ĮMONIŲ ATVEJO ANALIZĖ ........................................................................ 192 SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: THE IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS CONTINUITY TOOLS APPLICATION IN BUSINESS ENTITIES: CASE STUDY OF SHOPPING MALLS ..........206 5 ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE ENERGY SECTOR AND “CITIZEN ENERGY”: INSIGHTS FROM GERMANY WITH COMMENTS ON THE LITHUANIAN CONTEXT Christopher Ball University of Stirling, Scotland Abstract Purpose – Explore the extent to which the Energy Transition in Germany is a social transformation and comment on the Lithuanian context Design/methodology/approach Interviews with German energy entrepreneurs and field notes Findings The Energy Transition in Germany has been driven by “Citizen Energy”, but this is under threat from recent reforms which undermine the potential of “citizen energy” as a social transformation. There remain barriers to the growth of “Citizen Energy” in Lithuania. Research limitations/implications It is, to an extent context-specific with limitations for generalizability Practical implications Findings may be of use to the Lithuanian academic community and policy makers interested in energy policy Originality/Value Energy entrepreneurship is a timely theme in view of concerns about climate change and energy security Keywords: “citizen energy”, “crowdsourcing”, “entrepreneurship” “energy transition” Research type: research paper Introduction Growing pressures to transform the energy industry have emerged in response to concerns about climate change and energy security. In Germany, this transformation has involved greater decentralized production of renewable energy at a local level, thus creating opportunities for “citizen energy”. “Citizen Energy entails SMEs and private individuals generating renewable power and feeding this back to the electricity grid, earning revenue in the process. This growth of “citizen energy” is a fundamental social change, as it has stimulated processes of environmental entrepreneurship (Hall, Daneke, & Lenox, 2010; Isaak, 2010; Schaltegger, 2002), with the innovatory and employment advantages that this force can bring in addition to giving the public greater ownership over energy provision which is important given the social importance of energy. This 6 ‘‘Social Transformations in Contemporary Society’’, 2015 (3) ISSN 2345-0126 (online) paper explores the extent to which the energy transition in Germany can be seen as a social transformation whilst making limited comment on the Lithuanian context. The Energy Transition Policy and Outcomes for Citizen Energy Whilst Germany is committed to the goals of the EU’s Climate and Energy Package (2020), stipulating member states to renewable energy and energy efficiency targets (European Commission 2015), its national Energy Transition Policy can be seen as something of a model, in terms of promoting decentralized energy generation. The Renewable Energy Law was introduced
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