[28 DEC. 1989] on the President's 202 Address
201 Motion of thanks [28 DEC. 1989] on the President's 202 Address SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI: Madam, I THE MINISTER OF STATE (INDE- also beg to lay on the Table a copy each (in PENDENT CHARGE) OF THE MINISTRY English and Hindi, ) of the following papers; OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI MANOBHAI KOTADIA); Madam, I beg to I. (i) Thirty-first Annual Report and lay on the Table, under sub-section (1) Accounts of the Indian Law Institute, section 619A of tie Companies Act, 1956, a New Delhi, for the year 1987-88, to- copy each (in English and Hindi) of the gether with the Audit Report on the followng papers; — Accounts, (i) Twentieth Annual Report and Accounts (ii) Statement by Government accepting of the Water and Power. Consultancy the above Report. Services (India). Limited, New Delhi, for the year. 1988—89, together with the (iii) Statement giving reasons for the delay Auditor's Report on the Accounts and in laying the paper mentioned at (i) above. the comments of the Comptroller and [Placed in Library. See No. LT— 244/89 Auditor General of India thereon, for (i) to (iii)]. (ii) Review by Government on the II. A copy (in English and Hindi) of working of the Company. the Ministry of Law and Justice (Legisla [Placed in Library. See No. LT— tive Department) Notification S. O. No. 61/89]. 958(E), dated the 17th November, 1989, publishing the Conduct of Election; (Third Amendment) Rules, 1989, under section 169 of the Representation of the REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON People Act, 1951.
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