NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) from Tsukihime
Heavens Feel - NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) f... Heavens Feel - NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo] from Tsukihime NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) from [November 30 2007|10:08:00 AM] Tsukihime [Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, tsukihime_npc] Ciel, extremely experienced Immortal and Undying Monster Hunter Look, Sammy, I'm not a very good shot. [holds up gigantic handgun] But the Samaritan here fires really big bullets. -Hellboy 1 of 5 11/11/2008 12:51 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) f... Nature: Judge Demeanor: Caregiver STR 7 INT 5 DEX 9 PER 6 CON 9 WILL 5 Derived Statistics Characteristic Luck 3 Actions 4 attacks, 4 defensive actions Movement 13 Life Points 98 (74 + 24 from Hard to Kill) Initiative 20 Mana 38 + (100 from Extra Energy 10, +12 from Magic Circuit 4) = 150 Fear Save 10 +Conviction 5 = 15 Spendable Luck: 8 Perks: Monster Hunter, Immortal , Energy Bonus Level 10 (+100 Mana), Focused Damage Level 3 (+6 Damage to Brawl-based attacks), Approachable, Attractiveness Level 2, Catlike Balance, Contacts (Burial Agency) 6, Contacts (various supernatural beings including Akiha and Arcueid) 3, Conviction 5, Danger Sense Level 2, Eidetic Memory Level 2, Extra Lucky Level 5, Magic Circuit Rank 4 (+12 Mana, + 4 to Spellcasting), Fake Past (WILL x2 vs WILL + Resistance, target "remembers" having a friendly classmate/teacher they got along with), Fresh Gear Level Five - (Seven,
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