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Heavens Feel - NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo] from

NPC: Upperclassman Ciel (Ciel-Sempai) from [November 30 2007|10:08:00 AM] Tsukihime

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Ciel, extremely experienced Immortal and Undying Monster Hunter

Look, Sammy, I'm not a very good shot. [holds up gigantic handgun] But the Samaritan here fires really big bullets. -Hellboy

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Nature: Demeanor: Caregiver


Derived Statistics Characteristic Luck 3 Actions 4 attacks, 4 defensive actions Movement 13 Life Points 98 (74 + 24 from Hard to Kill) Initiative 20 Mana 38 + (100 from Extra Energy 10, +12 from Magic Circuit 4) = 150 Fear Save 10 +Conviction 5 = 15

Spendable Luck: 8

Perks: Monster Hunter, Immortal , Energy Bonus Level 10 (+100 Mana), Focused Damage Level 3 (+6 Damage to Brawl-based attacks), Approachable, Attractiveness Level 2, Catlike Balance, Contacts (Burial Agency) 6, Contacts (various supernatural beings including Akiha and Arcueid) 3, Conviction 5, Danger Sense Level 2, Eidetic Memory Level 2, Extra Lucky Level 5, Magic Circuit Rank 4 (+12 Mana, + 4 to Spellcasting), Fake Past (WILL x2 vs WILL + Resistance, target "remembers" having a friendly classmate/teacher they got along with), Fresh Gear Level Five - (Seven, her Conceptual Weapon), Good Sense of Character, Hard To Kill Level 8 (+24 Life Points, + 8 to all Survival Rolls), Megaleap level 2, Natural Runner Level 3, Occult Library 3, Regeneration Level 3 (Heals CON in Life Points every minute), Resistance (Magickal 2, Pain 2, Powers 2), Supernatural Senses Level 1 (can tell a character's basic nature), Tireless Level 5 (needs only 3 hours of sleep a night), Focused Damage 3,Acute Senses (Hearing 1, Vision 1, Smell 1), Combat Reflexes 5, Unique Kill (not yet known), Organization (Burial Agency - Impressive Occult Library 3, Help Other Members -1, Must Obey Leaders -1) ,

Shadow Snap (4 point Supernatural Quality): If Ciel can impale the shadow of a target with a blade (a called shot at -3 or -4), she can pin that person in place (his Movement is reduced to zero). Holding a bright light near the shadow or using a flashbulb against it would shift the shadow's position, freeing the person. Removing the blade would also do it. The pinned character can still use firearm attacks or sorcery, and could produce a light from his own person to use against the Shadow Snap.

If the target has no soul (Storyteller's discretion), the target can resist the Shadow Snap if he beats the user with a an opposed WILL x2 test.

Dimensional Portal (9 points, as big as a room, location: Ciel's Costume): Ciel can produce Black Keys - long thin knives - out of her cloak, and can keep producing them as her the room behind the portal is chock full of them. If the Storyteller wants, these Black Keys will gradually return to her collection over the

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course of one day -- vanishing or disappearing from the grasp of whoever has one. The Black Keys are individually created magic items created by her Church agency for her personal use.

No-Sell (1 point Supernatural Quality): In her Executor Ciel guise, Ciel can choose to No-Sell an incoming attack. She still takes damage, but she suffers no knockback and does not wince or react to the attack.

Flaws: Adversary (Various Big Bads, Various Supernatural Enemies) 8, Honorable Level 2 (Must Oppose the Aims of Heretics, Must Finish the Mission or Die Trying, Always Protects the Weak, Never Turns Her Back on an Ally) Secret 2 (Much older than she appears, illegal alien, arrest and deportation), Watched 3

Skills: Alertness (Urban Areas) 5, Athletics (Climbing, Tumbling, Distance Running) 4, Brawl (Boxing, Throws) 7, Bureaucracy (Fraud) 3, Dodge (Firefights, Fistfights) 7, Domestic (Cooking [Indian Food]) 3, Empathy (Hidden Motives, Personalities) 4, Etiquette (Asian Customs) 3, Firearms (Crossbows, Called Shots, ) 4, Influence (Persuasion) 3, Investigation (Motives, Searching) 3, Languages (French, Japanese, English, Italian), Leadership (Friendly) 3, Medicine (First Aid, Surgery) 3, Melee (Knives, Throwing Weapons) 8, Occultism (Vampires) 8, Research (Rare Book Collections), Repair 2, Security (Breaking and Entering) 2, Stealth (Tracking) 4

Attacks: Punch, 18, 1D4 x 7 + 6 Bashing. Kick, 17, 1D4 x 8 + 6 Bashing. Head Butt 16, 1D4 x 7 + 6 Bashing. Thrown Black Nail, 17, 1D4 x 6 Lethal. Stab Attack with Black Nail, 1D4 x 7 Lethal. Pin Shadow for Shadow Snap, 14, pins target until dispelled, No damage. Crossbow 15, 1D10 x 7 Lethal. Seventh Holy Scripture, 13, damage special* Roll With Blow, DEX + Dodge, successes block five points of incoming Bashing damage. Costs 1 attack action to perform.

*Seventh Holy Scripture: This is the materialized form of Seven, referred to as Nanako in Japan. Ciel is currently the only known person who could materialize Seven. It is an Enchanted item, a Conceptual Weapon (probably created by an Alchemist) which resembles a portable cannon with a spike tip. Manifesting this item is expensive in Mana cost for Ciel. Assume it costs her 15 Mana to manifest the spirit and another 7 to fire it. If Ciel shoots it at her target, roll her DEX + Firearms and keep track of how many Success Levels she scores. Each success does 20 points of damage to her target.

Notes and Background, freely lifted from Wikipedia Her birthday is May 3rd. Her height is 165, weighs 52 kg with a blood type of O. Her three sizes are B85/W56/H88. She appears to be a sixteen year old, the age at which she was first possessed by Roa, but her true age is much older, and unknown. [Editor: I gave her the Age advantage to reflect this, but only picked

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one level. In truth I don't know how many levels to give her.]

Description Ciel is first presented as a senior attending the same school as the main protagonist Shiki Tohno, where she is the president and only member of the tea ceremony club, and also good friends with Arihiko Inui, Satsuki Yumizuka and Shiki himself. Her outward demeanor is that of a calm, friendly, and peaceful person. However, Ciel's true character is later revealed as the story progresses. She is a member of the Burial Agency, a secret organization within the Catholic Church made up of skilled assassins, feared even within the Church itself, known for showing no mercy and willing to do whatever it takes to get their task done even to the point of using forbidden magics and creatures. Her objective in Tsukihime is that of hunting down the heretic vampire Roa, which while being a direct order from the church is also her own vendetta. In Melty Blood she has been ordered by the church to hunt down a certain vampire.

Ciel is shown to be a very skilled individual who relies in speed and agility. In addition to her exceptional physical skills, Ciel relies on certain weaponry detailed below. Ciel's fighting style in the fighting game Melty Blood is based on that shown in both the Tsukihime visual novel and . In the adaptation Shingetsutan Tsukihime, Ciel's abilities and main weapon were changed.

Past Ciel (whose real first name is Elesia) was a normal individual living in France with her father. However, unlike those around her, Elesia had a high magic potential (as evidenced by her Extra Energy and Magic Circuit Rank) and it was this rare characteristic which ultimately drew Roa inside her as his 17th host body after his 16th host body was killed without his having time to choose his next host body.

In the process, Ciel became a vampire and killed everyone in her village, the massacre only ended when Arcueid Brunestud arrived and killed her, part of her duty involving killing Roa whenever he reincarnates (ironic in itself since Arcueid was the one who made Roa a vampire to begin with). However, unlike previous hosts, Ciel returned to life (thanks to her Unique Kill Perk) after Roa had moved on to a new host. The secret Vatican agency known as the Burial Agency arrived and captured her, and over the course of a month she was killed repeatedly by the Church, only to rise again on every occasion, a living paradox because that she was both Roa (in that she was a host for him) while Roa was also inhabiting another, making it impossible for her to permanently die until the paradox can be rectified with the death of Roa himself. Eventually, despite their usual views on sorcery, vampires, and the like, the Church decided to use her abilities as a member of the Burial Agency, her main desire and mission being the elimination of Roa to end her eternal existence.

Personality Ciel's peaceful and kind attitude is mostly a disguise. In reality she was a cold individual with no other objective than that of eliminating Roa. However, after meeting Shiki Tohno, her priorities and personality gradually change. Ciel herself states that there's only one person to whom she wants to show her merciful side, that being Shiki. However, Shiki is of a different opinion in Ciel's arc, believing that "Those emotionless eyes that Senpai shows me, that doesn't mean that she's a cold-hearted person. Simply--She can't deceive herself, so in the end all she could do was kill off her emotions...Whenever she showed those eyes, she wasn't fooling me, she was fooling herself." Because of her association with Shiki, her Nature changes from Curmudgeon to Judge, and she decides to use her gifts to continue to protect Shiki's city after Roa is defeated. Unlike many of the other Burial Agency members, Ciel is not a hardline zealot - she is willing to ignore demons and vampires provided they don't kill and hunt human beings. Because of the fact that they share the same city, it is conceivable that Ciel could become friends with Arcueid the pureblood (True Ancestor) vampire and Akiha the daemonling -- though since they have very different personalities, it's probable the three will only occasionally cooperate to take down a greater danger.

Ciel's 'false' personality, in addition to being peaceful and kind, is also rather quirky. She tends to 'mother' Shiki, and is often seen in Shiki's classroom, despite the fact that she has to run down the stairs, and up it. She also at one point repairs a broken post, just because it bugs her. She provides a good bit of humor, since she is often naive.

Ciel is a costume fetishist, having designed the outfit she wears when "on duty" personally. She also has a weakness for curry, which has been mentioned in several ways, such as her storing much curry in her apartment. Outside the Tsukihime universe, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni has a character named Rumiko Chie who is, with permission by TYPE-MOON, a parody of Ciel right down to her curry obsession. It could be possible that she was a teacher in Higurashi time period before becoming a high school student in Tsukihime time period.

Weapons Ciel's main weapon as an Executor of the Church are the Black Keys. The Black Keys have the appearance of sword hilts with blades materialized by sorcery, though the Keys are treated more as

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daggers than swords and can be thrown. If the Keys manage to hit the shadow of a target, the target will be pinned down and unable to move as the shadow cannot separate from the body, and in such a case only Ciel can remove the Key pinning the shadow.

Ciel's ultimate weapon is the Seventh Holy Scripture, a conceptual weapon that resembles a large handheld cannon tipped with a spike. The cannon appearance is created by Ciel herself, being manifested in that form by her own will. The Seventh Holy Scripture is made from the horn of a mystical beast, and is inhabited by the spirit of a young girl sacrificed during its creation. The spirit is named and referred to by Ciel as Seven, though referred to as Nanako (from the word "nana", or "seven", and the suffix -ko which in Japanese culture is used on a female character) by Arihiko Inui, who finds the Seventh Holy Scripture floating in a river and brings it to his home. Ciel is the first wielder of the Seventh Holy Scripture powerful enough to allow this spirit to manifest in physical form.

Powers Ciel has a body with extremely high physical and magical potential. She can jump to the top of lamp posts with ease, leap from rooftop to rooftop and match the speed of vampires. With the training of the Burial Agency, Ciel can match most vampires and perhaps some lower ranking Dead Apostles alone. Although she has super-human strength, speed and reflexes, most Dead Apostles are still significantly stronger than she is; however, with the Seventh Holy Scripture, Ciel still poses a high threat to any Dead Apostle and perhaps even Arcueid.

Her immortality is precisely why she is the #7 member of the Burial Agency, the seat reserved for one that acts alone, as she is unkillable until Roa's soul ceases to exist. This does not mean Ciel can just win all battles by herself; Shiki's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can still erase her existence, and once she is killed once by an enemy, she can simply be killed repeatedly to prevent her from becoming a threat, like a certain somebody did.

She also has the knowledge Roa had, as she was his 17th host. This allows her to use magic along with the sacraments of the sacred church. Amongst her repertoire of magical abilities is brainwashing. She is capable of inserting herself into Shiki's school, convincing the entire school that she had gone there for years. Upon leaving, she was capable of erasing the memory of every single student save Shiki, and possibly even Shiki himself, in a certain ending.


5 of 5 11/11/2008 12:51 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/443211.html

Heavens Feel - NPC: Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

NPC: Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime [November 29 2007|10:47:00 AM]

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Arcueid Brunestud, Meddling True Ancestor

Arcueid Brunestud: Tell me, Shiki. Do you remember the second time you and I met? Shiki Tohno: Of course, how could I forget that? The person I had just killed was just calmly waiting for me with a smile.

Nature Optimist Demeanor Child

STR 13‡1 INT 3 CON 10‡1 PER 5

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DEX 6‡1 WILL 8

-If she is ever restored to full power , her epic attribute level will increase by two in STR, CON, and DEX. The "Warcueid" tatari version of her has one extra point of STR and a nature of Fanatic and demeanor of The Beast, and Addiction (Blood) at 4.

Derived Statistics

Life Points: 50 (+30) (+30) = 110 Mana: 45 (+40) (+18) = 98 Initiative: 2 + 3 + 6 = 11 Movement: 9 (+3) (+1) = 13 Base Luck Points: 3 (+ 5) = 8 Functional Luck Fear Save: 16 (+2) = 18 2 attacks and 2 defensive actions per round Max Lift 1250 lbs

Her birthday is 25 December (self-proclaimed), while her blood type is unknown, height is 167cm and weight is 52kg. Her three sizes are B88/W55/H85.

Perks: Ancient (Far Older than Age), True Ancestor (Ancient vampire package including Daywalker/Shisou Kyuuketsuki and several levels of Epic Attribute), Acute Senses (Taste, Smell) 2, Attractiveness 3, Hard to Kill 10, Combat Reflexes 3, Conviction 2, Create Familiar, Damn Healthy 3, Danger Sense 1, Divinity (Epic Attributes [Strength, Constitution, Dexterity]) 1, Extra Energy 4, Extra Lucky 5, Focused Damage 3, Good Sense of Character, Immortal, Magic Circuit 6, Manifest Millenium Castle, Megaleap, Natural Toughness, Natural Weapons (Claws and Teeth) [does 1D6 x STR in Lethal damage], Natural Runner 3, Noble, Occult Library 4, Reduced Damage (1/5th damage from magic), Reduced Damage (1/2 damage from most physical attacks), Reduced Damage (1/10 from bullets), Regeneration (Every Hour), Rank (Brunestud) 9, Resistance (Magical) 2, Resources (Okay) 0, Unique Kill, Unnatural Runner 1, Mystic Eyes (Hypnosis: Mind Control), Limited Invulnerability (Her Damage Reduction Perks are mulitiplied x 2 at night, and by x 6 during the full moon, and during the full moon she does not have lines or points of death for Natural Born Killers to exploit).

Flaws: Addiction (Blood) 2, Adversary (Various Vampires and Demons), Misfit (Ignorant of 20th century culture and technology, also very ditzy in non-serious situations), Curiousity, Honorable (Must Finish the Mission or Die Trying, Accepts any Challenge to Single Combat) 2, Love (Shiki) 2, Odd Feature (Red Eyes) 1, , Rival (Akiha) 1,

Special Ability: Marble Phantasm from Moonlight World's description Ultimate ability to change a certain amount of space into what she or he desires. This is

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done by the performer linking to nature.

Marble stands for the marbles that kids play with. Let's say there is a jar full of black marbles and there's one white marble in it. Without looking, it's nearly impossible to take out just the white marble, even though there's a slim chance. Marble Phantasm forces that possibility to be 100%. In a certain location, it forces an event that may happen, to actually occur.

In game terms, her Marble Phantasm could do as much harm as a Massive Damage Supernatural Attack (D8 x10) + 50 damage. It is powerful enough to cause Aggravated damage to Servants and other powerful spiritual entities. The manifestation of that attack would vary as needed. She can also use her Marble Phantasm to create alterations in light, weather, etc. in an area equal to her WILL x 3 in feet. At one point while fighting Wallachia the Tatari, she learned that he could only be killed once the Crimson Red Moon manifested and shone on him in the future. She then used her Marble Phantasm to bathe him in light identical to that from the Crimson Red Moon. He manifested and had a material body, and was then dispatched by Shiki using his Eyes of Instant Death Perception.

Arcueid's Marble Phantasm isn't something she can throw about easily; each use will require her to spend a Temporary Luck point to activate it and expend 40 Mana to power its effect. Arcueid may choose to boost the damage from the attack prior to rolling damage for it, if she does, every 15 MP she chooses to spend in addition to the Mana to start it up will add + 25 to the damage caused by attack. This makes the special ability risky; should the thing somehow soak the damage, she will be quite vulnerable afterward.

Skills: Alertness (Noises) 2, Animal Ken (Cats, Dogs) 2, Athletics (Climbing) 4, Brawl 9, Dodge 9, Domestic (Cooking) 2, Empathy 3, Etiquette (Nobility) 4, Influence 4, Medicine 4, Melee 9, Occultism 8, Research 4, Stealth 6, Wild Card (Intuition: Hunches), Wild Card (Noble Phantasm) 10

Weapons and Attacks: Neck Snap 22, defender rolls STR + CON +1D10. If the defender loses, he takes 42 points of damage. If the defender is reduced to -10 Life Points, he must pass a Survival Test with minuses to his roll equal to Arcueid's Success Levels with her Neck Snap roll. If he fails, his neck snaps like kindling. Claws 15, 1D6 x STR (L) Punch 15, 1D4 x STR (Bashing) Kick 14, 1D4 x STR+1 (Bashing) Catch Weapon 10, Choke 22, must grapple first, causes 12 points Bashing damage Feint, 12 Parry, 15 Spinning Punch 14, 1D4 x STR +1 (Bashing) Takedown, 22, damage is 13 Bashing if the person hits the ground. Bite 17, causes 18 points of Lethal damage, sets up victim for Blood Suck* Blood Suck, 1d4 x STR Lethal damage per round, victim is at -2 to all escape actions*

*- Arcueid is a True Ancestor vampire, and as such she does not actually need to drink blood despite her craving for it. In fact, she was created to defeat True Ancestors who had been corrupted by blood drinking. If she does drink human blood, she will become a Demon Lord and her Nature and Demeanor will immediately shift to Fanatic/The Beast. She will also develop Antisocial Personality Disorder and be a great menance to anything around her. Fans have dubbed this version of the character "Warcueid" and paired her with Nanaya (Shiki's assassin personality).

Notes and Background (Lifted from Wikipedia) Arcueid is described as the main heroine of Tsukihime. Aside from her own route in the game, she is the character with the largest role in a route not her own, that of Ciel. However she makes nearly no appearance in Akiha, Hisui and Kohaku's routes, while Ciel does make some limited appearances.

Shiki Tohno will first meet Arcueid in one of the 2 "Near side of the moon" routes (Arcueid/Ciel's routes) after leaving school early one day because of an anemia attack, he spots Arcueid on the

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street and is consumed by an irresistible urge to kill her because of his Nanaya blood. The Nanaya were a family of killers that specialized in hunting down non-humans, and Arcueid as a vampire awoke his Nanaya blood. Skillfully trailing Arcueid back to her apartment, he rings the doorbell and in the instant the door opens, sneaks through the crack and slices her into 17 pieces in an instantaneous single strike with his knife and his Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception. Regaining his sanity and finding himself in front of her corpse, Shiki staggers to the park where he either collapses and is taken back to the mansion by Kohaku (Arcueid's route) or is found and taken care of by Ciel (Ciel's route).

The next day when heading to school, Shiki finds Arcueid waiting on a guard rail outside his school. Panicking, he runs, only to be chased into a dead alley and confronted by Arcueid. Their conversation is interrupted by one of Nrvnsqr's beasts, and Arcueid "convinces" Shiki to help her deal with the vampire in the town as she used up most of her power to re-form her body after Shiki killed her and will need time to regain the power she had lost.

The two of them are partners against Nrvnqsr Chaos, with Shiki killing Nrvnsqr by striking his "death point". They decide to again be partners to take out Roa who Arcueid has been targeting. Over the course of her route she and Shiki begin to understand one another. Shiki shows Arcueid the various things she's unaware of, such as movies, which are things Arcueid can't comprehend as important. At several points she attempts to bite Shiki, though she manages to hold herself back in time, though usually she runs until her impulses have stopped. Eventually she and Shiki have fallen in love with one another, despite her slightly unstable nature and vampire lineage. However, she attempts to take out Roa by herself and is apparently killed in the process. Enraged and in grief, Shiki proceeds to destroy the walkway he and Roa are on as a distraction and utterly destroys Roa's point, thus nullifying his very existence and preventing him from ever reincarnating.

In Arcueid's True Ending, Shiki waits in his classroom for her despite thinking she is dead. Arcueid surprisingly arrives, having regained the bit of power Roa stole from her. However she can no longer hold back her impulses and decides she should sleep from now on, dreaming of Shiki. Despite Shiki's pleas, even begging her to drink his blood, Arcueid says she can't do so because she loves him and says farewell with Shiki greatly saddened, looking at the moon as he leaves the school. This ending was the basis for the ending used in the anime, although a few details were changed. In Arcueid's Good Ending, she spends an entire week suppressing her urges and meets Shiki on his way to school. The two then go off to seemingly spend the day together. Fans seem to agree that her Good Ending is canonical given her presence as Shiki's lover in the sequel Melty Blood.

Arcueid is also one of 2 possible successors to the original Crimson Moon. The other is her "sister" Altrouge Brunestud, but she is generally considered too "unstable". All that is known about their relationship is that they had a fight some time after Arcueid fell and Altrouge won. That was also the fight where Arcueid lost her long hair when Altrouge took a portion as her trophy.

History Arcueid Brunestud is the white princess of the Shinso, the True Ancestors. The title of Brunestud was given to those shinso capable of manifesting the Millennium Castle Brunestud, and has been likened to be the vampire royal family, although this is not strictly true. The True Ancestors were a race of beings copied from TYPE-MOON, the ultimate being of the moon, also known as the Crimson Moon. Long ago the planet had no defense mechanism against humanity, nothing to keep them in check. Thus the Crimson Moon came down and offered to help the planet make a race of ultimate beings to rule over humanity. However the race was fundamentally flawed, they had a desire to drink blood that the original, the Crimson Moon had. The True Ancestors needed to use a large portion of their power to suppress this impulse, but as there was no cure, and with passage of time the impulse grew, more and more True Ancestors fell and began drinking blood indiscriminately, while others most likely went into eternal sleep.

Thus the True Ancestors created Arcueid as a weapon, the executioner of the fallen True Ancestors and Dead Apostles, the most powerful of them all. She was able to perform this duty splendidly, but she was nothing more than a tool. She knew nothing except whatever details were necessary to go after her target, and went to sleep after every kill, with her accumulated memories erased.

As the executioner, she did not have any vampiric impulses, and the rest of the True Ancestors also believed she had none. A priest from the church seeking perfect immortality, Michael Roa Valdamjong, needed to become a Dead Apostle to continue his research as he had already reached the potential of his human body. He hid blood in a rose and offered it to Arcueid, who not knowing she was not supposed to drink blood, drank it and in the process fell, becoming berserk and wiping out most of the True Ancestors and turning Roa into one of the strongest Dead Apostles before she managed to regain her sanity long enough to chain herself to the throne and go to sleep. From then on she had to suppress her urge to drink blood like any other True Ancestors. The rest of the True Ancestors were wiped out either by Roa or the rest of the Dead Apostles who made a game of trying to assassinate their creators.

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Arcueid finally managed to destroy Roa's original body, although it took an alliance with the Burial Agency to do it. Roa was not killed however, as he had managed to master re-incarnation, and constantly re-incarnated into host bodies he chose before his deaths. These host bodies were chosen for a mix of social standing (rich families with influence) and the physical/magical potential of the body. After destroying Roa's original body, Arcueid went to sleep and awoke only to kill Roa's re-incarnations constantly, but was never able to destroy him and get her power back as he would simply re-incarnate each time. At the time of Tsukihime, Roa had re-incarnated 17 times, with his last re-incarnation being SHIKI.

Personality Arcueid is shown to be a whimsical individual who, although knowing the basics of the modern era, does not seem to know about social norms. Once, she shows up at Shiki's school and waves to him from the school rear courtyard, luckily for Shiki only Ciel spots her. Even more luckily, she doesn't do what she planned, which was jump up to his window and knock. Her behaviour is almost child-like, due to the lonely nature of her up bringing, although she is over 800 years old, she spent most of it asleep and knows nearly nothing about the world or how to interact with others. As she works together with Shiki to stop Roa, she gradually begins to enjoy life and starts to like Shiki as more than just a friend.

Arcueid does everything in her power not to drink Shiki's blood, which nearly occurs several times in game as he is practically the only human at night with her, and she has problems controlling her vampiric impulses after being drastically weakened by Shiki's attack. She doesn't want to drink blood, as she doesn't want to become a monster that feeds on humans in order to survive.

Powers As the most powerful True Ancestor created to specifically hunt down the fallen True Ancestors, there are few who can match Arcueid in terms of strength, speed and endurance. Before Shiki killed her, she was using 70% of her power to suppress her vampiric impulses, but even then she was more than strong enough to destroy almost any Dead Apostle that got in her way; especially with her Marble Phantasm, which can literally change reality to create any naturally occurring effect and summon the Millennium Castle Brunestud, the ancestral home of the True Ancestors. The power of Marble Phantasm is such that even in her extreme weakened state, she was able to reduce Roa's latest host body to just the ankles.

She also has the normal vampire claws, and as a True Ancestor very few conceptual weapons can harm her. All vampires can ignore damage from most sources as their body will revert to the pre-damaged state rapidly, a conceptual weapon such as the Black Keys used by members of the Church nullifies this ability. At night she is almost invulnerable, and her power is at its peak during the full moon. During the night, all of her lines and points of death disappear, rendering her indestructible; however, they show up again when Shiki "kills" the very nature from which she draws her strength in one of the endings. She can not only regenerate most wounds rapidly, but even re-form her body completely after having her 'lines' cut by Shiki, even though it took the majority of her power to do so. She also has Mystic Eyes that enable limited control over others, such as the ability to plant suggestions. The color of her eyes changes to gold when they are active.

Manga Notes Arcueid is described a cheerful girl in the manga, she sometimes has childish acts which make Shiki call her an idiot (this parallels situations in the visual novel). Unlike the anime, she doesn't act as cold to Shiki. During her first date with Shiki, she confesses she loves to experience new life and is afraid that the next time she wakes up, Shiki will be gone.

She detests blood; because of this, she always controls herself not to suck blood, but lost control which later reveals her Mystic Eyes to Shiki.

It appears that she can cook in the manga. Arcueid often plays with the UFO catcher machines, but always seems to lose. Storytellers can ask her to roll an unmodified Luck check (Temporary Luck + 1D10) and secretly remove two successes from the total. If she has any successes remaining, she gets the item.

Trivia * Arcueid shows up as Neko-Arc in Ciel-Sensei's lessons, as well as the Melty Blood fighting game. * Arcueid apparently can't stand garlic, as seen in a Kagetsu Tohya scene where she ate instant noodles cooked by Shiki that had garlic in them, and became sick. This is the only known instance in the Tsukihime games where garlic has an adverse effect on vampires. * Arcueid desperately wants Shiki to continue cooking breakfast for her in the Melty Blood manga. Shiki managed to get Arcueid to apologize to Akiha by threatening to stop cooking breakfast for her, and she rapidly complied. * Arcueid appears as Phantasmoon which is a result of watching a Magical Girl movie with Shiki.

5 of 6 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/443211.html

This form does not appear in any canon TYPE-MOON work (until the upcoming Fate/Tiger Coloseum Upper) and is more or less an in-joke among Tsukihime fans which can be seen in other doujin works; for one example, Arcueid appears with this form in Battle Moon Wars, a dojin soft game developed by Werk. Her first appearance was in Take-Moon by Eri Takenashi.

Adapter's Notes: I was worried about adapting the character because of how powerful she is described as being, but I think this version of her does justice.


6 of 6 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Akiha Tohno (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414281.html

Heavens Feel - NPC - Akiha Tohno (Tsukihime) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

NPC - Akiha Tohno (Tsukihime) [November 29 2007|10:05:00 AM]

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Akiha Tohno Daemonling Champion, Head of the Tohno Clan

If people want to believe I'm a dominatrix in my spare time, that's fine with me — I mean, I'm definitely happy to smack people around if that's what they really want.

1 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Akiha Tohno (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414281.html

- Jane Wiedlin

Nature Architect Demeanor Director


Derived Statistics Characteristic Luck 3, Temporary Luck 8 Life Points 62 (+18 from htk)(+10 from damn healthy)= 90 Actions 2 Movement 9 Initiative 10 + 5 + 5= 20 Mana 39 + 9 = 43 Fear Save 20

Perks: Dilettante, Attractiveness Level 2 (Cute), Extra Lucky Level 3, Focused Damage Level 3, Claws (Fist Attacks Can Cause Lethal Damage), Ectoplasmic Extrusion, Hard to Kill 6, Damn Healthy Level 1, Resources, Contacts, Danger Sense, Magic Circuit Rank 3, Membership (Tohno Household), Tireless 2 (needs 6 hours of sleep per night), Acute Senses (Hearing 1, Vision 1, Smell 1), Conviction 6, Resistance (Pain 2), Megaleap Level 2, Natural Runner 1, Combat Reflexes 5, Bloodline, Confidence, Contacts (Supernatural), Extra Limb x2 (Hair), Emotional Anchor (Shiki), Good Night Vision, Good Taste, Plunder 15 point version with 6 levels of extended range, Occult Library 2, Extra Lucky 5, Hollow Leg, Fangs (Akiha can transform her teeth into piercing fangs, allowing her to use the Blood Suck maneuver. As she regularly receives medical blood in packets and also has sessions with Kohaku, she probably won't use this in combat).

Flaws: Mental Problems (Cruelty 1), Honorable 2 (Never Turns Her Back on an Ally, Accepts Any Challenge To Single Combat, Never Accepts Rewards for Service, Always Keeps Her Word), Mental Problems (Guilt over what happened to Kohaku and Shiki) 2, Special Diet (Human Blood), Cultural Snob, Inversion Impulse 2* ( Until Roa/SHIKI had been defeated, Akiha had to carefully monitor her mood through meditation and "sessions" with Kohaku to avoid Inversion Impulse), Love (Shiki), Obligation (Tohno Household) 3, Shy, Watched 2

Skills: Etiquette (Upper Class, Asian Customs) 8, Alertness (Detecting Concealed Items, Noises) 7, Language (Japanese, English, German), Empathy (Truth) 4, Brawl (Boxing, Throws) 6, Dodge (Fistfight, Swordfighting) 7, Domestic (Home Budgeting) 5, Finance (Appraisal, Business Management) 4, Firearms (Pistols, Crossbows) 4, Melee (Broadswords and Sabers, Kenjutsu, Fencing) 6, Influence (Intrigue, Intimidation) 5, Investigation (Intuitive Deduction) 3, Law (Civil) 1, Medicine (Homeopathy, First Aid) 2,Occultism (Infernalism, Demons) 4, Research (Public Libraries) 1, Arts and Crafts (Violin) 4, Stealth (Taking Point) 3,

Attacks Fist 13, 1D4 x 7 (if her Claws are out, it does Lethal instead of Bashing). Kick 12, 1D4 x 8 Bashing. Sabre 13, 1D8 x 7 Lethal [2H] Hair Attack With Plunder 13, damage special. Blood Suck 12 (must Grapple first), damage 1D4 x STR Lethal (or 2D3 Lethal per round if she is drinking slowly).

Notes and Background (Freely Lifted From wikipedia) Born into the prestigious Tohno family, Akiha lived a sheltered childhood under the strict supervision of her father Makihisa Tohno and was seldom allowed to go outside the mansion to play. One day while she quietly waiting for her tutor to arrive, her brother, Shiki, took her hand, inviting her to play with him and the other children at the mansion. Thanks to Shiki she was able to experience at least some semblance of the joys of childhood. Unfortunately not soon afterwards, Shiki was near-fatally wounded in an accident and was sent by Makihisa to

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live with the Arimas, relatives from another branch of the family. Akiha tried to visit Shiki at the Arima house several times early on, but pressure from her father and other relatives in addition to Shiki's constant visits to the hospital prevented their meeting. Contact between the two was made all but impossible when Akiha was placed in a boarding school and she was forced to live on campus. Akiha also states that she sent Shiki many letters, but because he wanted to sever ties to the Tohno family he never replied.

Upon the death of their father eight years later (and the beginning of Tsukihime's story), Akiha became the head of the Tohno household and, ignoring protests from the remaining relatives, called Shiki back to live at the family mansion with her. Though she tries to conceal it, Akiha called her brother back because she truly loves him and wanted to be near him no matter how much it might alienate her from the rest of the family. She is incredibly shy about her feelings, even acting in complete contradiction to them on occasion, but to her Shiki is the most important person in the world. Her feelings can also be said to be more than platonic (before the eeewww, they aren't biologically related.)

Background Like most of the people with Tohno blood, Akiha has an abnormal condition that causes her body to use twice the amount of heat that a normal person uses. To make up for her increased demand, she must absorb heat from others. She can take this heat in through various means, even simply absorbing their body heat through contact, but the most efficient method is by drinking fresh blood (as seen when she sucks Kohaku's blood in a scene from the game well-known among fans). When excited, her hair returns to a vibrant red color (her hair's true shade). In some of the game's story paths, the true extent of the power she has in this form is revealed. In addition to becoming red, her long hair becomes a menacing weapon. She is able to control its movements and use it to absorb heat directly from anything it comes into contact with. The drawing-out of the heat produces a powerful burning sensation on the surface of the object, causing some viewers to believe that she was simply setting things on fire. The hair, in this form, is incredibly fast and can strike an object as quickly as Akiha can look at it. Several of the characters who experience combat with Akiha are surprised at how overwhelmingly powerful this method of attack makes her. Her hair is also able to extend forth, grab a target, and hold it or slam it against something else.

In some story paths in the Tsukihime game (especially the Akiha path), the cause behind Akiha's inversion to her not-quite-so-human form is revealed. Her father remarked in his journal that Akiha's Tohno blood was of the weaker sort and she could have lived as a normal human if she wished it. But that changed when Shiki's life was threatened in the "accident" from eight years earlier. She was out playing with Shiki, who it turns out was only adopted into the family, and her real brother, also named SHIKI. But the Tohno blood was much stronger in her real brother and he inverted to his non-human form when he was possessed by The Dead Apostle Roa. In this uncontrollable state, SHIKI's Inversion Impulse kicked in and he lashed out to strike at Akiha. Her adopted brother, main character Shiki, jumped in the way to protect her and took the full force of the attack. Shiki was all but dead, but Akiha used the powers granted by her non-human blood to give him half of her life, allowing him to survive. After the incident, her true brother was locked away so that he could never again hurt someone and Akiha severed all ties with him and has since said that Shiki, her adopted brother, is the only person she will ever call her brother. She needs twice the heat of an average person because she is supporting both her own life and Shiki's. Because of the strain on her body this causes, she often experiences attacks of intense pain that can last from a few minutes to several hours. But Akiha bears them bravely, knowing that it is all for the sake of her beloved brother. Akiha also goes through sessions with Kohaku, and has kept the pair of maids at their household not only out of a sense of responsibility for the two, but also because they are Synchronizers - the two have the power to help Akiha with her demonic condition.

3 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Akiha Tohno (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414281.html

Personality Akiha is very protective of her brother, intent on knowing what he does with his day, and is extremely suspicious of what he does at night. She gets incredibly jealous when he is around other girls, as he is adopted under unique conditions. The constant supervision by his little sister sometimes bears hard on Shiki, but she only watches over him because she worries so much about him. Despite her general peevishness, she really is a sweet girl at heart. As far as her status in the supernatural community is concerned, she is generally treated as the Lord of her particular city -- and she is willing to do what it takes to make sure demon troublemakers suffer m4d b347d0wnz.

Editor's Notes: I gave her the Architect background because she is concentrated on building her family up -- and taking out anything that serves to harm it. She also has the Director demeanor as she is not shy about handing out orders.


4 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Hisui from (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414154.html

Heavens Feel - NPC - Hisui from (Tsukihime) [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

NPC - Hisui from (Tsukihime) [November 28 2007|10:03:00 AM]

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Hisui, Meddling Synchronizer Kid Nature Squire Demeanor Autist

1 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Hisui from (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414154.html


Derived Statistics Actions 1 attack and 1 defensive action Movement 6(+1) =7 Life Points (+15)= 35 Characteristic Luck 2, Temporary Luck 5 Mana 28 (+10)(+6) = 44 Fear Save 11

Perks Maid, Natural Runner 1, Hard to Kill 5, Extra Lucky 5, Extra Energy 1, Magic Circuit 2, Conviction 3, Synchronizer, Attractiveness 1, Good Night Vision, Acute Senses (Sight and Hearing, both at 1), Iron Mind, Resistance (Pain) 1, Tireless 2

Flaws Icy 1, Mental Problems (Guilt over what happened to Kohaku 2), Androphobia (Fear of Males) 1, Love (Tohno Shiki), Non-Confrontational, Obligation 2 (Tohno Household), You Fail at (Cooking), Honorable 2, Internal Clock, Old Soul, Teenager

Skills Athletics (Endurance Tasks) 2, Domestic (Cleaning) 5, Melee (Improvised Weapons) 2, Etiquette (Western Customs, Asian Customs) 5, Dodge 2, Drive (Car) 2, Empathy (Emotions) 1, Medicine 1, Awareness (Night Watch) 1

Hisui is an orphaned child brought to the Tohno Mansion at an early age. Hisui, and her sister Kohaku were brought to the house for the express purpose of aiding Makihisa Tohno, patriarch of the family, to overcome his Inversion Impulse by using their abilities as "Synchronizers", or beings

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that enable the transfer of energy. This transfer of energy is performed by the exchange of bodily fluids, such as another drinking their blood, but it is strongest in the act of sexual intercourse. Hisui, however, was never forced to utilize her abilities as a Synchronizer because of the pleas of Kohaku, who agreed to become Makihisa's partner. Instead Hisui found herself playing outside every day with Shiki and Akiha. Her childhood was pleasant, and even though she is not naturally an active person, upon seeing Shiki playing so energetically she did her best to keep up with him.

Throughout the course of the Tsukihime game, Hisui plays the role of a cleaning maid loyal to the Tohno family. Always wearing her western maid uniform, Hisui can always be found tidying up the lobby, dusting the rooms of the mansion or waiting for Shiki to return at the gates. With the exception of the Hisui and Kohaku routes, Shiki mixes the two maids up, believing Kohaku to have been the girl he always played with and Hisui the girl who stayed in the mansion. Hisui's demeanor has changed so much, that rather than being the active girl he knew as a child, she has become severe and emotionless. Hisui, because she knows of the abuse inflicted upon Kohaku, refuses to let any male so much as touch her, the one exception being Shiki. Hisui loves Shiki very much and wants to cook for him - which he dreads, as Hisui has no appreciable sense of taste (she once made plum sandwiches for a picnic lunch). If the Storyteller would like to tell a lighter story, he can use Hisui as the straight guy to Kohaku's mischevious schemes. Life for Shiki at the Tohno mansion is tricky at times; he not only has to deal with the prudish and ultra-strict Hisui and Akiha, but the lulzy antics of Kohaku.

Role within Tsukihime: Following Hisui's route, more and more about her personality and who she truly is is revealed. Rather than the stern, immovable young lady she appears to be, Hisui is revealed to be a kind, loving and emotional girl, hiding her emotions to keep her sister as she is. Becoming a daily part of Shiki's life, Hisui wakes him up every day and prepares his uniform. However, she is hiding a darker secret, as she knows of her sister's plans for the downfall of the Tohno family, and after Shiki becomes paralyzed due to Tohno SHIKI stealing his life energy, Hisui offers her ability to Synchronize with Shiki so that he can stop SHIKI. In her True Ending, Midday Moon, Akiha is murdered by SHIKI, and Kohaku commits suicide to end her "doll's existence". Hisui comes to a peaceful, if not entirely sorrow-free, existence with Shiki. In Hisui's Good Ending, Dreams of Sunshine, Akiha barely escapes death from SHIKI, and Kohaku is saved from the poison she takes to kill herself when Shiki cuts the "lines" of the poison within her. Forgetting her past and what she has done, Kohaku is renamed "Nanaya", and returns as a peaceful maid to the Tohno Mansion.

Editor's Note: It would seem that the Arcueid Good ending is the canonical ending: Akiha survived, SHIKI was killed, Shiki survived, and Kohaku came to some measure of peace. We can probably eighty-six Hisui's arc (file it under "D" for discontinuity.) Akiha survived, SHIKI was killed, Shiki survived, and Kohaku came to some measure of peace.

3 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - Hisui from (Tsukihime) http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414154.html


4 of 4 11/11/2008 12:52 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - (Tsukihime) Kohaku http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/418292.html

Heavens Feel - NPC - (Tsukihime) Kohaku [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

NPC - (Tsukihime) Kohaku [November 28 2007|08:01:00 AM]

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Kohaku, Meddling Synchronizer Kid Nature Plotter Deameanor Jester


Derived Statistics Actions 1 attack and 1 defensive action

1 of 4 11/11/2008 12:53 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - (Tsukihime) Kohaku http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/418292.html

Movement 7 (+1) = 8 Luck Points 2 (+3) = 5 Fear Save 8 (+5) = 13 Life Points 38 (+15) = 53 Mana 24 (+9) = 33

Perks Maid, Natural Runner 1, Conviction 5, Extra Lucky 3, Approachable, Synchronizer, Danger Sense 1, Magic Circuit 3, Iron Mind, Mad Skillz, Media Junkie, Resistance (Pain) 1, Tireless 1, Trapmaster, Poker Face

Flaws Anti-Luck 1, Mischievous 1, Clown, Toxic Shame 2, Cruelty 1, Love (Shiki), Covetous (Lechery) 1, Teenager, Emotional Problems (Rigid Role as the 'perfect' Doll), Obligation 2 (Tohno Household), You Fail At (Cleaning and Tidying)

Skills Alertness 2, Animal Ken (Cats) 2, Arts and Crafts (Sewing), Brawl (Tai Chi) 2, Computers (31337 H4xx0r, Internets and Web Design) 3, Dodge (Sidestep) 3, Domestic (Japanese Cooking, French Cooking) 4, Empathy (Affairs of the Heart) 2, Etiquette (Western Customs, Eastern Customs) 5, Firearms (Crossbows) 2, Influence (Seduction, Veiled Threats, Inspire Fear) 4, Investigation (Motives) 1, Languages (Japanese, English), Leadership (Planning) 2, Medicine (Design/Neutralize Poisons, Pharmacy, Diagnosis) 7, Melee (Staff, Sabers) 4, Occultism (Curses, Rituals) 3, Research (Rare Book Collections) 3, Repair (Set/Disarm Trap) 2, Security (Sensors and Surveillance, Breaking and Entering) 4, Sleight of Hand (Card Shark) 2, Stealth (Hiding) 2, Technology (Electronics) 1" Medicine (Pharmacy) 6, Science (Biochemistry) 4, Wild Card (Dating Sims and 2D Fighters) 3, Wild Card: Torture (Psychological Warfare) 4

Editor's Note: If the Storyteller wants to tell a flashback story while she is in Makihisa's custody, assign her the Child and Abusive Partner flaws and kick her CON back down to 4. Also, if you want to give Kohaku a darker edge as seen in her or Hisui's arcs, go ahead and assign Obsession (Revenge against the Tohno Household) 2. During that arc, she slowly poisoned Shiki while warping his mind, and used her Synchronizer powers against Akiha to drive Akiha mad. Her revenge came to a differing measure of success depending on which ending the player earned during the arc.

Her "enlightenment" at the hands of TATARI in Melty Blood would give her Alchemical Superscience at 6, DEX 5, Technology 8, and Mechanical Genius at Level 3. She'd also gain Obsession (Ruling the City and Running the Tohno House) at 2. Her shenanigans under TATARI's infernal tutelage included the creation of Mecha-Hisui, a robot maid version of her sister that had a jetpack and fired eye-lasers and missiles.

Attacks Fist 7, 1D4 xSTR Kick 6, 1D4 x(STR+1) Disarm 5 +1D10 vs Defender's DEX + Brawl/Melee +1D10 Takedown 7, if the target doesn't parry or dodge he hits the mat, taking the attacker's STR in Bashing. Throw 7, if the target doesn't parry or dodge he hits the mat, taking the attacker's STR in Bashing. Joint Lock (must grapple first), 6+1D10 vs target's CON x2 +Resistance (Pain) +1D10, target suffers -1 per success on Kohaku's roll. If he pulls lose, charge him his own STR in Bashing +1 point of damage for every success on the escape roll. Grapple 7 Choke, 5

2 of 4 11/11/2008 12:53 AM Heavens Feel - NPC - (Tsukihime) Kohaku http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/418292.html

Hidden Sword in Broom, 9, 1D8 xSTR (L) [2H]. Staff 9, 1D8 (swing) or 1D6 (jab) xSTR [2H]. Syringe 7, damage injection Taser 7, damage Don't Tase Me Bro (5 points Bashing from the charge, (CON x2) +1D10 - (5 + Success Levels of Attack). With no successes, the target is KO'd. If he is not KO'd, for the next 4 rounds he is at -2. Multiple Tasings increase penalties.

Biography The older of the two twin maids in the Tohno mansion, Kohaku, along with her sister Hisui, is a childhood friend of Shiki. She wears a Japanese kimono and is always seen to be smiling and cheerful, and is noted for being especially gifted with medicine.

She hides her tragic past behind a cheerful face and Hisui's cold demeanor. As a child she was constantly raped by the manor's master, and pretends to a degree as though the events never happened. Makihisa was slowly collapsing under the weight of his powerful demon blood and his increasingly strong Inversion Impulse, so he adopted the Synchronizer twins in order to have a way to control his darker urges. Kohaku and her sister are "Synchronizers" which allows them to give a person of the opposite gender a bit of their life energy if body fluids are exchanged. Makihisa locked her in an attic room in order to have regular access to her. Kohaku did not want Hisui to have to shoulder the same burden, and she promised to always cooperate with Makihisa if he would not subject Hisui to the same treatment. After being used on a daily basis by the manor's master, she eventually lost herself, becoming an emotionless doll. Becoming a doll was how she lived through the abuse - by imagining herself as an object, she did not have to experience the event emotionally - which was shattered when she saw Shiki playing with Akiha and Hisui in the garden. It was at that moment that the enormity of what she had been living through struck her. It is entirely possible that she began to use her Synchronizer power against Makihisa, accelerating his already speedy decline. Alternatively, his illness could have progressed to the point where sessions with Kohaku would not have had an appreciable effect. Eventually Makihisa went mad and he was terminated by the other members of the Tohno House, as is their duty whenever a family member loses all control. Akiha assumed headship of the House and kept the maids there not only out of friendship with Hisui, but out of guilt for what happened to Kohaku. Though Akiha is a stern mistress, she does support the maids and looks out for them. Akiha also worried that she would lose control of her own mind due to her Tohno Bloodline, and so keeping the maids handily close by was a wise idea.

Cooperating with Akiha, Kohaku agreed to participate in sessions with Akiha by letting Akiha suck her blood to suppress Akiha's Tohno demon blood. Her twin sister, Hisui, learned of the Tohno master's sin against Kohaku, and it depressed her greatly. Kohaku, seeing her sister's free enthusiasm falter, promises Hisui that she will "take on her role" until she was cheerful again. Ironically, it is because

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of those words that Hisui is unable to return to her old self. Seeing Kohaku acting happy as Hisui was as a young girl, she cannot bring herself to return to her former self. Even if Kohaku is simply acting out a childish role, she seems to have attained some level of happiness.

She silently claims to hate Tohno Shiki for the silent connection they shared as children (watching one another but never meeting), but it is revealed that she is actually in love with him, and it is in part why she wanted to take on Hisui's role in the first place. Kohaku simply wanted to innocently love the boy named Tohno Shiki, just as Hisui did as a young girl. Just before Shiki leaves the mansion to live with the Arima family, Kohaku gives him her favorite ribbon and makes him promise to return it, indirectly begging for him to return. In Kohaku and Hisui's scenarios, this promise has a powerful meaning to Shiki, and along with his sister Akiha, is part of the reason he does in fact return to the Tohno mansion.

Kohaku is friendly enough but mischevous, and one of the few people who knows Akiha well enough to trade jibes with her. As Kohaku has a widely recognized penchant for mischief, she could particpate on futaba (2channel) and its English language counterpart 4chan.org, participating in various events for lulz. She also has a current generation playstation in her room, upon which she plays dating simulation games and 2D fighting games. Her name, Kohaku, is the Japanese word for amber, referring to her eye color.


4 of 4 11/11/2008 12:53 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414599.html

Heavens Feel - NPC: Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

NPC: Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime [November 27 2007|10:06:00 AM]

1 of 5 11/11/2008 12:53 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414599.html

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Tohno Shiki, Meddling Natural Born Killer

Arcueid Brunestud: Say, it's such a beautiful day today, it wouldn't be healthy for you to stay inside your room. Shiki Tohno: Somehow I never expected to hear that from a vampire. -Arcueid Arc, Near Side Route in Tsukihime

Nature Survivor/Engine Demeanor Nonpartisan/Deviant

STR 2/3 INT 3 CON 2 PER 3 DEX 3/5 WILL 3

Derived Statistics Actions 1 attack and 1 defensive action/ 2 attacks and 2 defensive actions Life Points 26 (+10)(+9)= 45 (+4 more if he is in Nanaya Mode) Mana 21 (+20)(+9) = 50 Movement 5 (+2) = 7* / (+3) = 10 Initiative (+8) (+3) (+4) = 15 Fear Save 6 (+5) = 11 Characteristic Luck 2, Temporary Luck 8

Perks Student, Combat Reflexes 4, Chokushi No Magan/Eyes of Instant Death Perception, Resources: Filthy Rich, Damn Healthy (a gift from Akiha), Hard to Kill 3, Extra Energy 2, Natural Runner 2, Mad Skillz, Conviction 5, Attractiveness, Magic Circuit 3, Natural Born Killer, Fresh Gear (Magic Eyeglasses that deactivate his Eyes of Instant Death Perception when he is off-duty) [editor's note: one pal of mine would riff that it was time for Cyke to take off his visor during vampire attacks.], Danger Sense 3, Extra Lucky 6, Focused Damage 3, Old Soul, Occult Library 3, Resistance (Magickal, Pain, Powers - All at 2)

Flaws Anemia 2, Inversion Impulse 2, Love (Arcueid Brunestud - Melty Blood seemed to indicate that he and Arcueid have shacked up. Be happy for him. I'd personally rather see him with his adopted stepsister Akiha, but I didn't write the story.), Complimentarity with SHIKI, Soft Hearted 2, Honorable 2 (Always Protects the Weak, Always Keeps His Word, Must Fight With Honor and Will Not Attack Weaker Opponents, Never Turns His Back on an Ally), Adversary (Various) 5, Teenager, Deep Sleeper (Hisui comes into his room to wake him up), Amnesia (until the end of the Tsukihime visual novel, when his past and the nature of his enemy were finally explained) Dependents (Akiha, Hisui, Kohaku, and Arcueid), Misfit, Watched 1

Supernatural Form (Shiki has another side to his consciousness - a more cruel, violent side he calls Nanaya Shiki. The adjusted statistics above are for his darker side. When he is in Nanaya Mode, add Mental Problems (Deranged Cruelty, Violence), his Nature and Demeanor switch to Engine/Deviant, develops Supernatural Runner (add another 3 to his Movement), develops Spider Climb, and he suffers from the Delusion: All Supernatural Beings are Evil. While in this state, he could be a great danger to Arcueid and Akiha, though he loves both of them and would normally never want to hurt either one.)

2 of 5 11/11/2008 12:53 AM Heavens Feel - NPC: Shiki Tohno of Tsukihime http://heavens-feel.insanejournal.com/414599.html

Skills Alertness (Urban Areas) 4, Brawl (Knives) 6, Athletics (Climbing, Team Play) 3 [check against Anemia], Dodge (Knifefighting, Leap) 6, Drive (Moped) 2, Empathy (Emotions) 2, Influence (Persuasion) 2, Leadership (Friendly) 2, Medicine (First Aid) 1, Occultism (Vampires) 3, Research (Rare Book Collections) 3, Security (Breaking and Entering) 2, Stealth (Tracking, Hiding, Taking Point) 3

*- If he starts running or doing heavy lifting, check against his anemia. He can avoid the onset of an attack by spending a Luck point. If he fails a CON x2 roll after serious exertion, reduce his STR and CON by 1D3 each. If either of those hit zero, he will collapse from exhaustion. He might end up switching to Nanaya if he cannot defeat an enemy while suffering from an attack brought on by anemia.

Profile (Editor's Note: There are in fact two characters in this story both named Shiki. Telling them apart in Japanese is easy because the Kanji in their names is different (志貴) vs (四季). To differentiate them in this document, I'll write the good, adopted son (志貴)'s name as Shiki and the horrid incestuous demon vampire monster (四季)'s name as SHIKI.)

Shiki Tohno is the protagonist of Tsukihime, and outwardly he is a normal second-year high school student with a somewhat poor constitution. Eight years before the start of the game, he was involved in a life-threatening accident, which led to anemic symptoms and left him with a large scar on his chest. Due to these symptoms, he suffers from frequent collapsing and fainting. In addition to the physical problems, the accident also caused Shiki's eyes to develop a peculiar ability, the ability to see lines superimposed on objects and people. If Shiki traces these lines with a sharp tool, the object immediately falls apart along them regardless of the force used. Upon discovery of this ability, Shiki understood how destructive it was and how fragile the world around him could be. Because his eyes would not return to normal, the realization began to gnaw at him. Thankfully, a few days after his time in the hospital, he ran outside and met Aoko Aozaki. Aoko (who preferred to be called sensei by Shiki) comforted him during the next few days. Shiki was eager to impress Aoko, thus he demonstrated the ability of his eyes by destroying a tree. Aoko reprimanded him by slapping him and explained to him that what he had done was unjust. Aoko later provided a pair of magical glasses which when worn removed the lines from sight.

Despite his physical condition, Shiki holds a cheerful outlook on life. More so than most of his peers, because he understands how fragile life really is. Because of his poor health, Shiki was removed from the Tohno household by his father, Makihisa Tohno, despite being the official eldest son of the family. Instead, he was sent to live with a distant branch of the Tohno family named Arima. At the start of the game, Shiki was called back by his younger sister, Akiha Tohno, to the Tohno mansion after eight years of absence due to Makihisa's death. Although he hadn't seen his sister in those eight years, she has grown into a proper lady of a high-class family, and after removing all of the family residents and servants of the mansion except for a pair of maids, had chosen to invite him to return.

Shiki is in fact not a real member of the Tohno family, is not Akiha's biological brother, and is not Makihisa's son. While the Tohno family is a family with demon blood, Shiki's real surname is Nanaya, and he is the eldest son of the Nanaya (七夜) clan, a family of powerful demon-slaying assassins, it is revealed in Kagetsu Tohya that he is the son of Kiri Nanaya. The Nanaya clan lived in a secluded mansion in the mountains, but was one night destroyed by the Tohno and the Kishima (another half-demon branch of the Tohno family). Shiki was the only survivor of that attack. In a moment of amused irony, Makihisa spared and adopted the boy because his name was similar to the name of Makihisa's eldest son, SHIKI (四季).

Shiki lived in a small Japanese-style building on the grounds of the Tohno's western-style mansion. At the same time he was, learning to accept and be accepted by his new siblings. Although he was lonely and unwilling to leave his room at first, eventually he warmed to the cheerful red-haired girl (Hisui) who would come every day to ask him to play, and in turn lead his shy and often-nervous sister outside as well. He, his sister, his brother, and the red-haired girl would play together frequently.

Eight years before the beginning of the game, everything changed. Although Shiki did not know it, the Tohno family's demon blood led to inhuman urges in all its members; every descendant eventually became insane from its effects, a process called "inversion impulse". When this happens, the person loses all ability for conscious thought and becomes a monster with only the mind to kill and consume others. One hot summer day as Shiki played with his brother SHIKI and sister Akiha, SHIKI inverted without warning, and immediately attacked Akiha. Shiki managed to shield Akiha at

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the cost of his own life; the wound that SHIKI caused by stabbing him in the chest became the large scar that Shiki would bear from that day forward.

It is the duty of the Tohno's family head to police demon activity in the area, and specifically to execute any Tohno who underwent inversion so that he or she cannot do the sort of damage that such inhuman beings inevitably do. Makihisa arrived on the scene immediately and, without a second thought, killed his own son with the same dagger. However, neither Shiki nor SHIKI died that day. Although Shiki did not know it then, his sister Akiha provided him with half of her own lifeforce, keeping him alive. In turn, SHIKI instinctively stole half of Shiki's borrowed lifeforce to avoid his own death. It is this lack of energy that causes Shiki's anemic tendencies.

When Makihisa realized this convoluted state of affairs, he concocted a ruse to deceive the outside world. As the head of a publicly important family, which held an influential position in business, he could not allow others to know that the eldest son of the family had become inhuman, died, or disappeared. To conceal this, Makihisa locked SHIKI away and hypnotized Shiki into believing that he was the Tohno's eldest son instead, erasing the details of that day from the boy's mind. After installing Shiki in SHIKI's place as eldest son, Makihisa then sent Shiki away to live with the Arima family branch under the pretext that a boy so dreadfully injured, and who could die at any time from a fragile constitution could not be the heir to the Tohno house. Despite the necessity of making Shiki believe in his new identity as a Tohno, however, Makihisa retains an antique knife inscribed with the name of the Nanaya clan, and later bequeathes it to Shiki, although the ambiguous nature of Japanese kanji causes Shiki to misread the inscription as "Nanatsu-yoru", or "Seven Nights".

While Makihisa began grooming Akiha in earnest as the next family head, Shiki lived with the Arima family branch, which consisted of only a mother, father, and young daughter. The Arima, though related to the Tohno, had negligible demon blood, and he lived there in relative quiet and comfort for eight years.

Special Notes Shiki is a fairly normal high school student most of the time. Due to his close brush with death, he is not overly concerned about dying, and instead seeks to cherish every moment of his life. He is playful with his sister Akiha and the maids Hisui and Kohaku, sometimes silly, and not at all above exchanging jibes with his best friend and classmate Arihiko or pleasantries with his senpai Ciel. He's entirely capable of being serious in a serious situation, and just as often flustered or embarrassed.

However Shiki has an alternate personality due to the blood he inherited from his real family. The Nanaya clan was a family focused on destroying demons, and promoted their own special powers through inbreeding. This heritage manifests as an alternate personality known as Shiki Nanaya. Nanaya is a highly trained, amoral killer. Smooth, confident, and highly dismissive of life, Nanaya is a very large contrast with how Shiki usually behaves. This personality awakens when Shiki is confronted with a situation that matches the demon-slaying need, usually when Shiki is in mortal danger, or when he spots something inhuman. When Nanaya appears, Shiki drops into the fugue state of his anemia attacks; he blacks out and has no memory of what he has done during the time Nanaya was in control. As befitting an elite demon-slaying assassin, Nanaya has highly enhanced strength, speed, reflexes and has all the skills of a highly trained killer. His greatest attribute is speed, as he is capable of running up walls and along ceilings, and moving faster than normal human sight for a fast kill. While Shiki, at the beginning of the story, can be utterly overwhelmed by superhuman adversaries like the Dead Apostles and their servants, Nanaya is capable of slaying those same adversaries a second later with an air somewhere between amused enthusiasm and general contempt. Nanaya's personality takes over several times throughout Tsukihime (namely, against Arcueid and the various Dead Apostles), although it only fully manifests once as a distinct persona. The other times that Nanaya appears personally are as a dream phantom in Kagetsu Tohya and as an antagonist in Melty Blood, manifested by the power of Tatari to realize and incarnate terrors, fears, dreads, and phobias. The other times, Shiki is merely filled with a desire to kill, and instinctual knowledge on how to do it.

Powers As a particularly frail high school student, Shiki is defenseless except for his knife, a relic of the Nanaya family named Nanatsu-Yoru.

However, this is only when his glasses are on. His ability to see lines, known as the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (直死の魔眼 - Chokushi no Magan lit. Demon eyes of Instant Death), is an incredibly powerful pseudo-magical effect. With these Mystic Eyes, Shiki is able to see the eventual fated destruction of an object or entity expressed as small points on the object or entity's body and as thin black lines that extend from those points and crawl over the body. Attendant with the perception is the ability to trace the lines without much exertion; doing so effectively realizes the fated destruction, and the victim is cut or cracked or broken along those lines. Because this destruction is destined, this method of injury ignores any of the victim's defenses; armor, magical protection, and so forth are useless. While a line symbolizes "damage" along that part of the body, a

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dot symbolizes the totality of that body's damage, and by extension, "existence". When a dot is pierced, the victim's concept is destroyed. This method of killing is apparently absolute; it bypasses even reincarnation, and can even be used against a collective entity. The only entity immune is Tatari, since that entity does not exist.

The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are not infallible. The human mind was not meant to perceive death in such a way, and using it is highly taxing on the human brain, causing headaches. In addition, there are multiple levels of perception; in the beginning, Shiki could only see lines on people and objects, then progressed to seeing dots on living things, then dots on inanimate objects. Each step takes the mind further from natural perception, and each step is more damaging to the brain; eventually the stress leads the brain's blood vessels to burst and death for the user. In addition, there exist in nature entities which have no fated destruction in particular circumstances; for instance, Arcueid during the point where she is strongest. In these cases, no lines or dots can be seen. Lastly, the ability to perceive and trace lines or pierce dots does not give the user any added physical capacity to perform the task itself, especially against an unwilling target. Shiki must still get in range, aim, and move his hand by himself, which is not a trivial task against the kind of enemies he faces.

Speculation Melty Blood happened some time after Tsukihime - and will be the subject of a future update. I'll deal with how his stats were upgraded during that and Kagetsu Tohya later on.


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Heavens Feel - [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

[November 25 2007|09:43:00 AM]

[Tags|fate_nasuverse_rpg, rpg, tsukihime_npc]

Ren, Succubus Familiar of Shiki Nature Panderer

Demeanor Child STR 1/3 INT 3 CON 5 PER 3 DEX 5/4 WILL 5

Derived Statistics Actions 1 attack and 1 defensive action Initiative 7 (+4)(+6)= 17

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Life Points 42 (+20)(+14) = 80 Movement 7 (+3)(+2) = 12 Luck Points 2 (+4) = 6 Mana 28 (+50)(+12)= 90

Perks Damn Healthy! 2, Hard to Kill 6, Natural Runner 3, Unnatural Runner 2, Extra Lucky 4,

Extra Energy 5, Magic Circuit 4, Catlike Balance, Cat-Stalk, Mr. Sandman*, Dream Landscaper*, Danger Sense, Portable Dimensional Portal (3 points, as big as a suitcase), Internal Compass, Megaleap 4, Nanjin Adept, Combat Reflexes 2, Old Soul, Regeneration 1, Supernatural Senses (Insight, The Sight) 10, Epic Skill: Animal Ken (Cats)1, Minor Supernatural Attack (Energy Spheres) (+2 increased range) (6 point cost) [only in human form], Major Supernatural Attack (Ice Thorn) (D6x8) +4 which causes Lethal Damage (+1) and has four levels of Increased Range (+4) (12 pt cost) [only in human form],

Flaws Shy, Murphy's Law, Attractiveness (Cute) 1, Child, Dual Form, Curiousity, Love (Shiki), Misfit, No Natural Mana Recovery, Obligation 1, Secret (Familiar), Soft-Hearted, Mute, Unusual Features (Pupilless crimson eyes, blue hair, Pointed Ears, Audible effect: jingling cat bell) 3 [only in human form], Honorable 1 (Won't Abandon Friends or Allies, Obedient to Master),

Skills Alertness 3, Animal Ken (Cats) 3 [Ren always gets one free success when using her skill against a cat] , Arts and Crafts (Dream Landscaping) 5, Athletics (Climbing Artificial Surfaces, Distance Running) 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Domestic 2, Empathy 4, Influence 2, Medicine 2, Melee 3, Occultism (Spirits) 3, Wild Card (Erotic Arts) 5

Attacks Punch 7, 1D4 x STR Bashing Kick 6, (1D4) x STR+1 Bashing Minor Supernatural Attack (orbiting energy spheres), 7, (D6 x5) + 3 damage Bashing, 2 yard radius because of increased range, Ice Thorn, (D6 x8) +4 Damage, Lethal, 4 yard radius.

Notes: Ren is a Succubus familiar created from the corpse of a black cat infused with the soul of a dead human girl. She can spend 1 Mana to transform from a cat to a human or from a human back into a cat. An unnamed magician several hundred years ago formed a contract with her, but after his death she looked for a new sponsor. For a time, she was in the employ of Arcueid Brunestud, however since Arcueid is not a human being they were unable to establish a permanent contract.

During the events of Tsukihime, Shiki was seriously wounded by Nrvsqr Chaos and while he was in a period of convalescence, Arcueid tasked Ren with giving him a powerfully realistic erotic dream. In this scenario Ren is not mentioned by name. She is not seen until the sequel Kagetsu Tohya, in which she plays the role of the heroine. After Shiki falls into a coma in an accident, she uses her powers to keep him alive, employing Mr. Sandman and Dream Landscaper to place him into a

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Groundhog Day-like scenario, in which he repeats the same day over and over, his memory wiped clean at the end of each day. Things soon grow complicated, as Shiki begins to remember more and more of each passing day and his own divided psyche begins to rebel at this invasive magical control.

At the same time, Ren's own supply of Mana was being depleted by her use of her own supernatural gifts and her lack of a master. Shiki eventually found and confronted his own darker half in the dreamscape, and then went on to confront his own visualization of death. Triumphing over both, Shiki met Len in the courtyard of Tohno mansion and entered into a contract with her.

I have chosen to go with the romanization "Ren" instead of "Len". The "Ren" version was originally used in Kagetsu Tohya's file names and scripts. However, all versions of Melty Blood use the name "Len" consistently. It is not certain which romanization is correct, as both could be. If the Storyteller wants to use the name "Len" instead, he certainly is within his rights to do so.

Special Qualities:

Mr. Sandman (4 point perk) This being is able to force a target to fall asleep and immediately begin dreaming. This is frequently used by Freddy Krueger-like beings who want to force humans into the realm of sleep, where they can enter and alter the person's dreamscape.

Mr. Sandman works easiest if the person is already tired or in a spot where sleep may come naturally - a boring class lecture, reading a poorly written textbook, or on o a plane flight. Falling asleep while jogging is impossible. If the person has been driving for a couple of hours, he could easily fall asleep behind the wheel. The target resists with Will x2, and the user attacks with WILL + Empathy. If the user beats the target, the target sleeps for one hour per success rolled.

In Kagetsu Tohya, Ren used her special variant of Mr. Sandman to keep Shiki alive and preserve his higher brain functions.

Dream Landscaper (5 point Perk) Once the target is asleep, this power allows the user to shape their dreams. The effect goes on until the user awakens from the sleep, though the theoretical maximum duration for Dream Landscaper is five days. While his Dream is being Landscaped, the dreamer experiences the dream as though it were fully real. If the caster wants to use dreams to kill the dreamer, it is possible for the dreamer to die , but the dreamer would have a stroke, aneurysm, heart attack, or some kind of Final Destination-like demise.

The dream reality is only as convincing as the skill of the Landscaper; if the Landscaper fails to present a convincing realistic dream, the dreamer could choose to awaken and end the dream. In Ren's case, she did not know her target's family and friends well enough, nor did she know that much about the world outside of the city. This, along with Shiki's own darker Nanaya personality rebelling against supernatural control, allowed Shiki to ultimately free himself from Ren's control. Being a Dream Landscaper is also tiring; eventually the dreamer will start to notice "errors" in the logic of the dream. Examples of errors in her dream are extreme deja vu, noticing the Landscaper, slip ups in normal weather (a snowstorm in July), watching the Dream Landscaper rush to stop the dream from falling apart, having Shiki travel outside the area she knew causing empty space to be revealed, and so on.

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