Package 'Nistunits'
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Package ‘NISTunits’ August 11, 2016 Type Package Title Fundamental Physical Constants and Unit Conversions from NIST Version 1.0.1 Encoding UTF-8 Description Fundamental physical constants (Quantity, Value, Uncertainty, Unit) for SI (International System of Units) and non-SI units, plus unit conversions Based on the data from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA) License GPL (>= 3) Depends R (>= 2.7.0) Author Jose Gama [aut, cre] Maintainer Jose Gama <[email protected]> Repository CRAN Repository/R-Forge/Project nistunits Repository/R-Forge/Revision 4 Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp 2016-08-11 06:51:12 Date/Publication 2016-08-11 13:47:23 NeedsCompilation no R topics documented: CompactFactorNames . 20 CompactPhysicalConstantNames . 21 FixFactorNames . 22 kNIST2010latticeSpacingOfSilicon . 22 kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizability . 33 NISTabampereTOampere . 34 NISTabcoulombTOcoulomb . 35 NISTabfaradTOfarad . 36 NISTabhenryTOhenry . 37 NISTabmhoTOsiemens . 38 NISTabohmTOohm . 39 1 2 R topics documented: NISTabvoltTOvolt . 40 NISTaccelOfFreeFallStdTOmeterPerSecSqrd . 41 NISTacreFtTOcubMeter . 42 NISTacreTOsqrMeter . 43 NISTampereHourTOcoulomb . 44 NISTamperePerMeterTOoersted . 45 NISTampereTOabampere . 46 NISTampereTObiot . 47 NISTampereToEMUOfCurrent . 48 NISTampereToESUOfCurrent . 49 NISTampereTOgilbert . 50 NISTampereTOstatampere . 51 NISTangstromTOmeter . 52 NISTangstromTOnanometer . 53 NISTareTOsqrMeter . 54 NISTastronomicalUnTOmeter . 55 NISTatmosphereStdTOkpascal . 56 NISTatmosphereStdTOpascal . 57 NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOkpascal . 58 NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOpascal . 59 NISTbarnTOsqrMeter . 60 NISTbarrelTOcubMeter . 61 NISTbarrelTOliter . 62 NISTbarTOkpascal . 63 NISTbarTOpascal . 64 NISTbecquerelTOcurie . 65 NISTbiotTOampere . 66 NISTbushelTOcubMeter . 67 NISTbushelTOliter . 68 NISTcal15CtOjoule . 69 NISTcal20CtOjoule . 70 NISTcalITKgTOjoule . 71 NISTcalITPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK . 72 NISTcalITPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK . 73 NISTcalITPerGramTOjoulePerKg . 74 NISTcalITtOjoule . 75 NISTcalKgTOjoule . 76 NISTcalthKgTOjoule . 77 NISTcalthPerCmSecDegCtOwattPerMeterK . 78 NISTcalthPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK . 79 NISTcalthPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK . 80 NISTcalthPerGramTOjoulePerKg . 81 NISTcalthPerMinTOwatt . 82 NISTcalthPerSecTOwatt . 83 NISTcalthPerSqrCmMinTOwattPerSqrMeter . 84 NISTcalthPerSqrCmSecTOwattPerSqrMeter . 85 NISTcalthPerSqrCmTOjoulePerSqrMeter . 86 NISTcalthTOjoule . 87 R topics documented: 3 NISTcalTOjoule . 88 NISTcandelaPerSqrInchTOcandelaPerSqrMeter . 89 NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOcandelaPerSqrInch . 90 NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOftlambert . 91 NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOlambert . 92 NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOstilb . 93 NISTcaratSItOgram . 94 NISTcaratSItOkg . 95 NISTcentipoiseTOpascalSec . 96 NISTcentistokesTOmeterSqrdPerSec . 97 NISTchainTOmeter . 98 NISTcircularMilTOsqrMeter . 99 NISTcircularMilTOsqrMillimeter . 100 NISTcloTOsqrMeterKPerWatt . 101 NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal . 102 NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal . 103 NISTcmOfMercuryTOkpascal . 104 NISTcmOfMercuryTOpascal . 105 NISTcmOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal . 106 NISTcmOfWaterTOpascal . 107 NISTcmTOinch . 108 NISTcordTOcubMeter . 109 NISTcoulombMeterTOdebye . 110 NISTcoulombPerKgTOroentgen . 111 NISTcoulombTOabcoulomb . 112 NISTcoulombTOampereHour . 113 NISTcoulombTOfaraday . 114 NISTcoulombTOfranklin . 115 NISTcoulombTOstatcoulomb . 116 NISTcubFtPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec . 117 NISTcubFtPerMinTOliterPerSec . 118 NISTcubFtPerSecTOcubMeterPerSec . 119 NISTcubFtTOcubMeter . 120 NISTcubInchPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec . 121 NISTcubInchTOcubMeter . 122 NISTcubMeterPerJouleTOgallonPerHorsepowerHour . 123 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerMin . 124 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerSec . 125 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubInchPerMin . 126 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubYardPerMin . 127 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerDay . 128 NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerMin . 129 NISTcubMeterTOacreFt . 130 NISTcubMeterTObarrel . 131 NISTcubMeterTObushel . 132 NISTcubMeterTOcord . ..