PASCIIIM MEDINIPUII ZILLA PAIRISHAD MIDNAPORE :: 721101 Fax: ( 03222)263597 :: Phone —( 03222) :: email-
[email protected]:: Memo No. C 2 2 /Accts Date :12.12.201 7 To The Executive Officer ( All) Panchayat Samity. Sub.: Allotment of fund for 14th CFC's Basic Grant (1st Instalment) for 2017-18 86 delayed period interest ( 2nd installmant) for 2016-176 of GPS share as per annexure to the concerned Panchayat Samities Fund Transfer Account. Sir, As per order of ZP authority and the subject cited above a sum of Rs. 93,41,44,000.00 ( Rupees ninety three crore forty one lakh forty four thousand ) only for 1st Installment of Basic Grant of 2017-18 and Rs. 7,19,747.00 ( Rupees seven lakh nineteen thousand seven hundred forty seven ) only for delayed period interest of 2nd instalment 2016-17 in totalling Rs. 93,48,63,747 ( Rupees ninety three crore forty eight lakh sixty three thousand seven hundred forty seven) only has been transferred to 29 Panchayat Samities Fund Transfer Account for subsequent credit the fund to the concerned GPs under their own jurisdiction as per annexure Hence, you are requested to take necessary steps in this regard. Yours faithfully Enclo: as stated above t t lot; Secretary Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad 3ecretary Paschim Medinipur Zilla Perished Memo No. 122p 6 0 Date: 12.12.2017 Copy for information to : 1. Sabhadhipati, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad &Jhargram Zilla Parishad 2. District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur & Executive Officer Paschim Medinipur & Jhargram Zilla Parishad 3. Additional Executive Officer, Paschim Medinipore Zilla Parishad & Jhargram Zilla Parishad 4.