BC Leaders Weigh in on Pound Remark Dr

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BC Leaders Weigh in on Pound Remark Dr i r- I r CANADA LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES Arch ves Canada Bibliothèque et t.3.0;Li-vz i i I I flu 132861 5 5 J fIl 7 HaShiIth-Sa Canada's Oldest First Nations Newspaper - Serving Nuu -chah- nulth -aht since 1974 - --- d Canadian Publications Mail Product . i,. Vol. 35 - No. 20 - Oct. 23, 2008 restin, Sales Agreement No. 40047776 I Resignation r,.,.. sends process 1111P1.- ei into tailspin I 104 r é I By Debora Steel +1 Ha- Shilth -Sa Reporter -" 4-1 i Ottawa -The sudden resignation of Justice Harry LaForme as Chief = 7%. Justice of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has many wondering about the future of the historic initiative. The truth and reconciliation 7 component was a cornerstone of `4 the residential school settlements i package, and many believed that it was a critical step in rebuilding the relationship between first peoples and 7 `` ttSggá Canada, whose assimilation policies, .. Sho - ttiö _ including the residential school system, .- ' ,,,, r . so damaged Indigenous societies across it i l _,t the country. _ r In his resignation letter, LaForme j a.. r 4 cited an "incurable problem" that may , 4641- " X J-i lead to the ultimate failure of the you endeavor. 71 Anastasia Mickey- McCarthy, 18 months I LaForme was in a power struggle - old, won a shopper -in- training shopping with the two other commissioners, he dr ; p.o spree during Co -op Week in Ucluelet. On said, who refused to recognize his authority. He accused the two Oct. 17, the thrilled little girl filled her cart commissioners of not wanting to deal , with $130 in toys in about 40 minutes. with the reconciliation part of the mandate while they were dealing with the truth. BC leaders weigh in on Pound remark Dr. Michelle Corfield, the vice - president of the Nuu -chah -nulth Tribal descent, while in China, we're talking astounded by Pound's statement. Council, said the commission was By Debora Steel about a 5,000- year -old civilization," he "I find it remarkable that a man of designed to deal with both truth and Ha- Shilth -Sa Reporter told La Presse. His point, he has said, by such stature in Canada, a chancellor of reconciliation together. way of dismissing the controversy now one of the top universities in this "You can not have one without the swirling around him, which he has called country, could make those comments." other. If we as Canadians are to move Vancouver-Shawn Atleo, the regional "manufactured ", was to say that a Happynook said that over many forward on this issue in our history we chief of the Assembly of First Nations society in its infancy, like Canada's, has generations a great effort has been made have to deal with reconciliation." (BC) has joined his voice to the chorus to respect a country with a long history, to build a relationship with Canadians But the demonized commissioners, of the many calling for the resignation of like China's, and not think it can dictate that is meaningful and mutual "and for Jane Brewin Morley and Claudette Richard Pound as chancellor of McGill to them or have all the answers to their someone like Mr. Pound to come out Dumont -Smith, have denied LaForme's University. problems. and say that we were just savages when charges in that regard, and defended Pound, who is the former vice - The "savages" comment came in the newcomers arrived in this country is their position that the commission was president of the International Olympic August, but a complaint made to the absurd." Native societies were well not set up with a hierarchical structure. Committee (IOC) and head of the World Olympic ethics committee by an established and well grounded in values All of them were equal, they insisted. Anti -Doping Agency, was quoted in a Aboriginal rights advocacy group has and teaching that are still brought The Assembly of First Nation, a French language newspaper referring to brought it to the fore. forward today, he said. architect of the residential school the original inhabitants of North "I am deeply offended," said Atleo. "You just have to look at our package that included compensation for America as savages. "Mr. Pound's comments, regardless of technologies that we had to see that we survivors and the establishment of the The remarks came as he attempted to context, are disturbing, void of any were well organized in our communities commission, had insisted upon three defend China, the IOC's choice to host historic evidence and highly and our societies, whether it was commissioners, said National Chief Phil the Summer Olympics, whose reputation inappropriate for a university chancellor. whaling, fishing, hunting. The Fontaine. "We never contemplated that is severely tarnished by human rights His comments are racist and technologies that we created may have there would be one commissioner [who] abuses and its treatment of Tibet. derogatory." been simplistic in design, but were very was more important than the other two "We must not forget that 400 years Nuu -chah -nulth Tribal Council effective and we were not savages. It's commissioners." ago, Canada was a land of savages with President Tom Happynook said he didn't absolutely incorrect." Continued on page 3. scarcely 10,000 inhabitants of European know if he should be shocked or Continued on page 3. If undeliverable, please return to: Ha- Shilth -Sa CBT says help us help you Page 2 P.O. Box 1383, Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 7M2 Tliishin: Man and Chief Page 4 New bus for Ahousaht youth Page 5 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA NEWSPAPER COLLECTION (17) 395 WELLINGTON ST. Are Ucluelet harbour crabs safe to eat? Page 6 OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1A ON4 Tseshaht princess is return home to rest Page 8 Community & Beyond Page 12 ISSN 0715 -41 If Oct. 23, 2008 - Ha- Shilth -Sa - Page 2 - Ha- Shilth -So - Oct. 23, 2008 Page 3 Ha-Shirt/14a novena is LETTERS and KLECOS New E.D. ready to learn published by the Truth commissioners at V.-chart-mirth Tribal Council lltr- .Shi/MSa will include letters received from its readers. Letters MUST be signed Continued from page 2. communication, but ills not being for distribution to the members of the by the writer and have the writer's full name. address and phone number on them. Committee members heading up each capitalized ° °. -Were better of the five categories will review the organisation when we hay, the voices twelve NTC-mrmber Tint Nellons, Names can be withheld by request. Anonymous submissions will not he accepted. of odds with reconciliation and make the be as well as other interested groups We reserve the right to edit submitted material for clarity, brevity, grammar and good applications recommendation community," said. packages to the board of directors who Cook admits that the lack of Continued from page 1. Happynook is concert. that and individuals. taste. will definitely letters dealing with tribal or personal disputes or We alit publish There had been a will make final on communication has caused a lack of only handful residential school survivors are being Information and original work tomes that are critical of Nuuchah -nulth individuals or groups. meetings of the group since they were used as pawns in winning proposals sometime in e awarenesss f the CBT's work purpose political games. He contained in this newspaper is All opinions expressed in letters to the editor are purely those of the writer and will December. and ink in the community. appointed in June, but the disintegration calls for action from both the Canadian copyright and may not be reproduced views policies Nuu- chah -nulth Tribal riot necessarily coincide with the or of the of their relationship was swift. They and First Nations leadership without writt , front. Winning projects will receive funding "We are here to support the to ensure permission Council or its member First Nations. Ina- Shilth -Sa includes paid advertising, but resorted to in January 2009 and will have a year to community," said Cook. Ile explained communicating through that the legal obligation of a truth and this does not imply Hu- SLilrh -.So or Nuu -shah -nulth Tribal Council recommends or spend their grants. that the federal government provided mails through intermediaries. repro rmonciliation commission is fulfilled 1nu- ohah -nulth Tribal Council endorses the content of the ads. say, and "1 would love to see more first 112 million fund intended to uphold the by September were sitting down and in the best interests of the P.O. R. 13X1, Nations participation on the advisory spirit and intent of Clayoquot Sounds with a mediator to solve an impasse, the residential school survivors. Pori Alberni, B.C. committees," "Important UNESCO Biosphere designation. "We judge perceiving the two women wen Fontaine said his most urgent priority VIP 7M2. "Cook said. First Nations decision are made in terms of how manage the fund, help it grow and it's determined to outvote him at every turn. now was not to let the process unravel 724 Fire - -5757 destroys sawmill Telephone: (250) LaForme's money is spent in the legion; it would used in the communities," he went on. resignation seemed name and to find a replacement for LaForme. Far (250) 723-0463 responded to the call but were unable to A fire has destroyed the Ditidaht First something in the range of 7 million he good to make their voices stronger Proceeds from the fund are used to as a surprise, however, and First Nations Fontaine has denied LaForme's prevent the blaze, fueled by acetylene, feet us Nation sawmill.
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