404 Die Welt des Islams 57 (2017) 404-428 Tank International Journal for the Study of Modern Islam brill.com/wdi Kurdish Women in Rojava: From Resistance to Reconstruction Pinar Tank Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway
[email protected] Abstract In 2010, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan, PKK), Abdullah Öcalan, declared, “The freedom of the Kurdish people can be viewed as inseparably bound to women’s freedom.”1 This statement emphasizes a core tenet in the reinvention of the PKK’s ideology as articulated by Öcalan: the understand- ing that freedom can only be achieved through the defeat of the patriarchal system. The women of the PKK and its sister organization, the Democratic Union Party (Partiya Yekîtiya Demokrat, PYD), represent the embodiment of the PKK’s new ideology, attract- ing international attention following Kurdish efforts to establish an autonomous region of governance in north-east Syria. This article focuses on a case study of the PYD’s Syrian Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (Yekîneyên Parastina Jin, YPJ), and their defence of Kurdish-dominated enclaves in Syria. The analysis demonstrates the agency behind their engagement and the ideology that motivates their resistance to patriarchy in the Middle East. In so doing, the article compares the YPJ’s understanding of agency to media representations of YPJ fighters’ engagement, in an effort to see beyond the tradi- tional victim/peacemaker articulation of gendered engagement, arguing instead for the need to recognize the politics behind Kurdish women’s participation as combatants in the Syrian civil war. Keywords Kurdish female fighters – ideology of Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (PKK) – Gender and agency – Yekîneyên Parastina Jin (YPJ) – Rojava – media framing 1 Abdullah Öcalan, “The Revolution is Female”, 9 March 2010, in “Abdullah Öcalan´s writings in ‘Il Manifesto’” <http://www.freedom-for-ocalan.com/english/hintergrund/schriften/ilmani festo.htm>.