z COAL. COAL. ♦ W* HAVE THE LARGEST AND 01*1» BAIÆ A WALKER PADDED FURNITURE Wellington Colliery MOVING VANS CO. IN THE CITT. HIS GOVERNMENT ET. - Burt’s Wood Yard Phone SS Shorn 828. 736 Pindors Am

VOLUME 47. VICTORIA, B. 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. NO; 143.

BRYAN'S BON WEDS. WORK DELAYED. CRUSHED TO DEATH. TEXAS SENATOR Man Caught by Shaft in Pumping HUNT FOR LING PARKS BOARD Grand Lake. Colo., June 24.—Wm. KILLABNEY HAS Dispute Between Contractors Regard­ Station on Ranch. Jennings Bryfin. Jr., and Miss Helen ing Haulage of Material to Berger, of Milwaukee, were married STAYS BY GUNS here to-day. Only the Immediate rela­ BOAT DISASTER G. T.*P. Shops, ATTACKS TRUSTS Sacramento, Cal., June 24.—Mutilated IS UNABATERx tives of the couple were present. and stripped of Its clothing, the body Thé ceremony took place at the Ber­ Winnipeg. June 24.—Work on the of Joe. Nevis, aged 26 years, member FOLLOWS OLD BODY ger summer home here. The bride, ELEVEN PERSONS million dollar National Transconti­ WOULD SEND THE * of .a prominent family of this city, was RENEWED ACTIVITY who Is the daughter of Alexander Ber­ nental shops at Springfield is tempor­ found late last night wound around a_ ger. a millionaire grain tod hour arily tied up owing to • dispute be­ ORGANIZERS TO PRISON IN SAN FRANCISCO » IN FINANCIAL STAND dealer of Milwaukee, la very beautiful LOSE THEIR LIVES shaft in the pumping station on the and accomplished. She Is but IS year# tween contractors Haney, Quinlan and Nevis ranch in Yolo county. He had of age. The groom only recently at­ Robertson ufd J. D. McArthur, con been missing since Sunday. tained his majority. He has exten­ Nine Tourists and Two Boat- trector ,he tran,co"lln,,"ul ~ctlon Doctrine of Free Admission of This Is the second tragic death In the Letters in Which Chinaman Confirms Salary of Superin­ sive business Interésts given to him by affected,toT with regard to the haulage of Nevis family within a year. Last his father at Tucson. Arts., where the material for the shops over the three Raw Material is De­ spring M. S. Nevis, father of the young Threatened Life of Girl tendent and Will Charge ouiple will make their home after a men Drowned in m'les of transcontinental connecting man. fell Into a vat at his wlnerv and brief honeymoon Journey. nounced. was drowned. Handed to Police. City Up. Gale. the shops with the Canadian Northern. The contract states that train# haul­ ing these supplies shall have the right It t the Democratic party It was Little Progress Made Toward mall liner Manchuria, which salle for Messrs. Arbuthnot, Pemberton, Wllker- itary Quarters for Col­ Mias M. H. Cotum, of Massachusetts. never accepted until 1886. eon and Nelson resigned as a protest Rev. B. Barton and atster, LonSon. He then traced the history of the Restoration of the Ruined the Orient this afternoon. The shjp is tariff to prove his assertion# and con against the action of the city council lection. England. CANNOT BE CIVILIZED, so carefully guarded that the Chinese In refusing to grant the salary fixed by tlnulng, said: City. would have but one chance In a thou­ Miss Florence Wilkinson and cousin, "The proposition to exempt manufac­ the board for It* superintendent, $1,800. sand of getting away on her. half chargeable to parks account and of Brentwood, Essex. DECLARES PROF. STARR turers from the payment of a moderate half to boulevard work. The bears must die. No more Mr a Boatmen Toomey and Gleason. duty on raw material, is unjust and (Tlmea Leased Wire.) Suspect Released. The new board approved of the ac­ while will the youngsters try to get a None of the bodies have been re» unequal. When the tariff t# removed Sim Francisco. Cal., June 24.—(Later.) from raw material* It becomes neces­ Rome, via the frontier. June 24.—Ac­ tion of the former body In placing took at the poor animals penned up In covered. —A Chinese believed to be Leon Ling The party left the Great Southern “Sees" Signs in Everything, sary t-> increase the tariff on other ar­ counts repeatedly published abroad, tiupt. England's salary at $160 a month, a damp hole in the ground in a cor­ was arrested on board the Pacific mall hotel in the morning on a sight-seeing ticle# In order to raise the revenues." but suppressed In Italy, of the shock­ and decided to charge the city for all ner of Beacon Hill park. A humane According to Chicago time given by him to work outside the trip. After dwelling for some time on this ingly unsatisfactory state of affairs at liner Manchuria at noon to-day. The parks. The maintenance of the boule­ end will be put to the existence of the Scientist phase of the tariff, Bailey took up hie Messina have begun to reach King arrest was made by Captain of Detec­ vards Is under the parks board and, two bears, which are In . anything but ALBERTA WINTER WHEAT, attack on the trusts. Victor's ears In considerable numbers : tives Peterson, of Oakland. After bold­ while construction is under the city en­ a healthy condition. Later on, when "It l were attorney-general of the ing their prisoner but a few minute» (Special to the Tlmea) ," he declared. "I would in the past few days, and person# In j ^ ------— ------gineer. Its superintendent acts as fore­ finances allow, sanitary bear-pits will close touch with court circles are au- i the officers released him. after he had man for that work, but the bcÿtrd gets Calgary, Alb., June 24.—Winter :-----(Times Leased Wire.) take Issue to dissolve the United States be constructed' and some young bears thortty for the statement that he Is proved his identity to be other nothing for his time. As a matter of wheat will be a quarter to a third Chicago, June 24.—That woman is an steel corporation. Nothing would re-, procured, and these.-will be In such a suit to curb the rapacity of that trust Ling. fact, although the superintendent's crop. Much of the acreage Is re-sown "eternal savage” and that she "should making It exceedingly unpleasant for "Mme Is reported dally It has not been position that they can be looked at in from placing Iron ore on the free list. every jme~£onnerted with the adminis­ Threatening Letter. to oats. Growing crops look splendid not be civilised” is the opinhm of Prof. •The only mean* of destroying the charged up to the different local 1m comfort by the children. trât km of the earthquake zone. New York. June 24.—Two letters, provement works. The city collects At the meeting of the parks board and a large Increase In the yield Is ex­ Frederick Çtarr, famous scientist and j trusts and "preventing the formation of pected from present Indications. ethnological expert ft the Chicago others is to send their organisers and •The King wa* horrified and very- supposed to have been written by Leon five cents a foot frontage to meet the yenterday B, A. Lewis, one of the new angry when he visited Messina, a few Ling to Chu Gain, hi* rival for the af­ expenses of maintenance, and the con citlsen member#, declared that the University. operators to the penitentiary." "Women are not civilised, and what week# ago, -to find that practically no fections of Elsie Slgel. were given to lentlon of the new board, as of the natural history collection at the park NATURALIST DENOUNCES progrès* had been made towaihl the. Assistant District Attorney Ward to­ old one, is that it should be recouped was a-- disgrace to Victoria, so far as la more they should not be.” he de­ clared. "Woman, the eternal savage, “INSURGENTS" READY respiration of the ruined city. He ex­ day by Attorney Regal, representing out of this for the time its official the buildings are concerned. The ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS pressed hlmseli with great vlg«>r and Gain. gives. It was on that view that the bird# and animals ought to be gathered will always be a savage. Woman ean- not be civilised because her tunUameu- FOR LONG FIGHT actually succeeded in injecting several Gain says the letters, which are writ­ ^estimate for ISO» was framed, but the together in one of the buildings for the days’ activity inf., the authorities in ten in Chinese, threatened both hi# life "city council declined to allow It present and the rest of them destroyed tal nature Is barbarous. It Is better so. since the posterity, even the con­ charge of the work thetti. They quickly and that of the girt Ward 1» having the ground that the parks board had and replaced by one suitable building No Legitimate Excuse for subsided again after he left, however. them translated. no right to say what should be done of modern construction In which they tinuance of the rare depends upon the rigid assertion of ^-fundamental dif­ Will Try to Repeal Bills Passed Since then his Majesty has been com­ Search in Chicago. with the money collected for boulevard can be comfortably housed. Mr. Lewis Keeping Animals in pletely deceived concerning the pro­ TTTtfnt—IffiHlfc moved to this effect. ference between man and woman." Chicago, June 24.—Thirty members In his statement. Prof. Starr also dé­ by the Washington gress the official* were making. They At the meeting yesterday there wen H. . M. Fullerton, seconded by Dr. Captivity. reported everything moving satlsf.ic- of the Hip King Tong, of which Leon psasent AM. Henderson. H. M. Kutler- G, A. ». Hah. moved that the hear* bo clarée that woman's jyllglun "la also Legislature. IJng. slayer of Rlsto Hlgel. la a mem­ notably that of lower culture.” mmr; *w«r me supposed ** visit ton, Dr. O. A. B. Hall. M. P. P., and destroyed and t|}e pits done away with, had really awakened hi* subordinates ber. came to Chicago from New Tor* B. A. Lewis. The former was appoint until such time as the city can con­ He say» woman is always seeing shortly after the girl wa» killed, ac­ (Times Leased Wire.) signs in everything and that site is the to a sense of their res|Hjn«ibiUty. He ed chairman for the meeting and the struct a proper place for bears and pro­ will probably go" to Messina again a# cording to information received by the Chicago, June 24,-That Idle curtedty chief supporter of spiritualistic (Time# Leaned Wire.) appointment of a permanent chairman, cure some young cubs. soon as i*HMiible to stir matters up a police here to-day. mediums. Olympia. Wash . June 24.—Working who must not be a member of the city It is no pleasure for people to go and not science Is responsible for so- second time, and nu> remain for a George Lee. a Chinese Interpreter, council, was left over to a later meet there and see animals In misery." Dr. vlogical gardens throughout the coun­ under the theory that because re-or­ while to see, with his own eyes, that gave the Information to the police, lng. t Hall said. try, Is the opinion of John Burroughs, BANKERS MEET IN ganisation was defeated, the special there I* no further lapse in activity. who promptly assigned detective» to Mr. Fullerton remarked that he un There was some discussion tn regard the naturalist. After a visit fn the session Is proceeding under the rules Whether there has been much dis­ run down the Invader* In the hope derstood from Mayor Hall that It was to where the new building should be that some clue to the whereabouts of homes of the caged beasts at Lincoln JOINT CONVENTION adopted at the regular session of the honesty in the handling of relief funds not the Intention to appoint any more placed. Thé consensus of opinion was is not clear. Some irregularities have Leon might bp gained. Although tho legislature, member* of *tb* house "In­ citizen members this year, although that" Tf ought to be' iflâcéd In thé deer park here, ke said: been charged, but hone have bee» local Chinatown Is being searched there Is one vacancy. enclosure, where easy drainage could •There 1» really no legitimate excuse surgents" In caucus late last night de­ jiroven. Considering that there had thoroughly, nr> trace of the New York Mr. Lewis brought up the flnanrhkl be obtained, besides the advantage of for keeping these poor children of the Representative! of Oregon, cided to Introduce bill* and attempt been no attempt to Investigate any of Tong men has been found. Issue by asking iVhat the trouble was getting entirely away from the rat-ln- wild in captivity. If I were the abso­ to repeal several law# passed at the the accusations this Is not surprising. White Girl Rescued. over the superintendent's salary. ■ fested qearter where the buildings now lute ruler of this country every one Washington and Idaho recent session. They are of the opin­ Hhecr tncotnpetenry and bureaucratic Aid. Henderson «.«plained what had stand. This latter would be clivared of of these animals would be turned back red tape seem, however, to have been New York. June 24.—Lydia Moffett, s ion that the action of the victor* In white girl 17 years of age. was rescued" and, the attitude of th** rodents, levelled and sodded and made into the woods and field*. I do not Gather in Seattle. the speakership fight removed the bar­ responsible for most of the trouble. jy w^presslng his own opinion yesterday from the flat above the chop Into a playground, flupt. England has know why we need zoological gardens. riers and that the way I# open for any The Italian newspapers are not al­ r» ?j/>l>oard desired it could fix rue y restaurant -where the body of had plans prepared and he la to sub If we must kvep animals for study they legislation that member* tare to con- lowed to publish anything concerning '**5255^Û)*,ent's salary and rharg* mit an estimate of coat to the next should be turned loose In large national the situation, nor will the government Elsie 81 gel wa* found, after being held Seattle, Wash, June 24.—The Trl- prisoner for six days. Pollcemag ‘ty any time he put In" on meeting of the board. It Is thought park# where they can be free and live Ptatc Banker#' convention was~ called An attempt will he made to*“h#t* il telegraph officials permit the trans­ that the expenditure can be^ readily the live# Intended for them by nature. mission of news reflecting on the au Pritchard entered the flat by a fire to order In the Moore theatre this several appropriation • hill*, among escape* and found the girl in company "«• .«»t is the use of our being here met out of the balance of the $10.000 Nobody gets any good from caged thorlties, so that Italians generally. In- morning with nearly six hundred them being. $190,090 for the \Venat< hve with a white man who was almost un­ at all If that Is so?** said Mr. Lewi*, appropriation still to the board's credit. animals. They are only objects of Idle financiers, representing the state* of bridge: Lake Washington canal, $25©,- ludlng the Klr.g, know practically when he was Informed that the board' The destruction of the old buildings nothing of the trouble except through conscious from opium- The girl said cariosity.” Washington. Oregon and Idaho In at 000; Southwestern Washington state her clothes had been taken by her cap­ estimates were liable to be cut down Is to proceed at once, as well as the tendance. The present gathering in fair, $15.000; home for harmless Insane. the* foreign press. by the counclL "If we flnd-that a cer­ death of the bears, and plans will be tor*. ho that she was unable to leave •THE VIRGINIAN" ON TRIAL. Seattle Is the first time that the bank­ Skagit county. j$75,000; Bellingham the place. tain sum is required we should get It, rushed for the new building. ers of the threé Pacific northwestern armory. $75.000; Washington Historical TWO WOMEN SEE Just as the school board ask for what Original of Owen Wlstrr's Hero Is Ac­ states have met In Joint session since ;4och*ty building. Tacoma. $25,000 they require. If we need $10,000 and CHICAGO BANKS TO cused of Murder. the Lewi# and Clark exposition in The anti-cigarette law. which ha* HUSBANDS DROWN HAPPY WITH HER enly get $5.000 what then?" Portland in 1905, when the Oregon as­ raised a atorm of protest throughout Mr. Fullerton considered the council BE CONSOLIDATED Philadelphia, June 24.--Charged with sociation was formed. R ts planned to trié wtetp. i»' ime or w vmr mvnr -CHINESE HUSBAND had been picayune in its attitude. It the murder of John Bradley. Charles hold separate conventions, with occa­ attempt will la* made to change was getting certain work done by D. Sklrden, the original of the hero of sional Joint sessions. The conventions There 1* a sentiment, however, Four Lives Lost by Sinking of parks board official, It was charging Owen Wlster's "Virginian," 1# on trial will last three days. against continuing the session, and It the property-owners interested for this Continental National and here to-day. Sklrden formerly xyi# n Thl# afternoon an official welcome may be strong, enough to rule out all Ferryboat in Columbia Sister of Catherine Gould 13 work and yet it refused to pay over cowboy and plainsman and until re will be extended to the members of buHlne*# egeept that pertaining to tlu to the tx>erd anything for this, American Will Be cently was a member of the Philadel­ the three association* In Joint meeting. ] Insurance commissioner aru! other pill* River. Pronounced in Her "One of the troubles In this city has phia police force.. Governor Hay Is expected to be on cer* and department* Investigated by been that Important matters have been United. He Is alleged to have shot and killed ' hand to deliver an address of welcpmc the legislative committee. Opinions. everybody's business and nobody's bus Bradley In this city on November 21st. on behalf of the state. M. A. "Arnold ' (Concluded, on page 2.)______.__ iness, and the ratepayers have a big will welcome the visitors on behalf of j (Times leased Wire.) kick to make because of that,” said the Associated Rank* of Seattle, and Conconutly, Wash., June 24.—Wonl (Times Leased Wire.) (Times I«cased Wire.) AUTO DELAYED BY has Just reached here of the drowning Mr. Fullerton. “The proper person to the reeponse* will be by the presidents WALKING AROUND San Franc isco, Cal., June 24.—"| Chicago, June 24.—By an agreement of four men in the Columbia river on look after the boulevards Is our super­ of the Oregon. Washington and Idaho would rather be cut to pieces and pbl that, probably will be ratified to-day DEEP SNOWDRIFTS Tuesday afternoon by the sinking of a intendent- and a portion of his salary Rankers' Associations. The dçy's busi­ WORLD FOR PRIZE in a trunk by a Chinese husband than by the directors of the two institu­ ferry boat. Bert and Rich Webber, should be provided out of the boule ness will end with an address on "The be, tortured in court by a white hus­ tions, the Continental National Bank prosperous farmers, with their hired vard maintenance fund." Pacific Northwest from an Rastcrn band like Howard Gould," was the as­ and the American Trust & Saving# man and twenty head of horses, were In answer to Mr. Lewis Supt. Eng­ Standpoint," by J. F. Allen? of New tonishing statement made to-day by land said hie time was reported dally Bank are to be consolidated into the The Shawmut, Second Car in York city. New York Newspaper Men Will «rosslng on the boat when It broke second largest financial Institution le Mr*. Clenomone-Wong. sister of Cath­ but what he spent on boulevards was loose and drifted down stream four or erine Clemmons Gould, and wife of not charged up against the particular the city. Transcontinental Race, Leave Shortly for five miles, finally going to the bottom. The combined capital and surplus of POSTOFFICE CLERK Wong Sun Yue, a Chinese merchant 06 *Y work. Reaches Seattle. All on board. Including the ferryman this city. After four year# of Chinese -Well It should be." said Mr. I>wts. the new organization 1# $16.600,000, with . were drowned. deposits of $115,000.000. Each bank will ACCUSED OF THEFT honeymoon Mrs. Wong pronounced the After discussing the matter pretty The wives of the two farmers stood c hinaman the Ideal husband. fully K was moved by Mr. Fullerton, retain Its name and It# corporate In­ on the bank of the river and witnessed dividuality. The Continental will han­ (Times Leased Wire.) The .white wife of Wong, whoee mar­ seconded by tDr. Hall and carried, that (Time* Leaned Wire.) the drowning*. The bodies have not riage took place only after much the salary of the superintendent dle the commercial and general bank­ Seattle, Wash., June 24.—The Shaw­ been recovered. ing part of the business while the Indicted in Connection With Portland. Ore., June 24.—Prof. Alfred family objection and occasioned wide 1160 a month from January 1st last and mut car, second in the New York-to comment, was reticent regarding the that the city be charged for all time American will take over the bond and Seattle race, arrived at the exposition Battelll. one of four newspapermen trust activities. Recent Mail Robbery at who are .walking on a tour of the LOSE MONEY BY terrible murder of Elsie Slgel Jn New given to work on boulevards. grounds at 6.$3 o'clock this morning, York last Friday, but averred tha-t It "One of the chief assets «if Victoria after an exhausting fight with the deep Los Angeles. world for a prise of $80,000 offered by SWITCHING CARS formed no logical basis for a general Is Its natural beauty." said Dr. Hall, HIGHWAYMEN HÇLD UP snow that fills the Snoqualmle pas* In the International Geographical Society, opinion of Chinese-American attach- "tod unless the parks and boulevards the Cascade#. The machine wa* tji is spending a few hour# In Portland, are attended to under a competent charge of Driver T. A. Pettlnglll and having arrived here late yesterday. Speaklng '*>f the marital troubles of SEATTLE STREET CAR (Times Leased Wire.) person it will ruin the place. The po­ Mechanic R. H. Messer. Owing to ihe Battelll is a New York correspondent Southern Pacific Company Re­ her sister, (Whsriwc Gould Clemmons, sition Is easily worth $1.800 to the man early hour of arrival, no one was nn Los Angeles. Cal.. June 24.—Orlando for La Trlbuna of Rome, and also re­ arid her millionaire husband, Mrs. who will keep them In first class con hand to meet the racer, and the weary Atterre, a clerk In the registry- dlvls- presents many Italian paper* In this plies to Complaints by Wong expressed no undecided opinion. dltioji. As I have been a parks super Relieve the Motorman and Con­ men In charge hurried to the nearest L of the poatofflee, against w hom the country. The, other three are Adolph "I Would a thousand time# rather be intendent here has to be up at all hours hotel and went to bed. federal grand jury returned an IndictSchneider,­ correspondent for a Berlin Jobbers. the wife of • Chinese than of such » of the night and on Sundays and his ductor of Money and The long journey of the Shawmut ment late yésterday charging him paper; SlMo Ortona*. representing Le man a* Howard Gould,".she çpntimiéd., time Is never his own." was completed In 23 days IS hours and with the theft of $16.000 from a pack­ Courier of Paris, and Albert Wilckes. " That is the worst fate I can conceive Before the meeting broke up M Watches. 2$ minutes, elapsed time. age sent by the First National Bank of the New York American. Wilckes of. The Ch neee worship* his wifi* Fullertpn. addressing the chairman, The Ford car No. 1, which will finish to the Bank of Bisbee. Arlx.? is In cus­ and Ortona# are travelling the south­ (Times Leased Wire.) whether she be white or yellow, find said the rest of them wanted him to third In the race, 1» reported to nave tody to-day. He wa* arrested by ern route. Battelll will meet Schneider San Francisco, Cal., June 24.—That it that's more than you can say of the passed through Snoquallmle pi.*# at United States Marshal Youngworth and go out pledged to work with the rest —T (time» Leased Wire.) in Seattle and go to Alaska. In Janu­ costs the railroad# more to switch a average American. Furthermore, the of the board In this matter. daybreak thi# morning, and should ar­ Inspector O'Connell of the postal ser­ ary. 1910, the four men will meet in car than the $2.66 charged shipper* ts Chinese hustjand won’t permit hie AM. Henderson assured his colleagues Heat tic. Wash., June 34.—Pulling the rive atVthe finish line some time this vice. San Francisco and go to the Philip­ the contention of the Southern Pacific wife’s name to be dragged about and that-he was heartily with them In their trolley from the wire as a Nineteenth afternoon. Atterre wa* taken to the postofllre pines. The quartette will furnish data Company in the action which Is being her life flaunted before the public. work, but he thought there should b«r Avenue car reached the end o( the lino and given a thorough examination. He for a book to .be printed In four lan­ heard to-day before Referee Lederman. When a Chinese Is once married, he some proportion between salaries and late last night, two masked highway­ QUININE TABLETS KILL BABT. wa# then takep to the county Jail and guages. It will deal with the subject# representing the interstate commerce is married. What's more, he takes care that proportionately what was voted men robbed Motorman J. J. Smith and placed In a cell. of politics, universal conditions and romrqlsston. The Pacific Coast Job­ of his jkrlfe. Hnpt. England was more than some Sacramento, Cal., June 24.—As the re­ When arrested Alterre dented hi* science. bers' and Manufacturers’ Association •Tra happy in my home. My life with Cdhductur Thomas Harper who wer* other officials got. sult of eating thirty candy coated guilt He timed hi* mother. Mrs. ha* brought action before the commis­ my husband has been perfect: for, he, The salary which the 1» charge of the car, of all their money quinine tablets, Hkwo-year-old Maty White, good-bye and expressed a will­ TRANSFBRRBD TO MONTREAL. sion to have the rate set aside, al­ like other CMi has been voted Is to cover everything, and watches and about $15 belonging Morrill lies dead at the home bf her ingness to go with the officers. A leging that R Is t6o high « onstderate todid an ;excellent provider, and on the strength of It he has not to the company. Poltee headquarter» parents In this city. The baby foand thorough search of hi* home failed to Winnipeg, June 34.—Rev. Dr. Sparl­ Richard J. Barry, statistician for the Surely my lot is happier than that of since the first of the year he«m getting were notified of the hoid-qp by a drug the tablets last night on a dressing —weal any of the missing money. ing. who has been pastor of Grace railroad, while on the witness stand the so-called American wife, ' the $10 a month for car fare and horse gist who witnessed the affair, and of­ table. Despite the efforts of physi­ The postoffive inspeetdrj are looking Methodist church here for four years, late yesterday, showed -figures that the knows her marital status, and doesn’t hire that he got under the old arrange- ficer# were somKon the scene, but no cians who were called, she died wlth- for an alleged accomplice, whom they has left for Montreal. He has been actual cost of switching one car was know what real married happiness can trace of the bandits could be found. lq two hours. assert has the money. transferred to St. James' church there. M 33. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JURE 24, 190». EXPLOSION OF NEW ZEALAND WILL CAMPBELL’S PRESCRIPTION STORE Contractors NOT RENEW SUBSIDY IS AGENT TOR and Builders CARBIDE GAS FOLIOS The Ârrowsmith Arch Prop Negotiations for Continuance NEW take Notice GORDON HALKETT of Direct Service Unsuc­ THE VERY LATEST INJURED ABOUT FACE cessful. The Featherweight Arch Prop. King Folio of Music contains over 65 of the latest in­ The Surgeon’s Arch Prop. here it an Ideal lot for two or strumental music. more nice houses. The lot ts full (Special to the Times.) Home Song Folio has over 100 popular and standard sited, being «0x120 feet, with a Inspector and in Hospital Ottawa, June 24.—The government We have a machine for fitting the Props to the Eeet frontage of 60 feet on both Port and Man songs. THE OBJECT OF THE ARROWSMITH Means streets. The soil is of the at Prince Ru­ has beert unable to secure a renewal of PRICE 76 CENTS EACH ARCH PROP bast, all level an! grassy, and the contract for the ^subsidised Pacific situated In good real lenttal sec­ pert. service with New Zealand. The latter la, first, to support a weak instep; second, to Jjre," tion. Two car lines pass property ha* declined to renew Its half of the M. W. WAITT & Co., Limitéd. vent the arch of the foot from breaking down; third, and all modern conveniences close to correct the fallen arch-—these three promoting the to hand'. Only a few minutes walk subsidy of $100,600 annually, and the 1004 GOVERNMENT ST. HERBERT KENT, Mgr. comfort of the wearer, and finally—fourth, , to. pre­ to the centre of the city. While overhauling the gas buoy at Allen and Weir companies say they serve the shape of the shoe where the fallen arch Skldegate, Gordon Halkett, inspector of cannot handle a tender for any less PRICE 62,750. TERMS. lighthouses, and a man named Dennis, would break down the shank. were badly Injured by an explosion of amount for a direct service. Weir * carbide. New* of the accident was re­ Co. tendered at 692,000 for a service ceived this afternoon by Capt. Gaudin, calling at San Francisco, a competing agent of marine and fisheries. The tele­ point, but the government declined to Campbell^Prescription Store Pemberton gram stated that the explosion occur­ consider this. At present 90 per cent, red while the buoy was being cleaned, of the trade of with New Zea­ D. K CHUNGRANES, Ltd. COBNER léravAND DOUGLAS STREETS. and Mr. Halkett was badly injured land goes via New York, and the gov­ AND SON about the face and eyea. The man ernment does not feel Justified in In­ Phone 312 608 BROUGHTON BT. Near Govt. St. We are prompt; we are careful, and our prices are Dennis was also Injured. They were at creasing its share of the subsidy suf­ reasonable. 614 FORT STREE1 once taken'from Skldegate to Prince ficient to make up the amount re­ All kinds of Fish, Fruit end Vegetable* in season Rupert by thf steamer ^Newington, and quired by the eteamshlp company to AND VEGETABLES are now in the hospital at that place secure a continuance of the service. FISH FRUIT undergoing surgical treatment. Last year the service cost the country Salmon, Halibut, Cod, Full assortment always The steamer Newington. In charge'of about 61 in subsidy for every 67 worth And other varieties on hand Capt. pames, left here May 8th with of (reight carried. TrtbJjg_with New B.C. MESSENGER CO. Mr. Halkett aboard for the purpose of Zealand via the Pacific coast can now Prices Moderate. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. overhauling all the buoys in the north­ be handled via Ban Francisco. Summer Drinks ma GOVERNMENT at. ern waters of . They «W-PHONES-SU ...... 30* have been steadily engaged In the work LEMON SQBASH. largo bottle*, cadi Whe'B you bore NOT ta. paCKaOSS without Incident Until this accident REI6HSTAG REJECTS 90OI 20001 WEST INDIAN LIMdME JUICE, per bottle ...... 25* Or OTHER MATTER TO DEiaVRlt occurred. There Is nothing to Indicate [] *lust*Received—One Thousand and Forty Packages ALL FLAVORS OF 8YJUÎPS, per bottle...... 25* Soe't worry. what caused the accident, but It is GOVERNMENT MEASURE probable that in Ailing . the lamp with LAGER-BEER. pint*, per do*.. DO*: quarts, per do*. $1.75 / PHONE US. : carbide-« spark must have been struck * Burrell’s Warranted Genuine White If none of these appeal to you. pleaae rail, as We have a large THE OLD RELIABLE. which Ignited the gas. variety of other drinks. ■etaMlahed ret M Teera. Mr. Halkett has many friends In Vic­ Rumor That Chancellor Von Lead and Linseed Oil toria who will be exceedingly sorry to Buelow Will Resign His \y hear of the accident. He, J» very popu­ PRICES ARE RIGHT “INSURGENTS”READY lar In the department. Position. Windsor Grocery Company, FOR LONG FIGHT GREEN IsIeEKING “THE PAINT HOUSE OF VICTORIA” OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. GOV’T STREET. NELSON NOMINATION (Times Leased Wire.) STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM DAILY THE STAN ELAND CO., LTD Berlin, June 24.—Following the TELEPHONE 27 (Continued from Page 1.) Jectlon to-day by the relchstag of the 836, 840 FORT STREET Large Wing of Conservative succession duty bill, after Its second IOC IOC IO0OI reading, it was rumored^hat Chancel­ Hope to Create* Deadlock. Party Opposed to His lor von Buelow would tender his resig­ Olympia, Wash., June 2Ï—(Later.)— Candidature. nation. This defeat of one of the chief Developments In the legislature, this measures of the government'* financial IF IT’S CORRECT, “CHRISTIE" HAS IT Change in Time Schedule. morning Indicate that the opponents reform programme Is advanced as the cause of his reported decision. rnor Hay laid a skilful parlia­ (Special to the Times.) ON FOUL BAY ROUTE. Nelson. B.C., June 24 —There is much The defeat of the bill .to-day was mentary trap, by springing which they speculation among local Conservatives brought about through a combination For the Warm Weather On and after WEDNESDAY. 23rd JUNE, the Time achedule vu aboVe hope to prevent the removal of State regarding the appearance In Nelson of of the forces of the Conservatives and route will be changed as follows: ^ Insurance Commissioner Bchlvely. This R. F. Green, prominent In the train of the Clericals. The vote was 196 against j Js to tine up the senate to insist on iro- Premier Me Bride At • Tory love and 187 for the bill. Wear a Pair of WEEK DAYS feast held on Thursday at Prête:tor. While the chancellor’s rumored In­ J twavhment and refuse to consent to the tention to resign his position is credit­ First' Car leaves Government and Yates St. at ...... 6.^ a.m. 1 abolishment of the office of insurance Green was pat forward rather too tast Car leaves Government and Yates St. ft ...... *^45 a.m. prominently to suit most Nelson Con­ ed generally, persona who have been Christie’s Canvas First Car leaves Foul Bay at ...... f a-m- commissioner, while at the same time associated closely with him during the lining up the house to refuse to Im­ servatives The local Conservative as­ Last Car 1- aves Foul Bay at ...... 1- 06 a m- sociation yesterday gave a picnic to recent struggle tn the relchstag affirm Shoes peach buf~~tn insist on abolishing the that the reports are without foundation SUNDAYS office, tn this way leader* of the anti- Proctor in honor of McBride., and Green's name is prominent this morn­ and that the veteran statesman will 60 pails LADIES’ WHITE First Car leaves Government and Yates. Ft. nt ...... S.IL» a:m. ad ministration faction hope to cause a take up the fight for the acceptant* of Last Car leaves Government and Yates St. at...... —...... * I®-® p.m. deadlock under which nothing can be ing In the local Tory paper. Signs of heart-burning are visible the remainder of the reforms with re­ CANVAS OXFORDS, First Car leaves Foul Bay at ...... „...... R nv accomplished. newed vigor. T.asfCar lea ves FOOT Hay at, ...... i...... u t* P m- The house this morning adopted a to-day. It Is. locally notorious that pair...... SI-®® there Is more than one candidate In In view of the Kaiser's recent speech CARS EVERY TWENTY MINUTES. resolution limiting the special session at Hamburg, In which he branded as Oil pairs HOYS" CANVAS to^ maUer* presented In tha Investigat­ the Tory ranks for the Conservative nornlnattmr in Nelson next fail, when unpatriotic the opposition of the Con­ OXFORDS, leather ion , ommittecs report ie#4slatl«in re­ servatives to the programme, his at B. C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO., LTD. garding the Insurance department, the general election Is confidently ex­ straps, pair ....$1-25 pected. Talk here 1* that McBride Is tltude concerning the relchstag"» at* continuing the investigation of state tlon Is awaited expectantly. offices, appropriation bills to cover <’*- perplexed in his choice between local 60 pairs MEN’S CANVAS >pen«*# of the session, the Cosgrove aspirants and I» desirous of assisting OXFORDS, leather funeral bill and minor relief bills. Green's ambition to get Into the legis­ NO TRACE OF MEN lature again, and is yielding to this straps, pair...... $1-5® motive and making an effort with SVBVRBAN HANDICAP. bras* band accompaniment to popu­ ' WHO HELD UP TRAIN 60 pairs MEN’S WHITE larise Green for the Conservative CANVAS OXFORDS, PlUHerbert Wins American Turf nomination for Nelsdn. Such a move* welted, Blucber eut, Classic' at Sheepshvad Bay. however, would mtàh Conservative de­ pair...... $3.00 feat here, judging fAn the known op­ Reward of $7,500 Offered for position of a large wing of the Conser­ New York. June 24.—Restigouche and CHILDREN’S KID AND PATENT LEATHER SLIPPERS, WIN vative party in this city to the candi­ Capture of the FltsHerbert, coupled under the HU* regular $1.25 to $1.7o, for...... *..,.90^ drethcolors, were pronounced favor­ dature of “Bob." __ Bandits. ____ Little caucuses of the different Tory AND ite* in the suburban handicap at Hheeiwhead Bay to-day. King's Daugh­ factions are observable on street cor­ ner* to-day. and the situation inside A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS llg ter was second In the betting and (Times Leased Wire.) Fayette a close third. The suburban the Conservative ranks is decidedly In­ CHILDREN’S KID LACED BOOTS, regular *1.75 to Vancouver, B. C.« June 24.—In spite of handicap Is the American turf classic, teresting. It is possible that the ma­ ...... , »** LFvT and called out a large crowd of horse­ chine can railroad Green on the party, the fact that nearly a hundred men are for men to-day. A great deal o< money, though not probable, but It is very un­ on a search for the bandits who held up LIQUORS despite the ”oraV restrictions, was bet likely that he could be elected. — the C. P. R. express on Wednesday. no real clue to the robbers has been found. JUST ARRIVED, ENGLISH BOATING AND TENNIS on the race. COMMISSIONER ARRAIGNED. It Is expected they have divided up and FltxHerbert Wins, are making for the international bound­ OXFORDS Of High Grade Quality at the Lowest Prices in the Washington! Slate Insurance Official ary. in addition to the 12.50» reward of­ w York, June 24.-(Later.)—Fits-^ fered by the government the C. P. R. an­ city. We arc here for business and its business we Herbert won the suburban handicap.”1 Violated Law. nounce a reward of K.009 for the capture Alfred l^oble finished second and Fa­ of the bandits dead or alive. get, and lots of it, too. We are satisfied and our eus- yette third. Olympia. Wash., June 24.—The touters are also. port and findings of the legislative In­ ^ Gilbert D. Christie WA» 1ÆON- LING MURDBRBD? vestigating committee* submitted, to the special session yesterday. Is a »e OUR GOODSSRING US NEW vere Indictment of the conduct of In­ i AT THE WILLOWS. Cor. Government and Johnson Sts. Police Believe Chung Sing Has Not surance Commissioner J. H. Hchtvely. BUSINESS EVERY DAY ‘ Told All Details of Tragedy. and after a thorough review of all the evidence, brand» - him ns “a corrupt xT “CHRISTIE” HAS IT, IT’S CORRECT. New York, June 24.—The police this and unworthy public official. First race—Four and a half furlongs. afternoon are Investigating the theory Tlie committee finds Schlvely guilty Selling. Malden two-year-olds. that Leon Ling was killed at the same of extorting fees from insurance com­ 1. Oaartle*. panies, lor examinations and of giving Easy Money time Elsie Slgel. his supposed vic­ 2, Alarmed. SINGER hand sewing machine for sale. tim. was murdered. The contradictory certificates recommending Insolvent 8. Barney Mason. 74- Humboldt street. Je» stories told by Chung Sing, who told companies and finds that Nicholas was Time, : 571-6. “BON AMP KILMARNOCK SCOTCH, per bottle...... $1.00 the ifollce he saw Leon murder the girl, cognisant of these violations of the Second race — Four and a half fur­ SUBURBAN HOME-53 acres, 3 miles j law whereby several thousand dollars from City Hall, with new 6 roomed The Ladies’ and Children’s WHYTE & McKAY SPECIAL, per bottle . .$1.00 have aroused the suspicion that he Is longs. Selling. Malden two-year-olds. house tnever occupied), piped for fur­ hiding a deeper and more significant were squoexed from solvent companies 1, Galena Gale. nace and acetylene gas; house worth ! Outfitting and Drygoods and irresponsible companies were en­ version of the tragedy. 2, Irma Lee. 12.000; all'Tor $4.250, easy terms. Lemm­ DEWAR’S SPECIAL, per bottle $1.00 abled to collect thousands of dollars ing Bros.. 824 Fort street. JEM Store The police have discovered a tele­ 3, Otranto. HOUSE OF COMMONS...... $1.00 from policy holders. • Time, :55 4-5. gram which purported to have been The committee l found serious defects yflB TAKER TWO LOTS on Cralgflower | 734 Yates Street sent by Elsie Slgel from Washington In the new Eastern Washington hospi­ road, opposite Burletth Park, North­ BROWN’S FOUR CROWN, per bottle ....$1.00 ït was received by the girl s father on The Empress of Japan left Yoko­ west Real Estate, 74# Yates. Je2l ! (Late Rochdale Co-Op.) tal for the Insane at Medical Lake, CANADIAN CLUB, per bottle...... $1.00 the night of June 9th, the day fol­ hama for Vancouver Tuesday after­ VICTORIA, B. C. these not rendering the building un­ noon with 100 saloon passengers and 400 HOUSE FOR RENT—Ten rooms, large lowing the one on which she Is sup­ safe. however, and censures the Mate grounds. Belmont Ave.. near car, *35. GORDON DRY GIN, per bottle ...... 85* posed to have been murdered. The Chinese in the steerage. She Is bring­ R. W. Coleman. 1230 Government. J«-24 board of control for accepting the ing a full cargo. whOerh Includes 210 Opening Saturday June 26 message was delivered to Paul Slgel structure The Washington state fair PLYMOUTH GIN, per .bottle ...... ••• 90* S>y Arthur, Tun*. a close friend "of Chu tons of silk. FURNISHED COTTAGE for rent, « at North Yakima was found to be too rooms, good market garden, ready for N. B.—Don't forget to give ua a look In. OLD TOM GIN, per bottle...... 85* Gain. Leofi's rlvpl for the affections of expensively managed, and the book* use. Grant street. R. W. Coleman, 1230 the girl. Yung said he had received the and records not well kept. Minor faults Government. message at No. 9 Mojtt street, which TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. NATIVE PORT WINE, per gallon ...... $1.25 were found In other state Institutions WANTED—Girls to work In shirt factory. the address of Gain's restaurant. Apply Pauline St Co„ Yates street. Je25 ORANGE CIDER, per gallon...... 60* Since then nothing has been seen of and office*. ____ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Contractors. Yung. Gain denies any knowledge of VERY COMFORT A BT^C ROOMS TO SEAGRAM’S NO. 83, per bottle ...... $1.00 , TWO FOUND DEAD. Tendrs will be received by the Royal Yung s whereabouts. FOR SALE)—Gent's English wheel, nearly LET. within 3 minutes of Post Office. Phone 1787. t Bank of Canada for tlie erection of their Gain has always posed as a sympa­ San Francisco, June 24.—Stretched on new, cheap; also good faintly Jersey | cow. Apply 2412 Rock Bay Ave. Je» new building on Government street. Ten­ thetic friend of the Slgel family, and the floor In a room on the third floor of LAWN MOWERS sharpened and adjust­ ders to be addressed to Thoe. D. Veitch, throughout the time between the girl's » Golden Gate avenue lodging house, the W ANTED—Willing lad to help In bake- ed new parts for all sises of mowera Esq., Manager. Royal Bank of Canada, dtsapeparance and the finding .of her Ufetes* bodies of Wm. Hartton, an em­ shop Apply Health Bakery. 761 Pan­ Sign of the Big Key. 641 Fort street. cor. Government and. Fort streets, Vic­ body h* was busy searching for her. ployee of the Msdt»"« * Burke Realty dora street. J** HOUSE, with 1 acre ground, 6 minutes toria. B. C., not later than 3 p. m.. Wed­ GOPAS & YOUNG Company, and Mrs. Kate Barnes, a walt- nesday. June 3l)Uu s j He was at jlfre Slgel home a number of from Uloverdale car, $15 a month rent. ms, were fmind*snr!y td-day. WANTED-mmall famished house ream times, and always assured her parents July to October. Address, giving par­ Northwest Real Estate. 706 Yates. J«\'l Drawings and specifications may be , ' WINES AND LIQUORS. Gaping bullet wounds ^ln the head of ticulars. to P. O. Box ST4. city. Je24 If seen at the Royal Bank of Canada, or at that Elsie would return. each lead the police to believe that Harl- 2 BLOCKS FROM POST OFFICE, on the office of/4 he undersigned. ton shot the woman and then turned the BRIGHT BOY. abput 16 years of age. for Humboldt street, within business limits, I » west or any tender not necessarily Telephone No. 133. # FORT ST. gun upon himself. The bodies were found Bpermanent position. ChaJkmer A MU lot 33X126, with 4 rimmed cottage, well rented, S3.00U. any terms. Allen & Hon, accepted. t by the landlady when she Altered the chell. . ______Je» THOS. HOOPER. ESQ.. Architect. FULL room un'hvr round <»f duties tills morn- 679 Yates. 1 WEIGHT WANTBD-To purchase. «msOl _ milk DOLLAR WHJffAT means quick fortune. jVKT AIUUVEI» FROM CHINA ,nMr*. Barnes was 25 years of age and route, cheap for cash. Boy 285, Tlinea Exchange your city property for prairie Fuitnum did not appear In person at was employed in an Eddy street restaur­ wheat farm, *» aeres. *10 an acre THE GOULD SUIT. Northwest Real Estate. 704 Yates. Je.4 "oriental Ivory and Sandelwood Curloa the trial. The attorneys finally agreed ant. FOR HALK-Cheap. or to let. lovely sea- Hatton Chair*. Table, and other gooda jf ,lde residence, large garden, to minutes îiîVbr lateat -tyl™ and .laea. fa h.v, Dustin Earn urn's Deposition* Admitted to admit the deposition with the un- from -car. Address Box 284, Tlm^ INHIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY-60-foot iL? a larse aaaortment of fine Crepe, at. Hearing In New York. —The Centennial Sunday school ht lot on View street.- almost opposite how 5 M,«n? rolpra. A full line of der»(jBndlnga-thnt the ^ctOr would ap­ tend holding their picnic on Dominion Office. *' ' Je2g Y M.C.A. site, with two dottages. onh' Sl i der.-d Silk Wal.ta. Plane Cover. 83.5*0; easy terms'. Learning Bros., «34 SS SivïJU»* -*11 “ J«P«"oo« Klmonu Nt u York, June -Dustin Famum’e pear In court if the case lasted until dn\. The committee of management LOHT-616. in $10 and *6. notes, on Wed­ nesday evening. Return und*r J. N. B^, Fort street. . VIM. »»*■ Wll»« Pnttema. and ,u elory hi* uctiuaintaiH-c With Mrs. • - \ have been fortunate In securing good ■V.tiws PeMicuxu. All customers win flag grounds at Langford; where there nre Times. Reward. m FRONTING OK DOUBLA SW*i ^T^rlcea roasouable. a* an fnipectionelf ■ between Princes, apd Pembrok, only tton Introduced in evidence in the plenty of shade trees, and also-good LET—New house. « rooms. $15. Apply oîîr stocks will show, Holicltlng your or- Tlrloch Mcfiweeney, an iold-agt* pension­ grounds suitable for sports. There will re.. Potts, L>all street, off Head street. (2 900 easy terms. Allen & Son, 57# dïfs, which shall have our prompt atten- ( leu id separate maintenant e eiUt tn- Yatea. Je24 YflT thanking y mi Jgr ike -|m| ti.!>. The''déposition wee made b> er. at Cunnlagh, County Donegal, claims he hot and « «*1.1 water free.* Trains îlvors QUONG MAN FT’NG ft CO.. 1?” tlto t hi* ancestor* can lx» traced back to UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY and hon«wt o^mmint st., P. ,a Boa ». V

.ONE HIGHWAYMAN HOLDS UP STAGE Vancouver Brand Everything1 Ready-to-Wear for Relieves Passengers of Cash Ladies, Misses and Children

and Jewelry and Steals «US FASHION CENTRIC.- Cement Express Box. IS ESTABLISHED Nevada City, Cal., June 24,-Holdlng Friday’s Features up the AHegheny-Downlevllle stage Are NEEDS NO RECOMMENDATION miles from here yesterday, a lone high­ wayman robbed passengers of $200 in OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU “GREAT VALUES AT SMALL PRICES” cash and all of their Jewelery and car­ ALL OVER TIE W01LD ried oft a Wells-Fargo express box con­ EVERY MOTHER Lightweight Corsets taining $1,400. Sheriff Walker, with a ■M Sunlight Soap In prH. who values the health at Lighter Prices R. P. RITHET & Co., Ltd poasee, is pursuing the bandit. to any other, because The ruber was the most daring road- the dothea mere and good carriage of SUMMER NET AGENTS agent who has operated in the west In thoroughly, and at halt the her bairns should see CORSETS, the very coat without Injury to late years. He carelessly flung his gun and secure an outfit of thing for warm wea­ diroctiosa. “Nazareth Waists,1’ ther wear; new goods, tliev are knit-to-fit, Princess hips, extra After bear thing all of the passengers value at and seizing the Welle-Fargo box, the shaped and strength robber compelled the driver to whip up PRINGEHS GUT CANNED FISH his horses and fematned standing in ened with tape sup the road until the vehicle was out of CHINAMAN REStUES ports, they «give good 4 CORSETS, in fine ba­ DIRECT FORM ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND sight. tiste, slender hip ^ef­ A nice addition to your picnic bSsket. MAYOR OF SAUSALIT0 carriage without irri- BEARS NO RESENTMENT. tating tension, they fect, light weight. FRESH ÎIKRR1XÜS. per tin nose supports front KIPPERED HERRINGS. per tin Schwab Thinks Morse's Intentions cost only Were All Right, and hip, a great bar- HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE, per tin Pulls Chief Executive From 25* and 35* ?tew York. June 24.—That Chas. M. Reservoir Into Which He Schwab can lose considerable money and still bear no grudge against the Had Fallen, Girdle Corsets man who caused him to sustain the loss, was shown yesterday by the steel These are RIBBON man’s comments on the temporary free­ Sausalito. Cal. June 24,—To ding Fat. ing of ChnxrW. Morse, the convicted Girdle Corsets, of extra­ ‘Ice king." celestial dispenser of onions and cab­ ordinary good value, but The Family Cash Grocery The first questk% Schwab levelled at bages, the municipality *#if S* usait to newspapermen who greeted him aboard probably owes the life of Its chief ex­ in spite of the extra OOB. YATES AND DOUGLAS STS. PHONE 811 the North German Lloyd liner Kaiser ecutive. Sing rescued Ills honor from value, our price is Wilhelm IL, was. “How's Charley a watery grave in a municipal reser­ ONLY 25* Morse ?*• voir and is the hero of the city. W’hen told that Morse had been re­ While strolling through the suburbs leased on ball, Schwab said: “Good. I am glad of It. I always be­ Mayor J acquêt» Thomas stopped to mea­ lieved that Morse was more sinned sure the deiOh of the water In the city SEPARATE SKIRTS aganstl than sinning. He.is one of the reservoir. ~tn some way his foot slipped SLASHED PRICESv , New Tailored Skirts, most THE BRIDE WILL shades, all leading styles, regular values range as WANT TO KNOW high as $15, but our prices are only $7.50 and $5.00

The time, eVen sometimes during her honey­ Sing was plodding along the road moon. Why not give -her a nice travelling with his baskets swung over his shouK clock? We have s good assortment of best Prompt to-respond, he thrust his Swiss and French makes, each In a nice FETE IN AID OF basket pole to the shivering dignitary, Qur Aim Is To Give You leather case-^d they do keep fine time. agd after a series of muscular feats. Prices for the best makes (the only kind we CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL brought the mayor to land at the end “Great Value at Small Prices” sell) begin at ...... $10.00 of his staff. PASTEURIZATION MILK. Leaders of Society Take Part “THE LADIES' STORE 1010 GOVERNMENT ST. Will Not Solve Problem of f»ure REDFERN <6 SONS, in Event in Lon Supply. 1008 GOVT. ST. VICTORIA, B. 0. Detroit, June 24.—Business and pleas­ ure divided equally yesterday’s pro- gramma for the hundreds of homeo- London, June 24.—A big society fete. pathic physicians from all over the Annual Pre-Inventory In which the nobility la taking an ac­ United mates who are attending the tive part, opened yesterday at Olympia. •5th annual meeting of the American Institute of Homeopathy, now in ses­ It is in aid of the hospital for sick chil­ sion In this city, with a number of af­ CADBORO BAY PARK dren. Life at Versailles in the reign filiated societies and bureaus. of Louis XIV. Is represented. The fete The Bureau on Sanitary Science and For Sale—Waterfront and Inland Lots will detinue to-day and Friday. Publie Health and the Bureau of Ped­ Furniture Sale That the hospital will profit hand- ology were the two sectional meetings which followed the general discussion IDEALLY SITUATED eomely there Is no doubt. Among the A few sample bargains from our great Clearance Sale—genuine price reductions. of the Institute. Various papers aristocratic stall tenders are the Particularly suitable for residences. questions of public health and sanita­ No prices raised so as to show large discounts. We guarantee this. Hundreds Duchesses of Westminster, Devonshire, tion were presented at the sanitary Beaufort. Newcastle. Ruttland, Wel­ of bargains are now ready for your inspection. Terms: .Spot Cash TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED science meeting. lington, Somerset. Marlborough, form­ At the session of the bureau of sani­ erly Miss Vanderbilt, and Koxburg, tary science and public health. Dr. IRON BEDS LEATHER COUCH CARPET SQUARES once Mis# Uoelet. the Princes* Alexis Chas. H. Hlggtns, of the Dominion de­ Robert Ward & Co., Ltd Dolgoroukl and Pless. the Countesses High gradi- tapeetry squirm, partment of agriculture at Ottawa, High grade Conch, golden Vi TEL. 145 VICTORIA, B. C. of Pembroke and Cromer, Lady Sarah Strongly made, enamelled read a paper on 'Tuberculosis of Ani­ cut oak frame, upholstered in the product of Scotland 'a fin­ Wilson and Mrs. Waldorf-Astor. mals and Men.” in which he. held that white. Brass caps and knobs. est looms. Queen Alexandra and the. Prince and Regular Clearance finest grade real leather, Regular Clearance the dead tubercle bacilli Increased the Price. Price. Princess of Wale* are among the pa­ susceptibility of the consumer to tuber­ eolors green and maroon. Price. Price. trons. culosis. and therefore 1 pasteurization 3 feet size . ... $4.50 *3.75 Spring edge and seat. Regu­ 9x9 feet.$12.50 *10.00 of milk is not the panacea that some 3 ft. 6 in. size.$4.75 *4.00 lar price $40.00. 9 x 10-6 . . .*14.50 *11.50 SOURCE of Its advocate* would have us be­ 4 ft. 6 in. size.$5.00 *4.25 Clearance Cale Price 9 x 12 .. . .*17.50 *14.00 launch Fitting ING PILES lieve." Manÿ designs to choose from 10-6 x 12 $19.50 *15.60 Read the Evidence That This Dis- MUST PAT FOR LOGS. $2B Hundreds of squares to choose from. YOU SHOULD SEE tressing Ailment is Cured by Decision In Action Against the Van­ MISSION ROCKER OVR STOCK OF LAUNCH SUPPLIES DR. CHASE’S OINTMENT. couver Lumber Company. Karly English Oak Mission both Rucker, solid Spanish leather FRAMED PICTURES HALL RACK BRASS and GALVANIZED Vancouver. June 21.—An action for seat and hack. Reg. price $15. A nice line of Framed Pic­ Ri.j*h golden \\ cut oak, box $12,000 wan heard before Mr. Justice scat, with umbrella rack and EVERYTHING NEEDED FROM COPPER Irving In the Supreme court to-day. Clearance Sale Price tures. religious subjects. Reg­ NAILS TO MOORING TACKLE The plaintiffs, Messrs. C. H. Edmonds ular price was $2.50. drip pan. Brass trimmings. belief. There is an* amount of proof and A. P. Norman, sued ther Vancou­ Bevel plate mirror. Regular We recommend for Finishing Coat our that Dr. Chase's Ointment is a positive ver Lumber Company for the value of Clearance Sale Price price was $22.00. cure for this as well as all other form* logs which they claim were purchased of piles. . by the company from their property oïl $ Clearance Price *17.60 English White Japan Captain Wm. smith, ReveUtoke. it. Price channel. In 1904 H. Wright,Wright. a CURTAIN POLES 1.00 MADE FOR YACHTS f\, writes: "It Is with much pleasure I state Extension Rods and Pole GOLDEN OAK DRESSER that I have used Dr. Chase’s Ointment trimmings, LINOLEUMS Solid Oak. Large British E. B. MARVIN 8 GO for Itching, protruding piles of many of Elizabeth Island. A year later the plate oval mirror, two large years standing and It has completely plaintiffs staked another claim In The Floor Oilcloths and Matting. and two small drawers, swell cured me. I had previously tried many same locality. Upon survey* being 20 Per Cent. Discount A fine stock to choose from, front. Regular price $25.50. THE SHIP CHANDLERS 1206 WHARF ST. other remedies but they did me no made, It was found that the comer good. I would strongly recommend this post of Wright’s claim was about a Discount from regular prices all at greatly reduced prieea. Clearance Sale Price...*18 ointment to those suffering from this mil* and a half west of Elizabeth Isl­ complaint for it is a good and genuine and; instead of being only one mIk- < ure.“ west. The two claims were then found Plumbing and Heating Mrs. Captain Cllnansmlth, Salvation to overlap. The owners of the old Army. Essex. Ont., writes: claim sold a quantity of logs to thé SMITH & CHAMPION Should you be in the market for a Bath "It is with pleasure that I write to* Vancouver Lumber Company, and the Tub. or any other requisite in the you In praise of Dr. Chase’s Ointment. plaintiffs claimed that these log» were 1420 DOUGLAS STREET Near City Hall. PHONE 718 Plumbing line, our prices may Interest Two years ago I was taken with a se­ on their property. A verdict was vere attack of protruding piles and be- you. A trial order Is solicited. given for, the plaintiffs for $S80. < ame so bad that 1 had to keep my Our experk-nce in Heating may be of bed and could lie in no position except » POISONED ICE (’REAM. some use to you. Should you be con­ op my stomach. Doctors could give WINS SUIT FOU COMMISSION. sidering Heating your Home by Hot me no help and the various oils and Seattle Boy Dies After Forty-Eight Water or Steam, call and see us. Our ointment* used proved of no avail. Hours' illness. Olympia, "Wash, June 24.—Because D. THE CELEBRATED advice costs you nothing. "One Saturday night when I was suf­ O. Mills, the San Francisco millionaire, fering untold agony my husband went Seattle. Wash.. June 24.—According to “butted In" when Broker Eugene F. to the drug store for a box of Dr. hi* physician. Martin K. Breldensteln.1 Lawson had a sale of the property of A. SHERET l< years old, living at 1033 Hendersoq Mowers and Rakes street, died Saturday as a direct result the Black Diamond Coal Mining Com­ 2 PHONE NO. 629. 710 FORT ST. of eating poisoned Ice cream. Dr. Scott pany made for a million and a half dol­ MADS BY THE those around .1 was -able to be up p, Woedln. of Georgetown, who attend­ lars. the state supreme court has af­ on Monday at\d j^ay^had no difficulty ed Breldensteln. certified In a death firmed a Judgment In favor of Lawson from piles since. As a treatment for certificate filed with the commissioner for $86.9.10 commission. Lawson had Hissey-Harris Co., Ltd all kinds of sores and burns. Dr. Chase’s of health, that ptomaine poisoning from arranged the sale of the property when OijQtmeht *works ilk* magic." Ice cream was probably directly respon­ Mill* gave out the information that the You can make no mistake Dr. Chase's ointment. 60 cents a box, sible. company, of which he was a heavy in buying these machines, aa The Taylor Mill Co at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates * “I cannot state positively that Breld­ LIMITED LUlUin. Co., Toronto. ensteln died of poisoning ‘directly due they are world renowned and to lea cream." said Dr. Wood in. “How­ the beat on the market. Mill. OfBo. and Tarda Nartk KILLED BY LIGHTNING. ever. he wa* taken tit after eating a lunch of Ice cream, a glass of milk and SEND FOB SPECIAL 0- P. 0. Box 628. Telephone 564. North Yakima. Wash.. June 24.- Fred some pie. and there Is nothing In the Carpenter, formerly of this city, was combination to have killed a healthy struck by lightning and .klllede^on a iad. The-* boy was sick forty-eight KILLED BY E. G. Prior & Co., Ltd. Lty. ranch, at Mountain Horae, Idaho. This This caie emphasizes the m*- BLOOD POISONING VICTORIA, 8. 0. flavoring med kmoa or vaaiVe. word wa# received by hie relatives here. Byv dissolving.gri(Iitsoïîri.._„._granulated------sugargsr... in— watr-r.. and Used old razor for paring his adding Mapleiee. a delirious sprop is The deceased was about 22 year* of a syrap r éà------I age and wa* born here. He lived on corns. Foolish, hccaiRe a 25<-. bottle of If sot send W for 2 os. bottle i Putnadi's Corn Extractor will ,^urf all recipe book. Crasceet M£g Co., Seattle. WB. a ranch in the Moxee until a little over a year ago. when he went to Idaho. He i the corns Iflr.a family for a year. Safe. MAPLEINE • because purely vegetable. U»e only soon bèvaroe dlesasltfied. and was about t,p. return when, he W»e killed. Putnams. • .y VIOTORIA DAILY TOg», THURSDAY, JUNE 81 1909

A targe part of the. world seems to Hat. MM. 41 did not see or know of the only* wsTrlt lion u»*in H I» the rwpert notlee until a few days ago): which every right-mimic*! person In­ » deeply interested "'tn Canada, If ten­ IN THE MATTER OF THE "BENEVO­ TIMES AD. CALENDAR stinctively -feel» for a well-kept lawn LENT SOCIETIES ACT." R. 8. B. C., ders or good advice and office# are to MOT, c. la. AND AMENDING ACTS. U' or garden. be aicepted a# evidences of Interest. We, the undersigned residents of the Friday Is Men’s Day at The doctor himself agree* that th« The CMcigo Tribune says: ".No one city of Victoria. In the’ province of British work U very good and- the objects of Columbia, hereby declare: JUNE will question the right of Canada to 1. That we. and our associates, are de­ It desirable.*" What he objat* to Is the sirous of forming an athletic club or as­ The Big Store principle of any portion of the park be-* have a navy if Great Britain shall sociation. under tha provisions of the Ing restricted to the use of any set of have no objection, and there Is no rea­ •Benevolent Societies Act" above men' 24 son to suppose It wilt The expediency tioned. individuals apd eapevlally does he re 2. The name of tht association la sent Die argctlon by the chib of * of the project may well be questioned Beacon Hill Park Bowlin* Club." The resource# of the Dominion are lim­ 3. The objects for which the association If II lia» hern a for1nl#hl pavillon I» the park. He bolds that Men’s Fancy Vests, Special ited^ There are many internal lm, ti formed are: For providing means of Men’s Straw Hats, Special slnrr you pobHstlnl or an- If a ho\x ling given U a desirable thing, recreation, exercise and amusement by swrrrd a want ad., yon lia«r the city ought to have laid out and provement projects on which money means of an athletic club, and ampngst To-morrow $1.25 Iwen "lootns Inlrrm In aheuld maintain the one In the park could be expended at much more pur other things to provide and maintain To-morrow, 50c thin*»." pose than a navy. A Georgian Bay howling greens. for the use of all the people. We grant 4 The n^mva qf the first trustees are: A specially fin*4ine of Men’s Straw You could not wish for better values Malta ll a want ail. task the force of the —uontentlpn. But ship canal would be of more service Messrs. William Oltphunt, T»ew1s Hall. D. than these. They aye made of duck __that hunt for a nrw inn* ' everyone know* what would have hap­ to Canada. |f It cheapened wheat in !>.. England, .fno. Arbttlhnot. O. N. Hat a are being placed on special ploy rr : and you'll probably England by reducing thé cost of trans­ Young, o. L. Milne. W. D. McGregor, G. in fancy styles, piques of stripes pened had a deputation awaited upon H. Barnard, jf. A- Say ward. Noah Shake­ sale Friday. These are exceptional find the rlglil person. the last or the present council and portation of. Canadian grain, English speare. p. j. Riddell, n. Mensles. Jno. A. and nigger-heads, ana are. regu­ aske<| that a public bowling green t* men x\ydUt...twelve a greater benefit Turner and A. T. Mohletth. values, are well made and of tlic larly sold at $1.75 and $2.25, but to than they would from a few cruiser*. 5. The trustees shall hold office for one constructed in the park. And even If year, and t^eir successor^ shall be ap­ much favored boater style. Quick clear them out to-morrow we have the city had laid out a green we doubt anada needs no nay y for its own pro­ pointed by ballot at any general meeting marked them PI. If very much - whether It would hove tection on the Atlantic or Pacific*coast. of the association. clearance price for Clip No nation which was at war with j xvm. mcoregor Friday, at, each ...... uUv all at...... tDl.ÛU The Daily Tikes proved more beneficial from a. public K. W. 8TV1IMOTON .1 point of view than the one constructed Great Britain would be likely to at. Made and declared before me at the under private auspices promise# to be. tack It, for nothing would be gained City of Victor In the 12th day of January, MM dally <»a«e br by I t. The Canadian polk y should be ism, tty William D. McGrrgor and Ernw t There are public bowling great*# in W. St uhlngton. « TIMES PRINTING » PUBLHS- other cities, for the U#e of Which a fee to keep out of European complications SYDNEY rflll.D. 1*0 CO, LIMITED. * itMIjilH *f O» d.»< tor van Mini wars, shun militarism and develop A Notary Public within and for British JOHN NELSON. , - Columbia. A Special Friday Inducement in Men’s Fine -t natural resources.” lUaaala» Director. su.tde the" vounvll that the privileges Previous to this resolution, the Oliphant | a ...... MM Broad «tree* granted the club in the park arc •t al t'ompany hsd not been Incorporated. JufI' ## mi antedote tù the opinions ■S OOWS , Ph or* iw menace to the fight# of the people 111 Anv ordinary p-r#nn" reading the above- lal OiN ...... aba.. ... Pbana * expressed of women by Professor Starr notice would voimidt*# -ti a notice of an Balbriggan Underwear that park, we have wt'dwwbt the mem auBacmmo* bates. ■of- Chicago, xvç quote the following ordinary benevolent association to carry beta of the club wool» be willing T$ oh business outside, not tnwW. the park, opinion of men recently -pwbHwhed by just at the time when most needed. These are made of two-thread balbriggan in ***r^Mu3fSeh»iw of dispose of their improvement# at but when the initiated find that thé title Mm, Belmont, a society woman of of the saw# iatloh l* Beacon Hill Park ._...... MOO par annum valuation. But we, do not think there shades of blue, pink, grey and white, also natural. Note the savings. ... New York: Oh! do you think w.miea Rowling t.*lub, the notice has an alto­ ■amf-Waofcty—By man (exclultra #f is any desire on the part Pf the pub gether startling meaning. In that it r 18 told the truth they acquisition of a probably large portion ninety-nine hundredths of the people balbriggan, in pale blue, stripe or would »ay that they hate men. tint, of Beacon I fill park, and further will be DRAWERS, special quality and SPECIAL AGENTS believe the establishment of the green aètontshed to find that the names of the finish, just the thing for warm natural shade. Extra tine, %edil Ensltib representative,______, T. R. ha* added distinctly to the attractions of course, under the present unjust Mayor, some civic councilman, trust»»* Temple» Strand. and ’unequal condition» they conceal and members of the parks bdàrd. t» at, per garment ...... - Ckragher. W < of five perk and would resent any at weather, at per garment, t(|P their feelings. How many wives would whom the application nxuat be made, ap- Serial Beater# Canadian rapreeentatlvi. tempt at dispossession. . . »h | p*ar amongst the applicants. It Is Juat Friday...... UUli MEN’S WHITE DIMITY SHIRTS E. 1. Ouy. dl Canada Ufe Buiidlnd. dare to tell their husbands wj nat tncy now an open secret that the company de Toronto. ‘ HOCH PER KAISER!** really think of them? How long would sire the acquisition ef the four-sere MEN’S WHITE HONEYCOMB AND DRAWERS, short sleeves, SELLING AGENTS. the husbands live with them If they cricket field or other portion. It is left for the public to comment on this atste of BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, with drawers are knee length. Special Tbe DAILT TIMES ll oe oalo at tbl fol­ Notwithstanding a recant severe re­ did.’’ What can the watchman upon lowing places In Victoria: affairs. The matter Is a mofc-hlll to-day short sleeves, drawers are CAP Friday, at, per tftP Army A Nory Cigar Store, cor. Govern- buff at the hands of his chancellor, the the walls of this old world think about easily destroyable. but If neglected new metit and IfMtlon. Kslsdr '«till eppears to tike himself the prospects of the future when men will become a mountain. The Mayor hae knee length. Per garment . UUU garment...... JUu eugh i Cigar store. Druglaa St. stated that the council must hax-e a - I Cigar Stand. W Government St. very seriously. He eSîa hé and tys es­ and women are speaking ki #uvh a way Jorlty of official member# on the parks board. I Stationery Store. ■» Tetei St teemed royal brother of Russia hold the about each other? __ Boob A Stationery CO, 1113 Gov't. please remember that application» for T. N. Hlbben * Co,. 1111 Government St. destinies of their respective nations in What can the women of the country lit her portions of tb« park may be made ub Clgir store. Gov't and Trounce Alley. by other real or fictitious associations Î. W. Wilber, grocer. Ewiulmalt Road. the hollow e of their hands and are di­ think of the position assigned them In and afterwards merged hy cbnnivsnce or DAVID SPENCER, LTD. Wllby. Ill» Dougin* St rectly responsible to God for the faith­ the order of creation by Professor otherwise Into the Beacon Hill Bowling In Croak. Victoria West Poet G«ce. gtarr? Barbarians, with no hope of Club and thus the company may become a % Redding, Credgflowor Rd, Victoria W. ful execution of their trust». B I». <** "trust" arid masters of a large portion redemption by process of evolution. A T. McDonald. Oak Bay Junction. the whole, satisfactory to know- that of the park. This may net be the inten­ Dodd'l Grocery. Beaumont P, O. Perhaps the professor merely had the tion of the trustees, but will be the re­ Wilhelm is in such a meek frame of old Pool Office Cigar Store. 11M Gov't St. American woman In his mind when giv­ sult of their economic policy. Will the It Schreeder. Menaiei and Michigan Su. mind as to acknowledge a superior in trustees disregard their sacred trust and ing expression to his startling theory. •vmdiar News Stand, Ml Government St the Maker and Director of the unit so hand over to a mixed gigantic "âlh- 1 Ire. Beaumont, oor. Bay and Gov't gu. In any case he 4s from Vhic^fo Uni­ Jettc association" a large portion of the r. W. Fawcett, Klag'i Rond and Dougtai. Verse.v Some irreverent persons have versity, an Institution which ha# as ""public park? Mrs Marshall. Gorge Hotel, at the Gorge. hinted at a disposition on the part of Me Economy! Is giving away to-day what Nell McDonald. Elat End Grocery, oar. tonished the world, or tried hard to will become In a short time Invaluable j Pool and Oak Bay Ave. Majesty to deny the Deity anything astonish It, by the weirdness of Its and absolutely neceSSary to the welfare Thorpe’s Soda Water W. Gardiner, cor. Pandora and Coot more than a mere- partnership, and thoughts and theories upon every con­ of the cltlsens, owrfeA. economy? The j W. J. Chav». Stanley Ave. end Cadboro that a junior partnership, hr the direc­ park was certainly nul Intended chiefly i Bar Road. ceivable subject for «port and sports, and there 1# no j T. La Roy, Palace Cigar Store. OeVt gt tion of the destinies of the German • * » urgency just now for more. Whatever Is j Made from Water Sterilized and Puri­ R. W. Butler's News Stand, C.P.R. Dock. Empire. It may he that the rebuke of The value of the mineral output of to be done In this line must he done and | W. J. Clubb. Cigar and Newa Stand. Em von Bulow has had something to d«> British t’Alumbla has been slightly regulated by the trustee» at the public j preaa Hotel. expense or cost. .AH these givings away j fied by the Pasteur Berkfeld System standard Stationery Co, 1112 Gov't St. with a reduction in the dimensions of less during the past two years than it of the use of Ihelpbrk are subject I» "the 1 Some Grocery, cor. Menaiea and Niagara the Kaiser’s conception of hi# position The TIMES la alao on ante.at tbe follow­ waa fer tbe rear 1M. The decline Is pleasure of the pprke board." Hveryone ing placée: in the world. However that may be, |due to tbe low price of cqppef, which* knows tills to b* mere ruttwsn. a Witwr and practically, as human nature goes, . Charmer. the German people seem inclined to in turn wa* caused by the general in­ . Princess Royal » almost Impossible. May not the parks . Prince»» Victoria. think that their sovereign 1# respond- dustrial depression. The tide is turn* board be as now Interested individual.*? ■X—a_ - -—— Cko vl/.tru Still 1 TWO a.- " i ■ . i — . t,t* to th*m aa wdi. as ta, Uud fur |hg., (AI end üvt. jW!x»sepec.art. (Not jwcunlarlty.) What Is given away now Is virtuïFfÿ a gift for ever M tha UNITED CLEBICUS , A M. Trains. manner in which he discharges hi# bright for the current year. The value . A E Trains. parks board act now and prevent the P. R. Traîna trust. Their representatives In the of the mineral products of tbe thing becoming an Incentrotlable union W. S. FRASER & CO. lysmith—O. A. Knight, Re stag bold like opinions and are province for the jesr 1508 was close and defiant giant. Prevention le better IS IN SESSION ittle—Acme News Co., cor. 2nd and thaif cure. - LIMITED. Union Streets, and’ at Entrance to Inclined to assert their authority by to twent>>four million dollars. J. 8. HELMCKEN. Peat OfBce. refusing to sanction con|tantly Increas­ Victoria, June 22nd. iw». - -'‘-A.-Y.-F. Nows Agency, tortrthttton ing expenditures upon be sate to psedict that there ANGLICAN CHURCH j------CANADIAN AND AMERICAN ------TOUCB AP4THT. Grounds. naval armaments. The burdens were will be no great rush for berths in that Amos News Co. new airship that is going to make the CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARY Sanalmo—Nanaimo Book A Music Co. heavy enough to bear when the mili­ To thr Bdltor:—The rate at which auto­ Vancouver—Morman Cagle A Co., WT tary establishment was the apple of tha first trip across the Atlantic Ocean? mobile» are driven through our etreets la Granville Street. .<■ Anyhow of one thing we arc quit# great Kaieer*e falcon eye. Now that appalling. Fort «tree! la one of lhe fav­ Lawn Mowers Hotel Vancouver. ifty Years Since Bishop Hills sure—and it is that our esteemed con­ orite epeedlna plaire for thee» englnee. *ew Westminster—Thos. Todhunter. his Majesty has set his mind upon tho and the by-law la iranaareiwe* every day Whit* Horse. T. T.—Bennatt News Co. construction of a navy in keeping with temporary across the way.*which pro­ and every hour without calling forth a Was Conse­ • IMnce Rupert—A. Little. fesses to be a firm believer In the prac­ remonatraneo froht the • policemen, who, “Empress” Garden Hose Sort land. Ore.—Oregon News Co., 117 the standard of the most powerful armÿ> ticability of aerial navigation. If It en­ dreaeed In their becoming London unl- crated. Math Street. the world has ever seen, there Is a dis­ fornta. gate with an air of little»» Indif­ Bowmar News Co. gaged a passage, would Insist u|h»u a ference «» the IrantfgreMor» whirl by Sprinklers and Sprayers gsn Jose-7. UÉCe* go. position to grumble—not, it Is true., upon the part of officialdom, but cer­ lifeboat being part of -the equipment. railing a cloud of «net when they go a» The United Cleric us of delegates If hurling defiance al the municipal or­ from the Anglican church#» In British tainly upon the part of the classes The Colonist, we are pained to ob­ dinance and mowing contempt for every­ Columbia, Oregon, Washington and WHARF 8TREET upon whose shoulders the burdens thing lhat aland» for public security. Al Idaho was continued this morning. At serve. hqs not yet deigned to give tM thr close of the ra.iv» fceh day there la PHONE a VICTORIA, B. 0. [I weigh most heavily. What is the re­ o’clock this morning the holy euchar- NOTICE Tfl SUBSCRIBERS public its valued opinion on the rul­ a mail struggle on the part of rhaffeura sult of the gratification of this ambi­ tst was celebrated. Following that ing topic of the day. the morality or to carry a» many load» ae pnaalble to tion which must be ascribed In It* town, and all prcvuutlomr and rttlea ore breakfast was served In Christ Church immorality, the honesty or diMh.mevty. cathedral, followed by matin». Con­ Owing the large number of ad- ««■net »sl«i«*. to original conception to the pride ah«t of the vice of hotting. Perhaps the B# G,re thf rares Wxaix Thief Ijinglwy vening in the Christ Church echool- ibecrlbere being added to We EXHIBIT OF ISLAND WHOLESALE GROCERS lust of powe,eî* of the Emperor? subject Is being reserved far- a special apple d for and got additional conatahlaa. jeopm, with the Lord Bishop of British tbe regular routes of Times carriers, have it on the very highest financial What are 'these es Ira» doing fnr the pm, Columjba presiding, the regular bust- discourse In the Sunday edition. tertian of life and property nn the public nee* of the gathering .was proceeded ORES AT SEATTLE MEETING HERE lability of missing some. authority that, although the rate of highway»? Nothing Hnw many char­ taxation In Germany has been steadily with. , .. Times patrons are requested to Abdul the accureed alao thought ha iot ver» have been aummoned for violation An address of welcome was given the rising from year to year, the revenue held In the hollow of hi» hand the of the speed by-law? None, la It a feet notify the business office promptly that the police force have been Instructed visiting delegatee by Blehop Perrin. 7 they fail Se receive their paper. not .sufficient to meet current ex­ deatlnlea of the Ottoman empire. And nnt to Interfere with the automobile driv­ An invitation wa» received from the Development League is Adver­ Banquet Being Held To-night at penditures and that the extraordinary hie aubllme majeaty la now lower In er» until eomethlng happen»? And mrhal. representative of Walla Walla to hold pray, la that "anmclhlng"? A dead man. the convention there next year, and tising City far and Empress Hotel and Business military and naval programmes have estate than the mraneet Inmate of hi» X woman nr child, offered up a» a sacrifies an invitation to go to Seattle In place PHONE iota. to be carried on with borrowed money. late harem. to police neglect and Inefficiency of Walla Walla wa# also extended. A Wide. Continued To-morrow. The actual situation ts.thàt Germany’s CIVI8. discussion took place on the merits of ■tl " ...... national credit is about equal In the the two places for the purpose of hold­ money markets to that of a third-rate distinguished guest ing next year’» reselon. One delegate The ores and minerals of Vancouver The delegates to the annual meeting DISMEMBERMENT OF THE PARK. power. Now the Germans are ary WhatOttur&flitTkiiit thouxht the convention ought not to be of the Wholesale Grocers’ Exchange of sidetracked to Walla Walla, while the Island are being shown at the A.-Y.-P. Canada are In town and are meeting » mtnently practical people. They are an FOR CANADIAN CLUB The seal of Dr. Helmcken. Sr., for Seattle invitation was offered. Upon exposition In. the Canadian building, this afternoon. The Okstern delegates educated people. They are a thinking popular rlfhts In Beacon Hill Park li this announcement a motion wa» made where space for that purpose has been were to have arrived this morning, but people. They have been steadily striv­ beacon HILL PUBLIC that a committee be appointed to go arranged. The specimen# on view were owing to delay of the train they did «fell meant, but we cannot help think­ STARTLING. Into the matter and report later to ing to gain a control of their political Canon Henson of Westminster chosen from among many excellent not arrive In time. - ing that lit this case It Is misdirected— affairs equal at least to the control the the convention, Before the matter was To-night a banquet will be held In To the Editor At a meeting of the decided, however, the delegate from ones by the assistant provincial geolo­ the Empress hotel, and to-morrow that, not to put too fine ». point upon It, people of English-speaking countries board of park* commlaalonerv. October Abbey Will Address Walla Walla arose and said he had gist. and after the fair the»' will be morning tha sessions wyi be continued the genial doctor is levelling Mis lance have over their affairs. Is It conceiv­ l»th. 190*. the Mayor. Alderman Hender- not expected any conflicting discussion taken to Ottawa and form part of the *on. and Meaere. G. E. Wllkeraon. Jno. Members. at 10. It Is not certain when the con­ at Wind mille. We do not believe the able that they will tolerate for any Nelson an* J. B. Pemberton being pre- on the matter, he had simply been the permanent mineral exhibit In the Na­ vention will close, but It is possible onstdérable length of time the tremen­ *ent passed the following resolution bearer of an invitation to the clerlcus, that the business may be completed by directors of the bowling clyb have any , On Wednesday ol neat week lhe tional Museum. dous load of taxation that Is being «published In full In the Times of Febru­ and as It had been received by some noon to-morrow. Resigns whatever upon the Integrity of ary 1st, with correspondence); Canadian Club of this city will have tor unfavorably the Invitation must stand Every district in the Island la repre­ The local members of tbe exchange heaped upon their shoulders merely "That permission he granted to Megs re. guest ol honor at luncheon a diatln the park. Nor do we believe there la withdrawn. __ n sented and all the specimen# have the are arranging for the entertainment of for the gratification of the person*) Oliphant. Young. McGregor, et al. to cre­ gulahcd guest In the person of Rev. H Bishop Perrin, however, put the mo­ the guest* who will remain here until the slightest ulterior design in the place where they were mined clearly vanity of the man who boasts that he ate a bowling green OH Beacon Hill park H. Menton, canon of Westminster Ah tion that a committee go Into the ques­ Saturday. on the understanding thai such permis­ staled. There are epeclmens of coal manner In which they have acquired holds the destiny* of this empire if bey. Tin-' < anon la well known through tion and report later, which was car- sion shall not Interfere with the use of nut the Kngllsh-eimaklng world a from the Wellington mine# at Lady­ Whatever right# they may have there. nearly seventy millions In the hollow rlm#hop Perrin then referred to the PERSONAL. that portion of the park uekd by the splendid Speaker and a men of fine Berhaps It would have been better for Albion CrlvkeS Club, known as tb« Albion smith and Como* and of marble from of hi# hands and Is responsible only . hara-’ter. He I» making a tour ef thla Hon. W. Templeman. minister of mines the bowler» themselves if they had ac Cricket Club grounds, and fur*her on the formation of an eccllastlcal province Nootka,. and secretaries o( branch to God for the manner In which he part of the world for recreation and and of inland revenue, returned to the elty understanding that It shall confer no ex- west of the Rocky Mountains. He told league# are being asked to obtain and «Rtirtd a green elsewhere, because executes hbi assumed trust? riuetve privilege#, and ti»»4 it, Is granted 111».-dull la to be congratulated on the the conference what had occurred re­ last night. Mr*. Templeman and his sec­ «end In good specimen#, of ore from retary. R C. Nicholas, who accompanied then they wouW hâve had Already there era signs in the Ger­ subject to the pleasure of the public fui t that he ha# aeen fit to accept their garding the matter at the Ottawa con­ park», ooard. AH work '’..unevied with each mine In their district, to be added him to the Coast, arrived Jn Victoria by absolutely under tlteir own control and man Reichstag of a rebellion against InvUnthm. ference» but thought that while a to the «olfaction. <, thaaftpmoon at sa mar» Mfc.TagxpU’rnun re­ the bowling gre/'n to be carried out under Tickets for the luncheon will be on western province would be suée t* conte considerable controversy would also this Insane policy of wanton extrava­ The Development League Is al*o get maining In Vancouver for a few hours the supervision of the publlo parks sale Monday au.l Tuesday nest at Hlb- In the future, he could not expect to- have been avoided. But the green Is ting apace In the C. P. R. building in longer on business. The minister and gance. - But for the control of this ben'» or the Victoria Book and Sta­ see It realised before next year. The Mrs. Templeman wJH spend a month or established, and any unprejudiced per­ bpdy still remaining In the hand# of ll has always beefy end 1» *titi con­ which gn exhibit of the varied tended that the above resolution was ultra tionery Cn.'a store#. , conference then went on to discus# the two on the Coast. son who compares the condition of that lines to be followed by the meeting source# of the Island will be placed. the sovereign there would be a dis­ vir-s of thr board. In January, vis., The new guide to Victoria Is expected The death occurred at the ftgyal during the present session, and before Prof..E. G. - Wlrkcns leaves to-morrow portion of the city*# property to-day solution and an appeal to the people. three months after the passage of the to be ready- by, the end of the month, above "résolut I op." the association tnot Jubilee hoepltal to-day of Napier the discussion was completed the ad­ by the steamer Ella, of the Jebeep line, with Its condition previously cannot If the government were responsible to when some 20.000 vopteji will be avail­ having yet been incorporated, an excite­ Kingsbury, aged 78 year». Deceased journment took place. for Mexico. He yttl spend a six week** hut admit ths< the Improvement is able. Between 3,000 and 10.000 will be the electorate instead of to the Kaiser ment and dissatisfaction arose on account was born I" Maine and had lived in This afternoon a garden party la be­ vacation there, visiting various point*? In­ distributed at the fuir, 1.600 will be cluding Mexico City and Vera Crux Prof most marked- It has been converted tor the manner In which it discharges of Messrs Oliphant, etc.. b-tneMibout to Victoria for W years. He was a lum­ ing held on the grounds at Bishops- handed over to the free text-book Wtokens Is a firm friend of*Victoria skd from what ^was practically a morass .its trust, as In the case of natlojqt erect a house in Beacon Hill park. • Tils berman. The remains have been re- rmne. and at 8 o’clock this evening>4,' association had no* bef?n niglslered. This branch of the department of education, will distribute aorne city advertising liter­ |nt6 a most attractive piece of level moved to Hanna's undertaking pa'flifr». special service marking the fiftieth 1 which are really free, there 1» every was brought to the notice of the Mayor and the rest will bv distributed through ature during hi* trip. ground, upon which a large number of i indication that a speedy termination to stop the work, but no official action The funeral arrangement» w|ll be an­ anniversary of the foundation of the bishopric of Odptnbta. railways, steamship# find hotels and ppreons ran enjoy a most healthful and tietng taken they continued building until nounced later. Mr and Mr». Waxstock -have left K» qUy would be put to the programme of un- ita completion, vis., the now Beacon Hill A. precession of vfcltlng and local through cltlsens generally. Joy a Week’s holiday In Vancouver, Tfiey Invigorating pastime A# a result of brtdled lni|wrial ambition. Park Bowling Green Company’s club -Thirteen Chinese passengers amt clergy will march from Btahoparipee to Secretary McGaltey ha* been work­ will then teew for Feattfri* feir and stay - « ing diligently of late looking after this Improvement the rights of the house. ana first class will leave for the Orient the cathedral. The massed choira of the for" an Indefinite period. the preparation of this Uteratxffe * . • e public have not been curtailed in rivt U hVs Worship the Mayor will par­ The Oliphant association had not beea thla afternoon on the Empress of India Anglican churches of the city, which incorporated, but by a singular «’«Incid­ and getting the exhibits ready, and the The first date passenger la Misa E. F. will lead the musical portion of the Mrs. Abraham E. Smith. 1*32 petfnont slightest degree. Thr people are not don the. figure, the amended Park? ence as to'time and circumstance*, the Island Is getting an amount ef adver­ avenue." will not receive- to-day nor again Board Appear* to have "taken the bit following .very startling notice appeared Noel, who has been Maying at the Oak ear vice, rendering the full choral even­ enjoined from treapaHaing bv the rrev- ting, will head the procession. tising It never got before. ptMgbgr i tlcrn ut a fence. The,.jjreen W ’Ogggi; the in ft* letih.” In the Government Oaaette of January „H«> hotel- «he la going to Yokohama VICTORIA DAILY TIMM, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. Bicycles WOMAN’S-DEPARTMENT EVERYBODY ENJOYS DON’T THROW DRINKS FOR THIS YEAR’S FAIR AWAY YOUR ' JUST ARRIVED 1 WHITE ROCK LITHIA WATER A 0UP OF RAZOR BLADES FROM COVENTRY QUARTS, per dozen ...... $2.50 Agricultural Society Orders New Buildings on The “Griffon" Automatic Strap­ The Famous PINTS, per dozen ...... $1.60 per removes any difficulty In SPLITS, per dozen ...... , $1~35 . Grounds. the way of stropping any safety blade— prolongs its efficiency SEE MY WINDOW DISPLAY. and adds greatly to shaving CENTAUR comfott. . Call, phone or write, and we will Carne s Pure Food Store The British Columbia Agricultural be pleased to tell you all about our Society contemplate the expenditure of "SALADA" Price Complete Cor. Fort and Govt. Sta. Phone 686. Next to 0. P. a Office. large sums of money on improvements cycles. at the fair ground*. At the last meet­ With Strop, $2.50 ing of the association the directors de­ Sold only In Moled lead pocket*. cided to build the much-needed wo­ Impossible to cut the strop; men's building for the display of At all grocers. very simple in its mechanism; women’s exhibits and the art depart- an invaluable device for old or Harris & Smith young shavers. Call here . and 1220 BROAD STREET CHOICE The cost of thl* building will be see it. A fine $8.000. It will be stationed just Insldp the entrance gates on the left-hand HABERDASHERY side of the ground, and will measure $4 Gift 100 feet by 50 feet. AT ECONOMICAL Another Improvement ordered is » D34D CYRUS H. BOWES glass roof for the horse-show building. THE PLIMLEY COMPANY Local News PRICES A “Miranda’’ Out Glass Other minor Improvements have been CHEMIST 7-inch Fruit Bowl at our spe­ put Into effect, Tel. 696. The Pioneers q| Low Prices. Tel. 3067. 1226 GOVERNMENT ST. The B. C. Agricultural Society has The remainder of this week we cial price of $4 is a charming sent for. distribution to the Seattle GASOLINE. SSc per Imperial talion; bulk, per case, IS.SB. Cash only. —Lawn Mower*, all sises, repaired OIL—Best grade only stocked; Mobile, Motorlne, Zeroline, Mono­ and adjusted. Waite* tiro#., 641 Fort will allow 20% discount off fair large packages of postal cards of gift for a bride—particularly gram, per Imperial gallon, $1.09. street. “T*------— the following lines : the local exhtldtlon grounds and build- a June bride. in ee The poster-* for the next exMbl- CARBIDE, per pound, 10c; ACCUMULATORS changed. 6dc up. MORI,ET PURE SILK -UN­ f. II Smait, ser re- j STORAGE, $i per month up. Repairs estimated for and guaranteed. —To Seattle, fast S. S. “Iroquois'* Quality of the glass Is ex­ t try. are ordered and many will be Two telephones, 695 and 2667, day or night. leaves daily at • a. m. DERWEAR, per suit, $20, cellent—pure rock crystal— sent to the fair as soon as they are $16. «10 and...... $8.00 printed. The society Intends to make R. P. CLARK, General Manager. A Pay-Easy —Do not forget that you can get an PERRIN’S LISLE UNDER­ the cutting deep and perfect this year's fal£_JUl«v biggest on record •sprees or truck at any hour you may for the city. wish. Always keep your cheeks until WEAR, in pastel shades, the aa “Miranda” Qians always Home you have seen us. as we will save you suit. $4 and ...... $2.60 is. Other splendid On the Installment plan we offer the 10c. on each trunk you have to pay PRETTY WEDDING A1 you a nice new cottage. 6 large to baggage agents on trains and boat*. BALBRK5GAN AND OTHER rooms, bath, pantry, toilet, etc., on We will check your baggage from your lines, per suit up from $1.00 SPRING RIDGE CHURCH large lot; good locality, between 2 CUT GLASS Hacks, Carriages, Single or Double, ear Hnee. A big snap at $3,200, on hotel or residence, also store It. See us SILK HOSIERY, all shades., these terme: before you make your arrangement* We guarantee to satisfy everyone on per pair, $3.50 and ... $2.00 VALUES anil Caddies Dnrcoc _ $7B0 Cash price and the way we handle your LISLE HOSIERY, froarToc per Mr. J. M. Nicholson and Miss Balance $30 per Month, in­ gooda We consider It a favor !? you At $6, $6, $7, $8 up to $18 TURNED OUT ON SHORT NOTICE At ALL HOURS will report any overcharges or Incivil pair doyn to...... 25C Field Joined in Mar­ cluding interest. ity on part of our help. TAFFETA FLANNEL SHIRTS Our fine nrw stock of hand­ Terms Moderate Pacific Transfer Company. at $5 and...... $3.50 some Cut Glass is well worth riage. •Phone 149, M Fort SI F A BROWN, Ltd. WELCH MARGETSON LINEN a special visit here to see. One CAMERON & CALDWELL’S MONEY TO LOAN. —Mill wood, stove lengths. H per SHIRTS, all shades. $3.60 exquisite piece of work is a A very pretty wedding took place PIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN. double Iced; 12.60 per cord uncut. and .. ., ...... $3.00 CUT GLASS LAMP yesterday afternoon In the Spring Livery Stable 1130 BROAD ST. I Prompt delivery. Cameron Lumber Co. FANCY VESTS, $10 and . $7 Ridge Methodist m< hool room, the con T.L MIC Phone lie. • PRICE $86 trading parties being Miss Maude JOHNSON STREET, Two .Doors Above Douglas TEL. 603 SILK PAJAMAS, per suit, $10 Louise Field, eldest daughter of Mr. —Try the V. I. Panetela Cigar. and...... $8 William Field, and Mr. John Malcolm Nicholson, both of Victoria. The Rev. FOR GORGE AND BIO BASIN. T. K. H'dllng officiated and Mrs. Klrk- W. H. Wilkerson JHldile presided at the organ...... Finch & Finch Thf- ceremony took place beneath a Sternwheeler leaves Causeway at The Jeweler beautiful » floral bell made by Mr. 1. 4 and 8 p. m. Fare, 10c, or 20c to 1107 GOVERNMENT 8T. Basin. Oui Name Be.ilnd Our Ciothlng 1$ en •13 GOVERNMENT ST. Arthur Charlton. It wa* composed of (Tales from fAe Catien West) white carnation*, and was suspended Important Asset. IV» Your protection. Tel. 160$. The Cream of Old Our Name Behind Our Furnishing» 1» from an arch of Ivy Intertwined with —To Seattle, fast 8. 8. “Iroquois’ Worth a Good Deal to You* white carnation* amt spire*. the work leaves daily at • a. m. of the bride's girl friend*. Highland Whiskies The bride, who" was given I away by —Garden Hose, Sprinklers, etc. her father, wa* very becomingly at­ Watson & McGregor, *47 Johnson. tired In a cream prince** grenadine, The special vatting— —Last night $ number of the mem­ CONCERT AT GORGE ber* of tie- First ♦vmgregsttonal church trimmed with strappings and rosettes Dirt matured for many years —Ah hat* greatly reduced at the of narrow satin ribbon, made with Elite 1316 Douglas street. went out to the Old Men's Home and TO-MORROW NIGHT in sherry wood—its ab­ treated the Inmate* to a strawberry shined yoke and sleeves of pointe d>*prlt. finished with touches of gold social anil entertainment. Song*, solos Disease solute purity and de­ -To-day.—Finest maderla and wine embroidered net. She wore a veil and cakes at Central Bakery, 640 Yates St.* and, recitation* were given by Mr*. Mc­ licious flavor — have Kay. Ml** Howell, Messrs. Collins, orange blossom* and carried a bouquet '... And Excellent Programme Will Be of bride’s rone* and lilies of the valley. earned this title, for —For Hire—Seven passenger. stx- Johnson, Harworth. Ken ley and T. Harman. .Mr, West gave some, very Given Under Charge of She was attended by her *leter. Miss rvtteder automobtte; cannot be #y celled Florence Fie MTU a dainty bfTdëi- Domestic Troubles in any way. R. Gugln. Drlard Hotel. • good slelght-of-hand tricks. Rev. H. Risk’s Special A. Carson addrr*ecnd I: Panetela Cigar. maps have been sent to the leading Rtubmsun * Co., while trying to quiet tenced to three months’ Imprisonment The concert will commence sharp at g.ai WEATHER BULLETIN. team which he w-aa driving, was 1 with hard labor. HI* pfinripai com­ hotels throughout the province by the provincial bureau of Information, for kicked by one of the horses and sua-, —The Coast Locators report a very plaint was held by the physician to l»e Daily Report Furnished by the Victoria the convenience of the travelling pub­ tained a compound fracture of the left •. satisfactory movement in real estate Iasi ness. Meteorological Department. _r.;— this week. Their recent sales in­ —First hteut, thing, of H. MV R. Al­ lic who desire knowledge regarding the leg. Me was removed to St. Joseph’s gerine. was removed t> the St. Joseph's resource» and Industries of B. C. hospital, where he Is reported to be clude four of their own houses, three —The Ladles’* Aid Society of the Victoria. Jm>e Î4.-S o m -High baro­ vacant lots and some valuable acreage hospital yesterday morning suffering metric pressure covers the North Pacific doing as welt as could be expected. First Presbyterian church held their from a severe attack of rheumatism. ^ This company make* a specialty, of aunnal strawberry festival last night Coast..and fair, warmer weather Is likely placing on the market houses of which 2* both in re-jt ZThp tunrrn| R,.v A1,„. to*b«> general. Rain has beeii general WHOLESOME It Is the exclusive owner. varna ♦ n nft.i.wltn OA ana 'Iha throughout this province, and showers gards to the attendance and to the under Wsley Dever will take place to­ have occurrerl In Alberta and Saskatche­ character of the entertainment given. SCREAM WARM WEATHER —Fine embroidered waists for sum­ morrow evening at 2.30 o'clock from wan. Intense heat still continues In Cali­ Rev. Dr. Campbell.1 the pastor of the fornia and Nevada. If You Like mer wear of fine muslin, organdie and the Victoria West Methodist church. FOR APPETIZERS church, presided, and in hi* remarks Rev, A. E. Robert* will officiate. Forecasts. lawn*. Regular $3.25. $3.56 and $4.25. during the evening referred to the PASTRY, flake y and delicious, pure Special price $2.85.—Robinson s Cash For 36 hours ending 5 p. m. Friday. work the ladles of the congregation Victoria and vicinity—Moderate to fresh I 0B CREAM —The Sunday school of the Church of Grand Opera jam and lemon fillings. Store, 642 Yates street • had always done for the church, and our Lord have arranged to hold their southerly and westerly winds, fair to-day Come here and aak to hear the new "TEA SCONES—these are new and to the fact that thl* festival wa* a and Frldav. You ean get the delicious —All Hate below cost at th* “Elite" annual picnic on Saturday, July 3rd, at Columbia Grand Opera Double- good." sort of semi-official celebration of his Sidney. Tickets will be ready for ill* Lower Mainland-Ught to moderate Disc Fonotlpla Records, sung by Millinery, 1316 Douglas. • winds, fair and warmer to-day and Fri­ seventeen years’ pastorate. A very en­ trlbutlon and sale next Sunday. It Is the greatest artists in the world. FRESH FRÜIT, moulded In wine joyable programme wn* rendered by day Naples Ice Cream S MI7RIVF EYE REMEDY Intended to provide two regular meal*, Including selections from : Jelly ice*. sherbets, Ice puddings, the following .ladies and gentlemen : Report*. creams «Od water Ice. Reliable Relief for Eyes That Need and contribution* In cash or In kind Victoria—Bo rom ct er. 3012; tempe ratura. Here, made fresh every day Misses Blank. Sexsmlth, Wilson, J. will be welcomed “ Fault” by our candy expert; in FRESH DAILY Care; Try Murine in Baby's Eyes; It Wilson. Harkness and McKenste. and 51; minimum. 50; wind. 16 miles 8. W.; “La Hoheme” Soothes. Messrs. Redman, Morrison and Brown. ‘I. rain. .OS: wen I her. part cloudy. —The funeral of the late $John J New Westminster—Barometer. 30.12; “Cavalleria Ruiticana” VANILLA, STRAWBERRY Mrs. Lewis Hall acted as accompanist. Cowley took place thl* afternoon at temperature. 50; minimum, 60; wind, « AND CHOCOLATE miles K. : weather, cloudy. “Lohengrin’’ —The funeral of the late George 2.36 o'clock from the B. C. Funeral FLAVORS CL A Y'S Furnishing Company's parlor*, wltere Nanaimo—Wind. 10 mllcç N. W.; wrath- “Tannhauser” Winter. jr„ took place yesterday after­ JUST ARRIVED the Jtev. John flruiidy conducted an “Mignon’’ ., * Try a dish in our cosy par­ Tel. 101. FORT ST. noon from the family residence, Bur- Kamloops—BaronydOr. 29.96: tempera­ Impressive service. There wa* a large 1 lelth lodge, Cralgflower road, at 2.45 ture. 50; minimum. 30; wind. 4 miles S. ••Norma" ' lors, or you ean secure it in FROM ENGLAND attendance of old-time friends ami j o’clock. The cortege then proceeded to W.. rain. .10; weather. <4oudy. “Otello” bulk for your friends. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church. many flower* were sent. The followihg . Ba-I.crvllle-Barometer. 29.9s; tempera acted as pallbearers: W. Clark. J. turc. 36; minimum. 30; wind, .palm; rain, “Carmen” OUR LUNCHEONS, Douglas street, where the Rev. W. .(*: weather, raining. Etc^ etc. ' HOT COFFEE, TEA AND Leslie Clay conducted Impressive ser­ Dean. J. P Burges*. II. Moss, C. D. SINGER Mara and Mr Crow. Hart Francisco—Barometer, 26.78: tem­ COCOA vice*. There wa# a large attendance of perature. 54; minimum, 64f wind, 12 miles sympathizing friends, and the mem­ W.. weather, clear. are the finest Houses Built BICYCLES ber* of the Ancient Order of Forresters —A "Back to Montreal Celebration" port Slmpaon Rummetcr, 30.06; tem­ IN THE CITY OMTHB m also attended In a body. A large num­ will be held In that city September 15th perature, 48; minimum, 46: wind. 4 miles Fletcher Bros. We Imported s heavy shipment of to 20th, when all old-timer* of Mon­ these machines last spring, sold them ber of beautiful floral offerings were K.; rain. .20; weather, cloudy. The Music Store INSTALMENT PLAN t« at once, cabled for more, sold them, sent which testified to the esteem In treal will mm fur» reunion. All old BdWlWitein—Baronvuer. 29,64: tempera­ and cabled for still another IpL and which the deceased warn held. At the Montrealers are Invited to communi­ ture. is\ minimum, 44; wind, 4 miles, 1281 GOVERNMENT ST. they arc taow here. They are going, grave-side Bro. J, Levy, past chief cate with W. K. Findlay, president of weather, cloudy. the celebration. Art elaborate pro­ too. and every purchaser. 1» a pleased ranger of Court Northern Light, con­ » —-— V* D. H. Bale owner. Call and tee us about them. ducted the lait rites of the A. Q. F. gramme has been prepared. The pa­ —A *i>eclal prise, consisting of a sil­ Contractor & Builder The following acted as pallbearers: A. tron» of the reunion Include Sir Hugh ver flower basket. Is being offered by Fortune. 8. Heybourne, A, McNeil. J. Graham, 1 Sir. Montague Allan, Sir J, A. Virtue, of the Oak Bay hotel, for R, Colllster. O. Tindall and W. Buckett. Thomas flhaughnessy, f’harles M. competition at the forthcoming rone COE. FORT AND STADACONA Thos, Pllmley sIk.vn . to Ik* hell! «It Tuesday next. CENTRAL CYCLE* DEPOT. Hayes, Lewis Payette, Brigadier L. GOVERNMENT ST. Buchan. The prize is for the largest and best Amateur Athletic Track Ava 1110 GOVERNMENT ST. collection shown, anti this must be a to Qoodacre. Opposite Spencer's. Phone 1140. CITY LIVERY _ ?Jlr» Chlof Thomas Davis has In­ separate exhibit,-entered In competi­ and Field Meet If you get It at Pllmley’s It’s all right. troduced Into the fire department a tion for this special prise. In Judging new life-saving drill. A Ufe-slsed for it quality as well as quantity will Board and Sale Stable dummy has been rigged, and is dally, be considered. Under auspices Y. M. C. A. being" picked up and down the ladders OAK BAY FAR* 1615 DOUGLAS ST. by the men during the. dally ladder . —Henry .Young A Company yester­ J. L PAINTER & SON Vietorii West Supply Stotts Single, Team, Saddle and drill. The drill was done yesterday for day took out a building permit for the SATURDAY, JUNE *«, 1:10 p. m. Oor. Esquimau Road and Cather­ IM first time, and caused much amuses erection of a two-story brick add Wow OFFICE Boarding Horses. giant to men and spectator^* Its value. to the rear of the store now occupied t ine Street admission, ne. ■U CORMORANT STRUT Phone 1$Z5 However. „ls fully recognized by the by T. N. Hibben it Company. The Im­ GROCERIES, HARDWARE ✓ OFFICE: loan, and they are aasidloua 11$, th*Tr prove ipent a will cost $6.000, and wHj be Full prosrem ot sihletle e vente .efforts to. handle the package with the I «art of Henry Young A Company's DAIRY PRODUCE — DONT MISS IT C. R RICHARDS utmost speed and attention to direc­ new building when they occupy1 thé GO A Land WOOD PENNINGTON A WOODWARD VKTBRlsXitY SÙROSON. tion» given by the chtel. store now used by Hibben À Company. VICTORIA PAIL? TIMM, THUJtgDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. J COMPETITION EXACTLY

“ tZSZLitss ftTi- r ■* =™“ *• -P--» .f ovb stm ,t „,™,, ÏSÏÏ «<«•* .h. standard. 'ZtZ'ZZ, ‘Sf “IT T — toPAY

LESS than cost. Bait was used; Discount sales; in fact any old thin* was tried- everythin» hut - the trood old BRITISH wav l- i *° and n ®r 7?U- " httt wa8 the result t Goods were sold for backing of Public Opini.n in ,b„ ^ no»,' an,,. „ we have J bc“L


CmVER’S ENGLISH MARMALADE, one- That’s the pound glass jar for ...... 15^ That’s the SCRAM FRUIT JARS, pints, per doz. .90* CHIVER'S STRAWBERRY JAM, two Point nauiBED si» | Quarts, per dozen ...... $1.15 one-pound jars for ...... 35* Point One-half gallons, per dozen...... $1.50 PURE NEW ZEALAND JAM, four-pound CREMO, very much like Cream of Wheat, t™ for ...... 50c ten-pound saek for "...... 45* CROSSE & BLACKWEL'S MARMALADE. FR^itH-GlNOE ANTICOMBINE LAUNDRY SOAP, » INOER SNAPS; 8 lbs. for. .25* BAKER’S OR COWAN’S COCOA, one-half two-pound, tin for...... 25* seven full weight liars for...... 25* MILD CIUED HAMS, per pound ... .18* HUNTLEY & PALMER’S MIXED BIS- SMALL PICNIC HAMS, per pound... 15* pound tin for...... -....30* TRAVERS ENGLISH PICKLES, largo •’H?K WHITE CASTILE SOAP, long bar CUITS, per pound ...... 25* COLEMAN’S MUSTARD, %-ib. tin!..25* 18-ounee bottle for ...... ^...... 15^ tor...... 20# C. & Y. INDEPENDENT CREAMERY PERSIAN SHERBET. 1-lb. bottle...... 25* BUTTER, three pounds for ...... $1.00 1XX)SE LAUNDRY STARCH, 3 lb*. .25* GILLARD’S PICKLES,- Chow Cliow, Mix«,l SUPERFINE TOILET SOAP. 9 cakes. .25# DR. PRICE'S OR ROYAL BAKINO' POW- or Relish, per bottle ...... -...... 35c ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER, PURE BLACK PEPPER, per pound. .25* PEARLINE. 2 packets for ...... 25* der, 12-ounee can for...... 40* Three bottles for...... $1.00 per pound ...... ’.... ,30* PCRF- WHITE PEPPER, per pound .30* TETLEY’S LdoSK TEA. 4 lbs. for. $1.00 Two and one-half pound can for. $1.15 LEA & PERRIN'S SAUCE1. lA-pint bottle DAIRY BUTTER; per pound ... r:.. .25* FINEST CLEANED CURRANTS, 3 pounds RED. SEAL COFFEE, ground or bean, MAGIC BAKING POWDER, 12-oz. van 20* tor...... 35* NICE ONTARIO CHEESE, per II. 20* for ...... 25* Pint bottle for...... 60* one-peund tin for ...... 25* Five-pound ean tor ...... 90* McLaren S IMPERIAL CHEESE, per jar, SEEDED RAISINS, ffiu-st put up, large TRAVER’S WORCESTER SAUCE, OUR BLEND INDIAN AND CEYLON TEA. SHELLED ALMONDS OR WALNUTS, ptt __ 50c and .. u,...... 25* |H*r pound- ...... 30* pound ...... ; :.. . 40* 16-ounee packet for ...... 10* three half-pint bottles for...... '...25* PEANUT BUTTER, per jar. 40e, 25e and Four pounds for...... $1.10 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, lb.... 15* Five packets for ...... 45* THISTLE TOMATO CATSUP, per bottle ...... '...... 15* CHUTNEY, genuine Indian, qiiart bottle ESSENCES, all flavors, per bottle, ôOe. 85c ENGLISH MIXED PEEL, per lb...... 15* ...... 10* tor...... 50* ROYAL SALAD DRESSING, per bottle, IX)AP SUGAR, two-pound packet ....20* and...... 20* 35c and ...... 20c NICE TABLE RAISINS, per pound . .10* BOX AMI, two packets for ...... 25* Three pounds for...... 25* ICING SUGAR, per pound :...... 10* MAPELINE, per bottle...... 50* SCOTCH CORN STARCH, 3 pkts...... 25* SAPOLIO, per packet ...... IO* PRIDE OF CANADA MAPLE SYRUP, HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE, 2 tins for SHREDDED COCO AN UT, per pound 20* MOLASSES, two-pound tin for...... 15* RICE FLOUR OR GROUND RICE, 4-lb. saek PURE GOLD QUICK PUDDINGS, quart bottle for...... 50* for...... 25# CLARK’S POTTED MEATS. 4 tins 25* TARTAN CORN SYRUP, ten-pound tin KIPPERED HERRING. 2 tins for .!. 25* two packages for ...... 25* CLARKS PORK AND BEANS in Tomato for ...... 65# ROLLED OATS. 7-lb. paper bag ..... 35# CHRISTIE SODA BISCUITS, per tin 30* Sauce, three tins for ...... 25* 22-pound paper bag for ...... $1.00 ROWAT’S ENGLISH VINEGAR, quart hot- I/YLE’S SYRUP, 2-pound tin for ....20* WHEAT FLAKES, 4-lb. paper bag... 25# tie for 15* TRI8CÜIT, per package...... 15,» VEAL OR 1IAM LOAF, per tin...... 15* Four-pound tin tor ...... 35* AUSTRALIAN RABBIT. 2-pound tin. 30# IMPROVED JAM JARS, screw tops. PURE NEW ZEALAND IIONÈy, 2-pound MALTA VITA, per package...... 10* Fourteen-pound tin for...... $1.00 Pints, per dozen .... ____ ...... 85* tin for ...... ;...... 45* BROWN SHOE POLISH per bottle. . 10# c«>RX SYRUP. 2-pound tin ...... ,15* toasted Porn flakes. Pkgs.. 45* Quarts, per dozen ...... $1.10 HONEY IN THE COMB, per section. .25* CAMP COFFEE, per bottle ...... 25* PINEAPPLES, in l>/«-pound cans, two vans REINDEER MILK, two tins for...... 25* TRY A SACK OF CALGARY RISING SUN FLOUR, the best bread flour at the price on the market. Per •~Ar...... 25* ST. CHARLES CREAM. 2 large tins 25* TANGLEFOOT FLY PAPER, box of 25 SMALL WHITE BEANS, 4 Ik. for' 25* sack, $1.75 double sheets for...... 50* Nine pounds for .... 50* Our Store is-closed every Wednesday at 12:30 to enable our clerks to have a little recreation. WEST INDIA LIME JUICE, quart bottle BEST JAPAN RICE, 4 pounds for... .25* for...... ;...... 20* Nine pounds for ...... 50J4 MONSERAT LIME JUICE, per bottle, toe TAPIOCA OR SAGO, 4 pounds for... 25* COPAS & YOUNG, Anti-Combine Grocers and...... 35* Nine pounds for i.,. so£ STOWER’S LIME JUICE CORDIAL, per PEARL BARLEY OR SPLIT PEAS, "w bottle...... 35* 4 pounds for ...... 25* Phones 94 and 133 Sole Owners of t|*e Quality Store CHIVER’S CAMBRIDGE LEMONADE •****w*ww*i*wmw»iunwiowiemeMiewN*»i»ww Cor. Fort and Broad Sts roWDEK, per packet------15*

nothing since hi* seven furlong* wig Joele g.. W. Kelly ...... | 10 JOHNSTOWN WINS the first day of th emeeting. Time—1:03 4-5. DO YOU KNOW THE :.ny „:mPP;tw.t,0 ANNUAL SPORTS OF The last race of the day was a horse Second race—Five furlongs. Purse That's the batter’» business. race, and "DC of the prettiest of the Two-year-olds. Value to first 3150. BASEBALL GAME? Tenders Wanted NANAIMO EVENT meeting, in fa* t, there has not been a Horse and Jockey. Op. CL “But T thought you Just said he FIFTH REGIMENT more satisfactory or à harder race run Lewiston, Brooks ...... 6 4 was.” at the Willows. The mile and a half Napa Nick, Leeds ...... 3 3 "Oh, well” (this with a little vexa- distance brought out five starters, bat SOL-g*»!». W: Mclntzr»____M-Jtiâ. Enthusiastic Fan Strives Hard tlon), “you must understand that you WILE AND A HALF RACE the Ihmtr wi,, left m IWÔ,' OolSwiy Pto; K<-okh x 5 c Events to Be Competed for at la the Supreme Court of Anri Trio t i. .. - ...... •••••%•• ” * dohT know anything about the Inside and Joe Coyne, both horses of top ciaaa,- Metropolitan, Lycurgus ...... 7 to Enlighten a of the game yet.” Macaulay Point British Columbia. IS SPLENDID FEATURE to fight out neck and „nevk and stride Ches. Krum. W„ Kelly ...... • to'"learn ’* e**Ct,y whst 1 am trying by stride. Gold way, Joe Coyne and Novice. Camp. Mr. Howe. Callahan ;...... 50 100 In the matter of the Estate Iras went away at the barrier, and Iras Tlme-l 04 2-5. made the/running for the first half, | Thlr. a. , , “Well, it is this way: The pitcher of Arthur John Fenny Surprise Packet is Handed Out where Little Minister, running second, ! Thjj 8lx furl‘»ngs. Selling. *oe* In there to keep the other bat­ The annual spurt. In connection with (otherwise Arthur FOUliy), haJ 1____ . ______...... _ * * --year-olds and upward. Two men sat within hearing of the ters from hitting the ball, u 1» the the Fifth regiment vamp, now being had dropped to keep company with scorers. One, apparently an English­ in R. Linton’s somewhat favored one in the betting, j 1 batters of his own team that mud bat held at Macaulay Point, will be held on j. deceased. man. waa seeing bis- first game. His »n the runs that win for him." Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock at I Flavlngy ‘-Joe Coyne and 0.„„way companion, a fan well vented In the went to the front the «<-, nnd time | ÏL « . " “Oh, I see. Then the pitchers have the Macaulay plain» A good pro- TENDER*? Ripper. fine points of the game, was teaching round, and Joe Coyne made for the lead fSjJLfS: U*“*hlln nothing to do with the hatting They gramme of «porta ha» been prepared. a**J the young English idea, In a bake- and all will be keenly contested. All Will be received by the under- When .,.„roaeh,n, the aland a, the end ball way, how t# shoot. are just like the man at a faro bank of the mile. He had a length the l*»t ,r'*h Mlrtl M< twen who deals oht the cards and lets the events are -for the regiment except The downfall of the crack horses signed until noon on the of It. and increased it a length In mak­ George Kllborn. Coles ______"The. little St. Louis fellow, throw­ other fellow win or lose.” those marked for the army wnd navy Barney Oldfield, Captain Burnett and ing with hi» left hAnti." said the ing the turn where Iras fell back five Dandy" Fine, Vosper ...... The fan put hi* hand to his head and 24TH DAY OF JOKB. 1909 Trie officers have laid a number of Ed Ball In the Nanaimo handk-ap, the lengths, and the last two were coming Yanked W. Powers ...... Englishman, “appears to he an excel­ looked appealingly to some of the base­ lent bowler, or pitcher. Hie motions For the following described prop­ class event of yesterday’s race card at along on the next train At the back Song of Sea, Stock -1...... ball writers, who had grown interest­ restrictions. Onè la the barring of spike Timer-1:19.------Aft firïoSl receptive.” ' ' v' "hoes and that no second prixe» will erty, viz,: the Willows, the winning of the handi­ Goldway went after Joe Coyne, gallop­ ed in the unique conversation. Just at Fourth race—One mile and "Why. that’s Johnny Lush He ain’t be given unless there are more than cap by Johnstown, the pick up by Rip­ ing splendidly ami putting her big that minute St. Louis had runners on LOT 702, with buildlngz and im­ withers and haunches into action, yards. The Nanaimo handicap. Three- much of a pitcher." observed the fan. third and second, four entries. per In the next race, which was backed The officials for the day, fvlll be as provement! thereon, fronting on bounded over the ground fb magnificent year-olds and upward. Value to first a little surprised. ‘The big fellow “Now, hsr# Is a chance to n 4uwn from 15 to I to 2 to 1, and the fea­ style. She caught the leader rounding you see pitching for New York is the follows: Starter, Sergt.-Major McDou­ Fort and Mean streets, between Horse and Jockey. stand," said the fan. “You see. If Ma­ gall; clerk of course. A. J. Brace; ture event of the day. the mile and a the turn and the race home was the Cl. greatest pitcher In the world." ths w»on can keep the batter from hit­ Quadra and Vancouver streets, in half race won by Gold way, were inci­ best sight for the onlookers of the Johnstown, McEwen “In what way, may I ask?" judges. Lluet. his bad running round and upward. Value to first |150. ctatlqn handling the matter announced TI0N- ,.n MONDAY NEXT, 28th Ts**amo* a« it appears ou British G the turns, was not particularly-fancied, Horse and Jockey. Op. CL A tramp named Muliett. who was charg­ “Well, ^iere Is what is puasUng me: that they had awarded a contract for JUNE, at 12 o’clock, noon, oiic •tamp pa white letters ea a red gros If a poor pitcher pitches badly, and HI. i and while the winner. Johnstown, car­ )>V‘lvn K.. \<.sp.r ...... 4 4 ed ai Loughborough, Eng., with refusing the construction of the track, grand­ Ilolatein Heifer, two marks on r&szsM «ilbMIaUcklik" ried some money, the second Fantastic, Maud McG., w. powers ...... 4 4 to perform his task at the workhouse. lock make» him win, and. at the same stand and stables to Earl Towe, of Los ,rn: and third Monvink, also winner of the May 1‘ink, McLaughlin ...... * ft JfiMLjM was tired, having been kept time, if the best pitcher in the world Angeles, on a Md of 31 <9.000 Towe left right ear, no brand, if not re­ from .MMutansb Bbo*. Ltd., opening handicap, did not run much to Taunt, W. McIntyre ...... 12 15 awake by a whistling noise In his cell, to pitching nicely, but luck Is against here yesterday for Tla Juana with Victoria. B. C. adding amid laughter. "It whistled like deemed before. the public taste. The result surprised Calla, Alarie ...... 4 r him, what is the advantage of being a the very devil.” The ‘It”* was only a President D. R. Worden and other di­ many, Especially as Johnstown has done Bemay, Keogh 2 5-2 good pitcher?" rectors. He sal* that he would begin G. H. R. EDWARDS, _____ cricket. "But. bu well, er—but—you see— work next week. Pound Keeper. READ THE DAILY TIMES VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THUB8DAY, JUNE 24, 160». 20 BINDTES’ DRIVE 1 TOWN 38-Acre Farm $8,000

This property has a beautifully sloping situation on Cedar Hill, five miles from the city. Thirteen acres are cleared, three being in potatoes. There are 5,000 strawberry plants and 60 fruit trees. The house is very comfortably laid out, with three rooms downstairs and two bedrooms on the first floor. The barn was built only last summer. There is also a good chicken house. A splendid well bored through the rock furnishes an exhaustless supply of water. The entire thirty-eight acres may be had for $8,000; $1,000 down and the balance on easy terms. We can also arrange to let you have the house and eighteen acres at $250 an acre; or eighteen acres, without the house, for $200 an acre. We can even sell you a ten-acre holding at $250 an acre. On any of these propositions we can give favorable terms.

/ Island Investment Co., Limited Phone 1494. Bank of Montreal Chambers

cattle, and these have been invoked in case of some Oakland» dairymen. CAPITAL GUN CLUB WEIGHTS DECIDED RESULTS OF GAMES r CITY TOO MUCH Mr. Fullerton declared that on the prairies and in Ontario the tethering IS TO HOLD SHOOT IN EMPRESS HANDICAP IN BASEBALL LEAGUES ARMSTRONG BROS. of cattle, in. open lots would mot ^ per­ OF COW PASTURE mitted. Eventually the board, on Mr. Fuller­ NORTHWESTERN. ton’s motion, decided to recommend to Opportunity to Get in Line for Entries for Big Event on Satur­ Machinist». council the passage of a by-law which Portland, June 23.—Scores were as Tol- STRAY ANIMALS DO will give a greater measure of protec­ Vancouver Tourna- day at Willows Phene 3034. 134 KINGSTON *T. R. H. E. tion to the parka and bbiflevards from ment Track. Vancouver ...... 496 HARM TO BOULEVARDS the ravages of animals. Portland ...... ® 3 8 Rev. Alfred E. Alston, of Framing­ Batteries-Qllllgan and Sugden; Seaton ALL KINDS OF GENERAL REPAIRING DONE ham Earl rectory. Norwich, a native and Fournier. son who Is revisiting his birthplace at T>e last chance to get In line for the The following are the weights for the Seattle, June 28.—Scores were as follow: LAUNCH ENGINES AND AUTO- present, wrote to ask' permission to Parks Board Urges Council to Vancouver tournament wl’,1 be offered Empress handicap, distante six fur­ R. II. E. have his mother's grave in Quadra MOBLIES OVERHAULED by the Capital dun Club on the 27th longs, to be run Saturday at the Wil­ Tacoma ...... »...... 4 5 8 Take More Rigorous street cemetery marked He was un­ lows track : Seattle ...... 6 9 8 aware of the disgraceful condition the Inst., when they will hold their regu­ May Sutton, 97; El Paao. 102; Galene Batteries—Baker and Kellackey ; Allen Steps. old cemetery had fallen Into, or of Its lar shoot at the Willows grounds. A «ale, 80; Milpitas, 108; F. E. Shaw. and Custer. transformation, or he would willingly programme has been arranged. for the Zalta. 90; Fantn*tic, 104; Phlllis- Spokane. June ”3—Spokane-Aberdeen have contributed towards K. he said. ttna, 97;' I.lsto*el, 97; Dainty Belle. game postponed; ruin. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Mr. Alston also asked permission to day. and all shooters will be made wel­ "No other city of this else Am the come. 101; Aunt ■Ily. 102; Fern L, 108; Re- COAST. have the headstone, which stands with dondo. 118; oalta. 114; Columbia Maid, The Bulman Allison Lumber Co., Ltd North American continent would stand Shooters from both clubs are re­ San Francisco, June 23.—Scores for U the others, re-engraved and the name 106; Sir i». 96; Dandy Tint, Hi 618 Mgntreil St., Foot of Quebec St., Victoria, B. 0. for be in if made a cow pasture in the innings follow: of his father, who died In Sierra Leone, quested to be on hand, as the team or Angelface, Fay Muir, 80; Marwood. R. H . E. Mills at Cushion Cove, near Oongee, Salt Spring Island. way Victoria to.” added. teams to represent Victoria at Vancou­ 104; Recne W . 99. Albion H.. 101; Oal- I .os Angeles ...... 4 10 0 Good Shipping Facilities at Mills and Yard. Estimate» Furnished. The board granted the latter request, 80 said H. M. Fullerton at the meet- ver are to be selected. All those who inda. 102; Othmar. 96; Bucolic. 105; San Francisco ...... 5 14 9 Address all communications to P. O. Box 447, Victoria. Telephone MTS but could not see its way to allowing Batteries—Nagle and Orendorff; Brown­ in* of the parks board jhesterday after­ are going -to Vancouver should avail Merrill. 103; Burleigh. 106; Blue Heron. noon. Living on a street where he has a marker to be placed on the grave. E. 100; Entre Nous, 106; Belle of Iroquois, ] ing and Berry. themselves of this opportunity, as Loa Angeles, June 28.—Scores were as aeen the damage done to the boule­ A. Lewis said it would disfigure the events similar to those of July 1st will 104: Temaceo, io«; Incentive, 100; square If markers were to be laid all follow; vards by cows, having heard the threats be shot. Blameless, 100; Aristotle, 100; Elisabeth R. H E. some enemies of progress that they Harwood. 103; Shirley Roman arc. 105; In this connection It was recalled The Nobel trophy, a 80-bird race for Oakland «...... 13 17 8 f ■ wouldw< stop the further extension of members of both clubs, will be «me of .French Cook. 105; Klldalla, 114; Mar­ Vernon ...... 0 4 6 HAVE YOU SEEN THE SCRAMBLE? boulevardlng. and fresh from a tour that although at the time à citizens’ garet Randolph, iff»; Alleviator. 101; Batteries -f "h rlet tan and Le Longe; committee had agreed to give $.'.50 to­ the features of the day. and also the of the city in which he saw at once the Dupont trophy for club members only. R. H. Flaherty, 96; ffonheur, 95. Wlllets and Hogan. wards the work.„af renovation, not a Sacramento, June 23.—Scores were as value of this work and the danger it Is Previous to- these events several short­ In constantly from straying bovines cent had been given. follow: er matches will take place. Shells will R. H. E. Only Six Days Mop© and equlnes, Mr. Fullerton had come be provided on the grounds at city SPIRIT TO SAIL to Ms mat meeting with an earnest In­ WHISKERS TX LAW5 ST ITS. Portland ■ ...... 4... . 1 I J pffves. The different events will be as i fimmehto ...... 3 10 J tention to accomplish something to­ follows; • — AT SEATTLE RACES Batteries—Guyn' and Fisher; Wlial.n OF THE * wards making th* jelly b as qf what he Chicago Lawyers Are Said to Have and Orwhaq^, described ad a row pasture. In fact, in Prejudice Against Bearded Jurors. 1— Ten birds: entrance, fide: Übney his seal—whir..-* communicated Itsetf divided, 40, 30. 20 and 10 per cent, WESTERN CANADA. 2— Fifteen birds; entrance, 50c; even to so experienced a council mem­ The tricks of lawyers in court to win Will Be Taken Over Next Week Calgary, June 23.—Scort-a were as follow : GIGANTIC CLOTHING ber as Aid. Henderson—the discussion money divided, 40, 80, ,20 and 10 per Calgary ...... 6 cases was the topic of Willard M Mr- cent. Regina ...... 1 event on for some little time on matters Ewen, Judge of the superior court, be­ to Try for Key City which are purely within the city coun- 8—Ten birds; entrance, SOcV four Batteries—Parkes and GouChee; Nelden- fore the Illinois State Attorneys' As­ equal moneys; high guns. fear and Gardner. rft's Jurisdiction as If the parks board sociation meeting at Chicago. Trophy. SLAUGHTER was going to effect the reforms Itself. 4- Fifteen birds ; entrance, 50c; four MoosexJaw. June 23.—Scores were as fol- _“No Jury is fair,” he said, “because equal moneys; high gun*. .1...... ■Jîi\ FülîPTton, '-following cm a itig- no ragh Is faffr. "We may all want to Mcrose "jaw ...... 4 gestlon dealing with this subject^ In 6—Five birds; ehtrance, 26c; un­ be fair, but we are bound up by known traps and angles; highest and The Spirit will go to Seattle next Edmonton ...... 16 Superintendent I England's report, sdi­ prejudices we cannot get away from. week to prepare for the International Lethbridge, June 23.—Scores were as fol­ gested the passage of a by-law pro­ lowest score to count In money divis­ low: Arthur Holmes’ Mighty Sale For this season unscrupulous and even ion; ties divided; birds deducted from races to be sailed there during the hibiting the tethering of cows in vacant scrupulous attorneys can play on the A.-Y.-P. water sports carnival. R. H. E. lots about the city, or their being entrance; high gun, 80 per cent.; low Winnipeg...... 1 2 8 emotions of Jurors and win cases where gun. 40 per cent This decision mas reached by E. D. l^thbrldge ...... $ 12 3 driven through the streets In such a the law does not warrant It Dowler «nd-C. W. McIntosh yesterday. Positively Closes June 30th manner as to cause damage, and pro­ 6— Ten birds; 50c entrance; reverse Batteries- Miller, Bond and Anderson; “Whiskers play a great part.in law­ pull; use of both barrels; four equal They have decided to leave Victoria. If Letxle and Lynch. viding a heavy fine for owners of ani­ suits. At present the prejudice in Chi­ suitable arrangements' can be com­ Medicine Hat. J tme 21—Scores were as mals of any sort which Injured the cago Is against Jurors with whiskers. 7— Entrance 50c; miss and out; high pleted. next Wednesday night, and follow: IT’S BETTER TO GET THESE* BARGAINS boulevards. He was also In favor of It formerly was the other way. I make the Journey Port Townsend Brandon ...... 0 paying a fee of $1 to persons who found gun: winner of this event pays for blue know a Judge who thought he was rocks. before morning, lay there over night Medicine Hat ...... $ animals loose and took them to the Batterie»—Welsh and Ward ; St Ingle and NOW THAN TO WISH without prejudice and who thought 8— Nobel trophy ; 60 birds, shot In two and go down on the tide to Seattle the pound. only men with long whiskers made next day. Heinrich. strings of 25 birds; open to members EASTERN. YOU HAD It was pointed out that the city good Jurors. The prejudice now Ik the of both clubs, They will race the Spirit In all the Montreal, June 23.—Scores were as fol- fould not Interfere with the graxlng other way, and attorneys here gener­ 9— Dupont trophy; 25 birds; Capital feature events of the International Pa­ Pt cattle on private property, tethered ally reject men with long whiskers. cific Coast summer regatta held in WHEN ITS TOO LATE «un Club members only to qualify In R. II. K. Iccordlng to the_exl*tlng by-law, it in “Attorneys are full of tricks to de­ win. connection with the fair. One of the Bn oçen lot. A recent by-law imposes Montreal ...... lit ceive jurors. One of the chief tricks is Time permitting, team shoots will be big trophies for which they will try Is Baltimore ...... 4 8 0 Btringent penalties In regard to driving that of bringing babies Into court.’* arranged. the Key City trophy. Rochester, June 23.—Scores were as fol- The owner» of the Spirit II. haveoT-T Slow : fei-edto find atrew for the local Spirit Tt- II. E. when the boat races there, If Mr. Mc­ Buffalo ...... 10 17 3 Cor. Broad and Yates Streets Intosh is unable to arrange for the men Rochester ...-...... :...... 4 11 6 he wants from here. The crew'- that Newark. June 23.—Scores were as fol- raced the Spirit against the Alexandra The Knock-out Blow R. H. B. will probably not be able to get away, Toronto ...... 3 9 1 but at least two of them mill be In the Newark ...... 4 19 1 Spencer. The blow which knocked out Corbett was a revelation to the prize fighters. boat for her International contests. Detroit, June 28.—Scores wer^ as follow: From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw, NATIONAL R. H. E. MADE IN CANADA the terrfplc or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry New York, June 23.—Scores were as fol­ St. Louis ...... 1 5 1 STANDING OF CLUBS IN low: Detroit ...... 8 16 0 Use Only the Beet and weary the fighter, but if a scientific man had told one of the old fighters First Game. Batteries—Crias. Balle? and Crlger; that the most «vulnerable spot was the region of the stomach, he’d have NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE , R. H. E. Suggs and Schmidt. Boston ...... 4 7 t Cleveland, June 23.—Scores mere ua fol­ laughed at himl:_ tfor------an igocRooramus. Dr. Pierce it brineimr home to the pub- New York ...... 6 7 3 , . —.------6"'g »»*v pub- j. low: GJLLETTS Batteries-» Muttern and Graham; Mar- he a parallel fact; that the stomach is the most vulnerable organ out o;/ the ____ R. H. E...... V. L. PA, quard and Meyer. Schlel. Chicago...... 4 8 3 Prize ring as well as in it. We protect our heads, throats^ feet" and lungs Second Game. Cleveland...... 3 8 3 but to the stomach we are utterly indifferent, until disease finds the solar Spokane ...... 34 » .531 R. H. E. X ancouver ...... 31 34 .477 Batterie»—Fient and SuVlvnn; Berger Bust on ...... 1 4 2 and Bern!». plexus and knocks us out. Aberdeen ...... 29 35 .453 New York ...... 11 pi * f'ortland ...... 29 .IS .«» Batteries—White, Linda man an. H. Brown R. H. E. Eleven J.R A-A. crew* are taking part **« »mlu, cloMta, drain, and for The “Golden Medical Discovery” has a specific curative effect upon all mucous surfaces Sweeney ..... Point ...... Prévost in Saturday’* contests. m*ay Other purpo.es. A can Philadelphia ...... l 7 2 e»u^a 20 Iba SJUL SODA? and hence cures catarrh, no matter wheri located or what stage it may have reached In Dakers ...... Cover...... A. Stewart Brooklyn ...... 5 4 2 The club has also Introduced a num­ Noèl ...... let D...... P. Brown BaVerles—Covalakl and Dooln; Hunter Nasal Catarrh it is well to ckansc the passages with Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy fluid ber. of canoe race* for Saturday for Sou ge.rawdir, j Kelly ...... 2nd D...... Perkin» and Bergen. member* of the J.B.A.A. canoe club. while using the '‘Discovery” as a constitutional remedy. Why the “Golden Medical Brlndjolfson . 3rd D...... Robertson Hi. Louis, June 28.—Scores were as fol­ low: The course will be from Coffin Island S W. GILLETT CO, LTD. Discovery cures catarrhal diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic Hodgson ...... Centre i...... Harris to the boat house, and the events start Sylvester ..... 3rd Home *...... Bailey R H. E. Tw—. Ou. organs will be'plamtoyourfvouwril read a booklet of extracts from the writings of Pittsburg ...... 3 7 0 at XJtt p.m. Menâtes ...... 2nd Home . . Corkte St, Louis...... *...... 1 4 2 eminent meidical authorities, endorsing_ its ingredients______and explaining their curative proo- McDonald .... 1st Home .... c. Brown, Batteries—Willie ahd Gibson; Beebe and erties. It is'* mailed frtt------on request."- AddressAJJ—- rxDr.- nR. V. Pierce,Fierce, Buffalo.Buffalo N.N Y.Y Tbri McGregor ...... Inside Stevens Bresnahan. ZAM BUK CURES SUNBURN TENDER booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce’s medicines ’froiii which'it Johnson ...... Outside . .. 8 Stewart Chicago, June 23.—Scores were as * fol­ Tender* will be received by the low: Don't have your vacation spoiled by $p&rd of School Trustee* for the used instead"21 Contain 001 * drop °f alcohol—pure, triple-refined glycerine being THE RIFLE. R. f! E. the pain of sunburn; and don't have Cincinnati ...... 6 13 3 your skin permanently freckled from painting of the North Ward and Cen­ WASHINGTON SHOOT. Chicago ...... 4 9 1 tral Schoole up to the 24th Inst. Speci­ It’s foolish and often dangerous to experiment with new or but slightly tested med- Batteriesr-Gaspef. Fromm#1 and Roth; the same cause. Tacoma. Wash., June 24.—The first - Zam-Buk contains herbal extracts and fication* to be seen at the School day’s shoot of the Washington State Overall, Kroh, Magerrhan. .Brown and ksn?~?0rvtlmCS “JjSed upon the afflicted as “just as good” or better than “Golden Juice* which hot only ease the pain of Board Office. _ Sportsmen’s Association at the South Medical Discovery. The dishonest dealer sometimes insists that A* knows what the AMERICAN. sunburn, but prevent unpleasant re­ Tacoma range, resulted In a victory for ISABELLA MOORE. , fÿ ,ubst,tutc *» made of, but yeu don t and it is decidedly for war interest that yew Philadelphia, June 2a. -scores were a« sult* from It. Zam-Buk applied to a ;____ Secretary School Board. Lan Barclay, of Seattle, Jhls score being bad bum gives speedy ease. Tt Hfen -22 out of a possible 230. Mark Pen­ curative1”^ A' lnto V*- ,„tomïb wd 8y“«” expecting it to act as a nington was high man. among the ama­ R. H. E. soothe* blisters, aching feet, chafed GSr-M^r^ 0n y * d,,?ercnce of Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce’s Wasiitngton ...... 9 6. 9 place* , insect stings. See. that you THE BUNGALOW AND COT- teurs with a score arm. Golden M^ica! Discover If not promptly supplied trade elsewhere. . Philadelphia ...... 8 9 S take It with you to the country! * TAGE BUILDING CO. Batteries—Smith and Street ; Krause and Mother* should know that for baby’s 'In Germany, when the vote of the jury 1757 Fort Street. Send 50 one-cent stamps to pay cost of nriling tnly on a free coov of Dr Pierce’» chafed place* It Is hotter than poWder. Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Address DV. Pierce as above. stands six agaTftiT six, the prisoner Is ac­ Bogtori, June 23—Scores were as follow: quitted. A vote of seven against five R. M. E. Also for heat rkshes, ecsrma, prairie Will build n Bungalow for #1,200 Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellet, regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Banrek! leaves the decision to the court, and In a N<’W Yoiic ...... 5 B 7 Itch, etc. Sufferers front, pile* will find or a Cottage for #1,000 vote of eight against four the prisoner la Boston ...... <(«#..*14 17 5 it indispensable. All druggists and convicted. Batteries-Dovle and BUlr: Steele and stores» From Architect’s plans. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909.

If we get the support of the merchants PRINCESS CHARLOTTE FOR CHARTER of British Columbia it Is our taUQtto»| DEVELOPMENT 0F KAGA MARU LOWERS RECORD to. build Up a good business between British Columbia Coast Service V British Columbia and Mexico and also REACHES PORT Steamer “Don” MEXICAN TRADE between Eastern Canada and this prov­ One Minute More Clipped From ince. We can carry freight 20 per cent For lower than the rated on carload lots, Victoria to Seattle } CAPTAIN WORSNOP and 30 per vent lower than lots less TEA AND SILK CARGO EMAIL EXCURSIONS* than a carload. This should be a great OR PICNIC PARTIES TELLS OF PROSPECTS advantage to the merchants on this BOUND TO SEATTLE ~ Time. EXCURSION (.last. We arc giving an accelerated - „ • Apply to service and wc shall endeavor to keep Subsidy Proposal of Mexican ou.rrt*h^f“iJe- The Princess Charlotte is now the R. W. BULLER, Our line goes direct to- Mexico." TO SEATTLE Political Movements in China leader of the two three-funnel steamers News Service, C. P. R. Whirl. continued the captain. “ Our iiroducts Government Refused by on the triangular run. On Tuesday the are practically the saune as those sup­ and Japan—Russian Baron Phone 1214. Canadian Line. plied by the United State* So that It *a Princess Victoria made the run from not advisable that out steamers shoul 1 Touring the World. Four-Mile rock to Brotchle ledge in 1 $1.00 B0UNDTTMP $1.00 call at American i«ort* on route. By hours 1 minutes. Captain Troup then EXCURSIONISTS COME Captain Warsnop, who Is In the city doing so they wpuld invite the compe­ decided tty »ee It the newer boat could TICKETS GOOD GOING SATURDAY, JUNE 26th In connection with the business of his tition which it Is the intention of tin. A rather mixed crowd came over not do even better. Yesterday prepara­ TO ATTEND RACES dions were mad* and the Hupsrlntend- two Mexican liners explains the reason subsidy to overcome. from the Orient, arriving here last FINAL RETURN LIMIT MONDAY, JUNE 28th The Lonsdale will tte kept on the ent went himself to enjoy the exhlMr- for his losing the Mexican subsidy. He j nlfcht, on the Nippon Yuacn Kalaha says that the Mexican government was run tor the present. If— the b usines ^ atlon of the speed. The result was en­ not willing to pay any subsidy for the; warrant* a third ateamcr will be piac< liner Kaga Maru. There wait a Rus­ tirely satisfactory to the captain and .. t At_« «------..«aul fnr nna min. Arrangements Being Made by next two years. The proposition they : on the run. but at present the amount sian baron and hi* companion, who crew of the bigger vessel, for one min­ made to him was to run two years of business offering does not warrant spoke English very imperfectly; a ute more was clipped from the record Transportation Companies the- time made being 3 hours 3 minutes without subsidy and at the end of that a third steamer. large number of Japanese, a few Brit­ “When the party which has -recently from Brotchle ledge to Four-Mile rock. lor Special Rates. TO VANCOUVER time to pay at the rate of $60.000 A ish. a few Americana, one Turk, and year, Mexican, whi.h would amount to chartered the steamer Transit wanted it is estimated that the steamer must about $28.000 in Canadian currency ac­ a steamer they applied to our London five Chinese. For Victoria there were have made 26 miles an hour on the trip. $2.00 roundTtrip $2.00 office for the Georgia. We were un­ three first-class, five second, and slxty- There was great excitement aboard, cording to the present rate of ex­ This Is the season of excursion» and able to let them hgve her so we ar­ |.one third-class, mostly Japanese re­ and a number of bets were placed on change. At that tinte the Màxtèen cheap steamboat rates. To-day the government would pay up for the two ranged the charter of the other vessel turning from a visit, and more than steamer XJhlppewa brought TOO passen­ previous years. This offer he. on behalf with the Mavkenxlcs." ----- half of them naturalised British sub­ Tickets good going Saturday, June 26th, via Princess of his company, refused. The Jehsen Concluding. Captain Warsnop said jects. MEN HAVE LEFT FOR gers from Bellingham and Anacortes Victoria at 2 p. m. only. ltiie were willing to eeeept it so they that' he was going to Alberta In the IT..minent among the passengers.- to attend the races on Ladles' day. near future to look Into the prospects ’ WEST*COAST TRAIL secured the Mexican subsidy Instead of and the one that attracted most atten­ These were carried at a special ope Final return limit Sunday, June 27th. the Canadian-Mexican line. -fhr grain egport to Mexico this year. tion. was Viscount Oaten Saken, the dollar rate for the return trip. „ "The German line contracts to run He thought there should be at least Russian baron, who is walking around 20.000 tons of wheat sent this year. If On Saturday a similar rate will be between Mexico and Central. American the world. This gentleman was very points and also to call at all American the prospects warranted It another picturesquely garbed In a light suit, Steamer Quadra Took 30 La­ in force on the C. P. R. and__Intema- porta coming a* far north as Victoria. steamer would be put on In ordçr to which looked much like the clothe# tlonal Steamship Company's boats from handle It. MOur's 1* a Canadian line." For further information or tickets call on •"The Dominion government." contin­ used in. the hot parts of India. He bore borers and 15 Will Join Seattle, with the exception that tickets said he, "and it Is here to stay. The ued Captain Warsnop, “recognises the letters and passports Innumerable, bought,on Friday or ^Saturday will be business Is growing and we expect to H. ». BISHOP, ' L D. CHETHAM, -eervfee our line Has done in the de­ which he presented to the Immigration Them at Alberni. good to return as late as Monday. Local Wharf Agent, City Pass. Agent, velopment of Canadian, , trade • with...... develop it until It becomes an import- officials and others Interested. He took The regular week-end excursion 1» the ploncexa of, tin** aul iawAoc In the- trade of the Pacific Mexico. We were a walk up town to take a look at Vic­ being run on the steamers to Vancou Belleville Street Dock. • 1102 Government St. ■ ' a ‘ coast and an Invaluable asset to the ismedf toria before proceeding to Seattle to To-day the steamer Quadra left for ver, and It is understood that special money during the first two years, but province of British Columbia." attend the fair. While in Yokohama the west coast of Vancouver Island, arrangements will be made both on the the viscount was entertained by some * teem boats and nUlwajL fyr cajrylnt of the Christian societies taking thirty men to work on the west big crowds on Dominion day. •Another Interesting passenger was coast (rail. These are from Esquimau, The International Steamship Com­ Hon. A. Brown, a member of the New- Nanaimo, Wellington and Saanich. pany announces that on July 3rd a spe­ South Wale* legislative council, who is When the vessel gets up the coast she cial. excursion will be run to Port on hi» way to England, and will travel will pick up I men from Clayoquot Angeles, thv round trip rate being 50 through the United States. He came cents. The Whatcom will be operated and 6 from Alberni. making a total of by way of the Orient for the purpose for the occasion and she will make two CASH SALE of seeing the country and making.the 46. The party will be ih charge of A. trips each way. leaving here at U a. m. Journey educative. Speaking of the Barns*, who has taken the place of and $ p. m. and. returning, leaving workings of the new Australian Com­ Voreman Macdonald, who Is In charge Port Angeles at 3 and 7 p. m. OF= monwealth, Hon. Mr. Brown express' d of the work at Triangle Island. Two himself as not at all satisfied with the camps wttt be established, a double TIDE TABLE. working out of th'e constitution. Too . amp at Banfield creek and a single much power, he thought, was given to camp at Pear hen a bay. the smaller states, and the class of The first wor* to be done will be to Victoria. B C.. June. 18». PPIPP SPECIAL representatives returned was not al­ gravel the part of the trail which was ITlmeHtlTlme Ht|TlmeHt.|T1meHt ways satisfactory» He ho|*od. however, constructed first between Pachenapnd PIANOS that lit the end it would work out Ban field treek This belnï completed 6 14 8.8 ToTiJ 1 ...... well. He was much Interested In learn­ the men will be moved to the new 4..... • 18 8-4 8*0 M iiLE =AND= ing about Canada, and especially about work, and as much of that as possible *..... 0 64 8.7 8 68 L4 Eastern Excursions Victoria, which he imagined to he will be constructed this year. 4 ..... 10 14 0.8 frosen up throughout the winter. He 6 ..... 116 8-1 There has been some delay In getting 1 * 14IM H8*M ;;;; ;; TICKETS ON BALE JULY 2nd AND 3rd could hardly believe that it was other- the work on the trail started this year, T ..... 2 18 »• U 47 0 3 byt now that It Is commenced it will 3 00 8-7 12 M 0.4 FINAL RETURN LIMIT, OCTOBER 31st. The Kaga Maru brought word of a » ...... 3 44 1-1 13 24 1.2 22 34 7.8 ...... be pushed ahead with vigor. 14 16 2.0 K O 7.8 BRANDON. P. LA PRAIRIE. WINNIPEG, 8T. PAUL, DULUTH reactionary movement In China among U ê.n... L66 3 1 a 34 6 8 a certain section who claim that the 6 66 62 10 06 6.6 D 68 4.1 «48 Ü an(1 Return...... 140.80 ORGANS JOHN L. CARD HAS It..... 6 IS 4 0 12 48 8.7 14 60 6.2 0 18 86 CHICAGO and return ...... *18.50 country will, not be ready for parlia­ 1* ..... 1111 11 17 M 1.1 mentary government tor many years. 6 48 2.8 0 318.1 8T. LOUIS and Return...... 147.50 OMAHA and Return .r..T...... 843.00 Preparation» are said to he under way BEEN CHARTERED 15 ...... 0 03 9 1 H 10 0.8 to have a parliament called eight years 0 38 12 861 03 TORONTO and Return ...... 105.50 Ih::;:: MONTREAL, OTTAWA, and Return ...... 105.00 from now. but there is much oppo­ OK 8.8 9 S3 0 0 18 ..... 1 16 8.1 10 12 8.8 NEW YORK and Return...... 1108.50 sition to this, and the elections going 1» Perhaps you have often said that you would pur­ 1 34 8 8 10 52 A3 BOSTON and Return ...... 1110.60 on for the district councils In the prov­ Steamer Will Carry Explosives 30 ..... 1 48 8.5 11 a 0 8 z2 ii a chase a piano if you came across a very special bar­ 31 ..... 12 18 1.6 22» 1.1 :: :: :: HALIFAX and Return ...... *111.30 ince of Chill are pointed at as examples and Do Gdfttal Freighting a ..... Ticket* alee an sale Aug. 12th and 13th. Secure your «1erpin* accaln gain; that is, one of the highest grade instruments of what constitutional -government is»*.* « 46 A1 fondation early. might mean These election* are said § :::::: 14 16 4.0 fc U 82 at an exceptionally low price. for Boscowitz Company. 14 50 4.8 22 24 8 2 to be farcical in the extreme. At Pe­ 7 80 4.8 22 42 8 3 kin and some of the coast cities the 7 16 3.9 23 01 8 4 Atlantic Steamship Agency for All Lines You now have this opportunity. We ask you just advance movement la growing in 7 1* 3.2 23 20 S M to call and examine the pianos and leave the decision strength, but in the Interior, where the Steamer John U Card has been char­ 30 7 36 2 3 ...... a a s.8 ...... mass of the people live, there is noth tered by the Bosvowlts Steamship Company for the purpose of carrying The time used la Pacific Standard, for to you. ing but indifference shown. the I'JOth west. It Is counted A. D. CHARLTON, E. E. BLACKWOOD, A few days before the Kaga Maru I explosives to the camps and for gen- from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to stftled from Yokohama the Journalists | eral freighting work. The steamer is at Gen. Agent, Seeing is believing, and we are sure you will be midnight. The figures for height serve to Asst. Pass. Agt. convinced that our offers are______of Toklo were callM together by Baron present being overhauled by the Vlc- distinguish high water from low water. 1234 Government St., ■Hlrata, the wttTrtster'-fnr home- afhrir*. j mrta Machinery- Depot. and wHt be 265 Morrison Bt., Portland. Victoria, B. 0. and given a lecture on their duties to j taken over by the charterer» about July the public. The baron said he recog- j 1st. niied the power and usefulness of the R has been the custom for the Boa- press. hut drew attention to some of cowlts company to carry explosives on SHIPPING GUIDE Northern Pacific Railway $265.00 the abuses. The director of the police the deck of their steamers, but this bureau then read a statement of the has been made Impossible owing to Wishes of the Japanese government In I regulation of the Dominion govem- OCEAN STEAMSHIPS > From the Orient. thl* regard. This statement expressed ment. As the company wish to still Dun. a wish that reports calculated to Injure continue handling the freight it be .. July 1 SS. St. Denis $295.00 the public morality should be supr I came necessary to run a boat which .. July 4 pressed: that enterprises having the would pot carry passenger». The John Toe* Maru .. July 8 Will sail for SEATTLE ROUIE nature of lotteries should be stopped;-1 L. Card^wtH Just fill the bill, as she la From Australia. that In organising prize competitions not expensive to operate, but will be .. July 1 care should be taken not to injure the I able to enter any of the waters on From Mexico. Northern B. C. Ports public interests; and that care should which the vamps are located, .. July 10 ON THURSDAY, JUNE 24 he taken in publishing news which Besides handling the explosives, the Genrgln .. July 28 $345.00 might affect the economic world, mill- J t'ard will do general freighting work, 10 P. M. S S. ‘IROQUOIS’ tary and diplomatic relations, or the She is being chartered from the Feder- .. July 12 Leaves Victoria 9 .a. m. Daily prellmlnary hearings of criminal cases „I ated Canning Company. who have had TO SAIL. John Barnsley The Kaga Maru left Mr Seattle early j her laid up for some time, For the Orient. For Port Townsend and Seattle this morning after discharging 350 tons ... July 14 Agent. Returning Thefce are the prices we are asking for NEW of general cargo. She has *42 bales of EXCURSION TO RUPERT. For Australia, f Phone 1925. 534 YATES ST. ... July 16 Leaves Seattle Midnight PIANOS of the highest grade, made by the leading silk and a very large quantity of new Tickets interchangeable with C.P.R. Btra. ,Top tea. which will be discharged well St Dettle to Make Special Trip From For Mexico. manufacturers in Canada, and guaranteed by them KHlngton to New Terminal City. JAS. McARTHUR, Agent n iihlu the time limit to escape the new mi» ...... June » TO ATLIN, Phone 1461 824 Wharf St for five years. tariff. For UrrrpooL Steamer St. Denis leave* to-night for DAWSON AND northern British Columbia ports. She Antllochus will carry a full complement of pas­ COASTWISE STEAMERS LOWER YU­ sengers. and when she arrives at Port TO ARRIVE. SHIPPING REPORT Esslngtotn she will run a special ex­ From San Fiandeee, KON RIVER WE HAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD Hi Vnaaal. Dan cursion acme* to Prince Rupert and POINTS | C*turn. The people of Prince Rupert City of Puebla ...... June * Este van. June -4. 8 a. m. -Drizzling? I ^ maklng preparations to celebrate y rum Sk agamy. bar.. 30.17; temp„ 53; Prince*. May ...... June 3 Navigation le new npen on the westerly wind; Dominion Day in a manner befitting mver and flakes. Connections are made Hght swell. mMBS Princess Royal ...... i...... Inly the coming city of the Northwest Pa­ From Northern B. G. Porta. with the Company's steamer», carrying ONLY FOUB DAYS AT SEA Second-Hand Pachena. June 2*. 8 a. m.—t loudy; cific coant. and the people from all the both freight and passenger»: westerly wind; bar.. 10.08; temp., 54; Amur ...... lune 57 At Canbou for A|Un; at White Horee LARGEST. FINEST AND FASTEST neighboring settlements will Join with Queen City ...... June » for Dawson and Intermediate points and ^^BAILINOS TO EUROPE. li«ht swell. her in doing »o. From West Coeat. at Dawson for Fairbanks and pointa on From Montreal I Cape Lazo, June 24, noon.—Cloudy; Tee, ...... LowerJune 3 River. and Quebec. calm; bar.. 30.06; temp.. 66; light swell. For further information apply EMPRESS OF IRELAND....Frl.. July l ——Pianos----- TO SAIL TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, I Point Grey, June $4. noon.—Overcast; Lake Champlain ...... j Saturday. July io . For San Francisco. WILLIAMS BUILDING, VANCOUVER. «IMPRESS OF BRITAIN....Frl., July ]« westerly wind; bar.. *0.02; temp., 64. City of Puebla ...... June 30 Lake Erl? ...... Saturday. July 24 Taken in exchange for Mason & Risch and Pianola I Qut. Empress of India, 11:30 a. m. MARINE NOTES For Skagwey. EMPRESS OF IRELANp.-.wFrL. July W Pianoe, which are being offered at prices from Ente van June 24, noon.—Cloudy: Princess Royal ...... June 55 Lak« Manitoba ...... Saturday, Aug. ? »Ym* bar., *0.18; temp., 67; light swell. KSlPKBSa OF BRITAIN....Frl.. Aug. u Princess May ...... Ju,r - Like Champlain ...... »*tur4ay, Aug. ill Pachena, June 24, noon.-Cloudy ; Tug Stetson left this morning for For Nortliem B. C, Porta Solid wide Vestibule EMPRESS OF IRELAND..--Fr»., Aug. 27 I pouthWest wind; bar.. 80.10; temp., 60; Fan Juan with a cargo of supplies for St. Dénie ...... June 31 Trains el Ceeebes Lake Erie ...... Saturday. Sept. 4 j light swell ______the 4*Tnhame Lumber Company, Amur ...... • ...... >,... July 1 EMPRESS OF BRITAIN. ..Frl., Sept. 10 $95 to $175 Lake Manite*>* Saturday. Sept. « which Is operating at that place. UNCONSCIOUS FOR WEEKS. Among the stuff takeh wan a donkey Tree ...... July 1 SLEEPING CARS wirat Cabin. 1*0.00 and up; Second Cabin. HtlTand WOO. On. CU« CaU, HU Every instrument is a genuine bargain. Call and ex- engine and a number of knock-down BAILING VESSELS. amine these Pianos and' we 'know aow that you: will want Nurse Injured In Street Car Accident house*, as well as material for camp Celtic Monarch, 1.30* tone. Capl. Llewel­ CHICAGO* LONDON," “hT.r'eooular LAKE STEAMERS carry Now Recognizes People | const*action and supplies lyn, left Glasgow. March 10th, for Vse- ONE CLASS OF CABIN paiaenger, only to purchase one. Around tier. MB— C°7Vrae Castle, 1,1*1 Iona, Capt.. Hunter, at second cabin rate*. Ftçnmer Ivmsdalé, of the Canadian- HAMILTON, TORONTO, For further tnlom.ation call on pr write Portland, Ore.^ June 24 —For »he first I Mexican line, left this morning for left Glasgow. May Uth. Itor Vancouver. L. V CHETHAM, I time since Decoration Day. May 30th. New Westminster. After discharging ferry service MONTREAL, QUEBEC, City Pasaenger Alcni, Utt Government St. I when she test consciousness through h#r «.»„<, the steamer will more to grain- and Vancouver. being thrown from a street car, Miss | Esquimau, where she will go Into dry- hrincem Victoria leave* ber» et î p. m. PORTLANOJMTOi, Ada Blue. a_ young nurse, opened her flœg for her annual overhaul before HmUy arrivée at Vancouver at T p m. ârîw’ leaves Vancouver et U p. m, dally; Ontario, Quebec and the THE CANADIAN-MEXICAN Hicks1 & Lovick I eyes late last night and recognised again leaving fr,r Satina Crui. arrivée et Seal Hr at 8 a. m.; leaves Seat, PACIFIC SS. LINZ. j those standing around her bed tn the eve île at • ro dallyl *rrWe* h,rt at 1.00 Maritime Ftovlnoea. HZ IWAR MONTHLY SERVICE, I Portland sanatorium. Steamer Ella will arrive here to-mor­ Pp'rincesa Charlotte leave, here at 8 p; Now that the girl has regained con row afternoon et S. outward bound for u aZATLAN. MANZANILLO. AUARui, Piano Co., Ltd. I sciousness, hopes for her ultimate Corinth end way porta. Three paeaen- _ dally ; arrive, at Seattle at » p. m Pa* Tt— Tafclae, >U., ad Ail co!salina CRL'Z. OUAYMAg „„ I covery are entertained. Portland phy gere are booked from thla port. dallr leaves Seattle at 1LS0 a m. dally; ^ OIO. W. VAUXr ^ alBar Mexican purl» a* inducement offer, slclans cannot recall any local case In • a a arrivés at Vaneouver at lie a m. dally: aU’o taking c.rgo on tlyjough BUI, 0| leaves Vancouver at 10 a m. dally; arrives The Only Agents on Vancouver Island for the the paht______that a-a* more baffling_ than Steamer City of Purhla I* experted Vodlng to United KlngdnS port, and .Jk -, victoria at 8 P m. dally. continent via the tahuaalepao Nation^, -«H the one In which Miea Blue ha* figured, to arrive from Sen Franeleco to-night Charmer leaves here at 12.30 e. m. dally; Genuine Pianola Pianos. The attending phyalciani think that a j „ith 7* ton* of freight for thla port Iarrivée at Vancouver el 7» e. m.; leaves galling from 1 ietnvte, B. C-. the .eat .blood clot on the brain le reeponslhle s„,i a number of passenger*, Vancouver at 1 p. m. dally; arrives hare gay of each month. for her condition. The at reel car * * • 1204 Douglas Street "'iroquoi, leave* here for Seattle'at Fa. For freight or passage apply te me from which ahe waa thrown waa [ steam yacht Oolaura. the property r-— -, the company. 33s Uranvutr rounding a core*, wtlMI her rtflthea | of" HI* Honor the tient-flora mor 8 - arming at Seattle « 8; returlffhg. street. Vancouver, or cere of Shallcreee. VICTORIA, B. C. were caught by the Steps and she wae I bring painted on the Victoria Machln Jeeves Seattle at midnight, arriving here Macaulay * Co.. Bastion etraet. Victoria dragged 10 feet I try Depot's wait pt I a. m.

*, vnrruftiA, b. c. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1909. «

FOUR GENERATIONS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 1 ATTEND-WEDDING They Ail Corne PHOTO Were You Mrs. John £>. Nlchol, of Yale, ta in i the city. FRAMES Interesting Guests at Marriage Mr. L. Bentiy and Miss Bently, of of Mr. Livingstone and a Winner Toronto, are in town. A large stock of these goods has arrived from Miss Bull. Here for Clothes Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, of Vancou­ * p’ ■ ver. are holidaying here. England. Last Month? A very pretty wedding took place yes­ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Siegfried, of San There arc* a number of terday afternoon at the home of Mjr. From' all walks of life men come here for Francisco, are holidaying here. Did you get from your sack new styles which arc Wm. Bull. Esquimau road, when his Clothes. When the Business or Professional daughter, Miss Edith Bull, was united ' of Royal Standard Flour a G. A. Clark, of Stanford university, very attractive, and best in marriage with Mr. John Livingston, Man wants a good looking, durable, comfortable, Cat, U spending some time in town. of Lulu Island, the Rev. #, Leslie Clair lucky coupon which entitled you to a 109 piece china well-cut and well tailored Suit he makes a se­ of all, officiating. of Mrs. Joseph Johns, of Carey road, has dinner setî If you did not, keep your coupon»—you lection from our $22. $25 or $30 lines. returned from the A. Y. P. fair in Se­ WE HAVE PRICED The bride, who was given away by may win next month. The prizes will be given no attle. her father, was very becomingly gown­ matter when the lucky coupons are returned, 'o not When the dapper Yofing Dresser wants “the THEM LOWER ed In cream,doth, with veil and orange Mrs. Sherrltt, 1126 McClure street, blossoms, and carried a* bouquet of forget that we are giving away 10 sets of dishes every thing,” cut and tailored from a smart fabric will not receive to-morrow nor again Than the former prices bride’» roses She was attended by her month, and that every 49-lb. sack contains a coupon. with all the kinks and quirks, he makes a se­ until September. sister. Mis* Reta Bull, in a pretty for this class of goods. bridesmaid's dress of white lawn, and Then, Royal Standard Flour is a different flour— lection from our $10.50, $18 or $20 lines. ____ _ Mr: and Mrs. J. E. Kavanagh and »>y her little ntapee* Irene Basel Deddfc children of New York, are Uated among We want you to come in and Mary J. Mutch, in dainty white arid a 1 tetter flour—a purer flour than you have been ac­ We feel that we Ye justified in saying—“They ' i dresses respectively. They and see these frames. carried baskets of white roses. customed to heretofore. It is milled from the best all come here for Clothes,” knowing that liere Mrs. H. A. Treymane, of Winnipeg. The drawing room, where the cere­ selected wheat grown in the Canadian West— they get the best. Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Our Silver Polish is real mony took place, was very artistically watched and guarded through every process, until it Mrs. George McKenzie. Oak Bay. good, and we have a decorated wt|h roses and marguerite*! and in the dining room wbtfre an elab­ is the cleanest, sweetest, most wholesome flour you Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Dletrlck. large supply now on orate wedding breakfast was served, have ever used. whose marriage took place here yester­ hand. the walls were festooned with may- day, are at Hotel Sorrento, Seattle. thorn. while on the- table, roses and Order a sack from your grocer to-day. It will be ALLEN & CO. maiden hair fern held sway. Among the latest newcomers from The wedding was unique from the a Relight to you. the prairie provinces are Mr. and Mrs. fact that there were four generation* W. J. Bettinger and son, of Winnipeg. present : The bride's grandfather.- Mr. • • • CHALLONER Wayne, who came to Victoria fifty- MANUFACTURED BY Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rlsley Heains. of AND seven years ago. crossing In the same London. Eng., who are touring the vessel with Dr. Helrm-ken; Mr*. Bull, coast cities, are guests at the Empress. his daughter, the bride's mother; Mrs. Dodds, her daughter, and Irene Hazel VANCOUVER MILLING & GRAIN CO., Judge and Mrs. Spinks, of ygrngi|, MITCHELL JDotlds, one <.f th»* little flower girls. Limited. / 1901 GOVERNMENT ST. VICTORIA, B. O. have taken up their residence on Mon­ A great many beautiful gifts were re* treal. street, and will remain In Vic­ 1017-19-21 GOVT. STREET ceived by the bride The groom’s gift VANCOUVER, B. C. toria permanently. ) to her was a handsome .purse contain­ ing a substantial cheque and a gold Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Meeson, of Lon­ bracelet. To the bridesmaid he a UN» don, Eng., who are touring Canhda, ar­ gave a gold bracelet; to the flower girls rived at the Em pres* yesterday, and STRONG COMEDY-DRAMA gold pin» set with wlshtmne* of seed will remain some time. pearls ; and to Mr. Charles Bull, f*~ " VICTORIA CREAMERY AT VICTORIA THEATRE best man. gold cuff links. ( Miss L. Hofsteller and Miss Stella The bride travelled ,ln a cream serge MANUFACTURERS OF- yo^steller. of Mitchell. South Dak<»t^. tailored suit and becoming hat of white are visit I iy here in company With Miss leghorn trimmed with roses. Mr. and Hotel Del Monte Nettie Hofsteller of Montana. ‘‘The Servant in the House” Mrs. Livingston left oh the afternoon FltiEST ICE CREAM train for a wedding trip up the E. êc X.- The Paradise of the Pacific Near Old Monterey Mrs. C. E. McMurphy. of Memphis. Will Be Presented They will make their home on Lulu US mil»» southerly ham S.n Francisco Picnics, Garden-and House Parties Tcnn., is spending some time in town. Island. ... Supplied on Short Notice. She is'accompanied by her son, Mr. W. To-night. Among the out of town guests were McMurphy of.Little Faits. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Mutch and Mrs* smith, California SWEET CREAM AND MILK FOR SALE. from Lulu Island, and Mr. Livingston, Mrs. Ogilvie, wife of Major Ogilvie, Opening with a scene that catches from New Westminster, all Of whom HE finest winter resort in the world. Superb climate, lias, arrived here with her three chil­ the attention,of an audience by a sug- returned to their home» last evening. matchless scenery of mountain and sea, permits PHONE 1344 719 JOHNSON ST. dren. and will spend the summer at Slslnghurst.. Mrs. Ogilvie Is a sister of T outdoor sports all winter, eolf,tennis, hdtse-back Mrs. Crow - Baker. riding, motoring, motor boating, surf tank bathing. World famous scenic Seventeen Mile Drive thru primeval pine A party from 8t. Mary’s. Pa., in­ cludes Mr, and Mrs. Fledderman. Miss forest 126 acres intensely cultivated, park. Accommo­ AMUSEMENTS. Theresa Kb--1 derm»n ami Louise Kted­ dation, 1,000 (pests. Excellent cuisine, perfect service der man. They are charmed with Vic­ For rates, reservation* and 3 Kill rated literature, address toria. and will remain some time. • THEATRE JPRESS THEATRE A part\ "f Vi. torians who wtU sail a K. Warn.., Manager Hotel Del Moitié CAL. Corner Government and Johnson 8t from Montreal bjr th»* Kapraif <>f Ire­ land Includes Mr. and Mrs. W, Houstoh THURSDAY, JUNE 24th Miss Davie and Mr. Wm. Worth. Mr. LATEST atwl Min. Howto» wilt;visit the former'» Mii« Jones» whose. nevi Henry Miller okl home In Scotland, and Mrs. Worth had don*.* «,» much to promote all that Presents Hie AVI-Star Associate Players Moving Pictures win make an e*tendealton, Oeo. recently." The reception and dining the autumn, and the adjournment was W. Wilson. Wilfred Roger. LI sale Hudson Friday. made after giving vent to the club yell: Collier. Milton Sills. Owladys Wynne and rooms were gay with masses of frag­ TV Son Field . rant sweet jwas and trallg of smllax. "One—two—three; Prices, 89c., 76c,.- -eedSl.Sft. ««at ADMISSION. TEN CENTS. Music was furnished during, the afterr. W ho -are • We ?— — sale opens Tuesday, June 22nd. Mall or­ Children at Matinee, 6c. noon by a Victor Vletrola. Mrs. Lang There's the rub. ders. accompanied i-y remittances, will received with, her mother, and was the The M et -ro-pvl-1- tan Young Women's receive their usual prompt, attention. recipe*t of the. good wishes from many Club!” ------JULY 1st and 2nd frierids. JOHN'DREW COMING. theatre After the early morning service at St. Barnabas’ church yesterday, the He Will Appear In "Jack Straw” at At North Vancouver ladies *of the congregation entertained the clergy and a number of ladle* at Victoria .Theatre Next Monday. MONDAY, JUNE 28, breakfast In the schoolroom. The tables Recreation Park were tastefully decorated with roses, John Drew in “Jack Straw" will be CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS pinks and trailing vines, and the the attraction at the Victoria theatre rather Unusual form of entertainment on Monday next. In this new play by Tut DOCTOR I “ Ak 1 res, read*** JOHN DREW Prof. DeSYLVAN was much enjoyed. The hostesses were: W. Somerset Maugham, the newest of and feverish. Give him a Steed- IN HIS LATEST COMEDY HIT, Mrs. Phipps, Mrs. A. M. Bannerman, the British dramatist*. Mr. Drew Is ossa's Powder and he wiU seoe IN HIS DARING PARACHUTE .Mrs, Simons. Mrs. Dickson. Mrs. Wat­ *eid to have found the best play of his he all right.”______“JACK STRAW” DESCENT. son. Mrs. Kingston. Mrs. Dauphin and career The title role, that of an ad­ Mrs. Garnam. They wire assisted by venture-loving Pomeranian prince, who Steedmu’i Soothing Powders By W. Somerset Maugham. Author of The Professor Goes Up Handcuffed. “Lady Frederick." a number of , young ladles, among masquerades first as a waiter and then Prices. 69c.. 76c.. 11.00. $1 60. 12-00. a* himself—which may sound paradox­ VANCOUVER AND TACOMA whom were the Misse* Dalby, Nash. GEORGE W, WILSON, I CONTAIN Bate open* at » ». m.. Friday. June*5»th.. Mony, Milne and Bailey. ical, but Isn't-wis a real John Drew part Mail orders., accompanied by remit­ LEAGUE BASEBALL. “The Servant, In the House,” at Victoria Theatre To-night. NO tance*. will receive their usual attention. and the popular star I» seen at hi* best Lauder and Lombard for the Light­ in It. The play was one of the big suc­ IPOISON I NEW GRAND THEATRE. weight Championship of Canada. gestion of Oriental occultism. “The cesses of the season In New York, Sideshow Proprietors Commounlcate at Capacity Houses Are.- in Attendance Servant in the House.' throughout five YOUNG WOMAN’S CLUB where Mr. Drew presented It at the Empire theatre for four months An once with A. J. r w BqX This Week—Good Programme acts, maintains an atmosphere of my--- CLOSES FOR SEASON unusually strong cast Is supporting Mr Miss Helen Freeman. Edgar L. Daven­ m NEW GRAND 116, North Vancouver. Offered. tkism. At the very beginning of the Drew on hla tour. Including Mies Rose port, MarioTHajeroni, Edwin Nirender, play the author. Charles Rann " Ken­ Phone 61S. Coghlan. Miss Mary Boland. Miss Ade­ Frank Goldsmith and E. Holden* AN ALL-DAY BUSINESS. nedy. Introduces a mysterious Hindu, The Grand theatre show this week laide Prince. Mies Oracej Henderson. PoWell. POPULAR VAUDEVILLE BILL has drawn capacity house* every night clothed in the flowing garments of the Social Evening Spent at Gorge WEEK, JUNE 21ST. and the Management Is to he congratu­ Far East, who calmly informs the lated. members of the family in which he ha* Park—Compliments on JACK WYATT AND The racing sketch. “The Unexpected,” secured a position as a servant, that he FAIRMONT Is brimful of amusement in the hand* can aee without looking, and read the Work, C. BLANCHE RICE of Wyatt, and Miss Rice, who perform thoughts of those about him As readily We make Sunshine Furnace fire- Racing Sketch. -The Unexpected.’* the exchanges of the bracelet that con­ as they comprehend hi* spoken words. pot in two sections—so constructed trols the winning horse In a most na­ This taira, dignified Indian 'servant'' The Young Women's Club of the with fins that they throw off every CORITA DAY AND HER tural and exettablfc-manner. The story move* through . the play.' quietly and Metropolitan ctrorch celebrated their unit of heat, so constructed DANCING BOYS SANFRANCISCO Is ah Interesting ene and the bracelet unostentatiously, but from beginning to A»$ing for the season by a delightful i* wanted" hy maqy of the racegoers end he compels the attention of the au­ with straight walls that it is *; A Trio of Nifty Stepper». outing at the Gorge park tost evening. Who have seen the show. dience. He it Is who glvtyt the play Its Almost all the club members were Impossible for ashes to gather and SAD08 Fados, the Juggler, embellishes a fine name—“The Servant In the House.” present, and a few of their friends as intercept thç heat, so con­ London's Favorite Juggling Eccentrlque turn with a Anal act showing King Ed­ Mr. Kennedy's powerful comedy-drama well, among whom were Rev. T. E. tracted that the upper section ward's portrait surrounded by many wfl! be presented at the Victoria the­ Hotltng. the- honorary president, and MABEL CAREW AND CO. colored electric lights. It receives a atre to-night, by Henry Miller's All Mrs. Holllhg. < can expand independent of the jpharacter Singing and Planologue. splendid reception, and Is a good con­ Star Associate Players. The eu*t pre­ Before tea was served a number of lower, thus making it impos­ sents seven famous actors, Including EVERETT KNOTTS clusion to a well constructed act, snap shots were taken of the comiiany sible in a Sunshine Fur­ Mabel Carew'* songs are taking well Charles Dalton. George W. Wilson. which will be much valued souvenir» nace for any heat to loaf fire- Black Face Commedlan. and each- one of them gets great ap- Wilfred Roger. Llxsle Hudson Collier, of the closing of a pleasant and profit­ t natur­ Scenic Hold of the World , plu use. Jack Van Epp* sings two Milton Sills, Owladys Wynn and Ben able ye<|£» work. around the fire-pot, any , THOMAS J. PRICE •songs and gives one piano solp. The Field. ally beats Song Illustrator. Overlooks Sen Francisco Bay end City Very dainty and substantial refresh­ heat to be nullified by the brunt of a turn ends with Miss Carew’* descrip “No other dramatist on the horlson ments, including ice cream, Were served ashes, any Eacks to take “Jt’s Those Pretty Things You Say.** Five Minutes Side from Ferries tlon of the Derby race, whlch^le loudly of the American theatre.” says the Chi­ from long picnic table* gay with rose», furnace's work, cago Inter-Ocean, "compel» such vital place as a result of New French Motion Picture» MO rooms. Every room hiu hath applauded. and at the dose Rev. J^tr. Ho!ling brief­ and it bears it just Rates—single room and both—12^0, 63.00. Carl ta Day still continues to tie the interest in hts future, work a* Charles ly reviewed the season's work, compli­ »S.50. $4.00, ou». g>.oo. 67.00. 610.00. the shock following in proportion to Our Own Orchestra big applause drawer with the two Rann Kennedy. There is none of whom mentingw the club must highly on what Sut tea-610.,00, |15.uU, 6^0.00 Bad MV Jx,y». Tn^ev^utlQBS^rttinn- greats XhlMa contract îoh or its original strength. Mkas|snsa( ed by th. trio oT -XBSEl-hSïJ *»M* mod, only.to ronrldrr -m, aôrxsnt to k„|J1y „,>lrlt whj,.,; ”| , bey.nb„.„ shown,ho™ xpAnsion. dancers are wonderful----- a— -----and------the con the House' to be convinced on that In nJl their undertakings. . °alace Hotel Company grntulattohs of the audience are içell point. The man * genlu* is- the most During the season the club has de­ deserved. Knotts, the black-face man, brilliant that ha* swam into the ken voted considerable time to the study and Thomas J. Price with *n illustrated of American audience* during these of Buskin’* Sesame and Lilies, and lec­ SUNSHINE song, and the motion pictures, conclude lonesome latter years, and hi* artisth tures by prominent speakers on dif­ WEEK. JUNE 21ST. ■ FURNACE d a good bill. status, measured a* yet by & single ferent subject* have been given under Since 1847 play, dwarf* that of other writer* the club's auspices. Mr. Bethune one el is more powerful than THE SCOTCH MACKS. -i-Mlss’Ethel Barrymore will be seen whose names are figuring in* the dally evening gave some most interesting make Sotahine Furnace | Shire Idff fhe mark of the at the VfrtnrliTtheatrc on Friday, July chronicling of; theatrical affairs.' his reminiscences <>0 music,and musicians This » an exclusive Scottish Comedians. Singers and world's best silver piste Dancers. 2nd. in “Lady Frederick.” ihg greatly orbit Is outside the nebulous «warm of he had known. Mr, Parsons contribut­ tea that in Sunshine Pur- has been discussed three-act comedy by W. professional play rights, who. with the ed an evening with Mendelssohn, and THE BARRET THREE, 1 you find emooth-as glasi Somerset Maugham Since she became possible exception of Augustus Thomas ReV. Chancellor Hurwash. of Toronto, Farce Comedy, ‘The Lord's Doll.” Charles Froluhan star Mis* Barry­ may be counted upon to. do the expect­ spoke on books, their use and abuse. maximum fit*.ra»i»tmg THE FISHERS. more has never, been seen to such ex­ ed thing. Dr. Etta Donovan and Dr. T. J. Ryan on only minimum disin- This rtkrme on knives, forks, cellent advantage as In the new com­ „ Jangle, Contortionists,. * gave talfui on medical subjects, and suredof 1 etc., is m guide to buying edy.. As the Irish widow. Lady —Goto* to cut grner? Hew us about Mrr; SfieRtrm nncTMnr. ifitcTieff ' oil >0-' -f DUNCAN IP'S.-»; and an assurance of worth. Frederick, she has scored a veritable a scythe. English reveted back vial purity. Reside» these, several even­ English, Comedy Violinist. triumph. scythes at $1.60 and 11.75. Canadian ings were devote^ to the promotion of scythes In sizes from 28 to inches ADELAIDE ROGERS, MiHIDfN BRITS CO sociability among the member»,, Lever Brothers, Toronto, trill send yott at 61.00 and $1.10. Snaths, 85c. «tones, In closing Mr, Hulling, paid u very •m- om nin.*’ : ^ !.. -4; - Silper Plata that W free a fake of their famous Plantol 10c an(TN25e. R. A- Brown Co., 1J02 hlgn tribute to the marked cxeuutlve BIOGRAPH. toilet soap, if you jpeatioo this paper. Douglas St, * • of the president of the club, ! BY H. I B.C. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES. THÜRSDAŸ, JUNE 24, 1909.

COMMISSIONER IS TO DECIDE WHETHER ON WAY TO NORTH S00KE0R COLDSTREAM THE PUBLIC NOW HAVE OPPORTUNITY He Will Represent Indian Special Meeting of City Council partaient at Confer­ To Be Held To­ ence. night TO BUY IN ON GROUND FLOOR • Attempts have been made in oertain It Is expected that at the special quarters to create the. impression that council meeting to-night a decision will be reached on the water supply the Indians in the northern interior problem, and that a satisfactory agree­ were in Insurrection. The latest re­ ment will be made wttft the B. C. ports from Haxelton and the north in­ Electric Railway Company regarding dicate that the first reports were very power and light charges. much exaggerated. The Indiana who The opinion of E. P. Davis, K.C., stopped the land seekers have been Vancouver, as to the extent of the punished by the infliction of a fine and city's power to expropriate the Esqui­ nothing of a serious nature has taken mau Waterworks Company's under­ place. taking, will be read to' the council. It R. Smith & Co., Ltd. A commissioner from the Indian de­ Is understood that the learned counsel partment at Ottawa is on his way to holds that the city has full power to Haselton to confer with the Indians expropriate the whole thing—Gold- on various matters. Such an official stream. Thetis lake and the Victoria was asked to be sent last year, and W'est plant—In which he differs from the department is carrying out an as­ the city solicitor, who said he had of Victoria, B. C. surance that this would be done. grave doubts as to the power to take The delay in sending the commis­ the whole undertaking. * sion in the spring has been due to re­ The agreement with the B. C. Elec- ports being received at Ottawa that the ttric Company Will guarantee th,e city 51 YEARS OF BUSINESS SUCCESS= Bkeena was late in opening He is certain rates in return fpr the agree­ now, however, on his way from Ot­ ment not to enter Into competition tawa, and hie conference with the In­ with the company in the development dians will doubtless have a good effect of power. As soon as it is signed the Statistics prove the statement, that there is an unnecessary amount of food stuffs imported In assuring the natives that their in­ company will proceed at once to carry terests will be protected in the opening out Its plena for the development of up of the country to colonisation. Jordan river. into the Province of British Columbia when we take in consideration the excellence of the local

RIGHT OF VEHICLES ANNUAL MUSTER manufactories. Common sense tells us that pastiy, confections and bread stuffs do not im­ TO DRIVE ON TRACK PARADE ON SUNDAY prove with age or travel, hence it will be apparent to the reader that local manufactories, equally as well equipped as the Eastern concerns can give a more satisfactory and much better Windsor Grocery Company Fifth Regiment Will Attend service than is possible from factories situated at outside points. Suing for Damages to De­ Divine Service in livery Wagon. Camp. Our Provincial manufacturers are deserving of Fifty-one years of continuous success in sup­ a most general support, since by keeping the DIRECTORS: plying the public of the West with high grade That vehicles have Just as much The orders for to-day for the Fifth money in the Province we can beat build up the , H SMITH. ESQ., Victoria, confections, biscuits and food stuffs places the right to drive on the part of the road­ Regiment, Issued by Lieut.-CoL Hall, ways on which the street railway contain» the following: natural resources and the many industries of the F. APPLETON, ESQ, Victoria. firm of M. R. Smith & Co., Ltd., in the foremost tracks run. subject to turning- out to Orderly officer for June 25th, Lieut. Province. You will readily see that if we give allow cars to pass them, wa* laid down A. E. Robertson; next for duty, Lieut. H. J. MARTIN, ESQ, Victoria. ranks of Canadian manufacturers. by W. H. Lana'ey in pounty court this H. R. Selfe. preference to goods from outside points we are morning In the caw of the Windsor The following man having been re­ O. SMITH, ESQ, Victoria. Grocery Company against the B. C. engaged for a further term of three materially assisting and maintaining the fossil The market for biscuits and confections is un­ Electric Railway Company. A. E. Me- years Is continued on the strength of Phillips. K.C.. Is for the company. the regiment, effective for the date towns of Eastern and Southenvpoints. limited. There .is a protective duty ou biscuits On Christmas eve a delivery wagon specified: Or. H. Price. OFFICERS:, driven by Samuel R. Pimm was pro­ The regiment will parade on Sunday. You actually get better material for less of 15 per cent, to 27V2 per cent., and on confec­ ceeding up Fort street, in the middle June 27th, at 10.15 a.m. for the purpose of the double tracks, when near Stan­ of attending Divine service in camp. money by patronizing home production. This is President tions of 22l/o to 35 per cent. These -duties are ley avenue it was run down by a car. Dress: Church parade order (with particularly true of the many lines manufac­ H. SMITH, ESQ. the wheel# smashed and upset. The serges and new forage caps). therefore a net gain to the manufacturers of this driver was bruised and stunned. In The regiment will parade on Sunday. tured by M. R. Smith & Co., Ltd., of Victoria, Province as is the long haul freight rate which the witness-box to-day he sa3d that no June 27th. at 11.50 a.m. for the annual pioneers in this Province in the manufacture of Secretary gong had been sounded until the In­ muster parade. must be paid by Eastern manufacturers before stant before the car struck the wagon. Dress: DriU order (with new forage biscuits and confections, being -established in O. N. HODGSON. He admitted on cross-examination that caps). theÿ can place their goods on the Canadian Pa­ on turning out of Yates street he had For this parade O. C. companies will 1858 by the late AL R. Smith. Organizer not looked to see if there was any ear be prepared to hand in pay-sheets in cific Coast in competition with local manufac­ behind him. triplicate, medical officer's report and MR. L. MELEKOV. The defence Is that the wagon turned efficiency returns. This parade being M. R. Smith ft Co., Ltd., won in open com­ turers. out of Yates street about twenty feet compulsory by regulations will entail petition in England and elsewhere on the conti­ Bankers :, — ahead of a car and continued along in the loss of one day's pay and efficiency A With the rapid advancement of the West the front of It: that the gong was soun* pay of any absentee. _...... ^______, nent four gold, six silver ^nd two bronze med­ THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA and that Just before being hit the The hand will parade at the camp, Business of M. R. Smith ft Co., Ltd., has kept wagon turned in toward the track, dry dock at 8.16 to-night for the pur­ als, saine being awarded for the superior quality which caused the step to e-rlke the pose of rendering a band concert. and excellence of their goods. , , Fiscal Agents apace and to-day the directors of this Company wheel before the motorman could stop . PARTNERSHIP SUIT ~~ THE REALTY TRUST A FINANCE see the advisability of an immediate expansion This firm deals only with the trade and enjoys 00. GARDEN FETE of the factory and plant. They hare decided, Chief Justice is Hearing Case of Quat­ a most enviable reputation and satisfactory re® vs. PichoiL 428 Richards 8t, Vancouver, B. C. therefore, to increase their factory to the extent Emmanuel Baptists Held Enjoyable business relation with over 2,000 customers in­ Afternoon at R. J. Weetcott'a. A lawsuit arising oqt of a partner­ of being able to supply the demand- of custom­ cluding contracts from His Majesty^ Army and Solicitors ship deal In timber is being hr-a-ohy ers for additional Hues, embracing syrups, mac­ The Ladles' Aid Society of Em­ Chief Justice Hunter to-day. The Navy and big mercantile concerns in Mexico and ELLIOTT A 8HANDLEY, Victoria. manuel Baptist church held a very en­ plaintiff Is Joseph Quatre»», a farmer- aroni, vermicelli and other pastes. joyable garden fete on the ground» of flsherman-trader of Bsqulna Arm, and Hong Kong. Mr. J R. Wdstcoti*» new home at the defendant Charles Piehon, of this the Gorge yesterday afternoon and city. evening. 4n August, 1803- the men entered Into To provide for the expenditure necessary to complete and carry out these plans the public are invited to subscribe for shares at par. the view from the lawn, which an agreement to become partners in a slopes down to the water’s edge, was timber claim on Cracroft Island, which The business of M. R. Smith ft Co., Ltd., has earned for the past fifteen y care a profit of from 15 to 20 per cent, per annum. It is a con­ very pretty, and Mr. Westcott did a was cruised by them later. In Janu­ cern thriving trade with his launch, taking ary. 1807. the timber was sold to the whieh has made good. All of the groundwork necessary in the establishment and formation of a great manufacturing business has been passengers out on the water for a Ladysmith Lumber Company for 15.000. completed. Those who purchase shares in the M. R. Smith ft Co., Ltd., to-day are buvibg in on the ground flpor in one of the most reputable small sum individually, which, netted Quatros now asks for a declaration quite a handsome amount for the that he Is a partner with Piehon In and most firmly founded enterprises in this Province-. The incorporation of more adequate machinery and adding new lines will considerably Ladles' Aid. however, when counted up. this matter, and, for an order for an advance the net profits of this concern. * Use this form when applying for shares Booths, decorated with quantities of accounting. The defence is that the wild flowers, and strings of Chinese agreement was for only one year, and lgnterns stretched across the lawn, that whatever has been done since ha* combined to produce a very gay scene. been done by Plvhon personally and Mrs. Clements. Mrs. Hall and Mr» for his own account. APPLICATION FOR SHARES Johnson had charge of the strawberry R. C. Lowe and W. C. Moresby are booth, the Misses Bessie Coates and representing the plaintiff and Col. F The preferred shares are entitled to an annual div­ Ht M. B. SMITH * CO , LIMITED. May Woods looked - after the ice­ B. Gregory the defendant. idend of 8 per cent., commencing January, 1910, and cream ; Miss Ruth Wood sold, home­ „To the i Secretary of the Company, , . . ' made candy, and Mrs. Simmon» and —Staff-Sergt. Wllkereon. of Work will participate in the dividends of the Company 516 Yates Street, Victoria. B. 0. Mrs. Sherwood dispensed tea and other Point barracks, was Injured yesterday refreshments, assisted by a number of by a premature explosion of a shell. after a dividend of 8 per cent, has been paid on the I, hereby beg to apply for...... :. .Ordinary or Pre­ young ladles. He Is making good progress. ordinary shares. ferred Shares in M. R. Smith & Co., Ltd., and enclose cheque for $...... being All shaves are being sold at par, $100 each. Terms *10.00 per Share, payable on application, and agree to accept that any or lesser number of Shares of sale of shares, 10 per cent, with application, 15 per that may be alloted to roe. and to pay the balance in accordance with the term* of the Prospectus, cent, payable on allotment one month after applica­ contents Of which I hereby acknowledge to be acquainted with. tion and balance in instalments of not less than 10 Name in full...... '■...... •...... T7... per cent, per share every thirty days. Address...... M ...... ■ • • ...... Write to-day for a copy of thé prospectus of the Occupation...... Company. (Strike out the word Ordinary or Preferred.) Date ...... All cheques must be made payable to M. R. Smith A Co.. Ltd. THE REALTY TRUST & FINANCE CO.

Applications for shares can be made to the fiscal agents of the FISCAL AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY 411 cheques to be made payable to (Company, or through any branch of If. R. Smith t Co., Ltd. Out-of-town the Royal Bank of Canada, or at the cheques must be payable at par. office of the Company, 514 Yatès St. Victoria, B.. C. 428 Richards St Vancouver, B, C.

WATER MAINS DAMAGED. raping fr im the street car rails, is stated e|hat the work of erecting three BOY SHOT BY POLICEMAN- —The congregation of 8R. Andrew*# practical!; the essence of the report sub-stations and re bonding the street Roman Catholic cathedral wilt hold Electrolysis Plays Havtxf With Pipes at presented to the board of control this car rails should b< gofte on with day Chicago, June 24.—Rudolph Berndnet, outing at Uoldwtream on July let. enornlng \ »y Prof. L. A. Herdt. of Mo* and night until completed. 14 yearn old, was Milled by the police Winnipeg. large committee having in hand the 5el last night, following an attempt on his Gill Unlv< Ity, who has been conduct* rangements are now working on it Winnipeg, June ÏL- Tliai thft ig teste several mdnthe. RESCUE WORKER DEAD. port to imitate "Black Hand" methods and get money by means of threaten­ make it a grand success, as this out) damage to the city domestic The repol bears out in every detail ing letter». HA waa shot on a lonely fa given principally for the benefit and high pressure water mains the warnini that have been given out Inntpeg. June 24.—Brigadier Stew- through nm-ftt the Salvation Arms* oldest street corner Just a* he had seized a the Sunday, school children . of th# package supposed to contain $15,000. cathedral parish. E. $tre«»m at 6 p. m.. e an p. m. and 9 the city are very Merloualy affected ures would havg to be taken to pre­ blrd. as the result of careful attention to In The Lord’s Doll," af Finisses Theatre This Week. through the current» of electricltr ee- vent great *toss to the city, and he breeding, Is more generally yellow.


tions with their attendant costs and era in the city many years ago; The THE EGYPTIAN’S SECRET. delays. Therefore, be It first work Undertaken in that way CONTRACT WORK proved a success. From that time on Resolved, that this public meeting of The Egyptians of Pharoah's time the day labor system prevailed. Wharf were a wonderful people. The pyra­ citizens enter,, an emphatic protest street waq the-only work to be let by mids, for instance, put our modem IS CONDEMNED against the action of th^ city council contract so far. The ratepayers there buildings to shame. Where such huge In adopting n policy of contract work Insisted upon the job being so done. * blocks of stone were carved—how they in substitution for day labor, os be­ O. W. Eden opposed the contract were moved and put In place—are system. LABOR MEN HOLD . ing contrary to the best interest of CARNES eOROCERY. mysteries to modern minds. Vice-President Dougall of the Trades The Egyptians were skilled physi­ the community at large. And be it and Labor Council said the result of cians, too. We know that they used MEETING LAST NIGHT the contract system in other places fruit juices In treating many diseases. Resolved, that this meeting strongly had ’ been that graft and corruption Some years ago, a physician in Ot­ recommends the continuance and ex­ crept In. They did not want to see that tawa discovered a method of combin­ tension of the day labor system In Resolution Passed Favoring here in Victoria. There were other acts ing the juices of apples, oranges, flga every branch and department of civic of the council that deserved condemna­ and prunes, by which the most remark­ works, and that a copy of this lewt- i Day Labor System in tion. There was the trtf&mous Sunday able results have been obtained. Itittoh i”' forwarded v. th.- . it> couudl ■ closing law. If the council went down Whether "Frult-a-tlves” (these com­ J. C. Watters, president of the : to posterity It would be known as bined fruit juices in tablet form) are a Civic Work. Trades and Labor Council, who was ! "the council that stole the candy from re-dlscovery of the prescriptions of the elected chairman, explained at the ; the kid.” ancient Egyptians, will probably never opening that the object of calling the ; Ed. Bragg wanted to know why be known. A meeting was held In the city hfll gathering was to discuss the question I of day labor as opposed to the contract f there were so few present at the meet­ Certainly, the ancient* never had * last evening, called by the Trad.* and more effective remedy than "Frult-a- nyestem on civic work. The movement 1 ing. tlves” fof all Stomach, Liver, Kldnpy Labor Council, for the purpoeo of dl*- for -the introduction of the contract The chairman said that the .Vtend- wtem and Bowel Troubles. "Frult-a-tlves'* < usslng the question of a contract 1a- syestem was fostered, he felt sure, by i ance was too sfnall. Labor men were ; b* system as compared with *.ha Interested parties. He had yet to find j not alive to their own interests. are sold by dealers at 50c a box.- 6 for $2.50, or trial box. 25cjUor sent postpaid * good argument put foijtfl as opposed j IICI After some further discussion the tabor system. The meeting was nut on receipt of price by Frult-a-tlves largely attended, only about one hun- to the day labor system. He had been resolution was submitted and carrU.d afraid - that the meeting would b*£ a * unanimously. Limited. Ottawa. -±------—trJ ; or ether would be dangerous. Special been conspicuously .suc­ to the. few. contractors. The danger That Cornea With Change of skill Is required In Its use. so Its In­ cessful by giving the city the best that men who had passed the prime of j AN ATTRACTIVE WINDOW DISPLAY - SEASON. jection Is not performed by the resi­ quality of work at less cost than life would have difficulty In getting dent anaesthetist of hospitals, but only Every second person that you meet tdftne would have been done .by con­ work because contractors naturally de­ OF WHITE SWAN SOAÇ by members of the visiting staff. A pa­ seems to have a sneese and stuffed feel­ tract. besides providing resident cltl-. sired the younger and stronger men tient under the Influence of stovaine ing in the forehead and nostrils. To sens and bread-wlflners with more was alluded to. The contract system becomes insensible to pain, but Is not cure promptly, say, In half an hour, continuous employment and better was one of the most Inquitous systems unconscious. working conditions than they could ever Introduces! into the economic there is nothing worth using except meeting He moved that Mr. Watters ested. If day labor did not give sat­ stanpesstances oft residents and owners who The drug Is the discovery of a sur­ have expected had the works in world. It was hard to have a contrac­ Catarrhosone. You Inhale its balsamic keep the'chair. isfaction It was because |he depart­ not In favor of the petition. There geon of Bucharest, Roumanla. The question been done by contract; and tor live right up to the specifications. vapor., and feel as if you were among anaesthetic as used In a combination of ^Whereas, the Introduction of con* Even honest men scrimped, the work Aid. Henderson said he,preferred not ment was not efficiently handled. SCXWB tO be aldermen wbo were Inter­ the Norway Pines. This Is because to take the place of Mr. Watters, who strychnine and stovaine. It Is Injected treats In works of this kind, and Its A9 the same price an employer would Mr. Ferguson opened with the words: ested in a return tv the contract sys- Catarrhosone contains a healing medi­ In the lower part of the spine for oper­ natural and consequent extension In always prefer day labor to contract could better fill the position. Mr. t’hatrman, working class and cap­ cine, light as pine air, which Is breathed The chairman said he was hot so ations below the waist and In the neck other departments of civic works, will woirk. Specifications as drawn are al­ italistic citizens,” He said he had at­ straight into the lungs and bronchial for operations above. Dr. Bgnnyryall la much actuated by feeling for Aid. Hen­ Ald. Henderson was asked to 'explain have, among Its evil results, the fol­ ways Imperfect, and litigation often tended the municipal election meet­ tubes. Away goes the cold, sneezing the physician who has brought some Of derson jan for hint self In urging the the position of the council, and said and catarrhal cough cease, bronchial lowing objectionable features : followed the contract system. ings in cold weather, but he had It to London. 1, The absorption of the possible The debt of the city of Victoria, he course he did—he wished to second the “basked In the sunshine of tjte sunny that there was not the strong feeling irritation stops; in short, you are cured pgofits from the work to be done, by felt, would be found to have been motion and have the prlvlllgcs of the ways'* of the candidates. He contended, in the city council In favor of contract of catarrh by a pleasant, simple rem­ PAPEH PAVEMENTS. a third party. Instead of allowing placed during the years when the con­ that som<8 of the su|>erlntendents under work as was represented at the meet* edy, free from sedatives and Irritants. same to be divided between the city tract" system wn* tn rogue, rather Christian Be verts was sorry any- day • labor held thetr plaees, hmt. He had himself, and he knew Catarrhosone is a good, safe family rem­ ' In several countries the experiment I» and the workmen. than when the ’day labor system was thing should come up that might j much because of their ability for *u- others in the council had always been edy for coughs, colds, croup, sore throat being made with a view to the utilisation 2. The elimination from etty em­ in use. The putting In of work on the break up the meeting. He*’ seconded | perlntendence as for the ability at In favor of day labor. To do the work that may be taken by young and old of paper for paving the roads and streets, ployment of the elderly and past the waterworks hv contract had not been the motion proposed, and in support slave driylng Ije warned his audience it should be done a* economically as with absolute certainty of swift, per­ says the English Mechanic. Blocks com­ mime of life working men. and their a success. The sewer system #was of it gave attention to the Ratepayer*’ that If any of them voted for the by the contract system. If so done manent curs. Try "Catarrhosône," pressed to great solidity are desirable, irtaceM taken by younger, but import Association. The owner* of the land members of tha city council that had better results could be got. He favored but beware of the eubetltutor who may and are claimed to withstand the wear started by contract, and had to he done and tear of traffic. Tbb cost, however, of evhv tty* was done" Aid. Henderson flit the nhAt of honor for the council felt that some would ston, Ont. at no distant day. * -pMgen.es. The resultant suffering and room, the chairman proposed to vacate Where had CW. Prior got his informa­ at this meeting would be a species of have to be let oqt by contract. Other­ want will, for the most, be born by the position and give place to act­ tion that Seattle and Vancouver fa- I "boot licking.” wise a large expenditure for additional A despatch received at Mexico City Six pounds a day per stall was the pro­ the resident working population of the ing mayor Henderson. / vored the- contract system? Was It j Geo. Oliver took exception to the plant and for staff would have to be from Guadalajara, state of Jalisco, fit which a vendor states was sometimes gained by a short visit to these cities? made. A few contracts would serve to made on Blackpool sands In the summer city. Mr. Ferguson objected to Mr. Wat­ petition from residents on .Edward says the Atemajate cotton mills has by the sale of. Ice cream. This revelation 6. The exposing of the city to t ters vacating the chair If the mayor Resident citizen* should be given the street, presented to the elle; council In give those in favor of contract labor been destroyed by lire. The loss Is was made after nearly £1,000 had bean acted and exorbitant charges for apd 'aldermen of the city had been j ywli lac work in the favor of the contract system The tet­ a chance to see what It would cost. placed at $1,000,000 with $300.000 insur­ realised from' the annual corporation auc­ SUneent and extra work, as well as their, promise* there wfwldicUy, — The. city-council could.-4û „tlüa^ ter- -dhl uut rtcpetuuroi qyFUtieWa *>f the AW. Henderson took the credit for ance, More than 2.006 men are thrown tion sale of - licenses for pitches an the y be ever threatening danger of Jltlga-have i >«r II mg this j but the- contractor was not so Inter- majority of the owners. Jle. cited in­ first introducing day labor on the sew- out of employment. sands.

wmwmmmTw'&ww -r-t

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MEN’S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, ex­ CANVAS OXFORDS, good color, brown and CANVAS BOOTS—Good, sound, reliable LADIES' KID BLUCHER BOOTS, black tension soles. tfj'j Of canvas tons, with tan leather trimmings, canvas boots, with tan leather trimmings, and tan, light and stout soles. Both Good­ Straight goods at ...... Jp |. | J warranted solid leather outer soles. Straight sewn soles. Straight goods. year welt and McKay sewed soles. Dainty goods: YOUTHS’ sizes, 11 to 13...... $1.25 modes. Straight MEN’S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS, extension LITTLE GENTS’, 8 to 10...... 75C BOYS’ sizes, 1 to 5...... 81.50 goods. $4.00 to . '...... soles. m or YOUTHS’, 11 to 1 . !...... 85* MEN’S sizes, 6 to 10 ...... ,,$1.75 Straight goods ...... ibl11 Ü LADIES’ SHOES, in chocolate or black kid, BOYS’, 2 to 5...... $1.00 MEN’S KID BLUCHER BOOTS, solid light or stout soles, new and rfj leather throughout, sewn soles. dressy. Straight goods, $4 to ..... ^üi3U MEN’S WHITE CANVAS BOOTS, Goodyear MEN’S, 6 to 10...... $1.25 Straight goods. $4.50, $3.50 .... welt soles. frO Ml $2.50 Straight goods...... ln ... «bu«3U MEN’S BOX CALF BLUCllE^R BALS.. Mc­ MEN’S TAN BLUCHER OXFORDS, with 2 LADIES’ WHITE CANVAS SHOES, Kay sewed soles. W0 rn buckles and straps, Goodyear WQ Cjl and stout soles, high, or low heels. Straight goods...... ibuiüU Straight goods lw..., MEN'S VELOUR CALF OR TAN CALF welt soles. Straight goods ‘...... M,uU BLUCHER BOOTS, Goodyear welted soles. MEN’S SUPERIOR BOX CALF BLUCHER MEN’S CHOCOLATE KID OXFORDS, Mc­ MEN’S TAN CALF BLUCHER OXFORDS, Straight îi flfl SUEDE BOOTS, Goodyear welt *0 C(| Kay- «ewed soles, easy and in several style's, Goodyear welt dU Cft goods. $5 to ...... viiUU soles. Straight goods. $5 and...... WtliÜU comfortable. Straight goods ...... yui soles.. Straight goods......

We have an excellent range of Boots, Shoes and Slippers for Boys, Youths, Children and Misses. Strictly Moderate prices and All Straight Goods. 1 WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY. NO BLUFF. The Anglo-American Shoe 623 Johnson Street. Bet. Government and Broad. / A, A COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE AU the News of Canada,

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a Month THE HOME PAPER THE PEOPLES PAPER 50 Cents Delivered A PHONE TO 1090 BRINGS TO-NIGHT’S PAPER TO YOUR DOOR The Times Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd, Subscription Phone VICTORIA DAILY TIMIS, THURSDAY, JUNK 24, 1909. 13

tills total of International trade Is ac­ OP IMAGINATION. -i credited to Europe. In the year under consideration Canada took 5t per cent, The late .H. H. Rogers was so long In LOCAL MARKETS of her Imports from the United States. tbs public mind with the Standard Oil Canada Western Chartered Hunyadi COPPER MARKET group of capitalists thaï his own Iden­ ri tity was not appreciated by the average man. In the belief that success Is a duty, (By Courtesy F. W. Stevenson A Co.) Corporation,. Ltd. 165, Jânos be doubtless was In most profitable har-- Piatt's1 Coal Oil Boston. June $4. L75 TO-MORROW’S RACE mony with his associates, but the great Bid. Asked. combination which we know as "Standard Me* te­ Adventure ...... !.. 8 22 ...... 74 ENTRIES. Oil" is made up Of many men of many ll a ms (B. C.), per lb. ... Alloues ...... 43 44 mind*. Mr. Rogers' mind was peculiar. Bacon (B. C.). per lb. .’ 28 Arcadian »...; ...... 1 i... Brokers lb. ... 25 ...... 45 6 In him the Imaginative faculty was - Hams (American), per Atlantic ...... !n »» The entries for to-morrow’s race at strong. He possessed Imagination in the Bacon (American), per lb. .. 3© *1 :...... iq MMANCIAI. AND INVESTMENT A3INTX. Boston Cons...... IS he Willows are asr follows: sense in which Emerson defined it. “the Bacon (rolled), per lb. 124 Butte Coalition ...... 2?4 2-; 15 ..... 1st race—4H furlongs; selling; use which the Reason makes of the m»- Shoulders, per lb...... Black Mountain...... 1 14 ! ter la I world." To him In no small degree* 4,8,6 McQREQOR BLOCK PHONE 1903 Bacon (lung clear), per lb. .. 20 nalden; 2 year olds: 10ft is Calumet A Arizona ...... 103 »i4’ the Standard Oil owes Its position as one Centennial ...... 33 : 1529 Alarmed ...... »... \W of the "powers'* of the commercial world. MIMBZRa VANCOUVER STOCK EXCHANGE Purk. per lb...... 124 & 15 Copper Range ...... 82 1 lU>ttfcbcm ...... 100 The scope of his views was most com­ Mutton, per lb...... 124ft 20 health ...... *u 1.80ft 2.00 Cumberland-Ely...... n LX prehensive and. supplemented most pow­ l.amh, kindquarter .... Daly-West ...... l^imb, forequarter .... 1 38ft 1.7$ ...... M 81 ! erfully the somewhat narrow If -very In- 12ft 30 Davls-Daiy...... 54 H 1(*H Lite* -natures of the other members Veal, per lb...... Kaet Hutte ...... 12| • m ! the Standard "hierarchy. He employe»à Suet, per lb...... 15 '...... H Is The Best First National...... 54 M i the most highly salaried stenographer in Farm Produce— Natural Laxative Water Granby Copper ...... 101 New York—probably on * the continent. Fresh Island £««» .... »# 56 1014 i ...i soft 46 FOt Globe Cons...... 4 Ù This lady’s stipend -was 110,000. He foutvi Rest Dairy Butter .... Greene Cananea ...... her business astuteness of no comnum Butter (Creamery) ..... 40ft 45 ...... 104 m 2nd race—5 furlongs; selling; 4 year 20 CONSTIPATION Hancock ...... 10 101 old* and up. order and her aecretarlal eervlcea invalu­ F. W. STEVENSON & CO. Lard, per lb...... Helvetia ...... J...... Western Canada Flour Mills-j- ...... x-m sa 4496 Auburndate ./...... 105 able.—Montreal Herald. Isle Royale ...... a 26 Pprity. 'per sack ...... 264 4487 My Choice ...... 107 Keweenaw ...... r/% ...... <1 44 BROKERS Purity, per bbl...... I^tke (4504) Prince Brutus .... 116 Three Star Patent, per sack...... 22 224' WHEAT ADVANCES • La Salle ...... r...... in 134 4503 Water Thrush ...... 107 Three Star Patent, per bbl.... 4506 Titus II...... *111 14.19 MAHON BLDG. 1114 GOV'T STREET Hungarian Flour— Mas» ...... - ...... 9 VI SLACK WATER, IN CHICAGO PIT R. C. -Copper ...... n 30*5 Red Bill 11« private WIRES TO *fj exchanges Ogilvie's Royal Household. (4500) All Alone ...... r.... tt4 per sack ...... Dom. Copper ...... 8 ACTIVE, PASS, B: 0. CORRESPONDENTS: New York Stock Exchange Ogilvie's Royal Household, Michigan ...... V) 104 3rd çacv-1 mile; gening: 3 year olds Miami ...... 16 LOGAN ft BRYAN MEMBERS I Boston Stock Exchange, per bbl i i ...... w **4 U|>: -4- OF 1 Lake of Woods, per sack .... Today's Crop Reports ’Best Mohawk ...... •..ir.'î# Tfî «1 Chicago Board of Trade. Nevada-Utah ...... n 3 4521 Jacomo...... June, 1909. ft. B. CHAPIN ft 00. New York Cotton Exchange. 4 Lake of Woods, per bbl...... «$6Bci|votlo r...... H. W81ackttLTW.glaclg Okanagan, per sack ...... Ntpliising ...... tm in: ^ of Season—Cash Demand Nevada Cons...... 4520 Cblbert ...... X* 1 » \nr 9 15 Okanagan, per bbl...... North Butte ...... 16 36 9 41 t’algary Hungarian, per sack...... «1 ^ 8T* 4527 Rama ...... 17 19 10 10 Calgary Hungarian, per bbl.. • ,, — Declines. Osceola Copper ...... 134 Lki (4497) Translucent ...... 11* Moose Jaw. per sack ...... Old Dominion ...... t 83 54 430* J. R. Laughrey ...... 113 1119 Moose Jaw. per bbl...... I*arn>t Mining ...... ^ 31 4523 Taunt 166 19 32 0 15 Quincy Copper Excelsior, per sack ...... S8 rl 4506 Allas Makzonl ...... 10$ 30 16 -1 12 » (Times Leased Wire.) Shannon Copp-r ...... 15 151 20 59 2 17 -IN STOCK- Excelsior, per bbl...... 21 40 3 25 Oak Lake, per sack ...... »... Chicago, June 24.—The wheat market Superior A Pittsburg ...... 14 1H 4th race—It* furlongs; selling; 3 year -Superior Copper ...... 22 19 4 83 Oak Lake, per bbl...... was strong all day and closetj ü to %c ...... 411 «1 olds and up: 22 17 5 37 Superior A Boston ...... 151 (English) Hudson's Bay. per sack ...... a bushel above' the flnai figures of yes­ ...... l'i LA. 708 2935 Belle of Bra?s...... 100 U 35 PETER'S PORTLAND CEMENT Hudson's Bay. per' bbl...... Tamarack ...... (4422) Merrill ...... '•...... U4 13 01 7 18 terday. Liverpool was rathèr weak at Trinity ...... n 14 21 * 03 Enderby, per sack ...... 4523 Calia ...... • • *102 DM Full weight Full strength Endtrby.perbbL,;'...... •____ the opening, but the trade there under­ United Copp«;r ...... 104 102 (451$) Srtm MoOtbben ...... j,. Î14 W 19 » 33 Pastry Flours— went a change aoon after and prices 4509 Illusion ...... 112 17 11 10 01 22 47 Snowflake, per sack ...... U. S. Smelt. A Ref...... 4*4 49$ Pennsylvania Blacksmith Coal were forced to to ttd above yester­ Do., pref...... 4528 Bong of the Sea ...... *104 is OO- 10 39 23 44 Snowflake, per bbl ...... 4i«4 4»i is 4»; U 18 O. K. Best Pastry, per sàck .. day, at to-day's closing. Utah Consolidated ...... 42 421 (4621) Metlakutla ...... 112 19 2* 0 42 Ü.5S Utah Copper ...... 494 4522 Sink Spring ...... 114 O. K. Beat Pastry, per bbh ... Home news was of a character to ...... -M 0-7 1 43 12 39 BOSTOCK & CO., Limited O. K. Four Star, per sack ... Winona ...... 54 54 4489 Zellna ...... 112 20 43 2 4* 13 21. O. K. Four Star, per bbl...... attract a bearish following, crop news, Wolverine ...... 149 152 21 17 3 67 14 04 being generally the best of the season, Ohio Copper ...... 41 * 5th race~4 furlongs: selling; S year 21 49 468 14 «8 622 FORT STEEET Drifted Snow, per sack ...... 4» 22 30 5 4* 15 34 Drifted Snow, per bbl...... while the demand for cash stuff Is fall­ olds and up: 4SI» Zalta '...... W tt 51 1 31 to 4 Grain— ing off at all centres and In instances u 7 06 y, :-7 Wheat, chicken feed, per Ion, prices are being shaded a fraction here WORLD'S COMMERCE. i.'.19 Tra-filc ...... Hft IS1 $87 Wheat, per lb, ...... and there. Then again, millers are In­ 4515 Nellie Racine ...... 112 15 07 « 07 19 « 16 80 8 38 2D 41 ”*hile Corn clined to be more discriminating in Distribution of Trade for^the 4613 Lord Koeslngton ...... 114 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS their purchases. 4613 Banellen ...... U2 Cracked Corn ...... Few Countries Control. the 130th Meridian west. It is counted To offset this bearish news the re­ 4478 Adela R...... JJJ from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to mid- Tenders are invited for the Rolled Oats (B. A K ). 7-lb. sk. 4521 Margaret Randolph ...... 110 LOCAL STOCKS port came from Kansas City that mil­ A new record for the International nlght. Rolled Oats ; coming *e<-ond with 32.0S2.- ments. This leaves the total real es­ Nicola Valley* Coal A Coke...... 65.06 Oatà— j . -j 755 Kane St. Geese (Island), per lb...... p July ...... ' W 561 000.000; Frahce third with $1.201.000,000. tate assessment of the vtty at $21,326, N’ootka Marble .Quarries „..L . 4,60 .... Turkey, per. lb...... ...... 11 70 11.72 11.68 11 72 PROMPT ATTENTION Royal Collieries...... U 25 kept...... ,...... v...... 11.72 11.» 11.73 U Short RM>s- f Silica Brick 4.26 Apples, per box ...... 16.52 U.02 10.» 11.00 Phone 662 Snowstorm ...... too.» itsoo July Lemons ...... Sept, ...... to 90 11.60 10.37 31.00 United Wireless .oelleti, with good standing may pre-empt a quarter Central Leather ...... 314 31 3D Onions (California) ...... -tlon alongside hts homestead. Price C. F. A Î...... •f»t„l.ng rlectrir laui|ts on 00 per acre. Duties -Must reside six 4S| 43i (X Wax Be*ns ...... Kmonths In each of six years from <}ate of 140 * -1394 iï'< V'alencla Onions ...... I-»’» In the parlor is a homestead entry (Including the- time re­ Corn Products ...... 234 22Î 234 Apricots, per crate ...... quired to earn homestead patent) and D. A R G...... M 4*1 4SI Plum*, per crate ...... MINING STOCKS r.,Ur mantle inlaid with •'cultivate fifty acres extra. Do., pref...... ■ *t fc*} S*i Peaches, per box ...... A homesteader who has exhausted hie 06 eoi’d plate glass mirrors homestead right and cannot obtain a pre­ ■ Do.. 1st pref...... to 521 f-24 and floral tiled fireplace of emption may take a purchased homestead Do.. 2nd pref...... (By Courtesy F. W. Hievenaon A Co.) in certain districts. Price 13.00 per acre. 434 401 very handsome design, the Purchased homesteads may be acquired ...... m 1614 1624 Spokane June 24. on any available lands on either odd or G. N. Ore ctfX. • 762 75$ 751 Bid. A*ed. ceding h*v uig a cornice of , even numbered Sections south -of Town- G. N., pref, .w...,. .14.94 14SJ 143 San Franeiseo Markets Alameda ...... H 21 Imported terra votta in > ship 48. east of the Calgary and Edmon­ Inter-Metro...... n 16S ton Railway and the weal line of Range 191 Copper King ...... *1 « elaborate design and terra “ * ' * " ------'Ran and tF1 4»I 47 482 Gertie ...... If 2| yandwast w$-', reds, Ulot,$2.20. Kendal) ...... »...... — *• tW. ed for twenty-ono years at an annual Newhouse ...... ■ H H 14 Barley—Feed baifey, $l.4Uft$1 42J; com­ O. K- .Conaolldated ...... — 4 1 modern emtvenieneeg and rental of 11.00 an acre. Not more than N. Y. C...... 1334. 102» 1304 mon to (plr, $1,374*1*1.38»; brewing at 8an Oom Paul ...... 3 5 3,500 acres can be leased to one applicant »N. T.. O. A W. three _ pantries, hard fin­ Royalty, five ctnts per ton. -Hi 53 53 Francisco, nominal; Chevalier, nominal. Rex ...... 10 124 QUARTZ —A person eighteen years of N. P...... 162 1514 1511 Eggs—per dosen. California freeh. In­ 8now»hoe ...... 7 T| ished in cedar. Front Bed­ age and over having mad*- a discoverer 13«I 136 136 cluding cases, extras, 28|c.; firsts, 24èc.; Snowstorm ...... "165 179 room downstairs with cir­ ms y locate a claim 1,560 feet hy 1.506 feet. People s tta* ... .1141 1134 uft seconds, 21|c. ; thirds. 21c. Stewart ...... J® 6» cular bay window and two Fee. 16.00. At least $100 must he expended Pres*#Mi Steel . «24 421 42 Butter—Per pound, California #resh, ex­ Tamarack ...... 75 on the clglm each year, or paid to the Reading ...... 4534 -15»$ 153. Wonder ...... 2| 34 large set-1n -wardrobes, Mining Recorder. •• When $500 has...... been..... 'Reg ■ tras. 25*c.; firsts, 26c. ; seconds, 34c. expendednded or paid and other requirements iwL* ‘ . 311 30) New Cheese—Per pound. California International Coal ...... -.79 73 each having a solid bevcl- Compiled with the* claim may be purcha»- • ,* , ‘ .1044 rm loti Rambler--Cariboo ■%...... % J R k 1 :.m v 12c. ; California Young Ameritm, fanyr, Idora ...... a...... M PLACER MINING CI-AIMS' generally, DO., pref...... • Til 701 704 Idaho 8. A R...... 11 stairs hi;s three bedrooms, sewing room, two storerooms, den and large, hat It room with modern MO feet ‘square F.ntry fee. t .8. a ...... 130» 16c. ; firsts. 144c.; Eastern Oregon, 15c. ; do.. 1291 13* Young America, li*c. ouiivciiieni.es mid finished in cedar In addition every toom has an .eighteen-inch cedar base­ pitEDOl NO - Two -leases of Bye miles pref, ••-Lmi.-- ■is» 134 1321 rich of a fiver m»Y Be Isiüed tô ono ap. Texas Pac...... Potatees-Per cental. River Whites, BANK STATEMENT. pllcant for a term nf 20 yearn. Rental. . is 344 *4$ board, doors of extra, thickness and quality, door heads and frames of double cedar moulding; ^16 a mile per annum.' Royalty, 2| per Third Ave...... 243 214 22 1 fancy, $].50ft$1.6S; Oregon Burbanks, $1.50 T;. St. LAW.. ft$1.75; new potatoes, per cental. $l.25ft the house rests on a solid - brick foundat ion with all brick pillars and basement ttmler cent, after the output exceeds $10,000. . 4M 47 47* Washington, D. C., June $4.—The W W. CORY. v U. P...... 1948 192J 191 $1.75 for choice, and $2 for fancy. whole house ; floor brick paved and properly tile drained. The lot on which the house stands Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. .110 1-J61 107 Onions—Red, per sack, 4dc.ft60c.; yellow, comptroller of the currency to-day is­ is 70 x 300 feet, all in fruit trees, garden and ornamental shrubbery. The price for the imme­ “N* B I "-----n lUthorl.-—‘sed publication of thtg U S. Steel ...... - 871 sued a call for a statement of- the con­ advertisement will not » paid for. «1 6-4 I)o.. pref. tJ...... 12 It im 12JJ oranges—Per box, navels, S1-7MIW, ac­ dition of all national banks at the diate sale of this choice property is $6,500. with reasonable terms to responsible purchaser. t?tah Copper .... . 49 4X2 4^4 cording to else»; Valencias. $2ftS2.75. clone of business on June 23rd. Additional land up to two acres can be purchased along with the house at a reasonable price Va. Car. Chem. . . !Ut «I Hi ■ 221 22 22 if buyer wishes'it. * LUE PRINTS 724 71* «1 Of Aay Leeth WoBtinghouse- ...... Hii ■Cad. ,1* Ob. FIma Bert Sugar ,, 44 43 404 Do Children Need Alcohol ? Has. City goU...... w «1 TIMBER MAPS Southern 4Ry...... • 32* 34 31| Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant t. p. McConnell 70» ■;o "H for children. He will probably say. Very, very rarely ’' Ask Money op qall, U per dent. Elettrie Blue Print 4 Map Co Total sales, 733A00 shares. him how often he prescribes a tonic (or them. He will pi Cop. Fort and Government Sts. (Upstairs). 1*M LANGLEY MT, VICTORIA. answer, “Very, way fretiucnKy- Theft ask him about It takes twenty men to make a thimble; noTvakobofr Sarwarflh at a to^k for the yotm;;. tft, VICTOK1A. DAILY TIHEA. THUKMDAY, JUMK 84, 190». 14

. « The Times Classifies Your Real Estate Advertisement for the Special V

J. W. PIML0TT. HEISTERMAN, FORMAN & CO. LEE AND FRASER W. C. Bond. R, W. CUrk. DAY & BOGGS B. C. LAND AND INVESTMENT J. GREENWOOD STRAWBERRY VALE. JÎ0T GOVERNMENT ST. 'PHONE IS. SIS TROUNCE AVENUE. Established ISM. REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER. BOND & CLARK j/ POST OFFICE, GROCERY. «0 PORT STREET. AGENCY, LTD. Above Northern Bank. Tel. A$62. /Phone 1082. |f> VICTORIA, B. C. 922 GOVERNMENT STREET. GORDON HEAD, seven acres of clear­ STRAWBERRY VALE WB ARB OFFERING ed land for $2250—cheap. «14 TROUNCE AVENU EL $> PRETTY BUNGALOW ON SOUTHGATE AND PORTAGE INLET. STREET, containing 6 rooms, with For the First Tim# SPLENDID FRUIT FARMS AND WATER $506—Will purchase a FOR SALK. basement, furnace, sad all tns oesi 66 CHOICE LOTS BUILDING LOT on Frances modern conveniences, stands on lot FRONTAGE FOR SALE. LOTS IN FAIRFIELD ESTATE. 120. permanent sidewalks and boulevard, On avenue—comer. distant 10 minutes' easy walk from Post In Above Districts. FIFTH STREET, SEAVIEW. 1 LOTS Large else. Just off car line, at from Office. 1 minute from car line. 6 minutes Close to School. Church, Foot OfHc-i $3700 only—For a FIVE-ROOM ED $400 up, sewered, nice view of from Beacon Hill Park; house was HOUSE and one acre of cleared ON MONTREAL ST.. JAMES BAT. built this year for owner's use. and law and Store, Easy Terms. land. 70 fruit trees, strawberry rAIRFIELD ESTATE. Price 1*60 Each; Easy Terms. bargain for $8.800, terms of $1 c**”» Within Two Miles of Car Line. This property Is eljjse In and beautifully balance can be arranged to suit Pur* plants, etc. situated, and will be aoid at such prioea I LOTS $2780—For a NEW FIVE-ROOMED LOTS FAIRFIELD ESTATE. A BIG SNAP. CLOSE TO HILLSIDE AVENUE. and terms that It will prove attractive COTTAGE on Stanley avenue; Facing Beacon Hill Park, well shelter­ FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, containing kit­ THE GRIFFITH CO. f LOT », Price *260 Each; Easy Terms. ed and of very large else, at from $1.000 chen. dining room nnd two bedrooms, to all. house has all modern conveni­ per lot up. Terms M cash, balance easy. with 2 big lots 56x140 each, nice garden MAHON BLDG., CITY. ences and the lot Is 52.6 by 120 ft. OLIVE STREET. 1 LOTS and chicken house. $1.900; term** $»« BUY A LOT ’ . *0 x 180 ON DAVIE STREET. cash and balance can be paid $30 month­ NOTICE. ON THE \JILU $1700—Will buy a FIVE-ROOMED FOmt-ROOMED COTTAGE f the Court Douglas *2.000. Very easy terms on most of our property. FOR SALE - TWO NICE NEW ace. ' «18 YATES STREET. Indians' single paddle canoe race. branch of the Foresters, a strawberry OFFICE. FOR LIST OF HOUSES, nicely situated, prices social was held' by them In the Tem­ FARMS, very reasonable; terms—a little Gentlemen's upset canoe race. perance hall. Two tally-hoes and two COR. COOK STREET AND YATES SEVERAL SUMS TO LOAN ON MORT­ down and monthly payments to Indians’ double paddle canoe race. GAGES AT CURRENT RATES. STREET suit purchaser. Indians' upset canoe race. busses filled with members, arrived at ONLY *2.6*0 FOR 10 ACRES AND HALF ACRE BLOCK. Just off Quadra Greasy pole (gentlemen.) ----- the Mt. Tolmle poet office at eight «0 x 120 EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY Log-rolling contest. *2.000 HOUSE. * rooms, modem, street, near Tolmle avenue. Price o'clock and. headed by a band of druid* on Burnside rood. There Isn't equal Mop fight (white.) and plvcaloe, they marched to the hall, $4,000. THE GRIFFITH CO. ESTATE . AND CINANCJAL $600. REAL. FhTTR LA1tbtrLOTS;-wtth fine water All entries are to be In the bands where the member» of Court DougJas vajue offered In city. Room U. MAHON BLDU. Tel. 1162 AGENTS. frontage, on Esquintait harbor. of the honorary secretary. H. D. Mor- were- wotting to •me them,- At Realty. Timber. Insuranc 3. 612 YATES STREET. Price $4.250. 1 ten. Duncan, on or before Saturday. nine o'clock the hall was thrown open June 26th, and no competitor win be to visitors, and after a enjpyable pro­ $2.250 COTTAGE, that owners held at S. A. BAIRD eligible to except the entry fee be gramme. strawberries, cream and cake HERALD STREET, between, Douglas $2.800, 4 blocks from car on Fern- NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. A. W.^BRIDGMAN previously paid. The entry fee* ;*re were served- The visitor» left for the REAL ESTATE, FINANCIAL AND and Blanchard atreeta-LOT 40x120. rhetor and sailing boats, $1. All other city about midnight with V te cheers wood road. Douglas Street, North. INSURANCE AGENT. Snap for a quick sale. events, exes lit Indian. 60c. per head, for Court Douglas REAL ESTATE ANp INSURANCE. 1210 DOUGLAS STREET. 1400 Cash and Epsy Payments. JFOU-L BAY—LQ& 121x150, foqd soil, no exclusive -e$>*xswalii. Programmes, Two 4w*tUut«- meeting» war# held In ------1017 GOVERNMENT ST. $3.300. rock. Price IÎÎ250. giving times of races and ether partic­ the district, one at Gordon Head and $650 BUYS LOT. 60x134, Wilson street, ulars will he Issued later. No race will the Other at Cedar Hill on Wednesday CHEAP LOTS 8-ROOM * HOUSE—Close In, all modern take plane unless there are three or no rock, opposite lot sold $350; conveniences; lot 50x140; fruit ttjees, and Thursday. T. Bayltw delivered In­ $1.750—FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE. aU more entries., A large committee repre­ quick sale only. modern conveniences. James Bay. And Easy Payments etc. Price $2.260; easy terms. A REAL SNAP teresting and Instructive addresses on senting différent parts of tlye district poultry. $1.660—GOOD COTTAGE, containing four IN VICTORIA WEST, $1,250 has been at work for some time and large rooms, lot 50x125. Work Estate; ESQUIMALT AND FOR everything possible lq being done to R. W. COLEMAN. easy terms can be obtained. A. C0LQUH0UN HOLMES ensure goo 100 ACRES. OVERLOOKING MILL frulta. Including 3.000 strawberry plants, LOT. Government street, price $1.575; Close to Cedar Hill road, beautiful level 30th and 31st. BAY. flHtt class fruit tend, part five miles from city. terms. lota. 50x182. Inside city limit*; 6 only at A. W. BRIDGMAN, cleared; yn acre...... 160 poo each, terms; $ only at $300 each, terme. HoflsES TO HINT. FOR SALE-GOOD BUSINESS LOT. Call and inquire about these, 'tie well 1007 GOVERNMENT ST. • V Herald street. 60x120. price $5.750; terms. New Westminster, June 23.—A depu­ 100 ACRE RANCH. SHAWNIOAN worth the troubla CHEST tation from the board of managers of DISTRICT, 1 mile from station, 30 FOR SALIC—LOT on Admiral's road. 150 Why pay thousands for lots miles away, the Royal Columbia hospital, waited feet frontage on Admiral's road, price acres under cultivation, good house Money le Leon et Carnet Melee, whin you can get these bargains In your A Common Ailment From Which upon the council at its last meeting to $300; terms- and out-ffiilldings, all fenced.. ..$6.500 home city! L EATON & CO. Many Are Suffering Juit Now. urge the presentation of a by-law for yea Ineoranee^ Written^ >, Indepen* FOR SALE—FINE LOT on Vancouver hospital purposes. The deputation ask­ Street, near Park, price $1.200; terms. 1208 GOVERNMENT STREET. 48 ACRES, MILL BAY. frontage on TELLS HOW TO CURE. ed for $30.000. as the contribution of the new Victoria road; per acre...... $100 PEMBERTON & SON city, believing It would be voted by the 58 ACRES. OVERLOOKING MILL LARGE CORNER LOT These pains tome on Very suddenly REAL ESTATE. James Cunningham presented the BAY. on new Victoria road, .at, per E. WHITE On Linden avenue, near Rockland. and while they last the pain ta excru­ THE STUART ROBERTSON 614 FORT STREET. ciatingly severe. Sufferers are attacked matter to the council. They all knew acre ....f...... $36 Telephone A877. suddenly with a violent pain In and he said., bow the hospital was over- CO., LTD. around the chest, extruding often to « r ow-ded Their building while It was 20 ACRES. MILL BAY DISTRICT, per 1212 BROAD ST.. VICTORIA. B. C. 604 BROUGHTON STREET. YOUR $1.00.IS WORTH $L50 FOR QUICK SALE. thç shoulder and running down to the of wood, had done good service in the acre ...... $30 16 LOTS. lVi miles from City Hall. $75 ends of the Angers. Often the chest Is past; they <6uld not expect always to to $150. Very easy, terms. In purchasing this fine little heme. Ttv so much contracted to give Very pain give the public the satisfaction they 4 LOTS 3 FINE LOTS value Is half as good again In comparison FINE LOT. ESQUIMALT—A snap at ful feelings of suffocation. should obtain because more room must VICTORIA WEST with the average house about Victoria to­ $300. To remove these pains nothing is be maintained. They thought th# time || , SHAWNIOAN LAKE. day. Six well arranged rooms. Including ON ALL FOR known to act so rapidly as NERVI- was ripe for the submission of a by­ WATERFRONT LOTS. $450.00 drawing room with fireplace, dining room 8-ROOM COTTAGE. PRINCESS AVB. LINE. Rub It on the chest, shoulders law with the others, suggesting the hurlapped, large kitchen and pantry. 3 $560; $25 cash, balance easy terms. and other afffected parts—rub It In well, sum of $30.000 as a start. FBRNWOOD ROAD, CLOSE T0 CAR large bedrooms with clothes closets, and and take In hot sweetened water four They hoped the city would make up «trietly up-to-date bathroom, all piped for LOT. 50x225, cleared. FACING WEST CORNER VININO STREET, hot air furnace, full alsed basement under times dally about twenty drops of by private subscription the sum of $20.- ARM. 6-roomed cottage, 1% stories, 000. as the total coat with equipment CHOICE LOT house. Lot 60x120 feet deep, all level aiui TRACKSELL, ANDERSON & Co. NERVILINE. Follow this very simple large veranda, well drained cellar, FOR $2.060. PROSPECT ROAD grassy, with a few shade trees, the soU and safe treatment and yotrtl And that would be $100.000 or a little more. Mrs. water laid on to sink in kitchen, te 0f CRe best. Two car lines pass Clfl* t.. Hill spoke for the lady members of the $300.00 1210 BROAD STREET. , not ah ache or pain in any part of the partly furnished, cut stove wood and property. Cement sidewalk and boulevard body will remain. board, and Mr. Sinclair followed. He rowboat Included ...... $1,300 on street. IV» the pain-subduing, penetrating indicated that the provincial govern­ $200 CASH. power of Nervlllne that makes It so f»r ment would be approached for further TWO ACRES, cleared, six-roomed cot­ BALANCE ON TERMS HODGSON REALTY PRICE $8.500. TERMS. WANTED superior- to all other liniments. In assistance. The hospital had often 70 tage. boat house and boat...... $1.800 chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica. Lum­ to 80 patient*, instead of some 45, for 1214 GOVERNMENT ST. (Upstairs). TO SUIT PURCHASER. LOTS bago of long standing Nervlllne gives which it was built. Mr. Jones also Tel. R2023. THE ABOVE COTTAGE, boat house AT A SNAP. quick relief—cures when hope seems added a few words, and for the council and boat, with lot 60x200...... $1,206 L U. CONYERS & CO. lost. I Mayor Keary. speaking as a member MUST BE SOLD. WB.HAYB You'll And a hundred usea-for a trusty frf the- beard, #st4 tbay worn promised •he remainder, in SINGLE LOTS, SWINERTON & MUSGRAVE A PRETTY 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 630 VIEW STREET. medicine Mke NERVILINE—even for $25,000 from outside sources. T^he new A V 40x250, price, with easy terms....$150 SucccMOr. to Swlnerton 4 Oddy. VICTORIA WEST. toothache, earache, stiff neck, colds, hospital would accommodate 100 pa- M#dem, With Every Convenience. coughs and other simple Ills which !$ tlepts. and he believed It was their duty ISO* QOVEBNllENT STREET. FOR RENT. CLIENT Large Lot. cures so quickly. It should be in every to submit- the by-law. Garden Containing Special Varieties of TRAIL REFINERY READY TO PURCHASE home. All the aldermen admitted the reason Roses and Varlbus Other Plants, Small CLARENCE STREET. Beware of the unscrupulous dealer for the request and promised the sub­ Frluts. tic., etc. HOUSE, nearly new. containing 6 rooms, anything offered that try» to palm off something that mission of a by-law. TO BE ENLARGED FRU1J FARM. Beautiful View. all modern conveniences, gas. electric A REALLY NICE HOME. pays him a larger proAt. Insist on 6 1-8 ACRES. light, furnace, large lot. window blinde at a BARGAIN. getting “NERVILINE" only. Large ACCIDENTAL DEATH. and chandeliers, etc...... $30.06 All la High State of Curation. 25c. bottles at all dealers. New- Wextmlnster, June 23.—Captain Consolidated Company Smelter With STANLEY AVENUE. 786 FRUIT TREJ&C > THE CAPITAL CITY REALTY HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, a., modem conveni­ J. STUART YATES DIES IN AUTOMOBILE. Fittendrlgh. divisional coroner, went Produces Metal Valued at ences. large lot. immediate possession. out to Barnet yesterday and held an In Full Bearing (7 Tears Old). inquestthe body of an unidentified CO. P BASTION STREET. VICTORIA. Saratoga, N. Y., June, ML tt While $790.000 in May. Cherry. Apple, Peer and Plum. riding HI Ws auto Wm. V. Blmey. an man whose remàins were picked up on ROOM 10. FBRNWOOD ROAD. Pplendtd Soil No Rock. HOUSE. 7 ROOMS, all modern conveni­ artist, of New York, was àlrieken with the C. P R- track on Monday night. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ences, with two lots ...... $37.50 FOR BALE. apoplexy and died before his wife, Who The man had an arm and leg cut off. ww«|lN 3 MILES OF CITY HALL. BUILDING. was with him, noticed that he was and the body was badly mutilated. Hi Roealand. B. C., June 24. — Three ACRES IN SMALL FRUITS. quarters of a million dollars Is the m JOHN STREET. 80 ACRES-Booke District. Just Inside 111. Not until the machine suddenly is supposed t«> tyave been stealing COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, modern conveni­ value of the metals produced by the r insisting of Strawberries. Raspberries Sooke Harbor. swerved from the road did* Mrs. Binary ride on one of the freight trains, fallen and Loganberries. ences. sewer arid light, etc., Sneludlng realise that her husband, who was off. and run over by the cars. There Consolidated Mining A Smelting Com­ CHOICE BUILDING LOTS $1,500 Worth of Fruit Taken Last Year. water...... »... $16.60 FINE 8EA FRONTAGE—At Esqulmalt. driving the car, was dead. She Jump was .nothing found to assist tdenttftea- pany at its Trail smelter for the month r Sale tri Best Portion of City, on Easy about three acres, cheep. Terms. ed In time to save hereeW from injury, tion. The Jury returned a verdict of of May. The gold yield was $300.000. NEW 6 ROOMED HOUSE, DOUGLAS STREET silver 1280.000. copper 165.000 and load NEW 6 ROOMEL ( waTAOK and lot. all and the machine toppled over In the accidental death. TWO LOTS—On Victoria harbor, with $176.000. making a total of $790.000. For CITY WATER. TWO MODERN BUNGALOWS, new. in In nice order $12.50 large wharf and sheds and 2 targe ware­ ditch and was wrecked. houses. In good condition, on easy terms. the past eleven months the company New Stable, Woodshed sad Poultry good district. Prices and* terms to suit haa.produced a total In metal values Houses. your purse. Inquiry. PREMIER ENTERTAINED, Dr. Chase's Otnt- MONEY TO LOAN ANli FIRE INSUR­ THREE LOTS—On Yates street, with 10 mentis a cerf * of $6.000.000. During the past two purchaser Can Obtain Horse. Buggy a«V stores, bringing In good rentals. We make a specialty of good investments ANCE WRITTEN. Nelson, June 23.—Premier Richard and guarani months two thousand ton* of lead bul­ Tools at a Reasonable Price, If wf fqr the workingman. See us, we will cure tor ea# à lion have been shipped to San Francisco TO RENT—Lnrge: whart. at foot McBride and Hon. Thomas Taylor, min­ ..... _ ,:JK _v:j MV* 70» dollar* to be , refined. This was necessary for Yates street, rent $120 per month. ister df works, were the guests of the PRICE $8.606. Client baa new houses, farm lands and Canadian Club at a luncheon in their the reason that the capacity of the PILES Trail refinery was not sufficient. Plans some cash to exehaage for site for 8| ACRES—On Colqults river. Victoria honor to-day. The function was r business block. * District, cheap. wholly non-partisan one, arid was at ESSiÉto are being prepared for an extension of the refinery, so that the dally produc­ SKYSRAL COSY HOMEtS to exchange For further particulars apply to above tended by leading Liberals and Con-1 ALL THE NEWS—THE TIMES dr. OMAare ointmbnt. tion of lead will be 160 too* far - late In good residential district. address. fervatlvee, I 7 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1908. 13 Convenience of Those Who Are Looking for Victoria Real Estate Bargains

LOBSTER EGGS ARE PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS -DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 Help Wanted—Female HATCHED AT NANAIMO cent per word per insertion; 3 lines, II Blacksmith cent per word per Insertion: 3 insertions. Business Chances For Sale—Rorses per month; extra lines, 25 cents per line 2 cents per word ; 4 cents per word per I BEG TO INFORM MV PATRONS that week; 50 cents per Une per month. No . KPUR______DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE, WANTED-Servant girl, Apply 730 Pem- SALE, with cylinder piano. Box 214. old. 2821 Cedar HIU road. 4 >eje2< broke street. je25 1 have removed to No. 733 Cormorant advertisement for less than 10 cents. je» street to more commodious quarters, Times. - . -.V. Experiments With Imported and am prepared to execute all orders FOR SALE-Gas cloklng stoves, «natch FOR SALE—Horse, buggy and harness TWO GIRLS WANTED, one for office Architects fdr horse shoeing and general blaek- Furrier for $126. Apply 1141 North Park street. and one for mangle room. Victoria ünüthlng promptly. Your trade aollclt- block, log chalni, syphon, saws, man s JelO-tf Steam l>aundrjr. je28 Fish Have Proved Suc­ H. 8. GRIFFITH, 14 Promis Block» 1006 ed. Jno. McKay. JY13 FRljED. FOSTER. Taxidermist and Fur­ clothes, guns, etc., at 1 X L Second- Qovsmmcn.t street. Phone 1489. rier. 42F Johnson street. Hand' Store, Oriental Alley, opp. P*“* WANTED—Several girls, at Standard cessful. tagea Theatre. Johneon street For Sale—Houses Laundry. Apply at once. Good wages. Bookkeeping Blasting Rock ADVERTISEMENTS under this bead 1 Gravel For Charter. cent per word per Insertion; I Insertions, VICTORIA SCHOOL OF BOOKKEBP WELLS, Cellars. Foundations, et’e. No I cents per word; 4 cents per word per PIRL WANTED-At once, for jewellery When the lobsters from the Atlantic place too difficult. Rock for sale. B. C. SAND & GRAVEL CO., foot John­ week. 6o cents per line per month. Me store. Apply Empire Jewellery Store, iNQ. 13:3 Douglas street. Pupils receiv­ son street. Tel. 1388. Producers of FOR CHARTER—Huntin# launch "Kal- coast were brought to this province re­ ed or visited* day or evening. Special Terms reasonable. J. R. Williams, 408 »>“•" *> «- by » ft.. speed » n>n*». com­ advertisement for less than M cents. 543 Johneon street.Ja* t! attention to cases of neglected educa­ Michigan street. Phone L1343. washed and graded Hand and gravel, fortable and seaworthy; exploring, sur cently, some of the eggs were taken A BARGAIN-4700 will secure 8 roomed tion. Old or young can attend. Strictly llvered by team in the dty, or on scows veylng, timber cruising, hunting or from them for the purpose’ of experi­ private. O. Ren*, Jr., principal. fishing parties; two guests! house (corner lot), bath, pantry, toilets Help Wanted—Male Boat Building at pit. on Royal Bay. lavatory, electric light. Apply U J. ' (3), large cellar, summer kitchen, on car menting. These were taken under the Higgs, South Pender Island. V>n* »• line, within 10 minutes from City Hall; WANTED—Boy to seeixt In »hlrt factory. charge of Rev. G. W, Taylor at the Jr* excellent condition; balance easy. Dentists GIVE YOUR ORDER to McKensje, boat- Apply Pauline « Co., Tâte» «treat. Je25 biologic^ station at Departure Btfy. builder. plain and i'ancy scull maker. Junk Holmes. 675 Yates. Je2S DR. LEWIS HALL. Dental Surgeon. Fort street. . / WANTED-Scrap brass, copper, sine, FOR SALE—New five roomed house, has These were to be carefully watched to Jewell -Bloek, cor. Yates and Douglas lead, cast iron, sacks, and all kind* of For Rent—Houses basement, bath, basin, sink, closet, h. w. Rooms and Board see If they would hatch. streets, Victoria. B. C, Telephone- VICTORIA BOAT * /ÈNOINE COM­ bottles and rubber; highest cash, prices boiler, large lot. Apply owner, 1046 Flu- The experiment» with lobster eggs ■ WÊÊÊA 'WÊ^WÈïÊtËttÉSîiJTÈÊifr^:'k ' -i— - - PANY, LTD., boat pdd launch builders. paid. Victoria Junk Agency, M2Ô Store ADVERTMEMENTS under tbla bead 1 guard street. Je» tf ADVERTISEMENTS under tkla head 1 Boat building material* for amateurs, street. Phone 1336. cent per word pei insertion; 8 insertions. cent per word per Insertion; 1 IngwOons. have been carried on at the biologi­ repairs, engine*, installed, etc. Esti­ 2 cents per word; 4 cents p«f woif<1 t cents per word; 4 cents per word per week. 5o cents per Une per month, wo a SMALL COTTAGES, new and well cal station during the past few week» Land Surveyors mates anti designs furnished. W. D. built, overlooking Hillside avenue, each week; 50 cents per line per month. Ne Buck, mgr,><24 David 8t, Phone 205. advertisement for less than oente- advertisement for less tbAn 16 oenta. and have resulted entirely satisfactor­ Landscape Gardener having large lot. free of rock, one with ily. &h the young lobsters are to-day A. P AUGUSTINE. B. C. U 8. Mine sur­ 6 ft. basement, some fine oaks on lots, veying and civil engineering. Alder me re TO l.ET: —5 mm cottage, bathroom, 2666 FURNISHED BOOMS TO LET-Large, emerging from their egg sheila In soma E. JV LA TNG, Landscape and Jobbing rdra street; Da per month. 47W. '469A and each; easyterimr. Bulkley Valley. B. C. ** Boot and Shoe Repairing Gardener. Tree pruning and spraying a Apply Taylor. 1302 Hillside avenus, op- comfortable rooms, all modern conveni­ numbers and are apparently as strong puait* orphanage. ences, ost car line, nesr sea and Park; fO/SlATTER a her,' you Sought your HlfiPBSfty. Residence, 1045 Wears street. TO LET—Two furnished cottages, and lively is If hatched under natural THOH H. PARR. British Columbia Tatid Phone A1213. Office, WUkerson A Dallas road, hot and void w«ti r, ban» breakfast optional. Address 117 Superior surveyor, room 8. Five-• Bisters- Blook. shoes. bring them here to be repairer!. ,E—Price 33.600. Princess Ave., street. Phone 2728. J**® conditions. * Hlbbs. 8 Oriental Aye., opposite Pan- Brown s Greenhouse, corner Cdbk and and electric light. Apply to Mrs. M. R. Victoria. ______! - Smith.--Swtview." 104 Dallas road. Je28 houee,Aum...... uniellTTte ’iover------— year;- —reception'------* The success of tme experiment shows tagea Thf-airc., hall/oarlor. dining room, with arch­ LARGE. PLEASANT ROOM, suitable for that the waters of this dlstrlt are not OEO. A. SMITH. CI , B. C. I«and 8q ways between, breakfast room; kitchen, two, central, near the park; meals If tuysr, Albernl, B. C. Mining cla TO RENT—Furnished, modern 7 roomed too cold and that it other conditions Machinists . honsq, Close to car line Apply 1«6 Har­ pantry. upstairs, three bedroom» with desired. 641 Superior street. are suitable there Is a probability that timber limits and aub-dlvisions. Builders & General Contractors rison street, between 11 a.m. and 3 p m. closets, largq sitting room, lined closet, L. HA PER. General Machinist, No. 160 Jo2S bathroom, toilet; lpt 60x110. Box 12», ROOM AND BOARD, ft» Fisguard St. Imported lobster may reproduce their r. 8. GORE and J. M. McGREO^R. Brit- ADVERTISEMENTS under this head l Times. Jy7 kind in these seas. i Ish Columbia Utrul Surveypfs. Chan­ cent per word per insertion; 3 insertions, Government street. Tel. 830. TO LET—Newly furnished five roomed THE HOLLIF4I, 756 Courtney street, late It also points to the feasibility of cery Chambers, 52 Langlevr Bt.r P. O. 2 cents per word; 4 cents per word per cottage, on Head street, near car Une. FOR HALE— Five roomed*house.. with Box 152. Phone A564. week; 80 cents per line per month. No Has. Room and board, also table board­ carrying out a suggestion that has been Metal Polish W. J. Fraser, Thobum P. O. if pantry and bath. Apply 121 Kingston ers. For terms apply Miss Hall. Jyll advertisement for less than y> cents. street. , ‘ " M made, namely, that Instead of attempt­ HOWARD S. WILKIJ [)N, British Cot- TO LET—k room cottage, gtable , and ing further Importations of adult lob­ umbla land 8urv«. 1304 Government OWN1 YOUR ___- GLOBE Metal POLISH cleans silver,, ROOMS TO LET—Old Wilson Hotel, copper and brass. For sale by The Shore building 15x46. good workshop or stor­ Yates street, has been taken over by sters the eggs only should be brought \0«Sf HOME. Hardware Co., Ltd. ' age, centrally located. Particulars 131» For Sale—Livestock HOUSER BUU.T ON EASY TERMS. Government St. r»ocm 5. m27 tf Teddy McAvoy and has been thoroughly and hatched artificially on this coast. Part Cash Down. ; renovated throughout; every conveni­ Legal Balance can be arranged. Painter and Decorator FINE LOT OF PIGEONS . for squab ence; rates reasonable; special rates for COLONY OF CONVICTS. Call and talk it over. For Rent—Store breeding for sale. Inquire 341 Richmond weekly roomers, D11 C. W. RftAlD8HAW. Barrister, etc.. t»w WILLIAM C. HOLT. Ave. J*® Chambers. Bastion street. Contractor and Builder, OSTLER A IMPEV. Painters and General FURNISHED ROOMS and board, tele­ How Egypt Proposes to Deal With the Phone L1443. 4M Oarbally Road. Decorators. Rooms papered or painted FINE CORKER STORE FOR RENT, on on the shortest notice. Write or call at Johnson street. Apply Queen'» Hotel. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Registered phone, piano and good garden. Mrs. Habitual Criminal. 4 AY A FISHER. Barristers. Solid­ Je2tf Ostler. MRS Yates street; or Itnpcy, 1770 Je22 Oxford ram; also two exceptionally fine ITobbls. Sàxonhurst. 517 Government ité., Supreme and Exchequer Court pedigreed‘ Jersey bull calves,calves. W. Bsll- street. **> Agents, practice In Patent Office and WM F. GIBSON. Albernl. B. C., builder Fairfield road. house, Gallano Island, B. C. • Jy7 Crime has Increased to sbeh an alarm­ before Railway Commission. Hon. and general contractor. Contracts taken For Sale—Acreage ing extent of late, and the ordinary Charles Murphy, M P. Harold Fisher. anywhere. — ' je2* COWS FOR 8ALK-H. M Walker. 3153 measures for Its repression at present Austin (’« R-n* Pawnshop Delta street. Phone A1794. Wanted—Articles A. J. McCRIMMON. SNAP IN A 5-ACRE RANCH, situate In in force are so Inadequate, that the Contractor and Builder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds, Jewel­ Strawberry Vale. 4 miles from City WANTBD-Clean cotton rags. Egyptian government has decided to Takes entire charge of every detail of lery and personal effects. A. A. Aaron- Hall, with a pjTetty 5 room house, 1*1 Times Office. an Mechanical Engineer son. cor. Johnson and Broad. six-year-old fruit tree*, bpnring. one For Sale—Lots enact a deportation law empowering It building. High-olnss work. Reasonable to deport to certain isolated parts of W. O. WINTERBURN. M. I. N. A.. Con- acre of potaLx-s, strawtwrry plants, BRIGHTON—We still have a few half WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES for >suiting Mechanical Engineer and Burr <39 Johnson St. Phone 658. Photoaraphs, Maps. Etc. gooseberry, raspberry cane*, etc., good acre lots froX»i 9556 each up. These lots diamonds, jewelry and valuables of aL the country all old offenders, those who veyor. Estimate» for all kinds of roa- water; this is a Revenue producer, and are five minutes from the car line, free kinds. Empire mÿftjfe* m Joî10’ have «evil reputations, and who, not­ ghmery ; gasoline engines à specialty. ERNEST RAWMNba. Is whrih to-day 14.000; owner Is obliged from rock, and only half the price of eon street Pnone 1316. Business strict­ withstanding their misdeeds, have REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND OTHERS to sell ; price I3.20U; terms. l^tfUU cash. ly confidential. If you have anything to Phone 15D. 1637 Oak Bay avenue, Vlc- Carpenter and Builder. adjoining property. e Only a few left. N. managed to get round the law, saye the Prompt Attention to Alterations. Job­ To insure qnlck sales of properties should • balance arranged. Apply Greenwood, B. Maysmlth A Co., Mahon Bldg. Je23 tf sell phone us and we will call. bing Work and Repairs. get them photographed by over Northern Bank. Je24 Cairo correspondent of the Pall Mall Estimates Given, Prices Reasonable.1 FLEMING BROS. Maps and plan* copied or blue printed. PRIOR STREET-Four fhrge lots, free Gazette. The power of sentencing to Medical Massage 907 Richmond Ave.. Victoria, B. C. R ACRES—Shawnlgan district. Apply from rock and with magnificent view of Wanted—Miscellaneous deportation will rest In the hands of a Enlargements from films or prints to any Box 37, Times Office. Sep t the city and Straits. Only $60» each. N. ALTON * BROWN, carpenters and bulki­ size. Finishing and supplies for amateurs. committee In each province, consiet- BJORNFBLT. Kodaks for sale or hire. B. Maysmlth A Co.. Mahon Bldg, je» tf. WANTED—A donkey, t male preferred. MR. BERGSTROM bath. *21 P^rt er*. Estimates given on all kinds of Apply Box 268. Tlmes^ je» ng of the governor, a Judge, a mem­ dish Masseur. TurkishT»U 1 carpenter work. We specialise In con­ ------PHONE USA 50* GOVERNMENT----- ST.^ street. Victoria. B. C. Phone 1856. CENTRAL PARK-A full sised lot facing ber of the Parquet, and two notables. servatories arid greenhouses. Prompt Queen s avenue, and only W) feet from The government has its eyes on the electric light bkths; attention. First-class work and moder­ the n* w City Park; 9836 for quick.sale. MRS. KARSMAN. ate prices. Phone B1454. Residence. 585 Pulmbing and Heating N. B. Maysmlth A Co., Mahon Bldg, jQarçfc»)£ha rgg and-Ddkbela, §nd pro- medical i Mt* Fort St, Phone Bay street. Victoria, j«23 tf Jects establishing^ there penitentiary HOT. WATER HEATING—I Hv Warner * Co., Limited. H31 Fisguard St., above Everybody colonies, where the èxltes would carry J. AVERY, manufacturer of standard GORGE WATER FRONTAGE—We have out useful work In the Irrigation and high grade concrete building blocks. Blanchard tel. Phone A27o. 5 acres fronting on the. Gorge, above the MARCHE Z development of those tracts of land. Music Artistic wqrk In concrete executed to Victoria Gardens, suitable for sub­ older. Contracts taken for entire Pottery Ware. Etc. dividing. Owners will sell cheap. In­ The Oases are Ideal spots for the es­ ALF. WHITa., Teacher of Plano. Organ buildings, foundations and fences. Fine Wants vestigate this for a money maker. N. H. tablishment of such colonies, as they and Theory. Studio,. 1666 Pembroke St. concrete work our specialty. 1' IF YOU HAVK STOCKS FOR SALE, ness than any amount of detention In street. R. W. Fawcett. Rec. Sec. “ mowing machine, rake, phaeton mid list themwrtth 11». We have connection. CIGAR STORE Government street. Bain wagon with pole and shafts. D. L. ordinary prisons. Cleaning and Tailoring Works PHONE 1393 FOR /EPSON TRANSFER Kelly. 17U8 Lillian road. Foul Bay. je28 In all the important stock centres In -Trunking and expressing. * Yates St. ! America, N. B. Maysmlth * Co., Mahon CORNER GOVT. AND COURT CARIBOO. No. 743. I. O. F., Bids.______-______JtsSJ tt SUFFRAGETTE AS GHOST. meets on second and fourth Monday of GENTS' CLOTHES CLEANED, repaired. stand, above Broad. Orders left at ; TENT FOR SALE—Sips 15x30. 6 feet wall, each month In K. of P. Hall, corner dyed and pressed ; umbrellas and para- Acton’s, telephone 1061. Residence. 343 in good condition; also small counter. Pandora and Douglas streets. Visiting I sols made, repaired and recovered. MU higan street. T. PHmtey. Beacon HiU. Pneu* J»78. For Sale—Poultry and Eggs. TROUNCE ALLEY All-Night Vigil to Hide Under a Plat­ Foresters welcomed. • Fin. Secy., Fred. • Wv W Walker, 7ougiasstree^^ PAUL’S DYEING AND cleaning FOR THE BENEFIT of young women In fishing reels. 25c.; cross-cut saws. 31; erable time. WORKS. 130 Fort street Tel. «24. forehead and one whit** hind foot. Any- or out of employment. Rooms and Underhill rshingle,„ . -*rmv hatchets, hont- $1 75; claw one reluming same to E. F. Geiger, cor. “I bad no food, as my adventure was board. A home fqom home. 942 Pan­ lu ? .tiFu?’ Sli J an,! Douglas and Pandora streets, will be LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. dora avenue. overs, $1.25. «dies sUVer watches and | BU,t;b,y n.Warded. je» tf quite Unpremeditated. I did not sleep Engravers Chains! $4.50. Jacob Aaronwm s new Notice to the Public a wink; not that I was afraid. When I. Josephine E. Wgrk. hereby give NOTICE. And ieConfl-hand store. 872 Johnson St., dawn came I went to the great hall 4 doors lielow Government. Phone 1747. FOUND—At Cedar Hill picnic grounds, a notice that one month from date hereof GENERAL ENOtlAVKR. Stencil Cutter gold brooch, clover pattern. Jewelled. HAH gars, covered by Canadian patent and secreted myself beneath the' plat­ T will apply to the Superintendent of Pro­ and Seal Engraver. Geo. Crowther, 816 No. 106.7H, are now being manufac­ nppl Apply Bus Apply Postmaster, Mount Tolmie. Je24 form. It was somewhat dusty and un­ vincial Police at Victoria for a renewal Wharf street, behind Post Office. will he made to the Licensing Board for FOR f»Al.K Shop fixtures. tured at John Meaton'a, 1407 Broad of my license to sell Intoxicating liquors the Municipality of the District of Oak si, in f office. LOST—Between Green street and Linden comfortable, but 1 did not mind. at the premises known as the Stratheona ' Bav. at their next sitting, to be held 30 via Cook, green silk belt, gold buckle street, and can be obtained at reason­ “Through a chink lh the partition In Hotel, situated at Rhawnlgan I«ake. B. C. Electro Plating figs, able figures at said place. ’ days after this date, for a transfer of the etc., at lowest prices, rtit- with Chinese tottering. Reward at this front of the platform I saw the gather­ (Signed) JOSEPHINE E. WARK. ■ license to sell wines, spirits and ferment­ office. , JKB tf BRANNAOAN * HOFFMAN. Dateded this 15th day of May. 1909. PICHON A LKNFE8TY, 567 Johnson St. ed liquors by retail on the premises known tlngton. Yates street. ing assemble Above me were the august personagea. I heard every word Gold, silver and nickel plating, oxidizing. «a. ‘TThe Willow*” Hotel. Fort street (late tiiCYCLttS and everything fax them. LOST—On Tuesdoi night, in Victoria the- Patentees.' >u«hH .. . ' ~ Cad boro Bay rmutV .TTsfrlct Of Oak Rav catalogue Tree. Bicycle Munson. To- ntté or on Fort street ear, gold brooch ttiat -wan èatd; Taking advantage of SHOWCASES Munk-lpallty. to William Wlnchell and set with amethyst stone. Will finder a pause during the recital of Mr. Bir­ Sjcmuel H. McCain. Please leave at Tliqto Office? JelQ tf NOTICE rell» literary and political activities. I Fishing Tackle Dated this 29th day of May. A.D. 1909. FOR SALE—Refrigerators, walnut hell We manufacture up-to-date showcases, JAMES CHAMBER!.AIN. seat, mahogany whatnot, dressers and EDMONTON ROAD, between called out ‘How dare you come and bank and store, hotel and office fixture», IF YOU WANT THE LATEST in fishing stands. Navy boarding axes* brass ket­ Personal face a Liverpool audience. Mr. Birrell. . wall-cases, counters, shelving, hiantlos, tackle, go to Harris A Smith. Th«-ir tle* toy motors, magneta. blasting ma­ iernwood Road and Richmond while a Liverpool woman Is In prM- THE GORGE R. H. kNEERHaW. medium and healer, desks, art grille and mirrors. stock is all new. Including files, spoons, chine, will fire 5 to 8 holes, carpenter Road, la cloeed to vehicular traffic casts, hooks, lines, reels, rods, and any- FERRY BOAT HOUSE Idols, etc. The Old Curiosity Shop, has removed to 734 Caledonia Ave. Sit­ thirvg you need In this line. Fred. Jeeves, cor. Fort and Blanchard tings daily. Test circle Thuredaj By order, “There OPPOSITE JAPANESE TEA GARDENS. streets. p. m. *V« n an uproar They did not THE WOODWOMXBS, LTD. a H. TOP*. and then an Wl JOHNSON m. PHONE 1166 HENRY E HOWES. Psychic Medium me for Employment Agencies Ladles and gentlemen desirous of going roB_.Ai.K-.pr.nj «j- Hwwraaom to Dixon » Howes. McGregor's Consultations dally. Seances Mondays » City Engineer. tog to THE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. boating without sand in their shoes are street and Fridays. I p. m. 7ÎT View street, MRS. P. K. TURNER. recommended to try the Ferry Boat House near Douglas.______.______je28 658 (54) Fort 8t. Hours 10 to 5. Phone 1552. now located at the Victoria Gardens, FOR SALE—One first-class cow, newly WANTED only three minutes’ walk from cars. calved ; ten small pigs; also buggies, ’PHONE 3? JAPANESE. HINDU AND CHINESE _Boats__ and canoes at all hbura. light wagons., horses and harness. Ap- Situations Wanted—Male VOS «MB ÀAppllcatlbnsatlbns forI the position of teacher UJfJF.U.’ E-AH. kind* yf ... nly to l. J. !. Fisher s Carriage Shop, 'W6rDomestic 9» lh tbe Public labor supplied at sliort notice, general, ■to Dfeoovery. er MrtcheR street; Oak TGUNCF MAN seeks position as book­ Schaols_____ r ofVictoria, Viet- B. C., will be received contractor, fi*)! Government St. Tel. *•«» Bay. ■ keeper. right years’ experience single up to Mth July by the School Board. end double entry; first-class references Wood and ix>f I WING ON EMPLOYMENT ■ AGENCYÏÛŸI- REAREAD THE TIMES ^atos Apply R H C-. Tlmes Offics. Salary I» per month. ‘her. has removed from street to R. DAVERNE ISABELLA MOORE. Wood, Coal and Charcoal for sale; Rogers, scavenging, 1709 Government street, Fort and , Quadra. Telephone ford wer Secretary Victoria School Board. phone 9- C8l mil tf ADVERTISE 1M THE TIMES r 16 VICTORIA DAILY TIME»,' THURSDAY, JTJH» 24. 190». SHOULD PUT Ross’ Big Grocery Sale This Week DOWN BETTING 6 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. FOR YOUR DININGROOM * PVRB OOI.n JRLLT POWDERS. S packet...... TT...... Me. WHITE'S TA11L.B CREAMS, 3 pickets ...... ttc- QUICK TAPIOCA PUDDING, 2 packets ...... '...... ». A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF DIN'NG TABLE* AND CHAIRS QUICK GHOCOI.ATK PI ItlHNO. 2 packets ...... ;...... »• ADVICE TO VICTORIA QUICK CUSTARD PUDDING. 2 packets ...... »• PURE ('.OLD ICTNU8. 2 packets...... Zee- CORN STARCH, 3 packets ...... »• REGARDING RACES ARROWROOT. 2 packets ...... L...... Sc. STRAWBERRIES. two boxes for ...... -25^ Place Orders Now for Preserving Berries. Our Price, per lb...... 10c. Members of United Clericus SPECIAL TO-DAY Discuss Matter—Political Canadian Canned Fruit, Strawberries, Peaches and Cherries, Moral Standard. two tins for . i, ...... 25^

Last night’s session of the United DIXI H. ROSS & CO Clericus was held In fit. John‘s church INDEPENDENT GROCERS. 1317 GOVERNMENT ST. hall on Herald street, when a paper was read on “Political Morality," by Right Rev. F. W. Keator, bishop of Olympia. Even men good personally, he said, were apt In matters political to forsake their .standards of right and wrong. He dealt with the ''boss'' sys­ tem in the States and insisted on the WALKOVER SHOES need for educating the elector to a real­ SHOE VALUE ization of his obligation to'be Iter these When you buy a pair of shies you have a conditions. Public spirit lay at the TN THE majority of Tioritos the dining room is the most used room of the home—outside of the kitchen, foundation of all free legislation. The right to expect something besides good bishop spoke at some length upon the a Not alone at “rnfcal time” but in evenings and all day it is the living room of the home. It is desir­ looks, that’s only one point. There are Va­ necessity of the church, paying atten­ rious other things to be considered : Com­ tion to the celebration of the great able then to have it properly furnished—conveniently and comfortably. fort, durability, style. WALK-OVER shoes national days.. The clergy should real­ We are strong on dining room furniture and especially in tables and chairs arc we well prepared to. ize théîr duty In this connection. When contain these and a thousand and one other men realized the nation's responsibility take care of your wants. Our offerings iu extension tables include every good style from the leading excellences that only WALK-OVER wearers It would be when the Individual real­ makers of such tables antTweliave these in the several popular woods and finishes. know. , ized his duty towards God on the oiio $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 hand and his duty towards his neigh­ Dining Chairs to match tables and other furnishings in great variety. Plain, cane seat and leather up­ bor on the other. holstered. Stylish chairs that are made to stand long, hard wear. Rev. A. U. de Pencier, Vancouver, followed on the*same lines. SujK'riority of design and workmanship is apjwent in every piece of this furniture and we know of no Jas. H. Tomlinson & Co. Vvti. An h-V .v en Beer, Kaslo, for other Western establisluneut offering such a variety of styles and snfli a choice of prices. OOVT. ST., OPP. SPENCER S Rev. F. M. Graham, -spoke upon “The immorality of the Public Man.” Ho We have Dining Chairs from ...... $7.50 We have Dining Chairs from...... $1.25 considered the- problem, would, soon be solved if voters disregarded party and voted only for good men. DELIGHTFUL NEW ARRIVALS IN CANDLE SHADES H.W. DAVIES, M.A.A. Rev. W. C. Shaw, Walla Walla, said the race track, was neither more nor VEN small items, such as candle shades, holders, etc., weren’t overlooked by Mr. Weiler when 'The Exchange’ AND SONS less than the thin end of the wedge Phone 1737 to corrupt the morals of the youth of East this Spring, for we have just received some splendid examples of New York’s latest in 7fg*0RT ST. the city, and was bound to become a E The last of our national menace. He advised Victoria candle shades, etc. Those hortfekeepers who delight in attractive table settings will lx? delighted with FURNITURE “to begin on the enemy In Its midst, taking pattern by the gctlon of the these new arrivals. The new candle lamps are particularly interesting and have a close second in BOOKS, PHONOGRAPHS. FRIDAY AUCTIONS states of New York and California.” the new Mission caudle shades. Pleased to, have you come in and sec them. Shown on first floor. Typewriters They owed It to their youth and their And General Household Goods AT 1219 DOUGLAS ST. women t<> stamp out the evil forever at CUIRASSES AT 25c MISSION SHADES AT 25c CANDLE LAMPS, $1.50 Its Inception. and Office Fittings To-tnorrow, at 2 p. m. Bishop Perrin said he was told an We have a splendid line of low Mauy attractive new shades These candle lamps arc new.. Bought, Sold and Exchanged enormous amount of betting had taken are offered, but chief among They have an attractive met­ Let ns giVe you a price on Having received notice to vacate 1219 place. There was ifo doubt of the dan­ priced cuirasses just receiv­ CAMPING OUTFITS AND Douglas on July lut, '09, this sale will be ger of this • practice and concerted these new arrivals are these al base candle holder and the last Friday sale at this addreei, and steps should be taken to abolish it. The ed. Yofir choice of either gold CROCKERY ■will Include Mission styles. We have glass globe. Any candle clergy should see that it wa« made or silver finishes iu pretty de­ JOHN T. DEAVILLE, Prop. Nearly New Monarch Range easy to do right and hard to do wrong. them in either green or red shade fits. Sold without 4-Hole, Hot Water Front. signs at, each ...... 25c at ...... 25£ shade at .. . $1.50 Bureaus. Waehetands, Iron and Wood BODY FOUND IN BAY Beds, Springs. .Mattresses, Carpets, Rock­ For Sale or ing. Arm and other CtwHtv Birletwtrd. Extension Table. 1 lining and other Chairs, AT SAN FRANCISCO NEfV ARRIVALS IN ART SQUARES THAT PLEASE Crockery, Cooking VtenStls, etc., etc. Charter “KENSINGTON” ART SQUARES KRYPTON” ART WOOL SQUARES S S. “MORRIS” NOTICE Man Believed to Have Been the E have just received au extra large shipment TT ItYPTON WOOL ART SQUARES are an- Length 43 ft., beam 10 ft. Goods bought at this sale deliv­ Victim of Foul of these wonderfully satisfactory squares other line of art squares that are extremely ered Free to any part of city. W Fitted with towing propellor " Play. and have a full range of sizes and patterns now.popular with Victorians. They arc of an extra Suitable for small towage jobs, H. W. Davies, M.A.A., Auctioneer Tkhsc squares are all wool and reversible. They tending camp or survey parties heavy weight and are excellent wearers. Are re­ Apply above. Phone 1737 (Times Leased Wire.) « rhftie iu beautiful art deisgns and colorings and at . versible, giving double wear. They come in San Francisco. Cal,. June 24.—With these prices are splendid value. Pleased to have charming art designs and colorings, many of which Btewart Williams. E. E. Hardwick. one leg missing and two heavy Irons you come in and examine these new arrivals. AUCTION SALE faeUn<4 to R» - waist, tha -body Af I are particularly desirable for bedroom use. One TUESDAY, 29th—2 p. m. middle-aged man, hêlleved to be Ene- Many arc on the rTfg rack'and can lie shown in a pattern to which we wish to direct particular at­ vold Christiansen, was found In the —-OF— few moments. Stewart Williams & Co. bay off Alcatrai Island early to-day tention is the lattice design. This is a new and "by lb* vrtiw of a police patrol boat. We have the following sizes : ““r dainty pattern and when chosen in a delightful Duly Instructed by MRS. KNOX, Will Household Furniture The body evidently had been In the Sell by -AT- water many days and was badly de­ Size 2l/j x 3 yards, at, each...... $11.00 blue would add much to the attractiveness of any composed. Size 3x3 yards, at, each...... $13.00 ^bedroom. ; Salesrooms, 1219 Dqnglas Street The heavy weights about the waist Public Auction causesd the corpse to float about a Size 3l/o x 3 yards, at, each ...... $15.00 Come in and see these splendid squares. Values # At Her Residence, H. W. Davies, M.A.A., Auctioneer foot fjeneath the surface qt the water. Size 3x4 yards, at, each...... $17.50 are excellent. We have the following sizes: 1624 Pai\dora Street, near Elford Street Thkmlssing leg is thought to have been amuptated by the propeller of a Size 3% x 4 yards, at, each...... $21.00 Size 3x3 yards, at, each ...... $19.00 bay steamer. — Size 4x4 yards, at, each ...... $23.50 TUESDAY, JUNE 29 WEDNESDAY, 30th—2 p. m. The police believe the man met with Size 3 x 374 yards, at, each...... $22.00 At 2 p. m. Duly instructed by Mr. L. Bruce Latimer foul play and the case will be Investi­ Size 4 x 4*4 yards, at, each...... $26.00 Size 3 x 4 yards, at, each...... 125.00 to sell by THE WHOLE OF HER gated, Size 4x5 yards, at, each ...... $29.00 Size 314 x 4 yards, at, each ...... $29.00 WELL KEPT y'AUCTION WAGES ADVANCED. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The contents of hi* residence. 127 Govern­ Buffalo, N. Y., June 24.—A notice a Choose a Piece of This Reed Furniture To-day AND EFFECTS ment Street. Particulars later.____ posted in- the. mills. shops and offices Particulars on Saturday. of the Lackawanna Steel Company yes­ We have recently added many attractive now pieces and the showing at present is especially broad. The price range is H. W. DAVIES, M.A.A. terday that a ten per cent advance in easy, too. Come in and see these inviting chair styles. , wages will be made beginning July let. The Auctioneer. Stewart Williams. 4 Son»; The Auctioneers. RKKt) CHAIRS, many designs, from, each...... $6 REED SETTEES, from, each...... $12 Prof. Dr. Karl I»hmeyer, of Konlgs- RKKD ROCKERS, comfy styles, from, each ...... $4 REED COUCHES, several styles, from, each ...... $8 berg. has died at Dantzig at the age of seventy-seven. He was bom without arms, but at the University he turned the pages of books with his mouth, and could “Rice” “Rice” “Rice” sign his name firmly with a pen held be­ tween his teeth. FURNISHERS F FURNISHERS CHINA RICE, No. 1, per mat...... $2.00 OF J JAP RICh, No. 1...... OF CHURCHES HOMES mJ SYLVESTER FEED CO. Tel. 418 709 YATES ST. Maynard & Son SCHOOLS CLUBS AUCnONEEM WEILER BROS. BOATS HOME FURNISHERS SINCE 1862. Instructed by the owners, we will sell HOTELS "" ------v— TO-MORROW CHINESE CÔ0LIES of superior Intelligence, and should VICTORIA’S IMPLEMENT STORE At Our Salesroom, 1314 Broad Street, obey an laws In letter and In spirit so WELL KEPT as to create respect for the govern­ PETER McQUADE & SON A PRIVILEGED CLASS ment 'through their example. No ex­ Farm Implements for Progressive Farmers cuse, it is set forth, exists for offfclhl Wholesale and Retail Dealers in The season is now on for Mowers and Rakes disobedience of the law. The gentry furniture&fffects living removed in a measure from Ac­ We Handle the McCormick Line Including: 6-Piece Parlor Suite. Walnut Exempt From Provisions of tive participation in the government, GASOLINE, FLAGS, PAINTS, OILS AND VAR­ Frame. Very Fine Upholstered; Easy are given a year in which to acquaint AND THEY ARE THE BEST Chairs, Rattan Chairs. Oak Rockers. Book' Anti-Opium Law for Three NISHES, ENGINE ROOM, STEAMBOAT, YACHT, ’ Case. Oak Centre Table, Mahogany Lib­ themselves with the new law. after Full line of everything required for farmers always on hand. rary Table, Walnut Drop-Leaf Table, Occ. Years. which they will be as vigorously pro­ LAUNCH, MILL, MINING, LOGGING, CAN­ Tables, Two Very Good Rod Lounges. s' ' lit. d .is the offending oftlcla Bamboo Shaven. Table and Jardinier coolie ( lasses, it is set forth, are < "iti NERY AND FISHERMEN’S SUPPLIES. B. C. HARDWARE CO., LTD. Stands. Mahogany 5 o'Clock Tea Table, posed of Ignorant people, and are PHONE 1611 510 JOHNSON ST. Cane Seat Rockers, Large Wardrobe with (Time** Leased Wire.) recommended to the law's patience, so Glass Doors, Bric-a-Brac and Ornaments, Pekin, June 24.—Through the opium it Is ordered that they shall not be SHIP CHANDLERS. Phone 41. 1214 WHARF ST. Day Clock, Chlnaware, Crockery, etc.. amenable to the prohibitory laws for Two Linen Chests, Curtains, Almost New prohibition laws Just1 promulgated, the Carpets. Carpet Squares,-Rug. etc..«Hand­ Imperial government ha* established a three years, during w'hlch j^rlod all some Walnut Bedroom Suite. Very Fine officials arc ordered to employ mea­ Cressing- Mr. Bond wa$ appointed vicar The Germans are experimenting, governmental precedent In making the of South 11111. Bedfordshire, and he of­ Oak Bedroom Suite. White Enamel Dress­ sures to .acquaint the lower classes with reported success, with acetylene ers. Separate Bureaus, 3 Iron Bedsteads, common people a privileged class, w ith the provisions of the law. fered to Sell the .flagstaff to his successor, Springs and Box Mattresses. Bedrooqi which exceeds the dreaopa of the Mr. Yonge. But Mr. Yonge refused to shells, which are fired as far as six pay for It. on the ground that the flag­ ihilerf, from a specially constructed You Cantelope With Tables. Bedding. Pillows, Toilet Ware. most radical democrats.. FIGHT FOR A FLAGSTAFF* These Kitchen Tables. Chairs, Cooking Utensils, staff was fixed in -thd- s^U. end had be­ gun. These shells are so balanced Under the provisions of the imperial come part of the freehold ef the living. Hammock. Garden Tools. Very Good Gar­ edict, the official classes become am­ that upon striking the water a tube New Arrivals den Hose, Lawn Mower, Lady's Bicycle, Essex Vicar and Retired Admiral Appear Mr. Bond then returned the flagstaff a* admits the required amount of water etc. enable to the prohil In Court. a gift to hi* fàther-ln-law. Admiral and any official found guilty of "bit­ Lourd, who In turn presented it to the to the carbj$e, producing sufficient ... . ,25<^ acetylene gas to make a light of 1.004) CANTELOUPES, two for ..'... ting the pipe” Is subject to punish­ Rev. W. Warren, vicar of Black Notley, Almost new Six-hole Monarch candle-power. By this means a bat­ ment ranging from two years' Im­ The fight between a vicar and an ad­ which parish adjoins Cressing. When the PEACHES, two pounds for ...... 25* Steel Range. tleship can quickly Illuminate am area prisonment to strangulation miral for the possession of a flagstaff vicar of Notley applied for the flagstaff Mr. Yonge would not allow it to be re­ of several square miles where the en- PLUMS, per basket ...... 4< Within one year the gentry- come un­ was fought out In Braintree (Essex) Almost new Marvel Steel Range. moved. èmy Is supposed to be. Just .what APRICOTS, ixt basket N...... 40^ der the laws designed to free the em­ County court. The judge decided against the vicar, and On account of rent we will sell pire from the opium curse, but not would happen should a ship acctdent.- Admiral Sir William Garnhnm iAiard, of ordered the flagstaff to be delivered to alty lire In u direction opposite the en-^ at some time Two-oven French until the third year of Hauan Tung, The strawberry growers say the crop is about over. •Witham, brought an action against Rev. tho admiral. em.v a lid thus make a silhouette targy* 1 Range. Large Gal. Boiler. _..... which Ik throe* years heme, can the * He claimed to have been patronised -by but for some Improved form of night HOT Government Street. Tels. 88 and 1761 In explanation of the graduated pro­ The Admiral stated that he presented kings, duke*, bishops. Judges, policemen, visions of the lawylt la set forth that the flagstaff In 190? to his son-in-law. politician», publicans, "and glass which will enable the lookouts to MAYNARD * SON, Auctioneers |he official classes *are .supposed to be Rev. V. H. Bond, who,was then vicar of set In the dark,—Popular J