z COAL. COAL. ♦ W* HAVE THE LARGEST AND 01*1» BAIÆ A WALKER PADDED FURNITURE Wellington Colliery MOVING VANS CO. IN THE CITT. HIS GOVERNMENT ET. - Burt’s Wood Yard Phone SS Shorn 828. 736 Pindors Am VOLUME 47. VICTORIA, B. 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1909. NO; 143. BRYAN'S BON WEDS. WORK DELAYED. CRUSHED TO DEATH. TEXAS SENATOR Man Caught by Shaft in Pumping HUNT FOR LING PARKS BOARD Grand Lake. Colo., June 24.—Wm. KILLABNEY HAS Dispute Between Contractors Regard­ Station on Ranch. Jennings Bryfin. Jr., and Miss Helen ing Haulage of Material to Berger, of Milwaukee, were married STAYS BY GUNS here to-day. Only the Immediate rela­ BOAT DISASTER G. T.*P. Shops, ATTACKS TRUSTS Sacramento, Cal., June 24.—Mutilated IS UNABATERx tives of the couple were present. and stripped of Its clothing, the body Thé ceremony took place at the Ber­ Winnipeg. June 24.—Work on the of Joe. Nevis, aged 26 years, member FOLLOWS OLD BODY ger summer home here. The bride, ELEVEN PERSONS million dollar National Transconti­ WOULD SEND THE * of .a prominent family of this city, was RENEWED ACTIVITY who Is the daughter of Alexander Ber­ nental shops at Springfield is tempor­ found late last night wound around a_ ger. a millionaire grain tod hour arily tied up owing to • dispute be­ ORGANIZERS TO PRISON IN SAN FRANCISCO » IN FINANCIAL STAND dealer of Milwaukee, la very beautiful LOSE THEIR LIVES shaft in the pumping station on the and accomplished. She Is but IS year# tween contractors Haney, Quinlan and Nevis ranch in Yolo county. He had of age. The groom only recently at­ Robertson ufd J. D. McArthur, con been missing since Sunday. tained his majority. He has exten­ Nine Tourists and Two Boat- trector ,he tran,co"lln,,"ul ~ctlon Doctrine of Free Admission of This Is the second tragic death In the Letters in Which Chinaman Confirms Salary of Superin­ sive business Interésts given to him by affected,toT with regard to the haulage of Nevis family within a year. Last his father at Tucson. Arts., where the material for the shops over the three Raw Material is De­ spring M. S. Nevis, father of the young Threatened Life of Girl tendent and Will Charge ouiple will make their home after a men Drowned in m'les of transcontinental connecting man. fell Into a vat at his wlnerv and brief honeymoon Journey. nounced. was drowned. Handed to Police. City Up. Gale. the shops with the Canadian Northern. The contract states that train# haul­ ing these supplies shall have the right It <rss quite plain before the newly NEW HOME FOR (Times Leased Wire.) of way over this strip, but McArthur (Times Leased Wire.) (Times Leased Wire.) NEGLECT STIRS San Francisco, CpL, June 24.—Under constituted parks board was In session Klllamey, Ireland, June 24.—Five Insist# on getting mileage. The con­ Washington. D. C., June 24.—De­ nouncing the doctrine of free admission VlUr AF IT AT y the direction of George McMahon, the long yesterday afternoon that it Is American and four English tourists tractors have appealed to the trans­ THE PARK ZOO continental commission for a perform­ to this country of raw material, Sen­ AMU Ua 11 iaaJ I famous Chinatown detective, a small worthy successor to the former board were drowned late yesterday afternoon ance of contract, and are awaiting a ator J. VV. Bailey, of Texas. In the sen­ army of police officers and plain cloths- In seal for the maintenance of the when the large rowboat In which they decision. Work has stopped afid several ate to-day made a savage attack upon- m*n are scouring the waterfront to­ parts and boulevards. It was just were crossing lower Klllarney Lake hundred men are Idle. the trusts, asserting that the only day in search of Leon Ling, the Chi­ plain that the three citizen members PARKS BOARD TAKES was swamped In a gale. Two of the means of destroying th^m is to send DECEIVED REGARDING their organisers and operators to the nese slayer of Klsla Slgel, the New •re at one with the four who resigned four boatmen also lost their '"Three. ACTION IN MATTER penitentiary. York missionary. In their stand for the financial Inde The victims were: •' * a CONDITIONS AT MESSINA SAYS WOMAN IS 'The doctrine of free raw material I# It Is thought that Ling, If he is hid­ psedence of the board. Mrs. A. A. Hilton and son, Tacoma, unjust and undemocratic.”' asserted ing In Sail Francisco, will, not dare at­ This was. the snag which the olJ Wash, Mr. Bailey. "Instead of It being the tempt to make hi* escape on the Pacific board struck. As will be remembered. leans Are to Be Killed—San­ Mr. and Mrs. Loughead, of Boston. “ETERNAL SAVAGE policy «>t the Democratic party It was Little Progress Made Toward mall liner Manchuria, which salle for Messrs. Arbuthnot, Pemberton, Wllker- itary Quarters for Col­ Mias M. H. Cotum, of Massachusetts. never accepted until 1886. eon and Nelson resigned as a protest Rev. B. Barton and atster, LonSon. He then traced the history of the Restoration of the Ruined the Orient this afternoon. The shjp is tariff to prove his assertion# and con against the action of the city council lection. England. CANNOT BE CIVILIZED, so carefully guarded that the Chinese In refusing to grant the salary fixed by tlnulng, said: City. would have but one chance In a thou­ Miss Florence Wilkinson and cousin, "The proposition to exempt manufac­ the board for It* superintendent, $1,800. sand of getting away on her. half chargeable to parks account and of Brentwood, Essex. DECLARES PROF. STARR turers from the payment of a moderate half to boulevard work. The bears must die. No more Mr a Boatmen Toomey and Gleason. duty on raw material, is unjust and (Tlmea Leased Wire.) Suspect Released. The new board approved of the ac­ while will the youngsters try to get a None of the bodies have been re» unequal. When the tariff t# removed Sim Francisco. Cal., June 24.—(Later.) from raw material* It becomes neces­ Rome, via the frontier. June 24.—Ac­ tion of the former body In placing took at the poor animals penned up In covered. —A Chinese believed to be Leon Ling The party left the Great Southern “Sees" Signs in Everything, sary t-> increase the tariff on other ar­ counts repeatedly published abroad, tiupt. England's salary at $160 a month, a damp hole in the ground in a cor­ was arrested on board the Pacific mall hotel in the morning on a sight-seeing ticle# In order to raise the revenues." but suppressed In Italy, of the shock­ and decided to charge the city for all ner of Beacon Hill park. A humane According to Chicago time given by him to work outside the trip. After dwelling for some time on this ingly unsatisfactory state of affairs at liner Manchuria at noon to-day. The parks. The maintenance of the boule­ end will be put to the existence of the Scientist phase of the tariff, Bailey took up hie Messina have begun to reach King arrest was made by Captain of Detec­ vards Is under the parks board and, two bears, which are In . anything but ALBERTA WINTER WHEAT, attack on the trusts. Victor's ears In considerable numbers : tives Peterson, of Oakland. After bold­ while construction is under the city en­ a healthy condition. Later on, when "It l were attorney-general of the ing their prisoner but a few minute» (Special to the Tlmea) United States," he declared. "I would in the past few days, and person# In j ^ ------ ---------- — ----------------- ------ gineer. Its superintendent acts as fore­ finances allow, sanitary bear-pits will close touch with court circles are au- i the officers released him. after he had man for that work, but the bcÿtrd gets Calgary, Alb., June 24.—Winter :-----(Times Leased Wire.) take Issue to dissolve the United States be constructed' and some young bears thortty for the statement that he Is proved his identity to be other nothing for his time. As a matter of wheat will be a quarter to a third Chicago, June 24.—That woman is an steel corporation. Nothing would re-, procured, and these.-will be In such a suit to curb the rapacity of that trust Ling. fact, although the superintendent's crop. Much of the acreage Is re-sown "eternal savage” and that she "should making It exceedingly unpleasant for "Mme Is reported dally It has not been position that they can be looked at in from placing Iron ore on the free list. every jme~£onnerted with the adminis­ Threatening Letter. to oats. Growing crops look splendid not be civilised” is the opinhm of Prof. •The only mean* of destroying the charged up to the different local 1m comfort by the children. trât km of the earthquake zone. New York. June 24.—Two letters, provement works. The city collects At the meeting of the parks board and a large Increase In the yield Is ex­ Frederick Çtarr, famous scientist and j trusts and "preventing the formation of pected from present Indications. ethnological expert ft the Chicago others is to send their organisers and •The King wa* horrified and very- supposed to have been written by Leon five cents a foot frontage to meet the yenterday B, A. Lewis, one of the new angry when he visited Messina, a few Ling to Chu Gain, hi* rival for the af­ expenses of maintenance, and the con citlsen member#, declared that the University.
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