For Konst old Resu>vals Phono 121 CÔAL! COAL! BURT’S Hall & Walker 185 PANDORA 81. 1232 Government Street Podded Vans, Prompt Attention. ^Experienced Mr- lttl£S R eid ce Phone 8710. TELEPHONE S3.

VOL. 51. VICTORIA. B. C., MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 No. 72 SECHELT WRECKAGE IS MINISTERS DEFEND PICKED UP IN STRAITS RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT Life-Boats, Doors, Planking and Other Articles Bon. W. S. Fielding and Hon. Sydney Fisher Speak From Ill-Fated Vessel are Found—Number at Montreal—People Beginning to Realize of Dead Uncertain. Benefit of Freer Trade.

(tipeclal to the Times.) ciprocity had been.,a bolt from a blue to see the vessel sink, although sky* Mr. Fielding pointed out that the noticed that she gras faring badly Montreal. March 27.—Windsor Hall DROWNED * war crowded on Saturday evening when arrangements which wqre the founda­ passing the Race. tion for these later proceeding* were representative gathering heard Hon. Addition*! wreckage was picked adopted by thq unanimous vote of par­ yesterday afternoon by Richard Jack- Among the drowned are: W. g. Fielding and Hon. Sydney Fisher liament. son. of Admiral's road, who was out J. W. Burns, aged 50. of Sooke, defend the reciprocity agreement. cruising in the straits in his launch. Mr. Fielding asked why" the people of and Mrs Burns, his wife He picked up a door and a life-belt, the That a considerable portion of tin- had been, prosperous of late, George King Newton, aged 2d. former at the entrance to the harbor audience was antagonist was shown and then quoted various figures to show the records for 14 years before 1896 and of Victoria, a surveyor. and the latter In the vicinity of Albert when the chairman, Ueut.-Col. Mac- the 14 years since. "It is a gratifying Head. Word was received from the Kay, in his opening remarks, mention­ J. I, Henderson, aged 2*. of Vic­ William Head quarantine station this thing to have the Conservative» say toria, lineman for Messrs. Grant, morning that one of the long seats ed that he was on th* platform at Hon. that everything is so lovely now. But Smith A Co. which were situated on the upper deck Clifford Slfton’s meeting, a statement these figures do not show that such Capt. H. V. James, aged *7, of the steamer had been found there. that was greeted with cheers. gratifying things obtained when they .For the first time since the disaster WZWs were in power. e Yet year after year master and part owner of th^ Se- Mr. Ffcîdîng was given a warm recep­ the telephone wires between this city tion. He Opened by replying to Thus. they have said that the Laiiri^- ad­ chelt. —------and William Head have been In work­ WMf. Casgraln’s attack on him at Mr. 8lf- ministration has been a bad one. Ever Hugh Young, of Vancouver, en­ ing order late. this afternoon, but the ton’s meeting. “I challenge any man to since* the government came Into power residents there could give no further they have attacked our policy, and Mr. gineer of the Sechett. — show I have ever spoken or written any information regarding the foundering word in favor of annexation of this Borden has called for adequate protec­ of the Bechelt, Nearly every person country with the . It Is tion, but now, apparently, they take, all Ranking as one of the unfathomable who witnessed the departure of the that back and iay our tariff policy is ss./ a pure fabrication without the ghoat of mysteries in the history of shipping on steamer from the station for Sooke has a show of foundation." (Applause.) different opinion as to how many "Reciprocity,” Mr. Fielding declared, "It is on the public records." said the Pacific Coast, the marine disaster passengers there were aboard and how "formed the most important question Mr. Fielding, "that President Taft of of last Friday afternoon, when the many left the vessel at the station. the people of Canada had faced in the United States said in a recent steamer SecheJt sank, carrying an un­ Some of them estimate that there was W


tectlon of the Empire will be construc­ ted, a tremendous etep will have been ♦ ♦ Houses for Sale taken toward the final establishment * OBITUARY RECORD ♦ NEW INDUSTRY of Vancouver Island aa one of the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦•♦$ ’Twill Be Modern a-room houw, Mcl'her- leading constituent» of the Empire. ,on At» ...... a4,##e.*0 Modem 7-room house, Dominion The death occurred yesterday Too Late Komi ...... W.IteO.OO morning at the St. Joseph’s hospital Modem e-room house, McKaa- IS IN PROSPECT YOUTH ANSWERS FOR k«n St...... Sl.toq.oo of Frederick Arthur Johns, aged $6 For Regrets years. The deceased came to Vic­ Modem S-room house and 2 lota. Her,wood Road ... .$1,600.00 FOUR THEFT CHARGES toria about 20 years ago and has AVhi n we’ve actually Modem 7-room noose, Phoenix ACETATE OF LIME CAN 1 been employed in the city as a waiter. . st...... «4,160.00 Hto last place of employment wap at Mmlern 7,.room house, Car*» the Poodle Dog restaurant. He to st...... si.aao.oo POSSIBLY BE MADE HERE Closed Down 1 modem Houses, Esquimau For Lack of a Home, Jail Doors survived by a wife and two children, —« years* after an illness of several ------;------— —------was addressed. hSYe realized fhe Im­ case, having to go to jail. The boy Tompkins, who to a Van­ weeks’ duration.- The_ deceased was In No Instance Exceeds building was the point Of origin of the portance of 1C and will, after further __ couver youth, became sixteen years a naval pensioner and was born In investigation and consideration of the Are, and only the ‘three upper floors of age in February last, according Cornwall, England. He came out to Idea, approach the provincial govern­ were swept. On the ninth floor fifty j to hkr1 statement to the magistrate Victoria on the H M. B. Wareptte on Now Is the Time to Pack ment with a request that. In view of 5c and 10c | this morning, and, he Vga, after the which he held hto first commission. bodies were found; more than sixty the highly important use* to which four charges had been dealt with, re­ Mr. Buncombe to survived by two »re crushed to death by acetate of lime may be put, especially English copyright songs be­ manded until to-morrow tor sen­ cousins and an uncle In Vancouver, Eggs for Winter Supply ! jumping; nearly thirty clogged the In the manufacture of cordite and ing included. tence. Meantime the magistrate In­ one of hli cousins being at one time other explosives, of extreme combusti­ 25* elevator shafts. The loss to property tends to talk to the boy and ascer- mayor of that city The funeral will STRICTLY FRESH EGOS, per dozen... bility, they Institute experiments with stake place on Tuesday afternoon from ;...... 25* will hot exceed $100.000. tqlp what the circumstances of ht» I the object of ascertaining whether or the residence of R. H. Munn, Con­ WATER GLASS, per tin . . .> Pedestrians «oing home through family life were be for» he got Into not the acetate of Mme (which Is a pro­ stance avenue, Esqulmalt, where the Washington Place to Washington duct qf the distillation of wood) can be trouble Being out of the jurisdic­ tion ofc^the juvenile court, and hav­ deceased had been staying prior to WAITT’S To get your dog in condition tor the Dog Show feed him on Square at three minutes to five o’clock manufactured from the timber of -the ing been In the Vancouver reforma­ his death, at 2 o’clock and half an «PRATT’S DOG BISCUITS. Per *ack...... 45* were scattered by something rushing Island In such a manner as to make hour later from Bt. Paul's church. 1004 Government the prosecution of such an Industry a tory two years, there Is no detention through the air before them. There house for the boy except the com Interment will be made In the naval profitable Investment. cemetery. Esquimau. Try odf-CAPITAL CITY BUTTER at 3 lb*, for...... $1.00 was a horrible thud on the pavement The League has already consulted mon jail. The charges to which Tompkins and a body flattened on the flagstones. with several eminent experts upon, the You will he surprised at its good qualities. pleaded guilty this morning were Wayfarers on the opposite side of the subject, and It Is upon their arguments stealing two bicycles; one the pro­ and deductions that the afficlato of the street shaded their eyes against the perty of William Waxstock. lessee of League have decided to approach the CITY OF VICTORIA Windsor Grocery Company setting sun and saw the windows of the Broad Street hall, and the other Provincial government in order that belonging to A. E. Oymond. Victoria Opposite Post Office. Government Street. the three upper floors of the building whatever might be In the suggestions ------black with girls crowding to the sills. will have a fair test. By a ^ry sim­ West The boy was charged with A complete list of Local Improvement Works, authorized by By-Law, •Don’t jump." yelled the crowd, but ple process acetone, which is one of the theft of razor blade* and stamps from the Clarence hotel, and the from time to time, will be found posted on the Bulletin Board at the the girls had no alternative. The pres­ prime factors In the composition of cordite, can be extracted from the ace­ theft of a pair of boots from the main entrance to the City Hall. sure of the maddened hundreds behind Old Country boot store on Johnson them and the urging of their fear* were tate of lime, and JtJUrja scientific fhet that other almost equally Important gtr«-et lie was wearing the boots tv strong. Four alarms were rung within fifteen chemical element* can be secured from this morning. Re Subdivisions! Plans the same material. minutes. Before the engines could re­ TIDE TAULE. VICTORIA spond, before the nets could be stretch­ This acetate of lime can be produced STREET Persons desiring to obtain the ap­ ed or the ladders raised, five girls had even from stumps and twigs, and the Victoria Mercs. MU. proval of the City Council to sub- fallen from the eighth and ninth floors Important thing to be learned I* if It |T1mertt!TlmeHttT1ine.H(|Tt«n»Ht dlvtslenal plans, are hereby notified to so heavily that they crashed through can be secured in sufficient quantities —[k m. ftTlh. m. ft.jl». nr. f1.|h. «b- **• submit said plans In the first Instance School of Cookery thp very streets to the vaults below and with sufficient facility to ensure CLOSED to the Chairman of the Street Commit­ In an hour the Are was out; in half an It returning si profit to the manufac­ 4 3* 7.7 | 9 tii 6.4 i 14 34 8.2 | 22 01 2 6 tee, Alderman W. A. Gleason, and the Under the auspices of Y. WTC*. A. hour It had done Its worst; probably 4 61 7 7 i in SU.ll» « 7.« 1 22 » >•> Notice is hereby given that Fort turer. At the same time It would be a 11 14 4 » 16 68 7 4 | 23 16 4.2 City Engineer. 612 7.» ; WELLINGTON J. DOW LE R, the death list was complete In twenty benefit to the farmer In clearing the $34 6.1 12 11 11 ! 18 18 6 0 1 28 49 5.1 street between Yates street and minutes. land. Instead of burning hie stumps 6 66 8.3 ! 13 12 8 3 19 M 6.6 St. Charles street will be closed C. M. C. Opens To-day, March 27th Press Comments. and losing whatever value might be In 0 20 6.1 6 17 8 6 ! 14 17 2.7 | City Clerk’s Office. • 5» 8 9 1 1» U 2.0 | to traffic until further notice. March 13th. 1M1. Editorial condemnation of the them, would, thereafter preserve them 7 01 9.1 ! 16 21 16 | HU PORT STREET, CORNER COOK STREET. stringent sort Is voiced here to-day by and »ell them tor ■ slight considera­ 7 30 9 1 1 IT to L8 I New York newspapers as the after- tion to the manufacturer. 8 28 8.9 I...... 1 18 12 1.2 The commercial value of the product 3 6$ M 616 8.2 10 14 8.6 19 01 1.4 math of Saturday's deadly Are. Borne 19 46 1.7 Is of course the first '-—^deration, and 4 13 *2 7 16 7.6 1 B 44 6.3 of the expressions follow: 4 16 7» 8 11 6.8 12 59 8.0 2U26 2.3 MISS LIVINGSTON, DEMONSTRATOR. Times—No new laws are needed. 11 Is that which veminent ex 3 66 7.7 9 01» 4.0 14 06 7 7 21 06 2:9 The enforcement of existing statutes is pertinente would upon. A« 1* 3 46 7 7 9 44 6.2 : 15 10 7.4 21 « 8 7 10 27 4.5 I 1615 7.1 22 19 4 6 Imperative. well known. Vu Island Is well 3 36 7 8 variety of jtltp- 4 18 8:0 11 U S 8 1 17 » S.8 22 62 5.4 World—lx>ft buildings by the dozen supplied with 23 22 6.2 • w examples there *43 8.1 12 «1 3.6 ! 18 46 6.6 | are being built in New York which are ber. To nan 6 06 6,2 ...... 1 12 53 3.3 legal death traps. An enormous army la the Doug' red cedar, western 6 1« 8.2 ...... ! 13 45 3.1 Embroidered Flouncings of working men and women must hemlock.m _____sltL . ruce, western red 4M 8.3 ...... I 14 39 2 9 cedar, engleman »- spruce, western yel­ 4 M 84 ...... I 15 34 2.8 starve or. in the law phrase, "assume ...... I 16 27 2.7 -FOR- low pine, black pine, western larch, 6 08 8.6 the risk of working in them." 24 ...... X 6 27 8 4 ...... | 17 17 2.6 Tribune—It is not the act of God, but bn Isom fir. white spruce and the maple 4 40 12 ...... |...... to 43 2.6 the act of man, responsibility for It to possible that the projected ex­ 3 59 79 18 «7 2.6 which Is so widely spread that It may periments will prove the far-sighted­ 3 40 7 6 7 14 7.0 ! 11 58 7.5 ! 19 28 2.6 ,3 66 7.6 7 62 6.2 1 13 0* 7 6 | 2U <* 2.8 Children’s Dresses Copas & Young j never be traced. ness of the League In taking the mat­ 2 47 7.6 K 32 6.2 | 14 13 7.6 20 47 3.3 American—This frightful catas­ ter up, by demonstrating that acetate 8 10 7 7 » 16 4 .3 ! 15-17 7 5 21 24 3.9 trophe Is iio mere accident. It was a of lime can be prod seed and manufac­ n ...... | S 28 7.9 let» 3.3 t 16 24 7.1 | 22 00 4.7 crime. The deaths were murders, for tured on Vancouver Island on a pro­ Beautiful Swiss Embroidered Financings, in handsome eyelet 1 which the community is responsible. fitable basis. If such should prove to The tiro* used Is Pacific Standard, for Are Noted for th* 130th , west. It ta counted hole scroll designs with heavy scolloped edge. 40 inches wide. Fire Chiefs Views. be the case. It is hardly lutesible to from 0 to 24 hour*, from midnight to mid­ limit the Important bearing which Its Chicago, March 27.—Commenting on night The figures for height serve to Just the right material for dainty summer dresses. manufacture In or near Victoria will distinguish high water from low water. the New York Are disaster. Fire Chief Grocery Values have In the near future. When It !s The height is In feet and tenths of a Seyferllch of Chicago, said to-day: foot, above the average level of the lowest "Saturday’s horror probably will possible to produce .the explosives used low water in each month of the year. This PRICES $1.75, 85c and 75c teach New York the sombre lesson that In the shells of the biggest guns of war level la half a foot tpwer than the datum Take a minute! Bead Below, then compare our Price*. We In proximity to the place where it Is to which the soundings on the Admiralty the Iroquois theatre, the' Fish Furniture chart of Victoria harbor are reduced. a Yard Guarantee the Quality. « Company and the Stock Yards fifes now certain that warships for the pro- have taught Chicago. CHIVER'S OLD COUNTRY MARMALADE. As a result of these lessons. Seyfer- I 5C |llch says that Chicago Is the best 1-pound glass jar...... :...... AUV iequipped city In the world to avoid CIHVER’S STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY JAM. QP»g» such horrors. Robinson 6? Andrews At noon to-day the line of those Boy Scouts to Invade London Two 1-pound glgss jars...... 1 • • • • seeking admittance to the temporary THE CASH DRY GOODS STORE morgues where the dead Ue extended NICE N AVEL ORANGES. 1 for six blocks. Orlly half a dozen of —Canadian Scouts, Twenty Strong, 642 and 644 Yates St. Tel. 656 and 657 Per dozen, 35o, 25e and...... the weeping women, who composed the 1 greater part of the crowd, were allow­ to Attend Coronation as Guests of CALGARY RISING SUN BREAD FLOUR. (PI CK ed In the building at one time. Per sack ...... «P-I. VU OGILVIE'8 FAMOUS ROLLED OATS. QFx(* | UNIONIST FISCAL 20-pound sack, 75*. 8,pound sack...... POLICY ATTACKED 1ÜeCaNàDIAN CREAM OF WHEAT. 9ft/» Per paeket ...... INDEPENDENT CREAMERY BUTTER. C! 1 A A (Continued from page 1.) Centuhy Fresh made. Very nice. 3 pounds for...... gpA^W FINEST GRANULATED SUGAR. <61 1 Fa way to cement the empire! If the A Rollicking Vacation Across the Ocean. Tory way of setting up à fiscal bond 20-pound saek ......

111 eut the blank tering into this reciprocity arrange­ opposite. Send It nt .AOS.. ment with the United States. He once to The Boy Scout supposed that a Tory government pun AMD NO...... having Imperial preference In view Editor ol The Can- eowN on citt. THE TAYLOR MILL CO. would have endeavored to forbid Can­ ad ta. coetnry. end rnOVMOi .....nnm— Limited liability. ada making such an arrangement full Information In re­ Dealer, hi lOTtbar, east,. Deem and oU kind, et Building Material. with her neighbor. gard to thli greet oSer V.T.J7-I «Mann or noor.' Mut Otflce and Yard» North Government SVest, Victoria. B C. “Weir added Mr. H«_ "since the days 'when tea chest* were will he tent you. BROAD STREET P. 0. Box 628. Telephone 564. thrown Into Boston harbor no greater folly could have been committed than that.” .tCheerâl VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27. 1911 NEW MEMBERS OF

MEXICAN CABINET 1‘American Lady" Fashion Interest Can You Afford Corsets. Centres at dumber of Reforms Will Be D. * A. Corsets. Campbell’s To carry your own risk Enacted—No Change in At­ on your titude Toward Rebels

Automobile and Mexico Ctty. March f-l"";Although' no official announcement has been made 4t is Known that five of the new Motor Boat ? mem ben* of President Dias’s cabinet Liberal Policies Issued. have been selected, and it Is almost Every other kind of Insurance Written. certain that Jose Llmantotir will re­ main as minister Of finance. Other selections are: Demetro Sodi. judge of the Supreme,court, minister of jus­ tice. succeeding Justino Fernande*; Noerbeto Dominguez. postmaster- general. succeeding Leandro Ferons- R. R. Rithet & Co., Limited Manuel Maroquin, well known civil engineer. department of Fo- SUITS GENERAL AGENT*. mehto. suceedlng Olagrlo Molina; Jorge Kstanol. an attorney, minister of6” education. succeeding Justino For ladies who desire genuinely exclusive gar­ Siftfra. The adininistration will m»kv the ments our Tailored Suits are of particular interest. announcement this week. It is bare­ ly possible Vfiangès iiiaf tiF Tilfliff They are the production of the world’s best known Semi-Precious then In the list of th«s»; now selected; designers, and with US each suit received is an in­ For the heads of tfie departments of war and Interior no hint hg* been given. Gen. Bernardo Reyes, now in dividual model—shown by us- alone, .yr Gems Italy. who by many was thought to be slated for the post of secretary of Our Suits are thus really exclusive in design war and marine. U returning to Mex- Spxi-e will not permit of mir detailing mir extensive stm-k lco>lmt nut lo tttrrv.c in that capacity and this individual idea extends to fabric and color­ According to a high authority, he will of semi-preeimi* stmie*. Suffire to say that from our display return to serve In the army. With ing. Freshness and originality are qualities diffi­ the exception of General Dia* him­ rail lx- si-lci-tiul any particular gem yon may fancy at priors self. there is no man in Mexico whom cult to attain. Our suits have them—and our unusu­ the Mexican people credit with great military genius than General ally perfect fitting methods retain every perfect line unusually m mV rate _ . Reyes, and H is believed the mere knowledge of the fact that he Is to be of the garment, and preserve its desired effect. sent Into the field will do much to break the spirit of the revolution. With the changes in The ~cabinet, Besides Carrying All Regular REDFERN & SONS reforms will be enacted, which will Include changes in the electoral sys­ üaUbUihed 1862 Victoria, B. C. tem. effective suffrage l«i the election Sizes we Have the Outside of state governors and a reformation of the powers of the Jefes politico. It Is said a full programme of these Sizes reforms will be give*. In th<- find 1 BANKERS dent's message next Saturday at the opening of congress. i MONEY ORDERS That the administration's policy of The We issue both Canadian reform now has an excellent chance »f being carried out successfully is and American Bankers' currently believed, but no alterations Orders. in its attitude towards the rebels so Merchants far as the war is concerned is expect­ Dresses ed. • SAFETY DEPOSIT T hope earnestly that the present BOXES TO RENT differences will soon he solved In the Bank best Interests of the -country and to A seeure place for valu­ the satisfaction' of all reasonable pa­ Correct Ideas ^ ables. triotic persons.' said Hcnor Liman- tour. of Canada I fe« l that I may say that the ad­ KiuMiÎm^Iüî ministration * ôf President Dta* 1r In Coats Our Collection of SAVING prepared to take such measures and Capital Paid Up DEPARTMENT Implement such reforms as will sat­ Coats of full lc-ugtli arc undoubtedly isfy the best public opinion, and while the most popular and in the Children's $6,000,000 Deposits of One Dollar re­ meeting force with force. It will leave Dresses Richly nothing undone In the present cir­ Coats the three-quarter length takes Reserve Fund» ceived. No delay in with- drawala. cumstances to unite all good Mexi­ the preference. cans. $4,600,000 • The Mexican people and the gov­ Our spring and early summer show­ Deserve Your Victoria Branch. JOINT ACCOUNTS ernments frlendly_Jo us. must believe ing of Coats is now quite complete— __and 1 say this in all solemnity of. more complete and varied than any E. F. TAYLOR Two or more persons may erlty—that the government is de­ Fullest Interest termined properly and progressively previous season. There are many new open a joint account and O satisfy all legitimate demands for withdraw indiviually. reformative measures, and that It 4s and smart ideas 'introduced into the .For every dress included in our show­ doing this In its line of duty as a re­ Coats both in material and einliellisli- presentative government, honestly, sincerely and fearlessly.” ments. A few of the many materials ing is a distinctive, refined and Ix-auti- Of the men leaving the cabinet, are: Shepherd cheeks, pongees. ' man­ hone Is bètter known to Americans fitl model. In its entirety the display than Enrique C. ('reel, both because nish weaves, panamas, plain serges and Page Fencing for Field and Garden of having tilled the post of ambas- raw silks. Colors are; Cream, green, mirrors fashion’s newest r.ud most at >»»• __dor to Washington and his dealings with Americans at Chihuahua while gi-cy, blue, fawn, champagne, etc. tractive creations. Dresses iu nin.... serving aa governor. Quite a number have the sailor collars toy (mi* braided i>ong<>c, spotted muslins, WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE. and notch collars, with revers of silk, satin or self material. We also have a checks, striped and foulard silks. Lin Berkeley. (*al.. March 27.—lecturing lu-antiful line of Mack satin Coats of at the University of California Col. gerie dresses from those modestly R.MtseveR referred to women's suffrage net over taffeta- or satin as well as a • It has always seemed to me." he said, "that no man was worth his salt number of linen Coats. priced to the most elaborate models. Via w ho did not think of woman's rights- and no woman wag worth her salt who A complete stock of all sizes on hand. Also suitable Oates for did not think of her duties. Tempera­ mentally I am in favor of woman'» rights. 1 have studied the question Gloves to Match Your Suit thoroughly, but it has always seemed to me far less important thim other DENT’S RAGLAN GLOVES, per pair...... *1.00 PEKRIX’S “MONA” GLOVES, extra fine ipiality, in all questions affecting women The thing shades. Per |N»ir ...... *1.50 E. G. Prior & Co., Ld., Lty. to do is to bring to women a realisation DENT'S TAN GLOVES, special, per pair...... *1.50 FOVVNK’S WASHABLE KID GLOVES, white only Per that their great work must be done at VICTORIA, b. c. Sole Agents for British Columbia. pair ...... $1.50 home. The ideal woman of the future, DENT’S SI'EDE GLOVES in grey with wide stitching on hack, as in the past, will »h> the woman who DENT'S AND EOWNE'S WASHABLE CHAMOIS GLOVES, is a good wife and mother, u woman ;i dome fastener*. Per pair ...... *1,50 in natural, grey and white. Per pair...... 90< capable of bringing up a big family of children.”

WOMEN KIOHT POUCE. at* the result of the affray, but the SEATTLE WELCOMES BALLINGER Chicago. March ZT —Battling for fully women were finally gathered in. CANVAS 15 minutes with police and laborers, a Fomu r Secretary of Interior Tendered score of militant women on Saturday Reception. Wo keep iu stoek Cotton Canvas in widths from 2 ft. to 6 ft., afjprpiMm nrevented the laying of a F. W.STEVENSON & CO. and in several weights. Also brick pavement in West Hammond, just / outside the city. Virginia Brooks, the CONTESTS WILL OF Seattle, Wash., March 2t —Cltlxen* of Stock and Bond Brokers. HEMP AND FLAX CANVAS leader of a civic reform movement, was i-attle Saturday night paid their tri­ 104-10$ Pemberton Building. Cor. Tort and Broad Street*. foremost in the fray. She was ar­ bute of respect and sympathy to Rich­ rested and warrants for four of the PLAIN AND WATERPROOFED TARPAULIN MRS. MARY EBOY ard A. Ballinger, for two years secre­ other women were sworn out. HEMP TWINE, MANILA ROPE, ETC. The battle of the women was in sup­ tary of the Interior, and during moat FUNDS INVESTED FOR CLIENTS. port of a campaign to clean up the of that "lime Involved In a bitter cen- town. They allege civic graft In the trovemy over the policy of conserva* Orders Executed on all Exchanges on Commission. purchase of the brick which was being Son Asks That Bequest to lion. The great diningroom of the Ho­ laid, and tried to prevent the work by tel Washington waa thrown open to the Private Wires to Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal force. Christian Science Church public, and there, attended by Mayor When the laborers on the Job were Be Invalidated George W. Hilling and presidents of E. B. MARVIN & CO driven away the police took a hand, ten commercial and ffhclsl organisa and for a quarter of- an hour the fur lions. Mr. Ballinger received the greet­ dangers of public service and give them The Shipchandlers. 1302 Wharf Street. flew. The blue coats" buttons flew also ing* of friend* and sympathisers. The iusalcc and secure protection against the University School and a couple have badly scratched faces chairman of the reception committee Concord. N H.. Marieh ÎT-—A bill tendered Seattle's welcome In a few scandalmongers and political Intrig­ victoria, b. c. in equity contesting the will of the words, and Mr. Ballinger In returning uers. The only way. It seems to me, to late Mrs. Mar> Maker O. Eddy was thanks referred to his trials, eulogized protect an honest and trutyworthy pub­ For Boys filed here In behalf of George W President Taft and discussed public lic official against such assassins of questions. Mr. Ballinger In his address Glover, a son. Glover alleges that character Is to make R the duty of the Next term begins Tuesday, January t*. QUALITY said: Fifteen Acres of Playing Fields. hi* mettu r * h.queat of, her entire . s- “You cannot know the extent of suf­ attorney-general to prosecute at public Runs through the whole materia Accommodation for IN Boarders, Phone 272 PandoraAv. tale to the Chrkttiaja Neb-nce church, fering which I have silently home at expense the wicked defamer of his ol- fill'd lea and must he cohsldered Organised Cadet Corps. every time we buy any stock. which «he founded. was In direct de­ the hands of a political conspiracy and itclal acts.” a muck-raking press; nevertheless your Musketry Instruction. LIMITED fiance of the law* of New Hampshire, If we fill your unfaltering confidence In me and your Football and Cricket lie charged that other Christian ACCUSED or FORGERY Gymnasium and Rifle Range 5233 PKEHCHIPTIOX* loyalty and support have always been 1 fTcknUnta blinded hi» mother to thlw a sustaining force The greatest fac­ Recent Successes at McOUI zihd R.Ü You alway* get Ural quality. Los Angeles. Cal.-rMnrèh M. —- foils* CEMENT, LIME. PLASTER, TERRA COTTA BRICKS (Do- fact. ______ulty la that of casting aside and for Glover a Inn alleges that when he getting the uncomfortable Im ldents of Lillian Paxton! an attractive young wo­ man at 27, was arrested In Pasadepa uumuuPmtzed. I'xvmjt ipui Kir. STEEL itructural and re­ HALL'S signed an itfe T«w -cannot- slot* to curse even yesterday on a charge of forgery and Central Drug Store hi* mother'* Will.Mhat Ihe only agreed cur that barks at your heels. In view inforce™ eut). MANTELS AND ORATES. BUILDING MA- not to content lawful bequest*. Ife of my experience in public office at lodged In the county Jail In default of tsinds It «S alleged she made 06t*61 If tiU Sad 066*1$$ Mt($$t* now a«kft that the Wxiii.-athln* of the Washington. T have wondered how ft un attempt to negotiate i loan of flfi.001) TBRIALS, ALL KINDS. *- Telephone 201. enflr - state to the chkrch be in vail wtui possible to call good men from on property which she did not "bwu. dated. their prosperous Unes latu the



their guns, ft Is a fight on behalf of C« J. McIntosh, or T. W. Hick. These do not see as large, or as many times the people for their rights to buy and men are easily found and will straighten does the person who catches Ash. sell as they see fit. The big manufac­ The Daily Times out any difficulties or give any Infor­ This reference is not persons who turers of the East, backed by a large New Cloth Dresses and Charming Foulards Published dally (excepting Sunday) by mation. . Our advice to everyone, no fish for commercial purposes, but to part of the Conservative party, Is 1 ti Ti :es printing a publish­ matter on what side eg politics. Is to ing CO., LIMITED. those who dangle ah artificial fly with denying this right. register at once, for all who are legally That Combine Grace With Attractive Office a ...... Corner Broad and Fort Sts. a hook at the end of a string of gut for Buelnes# Office ...... ••...... Phone IflM qualified should take part in the gov­ 3 Editorial Oreo ...... Phone 45 ernment of the country, and this they the trout to Jump at. or who,* falling FAMOUS EDITOR AT Style-Individuality SUBSCRIPTION PATES. can only do by becoming voters. In the above method, very much ONE-PIECE DRESSES in fine serges and Panamas, made In practical styles, semi-tailored, Dally—City delivery ...... Me. per month dSllnst their will, pollute the .waters By mail (exclusive of city) ...... STREET CLEANING machine. 1 yoke and cuffs of Dresden nets and dainty lace; some with peasant sleeves (M C III j ...... $3.00 per annum with a wriggling worm impaled on THE CANADIAN CLUDl and all with the fashionable new skirt effects. Prices range from $25.00 to V lu.V/V Semf-Weekly-By mall (exclusive ot The street, cleaning commissioner hook. People who do this are those city) « 00 per annum CHARMING FOULARD DRESSES, made in the simple styles so much in demand. The Postage to United States. 11 extra per year of New York Is considering the ad­ who become Impregnated with the de­ Address changed as often as desired. Foulards are all satin-finished, and, this season, represent a variety of patterns ine visability of Introducing a new motor sire to multiply numbers and to ln- SPECIAL AGENTS. Skirts are straight-out—many featuring the knee border. The waists are (PO C I If j street cleaner for use- In that city Dr. J. A, McDonald, of the| eut the peasant sleeve effecU.. Prices $37.50 to V6ÏJ.VV Special -JnfcUah - repressnta live. R. çjvaee sises. ______... CloughCr, SO Outer Temple, Strand. Already extensive tests have been We do not believe that anglers ever Toronto Globe, Guest at London. W. C. Special Eus .1» Canadian representative made on a number of the principal intentlally exaggerate the else of their Luncheon To-morrow B. J. Guy. a Canada Life Building. streets and the result Is said to catch. The man or boy. especially the A Special Display of Silks and Velvets to Be Seen in Our Toronto. have been a wonderful Improvement latter, who catches # a fish after SELLING AGENTS. Thv DAILY TIMES is on sale at the :ol- over the old method. The new ma­ patiently dangling a worm or throwing The Canadian Club will hofà a lunch-1 Silk Department, Monday. The Very Latest Creations lowlng places, t Victoria: chine either flushes or sweeps.' so that a fly for hours tees that fish twice as eon at one o’clocjt In the Institute hall, Army A Navy ~lgar Store, cor. Govern­ large as does anyone else. Ho Is not. when the guest of honor will be Dr. J. Direct From the World's Fashion Centres ment ' Pastlon. on streets which are to be flushed it in fact, a disinterested observer, and A. Macdonald, editor of the Toronto J Gough’s Cigar Store, Douglas St. Knight’s Stationery Store, *55 Yates St. may be used for that purpose, and cannot be expected to deliver a proper Globe. v PLAIN NINON, in shades "of pink. *kv, Dr. Macdonald arrived in the d>y this THE NEW “DEW DROP” CHIFFON. Victoria Boo» * Stationery Co., cor. John­ Judgment. It woulà be as rational to Vhere only sweeping Is required that morning from -the Sound and was metl mauve, champagne, navy, cream, «lute son and Broad. expect anyone who has kissed the This comes in exquisite shadow Dresden T. N. Hlbben A Co.. 1127 Government St. process 1» alpne resorted to. Where by several of the club officials and other | and black, 42 inches: Yard...... **-00 Blarney Stone to be temperate In his effects, mid is particularly handsome for Hub Cigar Store. Gov’t and Trounce Alley. advisable the streets may be swept friends. * H. W. Walker, grocer. Psqulmalt road. language, as for a man who has just over dresses or trimming. 44 iSvhc* IVr NEW NINON, with Dresden border effects. A. E. Talbot, cor. Yates and Douglas Sts. and flushed at the same time. The landed a trout to see It as It really Is. sechelTwreckage is yard ...... *3.00 These are the latest creations. Only one Dodd’s Grocery, Beaumont P. O. Old Post Office Cigar Store. 1124 Gov’t Ft. sweeping is done in suPh a, way that Perhaps It Is a poor, little wlggly crea­ m WEXBY •S' .mULARR in 6_ exclusive of a color—reseda, roar, grey and King!» Windsor News Stand. Government St. no dust Is raised, and the dust Is col­ ture about six Inch»-* long, but to ft 1 PICKED UP IN STRAITS I designs and «dors, (’tulles in only one oT blue. 44 inches. 6$s yards A pattern *15 A. H. Hartley. UrfiWJi Jus, Cigar Store. Government and Port Sts. lected and carried to the body of the anilerXr measures at lé'Ait twelve each pattern 44 inches tridr. . SIMM» PKISTTO NINON. vXi'-tfiMVe dress pimemv P W Fawcett. King’s Road and Douglas. inches. If he cannot easily persuade his machine, so that there is no second 500 YARDS FANCY NINON SILK, bird- in light grounds with floral patterns. *>> j Mr*. Mai shall. Gorge Hotel, et the Gorge. friends con! pan ions that this is Nell M-Dormld, East End Grocery, cor. required. The brwwni fCrmtlmtetl from Ll eye pattern, greatly used,fur: GVer-dfesHv», var,l-lengths Pattene ...... f 15.00 the case/ It Is because thev do not eee — Foul and Oak Bay Ave. either five or nine feet In length, con­ in 8 different colors, width 40-inch. Mon- PLAIN-CREPE DE CHINE, for evening W. Gardiner, cor. Pandora and Cook. with thXseme eyes, they have not the sequently different Widths of street ,iay ...... J.'...... ase wear, in shades.of pale blue. pink, mauve, V. Le Roy. Palace Uigur Store- Gov’t St. same vision. They hare not twken the wind would awing lier broadside on In R W Puller’s News Stand. C P U Dock. may be cleansed. The machinés can 200 YARDS 14-INCH NaTVRAL PONGEE, same treatment before being subjected this connltion it would have been im­ champagne, nile, -cream, white and black. W. J. Clubb. Cigar and News Stand. Em­ not at prF grado Austrian china, neatly decorated in small pattema. The seta comprise 1 soup tureen Greek has always been a compulsory George King Newton, on.* of -the circulation of the Times and the WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE. lll-fatetl |>ai«mnger* of the steamer, 2 vegetable dishes. 2 platters. 1 sauceboat and stand. 1 tea pot. 1 cream and sugar. 1 bowl. growing demands for space. It has subject In these schools, but now there was a son of lb» late Herbert New 12 5 inch plates. 12 ti inch plates. 12 8-iin-h idates. 12 soup plates. 1- < ups and become absolutely necessary to The chief arguments in favor of giv­ Is a demand In some quarters for the ton. a well-known Dublin architect place a limit upon the time at which and l«*aves a mother and brother fruit dishes. Price...... ' ’ ' ing the suffrage to women have gener- changes for advertisements will be omission of this subject as well In the Irish capital. Mr. Newton was accepted and guaranteed publica­ ,l|y been that women take higher others from the curriculum. and the formerly In the Fourth Dràgoon tion. Copy for changes must be Guard*, and was attached to the mil ground on public questions than men substitution of subjects which will handed In to the buelneac office not Itary service of India. Aged 2* year* later than - p. m. the previous day. do. and for that reason many of the prove of more practical value In the he ha* been on the coast for the pant Dining Chairs Arrangements for the Insertion of two year». Since last June he had present social evils would be removed battle of life. Greek has always. In new advert! ements must bo made been carrying on survey work for the We have made a speeial pur,-has.- of Dining Chairs in nets of 6. This comprise, fee aide before 10 a. m. day of publication. If they were allowed to vote. Some the past, been looked upon aa necessary Canadian Northern Pacific, and short­ Class! '* advertisements betvre 2 . hairs and one arm chair, of solid oak. in Early English mission styles and *nB,hfal*£ women have <1. man.l. d that' tins be to the education of a gentleman The ly after Christmas he was dispatched p. m. to Rooke as assistant engineer On The above rules are made for the allow ed to v.l. M " avise they are for.. d man who had not read his Iliad In the Wedn.Fdfiy last he came into town DINING CHAIRS in sets of six. finished golden oak. l’er set ...... *10.75 benefit of readers of the Times, who to pay taxes, snd they are as Intelli­ from Rooke and went over to \ an Insist upon the paper being deliver­ Greek was not eonaldered educated, no couver Returning from there he ed as rrl In the evening as pos matter how much of everything else he gent as their male neighbors and there­ was en route to Rooke on the Rev he It Bible. to,, are to be trusted. Whether or not might know. The tendency to-day In to when the Vessel foundered. the state would be better for women look upon the man who does any use­ Another of the victims, J..I. Hen demon, was a surveying lineman em­ DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED taking a share l»\M» management of ful thing well a. much better educated SBCVRK RIGHT TO VOTE. ployed by Messrs. Grant Smith A Co affair, we are not (It present going to than the man who cpn read'the Greek on the Canadian Northern Pacific. H was aged 2*. »md unmarried and Those men who are eligible V» vote at classics, in this country some people disc UBS. We Simply) wish to draw at- came here from Laeds. England, of provincial <>r Dominion eSecttons but tenttrn to the fact -that a number of even object to the study of Latin, but Which City he was a native. He whose naines are not at the present we do not think they are wise In this. relative* in Cody. Wyoming. | |he straits off Smith Island, PERSONALS. handling plant of the Erie railroad at women of Colorado, where female suf­ North Randall, a suburb of Cleveland. time on the list are asked to register Ho great a part of our language Is de­ frage obtains, are very much dtaaatls- Mr». Howard F. Hack and tlaugh- Saturday night. The dynamite was before Friday next. Should the Con­ rived from the Latin that one feel, u*e much valuable time may be class at Oak Hay mission. The dean elled They left on the midnight boat people who have been living under the is »id, have staled frankly that veer* ago he also made his home In for Vancouver. ^ eash. 020.00. saved. The tendency in some quarters spoke of the high character of Captain Victoria. With rapt. Jarvis’ h# started British flag in other parts of tlA- world they chatuo-d their .-olora bttause they Runs between 90.(MM) and James- life and of hla fine manly the Victoria Nautical and Engineering who must act quickly if they wish to is to make everything easy for the With the characteristic sacrifice of were paid belter by one side than the . hrlatlan virtue». At the evening ser­ school and both did considerable work 40.000 feet per a,-re of become voler.; There are always boys. That Is not a fault In this coun­ vice Rev: Dr. Gray also made reference the physician. Dr. J. L. Todd, pro­ spruce, hemlock, eeilar anil other. The opinion of nineteen women In adjusting compassé» for local fessor of parasitology of the medical number of people who, when election try. however. The lad» have plenty to to the aad event. _ , _ quoted seem» to be that suffrage has era. rapt Jamea was an officer of lh' department of McGill University of tir. A fine mill site. A1 time arrlwr. a i„h thit they had taken du in school and out. Their tasks are In the I’hurch of Our Lord Rex. T ftnyal Naval Rngam to gbich he held, hewn a failure, and that to-day. the ma­ \V Gladstone referred to the dtiwster Montreal and Dr. fflmén B. Wolbéeh boom in p (troumb*. free of the necessary steps to become res­ heavy enough. We are strongly of opin­ a lieutenancy, and he took much Inter- jority of Colorado w-imen are opposed and ahked for the prayers of all for assistant professor of bacteriology at ft est In the Roy Scout movement, taking teredos on eeeount of the ion that for *Umj next generation the the Harvard Medical School, have de­ tored. tu It, since they have »een ttn effect. those bereaved. rsrt in recent entertainment» given hy tiin«- of «ny ordirmry lad may be better parted for the unknown tracts of amount of fresh water. Bed- For the convenience of those who do H, Is qqlte possible that the wfimen N,,t nf Ir-Hiuois Type the Scouts. He was a navigator of con­ West Africa to study the so-called well Sound is deep enough not wish to go to the registry ofBce to Hpent in the study of living subjects. In faptaln A. A. Hear», of the staunch siderable ability and had a knowledge quoteil may represent only a otirtaln .’sleeping sickness." beri-herl, and It» for largest vessel afloat. record theip names, the following local section of the voromunlty.1 and that the this country Greëk is an optional sub­ Tittle steamer Iroquoi*. which plies , f engineering which qualified him for among the islands of the gulf, wishes allied diseases among the natives The Owner is leaving for Mexico business men. have authority to put great majority of the women have differ­ ject, but children often learn It be­ tn engineer's certificate. the Times to contradfct the story that two physicians have a single white '14 names on the lista: J. King ham, R U cause their fathers wish them to do »o. and wants quiek sale. ent opinions. |t would certainly be in­ the lost steamer was of the **nie type hunter as escort, and will brave the dangers of hostile natives In their ef­ Drury. A. B. Fraser. R. II. Mclucking. teresting to read the opinion of a dis­ As a hobby it Is all right but We can a* hi» boat. He writes : — forts to discover the primary source interested observer who lias been In not understand a boy, of his own voli­ • In speaking of the Sechelt disaster BRITISH EXPEDITION of the baffling disease. the state during an election and who tion .taking up this subject for a hobby you compare that boat with the « teeni­ er Iroquoi». that runs among the Gulf Robt W. Clark has- had upper!unities of judging. The It wa* hardly necessary for Cap­ isla.ids. It 1» not so that the .Revholt DYNAMITE OUTRAGE. Hsuee Phone 1372 voting of women property owners In TO THE ANTARCTIC tain Rears to write to the press, for the was built on the lines of the lroqbols, Office Phone 1092 civic elections has no*, so far aa we The Sechelt was open along the sides Cleveland. O.. March 17.—Unldentt purpose of asserting the seaworthi­ V. I. COAL know, had any IU effect, and In" some between the main and pdaaenger deck*, fled miscreants dynamited the new ore ness of the steamer Iroquois, plying cases it ha* been in tha Interestsxçl and in a had sea there we* nothing to The Best so the Market between Sidney and the Gulf Island» prevent the waves from slopping In morality and progrès». To only a few and flooding the engine-room, which is Steamer Returns tp New Zea­ LARGE LUMPS, per ton. .«7.86 The Iroquois has stood the test of however, has the suffrage been extend­ probably what happened, and bausbd good many years of service in all We have another Brand New Pretty SACK LUMP, per ton...... 17-50 ed. and this can hardly be considered her to fill and turn oyer. land After Landing Mem­ kinds of weather. Her staunchness •When the weather 1» bad .we close Seven Room House NUT COAL, per ton...... IO.S0 a criterion. Countries that have ae ex­ bers of Scott's Party the between-deck ports and gangway tended the suffrage will be carefully ha* been demonstrated. Bath, pantry and reception hall, finest workmanship, in a much TEL. and the Iroquoi» is practically water­ watched by other countries, and largely T would rather see the good old tight up to and above the pa**enger desired locality, near ear and sea ; a handsome residence, at the in accordant* with Ui* result of such surprisingly low figure of « Liberal party go down to defeat than deck, the name as the S. 8. Uharmer. (Times Leased Wire.) “1 have been, master of the Iroquoi» 139 investigation will the verdict here und Christchurch, N. Z„ March 17—the eee It crawling to capital.** said Mon. eight yesfrs, and have been in all of the elsewhere be. S3,760 A. O. MacKay In his speech at Brock bad storm* during that time, and 1 steamer Terra Nova, which carried 618 rapt, svotx’s British Antarctic expedl Cash only $650 and the balance as you wish to pay it. This bar- ton Hall. Toronto. That Is the spirit have always found her a staunch Uttie A FISH STORY. turn to the point when, e their South gain cannot be duplicated in the city. that is animating the whole party at behaving splendidly in the worst Yates ,, Tha irouuuix haa. made....herher l ular tlash began, returned here to-tlar ------A Rah story The Tt-rnt Ko\a*» captain reported trips aad landed her passenger* •*' «!» LeSUEUR, HILL * COMPANY, LIMITED not true or that is grossly exaggerated. are brlnfftos all aorta of preMureUfe to ■ i . thtte... ' MPrince»» I — Vlctofls limlhad Ito take that he Uft the expedition In «ae shape and Hint all were conOdanl ot planting McCALLUM BLOCK, DOUGLAS ST. The leyn seems to hâve originated bear to defeat the reciprocity xffr ahdti V. I. Coal Co. night that the Clallam was lost, I was the Union J** on tha . gig Xatca SV US from the fact that ordinary Individuals ment, But the Liberal» will stand by

X" i i j ; ' i * t-1 - i-:4- T 1

it*1 St *HD . ■


* ❖ ♦ LOCAL raws ♦ AUTflMBBILISTS TO ♦ ♦ When considering the pur­ Llndow Grove Have Yoe «■* chase of a » —not forget that you can get an PROTEST TO PREMIER An Old Black express or truck at any hour you may Piano for Your Home Creamery wish. Always keep your checks until toe LB., 8 LBS. FOR ...... fl.OO you have seen us, as we will save you Keep in mind that both the the 10c on each trunk you have to pay Association Discusses Speed The leading butter at the price. Has no equal. Straw Hat! V baggage agents on tialns and boats. Gerard Heintzman Grand One trial and you will be a constant user of this We will cneck your baggage from your and Upright Pianos OF QUALITY Laws—Meet Again Next popular butter. If It's becoming don't throw It hotel or residence, also ltore It See us away, because It can be made before you make your rrangements. and the AID QUANTITY Friday Evening good as new with We guarantee to satisfy everyone on ACTON BROS. price and the way .ve handle your Gerhard Heintzman Self- Telephone 1041 Wide-awake Grocers. 050 Tates Street soods. We consider It a favor"tt -ymi Bowes1 Black Straw will report any overcharges or Incivil­ r Bayer Pianos FROM As ft result of the mcetlng ôniuTomo- ity on the part of our help. blllsts held at the drill hall, In connec­ Hat Varnish Pacific Transfer Company, Are home productions made by home people. There are tion with |he automobile show, on Fri­ ."Let Hercules himself do what he may. This splendid varnish is water­ 'Phone 24». 60 Fort St The Cat will mew, the Dog will have hi* Dtf proof—the black cannot come off. distinctive features about the day night, a deputation will wait on We would like every wearer of —8. P. C. A.—Cases of cruelty, phone the premier and hi» colleagues tM* straw hats to know more about Inspector Russell, No. 1921. 1 Gerhard Heintzman Pianos week, to ask that the statute régula its economy and worth. Kirk A Co. Ing the speed of automobiles he modi­ Only 26c at this store Pertaining to tone, quality —Messrs. Elliott. Maclean A Slrand- and service which every pros­ fied, and the arbitrary clause* whereby fay, on behalf of their clients, the Vic­ the offender must prove his Innocence, toria Machinery Company. Ltd., haw pective purchaser should Phone 212 rather than the prosecution prove the asked the city to approve of certain know about. plan* for wharf extension. The city offpnee, be abolished. The Dog Show All information freely sent, Cyrus H. Bowes council has referred the matter to the or if in the city a demonstra­ The law as It stands, under which iniier Harbdr Association. so many prosecutions have occurred In tion will be gladly given to ' Is close at hand and of course you are getting your hound of high j CHEMIST Prompt Delivery the police court, provides that once the """—•The regular midweek service at the degree Into good condition for "His Day.” Remember, our Rig Pure'} anyone interested. Informant has sworn the automublltet, 1228 Government Street Men's Mission. Store street, will be Food Market provtdes good pure Yoodx for the dog* as*" well as good/1 field on Tuesday Instead of Wednes­ has travelled more than ten miles an pure food* for his. master. day. evening Uii* week. Bishop ..Mae, Fletcher Bros. Mur. thfL.yiuM.JA. with the. accumA. J&. SPRATTR HUUH11I CHniUt» STi-Str, «ttgfc ..-.V.... ■ : . — * if Donald will, speak The meeting will prove to the satisfaction of the magis­ commence as usual at 8 p.m. A good 1*31 Government St. SPRATT'S PUPPX BIHCttlT*. .Mack ...... 50* attendance Is hoped, for. *_ . trate that he was not travelling at an HIS OFFICE Tel. 886. EMMANUEL BAPTIST illegal speed. ' Members of the Auto­ 8PRATT S DUQ B1HCUITÜ per sac* ...... BOf, mobile association hold that this pro­ —The entangling* European alliances vision Is unjustifiable, and hope their _ AllVKXT tVH hall of tha A. O. U. W. building All Branches of the Church order, and lay Information.against all VleteHa-Vancouver. ADVENT FLOUR, 5»-lb sack ...... v...... *2.00 speeders whom they meet on the road. A fresh shipment Just in. If you wish Jo try It, we will supply you desire, hut drop in Ilia office Princess Victoria leaves Victoria dally Work Are in a Prosperous —An excellent concert and dance The association will meet again Fri­ with a pound for 5# at 3.30 p m.. except Sunday, arriving at day night at 8 o'clock, at the board of aud see if his comforts there va» given by (he Caledonia Pipe hand Vancouver at 8.15 p.m.; Princess Royal Condition trade rooms, to hear the reply of the cannot be improved. in A. O. V. W. hall on Friday evening. leaves Victoria dally at 11.41 p. m., arriv­ President P. _J. Riddell was in the chair ing at Vancouver at 4 a. m. government to the deputation. SWEDISH POTATO FLOUR, packet ...... !... 20c and there was a large attendance. The Princess Adelaide leaves Vancouver SYMINpTON'S PEA FLOÜR_tln ...... president announced that there will be daily, except Tuesday, at 10 a. m . arriv­ The adjourned annual meeting of A PHENOMENAL RECORD. PUllO. fht- Kirtg of Pancake Flours, packet ...... an "at home”'held In connection with ing at Victoria at 2.45 p. m.; Princess Emmanuel Baptist congregation was Royal leaves Vancouver at 1 p. m. dally, The history of The Mutual Life of PURITY BREAKFAST FOOD; you should try thl*. If you have not.! Baxter 1 Johnson Co. the next meeting on April 5. The con held on Thursday. Rev. VVm. Steven vert programme was a very good oye arriving at Victoria at 6.30 p. m. Canada (no* m Its 12nd year) hoa been It I* made front the most delicious part of the wheat.—cooks white! son In the chair. At the previous meet­ LIMITED. w, every vtj Victoria-Sesttla a remarkable one hr many respects. The and clear; extremely nourishing, large packet for . ... . 25d , Princes* Adelaide leaves Victoria dally, ing reports Were read from each interest earnings alone have been suf­ 721 Yates St. Phone 730. except Monday, at 4 30 p. m., arriving at branch of church work an 1 all showed ficient to pay all the death claim* for C * ti SEMOLINA, tin ...... 25<* —The application of James McPher­ Seattle at » p. m ; Princess Victoria leaves "tb* whole period of th«- company's ex- C A B. ARROWROOT, tin ...... 25«V son to lay water main on Kenneth progress during the past year The Seattle dally, except Monday, at 10 a. m . Isffepce with nearly 12.644.000 to spare, R0B1N80NH4 PATENT BAH LEY HKOA’-W, tin ------avenue from I,ak«- road to Burnside arriving at Victoria at 2.30 p. m On the deacons' report showed progression in while the total payment* made to liv­ HORLICK'8 MALTED MILK, bottle.' $100 or ...... SO< road will be granted by the city, the lie-over day the steamer li îuols. of the spiritual things. The trustees gave ing policyholder* In the form of En city solicitor having declared that the -Puget Sound Navigation Co., fills dowments, dividend* and cash values.! the schedule. report on their canvas* of the members RIGHT HERE water commissioner has the necessary are greatly In. excess of the amount Vancouver- Seattle. for funds for the parsonage and 'other power. This will meet the condition In­ paid for death claims But what I* ALL ORDERS FARMERS Is where you can get advertently caused by recent legisla­ Print ms Victoria leaves Vancouver improvements to the church. They re­ even of greater Importance than its dally, except Sunday, at 11.» p. m.. ar­ tion. which bars Saanich and other ported about half the amount In cash past, Ik the present standing of The Are solicited. We give special Kindly note that we are always municipalities from doing local im­ riving at Seattle at * 30 a. nv ; Princes* ready and willing to pay the Adelaide leaves Seattle at 1130 p. m and pledges. The same signs of pro­ Mutual Life of Canada. In the year attention to these A post card Better provement work in Burnaby munici­ highest market prices for good dally, except Monde y, arriving at Van­ gress were given by the reports of the 1910 the interest earning* were more with list of goods* you require pality. than sufficient to pay the sum total of will do ns well as though you farm produce.' We handle every­ couver at 1 ». m. board of elders, ladies «id. missionary Printing all death claim*, all matured endow­ shopped In person. thing, hut B, must be GOOD. circle, B. Y. P. C.. Sunday school, en­ ments. all annuities, and all surplus on —The city will not be able to secure TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. At no higher price than you the air compressor for rock blasting, velope clerk, treasurer, clerk and choir. policies. have paid before—poaaibly the contract for which was given to This is to certify that on March: The, report* read at a previous nfret- The profit* earned In 1910 (after In­ creasing the Reserve Fund to over $13,- W. G. Wlnterburn about six weeks 17th, 1911. I lost n horse Insured with i ing were received and adopted. The lower—in fact, more than CiiO.COO) were 28 per cent, on the pre­ ago. It has developed that the type of the British Empire Insurance Com- elections of officers and committees re- likely lower. miums received from policyholders, and T H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO. Ld. machine ordered is not now manufac­ pany. Ltd., of Vancouver, B. h>r| C.. suited a* follows. every dollar belong* to policyholders j tured. but that a similar machine can $183.oO and have this date received J. R. Clements wa* made a life dea lone. The Mutual Life of Canada has! ROWEBOTTOM be secured for 81.300, which Is $126 more tl,lough R. A. Power. 1214 Douglas St., no .interest to consider or care for ex-1 Grocery Store Butcher Shop Liquor Store than the original order. As. however, their local representative, their cheque con after having served seven years. eept the interest* of it* policyholders. 1 the present council has no power to Thoe, Campbell and W E. Peirce Telephone 2677. 1. & CAMPBELL for the full amount. who alone own Its entire assets, and, Phone 178-17». Telephone 2678. enter Into a new contract the city en­ Dated at Victoria. B. C.. this 2trd day wore elected to complete the deacon- receive every dollar of profit* earned. gineer's department will have to do ate. of March. 1»11. This company Is noted for It* econo­ Careful Prlnte without the machine for the present. WM SYMONS Wm. Marchant. J. R. Wescott and mical management, and It coets policy­ 1014 Bread 8k Thn*. Wood were re-elected to the trus holders of The M.ujual Life of Canada PKMBKRTOX BLOCK COUNTY COURT LIST. lee board for a,term of two years. The board of elders was re-elected t try little over half a* ri^uch to look after their- busmen* a* in the average with the exception Df W E. Pearce, and Nine cases on April Calendar to Open of all Canadian companies. on Monday Manning Next. Mrs. A. E. St m mon de and Alfred Sel- llck were added. Mr Rigby was Before insuring elsewhere call and obtain" rate* and plans of The Mutual elected clerk of the church. Thomas Lectures Tlie County court list for April, will Life of Canada and you will be con­ Wood was appointed treasurer in place open April 3. and contains nine case*, vinced that they can offer you the best ON besides Judgment, summon* applica­ of Alfred Wescott, resigned IDEAL policy at the lowest premium rates. J R. Clements was elected envelope ******* tion». The list la as follows: For particular.! apply to R. L. Drury. Rex (Harrison) v. Lim Sow (Mores­ clerk, with the following elected to act on the envelope committee: Mrs A. E. Manager, or to Fred M McGregor, CARDEN by) Special Agent; office* 918 Government Theosophy New» Advert leer (Robertson),, v. Rol­ Johnson. Mrs. A. K. Simmond*. Mrs. street. Victoria, ftrCf* Cook, Reg. Chare, Alf. J. Johnson and FENCE ler. Coal MR. C. JINARAJADA8A, R. A , Cam­ Mf fik I1U k. Jr. bridge. Eng., and of Colombo. Ceylon, B. C: Hardware Co. (Hanlngton) v, WEATHER BULLETIN. The foil.iv. ing were elected ushers: V The Best House Fuel on will give a sérié» of free lectures' on the Coleman. following Thcosophlval subjects. In the Dahlin (Taylor, Harvey & Co.) v. D. Wescott. Thos. Knight. Wm. Dally Report Furnished by the Victoria CARDEN Friends’ Hall, 718 Courtenay street: Rheepwash, Preston Coates and R. S on the Market West hoi me Lumber Co. (McNeil, Bird Meteorological L>epartmenL Friday. Mardi 24th. "The Life of Mys­ ClAnents. J. R. Clément», superintend CATES ticism.” * & Co.) ent. Burnett (Moresby) y. Young (Fell). Victoria, March 27.-5 a.m.—During yes- » We always carry a large stock Sunday, March 26ih. "Theosophy In the The members sanctioned the election In> Ducrest (Mason) v. Probert. of our celebrated New Welling­ Church.” of the following. —------1---- ——— Rucrest v. Franks (Helmcken). ton Coal, mined by the Western Monday. March 27th, “The Laws of B. Y P. U. President—Alf. J John- spread inland across this province a:id Beven (Robertson) v. Mansfield (Hig­ Fuel Co., at Nanaimo. Reincarnation ”• ha* caused shower* both on Vancouver gins) W. S. Fraser y Co., Ltd. Lectures at 8.15 p. m. 'Collection to LadWs' Aid President—Mrs. A. E Our Washed Nut Coal, a nice defray expenses. Island and the Lower Mainland. Tlie Berry (Moresby) v. Duncan (Tait). Rlmmonds. Telephones P. O, Drawer 788 clean fuel for cook stoves and weather is now fair on the Coast accom­ stoves generally. Missionary Circle President—Mrs. A —A meeting of the Henry George As­ E. Johnson. panied by moderate winds. Mild weather 8ack Lump Coal for grates. sociation will be held In the rooms Sunday School Superintendent A. E prevails in Alberta and sera temperature* Large Lump Cool for open Are- above Ck H. Bowes' drug store at 8 Wescott. are reported In Manitoba. places and furnacea Royal Typewriter! p. m. to-morrow. Mrs. Wm. Marchant was appointed Forecasts. ,missionary organiser and R. 9. Cle­ At Current Ratea For 36 hour* ending i p.m. Tuesday. THE MOST MODERN OF ALL —On Wednesday. April 5. Paul Ed­ ments was elected pres* agent. Victoria and vicinity—Light to moderate SUTTON’S SEEDS VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS. mond* give* a resltal of songs at the w inds, generally" fair and cold at nignt. Also Agents for Institute hall, assisted by Miss Lilian —J. Parker has secured the contract Lower Mainland—Light to modérais B. C. Anthracite Coal Always a large stock of type­ Haggerty (soprano). and flagen for residence for Mrs. L. Hale, situated winds, generally fair and cold at nignt. writers on hand for sale or rent. Hohlenber* (pianist). Miss Haggarty on Burnside road. FLOWER, FARM AND VEGETABLE; Carbon Paper, a box up from Is a Victoria girl who Is making her Reports at 6 a. m. ALL QUITE FRESH...... f 1.00 first appearance "on this occasion. She —Mrs. J. A. Macdonald of Toronto, Victoria—Barometer, 3IL22: temperature. the auxiliary secretary of the Women's 39; minimum. 37: wind. 12 miles \V\; Typewriter Ribbons, » dozen possesses an except tonally fine voice In Messrs. Sutton’s own packets bearing their name J. Kingham & Co. and Victorian* will no doubt turn out Home Missionary- Board of the Preshy rain, .09: weather, dear .>...... QS.OO Vancouver. Barometer. 90.23; tempera­ terian church of Canada, will speak to and trade mark. In force to hear her. Mr. Hohlenberg, ture, .36: minimum. 34: wind, 4 miles EH Phone 447. the- women of the Presbyterian the Danish pianist, who Is now living rail» .24: weather, cloudy. Office, 1203 Broad Street. in Vancouver, was a pupil and friend churches of this city Tuesday after­ A. J. WOODWARD G. C. HOWELL Kamloops—Barometer, 80.4; temperature, of Grieg and will play a group of num noon at 3 o'clock In the lecture room of >219 Langley Streo*. Phone 17S0. .10; minimum. 34; calm; weather, cloudy. 615 Fort Street. S le Agents for British Columbia. OUR METHOD—20 narks to the l>ers by the great Norwegian corn- St Andrew's church. , AH ladles are In Barkerville—Barometer. 30.4: tempera­ ton and 100 pounds of coal In sited. ture, 24: minimum. 22; calm; weather, each sack. cloudy. Tatoosh,-Barometer. 30.24; temperature, 42; minimum. 42; wind. 14 miles N. W-,; ruin, 4: weather, cloud/. San Francisco—Barometer. 3Ô.ÔS; temper­ Get Ready For the 25th Ladies, have you tried our ature. 50; minimum, 50; wind. 4 mile» N weathpr, cloudy. ( _ See that your fishing tackle is complete. We can supply you j Prince Rupert -Barometer, ® 04; tem­ with perature, 36; minimum. 34; wind, 6 miles 8.; rain, .56; weather cloudy.‘ Reds, Reels, Spoons, Rets, Reskets, Reeks, Fly Reeks, Ete. Genoese Edmonton-Barometer. 29.78; tempera 0 ture 32; minimum, 22, wind, 4 miles N. At Reasonable Prices. f weather, cloudy. DON’T FORGET THE ALL-STEEL RALEIGII CYCLES. m Winnipeg—Barometer, 30.24; temper* Fancies ture, 2; minimum, zero; wind, 14 miles N.;- weather, clear. HARRIS & SMITH Victoria Daily Weather. They are certainly a dainty ObesrVkUona token-», noon and & 1220 Broad Street. Phone 2183. confection. p. m,. Saturday: Highest ...... «9 Lowest ...... Average ...... <3 Rain, trace. Shingles! Shingle»! Shingles! R. Morrison & Co. OVERLAND MODEL 54 Bright sunshine, 10 hours. 42 minutes. Central Bakery. General state of weather, flue. Good Ladysmith No. 2 Shingles. Per thousand, only...... $2.C Sunday. 440 YATES ST. PHONE 1S37 Highest ...... Choice Fir Doors, Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, etc. The Very Latest Overland Production—Model 54 34 Fitted with four doors, com fort a Mw roomy tonneau, top, glass front, side, head MOORE A WHITTINGTON, Rain. .09 Inch Lawn Slower* and aud tail lamps, generator, horn, tools, etc., complete. Only ...... V. tP-LjOOV General state of weather, cloudy. Lumber- Manufacturera and Dealers Ora** Catcher* . _ “—TV»— tiTK. ----- ., *"*.u. iTiNinnm‘ —a- 1 Bridge Street end Hillside Ave. ___ _ NEW STOCK Office 120.1 Garage 717 cluster' lighting system on Yates street WAITES A KNAPÏON Langley Street Johnson Street between Government an(1 Douglas Plume 698. THOMAS PLIMLEY Phono 697. streets Is progressing During the past 41.0 Pandora, near Government.* Phone 241» 8 “IP YOU GET IT AT PLMLBY'S, IT'S ALL BIGHT." couple of Jays the ntandarda have been nriift 0.4 anil thin WMtlt t he globOS will ADVERTISE IN THE VICTORIA DEY VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 OPENING BALL GAME LARGELY ATTENDED! EWS of<§)P0RI< PROPER 3 Islanders Play Good Average | Baseball—Goodman Hits CLOTHES a Home Run HIRTEEN STAKES BALL GAMES DUNCAN TEAM GETS ___ 0 Commencing to-morrow a Although, owing to the cold wind. I Have the Approval FOR RACE game of baseball is slated to DRAW WITH LOCALS Saturday was not exactly an Ideal day I take place, every «afternoon of for basehgll the grandstand at the Royal Athletic park was tilled by fans I this week at the Royal Athletic assembled to see the Islaifdere play | Of the bent drpsiers in Victoria to-day. AVhyt • Be­ park. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the teams will be their first game of ball. There cause they have given SATISFACTION to our <•«»- otfiing Less Than $500— chosen .from Victoria’s players, Wards Swamp the Corinthians nothing exceptionally brilliant In thé | but on Friday and Saturday the game, but It was good average ba —Fore&ters Too Heavy ball with a few errors and a few | toiiHTH. which in itwlf' wan rpsponwible top Owt • Officials Appointed by the Knights of Çolumbus, Seattle, Racing Associations the old Spalding team, will be for We$ts flashes of first class work. enormous growth of thin hiiaiaeaa. -We have given seen in action against the Isl­ That the Megs won Is of no In­ anders. All games will start at terest In Itself, but the fact that they | QUALITY in the cloths ami EXCLUSIVENESS in S o’clock. won by a score of 4 ' to 2 Is of con­ The only football gome on Saturday siderable moment, as It shows that I Vancouver. March 2".—At the meet the style and make-up of-our garments at priées with any surprise in it was the one the fielding was good, for almost g held hint week of the officers of the played by the Wanderers and Duncan every batter swatted the ball. Here I that have appealed to men of reason.'* ictorta Country Club, the British Col starters, Major Bennett and F. J. Mar­ In Duncan. As the Wanderers defeated Is where the fans were disappointed. They did not seç as many strlke-outs j V--'nbla Thorough bred Association and shall: the Corinthians and the t fortnthlans le Vancouver Jocky Club It wâ* de- Entries wlU close on April 6 and must defeated Duncan, the natural result of as they expected. It must be be forwarded to. Major Bennett, Work a game between the first and the last membered, however, that as long as I ded, In order to Induce the attendance mentioned would be a wifi fdr the a pitcher can keep the batters slug- | $15 to $30 the very beet class of horses, that an Point barracks. The complete pro­ gramme follows: _ former But such was not the case. glng the sphere Into the fielders’ mlts I rpectally liberal stake list should be With a team made up chiefly of substi­ is Just as good and far quicker | 1—Bending race (for ladles only), Our spring showing at 115 to *30 surpasses all Sued. This ha* been done and the tutes the villagers held the local boy* than fanning them. taociatlon offers no less than thirteen 1—Costume- race. Ride over two down to a draw—two all. Still there was considerable safe-1 Vkm-tor deefrdon. Ko «take wUi be hurdles to a certain point,. .dismount previous efforts and enables us to live up to the and dress in costumes and ride back fÜ game Was fa«t and . clean hitting and also numerous passes V$J as than $500 and three of them will throughout, the home team showing highest standard of CLOTH EH SATISFACTION. * 11.000 each. All classes and condi- over same coufse-^flrst In property first handed out by the twlrlers. Nar- great improvement in their attacking on» of horses have been catered to in dressed to win. -r* * eson and Sage, the first two slab- 3- aretM Orem «On: i-adlr. from |.llvl^nn. hough, tills the te conditions attd 'hrwmihl be nvwy Wanderers' forwards had slightly the trd owner to please who could not given point and their partners from mer showing that when he lets him­ best of it. The Duncan backs, as usual, "YOU’LL LIKE OUR CLOTHES."—Hegd. id conditions suitable for his horses" another ride to meet at a point opposite self out. he has speed and a break put up a strong defence. laltftcatlons. the grandstand when they each hold which almost pulls the batter off his The associations decided on the ap- opposite ends of a handkerchief and The following boys represented the feet trying to hit the ball. Then rintment of Joseph Weber as. starter ride around ike course without releas­ Wanderers : Goal, E. Bishop; full backs. there Is Manes, who can fairly smoke : all meetings under their Jurisdiction; ing hold. First pair passing winning A. Middleton and Warnlcker; half them over, but Is. sad to relate, very bornas J. Wellman. Judge; Philip post to win. backs, Q. Bishop. C. Bishop and E. wild. , Navarre, the midget twlrler. 4— Potato and bucket race. Fetch; forwards. Knlsely. Middleton. had more control than any Of them Fitzpatrick & O’Connell ellty, clerk of the scales; and Robert —T-r'Leighton, racing secretary 6^—Boot and saddle race: Gentlemen G. Sheritt. Hughes and C. Thomas. Mr but the hatters found him almost lndlcapper. will ridé to a certain post, unsaddle Walters refereed in a satisfactory man­ every time. HATTERS AND CLOTHIERS. Dr. Thomas Bow hill has presented horses and return barebacked; ner. Judging by the showing made In mdsome silver cup. which will be the $—Jumping competition : Marks to The worst drubbing received so far Saturday’s game Sage and Narveson 811-813 Government Street, Opposite Post Office. fwperty of the owner of the winner of be given for Jumping and style .In rid­ by a team In the amateur league was seem the likely contenders for n place w Dominion Day handicap. —1 ing, administered to the Corinthians. by the on the pitching staff. The former has Racing Secretary l^lghton, In his 7— Hurdle race. Wards on Saturday afternoon—7 to'0. tricky slow ball which comes up ake conditions for the Juvenile Stake 8— Victoria Cross race. In the Initial period the game wi to the plate In such an aggravating. 9— Arithmetic stakes : Gentlemen will •T two-year-olds and the Vancouver fairly Interesting, the losers playing deliberate manner that the ,>attcr I i>oubl« play. Starkell to Ward; Good ride to partners, who are dismounted, jerby. has made a special weight al with a vim and dash which a spectator wants to smash It before It gets half with envelope containing a small sum man to Raymur to Manes. Umpli wance for ail horses entered In those watching the latter part of the exhi­ way to him If the six-footer can in addition to which ladles will total E. Gleason. Time of game. 1 hour 35 rents which were foaled in Canada, bition would not have thought possible. control this ball he should prove a without partners' help, return paper minutes. his allowance is certainly to be com The half time score was 2 to 0. valuable asset to the team. The “Loew-Victor” ended, as It places a special premium with answer to partner, who will re­ With the wind against them In the Before passing on to some of the. ym the raising of thoroughbreds In turn to winning post The first at the wire with the correct answer to win. « second half and many of their men. other men Just a word to the pessi­ The stouten! small engine on the market to-day, and so simple rltish Columbia, and it Is one that through lack of training, badly blown, mistic fan. Householder did not put CITY CHAMPIONS ight to be enforced by all racing asso- 10— Farmers' race. that the one who runs the engine has as much pleasure as the Corinthians did not have the slight two of Vile star pitch»-rs into the, box ations in the Dominion. The full list eat chance. They were outplayed In on Saturday. everyone else- in the boat. ; stakes, their distances and value every particular, and the sound of the Besides Marshall and Starkell. the rw as follows: DOWN VILLAGERS SEMI-FINAL OF whistle at the finish must have Indeed two young giants known to be far ..Victoria Country' Club. been welcome to their ears. above the ordinary, there are four Inauguration Selling Stake, purse For the losers. Goodwin, Colllseon and unknown quantities. Thomas. Lane. 00. to be run May 20. « furlongs. Douglas played a good game, and If Rush and Parks. The Celebration Handicap, purse 1500. THE ENGLISH CUP the two last mentioned had been fed The rest of the men showed up as Y. M.I. Intermediate Five Out­ Victoria Prices ■ « be run May 24, 1 mile. by the backs a little oftener the result rell as could be expected at this play Visitors In Rough The Coronation Handicap, purse IftftQ. might have been different. The goals time of the season. - Manes is un­ » be run May 27. 1 mile and a furlong. for the winners were scored by Mac­ doubtedly bettey>n first than Clem- Game of Basketball 6 h.p. 1 Cylinder. *300 Vancouver Jockey Club. Newcastle United and Brad­ Gregor. Macllymoyl. G. Baker, Frank entson. but the collegian Is surer T*» ' Opening Handicap, purse 1500. Sweeney 2. and Hodgson 1. with the bat. Kellar, Raymer. Ward 12 b.p. 2 Cylinder. *500 • be run June *, 1 mile. ford City Will Meet in Final The teams were: North Ward—Goal, and McGuire are all likely men for In a game of basketball on Saturday 18 h.p. 3 Cylinder. .C700 The Vancouver Derby, purse $1,000. to McArthur; tail backs. Pike and Brown ; the positions between first and third. .night, almost rivalling hi roughness >. run June 17, l mile and 1-8. on April 22 half backs. Massey. J. Baker and McGuire did not pl. *y,.Be v ê the one played some time ago by the Auction Selling Stakes, purse $500. to Tunnlcllffe; fdrwards, C. Baker. Frank showy a game as Kellar. but when Y.M.L and Y.MC.A. teams, the Y.M. 9 run July 8, • furlongs. Sweeney. Hodgson, MacGregor it is taken Into consideration that I s Intermediate champions of Victoria n Juvenile stake, purse $500. to be run everv time he threw the ball the pain London. March 27—The semi-final of the Macllmoyle. Corinthian»—Goal, A. Self defeated the Duncan five by a score in his arm almost made Mm howl. The “Loew-Victor** never fails to do its duty. j’y 12, 6 furlongs. English Association Football Cup was full backs. Goodwin and Maiues ; half of $7 points to II. Burrard Handicap, purse $506. to be played Saturday. Newcastle United and backs. Martin. Kelsall and Hobson » did not do badly at all. For the first few minutes the losers in Saturday. July 15, 1 mile and 1-8. Bradford City being successful contest forwards. Colllsson, Douglas, Warren, Goodman, on third, was- theHmM bright ..f»l* howed up *■ wel1 thelr opponents. B. C. Thoroughbred Association. ants for the final to be played at Crystal Davis and Fetch. W. Locke refereed to t star of them all. F . 1»"<1 1" (act, had «lightly th.- better uf A. H. STYLES & COMPANY Dominion Day Handicap, purse $1.000. Palace on April XL Newcastle afe again the complete satisfaction of everyone. to bat. three hits (one of them over lhe play, but after that, because two or » be run July 1, 1 mile and 1-4. the favorites this season Judging from the The Forester-West game, which the the fence), two runs, three put outs, three players lost their heads and In- I0S2 Fort St. MARINE BEMRTMEMT Phono 2068 Celebration Handicap, purse $500. to way they trimmed Chelslea before many former won bÿ a score of 8 to L was three a «sluts and. no errors.. Is a record... ., dulged in wrestling matches, the same thousands Saturday, but as they have to to hr proud of Hires, the other third I U|M down an „,hlbttlon of rough » run Tuesday. July 4, 6 furlongs. not so uneven, although there was. at , , _ . . -etliru uuwii w aaas . ------— Speed Handicap, purse $500. to be rün meet an aggregation of their own H ague any time, hardly a doubt as to what baseman, also played well, his field- ness on the part of both teams. In this they will have to fight hard for their illy 29. 5 furlongs. the result would be- Ins and throwing tÿ first being oulck I . f local boys, sad to say. honors. Following are the results: ■ ______a__a ko will horn to dll I 7 r — .___.___a I Press Selling Stake, purse $500. to be The Foresters were too heavy for the and snanpv. but he will have to do were by far the more proficient and * Newcastle United 3; Chelsea 0. m August 2, 7 furlongs. Weals, and In the majority of cases the better at the bat to get the prefer­ I ho natural result followed. Bradford City 3. Blackburn Rovers 0. mote experienced men were too tricky ence over Goodman. Farewell Handicap, purse $1.000, to Following ere the results of the league Another fact which contributed to * run August 5. 1 mile. for their llgther opponents. The little outfielder. Tén Million, the defeat of the visitors was that REGULATION BENCH CHAIN , In - addition to the above It Is more First Division. The teams lined up as follows: Vic­ from appearances is all he Is cracked they were afraid to risk long shots. toria West—Goal. Robertson ;| full He secured a burst of an-1 did not take any chances. The Without which no dog can enter the Dog Show, is sold here >an probable that stakes will be of- Notts Forest 0, Manchester City 0. up to be backs. Locke and Stewart; half backs, one occasion by almost I y m.I. hoys, on the other hand, were •red for hurd’e races ~od steeple Bury-Preston North End. postponed. pisu*e - -______only. eatchlne Clemenlson panning on sec- | aiwayi shooting, and fully half of their is ses, the association having called for Woolwich Arsenal 8. Bristol City 0. C. Brown. G. Brown, Young; forwards. Clayton’s Dog Soap and Dog Remedies are a specialty here. iBders for the construction of the Aston Vllla-Tottenham Hotspur, post- Youson. D Young, Brlgdon, W. Okell end with a long throw from left field |rolnl* were scored by shots from :eeple chase course at Minoru Park, and Stewart, His batflns whs also rood. House- plther the side or the centre of the hleh are to be opened this week. It Sheftield, “United-Middles borough, post Foresters—-Goal. Beaney; full backs, holder. In rtoht field, had nothing to hall. — \ SEE IN OUR WINDOW THE FINE DISPLAY OF TROPHIES also more than probable that the ported. Holland and Oerlg; half backs. Barber. do. but he distinguished himself at Brown and McDougall were In splen- FOR THE DOG SHOW. ncouver Hunt Club will have three Manchester United 0, Oldham Athletic 0. H. Campbell and Lasenby; forwards. the bat. meetlnr the ball every time I fUTin and made several exceedingly four more da vs racing and cross Liverpool 2. Notts County 1. W. Young. Howden, H. Thackerav W. • and "retting two safe hits. I spectacular baskets. Tbs visitors • all •untry events during the season. Second Division. Stores and A. Campbell. As the official Gominr back to the Infield and p|ayed w,il, but were not as quick on referee did not appear a spectator was criticising the catcher*, while they tlielr feet as the locals, GUNSMITH 1321 GOV’T ST. Barnsley 7. Bradford 0. PHONE M3 GYMKHANA PROGRAMME. Blackpool 1. Huddersfield Town 9. roped, in and handled the whistle Im­ are all reliable backstops. Dashwood The teams with individual scoring ETC. J. R. Collister Clapton Orient 2, Birmingham 1. partially. seem* to be the best at peering the I wer<,: Duncan—Guard*. Christmas and Attractive List of Events for April 8 at Derby County 3, Burnley 0. runners at second. Two bases were 1 poweu; centre. A. Knox. 5; 1. Knox, Willows Track. Gloesop 2, Lincoln City 0. stolen on Roche and the only excuse 6 and Robinson. 4. Y.M.I.—Guards, Leeds City 1, Bolton Wanderers 0. ENDS INDIGESTION he can give Is that he was receiving priwk Sweeney. 2; and Millier, 2; cen­ when the leaguers debutted their way was reflected on the coutenance of the Leicester Fosse S, Fulham 2. fishermen. That Is, on the countenance The gymkhana which will be he.ld on IN A FEW MOMENTS for a wild pitcher. mÊJÊH tre McDougall. 12; forwards. Brown. Into society by handing, put a splendi­ Stockport County 1, Gainsborough Trin­ The rame was started In the regu­ 17 and McArthur. 4. Bob Whyte refer- ferous beating to tfoe Mainland cham­ of all but three or four birds who ril 8 at the Exhibition track, under ity 6. caught their worm* early and com­ auspices of the Victoria Hunt club, a*. Heartburn. Headache ami All lation stvle. Eddie Gleason, the um­ reed in very strict and Impartial pions. Fifteen runs to one was the flnap Wolverhampton Wanderers 0, Hull City menced operations' at daylight on Sat­ ild be one of the most attractive Misery From stomach Vanishes pire. walked onto the field, removed manner. count. The leaguer* got off nicely, the 1 urday morning. Three young men rents of the year. Judging fronf the ....'Before You Realise It. his hat and bawled. "Ladles and gen­ fielder* got everything that earoe their Southern League. who dipped double that number of igramme which has been issued. tlemen. the batteries for to-day are.” way and the pitcher* uncorked plenty Brentford 0, New Brompton 2. lines in the waters of Sooke Lake early The sports are to be conducted under Nothing will remain undigested TTp till then he did splendidly, but his of speed and curves. Five aspirants for . ystal Palace 1, MlUwall Athletic 0. on Saturday morning, caught over four patronage of the Lleut.-Qovemor, sour on you** stomach If you will take decisions on one or two occasions SPORT NOTES having Jobs with the Iteavcr* were Bristol Rovers 0. Queen’s Park Rangers hundred fish. One teeming creel was 1er McBride, Commander Stewart a little Dtapepsln occasionally. This brought forth roars of amusement given a chance to perform and they t reported from Shawnlgan stream. The officers of H. M. C. 8. Rainbow, powerful digestive and antacid. J hough hurled In mid-season form. One or two Swindon Town 1, Westham United 4. - from the fans. In the first amateur game of ball grilse were greedier In the Arm than -Col. Wad more and officers of the as harmless and pleasant as f the lawful time tiated the jumps In splendid style. One worst case of Indigestion or DySpeo 33 2 8 27 16 3 for yielding *he lissome rod and the incident which marred the pleasure of st > I'g. sin There is nothing better for Gas The East End Juniors will play the gaping landing net, the sun had shone the hunters was the radt that Mr, on the Stomach or sour odor* from the ,10 10 0 10 0 1—4 J y M | a basketball game to-morrow brightly and the breezes were balmy. ^Williams sprained hlg ankle. stomach or to cure a Stomach Head Megs ...... Pegs ...... 9 1000100 night in the Y M I. hall at 8.30. The Tfoijt were In a receptive and taking Why Not Get the Best? ache. Home run—Goodman, East End will line up as follows: mood. The warmth of the early spring —The city council on Friday evening You couldn’t keep a handler or more Summary; Three base hit—Kellar. Tw,° baBP Guards. Wall and McDonald; centre, sun had coaxed them from their winter authorized th.- city engineer to pro- ■eful article in the house. Stolen jh*wkei forwards, Dakar and Pynu. _ qnsr*»rs observed cted at once with hia scheme of repairs bases—Riggs. Davis, Kellar. Sacri­ swimming In shoals, and at least go­ to the Smith’s Hill reservoir. The slices McCANDLESS BROS. —D. E. Campbell, who had fice hits—Kellar. Million. Goodman ] BEAVERS START OFF WELL. ing throngh the motion* of feeding on of the big basin are, to be treated with pressed by many friends to enter the Hits—O# Sags, 4: off Navarre. 6: off insects Whose habitat Is the placid waterproof mortar nt a cost of $2.000. mayoralty contest In opposition to Narveson. 8; off McCreery. 2; off Me- Vancouver. March 27.—Vancouver waters of . lakes and streams. Mr. Rmlth will start the work nt once, 667 Street Victoria C. Mayor Moriey. announces that he will But à change came suddenly over sr ww to ipr ft completed before the dry Johnson B. i«qt be a candidate, hi* private businessjCsrthy, I. Passed ball — Roach, fan* got their first glimpse of Bob ths face of nature, and that change h aeoh 'Intervenes. requiring his undivided attention. I Loft on bases—Pegs, *$; Megs, • j Brown’s squad Saturday afternoon. «tei Hit âhaÀy. «ad tint ta idation enough Tbeu Ibere !* another type of pln<*h hitter, tbe men for meet mecagwm. He hae bean playing ball all In tu* regular batting erder who ran délirer when * wtater ea the Fftette coast and hitting like a lend. hit Mean» scares. ' That hi the deeb;able man. the une Me ends a greet record for hla dret year aa a regular wbu van vt*e to bta big séirue. “Mike" . DouUa. lur la Ih# Mg league sad should be area better tble era itierly of the Giant*. wen ix-puted to. bt« n gve*t tlug- eon. It Is not to be expected that a man can continue hi* way.T,bt be had »‘û)lâppvïtçrhrtt• vf-hü* hitting more than four hundred, a* Snodgrass was ting Lût- bail , bai them h» a Saloiue dancer, and with dark >tag at one time, and those who saw only the would come up to tbe bet when tin fining to the eUrer cloud In his tapering off toward « ulp anti tuck climax uuti tade h*j Mm end of the see sou muet remember that bis general Now tirltiweil never ha* nein-ly i average was shore three hundred—cooeldered a very atemge to lean against at the vi 1 ‘oiiilu used to cuddle beside In t tidy mark. Brlencb was when he warmed up a pitcher In preliminary practice ning Pun. until tbe regular catcher was ready to take him. Snodgrass was cast as • catcher when b» first came to tbe Giants, fresh from college In California He worked bird In his eagerness to get off th* bench and never shirked tbf morning practice, which to tbe bush portance to a ball chjUas a prima an opera. i he üvublr" with many baiter* la that lhc> rauuot FRED 8NODORASS. tid up when the veteran catcher* and pHcbera Iteeln » find out their ‘•groove».*'groove» The great ores are those Terk JleeaM fJa. AH itefct» rwo*l who do not *fcow nny weakness after they have been tried out again*! the veteran*, the men who are not ID you ever alt throegh a gaum of baeebalt dMMhtag comet- but fli*d M*r» Wagner. Magee. and fret on tlte frtnge of a nervous breakdown l.ajolr. Côhb end' pbtyet» of their calibre are types witb tbe horn* leam—yoar t< 11 ways trall- of Used stars These men rûnké a pit- her think that a sanitarium for tT > :vn « u< In me la about t*> gain a patient every time any one of them name* to hat you watched your favorite» throw away op­ portunity after o|!j)-.rtub!t> to win. and then bare to Two Types 6f Batter». resume the old uphill fight? There ire two type* of aut.-< e**ful batters—the solan- You are wrr«tch<*d It h the ninth Inning, and tbe ftflr man and the nanrnil hitter tbe »aa bore a base- ball genius "Willie*' Keeler, who appeared last with visitors are still one run ahead. Two men are out. the Giants, wa* pro# rtrally the Inventor of wletitlfie Then the next bitter singles and another double», batting He wa* tb* first nun to choke bis bat up leaving runners u!s team* managers Mark le again and that regrettable Incident nbont aec. placed him In both the Infield find the outfield* hoping ond base, with which hag hi* name will he associated that he would make good and thus lie able to bat In aa long a* there Is baseball? Brtdwell eainc to the bat hi* regular turn, three or four or five time* In a game. In Hie ninth Innlnc With one run needed to win a game of hall-a moat Important game of hall. Two were But Crise showed a strange lack of perspicacity In de­ out Re made the tilt, and I hen. on a "fluke." the riding where the hall would land when a fly went out game wa* lost and a pennant went with It. and n to the outer field that he wa* guarding. Usually he world.** championship, perhaps guessed wrong, and the ball arrived where be wasn't. Beside* being a g«»od hatter the man who can hit In a pinch must have nerve, concentrated essence of That course had to be abandoned, and he was tried xe gamene*». to go up to the bat with a crowd ready to à pitcher. Some old. gray haired fana In St Louis say 5. make a hero of him If he mtke* good or to mol» him they remember one day that he lasted through a whole If he doesn’t Managers say that some young piny fame. This to not a matter of official re ord era when sent to the bat at a critical moment have trouble In atamling on their legs because ihelr knee» So he settled on tbe bench as a professional pinch wabble ao. A «tory la told about a youngster who bitter and nothing el*e. In 19<>8 he led the batters In Joined the old Baltimore Oriole team when Hsnlu.i tbe A merlin Ioague. hitting .341, and he did this was It* stage manager. A man was on aecotid base, ' going into games cold—really a remarkable achieve two were out and Just one run was needed to win. There waa only one thing In tlie world po*stble for the ment. In 1910 he was planted on Bret base In the <3BO. uterrooÿr- man to do. and that waa to lilt the hall. Nevertheless hope that he would be able to cover that bag. but his be asked hi* manager for in * truc t km* before going to lack of adaptability to wild throw» soon landed him lhe bat. "What shall 1 doll he Inquired. buck at hla old place on the bench, he being replaced CRISS HIT IT FOR THREE BASES. "Strike out.** replied Hanlon. by "Pat" Newman. A pinch hitter he I». and that la WINNING THE GAME. The yonngafer waa so uervou* when he arrived at ill that he ever will be. Probably lie la the greatest the plate that he did It purposely:* man for delivering In an emergency ever aaaoclated He spent the rest of hi* baseball days In the Spinor leagues. It might be added, beginning directly after hla with a big league club striking out. Bender, the tall Indian twirler of the Philadelphia So the next time that you are an ready to condemn Athletic», waa pitching agalnat the St Lout» Brown, the man who goes to hat In a pinch to win a game and env day last August, and Crtae waa sent to bat In tile strike* out. think whht he faces. It to all up to him In a minute, cold from the bench. Of coarse it to hla ninth Inning. The score waa 8 to 2. two men were business and he want* to be successful In It. Ha already out, and there was one St. tool, runner on BRIDWELV wants to make a hit just as much as the rabid crowd Brat baae and another on second. The Athletic» had of fans In the stand desires that He should. not at that time clinched the pennant, and they had BRIOWELL. already -begun to Bgnre bow much nearer tb|a g*me .e^era' He was bound to ,e, off ,b. A RESCUE BY AN ALBATROSS, would put them to It. Bender was going smoothly. bench, but It was Just tuck that landed him finally In i p yon are a wise albatros» you won't gauat yourself It waa Just the situation that Crtss «marks' hla lips tbe game. Ilf Merkle had not been laid up. would | âown un the aea and ravenously «tare two drowning over. The Indian gave him a straight ball, and Cria» la tbe worst on tbe club. Sitting ou tbe Dench day Snodgrass be a regular to-day? To be aura, he waa mun In the face, aa one of your ancestors did back bit It for three bases, winning the game. after day gets tedious. It la Irksome, and mon eon ready to enawer tbe door when opportunity knocked, in tbe afternoon of the last century. Ton will borer 'Connie" Mack's Rule. etantly associating with the bench any that It gets on and by hla diligent preliminary work waa prepared to them In the rear without their knowledge unto Mack called hla men together after that incident their nerves and they become grouchy. Benchmen make good. Half the opportunities through which they are too weak to light yon, and then-—ah, what a and dropped a word of advice to hla pitchers often ask to be transferred to minor league clubs ao men arrive In baseball, «a Id the game of life, are meall "After this," said "Connie," “there Is going to be that they ean take an active pert In the game every merely matters of luck—the Injury to a veteran er the Duncan McCetlum, an apprentice on the ehlp Bn- one rule—a sort of gold plated rule—In our club which «ay and show of what they are capable. It 1» aa tire­ result ef a trade. Men who ought to have their fall nerdale, of Liverpool, who waa sent aloft to looos the will apply to all situation» similar to the one at the some 1er • ball player almost aa good aa the regular namee out la front of the park In electric lights may ekyeell «« the vowel rounded Cape Horn, loat hla time that Criaa won tbe game this afternoon. 1 want footing, planeed into the sw and was carried far men la Ft ea the beach day after day aa It U for the be ornamentiag the benches this summer, far all that aatern. Before H 8. Poehtn. ah able aeaman. who all of you boy» to hwr this, but It appUw principally beat took lag girl at a danee to have to Ft glued to the any one knows, aad may pass out of the big ehow went overboard to hla aaatotance, could reach tbe ap­ to tbe pitchers and catchers. When a pinch bitter wall and watch the others, around Whom aha could with their taleeto undiscovered prentie» he sank. to the bat and a bit will trie a game, don't trip chelae, perform because she doesn't know any ore There la another angle to the emergency buatnow In Himself now In danger of drowning, Poehln called Ton are firing him the ad- for help, and Tbomw Averett Whistler, first mate o« pitch Mm a straight oae. aad her escort loll 111 at the last minute. Thee whoa baaehaU. It la the laeertiag of a pinch pitcher In a the Anaerdale, sprang Into the water with a lifebuoy vantage. •he I» plucked at last flum among the wail Sowers aha game to atop a rally. That Job has none of the sooth­ and succeeded Id reaching Poehln before his strength This baa been the rule the Philadelphia dab sllpa oa a waxy place on the door and fella. ing characteristics usually attributed to a feather bad. gave ont Together they atruggled in the water, ewalt- That to the tot ef the emergency bettor to a ball WILLJ.ET KEELER* fng the coming of the ship'» boat which waa ao ton* Sometime» a pitcher will go through a whole game np getting under way that they were rapidly becoming ex. to follow a curved ball than a Freight one. and that He gets juat aee chance a day, or to tbe Isat Inning, and thee begin to droop without tbe chances of a batter making a long hit eff a header It to oae to a weak, to make good. If he delivers the having hang out a ay Mona warnings.- It la too late Here. Mr. Albatross, la where your ancestor mis­ ere leas. To Illustrate the rah» of the theory Bender htt he to a here—but such a brief, dtokertng, passing to Marlin Springe a year ago. "1 want to get name judged human nature and loat a lose loos dinner. Spy­ latir In the season, when gam#» did not mean ao much sort of a hero! If he to celled upon the next day to do piece where I can play In erery game " ing W hie tier and Poehln tn the water, striving feebly to the Athletics, lor they had at the time dednltoly toe same «bi»g and falls hla deeds of the day before "I need yon In New York," replied McGraw. to keep themselves afioek he boldly «wept dewa Into their very face», alighted on the water Juat out el ascertained that they would be the champions of the are gutokiy forgotten and he to a Fed on the baseball But It was, after all, only through a bit of luck that the Athlettoa and the Browne In Bk Louie American League, waa again pitching agalnat tbe diamond. 8o that to remain popular a pinch hitter Snodgrass got an opportunity to nbow what he waa Aa usual, the "break" came to the ninth. has to hit every time. It to a herd loti made of and what he could do. Early in August one day. tola unexpected threat, the two Browns. It waa the last toning, and Jaat one run sep­ Viekete, a teU, uncertain young man. arated the two t»«me. with the advantage to favor of It to a well known fart that Fred Snodgrass, who Merkle waa hurt end the yoang Californian waa pul on the pFnt of gtvlag up In despair, swung ti tor the Atb- sed toga savagely, arousingg the simulation Philadelphia. It waa almost a duplicate ef the former for a time led the National I-segue as a hatter last Into the game to piny first base, a position new te IFtoe. He eared hla eseeneion for the ninth toning. within them enough to keep elf tbe .fatal cramp until situation. Cries waa again sent to the bat with two rummer, begged John McOrew, the (Hants' manager, him. He did ao well there and hit tbe hall ao hard He walked two the nhlp'n boat could reeel them. "Then, nafe alike man on bases. The long Indian with the sinuous right while the team waa South laat spring, to let Mm go te that when Seymour waa «lightly Injured MeGraw pet from tbe eea and the bird, they sank tote Soodgraae into centre field. He remained until the men. Ml another, and neat, and one of them, Wbtotier, waa arm wound np. He uncoiled two ourvee and a feat Jersey City or Newark, where he would have an op­ »ent to the bat aa a pinch hit one, and «truck oat tbe redoubtable Orion, who did net portunity to play every day. He did not think that end______ef the season, He hie the baU hand, and while ruueera. Spencer we* I not e Ontabed fielder, yF he to very tent and will tome. tw. end wee ? 'our anceator, Mr. Albatroaa, even take hla bat off hie ebonlder. there waa any likelihood of obtaining a regular poet To he surs he slumped a Utile In bin batting at the Vlehara. He pitched Ji It I» a thankless Job—this one of emergency batter tion on the Giants and he wanted notion. elf with a boathook. but he landed above tbe three bee- gtod. wtntlng toe game. en a team. Old players say that the utility position “I'm waiting my life on the benak," be said oae day end of toe eraae*. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911,

OglWle'a Royal Household . Graham Flour, M lbe. ... per bbl...... ,...... 2.10 1 (baled), per ton ..... Robin Hood, per sack ■| THE CITY MARKET! Robin Hood. per bbl...... Straw, per bale ...... Vancouver Milling Co., Hun­ Middlings, per ton a garian, per sack ...... ISO Bran, per ton ...... Vancouver Milling Co, Hun­ Ground Feed, per ton ... GARDEN CITY” Subdivision^» OH»— garian, per bbl...... Shorts ...... iJke of Woods, per sack .... Poultry— Pratt’s Coal Oil ...... 1* Drcsawf Fdwl. per lb...... Eocene ...... l- d Lake of Woods, per bbl...... Calgary Hungarian, per sack. Ducks.' per 1b...... Meats— Gees* (Island), per lb. ... Calgary Hungarian, per bbl. .. Harris (B. C ). per lb...... 200 X Rnderby, per sack ...... Garden Produce— Cabbage, per lb...... E Bacon (B. C). per lb. ...„...... 280 X Knderby, per bbl...... Potatoes (local) ...... Harr (American), per lb. ... •* Pastry Flours- Seed Potatoes, per sack Bacon paierie an), per lb. Snonrflake, per sack ...... Onions, per lb...... SnôwnaR#, per" Dbl. Tvrv-rv... Bacon (Ion* clear), per lb. .« Carrots, per lb- ...... il.. Beef, per «b...... -Vancouver .Mlllinj Co., Wild Rose ...... Pork, per lb ...... WHOLESALE MARKET. Mutton, per lb...... Drifted Snow, per sack ...... « Ü Lamb, hlndquarter ...... 2 608# 3.00 Grain- Lamb, forequarter ...... 1 754# LW Wheat, chicken feed, per ton. 35 00040 00 Wheat, per lb...... -W* Hams ...... Veal, per lb...... Barley ...... ». lard ...... Whole corn ...... , Farm Produce- Cra< ed Coni...... *■* Creamery Butter ..... Fresh Island Eggs ...... Gate ...... JW Eggs ...... •364# .« Butter, Cpwtchan ...... Crushed Oats ...... Apples ...... - "04# 3. » ter, Victoria ...... Rolled Gate (B. * K ), 7-lb. ah. 1 Bananas ....-...... * Butter. Salt Spring .1...... Rolled Gate (B. » K.), >Mb. ak. .1 Beets, per sack ...... Butter (Eastern Townships) .. Rolled Oat» (B. A K.). «Mb. ah. JJ Cabbage, 'per lb...... mm m u Lard, per lb...... Rolled OaU (B. A K ). Blk ek. •.*• Cranberries, per bbl. . 12 60|#14.U0 Oatmeal. »-lb. sack ...... Celery, per doa...... Western Canada Flour Mills— Oatmeal, isack ...... Purity, per sack ...... Cauliflower, per doa...... Retted Wheat, 10 lba. Grapefruit, per be* ...... Purity, per bbl...... Cracked Wheat. 10 lba...... 1004# AM Hungarian Flour— f *. Wheat Flakes, per packet .... Ruuberb. per lb...... 12» Ogllsle’s Royal Household, Whole Wheat Fleur 4 lba. .. Lettuce, per crate ...... ISO Graham Flour, W lba...... orange*. Ware , » Onions (Australian), per cwt... Potatoes, per toa ...... Parsnips, per suck ...... Tomatoes, per crate ...... -w. Florida Topiatoea ...... The REGAL is a marine engine of QUALITY. Turnips, per sack ...... Baddies, per lb...... Quality has become our watchword. Kippers, per lb...... Halibut. **er lb...... Salmon. per lb- ...... N Braslle. per lb. Almonds, per lb...... We Think Quality Chestnut», per lb...... Filberts, per lb...... Peanuts, roasted...... Walnuts, per lb...... -iet# Dates, per lb., ...... • We Talk Quality Figs, per lb...... ••••• Cucumbers thot-houeei. per dus. 3 N Artichokes (Rose), per do*. .... 1 Parsley ...... Wàterrraag ...... We Live Quality Brussels Sprouts ...... Bitter (Pangea, per case ...... 1 Water, Graded Streets, Sidewalks and Electric Car Line Will Be Put on the Property at Aaparagra* ...... City When you buy a REGAL from us you are buying Radishes, per do*...... • Mint, fresh ...... Once. As Close as Oak Bay—Closer Than Esquimalt. QUALITY. & CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. All cleared land, 66x132 feet. Prices, each, $300 to ...... «-sto (By Courtesy F. W Stevenson A Co.) a m Magnificent Bearing Orchard Lots, healthy seven-year-old trees. Per lot...... •...... Chicago, March '<■ Open High l»w Clos:* A Fcw Uncleared Lots, good soil. Prices, ami. Wheat- May ...... March 20th July ...... One Hundred Lots Sold Yesterday, Sept...... ! Com— biggest chance offered to the investing public yet. When you see the property, instead of buying a sin­ May ...... 4TJ Tlie July gle lot, you will want several. Bept ...... Oat*— Terms $50 Cash and the Balance at $15 a Monti. May ...... July ...... S.->t...... Pork | May ...... July — McPherson & Fullerton I.ard— AUTO WILL LEAVE OFFICE EVERY TWO HOURS FOR THE PROPERTY j May ...... [July ...... 618 TROUNCE AVENUE ! Short Ribs PHONE 1883 ! May ...... j Jury ------• NEW YORK STiK’K». WAGES INCREASED. Railway CSbmnitssto&ers made «m order V. 8. Rubber ...... FATAL EXPLOgSIOK. V recently directing the White Pn?s . . 7»i 78*1 11» 1 Montr- al. Man h 27 • Ivlwj nl Ah-- Chicago. March 27—All train r.ts- Fork. March -27. U, S S)ee1 pfd. ... UH Railway company to reduce Its freight patchera un the Illinois Central road High. Low. Bit Utah Copper .... . 441 44* laretaker Of t) rates by one-third by April 1. ***The Va. Car. t hrmtcul ♦«I was killed by an explosion of one of have been granted an increase of >ay A mal. Copped ...... m «31 631 Western Union .... 721 72* .... .amounting .to lid a month. Telegraph- Company entered an appeal from this ...... 441 44* 45 the heating furnaces while the ha* Amn. Beet Sugar ...... Wisconsin Central . «7* moM .md .tmrtm-nt, on .he Mr,, floor 1er, In the employ of Oe. eomp«ny lt l. finding to the Governor-in-Coun<41, ar.d 7S Amn. Smelting...... 7H ...... taid also are evheduled for an Increase an order has been pa seed postponing Amn. T. l. A- Tel...... 147 1467 1461 WESTERN FAIR MANAGERS. of the building were wrecked Alton'sA1*

May 16 to 20 Mky ...... s to 14 j r June ...... fc to H June ...... 28 to W Aug...... 21 to a* Sept ...... » to is SEATTLE. July ...'A...... 17 to a Sept...... 1» to 21 July ...... 1 to Price’ $60,000 June...... 1» to v May ... 22-23-24-24 to 2* June ...... 24 to au May ...... 1* to 21 14 to M May ...... • to 13 July ...... l 11 to 17 'Sl’OKANE Aug...... I Mr July ...... l-l June ...... 12 to 12 Aug...... 7 to 13

April ...... 1» to £S July ...... Aug...... a to si May . 22-W-3S-31 ALSO May ...... 8 to 14 j„,y ...... 1 to n Juno ...... 19 to 26 [VANCOUVER Sept...... 1 to July ...... il te »>Aug Sept. ...»...... 2* to J4 ■W- .. 4-4 to M FINE C0BNER on QUADRA STREET, 100x133, renting at $60.00 per month. Price, for two days only...... $9,000 April .... 24 to JJ ay ... tt-M-M-34 to 27 July ...... 3-4-4 tO PORTLAND Aug...... !.. 7 IO IS Terms can be arranged over two years. 1 ■ept...... 11 t0 17

May ...... r-’ to £* June ...... *6 t< June ...»...... 12 to 1» May ...... l to / April ...... 24-24 to » June...... if to 26 8ept ...... 4-4 to < July '»...... 24 to w*July ...... '...t W to It» Aug...... m to 81 July ...... 1-1 TACOMA . . Sept...... 24 to 3"jAug...... 21 to J...... 11 to 1* Sept...... 1-2-3 Aug...... *. 7 to 12 For further particulars of either of these properties apply to the exclu­ Oct...... sive agents. 1 to « April ...... 24 to WJune ...... 1Î 1» I» 3-4-4 to 8.July , ...... 17 to a n April ,4L 18 tO 23 . 28 to 21 Sept...... 24 tO 80 . 1 to « May . 16 to 21 VICTORIA . July ...... IV lu I» BRpi. .... 1 to 3Oct. . 4-4 to M June , S to 11 Aug...... .1...... M tO 24 Vic. M. Bpok . . .May i« Van. Vs. Toe...... April Marriott & Fellows Voa. vs Bpokrtnw..May M Vic. va. Fort...... May i Vic, va Tao...... July 'EXTRA Van. vs. Port...... June ii| Van. va Tac...... MM..lulf 619 Trounce Avenue Victoria, B. C. .SUNDAY Van vs. 8pok...... July Vie. vs. Tac...... Aug. ! GAMES. Van. vs, Vic...... July i Vie. vs. Van...... Aug Ji Vic. vs. Seattle >...... July 1 Van. va Tac...... Sept, n Vafr vg.r-8*atue ...... -Agg.

-111! Ill : 73 i; VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1911

Ish Columbia, would be a fitting ànd Ing the close association of Vancou­ Inr orm or branch of tho service cn 6HAPE OF EGOS. ver with Cook, Is all to be found In the active list, but they must be graceful tribute from our society to TO COMMEMORATE my book, “British Columbia Coast recommended by the commanding offi­ There was recently had before the his memory. Names," under the notes on Cape cer and be certified as medically fit Zoological Society of London a ma­ Not only la It fitting that the N. H. for the work. Cook and Vancouver Island, a* copy thematical discussion of the differences Society should contribute to tti6 Lon­ NAVIGATOR COOK of which book I presented to the li­ Other qualifications which will be In the shape of eggs. A few eggs, don memorial, but I cordially agree brary of our' society. taken into consideration In the select­ like those of the owl and the tortoise, with what you suggest, that our so­ JOHN T. WALBRAN. ion of the officers include possession are spherical, or nearly so;r'a few, like ciety should interest our province of an aviator’s certificate, previous the grebe’s or the cormorant’s, are (government and the public) to erect CURFEW HELL. experience of aeronautics, rank not elliptical, with symmetrical ends; the Province of B, C. to Contribute to the memory of Captain Cook ti above that of captain, good eyesight, great majority, like the hen’s, are monument or cenotaph In Nootka Grand Forks, March 25.—The only good map-reader and field sketchcr, ovoid, or blunter at one than the other. Toward Fine Memorial Sound to perpetuate his discovery of business of Importance which came up unmarried, not lees thart" two years’ The hen’s ogg is always laid blunt end - — London the sound,, and also to mark the spot, At .the last meeting ot_ .the,.police and service, under thirty years of age, foremost. Eggs that are tin* must psolution Cove, where he 1&ÿ with licence commissioners was a consider good sailor, knowledge of foreign lan­ unsymmetrlcal are also eggs of large his ships for five wçeks In the spring àtfon of the cprfew bjlaw, which has guages, taste of mechanics, and-light else relatively to the parent bird. The of 1778. This monument would be a been flagrantly violated for some time weight (under list. 71b.) yolkp of eggs are spherical, whatever historical companion to the monu­ pagt The chief of police was Instruct­ On Joining the Air Battalion each thi form of the entire egg may be A tnemorlal to Captain Cook, the ment now erected to the memory of ed to rigidly enforce the law. The by­ candidate will go through . a six This has been shown to be due to ‘•V S-‘ famous navigator, ta being projected Quadra and Vancouver on the north­ law provides that the curfew shall ring months’ probationary course (Includ­ their being enclosed In a fluid, the in London by a distinguished body ot ern Island of the San Mlghfrl group at 7.45 p. m., and that fifteen minutes ing two months’ kiting and balloon­ “white,* which makes the pressure men, at the head of which a pears the off Friendly Cove, by our cousins to after It has been rung all children must ing). and. If during this period he Shows everywhere on the surface of the yolk name of His Majesty King George V., the south of us. If they could do so be off the streets. A violation of the no aptitude for the work, he will re practically constant. and It tg proposed that Vancouver Isl­ much for Quadra and Vancouver lawr Is punishable by a fine of $10 on Join the unit. ' The warrant officers, Our Tent Factory is Modern and. which is Imperlshably associated surely w«- can show our appreciation parents w^Ws-allow their children to non-commissioned officers, and men are with the name of Cook, should con­ of their thoughtfulness by doing the roam about the streets after the time to be selected from the corps of Royal tribute something toward that mem same for Cook. specified. Engineers. HOTEL erlal. The matter Is in the hands of The new organisation will supersede Our Work is Done by Experts Again .not only was Captain Cook tm Natural History Society <>i' vie the discoverer of Nootka Sound, to DEATH OF PIONEER. the existing balloon school on April 1. Washington Annex torla. the executive of which has He­ Which discovery the Spaniards laid New Westminster, March 25.-The death ckled to recommend the general body claim when ' they realized that the FOUND (DEAD. r/O SEATTLE toJnvitg_lbe whole,province of JtrlUah sovereignty—over 'this would -liera ot..umu . oldest!,,,., lOur Machinery is of the Best’ militiamen In the city In the person ofT Columbia to take part in the project. doubtless, In the fur trade alone, be Berkeley. Cal., March 26.—Thomas In connection wHh" ^hé proposal the Cerey Pickles. !>en. ■ CRESCENT MTG. CO. Nootka Bound. The establishment Is to have a 725 Yates Street Phone 2283 M Seattle, Wash. I may conclude this letter by stat strength of 190 o' all rook-*. The offi- lng that the above Information, show «ois are to be selected front any regii- ADVERTISE IN THE VICTORIA DAILY TIMES







$1000 $800



A one and a half acre lot in this subdivision will $800

make you a fine Suburban Homesne. $850 Best soil in the Peninsula. 8900 Good Water. Good Roads. Close to B. C. Electric Car Line. $1000 This property is bound to increase in value. I I TERMS: I I One Quarter Cash Balance 6%, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Years SAANICH ROAD nr. Bevan, Gore & Eliot 1122 Government St Stock, Bonds, Real Estate, Insurance Phones 2470 and 2471

r VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MON DAY, 10 TRANSPORTATION. I utatlon as a writer in this country' 1» MARINE NOTES POSITION OF BANK LINERS. well known, and he will be able to PRINCE GEORGE IS furnish hie readers with a comprehen­ Word has been received here, -an­ MAKES FAST PASSAGE sive and thorough report on happen­ nouncing the charter of the French The position of vtwli In the tttytvif ing» In the Orient. ' ___ ^ barque Le Piller front the Thame* uteamshlp» operated. by the shlppl‘ Ippm* Among the other passengers hnr-' Ttrer tu Vancouver. She will com­ I Brm of Frank WateiHokae & Co., ». - FROM TERMINAL CITY » SOON TO RESUME first cabin were J. H. Huthoff, mence loading a general cargo short­ Esquimalt and Nanaimo wealthy retired business man of Seat­ , ,,„un* t'> lew* iiilvi. ' ». I» i ly, consisting principally of cement, tle, who with hie wife will tour Japan bricks and salt. It 1* expected that* the lift that follows: for a number of months, and from she will, on her arrival here, be char­ Railway Boverlc, arrived Sydney, from Au'k- Being Overhauled for Summer there will take passage for London. J tered to carry grain from Tacoma to loml February li:. Hallamshlrr, «ailed Prince Rupert Comes Across T. Donnelly, of New York. Is also mak­ the United Kingdom. Vancouver, for MoJI. February 10; Schedule—Prince John ing the same trip, sailing from the e • Kumerte. arrived Portland, from Seat­ Gulf in Three Hours and Orient for Liverpool, where he will en Th*- new halibut schooner Olympic gage ln the manufacture ot war aero­ returned from ,her maiden trip minus tle. March 22; Lucerlc, «ailed Hong­ Coming Out Forty Minute1" planes for the British government. Mr. her formant, which was carried oway kong, for Shanghai. March 0; Winerte, Donnelly Ih an expert engineer, and i- in a small gab- off the cape. Examin­ arrived siiu" Francisco, front New Zen eentty has devoted his entire time to ation proved thnt the maflt win de­ About the middle of this week the O' ' land, to take J»th April «ailing from the navigation of the air. fective because of ft cluster of knots Train Service Using but five of lier hoHera and Next of the Oriental liner* to arrive San Francise/» on Australian tngll line, bucking a light southwest wind, the « T. P. steamer Prince Geqrge will he ln>plte of the fact that her trip was floated out of the Ksqulinalt dry dock, March 11; Oceaho, arrived Auckland, T. P. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. here will be the Km press of Japan, cut short by thé accident the new after '•having her hull scraped and from San- Franelaeo, Mareh 2: Quito, Harney Johnson, arrived In port on which Is due to arrive on Thursday. She ewe I brought In an excellent catch. arrived Hongkong. March 12; Suverlc. Saturday afternoon after having made painted. Work 1* being rushed with is on her one hundredth voyage, and all speed by*ru 13 for»«■ Victoria;« ...... - -. —Knight - hahalfif knot*knots an hour. The ve*«*lvessel waswaa coming across on her. , statement of 11 t. Alexander, of the HEAD DOWN. READ UP. J . __ tn»., nrtlact fnr ■ ■ _j t.rlimrf i imilllK 1* Rupert, on Saturday, April 16. giving a Another Uner 1» also expected from operating companw. who arrived In of St. George, sailed San Franelaeo, for not eitended and her Itne performance Tue Thu Tue Thu New Zealand and Australia. March 3; I, looked upon as an excellent example semi-weekly service. Yokohama on the same day, the Awa Heattle Friday night on the veswd Tue Thu Tue Thu Maru. of the Nippon Yusen Kalskn Purley. «ailed Everett, for Tacoma, to of a hat power her great machinery has. Several plate» near the stem of the having matle the round trip with her. Dally Sat. Bun. SAL Dally Bat ' Bat fapt. Nicholson, superintendent of vessel, which were slightly damaged Hne. Hh* has a-vary light xnrgo qf gen- A* ttm Admlr»l,W«*F—» th* j1”1 March « sailing from San Fran­ ~ * or toi ~ Lv. Victoria Ar. 12:05 16:00 the Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship when the George ran aground in thd ctal freight. Inrtudtiig ♦matting. silk, vessel of her type ever pr«*osed Into cisco, for Auatralla, March M. Bkawnlgan laüu» 10:45 17:35 Company, came serose from Vancouver Narrows at Vancouver during a denar curios, porcelain and silk. service on any of the Alaskan runs 10:16 14:16 nst on the veaecl and waa well pleased with fog several month» ago, have been the Initial trip of the Admiral 8amp- 10:36 16:32 Cobble Hill 10:35 17:25 the showing the Rupert made He Is taken out. The dints In them will !*• son ha* been watched closely by Ship­ 11:00 -27:00 - Don can* an enthusiastic™ belterst that thta rremoved and they, will be reTflirrd A ping men. not only In Seattle hut all 11:63 17:60 Vhemainu* speedy steamer can show her heels to number of minor repair* are alao being SHIPPING GUIDE along the* coast. The Sampson re­ Ladysmith any of the ceaaels plying out of thta made to the vessel's hull and she win turned Friday night from tier round 11:67 17:66 l»e In the finest shape to enter on the Nanaimo WOODEN port, and from her fast run on Satur­ OCEAN STEAMSHIP* trip to Houthweslern Alaska via the 12:36 18:40 day afternoon It proven that she has a run when the work Is completed. Ar. Wellington Lv. y Pram the Orient. port* of RoutBeasrem Alaska, mak 12:53' 18:56 Lv. 13:10 great turn of speed. Word was received here yesterday tng the run In seventeen days, prac that the O T P H. H. Ci>. h#d closed Empress of Japan ...... March «I Nanoose Day The Rupert had a fine run b> the tl ücally adhering to her set schedule, Awa Msru ...... Marcs w McBride Jet HOUSES T; p terminal and return, except for *> » contract with R. M Armstrong, man­ though It had never befftre beett .. April » . i . rough spell near Bella Bella on Friday ager of the Halted WMetres < Nunpail), . April W tried. The first trip of the Hum perm Coombs for the equipment wireless ap­ Paiisuis Msru ...... An* you going to build morning, when a he encountered tin- was considered" in the light °f * test Ar. Cameron I»nke Lv. 1) heavy aouthwealer which blew with paratus of the new steamer Prince ^ From Australia. ont; 1 It" so. we would like to John, which has been puraMÉM N ,h' ... April t and she went through It vvlth flying great force here. She brouaht aouth I4skt»ra color» di'spl.te adverse weath« r condi­ company, the John HU preset at rmî UmtM. call your attention To the over ÎM passengers. Including the fel­ tion*. failure to connect with the tides low Ins: Mr and Mr». R. I Abbott. R Port Glasgow, being prepared for her April Ik eleahest and healthiest coat­ Ahtlloi’hus ...... In n«*rtherii ports uhd the fact that O. Johneon.jC. L. Allen Mr and. Mr». V. Ion* trip to this port it t« expected LJ). CHETUAM, Frsm Mewles. her master. Gapt. Frana Moore, was ing for the walla—one that II Mach. Misa M Thompson. A K. that she wilt leave oh April 16. and will Isutwlsle ...... March ZS be In chaise of «’apt- IJftxtiL ahn placed nshore at Juneau for medical 1102 Government Street. Dintriet Passenger Agent. is cheaper than paper and Smith. XV H. Ha vie. H. XV. Mackelt, r Fee the Orient. better from an artistic Mrs XV XVachXcr. XV Fowler. J. Mc- brought th«' Ihrinve Ru|»ert out from the Tacatn* Mem ...... April I attention. tlachln.'ll A. Panghorn. W. Mi-lksi- Old Land standpoint dries like Flat Awe Maru .,...... Aprt rapt L L. ' 14«ne. formerly master gall. S. J Ret nolda. A. Hubley . ) XVII- W. K, huperow, city passenger ss*nl I4«n,tree* of Jepen .,April I» of th« gasoline wi'hooner Helen John­ Paint. This best of all de­ aon, XV. li Smith. C. Brown. XX J of the <1 T 1*. has been a«ivised that Fer Menlo*. son.* which was crushed In th- Ice Bredtidgv. F (1 Maden. R. IS Walker. the trip Of the steamer Frtltee Albert corations for the interior of Ixtnsdele ...... APrU w floes of liering sea last Octolntr. and F. Gordon. S. FroaaelL 1 T McNeill. from Prince Rupert to the Queen «’hsr wooden houses is F- For Liverpool. Mr and Mr», Radforth. C. R. Yutll and lotte Island on April 6 has been can­ who was with I*. B. Dobbs on h « Ahltlxw Ini* ...... ------April 1» yovn». IO Ih. fa* North In «»•*• *» Misa McDonald. celled. The vessel Is to come I.» this S.S. “PRINCE RUPERT” Last night the Prime Rupert left city for her spring overhauling and on Per Australia. plajjnina a trip to Wrangell Island Makiir* ...... AFrn 71 again for the north, carrying a full her return to the north will commence Ihl- romlng aimimer, to obtain mot Unequalled for speed, comfort and cuisine. cargo and many passengers. her summer schedule. COASTWISE STEAMERS in* pi. lure Him. and to trade with To PRINCE RUPERT, via Vancouver From San Francisco», th-» for Ivory. Every Sunday at Midnight. City of Puebla Mareti S8>skin, and other products of ,he With connection to end from STEWART, Vmalms ...... April b region !<• will be accompanied *K •omi-monthly service to QUEEN WIRELESS REPORTS SABO MARU DEPARTS From Skegv ay. Be men. _ , . WS)i^ CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Prlmwas Beatrice ...... April S Sanitary The four-masted schooner Transit. TO SEATTLE, EVERY SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT From Northern B. C. Pert». Capt It Pettersnn. arrived at Port Venture ...... »...... March 25» March 27. 8 FOR ORIENTAL PORTS Townsend Friday morning, "•tlydwo A TRAVELLER’S COiSULTIN BUREAU WITHOUT COST Point Grey—Clear; calm; misty Amur ...... March 31 Vas are rapidly tilling up. The following steamships sad gather data relating to the famine and representative* of the Brotherhood of weeks after being applied. northbound, at 6:10 p m. Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen H. A. TREEN from Montreal and. Quebec and Xexv i tirk. .■—. It may put on a damp Dead Tree Pqlni—Cloudy; wind other naira tuples fur different papers and the general manager of the road. General Agent. «« '"lew Street. of the United States. «Mr. Beecher s re- LATRKNTIC. from Montreal ...... *JV Ü? wall, when it will stand light swell. better than oil paint. OCEANIC, from New Wk ...... 0} suspend Shippers papers. MAURETANIA, from New York...... -» It can be gtmranteed to con­ LAKE MANITOBA, from Montreal...... ^'*-v tain % per evnt of Cresy- leapt Davla, of Steamship VICTORIAN.,from Montreal...... __ lie Acid if desired. Victoria. Receive» Light Sentence. It i* free from Caustic and CEDRIC, from New York ...... TEUTONIC, from Montreal....'...... Jiaj .1 Alkali Seattle March ÎT -Beenuse he admlt- LCfflTANIA. from New York...... It will not scale off, ami can ted to the United States marine In­ an engraving spectors that he had been a little care­ ROYAL OKORGE. from Montreal...... -...... »,a> “ be painted oil or varnished less In not having used the sounding F.MCRESS trF 1RELAVD. frtrm Qneheei ...... dime It if; nwde in rich, deep col­ lead at the proper time, t ' CORSICAN, from Montrejil...... "une ; or* a* well a* in tints— H Davis, of the steamship Vletorta. BALTIC, from New York ...... » choice of seventy. Which grounded off Cape H Inch Ini,rook, at the entrance to Prince Wllltam DEPARTMENT It is non-poisonous, cleanly Sound, on February 7. earned a little CELTIC, from New York...... "|un* ® in working, and applied better *han the benefit of ‘he doubt MEG ANTIC, from Montreal...... •{>*"* • very easily. from the Inspector, and r’n ^‘ ur,'a^ ADRIATIC, from New York...... • • •June White ceilings coated with suffered a nominal penalty His license r Which Makes Al1 Kinds And other sailings. ». master of Pacific ocean coastwise will it not turn bla- k with - vessels was suspended for a period of For aeeommodgtions on these ships write nr call on sulphur—it never cracks forty-five days, the suspension coming or falls off like ordinary from the Insi-ectora with some reluct E E. BLACKWOOD, General Agent, 1234 Government Street. i- whitewash. >- . of Cuts for All Purposes General Agent for All Atlantic Steamship Line*. It requires no solution or The X’lctorla grounded near ^ Caiw liquid other than water- Hlnehlnbrook on the evening of Febru­ hot or cold—to mix it ary 7. The night waa dark and Cap­ J ET us know your needs tain Da via was In charge of the waten "you win find it a great "*■' and this organization ready for use. Testimony adduct at th- Investigation Tke BmcowHi Steamship Ce. San Francisco For covering power and dur­ of the rase, on March 11, 18 and 14. was time taver. a great will deliver the finished ability it surpasses any­ to the effect that on the night In ques­ convenience, to consult our Half Tones product correctly. prompt­ Will Despatch and thing else procurable. tion the lightCape Hlnehlnbrook Engraving Department Southern lighthouse for some reason was not in Your Booklets ly and satisfactorily. Jt is the most suitable of all working. It waa not seen—at least b> whenever you require cuts California coatings for the interior Captain Davis - before the vessel Real estate agents, retail for printing or advertising S. S. VENTURE Leaving Victoria, 8 a. m., every Wed­ ami exterior of wooden grounded, although the accident concerns, manufacturers, FOR NORTHERN B. 0. PORTS nesday. Sir. QUEF.N or CITY UK houses. cur red nearby. After the vessel. With ] purposes. PCfcBLA. and 10 a. m., every Friday, Signatures railroads, publiée lions— from Seattle, Sxr. GOVERNOR or PRE­ One coat gives an even and her bow badly damaged, had backet! off Calling at Bella Ooola on and proeeded on her way. Capt Davie Besides exceptional every line of enterprise, SIDENT. solid color, and is all that teetifled that the lights appeared for mechanical facilities, our of Y our Name THURSDAY, MARCH 30. For Southeastern Alaska, StBtr- BTAfM is usually required. the first time. near and far. is served by OF CALIFORNIA or CITY OF SKA 1- Mer. 36. 30, Th* Victoria had transferred her pae force of hand engravers this engraving plant. TLE leaves Seattle 9 p m.. sengers to the steamship Bertha, stand is prepared to execute Sffi- April 6. 11. Call here and alloxv us to ing dose by. and proceeded on her way New equipment recently S. S. VADSO Ocean and rail tickets to New York and cult or unusual work. Cover Designs THURSDAY, APRIL 6 all other cities r San Francisco. demonitrate its Jiany to Cordova, where the cargo was Jet added, together with more tlsoned and the damage repaired. on Your Folders TICKET AND FREIGHT OFFICB-llll merit* more thoroughly. If you wish, our Art commodious quarters and Wharf St. Phnne 4 Following the Investigation charges Department will furnish JOHN BARNSLEY, AGENT R. P. RITHKT At CO.. LTD.. AgeftU. Or, if you wish, one of were preftV> tl against Captain Davis increased floor space still For further Information obtain folder. on March lb, fiwt he was summoned be­ the designs and thus relieve our staff shall call upon further enables us to serve Phone 1925. 534 Yates St. fore the board to answer the charge of you of the entire detail and Illustrations you and give yoe an careless navigation. What happened your needs. subsequent to the summons and the re­ thought. in Your Advts. CANADIAN MEXICAN timate of what it would sult 1* shown ln the decision of the In­ During the period cost to decorate your spectors : PACIFIC S. S. C0„ LTD. “Captain Davis', appeared at this of­ ' SxS*. navigstWlà «de­ house with this sanitary fice on March 21. 1911. to answer the ed on the tlonlhly aalllnga to and from British Maps MAIL ORDERS Columbia and Msxlcan porta and taking water paint. foregoing charge, and frankly admitted MAIL ORDERS River this Com to the board that tie considered that he In Your Real Estate Folders FULLED PROMPTLY pany’» etagve op cargo to Eastern Canada and Europe Tie had been a little careless in not having FILLED PROMPTLY erate between Tehuantepec Railway. free booklets given used the sounding lead at the proper AND CAREFULLY White Horse and ~ AND CAREFULLY Next sailing, 8* 8. LONSDALE, OR MAILED FREE ON time. , Dawson, carry Aprs 15, ini. Passenger agents fojr the "On account of the fairness of Cap­ Ing freight •"n March 23, 1M7. for ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES Tel. 406 618 Fort Street a term of fort y-five days from this date.” VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911

O CP ri J' Xr—, r* • • k ! ? i* * ! * i ? ' City Water Now City Water Now » s *< x • « " « * Laid on Property Laid on Property i A _!_ 1 t j V c ; < : » i - >é v . !*-» 1 - > Price» rri . n } « U- i 50x160 t * \ % * e t *• $250 and 60x120 t i Per Lot and up . ; r . . t V. « < « 2 » i •••

h / g h r/c yy ? i 10 p. c. cash, Terms—10 p. c. cash. X Terms i > * •I »! ' ♦ # ■ •% ; ? 5 ? 1 • - i 1 10 p.c. every 3 months y 1 — *JL. 10p.c. every3 months

Z- O T- / Of

Most healthy and picturesque part of the city of Victoria. Within the one and one-half mUe circle from City Hall. By-laws have passed the council for Asphalt Street, Boulevards and Cement Sidewalks. Automobiles will convey * ' s intending purchasers to view property at any time. Telephone 1032 DUCK and JOHNSTON 625 Johnson Street

concern of their*,. The noble lord said plclon by putting their cards upon the Canadian delegate* all the assistance table, and publishing every dispatch In hi* power In the conduct of the ne­ the agreement was mire to end In po­ litical annexation, but What right had and Instruction which had been given. gotiation». No instructions were sent HOUSE OF LORDS he to moke a statement of that kind? Viscount Murley said that a long time by the home government to Mr. Bryce, All responsible men. both In Canada ago a young man came to him and ask­ ere % se no ed for Journalistic employment. He in- by t' <■ Canadian government for Mr. and the United Stales, laughed at any AND RECIPROCITY Bry assistance. All that Mr. Bryce such Idea. Whether or not, ultimately. ad done had the lull approval uLtih .8.1. soupe remote period, there were p REBUILDING -int. ami wa* t«4d that it wa» general Ittlcal « vents, they would not he the Invective. (Laughter.) That appeared government. nunter faculty of the noble The noble lord had wound up his result of. the reciprocity agreement. : Vtocount Mldleton remarked that the tord- een good British plate bevelled pbseques qf that which used to be called tice in supposing for a marnent that perfectly seaworthy, as a passenger top. Regular value $26.00. boat ought to be? 1 venture tir think mirror, three drawers. Screens, Rockers and Tables. Imperial preference. The government any member of the government t«>ok not and should be glad If the officials, SALE PRICE . . $18.00 could only clear themselves from sus- the'view that what Canada did w’as no SALE PRICE . . . $15.50 All at reduced prices. whose place It Is. would satisfy them­ selves and also the travelling public that these boats are perfectly sea- before they their human

MARINER. HERE ARE AN EXPLANATION. Smith & Champion To the Editor: In'an Issue last week The Better Value Store1 Near City Hall of your payer, an artlile appeared do­ 1420 Douglas St. ing me a gross Injustice, the writer of Which, making statements that were not With lots for sale in l rue—that Arls Slmpulos, a Greek flower seller, had opened a shack on the Spencer site on Government street, wa* found by George Sour pa*, a close SHOAL BAY PARK at from $600 to $800 without bothering for the owner's per­ RESULT OF FEUD. friend of Atjam. Sourpa* brought the mission. The trutli Is that I had se­ lad before the district attorney and had cured permissjon from the owners be- Men Arrested at Portland on garlan* In the Balkan* previous to hiiti tell the story. iore 1 started to spend money to build Charge of Murder. coming to America. The youth *aid my vending wagon, and '^proceeded at that the conspirators assembled in a On Easy Terjns ull times on what l thought were my Portland, Ore., March 2?. —Acting on house In which he was living at the rights. I did not think that I wa» do- Information given the district attorney time and coolly planned the assassina­ ,tig anything seriously wrong as long by Piet Moto, a 17-year-old bootblack, Canaille Club Within five minutes walk from two car lines. Taxes as 1 had the owner's permission six Macedonians are under arrest tion. He said he became so frightened charged with first degree murder And that' he crawled from the room. Re­ AT INSTITUTE detective» are searching for others turning ten minutes ht 1er, Moto assert» only one per cent. whom Moto say* participated In a con­ he saw the body of Atjam lying face spiracy- which resulted in the assassin­ upwards on the floor with blood ooalng Tuesday, ation of Theodore'Âtjam Tn à hrtuse at from a dozen wound*, wlille TKe""b6n- 7th and Hander* street. The body of • rs sat about eating peanut» and I p m. ARTS N STMPULOfc; Atjam was found tied In a sack at Mar­ drinking beer. The next morning, the tin's dock in August, 1909. young man slated, the floor waa clean ML J. L -Encourage the kiddle» to work. According to Moto, II -men and the body had been removed. MONK & MONTEITH Children's spade*. 26c. 40c, 60c and 65c; Oyi plot and all were present when At-

639 FORT STREET !8. and $: The motive tor killing Atjam, Moto creel «Hence. 1392 Douglas tit. AR IS FASHIONS

Models for Spring Street Gowns

BY MRS. A. T. ASHMORE PRINÏÏ iff summer fashions now challenge attention, and every woman, whether or not she wisher to. Is forced to think about dreag. 5At the moment dressmakers are lasting a little from their labors, for with moot of the leading establishments the last of February and the first week •f March is a deed season, corresponding to the stocktaking la department shope* when everything is looked over and put ha readiness for the rush of custom, which this year promises te ejyeed that of many past seasons. But all the time new models are being exhibited and new Information 4s given out as to what are to be the stylw for spring and summer. ■) Again comment be, to be made an th< difficulty of «electing the spring ward robs. No one, not even the meet ex- travagant of women, on res to Older a tot of gowns that will .net be worn, mad yet who oan tall whether the thin or the thick gowns will be demanded by tha eilgeecire of the weather) To select cloth costume, and heavy towns. and then long before aatnmer should com­ mence, according to the calendar, to hare ■mi-tropical Weather let In, or rice versa «K to prepare for a warm spring eaaeon >m


Olive Green Cloth Gown Mild» Btrrmi Photo CopirUiu, llin, hr Reunion* Hideel,. Coprriehl. lttll. New tori Hereto

[ The skirt and eont costetne H without ^question the movt Kntlxfactr.v for gen j-ernl street wear at rthy (hue of year.* This sea non one of the smartest i t*'els rls in sut de cloth, with « waist of ck!fToa I ihe same sl ide, made over u white iiu- lack and White Check Tailor Costuma 1 lcf that is covered with bands of gold and Photo Copyright, 1911. by Reuttiager | silver lace, the silver lace enbroidereJ Exclusive Copyright, 1911. New York lierai» with a touch of rose pinL. that g'tee t more jbeeoming note. A no1 ter extremely Back of Old ose Cloth Gown •mart model, with fancy short ja krt Maison Drecoll tunic overskirt bus a chiJon wa s: with Photo Copyright. 1611, by Reutlfhger marked preference for the peer! gray, the k*ng V-shaped yoke aud collar of white Exclusive Copyright. 1911. New Yoi% Ileralc

rose pttk ifif of ruses, a pinkish for which can be aubst i .t- ; a fold of r iy± shaded tan, and what might bé called a rose pink. A broad fiat collar of Venetian warm tint of mole color. Blue still re- lace over Jose pick vrttrt üives « Chore There are two or three smart models in tains its hold on popular fancy, hut un- decided cob tirast and is dencSHuIT* d.s- blue cloth that are effective either in the less a newer, softer shade than has been tinctive. darkest French blue or the palest of fashionable all winter is used the effect! Nattier bine. The former, trimmed with Once again appear the black and white is mm crut- in the bright spring sunshine. ' black soutache braiding and black satin, It is most odd to see how different colors «'heck costumes, which every year are \ Ole said to be old fashioned and every year is not so new as the light blue with the ■re affected by different seasons of the are seen in countless numbers. Th.s braid and satin to match. year. Its rely do the same shades look year the first to be shown are more The high collar of lace or net ie now well winter andxsummer. Soft Nattier elaborate than usual, unfortunately. The trimmed* around the top with a narrow blue is attractive, but the king blue mo fold of chiffon or lace, gold or silver. If much used in trimming and also in gowns checks are larger, the skirt is made with tunic effect and deep cuffs and fiiaw) the collar be of the cream white then the requires to be softened by a darker shade, fold la black, and if black or dark color very much darker, or black. Suede in the collar of satin ôr velvet are fashionable. These black and white chfck materials then a narrow lace turned over is the gray tone is one of the new shades this smartest finish. Another little detail to •tre practical, but never took so smart 1 season, and the cloth is exactly like a lie noted In the spring costumes is the suede glove in its soft and pliable finish. es other plainer designs, and are really ■uore for hard wear than for dress. Kft| "narrow fold of satin or velvet on the Like every other gray, this shade is uol skirt or wherever It Is most effective on will be noticed that almost without ex­ becoming to every woman, and great ear waist and jacket. The band of satin at should be taken when it i§ selected tha' ception «oats are abort and in varied Old Ruse Cloth Gown the foot of the skirt continues to be if not becoming in itself It is made so b\ ityle *The long coats arc quite distinct M aïnou Barroin smart and is narrow or wide as preferred. the white yoke and collar and trimmir.^ garments much more on the separate U‘ the wide band looks best then it is A touch of black with suede Is always ef roat order and not made to wçar with Photo Copyright, 1911, by Reotlinger Exclusive Copyright, 191L New York lierai. chosen; if the narrow, then that is se­ factive, but again ie not always becoming iuy otic gown. lected.

^ New and Interesting Designs for Practical Spring Fashions. $

l choose to adrantage the gown» for While lian.laome cmi.rni.lcr) and braid- i-.r any ..mia ou and unt-loo elaborate noint, traneforme a perhaps too plain acme of the newest «tike are guile ccccn- .pring would «cent to be n difficult in* are unquestionably attractive and do- to 1» worn at almost any time. There JSwn or jacket, and la not beyond the trie, it te often possible to modify them, ask this season for the woman of allable, the absolutely plain costume can munt not i.c too much economy exen-reed limits 0f seen a small puree, for In the The wide pointed revere of white aatln limited menus, but it I* not no difficult in the quality of the material, however, a family lace box can surely be found Iota and the deep white cuffs are becoming ns it appears. The cat in or nilk costume poor,•cheap looking «Ilk or satin being a 0| Valencienne, that will make a rutile and «, but It the coat I. for con- is a boon to the economical woman. bad investment. A heavy cr*pe de Chine | étant wear it is a mistake to have too is also excellent for this style of costume. much white on it. The coat will look A sailor collar of velvet covered with heavy lace, ou the order of Venetian

iuedc Cloth Gown with Cerise Velvet Collai Photo Copyright. 1611. by ReotMagfr Exclusive Copyright 1611. New York Iltrald

here cold wintry weether up to the first Smell wonder that cloth go*ns are fash •f Juno, la decidedly perplexing—but the ionsble, eo exquisite in coloring and texture problem bee to be faced Just the same, re- are the clothe of the preaent day. De gardlws of weather. light fully lightin weight, soft end pliable. This year there are an unusual number they can eo easily be fitted to tha figure of cloth gowns displayed among tbs spring and equally easily be draped to fall la the Xml Black Bette Out. models- not coat and skirt costumes, but «lassie lines now so popular. All the light be exeeaffllifflr «inert thle «eeeon, narrow folia being all tha trimming required. gowns—bo It Is to be hoped that the »hadoe of color are In demand* with a few doth u4 Sat la Oosti •■art Balia lUaet Coatesa. weather will be favorable to the wearing rather striking colors, and always Mask or Then, with a «mart walat of net, ohlffon If the longed for bit of Venetian point la tSeeeo# One thing lb make It possible lewWte for the conservative minded, or lac* or of tha hoi material aa the lacking. the transparent yoke and sleeves and the! Qray |e * most popular color thle spring tot It takes the plan of the velveteen gown, combined with plenty of ahiCoo. The tong black satin coat la another I oat aa smart If there to lass, but this Ight weight linings that an now used, and in countless shades, with, however, a which has been so popular this winter. there la a perfect coetnma, mart enough 0*t good Investment thle spring, ft» while can eealljt, be regulated by personal taste. VICTORIA’ DAILY TIMiDS, MONDAY, MAmH g rWSti

.v?j$ OLZN LAKE . THE SOIL 34 blpok of this land have The Soil of Happy Valley lake frontage averaging Lands varies from the about 300 feet. About rich black humus to the three acres go to thé lighter fruit soil block.

'What aFarmer of Over 30Y earsExperience Says*About Happy Valley Lands

MeMn. Leonird, Reid t Co., : ««etchosin, B. 0., March 16, 1911. Victoria, B. 0. p«ar Sira:—I wish to say that, after looking around for several months for a desirable location I have bought from you three blocks of the "Happy Valley" lands, and find myself suited in every way. I have gone into nearly every fanning and fruit-grow­ ing district in the west, and even went as far as Florida. I came to Vancouver Island some weeks ago, wandered through every locality adjacent to Victoria, including the Happy Valley lands, and finally picked on the Happy Valley lands as offering the best inducements to a practical fanner and fruit grower Tike myself. The land I bought from you is cleared and your prices are lower than any similarly located land near Victoria. I find the soil splendidly adapted in every way for truck-gardening, fruit-growing and poultry raising. When the C. N. P. Railway is built with­ in the next few months, I shall find myself admirably situated on a piece of land big enough for any man, a few minutes run from 8 C^‘ _ Yours truly, . - (Signed) WILLIAM THOMPSON.

4 CLEARED STRETCH OF HAPPY VALLEY LAND OVER 1,000 ACRES 1 KAIVS1JUK l J\ l iursl Our HAPPY VALLEY Lands Prices: $250 to $350 TheSookeand HAPPY VAL­ Subdivision contains 1,000 acres LEY Roads traverse this subdivis­ and is located within the eight mile An Acre ion, at the junction of which roads circle of Victoria, directly on the Terms: One-Third Cash Balance the Canadian Northern are going line of the Canadian 'Northern One and Two Years to build a station to be known as Railway. Luxton Station.

420 Pemberton Building LEONARD.REID XrCO. Phones 221 and 345

Is on record as denouncing President MINISTERS DEFEND throne and person of our gracious sov­ ereign." Taft's mobilisation of troops on the RUSSIAN TROOPS IN Hon. Sydney Fisher and Ralph Smith. SENTENCE ON FORMER Mexican border as an unpardonable RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT M. P. also spoke. crime against that liberty for which Industry and Thrift the revolutionary fathers fought and SERVED TWENTY YEARS. CHINESE TERRITORY BANKER POSTPONED died. In passing tlieir resolution of Acquired early in life have made more of the successful men and (Continued from page 1.) condemnation, the labor men branded Man Sent to Prison for Crime He Did women of to-day than have Inherited fortunes. Not Commit, May Receive Pension. Taft s alleged reference to the sacred- Pave your way toward a successful future by regularly de­ tiees of the Monroe doctrine as ‘salve." the farmers and the masses of the peo­ positing so much from every salary cheque or pay cheque you get. New York. March 27.—Andrew Car­ Robin Will Give Evidence at Reported to Have Entered Hi ple, and have brought about the pros­ BLACK "ATER-ACTIVE PASS. negie to-day directed his pension fund perous conditions which I have shown Banking Investigation Province Where They Are agents to investigate the case of An­ March, 1S1L you. are the men who have brought |H.W. 81ack!;L.W Slack Stopping Caravans THE BANK OF VANCOUVER drew Toth, a Pittsburg millman. who at New York about this reciprocity agreement, and Subscribed Capital, $822,900 was recently released from the West lb. m.|h. m.llb. m-jh. m. Authorised (Skpjtal, $2,000,0600. the men who in future, as in the past, W. H. RONALD, ern penitentiary after having spent Douglas 8t.. cor. Johnson. will deal liberal Justice and fair play to Acting Manager. twenty years behind Its walls for « (Times Leased Wire.) (Times Leased Wire ) Government li^cor. Cormorant the farming Interests without saerfle- murder he never committed. Toth like, New York. March 27. — Joseph O. Omden, March 27, — Russia ha* al­ Ing the manufacturing interests of Can­ ly will receive a Carnegie pension. Robin, who haa be»n convicted of hav­ 1 36 14 *3 ready invaded China, according to ad­ ada." *' In 1851 when a fellow-employee at the ing looted the Northern bank of Nbw 2 23 I 16 » The annexation crY, Mr. Fielding Carnegie mille was murdered, Toth and 3 20 | 16 81 vices received =here to-day by a private York and the Washington Savings 4 37 1 17 M Bald, was a scandal and a shame. He a Hungarian were among the suspects. Chinese society. These cable* *ay that As they lined up for examination the band, will not be sentenced to-day as 6 19 | 18 40 did not know where to look in the the Russians, a column of cavalry and Hungarian stumbled and fell., Toth planned. He will know bin fate on * 13 | 1» 41 whole Dominion for a man who called 9 28! 20 39 laughed. This angered the Hungarian April 27, Justice Seabury having agreed 10 08 | 21 II infantry, have crossed the line into 111 Horses For Sale! himself an annexationist. Mr. Fielding and he accused Toth of the murder. On to a postponement so that Robin may referred to the visit of King Edward 10 43 ! 22 18 province and are stopping all Chinese this evidence Toth was convicted. be used as a witness In Important bank­ 11 IS CM northern Transfer Co. when Prince of Wales, and, he con­ Just before leaving for Hungary the ing investigations now being conducted I n 117 is 11 87 cava ran* In that territory. tinued: "History will repeat itself. Hungarian confessed his part In Toth> by District Attorney Whitman. 6 SR I IS « Office G. N. Railway Station; Vancouver. ' There is a young prince there, our fu 8 to | 18 M . Concessions Granted. conviction and the latter was released. Robin's evidence of . the way he de­ lure King, who will come to vtait us in « 2f. ! 19 M ! clares 'the bank examiners are Pekin, March 27 —War In the par the future as his grandfather Edward foolttl 8 47 ! » M I EIGHT ROBBERIES by the financiers is expected to aid In 7 OR a to i East 1* believed to-day to have been the Peacemaker did before (cheers), 7 r, and when he cornea to Canada 1 trust landing some "big flfh” In Jail. »-*!■■■ averted bJ China's unreservedly grant­ he will come to the midst of this period Everett. Wash.. March 27. — Eight mm 7 ing of Russia's demands for certain robberies. ëVTSëritly all commHteed ly TAFT fl ACTION CONDEMNED. S STTT FvS of reciprocity and that on his return to g “ LgsklLgsk trade concession* In Mongolia. • J. J 1 IJLIiÜ UPHOLSTERER. the same, two hold-ups In about forty 11 SI |l 8 IS the Old Country he will be able again The terms of the foreign board's note E minutes, broke all records here in crim­ and Labor Assembly a Mil 117 RE-UPHOLSTERING A SPECIALTY. to testify, as his grandfather did before 14 06 11 9 41 him, that the people of this country, inal history. All the operations were Pffae. Resolution 45 64 UN 06 are not made public here, only the Ring Up Phone 3140, or Call at 808 Port Street. trading and dealing on friendly terms conducted in the northern part of town »• UN* statement that Russia's condition» have Denver, With the United States, were neverthe­ and the net results showed that’ the been met. less more devoted -iha» -aver to- the thus» sut RK«y wUh only UMM ver trades assembly to-day fl g3||S

C 4 ______VICTORIA DAILY Tl MK8, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 ...... V - , ' - . IfôlFSirSHSlfïïlf sifïïlisii^irsil «=4 □|fBn[Dl[Bl[pl[S][5][âl[ïïl[S][ïï][â][lÔ

The Best Opportunity You Will Find

We wiH commence the Sale on Monday of a Subdivision Located Near the Terminus of the

Waterfront lots on Saanich Inlet, with sandy beach. The most desirable location for ideal country homes. Boating, Fishing, Hunting close to your door. -Within easy reach of your business by electric car. Sale opens on Monday Morning Prices and Terms Announced Later

Telephone 664 633 Yates Street P. O. Box 307 GRANT & LINEHAM Victoria, B. C.


Kamloops, Hazelton and Okanagan aa-1 be furnished with any Information they during the festivities held at the meet­ favor of the new ruler of the castle, that will hold spellbound from start to ing of the King <>f Spain and the Pres­ who In turn takes unto herself the finish. To put a finish on this excellent 7163 soclations. In fact, t*am'~Titionttng wttt Members are reminded that the In­ ident of the French republic. “His squire’s cousin as her husband. programme, another of Pathe scream­ be one of the principal feature* of Un- Mind’s Tragedy" is 1.000 feet of excel­ ing comedies that makes one forget itial gereral meeting will be held In the The Job a ml The Girl" is a pictureed for. in addition to the foregoing, drill hall on Wednesday at * 30 p m., lent drama by the powers Co. troubles and want to come again, en­ comedy of the adventures of a nervy the club ha* entered for the oversea* when It I* hoped there will be a good 'The Sacrifice of Silver Cloud” shows titled “Vagaries of Love.” Mis* I). Richards will sing a song entitled SEASON OPENING Empire Day cup. and two teams will attendance. how Silver Cloud, an Indian girl, falls youth. Warren Kerrigan, in. the char­ New Grand Theatre. In love with handsome Lieut. Parry, acter the nerVy one. Is a Joy for­ "Under the Yum Yum Tree.” compete in the series of Canadian Mili­ VHmost Westony, the only Wagner• who, however, does not encourage her. ever. "Do You Know This Woman” la tai^ League matches. fin pianist in vaudeville, opens to-day and gently tells her he la engaged to tomedy that gives Dott Farley an The Hamilton Powder Co. ha* gra­ marry the colonel’s daughter. The In­ opportunity to show’ the stuff that t the (Irand theatre. He is a student Dr. Martel s Female Pills First Matches of Fifth Regi- nted n silver cup ! WHEN THE ODDS dians plan an attack upon the fort, and laughter Is really made of. She does -*f Wagner Htrt hie programme 1» not Sliver Cloud warns the lieutenant. A it. too. The Rrmramr orchestra writi fur­ Eighteen Years the Standard merrt Marksmen Take Place petition, and It is proposed to insti­ •nil Wagnerian music. He will play battle occurs. Silver Cloud picking up nish the music for the pictures. Prescribed and recommended for tute inter-company team matches for vimultaneuusly the national airs of the rifle of a fallen soldier and fighting women’s ailments, a scientifically pre­ on Saturday Next this trophy, the Idea being that team* New Empress Theatre. E AGAINST YOU England. France, Germanv ahd Amer- with the whites. In saving the white pared remedy of proven worth. The from each of the three companies shall The Empress programme for to-day v _ _ , n n. , ’«-a., each being heard distinctly at the' women she is captured and carred result iron their use la quick and per­ Khoot twice a month, the company with and to-morrow contains one of Relig’s YOU C3I1 S am? time from the same piano At away by the vanquished rodtnen, and manent. For sale at all drug stores. the greatest number of win* to Its Depend on Dr. vhzise «1 ramas entitled "The Padre ’’ It Is In The opening meeting of the Fifth nf I in^PpH Vancouver llaat Orpheum was bravely meets death. the early days of California. Father « redit at the end of the season taking Qvrnndyrup Ul Llllbeeu ^liuand Tur-IUI ,A nllt for thr week,ww>k theon Tuesday., be- Regiment Rifle Association takes place There will also be two other feature Sebastian, trudging his way on foot the cup. heels Hvn Nagwt; who Ip dnuving the on Saturday next at Clover Point The association has a strong and en- pentine to Help You, If -use njayed then- from the mission. Is attracted to the Ymi Opt thp Genuine H T McConnell, n resident of the crowd* to-'the Broad street house by range, and the 1911, season bids fair to ! thuslastlc committee, and special ef- wall of an Infant coming from the crest 10U vet lllc WCIIUII1C. Thirteen Club.11 and his company hi* wonderful playing will have a new of a ridge. Sitting beside Its dead The l,. ..Tin of UK- busiest the «ssucistk» ha- forts are being made to sncourage the fight goes on during the . . *, What a fight goes on during tne ,r>lton nnd Vivian, musical comedy overture, and Thomas J. Price, Vic­ mother, a tiny baby greets the parde’s younger shots. Indeed, the rpsdlnessiwinter season against fipusrh* ami :fw. thp Thr#M, t>vghtons. with Known. .Shooting will be carried «H» on toria’s well-known Illustrated song gaze. Lifting the Infant tenderly In shown by the more experienced marks-,coîd8 The children are careless about h,.nofm,na| European ath'etlc globe- Woodworkers singer, will also have a new song hit his arms, the father resumes his Jour­ every Saturday afternoon from Ai>rll men In helping and encouraging the krevtnR dry and warm, and the parents . ,mlng avn and Harrv Booker whose jtomano Photoplay Theatre. ney, accompanied by an Indian woman Limited until October. rrovtree has always been a natlceablwunrp wnrrtrrt to hear them mttgb. -- hi.raelèf work has long been a stai.Ie “Come Back to Erin” is the head­ to whom he has entrusted the care of 2813 l>ufty In "The Walking Del liner at the Romano theatre for Mon classes, according to individual ability, day and Tuesday. An American law­ we see the infant growrn to manhood, Manufacturers of High Grade Representatives from Victoria are)rtf jjnsew| an«| Turpentine. . gate.” on this bill at the Grand strong, handsome and a "true worship­ end it has been decided to continue yer arrives on (he scene of a party of Show Cases, and every descrip­ sent t.. t he Dominion Rifle Association I Sn wen*known is this medicine and per. The bright eyes of a pretty I Span­ merry makers assembled for the pur tion of Hotel. Bank, BackOffice the system of weekly spoon competi-ting at Ottawa each year, .and th<- ^ universally uw-d that -we need ish maiden turn the head of Jose, caus­ tlons which was Instituted last year, i c]Ub usually makes about 20 entries for *varreiy tell you of its merits. But we T”° London bioscope and amateur rose <>f crowning Mollle Bawn Queen of and modern Store FJxtuh'S, ing him to forget his duty. The long lb* May He Is In search of the heiress Counters, Wall Cases, Standing and which met with so much success. ] the B. C. R. A. matches in July ; do want to w arn you against imita- performance comrnenjss to-night fo search of the patient padre for his no leas than seventy spoons being com- That the civic authorities realise the tJons Rnd substitutes. ,hf* at ' ,rtnrl* •ho"tre- to the Blarney estate. Squire O’Neill, v.dopted son. which Is rawarded at last Desks, etc. peted for. In addition there are the importance of fostering the art of flfle once you know that there are at amateurs appearing w who has ‘-been In possession of this es­ Selected woods, superior finish by finding him. The settings are real aggregate prixvs decided on the total„! shooting Is shown by the fact that an Irast fo„r imitations of Dr Chase’s ’ ° *"QW 1# b2Tk,‘<1 T ,!"ee tate for some time is Informed by let . nd beautiful, the locations being cho­ and best workmanship. — of a member’s seven best scores—six annual grant in made for this purp le, Syrup „f j.inseed and! Turpentine on in* ore given t * the pu j r to aid the American lawyer to find Mirror Plates and Plate Glass. Mollle Bawn. The squire realizes If re n from In and about Ran Gabriel short range and one long—for which without which It would be Impossible market, you are not likely to let r 1 ’ ron* ” nmn "r * 'no. mission, the sea coast, the Sierra Mad re Hash. Doors and Ml 11 work of gold, silver and bronze medals are for the chtti to do as much as It now Hnv denier talk you Into a«TcptingI’’r; , Th' performance commences at the heiress is found he will have to give all kinds; Lumber, Lath. h - untnlns and the great desert of awards. | aeon,,-Hah,-». If any nubile minted nn,.tMn, but genuine, on oneb but- "r,m-k "nssesslv>n of the estate. Know- Shingles, and all kinds of "ng there is a will he connives to get Southern California. With a view to the promotion of good citizens w'ho are Interested and tle ^ hivh are the portrait and signa- j Isslon until 10 p. m. Between the building material. Prompt de­ the" document. The lawyer secures the A great western drama, entitled fellowship amongst the rifle clubs of ^ may desire to lend their assistance by turc of A. W. Chase, M. D., the famous •i me leur acts moving nictures are livery. and satisfaction guaran­ shown. There will be a Saturday, mat­ will from the squire, and Molly Bawn “Patricia of the Plains,” Is Intense and British Columbia, the secretary Is et»- j donating medals or trophies will com- i Receipt Book author, teed. inee for children. Every person attend­ Is proclaimed mistress of Blarney cas­ enthralling. "The Special Agent.” by deavorlng to arrange a series of poet ^tunicate with the secretary, Rergt. C. ’ Imitait i on the r- pyta- ing has a vote for the best performer. tle. The squire gracefully retires fn the vttagraph Company. Is a drama matches with the Vancouver, Nanalmp, jw. Blrcli. 550 Slmcoe street, they wrill tion of this cr« at me il« Ine, and not These are added at the end of the week on their own merit», or why should and the three highest get the prizes, thev not have a name of their own. valued at |M. SIR. and 110. With the genuine Dr. Chase’s Syrup Majestic Theatre. of Linseed and Turpentine you can readily overcome croup, bronchitis, The character of the new bill for whooping cough, throat Irritation and Monday and Tuesday IqgRtrongly dra the most serious coughs and colds; matlc in quality, the loading feature 25 rents a bottle; family size. 60 cents; Is another blograph subject entitled "Three Sisters.” giving an effective LANG COVE SUBDIVISION all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates A Co., ------— ■ ■ ' — Businesses Toronto. and convincing atory of modem rial conditions as jthey concern young JAPAN’S FRIENDSHIP. women It points a very healthy moral Lots in Lang Cove Subdivision at Esquimalt are rapidly being taken up. All the 6650, 6700 and “In Neighboring Kingdoms” are those 6750 lota have been sold. President Taft Receive* Message From irrepressible youngsters, a prince and the Emperor. a princess. In neighboring kingdoms, For Sale who refuse to wed as their fathers Washington, D.C.. March 27.—Presi­ wish. “The widow's Crolce” Is a com All That's Left Range. Up From $850 edy showing two young man, very much dent Taft on Saturday received from We are opening a special department to handle this in love with a widow. The end of the the Emperor of Japan a message re­ matter Is that their father Introduci branch of business, and shall be pleased to receive full ciprocating the president's expressions the erstwhile widow as their step and Can Be Bought From Us of good will and friendship toward mother. “A Cocnnnut Plantation” is particulars of any paying concern you may wish to dis­ Japan, made to the Japanese ambas­ colored Industrial picture representing sador. Baron TTchlda. several days ago. the gathering, assorting and curing of pose of. Call or phone. cocoanut*. "An Animated Armbhalr* On Easy Terms Baron Uchtda called at the White House and delivered In person the provides the comedy In a new and In emperor’s message. foresting Way. Don’t waste time thinking about buying, but BUY NOW while you have the opportunity. President Taft has been anxious to Crystal Theatre. aet at rest the reports of differences The management has secured ■ for between this country and Japan, es Monday and Tuesday the great “dau perla I ly with reference to the moblll mont” film, depicting thé royal bull Marriott & Fellows ration of troops in Tekas. He said tight at Nhnes. 1 jfn tnls'ptclureIs seen recently he waa at a loss to "understand In action the famous Pastor, whose Monk & Monteith 619 Trounce Avenue. the motive behind such ‘‘mattelous and reputation as a toreador Is world-wide. baseless stories.” He sent for Baron IB- wo* engaged specially for this oeca 639 Fort Street. Phone 1402. Vchlda to express this sentiment to him tlon at the enormous salary of $16,000 and to ask that he convey the message for one performance, to appear before to the ctioperor. — . ..-w-.J the aristocracy ot. France and ffpwta VICTORIA'DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27. 1911

to .lomlnate the. Central bank direc­ PLAN TO DOMINATE tors'. NEW RECORDS FOR NOT SHUT OUT BANK CLOSED. UNCIAL SITUATION Redding, <5*1, Mar 17.—Pending an WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY . BY LOCAL OPTION investigation Into Its solvency, the stsU bgnk superintendent of banking on Saturday closed the doors' of “the ’^Morgan, Rockefeller and Kuhn of_Th**t* coaBt* “ Reddin«- Messages From All Parts of Wholesale Liquor Dealer May ” The branch bank at Kennett van alao Loeb Co. Seek Chain Globe Picked Uo by Station ' Conduct Business in The January statements e# the Shas­ - in California "Dry" Uc‘ of Banks ta bank showed that It had deposits L - - In excess of $700,000, while Its loans . V. — *v3 a ere $774,0». . - Will probably be your last oppor­ “We can pay our depositors in full." Pan Francisco, March 27.—A full re- Bellingham. Wash.,-March 17.—Simon * New York, March 27.—Confirma­ said President Bush. If we are given tion of suspicions that the Morgan . port was forwarded to the secretary of McLeod, wholesale liquor dealer, ia time. I must admit ..that some of the wsr at Washington Haturday of the Rockefeller and Kuhn-Loeb Interests guilty of Illegal îtQTïôr sale*. tit that hr tunity to secure lots in Monterey loans do not look aw good now as when fact that all wireless records plan to gain control of the whole delivered whisky to places not bona we mode them. There has been a gra­ smashed Friday night when a tempor­ country’s finances is seen here by dual run on the bank since T. 8. Hen­ fld« residences, and for this offence Wall Street In the acquisition by the ary station established on Bakers ri. In 8t. Louts last December, Beach, picked up messages from every must pay $106 fine and coats of the Place, Oak Bay, at the original ••big three" of the National Bank of that we had burned hlm SIM.W0 part of the globe. Sparks from Corn­ action against him, and must deposit Aunmerce with Its deposits of 1142,- without security. The story was un­ wall. England. 4.500 rullee^Ustance, af­ bond In the sum of $1.000 before he van 000,600. true, bpt It hurt ufc.” fected the sensitive appaRius, while resume business, but he Is not guilty ground floor prices and’unusual This strength is expected to prove messages flashing frtSm San Juan. Por­ of maintaining a nuisance and hie $20.- hot the entering wedge of a cam­ CORONATION FESTIVITIES. to Rico, Colon, Panama. Otichlahl, Ja­ 000 liquor stock will not. therefore, be paign by the combination to go after terms pan and other far distant places, made confia, ated and destroyed. ♦banks in other cities and thus to ob­ »ndon. March 27.—According to distinct Impressions. This was the ruling of Judge Geo. A. tain a chain of financial Institutions re estimates just made public, more Joiner of the Skagit county superior throughout the country which shall than 10.006.0000 people, the greatest CRYSTAL PALACE. court, who eat here In the llqhor case be able to absolutely dominate the assemblage In the world’s history, will against the wholesaler. The judge held financial situation. be gathered In London during the cer> Justice 8 win fen Rady, In the in hi* decision that a wholesaler may Mu gun already controls the New conduct a buwlneaa within the limits of onatlon week of King George in June. Chancery Division London recently. York clearing house and dictates Its a dry unit, and also held that the local The Time to Buy King Oeorge wttt attempt to give the policy. With the active co-operation toruiuua crowds an opportunity to made an order for the sale of "the option law of 1000 does* nôt repeal the of the Kuhn-Loeb and Rockefeller •e at least one ef the state pageants undertaking and property of the Cry­ 180$ liquor law us was, argued by the houses, the opposition In Wall Street and wHT-cover from thirty to forty- stal Palace Company. % defence. .The case will not be appealed. to the Morgan projects is practically Is To-monow, for there are only a five miles of the streets* during the The application for the sanctionnât week The latter figure depends upon nil. » _ the Coart to the sale was made by % The reason for the activities of the whether it la decided he shall drive In "big three” at this time is said to be te from Buckingham palace to the the Prudential Assurance Company on few unsold. We anticipate a quick that they are convinced that the Crystal Palace ori June 80. the day on behalf of the holders of first debenture Victoria Theatre drlrh Central bank plan will be ap- which he will entertain 100.000 children stock, and It was opposed by so p^hd by the monetary comm i hie personal guests. **. holders of second debenture stock, on sale for these and suggest an early a^^^iey figure that with a chain of By extending the Ring’s progr the ground that the Crystal Palace was I Week ank Matinee en Saturday banks they will easily be in a position through the narrow streets as much as within the clews of cases dealing with possible, the police hope to lessen the companies formed to undertake works THE LONDON BIOSCOPE visit if you want the best in of a pwhile nature, such as a railway ateou can t buy » sto* Netieon or tramway company, in which cases AVIATION AS PASTIME. there was no power to sell. AND AMATEURS Ifl Chocolat»—«aèoniaheéor Hie kordahlp could Sad nothing which Saturday Matlnrr, Children le. brought the Crystal Palace Company 6» broken piece* are unknown Aviation in about to be elevated to the ranks of a luxurious pastime, u within 1 lie class of rases. It was not NIGHT PRICES, 10.. In a box of these "crème de la level with yachting. Messrs. Keith, In any way Incorporated for public One Performance a Nleht, 1 Hour»’ | iter- bad Urn public any right Oak Bay Lots Prewar dk Co., of Berners street. Lon- crème " af choeoIsles H» the doiC have prepared a scheme of pga- or interest a In or over It in any manner ger-flights from Brooklanda aero- similar to the cams to which reference rsfHf* de Luxe. me. and are also peepured to made. There was no obli­ airmen to gentlemen’s estates and take gation on the part of the company to i Easy Easy 33 different packages— each passengers for trips round the grounds keep the Palace open, and he could WEAR EVER other. duty of obligation Im­ containing the most delicious or over the country side. W> have,” said Mr. Phillips, the posed on It It was a case In which Terms Terms chocolates you over tasted. firm’s manager, to the Dally Chronicle, was a charge upon the under FROM $550 one monoplane and eight biplanes at S and- property ef the company If jeer dtakr dear not *■* Iroetrtaad*. besides 10 aeroplanes tor and manifestly the security was la­ purposes of demonstration. We have tent. and as a matter of course Noilson's stnd BOc.forpotmd box of a number of skilled aviators to act as the order must go. Leave to appeal ALUMINUM pilots, among them being Mr. Hopwlth, was given. /hear ehoceUtes that an éffonot. who recently flew from Brooklanda to I Windsor. Mr. Du Croe. Mr Dllmore, SEEKING NEW TRIAL. Island Investment Co., L.imited WN. NE1LSOK LIMITED, Mr. Hoe and Lieutenant Watkln. N M TOSONTO. Messrs. Keith. Prowae and Co. have Seattle. Wash.. March *7.—United U a box office at Brooklanda. Tickets States District Judge Geo. Don worth Phone 1494 may also be obtained at any of their look under advisement yesterday the M Bank of Montreal Chambers branch offices. The charges vary motion for a new trial for Clgrence D ------1 from 10 guineas for a cross-country Hillman, the millionaire townslte pro­ Another large shipment ex- flight to 2 guineas for a short flight ai moter. recently convicted of using the peettxl any day. (let your Rrookland*. Intermediate fees are malls to defraud. Judge Don worth will order in early. S guineas for a 1 tight tube round the announce hla decision next Saturday course. 4 guineas for a flight twice Sentence on Hillman, which ■tore and Showroom atrs round, including a vol plane, and & have I teen passed Saturday. wiU lie de guineas for what is described as a (erred until after the motion for a new 610 Pandora Street t Chocolates that art Different For Results—Try the Daily Times "longer and higher flight." trial is disposed of.


$750 CITY WATER LAID PAST PROPERTY $850 Kenward Kenward A Subdivision in Oak Bay; It’s the Best Distrid OakBay is theCream of Residential Properties

KENWARD is four minutes walk from KENWARD faces Central Avenue along Oak Bay cars which the Fowl Bay Carline Exten­ KENWARD ^is five minutes walk from sion will run. beach KENWARD will give you an ideal site for a home. KENWARD is wooded with large spruce and oak trees. KENWARD investment will double your money in six months. It is a fact that if you invest in. the best w district of a growing city It is a fact and the feeling is unanamous YOU’LL MAKE MONEY 1 OAK BAY LEADS

They TERMS : $100 Cash, balance $75 quarterly. Payments There are only Thirty Lots in this Subdivision. i won’t last long. extend over two years. GORDON BURDICK 620 B,S2ST~


I VICTORIA DAILY T1MKH, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 REVELEE WILL NCREASES FOR These For Sale Advertisements Will Br-ng JONES RANT About Some Real Estate Sales To-Day * IMPROVE STREETS CIVIC EMPLOYEES The Largest Fence Dealers in B. C.^\ * We make a specialty of Fence Construe*. THE CITY BROKERAGE THE B. C. LAND AND BRITISH - AMERICAN TRUST Ratepayers to Vote on By-law Practically All Officials at New Bol» Agent» for th« F«nos$ CoiUd BU«1 gpriaf Wire. Re*! Estate and Fire Insurance*, INVESTMENT AGENCY CO.. LTD. —$50,000 to Complete Westminster Get All kinds of Farm, Fencing, Oates, Wire and Ornamented mi Douglas Street- .v, Lawn Fences An hand. M2 GOVERNMENT ST. Bread and View Streets Victoria. B. C. New Dam Raise R.O. Drawer 7». Phone MS. 1SSI. Feet Street, close to, Oak Bay Junction. 1407 Broad Street, Victoria 4 mm mfilrm —**““ and 2 large lot», fruit tr—«. etablen. «K ” ta w»,. March 26.—On Monday, m Westminster. March 28—In­ one of the beet buys on the market March 27. the ratepayers of thla city ès In the salarie» el official» In FOR SALE to-day. Price, on sa» terms..SB^ai will hr called upon to vote on two by­ the employ of the dty and a new auto laws for the sum* of $66.066 and $6.000 Far Quick Bale for a few days only vs Let an Tapa» Avenue, alongside of for the uae of the fire chief were the Michigan Street, cloee In. two lots, each respectively. The- former wSB be for EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BANK can sell you a corner lot with ISO railway, excslleat,slto for wareheuM. principal features of the estimate*. General Banking Business feet on Blanchard and M feet on SO » tie. One-third «ash. belnnce 14 rash, balance 1 annual paymsnto. npleRon of the new pow< Nvhtch were considered by the ctmcll Pembroke SU. 1-1 cash. For.. $6000 third Mutually at T per cent. Price on the whole ha* coat the dty special meeting. All the eetl- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. for the two...... « to $125.066. and the latter far Oak Bay Transit Read, lot IS. Here le Geek attest, IS acre» and very air» the installation of machinery for subject to final revision, but they may CAPITAL, SX.OOO.OOO RESERVE, S2.2SO.OOO One Acre, close to Gorge Road very . a slendld buy but It only lasts a feW home, with tenets court, stable, etc. leg permanedt work on the rlty sir all be cut down. nicely situated. One-third rash, bal­ days at...... $1100 Easy terms. Price ...... IW* The machinery wfU Include a a WM. FARWELL, JAB. MACKINNONj ance to be arranged, at 7 Per cent The estimates of the light commit­ crustier, a ten ton roller, scrapers, tee were fjrst discussed, and the pro­ I*rrsident. General Manager Hare is anether snap, a lot on Oar bally Price ...... ***— First Street, lie feet. 14 rash, hatonrr motor* and email appurtewancea. It Road, north side, close to "Douglas St., posal to rat*e -the salary of the city VICTORIA BRANCH—TIMES BUILDING. Is the Intention of the City < ouncll to a splendid buy. See ùa.about It. MeKenaie Street, lota U z MI. **> electrleldn caused some discussion, it R. W. H. KING. Manager. anent sidewalks and street shortly to Qek |a„ opposite Recreation Park. gradually build up a permanent oys wa* finally decided to raise the sal­ We have a client for agreement of be asphalted One third cash, bal- nlce ,oL Tt.rma...... $1200 t#m of streets that nill be the envy of ary of City Electrician Bowler to $146 ■ale. What have you got? anee 6. 11 and IS menthe Price western ettlea. per month. Instead of work Ink by each ...... h"5 ...... ,,...$1|II8 Early the other morning two switch the day. tn the future the a**lsu engines at work hi the yards here electrician will receive $126 j Florists’ and Gardeners’ Association, of Victoria Va Acre, close to Foul Bay and car line. tided, causing damage which figure UP month. The lamp trimmer will abto All good aoU and nicely treed with to close on to IUN. The gccldent receive an Increase. ------12 Maples One-quarter cash, balance occurred several hundred yards writ It wa* decl led to pu* a by-law to at 7 per cent. Price nrr....- - • -IMS —Lecture on— of the switch, where engine No 21S6 the people for $26.666 for extending PLUMMER t RIDEOUT In chafge of Knylnecr Daniels, was rtv the lighting system. Including the F. E. MITCHELL 6 CO. View Street, one lot. 4» * It*! J®*» -»»* gngt-tl switching s train of three hb* “COMMON GARDEN PESTS of Quadra, with 6 bulldlnza alwayn l.ulu Mnntl extension. Real Estate Agents. Real Estate. Financial and Inst $75 Aid. Dodd suggested the giving frontage. Price, on terms ... -$M$ menL furnace, all modern conveni-______fusion In this department. The. hoard Agent throughout, lot 66 x 126. beau- I rO$0d not see It* way clear to comply to all the men In the regular employ­ Cell or phone 643 for prices. Shakespeare Street, comfortable mod. ant of the city ten dnyn' holiday im DOUGLAS ST P-SET. tiful situation. Terms can be ar- I wltlx hie request, and wrote him era C room cottage and 1 lota, level, ranged...... $S^$S|Cordlngly. each year, and this matter will be «S a lit. IS* eaeh. balance to taken up later arranged, at 7 per cent. For . $U A^l PI-AYOBOUN-lk# KOH CH.LOREN. The salary of Ofty Engineer Black­ Hawkins 67 Hayward Toronto Street, near Governore»t !St . ( en will be increased from $2,666 cou 71» Years Ht Look for the Electric Sign. roomed dwelling, modern $3?* Oak Bay. just outside city Umlta. »- splendid view; an Ideal home alto. aU I ___ ...... to $3.660 per year, and the superin­ encee. $1666 cash ...... room house, with 4 large else lota, conveniences on avenue. Reasonable Vancouver. March *#- A deputation tendent of the board of - work* will In good fruit trees etc, on terms of terms. A .nap for ...... »1J« from the Children-. Protective Awcto- Bank Street, close to Cadboro Bay the future receive $146 per month. J. one-third cash. Iwiener at 7 per I tlon was present at the meeting « J. Hood wras appointed superintendent Fall (died lot With new 7 roo L Price ...... -vtJ Eoqwimalt—Liverpool Street, large )<*. |thc park commlaxlonere to cgll at ton- of sidewalk* at a salary of $166 per the main* would pass through a large SENT tT* FOR TRIAL. dwelling, modern, good basement and close to proposed dry dock- Reason- |non |4> the necessity for suitably equip furnace. Terms Price .IMP month. I portion of ground outside the city aide terms. For a short time price playground* f«*c the school chU The estimates of the finance com­ limite, step* should be taken to have New Westminster. March 25d Is ...... $$.000 I dren. The deputation ws» composed of result of the shooting affray laJI Wilton Streat, lot cloee to Foul Bay R4. mittee arc not yet ready, and there the owner* of that property throw In 60 x 115. $366 cash, balance 6. 12 and LEE 4 FRASER . R? W lassoon. T. F. Beatty, and Father will no doubt be many changes In all their lot with the corporation. The day evening In the B. C. Ctmm Avenue—Choice building lot. the- Madden. Mr. Lesson addreaaeJ the mayor suggested that . provision be Milk Factory. Hvertk NoeevKch It months. Price ...... $750 Ing south. 66 x lit. lovely Mtuatknv | ^.mmieeioner* and dwelt particularly the estimate*, but it is probable that Real Estate and Tn au rance Agent». the Increase* of salary as proposed made In the estimates for the expense appear In a higher court charged Douglas Struct, 1 vers at end of car Reasonable terms arranged...... $7W I lh<1 Kreat moral and physical effect murderous assault o* Alfred Hagai Mewey te Lean. Fire and Life Insurance will be adopted. of securing the services of a compe­ ------phat It would- have on the school chil- tent engineer to go fully into the The mm came op fay a proll ml 1222 Bread Street. Lindsn Avsaus—Beautiful high lot with I dren. and pointed out that it would he hearing In the Pelioe court and tl PROPOSED EXTENSIONS. question of local water supply and the l - alleyway, cheapest lot In this district, s great factor In assisting the work of means of providing R to meet the re­ prosecution presented Its case. Nias else 46 x 12». Terms to be arranged, u*. Juvenile court. The park a quirements of a much larger popula­ vttch. however, will keep his deft .$1,650 j ichool hoards should manage affair». Vancouver's New Water Supply WBI tion. for the trial. A. H. HARMAN Cordova Bsjr—About 20 acree. with osa the school board having a large control Coat Over WOO.»*». The suggest low* were referred to frontage. Price per acre ...... The Abe vs are all Qaad Buys a | of the supervision of the grounds. FERNfE COURT HOUSE. 1317 SMB the water and fight committee far Pirtridi Thwt Aft Mwvvwg which In the opinion of Father Madden Vancouver, March 26.—A letter was Rudlin Street—-6 roomed Bungalow, their consideration. I wa* the most Important point. A ct read from the consulting engineer Fertile, March S.—Court was held f« |: modern in every respect, lot 46 x 66. A by-law providing for an appro­ I mlttee consisting of (’onmilaaloners the meeting of the water committee In the first time tn th# new court hoes Terms. $666 cash;, balance to arrange. priation of $10.000 for newer* and an­ I Owen and Eldon wa* appolnt«*d to co­ regard I*» the expenditure involved In when His Honor Judge Wilson pre eld Price ...... V*”*j...... other for tzo eqo for fire equipment, at tbs county sessions. H. W. Herchmt A Real Bargain fejr Cash. operate with the Children's Protective the proposed new water supply from wa* read the first and second time as the senior member ef the local bn Aseoclatlon. and a report will lie pro the Hey moor Creek, and the Installa Pern brake Street, near Blanc hard. ♦ Wrlksrsen Rood—6 acres of good land, and considered In committee. A pe made a few happy remarks on the an I sented at the next meeting of the park lion of the new thirty-four Inch pipe. 126...... $1826 all cleared, fenced. wRh a 4 roomed DOUGALL6 McMORRAN tition was read from property own ptcloue occasion, felicitating the bench 6 I commissioner* The total coot of the ex tension will Feul Bay, comer, 64 x 137. sewer, ws houao. stable, cloee to the proponed era, asking for a by-law to borrow the handsom» and comfortable court pr- $663.662.66. The main Items are: new and crmsnt sidewalk, one lot from tram line, Term» to- arrange. Price $80.000 for waterworks purposes. mises and congratulating the people « 4 Mahan Blk., 1112 GevL St. Phene 1$ Beymour Intake. $16.000; supply main, beach, 1-3 cash. 12 and 24 months, is...... X....$4.500 the province on the enterprising and pr­ INFLAMED KIDNEYS north side of Hurra rd Inlet. $267.560; os! ve spirit that has caused the et» • Price...... $1600 GIRL GUIDES AT TRAIL. Monterey Avenue—8 roomed story and Albany Street, near Burnside Rd., fao- submerged mains and shore connec tlon of such s splendid »o if toe half house, modern, w ith half an acre Medical writers declare It Incursbl*» after tng Gorge. 66 x lit...... $75S| the sixth-month whether albumsosus or ttoo*. $63.000; steel pipe, $167,000; en of Ufai Terms, $1.666 cash, balance gtneerlng «nd superintending. $20.661 Trail. March 26 —A patrol of the Girl A P. C. A. ORGANIZED. Beach wood Avenue, Hcdfywood Park. | not. Guides, a slater organisation of the 1. 2 and 3 years. For...... $M$S The average man prefers to think of It There Is $266.060 on hand now. and It 66 x 127 ...... as •‘kidney trouble." and let* It go. but a* moved by Alderman Btevene tl Boy Scouts, has been organised, with Chilliwack. March 26.—A Society for tl J Prevention of Cruelty to Animale hi J. STUART YATES Empress Street—* nice lots. Taré*, imwssd Need. 66 x 12*. $200 down, | the census shows tfU* appalling fact—out tenders l*e called for the steel pi the following officer* In charge; Bcont of «,000 thatha from kidney trouble* the been organised with thé following» olllcei lits cash, balance to srraaie. Price balance $16 per month...... $1 tenders to be ln<*by the first of May. Captai». Mise K. Betsley; assistant. 22 Baelien Street, Victoria, last census year over nine-tenths of them Mis* Dorothy Blackman. The organl Hon president. 8. A. Cewlcy. M P. P. ; Is...... $**• Çhondtor Avenue, near Hollywowd, («,00»$ took the form called "right"» Dis­ A plan whs submitted to the com­ president, James Munro; vice-présider ease, " although It ia quite probe bis that mittee by the city engineer, showing satlon starts out with a membership North Saanich—7 acres for...... $3.000 -comer, one acre ...... $3 Canon Hlnchllffe; secretary, J W. Ga.| nine-tent ha of these up to the last moment the proposed water distribution system of nine girls and the work taken up Iowa y ; Veterinary Inspector. D. H. M FOR SALE. Field Street, Just off Douglas Ht.. 6 min. | thought of It aa and called It "kidney will be similar to that of the Boy Qladslena Avene#—* roomed bunga­ walk to city hall. 66 x 116. tn D. L. 361. end In Hastings Tow nette Kay; committee. A A. Parson*. Rev. U Two Valuable Water Lots on Victoria , trouble." when as a matter of fact tUe from Burrard Inlet to Barnard street, Scout*—physical drill. gym nanties, Manuel and L. J. Thomas; peace officer low. modern la erery reaped, lot t* a Stanley, near Gladstone Ave., 6 room I only possible hope laid through a specific first aid. etc. firoutmaster Alexander Joe. Scott and J. W. Galloway Mv# Harbor, at foot of Yates Street 13, Terms to arrange. Price $*. between Nanaimo street and Heating* house, on lo| 66 x 126...... $17261 for Bright » Disease will act aa secretary. are being prepared and another n£ 1 There never wa» until Fulton work­ park, and slat* for malna on Hooting will be held Irt the near future. ^ Te Rent—Three-story Warehouse on WANTED -SMART OhmCB BOY. ed out his Renal emollient «Fulton*» Renal and Turner streets aa far east aa Roun Wharf Street. dary road. It wa* moved by Alderman Sine* titan Inflammation of the kldnays, —You can deposit your money at whether albumenous or no*, or whether Htevena and carried, that two bylaws ML A. W. CHASE'S VICTORIA laAND DISTRICT. «•ailed "kidney trouble" or "UrtghV» l>l*- be prepared, one authorising the ex­ CATARRH POWDER per cent. Interest with The B. C. Re­ e*»f." or whether *lx months or six years penditure of $125.060 for D. L. 301, and 25c. manent Loan Company and be able t j DISTRICT OF HAYWARD, VALUE* old commonly yields. the other authorizing the expenditure is int direct to the diseased pert* by the withdraw the total amount or any po If you h~ve had kidney trouble ovOr *1* Improved Blower. Heals tt* tlon thereof without notice. Chequ­ ISLAND. of $76,000 for Hastings Townette. idgers. clears the air passage» Take notice that I, Thomas Knox Mr- month*, no matter what you call It, It Is •top* dropsies* in the throat sad ers supplied to each depositor. Paid v the only hop*. Efficiency K per cent BANK OF MONTREAL Rae, al Vancouver, clerk. Intend to apply MinuHr ewes Catarrh end capital ever $1.000.006. assets over t' where patient* do not wait until bedrid­ Hay Fever. 86c. Bower fra» for permission to purchase the following KAMLOOPS WATER SUPPLY. 000.006. Branch office. 1216 Govern described lands: Commencing at a post den. although some of them recover It * Accept no substitut»*. AM Established 1817. can be had In Victoria at D. K. Campbell s ■Swsssa. Betas A 6a. T rnent Street. Victoria, B. C. rianted on Upper Valdes Island. In a small Committee of Council Will Consider capital, all paid up. Rsut. Uadlvtded ProBta >ay In OkahoUorr Channel, south side. north * * “ “** We desire to hear from and advise with Question of Extension. iit.too.ooooo iii,tto.#*ooe isti.Ht.ot <$»>„••. thenctouth «.ritottAj-sraw I psti-m. RL Hon. Lord Btrathcona and Mount Royal. O.C.M.O, and O.C.V.O, leee to beech, thence In an easterly dtree 1 frw. WrUe John J Fulton Oa. *• “»'• Kamloops. March 2S.—At Ihe last Hon. President. Hon la point of commencement, containing meeting of the city council Mayor 460 seres more or less. tery streeL Man Francisco, Cal. Richard B. Angus. FreildenL Dated January 2*. l»ll. Robinson said he thought the ques­ Sir Edward 8. Clousten. Bart.. Vlce-Prealdent and General Manager. THOMAS KNOX McRA*. tion of water supply for the. dty GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. should be taken Into consideration machinery "LAND REGISTRY ACT.” UNCLE WALT and a definite policy laid down for fu­ SAVINGS BANK. ture guidance This year It te essen­ the Matter of an Application for The Poet-Philosopher tial jhat a larger main be laid on Interest Allowed on Deposits at Highest Current Rats* Duplicate Certificate of Title to Ijw Victoria and Main street, and this Placed Correspondants In all Parts of the World. MX Block B. Clover-tale .Estate (Map THE LIFE WE LIVE. with other extensions will call for an tit). Victoria District. expenditure of about $30,600 But A. J. C. GALLETLY...... Manager. Victoria It’* waking and sleeping, and heav- that will only be a step, the future Notice Is hereby given that It la my in- ins a. algh. and watvhlnr and weeping, i of the city must be prepared ADVERTISING entSon. at the expiration of one monw the date of the______first ______, ,nd saying goodby. It’s long genre of for, Ti"'1 this will entail the e hereof, fiesh Certificate of! tabor and short hours of rest. It's h**lp- structlon of A new reservoir and pos­ Title Y"***-1- ttlcl>.sr<11 tnw our neighbor, ami doing our beet. sibly a new power house. In all pro­ Ceased----- °* . ______.'“i.°- ,**b*r'I ft*» fasting and dining, and striving hi bability the new reservoir will be 1*9* «nd numbered 17044A. Ivory W 8 Y WOOTTON. vein, and Joy and rcplntoig, and sun placed on the h»»«.**■* of creek, 4 , Registrar-General of Titles. ah Inc and rain. IV a laughing and try south of Beckman addition and B. C.. toe. If. darkness and light, and wish­ Easter Toiletware the 10th day of February, MIL ing the dying a loving good night, tt'a dancing and waning, and battling with At Barter the Lsdy Aspires The lady who admires the men. succeeding and falling, and try ing again. It'a wooing and mating, if* to Look Her Beit. genuine ivory, will find foolish and wise. It's toying and hating Onr of our made-to-order from our stock many little MONEYWANTED and dealing In lien. Man says It li suits will help her. Up dreary, as graveyard he goes: he says article» to improve her toilet he Is weary and longs for n Fruit Trees L from ...... *25.00 table and at prices guaran­ Y. WI. C. A. says tt is hollow, deluding and vain Apples, Pears. Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Men '» Suits made-to-order, All subscriptions to n»w build­ and others who follow repeat the re­ up from .. . *20.00 teed to be the lowest obtain­ ing post due »«» month. Money frain. But I .halt not hurry t ht» _ Apricot a, Quinces, Walnuts, Filberts, New Imported Good, able anywhere. urgently needed- ta open building world to leave: what though tt may Grapes, Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Me., in all the Iradmg and clear. worry and gall us and grieve? It give» most desirable varieties, both for the family garden end the commercial Subscription* received and of­ us good measure of Joy as we go' orchard. No order too small for our sttention. No order too large, aa ficial receipts given by following there's always a pleasure to pay for woe. I'm fond of the mixture of laugh that we will give you a careful estimate on it. We have about half g Charlie Hope & Co Directors, at their ofucee: W. N. Lee Dye & Co. Mitchell. A. B. raser, A. B. ter and tears; I'd fain be ^ datura for million fruit trees growing at our nurseries to choose from. Come and. MsNettl, F. S. HSH* C A. Vlolik see them. 1436 Government Street. Two Stores: Next Fire Hall. Cor­ R. B. McMlcklng. A. J. Brace, W. morant it., and 707 Fort ML "U * Fhme 2689. BcowcrofL ÛU.I?i. LAYRITZ NURSERIES, Carey Reed, VMarta. Braaah at Katmraa. I 6.

p;-» • - - ' ■6* »


reign. One who has had the same ex­ AMUSEMENTS perience." -Importers of High Grade American Footwear- In the next two days I am going to give you two more extremely interest­ The Evening ment ing human documents on this subject. I Chit-Chat I $r Calls HAN AN 6? SON SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE ORGAN RECITAL.’ • L— »Y RI/TH C A MF HON ——* 2 For UmbrellasThis evening at 8.15. In the Mrtropoli- For Style and Comfort Week Commencing March 27th *Bkould tan Methodist,eh dreh. Edward- Parsons woman tell the will -give an organ recital, assisted by In it* making a Hanan & Son man she * Is and Hat Pins Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hicks and Mrs. aboe ia a work of fine art—fore- The World's one Wagnerian pianist about to marry Parsons. Theprogramme i* as follows; *howiug «very uew trend of- v Unto* Weston> ■her past if "1t Many a MOT has spdllMt an rx- eontalee some­ Organ—Introduction and Allegro the most exclusive fashion. SULLI mNE. Props In a repertoire of classical and popu­ pensive hat through not carry­ In D...... :E. Townshend-Drlfllcjd lar music. thing she to ing an umbrella and many have itMULY-ALWATSMOST • ashamed Of7" Organ—-Cunsona ...... W. Wolstenholm Pre-eminently the shoe for gen­ TABLE TlitATK-YKTOeU A fyw weeks suffered embarrassment through Vocal solo—"A Hong of Penitence" tlewomen and gentlemen. The Booked from London ago I passed not having sufficient hat pins. } ...... ,t...... '....Beethoven high degree of quality does not The* Three* Leightons on to the pub­ Mrs. Gideon Hicks. signify extravagant costa. If Globe Performers. lic that query Organ—Two sea Pictures...... which a poor Umbrellas Up From ...... E. MacDowell there were a better shoe than little mother­ (a) "Ocean Thou Mighty Monster." that made by Hanan & Hon, of H. T. He-Connell and Company less girl, had $5.00 (b) *‘A Merry song, a chorus brave. New Yorft we would b# selling President of the* Thirteen Club" put to me, And yet a sigh regret Filled to the brim with fun.» H«T.' tin- of the Interesting Handles of silver, sliver and Fçr ruses »weet, in woodland it, but as there ia not we are «newer, that It brought. pearl, all pearl, wooden with sli­ tenek— hapity to be selling the best Ah. love can ne’er forget!” s Harry Booker and Company I trust they will hell, both thejlttie ver Inlaid or the plain long di­ there is. E<(5 Vocal riolo—(a 1 "Knoweet Thou the girl who askej, for hell, and any other, •The Walking Delegate.* rectoire handles. Covers in • L.-ind ' ...... ID i-tlvix <-n who may be In similar doubt < either pure silk or silk mixtures. "'When Vf Y.- Walk Walton and Vivian They seem Intensely Interesting to r ...... !...... Handel .me. because, they ho" honest ------GidriSK Hicks. In the muak al farce - opinions may differ, and because some , ‘The actor and the girl * Hat Pins From (Viren—"The Angelue"...... C J Gray H. B. Hammond Shoe Co. of them are real -human dovurm nt TutervaîMiiring which *-cot lection tn from people who have " J* Bole Agente. Breadwelk Bkoffers Sole Agent». "«sum n*79 Tin* (irandlse-opc 25c sld of the organ fund will be taken Wlchert S Gardiner. N. Y they tell us from that harshest but Organ- Fantasist ...... A. Hesse Henan A Son, N. Y. :er Children. surest of teachers—-experience In all style» and novelty' designs j f fGrawéj Andw*te. Allégée- an** Fugue.yf This to the way one man sees It: not forgetting the popular chan^ t • Vortil nolo—Thn Worker”...C. Gounod Pemberton Building,-621 Port Bt. ”1 think you wen* justified In ad vis­ te* 1er. We’ve a numerous selec­ Mrs Fdward Parson*. ing the girl you spoke of not to rev**! Organ—(al Water Beene (Narcissus) her past, provided yon feel convinced tion In'stone set ha I pins...... 4...... 13 Nevln that the young lady Is honest. I am a Slumber Song------K. Nevln SPEAKINQ man well along In life andel have seen rDuet—"Near Vs, Ever Near Us”.... Victoria Theatre OPEN DAILY UNTIL 10 P. M. many case*, like this one. ...7. v .- Vv W-vr-Vi-r*V™-«JVAb*4 PMM -And I am sure there to not more Ghalloirar & Mitchell Mr. sed Mrs. Gideon Hlcka. ^Ptdnesdiy, March 22nd than one case In ten where any man "experience Organ-Overture to "Wllltom Tell" would expect and exact any more cor­ ...... Horsinl -iday and Saturday, March 24 rect, upright, virtuous living In woman Co., limited 1017 fiovL 8t Victoria, B. C. (al Shepherd» on the hill* playing Mandarin Coats and 26 than In man. tlv ‘r reed instruments. “Not one man in a hundred could be­ fM ?*nrpi «.-ene. HE LONDON BIOSCOPE gin to tell the woman he was about to frl Vhff-torBle. Special New Shipment Just Unpacked owing the latest Animated Pictures. marry his past, and they have no right (d> Dance of trte Shepherds. tô expect a woman to do so. Saturday Matinee, Children Se. one knows but myself how my heart While we arc daily adding to our stock of exquisite Night Prises, 10c. "If this girl, before God, can say that • f • / A / A A,/> 4 a '. A A A rect interpretations of those worn by the JAPAN­ evening about the girl who asked ad­ he ever comes back to me I will v-n vice as to whether she should-tell her hlm. I am writing this to you In Uw* Mr end if—. p fnnls. Winnipeg, ESE OEISHA GIRLS. Crystal Theatre past or not. It seemed to me as thoilgh hopes that you will publish it anu ih.- same irmd mtr wrll answer and sax ii v Ho have h«*en in the city, re­ Many Victoria ladies are owners of very hand­ ■road Street that girl were voicing my thoughts. “Like her. I have no mother. When I he thinks a man Mould overlook a wo­ ft - nest on Saturday. some Mandarin Coats purchased from us, and often was about eighteen I became en wed man's sin If all the rest of her life Tux DOCTOli " Aal wee.reelieee to a man from a distant city. I thought .were blajneVsc. And then I want ft'- Me* F *t unngbmon and daughter, at the theatre you will see some faultlessly dressed »e leading Picture House of Victoria, end feverish. CMve hie e Steed- vur girls to thn and keep theiii- Av. >n V~ri xl knows ho h», ell right."______x-l«lt v 't'< 'rle-’ds here. 6 FEATURE REELS DAILY were to be married, putting It off from ! would atone hut It can never he uu- time to time. He Adn't work, so we done." Trer-1 » sc- tL of .Saskatchewan, ac- Changes Monday, Wednesday and Here is another experience: Stewtiu'i Seolhlig Fowlers spent lots of time in e»~h other s com­ rs - ’ Te-t C. H. v!f*hol*on, of Prices Range From $35 to $12.50 ^ Friday pany and finally we ame too Inti­ "You are ri ht when you say. 'If the | CONTAIN roman knows In her own heart th i f** (' T P. service, to Seattle on 8at- ^ERR M. NAGEL, Musical* Director. mate. I was shamed. Not openly. Hut • 1r**t bv the steamer Prince Wc must not" forget to emphasize the fact that NO 1 knew 1L the one whom It meant the she Is free from physical and mor -tOS. J. PRICE, Illustrated Song all of these coats are hand-worked in the most won­ IPOISON most to. taint and that she will never be tempt­ • Finally, realising he was a worthless ed that way at aln she will do well V- derful manner and in various designs and shades. lmleslon 10c; Children to Matinees 6c fellow and would ruin my whole life, I marry the man without telling him n «-enersl aeénl of —Rnee, with got rid of him. About two years aI Tell that little , girl who hasn't an' The colors of this special shipment are particularly '"ineg, spent yee- met a good man who In time asked me mother not to tell the man her past, well blended, being free entirely from ‘‘flashincss.’’ to be his wife „f said ‘No,* telllnr him the .mam to the right sort he will n»-. on one of his regular lew Empress Theatre I did not care r him. You see the old "turn a-alnst her, but why t «k sin rose in frot t of me .continually ni juut 4 - f"f tme hm-'iness and ' •Monday and Tueeday THE I could not lose his esteem by tell Ins: tion by this conféra Ion? With t * hœtees at » de- SPECIAL LECTURE hlm. I did want to tell but I was nyw'» 'm e and trtiî t her sufferln 1 * •- h Emprex-s palm Oriental Importing Company The Padre ()AA $4—Yates and Wharf Ste. Size 55x113, and all have been cleared and under imately estimated at 600.000,000 bush­ Close to Hlugget post office. Price, per acre..... tp^Uv els a year." says .Arthur Stringer in 2S—Government and Johnson St _. 84-Douglas St., at Victoria Theatm cultivation. Absolutely no rock. Only one block MONEY TO 1X3AN AT 7 PER CENT. Hampton's Magazine. “Not only can these nArthland plains and .valleys 27—Blanchard and View Sts. from finest beach in Victoria and six minutes walk grow wheat, but they can grow wheat 34—Spsncer'e Arcade. of the finest and hardest variety. They II—Fort and Quadra Sts. have done they are doing It now. S3—Tates and Cook tne. from the car line They will continue to do It more and S*—Rockland Are. and St. Chartes St DAY & BOGGS more, as those man-hungry acres are •—For4 St. and fltar .ey Are. more and more Invaded. Price $750 and Up 620 Fort Street SOU AGENTS 14— Fort St. and Oak Fay Ave. — Victoria. B. C. “That they are destined to be In­ 17—Fort St. and Richmond Are. Opert Saturday Evenings, • to IS ESTABLISHED IMS vaded 1» no longer problematical. For 15— Pembroke and Sha^caqyare Ste, certain new truths have been evolved, IS—Oak Bay Ave. Et. not only as to the nature of the North «1—Pandora Ave a St. but as tv the nature of -the Cereals 45- Blanchard an.l V *n i Avee. which It can grow. The farther north 41—Cook St. and Caledo A vs. that wheat is matured, for instance, «6—Pembroke St and Spring r.m- P. R. BROWN the harder the berry, the whiter the 46- aindetone and Stanley Avea. SPECIAL ! flour, and the better the general mill­ Money to Loan. Fire Insurance Written. 8 terea and Office» to Rent «7-Pan dora A va and Chambers Et. ing quality. ‘Number One Northern* 44—Quadra St. and teen's Ave. Phone 1076. 1130 BROAD STREET. P. O. Bo* 41 has become a name to conjure with: M—Douglas and Discovery Ste. IV stands the aristocrat of the grain R2- Government St. and Princess <$m' family." ' The name hoMw true of bar­ B4 King's Toad av, Blapcharfl Am. M-Government and Douglas Ste. Wilkinson Road ley and oats and rye. The nearer the M—Oakland Fire Hall. they can Iw* grown, the SI—Lemon A Œfltthâeon's Mill, Orchard St HOLT & ATTWELL larger and heavier the ear and the bet­ IW—Hillside Are and Grahams flt REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Next Lot to B. C. Electric Station 61—Cormorant and Store Sta. ter the quality of the grain itself. 1304 Broad St Phone 317» C. F. De SALIS, LTD “For In this country you find a clear C2—Diecrvery and Store Sta. 4$—Bridge arid John St ______Pembroke street, Just off Doug­ twenty-hour day of undlluteg sun­ las. lot 60x1», with -three houses. A BEST BUY IN DISTRICT 44—Cralgflowcr Road at 1 Belton Are. good buy. Price. S8,fi00; $3,609 cash, light, and what that HUfiTIght can do to *S—Mary and Lime Sta. balance easy. . STOCKBROKERS the Hufter.y, bleach'-demanding, lower •7—Pleasant St., at Moore A Whitting* A modern « roohied house on North grade wheat of the south .was exem­ ton's Mill. Park street : lot 50x140: stabling for two hors-*; with drive at Hide entrant; Five acres, new house, plified when, twelve years ago. soft 73— Ruesell. and Witwnh Ste. ul*o good garden and fruit tree*. All Stocks bought and sold on commis­ 73 - Sayward’e Mill. Constance St. Price,$4.60f); Sl.'JnO cash; term*. wheat from southern Kansas was sent 74- fcaqulmalt P >ad and Roth well St. Esquimau, best conter on Glasgow sion on tlie Vancouver, Victoria or chicken houses, incu­ north to Fort Vermillion, a Hudson 121—Gorge Road and Oarbally Road. street ; lMxlJO; price, $3.500; $1,000 cash. Bay Company post on the Peace river, 12S—Burnside Ri ' and Delta SL belnnf-<> » 12, 18 inortth*. ' Rockland Park, jot RAxl». cleared Seattle Exchanges. between 65 and 60 degrees north lati­ 174-Washington ve. and no rock; $750; $'.tW cash, balance $15 bator sheds and bam, tude. Here It was planted and re­ Fire Dept Headquarters Telephone 534. o month. For fire only Telephone “O." We have a client for a four roomvd Futures sold on all active stocks. planted, season by season. A year,ago cottage with bathroom, what bavé you fine water. till» same Kansas wheat was returned PRIVATE WIRE TO VANCOUVER. to Its native state where, after expert examination, il waa put under the Fop Immediate Sale grading ‘No. 1 Hard Spring Wheat.' Ten years of subarctic sunlight had 202 TIMES BUILDING toughened it Into a berry of the finest For Sale $6,000 .nd hardest quality. 6et the Best of Phone 856. P. 0. Box 1201. ' “This subarctic nlorth. In fact, needed New Modem Houses ! only to be know n to lose a great deal The Bargain of its terrors. Over five hundred and NEW 9 ROOMS, full Imm­ fifty miles north of Canada’s most inent, furnaee; first class Every Time 1 northerly railway point, at Fort Provi­ dence on the Mackenzie river, on the finish. including plate Buy one of these to-day and teeming Brothers Limited fifteenth day of last July Canada's su­ glass windows. Fine view In a little while reap the benefit I perintendent of forestry found wheat of mountains and sea. of the inevitable advance. Foul Bay Waterfront 524 FORT STREET. already ‘In the milk.' potatoes In flower, About one acre of ground. Phone 748. garden peas fit for use. and tomatoes, » lot* on Gladstone Ave. $3,000 Phone 573 turnips, rhubarb, beets, cabbage, onions Five mimitea from ear l»0 feci on Gorge ltoad. .$8,HO0 HOLLYWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, lot 50x120. Well shel- » and other vegetables In abundance. line. Cheap at glS.OOO 120 X 120 feel with house.$8,«ÎS “For years now horses and cattle tered. Fine view and good sandy beach. Ideal location for have been kept at Salt River, at 41 deg. COOK STREET, fine 9 room Mg lot on Harbinger Ave. : 1,450 a summer home. . 36 min. north , more poleward house, splendidly finished. » lot* on Hillside, 110 x 180 Agents than Chllkat village Itself. For 25"years ...... $1,550 cattle raising has been carried on at Very fine electric fittings'. Fort Good Hope, which actually stands Full basement and fur­ Stewart Land Company, LtdA' Acreage, Lots, Homes J Real Estate Agents, Stock and Bond Brokers. within the Arctic circle For over 36 nace. One of the best years the practice of herding out horses houses on the street. Price Rooms 5-4, Met'«Hum Block. Phone 1381. 101-102 Pemberton Block Seven Acree—All cleared and under cultivation, located In Happy has been an acknowledged success In Phono 1613. 123 Douglas St. the Peace River country, and about is ...... 99,500 Valley, !e*s than eight miles from the city. $800 cash, balance on good < »pt*n every evening from 7 to 9. Lesser Slave lake stock has wintered Terms. Price ...... $2,400 on the range for years. OAK RAY, new 5 room Four and One-Third Acres—All cleared and under cultivation, on two “Three years ago Mr. Conroy, of the house. One-third rash. roads. $450 cash, balance on terms. Price ...... $1,400 department of Indian affairs, reported Ralanee 1 and 2 years. MONEY MAKERS ! Double Corner—Double corner on King's Road. Van be had oh easy to a Canadian parliamentary commit­ Price...... 93,000 tee that he had found.excellent farms 3 I juts* Just adjoining Rockland Park. All good soil, no rock. payments. Price ...... $1,250 in the latitude 62 dèg. 3 min.—which is Kach ...... S 465.00 BUSINESS BUYS Tim Kee «hi 150 x 1211 on Iffilfeltlc. and the best bu*lne*w «timer the *irvvt. House and Lot—Near Willows, house and fullliized lot jm Cadboro Bay almost ns far north as Iceland, farther Real Estate road. Price for cash...... 77;...... $1,325 north than the southern end of Green­ VIEW STREET, near Doug­ 92 ft. x 114 ft., «timer lam*d«»wne Hoad and Sh««4 bourne. The two at Phone 811 P. O, Box JOT land and some 860 miles north of the profit-making price. < ins. Choice business lo­ U14 440VBRNMKNT HT. upper boundary -if Minnesotn— where cation. Per foot. .8850 he saw heavy crops of wheat, oats, bar­ Labor of all kinds supplied at A. M. JONES ley and peas. Hefore he started soutlti RESIDENCE LOTS sawmills, fac­ Muint1 2?9B Hoom 4, 120» Government R# Leonard.Reid JcCO dn July 28, barley cutting was already tories, domestic servant*, etc. under way. He reported all kinds of OAK HAY—We still have a wild fruits |n the country, with the few lots left in W il mot The following snaps in Reel Phones 221. 345. 420-421 Pemberton Building. exception of apples, which cannot be grown north of Edmonton Hut even Place, hut they have been, Estate for a few days only as far north as Fort Providence he going fast this week. Fort Street, lot 60 x 120. close to picked with his own hand fine straw­ Vancouver Street, with com­ berries, raspberries, blueberries and modious. nearly new house. Nice L^ls in Victoria West cranberries. And this is the territory The best buy now being offered even beyond that territory which Gen. Cross & Co. on the street One-third cash Sherman once contemptously designat­ takes this...... $16,000 From $500 and Up In Esquimalt District ed os The Frosen Belt?' 622 Fort Street. Corner of Montreal and Michigan "This froxen beltOholds more than Streets, James Bay, lot 80 x 100. Terms $100 cash ; balance to suit purchaser. grain and the possibilities of bewilder­ Half cash, balance easy terme. ing grain harvestings. Timber suitable Only...... $3.000 for commercial purposes grows right ÀAV Real Estate, Flnan***l on Douglas Road to the Arctic sea, with larch and bal­ sam, tamarack and white poplar, birch ■ W« vV/Aj and Insura ne Agents and black and white spruce flourishing 111* l.*ngley Sirtvl <’liant n Chamber», as far north as Fort Macpherson. Be­ BEAUTIFUL l) O U B L E W Close to City Limits and Gorge car line, 12 good lots; cleared sides Its timber It has Immense water CORNER, % ft. on Sara­ and ready for building. powers going to waste, and natural gas toga ; Saratoga and Mon- fields simply .waiting for the driller. It has copper and silver and gypsum, ga­ teréÿ. On terms. Price, lena and outcroppings of gold, the value only ...... $1,850 of which cannot as yet even be guessed 3 SPLENDID BUYS Price $600 Each at. It has salt and fish In abundance. Your landlord is the only one that In sight even now It has tar and tar profits by it. AMPIIION STREET, lot 7ôx 11 ACRES, just outside two mile circle; excellent piece for sand sufficient to manufacturé enough You can’t sell your rent receipts. VERY EASY TERMS. asphalt to pave every street in every Every dollar paid for rent le 132...... $950 subdividing. Price, per aere...... 91,050 town in the Dominion of Canada. Its Start now toward OVER TWO .WRES, facing on 3 stree4s, near Oak May and Exclusive Agents. coal deposits are inestimable. FOUL BAY. half acre lota. only one blovhjrotn ear line. Easy terms. Prive.. 97,000 /! “The Dominion superintendent of A Home of Your Own Fine trees, beautiful soil. Forestry, in testifying recently before Paying for It with the money you COLLIN SON STREET—Three lots for $2,300 each, op terms.. C. F. DE SALIS LTD. the House of Commons agriculture would continue to pay for rent. Each...... $1,800 committee, stated that on Slave river,l Let V* Talk It Over WiUi You This street is to be graded and asphalted STOCKS, REAL ESTATE. near Fort Norman, he had discovered a bank of burning coal, some 20 miles WILLIAM C. HOLT HERBERT CRAY 202 Times Building. Phone 856. tn length. Which the great Mackenzie himself had reported as being on fire Builder and Contractor, Mefallum Block, Douglas 8t. «89 Gar hull y Hoed. Phone 1,1443. in 178»? Plane and Estimates furnished free. PHONE 773. “But this is only the outsklrt. the re­ moter rtlnge, of the country in which the United States of America is at present so actively Interest^]. The ter­ ritory .vhir-h has been swallowing up a haiFmillion .»f west- rn American Im­ 639 Fort Street Phone 1402 Willows Beach migrant* Is that which lleg closer to the international line a«nd Is made up OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. VVe have only S few of those nice level lots left in this sub­ of the provinces of Alberta. Saskatche­ division. Some are fronting on Cadboro Bay Road, some on wan and Manitoba.” Street Olympia avenue, and some closer to the water with an unob­ —Wm. Stewart, metre and ladles' structed view of the Mountains and Straits. tailor, over Terry's Drug Store, Doug­ Corner Princess and Douglas street, Positively the best buy This property adjoins the well known Vplands Farm las SL • • close in. 50x90 ft., with fine six room house. The wide-awake whieh is soon to be plaeed on'the market* by a wealthy syndi­ man is now buying ou Douglas street. 196 Acres on Cowichan River cate. NOTICE. There is money to be made in buying these lots, so act Twelve acres cleared, with house, bam, etc. Pureua; to the hy-iewA pf—ihe said Price $22,000 quickly. Price Per Acre $60 * IBICES FROM $600 OP, ON EASY TERMS. samiïttMWjî:Lumber and Manufacturing Company, EASY TI.UMS, limited, will be belt! at their office, ai» : We have buyers for big Timber Limits. Co gw «ml list ? them C$**rriïnei>t Street. Inrthe City of Victoria, trfi'WmrdaT.Mhe SrtMwry of April. SHHSrr * . with us...... - 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing EM rec­ tor* and transacting any other business National Realty Co. that may be brought before the said meet­ GORDON BURDICK 1232 OCVERNMENT ST. ing. / 109 Pemberton Blk. RHONE 111» GEO R. ELLIOTT. 620 Broughton Street. Pemberton Block. Assistant Secretary. Paterson & Wise Phone 2641 March 1st. 1811. VICTORIA DAILY TIMER, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 IP** RUE STORY Of DICKENS IN LOVE

)ora, of David Copperfield and Fifteen Flora Finching Were the Same

What fa property described as a real MMltlwr TO" WMF|,yubttalli -elf further from and thought, was diffuse and silly. That Victoria Tennis club my hope* when I was near»*! to her. Queen's Avenue, faviug the wa* much. Flora, who had been spoil­ • Park, ilouble corner. Price courts. On easy terms. 1 never had one hour's happl ed and artless long ago. wa* determin­ nes» in her society, and yet my mind, Douglas Street VIEW Price, each...... $325 ed to be spoiled and artless now. That is .... $3,800 all round the four and twenty hour*, was a fatal blow." Vancouver and Kmpresj, ESQUIMALT wa* harping on the happiness of having CORNER QUEENS AND DOUGLAS, splendid lot, 100 ft. on Put readers must turn up the "pages near Park, comer $1,800 PARK 3 LOTS off Luaipsoa street. her with me unto death." of "Little borrif and read for them­ Douglas Street. Quadra and King’s, doulJe Each .. .. $950 The Parting. selves the poignant passage In Its en­ comer...... $3,500 Is the most popular stilt- New 4-roomed house on good By 1*33 Pickens realised that hi* love tirety. Edmonton Road, near Fern- lot. Price .... $1,600 quest was hopeless. He appealed in vain The end of the story is tragic enough. Price, $48,000 division on the market. OFF BURNSIDE ROAD to the girl who*» caprices maddened Mrs. Winter sought to continue the cor» wood, facing xouth $800 and gladden* «1 him alternately. He had icspondence with her old admirer, but This is a sure Money-Maker. Fera wood and Haultaiu, 3 GOOD IA)TS. highest point endured more from his sweetheart than without KUCOM». Dickens did not re­ double comer.... $1,900 LARGE LOTS in the district. The three probably any creature breathing ever spond with any warmth. Then Mr. for...... $2,500 tare from a woman tiefore. But the Winter failed and the chagrined wife Irma Street, close to Bum- Near Water and Car of It all was a coM reply that held appealed to the lover of her girlhood side Road and car line. SHAWNIGAN LAKE no hope, and so the parting came, for help without avail. Ami so the ror Price...... $775 $295 to $950 10 ACRE FARM, with five- and for twenty year* they *aw no more manre end* long before Mr*. Winter's ruomed bungalow. Price of on* another That Dlt ken* feit him­ sill In 1888. The B. C. Realty Co. Clara Street, close to Oak is...... $2,500 self cruelly treated Is not surprising. Bay avenue, 3 lots Price, One-quarter rash, bal­ Toward* the end of the year of his 623 Trounce Ave. Phone 2443 each...... $700 hdtria ■ertpge 1 Trest dismissal he began to print in the Old Are mtie pâteuse of ance 1, 2 and 3 years, 6 Monthly Magasine the first at his Wellington Avenue, near Ü------I! Î1—I eesema on the skin, per cent. timpany, uraneo "Sketches by Box," which were', pub­ ecalp or hands which lished in volume Torn* iS HSHtayW Faithful, 2 lota. Priee, Temporary Office, Room I, 1911 a* bistently relieved Dickens married Miss f’athertne Ho- and speedily cured. In each...... $1,250 Government Street Ltd us show you this ;arth. In many of the “Sketches" the the majority of cases, Emma and Haddock, near Phone 390 P. O. Bo* 878 property to-day. Bead ne M circle can be traced. But in DtVIlS hi bathe with CUTI- Burnside. Mock ef 5 Iota, ►plte of hi* hard work—"he had recur­ rvR A SO 4P sad gen­ one a corner 82.5x121 ft; rence* of his mood described In Head tle anointings of t'CTICVRA OINTMENT, Auto leaves offiee every purest and sdreeteet ef emollients. TOO LATE balance 50x130 ft. En stone’s appeal to Lisâle: *| have never hour. JOHNSON STREET Icen quit of yon since I first saw you. bloc...... $4,200 Oh. that was a wretched day for me 60x120 on Johnson street, be­ The 160 acres advertised at #45.00 per acre is withdrawn. Easy terms can be arranged . . You are part of mv existence, W. C. BOND All land around it has been advanced to #100 per acre. on all above. tween Douglas and Blan­ art of myself. You have be#«n in every HEAL ESTATE, BTC. tne I have evr a time va» priee...... $12,000 rented. Easy term*; • Pric e Garden City happy enough, but be felt "the one bar ...... $.1200 pine**" had been mlssAd. When hi* IllUwlilt* Ave.—tinny terms A On Instalment We have a block of choice autobiography reached the point where •rii:prgrr*n*7:i.iii».ni.T7r’Hv few lots left at ...... $1.000 lota In this subdivision for *al« he- M! in love with Maria Beadnell he Veit*'* si., near Vancouver, two Plan on very easy turn». High and could n«»t proceed with It. and burnt dry with exccH«*?it view. Streets SPECIAL ! good buy*, rental bearing.. it: The best buy in the city Price, per foot ...... 9200 are being graded and sidewalks "Then hr set himself to the writing laid; city water. Call and see of 'David ' Copperfield.* Into which he | is D. H. BALE us about theses at once If yon put hi* own soul. Thl- wa* the tank ' JAMES RAY. a block of four Iota, fronting flflfl Contractor and Builder want • fine home site or a good of all hi* hook» which he liked best. He Corner of Fort and on three streets. For a quick sale...... «pO>vW Bagshawe & Co’y in\ « stment. had In hi* heart of hearts n favorite 1216 Broad Street. Cor. Port and titadacona Avenu* < h**d, and hta name was David Copper­ Vancouver St. Phone 2271. Telephone 1148. McKenzie S Russell field As he was writing his principal 417 Pemberton Bill. Phone 1249 hesitation occurred In connection with the child-wife. Dora, who was drawn PRICE from Sf.irin Beadnell as be remembered GILLESPIE & HART her and Imagined her." General Insurance and Real Estate. 1115 Langley SL Look at This Bargain Cowichan Lake—We have How They Met Again. $22,500 for sale 31*4 seres of good In February, 1S45. Mqjta Beadnell wa* Good Terms The*chance of a life tinic to secure a fine rooming house mi the land with 660 ft. water- .married to Henry Lotit* Winter. 8he For sale ear line within half a mile of City Hall. frontage. A very fine buy was then 34. Ten years after her mar­ NINE RflOMED HOUSE yn large lot, modem ànd in good con- riage Mrs. Winter wrote to Dlckena. Exclusively by on easy terms, at. per "Dickens wa» delighted. He replied For Sale an Assured Income w ditiou. acre...... $150 warmly. If not cxuliernntly He recall* PRICE 16,726, ON TERMS. Cordova Bay—30 arres with rd their eld tryst In g places, her green RÜSSBLL & GREGG SIX ACRES LAND in high state of cultivationw; ; 50ÜiXXJ fully 660 ft. waterfrontage. On cloak. * his happiness, hi* misery. . . . bearing trees; 20 minutes from ear line. H« said that he had never heard the 907 PwwMikw Building. These trees will produce atjgst #3 each. Price terms. Per acre.. $3C0 name Marla without starting. . . . $7,500 R. V. Winch fi? Co., Ltd. H< referred lier to 'David Copperfield/ JOHNSON & CLARK and tohl her *bc would see the touches A. TOLLER 6f CO.. PH XA 145 Phone - Temple Bldg. Fort Si. Victoria. H10 Irn4 8tr*t- or herself lr. Dora. People had praised him for the pretty love-making In, BUY THE TIMES jft&.iiffettli •JJ V VTtrrOïtIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, toll •OHM. xrge lot on Cook at re $1,876; ï-a cash; this is ths chesest lc MORRIS-On gaud»,. Merog *Uu to Mr. n the street Hetsterman, Forman and Mrs. J. W. Morris, « Elliott street, a son :o.. 1111 Broad street. MAN8PIKLI>—On the Mth tost., at Oak A FEW LEFT—There are some of th Bay. to IJeut. and Mrs. E H. Mans­ lots left on street being asphalted, at * 1 field. s son. one Mock from, car line, at 1453 each. a». If you hurry to the 1- airfield office y«\ Ape You a Renter ? DIED Plight V lucky enough to get one. BU8COMHE -At the Royal Jubilee Hos­ pital. on the 36th Inst., Joseph Henry PÂÏRTÜLI, ROAD-NIr, lot ; good vie Buscombe, aged 67, a native of Corn­ eouthern aspect ; close to Harbins No money in it for you. No comfort in it for your family. wall. England. avenue, for $1.300, by Stinson St Fa Renting is an tinprt fit able way of keeping a roof over y Our The funeral will take place from R H. field office. ______h' Nunn's residence, Constance avenu». BEAUTIFUL AÔME8-A nice list head. It coats just as much to pay a profit to your landlord Beaumont, on Tuesday, the 2*th Inst., at them In the residential district by- Sti* as it does ,to buy a desarsble cottage or build a snug little I P-m., and half an hour later from at. son at Fairfield office, . .m Paul's church, Esqulfitâlt. * WE HAVE BUYERS for good buildli * home. Here are Interment in Royal Naval cemetery. lots If the price Is right, let us ha. * Cornwall. England, papers ph-ase < »P>^ yours for a quick sale. Dun ford A Ho- Contractors and Builders, 23$. Pembc - i \ ton Block. . it w#à Have buyer* i«r good buiidn Three Cottage Buys • Too txte to Classify lots If the price Is right. let us ha FOR THE MOST * POPULAR yours for a quh-k sale Dun ford A So Contractors and Builders, 233 Pemh% ' Wm FORM OF ADVERTISING IN ton Block. n; “ TOWN TRY THIS COLUMN WB HAVK~SvYBRg fur seed bulhlh - lots If thé price is right ; let us hav e A FARM FOR YOU-Only- $2.2». This yours for a quick sale Dun ford & So That Are Snaps farm Is only nine miles from Victoria Contractors and Builders. 233 Pern)*1 Situated on good road, and In central ton Block m’* location; some rock and some good land WE HAVE BUYERS for good bulldfi a sultahl- sheep ranch, and will some lots If the price I* right; lot us ha' • ST.1,A\VRKX< E STRF.KT, * b.aiitifnl modem cottage; 5-good rooms. A •lay subdivide; you desire an Independ,- yours fur a quick sale Dttoford * 8«>. . enrn; why not thoroughly Investigate Contractors and Bullden). 233 Pembc- gr,.8t future for value licrv so anybody could make a big turnover if bought this. Only a few days at this figure. ton Block, . m '• $2,600 Shàtf Real Estate Co.. Ml Pemberton for a speculation. Block. ______WE HÂVE BUYERS for good bulldln v lots If the price is right, let ux hat TO LET—Two furnUhed or unfurnished yours for a quick sale Dunford A So» .__ (pina'Sk CASH—Cottage in Oak Bay; 5 nice rooms; splendid location, 2 blocks from beach. housekeeping room# in nice, new, mod­ Contractors and Builders. 233 Penile- Lot 48x130; *2ô 6. 12 and 18 Scott. ML TulnU-e P. Q. ■JBi:.: them tip before thev are snapped up by your précéder larly with a view to locating suitable doors. Whitman was denied a of months. Marrmn A Fellows. 6to Trounce the Lord Chancellor intimated that In m ' WANTED—A general servant for a emo at ...... $2,400 Melds for the investment of the vast this report He conferred with Judge the opinion of their lordships the ap­ far/iily. Apply at No. 719 <’ook *tre ■' sums represented by its Individual O’Sullivan of the Court of General ROCK LAND PARKÏ Fernwood R-muI peal of the railway company had fall I’nder the market price. $77». term*. members The party, which arrived In Sessions and will instruct the grand ed. They would give their reasons In Russell A Gregg. ,207 Pemberton Build WANTED-A small glass burning g*j the city on Saturday afternoon from jury to continue In session until an tn- due course for the humble advice to Ing. m:f kiln. Address. H. 8. Austlft; care Roy Phone P. 0. Box \ cotisation has been I completed. Art Glass Works, 84*^ Yates street.___mt • Vancouver, consists of Sir £. P Ten­ that effect which they would tender his FURNISHED ROOMS—342 Michigan 544. 0. H. Bowman & Co. 1048. nant, Bart.: J Leigh Wood and W Har­ Fire Marshal Beers this afternoon M«Je*ty The apix-nfs acre consequent­ Phone R814. WANTED-Good, cheap room, with * graves Brown (of Brown. Shipley * Hummed up the results of the whole In­ without tioard. in good locality. APP* - ly dismissed MMti if ^IST ôn~Thai d:»y "this double box 315» Times.______hi: 'M C«x>; Professor M E. Prior (master of vestigation Info the lire so far. He is These were from Judgments by the i-orner In Victoria West will be raised 8 Mahon Building. IF ALDERMEN H. M. FULLERTONW Trinity college. Cambridge university, satisfied that the lire started under a Supreme court of Canada and the On to $4.00»; It l.s worth It easily ; hut until ami Moresby would he good enough I * and chairman of one of the loading cutting table. tari » High court. that date we van sell you this double contest the mayoralty chair In the eon» - London assurance companies), the em­ "At 4.40 o'clock In the afternoon, corner for $3.joo; it has a atrategi. lug election they would do •» Blake and Redden apeparc.J for the position; and should net a large and gr.’at favor to the public In general, th'- inent sciential; F. R. 8 Balfour (of the either a match or a cigarette stump C. P. R.. Frvshftelds for the dty and quick profit to the Investor. Shaw Real would lw the Wst way to get good an * well known stockbroking firm of Rowe started the blaze." he said. Supt. Batten, Proffitt and Scott for the G.T.R. Estate Co., SBC Pemberton Block, in29 ready of a few aldermen. H. Hta ha gen. ______m-‘ After playing one of the best garnis A Pitman); Ernest Anson. M. I. C. E. Samuel Bernstein and others at once SNAP EXTRAORDINARY—Ud Mxl2v. on ot football ever Been In Vancouver. (the eminent engineer and world- grabbed the lire hose and buckets and Blackwood street, going at $**); near HAVING BEEN VERY 8VUCE8SFU started to tight the name» Simul­ In my curie store durtng the last 1 - Ladysmith de'rated the t’allies on Sat­ King'* road. U. S. Leighton, 725 Fort years, I wish to dispose of same for tn*- 5-SNAPS-5 urday of tarn non, 1 goal to nil. taneously Edward Brown and other street. m2 small priee of $2.n<*) eash. 1 have n ver> machinists tried to get the girls in line ou.» E1VE-ROOM tlhMR (ov.r J.tnra large stock, and anyt*ody wishing V» FIFTH ST . big lot. $675 to march them to the elevators and Bay l. close to school, car fnd bea<*h, purchase same 1 will teach them. Thl- In an extremely fast and interesting $2.380; terms. Apply Box 366." Time*. is a ehanv »»f a life-time to get Into hi game of soccer yesterday afternoon at stairways. The poor things did not established business for stiTh a lon^ CORNER ON HAVLTAIN _ m29 time at auch a little prie- The bustne*» Nanaimo, the local eleven downed know what was m**ant as most of them at...... $500 WELL BI’ILT FO U R- ROI » M HÔt^S E is a l*lg money-maker. Very lmp»*1'!*11 Vancouver. 2 goals to 1. did not know English buainea* bo<»k* with addresses of over THREE LOTS ON RYAN "Terrible confusion resulted and a kitchen and good basement, good lot, 580 of my l>est customers go with th g«*»d location, $!.>«>. $3»M cash. AppU business; tlmee I have collected In th each...... $550 perfect baliel of tongues swelled higher Box M6. Time* mto last H» years and are of great value I" and higher as the flame* spread The CORNER ON HILLSIDE LOVELY- NT:W ~i»(>ME,' very cmW the bU3*er H. Stadthagctr. Indian Tr» girls were seated at the sewing iria- ently located and second to very few. der. 79 Johnson *t>r©eU______;_____ AND COOK . $1,850 ehlnes so closely together that their for $6.Uk). . terms; easily wortii $7.600. ’OR SALE—Bed lounges In velor, os ): front*, at $15.7^. 116.7.. and I19>).■ÉUILJM LOT ON SIIKLROI'R.VK backs touched, Stool*. which had there Apply Hot 367. Times ' m2» aix mlsalon oak .lining chairs. Including %ecn a fire drill, would have been push­ F«)R SALK -t-'h-ap for cash, the furni­ arm. $27.58;.at New Furniture Store. 73 for...... $450 ed under the machines, blocked their ture and contents of a one-roomed Pandora street. ______.______ro -■ All very easy terms. way to safety, and the fleeln* victims, hou*». Apply B«»x 36H. Times m27 FOR SALE - Wellington street, on*» stumbling Over the were thrown COOK STREET Several'fine lots on thla between Faithful and Dalla*. I1.3U0; i- terms. Appl) IziA1216 DouglaDouglas street. Into a scream in*;, struggling mass and thoroughfare; enquire at Daloy Uwson. Harris & Sturgess 61» Fort street m27 WANTED—LID* Insurance Agent fn- remained in this condition while the first « lass life lnsnran«*e company. B" 1219 Douglas moments which medal life or death PEN DERG AST STREET Pretty home at $43. Times ______went by. a reasonable figure; eheapest In the TO LET The farm of G««»igla I’srK Next Merchants 'Bank. There was only 16.000 square feet of neighborhood. Dal by Lawson. 615 Fort North Saanich ; one hmvtri-il acre* or there-by. about 40 a«*res under cultlv* Phone m floor space for the girl*, their machines tlon: house, barn, etc Apply by lett«*i and the cutting tables. If all of theTâÇ 8IMCOE STREET Two fine lots, be- to Mrs W. Newall-Uopelund. Arche* tween Sl.intr -al and St laiwrence «lale. North Baaskh P. O- m3f had marched quietly to the little fire streets; particulars from I>alby Law-son. egcape It would have taken three hours rt street. m2? WE HAVE BUYERS for five, six an»’ seven-roomed house* with modern con , to gel them down. Imagine taking a MAKRlOTt A FKI.IjOWS AN1> real vcnlenoee. I^»t us have your* l»*teu ;< theatre three hours to empty” Estate. once : we can sell It. Welch Bros A ( “ * 1006 Governrheht WtWKt: The, same conditions prevail In every WANTED Five or »lx young" ladies off loft workshop ta the city and we are gVitK-r*rirlots near OR KALE Five-roomed nunlerti hone on the seventh floor of the building water end car line. $275 to $*56; \ cash, and two lot*, one block north of Ueorg*- ONE MINUTE swung across the ftr«* escatv* p’.atform. Jay *«’Imk>1. I3.6UÜ. terms. _ Apply A Wet balance t, 2. 3 years. 6 per cent. The-o* terdale, « orner Princes 'ami Chamber FROM THE POST OF­ blocking It. hits are selling fast ; let us show you street.______m?" the property to-day. auto leave* office Harris & B'auk. the owners of the ,oT8 just off the Burnside road. 50x11". FICE AND THE EM Triangle factory. Insist that the exit* every hour. llvlst«»rman. Forma n A Co.. 1212 Broil-1 street. m27 price. $750; easy terms. The car wlit PRESS HOTEL from their workshop were all free and 'run adthln half a h|o<-k of these lq|>; MAR RH »TT * F El.LOWS À SD REA Y, Marriott it FeUFellows. ' 619 Trounce avenu-- _ m27 A fine business lot that has At 4 o'c’nck thl$ afternovin^RIWuil 30 of the 142 Yefims of the fire had been HILLSIDE—A tteaUtlful new residence FOR SALE-Lot 40x100. on Blanchard 2 frontages of 30 ft. each: TEN MILLION built one year; full cement luisement and street, facing Caledonia avenue; prie.- tdt-ntlfV»d evers’thlng . modem. Stinson, Fairfield $x,0n»*. also four-roomed cottage and lc Girls Pan lest rlcken , The Speedy Little Outflelde office. | m27 rented for $15 per month; price, $l,jt»» Price Only $250 HEMKNWAY Apply A. Westrrdale, corner l*rln«*--. • Nervous through their .knowledge of IxK-el Ball Club F AIRFFeLD EST AXI*:-One hal f a Vre^ and ChChambers - - -street.------m27 of the Catchers Now Out the disaster in the Triangle Shirtwaist and so situated that SUb-dlvTded b «au FOR SA1.K—Steamer trunk. S4 aft. haH-I Per Front Foot Ball Park. Company's factory. 126 girls employed lie -sold at a profit of 5ft per cent ; leather valise, $3.50. large sla» canv.i price Is only $3.360: It Is a corner, and Is bags. $1 ; horaehlde gloves. Me. : canvas Terms very easy. A snap. l.> the .Inthln* firm of Man,on A QQAL MINERS ARE facing a wide street, with sewer con­ gloves. 3 pairs 36c. ; men's rlblied sweat - Jacobson, in a 12-*torey building on nections; lots are selling In the same ere, 75c ; 8 day watches. $6 Jac^t» Real Estate, Insurance. prominent authority on mines); J- W. West Eighth street to-day were pan le­ locality for $Mn and $1.066 Shaw Real Aaronaon's new and second-hand store E- Lombard, Ernest Graves. J. McMil­ READY TO STRIKE Estate Vo.. SI2 Pemlterton Blo«'k. m2* iope 1747; 572 Johnson street. Victoria. RUSH st r IV ken by the cry of fire, and two of doors below Government. lan. J. Goldie and J. Bartlett Leonard. them were seriously hurt In the stam­ f Member of the Pitching The party Is accompanied by A melius WANTED A girl from the Old Ctmntry pede which followed as" a maid in a «mall household of two IS the Islanders. Jarvis, Toronto, who has also large in­ Route Torchlnskl, whose cousin was Winnipeg. March 27.—All prepar people. Telephone* 3026 for appoint men* terests in Vancouver municipal aThd kilted tn the Triangle fire, fnfitted while atlons were completed here to-day or call personally at 1560 Pandora sve other securities, and by T. O Holt. at her work a».d fell ft »tn her chair. for a strike of coal miners In Alberta ! chief executive of the C. N. P. ratl- anti eastern British Columbia to op o.Regular meetingo. of the o.order of FOR SALE. CHEAP-Five-roomed bun Then someone shouted “Are." and there galow. JiiKt built : dining room and den. | way. was a rush to safely The girls were poet* the policy of the open shop. Owls. Victoria Nest No. 1383. this kven burtapped and panelled, beamed celling, I On Saturday night the party were quieted after a desperate battle at the The Canadian PaclAc has prepared Ing at 8 o'clock. In A. O. F. hall (Me* built In sideboard, well fitted bathroom guests at a dinner given In tlielr honor run special coal trains to supply large pantry with bins and drawers, exits. *n»e two moat seriously Injured ton’s) Broad 8t. Novel entertainment full basement ; lot 60x126 feet; rich loam by W. J. Taylor, K. t\. In the Union were taken to a hospital coal for Its own use and the needs of at the close of husIWss. one block from Oak ltav avenue am» ^DURABILITY^ flub; at whlph Ills Honor Lieutenant- the smelters In th* strike -territory. The < >. O. O. nteeta every 2nd and 4th cat4 price. $3,500; $600 cash, balance $»> per month. Inclu«llng Intereet. Apply, Governor Paterson and Premier Mc­ NAN..IMO UNITED WINS. Monday In kkch month. Bride were present to extend a wel­ owner, phone R5h«. m2» —In the Church of Our Lord yes­ come on behalf of the province and the WANTED An ueholeterer, good genera f Defeats Vancouver In B. C league terday morning, the SOOtn anniversary hand Stiles. 1166 Fort street. apt city of Victoria to the visitors. Match by Two Goals t^ On»* STRENGTH, DURABILITY and VALUE are of the King James, or authorised ver WANTED K N OWN-YJflü» of furnlehe< characteristic of the IRONCLAD OVERALL. FIRE RAGING AT BOISE- (Special to the Times.) sion of the Bible was observed. The (»ffloe In business block Is available Orangemen and Sons of England of reliable man with knowledge of book Nanaimo >> K Nmiatine UiBM the city attended in a body. Rev. T, keeping In return for services. Add res Manufactured for the trade only bv Boise. Idaho. March $7.—Beyond defeated Vancmâ er rm the cricket gr-nmUa P. O. Drawer 1584. Victoria. m2* W Gladstone the rector, preached a the control of thè lire department, the on Sunday in the Brit lehr Columbia YOUK UWOoWItt llUci Hk> ■»» | special sermon. Erneèt Fetch sang V------—------y Carlson Lusk Hardware Company's league fixture by » sebre of two goats to at fMÉÎBMH. M. Wilson's, 614 Cor "Arm, arm. ye brave.” FUNERAL NOTICE % warehouse. In the heart of the bus! one. and Jumped from last position In the The members of Victoria Aerie, No. ness district. Is burning, and at 2 league to Won»! place, being only two 12. F. O. ÜL. are requested to meet at YALE LCK'KS AND KEYS—latest~âp- o'clock it was feared that the entire points T>ehhid lakitysmlth. th# toagu# lead Cuticura Soap p. m sharp Wednesday. March 28. to plinm-es for accurately duplicating an> style of keys Wattes A Knapton. 61 wholesale district would go. 276^ and Cuticura attend the funeral of our- late Brother Owing to the slippery condition of the I Pandora, near Government Pliooe 24» A high wind Is blowing and the en Ointment afford Fred Johns. Visiting Brothers are re ball the game was not brilliant and the Instant relief, per­ OLD HATS—Bring them to victoria Ha. Pauline & Company tire Are department Is on tho scene local* were -ucky to win the game quested to attend. Works to make like new Note new attempting- To quell the blase . half time the score stood one as* mit rest and sleep ,SU._T. F. OOLD...... addrega, 844 View, Phone 2167 VICTORIA, B. C. The loss of the warehouse la estl and It wa.4 within tthK minutes of time and point to a Worthy Président rViR QI-Ï- K ml.k pert) speedy cure ot mated at $730.(186 It Is covered only - MOTHERSl Attest » . with Helaterman, rt. m: ’fey a small Tnêurâncé. g

< I I VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 r« 11 1 . ..." These Want Advertisements Will Make It Easier to Find Work or Workers To-]

PROFESSIONAL CARDS BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY MISCELLANEOUS ADVe»TI«EMBNTe aniWr thU heed 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under!"this head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this head 1 ADVERTISEMENTS under this head I cent per wont per Ineertlon. 8 Insert lone. cent per word per insertion;; ------2 insertion». cent per word per Insertion; 2 Insertions, cent, per word per-lnaertlan; 3 lines. fl.W cent per word per insertion, 1 Insertions, 1 cents per word; 4 rente per word per 1 cents per word; 4 cents per word 1 cents per word; 4 cents per word pef per month; extra lines, 26 cents per Une 1 cents per word; 4 cents per word ---- week; S. rente per llhe per .monte. Be week; BO cents per line per month, Week; 60 cents per line per month. He Block of Good Lots per month. week; 50 cents per line per month, 'K advertisement for less than M eeata. advertisement for leas than 10 cenU. advertisement for less than 10 cent» advertisement for lees than 10 cents. ARCHITECTS MACHINmiifs apartment houses. FOR SALE—LOTS ART GLASS WII.HUSl, JOHN, Architect. 221 Pember- I* HAFER, General Machinist. No. MOUNT EDWARDS. comer Vancouver SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVEN- F ROT* ft ART GI>AS8. LEADED and Courtney streets. New apartment INQ-We are always open. See us for lon Block, Victoria, B C. P. O. Box W. Government^ etastreet.T workbTel *6 - Phone 11». Res: Phon* ISO. LIGHTS. KTO, for churches, e-hoels. house. Thfbs -Ui four roomed fiats. gHfr Investments. W« **** * i**ge llsL.oJ public buildings and private dwellings kitchen and bathroom. No children. city properties and Saanich farms. Shaw C. EL WOOD WATKINS. Architect. Plain and fancy glass sold. Bashes B C CORNICE WORKS. IMS Fort street. Phone 2342. Apply to the manager. Real Eatate Co.. 302 Pemberton Block. Rooms 1 and 2 Qreon Block, cor. glased. Special terms to contractors Roofing, hot air heating, blow pipe work, Every modern convenience and domestic all Broad and Trounce A va. Phones 21* This Is tne only firm In Victoria that metal ceilings, skylight». Kstlmatee help obtainable on the premises. al3 and L12W. 1 . manufactures steel cored lead for leaded FOR SALE—A beautiful home site. 2 of lights, thereby dispensing with unslghtlv given on all sheet, metal work. Call or FOR RENT—HOUSES the finest lots Oh, Smith s Hill, magni­ Six.big ehoiee lots on thr comer of Edmonton I* W HARGREAVF8. Architect. Green bars Works and etore^St* Yates street Phone 26». ficent view, for sale cheap. Apply owner, Blk., Room 12. Broad St. 54 If Phone ISM PAO CIO SHEET METAL WORKS- TO. LET-Summer cottage.Foul Bay 124* Fort street Phono 147». ml6 tf Bond and Roscberry street, foe Phone HU. H. 8. GRIFFITH. 14 Promis Block. 1W CHTBHOLM A CARRVTHERS are now Cornice work. skyTTËhts. metal window* Apply Lewis, 864 Cormorant. Oovernment street. Phone 14*. metal, elate and felt roofing, hot iriy m2! CHEAPEST 1/yr on Vancouver street, located at their new buildlhg. 1126 View furnaces, metal ceilings, ete. *1 View. close to North Ward park. 11.360, ti*rmf- street, where they have the most up-to- TO RENT-FURNISHED, mix room, well Apply Phone 471. tt OF.NTIOT8 Phone Yrti. ____ . furnished cottage on Stanley avenue, date plant on the Island for the manu near Fort street, with all modern con­ DE LEWIS HALL Dental Surgeon. far tu re leaded art glass, pjsln end OPTICIAN HARBINGER AVE.-A Jewell Block, cor. Yates and Douglae veniences. 6 Apply owner. 1318 FlsguaBl Ç.WMK terms. Apply owner,-.TSBOX 3U6* $3,800 OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTTBY*# bevelled British rdste mirrors, and any­ street. Phone RW* ■ 1 . m21 tf streets, Victoria. B. C. Telepîume- thing In the rises line. Phone 2?** EXPERIENCE and fine, modem eomp- OflVre. 587: Residence. 122 ment ere at the service of my .patrons FOR RENT—April lltb. furbished, new. FINE tX)RNER IeOTS. full slee. on T?:R>fS $1,500 CASH; BvXLANCE ARRANGED. DR W F FRASER. 73 Tates street. BLUE PRINTING AND MAPS No charge for examination. wmsee modem. 7 roomed house, on Fort rtreet Foul Hay road, ILS». Apply owner, Bpx .resche Block. Phone ML Ofllce ground on the nrem1ses_ A. P. mytn, car line, near Oak Bay Junction. Apply 249, Time». ■' ' -- —N hour* 9 36 a m. to • p m. FI.F^TRir* RÎ.DF PRINT A MAP CO. MR Fort street Pv pox 281. Times.______JSlL 12Î* Langley street. Blue printing, mepe. HAPPY have draughting, dealers In surveyors' in­ PAINTING tO-‘ IJCTrrZnntiehad T roomed how. VALLBT LANDS—V* tela FINE ART». modern. Just off car line. **°«*J®?* fine property for sale. It surround* the struments ahd drawing office suitpl»»*- FRANK MELI-OR. Pointing Contractor. first Canadian Northern station of Van­ WATBR COLOR AMD. OIL 1126 View St. Phone 1M4_____ ^ nie tf JOHN GREENWOOD BOOT ANDTIHOE REPAIRING BÏgshaa couver Island. Have a look ** t”1* taught In your home by thoroughly com­ •roperty. Sold on easy terms. Shaw petent teacher. Graduate of Albert Col­ POTTERY WARE. ETC. y$rir (Svi V ei?n> MACHTNFe fbst have FOR SALE—ACHjEAOE ^ n«u\ Estate Co , 208 Pemberton Block lege. Holds gold medal. Taught five proven estlsfactorr are the Champion. SKWKB PIPF" Fl-ld TIN, 0«vmd rir. m28 Real Estate Agent years in Uniyerelty of Puget S®a»d- made ernreerdy for shoe renal ring Tn Clay, Flower Fete, et* Wk- C* JJ**to*J éSAP^Otn'-h.lf mm Iwt off Do* Address Mrs D. B. WUUte. Gen. Del. them îTfhbw. 8 Oriental Aliev, opt» Oo.. Ltd., ebmer Bread and Pandora street (ofl-Oak ilwtl. tor 81.8». very HERE 18 A BVY-NIne lots. Including Telephone 1425 676 Kates Street Victoria, ft. C. Pwntaeee. . streets. Victoria. R. C. easy terms Shaw Real Estate CO., two corners, on North Quadra street, PAWNSHOP Pemberton Block, _ over BO ft. frontage each, and backing LAND SURVEYORS building supplies on a 16-foot lane, fine situation. Thee'* WASH BAND jDfh en. MONET LOANED on diamonds. 13 ACRES, water front, Union Bay. beau­ can be purchased for 19,600 ; 26 per cert, OREFN BROS. BURDEN A CO.. ClTlI teaming and contracting Several go£i 1er y and nersonal effete A. A. Aaron- tiful home, orchard, small fru't b<>*t cash, and 4, 12 and 1* months. A good Engineers. Dominion and B. V. I*eiwi eon. cor. Johnson end Broad-______house, etc., 112.000, terms. McKllltcan. Investment for a quick advance. Apply ______LOST AND FOUND.______RAWEI VIEWS, Survey ore. 114_ Pemberton Bldg.. Victoria, fW?ns* MV ROOFING W TÎ Ell!». Room I. 1112 Government LOSŸ—Between Government street and B C Branch offices In Nelson 02 m.______. ______etree,v , m2l Former Visitor to Victoria Advise» and.Tort George (1 year) H. B. TTJMMON.'flairândtârand^grâvel 5 ACREfi, clow to beach, house, stable, Burdette avenue, a green stone locket BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS with three pearls. Reward J6.-St Jffl Gov­ Marhipg of Married Women. P. r uoatwh r. r. jJmd i roofer, elate black beards; estlmr chicken houses. A4» strawberry plants, FOR SATaE—Lot 26, Bloek 9, «eotAen 4. famished. 821 Hillside avenue. email fruits, etc., close to tramway, Prince Rupert. Apply owner, P. v. Box ernment street. m28 Dominion Ijsnd Surveyor,. V. J. TRFW A CO Contractors. 1 schorf church, etc.. *00 per acre. term#. Box rd of Trade Bldg >. metes given for bungalows, etc. SCAVENGING •12 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS Rèv. Franvl* Rawel. a native Metho­ McKllltcan, Kidney. ______. ~ dist minister of New Zealand, In Chl- OORF * McGREGOR. British Columbia Prince as avenue._____ M VICTORIA SCAVENGING CO. Ofllc^ MONEY-MAKERfl-Two fine lots, 46x146. W.A NT ED—Room and board, with private ” I.and Surveyor* and Civil Fngtneer*. J W'FTTON BuiMer and Goner il ’ohhlog 1824 Government etreet. Phone 442. Ashes GET IN ON ROBERTS POINT-1 acre off Oak Bay avenue, with nice oak trees fan^ly, use of silting room and bath, ago a few days ago suggested that Herrick McGregor, manager. 1fh*n^rv ContractAr Cottage h«me« RfJ» and garbage removed. block*, water front, cheapest water and no rock, price I860 each, very easy terms moderate. Apply to 2444 Rose married women be marked, and an­ Chambers. 6? T^inglev afreet P O rlaltv Wans an# e-thnstos fu™**** front on market. McKllllcsn, Sidney terms. Phone owner. 2268, or call Room street. ---- m28 nounced that he would call President 1*2 Phone IA04 Fort George Office. on annllcatlon Prompt atj*"ltow TTTT ______SILK GOODS, ETC. m2» 121, Pemberton Block. ««27 Taft’* attention to the plan. Second avenue. J. F Templeton, man to rensirs or alteratlona « Maeoe A WEALTH OF ORIENTAL IMP GOOD COOK wants to rent cafe, restaur ^ager. . t , Pbone 0*4 FOR SALE, or exchange for acreage. VICTOR IA * W EBT—Trip** ------corner, at.. the. Speaking before the Cook County TTON8 at lowcet cost, Bilk embroidered Mouse and lot at 12S4 Fort street. Ad meeting of Skinner,; Russell-andRussell- end <- ralg ant or boarding or kitchen and dining T.rwnir Ccnyr**» »"t boBder. , AV kind klmonas. gold braided drearing F?wy** room In hotel. J. L. Caee. General De­ Teachers' Association, Rev. Mr. Rawel LEGAL Eatlmates free. J. Pnrk'r. dr»e* P O. Box 1083. m27 flower. 60x136. with cottage and stable; of repairs. the prettiest of all waist fronts, rit tor this Is especially attractive as a busi­ livery, Victoria. m2* advocated, the tatoolng of makrled F w BRADSHAW. BarHet^. et La 71 M street. Pbone 1*4. a Queen: embtoldered crepe de ch*n* A «NAP—For sale, or exchange for Vic­ women's china In order that men seek­ ness site; price 24,660. on terms of one- WANTKD—Tender* on sub-dlvlelon No. J Chambers. Bneflon street. Vlctori*. length*, corded «Ilka In many toria real estate. 200 acres fruit lands. 2* ing to be conquered by the charms of w nt vrown a bon. r#,Mr5rt?Ie Quong Man Fung. 1716 Government .dt- miles from t’reston For further par­ third and one and two year*. Apply W of town lot 1257, corner of Blanchard MVRPHT. FIRMER A SHERWOOD- and Rnltdnr* bnllt on tho m- H. Ellis, Room 4. 1122 Government elreeL the fair sex might dlstingulkh bgtween Barristers. Solicitors. etc .'Suoreme »"d P O Box «4. ______ticulars apply M2 Johnson. *W and Pandora streets. Tender* received ■♦ailment plan Plan*. •T»?'?^ until 12 noon, March 2»th, 1911. Intend­ those In and out of the matrimonial Exchequer Court Agents, nracttce rr /••tlmatea 2* Pc-nberion Block Pn-me STOVE AND RANGE FITTERS] .t»E—166 Patent Office and before Railway < om For SALE—Close to car l|n*. lots Just ing purchasers to state terms preferred. HOT WATBR FITTED. il«m «nklnMr r flhanlclh. Mrs Jane Handy, ell outside the city, at 1560. on term*. Shaw No tender necessarily accepted. All mission. Hon. Charles. Morphy. * ricrn»»r. PwnTFB AND trtBWTNG I think thl* i* A magniflçent cus­ <8 MkrrtoU. 6W Hill— Mr-*, dt*. FOR SATeE We will g'.'»'-a6bN. to drttrer Real Estate Co;. 292 Pemberton Block. communication* to be addressed “Trus­ Harold Fisher L. P. Sherwood. Ottawa r»crnPT-Vffri Tone* builder tees." P O. Box 824, city. "Marked tom," Rev Mr. Rawel said as he'caus­ Ont. ...—“ —; — ------^ontreefnr wttmwte. the* TRUCK AMO OSAY 6-âcre blocks, W?arly all under cultiva Tenders." m27 ed to be thrown on the cava* a pic» hvttd’nrs. fence work. tkm. one block /rom B. C. E Ry exten FOR SALE—A couple of full ' wised lots; Tetee afreet Office phone. !»!** JEPSFN H TRANSFERS Phone ISO. SU sîon. only four rMlea from city, fnrone would sell cheap for quick sale Apply turc of a New Zealand woman thus MFCHANICAL ENGINEER Michigan rtreet. Furniture and piano WANTED—Furnished cottage (modern), TT*. . R1fW*. ______- week only at 1300 pay acre and up. Price* Chisholm. Carlin street. m.s no children List, 738 Fort street. Phomt tattooed. ‘These marks are put on ev n winter bttrn M.t.N.A rnmia espreeoee a e T IruclA^L^______are advancing To swhre any of this ■nlflng Mcchenlr^l Engineer E RAWTTVrt*. VICTORIA WEST CORNER l»t «OxLT,, the chin in order that the young men D-11-- f?w#n*>ntsr and Rudder. JIIKVKH RROF . ru.-n-tur, and piano acreage at the above price sec os at once. northwest corner of Cat lie ride and Skin­ may know that a woman Is married. 81* Rn»#’nn Frmere Res. O W McAuley, Victoria Hotel Block, GENTLEMAN to share room, separate road Phone 1**1 nl tf »67 R.chmnY.# A vs Vlctnr1*.„B C. mover,. Phone I.I5I4. ner streets, where the cars turn to When I go to Washington Î am going «'•*« F»*.*** R—«enable. VICTORIA TRUCK AND DRAT CO.- Government street. Dated March 4th. Cralgflower. fine ten roomed residence, bed*. '81.86 per week, board If desired. V., 2810 Government street. al to suggest thl* to President Taft as MEDICAL MASSAGE Telephone '.3 Stable Phone FOR BALE—7 acres of the chotr< st atrsw with stone fences; this ha* business CARHIAOE BU1LDFF8 possibilities; price 16,200, on terms. Ap­ NEW AND SECOND-HAND God clean lob witi^ FOR THE BENEFIT of y°un4 women !n about 6 minute*' walk from the proposed 672 Johnson street. € doors below Govern­ rubbing noees Mr. Rawel'* wlfq, Mr*. MRS FARPMAN. electric light h*tba- out anv mm go*r»oto«d Rhone un or out of employment. *6sme W ear line, about 18 minute* from Ftatlorv A -DOUBLÉ CORNER. Graham and HI11- ment. Victoria. B. C. Phone 1747. Hlne Talmoa Rawel. and their daugh­ medical maaeaee 166* Fort 8L Pbone board A home from home. 764 Courte Prices are very reasonable. -Al. on good shle streets, 82.900, terms arranged. HTXfVFYS CT.FANFD--Deferllv* fine* Shaw Real Estate Co., 208 Pemberton FOR SALE—POULTRY AND BOOS ter. Ml** Plwa (Eva) Rawel, gave an RIME. Wm Neal. 161* Quadra St. roads. Water facilities to each pt*ee fixed, etc. Block. mr7 FOR SALE-Duck eggs for hatching. 66c: exhibition of thl* manner of greeting. RbenedWI». MISCELLANEOUS.______very good About 6 miles from town. SHORTHAND Apply c.- c Pemberton. 767| Yates fit. NOW On Robert* Point, acre per setting. Apply K. C. Bushel I. care It look* irtte a kiss, but Isn't. TAKE NOTICE. REAL ESTATE MEN- BUY of Munday's Shoe Store. 1227 Govern­ glTORTTfAND PC HOOT, 116» ”7>*'1. .CLEANING AND TAILORING e, water front Me Kill Ivan, Sld- Mr. Rawel'* lecture on "From Can- Short ha nd. tvnewrttlng b^kkeei»,n*- My property, 835 Pembroke street, la not FOR SALE—ARTICLES ney. mh ment street. ______mM iha Hem to Culture" wa* illustrated GWVTS ' nxVTHFS CLEANED renslrwd for sale. Mrs. J. B. Smith. r teleirranhv tboronehly taught E A. deed and nreaaed: umbrellas and *r* FOR SALE-17 ft launch. î h. P MONTEREY AVENUE IxU. MxlW. prlci AYLESBURY DUCK EGGS, for hatching. with numerous scenes from New Zea­ Macmillan, nrinrlpal. sole made, renelred end re-rovgrefl PAINTERS-Employment book. Labor magneto, and boathouee. Apply L**?1*' *966. Shaw Real Estate Co.. 262 Pern 81 25 a sitting. Apply evenings. 1418 Taun­ land. just Guy W ’ * .lobeson Hall, business agent attends daffly Cormorant. Phone lilt______J”? berton Block.______m*7 ton street. ______•» We gave woman the ballot twenty > UR KISH BATHS ea*t ef TTouele» Pbnne T.1* m2* Phone 284* ______FOR SALE—2 nine-foot show case#. Ap­ Vancouver rr* BROWN LBOHORNS and year* ago. We say that If a woman CORNER LOT. Ob White Plymouth Rooks are prise win 421 FORT ST. Dr*f. TA E . Fern well CUSTOMS BROKERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-A meeting ply 623 Yatea street______66x126. price 82.000, tei can be principal of a High school and Hours Noon tM' midnight- ladles* day Pemberton ners and layer* Eggs. 81 50 per setting of the Victoria Builders f.AWN RÔ1.I.ER8 FOR SALE- AppV Shaw Rt-al Estate Co., be entrusted with the education of our every Mondav. 16 a^ m till 1 p. m. FFMTNO BROS . LTD.. Customs Block.______m27 J West. Third street off JUcnmood road, ers Out ef town rorre-noedenee solicit. be held In the K. of P Hall. 236 Ontario rtreet______m2* Bub P. O No. 1. children she also can be trusted with UNDERTAKER Fori atr*et Telenhon# 74* street, on Monday evening. March 27th. FOR SALE- Extra large tot. facing car at 8 p m . for the purpose of discussing FUR HALF. I Ml !»«•. 1 pair Rook leek,, line, 11,666; $300 cash, balance easy REMOVAL NOTICB the ballot." W J HANNA. Funeral Director and AT.FBED M HOWEIAa. Custom■ Brtiker matters generally pertaining t°rU£ 1 ,leo-Udder,, 1 «o-foot eilenilon l,d- term*. Also horse, harness and The Rawel family were In Victoria a attendance Forwarding and Comml««Ln Agent Real trade. Every contractor In the sit y ts der, Î pelre t re elle. Apply «84 Hum W. BOLDEN, carpenter and jobbei Embalm er Courteous Estate Promt» Rlock. Government press, cheap. Apply M» Johnson St. m27 moved to 1616 Cook street. Phone 1 few year* ago where entertainments Char*). 746 Yate* street. Telenhone 1W • Re* . B1*7L______vnnlially Invited to be present. bo!r!t. evenings, 6 to A______were given at the Y- M. C. A. and lec­ Bolden, president. m27 8l,S6»—LA RON LOT, on Harbinger Ave. THOMAS CATTERALL. builder anti gen­ LODGES DECORATORS FOR SALE-Choice Island timothy and near Richardson, on easy terms. Bel­ era! contractor; ruts removed to *T Fort ture» delivered on New Zealand. REAL ESTATE DEALERS, NOTRE clover hay. bel»d or loose; also a weir vedere. one lot 1660. terms. Oak Mt. •treet. ab«*v* Quadra Tel ME counraiA'-jen-K. No 1. i o. 5 P, VFTT-0B BED*. 1-TD-Well West » ft. lot wa Yete, street. Ui teken bred roadster fHly. * year* old * Tur road. Just off Cook street and Just out moot, ,v.rV w„1n.*A»y -v.nln* et I nalnts. nils, nlate glaae Orders 1 oil the market till further notice goose, Sasnlchton. V. A 4. RT- of limits. 8356. on very easy terms. Ap­ SEWERAGE ACT Lever Brothers, Toronto, wm send yoR "'lock 1o 0*1 fMW Hall. Dn-ilrt" lv filled Phone «t? 76S Fort StT m26 tree a cake of their famous Plantol .trvei N V- Fawoolt. 8« *•=■ » R Marglson. ply Box 2*3. Times. m27 GET A SANITARY PORTABLE BATH •câlct soap, if vou meptl'm this naoer. Government ttiwy DYEING AND CLEANING THB ' MODERN"—Cleaning. «YOt»« APPARATVS-Cen be used 1n any room A FINE LOT of extra well bred Barred Esquimalt Sewerage District. without Inconvenience; runntnr water Rock pullets. 1446 Taunton street. m27 COT’RT CARTROO.-No 7rt. T. O. F « nYSPR».. .smmmm ure.stng, repairing. T.y Ih# new. Ihe meets on wond attX. «relng eM rleeitlnr -ork. ^n the nro- up-to-date. the "Mcutern" way. UM onlr touches the body; the effects FOR SALIS—Lots, IS minutes from Gorge sack month In K. of P Hall, corner vine* Country order* snllrtted. Tel. Government' elreet. oppoelte the Grand the bath most Invigorating. Price only car line, opposite park, on hill, water NOTICE NOTICE 17 56 Try one, you won t -etrret R; an Pandora and TYourie* hlreets VtslVjir J. P RswSrew. propriaiW. Phone Wd Four free car tickets with front privilege. *466 each: adjoining lots A public meeting of the property Foresters welcomed F1K wi rath order of 81 or more brought to ue good* -uaranteed Millar will tell you selling at 86* IOC* McCaskUt street. OF Ev'-a. P O. ''ox SI6-. J. W H. King EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ell shout It. 174 Hillside Aye. JM Victoria West. mZ7 holders In this District Is (by order of IN THE SUPREME COURT R See t**1 Chamberlain street BRITISH COLUMBIA. VÎr-rORIÂ FMPIXITMENT AGENIT FOR RENT—Nice new store No. 821 Pan­ FOR PALE-To poultrymen 1JVW lbs FOR SALE—Fine large lot. Florence the public meeting of the property v OF P - No 1. Far West Tx>dge Prldsv Helo of all kind, furnished A Wright, alfalfa meal 12 per sack oVÎLv eA, avenue. 2 minutes from ^Willows car. holdere held on the 28th February 1111) In the Matter of Carl Hoering, De­ K of P Hall, oor Dmiglaa and^^ndora dora avenue, with room* In addition «n proorfefor. FM i-hneon street. Victoria. buck Apply on premises.nur ply to B. G. Halgh. Royal Oak. R 1 8475. P. O. BOX 948. ______“ culled for Thursday, March 36th, 1*11, ceased, and tn the Matter of the St i J I,. Smith K of B A S B. f Phone 1244. ______LOTS In Sidney from 1106 up. at the hour of 8 p. m.. at the l^ampson Official Administrator'* Act. Victoria. No 17. K ot P,. meehi at, MPI p K TURNER—S'tu* Mon* found TO RENT—For season. VLecre farm. 380 FOR SALE Leather suit case*. |4; new from 8360 up, terms, MoKilil Street School House, for the purpose of Notice Is hereby given that, under an K Of P Hall, everv Thursday E.\C for dome*tlcw. etc., at 71* Fori fruit bearing tree* Apply Globe Realty Kaufmen t' of R A 8. Box 144. Co., Douglas street- m7T •oft hats. 8128: nevy r^ee. tL nearly ney. selecting Commissioners for the Dis order granted by the Honorable Mr. the P?xch*new. Phone 1581. Hours, F one kt diamond ring. $85. ****** A. O F COURT NORTHERN T.TOHT a. m. to 1 p. m., Ito 6 p. m. SOOKE I>AKE TALLY-HO-Leaves Fits and shoe*, all sises. 56c. a pair; S2S suits LIST YOUR PROPERTY with G. I trtet. Justice Morrison, dated the Sth day of No S83R.L meets St Foresters' Hall. B;o»d Leighton. 725 Fort atreet. Phone 2533. All property holders are urgently re March. A. D.. 1111. 1. the undersigned, VTn WING ON. 176» Government street gemld Station. Tuewdays. Thursdays for 81278 Jacob Aaronson's new and* street 2nd and 4tb Wednesdays W F and Saturdays on arrival of afternoon second-hand store, *72 Johnson ,tre^U quested to attend. was appointed administrator of the es­ Fullerton. Secy. E A N. train. Joseph Cal well. a24 6 doors below Government. Victoria, h. FOR SALE—HOUSES a. r. Wolfenden. tate of the above deceased. All parties ENGRAVERS C. Phone 1747. '______' " TO RENT -The Palms tea and refresh­ FOR SALE—Direct from owner, new, Secretary. having claims against the said estate OFNFrXt, ENGRAVER. Stencil Cutter ment rooms, comer Niagara street anu HELP WANTED—FEMA'.E modern, 7 roomed house, on large corner March 1st, 1911. are requested to eend particular* of ÜÉI*nd Seal"ears\Engraver. Geo Crowther. 814 Beacon Hill park Apply Thomas lot, 11 mile circle, good view. same to me on or before the 8th day of Esquimalt and Nanaimo nee. Apply behind Poet Ofllee. Hllmlcy. 1206 Langley street. M< torla. GIRIT WAN! ED right, terms easy. Box 287. Times. raI7 April. .1911, and all persona Indebted Uf Johnson. FISH B. C. ______TO BE SOLD a sacrifice a* owner the *a^d estate are required to pay sue . Railway Company IF YOU WANT s chicken farm, *ee WANTED Strong girl to use electric, obliged to leave the city, a beautiful POST OFFICE GUIDE WM. J. W RIG LFÜAWORTH—All kinds of six roomed bungalow standing upon two Indebtedness to me forthwith^! freâh. salted and 'gmnUcd fish to season. McKllltcan, 81dm»y. ______sewing mschlne F Jeune A Bro., Tent Dated at Victoria. B. C.. th^Brd day Factory, 676 Johnson street ni28 tf full elsed lots, fine garden, fruit trees, CLEARED LANDS Free delivery to Utiparts of city. 175 ELECTRIC ART 8TVDIO—Photography etc., only 8250 cash. Apply owner. 2811 Vancouver end Eeetem Canada. of March, 1911. ^F Johnson St. Phone Ml. ______and enlargement*. Post cards a spe­ WANTED (26> lady operators to run Shakespeare street. m28 Close dally at 3 p. m. and 11 p. m. The cleared lots at QuaHeum Be*ch. cialty. 1205 Government street, upstairs electric sewing machines. go«»d wage* WM. MONTEITH. FURRIE* a21 ONLY 88.76Ô"; WORTH $4.206- Well built, Due dally at 2.46 p. m. and 7 p. m. kewraatle Diatrict. are now on the and steady employment. Apply Pauline room residence, all modern Improve­ Official Administrator. market In tract# of from thirty to forty FRED FOSTER. Taxlde:•rrhlst and Fur- INSURE YOUR HOME, household good* A Co., Yates street, cltju______P*~ ments. choice location, near the car line, United Kingdom. rier. 1216 Government etireeC. and clothing tn reliable companies at acres. WANTED—Young girl to do light house on Robertson street. Foul Bay. If you Cloee Wednesday and Saturday at U correct rates, with Currie A Power, 1214 want a desirable home on easy terms. NOTICE TO CREDITORS For plane and prices apply to JUNK Douglas street. Phone 1448. ______m28 work: country girl preferred. Box 27». p. m. ; parcel poet, Friday, at I p. m. Times.______9M Investigate. Moore A Whittington, lum­ Due Monday and Tuesday at 2 p..m.; L. H. SOLLY. Land Agent. Victoria, or WANTED-Scrap brass. TENDERS will be received for putting s ber manufacturers and dealers, owners. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE lead, cast Iron. sack*, and *11 kin parcel poet, Wednesday at 7 p. m. OF GEORGE HEN WOOD. LATE OF L. K ALLIN. Local Asent. Parksvllle. new corrugated roof t>n the warehouse WANTED-A thoroughly trained house- Bridge street. Hillside avenue. Phone bottles end rubber. hlghe*t L. of this company For particulars apply parlor maid. Immediately. Apply, be­ 2467. ______m27 Seattle end Eeetem United States. THE CITY OF VICTORIA, DE­ paid Victoria Junk Agency. 14% Sto tween 9 and 11 a. m . Mrs. F. B. Pember­ Cloee dally at 4 p. m. CEASED. street. Phone 1218. to Albion Stove Works, Ltd., Pembroke SEVEN ROOMED, MODERN HOUSE. \ street. ______m2* ton, Foul Bay road. „ ml? tf James Bay. for sale, lot 60x120. owner Due dally at 3 p. m. Notice Is hereby^ given that all persona LAND ACT. LADIES’ OUTFITTING PARLOR 588MAKINO done at ladles' houses leaving city. Apply 34 Simcoe rtreet aM having any claims or demand* against WANTED—2 girls and 2 boy*. Apply the late George Hen wood, who died on ALT, KINDS of SILKS and Pongee Im­ it address below. Mrs. Roberts, 1215 'Tctorla Steam laundry. 814 Yates street. WANTED -Owners to list houses for ss\ Cloee Monday and Wednesday at 3 p. m. or about the 26th day of December, A. D. DISTRICT OF COAST. RANGE III. ported direct from China. Ladtoe tall- Cook, street. m2* or rent with us. Shaw Real Estate. A. Due Saturday and Tuesday at 7 p. m. 1910, at the City of Victoria, In the Pro­ Take notice that Samuel O. Parker, of 3o Kee. 10» Cook ROOMS AND BOARD Pemberton Block. Phone 1464- ml* TO LElS. ArgPtwo story brick hutidlng. Prince Rupert of British Columbia, are req Bella Cools, becupetlon bookkeeper, in street. a-lth baiigment. suitable for factory nnd TO LET—One large and two' smaller GREAT SACRIFICE—6 roomed, fully to send by poet prepaid or to deliver to Cloee March 4, 14 -nd 2*, at 3 p. m. tends to apply for permlsglon to purchase LANDSCAPE GARDENER warehouses Apply I* J. Quagllottl. 1616 room*. nlth breakfast If desired^ modern house, large garden, near High the undersigned, solicitor for the Domin­ the following described lands: Commenc­ Blanchard.______ml* tf Maplehurat," 1937 Blanchard Ave, m» school. 82.560; 83W down, balance easy. Due March 12 and 22, at 7 p. m. ion Trust Company, Limited, the Admin­ LANDSCAPE AND JOBBING GAR­ MI8S~WILSON, dressmaker. 5Ü6 oiak H«v Apply owner. 1320 Rudlln avenue, after Cleyoquot and Way Porta. istrator of the said George Henwood. ing at a post planted at the F. E. corner DENER—C. Pedereen Tree pruning FURNISHED REDROOM. 6 minutes six evenings. • • 4®* of B C. D. Co.'s Lot 227, on the west side and spraying a specialty. 846 Pandora avenue. Phone f77. *14 walk from Post Office, suitable for 1 Close March 1, 7. 14 ami "J», at 16 p. m. their names and addresses and full par­ avenue. Telephone L2486. *16 THE "EUREKA” SOLE, guaranteed tc yoiing gentlemen. Apply 967 Colllnkon WILL EXCHANGE 7 roomed house, in Due March 4. 12. 18 and 28. ticulars In writing of their claims and Of South Bentlnck Arm. thence west good locality, for acreage.- Apply Box statements of their account* and the W. HITCIHNS, gardening In all branch! cure rheumatic* Apply McCallum Block. street. ______chains, thence south 26 chains to timber Douglas and Yates, or KW Burdette ave­ 22*. Ttmes Office.______Quataino, Kyuquot, Ports vie Hardy nature of the securities. If any, held by lease 17566 and B. C. D. Co.'s Lot 141. I .awn* made, garden* laid out, pruning TO i,ET—2 unfurnished rooms. 1337 Vlnlng ■by. and apraylng First-class work guaran­ nue. ______*•• street. Spring Ridge.______tart FOR BALE—New 6 roomed house, latest thAnd take notice that after the 2vth day thence east 86 chains more or less to the teed. Eatlmates given. 1918 Oak Bay 8600 INSURANCE «to piano or houwhold Improvements, large lot, snap. Owner, Close March 7 and 20 at 10 p. m. of April, 1911. tne. said Dominion Trust shore Une of South Bentlnck Arm. thence Ave.. city. goods In some darts of city will cost you COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, Bog 230. Times. Due March 12 and 2*. Company. Limited, will proceed to distri­ north » chains along the shore lino only 84 for three years. In reliable com­ with board, new house, on Hilda street. bute the assets Of the said deceased E. J. LAING. Landscape and Jobbing Phone 1,1461 ______alO HELP WANTED—MALE Alberni. point of commencement, containing Gardener. Tree pruning and spraying a panies Currie A Power, 1214 Douglas among the persons entitled thereto, hsv? acres more or less. specUltv. Residence, 1689 Pandora Av-Men who have good coimee- at 7 p. m. will not be liable for the said assets of LIVELY STABLE» buildings, fence work, sit era tlons, ete mau road. Phone Ml427.______tlona can secure good appointment, sal Comox, Cumberland. any part thereof to any persons of whose 10C Yate* Street. Office Phone î.IMA NEW HViTFlT^RRVNSWICK—Beet loca- ary and commission to suitable appR claims he shall not then have received "LAND REGISTRY ACT." CAMERON A CALDWEI.I^-Hack and Res . RW Close Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Calls for herka^prompti t 1 tton. no bar strictly first-class, apodal cants. Apply Box 2»1. Times. ro27 *nïted at Victoria, B. C., the 22nd day of llWff auhlM. ------^ FOR SALE—LIVESTOCK winter rates, two entrances. Comer at 8.20 a. m. attonded to day or night BOT wXNTKr>—About «litteen. tV «««let Due Tuesday at 12.16 p. m., and Sunday. Dougla* and Yate*. Phone 817. In grocery. Flnerty Bros., corner Fort March, 1911. - | IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICA 711 Johnson street. ______FOR SALE -A bunch of young driving Wednesday and Friday at 7 p. m. ALEXIS MARTIN, * TIOSï for a duplicate Certificate-of T1 RICHARD BRAY. LVmry. Hack enj and general purpose horses for sale, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. street and Oak Bay., Junction. m27 206-6 Pemberton Building, Victoria. B. C., ° tie to Lot 13. Block 2, of Block A.‘ Boarding Stahlee Hack, m akort 521-Superior street « m27 FURNISHED *oVw.keepUt, room, to l.t WANTED—Smart youth hi shipbuilding Sidney and V. A S. Points. Solicitor for Within-Ngraed Admlnie- notice, and tally-ho coach. Phone . Woodland Par*. Victoria District. Map FOR SALE-One Jersey cow Cheap -iwdl- Apply HIS Fooli «trwl______»l office; one who 1» willing to work and to Close, except Sunday at 7 a. ra. t rator. greel, several grade cow*, and four learn time-keeping, bookkeeping, etc. Due. except Sunday, at 7 p. m. B82. a » » , TO. LET—Pleasant furnished housekeep­ Reply In own handwritlng^glvlng a* Notiee of Transfer of Licence. CIGAR STAND. heifer* In calf; also one nice draught ing rooms. 314 Oswego street.___ mSl China and Japan. NOTICE is hereby given that It filly, IS months old. W. GHsanwy WAt ref agences, etc P. O. Box « t?. THF, BROADWAY. 168 Yatee ,tr»t. TO LET-Furnished housekeeping rooms. Close March 4, 4. 13, 30, 24. » and 81. NOTICE le hereby-given that applto my intention at the expiration of one Pender Island. •______mil WANTED Sen an-1 wqmen to Wsntjns Due March 2. 2, L 7. 12. 13. 16, 12, 1». 2* Candlea matlonary and toilet requlahe,. 917 North Park street. ____ mJ2 cation will be made to the Board of j a month from the first publication here FRESH C AL.V E D YOUNG JERSEY barber trade: a «perlai rate to the first 2A 36, F and April 2. f of h Issue a duplicate Certificate of SITUATIONS WANTKD — FFMALF twenty Students, the large*! and most Licencing Commhsaloners of the City of • COW East end. Taunton. road. m27 complete school In the Northwest. D»»rn Australia and New Zealand. Title to said land Issued to Phoebe Gil­ ELECTRICIANS. Victoria, at Its next sitting, for a trans­ JAMES BAY BALL STABLES. 342 Sylvia WANTED—Poeltûm by a Scotch woman , trade, to bm lndepend.r.l* l « •- Close March 4, 4, 23. 24 and April ,L bert on the 18th of March, 1»0«, and CArii'BR A* McKENZI..McKENZI practical elec street. Horse* bought, sold or ex­ as cook Apply Box 26», Times. m|i * per week, when quellfled I «II fer from me to.JOBL FEREN of the li­ Irtcians and contractors. Telephone end Due March A 8, 16. April 8 and A cence to sell spirituous and fermented . ..numbered 17441 Cv changed. We have a number of young - SITVATIONK WA.WTSS- M» write lor free cetalogue. The ddtgtne Dated at LamWleglstry Office, Vie - motor work a specialty. Telephone Tit. horses, suitable -for --drfvtog'er general j- J A MnW Herbe, (Mb«« bee ,__rwi'.' ' Honolulu. . _ J liquors by retail on the premia»» known C. H F. Carter, L277». C. C McKeftsie. ’ foria. B. C.. this 11th day of March. delivery All horses van be tried In MAN AND WIFE want situation* opened et W Mein street, V.nroueW Close March 2, 4. ». 11. $4. 87. B, H » and as the Victoria Hotel," situate at the R2467. harness. Phone 62». a* janitors, chrelakers, or any position of B C ■ North West corner of J JM1, truat; good reference. Address Box 2U April L LAUNDRY HORSES " FOR SALE. Apply Jepeen WANTFU- Itoy to l*r« to be rnmr Due March Y, *. «. TF. if. M and April a Government Street», Vlctoi . 8. T. WOOTTON. Registrar-General. Transfer. UI Michigan street. Phon< Ttmes luring jeweller. W. H Wllkerao«. I« STANDARD STEAM LAUNDRY. LTD. WANTED—By young man, position Dawson, j}tlin. White Horae, Eta shoe store, some experience. Apply Cloee March U 1. H ». » *»d m class work and pro pt deltvei C., 2644 Rose rtreet. m BUY THE TIMES ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES 1417. 841 View street ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES 1> >ft* • t ÛB6 . >

r VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 22 ■ ------1HS 4 ■ smiNfi or IS, Lenten Delicacies COURT OF REVISION g i GORGON A ANCHOVIES in salt or oil...... SO* USE YOUR EYES! ANCHOVIES, per keg ...... 500 LOBSTER, per glass, 85c. 75c, 50c and...... 35* You Will Always Find Eclipsing Values Here TROUT IN JELLY, per tin...... ,50*t „se your eyes, that is what they are for—to be used; but use them right. If you don’t you may get fooled. When CODFISH BALLS, per tin ...... '...... 25* Citizens' League Objects to SPICED HERRING, per tin ...... 25* List of; Foreign Names - Vs:,shopping use your eyes well, look into every article carefully. The first look at an article may look good to you, but HERRINGS WITH ANCHOVY SAUCE...... 25* Continued This Afternoon when you have it home, well—it looks different. The truth of the matter is, it wasn't the article that caught your eye, it DEVILLED HERRINGS, tin...... 25* was the small price ; but on second thought you would have rather paid a little more and got something that not only looks GOLDEN HADDIES, 2 tins for...... 25* good, but ia of the highest quality and will last for many years. No matter what your wants may be, you will be-compelled to FRESH MACKEREL, per tin------25* The court ôf^iwvÏBtÿn.* Hirtitti W acknowledge the prices we quote do apt represent the real value, U , DEVILLED CRAB MEAT, tin...... 25* Robert Hon, commlaaloner. eat In the FRESH CRAB, per tin...... 25* city hall this morning to hear objec­ tions to the names placed on the new Special Values in Dinner Sets voters’ list for the municipal elections DIXI H. ROSS & CO. to take place next' month, and after See a Few of These at These Prices. We Know You Will Appreciate the Values. Independent Grocers. “» Oorernment M. short session adjourned until this after- We are offering a few dinner sets of excellent quality, at rather surprisingly special prices. They areunbeatable for the Hit Breed St Tele It It. II. Liquor Dept. Tel ISM. Repreeentlng the Cltlxens’ League. D. dinner table and a set at these prices will be a great saving to you later on. The prett* designs on these Dinner Set. are very 8. Brandon made application have inviting, and we are pretty sure that we have one here that will shit you in style and price. If you really are to need of a the names of 21 voters, whom he claim­ Dinner Set see these without delay. ed were either under the age of 11 To Farmers, Milkmen years, or were not British subjects, struck off the roll. These men are most­ 98-Piece Dinner 97-Piece Dinner 95-Piece Dinner A Snap in Esquimau and Others ly Russian or Italian laborers, whom. Mr Brandon claimed, had bet*n picked Set $16.00 Set $20.00 Close to Esquimalt Car tip on Johnson street, and whose nameej. Set $12.50 were wrongfully~oi* the- Mat. -- 97PTECE SEMI-POftCELATN DIN­ 95 LARGE PIECE SEMI-PORCE­ Stewart Williams k C. It la said that the men were on the | 98 PIECE 8EMI-PORCELAIN DIN­ Just entelde city boundary, WHS Duly instructed by Wltltoim Veitch, provincial list, and had. a$ the time of 1 NER SETS, in beautiful art de­ LAIN DINNER SET, with neat frente*, of #• «. letouU on two Esn . will sell by Public Auction »« hie registering thenron, declared them-1 NER SET, with design wreaths of etreeta. 2 very ton* lots, 10 roomed signs with green floral wreaths green leaf border and gold line, house, with «tabling ror several Ranch at Thomas' Crossing, V AS selves as British subjects. The court _ horses. sheds, etc., most-suitable for adjourned until 2.30 for the purpose of ■ roses with gold edge, also in floral and gold edge on handles, consist­ also in neat green and pink floral teamster or anyone watng horses; Hr- on allowing Mr Brandon time to bring l designs, also m white and gold, ing of 12 dinner plates. 12 soup , price 13.000. easy terms. Lota are proof of his contentions in regard to designs with gol«J lines, beautiful worth alrtioat all this sum. not the list of names presented The sitting j plates, 12 dessert plates, 12 bread counting large house and «tabling. To-morrow consisting of 12 dinner plates, 12 and butter plates, 12 fruit plates, combination, consisting of 12 meat WAP IN HOLLYWOOD PARK, Foul At 11 o’clock» all .hla. of the court will probably be ooncltid­ Bay, cloee car. Î fine tots, IWxlSL on ed this afternoon dessert plates. 12 soup -plates. 12 12 teacups and saucer*, 2 covered plates, 12 dessert plates, 12 bread the beat street, nice claaa bungalows Immediately after the court rises the j and butters, 12 soup plates, 12 all round, splendid homealte: price livesteek, Implements &c bqttrr pads, 12 saucers, -12 teacups vegetable dishes, 2 bakers, 3 meat $1.560 the pair; 1-3 caaTi and terms. date of the election will be named. The dtefiea, 2 sauce boats, 1 cream, 1 cups and sanccrs, 3 covcred dishes, SN \P ON EDMONTON ROAD AND Including: copimlsstoner said this morning that I ami saneeni. 3 meat dishes. 2 cov­ 9HRLBOURNK -Fine new street be­ 11 Grade Jersey and Holstein Milch he wished to have all business trans­ slop bowl, also a 97-piece Dinner 1 soup tureen, 2 bakers, 1 sauce ing constructed and good building acted as s|>eedlly as possible, because | ered vegetable dishes, 2 bakers. 1 Set. with beautiful key border and sites. -1 lois 40x130 ea^h. SM» for Cows, 2 Heifers, Jersey Bull. 2 Brood It is n«*cessarv to hold the election on j tureen, 2 sauceboats, 1 cream pit­ both -3 cash, balance $ and IS sauceboat, 1 sugar bqwl, 1 cream gold. Ill semi-porcelain, consisting Mares in >al, 2 Gelding Colts. Brood the first possible date, so Victoria could j months. pitcher, 1 slop ti* "| C A of same articles ss (PI C A A cher, 1 slop bowl, (BAA AA Berkshire Sow, In pig; 3 Pigs. Poultry, have a council that would be empower- j 4 meat dishes .... «P^UcVU ed carry on the affairs of. the city with i bowl. Per set ... «PltieUV the above...... qtxtJevU The Exchange Real Estate Co., ltd. Ploughs, Harrows. Mower. Roller, Horse Rake, 2 Buggies. Lumber Wag­ full legal authority. TI8 Fort Street lMmne 17S7 R. W. Jamieson, a civil servant, ap-1 gon. 800 feet of new Steel Cable. Alex­ plied to bq placed on the list, but hist andra Separator. Farm Tools. Single These Tea Sets in Our Government St. Windows and Double Harness. Hay and other application w as refused because he had j not made a declaration within the time i goods too numerous to mention. allowed under the Special Elections Act. J Are Exceptionally Good Value Lunch will be served on the grounds. Take the morning train to Thomas’ II TK are showing some beautiful Tea Sets MAYNARD & SON Crmslntt W4b a, .By.,. V V m -Mir Government Greet windows. AUCTIONEERS BANQUET TO AUTO The Auctioneer. Stewart Williams. TliiS tï * ehanee.fnr yon to get something really classic at a reduced price. Some of these sets AUCTION SALE If you want to sell your Real Estate. MEN OF MAINLAND; have a cup missing or a saucer, etc., and “we Furniture. Farm Stock or Business by have, made the prices much smaller than the Of Valuable private treaty or auction. pieces that are broken.’’ See these beautiful FRED LEAVER, Auctioneer, Saturday Night Saw the Close] Tea Sets—you will never get a chance like it New Furniture Valuer and Estate Agent. Brass Bedsteads fSS Fort Street Phone No. 821 of a Most Successful again. They are of the best quality, at won- 29 TEARS* EXPERIENCE. Motor Show ilerlully low price*. Etc. Goods Bought Outright If Preferred. Among iKe 40-VIEUR TEA SET. Balmoral china—One tea­ Instructed by Messrs. Shore ft cup short. Beautiful school of art design. The first Victoria aut.»mnh!1e show 1 Srcia,.pri”:.per..;...... $8.00 Anderson, who are retiring from and. by the way. the first British Co­ Housekeeping business, and must vacate prem lumbia automobile show, closed Satur- j day night, and the Victoria Automobile j 40-1*1 EUE TEA SET. Aynsleys China—Two ises by end of month—we will sell Dealers’ Association marked the sue- | Things teacups short. Floral design. (PQfk AA absolutely WITHOUT RESERVE cess of the occasion with a banquet at J q So many of you young people Special price ...... You Don’t Have at the store the Empress hotel, to members of the association and to visitors, connected I are about to join die artny of 40-1*1 El E TEA SET. Aynsleys China—One tea­ I with the trade, who were here for the j cup short. Floral design. (BOH* CA 1419 DOUGLAS STREET Builders show from Vancouver. housekeepers, that we cannot with blue border. Special.... tPmd 4 »vU To Give Up Commencing at All the speakers had the one keynote, refrain from giving you a bit of And those who are going to gratification at the success obtained by ' 20-PIECE TEA MET, Aynsleys China—Five 10 O'CLOCK the association for the show, but | advice and that is : teacups, 5 saucers. 6 plates. 2 bread and but­ Coffee build in the near future Charles Ross, secretary of the Vancou­ ter plates, 1 jug. 1 bowl, with green and Oil ver Automobile club, did not let the oc- I BUY THE BEST q If coffee disagrees with you peihaps Call here and see what we caston go by without reference to the gold border. Special price (^"| 2 |j|j automobile. laws now In force. He q The initial cost mav be a trifle it’s because your cook makes it m an Wednesday, 29th can do for you in the way of spoke in very strong terms of the more but the best will be found hindrance and oppression caused by the 40T*1KI K TEA SET, Aynsleys China—One tea­ ordinary coffee pot, and serves you with The balance of their valuable' up-to-date act. and told those attending that Van- I the cheapest in the end. cup short. Small floral design with brown a caffeine and tannic add concoction- stock of couver automobile men are combined to | q You don't expect to keep house border. SOG Kfl work for a modification of the oppres­ *J Before giving up your favorite NEW FURNITURE AND BRASS r sive clauses. only a few months—you expect Special price ...... tj AND IRON BEDSTEADS, ETC. Lieut. R. P. Clarke. Who presided, it's a matter of a lifetime. Then 40-1’lF.CE TEA SET. Wedgwood China—Two breakfast drink in drepair buy a thanked the members of the association I teacups short. Blue and white, magnificent for their efforts to make a success of buy the best of housekeeping COFFEE PERCOLATOR Partial liât as follows: Oak the first auto show' In British Columbia. I designs. O AA Buffets, Oak Sideboards. Mahog­ and extended a welcome to the Van­ utensils. Special price . tP-LOeW and here a cap of codes with all the calcine couver auto trade representatives and 4 We make'quaSty* the standard by any China Cabineta, Oak China 40-PIECE TEA SET. English China—One jug asd tunic acid «tunneled. Cabinets. Upholstered Daven­ which everything is measured and short. Design pink roses and d*Q AA 1 We will puraatee diet yon will hale « ports, Bed Lounges, Couches, squeeze the price down to the point gold border. Special price, set. «POeW Parlor Suites. Ladies’ Writing BUILDERS’ where it is false economy to buy,trash- turdwt desre to dneotousto cedes dnnhing. Davies y Sons 19-PIECE TEA SET. in beautiful floral design, Desks. Extension Tables, Round with tints of blue. Special * — g CeaM in endharelhe PwcoUecoplwned. and Square, Combination Secre­ AUCTIONEERS Offices: 865 Vates St Phone 472 pricc ...... $4-25 tary and Book Case, Combin­ SUPPLIES ation Book Case and Side PRIVATE SALE boards. Dressers and Stands in BUILDING PAPER, — Red, Oak and Mahogany, Bedroom- Large Quantity of G oods Order Your k Suites, All-Brass Bedsteads, Iron Rosin Sized You Know Bedsteads, Springs and Mattresses Stqves. Linoleums. Etc. Goods by TAR PAPER—All Grades At Salesrooms, 566 Yates St What Quality Toilet Sets, Rolls of Carpet. Chif­ Mail. fon ieres, Carpet Squares, Linole DEADENING FELT, Etc.,Etc, Means. h urns. Vacuum Cleaners. Pictures The London Second- Rockers, Chairs. Stools, Dining We keep these in stock now Hand Exchange Co. Chairs. High Chairs. Office Chairs. and all time. You will like Hall Stands. Hall Mirrors, Book W. per the highest rash price for cast­ our prive* for every sale off clothing, such sa I «dies’ end sente Cases, Carpet Sweepers, Dinner Sets, Glass Ware. Silver Ware. here makes a friend. boots end shoes, hets, all kinds of tools, thanks for their Interest In the oc- tributed to the programme with suc­ guns end pistole. Ail kinds of books cess, and the Fifth Regiment band gave Table Oilcloth. Rqgs, Dow Mats, caelon. a splendid programme of musical selec­ Early Rose Seed Potatoes Picture Moulding, Jardiniere * STERN * FLASH. Replying for Vancouver H. B. Phipps tion. offered congratulation# to the Victoria We have only a few tons left. Order now before they are all Stands, Cutlery, etc. MOI Store Street. Telephone Ills. Automobile Dealer»’ assm-iatlon for sold. Qur seed ia imported stock, true to nume, shape and color. having succeeded In holding the pioneer VICTORIA TEAM WTXS. On view Tuesday afternoon. provincial *how, an effort In which the SYLVESTER FEED CO. - 709 Yates St City Terminal city had, he said, not suc­ . Too Fast for Terminal Telephone 4 It N.B.—Sale start* at 10 o’clock DRAKE ceeded. He offered thank# for himself Roller Hockey Boys. j Wednesday morning. and hi# fellow mainland friends for the opportunity to attend the show and the The result of the steady practicing Hardware Co. Safe and banquet. done by the local hot*key team was At the show on Saturday night there shown on Saturday night, In their 1418 Douglas Street. „a# a very representative attendance game with Vancouver at the Assembly MAYNARD & SON Tel. 1646. Accurate and the dealer# remarked With much rink. With the exception of a few Arrow Brand Gilsonite Composition satisfaction on the interest taken In the minutes in the first half the home mechanism of the machines by the team had the game well in hand.. The Auctioneers. Medicat ion people. The chassis shown by the vat^ final score was five goals to one in Is for Concrete and Brick Walla Iron and Wooden Structures of all kinds. For Ships’ Huile and Decks for all kinds of Boot», for Tin tous firms were surrounded the whofç their favor. or Iron Butldlnsa end Bridges It I» especially adapted for Insulating time by inquiring spectators. The ex In the second period of play, the vis­ purposes. It will «tend a high degree of heat, and will not carbonise. When your prescription le pre­ hlbltors also have satisfaction in an­ itors ‘were swept off their feet, and on pared by ue you may.confidently nouncing that several sales were closed one or two occasions several of the It to' proof against Aolde, Alkalies. Fumes and Cases, and to particu­ depend upon the skill of the dis­ Saturday night players were on the point of throwing larly adapted for use on gas, oil and cynlde tank* pipe* boiler* Good Bread Makes a penser and the activity and pur-‘ Speaking for the association Lieut, up the sponge because of their inahll smelters, etc. Aek for color card. ■ Ity of the material» of which it R. P, Clarke said : "We have to thank Ity. to penetrate the local boys’ d* la composed. the public for the Support given the fence. We can dispense any prescrip show, and want to say we are vifry Burnett, cover-point for Victoria, PETER McQUADE & SON Happy Home lion, whether it 1» directed to u» much gratified that our first show has was a whirlwind, and carried the puck Shlpt handles». ®°*e A*eotS •r not been a success. Particularly are we into the mouth of Vancouver’’» goal If poor Flour is twd, the grouchiness of Dyspepsia is in­ Our service coete no more pleased with the technical interest dis­ time . and time again. Jones also variably apparent, no for the sake of health ami happiness, than any other. played by the public." played exceedingly well for the locals. The added attraction of Saturday Towards the end of the game good Flour should be selected, even if a higher price w paid. night was a display of fencing for a seemed as If a sixth goal had been Hodnett; cover point, Burnett; centre, How to Fight Them." The lecture will Tlienc are the bent Bread and heat Pastry Flours possible to silver medal, the winner being Lieut. scored by Victoria, but as the referee Jones: rover, Farrell; right wing, be held under the auspices of the Flor­ i ist# and Oorleners’ Association of this procure, yet price is exceedingly low. Bell, who was presented with the medal was not fcure whether It had gone Middleton; left wing, Harling. R by Mrs. R. P. Clarks. Major Booth through the net or passed by, he de­ Armstrong refereed. city. MOFFET’S BEST BREAD FLOUR, per sack...... J1.75 John Cochrane pfumi ytrond plaça In the competition. clared It no score. The teams were: Vancouver—711. accompanying her on the pipe». J, night on “Common Garden Peels and of which must be ballad. 1H1 Government SL Melville and W. Brooks, soloists, con­ son. VIOMitorla—Goal. Gibbons; point