Doc. No.6400/ NVVN/RE/2019-04 NVVN Pre-feasibility Report for Proposed Gas Supply DATE: 13.08.2019 Infrastructure for Andaman & Nicobar Power Project REV. NO. : 0 Page 1of 18





Proposed Gas Supply Infrastructure for Andaman & Nicobar Power Project



NTPC VIDYUT VYAPAR NIGAM LIMITED (NVVN) (A wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC Ltd.)

August, 2019

Doc. No.6400/ NVVN/RE/2019-04 NVVN Pre-feasibility Report for Proposed Gas Supply DATE: 13.08.2019 Infrastructure for Andaman & Nicobar Power Project REV. NO. : 0 Page 2of 18


Sl. No. Description Page No. 1.0 Executive Summary 1 2.0 Introduction of the Project & Background Information 1 3.0 Project Description 6 4.0 Site Analysis 9 5.0 Brief Planning 10 6.0 Proposed Infrastructure 11 7.0 Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan 12 8.0 Project Schedule & Cost Estimates 12 9.0 Analysis of Proposal ( Recommendations) 12 10.0 Environmental Aspects 12

EXHIBITS Exhibit Description Page No. No. I Index Map 14 II Vicinity Map 15 III General Layout Plan 16 IV General Features 17

ANNEXURES Annexure Description Page No. No. I Climatological Table at 18 Doc. No.6400/ NVVN/RE/2019-04 NVVN Pre-feasibility Report for Proposed Gas Supply DATE: 13.08.2019 Infrastructure for Andaman & Nicobar Power Project REV. NO. : 0 Page 3of 18

1.0 Executive Summary

Name of Project: Proposed Gas supply Infrastructure for Andaman & Nicobar Gas Power Project at Hope Town in Ferrargunj Tehsil of South . Name of Project Proponent: NVVN, 100% Subsidiary of NTPC Ltd. Location of the Project: The project site is located in Hope Town at Ferrargunj Tehsil in South Andaman District of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Nearest National Highway NH-223 is at a distance of 8.4 km in WNW direction. Nearest major city is Port Blair located at a distance of 7.9 km SSE to the project site.

The vicinity map of the project is shown in Exhibit-I. Capacity: 0.065 MMTPA of LNG/85 MMSCM RLNG Gas shall be handled annually. Accordingly the size of the related gas infrastructure shall be designed. Land Requirement, Current As proposed project is floating on seawater, no land would Land Use and Availability: be required. Water Requirement and About 3 m3/day of water is required for domestic purposes, Availability: which will be met from desalination of sea water. Environmental Setting of As per Environmental Impact Assessment Notification dated the Project 14th September, 2006 and 01.12.2009, the proposed project falls under schedule 6(a) of category ‘A’.

The proposed location of Gas Supply Infrastructure falls in ICRZ-III area. However, facilities for receipt and storage of petroleum products and liquefied natural gas are permitted in this area as per ICRZ Notification, The project will require a) Environmental Clearance b) CRZ Clearance & c) Wildlife Clearance from MOEF&CC.

The necessary process for obtaining these clearances shall be followed by NVVN. Cost of the Project: Approximate capital cost of the project would be about Rs. 500 Crore.

2.0 Introduction of the Project & Background Information 2.1 Identification of Project & Project Proponent NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (A wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC) has been established with an objective, inter alia, to carry on the business of Purchase / Sale

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of all forms of electrical power including surplus power from NTPC stations for sale to SEBs, Power Distribution Companies, other organizations and bulk power consumers etc., in and abroad. NVVN has also carried out the implementation of 1000 MW National Solar Mission (NSM) Phase-I scheme of as a Nodal Agency for selection of the Solar Power Projects and Long term PPAs for purchase of Solar power and PSAs for sale of bundled power to Discoms. NVVN has been carrying out sale of 733 MW Solar Bundled Power to 21 Discoms under NSM Phase I. In the Financial year 2017-18, NVVN had traded 17,278 Million Units (MUs) apart from Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) equivalent to 104 MUs and Energy Saving Certificates equivalent to 7,45,826. NVVN is a profit making company and has been consistently paying dividend to NTPC. During a meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) for Power & New and Renewable Energy on 10.01.2018, in which UT of Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), NTPC Ltd, NLC India Ltd, Petronet LNG Ltd, PGCIL, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) participated, power related issues of Andaman & Nicobar (A&N) Islands were discussed and Hon. Minister stressed upon the need for finding Short Term and Long Term Power Solutions to meet the Energy Requirement of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Subsequently, A&N Administration requested NTPC for installation of 55 MW Dual Fuel (Diesel and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)) based power project to meet the Long Term Power Solutions of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Feasibility Report for a 55 MW Dual Fuel (Diesel and LNG) based power project has already been prepared by NTPC Limited and the project has been handed over to NVVN (A wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC) for implementation. Initially, it was envisaged that LNG required for the Power Project shall be met from M/s Petronet LNG Ltd (PLL)’s proposed LNG Terminal to be set up at Hope Town in Port Blair. However, subsequently, it was decided by GoI that the procurement of LNG shall also be done by NTPC and the fuel supplier would be identified through a Global tender. The gas supplier will decide the technology and capacity of gas infrastructure depending upon the techno-commercial viability. The possible technological options are discussed in the paragraph below. The present proposal is to establish a Gas supply Infrastructure with suitable technology to procure and supply the gas to the proposed Power Project at Hope Town. The Gas infrastructure and power project will be located adjacent to each other at Hope Town, Port Blair in A&N islands. The power project being developed by NVVN is envisaged to be commissioned during 2021-22. The Gas Supply Infrastructure for supply of gas by the party to be selected through global tender, is proposed to be commissioned by year 2022.

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2.2 Need for the Project & Its Importance to the Country & Region Proposed Gas supply Infrastructure is a dedicated unit to supply Gas to proposed gas power project, which is being set-up to meet the power requirement of A&N Islands. The detailed analysis of demand supply gap and justification for the project is presented in section 2.3.

2.3 Demand Supply Gap in Power The power project (55 MW) is envisaged to meet the power demand of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It is expected to start yielding benefits from 2021-22. Being disconnected from the mainland, the A&N Islands relies on isolated power generation, powered by the Diesel Generation Systems. The power generation and distribution system of Andaman and Nicobar islands is served by standalone systems and each island has its own generation & distribution system. The power requirement of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is met mainly from Government owned diesel generation units with balance power purchased from Independent Power Producers (IPP). Power Generation Portfolio: (Dec-2015) SL.No. Generation Installed Capacity (MW) Percentage 1. Diesel 99.20 90.64 2 Hydro 5.25 4.80 3. Solar 5 4.56 Total 109.45 MW

From the details of installed power plants in A&N Islands, it is observed that concentration of Diesel Power Plants (59 MW) is highest in South Andaman, where approximately 64 MW out of total base of 109.45 MW is installed.

Conclusion As per above demand & supply scenario analysis, the sales of electricity is projected to grow from 229 MU in FY15 to around 330 MU by FY19 at a CAGR of 10% with Peak demand expected to grow from around 58 MW to around 68 MW by FY19. Moreover, out of the 99.2 MW DG capacities, about 51.745 MW of DG capacities has already outlived their lives thereby making the effective available DG capacity as 47.465 MW.

In order to meet the increasing power demand (CAGR of 10%) of A&N Islands while reducing dependency on conventional diesel generation sets (DG Sets), the proposal for setting up of 55 MW Power Project, which would help in reducing the diesel consumption through cleaner and cheaper fuel (Gas as primary fuel) is justified.

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To meet the fuel requirement of proposed power project, installation of a Gas supply infrastructure is mandatory and justified.

2.4 Employment Generation (Direct & Indirect) due to the Project Gas supply Infrastructure shall be a mechanised and automated plant, therefore, the direct opportunities for employment during operation phase are limited. However, due to increased availability of gas and power, the opportunities for self- employment and business activities shall increase. During the construction phase, skilled and unskilled people on daily average will be employed. Preference will be given to the local population during construction and operation phase of the project depending upon the skill, job requirement and capability. Several other indirect employment opportunities such as transport, business, vehicle drivers and attendants, workshops, grocery and retails, medical, etc. will be created in the surrounding areas.

3.0 Project Description: 3.1 Type of Project, Interlinked Project & Interdependent Project The Gas Infrastructure may be selected from any of the following Technological options like FSRU, FSU with Regasification on land, CNG, etc. which are briefly explained below: FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) - LNG will be brought in small ships from nearby bigger LNG Regasification Terminals like Kochi, Ennore etc., which will be unloaded to small size FSRU with regasification anchored near a Jetty at Hope Town, A&N islands. FSRU would re-gasify LNG and supply gas to the power plant through a pipeline. FSU (Floating Storage Unit) - LNG will be brought in small ships from nearby bigger LNG Regasification Terminals like Kochi, Ennore etc., which will be unloaded to small size FSU without regasification facility at Hope Town, A&N islands, berthed in the water near the power plant. LNG will be transferred from FSU to Onshore Regasification Unit, which will supply RLNG through a pipeline to the power plant.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) - High pressure CNG cascades be will shipped from nearby main land to a suitable port in Port Blair, A&N islands and then will be moved by road to the Power plant. In this case no EC is required.

Proposed 55 MW dual fuel (Gas & Diesel) based gas power project is the interdependent project on the Gas Supply Infrastructure.

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3.2 Location

The project site is located in Hope Town at Ferrargunj Tehsil in South Andaman District of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Nearest National Highway NH-223 is at a distance of 8.4 km in WNW direction. Nearest major city is Port Blair located at a distance of 7.9 km SSE to the project site. The site can be approached from coastal road linking Bamboo Flat & Hope Town and through Water Ways. The coordinates of nearby Finger Jetty Center are 11°41'46.83"N and 92°43'36.01"E.

The Index Map of the location of the project is shown in Exhibit-I and the Vicinity Map (10 km. radius) is presented in Exhibit-II. The General Layout Plan (GLP) of proposed Gas Supply Infrastructure is enclosed as Exhibit-III and the general features of the site are presented in Exhibit-IV. .

3.3 Details of Alternate Sites A&N Authority had conducted studies in 2016-17 at three alternative locations in South Andaman – Hope Town, Chatham Island and Elephant Point (Hathi Tapu) to install a Floating, Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) along with a land based power project. NTPC team visited Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands on 21.02.2018 along with representatives of A&N and Petronet LNG Ltd. and following three (3) Alternative Sites were identified and examined for setting up a 50 MW LNG based Power Project sites in Ferrargunj Tehsil of South Andaman district (A&N Island); . Site 1: At Hope Town Site . Site 2: Within premise of Surya Chakra Power Ltd (an IPP) diesel generating plant. . Site 3: At Shore Point Junction (within vacant land in west direction of Bamboo flat jetty) After comparison of various environmental & technical aspects, the site near Hope Town is selected as most preferred site to install gas supply infrastructure. Due to following advantages; . Sufficient Govt. land (about 2 acres) is available to install plant & its associated facilities . Topography of the site is rocky and undulated terrain and its land use is barren/wasteland type . No forestland is involved . Few people live close by . Well Connected by road/NH-223 . Good soil conditions: Availability of sand and rock; . Open water area, not effected by Tsunami in 2004; In view of the above, site at Hope Town (Site 1) is selected as most preferred site.

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3.4 Size & Magnitude of Operation The annual gas requirement is estimated at approx. 0.065 MMTPA of LNG/85 MMSCM RLNG Gas. Accordingly, the related gas infrastructure shall be designed. Total project cost for Gas Supply Infrastructure is estimated at Rs. 500 crores approx.

3.5 Project Description & Process Details In case of FSRU, LNG shall be transferred from LNG Carrier (LNGC) vessel to Floating Storage & Regasification Unit (FSRU) by means of cryogenic transfer arms connected to LNGC through the unloading manifolds on finger jetty. Two arms (duty + standby) will be provided for unloading flow rate of 800 m3/hr each on both side of finger jetty. These arms shall be provided with Emergency Release Coupling (ERC). The FSRU shall have a 7,500 m3 LNG storage capacity at 98% full condition. Three IMO Type-C tanks (2,500 m3 LNG working capacity each) are proposed to achieve the total capacity. Further, Boil-Off Gas (BOG) from the storage tanks shall be sent to the LP BOG compressor located in the regasification plant area. The boil off gas is compressed to be used for fuel gas for FSRU generators. A vapour return line from the BOG header back to the LNG carrier (LNGC) is incorporated. The vapour is transferred to LNGC by means of a vapour return arm. LNG offloaded from LNG Pumps is sent to LNG vaporizers for regasification in order to produce fuel gas to feed Power Plant, FSRU generator and other users. Other alternatives for Gas supply infrastructure are as below.

FSU (Floating Storage Unit) - LNG will be brought in small ships from nearby bigger LNG Regasification Terminals like Kochi, Ennore etc., which will be unloaded to small size FSU without regasification facility at Hope Town, A&N islands, berthed in the water near the power plant. LNG will be transferred from FSU to Onshore Regasification Unit, which will supply RLNG through a pipeline to the power plant.

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) - High pressure CNG cascades be will shipped from nearby main land to a suitable port in Port Blair, A&N islands and then will be moved by road to the Power plant. In this case no EC is required.

3.6 Requirement of Raw Materials LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) will be sourced from Kochi/Ennore or any other suitable LNG terminal. In case of FSRU, LNG shall be transferred from LNGC to FSRU by means of cryogenic transfer arms connected to LNGC through the unloading manifolds on finger jetty. High pressure CNG cascades be will shipped from nearby main land to

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a suitable port in Port Blair, A&N islands and then will be moved by road to the Power plant.

3.7 Resource Optimization, Recycle & Reuse In case of FSRU, LNG offloaded from LNG Pumps is sent to LNG vaporizers for regasification in order to produce fuel gas to feed power plant, FSRU generator and other users. The boil off gas is compressed to be used for fuel gas for FSRU generators and power plant. A vapour return line from the BOG header back to the LNG carrier (LNGC) is incorporated. The vapour is transferred to LNGC by means of a vapour return arm. This line can be used as a vapour make-up for the LNGC cargo tanks in the event of insufficient boil-off gas. In case of FSU/CNG resource and fuel requirement will also be optimized.

3.8 Availability of Power During construction phase, power required will be generated by temporary DG sets. During operation phase, energy requirement shall be met through captive power units. Boiled off Gas (BOG) will be used as fuel for captive power generation using gas engines.

3.9 Quantity of Wastes to be Generated During Construction and operation stage domestic wastes will be disposed off through the local municipal authorities. A small quantity i.e. about 0.5 KL/year of hazardous oily waste will be generated from the proposed LNG facility during periodic maintenance. Hazardous waste will be collected and stored at specific identified area at site. Authorized agency will be hired to dispose the collected Hazardous waste.

3.10 Schematic Representation of Feasibility Drawing As the scheme is yet to be finalized, detailed schematic representations of the feasibility drawing covering the purpose of EIA will be given in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

4.0 Site Analysis 4.1 Connectivity The Nearest National Highway NH-223 is at a distance of 8.4 km in WNW direction. Nearest major city is Port Blair located at a distance of 7.9 km SSE to the project site. The site can be approached from coastal road linking Bamboo Flat & Hope Town and through Water Ways.

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4.2 Existing Land Form, Land Use, Ownership & Topography The proposed site, is located at sea. No forest land is involved. The site is away from the navigational channel & other marine traffic.

4.3 Existing Infrastructure/ social infrastructure Proposed project is a green field project. Hence, there is no existing infrastructure of the project proponent. However, the area has various social infrastructures developed by A&N administration. A detailed analysis of social infrastructure available at site shall be undertaken during EIA Study.

4.4 Soil classification Predominantly, the texture of the soil is coastal alluvial soil and igneous rocks. 4.5 Climatic Data The secondary climatic data has been collected from IMD Port Blair, which is nearest IMD station to the project site. The data collected from IMD includes wind speed, wind direction, (recorded in sixteen directions), temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure; rainfall and cloud cover over a period of 10 years. The total annual rainfall in the region based on the IMD data is 2917.6 mm. The maximum number of rainy days occur in the months of June and then in July. Predominant winds are from South West (June-September) followed by North East (November-February). The climatological tables for the area published by nearest IMD station at Port Blair is enclosed at Annexure-III. 5.0 Brief Planning 5.1 Planning Concept The planning of proposed gas infrastructure project is based on demand of gas for proposed power project at A&N Islands and the change in fuel from diesel to cleaner natural gas.

5.2 Population Projection 5.3 Land Use Planning As the project is floating storage on sea water, therefore, there is no land requirement. Waterfront and a small patch of land proposed to be used for establishing power project will be used, for establishment of Gas Supply Infrastructure.

5.4 Assessment of Infrastructure Demand and Amenities/ Facilities Existing infrastructure of nearby town shall be used. The same shall be strengthened if required.

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6.0 Proposed Infrastructure 6.1 Industrial Area The project shall be developed as Industrial Area. 6.2 Residential Area (Non Processing Area) No residential area is proposed for the facilities. 6.3 Green belt As the project is floating storage on seawater, greenbelt is not possible. 6.4 Social Infrastructure All infrastructure facilities such as education, health facilities and other social facilities at district headquarter shall be used. The existing road will be strengthened in and around the facility for transportation. This will also enhance the transportation facilities of the area. NVVN shall undertake socio-economic development projects to enhance education, healthcare, and overall community development of the surrounding villages. A well defined CSR policy is being followed by NVVN. 6.5 Drinking Water Management and Sewerage system Gas Supply Infrastructure will be provided with sweet drinking water supply. Sanitary wastewater to be generated will be collected and treated in proposed STP and the sludge generated will be used for horticulture at nearby area. 6.6 Industrial waste management No industrial waste from the process of regasification and power generation is envisaged. 6.7 Solid waste management Hazardous oil waste of about 0.5 Kl/year is envisaged. This will be collected and stored at a specified area at the site and will be collected by authorized agency for safe disposal. The waste generated within the proposed project, if any, including the waste generated due to desalination plant shall be handled as per the stipulations of various waste management rules of MoEF&CC such as: I. Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, II. Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Trans boundary Movement) Rules, 2016, III. Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, IV. Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016,

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V. E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

6.8 Power Requirement & Source During construction phase, power required will be drawn from temporary DG sets and during operation phase, energy requirement of 1000 KVA approx. shall be met through captive power units. Boil off natural gas will be used as fuel for captive power generation using gas engines.

7.0 Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan No Rehabilitation & Resettlement is involved as the proposed project does not involve land area. 8.0 Project Schedule & Cost Estimates The Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the project is envisaged in 18 months from the investment approval. The estimated project current cost of the project is Rs.500 Crores approx.

9.0 Analysis of Proposal ( Recommendations) The power requirement of Andaman & Nicobar islands is met from Government owned diesel generation units with balance power purchased from independent Power producers such as M/s Surya Chakra Power Corporation Limited at Bamboo flats and other Hired Power plants at Phoenix Bay. The proposed gas supply infrastructure project will help in meeting the demand supply gap by supplying gas to proposed power project. Further, power generation using gas shall also reduce the impact on environment due to earlier DG Sets.

10.0 Environmental Aspects The station will be equipped with all necessary instrumentation/ equipment required for ensuring effective environmental monitoring and management. Statutory clearances that are applicable w.r.t. the proposed gas supply infrastructure at Hope Town are as follows:

10.1 Environment Clearance The present proposal is for accord of Terms of Reference (TOR) for conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for assessment of impact due to the proposed project. EIA Study shall be undertaken through a consultant accredited by NABET/QCI. After EIA Study, Pollution Control Committee (PCC) of Andaman Nicobar Administration will be approached for Public Hearing and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for obtaining Environmental Clearance, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the EIA Notification, 2006 and its amendment.

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10.2 Approval from Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) Literature review of the area shows that one (01) National Park (Mount Harriett National Park) at 3.4 km and two (02) Wildlife Sanctuaries (Snake Island-I at 7 km and Snake Island-II Wildlife Sanctuary at 7.1 km) are located within the 10 Km radius from proposed project site. As per MOEF&CC Notification, projects involving wildlife habitat (core zone of elephant/ tiger reserve etc.) and or located within the boundary limits of Eco-Sensitive Zone or 10 Km of the National Park/ Wildlife Sanctuary (where ESZ is not fixed), a prior clearance from Standing Committee of the National Board for Wild-life will be required. Therefore, clearance from Standing Committee of the NBWL shall be obtained.

10.3 I.C.R.Z Clearance The proposed project is located within the coast and therefore simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain the requisite clearance from A&N Coastal Zone Management Authority under the provisions of the I.C.R.Z Notification, 2019 for the activities to be located in the ICRZ, if applicable.

10.4 ASI Clearance/NOC The proposed project is located very close to (about 3.1 Km) which is amongst one of the UNESCO’s World Heritage monuments and therefore simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain the requisite clearance/NOC from concerned Dept. of A&N Administration/ASI, if applicable.

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Exhibit-I: Index Map of Gas Supply Infrastructure

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Exhibit-II: Vicinity Map of Gas Supply Infrastrucuture

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Exhibit-III: General Layout Plan of Gas Supply Infrastructure

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Exhibit-IV: General Site Conditions of Gas Supply Infrastructure

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Annexure-III: Climatological Tables as per IMD station at Port Blair (1971-2000)

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