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Report HSRI-71-117 PLANNING FOR CONCENTRATED IMPLEMENTATION OF HIGHWAY SAFETY COUNTERMEASURES Volume 4: Report Bibliography John A. Olson Joseph C. Marsh IV Highway Safety Research Institute Institute of Science and Technology The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 481 05 August 1971 Final Report 1 July 1970 to 31 August 1971 Prepared for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Department of Transportation Washington, D.C. 20591 Prepared for the Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, under Contract FH-11-7613. The opinion, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. I Report No. 1 2. Government Accession No. 1 3. Recipient's Catalog No. I I HSRI-71-117: Vol. 4 I I 4 Title and Subt~tle 5. Report Date PLANNING FOR CONCENTRATED IMPLEMENTATION OF August 1971 HIGHWAY SAFETY COUNTERMEASURES Volume 4: Report Bibliography I 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. 1 John A. Olson Joseph C. Marsh IV HSRI-71-117; Vol. 4 i 9. Performing Organlzat~onName and Address 10. Work Unit No. Highway Safety Research Institute Institute of Science and Technology 11. Contract or Grant No. The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 IFH-11-7613 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 1 1 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Final Report National Highway Traffic Safety ~dministration July 1 1970-Aug 31 1971 Department of rans sport at ion I Washington, D.C. 20591 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 1 --- 15 Supplemelltary Notes 16. Abstract This document contains a report bibliography defining a data base on the state of the art in highway safety counter- measure development for each of the sixteen safety standards. i The bibliography contains 1000 entries that are grouped I by standard area. Contained in this collection are general 1 discussions of the problems and attitudes common to the stan- j dard area; reports on current and proposed countermeasures; I evaluations of pertinent methodologies; and presentations of I factual data. j I 17. Key Words 18 D~stributlonStatement Bibliography Countermeasures Safety Standards 19. Secur~tyCla\>~l'.(ot th~s rcport) 20 Se~ur~tyChsaif.(of thls page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Pr~cc U U 83 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-69) PREFACE This document is the fourth volume of a four volume report covering the results of a one year study contract to determine a program planning.methodology for the evaluation of highway safety countermeasures. The present volume contains a bibliography of documents pertinent to the development of countermeasures in each of the sixteen Highway Safety Program Standard areas. iii Table of Contents Preface iii Introduction' vi i Bibliography by Highway Safety Standard 1 0 Planning and Administration 1 1 Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection 5 2 Motor Vehicle Registration 11 3 Motorcycle Safety 13 4 Driver Education 17 5 Driver Licensing 23 6 Codes and Laws 29 7 Traffic Courts 31 8 Alcohol in Relation to Highway Safety 33 9 Identification and Surveillance of Accident 37 Locations 10 Traffic Records 11 Emergency Medical Services 12 Highway Design, Construction and Maintenance 13 Traffic Control Devices 14 Pedestrian Safety 15 Police Traffic Services 16 Debris Hazard Control and Cleanup INTRODUCTION This bibliography of Highway Safety Countermeasures contains approximately 1000 references, grouped according to the Highway Safety Program Standards. Within each Standard area, the refer- ences are arranged by the HSRI Library accession number. Refer- ences that fall into more than one group are duplicated. Con- tained in this compilation are general discussions of the problems and attitudes common to the state highway safety standards, reports on current and proposed countermeasures, evaluations of pertinent methodologies, and presentations of factual data on actual programs. Background This bibliography was prepared as an initial step in the planning for concentrated implementation of highway safety counter- measures project for the National Highway Safety Bureau in order to establish an information base on the state of the art in high- way safety countermeasure development. A broad search of the 15,000 catalogued documents in the HSRI Library was conducted first. The initial compilation was reviewed by the HSRI Project staff as background information in the Phase I program development. Each document is on file in our library, so, while some important contributions to the field may not be represented, the documents themselves were on hand and used by the staff. This literature compilation preceded the program development efforts and so may not fully reflect changes in interests resulting from these efforts. Requests for access to the literature cited in this biblio- graphy should be directed to: Highway Safety Research Institute Library Huron Parkway and Baxter Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 viii BIBLIOGRAPHY BY HIGHWAY SAFETY STANDARD 0. PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION CM-02878 STATUS OF THE ACTION PROGRAM. National CM-00030 Safety Council. Sponsor: President's Committee HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY STUDY FOR for Traffic Safety. Feb. 1964. 101 p. MINNESOTA; GUIDELINES FOR MEETING FUTURE NEEDS. Automotive Safety Foundation, CM-03089 Wash., D.C. May 1966. 5 1 p. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY. House of Iiepresentatives, Congress, Eighty-Fourth, 2nd CM-007 1OA02 Session, Committee on Interstate and Foreign THE STATE OF THE ART OF TRAFFIC Commerce, Wash., D.C. Report No: 2971. 3 Jan. SAFETY; A CRITICAL REVIEW AND 1957. 12p. ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION ON FACTORS AFFECTING CM-03 160 TRAFFIC SAFETY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Arthur D. STATE OF INDIANA GUIDELINES FOR Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. 1966. 200 p. [Rough TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMING. Indiana Draft.] State-Federal Traffic Safety Programs. 1 2 June 1967.34 p. CM-0 1 142A02 A BILL TO ESTABLISH A NATIONAL CM-03 1 73 HlGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY CENTER TO SYSTEMS ANALYSTS: NEW FOES OF PROMOTE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACCIDENTS. Journal of American Insurance, Vol. ACTIVITIES FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC 43, NO. 5, pp. 13-15. SAFETY, TO PROVIDE FINANICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE STATES TO CM-03267 ACCELERATE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY SYSTEMS SAFETY ANALYSIS A MODERN PROGRAMS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. APPROACH TO SAFETY PROBLEMS. Recht, Senate, Congress, Eighty-Ninth, First Session, J.L. National Safety Council, Chicago, Ill, n.d. Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization, 13 p. Washington, D.C. In: Federal Role in Traffic Safety. Hearings. Part 2, GPO, 1966, pp. 650-652. CM-03395 AN EVALUATION OF CURRENT TRENDS AND CM-02544 PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN THE FIELD OF SUMMARY REPORT OF RECOMMENDATIONS ACCIDENTAL INJURIES AND DEATHS. ALL STUDY GROUPS. Oakland University, Mott McFarland, R.A. Haward School of Public Health, Center for Community Affairs; Michigan State Div. of Environmental Health Sciences and University , Highway Traffic Safety Center. Engineering, Boston, Mass. Dec. 15-16, 1966. 5 p. Sponsor: Oakland County Traffic Safety Committee. Dec. 1965. 123 p. CM-043OOA 10 AN APPROACH FOR HIGHWAY CM-02633 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH-A OPERATIONS ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC MODEL AND INSTRUMENTATION. Platt, F.N. SAFETY; PART I-A CLASSIFICATION OF Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich. In: TRAFFIC SITUATIONS; PART 11-A Analysis and Control of Traffic Flow Symposium, MATHEMATICAL APPROACH TO TRAFFIC Society of Automotive Engineers, 1968, p. 77. SITUATIONS; PART 111-METHODS OF [SAE 6801 74.1 EVALUATING TRAFFIC SITUATIONS. Platt, F.N. Ford Motor Company, Traffic Safety and CM-047 19A07 Highway Improvement Dept. In: Traffic Safety TRAFFIC CONTROL: THE NEEDS AND COST. Research Review, Part I: Dec. 1958, pp. 17-24. Pyle, H. National Safety Council, Chicago, Ill. In: Part 11: June 1959, pp. 4-14. Part 111: Sept. 1959, Safety on the Road, McClellan, G.S., ed. H.W. pp. 10-18. Wilson Co., 1966, p. 33. CM-0269 1 CM-05273A10 REPORT ON THE HIGHWAY SAFETY PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE INDIANA PROGRAM STANDARDS; DEVELOPED IN HIGHWAY NEEDS STUDY. Proctor. A.J. ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF Highway Needs Study Committee, Indiana. In: THE HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT OF 1966. Federal Road School. 52nd Annual. Proceedings, Purdue Highway Administration; National Highway Safety University, July 1966, pp. 73-75. Bureau, Wash., D.C. 1 July 1967. 105 p. [Order No: PB 175 726.1 CM-05 290AO 1 CM-06356A03 HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL. THE HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT -. ONE YEAR VOLUME 0: PLANNING AND LATER - THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Holmes, R.S. ADMINISTRATION. National Highway Safety American Road Builders' Association, Wash., D.C. Bureau, Wash., D.C. 31 May 1968. 52 p. [Draft.] In: National Safety Congress Transactions, Vol. 24, 1967, pp. 13-16. CM-054 19 CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM. CM-06709 Luce, G.C.; Walton, R.; Eckhardt, J.E. California HIGHWAY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Transportation Agency, Sacramento. 10 Jan. 1968. GUIDELINES FOR STATE GOVERNMENTS. 42 p. Peat, Marwick, Livingston and Co., Wash., D.C. June 1968. 144 p. [Order No: PB 179 019.1 CM-05437 THE SYSTEMS APPROACH; A TOOL FOR CM-067 10 REDUCING VEHICLE/HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM Forster, W.H. International Telephone and MANAGEMENT. Automotive Safety Foundation, Telegraph Corporation, N.Y. In: Archives of Wash., D.C. Sponsor: National Highway Safety Environmental Health, Vol. 13, Oct. 1966, pp. Bureau, Wash., D.C. Aug. 1968. 125 p. 537-542. CM-06739 CM-05444 A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO MAXIMIZING TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION SAFETY EFFECTIVENESS. Rockwell, T.H. Ohio RESEARCH AS A SYSTEM COMPONENT. State University, Columbus. In: American Society Blumenthal, M. National Safety Council, Chicago, of Safety Engineers Journal, Vol. VI, No. 6, Dec. Ill. June 1966. 4 p. In: Public Health Reports, Vol. 1961, pp. 17-22. 81, No. 6, June 1966, pp. 569-572. CM-06747 CM-06069 QUANTITATIVE DECISION-MAKING IN THE HIDDEN COSTS OF ACCIDENTS. TRAFFIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT. Boodman, Schoolcraft, C.D. Traffic Safety, Vol. 68, No. 4, D.M. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. 1 April 1968, pp.