The Firs' of A
. _ BTainin , Paul it.; k Others St%idy, on Dri v ng by S '1 Popu ns. Al Report, Volume 'Conduct .of' the-_ .ect,and State ,=of the Art. Tm_sTippTior. DunlapaniA'ssociates, nc.,Darieff, Conn;. SP.ONS AGENCY Bureau of Educationfor the Handicapped (DH.E.W/:0E)*. Washington,(Lit'. Na jo al Highyay Tra ffic safety Administration (DOT) , Waghington, FEPORT SO DOT-.-HS7802 329 PUB DATE . Apr77, CONTRACT__ DOTT.HS-..701206` 10T? 167p..:. Frpr relatedinfor AVAILABLE F Nat-ion e.1 TechnicalInform- EDPS PPICE MFO 1/PC07' Plus- Pogta-g-a. DESCRIPTORS .Aurally'Handicapped:Cerebral Pal ..1-1 -0i7seas4.5: *Driver rcillcation; Emotionally Disturbed; FP1.1e.PsY; EgUiPment; Evaluaton Method-s;-*Handicapped; mental Tliness;' MPn4:ally t,feurologicallf - Handicappedt Physically Handicapped;.,'Special. Health Problems:- *State L'egislationts 'State iiicensitiq Boards; . - o *Traffic Safety. ., The firs' ofA -volumereporton,m.otol: veh driving by handicapped :parsons focuses, on driving behavior. f -cat 19. types of handicapping conditions. Information is deta&led,,Feg drivereducation an& assesslent materials', present ste* regarding licenSing,-relevantmedical opinion regarding licensing and .axamination, com-plicating factors (such as theuseof therapeutic4 drugs) ,and private-and commercialdriving behavior for specific -. conditions, including the following: mental retardation, mental illness, neurologic and carebrovascular handicaps, epilepsy, - diabetes., musculoskeletal handicaps,. hearingAisoriers,thyro diseasei renal disorders, cancer, and obesity. Automotive. adaptive equipmer# 'is briefly coneidered monq 12 recommeldations. made. are. for a more comprehensive analysis' of the drliving task for, normal Itivars4 'a large scalp epidemiological studyto measure the acoidan,+. .and:7:Lolation sates of sc:),cifio,haUdicapped groups, and validat-d Asse,sSnient and evaluation oroc,edurs.
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