DEACONS DINNER AUCTION 2016 ShanleyInspiring Traditions and Visions A community inspiring excellence through faith, learning and service

Proud supporter of St. John Paul II Catholic Schools | Member FDIC


ShanleyDEACONS DINNER AUCTION 2016 On behalf of the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools and Auction Committee, we thank you for attending and hope you enjoy your evening. April 30, 2016 Fargo Holiday Inn 4:30 PM

AUCTION COVER: Special thanks to Shanley Art Teacher Alyssa Ebinger for crafting the pencil sketching of the iconic wooden Christ statue in Shanley High School, superimposed with a wonderful photomosaic of this year’s student/school images. It is this cover artwork that represents the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools value statement: “A Community, inspiring Excellence through Faith, Learning and Service.” GRATITUDE TO OUR DEACON PARTNERS & TABLE SPONSORS

Any event of this undertaking would not be possible if it were not for the very generous support of our donors and sponsors; in particular, our Platinum & Gold Deacon Partners & Table Sponsors:

Through their generous fnancial support, they have greatly assisted the Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction in providing you with a quality evening of hospitality. And more importantly, these sponsors have committed themselves to supporting the educational experience of all St. John Paul II Catholic students. It is with a deep gratitude that we extend our thanks to our 2016 Deacon Partners & Table Sponsors! If your business is interested in becoming a Deacon Partner or Table Sponsor for the 2017 Shanley Deacon Dinner Auction, please contact Joelle at 701-893-3225 or [email protected] or Lee Hoedl at 701-306-1266 or [email protected]. CELEBRATING 32 YEARS OF DEDICATED VISION AND LEADERSHIP Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction Chairs 1985 Duane & Eileen Peterson 1986 Duane & Eileen Peterson 1987 Don Mengedoth & Jane Lenz 1988 Bob & Alacoque Gibb 1989 Bob & Alacoque Gibb and Roger & Jan Fenstad 1990 Roger & Jan Fenstad and Gary & Kathy Dietz 1991 Gary & Kathy Dietz 1992 Ron & Linda Beare 1993 Ron & Linda Beare 1994 Ron & Linda Beare and Randy & Chelly Johnson 1995 Randy & Chelly Johnson and Mark & Mary Lou Walker 1996 Mark & Mary Lou Walker 1997 Mark & Mary Lou Walker 1998 Mark & Mary Lou Walker and Neil & Vicki Bosch 1999 Neil & Vicki Bosch 2000 Cindy Naughton and Peg Gilbertson 2001 Cindy Naughton and Peg Gilbertson 2002 Renelda Hushka and Betsy Jackson 2003 Hal & Bonnie Rodenbiker and Dave & Eileen Hauff 2004 Dave & Eileen Hauff and Hal & Bonnie Rodenbiker 2005 Diane Kenney and Karen Hofer 2006 Diane Kenney and Sandy Thiel 2007 Diane Kenney and Sandy Thiel 2008 Keith & Rondi McGovern and Mike & Mary Montplaisir 2009 Keith & Rondi McGovern and Mike & Mary Montplaisir 2010 Brian & Marilyn Bjoralt and Kevin & Brenda Wolf 2011 Brian & Marilyn Bjoralt and Kevin & Brenda Wolf 2012 Dan & Heather Butler and Paul & Jill von Ebers 2013 Dan & Heather Butler and Paul & Jill von Ebers 2014 Kevin & Kari Bucholz and John & Sharon Pollard 2015 Kevin & Kari Bucholz and Dan & Pauline Dunn 2016 Kevin & Kari Bucholz, Dan & Pauline Dunn and Dave & Paula Ekman 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ...... 1 Sponsorship Recognition & Opportunities ...... 2 Auction Chairs 32 Years ...... 3 Table of Contents ...... 4 Special Thanks ...... 5 Schedule of Events ...... 6 Letter from JPII Superintendent ...... 7 2016 Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction Team ...... 8-9 Class of 2016 Shanley Auction Ambassadors ...... 9 JPII Board Members ...... 10 JPII Faculty and Staff ...... 11 Donors ...... 12-18 Auction Rules ...... 19-21 Buy-In Parties ...... 22 Silent Auction Items Harvest Hall: Arts and Handcrafts (100-199) ...... 29 Fashion (200-299) ...... 34 Food and Beverage (300-399) ...... 37 Health and Beauty (400-499) ...... 40 Electronics, Offce and Auto (500-599) ...... 43 JPII/Shanley Showcase (600-699) ...... 45 Entertainment and Sports (700-799) ...... 57 Family (800-899) ...... 62 Home (900-999) ...... 69 Outdoor Living (1000-1099) ...... 75 Travel (1100-1199) ...... 77 Dakota Hall: Deacon Select Auction Items(1300-1399) ...... 85 Live Auction Items (1400-1499) ...... 102 5 THE SHANLEY DEACONS DINNER AUCTION GIVES SPECIAL THANKS TO: ~ Individual and business donors; your immense generosity supports our tradition of excellence and benefts all St. John Paul II Catholic Schools. ~ Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction Committee members and volunteers; your talents make this event possible. We are especially grateful to those volunteers who worked in multiple committee areas. ~ Auction Chairs, Kari & Kevin Bucholz, Pauline & Dan Dunn and Paula & Dave Ekman; your support and advancement of the 2016 Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction in all of its aspects has not gone unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. ~ Solicitations Chairs Anna Grothmann, Shar Vetter and Julie Wilson; for your endless and unseen hours of meticulous work to ensure the accuracy and depth of the Silent, Deacon Select and Live Auctions. ~ Silent Auction Chairs Melissa & Jason Mehlisch and Dani & Steve Johnson; your continued focus to detail and care for every auction item allows our evening to run very smoothly. ~ Alison & Steve Dye and your company In-House Advertising and Consulting; your sincere generosity and creative insight and spirit involving signage continues to greatly elevate the presentation of each year’s auction. ~ David Dietz; the gracious and humorous donation of your talent as our Master of Ceremonies is truly a gift and it continues to be a blessing to work with you. ~ Kevin Pifer Auctioneers; the wonderful donation of your impeccable services this evening always enhances our entire evening experience and your support of our schools remains treasured. ~ Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors and Joel Wold; your exquisite donation of table wine remains a splendid compliment to tonight’s dinner. ~ Rev. Charles LaCroix; your dynamic celebration of the Mass before tonight’s Auction always prepares our Auction Committee with the right frame of mind for the evening’s event... and for our daily lives. ~ Maria Dahlin; your ability to multi-task so many elements - from catalog design to registration tracking - may go unnoticed by many but remains greatly appreciated and valued. ~ Superintendent Michael P. Smith; your support as committee member, solicitor, sounding board, supervisor and friend has been invaluable. You will be missed. ~ The Fargo Holiday Inn; your attention to every detail and your support of the Auction Committee and their needs remain exceptional. ~ Diann Hoedl, the Auction Director’s wife; your support and humor through each year’s Auction process has helped keep the Auction Director level-headed and focused... plus, you are the world’s greatest spouse. ~ All of tonight’s guests; your presence always enhances our St. John Paul II community and your generous bidding ensures the success of our mission and values. 6 2016 SHANLEY DEACONS DINNER AUCTION SCHEDULE OF EVENTS



6:35 pm CLOSING OF SILENT AUCTION SECTIONS: Arts & Handcrafts (Numbered 100-199), Fashion (Numbered 200- 299), Food & Beverage (Numbered 300-399), Health & Beauty (Numbered 400-499), Electronics, Offce & Auto (Numbered 500-599)

6:50 pm CLOSING OF SILENT AUCTION SECTIONS: Shanley/JPII Showcase (Numbered 600-699), Entertainment & Sports (Numbered 700-799), Family (Numbered 800-899), Home (Numbered 900-999), Outdoor Living (Numbered 1000-1099), Travel (Numbered 1100- 1199)


7:00 pm PRE-DINNER RAFFLE DRAWING: $500 Hornbacher’s Gift Card DINNER IN GREAT HALL Introduction: Master of Ceremonies, David Dietz, and Michael Smith, Superintendent Invocation: The Most Reverend John Folda



7:45 pm CLOSING OF DEACON SELECT Bidding Closes (Numbered 1300-1399)

7:45 pm FIRST PADDLE GAME: $1000 Cash Prize

8:00 pm AUCTION BEGINS (Items Numbered 1400-1499) Auctioneer – Kevin Pifer, Pifer Auctioneers SECOND PADDLE GAME (Following JP II Special Projects): $1000 Cash Prize ST. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NETWORK 5600 25th Street South • Fargo, ND 58104-7123 Ph: 701-893-3200 • Fax: 701-893-3277 •

Dear 2016 Deacon Auction Attendees,

Thank you for attending our annual auction event. This evening we will be generating dollars that will support our mission, “The Mission of the Saint John Paul II Catholic Schools is to in- spire exceptional student achievement by teaching the total person and fostering the following of Christ in an environment guided by the Gospel spirit, as taught by the Catholic Church.”

Our mission is what guides us. It is what distinguishes us from other schools. Our mission is why we are gathered here tonight. In a world that tells students, “You are the most important, watch out for yourself.” Our schools teach children that they are part of something that is bigger than themselves!

This message is countercultural. Our students graduate with a strong academic credential, but they also leave rooted in the Gospel spirit and flled with a desire to serve and make a differ- ence in the lives of others. Excellence in academia is very critical to our future as a Church and community, but it is our belief that growth of the total person is indispensable that truly separates us from other schools.

The ongoing effort to raise young men and women, Deacons, committed to serving others would not be possible without the generous support of the people in this room.

Tonight’s special project will focus on the other group that make this mission possible, our teachers and staff! This evening we hope to generate $1.25 million to support a long term solution to our number one threat as an organization, the discrepancy in teacher pay. Our staff is compensated considerably less than other educators in the community. This gap in compen- sation has existed long enough. We need to begin to make a big difference in this injustice. Our endowment is the long term solution to that discrepancy. Thank you for being a part of this historic event. When we leave tonight, we can say, “The pay gap days are numbered!”

We hope you enjoy the company of friends and family and savor the energy that is unique to the Deacon Auction!


Dr. Michael Smith Ed.D. Superintendent, St. John Paul II Catholic Schools A community inspiring excellence through faith, learning and service [email protected]

The Mission of the Saint John Paul II Catholic Schools is to inspire exceptional student achievement by teaching the total person and fostering the following of Christ in an environment guided by the Gospel spirit, as taught by the Catholic Church. 8 2016 SHANLEY DEACONS DINNER AUCTION TEAM 2016 Auction Chairs Kari & Kevin Bucholz, Dan & Pauline Dunn and Dave & Paula Ekman 2016 AUCTION CHAIRS Julie Wilson* Kari & Kevin Bucholz Kate Greicar Pauline & Dan Dunn Stacy Lepine Dave & Paula Ekman Nola McNeally Shawn McNeally AUCTION DIRECTOR Lee Hoedl Janelle Pederson* Jill Buisker SOLICITATION CHAIRS Gary Keller Anna Grothmann Laurie McKeever Shar Vetter Missy Mehlisch Julie Wilson Mary Kava* SOLICITORS Corinne Busek (*Denotes Team Captain) Heather Butler Laura Alderman* Londa Hager Connie Altringer Jill von Ebers Julie Friederichs Anne Guerrero Anna Grothmann* Cathy Piatt Barb Augdahl Nicole Schwartz Barb Leier Joelle Shewey Pam Bossert* Kevin/Brenda Wolf Carrie Berglind Laurie Braun Shar Vetter* Scott Hoselton Colleen Fowler Jennie Rivard Lee Hoedl Karen Hofer Pauline/Dan Dunn* Liz/Chris Mathison Paula Ekman Dr. Michael Smith Angie Koenig Ken Kraft Lori Erie* Kari Bucholz Rondi McGovern Todd Mickelson Sharon/John Pollard Sandy Thiel 9 CATALOG DATA ENTRY AUCTION AMBASSADORS/ COMMITTEE PROPS CHAIRS Pam Bossert Kristen and Devin Wirth Lori Erie Don Kenna Katie Smith Melissa Anderson Josie Breen PRIEST LIAISON Londa Hager Shar Vetter ADVANCEMENT TEAM SISTERS OF THE PRESENTATION Maria Dahlin LIAISON Lee Hoedl Janelle Pederson Janelle Pederson JPII STAFF LIAISON Joelle Shewey Colleen Fowler Michael Smith

SILENT AUCTION COMMITTEE CHAPLAIN (*Denotes Committee Chair) Fr. Charles LaCroix Melissa and Jason Mehlisch* Dani and Steve Johnson* Joanna Hoffman-Carroll Desiree Froslie RAFFLE/PADDLE CHAIRS Melissa Anderson Jim Picard


Emily Alderman Leo Hoedl Gabrielle Ries Kacie Baumler Andrew Hollingsworth Ty Sandene Kristin Carew Abby Kautzman Molly Schmidt Davis Ekman Will Kenney Mary Simon Ellen Erie Summer Kubalak Connor Smith Bryan Finneseth Wyatt Leier Andrea Vetter Jane Fischer Sam Magnotto Maggie von Ebers Joe Hagstrom Jamie Motschenbacher Kevin Wolfe Lane Hallock Madison Naylor Margaret Henning Katie Nistler 10

ST. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NETWORK BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Michael Smith Treasurer: Eugene Simon Fr. Kevin Boucher Fr. Raymond Courtright Fr. Paul Duchschere Monsignor Joseph Goering Fr. Jared Kadlec Fr. Charles LaCroix Fr. James Meyer Fr. Bert Miller Fr. Brian Moen Wanda Fischer Keith Wilson Tom Kasper Carrie Ward


Laura Alderman Wanda Fischer Amy Mathison Greg Burd Damon Herzog Joe Paul Gina Ahlers Fr. Jared Kadlec Dr. Michael Smith Dave Dietz Fr. Charles LaCroix Keith Wilson Leadership Team

Superintendent Director of Admissions & JPII Advancement Dr. Michael Smith Marketing Director Lori Hager Joelle Shewey Shanley Principal Sarah Crary Executive Administrative Auction Director Assistant & Sullivan Middle School Lee Hoedl Communications Director Principal Administrative Assistant Sherri Simon Leon Knodel Maria Dahlin Business Manager Nativity Principal Accountant Stacy Roney Cindy Hutchins Jo Astrup Activities Director Holy Spirit Principal TRIP Coordinator Michael Breker Jason Kotrba Janelle Pederson Director of Accreditation Trinity Principal Chaplain & Student Services Davonne Eldredge Fr. Charles LaCroix Mary Beth Traynor 11 JP II Faculty & Staff Meghan Aadland Amy Grinsteinner Marna Nelson Robyn Albrecht Donna Guck Chenise Nesler Kimbra Amerman Lori Hager Rachel Nistler Barry Anderson Michael Hagstrom Emily Oberg Melissa Anderson Shawn Hagstrom Shannon O’Leary Jo Astrup Mercedes Hanson Angela Olson Jill Backlund Patricia Hanson Ashley Olson Michael Bashford Erica Henderson Todd Olson Stephen Bennett Lee Hoedl Rebecca Olstad Kate Birney Erica Holo Janelle Pederson Michelle Biver Brenda Hoye Kathryn Peltier Jake Blotsky Cynthia Hutchins Lance Peltier Grace Bohanna Samantha Jochim James Picard Brenda Breen Danielle Johnson Pat Pieri Josephine Breen Luther Jones Donald Pochmara Laura Breen Maureen Kary Rebecca Raber Michael Breker Stephanie Kautzman Mary Beth Rasmussen Kari Brock Donald Kenna Gail Ringey Rachel Brophy Janice Kjera Nancy Riveland Shana Brummer Melinda Klubberud Stacy Roney Jason Brunell Leon Knodel Robert Rudenko Andrew Burns Jill Koch Lucas Rustad Anthony Carlquist Jennifer Kolesar Paul Savageau Megan Cavanagh Jessica Korynta Mercedes Sayler Jessica Christmann Eileen Koth Taryn Schlosser Dennis Cossette Jason Kotrba Sonja Schmit Ashlee Cournia Stephanie Kotta Marla Schoen Sarah Crary Rhoda Koudela Brooke Serfing Katlyn Critser McKenzie Kramer Casey Shane Timothy Cruff Bethany Krebs Joelle Shewey Allison Cyr Brenda Krueger Sheryl Simon Katherine Dabbert Fr. Charles LaCroix Joyce Skinner Maria Dahlin Jesse LaCrosse Michael Smith Christopher Dalton Raelyn Leier Jonathan Spies Patty Desharnais Anne Leonhart Bridgette Startz Janice Dollinger Elysia Libbrecht Sheldon Steen Swapna D’Silva Kathy Littlefeld Dawn Storandt Vicky Dyrdahl Roxanne Madson Jamie Telander Alyssa Ebinger Joy Magstadt Melissa Thomas Sandra Ehlke Marvel Malpert Susan Thoreson Davonne Eldredge Samantha Martel Mary Beth Traynor John Eldredge Mary Mastel Renae Vetter Jean Eppler Tammy Mattson Scott Vogel Sheila Finneman Tamara McAllister Travis Warner Christopher Foerster Mary Jo McClellan Lynette Wavra Katherine Forward Elsie McCormic Hannah Wenaas Eyvone Freyholtz Ashley McCoy Carolyn Williams-Foell Brian Geffre Shari McTaggart Kristen Wirth Courtney Gefre Kyle Middendorf Apryl Zetocha Nancy Gourde Paige Milbrandt Joshua Gow Amanda Miller Kristina Grafton Amy Mireault 12 DONORS

A Cutting Edge Gallery of Jewelry Anthony Carlquist Fr. John Aerts Carol Widman’s Candy Co. Christopher and Gina Ahlers Carpet World Aaron and Janae Alton Dr. Paul and Dr. Janine Carson Glen and Connie Altringer Catalyst Medical Center American Custom Decks & Remodeling Catholic Charities ND Paul and Margo Ames Chad Stark Marcia Anderson Children’s Museum at Yunker Farm Anonymous Donor Chris Meier Dr. Pamela Antoniuk and Cloud 9 Salon and Day Spa Stephen Kostecke Cloverdale Meats Baker Garden and Gift Mark Colliton Dr. Andrew and Dr. Rebecca Jo Bakke Concordia Volleyball Camps Michael and LaDonna Bannach Connor McGovern Ronald and Linda Beare Charles and Kelly Cooper Bell State Bank & Trust Costco Dan and Carrie Berglind Fr. Raymond Courtright Dr. Lance Bergstrom Courts Plus Community Fitness Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services Kevin and Marsha Cowles BioLife Services of Fargo, Moorhead & Brenda and David Craft West Fargo Dahl Dentistry Bison Crusaders Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Lindsey Dahl Michael and Michelle Biver Dr. Kevin and Brooke Dahl Dr. Michael and Sunny Blankinship Dakota Clinic Pharmacy Border States Electric Dale Carnegie Training Andrew Bossert Danny Bruckbauer Bryan and Pam Bossert Dawson Insurance Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors Deacon Den Fr. Kevin Boucher Shawn and Lori DeKeyser Kathleen Boucher Design Direction Ross and Bridget Bowden Designing Women 2 Russ and Betsy Boyle Taylor and Ellen DeVine Jesse Braun Dr. Scott and Amanda Diamond Todd and Laurie Braun Dave and Lori Dietz Breadsmith Diocese of Fargo Patrick and Brenda Breen Disciples of God Bremer Bank Don’s Car Washes Dr. Michael and Ellie Briggs Downtown Diva Brown & Saenger Mark and Colleen DuBord Kevin and Kari Bucholz Fr. Paul Duchschere Greg and Ann Burd Dan and Pauline Dunn Mike and Gretchen Busch Eddie and Beverly Dunn Busek Olson & Associates Tax Planning Eagle Ridge Development Preparation Eckroth Music Kent and Corinne Busek Ed’s Marine & Storage Dan and Heather Butler Dave and Paula Ekman ByteSpeed Emerson Therapeutic Massage Cahill Law Offce, P.A. Dr. John and Lori Erie Joseph and Kelly Callahan Essentia Eye Department Kevin and Kari Callahan Essentia Health CapTrust Advisors, LLC Expressway Suites 13 Eyecare Associates, PC Lee and Diann Hoedl Face & Jaw Surgery Center Mike and Karen Hofer Families of the Class of 2022 Chris and Jennifer Hoffmann Family Fare Holiday Family Wellness Holiday Inn of Fargo Fargo Country Club Holy Spirit Art Department Fargo Jet Center Homewood Suites by Hilton Fargo Inc. Dr. Justin and Dr. Melissa Horner Fargo Moorhead Opera Company Steve and Christy Huber Fargo Park District Dr. Morris and Elizabeth Hund Fargo Tire Service, Inc. Hurley’s Religious Goods Roger and Jan Fenstad Imaging Solutions, Inc. Dr. Erik and Bethany Fetner Infnite Skin Fetzer Family Chiropractic Isaak Studios First Community Credit Union J & A Custom Wood Designs First International Bank & Trust J & L Sports First Nighter Committee Jason and Sandra Jaeger Ken and Dr. Eunah Fischer Roger and Debby Jaeger FM Community Theatre Jim’s Towing FM Symphony John Paul II Catholic Schools Most Rev. John Folda Curt Johnson Frank’s Lounge Dr. Walter and Renee Johnson Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs Steve and Jacqueline Johnson Jeremy and Heidi Frie Steve and Dani Johnson Mark and Roxanne Friese John and Jody Jones Fryn’ Pan Restaurant Tim and Cheryl Jones Dr. Luis & Greta Garcia Jordahl & Associates, Inc. Garden Elegance Natural Environments Dr. Andrew Jordan Landscaping Jostens Gate City Bank JP II Advancement Offce Brian Geffre JW Kitchens Bob and Christine George Dale and Kelly Kadlec John and Valerie Gladitsch Fr. Jared Kadlec Nick and Julie Gludt Dr. Samy and Louise Karaz Msgr. Joseph Goering Kayla Walter Photography Jerry and Gail Gores Dr. Anne Keating and Alan Fowler Grain Designs Dr. Michael Keim Deb Grant Dr. Thomas and Mary Kay Kempf Tim and Jill Graveline Dr. Emmet and Diane Kenney Anna and Marc Grothmann Kochmann Brothers Homes Dr. Dubert and Dr. Roanne Guerrero Jason and Lynn Kotrba Dr. Thomas Haldis Ken and Tina Kraft Dr. Brian and Maribel Hamm Rob and Kamie Kueneman Haney’s Photography Dr. Craig and Anna Kuhlmann Justin and Tonya Hannesson Lafarge Dakota, Inc. Carl and Mercedes Hanson Lakeaholic Clothing Company Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops Laney’s, Inc. Happy Joe’s Dr. Steve and Teri Lantz Dr. Jeffrey Harvey Steven and Dr. Patricia Laqua Michael & Lisa Harvey LeeAnne’s Bridal and Bliss Prom Heather Heger Francis and Barb Leier Scott and Maria Hennen Mike and Angie Lepine Dr. John and Virginia Hicks Li’l Whipper Snippers 14 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld Marilyn and Rusty Ouart Mable’s Taste of Home Oxbow Country Club Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland Papa Murphy’s Steve and Cindy Magnuson Joseph and Sandra Paul Dr. H.S. Manjunath and Dr. Bangalore Scott and Melissa Paul Vijayalakshmi Dan and Janelle Pederson Dr. Saakwa and Veronica Mante Dr. Peggy Mickelson Maring Williams Law Offce Lance and Robin Peltier Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison Dr. Boris Perencevic Dr. Chris and Liz Mathison Petro Serve USA Dr. Peter and Sara Mathison Dr. Bruce and Cathy Piatt Greg and Angie McCormick Dr. John and Sharon Pollard Keith and Rondi McGovern Prairie Oral Surgery Shawn and Nola McNeally Presentation Sisters Dev. Foundation Chris and Karin Meier Pro Lawn Mellon Capital Management Pro Rehab Physical & Occupational Corporation Therapy Fr. Kyle Metzger Michael and Rebecca Raber Mexican Village RDO Equipment Co. David and Candace Meyer Real Presence Radio Am 1370 Dr. Daniel Mickelson and Red River Dance & Performing Co. Dr. Kimberly Kelly Red River Valley Fair Association Todd and Dr. Peggy Mickelson Red River Zoological Society Microsoft Aaron Reinholz and Midwest Radio Teresa Reinholz, PA-C Regan and Amanda Miller Rejuv Skin & Laser Clinic Twins Paul and Mary Jo Richard Fr. Brian Moen Daniel Rieger and Brian and Michelle Moore Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger Moorhead Country Club Jerry and Sharon Ries Brad and Jill Motschenbacher Robert Gibb & Sons, Inc. MSUM Straw Hat Players Clifton and Donna Rodenburg Nathaniel and Dr. Jennifer Mullally Roger Maris Golf Tournament MULLYANNO Committee National Investment Services, Inc. Regan and Renae Rohl Christopher Nerre and Nicole Welle Nerre Stacy and Brian Roney Newman Outdoor Advertising Rothschild Asset Management Inc. Kyle and Tara Newman Royal Jewelers, Inc. Nichole’s Fine Pastry Dave St. Peter Rodger Nichols Troy and Roxane Salonen Elizabeth Nilles Dr. Jerome and Evie Sampson Steve and Cindy Noack Jeff and Dana Sandene Andrew Noah Joseph and Toni Sandin Gretchen and Mark Noah Paul and Geneva Noah Sanford Orthopedics and Sports John & Mary Noah families Medicine Nodak Mutual Insurance Company Timothy and Lori Sayler Northern Home Furniture & Design Rosemary Schatz Northern Plains Distributing Scheels All Sport Rod Oksendahl Scherling Photography David and Jolette Olig Schmit Brothers Construction, Inc. Olivieri’s Ronnie and Jill Schneider Terry and Kathy Olson Betty Lou Scott 15 Dan and Bernadine Seefeldt United Automotive Tech Center Jason and Jackie Seger University of Mary Shane Alderman US Bank National Association Shanley Art Department Val Luistro Shanley Tongues of Fire Valley Imports Marc and Sue Shannon Valley Lights Shane Sharpe Veterans Administration Hospital Brett and Joelle Shewey Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Silsby Lake Lodge Dr. John Vinych Gene and Sherri Simon VISIONBank Simonson Station Stores Paul and Jill von Ebers Chad and Jessica Skarperud Dr. Thomas and Angie Wambach Smashburger Kent and Lisa Wanner Dr. Daniel and Norita Smith Ward Muscatell Automotive Group, Inc. Edward and Nicole Snyder WCM Investment Management Brent and Brenda Srejma WDAY TV Stained Glass Workshop H. Patrick and Kathy Weir Stenerson Lumber Christine and Jeremy Welsand Jon and Erin Strand Western State Bank Subway Sandwiches Keith and Julie Wilson Suntana Wimmer’s Diamonds Sweeney Cleaners Clinton and Allison Wolf Todd and Lynn Swenson Mark and Nancy Wolfe Dr. Mickey and Sara Syrquin Kevin and Brenda Wolf Tecta America Dakotas Greenberg Victor Wade Wolf and Donna Gray Roofng Dr. Aaron and Michelle Wright Ten Little Chickens Photography Sarah and Vince Wuebker Terry Becker Construction Mark Yaggie Matt and Tracy Tharaldson YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties The Beach on 32nd by Gwen Watson Yuppy Puppy The Blenders Angela Zentner The Fargo Force Zerr Berg Architects The Haberdashery The RLE Group The Source Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation John and Amanda Thomas Michael and Molly Thomas Tim Jacobson dr. Stephen and Mae Tinguely Tracy Cater Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Pat and Jamie Traynor Trinity Art Department Byron Trochman Trollwood Performing Arts School TrueNorth Steel Tubs of Fun Turfworks Lawn Care Two Woolly Chicks... and a Gopher Mitten Co. Jeremy Ulmer and Tosha Ulmer, NP Uncle Maddio’s Pizza 16 PRE-PARTY DONORS

Aaron & Janae Alton Brad & Jill Motschenbacher Charles & Kelly Cooper Terry & Kathy Olson Dan & Pauline Dunn Joseph & Sandra Paul Roger & Jan Fenstad Timothy & Lori Sayler Erik & Bethany Fetner Brett & Joelle Shewey Keith & Wanda Fischer Richard & Sharmae Vetter Carl & Mercedes Hanson Paul & Jill von Ebers Lee & Diann Hoedl H. Patrick & Kathy Weir Jordahl & Associates, Inc. Western State Bank Emmet & Diane Kenney Clinton & Allison Wolf Todd & Peggy Mickelson Kevin & Brenda Wolf

CASH DONORS Aaron & Janae Alton Zerr Berg Architects Anonymous Donor Area Attorney Group Bremer Bank Cahill Law Offce, P.A. Boulger Funeral Home Dawson Insurance Kevin & Kari Bucholz Dan & Pauline Dunn Mark & Colleen DuBord Eddie & Beverly Dunn Roger & Jan Fenstad Mark & Roxanne Friese Nick & Julie Gludt Steve & Jacqueline Johnson Michael & Lisa Harvey Maring Williams Law Offce Carl & Mercedes Hanson Shawn & Nola McNeally Chad Jetvig Steve & Cindy Noack Tim & Cheryl Jones Clifton & Donna Rodenburg Mellon Capital Management Joseph & Toni Sandin Corporation Michael & Molly Thomas National Investment Services, Inc. Area Dentist Group Elizabeth Nilles Dahl Dentistry Andrew Noah Face & Jaw Surgery Center Paul and Geneva Noah Dr. Michael Keim Rothschild Asset Management Inc. Dr. Brian & Jenny Mathison Betty Lou Scott Dr. Chris & Liz Mathison Marc & Sue Shannon Dr. Peter & Sara Mathison Tecta America Dakotas Greenberg Dr. John & Sharon Pollard Roofng Prairie Oral Surgery Terry Becker Construction Class of 2022 TrueNorth Steel Christopher & Gina Ahlers WCM Investment Management Michael & LaDonna Bannach Yuppy Puppy Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services 17 Michael & Michelle Biver Dr. John & Virginia Hicks Russ & Betsy Boyle Dr. Walter & Renee Johnson Patrick & Brenda Breen Dr. Anne Keating & Alan Fowler Mike & Gretchen Busch Dr. Thomas & Mary Kay Kempf Brenda & David Craft Dr. Craig & Anna Kuhlmann Taylor & Ellen DeVine Dr. Steve & Teri Lantz Jeremy & Heidi Frie Steven & Dr. Patricia Laqua Jerry & Gail Gores Dr. H.S. Manjunath & Tim & Jill Graveline Dr. Bangalore Vijayalakshmi Anna & Marc Grothmann Dr. Saakwa & Veronica Mante Lee & Diann Hoedl Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Jason & Sandra Jaeger Dr. Kimberly Kelly Roger & Debby Jaeger Nathaniel & Dr. Jennifer Mullally Steve & Dani Johnson Dr. Boris Perencevic Jason & Lynn Kotrba Daniel Rieger & Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger Ken & Tina Kraft Dr. Jerome & Evie Sampson Rob & Kamie Kueneman Timothy & Lori Sayler Dr. Chris & Liz Mathison Dr. Daniel & Norita Smith Shawn & Nola McNeally Dr. Mickey & Sara Syrquin Regan & Amanda Miller Dr. Richard & Sharmae Vetter Brian & Michelle Moore Dr. John Vinych Marilyn & Rusty Ouart Dr. Aaron & Michelle Wright Scott & Melissa Paul John Deere Electronic Solutions Regan & Renae Rohl Group Ronnie & Jill Schneider Paul & Margo Ames Jason & Jackie Seger Andrew Bossert Edward & Nicole Snyder Bryan & Pam Bossert Brent & Brenda Srejma Jesse Braun Kent & Lisa Wanner Todd & Laurie Braun Keith & Julie Wilson Kevin & Marsha Cowles Clinton & Allison Wolf John & Amanda Thomas Mark Yaggie Mark & Nancy Wolfe Essentia Health Group Microsoft Group Dr. Pamela Antoniuk & Christopher & Gina Ahlers Stephen Kostecke Dr. Michael & Sunny Blankinship Glen & Connie Altringer Dr. Michael & Ellie Briggs Dale & Kelly Kadlec Joseph & Kelly Callahan Stacy & Brian Roney Kevin & Kari Callahan Dan & Bernadine Seefeldt Dakota Clinic Pharmacy Jon & Erin Strand Dr. John & Lori Erie Todd & Lynn Swenson 18 Charles & Tammy Wheelock Dr. Justin & Dr. Melissa Horner Past Auction Chairs & Directors Dr. Andrew Jordan Group Dr. Samy & Louise Karaz Ronald & Linda Beare Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dan & Heather Butler Dr. Kimberly Kelly Keith & Rondi McGovern Todd & Dr. Peggy Mickelson Paul & Jill von Ebers Dr. Tom & Kim Noah Sanford Healthcare Providers Group Dr. Bruce & Cathy Piatt Anonymous Donor Aaron & Teresa Reinholz, PA-C Dr. Andrew & Dr. Rebecca Jo Bakke Dr. Stephen & Mae Tinguely Dr. Paul & Dr. Janine Carson Dr. Michael & Mary Beth Traynor Dr. Mark Colliton Jeremy & Tosha Ulmer, NP Dr. Benjamin & Dr. Lindsey Dahl Veterans Administration Hospital Dr. Kevin & Brooke Dahl Group Dr. Scott & Amanda Diamond Disciples of God Dr. Erik & Bethany Fetner Dr. Keith & Wanda Fischer Dr. Matt & Julie Friederichs Ken & Dr. Eunah Fischer Dr. Luis & Greta Garcia John & Jody Jones Dr. Dubert & Dr. Roanne Guerrero Jerry & Sharon Ries Dr. Thomas Haldis Dr. Thomas & Angie Wambach Dr. Brian & Maribel Hamm

Thank you A very special “Thank You” to all our Donors. We urge everyone connected with the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools Network to patronize the retail merchants who have been so generous to us and are vital to the success of our Auction. Please express appreciation to them, on our behalf, for their loyal support. 19 Rules and Procedures

ALL AUCTIONS Unless otherwise specifed, all Auction items and services must be used within one year. Please be considerate of our generous donors when redeeming certifcates and other donations. Values listed in this catalog are donor stated values or ap- praisals, and as such are not warranted for tax purposes or for general use.

Payment for items may be made at the cashier’s desk located in the Atrium. Pay- ment may be made with cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.

All items must be paid for and picked up by the end of the evening. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. THERE WILL BE NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON ITEMS EXCEPT WHERE SPECI- FIED. After paying for auction items bring the receipt to the Harvest Hall for help in picking up items. SILENT AUCTION

The Silent Auction begins at 4:30 pm in the HARVEST HALL. Auction item signage is located next to each item and corresponds to the text bidding category and number.

Auction signage and its corresponding item must remain on the display table. To bid on the Silent Auction, you will utilize the text bidding process set up for the Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction. Text the word DEACON to 71760 and your assigned bidder number to begin bidding.

The Silent Auction in the Harvest Hall will have staggered closings in the various auction categories. Please refer to page 6 for those staggered closings. Winning bidders of specifc Silent Auction items will be notifed to their specifc phone after the automated text bidding process is closed. Guests may visit the Atrium registration area to inquire further about the results of a particular Silent Auction item. In the event of fnal rapid bidding on a particular item, the automated text bidding process will have a “soft closing” until there is a 60-second pause in that bidding; the bidding will then close and the item will go to the highest bidder.


We are pleased to include the DEACON SELECT feature in the 2016 Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction. These goods and services are of extraordinary quality and value. The Deacon Select is presented in the same silent bid format/text bidding process as the Silent Auction.

The DAKOTA HALL opens at 4:30 pm to allow bidding on Deacon Select Auction items. Auction item signage is located next to each item and corresponds to the text bidding category and number. Auction signage and its corresponding item must remain on the display table.

The Deacon Select Auction closes at 7:45 pm, before the start of the Live Auction. Winning bidders of specifc Deacon Select Auction items will be notifed to their specifc phone after the automated text bidding process is closed. Guests may visit the Atrium registration area to inquire further about the results of a particular Deacon Select Auction item. In the event of fnal rapid bidding on a particular item, the automated text bidding process will have a “soft closing” until there is a 60-second pause in that bidding; the bidding will then close and the item will go to the highest bidder. LIVE AUCTION

The Great Hall opens at 6:00 pm to allow viewing of Live Auction items. The Live Auction begins at 8:00 pm. Each Live Auction item is numbered and listed in your catalog.

The Master of Ceremonies or the Auctioneer will call out the number and give a brief description of the item. The Auctioneer will then open the bidding. Bidders can raise the bid by raising their bidder cards in order to be seen by the Auctioneer or “spotters.” 21 RAFFLE

Purchase price of a raffe ticket is $20. A single raffe ticket gives the purchaser the opportunity to win. The drawings will be made and winners announced during the evening as follows:

7:00 PM ...... $500 Hornbacher’s Gift Card

8:00 PM ...... $500 West Acres Gift Card

Winners must be present to win, and must show their matching ticket, or a new winner will be drawn. Each winning ticket will be placed back into the drawing for a chance to win the remaining prizes. Claim your prize at the cashier’s table located in the Atrium next to Dakota Hall. [City of Fargo Permit #R00012-15]. PADDLE GAME

Purchase price of a paddle is $20. A single paddle gives the purchaser the opportunity to play and win. The Paddle Game is a simple game of heads or tails. During this evening’s games, participants will hold up their paddle and guess the fip of the Auction coin, with their guess of heads (John Paul II profle) or tails (Shanley shield) facing away from themselves. Participants will continue through each round of the game if their guess matches the tossed coin. The game will continue until there is only one winner. There will be two chances to win: at the beginning of the Live Auction and after the JPII Special Projects. Be ready to win.

[City of Fargo Permit #R0012-15] 22 BUY-IN PARTIES Buy-In Parties

1500 Wine Tasting and Hospitality with Aonair Winery

Calling all wine lovers! This exclusive buy-in party is for people wanting a true taste of Napa Valley, right here in Fargo. This once-in-a-lifetime event will be hosted at the home of Keith and Rondi McGovern on the evening of Monday, August 8, 2016. Grant Long, proprietor of Aonair Winery in Napa Valley, will be present for the evening to share with guests his story about growing up in the wine region. His dynamic and contagious personality are only slightly shadowed by the elegant and bold vintages he creates and what led him to running one of Napa Valley’s most coveted boutique win- eries. A complete wine tasting and demonstration, along with elegant hors d’oeuvres, will be served in a casual and fun setting. Please join us for an evening of fun conversation and premium wine selections. An event that is not available anywhere else! For more information please visit His limited production wines are not available for purchase anywhere outside of his winery. These wines WILL be available for purchase on this one evening. This buy-in party is reserved for the frst 20 couples who sign up.

$500 Per Couple Dan & Heather Butler, Keith & Rondi McGovern, Grant Long, Proprietor of Aonair Winery

1501 Backyard BBQ Buy-In Party

Dave and Paula Ekman invite you to enjoy a casual evening of fun, food and friends at a Backyard BBQ at their home on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. This tasty meal will be catered by Cloverdale Meats and the event is limited to the frst 70 persons. So sign up quickly!

$75 Per Person/$150 Per Couple Cloverdale Meats Dave and Paula Ekman %JWJTJPOTPG#SJHIU*EFBT *OD


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SILENT AUCTION 29 Handcrafts

Arts & Handcrafts Arts &

100 Handcrafted Wooden Pen

Sign your name in style using this elegant handcrafted pen.

$100 David and Jolette Olig

101 Handcrafted “Betty Bag”

Add a unique touch to your outft with this handcrafted purse in shades of brown.

$20 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

102 Handcrafted Pen

Shanley teacher, Brian Geffre, has once again created this pen espe- cially for the Shanley Dinner Auction. A touch of elegance can grace your desk with this one-of-a-kind ballpoint wood pen. The light colored maple is a remnant of the Shanley basketball foor. Own a small piece of Shanley history.

$35 Brian Geffre

103 Jungle Animals Baby Quilt and Burp Cloth

This soft baby quilt with a neutral jungle print and a coordinating burp cloth would make a great gift.

$45 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

104 Handcrafted Tiger Maple Pepper Mill

Season your dishes in style with this elegant handmade pepper mill.

$125 David and Jolette Olig

105 Handcrafted Bottle Opener

Enjoy your favorite beverages with this stunning wood bottle opener.

$100 David and Jolette Olig

106 DB Pottery Bowl

A beautifully crafted bowl in neutrals that was made by Shanley gradu- ate, Danny Bruckbauer. It is safe to put food in or is a great decorative piece.

$50 Danny Bruckbauer 30 SILENT AUCTION 107 “Mary’s Roses” Photography Art

Arts & This breathtaking 27 1/2” X 39 1/2” custom-framed art piece captures

Handcrafts nature’s beauty at its best.

$175 Fr. John Aerts

108 Handcrafted Wine Stopper

Enjoy this beautifully handcrafted wine stopper.

$75 David and Jolette Olig

109 Handcrafted “Betty Bag”

Add a unique touch to your outft with this handcrafted purse in black with red and silver detailing.

$20 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

110 Handcrafted, Knit Scarf with NDSU T-shirt

This handcrafted, knit scarf, along with a “5X National Champions” t-shirt, will be great additions to your NDSU attire.

$40 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

111 I Love Grandma Baby Blanket

This beautiful, handmade baby blanket will be a great gift for grand- ma’s house.

$40 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

112 Scrapbooking Basket

Save precious Christmas memories with this Creative Memories Christ- mas Joy 12” X 12” album, plus 32 pages and protectors. The package also includes a tape runner and a journaling pen.

$115 Paul and Mary Jo Richard

113 NDSU Wooden Wine Bottle Holder

Handmade oak wooden wine bottle holder with the NDSU Bison carved on it. This is a unique way to display your wine.

$30 Hurley’s Religious Goods SILENT AUCTION 31 Handcrafts

114 Stretched Canvas Artwork “VISAGE 2016: The Deacon” Arts &

Cherish a wonderful part of the 32nd Anniversary Shanley Dinner Auc- tion: a one-of-a-kind stretched canvas artwork of the 2016 catalog cover entitled “VISAGE 2016: The Deacon.” This artwork is a vibrant photomosaic of our students, representing the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools value statement: “A community inspiring excellence through faith, learning and service.”

Priceless Anonymous

115 Turtle Baby Blanket

This adorable turtle themed blanket would make a fantastic gift for that special baby in your life.

$75 Marcia Anderson

116 ABC Baby Quilt

Bundle up your little one in this beautiful ABC baby blanket.

$40 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

117 Apron and Potholders

This red and blue patterned apron and potholder will look great the next time you entertain.

$22 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

118 Handcrafted Knit Scarf

Handcrafted knitted white and silver scarf add the perfect touch to your winter attire.

$25 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

119 Wheel Thrown Bowl

A beautiful wheel thrown bowl made by students in SHS art class.

$25 Shanley Art Department

120 “Holy Innocence” Artwork

Forever timeless, this beautiful piece is a classic in Catholic art. Measur- ing 7 1/2” X 14 1/2”, it will add a special touch to any room.

$107 Fr. Jared Kadlec 32 SILENT AUCTION 121 Slumped Wine Bottle

Made by Shanley art students, this slumped wine bottle with painted Arts &

Handcrafts “Shanley Deacons” wall decor is a unique one-of-a-kind piece.

$40 Shanley Art Department

122 Wooden NDSU Championship Clock

This soft maple clock measuring 13” X 20” with the Ol’ Snorty logo displayed as the face of an 11” X 11” clock. The bottom of the clock commemorates the Bison record breaking fve straight National Football Championships.

$65 J & A Custom Wood Designs

123 Handmade Oak Cross

Own this beautiful handmade 15” oak cross.

$150 Hurley’s Religious Goods

124 Wooden Fighting Sioux Clock

This soft maple clock measuring 13” X 20” with the Fighting Sioux logo displayed as the face of an 11” X 11” clock. The bottom of the clock commemorates the Fighting Sioux seven National Hockey Champion- ships, as well as the birth and retirement years of the very beloved logo.

$60 J & A Custom Wood Designs

125 Fighting Sioux Wooden Coasters

Set of six coasters with holder displaying the Fighting Sioux logo and name.

$24 J & A Custom Wood Designs

126 NDSU Bison Wooden Coasters

Set of six coasters with holder displaying the Bison National Champion- ship logo.

$24 J & A Custom Wood Designs

127 Framed Original Watercolor

“Quiet Lake on the Prairie” is a framed 11” X 14” original watercolor by Rosemary (Newman) Schatz, Shanley Class of 1966.

$50 Rosemary Schatz SILENT AUCTION 33 Handcrafts

128 Apron and Potholders Arts &

This yellow and blue patterned apron with matching potholders will look great the next time you entertain your family and friends.

$25 Morris and Elizabeth Hund

129 Adult Coloring Book Basket

Coloring books are no longer just for the kids. In fact, adult coloring books are all the rage right now.

$50 Anna and Marc Grothmann

130 Set of Mugs

One-of-a-kind wheel thrown set of mugs made by Shanley junior, Jack Hager.

$35 Shanley Art Department

131 “Jackpot” Mounted Print

Own this 24” X 36” mounted print captured by Rebecca Raber of the iconic, downtown Fargo Theatre sign.

$50 Michael and Rebecca Raber 34 SILENT AUCTION Fashion 200 La Fiorentina Grey Rvana

This beautiful charcoal grey cape with a delicate ruffe edge could be yours.

$150 Generous Cash Donors Fashions 201 Blue “Lakeaholic” Tee-Shirt This size large blue Lakeaholic t-shirt is perfect for your next relaxation day.

$25 Lakeaholic Clothing Company

202 Grey Hooded Sweatshirt

Keep warm and comfy at the lake with this soft grey Lakeaholic sweat- shirt, size L.

$50 Lakeaholic Clothing Company

203 Grey Underarmour Sweatshirt with Red Hood

Be warm and ready for any weather with this grey and red hooded sweatshirt, size L.

$65 The Haberdashery

204 Necklace and Earring Set

Add some “bling” to your dress with this beautiful jewelry set, including necklace and earrings.

$40 LeeAnne’s Bridal and Bliss Prom

205 Real Presence Radio Jacket and Sangean Radio

This package includes a Sangean FM/AM digital receiver and an XL, black jacket with the Real Presence logo. The jacket may be ex- changed for another size.

$110 Real Presence Radio Am 1370

206 Jostens Class Ring Gift Certifcate

Use this certifcate toward the purchase of a class ring from Josten’s.

$150 Jostens

207 Vera Wang Women’s Sunglasses

“Get a load of these bedazzled peeps!”

$198 Eyecare Associates, PC SILENT AUCTION 35 208 Roger Maris Golf Shirt and Baseball Hat

Look good on the links with this navy blue golf polo shirt, men’s XL and baseball hat.

$85 Roger Maris Golf Tournament Committee Fashions

209 Fabulous Evening Bag and Earrings

Let your “Diva” shine with this fabulous beaded evening bag, earrings and a $20 gift certifcate!

$83 Downtown Diva

210 Mother/Daughter Handmade One-of-a-Kind Mittens

Warm your hands and melt your heart with these adorable matching mother/daughter wool mittens. The cute buttons add a special touch. The toddler pair fts up to age three.

$60 Two Woolly Chicks... and a Gopher Mitten Co.

211 Black Mens Pro Polaris Jacket

This jacket is designed for the most demanding rider who scoffs at cold, snow and extreme conditions. Mens’ XXL

$350 Steve and Cindy Magnuson

212 Maui Jim Sunglasses

Get ready for sunny days with these fantastic Maui Jim sunglasses. Maui Jim sunglasses have patented Polarized Plus 2 technology with the most advanced glare protection available. They eliminate glare and turn up the color, making every day experiences richer and more colorful. This pair will look great on both men and women. Maui Jim fabric cleaning cloth and case included.

$289 Essentia Eye Department

213 Roger Maris Golf Shirt and Baseball Cap

The perfect shirt and cap for your next golf outing. This button up Men’s XL tan shirt and white baseball cap with the 61/’61 celebrity golf insignia are a great pair.

$85 Roger Maris Golf Tournament Committee

214 “Faith” Necklace

This one-of-a-kind handmade necklace was made by Gwen Watson of The Beach on 32nd. The hand stamped metal is complimented by a hand stamped cross with heart and crystal charms.

$45 Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter 36 SILENT AUCTION 215 Skagen Jewelry Set

Skagen Denmark earrings, pendant necklace, and ring set.

$140 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland

216 NDSU Bison Football Necklace

Fashions Your Bison spirit will show with this beautiful NDSU Bison football necklace from Royal Jewelers. The adorable “NDSU Bison” football charm is on an 18” sterling silver snake chain.

$250 Paul and Jill von Ebers

217 Black Wool Cashmere Cape Wrap yourself in this fashionable black wool cashmere cape with belt.

$150 Aaron & Janae Alton, Anonymous Donor, Bremer Bank,

218 Skagen Watch

The Skagen Denmark watch collections refect creative Danish spirit with clean, elegant designs, skillful craftsmanship, and technical perfec- tion.

$100 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland

219 Cascading Vest

A perfect piece to complete your dressy or casual look. Soft grey leath- er outside with faux fur inside.

$150 Generous Cash Donors SILENT AUCTION 37 Food & Beverage 300 Pastries and Pans of Deliciousness Are you devoted to dessert? Enjoy delicious and beautiful creations from Nichole’s Pastry Shop and you can use these four mini 4” spring- form pans to create the perfect dessert.

$75 Generous Cash Donors and Nichole’s Fine Pastry

301 The Healthy Workout and Meal Combo Beverage Enjoy a healthy workout with this YMCA dryft t-shirt and then eat Food & healthy with this $50 Subway gift card.

$60 Subway Sandwiches YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties

302 Fryin’ Pan Gift Certifcate

Take a break from cooking and enjoy this package which includes four meals of your choice. Expires: 04/30/17.

$48 Fryn’ Pan Restaurant

303 Widman’s Chippers

This certifcate is good for fve one-pound boxes of Carol Widman’s famous Chippers.

$95 Carol Widman’s Candy Co.

304 Papa Murphy’s Gift Basket

Take-N-Bake Pizza basket includes pizza cutter, spices and a gift certif- cate for a family size pizza. Dinner is served.

$75 Papa Murphy’s

305 Subway Gift Certifcate

Eat fresh with this Subway Sandwiches and Salads gift card. Expires: 04/29/17.

$50 Subway Sandwiches

306 Mexican Village Gift Certifcates

Enjoy dinner at Fargo’s premier Mexican Restaurant. These certifcates are redeemable at both locations. Expires: 04/29/17.

$50 Mexican Village 38 SILENT AUCTION 307 Farm Fresh Fresh Eggs for 3 Months

Why choose farm fresh eggs? The benefts are: 1/3 less cholesterol, 1/4 less saturated fat, 2/3 more vitamin A and many more. Enjoy up to four dozen eggs per month for three months.

$60 Jason and Lynn Kotrba

308 Smashburger Gift Certifcates

These fve certifcates for a free entrée will keep the kids happy and their stomachs full. “Smashed fresh. Served delicious.” Expires: 05/01/17 Food &

Beverage $30 Smashburger

309 Tastefully Simple Gift Basket

Enjoy the most current Tastefully Simple assortment of products.

$120 Jason and Sandra Jaeger

310 Breadsmith Basket-Bread Each Month

Treat your family to this basket of specialty items and a gift card for one bread a month for a year (12).

$125 Breadsmith

311 Mable’s Taste of Home Gift Basket

Enjoy a wonderful assortment of North Dakota products.

$25 Mable’s Taste of Home

312 Chocolate Bar

Finally, a candy bar big enough to satisfy even the biggest chocolate craving.

$40 Rodger Nichols

313 Chocolate Bar

Finally, a candy bar big enough to satisfy even the biggest chocolate craving.

$40 Rodger Nichols

314 Dipping Oils Basket

Enjoy the wonderful favors of Breadsmith Bread with this basket which includes traditional balsamic vinegar, Tuscan Herb infused olive oil, Cranberry Pear white balsamic vinegar, a bread warmer, four dipping sauces, dipping seasonings and a $10 gift card to Breadsmith.

$70 Kent and Corinne Busek SILENT AUCTION 39 315 Widman’s Chippers

This certifcate is good for fve one-pound boxes of Carol Widman’s famous Chippers.

$95 Carol Widman’s Candy Co.

316 Widman’s Chippers

This certifcate is good for fve one-pound boxes of Carol Widman’s Beverage famous Chippers. Food &

$95 Carol Widman’s Candy Co.

317 Mullyanno’s Gift Certifcate

This certifcate is good towards fve pounds of “Authentic Italian Style” sausage. The sausage is federally inspected and processed by “Spring Prairie Meats” in Hawley, MN. Sausage is available in one pound pack- ages in either bulk or link form.

$35 Mullyanno

318 Mullyanno’s Gift Certifcate

This certifcate is good towards fve pounds of “Authentic Italian Style” sausage. The sausage is federally inspected and processed by “Spring Prairie Meats” in Hawley, MN. Sausage is available in one pound pack- ages in either bulk or link form.

$35 Mullyanno

319 New York Yankees Bottle of Wine

In New York City, the brand of the New York Yankees remains appeal- ing to many, so a bottle of wine representing the likes of Maris, Mantle, Berra, Gehrig, etc., is a great addition to a wine lovers cellar. Produced in New York with the famous pinstripe Yankee logo.

$40 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld 40 SILENT AUCTION Health & Beauty 400 Personalized Makeover

Get rid of any remaining signs of winter’s dry skin with a relaxation facial. Enjoy a beautiful glow and be ready for spring and summer. And while you’re at it, take a break from your busy schedule and relax with a jet- ted pedicure. This is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day or any occasion.

$90 Cloud 9 Salon and Day Spa

401 Fetzer Family Chiropractic Basket

Enjoy a relaxing evening with this basket that includes an Applebee’s gift card, a bottle of wine and gift certifcate for massage.

$100 Fetzer Family Chiropractic Beauty Health & 402 Courts Plus Community Fitness Membership

You will receive a three month, individual ftness membership. Enjoy group ftness, cycling classes, two weight rooms, a walking/running track and much more.

$150 Courts Plus Community Fitness

403 Suntana Gift Certifcates

This package includes two certifcates for sunless sprays tans. Expires: 04/30/17.

$70 Suntana

404 Emerson Therapeutic Massage

Need to relax? Enjoy a sixty-fve minute massage after a long day.

$65 Emerson Therapeutic Massage

405 Mary Kay Basket

Pamper yourself with this beautiful assortment of Mary Kay products.

$200 Steve and Christy Huber

406 One-Month Membership at Family Wellness

Get in shape with a one-month individual or family membership to Fami- ly Wellness. Expires: 08/01/16.

$90 Family Wellness SILENT AUCTION 41 407 Beauty Bag

You will enjoy this bag of products that includes O-P-I hand and body lotion, Unite detangler, and Redken hair spray.

$80 Anonymous Donor

408 Philips Sonicare Toothbrush

Keep your smile looking great with the #1 recommended professional toothbrush.

$220 Face & Jaw Surgery Center

409 Li’l Whipper Snippers Haircut Health & Beauty Have your child looking stylish with a haircut from Li’l Whipper Snippers. This package includes two certifcates each good for one haircut. Ex- pires: 04/30/17.

$34 Li’l Whipper Snippers

410 One-Month Membership at Family Wellness

Get in shape with a one-month individual or family membership to Fami- ly Wellness. Expires: 08/31/16.

$90 Family Wellness

411 Relaxation Basket

Pamper yourself with a one-hour massage with Jerry Wendel Daub at Pro Rehab. When you’re done with your massage head over to Cari- bou for a treat. Expires: 12/31/16.

$100 Pro Rehab Physical & Occupational Therapy

412 Suntana Gift Certifcates

This package includes two certifcates for sunless sprays tans. Expires: 04/30/17.

$70 Suntana

413 Suntana Gift Certifcates

This package includes two certifcates for sunless sprays tans. Expires: 04/30/17.

$70 Suntana 42 SILENT AUCTION 414 Professional Makeup Brush Set

Facebase incredible 12-piece professional makeup brush set with the perfect travel case.

$189 Generous Cash Donors

415 Haircut and Color by Val at The Source Enjoy a haircut and color by Val at The Source. Expires: 12/31/16.

$90 Val Luistro

416 Get Ready for Summer With Rodan+Fields

Rodan+Fields broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen protects you without feeling sticky or greasy. The daily body moisturizer will keep you mois- turized all day long. And use the $50 gift certifcate towards items from

Beauty Rodan+Fields skincare product line and experience the results you are Health & looking for and then some!

$98 Tracy Cater SILENT AUCTION 43 Electronics, Offce & Auto 500 Ward Muscatell Gift Certifcates and Polo Golf Shirts

Two $75 gift certifcates that can be used towards merchandise or ser- vices at any of three Muscatell locations. Also includes two Subaru golf shirts.

$200 Ward Muscatell Automotive Group, Inc.

501 Don’s Car Washes

Keep your car clean with 10 full-service car washes. Expires: 04/30/17.

$190 Don’s Car Washes

502 Oil Change Certifcate Package

Keep your vehicle running smoothly with this package of fve oil chang- Offce & Auto

es to use at any of our three locations. Includes up to fve quarts of oil, Electronics, flter and labor.

$140 United Automotive Tech Center

503 Petro Serve Car Washes

Have your car sparkling clean with these certifcates good for nine car washes. Expires: 04/30/17.

$72 Petro Serve USA

504 Holiday Station Car Wash Certifcates

Keep your car looking brand new with two books of four car washes each to use at any Holiday Gas Station.

$56 Holiday

505 Simonson Station Stores Car Wash Certifcates

Make your car sparkle with “Red Wash” soft and gentle car wash certif- cates. Good for 10 car washes.

$80 Simonson Station Stores

506 Fargo Tire Certifcate

Apply this certifcate towards any merchandise for a value of $300. Expires: 01/16/17.

$300 Fargo Tire Service, Inc. 44 SILENT AUCTION 507 Bluetooth Speaker

Have your favorite music playing anytime, anywhere with this JBL FLIP3 portable Bluetooth speaker. With 10 hours of playtime, splash proof resis- tance and wireless.

$100 First Community Credit Union

508 Cell Phone

Need a new cell phone? This grey AT&T LG G4 is perfect.

$599 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland Electronics, Offce & Auto SILENT AUCTION 45 JPII/Shanley Showcase 600 Glass Christmas Tree

I love Christmas decor. In California, we found a Christmas tree of glass with tiny ornaments that you can hang in any fashion and display on a tabletop or mantle. It is about 5” tall.

$30 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

601 Memories of Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach is a beautiful place to relax. With two beautiful blue glass hot or cold beverage mugs and his/her baseball-style caps bearing the logo, you feel like you are in southern California.

$101 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

602 One-of-a-kind Necklace

My favorite piece is a one-of-a-kind necklace that I bought in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The clasp is sterling silver. The glass beads refect light differ- ently depending on what one wears. It shows hints of gold, silver, black, gray and green. JPII/Shanley Showcase $70 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

603 Creativity Rattle

In Manhattan, Kansas, I found a little metallic painted treasure that is known as a “creativity rattle”. There is a little booklet explaining the in- spiration for this keepsake. It awakens an individual’s sense of creativity.

$22 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

604 Limited Edition Tree Painting

Chicago has numerous art galleries. The photograph that we bought in a small gallery is signed and numbered by the artist. It is a photo of a gorgeous tree. But he uses some other artistic process to elaborate on the color that contrasts with the light/dark of the photo.

$25 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

605 Water Color Hawaii Painting

A water color painting from Hawaii that represents the beauty of the islands. It is numbered and signed by the artist.

$37 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld 46 SILENT AUCTION 606 Hand-Carved Walking Stick

A simple, but beautiful hand-carved walking stick from the hollows of Tennessee. The hickory wood shows contrasting dark/light grains in a twisting form.

$28 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

607 Ireland Baseball Cap

The good luck of the Irish can be yours when you wear this “Ireland” cap from the Littlefeld’s travels to Ireland.

$15 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

608 Purse and Earrings

In Oregon, recycling, conservation, and organics describe a very envi- ronmentally-conscious state. In Portland, I bought a cool cloth “purse” with a subtle image of a dragonfy in an aquamarine color. The earrings are dragonfies and they look great together.

$43 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

609 Shanley Shield Pin

Shanley fans display your love of your school with this Shanley Shield rhinestone pin. Showcase JPII/Shanley $50 Deb Grant

610 Shanley Cross - A Piece of Old Shanley

Treasure special memories with this beautiful 8” crucifx handcrafted in North Dakota with wood from the “Old Shanley” gymnasium foor. This cross is fnished with beautiful red and gold detailing.

$35 Fr. Brian Moen

611 Nativity Front Row Seating to Spring First Grade Program

You will receive four, reserved, front-row seats for the First Grade Pro- gram, to be held in the Spring of 2017.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

612 Nativity Spring Musical Front Row Seating

You will receive four, reserved, front-row seats to the 2017 Spring Musi- cal, performed by the 2nd and 3rd grades.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools SILENT AUCTION 47 613 Nativity Fall Musical Front Row Seating

You will receive four, reserved, front row seats for the 2016 Fall Musical at Nativity, performed by the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

614 Shanley Graduation Seats

Attend the 2016 Shanley Graduation in comfort with four front row seats reserved for you and your family.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

615 Ladies Shanley Jacket

Look great in this women’s jacket, size M, with the Shanley logo.

$80 Brown & Saenger

616 Shanley Athletic Season Tickets

Catch all the action with a pair of passes to all home, regular season athletic events for the 2016-2017 school year. JPII/Shanley Showcase $160 John Paul II Catholic Schools

617 SHS Boys Basketball Camp Grades K-2

This boys basketball camp is scheduled for June 27-30 from 12:30-2:00 pm and is for students entering grades K-2.

$55 Shane Alderman

618 SHS Boys Basketball Camp Grades 3-5

This boys basketball camp is scheduled for June 27-30 from 9:30-11:00 am and is for boys entering grades 3-5.

$55 Shane Alderman

619 SHS Boys Basketball Camp Grades 6-8

This boys basketball camp is scheduled for June 27-30 from 2:00-3:30 pm and is for boys entering grades 6-8.

$55 Shane Alderman

620 SHS Boys Basketball Camp Grades 9-12

This boys basketball camp is scheduled for June 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30 or July 12, 14, plus two more dates in July to be determined, from 3:30-5:00 pm and is for boys entering grades 9-12.

$70 Shane Alderman 48 SILENT AUCTION 621 Soccer Camp Grades 6-8

This coed soccer camp, scheduled for June 7-10 from 9:30 am-12:00 pm, is for boys and girls entering grades 6-8.

$65 Lance Hansen

622 Soccer Camp Grades 3-5

This coed soccer camp, scheduled for June 7-10 from 1-3 pm, is for boys and girls entering grades 3-5.

$55 Lance Hansen

623 Shanley First Nighter

Enjoy the show with two tickets to the 2017 Shanley Musical’s “First Night- er” dinner performance. Also included is a size L “Cinderella” t-shirt from the 2016 production.

$110 First Nighter Committee

624 Holy Spirit Spring Concert Seating

Enjoy front pew seating at the Holy Spirit 2017 Spring Concert.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

625 SHS Summer Strength and Conditioning Camp Showcase JPII/Shanley Give your son or daughter the gift of ftness. This camp works on im- proving strength, power and speed for students entering grades 8-12. The camp runs June 6th-July 29th (no camp July 4th week), Monday through Thursday from 8:15-10:15 am.

$175 Anthony Carlquist

626 Holy Spirit Fall Concert Seating

Delight in this front pew seating at the Holy Spirit 2016 Fall Concert.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

627 Shanley Football Helmet Lamp

This unique living room or family room accessory is what every home needs. Hand crafted by Rick Zook, this table lamp is constructed from an actual Shanley football helmet that has seen a lot of action on the gridiron.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools SILENT AUCTION 49 628 Shanley Football Helmet Lamp

This unique living room or family room accessory is what every home needs. Handcrafted by Rick Zook, this table lamp is constructed from an actual Shanley football helmet that has seen a lot of action on the gridiron.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

629 SHS Girls Basketball Camp Grades 3-5

This girls basketball camp, scheduled for June 6-8 from 6:00-8:00 pm, is for students entering grades 3-5.

$50 Tim Jacobson

630 SHS Girls Basketball Camp Grades 6-8

This girls basketball camp, scheduled June 6-9 from 1:00-3:30 pm and July 18-20 from 1:00-3:30 pm, is for students entering grades 6-8.

$100 Tim Jacobson

631 SHS Girls Basketball Camp Grades 9-12 JPII/Shanley Showcase This girls basketball camp, scheduled June 6-9 from 8:00-11:00 am and July 18-20 from 8:00-11:00 am, is for students entering grades 9-12.

$120 Tim Jacobson

632 SHS Football Team Camp Grades 9-12

Gear up for football season at the Shanley Deacons team camp, scheduled for July 25-26 from 5:00-7:30 pm, for boys entering grades 9-12.

$60 Rod Oksendahl

633 Football Camp Grades 6-8

This football camp, scheduled for July 27 from 5:00-7:30 pm, is for boys entering grades 6-8.

$25 Rod Oksendahl

634 SHS Volleyball Camp Grades 9-12

This volleyball camp, scheduled for July 25-28 from 1:00-4:00 pm, is for girls entering grades 9-12.

$80 Curt Johnson 50 SILENT AUCTION 635 SHS Volleyball Camp Grades 6-8

This volleyball camp, scheduled for July 25-28 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm, is for girls entering grades 6-8.

$80 Curt Johnson

636 Deacon Flag

Your Deacon spirit will be soaring for all to see with this 54” X 34” fag.

$40 Shanley Tongues of Fire

637 Shanley Graduation Seats

Attend the 2016 Shanley Graduation in comfort with four front row seats reserved for you and your family.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

638 Shanley Cross-A Piece of Old Shanley

Treasure special memories with this beautiful 8” crucifx handcrafted in North Dakota with wood from the “Old Shanley” gymnasium foor. This cross is fnished with red and bronze detailing.

$35 Fr. Brian Moen

639 Grand March Reserved Seats Showcase JPII/Shanley Enjoy four front and center reserved seats at the 2016 Grand March. You will be able to walk in and sit down. Plus you will have prime seats for taking pictures.

$40 John Paul II Catholic Schools

640 SHS Air Raid Passing Football Camp Grades 9-12

Get ready for football season with the Shanley quarterback and wide receiver football camp, scheduled for June 6,7,13,14,16***,20,21,27,28, 30***. July 11,12,14***,18,19. All days QB’s 6:30-7:30 am and WR’s 5:30- 7:00 pm (***are both groups 5:30 - 7:00 pm. For boys entering grades 9-12.

$90 Rod Oksendahl

641 SHS Lineman Football Camp Grades 9-12

Prepare for football season with the Shanley lineman football camp, scheduled for July 7th and July 14th from 5:00-7:00 pm, for boys entering grades 9-12.

$35 Rod Oksendahl SILENT AUCTION 51 642 Shanley Glass Block Light

Let your Deacon pride shine with this lighted Shanley glass block.

$30 Heather Heger

643 SHS Girls Basketball Camp Grades K-2

This girls basketball camp, scheduled for June 6-9 from 4:00-5:00 pm, is for girls entering grades K-2.

$40 Tim Jacobson

644 Shanley Deacon Jersey Grilling Apron

Whether you are in the stands, parking lot or in your own backyard, you are able to cheer on the Shanley Deacons in this very unique and stylish grilling apron. This apron is constructed solely of an archived Shanley Deacon football jersey that saw plenty of action on the gridiron. Grill on and cheer on!

$50 John Paul II Catholic Schools

645 Custom Fit Shanley Letterman Jacket JPII/Shanley Showcase The winning bidder will go to J & L Sports to be custom ftted for their own letterman jacket. This certifcate is good for use towards a base coat. Expires: 04/30/17.

$140 J & L Sports

646 Shanley Outdoor Chair and Thermos

Be ready for any game in Deacon style with this Shanley fold-up chair and thermos with attachment clip.

$67 Generous Cash Donors

647 Deacon Metal Wall Art

This 32” X 48” vibrant metal artwork is made from a photograph of the Shanley Deacon outdoor scoreboard at a winter’s sunset. Photo credit to Rebecca Raber.

$75 The RLE Group

648 Shanley Glass Block Light

Let your Deacon pride shine with this lighted Shanley glass block.

$30 Heather Heger 52 SILENT AUCTION 649 Shanley Wind Chime

As beautiful as it sounds, this custom-designed wind chime is certain to provide many years of listening pleasure while the gentle winds blow.

$75 Dave and Lori Dietz

650 Oak Wood Cribbage Board

This beautiful, hand-crafted oak wood cribbage board features a Shan- ley shield in the middle.

$250 Hurley’s Religious Goods

651 Shanley Engraved Rock

Show your Deacon pride with this detailed Shanley engraved rock.

$60 VISIONBank

652 Shanley Blanket

Show your Deacon pride with this cozy Shanley colors blanket. Great for traveling in the car or bus. Made of fannel on one side and yak on the other; it’s sure to keep you warm at all those outdoor games.

$70 Dr. John and Sharon Pollard

653 Wooden Wine Bottle Holder Showcase JPII/Shanley Handmade oak wooden wine bottle holder with the Shanley shield carved on it. This is a unique way to display.

$30 Hurley’s Religious Goods

654 Holy Spirit School Artwork

In celebration of this Year of Mercy, all of the students at Holy Spirit worked collaboratively to create a beautiful, mixed media collage that invites our hearts to be led by mercy. This truly one-of-a-kind master- piece was painted on a canvas board using acrylic paint.

Priceless Holy Spirit Art Department

655 Shanley Ukelele

This Kala brand, soprano ukelele, done in Shanley red, with bag will fll your home with music and fun. Also includes a book for beginners.

$65 Eckroth Music SILENT AUCTION 53 656 “Deacons Sunrise” Basket

A beautiful collection of “Deacon Sunrise” items such as: six custom- ized coasters, 5” X 7” greeting cards, 8” X 10” print, and a customized Deacon calendar (August 2016-July 2017) featuring Rebecca Raber’s Shanley photography.

$100 Michael and Rebecca Raber

657 Hand-Stamped “Deacon” Necklace

Be the only one in the stands to be wearing this one-of-a-kind “Proud to be a Shanley Deacon” necklace. Made by Gwen Watson, it features hand-stamped metal with a cross, “S” and red charms.

$45 The Beach on 32nd by Gwen Watson

658 Shanley Deacon Metal Art for Desktop

Allow this conversation piece to prompt a healthy debate in your home or offce. This artwork will speak directly to your love for the Deacons.

$50 Dave and Lori Dietz JPII/Shanley 659 Soccer Camp Grades 1-2 Showcase

This coed soccer camp, scheduled for Monday, June 6th from 9:30 am- 12:00 pm, is for boys and girls entering grades 1 and 2.

$25 Lance Hansen

660 Repeat State A Shanley Girls Champs

Sharing his passion for the team, Fr. Aerts has created a collage of pictures he took during the state basketball tournament. This 20” X 30” framed piece of history is a wonderful keepsake.

$175 Fr. John Aerts

661 Shanley Shield Hand-Tie Fleece Blanket

Show your school spirit and stay warm with this hand-made tie blanket with a special Shanley Shield. It will keep you warm while you cheer on the Deacons at the next soccer, football, baseball or track event. It’s a one-of-a-kind item.

$50 Greg and Ann Burd

662 Shanley Custom Wood Piece

This hand-made custom wood piece will make a great addition to any Deacon fan’s home.

$300 Hurley’s Religious Goods 54 SILENT AUCTION 663 Deacon Plate

You must have this 10” X 10” plate made all of glass that was hand-cut, fused and molded. Hand wash- this collectible is not microwaveable or oven safe.

$65 Angela Zentner

664 Deacon Christmas Ornament Signed by The Blenders

One-of-a-kind Shanley Deacons Christmas ornament signed by all four members of The Blenders during their 2015 Holiday Tour.

$7 JP II Advancement Offce

665 Shanley Deacon Metal Wind Spinner

Art in motion as this Shanley Deacon spinner moves beautifully through the wind.

$75 Dave and Lori Dietz

666 Men’s Shanley Jacket

Look great in this men’s jacket, size XL, with the Shanley logo.

$80 Brown & Saenger

667 Old Shanley Gym Flooring Wall Rack Showcase JPII/Shanley You can have a piece of Shanley history with this awesome wall or coat rack made out the old Shanley High School wood gymnasium foor.

$75 Gene and Sherri Simon

668 Old Shanley Gym Floor Picture Frame

This picture frame is handmade from the old Shanley gym foor. Show- case a Shanley memory.

$40 Gene and Sherri Simon

669 Shanley Shield Tile Coasters

A beautiful set of Shanley shield tile coasters with cork backing.

$35 Gene and Sherri Simon

670 Shanley Heritage Tile Coasters

This unique set of four coasters feature the old Shanley High School, Jesus statue, school song, and the Shanley shield.

$35 Gene and Sherri Simon SILENT AUCTION 55 671 Shanley Shield Made From Refurbished Metal with Wood Block Formation

This Shanley Shield is handmade using a plasma cutter and welder. Metal and wood used for the development of the items are pulled from scrap piles and refurbished for one-of-a-kind designs.

$125 Shane Sharpe

672 Old Shanley Library Card Catalog

Own a piece of Shanley history with this original card catalog from the Shanley library when it was built in 1950. It may not be in perfect con- dition, but what a wonderful piece. Card catalogs are used in sewing, hobby and carpentry rooms. It is 36” high, 33” wide and 18” deep.

Priceless Kathleen Boucher

673 Trinity School Artwork

In the spirit of the Year of Mercy, all of the students at Trinity Elementary School worked collaboratively to create a beautiful piece of artwork that reminds us to “Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly.” This truly

one-of-a-kind masterpiece was painted on canvas using acrylic paint. JPII/Shanley Showcase Priceless Trinity Art Department

674 Littlefeld Travel Golf Balls

Three golf balls perfect for this election year. One with the Republican party logo, one has the Democratic donkey and one shows the Gerald R. Ford signature.

$15 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

675 Christmas Inspiration

A hand painted wood icon of The Holy Family from a tiny gift shop near the top of Budapest (actually Buda).

$30 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

676 Beach Plate

When families go on vacation, they often travel to the ocean or drive down to our area lakes. In Virginia Beach, I found a beautiful plate that is a perfect reminder of time spent at the beach. For me it is nostalgic with the images of the sand, water, shells and family fun.

$45 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld 56 SILENT AUCTION 677 Innovative Expandable Vases

There is a wonderful gift shop at the Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. These three adorable vases are made from thin plastic. You can fll them with water, colored stone or sand and arrange your fowers. There is a black/white pattern, stained glass pattern and a bright turquoise pattern. They are reusable and store up fat.

$27 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

678 Decorative Glass Wasp Trap

While in Manhattan, Kansas, I found something useful for one’s yard or deck. A heavy glass orb wasp trap made in Mexico by glass artists. With metal wire wrapped around in a decorative style, it is very useful for your yard, on the deck or hanging from a tree.

$35 Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld

679 Birthday Party at Shanley

Looking to surprise your child and his/her friends with a one-of-a-kind birthday party? This package includes a two-hour party either in Sid Cichy Stadium on the turf or McCormick Gymnasium. Included with this birthday package is a $75 Happy Joe’s gift card. You can even bring your favorite music for the sound system. Mutually agreed upon date and time. Showcase JPII/Shanley Priceless Happy Joe’s, John Paul II Catholic Schools

680 Red “DEACONS” Metal Letters Take pride with these red 9” X 11” metal letters celebrating the DEA- CONS name.

$170 Generous Cash Donors SILENT AUCTION 57 Entertainment & Sports 700 Dance Classes

Brush up on your dance skills with this certifcate for dance lessons, ball- room lessons, summer classes or attire.

$100 Red River Dance & Performing Co.

701 Bison Men’s Basketball Night Out

You deserve to treat yourself to a men’s night out - complete with food and fun: $50 gift card to Pepper’s Sports Cafe, $50 gift card to The Cork’N Cleaver and two tickets (valued at $30) to an NDSU Bison Men’s basketball game.

$160 Midwest Radio

702 Fargo Force Tickets and Hotel Stay

Enjoy four tickets to any 2016-2017 regular season Fargo Force hockey home game in the yellow zone and then treat yourself to a one or two bedroom suite, a free evening social reception, and a hot breakfast at Fargo’s beautiful Staybridge hotel. Subject to availability.

$259 Dave and Paula Ekman, The Fargo Force

703 Golfng In Style!

Enjoy two 18-hole rounds of golf with cart at the beautiful Moorhead Entertainment

Country Club while sporting this Roger Maris 61/’61 white with navy & Sports stripes golf polo shirt, women’s L.

$210 Anonymous Donor, Moorhead Country Club

704 Visa Gift Card

Is it time for a shopping spree? Treat yourself with this Visa gift card and have fun shopping.

$250 Bell State Bank & Trust

705 Mastercard Gift Card

Are you ready for a shopping spree? With this $150 Mastercard gift card, you are!

$150 Western State Bank

706 The Blenders CD Package

Delight in the sounds of The Blenders with this collection of fve CDs in- cluding their newest limited edition release.

$85 The Blenders 58 SILENT AUCTION 707 Medora Musical Tickets

Experience a wonderful patriotic evening at the Medora Musical with these two tickets, which are valid during the 2016 summer season. Ex- pires: 09/01/16.

$80 Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation

708 F-M Opera Voucher

This voucher is redeemable for two tickets to the Fargo-Moorhead Op- era’s fall 2016 production “The Magic Flute” or the spring production of “The Pirates of Penzance.” Dates are to be determined. Please call the opera offce at 701-239-4558 for more information.

$100 Fargo Moorhead Opera Company

709 FM Symphony Rocks Reserved Tickets for Two

The Bluestem Amphitheater presents The Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Orchestra Post-Traumatic Funk Syndrome and guest artists Jessie Veed- er and 32 Below. Certifcate must be redeemed by August 1, 2016. The event date is August 18, 2016.

$80 FM Symphony

710 Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” Trollwood Tickets

Enjoy the musical talents of area youth at the Imagine Amphitheater, Trollwood Regional Arts Center with these four reserved, “Tier B” seats for one performance July 13-16, 20-23 or July 26-30, 2016.

& Sports $100 Trollwood Performing Arts School Entertainment 711 Discovery Flight Certifcate

Experience the joy of fying in a new Cessna 172 Skyhawk training air- craft.

$149 Fargo Jet Center

712 2017 Fargo Marathon Package

Go Far and go big with this 2017 Fargo Marathon package, complete with a framed and artist-signed print of the 2016 Fargo Marathon poster, a $50 store credit at the Fargo Running Company and one entry into any race for the 12th annual Fargo Marathon Weekend in May 2017.

$220 Fargo Marathon Inc. SILENT AUCTION 59 713 Fargo Force Tickets

Enjoy four tickets to any 2016-2017 regular season Fargo Force hockey home game in the yellow zone.

$60 The Fargo Force

714 “Bison Memories”-The Frisco FIVE

Enjoy this one-of-a-kind 20” X 30” framed print recalling the celebrations of the incredible fve consecutive FCS National Championships by the NDSU football team. Photographed and designed by Kevin Wolf.

$75 Kevin and Brenda Wolf

715 Concordia Volleyball Camp

Improve your player’s volleyball skills by choosing one of the following camps offered the summer of 2016; All Skills Camp: July 11-13, grades 6-9. Setter-Hitter-Libero Camp: July 25-28, grades 9- incoming college freshman. High Performance Camp: July 29-30, grades 10-incoming college freshman. Expires: 07/30/16.

$355 Concordia Volleyball Camps

716 Edgewood Golf Pass

Get out and enjoy a beautiful day of golf with this certifcate good for one 18-hole round of golf. Expires: 12/31/16. Entertainment

$30 Fargo Park District & Sports

717 2017 Fargo Marathon Package

Go Far and go big with this 2017 Fargo Marathon package, complete with a framed and artist-signed print of the 2016 Fargo Marathon poster, a $50 store credit at the Fargo Running Company and one entry into any race for the 12th annual Fargo Marathon Weekend in May 2017.

$220 Fargo Marathon Inc.

718 “Bison Memories”-The Frisco Kid

Enjoy this one-of-a-kind 20” X 30” framed print featuring NFL prospect NDSU quarterback, Carson Wentz. Photographed and designed by Kevin Wolf.

$75 Kevin and Brenda Wolf

719 Chip-In For Charity Golf Passes

Golf at 94 different golf courses at no charge or at a reduced green fee with these two Chip-In For Charity cards for the 2016 golf season.

$80 Catholic Charities ND 60 SILENT AUCTION 720 MSUM Straw Hat Players Tickets

Enjoy the evening attending a musical performance by the MSUM Straw Hat Players. Certifcate is good for two tickets for the 2016 season. Must call number on certifcate to make your reservation. Certifcate must be redeemed by 12-31-16.

$90 MSUM Straw Hat Players

721 Disney’s Camp Rock Tickets

Enjoy two tickets to Disney’s Camp Rock: The Musical playing on Thurs- day, June 30, 2016 at 6:00 pm. A yummy treat and FM Community Theatre thermos are also included.

$35 FM Community Theatre

722 ATV Package

Package includes sports glasses, seat bag, two pairs of gloves, ATV tool kit, fat tire kit, fuel pack, tactical transport and cargo spyder.

$408 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland

723 NDSU Metal Wall Hanging

If you are a Bison fan, this should be on your wall. This metal wall plaque is 24” round and powder coat painted in NDSU gold and green.

$90 Jim’s Towing

724 FM Symphony Rocks Reserved Tickets for Two

& Sports The Bluestem Amphitheatre presents the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony Entertainment Orchestra Post-Traumatic Funk Syndrome and guest artists Jessie Veed- er and 32 Below. Certifcate must be redeemed by August 1, 2016. The event date is August 18, 2016.

$80 FM Symphony

725 “Bison Memories”-2015 FCS National Champs

Enjoy this one-of-a-kind 20” X 30” framed print featuring NDSU Bison football highlights from the 2015 FCS National Championship game. Photograhed and designed by Kevin Wolf.

$75 Kevin and Brenda Wolf SILENT AUCTION 61 726 Frank’s Fan Package

Ready to celebrate a Deacon win? Stop in to Frank’s Lounge for a reserved table for eight on the night of your choosing. Includes two 15-inch lavash, a bottle of Crown Royal or Grey Goose vodka and two bottles of wine. The beverages are for consumption at Frank’s Lounge. Wine bottles can be corked to take home with you.

$200 Frank’s Lounge

727 Discovery Flight Certifcate

Experience the joy of fying in a new Cessna 172 Skyhawk training air- craft.

$149 Fargo Jet Center

728 FM RedHawks Tickets For Eight

Enjoy eight FM Redhawks tickets along the third base dugout at the season opener on Friday, May 27th. Put up your feet, relax, watch some baseball and enjoy spectacular freworks following the game. A special press box dedication to long time voice of the Bison and Redhawks Scott Miller will also be a part of the night.

$150 Chad Stark, Chris Meier, Byron Trochman Entertainment & Sports 62 SILENT AUCTION Family 800 Baby Book Basket

These board books and chunky puzzles will make a great gift for new parents or a staple for grandma’s house.

$25 Generous Cash Donors

801 “It’s A Zoo Out There!” Fun Package Enjoy a fun day with these four day passes to the Red River Zoo plus a six ride punch card for the carousel. Your kids will also enjoy this 24-piece foor puzzle, 36” X 24”, with all the jungle animals waiting to be seen.

$69 Red River Zoological Society and Generous Cash Donors

802 “Hi Ho The Derry O!” Yunker Farm Fun

Enjoy a day of play at Yunker Farm for two adults and up to four chil- dren. In addition, your kids will have fun putting together this 24 piece foor puzzle, 36”LX24”W, with all the workings of a farm waiting to be seen.

$50 Children’s Museum at Yunker Farm and Generous Cash Donors

803 Birthday Celebration at Courts Plus Celebrate a birthday at the hottest place in Fargo, the three story indoor playground at Courts Plus. Party includes 1.5 hours, party room, choice of gymnasium or playground, plates, napkins, cups, utensils and candles for 12 children. And then eat fresh with this Subway gift card.

$130 Courts Plus Community Fitness, Subway Sandwiches

804 Ready For Dorm Life!

This has all your necessities for dorm life: laundry basket, Tide pods, pow-

Family er strip, extension cord, Command hooks, hangers, snacks and a $50 Subway gift card!

$92 Generous Cash Donors and Subway Sandwiches

805 Ready For Dorm Life!

This has all your necessities for dorm life: laundry basket, Tide pods, pow- er strip, extension cord, Command hooks, hangers, snacks and a $50 trip to the Red Pepper, “Home of the Grinder!”

$92 Generous Cash Donors and Scott and Maria Hennen SILENT AUCTION 63 806 Holiday Inn Pool Party

Find a cure for your cabin fever with a pool party for 12 people at the Fargo Holiday Inn.

$260 Holiday Inn of Fargo

807 Scherling Photography Family Portrait Session

This package includes a family portrait sitting and one 16” X 20” family portrait.

$181 Scherling Photography

808 Career Day in Journalism

Experience an eight-hour day of professional broadcast journalism. From ongoing story development, to witnessing on-the-scene reporting, and all that goes into the nightly news on WDAY. This amazing opportu- nity is for a junior or senior student. Expires: 04/29/17.

Priceless WDAY TV

809 UGG Boot Cleaning

Clean your UGG boots this spring before you put them away until next winter.

$35 Sweeney Cleaners

810 Haney’s Photo Session

Capture your family, engagement, anniversary or wedding memories with this certifcate that is good towards a basic photography session and one 8” X 10” photo. Certifcate must be redeemed by 3/17/17. Family $349 Haney’s Photography

811 Haney’s Photo Session

Capture your family, engagement, anniversary or wedding memories with this certifcate that is good towards a basic photography session and one 8” X 10” photo. Certifcate must be redeemed by 3/17/17.

$349 Haney’s Photography

812 Color Changing Rosary

This one decade rosary is one-of-a-kind with its oversized, color chang- ing beads and Holy Eucharist crucifx. The beads pass through the color spectrum of grey, blue, green, purple and pink with the heat of your hands.

$40 John and Valerie Gladitsch 64 SILENT AUCTION 813 Swarovski Blue Rosary

Light radiates off this genuine Swarovski, blue crystal, one decade rosary. Perfectly sized for little hands or to always have available in your handbag.

$40 John and Valerie Gladitsch

814 Red River Valley Fair Package

This family fun pack includes two adult and two youth single day gate passes, two single day carnival ride passes and a single day VIP parking pass.

$88 Red River Valley Fair Association

815 Swarovski Pink Rosary

Light radiates off this genuine Swarovski, pink crystal, one decade rosary that is perfectly sized for little hands.

$40 John and Valerie Gladitsch

816 Melissa & Doug Wooden Brew and Serve Coffee Set

Your toddler will enjoy imaginative play with this 11-piece brew and serve coffee set.

$20 Hurley’s Religious Goods

817 Melissa & Doug Basic Skills Board and Puzzle Too

Your toddler will learn how to zip, snap, tie, and button on this basic skills board.

$20 Hurley’s Religious Goods

818 Melissa & Doug USA License Plate Game Family Keep the children entertained and also learning while taking your next vacation playing the license plate game.

$20 Hurley’s Religious Goods

819 Kid Kraft Girls Rocking Chair

Rock away in this pint size colorful rocker, 24” X 18” X 22”, for that pre- cious little girl.

$155 Generous Cash Donors SILENT AUCTION 65 820 Senior Photography Session

Capture your student’s special senior moment by taking advantage of the talents of local photographer and Shanley choir teacher Rebecca Raber. This package consists of a 45 to 60 minute photo shoot, with the opportunity for 15 edited fnal shots. Expires: 08/15/16.

$350 Michael and Rebecca Raber

821 Expressway Suites Fargo Pool Party

Celebrate in style with a pool party. This certifcate is valid for the choice of a Dakota Room swim party for up to 12 swimmers or a sleeping room party for six swimmers. Expires: 01/31/17.

$250 Expressway Suites

822 Racer Pedal Car

Are your kids or grandkids ready for some summer fun? This pedal racer is the perfect way to get outside and have some fun and exercise. Sug- gested age is 5-9 years and 150 pound weight limit.

$140 Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter

823 Men’s Inspirational and Leadership Books

This collection includes the following books: “Mansfeld’s Book of Man- ly Men” by Stephen Mansfeld, “Governing Home” by Jack Petrash, “Building a Ministry of Spiritual Mentoring” by Jim Grassi, “Be the Dad She Needs You to Be” by Dr. Kevin Leman and “The Dude’s Guide to Manhood” by Darrin Patrick.

$85 Anonymous Donor Family 824 St. Francis Prayer Package

Kindle your prayer life with the words, guidance and spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. This package includes a St. Francis prayer book, prayer card, and key chain.

$23 Hurley’s Religious Goods

825 St. Therese of Lisieux Package

Kindle your prayer life with the words, guidance and spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux with this prayer book along with a beautiful prayer card. The tiny St. Therese of Lisieux key chain can be clipped to your purse or backpack.

$24 Hurley’s Religious Goods 66 SILENT AUCTION 826 Blue Bird Noel Santa

This 21” resin Blue Bird Noel Santa will make a great addition to your Christmas decor.

$139 Hurley’s Religious Goods

827 St. Clare of Assisi Package

Kindle your prayer life with the words, guidance and spirit of St. Clare with this prayer book along with a beautiful prayer card. The tiny St. Clare of Assisi key chain can be clipped to your purse or backpack.

$24 Hurley’s Religious Goods

828 A Little Piece of Heaven Gift Basket

A little taste of the Peace Garden state, featuring an autographed, award-winning children’s book, “P is for Peace Garden”, written by Shanley mom, Roxane Salonen.

$120 Troy and Roxane Salonen

829 Ten Little Chickens Photography Gift Card

This gift certifcate is good towards one 20-minute session. It includes 20- 25 edited images and the print release. Expires: 04/30/17.

$175 Ten Little Chickens Photography

830 Kayla Walter Photography Gift Certifcate

Use this gift certifcate towards the purchase of a photography session or product.

$300 Kayla Walter Photography

831 UGG Boot Cleaning Family Clean your UGG boots this spring before you put them away until next winter.

$35 Sweeney Cleaners

832 Jacob Jerlow Book Set

Shanley High School teacher and coach, Lance Peltier, has written these amazing, Christian, action/adventure books. Now, you can enjoy these great autographed reads. The set includes: “Jacob Jerlow to the Four Corners of the Earth” and “Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim”.

$24 Lance and Robin Peltier SILENT AUCTION 67 833 Kid Kraft Boys Rocking Chair

Give your precious little boy his frst “Man Chair” to watch his favorite shows. The chair is a denim fabric and measures 24” X 18” X 21”.

$155 Generous Cash Donors

834 Kid Kraft Underwater Floor Puzzle

Your kids will enjoy this 24-piece foor puzzle, 36” X 24”, with brightly col- ored sea creatures.

$20 Generous Cash Donors

835 Kid’s Birthday Entertaining Set

Create a fun look for your child’s next birthday party. Set the table with this polka dot tablecloth and matching napkins. Colorful, tiered cele- bration cake set with eight pieces of cake, serving knife, and candle makes a cute centerpiece. Also included are four-12” “Happy Birth- day” plates.

$145 Generous Cash Donors

836 Little Chef Set

The little chef in your life will love playing with this 27-piece plastic cook- ware set. They will look good too in the adorable apron with matching potholders and chef’s hat.

$72 Generous Cash Donors

837 Sunny Lemonade Stand

Create lasting memories selling lemonade out of this colorful stand for Family kids.

$95 Generous Cash Donors

838 Kid Kraft Guitar

Use this multi-colored guitar for your up-and-coming music artist.

$41 Generous Cash Donors

839 Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim

Shanley High School teacher and coach, Lance Peltier, has written this fantastic, Christian, action/adventure book, “Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim”. Enjoy reading this autographed book.

$12 Lance and Robin Peltier 68 SILENT AUCTION 840 Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim

Shanley High School teacher and coach, Lance Peltier, has written this fantastic, Christian, action/adventure book, “Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim”. Enjoy reading this autographed book.

$12 Lance and Robin Peltier

841 Jacob Jerlow Book Set

Shanley High School teacher and coach, Lance Peltier, has written these amazing, Christian, action/adventure books. Now, you can enjoy these great autographed reads. The set includes: “Jacob Jerlow to the Four Corners of the Earth” and “Jacob Jerlow and the Nephilim”.

$24 Lance and Robin Peltier

842 DEKALB Brand Children’s Pedal Tractor

In this authentic style DEKALB tractor, your child or grandchild can be grand farmer of the county. Complete with steel rear wheels, hood, frame, steering column and narrow front axle. Recommended for ages 3+.

$325 Jeremy and Heidi Frie Family SILENT AUCTION 69 Home 900 Painted Angel Wings Set

Set of two 13” X 4” wooden angel wings will truly accent a wall in your home.

$150 Generous Cash Donors

901 Mr. & Mrs. on Recycled Wood

A wonderful addition to accent your family’s home: a set of 15” X 15” Mr. & Mrs. washed recycled wood plaques.

$50 Generous Cash Donors

902 Curly Vine Cross

Purchase this 21” X 36”rustic curly vine cross for holiday or every day decorating.

$42 Generous Cash Donors

903 Beverage Caddy With Carafe and Coordinating Tablecloth and Napkins

Designed in the style of vintage picnic items, this beverage set is per- fect for serving lemonade, soda pop, or any cold beverage. The handy caddy serves a glass carafe and six drinking jars, each jar with its own twist-off lid and reusable sipper straw; complete with checkered table- cloth and napkins.

$120 Generous Cash Donors

904 Arrow Chalkboard

Never forget those important dates and times with this 38” X 50” red metal arrow chalkboard.

$178 Generous Cash Donors

905 “Just Married” Home

This 23” X 28” “Just Married” twig photo banner makes a wonderful and innovative gift for the new bride and groom.

$36 Generous Cash Donors

906 “Almost Married”

This 17” X 20” “Almost Married” twig photo banner makes a wonderful and innovative gift for your bride and groom-to-be.

$28 Generous Cash Donors 70 SILENT AUCTION 907 White Resin Steer Skull

This 25” X 26” white resin steer skull wall hanging for the western lover in you.

$190 Generous Cash Donors

908 Picnic Totes to Go

Be prepared for any picnic with these three different, red and white checkered totes. Included are an 11” X 15” X 3” insulated casserole, an insulated picnic basket, and an 18” X 20”heavy duty tote.

$90 Generous Cash Donors

909 Fortessa 8-Piece Appetizer Cups and Gift Card

Eight white ceramic appetizer cups and a Family Fare gift card - perfect for your creative entertaining of friends or family.

$90 Generous Cash Donors and Family Fare

910 Room Redesign

Need to add some spark to a certain room? Use this certifcate to rede- sign your space.

$450 Designing Women 2

911 Carpet World Gift Certifcate

Spice up your indoor space using this gift certifcate to Carpet World.

$200 Carpet World

912 Stenerson Lumber Gift Certifcates

Use these two $25 certifcates for your next home project.

$50 Stenerson Lumber

913 Robert Gibb and Sons Certifcate

Home It’s time to get your air conditioner checked and ready for summer. This certifcate can be used for a furnace or A/C tune-up.

$180 Robert Gibb & Sons, Inc.

914 Furnace or Air Conditioner Check and Service

Keep your furnace or air conditioner running safely and effciently with this certifcate for an annual check and service inspection. This certif- cate must be redeemed by 12/31/16.

$125 Laney’s, Inc. SILENT AUCTION 71 915 Design Direction Gift Certifcate

Building or remodeling? Design Direction will help you with a consulta- tion and/or product or materials to make your ideas become a reality.

$200 Design Direction

916 Robert Gibb and Son’s Certifcate

It’s time to get your air conditioner checked and ready for summer. This certifcate can be used for a furnace or A/C tune-up.

$180 Robert Gibb & Sons, Inc.

917 St. Michael the Archangel Statue

Lightly hand painted cold cast bronze 14.5” statue of St. Michael the Archangel will make a beautiful decoration for your home.

$118 Hurley’s Religious Goods

918 Framed Stain Glass Beveled Panel

This framed, leaded, beveled glass art panel is approximately 18” X 29”.

$225 Stained Glass Workshop

919 Ninja Professional Blender

Whether you’re creating delicious frozen drinks for your party or a quick smoothie for the road, this 1100 watt professional blender crushes ice and blends fruits and vegetables with ease. Has an oversized 72 ounce pitcher and comes with two to-go cups with lids.

$140 Dan and Janelle Pederson

920 Table Lamp

Brighten up your room with this beautiful table lamp.

$200 Border States Electric Home

921 Pewter Framed Mirror

This beautiful pewter framed mirror may be hung either vertically or hori- zontally to enhance your home decor. Mirror measures 25” X 33”.

$107 Valley Lights

922 Pizza and Snack Oven

Bake your snacks and frozen pizzas with this Biaggia deluxe pizza and snack oven.

$100 Dr. John and Lori Erie 72 SILENT AUCTION 923 21-Piece Beverage Caddy with Carafe

Three gallon beverage server with chiller and infuser including six mason jar drinking glasses and wicker storage stand.

$45 Generous Cash Donors

924 Mixing and Prep Bowl Set

These colorful Kitchenaid bowls will add a bit of fun to your day. The set includes fve mixing bowls with pouring spouts and nonslip bases and four prep bowls with lids. All bowls are dishwasher safe.

$49 Dr. John and Lori Erie

925 Pampered Chef Outdoor Serving Set

A “Good Housekeeping Magazine” summer must have. Keep food cold for up to six hours in the Pampered Chef Cool and Serve tray. Set includes additional tray, on the go carrier, and serving spoons.

$100 Dan and Carrie Berglind

926 Furnace or Air Conditioner Check and Service

Keep your furnace or air conditioner running safely and effciently with this certifcate for an annual check and service inspection. This certif- cate must be redeemed by 12/31/16.

$125 Laney’s, Inc.

927 Get Started Package

This package is the perfect gift to get those grads starting off when they head off to college. It includes a thermos set, 1.5 quart slow cooker and a tool set.

$30 Gate City Bank

928 Faux Fur Pillow and Throw Set

Experience the ultimate luxury and incomparable softness and warmth

Home found only in this premium faux fur throw and pillow set.

$179 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland

929 Stacking Porcelain Bowls

Make soup night or snacking during the big game easier with this awe- some set of six stacking porcelain bowls. The bowls have convenient handles and are dishwasher, microwave, freezer and oven safe.

$21 Costco SILENT AUCTION 73 930 Acrylic Tumbler Set

From pool side to patio table to indoor dinner party, this stylish acrylic drinkware set makes entertaining a breeze. With an assortment of colors you are sure to fnd a set to ft any decor. Each piece is top- rack dish- washer-safe and there is no risk of shattered glass. BPA free, set includes: eight 22 oz. acrylic glasses and eight 13.5 oz acrylic glasses.

$20 Costco

931 Madonna and Child Decorative Panel

This 14” X 11” decorative panel will make a wonderful addition to your home decorating.

$34 Hurley’s Religious Goods

932 “Rita’s All Around”

Enjoy margaritas all summer long with this Quick Stir Pitcher and Drink Rimmer set from The Pampered Chef.

$42 Dan and Carrie Berglind

933 Melamine Dinnerware Set

Are you ready for some summer entertaining? This 12-piece Laurie Gates Melamine dinnerware set will add a splash of color. The beauti- ful raised, embossed detail along with its heavy weight and durability make this set perfect for indoor and outdoor entertaining. Set includes four dinner plates, four salad plates and four bowls. It is dishwasher safe.

$25 Costco

934 Table Lamp

Brighten up your room with this beautiful table lamp.

$130 Anonymous Donor

935 Live, Laugh, Love Plant Set Home

Three 5” tall monogrammed glass vases flled with relaxing grass to brighten and relax any space.

$32 Generous Cash Donors

936 Gingham Milk Bottle Set

Designed in the style of vintage milk bottles, these glass bottles are great for any beverage. This set includes eight 15-ounce glass bottles and eight reusable plastic straws.

$100 Generous Cash Donors 74 SILENT AUCTION 937 Gingham Milk Bottle Set with Tablecloth

Designed in the style of vintage milk bottles, these glass bottles are great for any beverage. This set includes eight 15-ounce glass bottles and eight reusable plastic straws. Also includes a coordinating red and white checkered tablecloth that measures 60” X 84”.

$145 Generous Cash Donors

938 Bon Appetit! Dinnerware and Entertaining Set

This 10 Strawberry Street, 16-piece dinner set for four includes four plates, four dessert/salad plates, four bowls, and four cups. The set is dishwash- er and microwave safe. Pull the dinner table together with the Bon Appetit chalkboard print placemats and napkins. Also included are four 3” X 2” slate chalkboards with wooden easels.

$184 Generous Cash Donors Home SILENT AUCTION 75 Outdoor Living 1000 Ed’s Marine Boat Storage and Winterization

This certifcate is good for use towards inside winter boat or pontoon storage, up to a 25’ unit. This certifcate also includes outboard winteri- zation. Expires 11/01/16.

$405 Ed’s Marine & Storage

1001 Tubs of Fun Certifcate

Make a splash with this certifcate that is good to use towards the pur- chase of a new hot tub, above ground pool or pool table. One certif- cate per purchase. Expires 04/30/17.

$500 Tubs of Fun

1002 Lawn Service Certifcate

This lawn certifcate can be used for three or four spray applications and aeration up to a $500 value.

$500 Turfworks Lawn Care

1003 Coleman Grilling Kit

This fabulous Coleman grilling kit will supply you with everything you need to cook and eat your barbecue meals this summer!

$75 Laney’s, Inc.

1004 Garden Elegance-Natural Environments Landscaping

Spruce up your yard with this certifcate good towards landscaping services. Expires: 10/30/16.

$350 Garden Elegance Natural Environments Landscaping

1005 Once a Bison Always A Bison Brick

This unique NDSU Bison decorative stone will be an awesome addition to any outdoor space.

$100 Busek Olson & Associates Tax Planning Preparation Outdoor Outdoor Living Living 1006 Tubs of Fun Certifcate

Make a splash with this certifcate that is good to use towards the pur- chase of a new hot tub, above ground pool or pool table. One certif- cate per purchase. Expires 04/30/17.

$500 Tubs of Fun 76 SILENT AUCTION 1007 Shanley Brick

This decorative Shanley Shield brick will be a great addition to any space.

$65 Busek Olson & Associates Tax Planning Preparation

1008 Orange Hand Blown Art Glass Solar Light

This solar powered Art Glass globe has a solar powered LED light to pro- vide glowing ambiance at night. It can be displayed on a table top or nestled in a garden to a dazzling accent.

$51 Dr. John and Lori Erie

1009 Blue Hand Blown Art Glass Solar Light

This solar powered Art Glass globe has a solar powered LED light to pro- vide glowing ambiance at night. It can be displayed on a table top or nestled in a garden to a dazzling accent.

$51 Dr. John and Lori Erie

1010 Lawn Service Certifcate

This lawn certifcate can be used for fertilization and weed control or lawn aeration. Expires: 04/29/17.

$100 Pro Lawn Living Outdoor SILENT AUCTION 77 Travel 1011 Under Table Umbrella Stand Heater

1500 watt electric heater designed to sit under your patio table to keep you warm on a cool summer evening.

$75 Generous Cash Donors

1100 Fargo Staybridge One-Night Stay

Enjoy a one or two bedroom suite, a free evening social reception, and a hot breakfast at Fargo’s beautiful Staybridge hotel. Subject to avail- ability.

$199 Dave and Paula Ekman

1101 Expressway Suites

Enjoy one standard suite at Expressway Suites at either Fargo or Grand Forks location. The stay includes a free weekday dinner social, free hot breakfast buffet, indoor pool, ftness center and game/arcade room. Expires: 01/31/17.

$199 Expressway Suites

1102 Homewood Suites King Suite

Relax with a one-night stay in a one-bedroom king suite with a full-size pull out sofa sleeper at the Fargo Homewood Suites. Enjoy our compli- mentary hot breakfast buffet which is served in our Lodge each morn- ing.

$159 Homewood Suites by Hilton

1103 Element by Westin Two-Night Stay

Take a break and relax at this new beautiful hotel. This certifcate is for a two-night stay in a Studio King Suite and includes a complimentary breakfast bar and evening reception. Fitness center, saline pool, dry sauna, bikes to borrow and patio grill are available to enjoy.

$300 Kyle and Tara Newman Travel Save the date





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701-282-4400 24 hour residental service MUTCHLER BARTRAM ARCHITECTS 505 N. Broadway, Suite 201 Fargo, ND 701-235-5563 Architecture Interior Design Construction Management DEACON SELECT AUCTION 85 1300 50% Off Laser Vision Correction

Dr. Bergstrom and his friendly, effcient staff are offering 50% off your laser vision correction. This includes a consultation to determine the appropri- ateness of the procedure, the actual procedure and one year follow-up care. Certifcate is transferable but is not redeemable for cash. Value not to exceed $2000. This certifcate must be redeemed by 4/25/17.

$1,750 Lance Bergstrom

1301 Proof Artisan Distillers: 2 Docks Gift Box

Three handcrafted bottles of 2 Docks vodka and specialty liqueurs. 2 Docks vodka is distilled locally at Proof Artisan Distillers in downtown Fargo.

$85 Francis and Barb Leier

1302 Proof Artisan Distillers: Minions Gift Box

Two handcrafted bottles of Gold Medal Award winning Minions gin. Minions gin is distilled locally at Proof Artisan Distillers in downtown Fargo.

$85 Francis and Barb Leier

1303 16 GB Kindle Fire

Get the largest display on the thinnest Fire tablet yet - with beautiful wides- creen 10.1” HD display, fast quad-core processor up to 1.5 GHz, rear-facing 5 mp camera and front-facing HD camera. The widescreen display has over a million pixels (149 ppm/1280 X 800).

$230 BioLife Services of Fargo, Moorhead & West Fargo

1304 Custom-made Shanley T-shirt Quilt Certifcate

Whether it’s for baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, football or tennis, chances are you’ve got t-shirts you’re not ready to throw in the trash pile. Join the latest craze and recycle these shirts by turning them into a keep- sake t-shirt quilt, handmade, with love, by Kari’s Mom.

$200 Kevin and Kari Bucholz

1305 UND Men’s Hockey Tickets and Hotel

Enjoy a University of North Dakota men’s hockey game for four people during the 2016-2017 season and then enjoy a one or two bedroom suite, a free evening social reception, and a hot breakfast at either the Fargo or Grand Forks’ beautiful Staybridge hotel. Subject to availability.

$339 Dave and Paula Ekman, Nodak Mutual Insurance Company 86 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1306 Alluring Abstract Original Painting

This 20” X 30” original abstract acrylic painting features a collision of dark and light. The collision results in an explosion of colors by local artist Peggy Mickelson. Gallery framed.

$500 Peggy Mickelson

1307 CAbi Gift Certifcate

Looking for that perfect outft? Dana can help make any day special. Let her be your personal stylist. With this $200 gift certifcate toward a CAbi clothing purchase. Expires 12/01/16.

$200 Jeff and Dana Sandene

1308 Happy Joe’s Year of Pizza

Enjoy one delicious pizza each month for a year. Expires: 04/30/17

$300 Happy Joe’s

1309 Breadsmith Basket-Bread Each Week

Treat your family to a basket flled with specialty items and a gift card good for one loaf of bread each week for one year (52).

$350 Breadsmith

1310 Crown Royal XR

Crown Royal XR is an exquisite blend crafted with a small reserve of the fnal batch of whiskeys that were saved from the renowned LaSalle Distillery before it closed. The pinnacle of Crown Royal craftsmanship.

$130 Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors

1311 2009 Silver Oak Cabernet

Enjoy this ripe, rich, layered but elegant wine. On the palate, the wine has a delectable, berry laden entry. The tannins are beautifully integrated and the wine has a long, satiny fnish.

$85 Todd and Peggy Mickelson

1312 Glenmorangie Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

A single malt to be savored. This 12-year aged scotch serves up rich, spicy and dessert like favors.

$160 Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors DEACON SELECT AUCTION 87 1313 Plumpjack 2012 Napa Cabernet

The 2012 vintage saw beautiful growing conditions from start to fnish. The result is a rich, balanced Cabernet you will enjoy from start to fnish.

$99 Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors

1314 Montagna 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon

Receiving 92 points from Robert Parker Wine Advocate, this Cabernet is im- bued to the core with the vibrant energy of the year. Black cherries, plums, sweet spices and violets seem to jump from this frm, beautifully delineated wine.

$46 Kent and Corinne Busek

1315 Trespass 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon

The nose begins with purple stone fruit, ripe plums, oak vanillin and cinna- mon clove spice notes. Trespass delivers a composed cabernet sauvignon of refned characteristics.

$41 Kent and Corinne Busek

1316 Del Dotto Rutherford Estate 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon

Bright fruit of black cherry with a fruity mid palate of favors of cured meats and smoke. Long meaty fnish with sweet tannins.

$125 Kent and Corinne Busek

1317 Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne

Enjoy this yellow label, award winning champagne for that special occa- sion in your life.

$66 Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors

1318 Aveda Products Basket

Pamper yourself with this beautiful basket of professional products provided by Olivieri’s Salon.

$350 Olivieri’s

1319 Catalyst Beauty Gift Certifcate

Treat yourself or someone special to a SkinPen treatment, Visia Skin Analysis and skin consultation.

$400 Catalyst Medical Center 88 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1320 Private Pilates Sessions

Empower your life with six private pilates sessions with trainer Shari Isaak who has over 20 years of experience in personal training and group ftness. Expires: 05/30/17.

$300 Isaak Studios

1321 The Source Hair Care Basket

This basket is flled with a variety of amazing hair care products. It also in- cludes a $100 gift certifcate, for products only.

$350 The Source

1322 Skin Renewal Services Certifcate

Look your best and defy the effects of aging with your choice of skin renew- al services administered by dermatologist, Dr. Michael Blankinship.

$500 Essentia Health and Dr. Michael Blankinship

1323 Infnite Skin Aesthetic Medical Spa

Take a day to pamper yourself. Use this gift card for any medical spa ser- vice, chemical peels, facials or permanent make up.

$300 Infnite Skin

1324 Shanley Deacon Bench

Let this beautiful handcrafted bench grace your home or offce. Designed and handcrafted by local company, Grain Designs and Shanley alum, Phillip Bruckbauer. This bench is made from NDSU BSA bleachers with the Shanley shield engraved.

$399 Grain Designs

1325 Shanley Deacon Bon Fire Ring

Fire Up Deacons! This custom designed bon fre ring is perfect for summer- time bonfres at the lake or in your own backyard.

$250 Dave and Lori Dietz

1326 Shanley Football Cornhole Board

Enjoy tailgating before the Shanley Football games with this Shanley Foot- ball cornhole board. This one-of-a-kind game is perfect for tailgating or family backyard fun. Comes with bags and playing instructions.

$275 Dan and Carrie Berglind DEACON SELECT AUCTION 89 1327 Custom Made Fighting Sioux Bean Bag Game

Enjoy the best yard game in history. This custom made Fighting Sioux bean bag game includes matching bags.

$300 Dan and Heather Butler

1328 RedHawks Suite

Enjoy a RedHawks baseball game with up to twenty of your friends. Food and beverages not included. Dates subject to game availability. Certifcate redeemable for the 2016 season. Expires: 09/01/16.

$425 Nodak Mutual Insurance Company

1329 Pro Football Hall of Fame Autographed Football

Class of 2016 Pro Football Hall of Fame limited collector’s edition auto- graphed football. Autographed by football legends Edward DeBartolo Jr, Tony Dungy, Brett Favre, Kevin Greene, Marvin Harrison and Orlando Pace.

$300 CapTrust Advisors, LLC

1330 Fargo Country Club Certifcate

Enjoy a beautiful day of golf with this certifcate that is good for a round of golf for four people, including carts.

$420 Fargo Country Club

1331 Twins Tickets

Take me out to the ball game! These four tickets are to see the Minnesota Twins play the Kansas City Royals on Saturday, August 12th, 2016.

$500 Sanford Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

1332 Keepsake DVD Production - hoedl’s haven productions

Capture your family’s favorite memories with a 30-minute professional keepsake DVD production - a wonderful gift for graduations, anniversaries, special family trips and family traditions. hoedl’s haven productions will import, scan and retouch your family photos, incorporate pans and zooms, combine these photos with any video segments you might have and then enhance your keepsake production with captions, titles and embedded music. Client provides video footage and/or photographs/digital images. Includes two complimentary copies of the DVD production. It’s a keepsake your family will always treasure.

$350 Lee and Diann Hoedl 90 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1333 Schmit Brothers Construction Certifcate

Use this certifcate toward home building, remodeling, or cabinetry work. Expires: 04/22/17.

$500 Schmit Brothers Construction, Inc.

1334 Whole House Duct Cleaning

Let Laney’s clean and sanitize the air ducts in your home. This whole home duct cleaning package will cover most average size single family homes. Let your family breathe clean air today.

$600 Laney’s, Inc.

1335 Harvey Ellis Limited Edition Cherry Collector Table

This Harvey Ellis cherry table is part of the Stickley Mission Collection. It has a decorative inlaid motif that is dyed grey sycamore with maple and makore on the leg support ends. There are two fxed shelves and it has a shoe foot design element. The dimensions are 28” X 19” X 30.”

$999 Northern Home Furniture & Design

1336 Nativity Set

This beautiful, 11”, 13-piece, poly resin Nativity Set will make a wonderful addition to your home this Christmas season.

$500 Keith and Wanda Fischer

1337 Waterford Vase

Enjoy this gorgeous lavender and white 15” Urban safari striped crystal vase.

$250 Royal Jewelers, Inc.

1338 Planted Flower Pot Pair

Add instant beauty to your outdoors with this beautifully planted ornate fower pot set. Professionally potted by Baker’s Nursery Garden, this is a stun- ning welcome to your front door.

$300 Baker Garden and Gift DEACON SELECT AUCTION 91 1339 Aqua Lily Pad

Bring the Aqua Lily Pad to your lake and increase your water surface for ski platforms, kayak staging, tanning and relaxing or just as a general foat- ing playground, dock or portable island. The pad is 6’ X 18’, weighing less than 30 pounds. The rolled pad is only 2’ in diameter and is easy to carry and transport while being able to foat with distributed weight of over 1300 pounds. This pad is made up of cross linked foam and is very durable for outdoor applications and reduces water absorption. The Aqua Lily Pad comes with two Velcro straps to hold the rolled pad in place for easy stor- age, as well as a mooring device which allows easy attachment of your pad to your boat or dock.

$544 Dr. John and Lori Erie

1340 Coleman Scanoe

Enjoy canoeing on your favorite lake or stream in this Coleman Scanoe. This canoe-styled craft is designed to mount an electric motor on it if desired.

$550 Laney’s, Inc., Kevin and Brenda Wolf

1341 Pyramid Tube Flame Patio Heater

Stay warm during cool evenings on your patio with this pyramid tube fame heater. This heater runs off a standard 20 pound tank of propane. The elec- tronic ignition lets you activate the heater with a single push of a button. Adjust the heat and fame controls to your preferred levels. Includes cover.

$345 Brett and Joelle Shewey

1342 Six Burner Charbroil Gas Grill

Capture the favor of summer with this six burner Charbroil gas grill.

$350 First International Bank & Trust

1343 Adirondack Settee

Relax on your patio this summer with this custom built settee.

$400 Kochmann Brothers Homes 92 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1344 Las Vegas Hotel Stay and Golf

Get away, have some fun and golf. Enjoy a two-room, two-night stay at the Staybridge Suites-Las Vegas, NV in an all-suite hotel, upscale luxury extend- ed stay hotel. A complimentary hot buffet breakfast is included during your two night stay. The hotel certifcate must be redeemed by 12/31/16 and is not valid during black out dates, special events and holidays. Also included is a certifcate to play golf where the “Rat Pack” played and entertained. This golf certifcate entitles one complimentary round of golf for two play- ers at the Las Vegas National Golf Club with cart fees and practice balls included. The golf certifcate must be redeemed by 12/31/16.

$1,040 Matt and Tracy Tharaldson

1345 Majestic Medora Getaway

Enjoy a magical Medora getaway with one-night lodging at the Roughrid- ers Hotel, two tickets to the Medora Musical, two tickets to the famous out- door Pitchfork Steak Fondue and a $50 Medora shopping/dining card.

$291 Lee and Diann Hoedl

1346 Dinner with The Presentation Sisters

Dine divinely as you share a dinner for 12 adults at the Fargo Convent with the Presentation Sisters. Expires: 04/30/17.

$400 Presentation Sisters Dev. Foundation

1347 Sailing and Dinner for Four

Spend an afternoon sailing Pelican Lake, MN with Father Courtright as your captain. Experience God’s love through the beauty of His creation while harnessing the mysterious spirit which sets us in motion. End the day with a sunset dinner from Zorbaz Restaurant overlooking the lake. Available sum- mer of 2016.

$400 Fr. Raymond Courtright

1348 Large Big Green Egg and Nest

Made of modern heat-holding ceramic; it is a smoker, grill and oven all in one adding natural and wholesome favor to all your foods with no metallic taste. It is the ultimate cooking experience.

$1,000 Northern Plains Distributing DEACON SELECT AUCTION 93 1349 University of Mary Tuition

This $10,000 scholarship must be used by an incoming 2016 freshman, within the 2016-2017 academic year when enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester. It will be disbursed in equal amounts over the fall and spring semesters. It cannot be combined with other University of Mary fnancial assistance. Congratulations on choosing the University of Mary for your education.

$10,000 University of Mary

1350 Twenty-Five Tons of Cement

This cement would be perfect for your outdoor project.

$3,900 Lafarge Dakota, Inc.

1351 ByteSpeed 14” Ultra Touch Laptop

The ByteSpeed 14” Ultra Touch Laptop is a perfect balance of style and performance. Its 10-point touch brings you the best Windows experience. The ByteSpeed 14” Ultra Touch Laptop is backed by a ByteSpeed one-year warranty and free lifetime tech support.

$999 ByteSpeed

1352 Detroit Lake Condo Stay

Enjoy the Edgewater Beach Club in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. This two-bed- room condo accommodates up to six people; has indoor and outdoor heated pools and a sauna. This condo is located on the north shore of Detroit Lake, within walking distance of downtown. The week long stay is August 26 to September 2, 2016.

$1,200 Diocese of Fargo

1353 American Custom Decks & Remodeling Certifcate

This certifcate is good for $1000 towards a minimum 12’ X 16’, maintenance free deck. Supplies and labor to be provided by American Custom Decks and Remodeling.

$1,000 American Custom Decks & Remodeling

1354 RedHawks Suite

Take your family or the offce staff out to the ballgame. This 20 person suite at Newman Field, does not include food or beverages. Game night is Wednesday, June 29th at 7:02 pm against the Sioux City Explorers.

$1,000 Sanford Orthopedics and Sports Medicine 94 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1355 Monsignor Goering’s “Hobo” Dinner

“All Aboard” for a hobo dinner and a chance to enjoy some antique mod- el trains with Monsignor Joseph Goering. Dinner for eight at the Cathedral rectory with a railroad theme and an opportunity to view and run classic Lionel, Marx and American Flyer trains from the 1930’s to present time. This certifcate must be redeemed by 4/30/17. Expires: 04/30/17.

$400 Msgr. Joseph Goering

1356 Billboard Advertising

Get your message across in a big way with a 12’ X 25’ billboard for thirty days. Location dependent on availability. Customer pays for material cost and supplies on their own.

$980 Newman Outdoor Advertising

1357 UND Women’s Hockey Luxury Suite

Experience the suite level at Ralph Englestad Arena for a UND Women’s Hockey, two-game weekend. Entertain clients, employees, family and friends with concierge service, including some snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Eighteen seats are available in the suite. Dates to be deter- mined after announcement of 2016-17 hockey season.

$2,600 Fargo Jet Center

1358 Nativity International Dinner

International fve course dinner for eight hosted and prepared by the Priest of Nativity Parish. The dinner will take place at the Nativity Rectory at a date and time of the bidder’s choice. Expires: 04/30/17.

$400 Fr. Kevin Boucher

1359 NFL Game Day with Fr. Charles LaCroix

Enjoy watching a Detroit Lions vs. Minnesota Vikings game with beloved Li- ons fan Fr. Charles LaCroix and eight guests at the home of Kevin and Bren- da Wolf. Chili, snacks, refreshments, special prizes and FUN will be provided. Date to be determined.

$300 Kevin and Brenda Wolf DEACON SELECT AUCTION 95 1360 Dale Carnegie Training

From leadership training to relationship selling, and presentation skills to teamwork, Dale Carnegie Training designs and delivers programs that provide a practical approach for business success in today’s competitive environment. This certifcate entitles winning bidder to an enrollment in one of the following courses: The Dale Carnegie Course, Dale Carnegie Sales Training, High Impact Presentations, or Leadership Training for managers. Expires: 04/30/17.

$1,995 Dale Carnegie Training

1361 2015 Shanley Deacon Mens State 2nd Place Signed Soccer Ball

The 2015 Shanley Deacon Mens Soccer Team ended their fantastic season (15-3-2) with a second place fnish at the State Tournament. Signed by the team, this soccer ball is a great keepsake.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1362 Colorful Lady

This 22” X 33” original abstract acrylic painting features a colorful lady and her audience highlighted by rich hues of jewel tones. By local artist Peggy Mickelson. Gallery framed.

$600 Peggy Mickelson

1363 1.28 Carat Lemon Citrine Pendant

This gorgeous genuine Lemon Citrine pendant, 1.28 carat, trilliant cut with accent diamonds. 14 K white gold pendant mounting with sterling silver box chain is stunning.

$595 Wimmer’s Diamonds

1364 Samsung 40” 4K TV

With 4K UHD resolution, you’ll enjoy a picture with 4X the detail of Full HD. Watch and play your way with the advanced Samsung Smart TV platform that lets you quickly and easily access your favorite content. Upgrade all-lower resolution media to a stunning near ultra high-defnition expe- rience with enhanced detail and optimized picture quality. Experience UHD picture quality with deeper blacks, purer whites, brighter colors, and enhanced detail in every image. Enjoy improved fast-action moving pic- ture resolution at Motion Rate 120 with outstanding refresh rate, processing speed and backlight technology. The screen mirroring feature allows you to mirror your phone or other compatible mobile device’s screen onto the TV’s screen wirelessly instead of your device’s smaller screen for showing con- tent or media playback.

$829 Bremer Bank 96 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1365 Uncle Maddio’s Pizza For A Year

Check out Fargo’s best pizza joint. This basket has 52 certifcates, each redeemable for a 9” pizza with any three toppings made fresh right before your eyes! It also includes a pizza cutter and four beverage koozies.

$465 Uncle Maddio’s Pizza

1366 NDSU Stone Bench

Show your Bison pride with this stone bench. It is perfect for an outdoor space at home, offce or the lake.

$750 Eagle Ridge Development

1367 Mercedes-Benz 12V Electric Kids Toy Ride-On Sports Car

This Aosom offcially licensed Mercedes-Benz CLS 12 volt riding vehicle allows your child to jump into the driver’s seat and hit the road with fun and safety! With speeds up to 4.3 mph, this is a fun way for children to zip around the driveway, complete with electric pedal controls to simulate a real car. This electric toy car allows for a single driver in the front. The au- thentic engine sounds add an exciting dimension to the car, and with the included MP3 connectivity you can play your child’s favorite music. Anoth- er awesome feature is that it includes a remote control in case Mom or Dad want to be in control!

$400 Families of the Class of 2022: Christopher & Gina Ahlers, Michael & LaDonna Bannach, Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services, Michael & Michelle Biver, Russ & Betsy Boyle, Patrick & Brenda Breen, Mike & Gretchen Busch, Brenda & David Craft, Taylor & Ellen DeVine, Jeremy & Heidi Frie, Jerry & Gail Gores, Tim & Jill Graveline, Anna & Marc Grothmann, Lee & Diann Hoedl, Jason & Sandra Jaeger, Roger & Debby Jaeger, Steve & Dani Johnson, Jason & Lynn Kotrba, Ken & Tina Kraft, Rob & Kamie Kueneman, Dr. Chris & Liz Mathison, Shawn & Nola McNeally, Regan & Amanda Miller, Brian & Michelle Moore, Marilyn & Rusty Ouart, Scott & Melissa Paul, Regan & Renae Rohl, Ronnie & Jill Schneider, Jason & Jackie Seger, Edward & Nicole Snyder, Brent & Brenda Srejma, Kent & Lisa Wanner, Keith & Julie Wilson, Clinton & Allison Wolf, Mark Yaggie

1368 Kegger Meister

Ideal for home brewers or just regular beer drinkers. This full-size single tap refrigerator will keep your beer chilled and prevent it from going fat for up to three months. It has adjustable temperature control, three-sided chrome guard rail around top work surface and measures 21.3” X 26.6” X 33.2.”

$1,000 Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland DEACON SELECT AUCTION 97 1369 2015 Shanley Deacon State 2nd Place Signed Football

The 2015 Shanley Deacon Football Team ended their fantastic season (10- 2) with a second place fnish at the State Tournament. Signed by the team, this football is a great keepsake.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1370 2015 Shanley Deacon Womens State 2nd Place Signed Volleyball

The 2015 Shanley Deacon Volleyball Team ended their fantastic season (31- 5) with a second place fnish at the State Tournament. Signed by the team, this volleyball is a great keepsake.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1371 The Fargo Force One Night Suite

Are you a hockey fan? If so, this will be an exciting family and friends event for you. This certifcate may be redeemed for up to 18 tickets in a suite during the 2016-2017 season. The winning bidder should call to redeem cer- tifcate after August 1, 2016 when the schedule has been released. Dates will be based on availability, so redeem as early as possible. If all suites are sold out on yearly contracts for the 2016-2017 season, the owner’s suite will be utilized.

$750 The Fargo Force

1372 Girls Night Out at Rejuv

Wine, light bites, skin medications, eye cream, discounts and demonstra- tions for you and your nine guests.

$2,000 Rejuv Skin & Laser Clinic

1373 Golf and Dinner with Fr. Duchschere and Fr. Metzger

Why bother with Tiger, Rory or Jordan when you can golf with Fr. Duch- schere and Fr. Metzger!? These two Shanley graduates invite a party of up to six to join them for a round of golf at Oxbow Country Club. Given Fr. Metzger’s golf skills, even the worst golfer will look like a professional. And given Fr. Duchschere’s age, golf carts will be provided. Following the round of golf, you will enjoy a pleasant dinner at the Country Club to either cele- brate your victory or ease your sorrows. As an added incentive, confessions will be offered for thrown clubs, violent outbursts and damaged golf carts. Penances will be light. This delightful offering is for the summer months of June, July or August of 2016.

$1,000 Fr. Paul Duchschere and Fr. Kyle Metzger, Oxbow Country Club 98 DEACON SELECT AUCTION 1374 John Deere Gas Pressure Washer

Get your dirty work done fast with this homeowner/residential gas pressure washer. With a Honda engine and 2700 PSI , 187cc; it’s sure to make clean- ing the garage, lawn furniture, patio, car and so many other tasks fast and easy!

$580 Paul & Margo Ames, Andrew Bossert, Bryan & Pam Bossert, Jesse Braun, Todd & Laurie Braun, Kevin & Marsha Cowles, John & Amanda Thomas, Mark & Nancy Wolfe

1375 Phantom 3 Advanced Drone

DJI’s Phantom 3 Advanced drone delivers rock-steady aerial photos and video: 2.7K / 12 Megapixel Camera, integrated 3-axis stabilization gimbal, easy to fy, intelligent fight system, live HD view, dedicated remote con- troller, powerful Mobile app w/ auto video editor, and vision positioning for indoor fight.

$999 Paul & Margo Ames, Andrew Bossert, Bryan & Pam Bossert, Jesse Braun, Todd & Laurie Braun, Kevin & Marsha Cowles, John & Amanda Thomas, Mark & Nancy Wolfe

1376 Asian Inspired Quilt

This is a magnifcent handcrafted Japanese paper lanterns quilt that will accent any room of your home. The dimensions are 52”X70”.

$250 Heather Budge

1377 Ecowater Systems Hot and Cold Water Cooler

One hot and cold water cooler & 50 gallons of free water (excludes refund- able bottle deposit).

$300 Bob and Christine George Charter Aircraft Management Aircraft Sales Acquisitions

3802 20th St. N, Fargo ND 58102 102 LIVE AUCTION 1400 JP II Catholic Schools Tuition

“A community inspiring excellence through faith, learning and service”. To- night you have the opportunity to fulfll our motto by providing any student $6,165 in JP II tuition. As a friend of the JPII Catholic Schools, you know chil- dren receive the gift of a complete education at an institution that focuses on faith and discipleship, academic excellence, service to community and enriching extracurricular activities. Tonight you can determine the value of a Catholic education. Ladies and Gentlemen, what value do we assign a child’s body, mind and spirit?

$6,165 John Paul II Catholic Schools

1401 2016 Wall of Wine

The Show Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + The Show Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + Layer Cake Malbec Vintage 2013 + Columbia Winery Merlot 2012 + Hogue Cabernet Merlot 2004 + Banrock Station Shiraz 2007 + Toasted Head Merlot 2005 + Mouton Cadet Bordeaux 2006 + Hess Select Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + Francis Coppola Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 + Blue Eyed Boy 2013 Shiraz + The Show Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + The Show Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + Layer Cake Malbec Vintage 2013 + Columbia Winery Merlot 2012 + Hogue Cabernet Merlot 2004 + Banrock Station Shiraz 2007 + Toasted Head Merlot 2005 + Mouton Cadet Bordeaux 2006 + Hess Select Cabernet Sauvignon 2012 + Francis Coppola Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 + Ed Hardy Rosé + Jed Steele’s Shooting Star Zinfandel 2007 + Greg Norman Estates Shark Red 2011 + 2013 Frising- er Family Reserve Chardonnay + 2007 White Rock Vineyards “Laureate” Cabernet Sauvignon + Francis Coppola 2012 Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon + 2011 Central Coast Cupcake Vineyards Merlot + Relax Reisling + Italia Roscato Sweet Red + Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Pinot Noir 2011 + Chateau Ste. Michelle Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 + Chateau Julien Chardonnay 2014 + Decoy Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 + Joel Gott Pinot Noir 2013 + Meiomi Pinot Noir 2014 + Frei Brothers Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 + Rombauer Vineyards Chardonnay 2014 + Carlos Creek Winery Trinity American + Greg Norman Pinot Noir 2004 + Sterling Vintner’s Collection Pinot Noir 2004 + Greg Norman Pinot Noir 2004 + Fetzer Eagle Peak Merlot 2011 + 2013 Central Coast Cupcake Vineyards Pinot Noir + Bodega Tamari Reserva 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon + Yellow Tail Shiraz-Cabernet 2008 + Robert Mondavi Winery Fumé Blanc 2013 + Barefoot Zinfandel + Oyster Bay Chardonnay 2013

$844 Dan and Heather Butler, Shawn and Lori DeKeyser, Dan & Pauline Dunn, Jerry & Gail Gores, Lee and Diann Hoedl, Roger and Debby Jaeger, Rob and Kamie Kueneman, Dr. Robert and Kathy Littlefeld, Shawn and Nola McNeally, Todd and Peggy Mickelson, Christopher Nerre & Nicole Welle Nerre, Gretchen and Mark Noah, Dan and Janelle Pederson, Chad and Jessica Skarperud, Paul and Jill von Ebers, Christine and Jeremy Welsand, Keith and Julie Wilson, Victor Wade Wolf and Donna Gray, Dr. Aaron and Michelle Wright LIVE AUCTION 103 1402 Street Naming

Pave the way for your family. You can honor your family name or show your school spirit with naming rights to the street that runs in front of the Shanley and Sullivan Schools. A sign will be made and installed on your behalf for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1403 Rave Water Trampoline

Your children will not want to come out of the water with the Rave Water Trampoline. It has 66 square feet of bouncing surface and holds up to 700 pounds.

$1,000 Anonymous Donor, Scheels All Sport

1404 World Class Golf at Windsong Farm Golf Club

Four people will experience world class golf at Windsong Farm Golf Club. This certifcate includes a day of golf on this Nationally recognized Cham- pionship Golf Course. This superbly maintained course is carved out of the trees of the western area. The fortunate golfers will enjoy 18 holes of golf with carts at the Fought-Lehman designed Windsong Farm Golf Club near Independence, MN.

$1,000 David and Candace Meyer

1405 Proof Artisan Micro-Distillery Private Tour, Product Tasting and Dinner for 8

Fargo’s frst true micro-distillery, Award Winning, Proof Artisan Distillers, cor- dially invites you and your special guests for a private tour, tasting, martini class and 5 course dinner for 8 at their downtown Fargo tasting room. Join us for a fun flled night that includes…..samples of our latest creations as well as an educational tour of the fner points of handcrafting high quality spirits in small batches made from locally grown commodities. Also to top off the evening each person will receive an autographed handcrafted bot- tle of their choice from either: Minions Gin, 2Docks Vodka, Crooked Furrow Bourbon or a single malt whiskey yet to be named. Proof Artisan Distillers specializes in distilling high quality spirits from Red River Valley grown; barley, potatoes, and corn.

$1,150 Francis and Barb Leier

1406 Ladies 14 Kt. White and Gold Fashion Ring

Any lady would love this 14 kt. white and yellow gold fashion ring. The ring is set with a 0.76 natural, round, red ruby.

$2,000 A Cutting Edge Gallery of Jewelry 104 LIVE AUCTION 1407 Sid Cichy Stadium Parking

With this premium parking spot for the 2016-2017 school year, you won’t miss a single play during home feld events at beautiful Sid Cichy Stadium. Your reserved parking space, located on the berm directly north of the feld and ten steps from the front gates is yours for fall and spring sports. Your spot will be marked with a personalized sign.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1408 Shanley Shield Pub Table / 4 Stools

This 36” Shanley Pub Table and four stools is a must have! The table and each stool is emblazoned with the wonderful Shanley Shield. It’s an item suited for home or your favorite tailgating area before a Shanley game!

$1,400 HotSprings Spas & Pool Tables 2, Disciples of God, Keith & Wanda Fischer, Ken & Eunah Fischer, John & Jody Jones, Sharon & Jerry Ries

1409 Ontario Fishing Trip - Pine Acres Island, Lake of the Woods

4 days, 3 nights on a private island nestled in the wilderness of Lake of the Woods, Ontario, Canada. Maximum group size of four. This package in- cludes 2 1/2 days of fshing. two boats with two guides, three shore lunches and all fshing gear provided. Guests will stay in a three bedroom cabin on Pine Island with all of the amenities. Guests will be responsible for their own breakfasts and dinners. Transportation from Young’s Bay Resort in the NW Angle to Pine Island is provided. US Passport and Ontario fshing license is re- quired. Successful bidder will need to travel to the Northwest Angle of Lake of the Woods. Hosted Hunts’ Trip Specialist, Buzz Marvin will assist the suc- cessful bidder for a successful and enjoyable trip. Contact Buzz to arrange trip dates with the outftter. Trip can be scheduled for 2016 or 2017.

$4,000 Dahl Dentistry, Face & Jaw Surgery Center, Dr. Michael Keim, Dr. Brian & Jenny Mathison, Dr. Chris & Liz Mathison, Dr. Peter & Sara Mathison, Dr. John & Sharon Pollard, Prairie Oral Surgery, Hosted Hunts, Inc.

1410 Buckets Of Beer

Don’t get caught again without a selection of quality beer to serve your friends. Enjoy a wide variety of specialty and retro beers. This package also includes an assortment of beer glasses, lawn chair and two coolers.

$800 Kevin and Brenda Wolf LIVE AUCTION 105 1411 Harvey & Ames Orthodontic Treatment

Enjoy a beautiful smile with a full orthodontic treatment up to an $8,500 value. Valid for adults or children. This certifcate cannot be used for treat- ment already in progress, or applied towards treatment with Incognito. This certifcate cannot be combined with any Insurance payment.

$8,500 Dr. Jeffrey Harvey and Dr. Matthew Ames

1412 Cabo Condo

Savor spectacular ocean views, golf courses and more as you spend one week in a lovely three- bedroom condo at Hacienda Del Mar, just ten minutes from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Airfare is NOT included. Dates to be mutually agreed upon. Expires: 05/01/17.

$6,000 Imaging Solutions, Inc.

1413 Shanley Alum/NFL Draft Pick Connor McGovern Autographed Jersey

Shanley Alum and University of Missouri Tigers standout offensive guard Con- nor McGovern has been projected to be selected in the 3rd or 4th round of the 2016 NFL Draft. To what NFL team will he go is yet to be seen, but he began his illustrious career as a Shanley Deacon. Be the lucky fan to secure Connor’s personally autographed former Deacon jersey.

Priceless Connor McGovern

1414 Palm Coast Ultimate Adirondack Chairs and Table

Relax and enjoy some quality family time in these comfortable Ultimate Adirondack Chairs and side table colored in sunset red. This set is made out of maintenance-free poly lumber that is treated to prevent fading from sunshine. Each chair has a hideaway ottoman. The set may be exchanged at HotSpring Spas & Pool Tables 2 for a different color.

$1693 Jeff & Le’Dean Collins, Justin and Tonya Hannesson, Chris and Jennifer Hoffmann, Ken and Tina Kraft, Greg and Angie McCormick, Chris and Karin Meier, Sarah and Vince Wuebker 106 LIVE AUCTION 1415 Ultimate Pro Sports Fan Getaway

Choose Your Favorite MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, or PGA Event with 2-Night Week- end Stay and Airfare for 2 This Experience Includes: - 2 lower level seats to your chosen regular season MLB, NBA, NFL, or NHL game, or 2 grounds passes to a non-major PGA golf tournament. - 2-night weekend stay in a standard room in deluxe accommodations such as Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton, Wyndham or comparable - Round-trip coach class airfare for 2 within the 48 contiguous U.S. and Can- ada Enjoy a trip for two to your choice of an exciting Friday, Saturday or Sunday MLB, NBA, NFL or NHL regular season game, non-major PGA golf tourna- ment* - that’s up to 5,000 games a year to choose from among 50 markets nationwide. Relax and attend your favorite U.S. professional sporting event. Take a trip to see your home team play on the road or just get away for a fan-tastic sports adventure! You have the ability to pick the sports event you want to see and when you want to see it. Game date must be on a Fri- day, Saturday or Sunday. While every effort will be made to accommodate your frst choice of game, confrmation is based on both event ticket and hotel availability. *Excludes the U.S. PGA Championship, Masters, U.S. Open, Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup. Enjoy a 2-night weekend stay in a standard room in deluxe accommoda- tions such as Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton, Wyndham or comparable, subject to availability. Airfare: This package includes round-trip coach class service for two from any major metropolitan airport in the 48 contiguous United States to any major metropolitan airport in the 48 contiguous United States and Canada, subject to availability.

$3,200 Anonymous Donor, Dr. Andrew & Dr. Rebecca Jo Bakke, Dr. Paul & Dr. Janine Carson, Dr. Mark Colliton, Dr. Benjamin & Dr. Lindsey Dahl, Dr. Kevin & Brooke Dahl, Dr. Scott & Amanda Diamond, Dr. Erik & Bethany Fetner, Dr. Matt & Julie Friederichs, Dr. Luis & Greta Garcia, Dr. Dubert & Dr. Roanne Guerrero, Dr. Thomas Haldis, Dr. Brian & Maribel Hamm, Dr. Justin & Dr. Melissa Horner, Dr. Andrew Jordan, Dr. Samy & Louise Karaz, Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dr. Kimberly Kelly, Todd & Dr. Peggy Mickelson, Dr. Tom & Kim Noah, Dr. Bruce & Cathy Piatt, Aaron & Teresa Reinholz, PA-C, Dr. Stephen & Mae Tinguely, Dr. Michael & Mary Beth Traynor, Jeremy & Tosha Ulmer, NP LIVE AUCTION 107 1416 Bison Extravaganza

Six beautiful and blessed people will have the awesome experience of cel- ebratory pre-game festivities along with six tickets to one home Bison foot- ball game (choose from 9/10/16 Eastern Washington, 11/5/16 Youngstown State (Harvest Bowl) or 11/12/16 Indianna State). The Bison Crusaders will wine and dine you with exceptional fanfare and treats beyond expec- tations at their tailgating location next to the FARGODOME. You will look great in your new Bison game gear while attending the game to cheer on the FIVE time national champion Bison! Don’t fall short of a real touchdown experience and win this bid for those beautiful people in your life. Includ- ed: six game tickets, personal Bison attire and tailgating party at the Bison crusaders location.

$1,500 Bison Crusaders

1417 UND Hockey Neon Clock

Show your UND Hockey spirit with this limited edition neon clock. Perfect for your home, offce or lake place.

$1,200 Dr. Pamela Antoniuk & Stephen Kostecke, Dr. Michael & Sunny Blankinship, Dr. Michael & Ellie Briggs, Joseph & Kelly Callahan, Kevin & Kari Callahan, Dakota Clinic Pharmacy, Dr. John & Lori Erie, Dr. John & Virginia Hicks, Dr. Walter & Renee Johnson, Dr. Anne Keating & Alan Fowler, Dr. Thomas & Mary Kay Kempf, Dr. Craig & Anna Kuhlmann, Dr. Steve & Teri Lantz, Steven & Dr. Patricia Laqua, Dr. H.S. Manjunath & Dr. Bangalore Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Saakwa & Veronica Mante, Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dr. Kimberly Kelly, Nathaniel & Dr. Jennifer Mullally, Dr. Boris Perencevic, Daniel Rieger & Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger, Dr. Jerome & Evie Sampson, Timothy & Lori Sayler, Dr. Daniel & Norita Smith, Dr. Mickey & Sara Syrquin, Dr. Richard & Sharmae Vetter, Dr. John Vinych, Dr. Aaron & Michelle Wright

1418 Dinner for Eight Hosted by the Most Reverend John Folda

Enjoy a dinner for eight at Bishop Folda’s residence. Gourmet food and warm company will make this a night to remember.

$400 Most Rev. John Folda 108 LIVE AUCTION 1419 Midsummer Night’s Dream: Twins vs. World Champion Royals

The summer is heating up and it will be the hottest during the Battle of the Baseball Titans: a weekend baseball extravaganza for two between the hometown Minnesota Twins and the World Series Champion, Kansas City Royals. Enjoy premium seats right behind home plate to the August 12 (7:10 pm) and the August 13 (6:10 pm) games of the weekend series. You will be awarded a certifcate to the private Legends Club and elite tickets for two behind home plate for each of these two games. In addition, relax within walking distance of Target Field prior to each game with a wonder- ful Friday and Saturday night’s slumber at the historic Loews Hotel. And then top off this wonderful experience with a memorable Satur- day afternoon meal ($150 gift card) at one of over 30 restaurants located within walking distance of Target Field. Perhaps a post-game refreshment at O’Donovan’s Irish Pub situated across the street from Target Field?

$1,210 John & Mary Noah and Michael & Lisa Harvey Families, Dave St. Peter and the Minnesota Twins

1420 Shanley Super Fan Package

Show your Shanley spirit with two season passes, two Shanley stadium seats, pre-game pizza at Uncle Maddio’s Pizza Joint for SEVERAL games (up to $300 worth of pizza), Shanley game gear such as umbrellas and blankets, and a $300 credit at the Deacon Den for the latest Shanley attire!

$1,030 Deacon Den, Uncle Maddio’s Pizza, Generous Cash Donors

1421 Wisconsin Dells Family Fun Package Enjoy a splash-flled vacation at Wisconsin Dells! Package includes ac- commodations for four days/three nights at a top resort waterpark hotel for up to six people including daily breakfast and one dinner on your night of choosing. You will also be treated to jaw-dropping tricks and daredevil stunts during a live waterski show by Tommy Bartlett. We’ll even provide a $250 gas card to help cover expenses. Don’t miss out on this chance to bring excitement to your summer! Resort, room selection and activities sub- ject to availability. Must travel by April 30, 2017.

$3,000 Zerr Berg Architects LIVE AUCTION 109 1422 Video Arcade Game Table

Experience a blast from the past with this video arcade game table. Your favorite classic arcade games are now readily available for play. Modern state of the art electronics play just like the original arcade games of the ‘80s. This game table provides authentic sound, graphics and action, trans- porting you back in time, just like you remember it from your local arcade. The classic cocktail table height makes it the perfect addition to your family room, lake cabin or business lobby for kids of all ages.

$3,000 Anonymous Donor, Dr. Andrew & Dr. Rebecca Jo Bakke, Dr. Paul & Dr. Janine Carson, Dr. Mark Colliton, Dr. Benjamin & Dr. Lindsey Dahl, Dr. Kevin & Brooke Dahl, Dr. Scott & Amanda Diamond, Dr. Erik & Bethany Fetner, Dr. Matt & Julie Friederichs, Dr. Luis & Greta Garcia, Dr. Dubert & Dr. Roanne Guerrero, Dr. Thomas Haldis, Dr. Brian & Maribel Hamm, Dr. Justin & Dr. Melissa Horner, Dr. Andrew Jordan, Dr. Samy & Louise Karaz, Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dr. Kimberly Kelly, Todd & Dr. Peggy Mickelson, Dr. Tom & Kim Noah, Dr. Bruce & Cathy Piatt, Aaron & Teresa Reinholz, PA-C, Dr. Stephen & Mae Tinguely, Dr. Michael & Mary Beth Traynor, Jeremy & Tosha Ulmer, NP

1423 Yearlong Sid Cichy Stadium V.I.P. Reserved Seating

Enjoy the panoramic view of every Sid Cichy Stadium home game with four reserved seats, top row at the 50-yard line just outside the press box. This package comes with specialized reserved seating signage and four Shan- ley Stadium seats to bring to each game. Certifcate good towards the 2016-2017 school year only.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools 110 LIVE AUCTION 1424 Dustin’s Ultimate Wine Experience

This ultimate wine experience includes stemware and 24 (6 each of 4 dif- ferent varietals) bottles of wine. The stemware includes a pair of each of the following Riedel wine glasses: Vinum XL Cabernet Sauvignon, Vinum XL Pinot Noir, Veritas Syrah and Vinum Extreme Chardonnay. The Cabernet Sauvignons includes one of each of the following: Altamura Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, Buoncristiani Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, Goldschmidt Yoeman Cabernet Sauvignon, Plumpjack Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon and Chappellet Pritchard Hill Cabernet Sauvignon. The Pinot Noirs include one bottle of each of the following: Duckhorn Goldeneye Pinot Noir, Archery Summit Pre- mier Cru Pinot Noir, Capiaux Widdoes Russian River Pinot Noir, Erath Estate Pinot Noir, Etude Estate Grace Benoist Pinot Noir and Rochili Pinot Noir. The Syrahs include one bottle of each of the following: Plumpjack Napa Val- ley Syrah, Mollydooker Carnival of Love Shiraz, Two Hands Bella’s Garden Shiraz, Two Hands Angels Share Shiraz, Two Hands Gnarly Dudes Shiraz and Mollydooker Blue Eyed Boy Shiraz. The Chardonnays include one bottle of each of the following: Beringer Luminus Oak Knoll Chardonnay, Stags Leap Karia Chardonnay, Chateau Montelena Chardonnay, Beringer Private Reserve Chardonnay. Baldacci Sorelle Chardonnay and Rochioli Chardon- nay.

$2,187 Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops

1425 John Deere D105 Residential Lawn Tractor

Your lawn mowing duties will get much easier with the purchase of this lawn tractor. The D105 features an automatic transmission. Just like your car, you simply set your direction with the fender mounted hand control and press your pedal to select your speed.

$1,499 RDO Equipment Co.

1426 Casa Cristal Beach House Costa Rica

The Casa Cristal is located on a bluff with panoramic views of Manuel Antonio National Park and the Pacifc Ocean, offering luxurious ocean breezes and lofty views within a short walk to world famous beaches. Up to six people will spend seven days and six nights in the Casa Cristal beach house from March 11, 2017 to March 18, 2017. The home features a master suite with walk-in closet and private bath, two guest rooms with full private baths, a swimming pool, balcony and daily maid service. It also includes a modern and fully equipped kitchen. This package must be used on the date designated.

$10,000 Mike and Karen Hofer LIVE AUCTION 111 1427 UND Men’s Hockey Luxury Suite

Experience the suite level at Ralph Engelstad Arena for a UND Men’s Hock- ey game with employees, family or friends with concierge service. Up to 18 seats are available in the suite. Date to be determined after 2016-2017 season schedule is announced.

$2,600 Fargo Jet Center

1428 2016 Shanley Deacon Girls State Autographed Championship Basketball

This will remain a cherished piece of memorabilia: A second straight per- fect season and a third straight North Dakota Class A girls basketball state championship were earned the hard way by Fargo Shanley on Saturday night at the Bismarck Event Center. Shanley was put to the ultimate test by Bismarck Century, which took the No. 1-ranked Deacons to overtime. In the end, Shanley edged Century 73-66. Perfection—attained. Three-peat— sealed. State-record winning streak—extended to 70 games. Dynasty—ce- mented.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1429 JP II SPECIAL PROJECT: Teacher Endowment

The Mission of the Saint John Paul II Catholic Schools is “to inspire excep- tional student achievement by teaching the total person and fostering the following of Christ in an environment guided by the Gospel spirit, as taught by the Catholic Church.” The daily responsibility of fulflling this mission is in the hands of our teachers. Currently, our teachers, the guardians of our mission, are compensated at a rate considerably below teachers in the public school setting. Tonight we hope to take a concrete step at closing that gap by adding to our Teacher Compensation Endowment. We hope to add $1.25 million to the Endowment tonight. All gifts given to the Special Project will be matched 4:1 for a total match of up to $1 million. This amaz- ing matching opportunity is provided by an anonymous gift for which we are tremendously blessed. Because this year’s special project gifts will be in- vested in a qualifed North Dakota Endowment, all gifts of $5,000 and more qualify for a 40% state tax credit! (Up to $20,000 for married couples making gifts of $50,000.)

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1430 Shanley Deacons Neon Clock

Show your Deacons pride with this limited edition neon clock. Perfect for your home, offce or lake place.

Priceless Ron and Linda Beare, Dan and Heather Butler, Keith and Rondi McGovern, Paul and Jill von Ebers 112 LIVE AUCTION 1431 The Tri-Trip Travel Bonanza

You should always have choices… north, south or west, the Tri-Trip Travel Bonanza gives you those options. Whether it’s relaxing in the wine country of Napa Valley, putting your skiing skills to the test on Whistler or getting your adrenaline pumping as a NASCAR driver, it will be a memorable experi- ence for you and one other person. Be the highest bidder on this auction package – all packages of comparable price - and choose from ANY of the three travel experiences listed below. TRIP 1: NAPA VALLEY BACKROADS & RAILWAYS Wine Train, Chauffeur, Meritage Resort and Spa 5-Night Stay with Airfare for two. This Experience Includes: - 3-night stay in a standard guest room at the Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa Valley - 6 consecutive hours of chauffeured luxury sedan service - 3-hour gourmet dinner for 2 on the Napa Valley Wine Train - Round-trip coach class airfare for 2 from within the 48 contiguous U.S. to San Francisco or Oakland, CA TRIP 2: FAIRMONT CHATEAU WHISTLER SKI GETAWAY Lift Tickets, Fairmont Chateau Whistler (British Columbia) 3-Night Stay with Airfare for two. This Experience Includes: - 3-night stay in a standard Fairmont room at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler, British Columbia - Daily breakfast for 2 - $500 in Fairmont gift cards that can be used towards the purchase of lift tickets for Whistler and Blackcomb Ski Resorts - Round-trip coach class airfare for 2 from within the 48 contiguous U.S. to Vancouver, Canada TRIP 3: NASCAR DRIVER FOR A DAY NASCAR Racing Experience, Hyatt Place 3-Night Stay with Airfare for two This Experience Includes: -NASCAR car racing experience for 2 at your choice of participating loca- tions throughout the contiguous U.S. - 3-night stay in a standard guest room at participating Hyatt Place hotels - Round-trip coach class airfare for 2 within the 48 contiguous U.S.

$4,000 Dr. Pamela Antoniuk & Stephen Kostecke, Dr. Michael & Sunny Blankinship, Dr. Michael & Ellie Briggs, Joseph & Kelly Callahan, Kevin & Kari Callahan, Dakota Clinic Pharmacy, Dr. John & Lori Erie, Dr. John & Virginia Hicks, Dr. Walter & Renee Johnson, Dr. Anne Keating & Alan Fowler, Dr. Thomas & Mary Kay Kempf, Dr. Craig & Anna Kuhlmann, Dr. Steve & Teri Lantz, Steven & Dr. Patricia Laqua, Dr. H.S. Manjunath & Dr. Bangalore Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Saakwa & Veronica Mante, Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dr. Kimberly Kelly, Nathaniel & Dr. Jennifer Mullally, Dr. Boris Perencevic, Daniel Rieger & Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger, Dr. Jerome & Evie Sampson, Timothy & Lori Sayler, Dr. Daniel & Norita Smith, Dr. Mickey & Sara Syrquin, Dr. Richard & Sharmae Vetter, Dr. John Vinych, Dr. Aaron & Michelle Wright LIVE AUCTION 113 1432 Wine & Dine: The Best of Autumn’s Harvest

Join Audrey Newman in the beautiful showroom of JW Kitchens for a Boun- tiful Harvest Dinner. With Sarah Ries as your culinary guide, you will explore the fruits of the season through many courses, each paired with wines and spirits from Joel Wold at Bottle Barn. This dinner for eight guests is to be scheduled in September or October 2016 on a mutually agreeable date.

$1,350 Bottle Barn Wine & Liquors, JW Kitchens, John and Sarah Ries

1433 Lifetime Shanley Athletic Passes

Show your Deacon pride today and always with a pair of lifetime athletic passes. Good for Shanley home games excluding tournament or play-in games. Non-transferable.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1434 Fly-In Fishing Trip For Two

Pack your bags for an amazing trophy fshing adventure! This package in- cludes a direct fight for two adventurous fshermen from Winnipeg to Silsby Lake Lodge, otherwise known as “Manitoba’s best kept secret.” There, you will enjoy four full days of unsurpassed guided fshing. Homecooked meals are served morning and night, along with premium wines. Shore lunch is provided daily with your fresh catch of the day! This is fshing fun at it’s fnest. Enjoy a getaway where nature and trophy fshing merge into one unforget- table experience.

$6,400 Dan and Heather Butler, Silsby Lake Lodge

1435 2015-16 Autographed Carson Wentz Championship Football

Display your own piece of unprecedented Bison history with this au- tographed football from the one- and-only NDSU (and very recently NFL-drafted) quarterback Carson Wentz. “...Not that all 32 NFL teams didn’t want to be here to see an FCS quarterback with only 23 career starts who threatens to rewrite draft history. Wentz’s pro day was a must-see doubly Thursday for those NFL coaches and executives who didn’t see it. They were shut out, grounded by a Midwest snowstorm. Only 18 teams made it to this quaint town 155 miles from the Canadian border. What they saw was a faith-based, hyper competitive, coyote-hunting prospect who made good on the hype...” [NFL Combine, Mar 24, 2016]

Priceless Bruce and Cathy Piatt

1436 Shanley VIP (Very In-Front) Parking

You’ll love your own parking spot for the 2016-2017 school year. This re- served, dedicated spot, just outside the NW Activities door, is convenient for students as well as parents. New beneft: We provide a customized sign for you and a 2016-2017 Student Parking Permit.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools 114 LIVE AUCTION 1437 Kennedy Space Center Astronaut Adventure

Astronaut Training Experience, Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Up Close Tour, Lunch with an Astronaut, Visitor Complex Admission, Hyatt Place 3-Night Stay with Airfare for two. This Experience Includes: Astronaut Training Ex- perience (ATX) for 2, KSC Up Close Tour for two; Lunch with an Astronaut; Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Admission for two; three-night stay in a standard guest room at a participating Hyatt Place Hotel in Orlando; Round-trip coach class airfare for two from within the 48 contiguous U.S. to Orlando, FL. Enjoy a unique experience for two at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, approximately 45 minutes east of Orlando. With so much to do, you may want to spread out your visit over two days!

$2,600 Christopher & Gina Ahlers, Glen & Connie Altringer, Dale & Kelly Kadlec, Stacy & Brian Roney, Dan & Bernadine Seefeldt, Jon & Erin Strand, Todd & Lynn Swenson, Charles & Tammy Wheelock

1438 NDSU Bison 5-Peat National Championship Neon Clock

Show your Bison pride with this national record 5-peat championship neon clock. This one-of-a-kind clock will be perfect for your home, offce or lake home.

$1,200 Kevin and Kari Bucholz, Roger and Jan Fenstad, Nick and Julie Gludt

1439 Minnesota Vikings vs. Detroit Lions at the NEW US Bank Stadium for 4

Don’t miss out on the inaugural year of the NEW US Bank Stadium! Enjoy the view in section 136 Row 36 seat 3-6 (four tickets) while the Minnesota Vikings trounce the Detroit Lions during the 2016-17 football season. Included in this package is one-night hotel accommodations in the luxurious Minneapo- lis-The Foshay.

$1,100 Mike and Angie Lepine LIVE AUCTION 115 1440 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible Summer Lease

Valley Imports is proud to offer the 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible as one of the many exciting items for the Shanley Dinner Auction this year. The standard turbo-charged engine delivers on performance and the original- ity of style is timeless. The rush of wind through your hair will complement the rush you get from driving the Beetle Convertible. With a simple push of a button, the Beetle Convertible lifts the roof for some serious fun. Enjoy another beautiful Red River Valley summer behind the wheel of the iconic Volkswagen Beetle Convertible. 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible lease available from May 1st-August 31st, 2016. Requirements of Winning Bidder: *Valid Driver’s License *Must be 21 *Full coverage insurance *Valid credit card for any damage incurred while in possession *Long Term Loaner Agreement signed *Maximum of 1,000 miles per month during term of agreement *Vehicle inspection at time of delivery and at time of drop off *Complete delivery performed by a Volkswagen Brand Specialist at time of pick up

$2,800 Valley Imports

1441 Minneapolis Spa, Shopping and Suppers Weekend

Spoil yourself & getaway for a fabulous weekend for four!!! Shopping, dining & spa pampering for two nights in two adjoining rooms at the beau- tiful Radisson Blu in Minneapolis. The hotel, Solimar Spa and the Radisson’s award winning FireLake restaurant are all attatched to the Mall of America, home to over 520 stores and 50 restaurants!! Customize your dining, shop- ping and spa experience with a prepaid visa giftcard. Pack your bags for this amazing weekend getaway!

$2,200 Cahill Law Offce, P.A., Dawson Insurance, Dan & Pauline Dunn, Eddie & Beverly Dunn, Mark & Roxanne Friese, Steve & Jacqueline Johnson, Maring Williams Law Offce, Shawn & Nola McNeally, Steve & Cindy Noack, Clifton & Donna Rodenburg, Joseph & Toni Sandin, Michael & Molly Thomas

1442 Wyndham Vacation Resort Points

Enjoy the fexibility of using timeshare points to plan your vacation stay. Up to 200,000 points to use at any Wyndham Vacation Resorts before Decem- ber 31, 2016. How does four nights in Puerto Rico sound? Relax in Hawaii, explore San Francisco. Over 100 resorts to choose from. Timeshare includes hotel stay only; airfare or transportation and food are not included.

$1,350 Ross and Bridget Bowden 116 LIVE AUCTION 1443 Sh-FAN-ley VIP Parking

What a wonderful opportunity to allow a parent or grandparent to be up close to all the Deacon action year-round: a dedicated parking spot situated very close to the NW Activities door of the school. This parking spot will have its own designated sign and will be available each weekday after 4:00 pm and throughout the entire weekend during the 2016-17 academic year.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1444 2015-16 Autographed NDSU Bison Championship Team Football

Display your own piece of unprecedented Bison history with this auto- graphed football from the 2015-16 “5-peat” National Championship NDSU Bison football team.

Priceless Bruce and Cathy Piatt

1445 Paddle Board Package

Stand up paddle boarding has recently become the fastest growing water sport on the planet. Besides providing a new way to get on the water, paddle boarding develops core muscles and balance. This durable, 11’6”, bright green with Hawaiian graphics hybrid board is stable enough for the beginner yet designed for those wanting to do some touring of the lake. It also works great for yoga. The package includes a SUP coil leash, SUP car- bon flled light weight paddle, board bag and underwater LED light system. The light system adds fun and adventure to night boarding. Get out on the lake and show them how it’s done!

$1,862 Dr. Pamela Antoniuk & Stephen Kostecke, Dr. Michael & Sunny Blankinship, Dr. Michael & Ellie Briggs, Joseph & Kelly Callahan, Kevin & Kari Callahan, Dakota Clinic Pharmacy, Dr. John & Lori Erie, Dr. John & Virginia Hicks, Dr. Walter & Renee Johnson, Dr. Anne Keating & Alan Fowler, Dr. Thomas & Mary Kay Kempf, Dr. Craig & Anna Kuhlmann, Dr. Steve & Teri Lantz, Steven & Dr. Patricia Laqua, Dr. H.S. Manjunath & Dr. Bangalore Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Saakwa & Veronica Mante, Dr. Daniel Mickelson & Dr. Kimberly Kelly, Nathaniel & Dr. Jennifer Mullally, Dr. Boris Perencevic, Daniel Rieger & Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger, Dr. Jerome & Evie Sampson, Timothy & Lori Sayler, Dr. Daniel & Norita Smith, Dr. Mickey & Sara Syrquin, Dr. Richard & Sharmae Vetter, Dr. John Vinych, Dr. Aaron & Michelle Wright LIVE AUCTION 117 1446 Fargo-Moorhead Progressive Dinner

Experience the best food, wine and ambiance that Fargo-Moorhead has to offer, all in one night. Eight guests will be transported via limousine to Maxwell’s for exceptional appetizers and a glass of wine. The guests’ entrees will be prepared by the amazing staff at Mezzaluna and will also be complemented by a glass of wine. The evening will come to a wonder- ful conclusion with decadent desserts and an after-dinner cocktail at the HoDo Restaurant. Limousine transportation provide from and to the guests’ homes.

$1,400 Families of the Class of 2022: Christopher & Gina Ahlers, Michael & LaDonna Bannach, Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services, Michael & Michelle Biver, Russ & Betsy Boyle, Patrick & Brenda Breen, Mike & Gretchen Busch, Brenda & David Craft, Taylor & Ellen DeVine, Jeremy & Heidi Frie, Jerry & Gail Gores, Tim & Jill Graveline, Anna & Marc Grothmann, Lee & Diann Hoedl, Jason & Sandra Jaeger, Roger & Debby Jaeger, Steve & Dani Johnson, Jason & Lynn Kotrba, Ken & Tina Kraft, Rob & Kamie Kueneman, Dr. Chris & Liz Mathison, Shawn & Nola McNeally, Regan & Amanda Miller, Brian & Michelle Moore, Marilyn & Rusty Ouart, Scott & Melissa Paul, Regan & Renae Rohl, Ronnie & Jill Schneider, Jason & Jackie Seger, Edward & Nicole Snyder, Brent & Brenda Srejma, Kent & Lisa Wanner, Keith & Julie Wilson, Clinton & Allison Wolf, Mark Yaggie

1447 Shooter’s Dream

This package is a shooter’s dream. Whether you hunt upland, waterfowl or trap, your success is going way up! The Franchi Instinct over and under 12-gauge is lightweight and beautifully balanced. Combine this gun with a trap shooting lesson from N.D. Hall of Fame Trapshooter and President of the N.D. Trapshooters Association, Mike Kempel, and veteran hunters or a Shanley Trap Shooting Team novice will be busting birds.

$1,300 Pat and Jamie Traynor

1448 Shanley Scramble Registration

Team registration for six people for the Shanley Scramble on Monday, Sep- tember 19, 2016. Package includes green fees, cart rental, meals and spon- sorship. You will also receive the privilege of being the frst team on Hole #1 and one mulligan per player.

$950 John Paul II Catholic Schools 118 LIVE AUCTION 1449 Exclusive Auction Tile in Commons

Reserve your tile in the Shanley/Sullivan Commons. This is a Shanley Dinner Auction exclusive. It features an inscribed Shanley Shield and four lines of up to 16 characters per line for your custom message. This burgundy tile is located in a high profle location of the frst row entering the Commons. The Shanley Shield will only be inscribed on the Shanley Auction Tile, to be sold exclusively at our annual event. Inscription to be completed in August, 2016.

Priceless John Paul II Catholic Schools

1450 2017 Deacon Table Signature Dining

Enjoy the premier signature dining experience for eight guests at the 2017 Shanley Dinner Auction. Your evening will begin with a sample menu (to be decided by you at a later date) of shrimp cocktail, caesar salad, pull-apart French bread and butter, followed by a palate cleansing mango sorbet. Your entree will include Chateaubriand of beef with Sherrie mushrooms, broiled shrimp, mashed cheddar sweet potatoes and jumbo asparagus. For dessert, bananas fambè will be prepared and spotlighted at your tableside for the entire audience to witness while this 2017 Deacon Table is being auctioned off for the coming year. This signature dining is completed with coffee, tea, iced tea, and/or milk. As well, our Auction Chairs will also select premium wines to be available at your table throughout the evening. This package comes with prime seating to the Live Auction portion of the evening, previously mentioned premium wine service, take-home favors and four one-night stays to be used between April 30, 2016 and April 29, 2017 (the evening of the 2017 Shanley Dinner Auction), compliments of the Fargo Holiday Inn. Enjoy the Shanley Dinner Auction and stay the night, if you would like!

$1,500 John Paul II Catholic Schools

Thank you for attending the Shanley Dinner Auction and for your support of the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools! Time-tested, reliable, community-driven information that you can depend on. Stay informed.

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