> June 2007 Energy Security in Nova Scotia By Larry Hughes About the author Dr. Larry Hughes is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He leads the Department’s Energy Research Group, which Nova Scotia Office examines energy and environmental concerns relating to energy security and climate change. P.O. Box 8355, Halifax, ns b3k 5m1 tel 902-477-1252 fax 902-484-6344 Acknowledgements email
[email protected] The author would like to thank Dr. Peter Berg of UOIT (University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa), Dr. Alex Pavlovski of Green Power Please make a donation... Help us continue Labs, Mr. Steve Foran of NSCC, and the following to offer our publications free online. members of the Energy Research Group for their valuable comments and suggestions in earlier We make most of our publications available free versions of this report, Niki Sheth, Mandeep on our website. Making a donation or taking out a Dhaliwal, Aaron Long, Tyler Wood, Keshab Gajurel membership will help us continue to provide people and Alain Joseph. The four anonymous reviewers with access to our ideas and research free of charge. from the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives You can make a donation or become a member on-line provided excellent suggestions and feedback. at www.policyalternatives.ca. Or you can contact the National office at 613-563-1341 for more information. The author would also like to thank the editor, Sandy Suggested donation for this publication: $10 or what Cook, the copy editor, Anne Webb, and the layout you can afford.